The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 24, 1901, Image 1

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Blueflelds Coal Regions in West Vir
ginia Visited by a Deluge Sur
passing Johnstown Flood
The Inundation of Conemaugh Valley Sur
passed by the Disaster in the West Vir
ginia Coal Regions Whole Towns Are
Wiped Out by the Angry Waters Wires
Are Down and Train Service Is Blocked
So That It Is Impossible to Learn the Ex
tent of the Disaster Fifteen Saloons in
the Town of Keystone Washed Out.
Mining Population in the Valley Below
Catch Barrels of Whiskey as They Float
Down the Stream.
flj Eclusi Wire frnm Tlie Associated Trosi
Bluo'leld, V. V.i.. Juno liJ This en
tile si ( tinu has lust been isitocl hv
i lliiixl, tht.- oxti nl of which in alt
ptub ilillu will eii il or exe pert tint t
ot .lohustnw n, In ISS't, so f.n as the
loss t pioptitv Is ( oik ei iil(I Hailv
mskkI.ij mot nitiR-. shoitly afti r mid
night, a liOiiw downpour of lain be
gan, acoinipaiiied lij a sevete elediio
stm m, and steadily d in io
lence until 10 o'clcu K a. in, then ceas
ing loi seveial houis and beginning
aain with iciicvvcd violence This
( (intiniied ihioiighnttt the entile dav
iiirl night. miles nf the Noi -mlk
in el Western lailio.ut tt.iiU,
Inldgcs and telegiaph wlios aic en
til ol v ilistiojort and ( oinmunli ation Is
intitolv nit oil wist or Llkhnin, sii
that it Is Impossible tu leain the lull
stent of the loss of lite ami piopeitv,
lint ofliu.ils ol the (oil opt lalions.
loiated In l Ik sti U ken ilistiiil, have
Milt out iiit'sseiinPi s to Klkhnir, ih
lei minus n both idcgiaphii and i.iil
i ihid comiiuinh aliens, and have ic
C(i(d a icpoit a t uiis-ci vativo
estimate as to the loss ot lite will
(.sil l each JOrt. Some of the tlniunt d
me among tin most iiioinlneiit Itions
ot the (oal fields.
The I'm ohoutas i oal Held is located
in i basin, with high mountain langts
on i itliei side, Klkhnin neik Mowing
tht hi p It the ienl(i of the basin,
wliKh tangos fiom oue-foui ih to one
iiiilo in width rinin IhniN W, Vi,
to Vhlnii Viiul, West Viiglnli, a ilis
tniKo oi ten miles, mlneis' ( ablns,
coal (onipiinv loininlssai i( s and inko
plants, liiud this basin, i:ihhom
citek, being fed by nuiiioious small
stieams, e inning fiom the moiliitain
sides, i ses vii.v mpMlv, and this
watei spout tame sii siiddenh th it the
i utile liisin between tile two moun
tain lunges was lloodi d, and heime
tile tei I ni -sti it lieu people i ealled w hat
was upin tin in, thev weie i.itiiid
don u liy the Hood whldi .swept ovot
thlug in its path,
A Town Washed A wily.
The liltlo town of Ken Mono with a
population ol about L' lion, scents the
Sieatest siilfiiei, piudiiall.v ihi'intiio
tmin being witsiiid aa,. This town
js dip piimipal one In the I'oinhnntus Hi-Ms, and Is Mealed neai its
e'litei. It was to a giont e'Me-llt
iiuailds iiom whiih the mining popu
lation pin chased .supplies and was also
the oiil plain in the Held wheie whis
key toiihl ho pine liaseil. At this plat o
tlicio weie honn- iwehc to llfl(en sa
loons, all of whldi weio washetl ina.
The lepoit i nines that the mining
population aio now nidipylug the
hanks nl the stieams below, latching
the iin-iiliniidlso and baud of wills.
Kiy mill beer aw ito.v lloat down A
meat liunihei of the and coke
1 1. tuts tlumighout llH' Poeiilioiitiin Held
ate leponed pi.u-thallv destiojod, and
ill .some Instances entliely washed
On at count of the oiy high water
which has Hooded the legion and pie
vonted i omuiiiiikntloii, anything UKe a
roueit list ol the loss nl ptopeil Is
Impossible, hut Item the best lllloi
tiiiitlon obtainable at - l in , tho loss
of piopeitv will easily letuh S.'.OnO.OOO.
t I.andginf. the lieautitiil homo of
Ooneial Manager Old Is tepoited gone,
but Ills family Is .s.ifd to be .sate
Rescued with Ropes,
Pas.scngoi iinin No I. of the Km folk
and Western i.ilhMi, u-athed V'hlaii
about s a. in., met the Hood and wan
unable to pruteul luithoi 'i'hu wateis
leatlicd sin h a depth that the eoailies
had to be abandoned, the passengc-is
lieliiK tcstued liv incans of inpes .siiihik
f i oni tho window t. of touihes to tho
tops of lemallililB eoKe oeiiB somo ills,
tanro away,
Oetween lUKhoin and Vllan jad a
(llytitiice of ten miles, one bundled i-aia
mo said to be washed from the liaiKs
mid many of them weie tan led down
the stre-iniH. A intiKh estlnuite pjatts
the iiiimber of hildKCs wa.shed awaj be
tween Hluclleld mid jaid, .1 ills,
tance of twcnty-viRht miles, .U fiom
XUUen to twenty, and from present lit-
ditations it will lie Impossible to set
tiaius IhiouKli to Vivian and points
west of tlieie iindet a week 01 ten das.
This will lender it Impossible to pet le
lief into tlie sti iiUenllstiict-3, and with
those who escaped with their lives,
homeless and without food, indesct lb
able suffering- i.s inevitable.
Rivals Johnstown.
Fiom the men Kir- lejioits, desdllilllf:
the foi ce of the stoim at Kc stone, It
would appeal that the dainaKe lhals
that at Johnstown and is equal to the
fJalveston hot 101 in its intensity, so tin
as tile pen outage ot population lost
and piopi-itv desltoved Then- is no
Ulcjinphle e omniuiiie ation west ol
Hlttellelds, 11s the telest.tph lines were
swept ,111,1V aloni? with the laiho.ul
Hacks ltssiidl the teli Kiaph olli
eiils that Hie lines ate useh ss between
Kenova, ". Va and Illiielields, ,1 dls
t.utte of JliO miles It mav be seveial
davs befon the Klemaph lines will be
lestoit-d sufHeieiillv between tltese two
points to obtain a full lepoit of el.iin
a'e done In that teultoij.
It is stated, howevei, that eveiy
buildiiiK In the town of K( stone was
demolished 01 tanied awa bv the
w iter save one, and that a banoom,
whli h stands on a biKh hill The 1101
11111I poplll itlrm of Kevstotif is nbotlt
J 000 souls and as list uiht was .Sat
in da v, tlieie Is no telllui," how nianv
mlueis had ,(iiie into tile town toswelt
Its populitlon. It Is (stliualed tluit
two bundled Ihts nlone weie lost at
Ki' stone. The Hood spius to lme
I'vli tided ov ei t vast atea of mountain
eouutiv and the hiiiiiiirilx of moun
tain stieams becoming swollen only
suved to swell the iIlMimn ilvei until
it had assumed laine piopoi lions and
e an led di stun tlnu in Its wake, liall
10 id ties ami ti.nks small bulldiiiKS of
all di st ilptlons, tiiis, teletaph poles,
hiiM' bowldeis and oveiv ImaKiuablu
moMilde thlny tint i.inie within the
svviep of Ibis nilijlity toitent of mad
dened wateis went down the moun
tainous ilistiiet In a eethlns,', loaiiuu
moss of rteblK Dead bodies could he
seen Hoatinvr iIiiiik ihe valley li.v those
who had jraintil a place of tifety on
Hie' IiIkIi hills All dav H.Uiiiday tho
lain 1 oil In Miipf and it was evident
tint If it did not erase tlieie would he
a Hood and Kieat 1I1 stun lion must ie
suit Horn It. hut it was not until after
the d.ukiiess hail rimlnped t lit roil
Held that the meat 1 atnstiophu was
upon the eouutiy nud was maUliip a
clean sweep ol the valley loi miles
mound Shoitlv nilci midulKlit Kat
111 dav nlKiit It sipip.-d an if the heav
ens hid opened their thiodmites over
tlto town nf Vivian, V, Va.
Passenper Tiatn Caught.
licit a passfiiKer tialn was eauRht In
the f.ilHui; Hood anil the lives ot the
fllclltcned passf.L,ei,s weie satd liy
the un of topes, vvhlih weie iliiekly
tin own over 1 1 om the 1 0K0 ovens, whli h
t.Klit the 1.1II1P.11I j m ils at Vivian, Tim
ptisseiiKf'i.s weie nl.ul totatth the topes
ami willing hands duiKKed them fiom
the siibnieiKed tialn and ovei the oven
haillimlia to a point ot s.iletj, OivIiik:
to the lad that the telcKiaph lines had
been piostiated by the Mown, tho Not
folU mid Western nllii litis detalleil nies.
si'iirfi'iH hj tool to e.ovt'1 tilt leilltoty
as beM thoj iouIiI, tliej leiiiiuluK In a
"lion time with lepoits of tliu teulblo
desti ut thm v.hlth hatl been done In
then le.spedho teiilteiiv. One of these
ines-vsenReis, In walkltiK ovei the ilevas
taled distill I, tame IiatK and tepoited
havlllK teen tlililj-tlKlit dead bodies.
Tlieie aie suposed to he many who will
never be attounted foi. The loss of Uto
will piohably leach r.OO 01 too, and pos
hlblv this iiumbei will bo swelltd when
fin titer details 111 11 obtainable, Many
people In thib city h.uo lelatlves In this
eoal lesions which have been stuick by
the flood, but not a vvoid can be luaid
from them, as thoie Is po-dhly no way
of (nmiminlcittlus: with them, Tho tele
Siaplt oillces', i.ilhoad olllies and oili.
clals, and telephono nllliex mo visited
b.v many eager people, all awaiting'
some menage us to the fate of their
lelatlves or friends. Tho Not folk and
Western Reneial oillces In thte city ore,
as Ih Kunuiully the case when iiilhoad
pioperty Is dnmitfred, lettcent, hut tltey
iidiiilt that at len'-t 200 lives have Iieeu
lost, the town of Keystone desttosirt
and millions ot dollnrH wottlt of pieip
city deitioved. Jt Is not known how
far hack Into the mountains the storm
evtcmled, and It will be days, nnd pei
haps weelis, hefote all the slot 111
stilcken countty Is heaid fiom,
Damage in Elkhorn Valloy.
The Hood has not only damaged the
nilthoin valley, hut It Is stated thnt
eveiyune of the llilrty-thiee Klnt Top
operations, or plants, has stiffeted to
some extent, dreat daiiiti,'e Is ulo le
pot ted to have lesulted In the Clinch
Valley section, which extends .south
fiom Citnhntn, Va. Xo lives, however,
aie tepoited to have been lost nlonij
this vallov. The next tialn fiom Hltle
llelds, which Is the fmtliest point west
fiom which tlie tiaius me itinnliiK'. Is
due hole at midnight, hut the l.ilhoid
ollleials tell the Associated Iiess e or
iesiomlent at this limit , 0 10 p m
this tialn is now two and 11 half bonis
late and piobublv will not leach heiu
until after .1 o'clock a. 111. The dis
patcher's oHlte as at this hour that
they hive heat el nothing fitttliet than
that slated above and that It Is not
thought tlieie has been any futther
damage by lalns today. A inesagc
leached tho Associated l'less tonight
I torn Coaldale, W. Va., fifteen miles
west ol Illiielields, saving that tlieie
had been an Immense loss of piopeitv
and llve at that town. The town of
Keystone, is s tld to have been
swept avvav all save one .saloon, is said
to have- contained thlitj-lout other
bin looms
The Western Union tdegiaplt opeia
tor at Illuefiolds wiled the Associated
1'tess (.onespondent at 9 o'tlotk that
the los of lite at the lowest estimate
Is two bundled. Tie sa.vs tlieie is one
vvite now wotklng thiotigh to lhnils,
eighteen miles west of Uluelleld, but
that this who ib monopolied by the
raiiioad people.
Carried Away in Floating House.
On the Clinch Valley In .inch of the
Noilolk and AVestetn lailway, between
this city and Noiton, A"a , Lommimlta
tlon is entliely seveicd west of Tae
well, Va. ltcports come fiom that point
of gieat loss of II I o and ptopeity
tluougliout tliatentiie section. In Sliak
ei.ig, a negio settlenitnt on the out
skhts of Taowell, the watet stands to
the depth of sK 01 eight fed in I lie
stieets and lioii't, all of the occupants
having been lemoved to points ot safety
hv means ot .1 boat. Tlnet milts west
of Tii'ewell. 011 the 1 ligginbotliam
film, the homo of Pans A'andvke, a
faun hand, was swept awa.v, euijing
with it -Mis Vandke and font i Mi
di en, two of the Vaiulv lie clilldieti,
John, 4-uventten, and ('limits, five, be
ing dtowned. .Mis. Vandjke, Willi the
two lemalulng diildiin, Kdgai and
I. una weie found ill .1. dvlug ( onditiou
one mile fiom wlicie the hoine stood,
by Mi. Vandvke, who was absent fiom
11111111' at the time of the ( loudhtiist.
While the lesculng paitv was Mann
ing for tlie A'and.vke family thev tound
the liodv ol a white w 0111.111, will 1 1 id,
Hoating down r'ltmi 1 letk. No one thus
1u his been able to identity lot, and
it Is supposed 1 lie body hid been washed
down 11 0111 some dlstaiKt. A lepoit
tonus tioiii AViltens .Mill, a small sta
tion hotvvitn lJludleld and 'iaewell,
that time thildnu, Clnksti 111 nanus
unknown, belonging to Itali igli liiusli,
vvtre di owned. Then- is no telrgiaph
st'itlon at AVittens .Mill, and it is I111
Iiosslble to asiettaln paitlc ulais The
i.tlliond and telegiaph toinpiinies me
wotking between 1,000 and 1,100 nun
dav and night. Ollh ials aie on the
giotind ptisliing the wink of constim 1
ing ti'lo-cmph Hues ami lebuildiug tli
load, and hope to be able to loinnuiui
e.ue with both tlie stoim. swept tlls
ti lots iv noon Slonda.
Xothlng whatever has been heaid
fiom the section of tommy between
A'ivlan and Wllllanvon, otlit 1 than that
tile Tug liv d is lepoited as being un
til elv oer Its hanks nnd highei than
evti known by the oldest inhabitants
Details of the gieat Pocahontas Held
Hood me haid to obtain .owing to tlie
luiiee esslbillty of the mining dlstild,
wheie the tiny and havoc of the nugiy
wateis caused the most appalling loss
of life and piopeitv. At Keystone the
water began to iIm tit fi o'clock Sun
day mniuiug, and bv 11 o'elocl; the
Hood had spent its futy and at least
twn-thlnls of tho little eltv had lieen
washed away or demolished It Is
known that sKteon lesldents of the
1101 Hi side of the stieam lost their lives
and nt least Ilfty of those living on tlie
south, or town side, weio ill owned,
At Iliuke, n siibutb of Kev stone, a
nuiuber aie missing and eight me ie
poi ti d dead.
At Least 200 Dead.
It Is now ceitaln that tho total list
ot tin dead ttoui one end of the lllk
hoi n valley to the other will tea ih
two bundled, A full INt of the names
of tho victims cannot bo ascertained at
this time lluudieils mo missing, hav
ing taken iffuge In the mountains to
esuipo tlie tiny of tho Hood, TI10 list
of tho dead 1.0 far iciovoied and Idon
tllled, that It has been posslblo to ob
tain at this time, me-
John Lewis and .Maltha Motgau,
white; Stun l'olndeter, llettlo Hi own,
John nall.inl, Annie Smith, Laura Mc
Coy, Nellie Kmlth, coloied, all of Key
stone: Ivan Hnllhk, white, and a 1 ol
01 eel family named llalistnn, coitMlst
ing of motliei mid four dilldien, at
Algoiua. At least tlneti liundied mine
mules weie di owned,
Hut little damage Is done to the
mines ptcipet, as the diilt months en
high up the mountain sides hevt'ial
mines, hnuevei, ate lepoitid Hiioded,
but it Is Iniposslbhi to iiMeilulii tlie ex
tent of the damage On the 1101 th loik
biauell of the Noilolk and Wtsteiu,
which Is live and a half miles long,
tlieie was 110 loss of life, as tm as
known, but lutndieds wtie leudeitil
houuless, and tonight me 1. imping in
the mountains. The damage to pi op.
eity on this biaucli Is ei lieavj,
Only one of thu ten lollieilis lotaled
on this blanch escaped, the Ashland, It
being located at the head of the stieam.
Tho McDowell Coal mnipauy lost
twelve residences. The Roanoke com
pany lost their boiler hottso and the
100 house-power boileis weie swept four
miles (low n the stiemu. The Louisville
H'untiuucd ou li;c S.J
Distinct Gain in Her Condition Is
My I'xcluthc Wire from The Awoclatd l'if.
Washington, June 111. Dr. Johnson
was (tilled to tin vvhltu liottse this
moinlng by Dr. lllxey, and tlie two
phvslcians pponf half mi horn In n
can fill .study of Mis. McKlnley's case.
Di. Johnson had not been nt the
white house befote for sevetal davs
and Dr. JtKey believed that lie would
be bettei nhlu to note any clinnge that
mav have taken place In Mis. McKln
oi'n (ondltlon, than one who, like
himself, has been almost constantly
with her. The lesiilt of the examina
tion was giutlf.vlng, for a distinct gain
In condition was noted. Indeed, the
pli.vslelans now hope to be able to
permit their patient to take a few
shoit caiilage 1 Ides this week, If the
weather is lavoiablp. T)i. Itlxey also
Is satisfied thut nothing will pi event
lite co( uilnit of tlie jil.ins that ate
foi tiled for tlie icmoval of Mis. Mc
Klnley fiom Waslilngton to Canton
next week.
Mis. McKlnlc.v's stietigtli has In
ct eased to (bitch an extent that she Is
now able to walk mound her hedi 00111
for some time each day. Iter general
( ondltlon continues satlsfactoiy, and
Di. Illxey said tonight tint she had
passed ,1 coiufoi table d ty.
Deaths by Drowning and by Elec
tricityList of the Victims.
Valuablo Pioperty Destroyed.
tit ImIiimw VMic f 1 1 111 Hid Vsioiiitfd I'rc-i
l'ittsbutg, June 2!. Tlie stoim which
bioke ovei Allegheny county on Sit
uiday altei noon tan led with il deaths
b diownliK and deaths bj olectliu
shock, Hoods that caused much dam
age and wind tieated tenor and
havoc'. Kvcij pait of the county sul
feied. The stoim luoku about 2 10 o'clock,
alter d.ukiiess had graduallv been
settling down lot half mi hotu. The
da until then had been .1 beautiful
one. Tlie lain was eiy lieavv, the
wind stiong and often the lightiilug
seemd to lie jilaving light oveihead.
The killed me.
CUVItbl-s lilt TNI It fnmer. proiK Ciirikn lmr, 'ticiwiit it 111 spiMii; (, mien inn
JIOsCO VlVllteis It 1I1 m lilionr, tlioniicd in a
Fiuer .it ( mtir ami I 111.II1I jiciiui'
IWI-s P 1)1 NX, unl U voiri, ot Xo 11!
Cntii .iKiino, ItuiMoik, tliuwueU in twu
fut if witir nt liinkni
COM! Ml It Ml I , n,ul IJ voir-", of lluqitcno,
killiil In 1 live Hin 011 tho iiHilucl of tlie
Vltui,ili 1 1 In" ticn tinii nn, niur I111
JiiniH 1 Inning, i.'i.l M, Nt II 2.,7 Mivnn itinitf,
1 1 i.ll t shoiliil l 1 loi: w lie il Mi 11.111
iv 11111 111 1 I 011M1 street
VmliiM Ink, ilunliuii, slio.kiil lit bi.litniii
it leiniiit.ti ttHt tut! It.iwjn uieiuit,
I i-l 1 ml
Tin 10 was one fatality in addition
to tho-e mentioned last night which
was not gennallv known until todav.
rhnilcs ulllnei. a 1. 11 met ot Spiing
(allien boiotlgh, was di owned in
Jspiiug rjai (leu 1 tin and his body was
not found until this nftci 110011 His
house was 1 lose to tlie mil, and notic
ing that llii" watet was Using, lie went
out to save his wagon, which was
tlieie. The Hood, like a tidal wave,
swept MUttier away with tlie wagon.
The bodv was found stink fast in tlie
wagon, at the mouth ot a eulveit a
mile below, neat tlie dty line
Ktotu all over tlie county tonight
e nine Miller lepoits ot damage done by
wind and water, but with the exi op
tion of Mlttnei no additional fatalities
aie 1 er 01 did.
Most of the Leaders of tho Party Are
Already on tho Battle
Uy Kiclmlie n from II r Avorialril l'ris
Columbus, O , June Jl Most of the
leatlei.s and nuin.v of the delegates aie
heie tonUlit tm thu Itepublioan state
tonvotulon, wliltli will convene In tills
dty tontoiiow. The convention will
lenomliiate for setontl tonus, timet nor
lieoige K. i."ash, l.ieiitenatit tloveinor
John A. Caldwell, Attotnev c.enetal
John .M Slicuts, State Tieasuiei J, D.
Cameiou and (!. W. Johnson, tlie lat
ter foi member of thu stito ho, ml of
public winks.
The contests me limit, d to tlie nomi
nations for judge and cleik of the
Supie'llle colli t, In niltll t in 11 to a full
.state tli kd, a legsatme .s to be
elected this enr Willi II will choos"
tile sii(((Msor to I'lllted Stales Senator
J, H, foiaker, In addition to (he elei -tlnn
of a senator, the next leglslatuie
will have the appni tlonnient ot tlie
stato under the last tenstis tor legisla
tive ami other state dlstild, tis well
as for i'oiigiesiuen, and also the 1011
.sldeiatlou of an impoitaut issuo on
"local option" 'I'hu mutest lietween
the p.Utles lor (outiol of tho leglsla
tuie this jear will be tho most mil
lliattd one In tho lilstotj of tlie stale,
as the pulisnu advantages to bo
gained In tho toiniatiou of tlie distill ts
will last until tho next (ensiis In l'HO,
under the laws of Ohio,
Sen itor 1'riiakor, as the star cam
paigner III this contest Ins btPii se
jedtd as the tempoiaiy ili.iiiinan of
the convfiuloii and he will deliver the
kev note speei h on the assemhllng of
the convention tuinnnow. mid It Is
geueialb umfei stood that Senator
Man us A. Ilanna will be selei ted as
the peimaiient (hah man of the 1 'in
vention, The .speei lies of Senntor Koiaker to
luol low afternoon, mid of Senator
Ilanna Tuesday, me expected to bo the
lea tuios of the week.
Steamship Anivals.
Ilj I xilusivc Mlrc fiom the Asioilatcl Cicin
Xcw orl, June il Virivoil; la lltriaan ,
lljiu . I ItJ rf lli'iiu, billow, knln, Hi t men.
Ninth iiiii'loii s.iilr'1. u''1 (fiuiu Aiilrii),
Xc iglk (JuttnstUHii -'allttl, ItruiM (hum
1 lu-riool), New )piL.
The Bodu ol the Former Gonsul to
Pretoria Is Discovered on a
New Haven Sidewalk.
Undoubtedly Fell from a High Win
dow in the Hotel at Which He
Wa Stopping, but Whether It
Was a Case of Suicide or Somnam
bulism Has Not Been Fully De
termined Socretary Hay Prostrat
ed by Orief History of tho Career
of the Deceased.
rtr Inclusive Wire from The Assoclntoil I'rcfis
New Ilmen, Conn., June '2,. Adel
beit Stone liny, foimer consul ot the
T'nlted States at 1'ietoila. South Af
ili.i, and eldest son of Secietmy ot
State John Hay, fell from a window
in the thlid stoty ot the New Haven
house in this dtv, shoitly befote 2 '0
0 clock this mottling and was Instantly
The dead nnn was .1 giaduate ot
Yale, of the 1 lass of W. and his death
on mted on the eve of the unheisitv's
commencement, which hi ought him
heie yesteiday and in which, by viitue
of his class olllee, the joung man
would have been one of the leadeis.
The lenlblo tiagedy has cast a gloom
over the whole dtv and will be felt
thiottghotit the day, which lietetofoie
has been so billllant and full of happi
ness for Vale and hoi sons.
The full details of the tenible acci
dent will nevct be known Mi Hay
hail 100ms at the New Haven house
for comment etneiil week. It is genei
ally supposed, however, that aftet go
ing to his 100111, lie went to tlie window
foi air, and sitting on the sill, he do7ed
off. and ovei balancing, fell to the pave
ment below a tall ot fully slxtv feet.
The fall lesulted in instant ih nth, and
the body was tittle klv identified as that
of oung lla. How It all happened
immediately became a in.ittei ot spec
ulation on the put of the tlnong ot
cm ions sportatois who gatheied. and a
subject of mom mill inquliy foi the
classmates and n lends of the joung
m'au. Half a doyen plivslclans who
weie hastily summoned weie unable to
do anv tiling. Tlie coionir pionouiiced
It a case of m t Mental death and the
body was lemoved to looms of a neai
bv undettakei, vvheie it awaited In
sti ut lions fiom the fanilb In the
em Iv moinlng a telegraphic lequest
fiom the father 1 cached Ml. Seth
.Mosely, tlie piopiletor of the hotel, to
cue tor the bodv until the ineinbeis
of tlie family could leach town. Mean
while the sensation occasioned bv the
tiagedv continued. Hveiy movement
of voting Hai was tneed In an eftoi t
to penetiate the uncertainties of the
:i vvtitl allali. It was learned that tlie
voting man ai lived In New Haxt'ii
last evening in time for dinner and
went Immediately to the Xew Haven
house, vvhtie he was assigned to a
loom on the thlid fiom ft out, illicitly
over the entianie to the hotel olllee.
Young llav was one ot the
gnaid of tlie academic class ol Yale
'nt. He had come to his old college
town as a member of his diss tilennial
conimltti e and 111 lived eailv 10 assist
his (olleagues on tin1 (onimittee u
pi (piling tor th" festivities of com
mencement week in genet al, and for
the class supper in pai He took
illnnei with some of his classmates
and at S o'clock went to the Hv pet Ion
theater, wheie lie witnessed the pen -fonnitnee.
Mo spent a unlet hour In
the hotel con ldor nnd smoking room
nfler the theater and shoitly utter
midnight ictited to Ms loom, 1 cm. lik
ing to tlto hotel I'leik that he was
sleepy and leaving a cull for 9 o'lloik
this inoinlng. lie was not seen again
until his body came whiiling thiotigli
the air to Its distinction two and one
half houis later.
The Only Witness.
Thi ti' was a solltaiy speetatoi to tho
trirlble tiagedy, a laboier on the 1 lly
stieets. At the limn mentioned tho
woiktiian saw the foi in of a man fall
ing to tho sidewalk. Tho honltled la
lioier lushed to the spot and bis shouts
hi might otlieis The usual iiowd gath
eied. In It vveto sevetal belated Yalo
giaditates They bent over the body.
One of them, Julian Mason, of Chi
cago, and a classmate ot outig liny,
diew back mid, honor stiicken, died:
"Mv Clod, it's Pel Hiiv,"
H this time thu hotel deik had
leached the sceno and made tho iden
tllh ation complete.
The bodv was dad In pijanias. On
tlie window sill of tho loom, outipled
by ouug Hay was found 11 pailly
consumed elgaielte, On the floor mar
the window was a ling woiu liv the
victim, Ills doming had been neatly
aiiaugoil and the bed clothes weio
ill aw n bai k, The bed, how ovei. had
not been outipled. Heio the in.vsteiy
beiomes intangible Tho popular the.
01 y seems to have It that the joung
man, having piepmed foi lied thought
to Ikululge in a "good night smoke",
that he 1 hose the tool of the window,
possibly do.ed, lost his b.ilaiue and
fell fiom the window. The pieseuie of
the ilug on the (loot, however, gavo
ilsc to the fancy that posslblv while
to.vlng with the ting, it di opped, and
that In an eftoit to iccovei it, the tall
However, It happened, the known
facts seem to make it loiiduslvu thut
it was all n fi ightfiil accident
Young Hay, It was ked, was
In pmtiiulml) high sphits anil had
planned with unusual e utliiislasm to
paitlcipate In many engagements this
Weather Indication roJaj:
1 (leiiirdl-llluttlilih Coll Heglons DoutUtuI
In 11 riouil
Deilli of ViIHImiI Hit.
Millimiliim In 1'iilltli ('iiiiiiiiiiinirit(i) in I'ltl".
2 flcncral ( ailinmhle Drpiiluiint.
II lKitj-l)r. Illnl 'i) 1'iolilllllnii (IiukIi n
a l'.iiliiie.
Si ruioii In Vttmori of tlistiop Xldiohon.
i lilltiiinl
Tsute' uinl Couuiiitit,
fl Inril tnterrtt Inciratrt In Ike I'lll'iliii'l
I 1I111 itiiilill CoiiIkI
Silintie' to Iinpiove lulirlui uf tlie Court lloii'c
0 lot il -West sdjniun nml siiliiiiluii.
7 (.'iiieril Xorllu iMirn IVnnnh mta.
I ill.HH 111 J II 1 ( lilllllHIl IjI
8 Iik il liiiliitnal iml Ijbur.
Si me Mill of tlie Hour.
Those membeis of the (hiss of 'S3,
who me In town, alter the rxmuiniitinii
bv the cotonei's phvsldau est mted the
body fiom the iindei taking establish
ment to the pilvntc icsidenee of Mr.
Seth Mosely, of the New liavn house.
Heie It awaited the jh Ival of the 1 da
tives In the college clnpel at the morning
seivics- PicsMcut lliidlcv In addiessing
the members of the gt. (dilating class,
l( felled feellnglv to the di 1 1 11 of
joung Haj.
Secretary Hay Informed.
Washington, June 2i Seciduv llnv
leained ot the death ot his sun, Aib'l
lieil, within an liotli and a half of 'he
ttagcilv, tliiottgli Seddaiv Cot teljr.u.
Th.1 lattei had bet 11 railed up on the
long distant e telephone ut his lesldeme
about J o'dodc In the night liv I'ni
piittoi Moselev, of tlie New Haven
house, the siene of tlie tiugtdv. Mi.
Moseley blielly told Setiel.uv t'nitel
jou ol the finding of tlie it mains on
the sidewalk ami of the othei details
of the accident, substautlallj as thev
weie suit out In tht pt(ss dNp tidies
Setietaiy Coitelvou hatileni d at once
to the lesldciue ol Setiet.u v liav and
1 ommiinlc aleil tlie sad news as genllj
as possible. Tlie si letm apptaud loi
the moim nt to be eompletelj t lushed,
but tallied and set 1 altulv about pnp
. nations toi depatlute tm New Ilavin
at the eaillest inomtiit. Save tlie set
vants, htciptau II n was alone in nis
liouse, as al! of bis family have been
absent Horn Washington since the set
letatv's visit to Hiilfalu Mis llav,
with Addbeit and In 1 two dittgliteiu,
had bei 11 spending a lew dijs in Cleve
land, Ohio, and ltoin place went
h way of IJuffalo to New but 11, N II..
on tile slunes ol r. ike Siinapee, wheie
tlie family had just settled down lot
tlie simnnei, with the expectation 111 it
the secielatv would join them next
Tlieie was no one ot ids own people
about him, tlietelme, to give aid and
suppoit when the sad news c une to the
seetelaty ot state In the e.ulj Sahballi
moinlg. Siooiet.uv Coitelvou, howevei,
was sj inpathetlcall helpful and, ic
aliillg the level sli desiie of Ml. llav
to leach New Ilavin, lie looked up the
i.iilwav time-t.ililes nuil aiianged loi
an eaily (lep.utuie, sti that bv ' o'eloi k
Secielaij llnj was on a I'ennsv Ivanla
imlioad liaiu upuidlug towauls New
Haven, belote nianv of ids ti lends in
AVasliihgton knew of (he ealiiultv linn
had befallen lilm.
As soon as tlie ptesldent lea 1 mil the
news, howevti, lie dlspatdied a telt
giam to tlie dilef of bis tablnet to
ovettake him in his jottinev noitliwaid,
expi easing In tlie kindlv and svmp.i
thelic language which 1 11.11.11 teii.i s (lie
piesldent's ((imiuiiiiications in smh
(ases tlie depth of sottoiv lie tell loi
the beteaved fimllv. htintaiv llav's
1 olleagues in the cabinet followed ibis
example, and Sertetaij Long also sent
,1 peisonal lettet of s.vnipathv anil i tui
doleiue. The tablnet nllkeis will at
tend the tuneial ot Adelbeit llav If II
Is leaslble tm them to do so
After the sec letm v's ilep.utiite mid
when the news hud spiead tluoiiuh tlie
eltv, fi lends ot the llav lamilv and
ollldals began to mil at the Sixteenth
slleet home to leave their eauls, As
sistant Secietmy Hill was Hist .imong
tlie olllclal ealleis ami lutei theie weie
liuinv otluis. Dining the da.v neailv
all olllclal Washlngiou had loll Its
ti Unite of sjmpathj .it the house.
Adelbeit Hay's Carom.
Adelbeit S Hav was the eldest son
of the societal v of state and was bom
while the latter was living in Cleve
land, Ohio, about tweut.v -live juus
ago, Ills sei oud iiaiue Is Stone, wlilih
he boms In ineiuoiy of the late Atuas.v
Stone, his matiilial giaudslte lie
was educated In the pilvate schools of
Cleveland and piepmed at St Paul's
academy In Contend, N 11, lor Yale,
At tho uulveisity ho was a popular
sdiolar, for I hough olitwanll.v n suved
in maunei, ln was uipiihlo of waim
and steadtaFt filendshlps and was of
(huiiulng maunei s. At Yale Adelbeit
gave much time to alhletlis and thus
spleudldlv developed Ills mutually 10
bllst fianie. so Hint he stood at L'l full
six- feet high with chest and limbs of
loiiespondlug pi open lions, The stal
wml llgtlie of .voung llnj, with the
look of itseive puwei 111 his fan un
doubtedly went lac tnwmds sei tiling
for him the icsped and innshieiailon
wlilih Is not alwavs exlilblted to one
of his je,u, Willi this phjsliiue went
a degne of peisonal Inaveiv that
though never iciklesslv or boastlugly
evinced was still manifested op mine
Hmii one (ucasloii
All Insimue of (his wis shown at
liihinllm Young llav was 011 Ids way
out o the Philippines, a ill ill. in pas
sengei on mi aitnj tiansioit laiijing
a voluuteei legiiunut to .Manila At
(illnaltar Hie mew had sion leave, and
vvjieii the hoiii 101 sailing- ai lived half
of the oluiiteci weie not abo.ud The
coippaio olllids 1 minded up thost In
(ilhi altar piopei, hut thej 1 ould not
go in linlfoim In ihase of the iiilsiei
eis, wlio had found a well nine hiding
plai c among the Spanish thinking,
house koi'pets tuioss the boulei. Atlel
belt Hay volunteeicd to ad as pio
vost iiiaishal and be soon emptied the
dives and diaggcd out the skulkeis and
diove them down to theh ship.
An extended public caicti was
ICoiituui. 1 mi I'Jfc-e J J
Its Arrival Is Appropriately Gonv
metnorated In Alleohenu
Republican County Executive Com
mittee Puts the Seal of Condem
nation on Insurgent Tactics and
Declares Henceforth for Party
Regularity Senator Flinn's Re
tirement Viewod in a New Light.
Governor Stone as an Aichitoct of
Brcelil t tin' Sciinton riiluinc
Plttsbuig, June 2! Coincident with
the iinnotini enieul liv Senium William
nihil, fot si ji us Hie exctiitlve gen
ius ot Hie ' iusuigent" inovenient in
Peniisv ivanla politics, tlmt at the ex-.
pli.ttioll ol the piesiut legist iluie oil
Thm silav uf this vvtek lie will tetiie
fi om the senate and fiom artlve nu
nc 1 1 ieiu Willi pollthal life, Mstudavs
action of the Alii glienv lotintj Tlepub
lli.iu exdiitive (iimiultlee is signlll A. C. Ilobu tsiiu, upon being te
eli ( ted 1 hall man made a speo( h w lib li,
upon motion, was ilulx .iilnptcil as the
basis of the leoigauicd Ilepuliliean
paitv ot Allegheiiv touiitv This Is the
li.ii t or the speuli whldi has tlie wid
est linpoii.
We meet today undei diffeient
conditions than heietofoic. The
millennium of politics has ar
lived; the motto that is now in
setted on our banner is. ''peace
and good will to all, and malice
towaid none." We have no 'ene
mies to punish; haimony will
teign supieme; we stand today
foi the success of the Republican
oignination in the county, stato
nnd nation. We believe that
piinciples aie gi eater than men.
The will of the majoitty must
nile, foi' with this principle pat
ties me maintained, and with
out it a condition of chaos is es
tablished. All our effoits will be
diiected hencefotth to fight the
common enemy.
IJbiiallv Inlet pt eled, this means
thnt Klinit h is been eliminated by a
stiategle mov e on the p 11 1 of the state
ndmlnlsti itlon whidi lias gained for
it lonttol of the m ignlllcent eltv and
county otgatil itlon that, until leient
lv, gave implicit obedience to Clinti
Pliiiu s ictiiemeut fiom polllli s. it can
thus be si en, while "voluntai.v" a-, he
sivs, was expedited by the fait that
the Immediate rutin c olteied him 110
ini entlve to n 111 iln
It is well undei stood heie that the
chief an luted of jistoidaj's millen
nium was linvei 1101 Stone.
Brick House nnd Grocery Stoie at
Harnsburg Wieckcd.
(t IuIimip Vim1 frtii 11 flu Vssnohlnl I'npi
ll.u 1 Isbtug, June .': Tlie luiii:
house and hmt"ij .state of (ifotge II.
Lodge was wit 1 Kid, two otlit 1 hottsei
ill til" suae blot k weie hull dam
aged, and Lodge's Ii.-viai-old sup was
seiloiis lujiiiu! this niiiining hv an
explosion ot Illuminating gas Young
Lodgf Willi illtu the 1 I'll, 11 to tl.v ti
lot ate a li ak In tlie gas pipe and,
sulking a iii.itth a tenlblt explosion
lollowt d.
The entile Unlit and sde wails nf
Hie building uillaiMtil, tanviiig wlti
them the stm k ot gi 01 eiles and lioust
llnld Itlllllttlie
Tlie bov wiis li Ightfullv but 111 el
about the late and hndv and suit', j
gieat piin 'I he lemaludei 01 tho
tatnllv was t'tupoiaillv uliseiii fiuui
homo W lien the accident on tilled.
AVIndows of houses on tlie opposl'ii
sd(. o Hie stiif-t Weie sliattelid and
tile iwo houses adjoining of
Lodge's an so badly" witched that
thev will hav i' to be 1.11 'I.
Giagorio Cortnz,
lit l III. mi Win fiuui lis' Wmiiiril I ' 1 -s
, S, ViiK, luni Jt Iln .iltiinliiiii il 1 1
I in, I, li( V nMiiint, I, li'ln, ,i 1
III..' 14 llsll il VIiiiii I lliiiln, if lliis in ,
1 i mini iln mi' milf 1 iii mil lulf null hail
1 ii In ih, 1111 inlli 'Inn 11" foi I'lnii --1 mi
illlllll'l (l,'l, (f ll.ll.'it ll.l Mlllll if 1
1 M liiii.' ("l. ni'l u la 1 ' nl It' Ml IV "
1 1 1111 if witnl'iin l'11n vine ollcnil fr
l Mil ll, Will. Il UU'li 11 I linl ll't ll"lll l 1
i) II1111I1
Duteson'a Body Recoverod.
Ill Ivlu.iii W11 i 111 'I lie Vwiinliil l'icj
I'liiillu, 1 11 ii ', II101, i-i 11, iw 110 ihulit but
llill th,' 1 iil 1111 null nml 1,1111 nun ut llu Hi
1.I1 luik I ilklni'l, 11I1I11 la hi., fiuui la, "nil,
I in 11, 1 11 I 1 till. Ill II, ttlllill 111. Mluklil it
lllli,'i lid I, lull,' 11, .111 iliiiwui'l Hie luuly
if VI1I1 ltiti.,11 w.i. 111,11,1,, I Iln, ifitrniuii
I lie mil' lid uf 1 In ii w mil III' ( ipnin i wf
Jiul clilhl 1 I.111 mil ini' mtd
Senator Kylo IH.
lit ImIiimw Wile (mm 'liu nniiril 1'iev.
VI uilu 11, s li, lull' 1 soul r I lines VI,
lull, tiln Iii'. lieu ill l'"'i n'u 1 it iUt is in 4
ui) -iinin'. i,;iul tun Innulil nml tins 110 in
IiiiiIiihI ilia In mo hoi 111011-1 llfiu 1 rnin u
ia tin' 1 him if I,!- illiu." uul Iln nttaik it 'inn
lir in liu' "i" ilut u"tutul thu pt in lor at
( It ve IjiuI, t',111 Jul-, a. 1
1 It il lllll fn IllllC .'. Pill
III. Iut lilllpiritlllt' s f;.i
1j)u..i tiiuptriliuc i.' 'lok'ii. i
lltUlivn llunmlitv
S 1 111 . sii pi r 1. 111
S p. 111 M per tent,
I'lttlpllJll' 11, il li'iuri, 111 ld s i in , 0 1) 1 nit 11
n it f -H
Uj-liiusl n luni I Irrtntfr lilt
rill l'uiii-iliiiiii.i I ur au I u 4 1 111 Mjn'
f f
il iv uml Iik'-iIii, fi sti ufirrly winh