H1 '1if'yt,'rf,f"'S -- ', T ' "H f f" "'V t -r? Jfi"W" l i THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901!. Y 5?'v , t - i ' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. I- elll t Ike Scranton Tribune. Plttston, June 21. John Golden, the well known base ball twlrtor of Hum town, formerly with trie Brothers' Base Ball team of that place, but during the pant season with Georgetown univers ity, has been given a tomtitlng offer to become iin employe of the Mlnei-HIII-lard Milling company and play on their base ball team, Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Hitchner, of the "West Hide, are spending the week In Blnghamton. Mr. Hitchner Is looking after the purchase of it team of horses for his bakery business bote. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick English, of Milton street, L'p per Plttston, while playing In the yard at Its home, fell and had an arm brok en above the wrist. The Erie company Is pippavlnp to re build the No. 14 breaker recently de stroyed by Are. The debris has been entirely cleared away, thd stone inn sons have commenced work on the foundations and the large timbers are beginning to arrive. Mrs. Uoyea and Miss (.'onl gave an "open house" at their beautiful resi dence on Susquehanna avenue yester dny evening to a latge company com posed for the most part of the guests at the Stewart-Langworthy wedding on the West Side this afternoon, llane Ing was the order of the evening. A number of Wllkes-Harre and Scranton people wore numbered among the guests. Mrs. Thomas Edwards, of Wyoming avenue. West Plttston, left for New York Wednesday, and will sail In a few days for her native home In Eng land, where she will visit for several weeks. Frank D. Smith, a Munch Chunk young man, well known among the employes of the I.ehlgh aVIley rail road, on which he was employed as a fireman, was on Thursday united In marriage to Miss Elizahcth Coyne, of Tompkins street, this city. The wed ding was performed at St. John's pa rochial residence by Mnnslgnor Gnrvey. The bride was attended by Miss Mar garet Loughney, of Carroll street, and Michael Talbot, of "Wllkoa-Harre, was best man. On their return from a honeymoon that will embrace a visit to Washington and other principal cities, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home on Broad street, this city. Prominent people from out of town found the Garden Village an Ideal place for the solemnization of a marriage ceremony Thursday, especially when the spot on which the ceremony was performed was located in the beauti fully furnished parlor of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cool, on Wyo ming avenue. The groom was Dr. William Alvah Stewart, a prominent physician of Pittsburg. P.i.. and the bride, Miss Julia Elizabeth I,ang worthy, a charming young lady of Chi cago, III., a niece of Mrs. Cool. The cere mony was performed at high noon, and the Cool residence was elaborately dec orated throughout, laurel, palms and American beauty roses predominating. The bridal party included Miss Ruth Langworthy, of Chicago, sister of the bride, as maid: Miss Eleanor Smith, of Sprlngville, X. Y llower girl; Dr. Ralph A. Stewart, of New York city, brother of the groom, as best man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. DeWitt Mallory, of lenov, Mass., and he was assisted by Rev. Dr. Har shaw, of the West Plttston Presbyter Ian church. Among the guests were the following: Mr. and Mrs. George Westlnghouse, George TVestinghouse, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mooie, of Pittsburg: George Jones, Schenectadv, N. Y.; Mrs. Hewitt, of Kingston, N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Sprlngville, X. Y. The "Westlnghouse family came in their private Pullman car on the Le high Valley railroad. UNIONDALE. Special to the Scranton Trihune. Uniondale, June 21. A number of our townspeople attended the Morgan-Mc-Kee wedding at Winwood last Wednes day. Rev. Stearns, of Jnckson, was the officiating clergyman. The Sunday school institute lipid In the Methodist church on June 19 was a uccess. There was a large attendance and considerable enthusiasm. The ad dress of the evening by Rev. William Holllnnhead was pronounced by all present to be excellent. Work Is being pushed on the Im provements in connection with S. S. Hubbard's mill. Last Sunday Israel Rounds attend ed the funeral services of Mrs. Lafay ette Stanton, at Wnymart. Itev. D. D. Jenkins occupied the pul pit In the Brandt Presbyterian church last Sundny morning and evening. The school board have met to select teachers for the coming fall and win ter term. Prof, Harry Anthony was chosen principal and Miss Edith Smith was re-elected for the primary depart ment. There being a tie for the Inter mediate room, another meeting will bo necessary. Rev, H. J. Crane was called to Way mart Sunday afternoon to officiate at the funeral of Mrs. Lafayette Stanton. Bev. Charles Newell ably supplied the pulpit In the evening. Arthur Foster, of Starrucoa, Is ex. pectPd to move his family to town in the near future, Mrs. Dr. Grander has been called to Philadelphia to attend the funeral of her sister, who died very suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coleman vis ited friends In Pleasant Mount, Wed nesday, Hon, and Mrs, Phllo Run itt visited their daughter, Mrs. Frank Couch, in Carbondalo, recently. HARFORD, r"pclal to the Scranton Tribune, Harford, June 21, Mrs. Henry Jones and Mrs, W. V, Jeffers attended com mencement at Cornell university, .Miss Addle Jeffers la a member of the class. The Sunday school convention liuld at Brooklyn, Pa., Tuesday and Wed nesday was a very enjoyable occasion. A large delegation from this place at tended. The band boys will hold un Ice cic.im and Btrawberry social June 25 on Dr. Hoovan's lawn, Miss Jessie M, Hardenbergh, of Elm. hurst, Is spending a few days with Lou M, Rogers. Mrs. A. O. Berlew returned to her heme In Elmira, N. y ufter spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. George Poloway, Miss S. M. Farrer is visiting at W. U. Hammond's. Mrs. R. J. McCausland, of Montrose, Mill address the Christian Endeavor nnd Epworth leanue of this place Sun day evening, June 23! subject, "Tem perance." Boll call at the Presbyterian church was largely attended. Judge Darte, of Wllkes-Barre, gave a very Interesting address. He will be a welcome caller again. S. U. York has his new house nearly completed, Mrs. Helen Follel, of New Mllford, attended roll call at the ricsbyterlan church. BRADFORD COUNTY. Specl-il to the Siranton Tritiums Towandn, June LM. Silas Titus, an aged resident of Hhrrlck township, who Was biotight to jail last week on the ehargt of , desertion, commMteiJ suicide on Sunday by taking Inudan uni His body was given In charge of t'ndcrtaker A. Campbell and forwaid ed to his lale home for burial. He was seventy-nine yeais old. The commencement exercises of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute will he held tomorrow evening. The s?ven graduates are: Miss Alice Evans, Neath: Miss Mary Hale. Towanda: Miss Emllle Prollet, W.vsox: James Bennett. Towanda: Thomas and Paul Cook, Merryall, and Miss Anna Fair child. Towanda. The alumni banquet will follow nnd be held at the Ward house. The most fashionable society event of tile season took place last evenlng.when Edna Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Klrby was united In mar riage to Alexander C. Jackson, esq., of Berwick. The ceremony was per formed nt tlip home, which was dec orated beyond description and the nuptial knot was lied by Rev. J. S. Stewart. Lohengrin wedding inarch was played by Oppenhclm's orchestra of Wllkt-s-Raire. The hi trial party was led by Misses Lucy Swppt and Nellie Frost, the bride was ceoited by her father and pieceeded by her sister. Miss Mayme Klrby, as maid of honor. The gronni.--man was M, J. Oswald of Berwick. Many guests from out of town were present. Towanda has several cases of dip therla. Over two-hundred nnd fifty pupils of the St. Agnes school observed last Monday as a holidav, all being dressed In sensonabl attire. Last evening the graduating exercises were largely attended at the parochial school hall. The members of the graduating class are: Charles Campbell, Mary La Chance, John Quiglt'.y, Maty Klnrj sley, Mary Brennan and Mary Lynch. The remains of James Carmody, who died in a hospital at Buffalo, were interied in the Catholic cemetery yes terday afternoon. The annual reunion of the Mountain Lake Soldier's and Sailors association closes a two days meeting at that place today. The Baptists of this eoun'ty will hold th"lr annual convention at Can ton, next week. Dr. .T. C Lee of Herrlck. lias none to Honduras, to serve as a colony dm tor. K. W. Ashby of South Bethlehem, crlcf engineer of the Lehigh Valley was otlii'lr'.lly engaged on this branch the first of the week. The Towanda Indies' auxiliary tins already contributed J'iOO to the fund of thf Packer hospital this year. Tiie Christian Endeavor of Biadford and Sullivan counties aie holding a two djy's convention at Monroeton. The sessions will close this evening with an addiess by Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce, of Scranton. NEW MILFORP. Special to thf Scranton Tribune. New Mllfoid, June 21. Miss Rose Smith visited friends in Brooklyn re cently. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Safford have gone to Heart Lake for the .summer. Mis. Lee Kimber and children, of Blnghamton, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, N. F. Kimber this week. Maud Benson, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Benson, fell and broke her arm a few days ago, A. F, Heitzman spent Sunday with hts parents In Blnghamton. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelleher, of Hal stead, visited In town the fore part of the 'eek. Mrs. H. J. Crane, of Uniondale, Is visiting friends here. Aaron Aldrlch and wife spent Sun day and Monday at Thompson. Mrs. Clarence Washburn and son, Shay, are visiting relatives in Peck vllle. Mrs. F, D. Pratt, of Nicholson. Is a guest at the homo of George Pratt. A tempeiance platform meeting will be held In the Methodist church next Sunday evening. .Mrs. John O'Bilen and Mrs. .1. Ter v,ane visited their brother, M, J. Crane, In Scranton, this week, Mrs. E. W. Boyle entertained Mrs. A. M. Coddlngton and daughter, of Hull ste.id, Sunday, .. . SUSQUEHANNA. Spcilal In the ,Siranrn Tilbtine, fMismiehanna, June .'I. Prof, Pierre, of Blnghamton hold a social hop in the Hofian Opeia house last evening. Hany W, Mumford, of Starrucca, a Honesdalo law student, graduated from Brown I'nlverslty, Providence, 1!, I,, on Wednesday. A stoiy is being added to Spencer's East Main stteet Hour mill, Tile Eilc will erect a lumber shed r.ear the old steam hummer shop. The Erlo's summer time-table will take effect on Mrindu next, when trains 4 and !l will he added, The Gibson band will furnish music for the Harford fair, in September, Piof, H. H, Rounds, formerly of Stunucca, has been appointed princi pal of the high school at Wln'wood, Wi.yno county. Mrs. Fieeman Potter, of Scranton, Is the guest of Susquehanna iclatlves, The Kile will, after Monday next, use anthracite coal exclusively on Its locomotives pulling through passenger trains. The Susquehanna county Christian Endeavor convention, held at jHrook lyn on Tuesday and Wednchday, was hugely atunded and very Interesting and pioiitnhle. In St. John's Cat holla church on Wednesday, by the pastor, Rev, p, p. Ilioderlck, James McC.inn and MUs Mary Connors, both of Susquehanna, weni united In man luce. The Susquehanna h.ind will have a social hop in Hogan Opera house on Monday evening next. Dorsan's or chestra vlllfuinlsh murii! for the no. i-uMuii. tTtvious vj the hop the band j will give a concert from the Main street pagoda, Thomas Lynch met with an accident In the Erie yard on Wednesday. When moving some timbers Upon a four wheel truck, n locomotlvo struck the timbers, nnil Mr. Lynch sustained a broken leg and other severe Injuries. It Is rumored that thn Erie will es- 1 tabllsh n $40,000 electric plant here, to furnish light and power for Its shops and ynrds. It will be run by water power from thn rlvtr. Edward Choereman, of Gulf Summit, a few days since killed two black snakes nnd a rattle snake, The black snakes showed fight, and, but for the nsslstanee of his dogs, cheereman would have been ccond best In the battle. One black snake measured six feet three Inches In length, and the other six feet five Inches. The rattle snake, a small one, was easily van quished, MONTROSE. Special to the Siranton Tribune. Montrose, June 2t, Commlssloncis' Clerk W. A. Tllsworth and Mrs. Tits worth have returned from a visit with Irlonrls In Brooklyn. Mrs. John W.Spence nnd Utile daugh ter, of Locust street, arc visiting rela tives In Elk county. Dr. Paul Wilson, of Now York, has been spending the week at the home of his brother. Dr. John G. Wilson, on Maple street. W. D. It. Alney left tonight on a business trip to Washington, D. C. Carl Canip Is at the home of his par ents, Mr. ttnd Mrs. B. O. Camp, for the summer. Miss Veina Beardslee Is enjoying a short vacation, visiting at t'tlca, N. Y. Miss Eva Hickman, an Instructor In the Scranton Correspondence Schools, is spending her vacation with relatives in Montrose. Mrs. J. P. Hotchklss has been the guest of friends at Pittston this week. The Lakeside Country club will be opened for the season on Monday next, June 21. A number of Impiovements have been made about the club house and grounds since last season. A party that enjoyed a day's outing nt Forest lake yesterday Included the families of A. W. Lyons, B. T. Gage, F. D. .Morris, B. R. Lyons and S. (I. Fancher. There Is a well authenticated rumor that Hon. E. H. True, a former repre sentative of this county in the lower house of the state legislature, will be a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for state senator next year. The names of Colonel C. C. Pratt, of New Mllford, and ex-Piothonotary W. J. Raker lrtve previously been mentioned as probable aspirants to the senate. About thirty young people of this place represented our local Christian Endeavor societies at the county con vention held at Brooklyn. Charles Warner, son of ex-Postmas-ler Edson S. Warner, has secured a good position in Buffalo, and left for that city this week. Charles Bessell, a former resident, is visiting friends In town. Miss Lena Halpln Is visiting friends in Blnghamton. At Inst it seems that some definite steps are to he taken looking to some public observance of the centennial of the settlement of Montrose. A call for a public meeting to consider the sub ject will. It is expected, be issued next week; the call to bo signed by a num ber of our oldest native residents. Whether the celebration will take pl.iLC on the coming Fourth of July or at a later date. Is one of the questions to lie settled at the preliminary meeting. A later date would enable the preparation of a more attractive piogrammc. Miss Carlln, a trained nurse fiom Scranton, Is caring for Miss Delia Coon. Mrs. R. B. Little is in Tunkhannock, where she will sing at a twentieth cen tury entertainment to be given in the Baptist chinch in that place tonight. A satisfactory How of water having been secured, the dillling at the ar tesian well put down at Jeffers' mill has ceased. The depth of the well Is -"- feet, and the How Is seventy-thc bairels per hour, An effort Is being made to have all the Montrose attorneys agree to close their nfliccs on Saturdays during the warm weather. It is also the intention to have the county offices in the court house closed ewi. Satuid.iy afternoon. A pavilion dance at Heart lake on Wednesday evening was attended by a number of .Montrose young people. ' The fol'owlng aie the newly elected ollicors and superintendents of the Sus quehanna county Christian E.N.ivor union: Piesldent, Pi of. William M, Denlson, of Lanesboro graded school; vice-president, Vaughn Axtell, New Mllford; coriespondlng secretary, Miss Annie Hanington, Montrose: iccordlng secietary. Miss Hattie Patiick, Lanes boro; treasurer. E, G. Simons. Hall stead; superintendent of Junior woik, Miss Lou Eggleston, Hallstend; super intendent of correspondence committee, Miss Mary Scotten, Hnllstead; super intendent of lookout work, Mrs. Robert J. .McCausland, Montrose; superintend ent ot pi ess work and good literature, James Moirls, jr., Montrose. Attorney Miller S. Allen Is on a bus, ness tilp to New York. DURYEA. Ppeciil (n Hie Sii.mtoii Tilbunc. Duryea. June 21. The home of Mr. and Mr. James Holies was the scene of much pleasure last evening, Sevetal of Mr. Relies friends tendered him a party In I he form of a surprise, The usual social festivities were Indulged in and several selections given on tho giaphaphone, aftir which tofresh ments were i((rv.H Mr. and Mmt Coles, although completely ovoicome by surprlso, proved to be pleasant host and hostess, Those present were: .Mr. and Mis, Thomas Devunold, Avoca: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Potter, Mr. nd Mrs. Thomas Cox, and son Taber, Mr. and Mis. John Whitman, Mis, (icorse Ammeiuian and son Geoige, Mis, John Dills and daughter, Nel lie, Mr. and Mrs. Copt, Mr, Louis Ed Mill, Mr. Allien, Mr. Joseph Cox, Dunne Dills, Mr. and Mrs, Pa ton, of Brooklyn, N, Y visited beveial fielnds In town Thursday, Mr, Johnron Rumdall Is critically ill. Mesdames Canop, of Dunmore, and Meik, of Providence, visited Mis. Gc.uhart, of this place, recently, Last evening Mr. Benjamin Ble seckcr found a huge trunk In Maple street. He took it homo and sent for un olllcer, who searched it and found It contained several valuable arti cles. Later, the owner called and claimed It and stated It was stolen from his home. If such is the case, petty thieves are our guests again. All others claiming bald article, leuve claim with Mr, Hlesecker. Xrause's Cold Curo for cold In the head, chest, throat or Bny portion of the body, breaks up a cold In 24 houis without Interruption to work. Will prevent cold If taken when Hist symptoms a pear. Price 2Jc. SuM by all druggists THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, June 21. The prospect of a bettor bank statement tomorrow than has been expected caused a more cheerful feeling In the stock market to day. Advances were quite wide In some quartern, and there was an appreciable Increase In the Interest. A new version of the 8t, Paul deal today had It that the block of 260,000 shares of St. Paul stock recently reported sold to flnlon Pacific Interest was, In fact, to be ex changed for an amount of Union Pa cific stock estimated at an equal value, thus furthering the establishment of community of Inlet est. There was re newed buying by some of the large speculative operators who have been quletescent this week. Union Paclllu was carried three points over last night nnd St. Paul at one time two, al though the latter slock reacted. Bo ports that a working agreement had been nrranged between Pennsylvania nnd the Wabash caused tho Wabash securities to Jump, tho common slock rising PH, the preferred 3'fc, and tho dobentui e B bonds 4-Vi. Missouri Pa cific nlso rose 2'. later In the day. Canadian Pacific rose 34. followed by some of Its subsidiary lines, apparent ly on the hope of a strike settlement. The strength of New York Central seemed to be-associated with the divi dend meetings of the Vnnderbllt vom panles. People's Gas was marked up over two points on the prospect of u contract with the Chicago authorities. American Linseed prefect ed rose t on the advance in t ho price of the pro duct. The local traction stocks were strong, led by Manhattan, and Sugar showed a good gain, but without ex planation. Colorado Fuel selling ex dlvldend showed a gain at one time of I'M, but saved only two points net gain. General Electric, after rising two points, broke eight. There was an un usually large number of lyw-prlced ralhoad and Industrial stocks, which arc nut usually active, that rose from 1 to 4 points without explanation. The market closed quiet and steady and with some stocks selling nt the top. Amalgamated Copper during tho latter part of the day fully recovered Its de cline, which had extended to Vs- Total sales, ii;!4,200 shares. The speculative railroad bonds were quite generally active and strong. Total sales par value, $t,lS.",000. C. S. bonds were all unchanged on the last call. i nc 101 lowing n Tribune bv M. s. Mean building-, Scr unt.it ions ni e fiirniMiril The Co., looms "Hi "M Telephone ."iOiH: IIIrIi. I.mv- Clrn- Ionian k anton, I'.i Open inc. et. est. inj;. Amerie.in Sueur U2?8 11114 Il2i(, rt Ameiiian Tnbuen MO .n l.iS'-j IHS14 Atrhi-on M S'H,, . OS Aliliisnn, Pr linVi litt'4 lflt', lm", lliook. 'fruition sPt S.I sP; s.i', Hilt, k Ohio liiiij in,') ws'i HKi font. Tob.uin iv,4 (vi m ' rW", (lies It Ohio 4') I'lij .) 4'!', chic k (it. lrt ."! -jui'i i:,'t y.i M. Paul ITS'!. 1MH4 17P i; l'nck Island HiS liflij ir7". li.'l K.in. k Tex., Pr., filVi ii. Ill'i, 1,1', Louis, k N.ish 110 liosj tin lliw; M.111. i:ie,itnl U2', I .Ml, VR U'3a Mel. Tl.ietion 17 H3 17l',s 17.t'r 171'. Xlisso. I'.liith l-.'ili't Ut VJrt'i nji; S'outh. li, itU' .?l (.()', .Vllfi Ol Noitolk & West ,'il " ,-, ,-,( 5 N V. CpiiIi.iI n7 l.lT'i I.Vi'J 117'', O11I. & We-lein ;i7 ::i H7 :I7-R I'niiii. Hy ni'i l.Yjifc 11V, -,;i, Hci'lnnr ni'i 17'.. In', 17' 1 Hrailinir. Pr TS'i 7 7S"-r 7'f-H Nnitlieril It, II Jjl, ;) "pj ;j j lt Siiitliein It. K., Pr sr'H ss S7 Ss Tpiiii. Cii.iI .V linn .... 71 71 711IJ 7(11; I'. S. I.e.Hher n'!, ifij .' "t I. s l.inthoi. Pi 70 7'i, 70', 7tii:. I'. S. Itiililipr -Jl'-i -JTi Jtiu, -jT$ 1 iilmi P.iiihV Iliiig in inn; n.,7;, 1 ii.ii P.11 ilie, Pi i hi v, 'i jii; N.il'1-li, I'l J th't 'ij i,-,i', Western t'liion 'II 'i 1, ' 'ii', Col. Fuel k lion 114'i H-s Ill'i II11; in.il. Cupper 11, Uii; liin, iy; People's C;,i list; ijun Hsii H'l's I'l ip fi's !!, IP, II", Ilie, M 7I'4 7Pi 71'i 71 Col. VMilhrin Ill, r, !-, .i Tex.is PjeiRe 1li'i 171;, il., 17V, 111er. Chi Kntinilry !JU "I " .1J :!J". t. s. Slerl Co I'l" pi si; 4'i " t'. .s. Seel Co., Pi 'm, in 11.514 fi't M:V YORK CHAIN M UlKl.T. Opi 11. Ill'.'li- I.mv. Cln. Vlli:T. imr p. I. i-t. mi. lull 7.i"', 7.1; 71'-. 7i'. 'l'l 7.: 7.1'.. 7J 7J74 (illl.V. '"I.1' IT'S 171; Il.VM I" V ' l"'8 17's 4S Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. l' KN UuI. A-k-il. I'li-t N'.ilioii.il II ink ljmi N union s.iUnss Uink ivi 'Ihii'l N.itionil Dink 4mi llinie Deposit ,inf Dixoiint Hank,. -.'7."i Diimim I. mill, II. & P. Co p, I..11L1. Tiu-t Site Drpi-it 1VI ll.uk A Mion Co., Pi u j Sii.iuloii lion I'eiiie k Mu, Co m) sii.iuion Ale Woik, p.-, I..Hk.oMiini D.iin o.. Pi pi Counli Sailiifrs Mink k T111-I Co,. SWi I " 1 1 - t National Bank (Cirbondalei ,".'., M.n.d.iril Diillinc Co ::o TiadeiV National Hank 17.1 t-ciaiitnn Holt nnd Nut Co il People's It, ink iio ,,. New M"ku 1!,. ,t C Co ;j IlO.VDs. .ViJiitnn Pa-tpngPi llillway, flint M111IS.1BP, due 1'iiO l j lVople' slieel Itulway, firl limit. K.ice. due PUS 1 is ,,, People's stieet It if !, (iuKi.il nioitKJSP. lue I'lil 1)1 ,,, UKin M.inuf.ii iiiiIiik Co jm I.aik.i. Toii.hlp S1I100I ,1 pci 1 -nt. ,,, D! Cily of m Linton M, Imp. (l per li'lll 0 Kianton Ti.ullon il pei tenl ij ,,, Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corertted lv II. tl, tUv, 27 l.aikt,n.inri.i Ai".) Ililttei Krcli, !D.iJ0i!p, dairy, fiedi, l -j0o. Chree I'ull tieam. new, Ki'jillp, Pur Wetein lich, H'-.ilk j neuihi iat ll'iilV:. Ile,ins-I'er huMiel, rlioiie inmniv, ?.'.(i.i.' ir, 1'p.i lleam Per Inulitl, rlioiie inurow, $1 oil JJ.i. Medium Ueans IVr bushels, '. 0a$.', 15, tireen Pe.is-1'tr biulielec. fl.lOitl 1,1. Vlmir Ucst intuit, p-r buret, j,5. Hfd Kidney lleam Per huMiel, tJ.nai.60. Potalnes- Pel bushel, sSi'V, CtrnniiU Onions Per b'i'lil, VU'MJl.M), New York Qrnin nnd Produce. New Vol k, .limp 21, I'loui weak nnd .)iP'e, lower on lop cuilrt. Mlniioli pilenl, si.MHI; winliT ntl.ucliU, 'l.p),il..'Jl. Wheat ,pot 111.11 pW wtaki'i; No, 2 red. il'V', f. 11. h, atloitj No, 2 U'd, Tl'se. eli'V.ilm; No, I Noulieu Diilulli, i5?e. (. . Ii. iillo.il. Options pppjenu'd .1 ceifie lurik under Ill'i' .lill lbUii ilion. Co-ed weak at Hial'Sjc, net deillne. July eloped it's".', t-'ept., 7.?ic: Oil,, ;.l',,o,; Hei,.,,7t(ie. Coin Spot easy: No, 2, K'ic elevator and Isl'n. . o, I', atlojt, Options ipiiet and wp.ikii, Closed weak at iv, net deiline. July doaed iiTi.; Bipt,, (be; Oct. iVv, Oil-c,,it steady: So, a white, S2',ji,; No. :i, :i.'i.j No, while, AU Siiv i V11, 3 white, Si'.si'.i luik liiUul url. ri 11, :iUUbc,; traik while, .ij'ials,., oplioin dull ami easier with Ilie oilier mirkels. Mullet I'linii western eieaimry, HilU'.ie ! do. (uloiy, lilsalJe. ; Iniltation iteameiy, l.TalTc. j Utu diiry, KaHlji'. Cheese firin; (amy laqte o, oied, UjaVJi.: lanry hrse while, HUii.; uuey ii'all coloied, l'!(i. fancy small while, DUilie. Vise-(Juiet j state and reniihdiii4, lAibl'e. ; western ungraded, UalJiJi'.! western landlnl, U sUiji'. Ohicago Grain and Produce. Chliajjo, June 21. Under prospects of enor. mcui ciops the wheat inirkct showed e.Uieme tteakii.j today, the beplcmber delliery io,lna '.;e. lower, lM-pteinher toin ilosod v. doan; S'ptembei oats, '.-.aii'. lower and piovUiun, front Sjific. to Iji. Uo.mi. C.ijh iuoljtiom wrie as follows: I'lour Hull; No. '. tprin wheat, ta7lX'. ; No, J, otJJab'i.; No. 3 red, Wiatii'si,. ; No. 2 com THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Lines, j CnU for Each Extra Line. for Rent. For Rent, About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. Olt HKNT-r'ottace at Lake Wlnola. wltli H modern Improvementi and two boils. Apply t-'ied II, Stark, Tradiia' Hank bulHlnR. KOIt RKNT 1 room bouse, corner Wayne avenue and Putnam shut: hot and mid wiitet. none but una 1 1 family need apply. 1T0J Wajne nienue WO Olir:i:V Itllini: srnKCT, ten mnim. mmlein Improiemenlsj steam heat furnished: desir desirable. For Sale. KOIt SAf.i: -At lllcbhind faun, near Hilton, one lalije oncl woik hor.e. one biy tnaie. with font, two biy i'olt, me inrrel roll, four m, two helfern, one I, Hue market w iroii, willi plat foim hprlnir, one lop buu'Ky. Appl.i at l.iitn, or P. II. Clcmoin, (l .Me.ii building, Si union. Pa, Real Estate, KOIt SAIX-MiilIc house, Sill Wih,tei aieniie. Ten looms stcdiu heat. Ii, 1". Hi' nolila, Council buildlns. HAND'sOMi: PLOT at Kai'loi.wille, beautifully situated: few minutes fiom atatinu. I'os. escs hnely iliw of Mirtniiudlm; imiiitiy. Will nit to suit bu.iei. Pi lies eiy low. Addict W. 1', ll.iekrll, Ileal Ivdile, llanton, I'.i. $l,RnO Iluyn all-room, sinslc nouse, coed well. Lot 1110x200, Keianton street, Dalton, l'a. WrIM A- Krator. fl.snn lluji tiiilltllnir lot, WxV,n. Wheeler ave nue. Wells & Kater, llurr llulldlnff. $J,900 Uuji double bouse, 7 room on a side, all imprmementJ, exiept gas. Dean 6trect, Piovi denee. Wells k Krator. For Sale or Bent. FOII SAM-. OH UFA I'. New double house o-i liiduo How, adjoinlm: resideme of .1. 11. Hissell. Ilhien noma on eaeli side. One 'side lenls foi -III. Priie, $Som '" Hejnolds Conuell biiililing. Wanted To Buy. ANTt:i) HI nt V (ioml faniil.i hoi-e, wilh or without palliate, or liht w.toii. T. I. Trubody, tj Cu..l Kili.ilij;c. Rooms and Board. LIICK front room with board for two gentle men, 416 Adams aicnuc. Furnished Booms. ll.i:.S.NT I'l HXtvli:il mom: all lonienieni , lery ienti,il, pinate ramily. Addiess I'.ov fj. 'I i ibune, FOR ltF.NT One laifre fiuni-bed fiont loom; also one i.ide loom, 317 Adams aiemie. Jl'-c.i No. 2 .lellow, tiVjiSr.: No. 2 o.ili, 2" La a4i.: No. 2 white, mi.i'ii ; No. .1 while, 27vi i 21".: No. 2 l.ie, 47'jr'ir.: pood feidin l.ul.'y, olai'i.; fan lo ihoivp n: iilmi.', ; N'o. I llac sied, isl.Vi; No. 1 Noithesun, l."."i: priu e linioihy srid. l: nic-.s pink, Alt (IJijiH fli, shoit libs. ,7. m.i- PI: diy silled i-houldei-, 7.1 Ue. I shoit ileal .side-, fs..Vu-. ti; whi-key, t1.J7. Chicago Live Stock Market. hlidi.il, .liii.e 21. I title-Kcieipls. 2,VO, In ilii'linu .Vi 'lenis; Kinerill.i -leuly; Tes.uis, him: pood lo jm mu -to f, ."i.jii.iii..",ii; poor to midtuiu. 1 .i'.r,.IO; stotiis nd tenlei's, slow, V-'.:11 'a I. S-'i, iowj, siiui.s-,; lnufois, 2 7u.'"; i.innci-. s,.ji2n;,; liulls, --,:ili,il; iaHos, $t..V1i CVi: 'I'ei.is led -ions, -I 2'm i. HI, li.n KI.U' 6tin-, nL.VIiI 10; Tpms liull-.r! iJ.7. i l.T.1. Ib.ss - HuilpN l,i..l , 1 -.mill, imnoiinn, I'i.OKIj ps'i unled hit mu, 2.HII I. File i i'l. Iiishii ; .ip nc; toi, ,il.22'..i ; iiu'.ed .ind bul'heis, -i,Ji It. IS: K I o ihom lieu, ri . i .. 'i'ii liniali heavy. I.! i !; lijhl, .", -0hIi0"i; bulk ot -.lies, V,.!i.",iI1.1212. Mieep -Hi'ieipt, ,'i.onO; sheep and lambs, stead: spiin- limbs up lo . .i'l; pood lo ihime wtllu'ls, ,,il.KI; fall lo ilioiie luieil, Nj.'ial.l'; wesleu -liPip, Ii:jj, le.ulin.'S 'I. .'."nt Hi; n.itiie I. mills, li5.2."i: wel-ni IiiiiIk, "f.MJ 21. East Liberty Cnttle. I'a-I tluirilo, Iiiiip 21. -Keicipts Ciltlc, i'l in?; idiipp and liiiiib-, l,"i ais; b"j-, I'l pus. Hiipimuts Cattlp, Hi i, lis; hp p and I imhs, 12 i.i.; h"p-i, ''! i.iis. faille Via's in f.ih -upplv and linn, 4i.2jin. lloj -lleii, ,'ii 17'ji'l "'il; pms, ;i. Plan I.'.. Miecp .ind liniht Ai'ttir and IiIkIici lot boih kinds. Oil Market. Oil 'ily, .lure 21.- fiedii lislinici, 10,i; icit (! tales; nn bid. liipuients, P."i,Hil, aveiase, Wl. jl'l. Huns, 9i,il,;,iu'i.i;i, Si, MO. BASEBALL National League. At llvlnii- R. II. i:. thlia; ii I n il I II Oil 1- ,'l 7 2 llo-loi : II II II 0 il 2 II ' ,1 7 2 ll.illenrf -Hushes and Klin;, l.ason and I'll tinlKi'. Pinpiii N.iih. U New imk- H. II. II. I'm l.iii . it I I nil ll nil ll. 2 1 .1 Ncu iuk II II 0 ll 2 I II II , 'I is i) nineties-- Wilt e, I'litlipp' and Xiiiiiiici ; 1i)'.u( nnd lli'weinuu. I inp'ip ll'lliy, At IliiM.kljn- II. H. i:. I'tiiiiniiiti 2 ll n n n M ll- , 'I 7 ' Hiookl.ii I I I I 7 1 nil '-21 2i 2 llitlciien- I'.uker nnd I'uu: Kuiiied and Me llinie, liupiir lln.iii, Al Philadelphia- It. II. P.. M. I.oiils ,, I ll I II 0 11 n II- 7 u Phll.idelphl.i S 0 II I ll 1 12 I ll.illitlrn-lliiper, Jones and NnliuU; Orlh and MiPailand. I inplio- I'nislii, American League, At llelnn - l, II. !!. I'leieland ..,,,,,,, U 1 u I 1 0 ll ll- y lu I llosioi , I II .1 0 II 0 II 0 I b 1 HiUrilPS-Do'ilinp .iiul Hood: Lewis and Skhliikonpoal. 1 mpiie -M mass in. At I'lilUilelpliii- It. II, 11. ('Iikj'i II I II II II 1 II -J 0- I 7 I'hlladelphla IMI II II II ll II ll 0-ll i, l.ill'Hli bin bulliiau, Piatt and Towels. t.u pill laiitllloii. At llaltiiuorc- , . K, Dettoil ,,,,,,. ll ll ll 2 110 1 HO-:i ,i ,i Ualtlinotc U2 (I U U 1 I II - I II .1 Hattuies t'lonlu mil Shaw; Milllitnliy and Koblnsun. Pinpitc sliclidjn and I'onuoll, At Washington U, II. K. Milwaukee. ,..,,,.,,11,10.11)112 0 11-111 11 W.ishiiiRton lll0fHill3()-3 il ft llatleilisKeldy and Maloue; t,'ear, C'artiik and titid. I'uiplie Haskell. Eastern League. Toronlo, 2: ts.iui'ise, 1. Monneal, 12: I'lotfilemv, 7,lllit paiue). Monlieal, U; I'loii'knie, j Isciond pjiuej. lUilloid, I,; Ilutlalo, 1. Woiie-sler, llj lioihenler, .1 (hr.t aarne). Woncsier, 0; HoUic.tci, J tseiond iimn). 3 Mare Wanted. 10 CT,XTS Wll.li ii" paid for Tribune dated Dee, .ii, isw. Jriiiunc oniie. WANTKIl Horse and Iniftrty lor the aumnier by Krnlltinaii wlm Hips three miles from hli work and wishes to drlte baek and forth worn. Iiik and pienlmi. Will pay moderate priie, Addrevs P. K., P. O. Ilox 17(1, Krnntoti. WANTi:t)-A iarpe house nf twelie to llfteen rooms' miuble for n Mrsl ilass boudliip hcuse: must be down town and leiy lentral. Adc'riM W. T, llarkitt, Heal jt.ite Imlldliv. WANTDD-t.idles and pentlemen tor peiinui"iil posllloiii!, Im-nl work, ViO.Ilt) per month! 7MK) per month nnd pxpenses In traipl. Apply aflrr iipnnn or pieiilnRs. It. M. miiiIcri, Irilnp Hotel, Sranloii Pa, Help Wnnted Male. I'lVlli M'NVK'i: flouinniPjit positions Aliout ti,.1ixl appointnienta midp list e.n. I'roh. nidi lll.mHI this leai. Only n loiumon si h"ol idmation leiiulied. I'al.ilopue of lnforin.lt inn fne. C'oluniluin IVriraiioiitlonic L'olleRP, nh. Inplon. I). C. WANTKI) llnerpetlp, trustwoilhy .loimp: man, peim.inelit position, must be well rriom- mnideil, ."jll deposit teiiuiiid, 11 liter, ".12 Meats lliilldlnp. WAYIKtl S.ili'smin. triiellnp or local! weekly salary paid. llerrlik Seed Co , Rochester, X. Y. Help Wanted Female. mi'Nt: I.M1IKS eier.iwheic etslly i.nn H wiek 1 1" aildipsstiii; emilopes home pienlnps. Any qn-in'titv fuinlshed. Sind addiessed envelope, parlieulars. Jlanaper, ikpt. H'.t, Ho ltiOO, Phil adelphla. Salesmen Wautsd. WANTPD-'salesnian: permanent. Perry X. V. 7.'i mouthlv and expenses: Nuispiy Co., Rochester, BRANCH WANT (imciffi. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.nCRT srilLlJTZ. corner Mulberry rtieet and Welister aienue. CUSl'AV I'IC'HLL, 6J0 Adams avenue. West Side GCOROK W. JUXRIXS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton PltEJJ L. TERPPE. 72'J Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. V. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Bidge CHARf.KS P. JONES, 1057 Dickson avenue. '. J. .I0IINS, M0 Orecn Rinse street. C. I.ORE.N'Z. lotncr Washington ave- nuc and Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KX1.ITIX, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. HONE k bOX. Boarders: Wanted. HOARDERS WANTi'l) dimmer hoarders can 8ml plea-.ml looms am' pood table boaid in pri vate f.itnilv at IMI ton; lirae lawn and fine shade. Addiess, o K 1'rlbune rtftlic. Mranton, Pa. WANTK11 Table boirders. Wnsblnpton avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, 531 Money to Loan. MONEY to loan on improved city real estate. HF.Mlv ui.i.irt, an. ri!,iS. II. WELLES. THOMAS SPRAGtlE. js3)0,i)0i) TO r.OAX Lowest rates: stralpht or monthly pnymcnls. Smrk k CoMTraders' bldg. ANY AMOl'NT OF MO.NBV TO LOAX-Quiik, cirl.ii l,,ms or lliilldlnp and Loan. At fiom t to 0 per i t to ) per imt. Call on X. V. Walker, Sll-il'i fonnell bulldinr. Business Opportunity. "NOW IS 'HIE TIME to make money" in Mnpks ami pi tins. Whip fm partieulats. Arthur It. .Ioiips , Ln., Iliokeis, 2ii, Chiiapo Mock E ibanae llldir., liii.ipo. Memlicis I liieapo Hoard of Tt.ide and oilier iMlitnces. Buffalo Hotels. 110 TEI. P.I.MHI'lltsI'. llitllalo, X. Y directly in fiont of l.imoln Paikway rntrame to expos'- lion, in lull view of r.ielitly illiiiuinatlon and all punteihnie displa.vs. Rale., l.00 up. Situations .Wanted. MtTATlOX WANTEH bv a wonian to go out ihv waybill,', irnnlns or i leanlncr, Pleaa all oi .nidiev, Mrs. M. Ilttortll, 121') Ccdtr ave nue, lit. bill VI'ION W..sn:i)-Hy vonnp woman, with ihlld ibii'p iai old, .h liousekeeper or hot;.-ewoik. Addtcis, .M Ivressler iQiirt, City, bl'll VI'ION WANTED-An experienced coaihman u'utilil 'like a aitiiillon with a private family, Tinipci.Hi.' linn and a vpiy .ireful driver; tin deistands pcneral woik around a private place; wilh lefuciiics. Address, Coaihmaii, 3Jt Tcnn .ivtnue, MMWIH'S WANI''l-ny 1 widow- n mil in to eo otil bv uav iv.itini. ,i"ni", oi ,-ir..iuiiu. 'le.ioe tall or addiiss, Mi. Hustell, 1210 Cedar I avrnue, nt. Sill A' VI'ION WANTED -H' middle-aped woman as nu-ik'upci' in widuivei'.- Liiiiil ; can rIvp. tefeiciiic.1. Ad.lte-,n J. II., i Tvuniy.tliird tlreet, r-t tauten. bill VUOX WANTED-Hy a 0"Hfr man to go to Mime Milium r Kwnl and act as a hotel clerk for thf 'ii"i""- stih Hy temperate and lionet .i.in liirnUlj best of refcicnuc. J. P. ,, 'llibunp olliie. Sill VI'ION' A.M'ED Dirmiuakir, Rood littci, ' finiii I'hllidelpbia, tlesite.s a few ensagementsj Jl 5U a da hi vvlll taku work home, AcldtcM, li,ii7 IMiksou avenue. NUTATION WANTED -H.v ' first rluss lionlt-kerp. ' ei wilh Ishtem .vears expoiieme, to woik two or thin' liourt. ilail "" l 0' books in Ihc ill-, lint" l'J rea.onablc, Addrcsj, fipcrt Tii'bmte Olliie. I'IRnP I'I.AnS I'OACintAN" dcirrs a altiutlon wilh a private I mill; well expeiienced and a lapable nun; ttriilly teuipciate and under, al.ind gelieial woik about pllvate plaie. Ad. dico, J. Iv , :l Pinn avuiue. N TEW -Situation aiound genlleman's plaic Of jaiiiior wuik. b. D. M., U Webater avi'itue. siriA'ITOS ANTEl-l)y young nun to do mu kind of vvork or working in prjiato (am. ilv oi'diiviiio' a itroiery wagon. Address iara ot J,'imcx Hloili. rear U 1718 Price street. SUTATIOX WAXTKl-Ily a man grading or lajing sidewalks, or fixing fences or cutting lavvivs, or any kind of woik. Call of addicaj UX) I'tovldence road. Ml UATIOX WANTEa-'l-ruslworthy, reliable oung man, good hibita wanti porter noil:. Good penman. Salary optional, j'fustworlhy. Tribuno Office. blTl'ATTOX WASTEI A3 watih maker; 25 years experience; reteremes. Robert 1'. bmith, gen. eral delivery, bll'LAl'IDX WAN1ED-Hy a woman to go out by day washluj, itouing or cleaning, Pleaa tall or addrc Mij. HuaocU, 121'i Cedar avenue city. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than Pour Llnet, a Centt (or Each Btra Line, PKOFE98IONAL. i..Hj--w'xi,snO. - -'----,-- Certified Fublio Accountant. CmVAniJ C. SPAULDIKO, 23 TBADEB3 BASI uuildlng. Architects EDWAnn it. DAVia, AnciiiTECrr, conneia rutlldlng. FitEnERicK h. nnowx, arch, r reai! hstate Kichange Dldg,, 12H Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. Ii. HAllDIKf), fiOfl CONNEt.li BUILDINfl. Dentists. Hit. O. E. EILEXDEnGEIt, I'AULI BUILDISO. Spruce street, Scranton. Dlt. O. C. fcAUHACH, 115 WYOMIXO AVKNOE Illustrator. EAPERIF.Nt'El) lllusliator and draftsman ot me tbinlial and inp hind work, drawings for engiavlnits In all bum lies, commercial work and book illustiatlni.' a pcilally. Eatlmatea anil samples iiiiiiMiiil. AddtCM Box 307, Siranton. Lawyers. FRANK E. IIOYMI, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 11, lti and IS flurr building. P. K. TRACY.ATT'Y.COMMONWEALTH DLDtl! D. It. HEPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOAXS XECO Haled on real entate heeurity. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce titrcct, W1I.LARD. WARHEX k. KN'APP, ATTORNEYS and counscllorsatdaw. Republican building Washington avenue. JESSt'P k JESSUf. ATTORNEYS AND rOHS. ti'lloidat-Iatv. Commonwealth building, Rooiru 111, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER, A1TORXEY. B00M9 OOn-OOl, oth floor, Mears building. ; I- A. WATTIES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k. WILCOX, TRADERS' NATION Ali Bank building. C. COMEOYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. V. BFRTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO 10. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASUlXaTOS DR. W. avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 33!) WASH. ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kldncj-s and genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to t p. m. Hotels and Besturants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN? avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIdLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. P-- senger depot. Conducted on the Eurcj-vkS plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprio',. Scavenger. A. B. BRICGS CLEANS TRIVY VAULTS 1AU cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps uexl. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders lino North Main avenue, or Eicke'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones Seeds. Unt. C. R. CLARKE & CO., SEEDSMEN AND KtJRS crymen, 6tore 201 Washington avenue; grem houses, 1950 North Main avenue; store tele phone. JS2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 811 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer o( Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDFJl: also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EX v elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE WILKESBARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at tin" news btands if Rehm.ini Bros., 406 Spruce and 50J Linden: M. Norton, J22 Lackavvinna avenue; I. S. Schlatter, 2U Spruce street. LEGAL. NOTICE IS heieby given that the pirtnerahirr latelv Hibsisiing between A. II, Rogers and! V. O. Major, bolh of tho city of Siranton, eotm tv of Laikawanna and state of Pennslvania. doing Inuineas, tinder the Dim name of Roger k Major, lias epitcd pit this, nineteenth day o! lime, A, I), ind, and that the Arm aforesaid lias been dissolved by mutual lonsent, Al! debts owing to the said partnership arai to lip received by tin said A. II. Rogers and all deminds on tho said pailnership are to be pre. Fentcd, to liini, the said A. II. Rogers, "pr pjy went. A. H, Rorir.ns, N. O. MAJOR. ' WALTER E. DAVIn, Attorney. S'lOCKHOI.DERS' MEET INC The annual meeting of lite stockholder!, of the Colliery Engineer unn.... ..Ill 1,a li.U a, ,I,a nanAFI ,fl., , ! UIIIJI.111,1 ... .' .,..,. a ...u v.l,-,n. UIIIIC1 , the company, r-iranton, Pa,, on Monday, June 2llh, 1WI, at ! o'cloik p. in,, for the eleelirn of directors and Hip lnnvi,tlnii ot stnh other business ai may propeily pomp befotp the melt ing. hTANLEY P. ALLEN, Secretary. Proposals. PROPOSALS. For a short time proposals will be teceivrd for a lease, to cover a term o yean, ot the proposed new building at ,122 l.acki vvanni avenue. Building would be erected to suit tenants. Can be had entire building o( four Boots and basement, or upper doots above mala Btoro floor, For details see M. Norton. FINANCIAL. mmTsAsiL R E EX SAFESTl Money Will nam Big Monthly rjocTI Returns, Btai! The Investor's Fund Pays SemI-monthlyw The oldest established In America. No crrtifleat holder has ever lo.st a rent, Payments made tot all subscribers every l"i days. No double. No delay. Money refunded on demand. Write to day for pitticulars, free to any address. C, E. Maekey & Co., Hudson Bld'g., New York, Bond Offerings. Paying 3-J to S rirooUlyn Kdlson 1st 4s, dies, & Ohio, It. & A. Div, 1st Con. 4s. Evans, & Terro Haute 1st Con. 6s, Iowa Gen, Hy, Co. 1st 5s, Louis., N. A. & Chic, Chic, & Ind. Dlv. 1st 6u, Mexican Central "fly. Con, 4s. Dj Missouri Paclflo Trust 5a. ,7 Minn. Gen'l lileo. 1st Con. 5s. Mob, & Ohio, Montgomery Div, lat 5s. Wu Grande Western 1st 4s. ! St. U, Iron Mt. & So. Itefd. 4s., Complete Circular List on Application, "STATISTICAI TABLES." 100 i (PpcHet- Edition) Now Ready Spencer Trask & Co 27-29 Fine Street, 65 State Street. Albany, N. Y. NEW YORK