Tw p n- 3a(H . lfS-. ' jfj-v'- tff sii .'ysr r v 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901. jyn.j, WEST SCRANTON GRADUATES OF NO. 13 SCHOOL NAMES OF PUPILS WHO WILL ENTER HIGH SCHOOL, Closing Exorcisos Held Yeaterday in Prof. David Owona Room Child ren Day tit Plymouth Church Tomorrow Auction Sale of Child ren at Salvation Army Events of Today West Side Tennis Club Will Play News Notes and Per- sonala. Tho teucliPiH nntl pupils of llio West Sernnton public schools wore busily engaged yestetdtiy In muklut? their . Ilnal examinations mid preparation' for the usual promotion.-,. At No. 13 school, twenty-live out of n class of twenty-nine isif(i(.t .OiocTtlsfiilly for admission Into the High school next terin, and No. H will send a class of eighty, the largest In the history of the. olty, while No. It! will send seven pupils. The ("Irainmnr 1? No.. IS, l!i, at and enter tho lirainninr nt No. 1) school. mid e pupils nf "-' will next term U mul O grades PromntloiiH were made In all of the other school room grades according to nieilt. Tin; mimes of the graduating class of (Irainniar A from No. la school, of which l'rof. David Owens Is principal, are as fol lows: Nellie House, Kmnia Kd wards, Tela Heck, rtachael James, Anna John, Anna Jones', Jane Jones, Stella Jones, Kiln. Jones, KllKiiheth Lewis, Amanda Morgan, Irene Moses, Carrie Peters, Kdna. Parsons, Flossie Kundle, Mary Knlnoy, Kva 'I'liomas, Clara Vclth, Annie Williams, Bertram Thomas, "Wilfred Thnnuis, Kllsworlh Williams, Klmer Collins, ."Michael Tulfy, W. W. JUivK The class prophecy at No. 1,1 sclinol was made by -Miss Kllzabclh Lewis, who foretold the future of her class mates In a very pleasing and amus ing manner. Duets were rendered by Nellie House and fda Heck, and Anna nnd Stella Jones. Kva Thomas and Amanda Moigon recited, and Clara Veith gave an instrumental solo, l'rof. Owens was obliged to sing the Popular song, "Dolly Gray" before bchool closed. Auction Sale of Children. The mueh-lalked-cf "Auction Sale of Children" was held at the Salva tion Army barracks, on Price street, Inst evening, and while it did not at tract as large a crowd as expected, HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES OR SAI.E AT G. W. JENKINS', Giving Up Millinery For want of room. That's our position in a nut shell, consequently the entire stock on hand is being Offered for One-Half and OneFourth Present season's values. Everything is of the latest and best, and there are no chestnuts or shop-worn goods in the department. Just a Few Price Examples Fine straw sailors, all sizes and really good makes. 1 Q . Choice 1t They're all up to date styles. Ladies trimmed hats, neat styles andworth four CA- times the sale price... This lot is full of surprises. Scores of Other Millinery Ladies' Underwear Only one of many specials named here, Ladies' Ecru Vests, fine ribbed and beautifully finished, with or without wing and with low necks. The 25c 1Q s quality at......... 1L -Notions Department The New Suspender Clasp f Belts, for ladies' wear, in a ifull range of plain and fancy -colors, will be sold to- C tnorrow for Jv ' nen's Furnishings , Men's Dollar Negligee ! Shirts, a full new line of nig", grade negligees for to morrow, but they're not like ordinary $1,00 shirts, because they are not. Choice jI AA ou Saturday piUU Globe Warehouse AN those who did nttend tvere evidently pleased with tho entertainment pi" vlcleil, The exercises opened with ro citations and singing by the children, and then came the alleged auction, sale. This was nothing more than a means of allowing that Christianity cannot bo outbid by pleasure, fashion, fame, education or money. The auc tioneer was George Capwell, and the different characters were represented by Mrs. Itoberts, Mrs. Price, Mr. House, Samuel I.lbby, David Jones and (.'nptnln Price. The latter followed with a short talk on the value of Christianity, nfter which the children nnd patrons weio served with Ice orenin nnd enkc. . t Children's Day Exercises. The n initial Children's Day exer cises will ho hold tomorrow morning nnd evening at the Plymouth Congio gational church, which will take the place of the regular services, The Home school will render In the morn ing what Is known as "The Churactcr Building Service." Tho programme will be under the direction of Super intendent K. 10. Kvans and Chorister Oomer Iteese. At 2.15 p. m., similar exercises will be held nt the Sherman Avenue mis sion Sunday school. A chorus or seventy-live children will be heard and musical and literary features en Joyed. These exercises will bo re pented at the Plymouth church In tho evening, commencing at 7.30 o'clock, under the direction of Chorister Klehnrd Phillips and Organist Kllm beth A. Marchnnt. Racing on the Speedway. That tho owners of three local horses might satisfy themselves ns to the relative merits of their respective steeds. Albert Wicks, "William limning nnd Mr. Scott, all of North Hyde Park avenue, arranged a friendly match race, which was run recently on the Klnihurst boulevard speed way;. The first beat was won by "Wicks' horse, the second by Scott's and the thlid by the AVecks horse, which was declared the winner by Boferee( Henry Justin. Another match between the some horses Is being arranged for a date to be anonunced Inter. West Side Tennis Club. The following games have been ar ranged for today by the "West Side Tennis club: Mixed singles Charles 1". Daniels, Mabel Crist: men's singles John It. Kd wards, Herbert Chatflcld; mixed doubles Oeoigo Waters. Anna May; Tllchnids, Palmer Williams, Anna Mason: mixed singles Eli Harris, Edna Evans. Entertainment and Social. The following programme will bo rendered this evening at the talent social and entertainment, which will be held at the homes of Miss Esther Hughes, 312 Thirteenth street: Piano s-olo,Alda Atkinson: recitation, Annie Thomas: violin solo, Cordelia Owens: recitation, Rlodvvin Jenkins; piano solo, Mlts Laura De Gruchy; rccita- High class trimmed mil linery of exqusite Workman ship, choicest materials, artis tic creations for ladies of taste who appreciate style and quality combined. Prices $5.00, $3.00. $1,98 QO Fine pattern hats idcluded in above quotations. Bargains Just as Attractive Ladies' Waists Beautiful Gingham Shirt Waists, made with full front and tucks and pleats in back. A fiue one dollar waist TQr Art Department Two great items for Satur urday shoppers; iS-iuch Ruffled Satin Pil lows, in beautiful art A Cr designs tJL 20-inch Plaiu Top, Ruffle Pillows, very hand- ZC- some..,,., ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, "Jv lion Naomi Clrimthsi aolo, Sarah Lewis, whistling solo, B. F. Hughes quartette piano solo, Esther Hughes. Funeral of B, Langford. ItflV. H, C. McDeimolt, poslor of tho Simpson Methodist Kplscopnt church, officiated at the funeral of the hito llonjnmln Langford yesterday afternoon, The services were bold at tho house, 132 South Seventh street. The pnll bearers were ,T. A. Nlcholls, W. A. Itortreo, John Lynn and John Klnnncry. The Interment was made In Cambria cemetery. Jnckson Street Baptist Church. The board of trustees think It wlso lo extend the time for the return of tho talent money to July 17 Instead of June 20. A business meeting will ho held nt tho close of the prayer meeting Thurs dny evening, June 27, Business of Im portance Is to come up, Wo go on a Joint excursion this yenr with the Penn Avenue Baptist church to Lakn Loitmn. Tickets for adults will only be 0 cents, and children, :!0 cents. Let us see how many can come. July It. Kvott things up on the board at the end of June, Tho choir gave a good concert to Olyphant this week before an appre ciative audience. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Misses Elizabeth Davis. Ma Hughes mid Esther Hughes will conduct a talent .social this evening at 321 Thir teenth street, for tho benefit of the Jackson Stieet Baptist church. Miss Esther Davies, of South Main avenue, returned home yesterday af ternoon from Manslielil State Normal school. The services In the I.ollevue Welsh Cnlvinlstlc Methodist church tomor row morning at 10 o'clock will bo in the Welsh language; In the evening at fi o'clock, la the English language. Sir. D. N. Dershimer. of Blakely. is (he guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Der shimer, of South Mnln avenue. Evangelist Niebel preached from Hie Clospel wagon tc a large crowd at the corner of Main avenue and Jack son street last evening. The Franklins and Columblas made a very creditable showing In the par ade Inst evening. Joslah Thomas, of Decker's court, was injured in the Oxford mine on Thui.Mlyy by n falling clutch. Thomas Francis, of Bloom street, was Injured by a fall of roof in th" Believue mines on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Evans, elnugh tor, Stella, and son, Daniel, will leave today for the Pan-American ex position. DUNM0RE DOINGS. Commencement Exercises of Bor ough High School "Will Be Held Thursday Night. Tile commencement exercises of the Dunmore High school will br held on Thursday evening, June 117, at "Wash ington ball. The class this year num bers seventeen, twelve being In the commercial course, and five In tho gen eral course. The valedictory and salu tatory honors were carried off by Miss Agnes Oillngan and Miss Sara. Byrne, respectively. Those in the general course were: Misses Agnes Oilllgan, Sam Byrne, Jennie Davis, Eleanor 1 Murphy and Earl Altenioso. Those In the commercial course were: Misses Eva Clcary, Mary ('!. May, 'Catherine A. llaggerly, Nellie O. Clark, Helen II. O'Malley, Margaret A. McGlIl, Min nie E. Perdou Campe, Catharine J. Corcoran, Nellie O. Duffy, and Messrs. James J. Carroll, Walter E, J.lsk, Pat rick F. Starkey. Tho following programme will he rendered: Class song; salutatory. Miss Sara Byrne; reading, "Sherman's March," P. Starkey; essay, "Power of the New Century, Jennie Davis; ora tion, "Advance of Journalism," "Wal ter J.isk; song, ".Morn P.ise," class; essay, "Wanted, a Roy," Eleanor Mur phy; reading, "The Second Trial," Mary May; rending, "As the Moon Hose," Nellie Chirk; song, "Down In the Dewy Dell," class; oration, "Mon roe Doctrine," Earl; essay, "Business Education," Eva. Cleary; song, "The Fisherman," class; vale dictory, "The Influence of Good liter ature," Agnes Oilllgan; address, Hew O. S. Warner; presentation of diplo mas, by A. E. Haggerty, secretary of school board; farewell song, class. At the Ohurchea. Dunmnt'o Presbyterian church Hev. W. F. (ilbbons, pastor. Services at 10.110 a. 111. and T.Iif) p. in. Morning .subject, "Fellowship in Christ." At the evening service the pastor will begin a series of sermons on "Home Religion." Sunday school at 12 o'clock, Tripp Avenue Christian church lie v. J. D. Dabiioy, pastor. Morning topic, "Tho Old mid tho New"; evening topic, "What Calvary Is to Me." Sun day school at 10 o'clock; men's meet ing at CIS p. m. Kverybody made wel come. First Methodist Kplsenpal church l!cv, Charles Henry Newing, pastor. Services nt 10,:i0 a. m. and 7,;:0 p. in. Tho pastor will preach both morning and ovenlng, Morning subject, "Tlie Why of Prayer"; evening subject, "The Center of tho Univeri-e." .Sunday school ut L',"0 p, in, Mid-week church prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 7.45 o'clock. Borough Brovitea, Tho Woman's Christian Tomperanco union held a very successful social at tho homo of Amos AVaslier, on Shoe maker avenue, last night. Largo num bers wero In attendance, ami a neat sum will bu added lo tho society's treasury us a result of the nffalr, Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Pres byterian church will hold their basket plcnio at Nay Aug Park today. All members of the church and congrega tion are urged to ho present at least part of tho day, Prof. M. D. Hovard has returned from Stroiidshurg Normal school, where ho was ono of the state examining board, Ho reports that tho students from this place were all successful hi passing tho cllflteult examination of the statu board. Thoso attending school there from tills placo are the Misses Lucy Heal, Mabel Kelly, Hose McDonald and Kathryu McDonald, Among the graduates at Wyoming seminary this week wns George Kills, of Church street. Ho has succeeded In taking the three year course In two years and was un honor man In his class. Mrs. Kllleen and Miss Sallle Yost, of MeKeensburg, aro visiting at Oscar Yost's home on Hlakcly street. Mr, and Mrs. Holllday, of Hawley, aro visiting ut Hoyal Tuft's, on Hluf ly street SOUTH SCRANTON COMMENCEMENT AT 8T JOHN'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Diplomas Were Conferred Upon tha Graduates by Rev. E. J. Molley. Programme Rendered by the PupllB-Baby Show This After noon in Connell Park Frizes That Aro Offered to the Prnttiest Babies, Philip Clifford of Stono Avonue Had His Hand Injured. The annual commencement exercises of Ht, John's parochial school were held yesterday afternoon In tho school on Fig street, when diplomas were con ferred upon the following graduates by Hev. E, J. Melloy: Christopher T. Bo land, Thomas J, McDerntott, Helen B. Mangiin, Anna B. l.iivelle, Margaret It. Haggerty, Mary V. l.uiigan, Bridget L. Brown and Agnes C. Kcnrdon. After the graduating honors were conferred an entertainment was given by tho pupils, at which the following pro gramme was rendered: l'lourr Mrcclhiir Minims Piano-), Atiiwn II. CooU, M. Hoilip, 1.. Coj nc. M. llolaml. Utile PriMler Small Ilnys .rrnmpani-ln, Ml urn S. TIitiw' ami II. Iloljnil. itll.'fiHn-f.ori. MM A. Lnvclle Cinderella. In flower I.iml Imonilo Opcietla AcToniuiiiK K, 'I lei my nnd M. Poland. t'.WI' OF CIIAUACJTKIIS. IfcNy-OiniliMclli .Mix M. Kilcoyiiu Tiscr I.lly and Holly Uncle, Proud Sister. Miis C, Mnnny, MKh V. 0'M.illey I'lince Sunshine M.i'lcr 0. Denipscy lloliln lied M.Kler K. OllllH I'n My floei-Mollicr Miss A. Kelley Violin Solo M.nter M. Smith Star llrlli Boys I'miiim, Mifive.s A. I..ivcl!n and M. Tlicj 'Jen Virgin (pantomime) Seniors Iteritod hv Ml.i II, llinwn. Itecll.ition (Selit'lrd) Mnter C. T. Roland I'honn, liny-. Summer Glee Donlrclte l', Miv! A. I. nolle. Mai'p of Kom-s Piano?, )lf.p I,, Coyne and A. I.aelle. Violins I', 'iieiney and M. Smilli. Drama SiM.n Jubilee PltA.MAIIS I'l'.IISOXAi:. Silvia, l'roplirliv-, Daughter ol l.ota, Jliw M. O'Malley K-tlier, (jiK'pn of IVi-i.i Misl II, ManKan ll.unpli of Kpliiiam Mater C. T. Floland Z It liia. Ids wife Mim II. Ilrmvn Meklila, Koin.i, It.uliel, Soplionia, Atlialla, JUiinlilet.s of, Mi XI. O'Connor, li-. Xf. T.:uigaii, Xlhs A. Ileardon, II. Xlilion, Xlis A. I.a-u-lle. Ijlem, nlias Inonia Xllss II. Co.iiib lint.1, Xlnllierof Silvia Ml-s XI. Ilaegertv Kpim, tllliier in Court o( IMher.T. ,1. Xrellermnlt 1. idles of tlie Court. llecdamal ion XI.iler T. .1. MtRermntt t'la?s Soiie", Piano. XII- XI. Poland. The exercises closed with an address by Father Melley. Bftby Show. At the lawn social to bo given nt Connell park this afternoon, the chief feature will be a baby show. This Is a novelty on the South Side, hut It Is hoped that all mothers will accept the Invitation to come and bring their little folks under three and a half years of age. Hables will be grouped Into throe sections, and all persons attending the social will have an opportunity to give their decision as to the prettiest In each section. Prizes will be given to the babx- In each section receiving the largest number of votes. Prizes: First group, tinder twelve months, high chair, presented by Helen Council; second group, between one and two years, pair of slippers, pre sented by Nettleton; third group, be tween two and three and a half years, one dozen photos, presented by J. Kemp. A chance on a $ gold piece will be given. The park will be opened by tho city ofllclals at 2 o'clock. NUBS OF NEWS. T'hlllp Clifford, of Stone avenue, had his right hand badly Injured at the South mill yesterday, while braUeing on one of tlie small locomotives, John D. Qulnn, of this sido, lias re turned home, after a year's stay at Notre Dame, Indiana. Joseph HaiinieU-, of Mt. St. Mary's college, .Mel,, Is spending his vacation with his parents on this side. Thomas Uarrett has returned home, after a week's stay at tlie Pun-America u exposition. i no moeting and rehearsal of the iTunger Maennerchor was well attended last evening. After the rehearsal an enjoyable smoker was held, brief ad dresses were made by some of the members a splendid programme followed. Pea Conl $1.50 a Ton Delivered, to South Side, central city and central Hyde Park. Address orders to J, T. Sharkey, 101 1 Cedar avenue. 'Phono GCS3. OBITUARY. Mns, DAvrn olmstkad, of noi- llsterville, died Thursday morning, June 20, after an illness of live weeks, aged -17 years, she Is survived by her husband and eight children. The luneral will take place ut :uo o'clock Saturday afternoon In the .Methodist Kplsenpal church hoie. Interment In HolIIstervllle cemetery. KRV. JOHN A. KVANS, former pas tor of the West Marlset Street Unptlst church, passed away nt his homo last evening, after a lingering illness of twelve months. According to the ex. piessed wish of tho deceased tho fu neral will he strictly private. Details will bo published Inter. MHS. DANIKL COLA.V, of South Main avenue and Hampton street, died last evening. She Is survived by her husband and four children. The funeral will ho announced inter. Funerals, The funeral of the late David O. "WIN liaius will take place this afternoon from tho homo nf David Stephens, on Fourteenth street, Interment will bo made In Washburn street cenietry. The fiinni'al'nf tho S-year-ohl son or Mr, mid Mr. Patrick Hitler, of Fig street, will take place this afternoon trom tho residence. Interment will bo made In the Cuthedral cemetery. The chlhl died Thursday, after a tveek's Ill ness, i A SENSIBLE MAN Would use Kemp's IlaNam tor llio Throat and l.ui'S). It fo curing more Cousin, ('oldi, Att lima, Ilrondiltl', Croup and all and I. unit Troubles than auj i.tlicr Medicine. The tronMoi' ha authorized any diuijijlst to give on u Sample Hot lie l-'uo (o com inc. e ou ol the in i it of ttiU h-reat .remedy. Price 2Jc. iud OU. I i mmWifan n lined liy onr new nroces are lin. penloiii to action of bad water. KTIIAIOIIT. WAV PI'. MI'S are made especially for inlnltiff Motkt Rlc lieltrr iutlfac(lott, nnd lal Ionic rr, tlian nny nllier. Our new I'OUNtlHV brans mid lion, ii tiow In operation, "(loml casllnns when iitomkeil." Scranton steam Pump Co, Tclcplionc, thecn llldi?e lUd, THIS AND THAT. In this week' Imuc ot Hie I'nlleil sidles trensury reports rerehril by Internal Itcicniio Collector 1'. I'. IVntnati tliero npprnri a com ruiiiileullon fiom CoiumlMloner .1. W. Verto. which ehcil." light upon n limtler regn-illni which there linio been many local Impilillei. It iletln Itely Mntr.1 that hank, and ntntloncn o.itmot male ctaliiH ni (renernt ngcuts lor (heir nil toineri tor the ledeinption, o Imprinted Mump-, ptiiclnuctt from them, They may, however, pur. (Iinio the "lamp- back, and, n lion.i fide nwnri, present rhiiina in tlielr ou names for reitemp, Hon, without regard lo the minilicr piiiilnwd from eith ni'lonier. The rc.iioti- ctirn for hanks and MatloiKM not bclmr allowed tn act ? Ren rial aircnts nie, as the nt.itimieis nr ofllciia ot hank- cannnt Kener.illy make nil iillid.uil that their last owners are not Imlililril tn the I'nlled Slates, or they ale tin; bona tide owners of Hie stumps pimenteil for reildiiplion, or such others facts as aio to mpport all rl.iims, they cannot lie ieroKiil.ed ns duly ipulU fled nunits for the pir-cnlatlon of claims tor their cutomeii. Ill all cased whero the.ettnnps sir pnrrha'rrl by banks or utationei-s from the original cus tomeis and claims arc then made for redemption, it will lie neiesMiry In uildllloii to the cviileiiec now reipilred in support of claims for each claim lo ho aciomp.inied by n certitleatc duly sinned by the flirty from whom the Mumps weie pur chased, petting forth the alwiluto sale anil trans, fer of caid stamp! lo rlalni.nit, nnd dhowlnir, in to Hie stamps purchased fiom caili ruslotiier, llio name of the peiion from whom puichaed, ilalu of order upon whieli they weic imprinted, In whose, favor order waa l-iied, the name of the collector who issued It, nnd the name ot the con. tractor who imprinted the stimpi nnd the Hum her of stimps contained tlieuln. Any number o( such may bu covered by one claim, but eacii lot of stamps pirn based trom a customer should be wi.ipped Kepaiately and tlie package fo inaikpcl that it ran be identified on the sclu'd. ale. All Hie stamps colored by the one claim should be placed tosethcr in one package and be m.iiked for ideutllicition, auil foiuaided as in other The mcmliers of select connell who f.nor lie adoption of the otdinanee awarding a fiaiuhie to the Cenlinl Ilapid Tiatisit Stieet Kaitway t otn pany were I'oiiKiatulatini; one another eateiilay at the successful manner in width they pic ler.led Ihemseiies fiom Iriug led Into a hrmitlliil little (rap, whieli they claim was laid for them at Thursday night's meeting by the opponents of the oiilinantc. It will be icmcmbercd the ordinance was called up on second leading by Hie opponents and parsed by a ote of thirteen to seven, tbiee of Hie nirmhois who bavi! here tcfote been iolcntly opposed to its pavage ot iug in faior of it. When Hie cliatr had all iionrrcd that the oidiiiamo bad passed second leading, Mr. UcAndiow, one of its opponents, moled tliat it pass third reading. Scleral per. sons weic suipii-cd tlie next moment to lieir Mr. rirnions, a friend of Hie measure, move il tie postponed, 'this motion prevailed. Surpilsp was e.xptesed thai .Mr. (lemons did lint let Hie nicisiue go to the third anil linat reading when Hie thirteen mrmhcis seemed to be ready to vote for it. Mr. demons evidently knew very well what he was about, as tin: story was rurieiit yesterday that Hie thiee ineuiliirs who tinned and oted for tlie measuie on second read, big merely did so to lead the other side Into agieeing lo let it come up on thiid leading. It is slated that if tie; vote on third reading was taken Hie-e membeis would have voted against Hie ordinance and tliat it would have failed of passage. Then under Hie inles of select council it unild not been brought upon agiin this j oar unless by a two-thirds ote tin rules weie suspended. The opening of Hie slnit waist .enenn calls lo mind the fact that the genuine shitt waist for men wiiiih was promised last season has not been foi Incoming. Mr. White, of tlie Iheodnie A. White Manufacturing company, stales Hut .the shirt waists of our childhood, which were but. toned to kniikeihr.ckeis, have been found want ing, and tint none nf Hie leading manufacturers would w-nturc In place them on the maiket. Mr. White, however, shows beautiful designs in negligee sliiits, whieli contain plaited bosoms and aie cut with a lulliic.-s in the hack which glics the shirt waist q'lfect and makes Hie gar ment cool and rijnfortahlr on a summer day. TkniKinds of these new designed garments for the coatlcvi mm have already been tinned out and they are proiiug to be the most popular negligee sliilt cicr iiiliodiiccd lor Hie Use uf ar-ti-tie dicsscis. Among Hie parliripants in Hie firemen's parade last night was S, II, Stllhvcll, a member of the Siiantnn Hook and Ladder company, who lias been an ailhe member of the'depiituieiit since IMi. lie is an of tho Nay Aug luc ci.mpaiiy and scneil as duel of the file dep.iit merit from lfsTi) to !:.! ii.clusne. At that time only ,",01X1 a jear was appropiiatcd by the illy for appaiatit', ilepiilmeiit e.spenses, piiicba'e of liase, etc. During ex-l liief Stillwi-ll's term an Injunction ,is giantcd by .ludjr llaiidley le sli. lining the city nl'tlt i.ils iimii creating any iiiileblc.lne-S'but Hie older was afterwards modi fied in m lar as Hie lire depailuieut was Uni term il. The d.'pArl incut was then ruuiposeil ti( eighteen companies, Willi live steamen. Only H.'irt a year appropiiatcd for tlie thief's sal aiy, and engineers of steamers leceiicd f 1.10 per annum and liiciuiii of riisliic, stO, One of the leading ailiclei In Hie .bine num ber ot Vanity I'air M llio fust of a nuies of "I'oollight rabies" fiom Hie itr-atile pen of lolin II. Illai l.wocil, fnrinrily city editor of 'I lie Tilbune, who is now iliaiit.itic editor of the Wash ington, P. C, Tunes, .Mr, lllackwnod, in addi tion tn bis wnik on Hie Times, whldi lias at tracted wide attention among theatrical people, occ.slniially funis time or niagabio conlrilm tliais ami the la-t sciles pinml-cs tn Ining lilui lime as an exponent of uptoilate Amcilcau humor. Dr. .fumes (', Wood, of Clucland, O., who was yc-lerdiy elected pre-iihnl of Hie National HouieopaHdi' .Mcillt.ll soclily at llio annual Hirel ing at llitlillclil Spilngs, is well known in Sii.ui toil, lie fieipiently ll-lls llr. Coolldge, who is a tc. Tlie iloclor lias ahtajs shown a KliMl ileal of inteicsl in iiieiltcal mailers heie, p.utitul.iily In Hie welfaie of llio llaliiiemaiiii bn-pltal. He was piisent at Hie til.t m.iillius of llifi fiicnds who compo.-e I In- oig,ini..iloii and spoke iciy cloipieiitiy hi its behalf. In a letter in a fiirinl in this city, Y. N fiolden, physical dim lor at the I'tnii-jlvani i Slate college, slates that he will be in Scram ton fclioitly to look up studuits.for the college, and especially joung men who lane football ciiulllir'. An exiellmt opporluuity will be of bred to young men ilcslit.ii of gelling an nln- Jtion. Mr. (loldtn may lie seen at the V. Si, t'. A. hcadquailcrs dining hl stay in the illy. The liaiici-nme inili.ilt of llie licv. Dr. IMic-rt 1". V. I'li'i'ie, which il nn enliihltlnii nt Mejni1 (lit leii'. em S(HUiO utiiH't, It tlie uiii-ily of W. OiUon .li'iic, v.lm ! u urcit .uliniirr nf tho iloclor'd i'H,rililiic .Ml. .lniit'S lu lint lliu ili luio ihlil.v fuini'il, uilli llio iiitriillem uf iic hcutnig it a ft-,,- il.i,i luiu. - lo :i imilm! Ilii'inl in New Yoik ill. Tin' com ci t In lip ghcii l,v II.ui.u'h ImiuI .it ilu new armory this l'U'iiiiik "ill be lli most pIcuMiit miMial ciinlii nf tin' wivl;. 'Ili iiiiUU'iio drill iimiiii nf llio aiinoi.v N lon-tnutiil for tin' best elicit, in mi'lUiuii,, lie uuiibtliK being nc'iiily I'HlVit. MlM A. Siiiri ami Mb-i l.oui.-o Iuliiinn, ol IliW tit', Merc iiH'inbu-i nf IliU .WJI' uiailnuiiii cIjm at tlu MjlIiii.Ktolt comint, hi W ill.c-.. Il.iuc. Tim c.NculMi mcic! 1 1 c-1 1 1 after nonn, If 1 lie bill elvhc I-U'Cire iniiiity .in a, Mil iun.i 1 law Jii'lee is avcit at 1 Ian I-Ijiii jr ami niuneil b) llio itoicinni-. Attorney WiauU W. WhiMtun will be aiiivluteil Judfo IN DENMARK'S WEST INDIES WHEBB NEGROES SPEAK FOUR LANaUAOES. Many Arc Graduates of Foreign Uni versitiesTransfer to tho United States Will Bring In a Hnco Issue nnd May Ruin., TradeTho, People Do Not Want It. , Tho better informed of the Danish West Indian Islanders (nntl that means soven-tenths ot the popula tion, for the St. Thcmns negro in probably hotter Informed tl-'jin antf other man of his color) arc wntchlng movements In Porto HIco, mul, In fact, all legislation In tho United States which affects Porto HIco. The one resource of tho Islnnd Is the tradlnr Interesls, the daily bread of nearly all the. Inhabitants depends upon the shipping In tho harbor. The drydock, owned by a Hrltlsh syndicate, docs a good business, and there are several ship chandlers of good rating. ' The people look on It as inevitable that the Islands must some day come under American control, as Denmark cariiiot afford to continue tho yearly contribution of $lf,0,000 (approximate estlmnte) to supply tho deficit. The merchants do not seem pleased at what they hear of American progress In rnrto HIco, Kucli a thing ns n tar iff Is unknown here, and such nn In r.tltutloii Is considered an Impossibil ity. With a closed port, tho opinion seems to be that the Islands would be worse off than now. The Hamburg-American Steamship line recently established a coaling sta tion here, which It would have to give i,p should tho port bo closed. Tho French line nlso has a coal clock. These steamship lines arc the heaviest purchasers of supplies here, and It would be a great loss to the Island to lose their trade. THE ItACB QUESTION'. After the question of a free port, the next objection Is the race question. It Is an exception to meet a white man here. The average American is sur prised at the intelligence of the col oreel people. Mauy of them have been graduated from French, English or Herman universities, and their general knowledge of world affairs Is astonish ing. It Is not rare to llnel a St. Tho inian who speaks with apparent equal fluency Kngllsh, French, Cicrman and Danish. "If wo come under the American flag how will be looked upon by the Ameri can people'.'" asked a prominent mer chant, who Is a negro. "We are na turally anxious to know what our sta tus will be. Now, we can send our children to Europe to be educated, and they will be received with the respeqt duo them. We aro colored, hut we have the refinement and education of the white man, and we feel we are their equals. We can go to England or on the Continent without embar rassment. Now, can you mention a hotel in New York or any other Ameri can city where wc would dare to reg ister. "If wo come under American rule our trade must be with America. Could we go to the "United States to purchase our stock without being hu miliated V" Should the United Slates acquire these islands she will have a dlfllctilt problem lo solve In the race question. As a rule, however, the residents here seem to expect annexation nnd are prepared to meet the inevitable, but they want to know at once the out come of tho negotiations, which have been under way for nearly two years. It is generally believed that, should the United States acquire the islands, the governor of Porto HIco will bo placed in charge with power to ap point subordinates. The government ofllces are now mostly held by llauish subjects. Ou account of their color the St. Thomlans do not expect to succeed the retiring Danes. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Closing Exercises Conducted at No. 25 School Programme Rendered. Other News Notes, No, "." sehonl held Its closlnff oxer cle.s yesterday iniirnlng: In tho audl teiiliuii eiC the school, on the third Hour. The programme wns opened by the slnKiiiK of "America," followed by an orBan .soln by Louise Norton, tho youngest organist or pianist ' in this part nC the city, Sophia Snyder recited a selection, mul Miss Marlon Hill played a violin solo, accompanied by Prof, Itlchard II, Martin, principal of the school. Ono of the principal selections ren dered during the progrr.innie was a. solo by .Miss ficrlrudc Norton, en titled, "Kvery Unco IIus u Flag but the Toon," which ho sang In a clear soprano voice. Others on the programme were Kdiiii Williams, recitation; I.oulso Norton, solo; t'laia Snieed, rondliig; I.ottle Ileale, violin solo; Helena llol lister, recltiitlon: .selection by twelve girls from Uraiiiiiiar IV grado; rcclta t loll, Katie AleNiiintiru. Diplomas were distributed niuone; tlio niembers of the class which left tho school. In tho Churches, "illd-suiiiiuer morning services will be held nt the North Main Avonuo H.iptlst church. In the evening, preaching at the regular hour; sub Jei't. "Knoch Walked with (lod," ('hlldii'u'.s Pay bus right of way the Christian church tomorrow. Illteen-niliiiito talk by tho pastor the children at 11 a. in., followed the regular sermon. At 7,110 p. in. nt A to by a missionary prograiiimo by the school, "The Hot lor Way," Voting People'.t Society of Christian Kndeavor at 0.13 p. Hi Told in a Few Liues. Miss Klorenco Wullicr, teacher at No. .'.1 school, and her sister, Mary Walker, Instructress at the Oral school, loft yesterday for HiilTalo, N. Y where they will spend ton days, then go to Michigan and thence to llielr home in New York shite, whoio they will spend the summer months. Miss Kinlly l.'dgar. of Oneoula, N. Y., is spending' a few days with friends in this section. Thonias Kvans, of Parker slreot, was urrnlgiu'd before Alderman Myers yesterday morning on tho charge ot" assault nntl battery and threats, the charges being preferred by his wife, Sarah Kvans. After a boa 1 1 n.7. he was committed to tho county Jail in ilelault of '.'too ball, An address nf great Interest and I un "Our Minerals, and How They value on ilfefe, Am Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method and bcneflctal effects of the well known remedy, Svnur of FitiB, manufactured by the, CAMFonmA Km Sviiup Co., Illustrate, t lovaliioof tibtuinliitf tho liquid laxa tive, principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and prcsontlnt thcmln tho form most refreshing to tho tasto nnd acceptable to tho system. It Is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleanslnr- tho system effectually, disponing colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly nnd enabling-ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objootionahlo quality and sub htancc, and its acting on tlio kidneys, liver nnd Iwwcls, without weakenine or irritating" them, make it tho ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs aro used, as thoy aro pleasant to tho tast;, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy nro obtained from senna one! other aromatic: plants, by a mothoel known to the California T'lo-Srnnp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, pleaso reinembcrthofullnamooftlioCompany printed ou tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FKANOI8CO, OA.I,. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW lOBJC, N. T. Forailo by oil Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. Scott & Co, Our Introductory Sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear i Which Opened MONDAY Continues Throughout the Week. In adding this department to our Blowing business, the same high! standard that characterizes our other lines has been strictly adhered to, nnd wo have no hesitancy in pro nouncing our lino the equal in all re spects to any ever shown in thl market. With regard to PRICES We would only say tliat an comparl son you will find them CORRECT Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, . Night Gowns, Etc Wo are showing in the very ..newest, conceptions and exclusive styles, handsomely trimmed either in lace or embroidery or as simple as you wane them. Corset Demonstration Af This Week To which yen aro Invited. 126 Wyoming Ave jfK, i'5 13 Inleresiril n ml bIiouHI know about llio won (Infill MARVEL Whirling Spray llii'liwft5li"illjrlnt.. "ii,'i,c tinn Snrtlim. .HftSt 'lf s? in IS i i -U' S?0.i3 ccc .ilfiil i;uiiriiirn r.itentcil,l A.h ... ., iiuticihl r.r It. lltli'au,.. io.ur.i'i If li'.'..iiiiilMi'Mly Hi ulli.'i. Inn m'ii.I stMiuiilcril. - Insll.Ueil iilk .1-nlr.l.ll UI1P1 g A lull i.iitiiiil.iininl Inn iioik In . ft) vnin.ii.i" to lu.up-i. siivi:i.'ii Hhjy .1I.IIHT.I,, .ICCC,1 urintii ijiri, riniei ixi'., u'w iihi. ISProG.F.f HEEL,527 aiaafJ ( rrj I'hlUililrilila, I'n. lnl lirrman h..,l.ll,t i V Jl Au,rl.. Cuirinlm lo luro il.o b inatl Trlii!.. T I tL IH.i'..,.frrtktl Mtr. 4 to 10 iA,)Bir.tM,tbuiM,l (Vtnficl lllo"l folion. .Nirrom 11,1,1111). foil aibooi,' ilJwH Vlirlrnf.lp .V Slrlclur.. (nil rulllnm, I'ad.nloit.i,flrunkriiOrilii.hidriirN,ornTrtlinonlrJ.lBi,ohl WiD0.ln-.trTj m.illriil l rl.flrl.ftlrr.uil. -I.nllun pip.r.T l.i . . , ' ' 4 Are Obtained," was given by rjrof, II. M. I.ane. prlii'ipal of uiotal mining and shop practice, of llio Correspondence! Schools, In tho Methodist Kplscopal church, Thursday evening. Tho even ing was rendered mnro eujoyablo by excellent musical numbers by Miss Vost, of lluiimore; Mrs, .1. H, Cousins, Misses Hello i liven and Oenrgo May Cure. K. i, lleiijanilu. president of tho l.pworth league, and his assnelates de serve great credit for I he class of en tertainments they aro furnishing. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. There will bo an outing to Dolphin grove Saturday afternoon, and all young women and girls desiring to go are Invited to meet nt tho Young Women's Christian association rooms nt - o'clock. Bring your lunch and come prepared to enjoy an afternoon full of pleasure. The flospol meeting Sunday after noon ut .J.lii o'clock will bo lead by Miss I.lzzlo Chrlslophel, All women invited. The Junior League nf tho Cedar Avi-mio Melhodlst Kplscopal chinch will celebrate their third anniversary In the church next Tuesday evening, June l!5, 1901. by giving an entertain ment, conducting a sale of fancy ar ticles, and serving Ice cream. Ticket.1 entitling' to admission, ice cream ami calte, 15 cents. All are cordially In vited. (i. I". and I.ynn Spencer, of Thomp son, l'a., were callers fit the Cedar avenue par; this week. sonacej on Wednesday 0 Meldrum i c '