V t-vt-r i jm f ( a , 0-7-f r riw r fl t!" i. "l") " ftv,V '"Vs V tt -5 Pwrw " VPW " ' 3i fcr i trjn V i -l, AwJv -V V ? -W , t , , THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-SATDKDAY, JUNE 22, 1901. DIPLOMA'S ARE GIVEN TO 151 ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. Oloien the First Quarter of a Contury of Iti Exlstenco with a Record Breaking Class Miss Olive H. Munn, the Valedictorian, and Miss Holen Elizabeth Jones, tho Saluta torlan Buperlntondant Howell Addresses tho Clans and President Oibbons Presents tho Diplomas. How appreciation of Hip pscoIIpiko of. ci anion's HlRh soliool Is KinwIriK was nttcslpit nt the twctiiy-llftli minimi commencement, last nlKlit, ulion llieii iii Ruulualctl one liumltcd and sommi Bills and fotty-rotir boys, n total . LPPdlnpr tfint ot tlif class of last jour bv folty-nliic. TliPic was nlho a ii tided mink of appioi I.Ulon In the tlnonw of .spcctatoi.s which ovei Mowed the spacious audltoiluin, as far Into thu pstlbulc as one could possibly guln a jippp at the MtaRO. Tho cculses vailed none in their Renual chai.ietei fioni those of locent toniiniiceiiicnts, Tlip ihiss poem, and history piophccy, and other like exei -cKt'b. which In j,o,im gone liv weie troweled Into the. toinnieiu cinent pio ri .unine, vveip disponed of the hIkIU lie foie, as has been the tustoui ot Lite, and .ill that was left ftn last iiIrIh weio the nuinbeis bv the honor stu dents., the music, the piesentatlon of diplomas mid u lulof addicts to the RllldU.ltt'S. The gi .utilities muelied to Hie si, me ft um the lcnr estlbule, in two lilies, nieetiliK .it an enli.ilite in it'll i enter of the .stase, nppio.uhliiK the nont In pahs, and then sep.u. UIiik to the ilnlil mid loft, soukIU tholl places on the four tleis of seats, whlih oiciiplud the full hp.ite of tlio Ktase, fNteptliiK foi tho aMes and the tenttr and on the sides nnd n iintrow wnv In fiont. In the (isles nt (Ithei side s-nt lte. noBeis Isuel, J). D, of St. Luke's, who made the ln motion and rum' the benediction, Bupeiintendent of Sihools (Icoirp Howell, who nude the addies-s to the Kiaduates; AetiiiR Piincip.il John V. Wuriipi, who pi i sided oor thu (Seiclses; PieMtlent John Gibbons, ol the lio.ud of eontiol: Chalinuu T. .1. .Tennln?s, of tlio lilsh and tialniiiR t-tlionl committee, and Contiollei -, (.!eoi-,e II. Sliiie-, P. .1. I.aiiRin and Otto 15 Hchtlefei Otliers of the ioii ttollers wexe anioni; the audience After mi oeituie bv R.iuei i or. rliestia, r$p. Di. Ivi.iel made the in- citation, leleiiiiiff Itelinslv In his pi.oei to the utently deceased piln cipal, W. V. Giant. SANG Till: GLORIA. The KiaduatliiRr (lass, icinfoned bv a do.f n ot the best oltes fioni anions the undt'iRindu.ilcs, thou lendeied Jloait's 'Gloiin," under the dlicttion nl the pinlesor of Mical inusU, Pint, i' B Dei man. This beautiful tompo "Itlnii, vi liit.li is attempted with any de Kieo ol sillier only bv the best trained i lionise was sheii a lendition whkh bespoke tho most taieful dtlllliiK. Helen Kliabeth Jones, tho snluta toiian bad "Tlie Ohnipic Games" as the subject of liei ess.n. Slie tieated it in i ci thoiiKhtlul and ItitciesUnf? iii-ilili-. i The lecuiience of tiutes anions: the dilleieut peoples, deilaied i nib lulu etis at tlio times nt llic-o sanies, the comniinsllns ot the eie.it HOSIERY DFPARTHENT Ladies' Ribbed Vests, lace trimmed 10c Ladies' Ribbed Vests, silk tape 12&C Ladies' Fine Mercerized Vests; regular 25c goods... 19c Misses' Grenadine Stripe Hose 25c Misses' Mercerized Red Hose ; 25c goods 21c Boys' Fast Black Hose 12c Vacation Stockings for Boys, Black Cat brand 25c Ladies' Fine Drop-Stitch Hose 25c Infants' Cashmere Hose, silk heel and toe 25c Infants' Robes, Swiss and lawn cap3 at special prices Corset Covers, good quality 7c Corset Covers, Val. lace trimming 39c Corset Covers, cambric hemstitched 25c Corset Covers, cambric, for stout forms 25c Gowns, good muslin embroidery trimmed 59c Gowns, fine cambric lace and embroidery trimmed 95c Skirts, fine cambric or muslin 95c Skirts, fine long cloth or lawn, slightly soiled 95c NOTIONS Collars, new lawn and open lace 35ciir Collars, white soft hemstitched 5c' Dresden Neck Ribbons i2j4c grade for 9c; 20c; grade for 15c; 29c grade 19c Hair Ribbons, faucy plaid stripe 4c Polk Spot Ribbons, for hat or neckwear 25c Large Palm or Jap. F.ms, three for 5c Belt Buckles, gilt and silver; 25C value 15c New Torchon Lace and Inserting 5c Black Velvet Ribbons, all widths. Parasols at l price Umbrellas, colored twill silk; $2.50 grade $1.95 Umbrellas, twill silk, patent push, new handles $1.00 NEW WASH GOODS All in the very proper new work, white ground, black scroll figures and lace stripes; an exact copy of English 45c goods. Our price 12Jc India Linens, White Shear; Special values fiom 6c to 35c Piques, new, Corded Welt, white black aud navy I2y2c to 40c Lace Stripe and Grenadiue effects, White Lawns and Muslins; a fine selection of new goods for waists and dresses 15c to 75c A shilling a yard tor the best selected styles shown this season of dainty Dimity and Batistos, in eveti aud broken stripes, spots and scroll desigus, New printed Linen Colors, Batistes, Lawns, etc. The latest craze; a very large assortment at I2jc Mouseline de Soie, in exquisite plain shades, with silk broken stripe of silk colors; cheap at oc; some ask 6jc for this new assortment, Our "rice is .. .......,.)," . ..,,,, ,,, .,...,.,,,,,,,,,,, 39c HEARS & HAGEN men of the dlffoiont stales, the dis plays of the sculptors, the literary cx oiclses and the 1 1 vnli y for excellence In the sanies had the effect of sflmillat Ins the nation to Rioittcr exertions, nnd Riadiially uniting thorn, bioiisht nholil a hptter (ondltlnn of society and consequently n hotter Rovpintueiit. Miss ctnup Amies Liuipr, ulio took spcond honnis In the 1. itlli-Hclelitlllc coin so, cho"P ns her subject, ''The Iji'iiU'iiliiR I'ower of the Ciusndes." She niRiicd that notwttlistntidliiR tho rallllle or the ei ltades to nccoinpllsh Ihcli' pi line plllposp, thoy effected lin llieasurahle Rood for the i hill eh, leain Iiir and material proRiess. 1'eler Hie lit i ml t. she said, was the foieiunticr of the salvation of Huiopc, The move ment piojected by him, lad to the eiiiaiKlpntlotl of the seif to the substi tution of loyal for feudal power and lolled back the wnvo of Mohamme danism whli It tlnentelied to eiiRilIf Hill ope. The best Ideas of Oilenttil ( ,lll7 illon, bullish back bv the cril "iiileis weic disseminated through Ku lope' the needs of the ciusailers in tlio Holds em nullified maritime entei pilsos; their tin Vols Incited RPORinphl inl Intel est and ecnttially ld to the Rieat dls(oeilps of the few su.iccdlns ("iituiles, if the pilRiinmRP of tho eillsadeis was not successful, slio s.i'd, It' could at least he char.itt(iled as the lcinenliiR Htihstuncc of rlMlintbn. MISS 1UIIINH' V.SSAY. "Thnieaii. the Heinilt of AValden Pond," was the subject of the essnv of Mis Ills Hstelle Minns, who took Ilist Illinois In the HurIIsIi toiliso. She told enteitnlnliifily ot the history of this letiiise-phlloHopIier, who made It his lire work to ptoo the tl'eoiv Hint el"lcn(o Is not a li.it dshlp but a pas time If men will IIp simply. In a pini'tli.il and thoroiiRh av, Mls Lima Ituth Thomas, who took Hi si houois In the (oiiimeicl.il pouisp, sap an Intel estlns dispel tatlon on "The Hlements of Success." To know the ch.naetei of the woik no aie best fitted for was claimed by Miss Thomas to be the Hist element ot lliiess. Health is the basis of nil sin toss, she sabl. Ambition and i heei fulness me in line essentials and these depend in a Sieit measiiie on health. TlinldltV nnil heslt.iiiev wtie tluiractois'ed ns two danseious foes to success. One tan li.ixe too much lonlldence Iti otlieis but seldom In onceir. Sllteess denninN inmentulion and Ae should tlieiefoie online ouisoles to one line of woik. Detail Is ceiythlns The win id Is made of tillles. Seemingly tihlal details must be mnsteied, no ma Iter Mhat the line of woik we fol low. Method, ptmctualltv, application, peieeiance and splf-rellnnee were lnentloned as other "passpoits to ic toi v." The most pietontlous lltcimv elTort of the eening was the oiiglnal .stoty, "The White Chief of the Nnvajns," by Miss Mmv Aliio Hieck, who was sec ond in the classical coitise. It was a, ei meiltoiious jnodtK lion and indi cated Its author possesses taie sifts as a s-toiv teller. The name ol the stoty might lead one to consider It as an Indian stoiy. It is that in onlv a seiond.ity way. Tts fentuie is n ple luiesque deseiiption of the Nnx.ijo die danie MISS Ml'XN'S VALHDTCTOr.Y. The alPdictotlan. Miss Olle If. Munn. soes itom tlie high school with a iccoid nt an nei ase of 9S out of a possible bundled In eath llnal e nmin.itton dm ins lier foiu-ear toinse Tliiit she is popular as well as studious was attested bv the ap plause whiih Rieeted her appraiame. lift ilissmates weie the most en tliusi.istii appluulois. In hei esay, JIl's Jfiinn dealt with tho life of Hoiaca Mann, "The Apos y 415417 Lackawanna Ave. SATURDAY tle of the Common Schools," chin no lerlzlng him ns tho man whom Amer ica gives first place on the roll nt honor among educatoi.'V Ills bit MM to ax ci come Ignornnco nnd prejudlte, In reviving the public schools and tho liilluoncp his wotk had on the educa tional Inteiesls of this countiy, weie told nn n Miy Inleioslltig manner. In dpllvcilng tho valcdlctoiy, Miss Munn tuok as her themo tho eclc hiated iilcluie, "Ilieuklng lloinc Ties," nnd In n vciy clever manner likened tho departure of tho grad uates fiom their nliua. mater to thu hoy taking farewell ot his mother, to go out in the world they weie anx ious lor' the moment to come, but when It ciimo they Wore splcd with n longing to letnaln amid the scenes thev loved so well. C'onti oiler If. S. Uiukcr, who was to l-tno delivered the nddrpss to tho graduates and piesentcd the diplomas, was unavoidably absent, nnd these diitlps weie divided between Super intendent Howell nnd l'lesldcnt Oib bons. Hupeilntendelit How ill's advice to the gindiitttps Is "iinimed up in the one wnul, "Woik." This Is an ago ot lightning inpldltv, he said, but one must remember that the ngeiules of this inpldltv in c the it-suits ol thu work of ages idled mountains high. Work Is tho measiiie ot all values. It Is the time and eneigv spent In cut ting nnd polishing n diamond to hi lug out its luslie that ninkes a diamond vulnnblc. Idleness Is tieason to Natuip and nn Impiety to Heaven itself. GUHATXHSS MHANS WOUK. No man eer leaped Into ecellence nt a single bound. All who m achieved icnl gi outness weie self made men Sliakespeaie was a door tender In a theater, rianklln was n job pilnler. Ituultt was a, bliuk Mtiltli. The woild (.tiled them sclf madp men. .Moio tiuly wetc they honor men In the great iinlieisitv of labor, niheislty and haul knoiks, The dlplom is wile then piesented bv riesident Gibbons. Prof. Wagner called the names, successively, and each stu dent In turn ioe and leinalncd stand ing until his oi her diploma was re i oh cd, two of the pilmaiy school bos cm i lug them fiom the hands of Piesl dent Gibbons to the lecipicnts Hath St.ldlinte was gieeted with hmid-clnp-plng fiom tlio under "si ads," and their own classmates. The honor students and the bos who bad achieved siuiip Sieatness on the dlaniond or gildliou came in foi un especially llhei.il sh.uc of tho applnutllng. Two cboiuses by the class and n se lection by tlie mchesti.i Intel spcised the liteimv nimibers. The eeiclses wore dosed with benediction by Hov. Dr. Isiael. Tho usually almost toi tin oils heat of the audltoiium on commencement nlsht was lessened to a veiv appteclnble de S ee by the bappv idea of dlsti Uniting eight tons of ciacked ho in tho air dm ts whkh feed the ventilating sjs tem. At tlio conclusion ot the pi ngi amine the giadiiotes and their friends enjojud a dance at bicgel's academy. C MILITARY MATTERS RSJ A fentuie of the new nnnniv whidi Is pttttlciildily intei estiiiR for vlsltois to contemplate ((insist, ot tlie cninp.iiiy looms EiK b individual company stioe it1 utmost to muKo its abode the best furnished and most home like In the aiuioiy, nnd the icsult Is a suite of as about pleasing1 npni tinents as any pcison, no inattci bow fastidi ous, would deslie. The st.ite allowed foi each loom the 0,11 pot, .1 table, a lollei-top desk and f-l diiiiis The (ompaiiv tie.isuiv was di.iwu upon to finiii'di the le maininp: acooisoiies nnd as a lesult there aie -eei.il pianos seen in the . 11 Ions looms, hnmNoine tapestiies in nbiindauee, pietty lamps nnd taslv plenties. Ju tlie loom of Compiuy K hinc,s n Iiiro and ovellent likeness of tho Inte Isohc lit on n, flist Uoutenint of the company and one of the most pop ulai ottlteis of tho legiinent. . The I.iiffi Ametlo.111 II. ir which wnes ofi tlie enticime to Conip.iuv Fs tine 100111 In tho new nunoiy is .1 (hiff with .1 hlstniy. It is the piop- ei tv of Coinmissni y Seicreint llimr lleei 1111111, of the non-eninmlssionod stnfl, and has tested hut the ie mnlns of evety dead member of tho lPKiinenu Keneath Its folds thltt tuo men have been laid to test. Theie will be n foimal ill 111 and Kiuiid mount of the Tliiul battalion, (onimauded bv Major ri.mk Robllng, it tho nimoiy Monday nlfcht. 'I ho Seiond battalion, uiuUt Lleiitennnt C'olotipl r. W. Stlllwell, will hae Its dilll and suaid mount Tues-da nlKlit. One of the lentiii os of the new nim oiy and Impoitant adjuncts to the nd .intiipri" pie'-entid to tho atliletlcally inclined will be the howling nllejs, woik upon which Is to ho 1-0011 begun. A leiflmeutal bow litis team is tlieie foie n Mmnfj possibilltj of the ccnn iliK ulntei, Tlieie nie many Htioiii,' hnuleis in the lOKlmont, and an e( el leut team 1 mild be tm mod, Tlie attendance at the PUIcson City 11111RP (ontlnues Ibik1, and cneiy day nnibltlous jnuths ot the kiiiiiiI upend their lelsiuo time in htilvlin; to make luaiksmeii out of theiuseHos. IIiiiIiik last week two mom men iiuulilloil as tliiiip,-liooes Moth weie ollUei.s of rompan It. I'aptnln John Knmbeek niacin 70 out of 7."i which eiowds Hniiv Ileciiiiiiii'h leioid nt 71 lor this Heason pietly ilosol, Lieutenant Many (liiallllod witli liS. Tlieie Is plenty of ffood iiiateiiiil nn hand for the team, and theie is little doubt that tho iokI inent will bo lepiecenled by n cinik eijaik ItBKieB.ltioit Of tlllo men tills jeiir. Tho team will not be picked un til alter ,Iul 1. 4 Ji Theie Is homo tnlk that 1'ilvnte ru-d Van Huien, the newly appointed ru -momer, will pot have sole rbniRo of tho new .itmoi Hairy lleeiinann. Iteebo W'oiUlns' muces.sor iih Mipoilu teiident ot tho iiimoij and i.infreiniis tfr will, It Is wild, acconipiiiy tho H lent appointee, and the two assume Joint eontiol. Alter July 1 It will be clellnllt'b iiiiuntiiHod what thu in. laiiKemeiit will be. Aftei the buttilion dilll Monday nltjlit tliu Hist RnniB of Indoor bT-e ball to be played in tlio new nunoiy v. Ill take plaie.n and V will stiuijKle toi Mipienutcy. Marriage Certificates, Wedding Booklets. Norton's, opposite Hole; Jtiiujn. ENGINEERS AT THE BIG DAM THEY WERE THE OUE8T8 OF COLONEL WATBE3. An Examination of the Oreat Piece of Mnsonary the Bprinir Brook Water Company Has About Com pleted From Red Rook to Spill way It Is One Hundred and Four Feet High and at It Base Is Eighty Eight Feot Thick Storago Capnclty. In ledeinptlon of n promise inndc tast w Intel, Colonel I. A. AVutres, presi dent of the Hpilni; Urook Water Sup ply romp.uiy, yesletdny cscoi ted the Sci anion Unglnoem' club to tho slto ot the (ompain'M lino new dam, seven miles up the SpiliiK Hiook from Moosle, and after n thoioiiRli Inspection of Its eiiBltieeilnu featllies entei tallied tho elub nnd a few other kuohis at u luncheon sencd In a pavilion on the i oiup.iny'.s faun near the distributing diini, Coineyaneo was by n pcclnl tiolley c.ir to Moosle and thence by the rnnipany'.s fielnht railroad to the new dnin and to the ronKlomei.ite niiniiy near thu foiiner site of tho Stalk ltonie stead. This lnllioad, with Its stoop Kiatbs In places llslng neaily 500 feot to the mile, was almost ns Interesting nn eiiBlneeiliiB proposition as the dam, Anhed at the dam, the patty was token In tow by the eonstiuctltip en rIiioci, John H. l.nnce, and Infoimcd of its dimensions and special fealutos. The dam lepiesents 30,100 cubic 3atdsof iniisoniy and 11,000 cubic j.itds of em bankment. Tioin bed-rock to spillway It is 101 feet hiKh and at b.iso Is SS foot thick. DHl'TII OK WATHR. Th wuter depth Is S7 feet. Tlieie aie M0 feot length of masomy and LMO feet lenglh of embankment. One end Is wedged into a natural wall of solid lock, ilnj other Is bounded by a mass he wall n't light angles, riom com ments bv the opeits the dnm must be oted a distinct success. It backs water a mile and a, quaiter and gives a stot uge rnpaclH of 2,000 000,000 gallons, the (linlmgo of a walei shed of sixty sqtuie miles The masonry in It Is of tin- most dm able (onglomerate quai ilod at the company's qtinny, at which tlie supplv is seemingly unlimited. Col onel Wattes' new home on the boule anl, now uiidet ( onsti notion, is to bo built hugely of lock from this qunuv. "When the visiting englneeis had sur eved the sights of professional Inlet - est to them, the p.uty was convened back to tho pavilion pievlously men tloned, and otter making way with the (Oinniissaiy supplies listened to a s niposiiini of eloquence nnd wit con ti United by Colonel Wnties ns toast ni tslor. Judges T,ynch, Kdwards, Cni- pc liter nnd Ilute, nnd other gifted speikois Vice I'tesidont II. H. Stoek, of tlie Ihtgineeis' club, acknowledged in behalf of tlie club the ilsitois' np pieelation of tho outing and tills was ftntliei attested by a Using vote of thanks mi:mw:iis or tarty. Tlie p.uty rnmpiised: Judges Ljnch and Darte, Hon Chillies A. Miner, Kli T. Connei. 13 It. Pettebone, John A. Sehmltt, W. J. Illcliiuds and A. I Wil liams, of Wllkes-Uaue; M. J. Hamil ton and Walter Ttiek, of C.ubondale; ico. T. Gwillinni and Charles AV. Thompson, of I'hll.idelplila; Wlllnrd Young, of Ilnzlelon; Ale. Htjden, of Dunmoie; Messts Wattes, O. M. I.niue, John II. I.ance and S. II. Hicks, ol" the Spring r.iook Watu Supply eoinpuny, and thu following ftom Sciauton: Hon. II. JT. Kdwnids, Hon. J. AV. C.u pouter, H. H. Stock, T. MII noi Moms, AVIlliatn 51. Mai pie, J. 1j Ciawford, J 13. P.u l Ish, J. If. richer. 13 M. Zehnder, James netting, II. P. Cox, W. T. Andeison, Ki ed. H. Ci lp pfii, IJevbmn AVnties, Alev. Kethel, Tied. C. Raker, James II. Hughes, Eu gene H. Wilson, riedeilck K, Tiney, A W Long, Thomas V. May, d. 13. Iliittelin.iid, Willi mi A. Mint7cr. II. A X. Line. J. . ltlttenhouse, IJ. I,. Meiilm.in, I!, 13 Iliu lev, Joseiih P. Phillips. Howell Hani'-, F. B Hamil ton, William Ci.it, IT S. Webb, ID. B. Alheiton, A. H Dijnnlng, Ij II. AV.it ies, J. Oatdner S.indeison, 13. M. Slack, W. G. P.uke and My S. P.ichnul. WATER FOR STIFF NECK. Washington Physician Snys Aqueous Remedy Has Gient Results. 'The simplest tenipomiy cute for a stiff neck or miv similar nttiuk of the urns les, anvwheie," explained a well known ph.vsiclan to n tepoitor, "Is tho veiv tue dilnklnir of vater, A lnige glass lull of water eveiv linlf hour, or even ottoii'M, should be taken, and the In iitmeiit kept up for nt least hair a di. This, it must be lemembeted, only cm es the effect, and unless It Is ke t up for n long time will hnidly get at the cause, which Is now gener ullv undei stood to be nn eeiss of tnlo acid in the blood. The laii'-e of a veiy Ir.igo amount of wntet lias a tend ency to dilute the blood and lucie.ise the supplv of the luhili.uits ubotit the sheoll.s of the muselu. It Is tho de lieleiuy or those Ittbileants that pio duces Mint nie known as stiff necks, still 'hnuldois and the like, Xeailv all of the bo-1 ailed mlnowil w.itris can be used, and those that havo lime, lion, potash, lithla or Milium .should be pi pick ul If tli-'.v aie handy, but If none ol them mo gotatnble the ordin al v diliihlng w.Ueis, hvdiiint, well or spilng, (an he ti'ed, Tile point Is to get an oMiaoidln uy ami mil, so ns to dilute the blood as iiipldly as possible, 1 hnvo no obieition to the uso of Hnl- miMit.s or eeiniil miso of lubili ants, but water can be depended upon if peiirlsted In to do .ilmr.st tho .snnio tiling. .Medldil tieatmeiit, If people do pot e.iio to keep up tlio water liailincnt, is nees.uy, however, to keep lioir a leiiiiience of the utUick. I lenlly llilul; the sin cess of inmiy of the famous water --uirs Is not tho quality of tho water ud but tho (liiaiitltv of it None of Hie water lines would think of piomlslug anv i ill nn i cliff pun III tho uso of tluee ni four glasses of water In n day, but tiny inve but little hesltiincv In doing so If fiom tidily to foity glasses aio ied each day. Tor the saino icason it ii cine Is ppo(tod fiom di Inking water a veiv Lugo quantity of It must Ik ill link Sl bonis' ticutiuont, liow iver, should eiuo the oidlntiry stiff mill" Special Low Rates vin the Lehigh Valley Rnlhontl to Cincinnati, O, account Ohilstlaii En deavor i omentum. Tickets on sale July Ith, fith. nud Cth, Kan rinnclsco, C.il , at count 13p ivoith I.eaguo meeting. Tickets will ho on sale fiom July 4th. to July Utli , In clusive. Consult l.eblgh Valley Italhotd ugcnU foi paitkulais. JONAS LONQ'B SONS. Shoes for Every Member of the Family. There are hundreds of people who postpone buying shoes until Saturday. That accounts for our effort to try mid please everyone by offering the best possible values. OXFORD TIES LADIES Made with flexible soles nnd finished with patent leather tips, in the newest shapes. . . .00c LITTLE MEN'S SHOES. Well made, of either Calf or Vicl Kid, with solid leather soles nnd counters. , 05c PATENT LEATHER OXFORDS. In a nice qtinllty of leather, in the new mannish Inst nnd new heel $1.00 Babies' Soft Sole Button iust as flexible as they can RIBBONS FOR SATURDAY. These extraordinary offerings in Ribbons seems to fall on the right day every time. Today it's about a lot at less than half price. All Silk Satin nnd Oro Gioin Ribbons in a laige vari ety of colois. the widths are 12 102240 and 5 inch, the vnlues range up to forty cents. Saturday 12 l-2c Lot No. 2 is nn All Silk Taf feta Ribbon in Nos. 40, 60 and 80; also No. 40 fancy corded Talfeta Ribbons, valne up to 50c. Sn tm day 12 l-2c INFANTS' HOSIERY. Fine quality Cashmeie, nil sizes as far ns the giade goes. They are equal to the twenty five cent kind. Saturday, the pair 15c BOYS' UNDERWEAR. Thirty cents for a suit; it would seem as though that was Copyright: Books, $1.10 "THE CRISIS." Winston Churchill's new novel is the talk of the town. The book teems with historical facts so interestingly written that your interest is held from first to last. Other new books as follows; Mr. Dooley's Philosophy. In Search of Mademoiselle by George Gibbs. The Helmet of Navarre by Bertha Runkle. The Master Knot of Human Fate by Ellis Meredith. The Riddle of the Universe by Prof. Ernst HalckeK Observations of Henry Jerome K. Jerome. When Blades Are Out and Love's Afield Cyrus Townsend Brady. Jonas SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inauurato knouleilKc is ft itangprniK tinner. so in all lhii,i lit lis bi iccuiate " Headers of the Sahil would i,reU lid me In mj task In vUnir hhmIIoih (not necea sarilj tor publication), which it possible will 1 1 unsuirnt in full in an arl) iii if the Hrekh Siljil and lhir retclnt m iov Irilged inimedntili lij nnil Ml such 1 1 inmtinn i linns lnu-t, howier, ns i niat'er (if toi rse, heir lhi wrilir'4 correit mm? aid addnw as r,llmwie II e unnot be t iWci into con sider it ion DU Mil. SI II ill, of Siiinlon. V , pre hiiIhI a papci it the mciiL iiinu il mill inj ol tin- Ainiri an I iruuioloi.ioal nnc.iittwi upon ' Hie Hints of Cim lumi-m I pon mdliri in ii nnd rtiuilitinn " of whidi the follow mi; is in elint He found m the llil pli(i lint the oiillnin tlni ilus nudum dm to middle fir iIimm neir li in-uii-ed Hit limits of pilih liom II 1 (JI7 Mliiliins us the lowit point) to the I (701 filiations) as the hle;hit, as ne-r h It wis po-Mblo for him to determine, ind Hut lh siibjuthe nol-t , illlmiili iiiihle in ipiul ill or limine, Ind no iiprechhh ifTut iipiii mm iliilion oi nrli' illation, bin tint lhe, would Inwriilih mil cn tutlinallv nflict Ihe pnnp inn of Miim.l-i width hid Hit Mini ol nf'illv the Mine uiimbii of ilirillous pit hctond is the Mibjuliw iut of tlie piliint 'Un uliJectlM iiuims dm lo ipiinim, fiwiliti of soda, ahohol, ilhu ind nun ollur iluws wtie Injilibl of a tin hlu'h pin Ii, nuun' fiom is low is tin (i .1 U3s ibiilion) In .1-, InUi i I' il .'" wl 1 1. Iloii'.), ind ofli u i'MII I luher, lie uUo oIimimJ lint nn iiuiipiiti nui-.s ol liluh pilih not only Inttitiiid with Hie piouiiui ution of 1 1 u-e ioiion .nil', uhiih, uiioniin' lo Hie iriMi,th;itiuis of lliliuholr ind otlnis, hate for their ill ii uli riitlc hi mid 1 lomhliiithu of hi;h pitthid nouudx, Mil Ii us "lb." ' V "Mi," ' ." and Hie like conviu. tint Miuiids of iiluiilile -piuh, but iNo i ui.nl IIiiiii to be (lllj olililn Hid ind t oii-i .(lielitlj miKt ilillltult I" nppieilate aud be ui ce.nitil 1) IK i ii. -l'hilideliliU Mttlieil loiirnil. Hill wlnt is limit impniliint ami iistoiiililiii;, lie fiimid Hut Hie hle.li pill hid nibJe(liM iioims ill Hie eir piodned lit dines nnd uliii.li aiv not dm lo initli lim.lll; pioiliunl sound Jii. ot thf lir, nUo iiulirlill) Inliiliuil with the piomiii 1 1 il Ion of Ihe lilt.li pitched uiiImjIuiiN lo mi in. ItiftliiKt' whidi would iudii lie that siibjnlitc m nn mil miiviiIuih me to Mime i Mint uiJinijI, ollieiwi.e Hit i tuiihl not inltiftie with a pillely uiiihiiilial piottsHMiih an .iillciilitloii, Pntliogenlc Tmnsmutatlons of Bac teiin. It H.I alluui.ttil, II doill M ll lll, ,llid 111 In i ii ion. I null in linl limcl h mini iudepnid nit oh.iriirs. Hut the ihrliitlon ol p.itho-t nie hnlnlt from the niiKlinlli ltiiii,u, In tut alls nl Hull' lioini.-lilm ill on pinihn Is of coriuptiou, .ilillrillli lllv 1(1(1111111111 ind lelilntil wllhlii tout IiiiIuik oi iIim i-nl inlinil ni inUiiis, oi un i in II il t (I JiiiikIos iiul iiuiIh.s wis not null povililc, but HI) pioluble, I mill dull witdi lul i Iim iijllini, lu.tiniiit minimi iloij of llils li i jtlit j-l-i I olli b) lid ami ipltilun h ite ui.iilil ulli mullipliiil, i tit 1 1 now It Is rMisiul; ni lUtllniW aud i (Ii II iinltiiiol In oltnilim 1 1lo (ptilminls add lo the t iiiiiuj pathoKinlu tt Jti-nuit illons of Hie Ii.hIIIih toll luiiniiunl, pit'iliiu.l.i iililiiiiid, hi itlual (li-iclnpmetit of Hie liulioiik plum and lis Kirm liom Ilie In it-tint of Ihut foul i in iiyi i if Hit utiil.l, Hit Ml. M .1 Intiil mteiiuK of lli. Soiitle de llloloi.li., I'Jils, Dr. I lid is, ii lluiilijii Iniliri oli'ki.l, liitilttl rxpiiiiutnls on tlie inhu I all In. of tin iat lit tiilliiillin; IhU iiii;jiiUiii with i uililii mold tit i in t liom tin, j,p n,i In. oiioe, ami pasrliu it fn in lair lo in. lit fit llli tlitiliKil a 1 nillu. il-tli n.-tiiililliv Hit lipiial pli.-ue K0 mi. in unit luiiulurs, fiom ihe lIjii'I--. i-plitn. tlouiiih and luteslliiti. of Hie lufiilnl aiiiuuU, Willi h pioiltttdl, whin injtilnl into l .it-., Uniil-ll iliiinal .iliiplcin, mid was aliibis lapidli filal Hie blololial iluutiua if this nrKJiil.-iii Ihiini, limit wrie the ame a llitise if hlll.Ho'a baiillu-i pi.lU, ami he lus iki doubt as In lluir riiilialime lit i Minis innitoits:, In line tunccded in icndtrlui; a hoi.-e immune h.i onoits itijittlons of at liikt iiij tlilulttl rulluicn of Ihe (iiu, folloiidl In nn u viiiilcnt outs, and with !!!, limb's .riinn has In en able to sale rats that had pmiuu-lj httti iiKtiiltlfil with the ilrnltnl tnllnres. He t,litj il as Ids opinlm Ihat Hie pla.-ue in iu niik.'iu ii a cvlvu batillojis ul uU, taivstd bx Hit. in STORE NEWS FOR LADIES' SHOES. Made of Dongola Kid, in but ton or lace. They have the lat est stylo toe, the new military heel and patent leather tips. $1.45 OXFORD TIE SHOES. Made of Dongola Kid, with light or extension soles, patent or kd tips $1,45 ORIENTAL BATHROOM SLIP PERS. Made of Turkish fabiic; of numerous colois; for men, wo men nnd chlldien 40c Shoes in Tan and Black. be low enough. It is n cream col oied garment, nicely finished in shirts or drawers. Saturday, each 15c Keep the stray locks in place by using an ideal Hair Retainer. It's a neat little contrivance and a long wanted article nt tho same time. 10c and 15c each. See them nt Jewelry dopnitment Saturday. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. As usual, Summer coinfoits for men come to the fiont for Saturday. Hnve Just opened another lot of the famous Pey ser Comfott Shhts 81.00 Have you bought any of those Silk Heel and Toe Hose for menP They are made of cotton and come three pahs in a box 50o Other Needfuls for men at light prices. Long's Sons Kfstion of nte coutitnini; 1 mold, Aspergillus ori7ne, mil lint Hie colon bncillus, lij uccsive pisiges from rat to rat, takes on the ihatatttrs of the plague bacillus The .loiirnil of Ihe incrn in Alulital asso iv turn iKunt.s out that Cilrlas rliiun the 'minielli bacillus ot jellow feur lo be liktwiv i modill citlon of (he bacillus toll. Hie i-pmil ihulcinc of ithtdi is due to Hie pitfftitie of 1 mold The Low Tempeiatme of the Gooikha Die botUli tenipei ilutt in i stile of lit illh is Kcnei illi nicepttd a-, inioni; Ilie most tonlant of phsioloeunl pin nonieni It stem-., howtttr, Hat the notnial tenipentitrt of the (Jtnrkha Stpn is below tint ol Hie emiilitt of nun kind In the I'.'liruin liiimlur ot Ihe Indiiii Medtnl l.iitlo llils fid is sd foitli b N. I'. Oil Iihr. M II, II I'll, a t ipt.iin in the llrltlsli Indian intdical s.nite Ciptitn I aim, roisonine; tliai tins must he dm lo ihfntk luelibolm, leslcd his tlieon bi idiutiilsttiiu tui;)i, about six ouiues diil, foi a ptrlod of ehien dai, In t hi iltlii linn of I (innrllii tiRimtnt llieii aicnitt lempeiitiue for tlnen this pittetliiie; Hi' uliniiiisiritinit of Hie siii,ir wis ')" I derets lalircnheil, for ihe penotl of Us administration t7 I defirtts, mid foi the tltiin ih.is folloiiini: Ihe iimiIioii of the xmlurilie titalnient '' i dtuitts Ihe lempn itme io.-e in niri c i-e ilntini; Ihe pi l mil of (tilling with miii; il. New Magnetic Obseivatoiy. An iuliustiiiK mi les of biilldiui: his been eitilcd nt ( In 'Inn linn. I'lluti (hoiki's toiiuli, Muiliril 'lids is Hit niw iiiikintK ob-trialoii of he I'tiUtd Slalts Culsl-nnl l.ioddii sitriti, I 'op pi i .tnd lira--s are implnntl ft r nil pipt .mil nielil woik, uml I lie slou, whiih bums Mood extliiNiitl.i, is lui I L. of i, iipsloue. 1'he ol -i'iiil..it is (uiiii".-mI if two Iniililinir-. in one of whiih the nin.ni.lh inlhii mi-on tin toiiipasi will be mi imiuiI Ihe lli-lliilni ills will lie ki pi it u inn-ljiit temptiituie if 111 d -,'lu.s 1'iiliu il hi it bv mi in- of i n rtts of will- Mil llilul llllll thitk paptr. .iml ntlitr patts He alsu fitiiitltd. 'lime ire fun hets ot tlioi. 'Hit oht-i naloi) is lir ma) fioni ant ilKliuliiii).' ehtiruil iiillu iiiiis, mi tin if is no ipii'llou that the ob-ei , i Huts will be most uKin.ilL. Danger of Oveihead Electiic Wiles. Mi, Vulii, the b iiut.li eh i ti lul inn'iniii of lllukpool, ln,'liinl, Iijj piiltdid in inn litem In whiih all iluik'Ui from oiiihe.ul ilittilt. wiles aie oliiiattd Minn a wlie brriks, th ( urn nt in mill hid or! In a sullen which is itilnin nil illi lelttstd, nud Hit wile lints n n tl.riil hinnli--i In Hie en linn ills whiih wile lailinl out In ptoir tin titWh lit i of tin inn n inn, time Hlephone wins wire Mined uul Ml upon in nl 1 1 lit ut t'tilrit! line liiil intly Hie aitliiiiitlti ftiillili i pi iilnl, nn) the iuniilor pliknl up one nn) of the hiohtu wire III this uiiiiiiilli.n I mnt in iitlnii (hit mil) u fi w iU- i-n Ilie inminis.iiinrr of liltthiiais of llionkliu, N , H Ill-id to give hl.s pi imia-lnn In a new liolhi lliifjot itidln,' pnli.s In lite rtreels of Hie (II), iljlinliii,' that ntcilnad Irollty wins lie not "nil il.lli'tnns lo lift, but also to plop, nt) ill liaiiipirluir He Hit men In tin ir work. Ameiicmi Tiains ami Engines. In lull rt-poit of Ihe i rniCtdiiiKs (f (lie liiliinitloual lliilwiv (ohkiiss Kins Ihe follow lit;, amon' oilier dt tails, lelillne; lo tlie limit ripld trains in tlie I nilnl St ins. the Mlmlir tin llnr of tlie Phllai. Iphla iml l(l'.nlii' lailioul Ins the neiliit aiuii;e kpuil, ii , nn'. nulls pi r In ur .Suite of Ihe I't nn linn I iiilmail tiains run ut un .iteiaac tfn nl I 'i iitllni linn No a'n of the I'eiui-jli mi i, lelwccn I'hiliih Iphu .Hid Iiimj III), his M linu plt'd of I.I s 10 milts pi i luiiii, etliidint,r Mi pi IiiIii Nn 1 1 In Incut ( hloso and HiiiliiiLloii Ins ', U milt. Hid Ihe inns i lulu bcitircn Ikniiell.nllc iml siisiiiibiniia al VP,. mill- Ihe I inpile sine l'uu of the Ctntral fioni Niu tnk in llul j In reus at t speid of SI niiita, dnluilliiK' lh( Hint lost In lli I lit Hie ripen Ihe i h ll.H Ii I Ulle (lian,'tl in liulit in lii.h pt(il lotnniotilt- dinlliL, the ilu. nie ISViUu aie nuiinutlrt'd as fullou.. Iiul Ihe later mcllirs lie Ilie lieailest and lili-t pownfiil -. uiiid Hie boiler prt.vuie has been lucrtjsed ami Hie bollns lute biui Lrcatlt Impimid 1 Iilnl lie tompniuil iiiL'ina is ioiiiIiik rapitll)' till t U-( 1 iiutlli- 'Ilie i alio if the heated Mtifaio to the toliimi of tin i.tliii'U'M his btui ititiiasul li(th-inl al.-o the toal and watir tapatil) ot Ihe Inultr. Sixth I line is a Itniluiit lo iucicase the Km; Hi of the sttukt ui ihe latvii. SATURDAY, JUNE 22. OXFORD TIES, 81.80. This grade is hand-turned and Is made of Vicl Kid, in tho new heel nnd toe shapes . . .81.89 MISSES' SHOES AND OXFORDS In black or tan, button or lace, made of solid leather all through .OGo MEN'S SHOES. In black and tan; all have hand-sewed welts; values up to 84,00; now 82.00 T.h.i:y..are. 20 Cents 5 BOYS' CLOTHING. A hot-weather fad, Boy3' Washable Caps, in Golf, Yacht and long peak Eatons, sizes for the large boy and tho small boy too, each '. . 25c BOYS' STHAW HATS. Including plain white and fpney colors. Same as the sail or style with broad and narrow rims. All have fancy bands of Polka Silk 25o BOYS' WASHABLE SUITS. In dark and light colors they nie nil made with laig sailor collars, and deep shield fronts, neatly trimmed. Sizes 2 to 0 .... 50c, 00c, 75c, and 89a BOYS' SAILOR BLOUSE SUITS. Made of fine quality of Blue Serge. The collars are trimmed with Silk Soutash Braid in red and white. Sizes 3 to 0 years. Price S2.03 Vicnlh As well ns Inward i greater piston lelocitj. Buying Car Tickets fiom Slot Ma chines. 'Ihe nie of nllw iv litkcts from automatic nni him s Ins proud i Rieat vmcisq in Berlin ind its suburb- 'the eniphnncnl of Ihia nieth of di linn is Ktnllv fiulitatcd lij the fatt (hi! the out tinlf sin(cni is in forte on sonio of the i lilwais whi( tun mound Uerlin, nut on the (tluf Mihurbin lines n one In ntlownl on the pi it form ituli-s he is koiiik by trim, or piiidij-es a platform ticket, ind Hie isalc of plillorm tickets, whiih test 10 pfennigs, and nie nl-n siipplhd bi aulouulii niitliincs, nitj ihe iiilwns our i inlt(m( i )t tr. Method of Betecting Hypo in Photo giaphic Woik. Ihe impotlinte of llntoiultlt t limiiiatine; ilu hipn fioni niailiii oi print- in photoe,! lphtc work is i-o will tttontrid tint it nectl not lm in-tstid upon, and il will thiitfoic be useful In Kite a mi Hied ttliith lias bun brought nut in the HiIkihi I'liotouiapliit Ilullclin for dittttin Mil ill litrii of Inn) hi tin w l-liini; walti an J thus obitrtinu' whin Ihe opu ilimi Is flnislied lulu 1 del p tin is point u I sin ill tpinntit) of Hie twin or t.o) it ion in question and a feiv pints of ki mill Hid mt are thrown in, aft r wlni Ii mid a ftw dt i s of linhoi hlnru ictd. I' ue iboie Hie Ii it u hltti piper wt I with a P i lilt Ion cf mt Ii if leid If Ihe lei-t Irace of htpo-ul Idle run mis m the itulutiou the piper will b (nine blown, and ifliiwiril n iiiiil a bllck ludallii ap en iih i. Ilus .itlion is due In tint foiinitioii of liidtiucii sulphide, with c-tipcs In tin .Mil Cue mil i nliiis tue pip.r h,t' foimir Ind siil huh In this w n it is ilwiis eay to ihtiiiiilui win n Ihe w i-hii i; is fiiil-lteil or lo e amine a -i liilitm -n-pulul of tnnl lining h)pt Baisiug Hungarian Giapes. n i ip.innuit in r.ii mir lluiiK.uhn supes is In lie mole Ii ir Nolfolk lllllll l.ilnlsit, of Niiifolk, n , i- Hit piojtdoi of Ibis cipirlmenr; He till at lii-t plmt three un- m tlu-e vines, ml if, villi lime tells Hie inrimcnt proi.s a hiiki.s, lie will t'-ljlili-h i Inner vine)ard. Mi, Iliid-i), who has Ind cipciicnte ns i vim ilKrr in IIunKirv, con-iders the climite ami mil of Ililri stttlni favoiable lo Ihe uroivth of Ihl-t! tl ifies Great Lakes as Fish Hatcheries. ri-liirn en will be inliiiMiil In Ihe aiinoiimc. menl Ihat Ji ihjO.ihio whili-IUli will he di-lnlmt-ul in Hie tin it lakts fiom Hie alldiiiMii hilili. triis liming the toiitin; F.a-nii In nilditioii In lln-e, Ihe nine liilcheiies will di-tribute in Ihii lii(.ir ftlitauts of MlthlLnn 7,0h0,uii) brook trout. l,i)tiil,(Kl lake lioiil, 7,000 Offl Link bass ami 100,. iHH.IkiO wallciul pikt Ihe woik ot plintlu lisli Is as inli re-tlm,' nnd about as import int m,i in the line ol pre.cnim; an Indu-lrv ivhicli Is paid foi out of public funds. The Effect of Electtic Ciuents Upon Hydias. Ililns are finill w iter miiniU of low nrde( iml of Hie (.aiitti suli l.ink'lmii is toril ioltp. If i India be irraiunl Willi Its lona: avis I cr ptinllciilir to Ihe dilution ut an electric ciinrn; il lias bun shnttn In the remit i pi thncnls of lliviuond 1'e.lll, lint iu a short lime Hie litill l tlun'is Its po. Illnii sn as to nrlint with ts lieul toward lint anode Ilie limine of pn-ilini is I110111.I1I uliuttt l) u rniitiaillou of lite li.nli 1 11 1 poliwjii.l ubote lite fool, mi the anodo side ul its hodi. 'Ilie bcudiin; 1011II11110S until Hits line: uxis Is ipille pulhl lo Hie 11111 rut If Um 1 111 rt nt is -Iroiik' iuoui.1i In kill Ihe animal linn a nuiii- a slight inu-uilii ,-pisin on Hie rathodi) niu of Hie hnili It Hie India I- nlnitli plaeul p.Hlllel to Ihe dilution in which Ihe turifnC Is In pass, then is a vlolrnl 1 null it t Ion on inak. iiiK Hie 111111 ut if Hie In ul is toward the anode, and mi Imuitillatt) iiuitijitinu H all If the hcjil Is pliud in Hie oppo-lte Jiridioii Definitions. The siaudinl Aiunltan Mei-ttro for Ouiiti li.lin x ll.lt fftl.l. rf Hit, I nil.. I t.t.,,,4 n,.,, and li'todctie sitriti, ulves Iu -tlciuo an oe. 1 miii t 01 a new inntiiiiinii netwreii tlio uiailly tin n-nri a of I ntmw in.l flu, I'nlli.l Sinn. ...,,,. pitied Ut )ear In I! II I'litnam, is.-i-taiit .111. vtjor The result Rives tho siaviti "tonstanl" .1 U..I.I ,.. -. .....t. -. I. . ... I.. .1 . !-, ul it -iiiui,iiii, lis utMij us II tan ut- ULifiinincil (10111 the dull at prifint available, 1 value of li.-D.lll dines, npilt ilent in 1 nulih leiuu in .l.'.ri fnt, whidi imam that tlio atmospheric pic.siiite will balaiue a lolunui of dl-iillul wiiei t a Iciuptratuie of Ml dcutcrs l'ahienhelt mri4. nrlur iu U 1 1 1, 1 1 1 J.'.IJJ feel. Carl Seller, JL H.