' tt N THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901'. I'ublUluei TUIlr, Ftcepl Bundiy, by Hie Trili. tine rubliihlng Company, t Tilly Cent, a Month. LIVV B. IllCltArtn, Mltnr. 0. F. BVJHI.n, llmlncs JtJtutrer. New York OTIitl 110 Nmsiu M. s s vnnrt.ANt), Boli) Agent tor IoiiIrii Aduttljltic L'ntercd t (he Pintolfiee it sernntcn, l' i Second CIim Mull Mailer. When po will pennll, Hip Trllui i M i1i di to print shot! lellin liom IH Irliwli bear Jiiff nn uirreiit tnilt, but IH mle I' tint llii'i lntit I c Igrn'l, Inr pulill' illif, I" !"- "'' real name, nnil the londlllim uieltiit t" " irplntue I tint nil lontrlliutloni utialt lie sinjrct to editorial reWnlon. inn ii.at it.Mi: ion Auvrimsixo. llm foi Inn In? table l i.w Hie prlee per Ineli each Invrtlnii, upaio In he mid within on year: Hun ot ildlntron 1 nil niSI'f.W. Piper Ilea Mint Position f' thin "KKl lnehe ,sj 7fi '.1" W Inrhca ?n . ,2 ism ir, .its .1". W " IV, .17 ' W ' 15 .K3 .U for rirds ot llnniia, resolutions fit condotenei. nil almllir contribution In the niture o( " lertMnj: 'J he Irlnntie miKu n rli-ircc of 5 cento a tine Rites for Cluslfloil Aiherll'lnir fitriiMirtl on implication TWELVE PAGES. SCRANTON', Jl'Ni: 1301. Ml. Dimly Is cnmlnopel Hint Kenu lno iolIpi nelly does not clst In the btate sennto. The New South. fr-m: m:tti:hs of our pcrtni I corinoiionilunt, Mi. ltiih- J.. inonil, lime tin own much lntei fstlnK IIrIiI, so far .. they hap fronc, upon tin- Itielustiinl and common Inl possibilities of the "now Pouth;" and liv attcnlho lc.wlcis of the d.illv and pptlodlt.il pios tin-so nip well understood, In a kxmioiuI w.iv, to bo onuiniouu; lint nothing tint wo hie scon slatos them so rle.iilv as nn addiess dolUpiod jpsti'iil.iy at Aslie- illo. X. r, liy lilclinul IT. KelnioiieK cdltoi of the Mnnufat tin pis' tpoid of Baltimoio, liofoic tlie Noith (,ii ollna Stnto nankins' ii-sndnllnii. Mr. Kelnionils Raw Hist a statistical synopsis of tlio woneloi fill Konnial ad antc of Hip liusliipss Inloipsts of the v.holp countiy .since tin Clll ai a tliomo which oliftlit liv this time to be familial and then pioceided to draw compulsions between tb.it genual iiel anLe mil the adaiue logisteied In the .section ol the eoiintiv (omnionlv Known ns the "new South" We quote: "In ISSfl the Smith's lalhoid mileage was JO.nlJ miles; Its lonls ueie inostlv ehoit, dlsointed lines. and with few p ceptlons, 1) ulh eiiulppeil 'l'oda it h is SlOOrt mile-, mil its leading s stems, in tiacK, in ioIIIuk st oik and In e ei de tail ol m inaenient tompiie with the best io ids in the win Id. Jn pen enlace ol iiiLieTsc tlie K-.iln has been Kit Uei than In the le-t of the iouiiIm. Twenty c us ,un its uitton piodiii linn was ,, To'i.tlflO biles, .mil its lotion nulls ion hinnid IsS.TIl bales Its cotton nop now meiagis oer (l,nnil,000 hales, and its cotton mills consume tnei t 'OiiOOU biles. Then It had W,7,00i spindles; now it has oei I.,no0,0n0 The i.ipitil inested In its uitton mills in Ismi was J.M 11(111,0011 loda it Is nei $1, 10,1101) nntl. Its cotton-oil IndiistiN, then hut an In fant with foil mills, having, i iaplt.il of nnlj !,1(i(i,0iHi, now has about .100 nulls, with a i ipltal or o ei $10 000 000. Then lis lold nl Kiain was 411,000,000 liushels; list o.u its f.umeis K.itlieml hdOOOOOOO biislids Tlun It mined (,, 000,000 tons of i ii.d, last yun It mined 4,000,000 tons Then it piodiind loT.OOO tons of plK-iion; last jiai its fuinaees turned out J.ooo.ooo tons, much of wlileh found a maiket in the lion rente s of Utuopo. Jts luoiliu tion of phosphate lock was I'.IO.OOO tons; list e.u it was 1,100 000 tons. The total alue of Its faini produits In isso was $171,000,000; last jpii Its fin ins luliled about $1, 20U 000,000. In 1SS0 it piodmed IT'1,000 ban els of ptti oleum, most otwhhhwas fiom AVest VIikIuI.i; list eai its oil veils jleldul 1,1,000,000 bin els, and now Tesas alone bids fall to be able to pio duce within the next jear oi two ns much oil as I he piosent output of the United States, If not of tlie woild. At that time the total eaplial wlileh It had imested in mauufactuiliiK was $.'11, 000,000, and the aluo of Its niaiiufae tined pioducts was $411,000,000, The new census will piolmbly show that its manufai tuilnpr capital is not less than $1,000,000,000, and the value of Its manu f.ictuied output lonsideiablv nhoe $1,. ,100,000,000, in iso the alue of expoits thioiish Southern pons was $"il,000, Doo, in li'oo it whs $"i io.ooo.ooo." Statistically the pioKiess of the South rluiilifr two ileiades was summed up and shown by Mi. Udwauli by the fol .cwlnff llsuies: ? i X1 : ," i: s " " ' i c ii ; ," ti : i 5 ' ii s : i" 5 5 ' ,;";;" -' s tf ? i -. .i; " . '. '"! ; tt 7s 7 u z: 7, ". if a sT ?; ii f ? ; 4 z r x -f " tt rt . ,-; tr o - ?! ti S s -il 5' j i. '.i3--5ti-j2; V") s i 1. - - r- " t a b S j i Z - '7 i t !( S ' I 5- Ifl "" f- S SSi-S V - 2 w - J B j - fc 2 - T , - " f Hi, S Cy T5 i 2 I5 S 2 - a-. ; O j w . V Tompnilm,' thct-o facts with jeneial InduMilal advance of United ytutes, It will be found," the t hc lio uldcd, "tJiat In nmiy llneb the south 1ms ntaclcs proportionately Rrenter pro ricoi than the rcit nf tho cntintiy. In tlmt twenty jents It litis so de veloped , coti I litlsltiess Hint It t now inodiicliiK.ps nlieaily Muted, mine toil than tlm rnltie bituminous out put or tlm T'ultoil Stntrs In ISsO. lit lion ptnduction nlioadv ettiinlt tin lion ntitptit of llm inimtry ns Into ni JW. Twenty jeurs nRii tlm Routh had tirti.nii) i nt inn oplndles and the reit nf the rotititrv had tO.600.000 splndlem todnv Hm wotitli Una (1,000,000 cotton spindles, nn IneienHe of nearly R.ROO, 000 spindles while llm rest of tlm cotitilty today hni about 12,000,000 uplnilles, or n sain since isso of leiu limn 2,000,000 spindles. "In the cotton mill Imlti'uly we have won the tlRht! we have ilpiuonstrateil Ih it tlm South Ii to he the domlnat Iiik cotton mill center of Aiimilc.i, It not ot the wot Id, Hut until the ills- nvery of oil In Texas opened up new possibilities which cannot yet be fullv understood, the Hrutli vvns In dunrjer of telatlvely falllnq- soniewhnt behind In Its lion Mild Hteol ninl inneliliieiv pioducInK InlPiests. 'As Kieat ns 1ms lici'ii out ptoi;ips, we cannot pffotd to put iinv obstiuptlon In the way of material iidviiiicenipii'.. Ae must ilse with the Hwelllnj- tide of Industilal and fliimulnl activity for woild-wlile "upietunev, or w tniist be etiKiilfid If we fall It Is our fault, for when we turn In the study nf our material resources we find Hint no other coun liv or no oilier section of any coun tiv has such n inaiv elous combination of wenlih-ciealliiK possibilities. Tt has been .said Hut In the Brent Htteleh of mountain country which tuns from Wheeling to TTIimlnKhatn, theie is foity times ns much coal n"? Client Hillnln had befoie she stuck tlm Hi st pick In tlm Riound. Wpst VliKhili alone has 1(1,000 squaip miles of coal, as compiled with (Tieat ni II nln's U'.OOo. We have neaily one-half of the standlnp timber or the United States. We hold a practical monopoly of the production of totton, and while we rurnlsii three-font ths of the cot ton for the 100,000 000 spindles In the woild, we only have 6 000,000 spindles ouiselves. AVe have almost n mono poly of the phosphate, rock, the foun dation or the reitllber business of this counliv and of Iluiope. Alont? our mountain lanse we hive coal In Inexhaustible supply, furnishing abun dant fuel at low cost, with vvatec povveis, great and small, almost with out end.' And now the Ouir and At lantic coast bave In Texas oil a fuel supply eijual to the utmost demands of comnmice and maniifactuies. With piophetle eye Oominodoie Mninv, the pit at Ri'OKinphor or the sea, flftv cais ao painted a training; pictme or the Oulf of Mexico ns the i enter of the world's conuneice when an Isthmian canal ha 1 been built, but it Is possibl-. that the fuel supply which Teas olfeis to us will even in ad vance of the canal piove almost equal to making the Oulf so often i ailed the .Meditei lanean ot Amei lea the iin'er oT n lommeiilal and industilal aillvitv siauely dieamed or, even by Maui v. ' Oiii Industilal advancement, which has been mi ffieat as to amae the vol Id, must continue on a still hicnd- ei si ale. If Hie South rullv utllles its advantages, if Its people .lie tiaiiKil Ten the oppoi (unities which aie ahead or u, Iwentv veais hence the South slicuild b pioduilng 'JO 000, 000 bales uf lottcm. and its fi 000 000 spindles should have inn eased to J1 -000 000 oi .10,000 000 oi mcie. Instead or $1,0,000,000 capital in i uttou mills, it oiiulit by that time to have M00, 000 000 to $100,000,000, its coal output f i oni .10.000,000 tons ns a piesnit, ought to be 1.10 000,000 tons, and In even other line or Industiy theie ought to be a late or piogiess which will make the South or li.o as manv tiiius failher ahead of the South of todav than the South of today Is ahead of 1SS0 Suiely what we have aiiomplished since 1S0, stinting mi dei all of the dp-advantages under whli h we laboied, ought to In moie thin doubled yes, moie thin iiiind liiplrd dining the next twenty Jf.lls." Theie is no wise Anieiican who will hi'giudgp the South her billllnnt m tuie, nor hesitate to give moial aid to the forces which aie biinglng tho southern people into a realization of the possibilities befoie them. The Democtats at Hnnisbiug have accomplished their piuposp, Ty a (oalltion with the Insiugents In tho srnate.theyhinodefpated ballot leroini. Uveiy regular Heiiuhliiau senator voted foi the Guffey bill as pi'opeily ainended In the house; but Inasmueli a1 Hip Deiiiociats wanted an Issue lather than legislative simplification of the pic-ent cuniborsonie ballot s.vstem, the ineasiue tell down at the finish. Now that the tusionlsts have ileieateil what they piolessed to want, let them make the most of t. Tho most will not be much. The conviction at Jeipy City of T. G. ll.uker for the shooting of Itev. Mr. Keller lepiesents substantial Justice, for wlmthei his wife's stoiy was tiuo m f ilse, hn chose tho cnunnlly way tn senile lediess. The duty now lulls upon .Mr. Keller to demand a Judicial i'ifiili.v Into the utilisation of Mis I'atkir, lu law this was llghtlv sep atiiKil f i oni iwukei ii tiial. Um It must be made, lluik and peiseveiance on tho pait cf Kdltoi I'. v, Ilailow have inuhied tha ICInihuist SIruiiI to (oiiiilote ulnn veali- of IliMti in live exiUfnie. Jluy It have ninny moie, with prospeilty In iiiLi eased piopoi tln'i. It Is piobable that the Kiugor ie ceiitlnn committee at New Yoik will not he obliged o postpone theli .sum. mer vaiattons n nider to give Oom Paul the fipedom ot tho city. Tlm laik of succffs that b.i.s nttrnd. ed the effoits of the 'oilglnnr men, has ilemonsttntPil that it Is still a tillle caily to launch pienldcniUI boiniis. The new tlilitl paity Is In a rail way to aufli'i the culy fate of the I'tiinsylvania fctato busy bill leasur. A l.oiiB Island City jouth who ic fujcs to marry a woiiiun worth $700, C00 has been ui tested as a yucsant upon complaint ot his futhei. In this Itistnnce llm coin st ot Hit patent .ocim piopur. A hoy who will neither wntlc nor tiiany nn heiress descives Incaicctatlnu, Tlm pntilols nuislug n giudgo luive ever be"ll displeased with l'cnnajlva lila polllli's. TOLD BY THE STAltS. Sniljr Horoscopo Dravn by AJncchus, The Tribune Astrologer. Mrslilie citi I 00 a, in , lur Situulaj, .Inns ?J, 1HJ1. Ha a kp A clillil lintti rn thli thy will notice that the hrad ot I lie met intellrcliul niicharine i;lil Rialnilci is (.iiiriiilli Iniideneil with a "Int." Thi nru i;uliil,lli 5 appnattK on court lionc s.ii iro cm limlli In fii Io Iiiiu jet relilicd ruin eiiulllni; ptuporlioui A Rrnt inn ninl nt "iilin I111 fillrn by the wjulde folrly In in Hit fi.it tint It I111 not been narreil Willi (he ln nt a ih inter n. V rll itits of the -n;nlu ulltun Mho formerly dipped t li f r puis In mil lie liriunilii us sweet n I tie r-ifiiiiii of the 1 tint bun' jmit klc. Tin- man viliu hn heen n fillurt1 oiiEht to mile n cood linlnutui. lie 1 111 it Ic.it point out thu palliH lint should he avoidnl, It Is po'illih' for n Mom in to lop tier hnlnnd mil Kt ill cihjnt Io (he 111 inner 111 which he ue lib kliifo and loll, at tho t ihle. Mbii'i lino n llglnn 1111 ofli n best he JmUcil lij the luih'th of tho oicrih iv cluck en hi! Iidim'. Sont? Kind Words flbodf Th? Tribiine Minks the night of Time. I'ioiii (lit1 Set mil, i I mill Hie Sininton 'lilhuno celebnte? Ill tenth iiint iiKiM of lis iiccei"fiil cM-tiinc and in Imnor of the w.ri'din his i-ued 1 h iniNf mo snmi nir of nn io Hi in 1 hiimlinl pics foi ill-liiliutUn Hinonif its 11 nil. rs lltlmin Ihe imm of this .itli 11 live look is lohl the Rton of Ihe Inlnim'-. tici, Ilic Miinnli (ohimtie nbo r ntiiu, 1 lnr.,1 lull i,IIii- I11-I1 n of tlie pislollltis of I u Kiw mil 1 count.!, i hMnry of tie. Sx.i inlnii boinl of (rule, and other vihnhle hi il dill. 'Ihe 'liHniiic's pomrntr Is 1 ruilitiMi pmdiic. timi ind a line illu-tt 1I1011 of I ho 111cc.l1 111k il Hid HlUtio irMjiuccs cit our i ti c mod coiifem. poi m's mil iciii 1 nl (vtihlishmiiit It dt t s not -i 1 tn 11 dot ido siino tin flr-t ntnnlior of tho Siimlon lilliime ippintd, '-n fi-t Is Ihe HIl.Ii'. of time lu this lm iri . still Ms Ittilh unmet Fin souitnir mmcs is ti lnppi rcuimder of the mi-ision Tin liutli (Ntipds Io lis (ontunpoiary hraili congi iluhtions, nnil (,'uod willies fur con tinued SUlllsS Of Genoinl Intel est. I'lotn the s, 1 nilrui ltp iilibr ill The sn mi,,, 1 1 iimn, n trn jeirs old in 1 Inn - In In liinn of Ihe oirishn it issued in illii'.liitrd bookht poitnr, ihieli is m tinttillv line fptiitum of its kind, lioth fiom 1 lit 01 1 1 and a tjpiKiaplncil pi 1 tt t if vitw II kIus 1 'in inn I Ih.Iii.i nl I lu liihtuie ft, 111 its in. ciption to th pii-iut dn, tud tN 1 conidit iihle until r which lini-t In if pirliinlit tnlui-t to the cineiil public .1- lluonhi.' luht on tin inside wiiktns of 1 n wtptpu lime is il-o 1 in motel iph mi tin " Vile mtJis tnd Mtuttious of s,tmtiii" Ihe booklet !, irineinu-U illns. tilted with lulf lone cttsi imds, tnd in nnlrrhl mid s(ve is 1 liiuliftil "piclmcu of tin Ii I oiei tphn's in l( is tin ,lit (is 1 111 in 1 J1I1 r Wi 1M111I Mil 1 11,1 lltlllll HIS f)" lljlll 111! Miiiitur mil I ii. eiiiiann theuroi Most Elaboiate Yet Issued. troni the s, 1 hum, 'litm, Ihe Sitititiiu liihuui iihlmhd (he inuipli lion of ten 11 irs nf ixl.liiin In i-miiii t him dlnl pi'o pimphht 1 lit iiniii- 1 lii-ton of the lilhime It ,111 iis tiHcptiou, pi iitn-i 1 1 illu-ti 1I1.I ulth 1 li"l"i ipliii news if its Imililiiu- mil (In mull d pitlini til- II111111 nijiu- its ollur coiituiN in 111 (n-iliiii of tlie nn 11 tuns mil idv nil luis of s,i intoti .111 1 1 In-lnn of (hi s, rnitui pi-lilliii It 1- Hi in ,1 1 1 tin tile koiiviuu mm is-111 d In 1 s, 1 intoti pip. 1 Hie I ill inn 1111 will in lult.1 tin In. t tit ti il is cue it sn-nit,,,-, u 1 ni tin til iii-liluli m- II n tiiliipiiMUL,' ml 1 1 1 1 - -1 1 l' in I we ioiii itwlitc il upon it-, in ce- Both Good and Fiofitable. I 10111 (hi WUkis tlun 1) lilt e- 1 b( s,t lutein IiiIiiiiil is jit-t d mil eclilint. irnr in t . tit 1 1 biillidii llln iuli it is tin em it il (lull mi-tikin) In Mi f in jeniin ilitk 1 in lis Hut Hn bi.li vi tin -sin ins hem imfiilh niir I11111I li piipiud fun U ml Hut he his nit ict Ii 111111I (o lliuie of liuu-ilf, nev(illiilis Ii hn nln us pii.nl nl i int iiiiutiuinie in I b is cihiiis linn Moult -titliiti- The liil.im i, 111,. of lliv lut ol i 1 1 1 iii.l pipit-. 11 is ilLuiiii I, ml (.me 1 ill jii-l , iml ilmio ill mil. 1 thiuirs II in 1 -1 11I-. m i-( 1 11 .In ill' mil-. I'll..- Ii.tli nt 111 it Hid till ,l Iphlc 10I I- II K l lIOIlil mu-pipir lln pnpli ninl. ' ., hoiu an idiloiiil iin 11 nnl linn, tin Ii m of Ihe liibiiiio is cinh 1, (11 iniK, its Ii mi. ilii, mil lis leuhis pioud of II, md mh Ii is tn nun I till lu Ihe iiuuuniiiti in ihiitul md otimis tic Inhil ot II1011J1I Win, thl, ;,,,,! , fur lueisuie of lln nn til mm 1 i -, It niuhl lo le eon (enl ih, liiliiin, uhinvir (hi ii 1. m ns fir lis liiiinu', his ml nub Kipt pur uith Ihe 1 1 -t j iiuiiill-ni of it, Mttiou It his nlsn hid llie cltut of rpili ki uliu the picis of lis (pllnns .siililtmi niMspipits 11c nil hitler for tho lifi of 1 lie lulnine, lust whit that lielteiinint md Hut riiiiu his cost ih poiunt isitclh let, Inn lli. int iiuuiiis lint 1 1 1 . an lirtb Ihe lullini Is In b in J. Eraliilitul on the j-Uns mil the s.ill-l n lion of its iirocht-s ind wc in- itij t,h, m , nue mud of filliilitlon ft i nn this nuk uf the woods, Woith Pieseivlng'. I mm the 1 tin islu I itnlner. Hie tiiiuiiiili I--11. I In the s, , in, lt tribune, III COIUIIIIIIlOl llliill of Hi, 1 1 lit II .lllllllllMtl, Is not I luue liliiil.it .-h.il, 1. 111 1 bi nitlfiilli it IliMUIril pimphlit, mil liniuul .111 1 il.-llln.l ti flii'l 11 piinuiiint pi 11 11 In tin III11 irr if ill its rtiihis Ihe 1 1 ilium1 is 0111 ot out csiciiuul itutuupi 1 nits, inn if It in. lini.s mme Hun lie lliiuk jiialluil dm lid ihe lli-h pots of tin pi.- cut pnllluili iLipl llul 1-hh In III III. nil lOlill lllMr, It Is I pipit Mllllll tllll lipicslllll 1 mow In.' tiij 111 1 uiininiuiln, ninl lil 1 11 111. bit uu iiiluii looks ion il. ntiui-l uflu hum j irttiinli. Well Conducted. 1 1 oni the llilct.iu PI1I11 spetku. Ihe I'liin spuhtr his rtuliul turn Ihe s.iintMi liilniiii 1 Ii in l-.'iin Mititimi iucil 111 Hu ni.tsmn of lis 1 1 nlli .i.iiiiui.-iii, lu whltli Is ';liiu l blult hlsloi of llu 1 1 1 In 1 Mine Us u.t il'li-liliulit .lid ,iN) 1 ili-uiptiuii of llm ill) of s, ,,111111 I lie IlilullK is liinlul in tie iniinlii Iml his 1 uulropolitin iiiiki-up ami t .jn ill. lite bit; lilt pip rs in 1 u Ik me so 11 .u ib 1. s nn I i.litnilil ft itiuis 1111 umicilicil, It is .ihli idllcd iml iinuiKiil ,iin is 1I1.111 tliniiiuli.'iit II i Hipuhlleiu lu i"lltii ind l one if tin upicciiil line J011111U of l'imi-)l-unla. Won Piospeilty by Deseiving It. I'lntn the I'liilidtlplu 1 Pic-Si Hu Krinton liihuui' nlihialcs lu Until .inn I iciuii uf lu ml ihlisliunul hi print ii 1. a Inn I wiiii tciiunlr wh'cli Iclls all .ilmi t tin- n.u.. pipir mil 1 nund dial ihoul s, riiitnn It U uj rire, iudud, lint a inmpipcr ainwlnic lu Hihlcitd the glial M1111H.S tint Ills ulttnlu tic Serauton liihunc in the .-licit tlun uluic US I uulii 1II011 waj lickiin lit hu In idu its uj in 1 field Hut ti iilrmh uicupinl with cv uplioiull bright ami al h ill Ii pipers, an I It li.ii net ir ftllul to diMitc all tin: iiu)pcul llm hat ionic lu it. Clean and Capible. e'f. m tits hiuuiso Poit stJitdard Ihe K.tjnlcn liibiiiio lus pulill.-lie.l a somciilr In um niiuoiJtimi of Ihu Until aniitirr.aii n( In o'lblMnmiil, wldi Ii ouuind 'IhuijJi). ' liic miiMiilr 14 t i.sUlull) piipait-d ail jhuus luc lictmt coiiiiii iilioiis ipinliis nf Ihu Irhuuc, anil lieirni roiiiui iiiiotii ipiiinu ot mo Ir litinc, Jnel ' i iiiinilur uf impuilait IhiiIiIiii.' about ilw nij j ut tMijntuu. Duiiii; lite dtiadc III niilili it lu llnd lln lilliuitc In. piuHil Ittilf a ilian a nl upibli mtUtr, 'lime is im iu.jii In I hellevliu Hut durlnj tlie next tin jena It will ro on In tho way t , dt. tilt ntiiUctl out lor itself. Nono Healthier. I'ioiii tlie I'hlllijolplili Itcioid 'Ihe innlnn 'l rllntin ichhnkt lis tenth mc nhcislrv bv the Initio nl n lienutlfullv lllti.tmlcil ftnunli alilni the lililcuj if a my iuueifiil iiMinpaper enterprise mnt an IntcirMlnit icvlcvi' of hcrunlon mid lacLmmtit iiislltutlons and liolili!i!le. The '1111111110 is an able mid cnlir P1UI1115 Jomnil. 'Ilicn Is not n. heillhler Juiiiir. stcr in the Hit of I'cniiwlwnla ililllca, Bonutlfitlly Gotton Up. from (ho Klmtiurst Mirml, Th 'Irlhnne, In hoinr ol iti tenth nnnhrrcary, prvcnleil to ll nuhscilhers n somnilr booklet conl ilnlnif a hltlorr of tho piper and of the 1 lit, toother with numerous hall tone pit lines ot nt lies of Interest in connrrtlon Willi the link-Ins of a iisw'pipei, and a niinil rr of puhlh build- ires. J lie pioductlnn h brniitlfiills collcn lip, and Is 1 Iclllne; ailiuibiniiiit foi the woik dono at Hut ofllic. Chtldion's Quaint Sayings. Tho teithn of 1 IohpII shnol hid to leno Hie room for n fe inlnutrs, ami ji,o the clil' drill Mime drmltm to d 1. Win 11 "he 1 1111 Imi L thiio was in Ho iittuosphiie semelhlli.' but told hu ill Inl nil Mine Hl" iliirltttr In r lib inie, mnl two ot (ho bnjs wete IiiiibIiir th Ir licit', "Nun, h.s," flic askul, uiiimfiill, "hue jcii been 1I01114 ginuthli a lint imi kiim I ih mill not hue Hint jmi in ,u" "Wss'in," 1 nm Ihe iiiuk nph, "Whit did ,1011 tin" "Will, ,1011 Re, wc ll tiiuht jouM i-k wh i'iI vvhUpiiiil ttluli .1011 e line link, hi wc Ju-t talk ed nit Iiiii.I e mio spending tho wlnlu lu old 1'orticss Moninc, ml the -.111111 b,u nf the titnlh Ind Inn uiiillciicd repc ilulh 111 1 to drlnU my w iter Hut hid int hem Inllul, ns It wis 11 it nfi dm dit, wliit Minvlhliu; bid ironc wion; md hi wis M.iin,' luttul.i, his luutlur nllid tin riiH lo him: "kinnith, do um I new lint viitir b irn ir wllK ( tlih (ho nevt em ami I isle il." stopping his --ohs foi 1 iiiMuent, hi will vl lot tli In the lunU ili-nill b m- 'Oh, no, I'm 'mlil tn it hi-n't hem boiled'' It wis (he tn-l time 1) n lh hid men a Mint i-piiiiMer. 'Hit, iiiiiuini!" -he ixclilmel with widi optn cus, "iiwt mi wlnt lint nun's l.ot mi ld w i.nti to Kiep Hi, bios ftotn ruling on I ihinil!" A It nher wis espldnin (n 1 little u'irl Imw Hie tins ilcvilnpcil tin ir fnliie in the fpriitc tlun "Ah, vcs," oii, die tiP mi. mj . elcislind; llm lc-n Iheir -imituci il ilhis in their tninl" cw liultnd Viminc To Wage Earners and Others of Moderate Income To not sppntl your money foolishly because j on mvo so little of It, but -ive iv ji it von can nom mouth to month unci invest It in something tint will multiply m mv lohl The mll lioinlies ot this section woie laboilng nmn a geiieiatlon ago and they pui sued this eouise while most of their comiailes blew It all in The piit ilent ones saw that fuel w is a good thing, that the woild hnd to hive it. and tliev bought .oil I ind, a. Utile nt 1 time is thry could spue it, and it has made them 1 1, h, anil llioii Himi lics liv c aid will live in the gieitest (oinlott, while the disienil nils ot theli iiiipiiulent conuades .110 laboi lng as tl.cli tatluis did fm dav1 wages. Keep this obioet lisson In mind The oppoi tiinltb s of tint culler llm -weie In coil, imlav gnater oppoi tuni ties o.slst in oil which Is fuel in a moie coiuieti Hum mil is i.ipidlv siippl lilting coil, because It Is easier and cheaper to mine ami Inutile, and is, beslilps being a imn i ion mile rue I len nil luge 1 oiisiimeis, uolit- able loi .1 bundled otliei iims. The oil ot t'allloinU Is Itu iiMilng that state with chpip fuel, fm th0 luck of which hei piogiess bas I t on woelullv irtaiiKd. The entile P it Ifie 101st will iiiiisiinii- oil is a fml, so tint the deiu mil upon the oil fields of Cil' loinia is unlimited. ('ailloinla oil lelineis will hold the m.ukits or the r 11 Hast anil or the w.st toist or South AniPilia, It is plain lo be seen tint tlie oil Holds or California, will be the sonic o nf im ah u'.ihlp weilth. 1 .11 bevond what tlie coal mines ot Ffiinsvlv mil hive been in the past. All tl oiightfu1 men c in see that the Ibing to do now to linko money H to buv tl.o oliiies of nnsei ailv e, 10 putublv nialiiged oil eonipinies liav Ing I.uge holdings of undoubted nil I mils s, 1 111 oil at low pi lees, ninl only ieiiiliinc, development to become the snuice of 01101 moii, levinim-. for s-hnioholilei , The PCIPIC COAST AND TI'.XAS Oil. COMI'ANV has in ihe most Im poitant oil llehli nnnigns of ability and inlegiltv and of tlie highest pi. le thal ciiialilliatlons foi theli liusliipss, and tlm t-h.ups or this tompanv aie todav, without doubt, tho best Invpsf ment obtainable. These sh.ues would be cheap at We, but aie selling ror the time being at .'0e per share, to pioiuie mini1)- lo bene tlm flist wells, Tim pi Ice Is sme to achanie i.ipldly to lteei) pue with the developments on the mmp.inv'H lands mid on nd .lnlniiig hinds, The niniknt value of the lands Is lonstantlv advancing, Do not dr'liv making an iuvestumut In this .stock, As to tlm value of lids oil piopeilv and tho thin liter and ability of its niaiiiigfis this mnipany 11 ins, by pei mission, to llm pios deut of thi llioadway llauk anil Tlimt (nmp ill.v, of l.os Angeles, CU. ror pni ilniliiis 1 inn 1 ii'lug tills in p.stnmnt apply to tlie INYESTMENTand FINANCE CO Hoom 1, Dime Bank Building, Scinnton. Pa. ot'nx i:vi:.N'i.cis. ALWAYS BUSY. & Our Oxfords T.ow In cut 1.01V in pi 1(0. illgll 111 fiunllty. L idles' tiom 75c. up. Ocii llcmcu'i, tium $1.'J2 up. g I Atftfin J?j t3 rs I I I I LmC VV I O OO M C I I Vl .-Si? . 1-rTtHI nf Wholesale and Retail. FINLEY'S Parasol Sale Unusual Opportunity, We have bought a ninnufacttner's complete line of Ladles' and Chil dren's Pninsols, nt much below reg ular value In immense assoitmcnt of styles and colors; everything that can be asked for in the Parasol lino, from tho popular plain Coaching Fainsol in solid colors and In stilpes, also solid colors with boiders, to the Fancy Fniasol, elaborately trimmed In chiffon and lace; very unique and beautiful. The Favorite Handles fiom a fashionable standpoint are of wood in dlfleient shades and in great vailety of shapes some in plain nat urnl wood; other3 finished with penil, silver or gold. Tempting Prices The one most atti active feature about the entire line will be the ex tremely low pi ices that we shall place on them. Theie aie too many to specify ptices, but will say what ever price you may wish we are in position to plense you. See our window display for a sam ple illustiation of our assortment and styles. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave THE ORIENTAL. Appropriate Gifts of Moderate Cost tic of nitnost, in till t, 1.011 nf niiinunii, urililiii-i IIil is-iiilt inuli In tlm net imi ii iiiiiii 11111 piilrt limk roiiune i 1I0I1 tw 111 11I0 'tip hi iionuiiui il juiIk inrnt in I 1 iii fill bin int; Our Mick tuiMitls iiiiiiitnot iblp nppnp timitin fi 1 ilio cm ni.,. tf th,.,. qtnli. lu- u II liiiiiiiuii time of t lie 111 Villi tun (,hsi Hon l,i. I It ( si in Him) m nl,jL. mnl colli Aii-iii 111 (,li-. Vises -(.inn, icil ni rlu Im blni', tliim noil 111 'ili II 11 II Ml lli-lu - tllh-t cut .jli-., iulir i 1 1 lit . ti ro 1.75 1.00 1.50 Gruerver & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. ftgaKES OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus 5525,003. United States Depositary. Special attention giveu to 1SUSIXKSS, I'KRSOX.U. aild SAV 1NG.S accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday eveuiugs from S to 9 o'clock. W.i. Con'ntii, President. IIlnky Hi i,in, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. II. Pick, Cashiet. Refrigerators, OH Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 325-327 Peon Ayenue. If I Fill Who Wants $1,000 Scholarships. For the Work of a Few Weeks. The Scranton Tribune of foi s an exceptional oppor tunity to the young people of Scranton and North eastern Pennsylvania to its second great EDUCATIONAL CONTEST The Special Rewards: Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675 Three Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva tory of riusic, $75 Each 150 $3,005 Each contestant (ailing to secuic one of these special rewards will be given ten (io) per cent, of all the money he or she turns in. N D rii first tnn ft Iiolailnpi do not Inilml" meiK but the eontesUnti securing the'e tiill b ghrn tin (10) p i tent oi all the money lie or die turns in to Tlie rribune, to isiist in pit hit; thii expuue. Here is an opportunity for some ambitious young people to earn the best college education without a great amount of effort, and it is an opportunity that may nevei be repeated. The Trib une may find the returns much less than the expense and would then be unable to .tgain make such generous offers. Such a con dition will be The Tribune's loss and the contestants' gain. There are many young men, and young women, too, who would be glad of an opportunity to "work their way through col lege," in tact, the piestdents of these institutions are deluged with applications for chances of this kind. Here the work for an entire course of four years can all be accomplished in three small months, and an education that would cost in cash $1,000 is assured with out further outlay. Patents should urge their boys and girls to enter the contest and work for one of the special rewards. One of the eight is within the reach of everyone who really tries. Send a letter to The Tribune for full particulars, including handsomely illustrated booklet. Address, Editor Educational Contest, V P. J. Hi Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS Grand Atlantic Hotel vo Annex Micinii ie 1111! Di lib. Allinlic f it, -N I bitb Ji ir, ill Iriiiilful n 1111 niiiiilc, tltule mil null Intli, Int ami i ilil m i w Her I itln ill liotil Jllll iiiiu x I nc tlillll MJOlt Hill I lltlllll, uitliin few mis of l lie Mril I'm (luheMii. Oilers cpiihl fiititi.; I lies 41- 1" '1' h iek, nJ SO up bi ilii biul i ill-, to f imilics Coichia unit all tiuin-.. Willo loi nioiviei I'll Mill S P COPE HOTEL OSBORNE. Mhnlic fill, V T One cniine from beieb cn Tiinoni nun Moiletn ipi intimitis t'n ixnlleil oiiiu Kites, 1 .3 the ilii, -l hi md up u ml II llu oe!, "3 mil upwatd I ipiiltj, 4(h) P. I. D.botiii SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. MRS. SARA ALLYN. MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT fAi.'itlt Mc in lluildiiu I'nlors opin Mi luljy, IIiutmIii aiil Mtiitiln e!eiiiii( PETER STIPP. (Ii ni rol tonlliilm, lliilliler nnil 1) iler in lltiililini; Mime. I um nun,' uf nil us i &pi Hjlt. Jilipliine v; Ofllie. .. 7 i.iin'ton Tienii" ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFPFS 3. iJJtfTI KUEl I iZL., rrnr ill I iiKuwniii mum, tiiiiiufii 'mer of Wire --inns ( all Kiiid m'li pupiul fir tie spun,: m.i.uii Mc lliaue all I. ml. it poiib HI'I'IH. Ill WALTER E. DAVIS, P.IA, SIG. Sia PAULI BLDQ, Attouiey.nt'I.aw, Scniutoii, Pa. Scranton Laundry. 3SS WASHINGTON AVSNUC, Calls ly ulephoiiii ruiiii' piunint ntt ntlon WILSON & WASBERS, SEOURITV BUILDING A SAVIGS UVOV, j' llunie oilii e '). .'IM Me - llul bin;, (iqii.ails a luutal luiln ii'td t n Inn! lit "j tliiuUbliulU Uiu uti it P.nu)lia'i a. FARRELL'S TRANSFER Mcncs liiultt, I uiiiltuie an I It 1, jajc, Safes, I'nnui an 1 MJiliiiiii, S17 LACKAWANNA AVE, FRED H, YJINTER, az-i capousb Avarjuu, Staple (iroc, rica and l,rostnn full line ol iKi'talilid, in , leutuil lUil. r M F. WYMBS. FUNERAL PIHECTOI, UU lailion Mint C'u Wj niint; Ue Calli b lilqibonq Ituuie I'lumpl Mluitwn H.S. TWINING, 131 Pe n Ave. SPECTACLES. MADE 1VO REPAIRED. "THAT'S ALL.' an Education Tribune. Scranton, Pa. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gul Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii 5 Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. REAL ESTATE AN-D INSURANCE 1 fliitl luiinli fur I mpti Houses, 1 mpty Ilonaej for 'luiiiiH, colleit lit ills. luok Alter mil liisuie 1'iq cil.v and Hull lings WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, Itoomi I ami 5 Durr Oulldins ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND ntlPFtl HANQVR 321 HUL BglW S" THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Ilil.iiU fiiinittire, bed llnir mil floor courlng lei i ih ut nlioltsalo pines ai 724 W, LACKAWANN" AVE., SCRANTON JAMES J, MURRAY, 'inceii. i In tin. Hunt t, I'unell t'o , in tit tiiil shut in til unit, ninl wntllitlun Cat tun Inn in , 1 1 )' ins uti I (.until lir. norl. a luiiili Nn 1,J I itUiu fiuia airnue. wolf & MLANE, 222 Adams Ave, Easter Millinery WENZEL I'raitiial Plumbers, Ilium, iml (laMit. Ins. I iiintiei a "i" i tail) lb pairing 1 1 uti) ( itl done J 10 Vliins aie, biran Im, Pi WILSON d COMPANY. lilitonillc lailon (Hotel lerimn lltilldina), : " Miiuu iitiiili suaiii'ii, Pa snili prosed, .juii ml piis.ed IDnnts llolhins re lulled, i illul dranliMhcifil Nen I'lionc. mil J. B. Woolsey C c contractors AND BUILDERS, Dealer! in Plate Glass and Lumber O" ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton, If i ii oft i Inter a1 krrnla MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Dutiiit vrnU lor John A lloibliui.' bJin lo' Wire Rope ana lleariial Win (.'ilia Pcnlia ann Hubber Mlg lu'. IU llm.-, PaiLiu;, Iloe anl Mcilnnlcal Itubbir tiuuiU. UiiQwlion Paikin; Ctttcr'i OH l loibmi, lluom 1D Paull Bldj . i ) .. kV