The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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A J'OI't'liAlt CiXUclN'O ItOt'SK for tti( tttnu
" tit of All Who Hue Ifr-unri to llenl, Kl
IMale or OMirr I'ropeity to Sell or Kxdnnsc, nr
Who Want Situations or HelpThree Small Art.
vertl.ffmmU Ccxt Oik Cent ft Word, Six trwr
Horn (or Kite font n Word Kui'pt Sltiiallcni
Wanted, Which Aic In-etlfd Free.
IVANTI'.n-fllrl for lioueotk. Apply M Irecl.
WAXTIIP-fioed clrl for rpiifi.iI linturwntlci eld
erly Rill pirlntril: vumc, M'l or month.
Mir. C. A. Wallrre, coiner Cliuiclt sheet and
Salem avenue.
Promise of n Successful Season for
Tenm Organized and Managed by
"Nlc" Murtaugh Game for Next
Tho outlook for it successful season
of amateur base ball In Carboiidale Is
very promising nt present.
The Crescents, by their two decisive
victories over the representative nines
oi' Olyphnnt iind .Scranton liitve dem
onstrated their strength to uphold the
honor of the pioneer oily in the fast
est kind of base ball.
At present the oily is supplier with
nn array of "battery" talent that ean
nui be outdone anywhere. liolnnd
find Nolan, the "crack" Alleghany col
lope players are now at homo for
their summer vacations and this pair,
In addition to the Crescents' sterling
batteries of Aloran, Cuff, Smith, Pld
f.eon and Lofttts are all remarkable
players In each department of catching
and pitching. They arc also strong
batsmen. These players, reinforced
by Kmmott. Hogan, Murray, Hudglns,
MoHnle. Alonohnn and Hull, constitute
a winning combination.
There are also n dozen or more
younger players in the city that could
be relied on to do good service. Se
lectman John Alaunlnu is organizing a
team from among the latter to cope
vith the Crescents for a monetary
consideration, which he has arranged
with Manager Miirlaugh.
This game is an annual event be
tween Messrs. Mannioii and Murtaugh,
In which the former has been invari
ably victorious.
The following teams have been com
municated wllh by Mr. Murtaugh for
dates: Honesdale, Susquehanna, Ml
nooku Reds. Wilkes-Barre, Millers,
West Side Mrowns, Scranton and nun
more. The game Sunday will be with the.
Peckville-Olyphant team, known as tho
Rubber Necks. The pitchers are Cur
tis and Sheridan, two of the best in
the country. A dbse game is expected.
At a meeting of the Crescents last
evening in Miners' union hall, on South
Main street, many matters of general
importance to tho team were discussed
and arranged. A committee, composed
of Messrs. Cuff. Pldgeon, Kmmott
Hadgins and Fox, were empowered to
make arrangements for means of prop
erly equipping the organization In base
hull raiaphernalia. Mr. Fox was also
elected secretary-treasurer of the or
ganization. The team will play as follows on Sun
day: Moran or Hull, c: Smith, p.; Me
Hale, s. s.; Pldgeon, lb.: Rogan, lib.;
Murray, 3b.: Culf, 1. f.; Kmmott, c. f.:
Hadgins, r. f.
Cuff will oflli'iate as twirler in their
contest for honors with the Honesdale
nine tit Lake Lodore on Monday. All
lovers of good base ball will be ex
pected to assist the boys In their game
at Alumni park on the 2:id.
Will Descend No. 3 Shaft to Locate
Trouble with Pumps.
An event of more than ordinary in
terest to the people or this inland com
munity will occur at No. :i shaft, on
I'lkestreot, this morning, when an ex
peTEtTeep sea diver from Now- York
city will descend the old sixty-foot
sbjaft to repair a disabled pump Unit is
located near the foot.
At present there Is an enormous
quantity of water, submerging the en
tire workings and reaching almost to
tlftUOlAUlh of tho shaft. When the
roanrmnthpump gave out the olllcials
were nonplussed for a limn for means
of reaching the defect. After every
local means available had been tripd
to remedy the defect, the company
were compelled as a last resort to send
for an expert to work under tho water.
The diver and his complicated appar
atus arrived on tho Delaware and Hud
son 7 o'clock train Inst evening, and
the latter was immediately sent to tho
scene of tho trouble.
It is sincerely hoped that tho com
pany will be successful in this com
mendable effort to hasten the com
mencement of operations at this col
llery. H. J. Brennan in Oklahoma.
Henry ,T. Bronnan. of this city, fa
now in Oklahoma, and the Ardmorlte,
the leading paper of the metropolis of
lh? ,Jr,l:5!,i'y prints tho following
oji noni from him: '
(The southwest Is unquestionably t,0
jnmlnar 'section of our great republic.
All the w-ay down the lino from Kansas
'ity to the gulf it Is one magnificent
.told of. eralm ' Railroads aro being
taxed to their utmost capacity to
xnnsport to markets the product of
;hls grent section, cities and towns
invo sprung up In every direction,
vliKrc a few years ago was seen only
m herds or cattle and tho cow boy,
Railroads are being built In almost
ivory 'direction In order to keep pace
vith" 'the, wonderful development,"
To nnndle D. & H. Excursions.
To expedite the handling of oxcur
lous and to further assure tho safety
)f excursionists, the Delaware mid
fl'ld,sou company has created tho
llijii,, of excursion train despatcher,
jvhosie duties be eonuned entirely
to excursion trains.
Hereafter, unless otherwise nrrapgod
for, excursion trains to I.ncloro from
m- Children. Mother (hay, for ,rar a mtie in
'.r llilMrrn' Home In New Yotk, Heated chll
lull fMi'titfully with a remedy, now prep-iinl
iml placid in the dius ilurra, called Mother
3r.iy' .ijsret Pondera tor Children. Tliiv jro
innnlcv, ,i milk, plcaant tu take an.l never
'I, ,A ill,i,l lllro '"r fcmMiiu1... lonuiii.t.
;ton, headache, lecthln-,- anil ftunui-h diidcri
iii-J nornt. At nil iliiiUti. iV. ' Sjih.
h Kin FIIKK. AiMicm Alkn si. Olr.utcl, .c.
Cadbondale Department
points down the vnlley will bo run to
the lake via the now short finite from
Atehbnld, touching this city at Lln
cnln avenue station only. This will
mean a saving In time of half nn hour
In the run to the lake.
Will Do Htm to Hint Itosort Com
mencing: Tomorrow.
Commencing tomorrow, dune 2.1, ntnl
ending Sept. IS, the Delaware and
Hudson company will run Sunday ex
cursions to Lake Lodore.
Trains will lenvo the Seventh ave
nue station for tho lake at ii.BO a, in.
and l.::o and J.l."i p. in. Tim rate from
Carboiidale will bo f0 cents.
James J, (iiirninii, of South Main
street, this city, who bus been appoint
ed caterer for the season, and who
gave excellent service on Memorial
Day, will do the catering for nil of
the Sunday excursions. There will bo
every refreshment suitable to Sunday,
clams and clam chowder Included.
A new soda fountain has been erect
ed, especially for Sunday trade.
The opening of the Sunday excur
sion season will be welcomed by many
in this city, who will be glad lo avail
themselves of the chance to rest be
side tho pretty lake.
Tho Ordinnnco Providing for tho
Construction of a Wntor Plant by
the City of Carboiidale Passos
Final Rending in tho Select Coun
cil Without a Dissenting Vote
As forecasted in The Tribune yester
day, the municipal water plnnL ordin
ance passed select council on ilnal
reading last night, and by a unanimous
vote, and Carbondale's ownership of a
water system became u certainly so
far as the acquiescence of councils was
The vote, as stated before, was unan
imous, and the session was decidedly
tame, as compared with the lively
meeting of Monday night, when some
displeased spectators gave u few of the
councilman a guying laugh when there
were indications of opposition to the
The noteworthy Incidents of last
night's meeting wete the scorings that
Mr. Rattle and Mr. Thompson gave to
those who criticized their conduct on
Monday night when they Insisted on
having the vote on Una! reading de
terred until last night, In order to al
low ample time to consider the discrep
ancy between the bond Issue as pro
vided for and the city engineer's esti
mate, which was shown to bo $28,000.
lUr. Nolan's Honors.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan and son,
Michael, and Kite Chief McNulty -are
home from Rethlehem. where they at
tended the commencement exercises of
tho class of "01 of Lehigh university, of
which John J. Nolan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Nolan, was a member.
Mr. Nolan leaves the university with
a distinguished record. He was an
honor man in both lines, and In tho
class book are his likeness and a sketch
of his career, and the minute show
ing he was voted the hardest wot'ker
in ills class.
Carbondale Young Lady to Wed.
Miss Margaret Fltzpatrick, formerly
of this city, lint until recently a trained
nurse in New York city, will be mar
ried to John Geisor, of Wllkes-Harre,
on Wednesday next at the home of
the prospective bride's aunt, in IJridge
port, Conn.
Hugh Fitzputrlok, operator at the
Jersey Central ofllco in Scranton, a
brother of tho bride, will be grooms
man, and Miss Anna Geisor, sister of
the groom, will be bridesmaid.
Social Happenings.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ranks, of Ter
race street, wore host and hostess on
Tuesday evening, when they had as
their guests tho progressiva euchre co
terie. Tho occasion also t iced the ninth
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Ranks, who were heartily congratu
lated by their guests.
After an Interesting time about the
tables the guests partook of u lunch
eon. Tho prizes were won by Mrs. J.
J. O'Boylo and J. Reunion,
"Pennsylvania's Dishonor."
There- will he an interesting sermon
at the First Congreeatioiial church to
morrow night, when the pastor. Rev.
M. C. Klllott. will discuss the sultleet.
"Pennsylvania's Dishonor in lcv Leg
islature and the Giving Away of the
Peoples' Rights."
There will he special music.
John Nallln, of Scranton, was
town yesterday.
Dr. Alex. Glllls was a visitor
Hcranton Thursday.
Miss Mnbol Carr, of Scranton, Is vis
iting friends in town.
Edward Roach, of Canaan street, Is
able to bn around after an attack of
Tho Misses Matthews and Archbald,
of Scranton, were Carboiidale visitors
Mrs. Thomas Payne has returned to
her home on Summit avenue, after a
visit at N'lnoveh,
Miss Helen Dougherty and Airs. John
Sauer are visiting in Carboiidale,
Wilkes-Mane Record,
I'Vanels and Henry Aloses, of Scran
ton, aro guests at the homo of S. .Sing
er, on South Main street.
Mrs, Thomas Murray, of Wilkes-
llarre, was the guest, Thursday, of
Mrs. J, C. Ilutchius, on Washington
Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens, of
Spring street, left ye-Uordiiy for a ten
days' visit with relatives in Wilkes
llarre, Miss Monaca Mlssett. of Scheiiec
tmly, N. Y., Is visit Ir.g her grandpar
ents, Air. and Mrs. Joseph Mlssett, on
llrnoklyn street.
Harry Lister arrived Thursday from
Phillips' Kxoter academy, Kxetcr, N.
I!., to spend tlte summer vacation with
his mother Mrs. Harriet l.lster, on
Wyoming street.
Miss Mlllicent Tnlloy, a school teach
er at West Preston, near Starrucca,
who Is on her way In Honesdale to
taku an examination for her state crr
tlticate. Is the guest of Miss Carrie
Stevens, uf this city.
'Phone t
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
After Eating a Lunch Ho Retires
nntl Is Found Dead by HIb Grand
son Who Slept Beside Him Heart
Dlscnso Supposed Causo of Death.
Tames Gllhoo, aged fiTi yenrs, a pio
neer resident of Carboiidale, and great
ly esteemed In this community, was
summoned to depart this life yesterday
morning, under unusual circumstances,
Mr. (Jllhnol retired about midnight,
after partaking of a lunch, as was
customary, and at about 8 o'clock he
was discovered to bo dead by his
grandson, who slept beside him,
The grandson was aroused by a loud
conversation that was carried nn be
tween other members of the family,
and turning about he noticed that his
grandparent was In a peculiar position,
and on the boy calling his uncle, the
old gentleman was found to have
passed away.
About two years ago, Mr. Glljiool
sustained injuries by reason of a fall
that weakened his powers, and he has
since been more or less Infirm. Heart
disease, superinduced by his ago ami
his lowered vitality, because of his
injuries, Is supposed to bo tho causo
of death,
He was born about sixty-five years
ago In County Sllgo, Ireland, but re
moved to this country when little more
titan a child. .Most of his life was
spent In Carboiidale.
Ho was the father of fourteen chil
dren, six of whom, beside his widow,
survive him. They are: T. A. Gllhool,
Mrs. Michael Kelly, Miss Winifred Gll
hool, Airs. Thomas Llbby, Joseph Gll
hool and Mrs. Henry Nelson. Mrs.
John Kllleen Is the only surviving
sister. All are of this city.
The funeral will be held Monday
morning, the cortege leaving the house
at a o'clock. At St. Rose church a
requiem mass will be celebrated, af
ter which burial will bo made In HI.
Rose cemetery.
District Deputy Mrs. Skillhorn, of
Scranton, assisted by Patriarchs Mili
tant canton, No. lit, of Carboiidale, in
stalled the oillcors of Mlzpah lodge.
No. 11,", Daughters of Rebckah, as fol
lows P. N. G .Mac Henwood; N. G.,
Sarah Tcmliyi V. G., Jennie Greens
ladc; secretary, Roberta Henwood;
F. S., Ktinna Nctherton; chaplain,
Alary Woodworth: it. S. N. G Regina
Itcnnie; F. S. N. (,., Lizzie Jones;
R. S. V. G Mary Penrose; F. S. V.
G., Kllza Reynolds; It. A. S., Jane
Whieier: V. A. S Lizzie Taylor; con
ductor, Margaret Snby; warden, Mary
G. 'a iter: outside guard, Lizzie Steel;
inside guard, Jane Howe.
The funeral of the late Lizzie Owens
tool; place yesterday afternoon. Ser
vices weie h"Id in the Congregational
cliun-h by Rev. m. D. Fuller. D. D..
assisted by Mr. David Hill. The pall
bearers were Fred Hadlcy, Henry
Stephens, Thomas Hall, William
Johns, .lames Rosemorgy and Wil
liam Parry. The Mowers beareis were
the members of her Sunday school
Airs. Klizaheth Golan, daughter of
Air. and .Mrs. James It. KvaiVS, for
mer Jermyn residents, died at Her
home at Scranton yesterday, .after a
brief Illness of pneumonia. Deceased
was well known And much esteemed
by the people of this borough, by
when her dentil is much regretted.
The Glenwood and Delaware and
Hudson shafts aro still Idle on ac
count of tho heavy water and the
people of the borough are quite do
pressed over tho enforced Idleness The
Delaware and Hudson company are
putting in a Jeansvillo pump today,
and it is said the water at the new
shaft lose less yesterday than for
some time past. It Is hoped a couple
of days longer will show some more
hopeful signs of resumption of work.
Rev. S. D. Alolter, pastor of the
Primitive Aletliodist church, will
preach tomorrow morning from lite
subject of Paul's conversion, and In
the evening on "The Spirituality of
Heaven." League meeting at fi.ISO
Mrs, Alnslia Alperlu, of Scranton, is
visiting .Mr. and Mrs. .Morris Gron
tine, of South Main street. Airs. Solo
mon Alpernwltz, of New York, and
Airs. Sarah .Solomon and sister. Miss
Alary Selling, of Syracuse, N. A'., who
have also been their guests, have re
turned home.
Dr. A. J. Raker, of Dttryea, and
brother, Dr. W. J. Raker, of Carbon
d'lle, were visiting their parents, Mr.
and Alt". Philip Raker, of Alain street,
Division No. in, Ancl'iit Order of
Hibernians, will hold a public Installa
tion of oflicers in Assembly hall on
July l:.'. It is expected the county
president will bo present and after
the installation ceremony theto will be
an eutcriaiument of vocal nnd instru
mental music and a feast of oratory.
Airs. A. F. Gebhart and son, Gporgo,
leturnei! home last evening, after a.
week's trip to the Pan-AmoriOan ex
hibition at llttlfalo, N, V.
The menthol's of the Susquehanna
Street llnptlst Rlblo school will oh
serve their nniitinl Chlldien's Day to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
following programme will he given un
der the direction of Superintendent
W. T. Evans; Song, school; prayer,
Ri v. George Hague; responsive lead
ing, school; solo, Margaret Thomas;
recitation, Flossie Williams; hymn,
school; lecltatlon, Helen Jones; duet,
Mildred Williams anil Pearl Prosser;
looltutlon, Alyrtlo Owens; solo, Annie
Jones; recitation, Nellie Evans; duet,
Klzlim and Mlauche Harris; dialogue,
"Children's Day," twelve girls; solo,
Margaret Evans; exercises, "A Nose
gay," live little girls; duet, Prof. T.
W. Watklns nnd AUfs AI, A. Evans;
address, 'Work of the Publication
Society," W. II. Priest; selection, girl's
quurtotto; offering; hymn, congrega
tion. All the friends of tho scholars
are cordially invited to litteud this
iiimuul observance of the Children's
Floral Sunday.
A! Iks Jennie P. Pattou participated
In Prof. John T. Wntkliis.' recital at
Scranton last evening.
Mrs. ,, Horry returned home yes
teuliiy from a visit to .Mill City.
Miss Katie Cannon, of Avocu, spent
a few days in town this week.
ltvv. George Guild, of l'tovMence.
was a caller in town yesterday.
Bishop Hoban, of Scranton, will ad- ,
minister to a larue clans In St. Pat
rick s church tomorrow1 afternoon at
3 o'clock.
Miss Kale Athcrton, of Clark's
Summit, v.lio has been visiting rela
tives here, returned home yesterday.
T'p! metrbcra uf Calvary P;tp
tlflt church will celebrate tholr Jubilee
nil day tomorrow and at 7.30 o'clock
Monday evening. There will be
preaching by Rev. Dr. Pierce, of the
1'onn Avenue iJaptlst church, of
bcrnntnn, and other well-known
clergymen. Mr. Luther Keller, presi
dent of tho llaptlst association, nnd
others Will also take part In the ex
ercises. Special music will be ren
dered for the occasion by the church
choir, under the direction of choris
ter, Pi of, D. K, Jones.
hat promises to bo the social
event of the season Is tlte progres
sive euchre party under the auspices
of Rranch No. 412, Ladles' Catholic
Henevolent association, to be held on
Tuesday evening. Juno LT, In the base
ment of the new Catholic, church,
Tickets to ndtulHlson, 35 cents.
Services tomorrow at tho Welsh
Raptlst church at the usual hours-.
.Sunday school nt 2 p. nt. The pastor,
Rev. D. C. Edwards, will preach In
Welsh in the morning and In English
In the evening. Prof. Harry Evans, a
noted baritone of Wales, who Is tour
ing the country, will render a solo
during the morning services. All aro
The Price Library association ,wlll
hold n special meeting at the Library
hall on Monday evening.
Aichbald and Pyno Primitive Aletho
dlst church pastor Rev. James Wat
kins Services tomorrow as follows:
Preaching at 10.;;o a. m subject,
"Plants and Corner Stones"; Sabbath
school at 2 p. m, In the evening at
tun. Children's Day will be observed,
when a service entitled, "When the
Roses niootn," will be rendered by
the pupils of the Sabbath school, un
der the able leadership of Chorister
ISonjamln Jenkins. Miss Martha San
dor will be the accompanist. Book
Day will also be observed, for the
teplenlshlng of tho Sunday school
library. Those having books to do
nate, will ploaso bring thpm and give
thorn to the reception committee.
The funeral of the late Thomas
lolley, of Moosle toad. Old Forge, will
occur tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Set vices will bo hold In the Methodist
F.plseopal (.hiirch. Rev. J. N. Bailey
will olllclate. Interment will be made
In the Alarcy cemetery.
Tho Taylor Reds will this afternoon
play with the AVest Side Rrowns. The
game is to commence at 3 o'clock.
The congregation of the Presbyter
ian church will obresve Children's Day
tomorrow. Splendid music and elab
orate decorations will be among the
features of the Children's Day exer
cises. The following Taylor talent took
pait In the recital of Prof. John T.
Wntklns' pupils at Scranton last
evening: Alisses Kdlth and Gertrude
Watklns and Messrs. James 10. and
Richard Wntklns, William Price and
Henry Kvans.
Children's Day exorcises will be ob
served at the Welsh Congregational
church tomorrow. A splendid pro
gramme of musical nnd literary num
bers will bo rendered. The exercises
will be observed at the ecvnijtg ser
vice. Sabbath services at the Methodist
Episcopal church tomoiorw nt 10.45
a. m. and .::o p. m. Sabbath school
at 2.15 p m. Pustnr Rev. C. B.
Henry, otliclatlng. All are welcome.
The employes of the Taylor, Pyno
and Archbald collieries will receive
their semi-monthly earnings for the
fore part of Juno today.
Misses Jennie and Alallssa Wntklns
have relumed to their home in Ilult
stcatl, after being the guests of their
grandmother, Airs. W. AV. Wntklns, of
Grove street.
Air. John Richards, of Wales, Is
note on a two months' visit with his
North Taylor.
Children's Day exorcises will be held
lit tho Methodist church tomorrow
evening. Tito services aro upon the
subject of "Character Building," words
by Flora Kirkland and music by I. H.
Meredith. Both aro excellent.
Airs. J. W. Mulllncx and son. Albert,
spnt Sunday with1 relatives In Tomp
kiusvllle. Mrs. James S. AVngner spent the
greater part of last week with rela
tives in Scranton and returned home
on Friday evening.
Airs. Jennie Roichart, of Wilkes
Barre, was the guest of relatives here
o.-er Sunday,
Mr. and Airs. Gordon and three chil
dren, of Taylor, spent several days at
the homo of Airs. Klizaheth Wells last
Webster Swallow returned on Satur
day evening last from an extended
visit among friends In New York and
Aliss Maine Wells accompanied tho
evcursioii from Taylor to Alountaln
Top on Tuesday of last week.
Clarence Rhodes, of Niagara, is vis
iting friends here, N. Davis spent several days
with telatlves In Albany, N. Y., return
ing en Tuesday evening last.
In the death of our townsman Or
lando Chapman, of which brief men
tion was made In Tuesday's Tribune,
tho vicinity has lost a very energetic
nnd highly respected citizen and the
family a loving husband and a
thoughtful and Indulgent father. He
was one of a family of thirteen chil
dren, ten sons and three daughters, of
the late Ralph Chapman, of Connecti
cut. Tho family moved from Connecti
cut to Hnmllnton, Wayne county, this
stnte, when Orlando, the subject of
this sketch, was about ten years of
age. Ho .preceded the family a brief
period of time, coming all the way In
an ox cart. Six of his brothers and
one sister survive him, He was horn
In Ulastenbury, Conn., nn April 10, 1S24,
Air, Chapman was twice married, first
to Aliss Esther Hall, a sister of the late
Captain Preserved Hall, in the year
1S."i5; she died ten years later. He was
then miin'ied, in 1SH5, to Aliss Ellon
Decker, u sister of the lato George
Decker, of West Scranton. By this mar
riage ho raised a family of tivo chil
dren, who, with his wife, survive him.
Air. Chapman was a butcher hero for
many years and was exteuslvoly
known throughout this vicinity. His
seventy-seventh birthday was fittingly
observed nn April 10 last by tho fami
ly, Ito tooling certain that it wotil.l bo
his last, His son resides in Clark's
Green; his daughters, Airs, Gottlieb
Deitz, In South Scranton; Airs. Albert
(i. Wheeler, at Clark's Green; Airs. Ira
Lewis, In Benton, nnd Leah, tho young
est, with her mother at the homestead
at this phicf. Ho moved to tills vicin
ity in 1S60, and with the exception of
four years, two of which were spent In
Wayne county and two in Blown Hoi
low, ho resided In this Immediate vicin
ity, very active In business early and
late. The funeral was held on Tuea
day utturiioon at 'i o'clock and was
Dr. Hartman's
I Mrs. Nellie JBrnfe. xiCVC
VTmiss.A. f) vQ-Dw MiIlLbAV
Alts. Nelllo Blyler, President of the
Ladles of tho G. A. It., has tho fol
lowing to say about Peruna:
Gentlemen "In taking a medicine I
consider it of vital Importance that
ypu should be sure that It Is the right
kind and that it will cure.
As a rule patent medicines claim to
do much while they really do little:
but I will say for Peruna. that it is
the pnly medicine I ever knew that
does all nnd more than It claims.
"I recommend It especially for wo
men as it promptly cures the weak
nesses of our sex and will always bo
sure to give satisfaction." Airs. Nel
lie Blyter.
Secretary Illinois Woman's Alliance
Aliss A. Brady, Corresponding Sec
retary Illinois Woman's Alliance,
writes from l'7-'3 Indiana avenue, Chi
cago, III,:
"Last year front continued strain
in llte'ary work I became very much
exhausted, my nerves seemed to give
way, and I had backache, headache
and serious indigestion. One of my
friends .-.uggestod that I try Peruna.
largely attended by his many friends.
Ioirtinent was made in the family
p'.ot. Rev. James Fielding olllciated In
t';c absence of the pastor, Rev. K Par
ian East.
Rev, H. Paiiatt East nnd family are
visiting friends in his native state of
New Jersey.
Aliss AI. E. Bevan attended annivers
ary exercises at the Ponn Avenue IJap
tlst church on Tuesday.
Airs. AY. P. Coon returned on Satur
day from a visit of her parents, Air.
and Airs. George W. Decker, In Hones
dale. Air. and Airs. A. R. Robinson, Aliss
Jessie Robinson and Aliss Hattle AI.
Alead attended the wedding of their
cousin, Aliss Donnelly, of Dunmore, on
Wednesday evening last.
C. P. Matthews and family now oc
cupy their new summer home recently
procured of J. D. Aylosworth.
Peckvllle Bnrtlst church, Rev. J..
S. Thomas, pastor. Services tomor
iow at 1U.30 a. m. and 7.u0 p. m.
Alorning subject, "Blessings Asked
for the Kpheslan Christians." liven
ing subject, "Tho Way of Good Men."
All are welcome.
Next Sunday will be Children's Day
in the Presbyterian church. The
morning service will be for tho senior
members of tho Sunday school and
for the baptism of infant children:
subject of tho sermon, "Tho Treasures
of God's Word." Tho evening services
will be for the junior members of the
slIiooI, and they have been trained for
the occasion with special care. The
wholo school Is a committee on lloral
decorations, with F. R. Benjamin In
charge. The public is cordially in
vited. Air. Robert Estell, who conducts a
confectionery store nn the East Side,
has rented the store building of AYII-
llani Page, on Main street, and will
shortly move his stock to the Page
building, where he will continue the
Mr. Rooke and daughter, Miss
Edith, are visiting relatives at Lnfiin.
Harper lodge, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, conferred the second
degree on two candidates last even
ing. DALTON.
The supper given by Mrs. Charles
Alillor at her homo Wednesday evening
wns largely attended and over $11 was
lealizei. The proceeds will be applied
to tho benefit of the Baptist church,
Children's day was appropriately
observed in tho Methodist church on
Sunday morning, Tho church was
prettily decorated with flowers and
potted plants and a pleasing pro
gramme was rendered.
Air. and Airs. Charles Alontague, of
Sci anion, aro spending tho summer nt
the homo of Mr. nnd Airs. Dell Knight.
Rev. A, W. Cooper and wife left on
Wednesday to attend the cnmttienco
inent exercises of Wesleyan university,
fioin which their son, Lloyd graduates
this year,
The Baptist Sunday school will hold
their Children's Day exerolses next
Sunday morning. In the evening the
pastor will preach a sermon to chil
dren, or "What a. Little Girl Did."
Contractor Jerome Thomas began
yesterday morning the work of exca
vating for tho foundation of tho now
addition to tho school building.
Arthur Northup has arrived home for
his summer vacation from Philadel
phia, where ho Is a medical student
In the University of Pennsylvania.
Robert M. Northup, of Glentmrn,who
Free Advice to Women
Offer to the Afflicted.
It certainly acted like magic on my
"Within ten days I felt new life
and health given me, and by taking
an occasional dose off and on when I
feel extra tired, I keep my system In
perfect order." All ss A. Brady.
Aliss Ksther G. Lowe, a prominent
youqg society lady of Washington,
Ga.. writes:
"I took Perunn in early spring, re
ceiving glorious benefits from same.
Before taking Peruna I suffered with
catarrh, always felt tired and had a
dull headache. A friend of mine told
me of Peruna. I began taking it at
once, gaining each day. I now feel
ns well as I ever did in nil my life.
I advise all my suffering friends to
give Peruna a fair trial." Esther G.
Aliss Millie Raker writes from 200
East Ohio .street, Chicago, 111.:
"I suffered for years with weak
ness peculiar to women, severe bearing-down
pains, and continual bead
ache. Aly system seemed completely
upset and 1 did not know whore to
graduated last week from Keystone
academy, expects to enter Colgate uni
versity next fall and prepare himself
for law.
Aliss Edith Smith, of Glcnburn, will
be married on Saturday afternoon of
this week lo Rov. John Curry John
ston, a Presbyterian clergyman of
Dublin, Ireland. The event will bo
one of the loading social features that
has occurred in this vicinity for some
time. On Sunday last Aliss Smith was
presented with a silver cream pitcher
by the Glonbttrn Sunday school, in rec
ognition of her many years of service
as pupil and teacher In the school.
Henry AY. Northup, formerly superin
tendent of tho school, made the pres
entation speech and Aliss Smith mado
a very neat response.
Strawberries are beginning to ripen
and tho crop promises to be a good
The residence of Aliss Jennie Smith
on Alain and Academy streets has
been greatly improved by a new coat
of paint.
A very severe storm, accompanied
by thunder and lightning, struck this
place last Wednesday afternoon about
four o'clock. Lightning damaged tho
telephones of Dr. Alackoy and llalland
Parker, not seriously however.
Casey Brothers of Scranton are oc
cupying the residence of Thomas
Watts on Depot street.
AY. A. Sanfoprl expects a number of
Scranton people next week to spend
the summer months,
Air. Herman Cole and Aliss Cora.
White of this place were married nt
the Aletliodist church last Wednesday
evening al S o'clock, the Rov. Air, God
shall officiating. Miss Elizabeth Stone
presided at the organ. John Wohr,
Joseph Walte, Russell Dean ami
Charles Hull were ushers. Aliss Alta
Hopkins and Irene Shot man tlower
girls. Maid of honor, Aliss Cora Leroy,
and groomsman, John Johnson. Tho
bride was tastefully attired In blue
silk mull, and carried roses. Th"
church was beautifully decorated.
Both parties are well known nnd
vc'ry populnr. Air. Colo runs the)
stugo lino finm Glenhurn station to
(lis place and is also one of the most
up to date undertakers In this end of
tho county.
Tho attendance was unusually large.
Thpy icceived a large number of
beautiful and costly presents and have
the best wishes of the entire commun
ity. Rev, Mr. Wntklns of Hallstond, Pa..
filled tho pulpit at the Baptist church
last Sunday morning.
Special tn the Scranton rrlhtine.
Honesdale, June 21. Tho contract
has been lot for the erection of the
oil derrick at Tanner's falls, and work
will he commenced on tho same at
Milton Salmon and Wlllard Blrdsall,
students at Lafayette college, are homo
for tho summer vacation.
Harry Bishop, for ninny years In tho
employ of the Delaware and Hudson
(anal company, died last nvonlug at
his home in Tracyvlllo.
Invitations have been issued tn tho
marriage of Aliss Katharine A, Rich
mond and Allied L. Carey, of West
Plttstou. The event will tako place on
Tuesday, Juno 25, at 2 p. in., at the
residence of tho luido's mother, on
Third street.
Wayne county will get a small slice
from the legislative appropriations, for'
the purpose of erecting a monument
A Generous
find relief. The doctor tried! thre
different remedies, but they did not
seem to help me any.
"After using five bottles of Perunal
I was as well and strong as ever. I
would not be without It for any
money." Aliss Millie Baker.
Free Home Advice.
In view of the great multltudo of
women suffering from some form at
female disease and yet unable to find
any cure, Dr. Hartmnn, the renowned
specialist on female catarrhal dis
eases, has announced his -willingness
to direct the treatment of ns many
cases as make application to him
during the summer months without
This offer will bold good only during
the summer months. Any woman can
become a regular patient by sending
a written statement of her age, con
dition of life, history and symptoms
of horjTorangements.
Those wishing to becomo patients
should address Tho Peruna Medicine
Co., Columbus, Ohio.
over the grave of Samuel Meredith,
first United States treasurer, who died
In Wayne county. Tho grave is near
Pleasant Mount.
An additional Sunday train has beer
placed on tho Honesdale branch of th
Delaware and Hudson, making threi
trains each way.
A game of base ball ivlll take placi
this (Saturday) afternoon at 2.30, be
tween tho Archbald and Honesdale
clubs, at Athletic park.
The corps of teachers that served in
the schools tho past term has been em
gaged for the winter term.
WELSH HILL. to the Scranton Tribune.
AVelsh Hill, June 21. The Ladies' "Aid
society mot at the homo of Airs. Henry
Butler on Wednesday.
William Aloses has returned from
Stroudsburg, where he has- been at
tending tho normal scltool.
John Watklns is giving his house a
coat of paint.
Harold Davies is visiting at South
Gibson this week.
James Lewis, of Scranton, was a
visitor at this place recently.
Miss Bertha Owens bas returned
homo from Scranton, whero she has
boon visiting friends.
Aliss Edna Snyder Is working for
Mrs. John Wntklns.
Thomas K. Thomas, of Scranton, Is
visiting his son at this place.
John Roeso Is preparing to erect a
now barn.
Aliss Minnie AVilllnms spent Sunday
with Aliss Llzzio Morgan.
Several of the people of this place
attended Children's Day exorcises at
South Gibson on Sunday last.
Miss Alahle Moon, of Peckvllle, is
visiting Airs. Klrtley, of this place.
Head Feels Like Bursting.
Maybe- you wero out late last night?
If you had taken a Kruuse's Headache
Capsule beforo retiring your head
would be cool and clear this morning.
Take one now and you will bo all tight
In nn half hour. Price 25c. Sold by all
Special tn the, Scianton Tribune,
ll.ilbtr.tfl, June 11.-( liailra Hall, of Sorantnn,
u.n Waitins licte Monday.
Mis. t'red Spnihlint; li-is returned In Illimra
after a tilt with .Mis. John TjiIiosj.
MUi Ainu Peltit, uf r'tdukllii, was entertained
by MIm Lillian Hatfield on Monday eeninc.
John Tatho'vs and IMiwid Siotlcn are haung
tho roofi of tnelr houses tepalied.
Caipenttr Uncart U rngagrd this erk In
placing u new shingle toot on the icldt;nco
occupied by .1. ,1. I'mnptfiii.
Jehu Young and Met In (iathin.v will addresj
the family iiirethii; of the Young Men's fhrtslian
aaMialinii Sunday iiflrinuoii.
A fiom heie representing Hie. fliplist
und I'lrsliylrruvi I'lirUllan llndc.oor soeiftien at
tended the county cumciitiou at llrooU.m Tuea.
dty and Wiiluiday.
At tho l,nUThtr3 I' Bible Trainlnir
ril.unl tho fldhmlmr oiliceu icildlw; here have
been chorfMl Mini Mary Siolten, anlant iiirr.
fhlciideiiti Miss Kdlth TiuubrldRe, in rharge of
tin' in.trumcmat inuic'i Miss Jotdr Millard will
conduit the oi,i iniu-ic dipaitincnt, and Mist
Amelia TioulnldL'C will be on.
Miihiel Dolaii mid family, of llroolidale, fpcut
Sumliy witli fiiciidi line.
J. I'. I.ndcruk w,ts tiliken itiddenly with tl L
no.s wlnlc at wotl. iu li's meat niirl.rt, en
I'unklm ktiert, li.-t Thuuday. lie was ri
mmed o hi.-, homo .ii id has been wiouly ill
siiiie. 'lime .tic Mubt fco of iuipioiemeut.
Mr. and Mi. Willi-, teiurned home
Monday liom a (hit with Snake Tieck friends.
P. II. IMdin ha been appointed collector for
the Delawarr, kiwauni and Wcitcrn Miituil
Aid avi:ijtlon. c.
MP Ni.-lc KuIIct i Uiitinj fiicndi In Kirk,
wood lhu week.