The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1901, Image 1

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The Members oT the Juru Brlnu a
Verdict In Keenlna with the
Charge o! the Court.
The Jurors Told Thnt They Must Set
All Else Asldo in Rendering a
Verdict The Story of tho Alleged
Outrage No Justification in tho
Eyes of tho Law for an Attempt nt
Murder A Possible Soven Ycnrs
Imprisonment Stands Before the
Prisoner Rev. Mr. Keller Denies
Mrs. Barker's Testimony.
Hy nxcIiMvc Mire fioin Tho Associated Puvs.
Now Turk, Juno 21. Tho jury, before
uhlch Thomas (i. Barker, of Arlington,
7. J., wan tried for shootliip Willi In
tent to kill tbe Rev. John Keller, of
the same town, took one ballot this af
ternoon mid returned with a verdict of
guilty. Kndor the charge of the court
they cotihl do little else. Tho jurors
wine told they must set aside all else
mill decide only If Harker, with intent,
filed lit Keller. That was the law and
they must obey it. Notice of appeal
was Riven by Marker's counsel.
Barker tonight found himself once
inure an inmate of the county .lull. He
must remain there until $10,000 hall Is
furnished. 1'el'ore him stands a possi
ble seven years' Imprisonment and a
line of as much as $''.0nn.
Mrs. Marker was not in the court
roiiin to hear the verdict. She was In
.mother part of the court house, 'and
ulicn told of the verdict, sobbed blt
1'i'ly. .Mr. Keller was also absent and
showed II" emotion when told of the.
verdict. Marker had expected an ae
(iillliil. lie based Ills hopes upon the
strong idea of his counsel when he
dwell upon the unwritten law that a.
man lias a right to kill where the
sanctity of his homo is assailed. What
ever tile ell'ect of this lino of pleading
had upon tho jury it was swept away
by the cold charge of the court, "the
story of the alleged outrage or the
outrage itself, If true, was no Justifica
tion of tlie defendant's assault."
Why Evidence Was Admittod.
The court explained lie admitted evi
dence that Marker had been told of an
alleged assault, not because it had any
thing to do with the case, but because
It was for the jury to determine if the
story had anything to do with making
the defendant criminally irresponsible.
If they believed the defendant was
sane at the time of the shooting they
must convict.
In his closing Prosecutor Krwin ask
ed the jurors if the woman's course
was the natural one. lie said her story
was improbable because Mrs. Marker
Mould. In the natural course, have told
her husband of the assault at once,
mid falling that, would have made a
coulldaut of ii woman and not of an
other man.
Tho jury's only ballot wis unani
mous for guilt and a unit for tho high
est degree charged.
Marker will probably be sentenced on
Thursday next, and then his counsel
will (lie the papers In an appeal to the
Supreme court.
At the close of the trial the T.ev. Mr.
Keller, through his attorney, gave the
following statement to tho Associated
"T have learned of the publication In
several papers of the statement of Mrs.
Barker as to an alleged outrage by
me upon her. It Is false. 1 never out
raged .Mrs, Marker. I now understand
the rules of evidence, however, would
not permit my denial under oath on
the trial just concluded.
(Signed) "John Keller.
"Juno 21, 1901."
Marker. In mi interview tonight, said:
"I did not expect such a verdict. It
seemed to me there was a reasonable
doubt. T" believe that no twelve men
ould convict mo after hearing my
wife's story. I believe that the Su
preme court will give me a new
and that then my wife's story will bo
Mrs. Starling's Friend Could Not Bo
Convicted of Taking Jewels,
Hy i:clmio Wlii firm The A-.-ocl.itnl Pica.
Washington, Juno L'l. After an hour's
deliberation, the jury In the case of
Lewis Francis Mortimer Monroe, of
Now York, accused of the theft of jew
els, whose value was placed at $9,000,
from Mrs. Olivia C. Starring, of 1153
Massachusetts avenue, returned a vor
3lct of not guilty, and the defendant
rvas sot at liberty.
Mrs. Monroe, whoo devotion to
her husband has attracted attention
throughout tho trial, was the Hist to
:oiigratulutc him on his acquittal. The
two left tho court liouso together. Mrs,
Starring, who made the accusations
jntler which Monroe was tried, was not
In attendance at the court during tho
day, having left the city for Old Point
Steamship Arrivals,
Jy Uxclusdie Wire from The Associated Pie.s,
New Vorli, ,lnn SI. Airbed; Hcliriaiia, fieno.i
lii'l Naples; ('oluinbij, Mjiiiuiin;. (.ToaieiU I'm
bua, l.hcipool; lohen.ollcrn, NjpN and (ieno.i;
Ethiopia, lilaitrow; Itollflilam vl.l lluulocne; In.
pari, ijjinlmric lluue Airivedi l.a l.oiiaine,
New VniK, MmlHe Sillcds Atorla( fiom
Bow, New VoiK, Somluiiitun-S.iiiil: 1'urjt
CkmarKo (from llatiilniijj), .New York lia flier
brusr, Qiierihtown Anbeil: Campania, New
York (or Liverpool (ami pioteede'l).
Trainmen Will Meet.
By Kxvltiihc Whc (rum 'die Associated Prcsj.
Montreal, June 'Jl.-rlt was announutl toilay
that the icprejcnlatlvM of t lie tiiotherhond) of
trainmen, locomotiic rnjjliicus anil brakenuu
cill hold a merlin? Sunday in Ihi illy tu dUu-a
the tiikc of the Iraikmen in the fanadia tail.
vd and lli tcndltlcn of the road-bed.
Miss Mabel Wills Married to tho
Man Who Tried to Kill '
Her Father.
fly llxohulvo Wire bom Toe AMod.ited Pic
Philadelphia, .lung 21. Harry Allen
Maxtor, of client Neck, I,. I who was
assaulted on Wednesday nt Mt. Holly,
N. .T by former Judge H. P. With,
father of Miss Mabel Wills, to whom
llaxter was paying- attention, was re
loosed today from tho Mt. Holly Jail,
where he had been committed on the
ohm-go of attempting to shoot Judge
Willis, and. was quietly married to
night to Miss Wills, in Camden, across
the Delaware river from this city.
T!axtor had been a guest at the Wills
bouse. The father at first did not ob
ject to his visits, but difference in
the family arose, which culmlnntcd in
Mnxtor'threatonlng to shoot the judge,
followed by the latter thrashing the
young man. Mrs. Wills and the
daughter took sides with Baxter and
vainly tried to secure his release from
Today Baxter succeeded In securing
bis freedom upon the payment of $10,
000 cash security, and tonight came
to Camden. He was met there by
Miss Wills, and together with her
mother, her 11-year-old brother and
Miss Wills' two attorneys, they went
to the home of the Tlev. William H.
Van Horn, a Methodist minister, and
were united in marriage. The couple
immediately loft for New York, and
will make Ihelr homo at Great Neck.
A Family of Seven Wiped Out Two
Members of Another Family
Killed Many Injured.
By Kxclusive Wire (mm The Associated I'rtM,
Omaha, Nob., June 21. Special dis
patches from Naper, Neb., coming via
Stuart, Neb., because of interrupted
communication, tell of tho frightful
work of a tornado, which visited that
vicinity last night.
One family of seven are killed or
fatally injured, and out of another
famliy of six, two are killed and the
rest, except the father, are seriously
or fatally injured.
Those killed or fatally injured are:
.I.KOll (ilCCUincr, ilsrtll 111.
Mi?. -I.icnli Cicmlng, fclill liinr, but not ex-
peitcd Id Use.
(Iiik'i- (iiccninp, u.riniiiy Injunwl; sigctl 14.
Murearot JrconiiiLr, aued V, killed.
Macule (liri'Miis;, ascil !. Mlli'il.
.Mm (hocnlmr, nsrrd f, killcil.
I.ii nl (iicrnii'ff, ajreit -, Killcil.
Out of the Anderson family of six,
two children, Ida and Clara, aged re
spectively seven and eight, were killed,
and tho mother and her daughter,
Bertha, and son, Theodore, aged re
spectively ten and twelve, were seri
ously injured. August Anderson, the
father, was away from home at the
The Japanese Statesmnn Is Stabbed
to Death at a Meeting of the
Yokohama Assembly.
By Kvclmhe Wire Ir.mi The Avoiiated I'rem.
Yokohama, June 21, Hoshl Toru.wlio
was minister of communications in the
last Ho cabinet, was stabbed today nt
a meeting' of the city assembly and
died shortly afterwards.
Hoshl Toru was Japanese minister at
Washington, and was formerly presi
dent of the house. The assassination Is
.supposed to havo been din.' to politics.
Otllcials of the Japanese legation
were shocked when Informed, through
Associated Press advices, of the assas
sination. Ills service here as minister
lasted from lSftli to ISiiS. He is well
known, both in diplomatic and official
circles. Hefore coming hero he was
prominent in tho polities of his coun
try, anil on returning to Japan he be
came a member of the cabinet, serving
as minister of communication. Ills of.
flcial Ilfo In Washington and at home
wore marked h.v vigor and decisiveness,
and these characteristics brought him
much enmity In certain political circles
of Japan,
Tills resulted in charges affecting tils
Integrity as a member of the cabinet.
olid rather than conipromihc his asso
ciates by tho controversy, lie tendered
his resignation, and began libel suits
against Ids detractors,
Feeling ran high over the affair, and
It Is probably duo to this that the fatal
ity occurred.
Air. Hoshl leaves a wife and one son,
the latter nine years old, lie was
years of age, and besides his promi
nence In politics was a student and a
man of literary accomplishments.
The assassin of Hoshl Torn Is a man
about CO years of age, occupying a
good social and public position, lie de
clared the blow was struck In the In
terests of the country.
New Horse Disease.
Ily HuUMve Wlie fiom 'dip Associated l'ie3.
New York, Juno SI.-AuouIIiir to Kiipeun.
tendent llinkiii;in, of the society for the pie.
lention of uueily to animal., :i new dUea.c,
siinilir tn the srip, lua apiwaied ainons lu hero and Is lapldly kllllns than, fw
ilwase was lii.l dUemned la.t Satuiday and
fioin Ilia icpoits eiitmilltcd by the leading' voter.
Inary Himcnni fully 10,000 hordes are now guffer
Ins f I em It line.
Northfield Victim's Body.
ly i:eliiic Wu from 'flic Asoiiated Press.
Xcw York. June 21. The body of a man was
found near the dock of the National btoiaso
toiiipany, at C'oimnniiipaw, today, from piper
found on it there i Utile doubt Ihit it is that nf
II. Stcvdu, of New llorp, , win. lias heen
inl-Miii: ilmv the feny XnithnVJd incident.
An Effort to Reconsider the Sliutt
Bill Which Failed on Final
A Number Are Passed Finally in
the House The Entiro Iiist of
House Postponed Bills Aro Dropped
from tho CAlondar and Cannot Bo
Considered at This Session Min
ing Bills Among the Number.
House of Detention Bill Passes
Second Beading in Lower Branch.
Uy Etclmhc Wire fiom The A'vnci.itid l're.
Harrlsburg, Juno 21. The session of
the sennte tills morning was for the
receiving of reports from committees
and tho consideration of bills on llrst
and second reading only. Among the
bills reported from tho house was the
general appropriation carrying more
than $10,000,000 for the expenses of the
executive, judicial and legislative
brunches of the state government, it
was referred to the appropriation com
mittee, reported out, favorably read
for tho first time and recommitted to
the committee for amendments. Iess
than five minutes were consumed In
passing the bill through these stages,
and the swiftness with which It was
done created soino amusement.
All the house hospital appropriation
bills on first and second reading were
advanced, after which the senate took
a recess for an hour and a half, so
that other bills from the house can be
reported to the senate and read first
time. The senate Is well up lit its
When the senate reconvened, the
bills that passed the house at this
morning's sessions were reported from
that body. They were Immediately re
ferred to committees and reported out
and read first time. The general ap
propriation bill was again reported
out and will ho read tho second time
on Monday night.
Tho senate then adjourned until
Monday night.
In the House.
The following appropriation bills
passed finally: Purchase of land for
state Institution for feeble minded, at
Polk, $::S,000; West Penu hospital,
Pittsburg, $100,000: Titusville hospital,
Sio.ooi); Avery college, Allegheny City,
J,", 000; protection of game or song anil
of insectivorous hirds, $12,000; monu
ment on Brandywine battlefield, $,1,000;
German Protestant home, Philadel
phia, $1,000; Florence Crittenden Home,
LIrie. $1,000.
Mr. A'oorliees, Philadelphia, moved
to reconsider the Sliutt constitutional
convention bill, which failed yesterday
on final passage. The motion was
adopted by a vote of 7." to !;', after
which the bill was laid aside for the
The entiro list of house postponed
bills was dropped from the calendar,
and none of them can lie considered at
this session. Tho most important are
bills reiulrluq candidates to tlie a
sworn statement of their election ex
penses; to prevent the employment of
Incompetent persons as miners in the
bituminous coal mines; prohibiting
employment of children under 1" years
in and around coal mines, and increas
ing the salnry of the chief of the bu
reau of industrial statistics from $2,r,oo
to $H,.ri00, nnd authorizing him to ap
point nn additional clerk.
Senate bill, establishing in cities of
the first and second class a house or
houses of detention passed second
reading, after which tlie house ad
journed until Monday evening at 8
Over 1,000 Men Quit Work Machin
ists Still at Work An Effort
to Call Them Out.
H.v llxcliisiio Whc fiom Tlie As-o, laled I'rcw.
Heading, Juno 21. Over ,000 men
quit work at the shops of the Philadel
phia unci Heading; railroad today. Tho
machinists are still at work, it Is ex
pected that nn effort will be made to
call them out nt once. At a mooting
held two weeks ago the delegates rep
resenting tho men employed hy tlie
company from Tnniaqua to Philadel
phia, drafted grievances, which wero
addressed to President Haer. This let
ter, lt was claimed, was delivered to
Mr, liner's nllice In Philadelphia, and
ti reply was requested by 10 o'clock to
day, Tho reply not having been re
ceived at the hour named n strike was
It Is to be extended over III ltlro
system wherever possible, Nn copy of
Iho grievances has been given out, but,
It Is said, they wero practically, that a
nluo hour Instead of a ten hour day
was asked for; that time and half time
be allowed In payment for nil over
time; that contract and pleeo work
be dropped In the company's shops;
that an Increase of 10 per cent In
wages be given all departments, and
that tho workmen's organizations bo
recognized by tho company,
A letter embracing these points, It
Ik said, was delivered at Mr. liner's
Philadelphia oillco on Tuesday, Juno II,
It Is further said tho letter contained
an offer to extend tho time for a con
ference, should such extension of thno
be desired by President Biter. No
such request having been made it was
decided that the men should go out.
Pensions Granted.
Uy Exclusive Wiro from Tho Associated Prcis,
Washington, June 31. Theodore V. Wolfe, of
liomru'll, lias twin planted a ien.irn of $1! a
It Is Believed That tho Present Calm
Precedes a Storm of Un
usual Violence.
By Exclusive Wire from 'fins Avoclatcd Prcs.
Mattewan, W. Vu Juno 21. Tile situ
ation throughout tho Thackcr, Mattc
vwin and Dlngoss coal fields today Is
.'till a grave one. Things had been bad
before yesterday, when the shooting
occurred, but tho crisis Is yet to come.'
Things seem to be quiet about the mine
all day, oven tho Idle; men standing
about having but little to say even to
each other, but today's quietness has
been but the calm before the storm.
Word of last evening's trouble spread
rapidly, nnd on early morning trains
several union agents arrived. They
went promptly to work, and early this
afternoon It was announced that they
bad tin; mob under control, but only to
plan for concerted action of all tho
union miners in Mingo, who number
nearly 2,000. They are gathering hero
this evening from throughout the sec
tion, and tomorrow, probably in the
morning, the strikers will hold a meet
ing. One of tho leaders said this af
ternoon that If the non-union men
could not be persuaded to quit work,
they would be compelled to. That this
time they would meet force with force.
Tills causes a great deal of apprehen
sion. The Mnratime miiips nnd a few oth
ers werp running today with a half
force of noii-unlitri men. The guards
have been quadrupled and are stand
ing all about the mines, watching every
move. In all other respect's, Superin
tendent Lambert Is acting as though
nothing had happened. Sheriff Hat
field is still on hand, waiting for any
emergency that may arise. .On next
Monday morning I lie operators will
make an attempt to eject from their
properly all the striking miners not
occupying houses In tlie coal flrids.
This will, no doubt, cause everything
to break out afresh, and tho culmin
ating point or the crisis will likely be
reached on Monday.
They are Dissatisfied with the Con
dition of Things Relating to
Democratic Organization,
Ity i:eliuivc Wire fiom The Associated l'ie..
Philadelphia, Juno "1. Democrats of
this city who havo become dissatisfied
witli the condition of affairs relating
to tlie Democratic organization in
Philadelphia, met In mass meeting to
night and cnU ' formal protest
against the present leaders of tho
local Democratic organization. Steps
were taken for the reorganization of
the Philadelphia Democracy, and re
solutions were adopted denouncing
the recent legislation enacted by tlie
legislatme, and falling upon citizens
tlir mghoiit the state, regardless of
I'leviiitu party affiliation, to join in a
general movement for reform. A
change of the present primary elec
tion system is demanded along with
recognition for the younger Demo
10. J. llowen, of this city, presided
and made a short address. He de
nounced the passage through the
legislature of the railway bills and
charged that "foremost among the
conspirators who aided the consum
mation of that ignoble deed" wero
'buries P. Donnelly and Thomas ,T.
Jtytui, the two recognized leaders) of
the Philadelphia ' Democratic organ
ization. .Speeches were made by
Magistrate Kisenbrnwn, of this city;
Hepresentatlves Alayne, of T.ehigh;
Hoch, of Perks; Moyer, of Lehigh;
Paul, of Philadelphia; John Cavan
augh, chairman of the Democratic
executive committee, of Chester coun
ty; J!. P. Hemphill, of Westchester,
and Louis V. Schade, of Virginia, a
campaign worker for tho Democratic
congressional committee. All thu
speakers denounced the present lead
ers In unmeasured terms,
Letter." of regret were read from
ex-Collentor of Customs John Codwnl
luder, of this city; Funutors Heinle, of
Center; Herbst, of Perks; Wentz, or
Montgomery. Telegrams of encour
agement wero read from Hepresenta
tlves Ikeler, of Columbia, and fl.
Frank Miller, of Northampton,
The resolutions were read by Chair
man llowen nnd were unanimously
adopted. Anions: other things, they
We believe the only Immediate hope for
icloim in our iiiunlt ' .il it y nnd mil' st.ite Is to be
obtained thioiinh the lii'inin.r.iUi' poly nnd that
coiim lontlims nnd amiri'smi actum on Ihu p.nt
f lli'i-i' liue Bathcred will at l.i-t luin." to
tiiiunpli the pilnilplcs vi .uUnc.ilo and .sink into
Infamy tlioso who have fattened upon public p'lvl
leisis and mown insolent liicauM' of wealth niched
fiom tin' people,
Itoolvi'il, That in view of the Immediate need
of party reoiuanlzallon in lids city this inert Ins
riiipuver its ilialiin.ui t carry out its piiiposn
by tlie appointment of a eoimuitUi' made np of
fnrly-ono leputahle, luisfwoitliy Democrats, tint
iliahmnn ef lids meeting; In he an nihlitianit
iminlii'is of lhi.s loimnitlro and Its cliahmaii, ,
Tho resolutions further recite that
the committee shall consist of one.
member from each ward and shall bo
1,'iiwu us the coinmltteo on Democrat
ic reorganization and reform, Its duty
shall bo to prepare a plan whereby tho
Di-niociatii' party hi tho city shall un
dergo early and thorough purification
and reorganization. Arrangements
shall be made that each representative
district In tho city shall be properly
represented at the coming state Dem
ocratic convention,
Thirty Acres of Land Settle GOO
Miners Escape,
II' Kilinivo Whe fioin The Asm iatcd f'ress.
Pittstou, Pa., Juno 21, Thirty acres
of coal land hi this section sank sev
eral feet this morning and tho surface
Is still going down. Tho cave-In oc
curred at the Kldler colliery, operated
by Killott, McCluro ci Co. Tho 600 ein
Ployes esciilied.
It Is thought tho shaft will havo to
bo abandoned. Tho cavodn was due to
"robbing" pillars.
Fourteen Persons Believed to Have
Been Killed in Explosion of
The Catastrophe Caused by a Fire in
a Store on the Ground Floor of a
Tenement House Persons on Top
Floors Are Burned to Death A
Cripple Roasted in Bed Woman's
Frightful Leap List of the Vic
tims. lly i:clu-3he Wire fiom The Aooialed Press.
New York, Juno 21. Fourteen people
are believed to have been killed and a
number Injuied today, as the result of
a lire following an explosion among a
quantity of fireworks In the store of
Abraham M. Hlttonburg, at Paterson,
N. J. The store was on the ground floor
of a tenement building. The cause of
tho explosion is not known, and tho
pioperty loss will not exceed $33,000.
Killed and Injured.
The dead are:
Mil. CIIAltl.KS W1l.MA.Mi5, hurncil tryins to
roctie hushand.
CIIAIII,i:S WII.MAUS, a nipple.
HAUOI.I1 ItlTTilXM.'IHi, is months of a?c, son
of tho Keeper of the hreunrks stoic.
IfllN'ltV KUSASSIIU, six-MceU-okl.
Those missing, and almost certainly
dead, are:
.miis. mauv
Cll.Sltl.llS IIA.MIIi:)), MX months old.
.UKKl'll WAIN, two uocka old.
MltS. ItlMIXS.
I.A'.tl'.Xri: ltt'UXS. six yeais old.
Two nephews of Mrs. l.annis:an'.s were with
li".- in her looms. Theie names not ct n-cci-Hiiiod.
The Injured aro:
.1. K. .levMipJauiseil about tho head and body
and limned about head.
Mis. .1. .Ic-Mip, biui.ied and burned about the
f. rtambcr, head and face burned.
Ccorse Suder. head seveicly cut.
Nicholas llillm.ui, cut otf head.
I'iienun IMnaul Slimrland, injured hy falling
Mr. and Mis. John McCilonc, bin nod about face
and lirub.
A number of people received minor
injuries, but wont to their homes.
The explosion occurred shortly after
noon, and many of the occupants of
the buibBng were out at dinner. The
building in which the explosion oc
curred was a frame tenement, four
stories high, with stores on the ground
floor. The middle store was occupied
by Hlttenbttrg. Ten families occupied
flats in the building.
So great was tho force of the ex
plosion that a boy playing in the street
half a block away was lifted from his
feet and hurled against an iron fence.
One of his legs was broken. A trolley
car was dlrectlv In front of tbe build
ing when tho explosion occurred. The
burst nf flame blown out Into the street
scorched the sides of the car and singed
tho passengers.
A number of those Who were on the
upper lloors of the building when tho
explosion took place, were either
stunned and then burned to death or
found escape cut off nnd were suffo
cated. After the explosion there were
a series of smaller ones, and then came
a second big explosion which was
iiiullled and deadened, and probably oc
curred in tlie cejlar.
Loaps from a Window.
Kvery window seemed to be emitting
flame within a minute after the first
explosion. A woman, her clottiing on
lire, leaped out of one of the windows
nnd fell to tho yard below, Her dead
body was dragged out of reach of the
(lames, but the tlesli was roasted and
dropped from the bones. Sho later
proved to be Mrs. Williams.
Some of the occupants nf tho rooms
dropped from the windows and wero
bruised; others hung from tho windows
until tho firemen came, and twenty per
sons wero taken down In this way
through tho lire and smoke by the fire
men, while nt hers dropped into Ilfo
Daniel Donley, who was in the yard
when tho explosion took place, saw the
two mitenliurg children hi the rear
room nnd rushed Into the flames for
them, lie got ono of them and curried
It out, and tried to go back for tho
other, but tho room was then one muss
of Haute and ho was loo lute. Ho was
badly scorched,
While the rescues wero going on the
firemen wero lighting file flames, Cup
tain Allen jed with a hoso line in an
effort to keep the lire from the upper
floors, where It was said many wero
pinned in. The men hud hardly taken
tlielr positions and began on tho side
walk to thiow writer Into the upper
lloors when, without any winning, the
Wholu upper part of the building above,
them sagged outward and fell, Tho
captain and two nf his men wero
burled under the blazing debris, One
nf the men Is badly hurt. The build.
Ing In which Iho explosion occurred
was entirely destroyed.
Hlttonburg will probably bo arrested,
pending nn Investigation.
In the debris was found (ho head of
tt'niiin or n woman. Tho hair Is burned
olf and tho features unrecognizable,
Tim lemulnder of tho body has not
been found.
Tho bodies taken nut thus far are al.
most unrccoisilzsblo, and aro burned
mid torn by tho fire and the collapse
of tho Umbers of tho building.
Up to 12.10 a. m. twelve bodies have
been recovered, five persons aro missing
Weither Indications Today:
1 ( Fireworks (.' Many
Deaths In I'atcrson.
tinker Is tliillly of shooting Itov. Mr. Keller.
Wunamakcr Itesiewu Ills Oirer to lluy Fran.
Woik of the .Statu
2 flenciiil-C.iilwiiil.ilc Department.
3 (lenrrnl Charleston! A Slorchoue of Ilia-
tone Interest.
4 IMIIpiI.iI.
Cclnnicnln on Tbe Tillinne's Snmrnlr IMIIion,
5 bocal Commencement lljerelscs at the High
tlmdiipeis hupect Spring nrook Itatn.
Scientific. Salad.
fl Local Ilrllicry Ci'ses May lie Terminated,
riiimcn Open New Club Home.
7 Local Marksmen Kerch c Railircit.
No Changes In the Contest.
8 Local West Pi ronton nnd Sulmiban.
II ffmcral Noitheastein Pennsylvania,
financial and Coniiucrtial.
10 Slot "The Haunted Spilglcy."
11 Local Sunday School l.cson for Tomoirow.
lielhtloti News of the Week.
12 Local Industrial and Labor.
The Famou Case I Finally Settled
Out of Court The Friend of the
Family Oeta $10,000 and
His Children $10,000.
Dy Exclusive Wire from Tiie Associated Press.
Huston, Mass., Juno 21. All the liti
gation over the settlement of the es
tate of Mrs. Klla Amermtin, who died
over a year ago at Shrewsbury, has
been settled out of court. Hev. .1. K.
Dixon, the "friend" of the widow, gets
?l0,noo and his children get $10,000.
In tho bill In equity, filed a year
ago In Middlesex Superior court, at
East Cambridge, by counsel for the
Amermtin liclrs al Scranton, Pa an
entry was made Tuesday of bill dis
missed. Thi bill was directed against K 11.
Ohainplln, of Cambridge, and Hev. Dr.
.1. K. Dixon, of Boston and Philadel
phia, and was to recover $.".r,000 In
bonds, which were in the hands of
Chnmpllti as trustee for Mrs. Ainer
man and Rev. Dixon, and which wero
to go to Dixon on the decease of Mrs.
The entry of settlement made Tues
day is signed by AVood & Wood and
If. M'. Knowlton as counsel for the
heirs of Mrs. Ainerman, including her
father and brother, K. It. Champlln,
for hlmsel: Klder. Walt & Whitman,
for Kev. Dr. Dixon, and by Ttoekwood
Hoar, as special administrator on the
estate of Mrs. Amerman.
The counsel appeared before Judge
M. P. Knowlton, in Supreme court at
Boston, Tuesday, and Wood & Wood
waived the appeal which wns filed In
Probate court, after Judge Forbes had
allowed the wHl. AfliJr the nppeuft
was waived Tuesday, Judge Knowlton
allowed the will, and the case was
recommitted to Probate court for
further proceedings.
This closes litigation over tlie set
tlement of the estate of Mrs. Amer
man that has been pending In tho
courts for over a year.
The terms of the settlement are not
made public, but it Is said Hev. Dr.
J. K. Dixon gets $10,000 and the Dixon
children get $10,000, and that the bal
ance of the $53,000 is returned to tho
estate of Mrs. Amermtin.
With the allowance or the will of
Mrs. Amerman In the .Supreme court
Tuesday, Mr. Champlln filed in tho
Piobute court In Worcester a petition
Tor his appointment as executor, but
be declines to act as trustee of tho
lly the lerms of the will he was to
act as trustee of the estate, valued
at about $100,000, until the Amerman
children became of age. By the terms
of tho settlement, it Is said, tlie claim
or Dr. Dixon to the horses and dog
of Mrs. Amerman Is wnived, and no
part of her estate is to be expended by
binffor their support.
Floating In the Susquehanna Biver
Near Plymouth.
fly Inclusive Wira from The Associated Pren.
WIlUes-Bnrre, J unn 'Jl. Tlio dead
body of Kdward Anthony, aged 51, of
tills city, was found floating hi the
Siisiiuehnna river at a point opposite
Plviiiouth tills afternoon, It was Into
tonight before the remains were Identi
The had been missing slnco
Monday, How ho came to meet death
Is ti mystery, Tho murder theory is ad
vanced by some. There were several
cuts on tho head and face, but these
may have been made by coming into
contact with laggil rocks. The police
aro working on tho clue that tho man
wnsi nmiilei eil tor bis nionev. nud Ills
body thrown Into the river to hide tho
.The Posse Pursues the Mexicans
Suspected of Killing; Sheriff Mor
ls. 11 Cicliudtc Wire fiom The .sssoeiated Press.
Dallas, Texas, Juno 21. A dispatch
from Sun Antonio slates that the (rail
of tlio Mexicans who killed Sheriffs
Morris and (Hover 1ms practically been
lost, but the man-hunt has pot been
abandoned. However, those directing
the chase have only tha faintest hope
of success. Sheriff Van, of Korr coun
ty, wired this afternoon that ho and
his posso aro worn nut, their horses
broken down, and that they havo hud
to abandon tho pursuit.
A fresh posso will take tho placo of
Sheriff Van's forces tomorrow morn
ing. His. McKinley's Condition.
Dy Euluilio Wire from The Associated Press.
Wadiinston, .bine 21. Iteports rccaidinj; ilia,
McKinlc's condition continue to he of a fjvoi
jhle nature, 'nnn'ilcnee li cprcsed that she wn
lu ablij to be iciuokid to Cauluu vaily in July.
He Sends a GommnnlGdtlon to
Gonaressman Foerderer and
His Associates.
In Order to Prove That There Is No
String; to His Proposition, the
Merchant Prince Agrees in Addi
tion to the Money Donated to the
City, to Pay Mr. Foerderer and His
Companions the Sum of $500,000
ns a Bonus Will Give Three Cent
Fares Morning and Evening.
By Inclusive Mire from Tbe As.sooi.ilrd Press.
Philadelphia. June 11. Following his
offer to Mayor Aslibrldge last week to
pay to the city $L',"i0(i,00l) for tho street
railway franchises granted to certain
capitalists In this city by the city
councils, to which he received no re
ply, ex-l'oslniaster leneral John
AVnnamaker tonight sent a coiiiinunl
cation to Congressman Robert 11,
Foerdeter, ono of the capitalists to
whom the franchises were granted,
offering a half million dollars for the
franchises. In addition to giving to
the' city the sum already offered. A
few days ago .Mr. Foeiderer In a news
paper interview Is alleged to have,
stated that Mr. AVanauiaker's offer to
tic mayor was not sincere, and that
It had a "utrlng to It."
Mr. Wanamaker, in his letter to Mr,
Foerderer, denies the Imputation,
and, continuing, says:
"1 therefore renew the offer which
T made to the mayor, to pay. as there
in stated, to tho city of Philadelphia
two million and a half dollars, and Ir
addition thereto I will add a. half mil
lion dollars as a bonus to yoursell
and your associates personally fot
the conveyance of the grants and cor
porate privileges you now possess.
There is surely no string to this pro
position. When you and your asso
ciates assign to me the capital stock,
ownership and control of the corpor
ations you now possess, with tho en
gineers' plans. I will pay to you tho
sum of $ri00.noo. and T will pay to the
city of Philadelphia the S.SOO.OOO, 'un
der the conditions stated In my let
ter to the mayor. And ono million
and a half dollars of which amount,
1 should stipulate, should juscd for
the deepening of the Delaware river
channel, and ono million be applied to
the building of public schools and for
the purposes of public education.
Three Cent Fares.
"In addition to this, T will agree, on
the surface roads covered by your
charters and the ordinance, that three
cent fares only shrill be charged be
tween the hours of ." a. m. and 8 a.
in., and " and 7 p. in., and not over
five cents for the other hours, and
I will further agree that any times
within ten years the city of Philadel
phia may resume the franchises upon
the payment or the actual money ex
pended and invested In the various en
terprises covered by tho charters and
ordinances with six per cent, inter
est. "I say again, as T did In my letter
to the mayor, thnt It is not my desire
to enter upon the business of rail
roading or to make any profit out of
any municipal franchise. I merely de
sire tho people to see how badly
they have bceiv wronged and thu
magnitude of the value of tho prop
erty or which they have been des
poiled. If you should accept tho offer
of this letter, I will cheerfully put the
franchises up to auction nnd give the
city any sunt bid for them In excess
of that which I shall pay under this
"If the proposition T have made to
you Is not acceptable, I should be
glad to know what sum will tempt
you and your associates to surrender
the privileges you now own, anil
which were obtained by methods so
unusual and delimit of the public, will
as to have aroused tho Indignation of
tho people of tho entire nation."
Will Probably Return to His Own
lly i:eiihi Wire horn Th Awoclitril Pies.
Paris, Juno !il, Agouelllo, tho Kit
ropean representative of Agulnaldo,
has given up his apartments hero and
left over a week ago for Marseilles.
It Is said ho Is returning to his own
Agonelllo has been inoperative In
Paris for a month past. J In was seen
recently nnd admitted that ho re
ceived little nows fiom tho Philip
pines. He had asked his principals
to be allowed to return to Hong Kong
on private business. IIo evidently re
garded his presunco In Kurope as use
less, llo lived very quietly here and
reldoin left his apartments.
Four Men Killed.
Ily llicluslte Wire from The Assivl.itnl Press.
Kalama. Wali.. .bine "1. n cvplo.ion of dv
liunlle oei lined licit' loilay oil tint line of the
Washington and Oicsim uilionl hi ninth four
nun win Killed.
Local data To.' dime SI, inoli
IllShtct Unii'i'lJl'ili'
(.invest temperature ,,,,,.,,..
.... SO ilejieris
.... hi iIckiccs
Itclathe Humidity;
8 a. I .,.,,,.,, , '7 per i-eni.
S p, in M per inn.
Pietlpltati'iii, '.!! hours ended 8 p. in., noni,
wcalher, paul ilnudy.
f il l H
Washington, bine 2l.I'orccisl for Eajt. i
f- cm Peun;h.nil.i: SIiuhcu Saturday; 4
sV pmbably fair bunday; ticoh southerly -f
s inds. 4.
ii -i -f-f t