MWmwf I y rW( ilv fV7YST--fry tV?- ' f TFJE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JtNE 21, 3901. VALUABLE Food Properties of Milk arc lost in tho onllnnry method of condens ing. Dr. I land's process retains o very food element of the richest milk, and has added the hone, nerve nml hlood-buildiutf phos phates and hypophosphltes contained iu a diet of whole wheat. 1'or these re.ibom Dr Hand's Condensed Milk is tin mo-t rcfre-hinj; ilnnk foi the table the most valuable food for infants .mil jrrow inn children the realist restorative for invalids ot iigul people. Ilctter iresii mtik; ncn as cream. W ; cc book let. THE DR HAND CONDENSED MILK SCRANTON, PA. 4- f-t CITY NOTES III MM (.l -Ml I iiHliimil I i i n (.hi) u Mii-hii- IMuf (mi- No i", will lni d linn I U -li' Uill 1 111 tilllUlliU Ull I'ltltl lUlllll, i t I o-ih tho M ( lnili 1 IHMlKs II 1, VV) llu II k itnl I IMllfl (illl)lll Will 111 it It lilt It H k HI'l I ililti limit it 7 i It i k lln iwihiu ) putt i itr in tin ' i lull in ( mit i in n witti tiu t n in, f tin U'luhlutV tu w i lull liotii I.Whltl Pit ( M I i itk It Ollc of il l.llll'(lll UK Ot(llIl MlllUiit I iMIlklllpt III I llf tlMlH 1 till 1 Mililt, itlll lllllll, I olllllt l-lil.M UN IllhllillO Hi .'iil 11)1 Ills l- i (-, ! ill I lit i ii i iihimi Iu Ittuiit W mid, ! W illiim-p nl I I . H V U llu .j,.,oi f tl J lit lll l I l III , ! II I I 1l II l Mill Mi III iillmts will I o ml tiimi'js n lilulil, I till UK, Mu Inn ( mii.i ( Ullthll Ml il, I'lltlirilli, l Li Mhiii lu i i Id n, Unit J'tik, Mimlll , Ui I'l IS lit 1 II Null I Ml H "Of ll M Nil, III Hi II lllh I i f tin ( til illl i UtU Utll4ll i lllti IU I lllllJlUtll i il f ii nijit iii llu ii iiMiu-jiii Nmilt i-Ii ii ,ii ii i i inn I In ii win upw inU f f no ut tin tut inl'i is with iliiti tin til-, pi'tiit ml ill kiii il in tiniiuHlil int tin opUnunl p H ilium pHMiitnl -miiiI pi urn n! w it i. u il ml In Mi-s lll (uti in, in I Mi II inn ill .MUlillIM titn s in lllii Mill l 111 ihl ill Mi M III t lis (hi (. ilili l-d h ,li MUlll till! I ill tlllUlliM. Mill Mls ,l- I lllililll ill lljllltl ill Willi In i nullum il miiI iii tint mI i li.Mi- U I' lluiki in I I iin liioiuhl lilt It IlllJltt to i I mm Wllh IWMlllllltl U tn liiiirnltt win miwiI it tlu iiM(Iuinn tt tin. ill III TODAY'S EVENTS. Hit iiiulii- if 11k Intuitu'- lt( hi 1 i--i m tinn in uu(- ti(ti will It f ini 1 1 v iiihi i'lil Mi in'Mui-Mii. nf I ilu ml I mil jll I o 1 1 li luitnl al Hi lit i m Mi--i.n III, I i iiiI.Iiii ir mil. Ii mHlit it s n i tin I. Iti li. htiii lit will hi. mul il Mil tli'-i l llu RECITAL OF WATKINS PUPILS Fioginnune Thai Will Bo Eiii(pied in College H.ill Tonight. Tin ii- will Ik h tonlKlit In t'ullci' ll.lll Hi tin- pupils III 1 1(0 .lllllll T WnlKlns m il sluillu The pin Kl.iinuif will he Id .-Ini- Willi iin Jill' . Ii null Mi, I i iU Ion. -sieinlici"l oi'im. mil liiii ' ., . linn Mi Willi mi liui lhii?i "Mil Miiiimi" .... I nun ilio Mi- -ulii liiiilln. Uillinu' -"I ui '- Miii ' - ) ii in Ml-- linnii I'uuii I) KOMH IlillilV ill ni ,, , It ii Mi Willi- Iiii.i Mil (il "Wmilil im" ,-iiiiiii i Uoll -id) ilotiliii lituiiini u" - ijiio Mhs lliulil lluiis-a .l.iil.-.iii I cl "llli' I on li" Siii uiu Ml" In in K ii ii llll I, I I IlliiJIlll (j)'l'll4lllll'- I lllllll-" I lllllll (I') ' I IllMlllll Willi Ilio limp. H I lltllll.1 i I'll 11 ll IllllUi llulurl 00 ' liiit lui Ii ill)" UfuoU-lbj llu Si. Ill Hi- i I ii-iiiviti, I M-" , , ,, liliul I ml I, I .n inn. Ilrnnctl "llil- i- tin i mi" . htro -iiii mo Mis Jc.-ii! -iiilili Buck "Wlion llu Hi hi i, niin." s,,lmi Mil-, li Ini I D'ili, llcittalil "Ltnt'i WiUiii.' ,, ,,, , 'linii Ml. i)iiii Sun (.(ulii, f f f - -f f f f -f f -f -f I)K.VI,i;ilS IN HiQH-QRADE Investment i Securities OFFICES i 66 BROADWAY, N. Y, WILKES-BARRE, PA. OARBONDALE, PA. SORANTON, PA. . (Commouweatlh Building.) -tttttttti-tt--tt-ft UMC$ABEL tli.iti to-chv's tie Jot the CO., II in It t ' ii2iN I in Illicit nml I ili".Si pi mo Ml- I li iliilli iilil Diim til I mi i ili I Jiiiincriniiiii sli Itc mil ( limns Mi Mitiliiu-i Mi' linns Mii" -li pin in M UMii- Imi - 11 Will mil Uti in ( In in' The infinite ;, nf tins nc Ital elioius tin- - pi Hill Ml-- lln-c IIII10, li H lill-lltl, Mi- I ilk n (miiiill, ms (loiii, Mm II' (.iii Mm Diilli lni-i II in ns ii, llniKt Ink-in, Ii in K inn, M111I11 MHtlini-, lulu mi Miui'in IIiiiiiIi Milium, W Iinlii 1 1 Miliin, Mm Niliiiil, Mis In-pli O llilin. Mi- Inlin I (iMilln, Iniiii I'llliti, Mi- li-sio -iiilili, Mi- I I linni I-. I ililli W HkiiH Mlo Mis, iiin Hiiln, nnii It tt. ( line llimwiinir Mi- M II ( i-i, Mn.'iut (rn in, I ii It i ( in- n Mr- I II Illinium -11 1 Iinlii. Xiiiii Hill i, M.iiLini 1 inns. Ii 1 i nitt, Kitlii in 1.1I1I11111-, nnii (iililmn-. I ililli lijulu. ,lo-t plinii liiiilini, it tori i (.nuinr, Miinit I In li - Mi- Iniiii lli-i linn-, linni" I'llinn, Mi- Winn -Iinlii-, ilu lilillill I l'l I Im hi i- Mi- I I 11K111-, Mi- (.iiluiili Wit I ni liiiil Ml ( in.- I" Witt, I (' While, lil llllil ll-.ll lllllll It. Mill, Iiilili I l in- . I) I i in-, Willi i li no-. It'll I' IIiimi. -i lui i lln.lii-. Will lui.-, Ilinii I Inni- Will I'l ne, li Im (iniiii Ilinii- lit mi- I i ml. Ili id. Will i m i I W It I mi-, linni -uphill- I II Pin- I mi I I iipnilii Villnii in (iinlii, VII i il Winiil p, DiihI M Inni Hi- Mi I W Inn- ! I mmiiii Will W it Kin- I inn- lliil-m II. in. t -mull, Will Ilinii Ilinii llitlm. linn- I W, linn Dull, (lull' ilinii, Minllio ( llllinil, Willi. Inn- I' 1 II iiiln I liiiiin I loin. ( I.. I. ihlin I I. Iiii-n. W M (mil, I ml Willi, IIiiIhkI WiiI.ii-, linn- (.ilhuliii, I illio 1 i in-. Mini ll.l. ilnu, linni liiil.ui-, Winn -liii'n-, ! I Nil mil u i inpilii-l- Mi-- IImiiico II Itliliniuliil III i ( nnii ii Mi- 11 I! Hi mi-, Mi ( lint 4 li 1 1- nil M I h ii I Hid Mi I I Wnlii liiiuiil u J MILITARV MATTERS Tin -pi nnii .mil ihliil lutl.ilnn of llii- Tliln-iiith li'Klnitnt will In ro vii'wnl In tlu iiou in mm limUht, .111(1 till' OKIll lll-n lll.lili t)i in ill- -Iiiii nl .iw.itilhik in u li-nn ii'- li.ul(,ts .ildii -si - will )(. in.ulf In .lud;,,. , M IMw mis mil ,1im1ri .lultn Ki 1 l, tiiiil the ulKlit s no( i'i dliiK- iiiniii-i-. in li' n i nidst hue ii'-tln-. iiiitino. 'I hi tiikii anil ihi'-( ntiitiiin will lie IIHI1 til till llllllli mil Will l illllllll'IKP liniiiiitt .it s i", ii'iluiK. t'ulonil c llow UiiiikIii'i ii. nt i he Ninth icrI ii nit. nl Wllln- linn., iiulnjf i (un til, nidi i ul" tin- Thin! liiJK.ule, In the .ilisi'iHi- i'l (itni' .1 I'. f-. (iohln. Will inlli'llit the tr lew Poliinel IJiiitsht il .uul the inn indsp- will addie-s ilie n niiuein, m.lKilifT the )li-i'lilaiiiin spee hi- wllfii the medal- .lie dlsti lliuti i Id the im n .uul nllii t i- I r. The lulluwillK iniiii with ltleiemo In ill ill- ha- In i ii I tied lh i.l liinli i- I ii.-t lljtnllin Uilit..tiili II. t,l I, (. I' - Ullll II I'l , IllllL 1-, 1'iul lint ill iii'iinlii Vn I I llu I ti -t I lit il mi ( i nipiiins II 1,1) in. I K, will j--, iniiii a tin imi linnii rn ilull H in Hit Inlliiiilii. iliti-, Mmiiln, linn 'I, In. -.In, Inh J, Iniiii, lull li in. I Wiiliit-il'i, lull 17, I nl -i iiilili it - in p in Willi lint'- i ill il - I'i p iu I In ilull mil imiiln li ullh i lull ilinii p iiiiln ii luiiiI im nut. ' 111, lllttlllllll I llllllli Hull i nil) In In his In .1. ililli i- it 7 n p hi iii.iii tin ilinii' iIjIi ! ili-iu nnii tin olliui- tin' )..-., .it im ilu tMliili." lit i. nl. i I itiiliniiil I iilmiil I' W -llllinil, I iniiiii ii.iliu,' I li-i Hill ill. n I t lilt li nit W i: l.iin-li l iluunl a 4 N'nw that the liisiei lion- ale mm I lie nii'it ate taneil awullliiK lilt' an iiniini I'liu in of their i.iiim-s and .Mnjni Mlllai will pinhahly inaKn his uKiil on tills limine the em aiiipiiient. Tim lllHie(tl(ls wi'H', (ill lite wlinle, flllts fniloiN, most nf the ininpallies lui li Uva nut a Kix'd utteuil.iuie and tile men kuIiik: at llioir diill with a dash ami lin Tlicio was a Kicat ileal nl lnial Intmc-i .shown In lite lu-pei'tliin-, and tar mom peiuu.s mi net) out in see the Mililleis helltK hustled tluoildh tlielt maniHMt vies hj the haul-win KIiik ullkeirt tlian -aw last e.U'h In-pei Hull, . a Tim HiiiiiUiiKeiiieut that Mr. flii'tim will asaln bo the t-reim ot eiuaiiip niciil tan haiill') he snld to hae rotno an a suipiM, lint thmo wcie, npor lliples, some meinhutsi nf tho lPKhneni who enteitalliPd faint hopes that tlimo would he a chango this ji'iir and tho InlR.uln j i(t t to new lamplni- Kiounds The Blowinif lsion or Hurfalo as tint Hipiio "f emainpinent Ioiir nfm o fotined lt-pf as a inli.tBe, and then uiiuu WyomlniBr as the po-sihlo si cup. 4 The appointment of Vilwite v. J, Tonoy as riiiitciin.itUi soigcant was ,i kooiI oni) and popular. It was huh. pected all (ilmitr that there was a "(In 1 1 hot.sp" in the i.iio for tho of fice, and although dozens of names wpio mentioned for tho plaio It Is a peculiar tact that hut little was heaul of the hiieichstul eandldnto and his chames, until thu appointment euma Wednesday. m Siiiokc the I'ocoiio Oc cigar. SILLIMAN MAY BE DISCHARGED NO LAW AGAINST BRIBING BOROUGH OFFICERS. According to Mr. Sillimnn's Attor ney, Major Everett Warron, tho Pennsylvania Codo Waa Wanting Up to May 2, of this Yoar, in Any Law Under Which a. Person Could Bo Convictod for Bribing a Borough Councilman Arguments in tho Water Rata Case. A rather Mini til nc- pioposltlnn was advanced -.enteidny In lUKillueiit cotliL hv -Major j:oipU AVaiien. It was to the eff( el that up to the sec ond day of last month time was no piolslou in the laws of I'ennsj Iwi nlo for Imlictine; n. jiot-on for Inlblntf a (ouucllman. On that dnv the Rowinor slt-ned a bill maldtiK it a punlshnhle orfen-i' to Inlhe a IioioukIi councilman. This act was passed, Major Win 1 en unci led. to stipplv u (lellclenev in the law. The lCKlslatine. he said, lenlled theto was no statntoiv pioslon iialnst Inlli im; a (ouiicilman, and pasul tills ait for the putpii-o ot suppljlitf; the de ll( leii(.. The cnnUnllon was made In tile 111 Kiinii'iitH on tho motion to iiuasli Hie Indlelments irt the iase of KutnU Sllll liinn, Ji rhaiKi'd with hinltm irhen Inlhe- to llo i ouncllmen of Old Poise botiUIKll. The act unilir whlihj Ilio lnil,1i t' inenl was iliawn when ilenudi d of Its letfal eilnae;i' and teduceil lo plain I'iikIIsIi, uads that It -liall be tin of-fiu-o to In ihe anv state ollh or. either at latKc 01 in anv mtinUlpil division theieof A IioioukIi i ounellman is not a state ollh n-. Major Win ion con tenili il, and tbete haln( been no sjiei Ilio act ma Kin--' it an oflense to In Ibe a boioiif-h ellhltl nt the lime .Mi. .Slllimait is chat sid with IuuIiik tallied the Old Poie coiini llmen. not oalv thp indictment but the whole pio-eiutlon .iK.iln-t him must fall. roil oTiii-i! ui:asons. AtlacKs wile m ide on Ilio Itulli t ments for at Ions otbei ttisons, but Maiit Wiuipii t lie alioe was the ( onteiitliia on whklt he ly l el led. Distilet Attoine W. l. T.ow Is In n pl to M.ijoi W.u ion's noel (onlen tlim, hold that the na-nnible lend ing of Ibe .k t im, lei vhli h tho In die tmcni was iliawn would be thai to In hie anv state otitic r or olllieis in anv municipal elii-lon of the -thte, would be jn offense against the law. lie el Id not attempt to explain wliv the lcf-ls,iiuie pa-seil a law at thH -e-sior m ikintr it an ofl'en-e to bilb biiioiiKb (ouiuilmen. The inillt tinents as lln-t the n e eOunLilinen whom Mi. r-i 1 1 1 1 itn ii Is i hatred with bnblns ,ne lil,el to bo iltiishid. When tlu ea-e i.ime to bo hi.inl eslei(l,i, JudRe lMwatds hilteel JIi O linen who wa- about lo pitKfitl to attack the mil U Intents, bv s.uini. that the (ouit had about made up its mind in the mutUi, and links- the dlstiitt altnimv had sonie-tbltif-; to s i ,i- to ihv Jndle Intents . 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 not bo itt i-hed, ibe cottit would nol taio lo heat aiKtimPiits. Mi. Lewis s.iid he would hae to admit lb it It stomeil Ibal th(-e eases weie BOioined h the ( a-e ol the t oiiioinuwcaltli .-lKiiin-t (lieen. in whleli the Supteme t oui I allium il the cpiashlnK1 of in imlit tinont loumle'el on o idem e adducPd at the healing of .1 dlllii lilt i l-o, and without an pte- ions bluiliiiK- on l. porxDTin.v op tmi:m. In the i.l-e of the old Poi ,' eouit clhnen. the iniiii tnienls weie lounded on ( lileiu e adduced at the beailnw ot the biil)oi cling.s .lHainst "Mi. ilhtiian. In tho (a-es aj-ain-t .1 I.'. Moif-'iin and Pied rsaloi. Old Potj-o (ounell inea I1.11-4-.1I with mlsdune.iuor In ol llee, in buhls inleiestid thentsihis iu eonti ti Is foi suppliH-, to the bnt oilKli, Ml. O'Utbn alt.uKtil the in iiii Uncut on the Kinuiiel that the pit tliul.u loptiaets urn. not -et foith In the iudii Imout, and both .luiln1' IMw.uds and .IikIkp Kelly intintated that till- was a fatal delect. One 01 the mo-t liiKeniou-. .iikuuk ills thai the lot al (ouit has lit aid tuiiii that mm v iiiKiMiloiis lesal luminal v, I. II. Minns, vn- that whidi he niiide M'stoidnv In tlte case bioiiKht by ('iiu itul St'hioeilei' to tost the alldilv of the 1 itj oidlnaiicp llliirf tho l.ltos to bo chtiiK 'I Im watei. Mr. Munis held that a ( 01 poi.itlon ha- 110 I Mill- otlim tlnill lliose epie-s-lv stipulate il in lis (battel, and Unit theie Is nothhu In the Se lautou Hus ami Walei tompan's ehatlei kUIiik them the iIkIU to ll late.-. The ii,ht 11111-1 let-t -innowheie, boweei , and Ihe iiui'stii 11 is as 10 "whete Hint 1 lj,ht lodges, Theie Is no ilt'll VillK that tho loKislatuio lias thai pnwei and tan e eidso II ll-eir 01 delet-atc it Tile li'K Islaiute tan mill e.ei(l-e that power bv llslliK the lalos lo be 1 hatred all mi'i' ihe .state, olhetwlso It would I in iiPi-i:nn.NT omants. attt'lllplillK speilal leKi-lalion Two illltetmit Kinnts of powm ate made to (Hies bv the loKlslatllie Dun Is an epte-s slant, such as telatos to Ilie powet to loffulalo pavhiK. sower Ins and tho HKe. The other Is a seu etal SI. nil, III w Ililli Is lilt itltled pti Wel ti) lesulaie tibiiut pMMyihliis Uuillns to the 1401101. ll wellate, not IcptlKUaut lo the Kmieial laws Tho intos to bo eliiiiriod lot AMiter Is leMtaltily a mat ter tone bins Ihe fioumal wolfiito, ami as the compan. has no power to do It, and tlte lcKl-lalun lias not attempted to do It dhcctly, It icmalus that tho lit lOUlliils, ilu (lelenates of tile leg, IMaiute in e.uli muuli ipal ilMsinu, must liat) this lislit, , In d(Mi)iiiK the tisht of tho company to shut oil' a consume! "s supply of waler, If the consumer lulls to pij, Mr, Hums lu.nle tho contention that tho coinpiny's only tpcoutse s to onior suit foi the iliilni, Tho water ilocs not belonsr to tho eompany, he said. Tint leKlslatiue krae tho tonipait) the ilslit to tako the water fiom the hlieanis and Hiipplj it to tho pcoplo to whom It beloiiKS by uatuial ilslit, Tho peoplo own the water all tho time A man cap take a bucket of water lioni tho ciiiumiis icsuiMdr and the eompany tan not lodgo a. c-hiujje of laiceny Your Bank. If tho eiuestlnii of it hanking homo Is contioiitlns ou, wo bus Best that you Investigate our facilities befoio locatlns. The People's Bank ni?nlnst him. Tho company can not sell this witter to tho people of Wilkes Unite. It IipIouks lo the people or tlili hniiHty. Tito people, tin (High the lop Mntuio. said to the tompniiy, "You can ilepilM1 Us of tills watei In the ti nuns that Is owned bv nalutul lislili pimldlnif you will delher It to our liomps," Aivnt'TH Tttn oppmt. The (ompanv net opts this orfer and Inlios the water out of the teach of Its owners, ptomlsliiK to tlellei It to litem onnU'iilontlv. Tim l Is the limit and oNlctil or tlte contlacl. The matter of rompon-atlon to the com puny for tfils smvhe Is yet to lie aiiauiteil. Thu leiinpanv can not .say to the people, "You can not lime this watei." It must stipplv the water, ami If the consumer falls to puv for II, It must do as eveiy otliei pet -on must do, bo Into touit and sue lor ltn claim, .Itnlsi'i IMwnrils mul Kellv both In teiioKiitcd Mr. Hunts nt length us to what would be done In ease a eon sttinei' was Insolvent, or lr he tefiised oik h (iniutet to 111 it lie pu,menl. Mr. Minns' answeis weie In substance that the Lompanv would have no umoiusc ei(pl to Keep on siiIiir. The cotn pau, he .said, takes this tlsk, and lr then- Is an Inmlequat v In the law, It Is the coinpanv's ntlsfoitune. roiisiessui 111 M. P, Olmstettd, ot llnulsbuis. who Is assoi luted with Malar i:oiott AVatien, for the defense, made the aisuments asalnst the 1)111. Me held tint Ihe contention made by Mr. Munis lOKiudlni; the absence of .l) oiies-etl llBllt in (lie cotupiuo's (bailor to IK watei uites on lei be applied with equal fone to the eltj's (baiter. He also, at length, a-salltd the attempt ol councils to 11 c the tale, as a violation ot the 1 Ifiht of contiact, tin atleinpt to dcpilve the eompany nt pi opei tv without due piotess of law, and 1111 often t to taKe fiom the 1 0111 pitnv the man iconic nt and eontiol ot a business which the lesislatuio nave sp(( liltallv to the eonip.tnv. WPI'.K IN' DOUBT. II might he K.i dieted it out some of tho (iiiosttnns, the Judges piopoundcd to Mi. Bums, that thevaieM'iy nitii h in doubt as lo the cltv's tight to IK the water tates, and that the ptoper (utii-o fot a (.onsiimer to put sue, If aggtlovod at the (barges, Is to come Into touit, under the Act of 1STI, and have the 1 0111 1 IK the late, In Ills pin tle illiu c iso Mi. oliuslnid and M.tor Wan on contend that this was the ptoper in-clhod, but Mi. Olmstead w.nily re imiiKed to the coin t that It was not like! th- touit would In lug Itself to I id 11c o the tales thatged bv a coni p.tnv wliU h has been p.ning onlv two liei rent .1 eai to its stoe kliolders. CItv -lolieilor Oooigo M. Watson was pi e-t nt at the ai summit-, but took no pan l'li-ldint W. AV. Skirtuloh, of the (loiemlaiil company, was al-o an hilt lestid lislenel. Other ca-cs wpip dealt with as follow s: VimhiI -' oiiiinoinif 1I1I1 i.'iin-t I W. (linni fi 1 it .il. ilt 11111111 r to iinlii tint nt , roiiniini iiilili aiin-t Viuloni Untitle, nile to lomit fiitiilun, 01 niiiiomw ill li ijii -t l'mil- ( onip 11 11 mlo foi t 11 u trill, roiieiioniiDltli ie,iiiet Mi ( uul , into 10 -trti.i ntt fori ituio etiniimiiil ( hi nut nii lillt i;iin-t Vntlioii -iiiiunli, 111I1 to mint foiftittoo, in ro: -oitire f i; 111.1111: iltint- fiom Kim 11 ill, tiilc to ilt;- Ion tit 1 'ci -iiinihinl 1 , tiinirniit 1I1I1 ouinst W'aile M I I ii ii. nil'' lo qii i-h in Iu inn hi All the 01 pliaus' (nml c ises pcept tho-u of tin. hi'ii'ncv and Oolbv ca-tati-, wimp subniltteel. When tlte touit tose fiom Its sitting at li o 1 kit k il bid ell-po-eel of 11 ( ommoii pleas ea-e-, 40 ti n let session- ea-iK and ID oiphins'. eouit i a-e-. all in lour davs. It was the biggi -t and one ot the most Impoitant "ps-lous ol .11 summit eouit the county has ever -ton Coin t ailioiiim il until Satutday moininr, at ) o'i lock. To Revoke Hotel Licenses. Xtatlv .ill of ji-ieidav moining, in ui hum nt tuiiii, wis taKi u up with heat Ins- on the tubs In t evoke Uipim licenses, -ceuicil b tile Munielpil lo.iMie.' wme Ihuteni e a-es in all. The pen sons who-e llnn-is weie attacked wme P. .1. Megan, I'. F 0'Mole, .liihn M ColeMii in, .Iminie P. MiinK, ol llmi iiiiii i . and Mi IiIm'I Walsh, Mhhael Manlt'V, .lobn It. Kellv, ol the Seventh waul; .latnb Hani-and Ign it Pium, nt tin' Pighlh w.ntl, FiiinK XowkKi, ol tlio Nineteenth waul, .Metcalfe At lluil-oii, ol the Thlitcenth waul, O. Tliiodnii' Jlonis, ol Ihe Plshlh waur, and lloin.v 1. Jones, ot the Plt,hth waul, The last two weie ihainl with inn lling dlsnidi liv holl-es. All the othms wme uicii-ed nl selling on Sunday, Pi ept In tlie Ounnioie ( j-es, at lange lnents vmmo iniule wJieieby the tiiles ate continued on tho p.utles agieclng to live up to the law and Keep their blind- up on .sundav, so that a lull Iew ol the bin loom Is obtainable fiom the stui't. The Mt sail case was ion tlntii d on m count ol the Illness of Mr. HiVoiii. Tho Muni- case was also inn. limit il by ugi cement. Iu the Mi InK. O'Mo.vle and Coleman eases, the league pii'sPllted testimony 1 1 oui Detectives Smith and (lieen that they botisht ami thank lltiuui at these plates on Sundav. Coleman said Ills bo.v did It against his oulet-. Mt. Mi ink .stated that her b.n tender had ted'lvod .stilt t ouleis not to hell on Siiiul i.v and that It he did sell, as rhn deteelives swote, he did It without her kuowledgi! and against her oNpies., diict lions Mr. O Movie admitted thai ho sold lo ke cue mul Smith. They emtio to his pine o and intioditccel tlimu selves us Ultliils of a close piu.sonnl filmid of his. lie was pleased to moot M lends of his paithiilar ttleud and took tlimu into his hotel to Heal thmn He stil tlimu up twice, ami then one ot tin ui insisted on palng ioi tho tlilnl ill InK. O'ltojlo ptotosteii that ho vvouliln't take un niuiiey, but when tlu ft lends of his pai tlcular It lend in sisted and went so far as to tliimv tho money onto tin- pool tabic, ho accepted it, just to Keep pence In tho case against Homy Jones, Do. tPitlves Keeao and Smith told of tlio upstaiis npai tinents being emwded wllh women ot Known dl-teputo and of a slot mat lilim which contained iu ili-ionl plctiiit's Agent llobeit Wll-ou and )otee the Hulling I elated theli i poiii'iiccs on the night they went the to to aiiest a man and hud to ciaiK a eotiple of heads befoio they lould set their pilsoner away fiom tho eiowd that pitched on to thmn As chmactci witnesses for the hotel tlio (letousn put mi e-Counly Doteo tlve Thomas l,e.slion, John Tlmncj, W. II. Thoma-, John Slioil, Piank Jewell, I' J HliKev, James Molt, Jt , (ionise Molding and Seth Jones, Mr Meets, who leptesenlcd tho league, cioss-oMiiulned all the wit nesses except Mr. Tleiney. He usKcd, "Aio ou the gentleman Known as Jack Tietnej .'" "I am," icsiioutled Mi. Tleiney. "That's all," sold Mr. Meeis. Mimioge Licenses. lolm 'ii.-ulit ,,. ,, Diiiiiiuui 1 lore m c I Ircer Dtiiiiuoio lliiVli I' 'lln.ln.H Wllki Ujiio ilJinU l. OiUi'; , Wikuliain. MIRTH AND MERRIMENT THEY CHARACTERIZED CLASS NIGHT EXERCISES. This Year's Gradttatos of tho High School Conducted Annual Class Night Exercises Bofore an Enorm ous Audience Exeicises Woro In teresting and Amusing and Kept tho Audience In Continual Laugh terAddress of tho Piosldont of tlio Clues, Federick Lidstono. With lest tind ipilp of mil tit, with mmiy laugh mul Jovous smile, the pleasant tiles ol Clavs Night weie ob soived ui the High school auditorium last night bv the laigest elas whleli ever gi minuted rnnn that Institution. One bundled and thlity-elght ptettv gills and shit t-walstcd jotuig men on u plntfiuin diaped bv the old gold ami blue or the High school, spent their last period or mmtlinent In lh' eleiu l.v-loved walls or their nlniii mii tms, and with the unite set Ions com lnenciMiiottt leietnoules or toiilglil will enter Into a steinei, fin moie exaetinir win Id, No Class Night evmclses ltavo been attended at the High school bv sin It u timing ns slumped Its appioval upon tho-e ol last night. As eailv us 7.10 o'clock the ettttunees Weie ciowded, and at N o'clock theie was not a, vacant seal in the hull, The tisltms. haul-wot king Miutlts In white duck tioii-m-, tolled earnestly and bad their hands mote than lull In attend ing to the accommodation of the gteat :. umbei of poisons ptesent. The stage was magnllle entlv clecor ateil. Pour long Hots of scats igm pklelv occupied ill the avalla'blo spate, and In the hackgiotind stiete li ed an epun-e ol gold and blue ilta jietlts. Palms nml fonts, ouupled the ftonl p.ul ot the' stage, and on high bung a missive fiamewoik of gteens with the ilas- motto inscribed In let tms of vetdant toliago, "He) Pnine-t." The fiamoivoik sleanied and gllttmed with the of a sioie of Intntidcs cent light bulbs .matured along II. SPNSIMI.P INNOVATION. Sboitlv aflei 8 o'clock the guiduates in ot ceded down the aisles and mount ing the steps t ntmed tile stage hi ( ouples An Innovation wis Intui eluccd bv the -cbolats of '01 In that (he Miinig men did not pant uneom foit.iblv in cboss suit-, but each of the male mpmbeis looked eleliglitlullv cool in a t-hiil waist and vvltlle duck ti ousei s. Manet's oicbestia oponcel the eoiclses bv pining an oveitute, and Kev. Thomas De C.rue hv then ele llveied tlie invocation 1'iositlmit Pled I.ld-toiie was the tl'sl niembei or Ihe rla , to lake an active pait iu tlie night's doing lie delivoted a vmv able addioss, and statetl a numbPi of Ilia fae ts v.hiell lie il.iitned make the e la-s tlio giealt-t evet gi.iduated tiont the High school lis numbei of gi.idu.Ucs is ru 141 eater titan that of anv pie ce ding elt's and it has I'lOO benleu bv thh ty-nhie n.imi i The aveiage of 'is and a fi.ution, attained bv the , iinlii ttu I. in, Mi-s Ollvr Munn, is ihe bight -t evet made at the school and the genet al ivetase of the gill iiiein beiN is ,iiii the high-w.itci mink at I lined bv- the menthol s ot the sentlei -e ut the institution. He al-o loin heel bilellv upon the death of that able iiistiue tor, 1'ilnclpal W. W. Oiant, and epiesse(t the sen -tow lelt, iiai tk iil.nlv bv the niembei of the giaduatlng eln , who had come to Know and iimVi -t nid him Tlie neL speaker wa- liiillltlt Pelvvatd Thomas, the la-s hl-toi i m. He tiaced the eveij aellon of the e las-, ftorn II Inci pllou lour .veats ,if,o, up to Us piespitt gloi v. Vailous ol the hunioious happenings ol tills pel loci wme In it'll v tone he I upon and a gie.U deal of laughtei pin ' oKod A'i-s Alma koui-e Wehlau, the (lass poetess, nad seveial stany.ts of vm-e, in which site olullv told of the past and piesent ot the (lass ot "01. THP CkSS SONli. The ol,i-s -oiig, tin music and woul of whleli wme (onipo-eil and wiltlcit by Miss T.aut.i Mabel Dean Meliltum, was then -ut ,, aftei w bit It David 'i nib 11 I'bll'ip- mated upon "Tine Knighthood." Tlie sublime action ol the d:.lns Sh F'iillip Svdnev, iu push ing a-lde the cup ot watei held to his piu hid lips and waving It lo an an-SUi-lud -oldloi, was the theme upiili wllh h he based a mmj ilevei addie-s. Miss Mlldioil Van Pleit (llein, whn-e talents as mi elnciitlonlst me too well Known to need all tuitbm oni oinluiil. leelted a .simple llllle seleition, en titled "The Usual Wav," In a untune wllh h e tuiseel the .milicue o lo insist upon an muoie, lollou Ind wlileh M.vor Kuhutt huh k deliveied the e la-s pi o ph ot , and piedlihd a ilallns ait.iy m intuits lot hi- da male-, laiiglug nil the wav 1 1 oui In ads o female s(niln ai les to .stills ol tip,' tnotUglits, Jesse J, .M Modilsut gave1 a spit iniiii lulln solo, ami Mis- Meali he Pill- Munis tlieii n't I led with splendid diamatle eliect an I'm lo liimiis gho-t stoi v. Hm -ele( Hon was a diilli up one, but earned hm the sinle ontltusi tulio apphiu-e wllh h hint lewmded Miss liteon. She nl-o le-piuuled to an mil me, Kinnk A. Coibett had the class piesmitatiuii, and in seletting his one bundled and thh l.v odd gifts, Mi, Cot boll bad ho enviable task Wo usi d osd'lliiii ell- iliiiliiatlou, howevn, nun Kept his audleuio In a iiiiillnual litter bv tlie mlilh-piovoKlng naiuie of hi-, boons. Itobmt Ihnest Sihult. lead tlio ed.iss will, and In anoulaiue with tliuo bouoied itistom beiiueiuheil to Dio undoigiaduates till the vlituei and lalllnss or the giaduates, Manet's oulieslia i one hided (he t-li-tcMialnnimit with a selection A i lass dam ii was then held at (lie MUc(i club. Tho looms wme picttily ejoecn ntt'il, and hundicils ol e ouples enjoveil themselves until late, tlaiitlns to tho music of Manor, HAVE PURCHASED SAND HEAP Well Known Scrantoninns Seuute a Valuable Ptoperty, A plot of laud cast ot the )eaair and Hudson U.nKs, wnme lite Houilug Hi nok Hows nude l the Washington avenue btldge, has been puicha-eil b Couuid Schioeeli'r, Cliatlts Moblm-on, Vie tot Koch, Pnill Sehimpll and Schimplf who will iiiioi poi ate the Htmi lug MiodK l.auil.lmpinvcmcnt and Sand The puiihai-c' was made lioni the liiiwuium 1 1 on and Steel i oinpanj , vvhlih has feu jeais been laKIng sand fiom this piopmty. t is said Unit It still contains 1,100. OOO cubic feci ot good building sand, and that ttitci this sand is dug out tlio piopmty will be avail able foi building put poses The com pan) has no luithci use- tor the aund WrtWyWrtVVWW.WiVHiMMlVW'rfW-lWee'WWWrtW). rfl' w Geo. V. Millar & t . n y wqaea.. JflfgMj'flM IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF GtOTHING AND YOU ARE SHORT of MONEY Our ClvbL)' ' tem. We will dress you in the BEST and give you plenty of TIHE TO PAY. 317" Lack. Ave Second Floor Open Evenings PEOPLE'S Auction Sale Extraordinary Contents of Westminster Hotel, 217-219 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pa. Commencing Tuesday, June 25, at 10 a. m., Continuing from Day to Day Until Stock Is Sold. Sale to consist of the furnishings of nearly 100 Rooms. Com plete bar outfit Back bar, front bar, pumps and counters, lunch refrigerator, floor linoleum, ceiling fan. screen partitions. Cash Register. Office fixtures Writing tables, chairs, desk etc. 10 Large Pier Mirrors ; these are all French plate and large enough for bar 100ms. Dining Room 25 tables, 2 side boards, silver ware, crockery, glassware, table linen. Kitchen Large 2 fire range and boilers, 1 steam table, 1 plate warmer, coffee, tea and hot water urns, carving table, cooking utensils. One Square PiailO. Parlor Furniture odd chairs, couches, lounges, tables, etc. 7O Rod Room Suits All kinds ot woods, hair mattresses, pillows, bed linens, toilet sets, etc. Thousands of Yards of Carpets. Wardrobes, separate bureaus, wash stands, etc. 'I his is the largest sale of the season and those desirous ot furnishing or refurnishing their homes should take advantage of this opportunity. Sale Ahsoiute. Terms Cash. 'Ihe house will be open for inspection fiom q a. m. to 3 p. m. Monday piecedmg sale. Meklrum Scott & Co. Out luluidui 101 v Sale nf Ladies' Muslin Willi li Op lied I MONDAY Continue s Tliiougliuut tin et K In milling Mil- ileiuiui"ut to oui glow lug buslno-s. 1 ho -ami high standatd thai 1 haiai It ile- 0111 ntlp llllts ha- belli -tihllv ailhoiiel In ' 11 iid we have no he-lttini v in pin nouiiciug lllll lllle tin 1 lllllll III all H .-peels to anv evil .-I own in iliii inaiKet. Willi legaul lo PRICES I v'e would onlv -av that on euiupii sou ou will II ml them CORRECT Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, Night Gowns, Etc We nie showing Iu tlio ven inwe-t 1 oiicoplieiu-i and ! IiihIvi slvles IuiipIsoiui'Iv tiimmed 1 Ither In l.u " or 1 niliiuiilt i -01 as simple as jolt waul tlli'lU, Corset Demonstration All This Week T wbli li cu ax invited 126 Wyoming Ave sluic it ptopo-es o move Ms mills and shop- Mom lliH t H) Change in Tjiuo Table, Megliiuing Siimla.v June .'I, tlio New Nolle, Uutnilo and Wt-tetit .summct llme-liblo will go into elti'ii. Ttaius will leave Si 1 anion at IU it) a 111 I p 111 and '1 10 p m . and leutinlug will 111 live at St 1 ant on at 7 10 a. 111 10 10 a m. and 11' p m .Suuduvs. will leave Scranton at fc. !U a m and T P lit, and .uilvc al Si 1 anion at 7 10 a 111 and U 10 p. 111. Dainty Durable and I Inexpensive... Wo lie tlioiiitiir i i.iti tiillil iott. Iiirnl of I Ullll', HUN ItlllttV llbVs-W VIII1. lllllll, I is, t II vb I'MlM'". WIM'S. (I. Vllllis, l. (II It I linM.s, -HI llllllli is, ,(: VSIt sMVII, III.IIIIV Pi-Ills' po. mini. 'I' ilnlili l., l 31 iloin Willi" 'I iinilili i s ;"i iloin 'tin. ttilniv lllllllllllltt' it (tlOtt UDOtU, lllililll III lliili hii'ipi ii'iu' prlu, mo etioni; IiiIum in tin it- litor. Co. .Jwi"? .A!?"8. " niiu nuuiv ri uiimi t "V Credit Clothing Company. JOHN UfcKlVlYINJ Porch Furniture What is more restful after a warm day than to sit out on the porch dur ing the evening in a com fortable rocket? We have a most com plete assortment of Porch Furniture. Theie is a gteat vanety ol Porch Chairs, Porch Rockers, Porch Couches, Porch Tables, Porch Settees A few of these make a porch look very inviting. Come in and look them over. Hill & Connell 121 N. Washington Ave. SUMMER RESORTS. FENWICK HALL, ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. i tuoiitli of beautiful Connecticut ill. 1 Tin loiatlou. loi health and till 11-111 e, is not eipi iled by any re Mil 1 along lite 10.1st Uveij con venient ( all the best uuiactlou.s, Mi Male Hull l.lnKs, Fishing, llaih ing, Moulin,; and Tennis Com Is The line st niaiiiilaml.t d toads for ill him; ami 1 vi ling iliiougli tho most 1 banning (oiiuti), swept by Ibe bittv.c- lioni Sound and Klver, N'evet hoi, no mo-(uitoes, no mn lui la .Supeiloi looms, tablo unsut p.issed. I'cnwIcK is two and a half limns fiiim New Yin K 1 tuiiii on the New- V01K, New Haven and Ilatt. old ti.iln to SaybtooK .1 line t inn Sl fust Mains dallv. Opens June ST. Tor fititlicr iuroiination, addtcss I i: Cballlelil. l'toptieior, Hotel Jcifcison, Union Seiuuie, New Yofc. ii M in-'l ,o V'l'l r"