The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 21, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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" njw " n'rVjiiw -nr-o tf-A' '-' - n,V
Office :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
vr - ' 1
Carbondale Department.
1 1
a roptibAn ci.KAnivo liousn (or tiie njni.
" lit of All Who Hive llouc lo llrrl. ilcl
rlote or Other Property In Sell or r.vitmnBO, or
Who Want Situations or IMp-'lhoe Nnill Ail
vertlsemuit Cort One Cent a Word, Hx Inser
tions for Hie Tents .1 Wur.l-i:vciit bllnilKni
Warded, Wlilcli Are ltn-crlcd l'rcc.
OnrilAXS' COtJItr SAMI-Kslate of .tames -Mad-
den, lile of Cnrbomhlc city, Ucl.sw.iniu
cemitv, dccficd ,
By virtue of (in wdrr of Hie orplnns' rourl nf
l.vkinmni rountt, the mnlti'liuicd, minimis
Iriloi c, t n of llio f'tite of .lames MiiHiii.
lite nf Cntlimidilo ill, In ild romitj, drtciiul.
will till it putillc silo ,tlnl nutuy ti llif liif.lwt
(iml luft biililir upon tlm pumPcs licielnifloi
fltwrlbcd in the mid ill nf t irliondalc, on hit
nidi, lull H. l-xi. it in n'lloik J. m, tho
follonlns dtfetlnrd hmI eM.ile, to wit:
.Ml tint rritiiln lot nf land sltuited In the city
ff r'ntlii nihil', fnckiwimn iomit, l'onnilv inn.
Itelnf pirt or lot niimliciul :t.M on imp of out
las of the pfhune mil lliid-oti (.nnd ininpiiw.
fii a trm t of l.unl In the uiin mti'C iiumi' of M irv
Ilivu iid put ol lot inntilnlns ".:. i Mime
del of hml m Iher-iliout", .md liclltif lioiiltdul
ami ilirilhfil is follow", to wit:
Hrplmilncr in flu- rimilv lliii' of an irioauhr
liw, il tin noitliwesleih i nun of nut lot mini
leieil .,'( on alil ttirt, fount-ill IotuI lo I'll
ink Kuh .ind sltirt Miru'iiilriul l lilm. theme
hi nld lino of line urn Mi .o't iliuiois oit
II : 7 10 feet In n i nrnet . Ihenie olhei luidi
o: ii llele"iiie hihI lliifl'on I mil ioniiinv
oi Hi n ilrcreev. i it inn int. ind i.niitli -ii'i
i'- 'icr wil II . 7 in tii-t In i loiuei , .mil Ihfiini
In out If t iniinlirinl ."2! nfoi r ll'l. tioilh vn dr
tier.. ifl 111 f,et In thi pi no nf IhbIiiiiIiii;
foil mill mini ill iml mitiitiz nsliN leiriinl.
Inirirwd with iwo one at.l one lull -lorj tram"
il i lliiii: home
I uns ot vilo Oiim half ilnwn on rlis of t-lie.
Ii'rio on lontitm itirn of the Mir ind iMivrr
ot I in ilenl VMM I M MOmil-ON,
vdnilnlMi itor, t. I. l.
I If Mil Is, 11 lion I OS,
Menu) loi j.t ilr
Tho Mombers of the Class of '01 of
Emeigency Hospital Leave the In
stitution to Step Out Into the
Wido Field of Their Profession.
Tho Ptogramme That Was On
set ved in Burke's Hall Which Was
Resplendent with Decorations.
L;ist nisht w.'is hii ovonlftil one hi
the hi'stoiy of nmei qpney hospital, for
It ni.nKofl the smhIIiik fottlt or hovcn
iiiomhci s (if tint iilu ipiofos-sioii
nuiKlns: whloh in the l'ist few j,, become a wonderful l.titot in tin
science ot medic ine.
Tho eseieKeh took place in HiuKe's
hall, which piesriuerl n heautifu! pit -tuie
of color (iml Hpht itnd the wild
beauty ol the woodh at this lime of the
On the btuse weie the hospital dhec
toisi, Hon. S. H. .lonei., JI. K. Xoi tun,
Thomas Kiintei. William Walker, .lul
Iuh Moc-; Miss AViisht, the hospital
f-upeilntendent; Hon. J. J. O'Xelll and
Dr. D. U Ualley.
The niomhei.s of the Kraduatlnpr cliis,s,
Jlisses Jennie Hunter, Not a. Quliiu,
IJiidpet Oilmai tin, i:elvn Ciicssln,
lllziibeth Thomas, Josephine Fiollett
and Margaiet n.nls oi cupled the in'
oi seats on the loft, illicitly in Horn
ol the slaw. They weie inliid in
vvhite, while the memhcis of the i las.-,
of 'OJ, diesscd in blue, weie Mealed on
the liRlil.
Piesldonl W.ilKer, of the hnsplttil
hojnl, was fh.titnian. '1 he piniamine
opened with an nveittue hj the Jlo.ait
oichc.stin. The salutatoi.v was Riaie
ttllly deliMifd by Mh-, Klls: ibeth
Thomas-, and Dr n 1- l.illey lollowed
with a talk tilled with xaluable hints
to the muses.
Hhs r.itliailne Oaidner lepiesenied
the eltiss of '0.', whose pricclhiKS she
lonveved to the Kiadu.ites, ,iNo tlielr
will wishes.
Hon. James J. O'Neill er happily
nddiesspfi the siaduates, spc.iKInc to
tlit m with teteieiue to their piomesii
towauls Rpneial mii i ess.
? pea Kin',' of the nnuisltcs lor sui -c-'s
m anv wall, nf Hie, .Mi. O'Neill
held tlvt thp weie enoipy, Inlellec
tual eneipv, peisevtiaiue and pluck,
nnd he emphnsi.:ed to the muses the
value of their possesion and employ
nicni in their piofesisnn.
Alter M i. O'Ni'Ill',, nddiess, tame
the iollowlnfT nnuilietr' Class his
toiy, Mi's MaiK.iut Davis, addiesi
tn Ktathiatcs. Hon ,l ,, o'Ntili. e
lection, onhcstia, papei Mis,
.M 1-. Hailev x-oltution. William
Jilmmocl;, mldics, Hun, s.. S Jonts,
sotal solo, Mis. Lucy lludiocK: essav,
Miss Ua tin mi U.udiier. valullctoi. j
Miss Noia Qtiltin, pieseiitiitlon of dl
j lomns by Jli. WnlKi'i, pie.sjdeiU of
the boald ot dliectois.
Mi. Jones' aniuidotcH and hiiinoi
otis stniiej, wpio Keenly enJopi and
applaudPd bv his hpaieis.
The rteooiatlon, which won so mnny
riicomuims, wne pliinned and plated
bv Mi.' M n. Macllsnn, Mia. Diinno
W. Humphipy mil Mis .lamps V. I.of
tus, of tho woman's aiilll'ity hoaid,
It Will Likely Pass Final Reading
Without any Hitch.
Tlieie will he an ndiourned meeting
nf select itmncll tunlRht the t hief litis).
iie,ss ot which will lut tho final consid
eration of the municipal water plant
ThlH nieasttio hnd u stuimy iiietl
nnce on Monday evonlns:, hut thcio U
little doubt that the oidintmce will pas-)
Tho leasons on which tho opposition
of Monday ulglit was founded have
been ipot and, an stated before, theto
will bo enough votes toulsht to
municipal ownership of water In Cur
bondalo a certainty.
: Scrnnton Visitors, Franeys Moses and Mr. Heiuy
1. Mujos, of Scianton, attciuied tho
Kifidiiatlon exoiclses In this city litbt
Mr and Mrs Delevnn Entertain,
Mr, anil Mis. Joseph Dulovan pleas cntej tallied a putty of their
(i lends nt llielr home on llelmont
stieet, Tuesday evetilng. Tltoso who
pat took of Mr. and .Mis. Dolevan's
lioypltallty weio as follows: Mlssea
I's) Allan's Fool-Easi in Your Gloves
A lady i.ritej: "I fcluke .Mien' Foot 1'jao
into my isloves anil mb j little on my luinjfc t
uitt in) sloua li.t aburbii.t; pi'itptuiinn. It
U cast iljinly toilet powilir." Vc Invito tho
:tlntlva of plik!iiju$ unci nurei to the jbvjlut.
purity of Allen' t'col-1'.i.e. Ill H. t". Vbliott.
rlitcr cl Hi Chliajo tllilc. tJ6i "It U j sun)
pitpanlKm; I am uiii'; it lOintjiitU in Wy
jractloo" Ml ili"S tml li! itoic nil it, jo,,
sjr.if'lc tent t'HIX AUdrus Allen b Olniitcd.
U Ku). x. v.
IloKC Hurn, Mittnlo Mnunlnn, 1111a
Dowd, .Maggie Hum", Annlo I'nllii
Itan, I!op I'oolnn, JltldRot AVtird,
Hni ah Nolan, Maggie Mm ley, Amelia
Nolan, Minnie Mni'ley, Nellie Collins,
Maty Nolan, Minnie Golden, Minuli'
Walsh, of tills cllv, and llmlly Weld,
of Olyphimt, and Mi'si. Thomas
Connor, lttlck Cain, Mnitln Golden,
Hdwntd Golden, Attliur Walsh, Wil
liam ntllke, .Itnne.s Toolim, Joseph
Jlatinlon, .Ttiseph MtGowan, Valiilek'
Ciillhi.. lMwiud ntlllf. Mlchnel Con
nelly, SjimtiPl Harvey, Thomas Wells,
and nicliind Mi.Cann.
Hose Company to Picnic at Killccn's
The committee teptesentlng the
thiee ho'o companies of the city met
In the put lot r of ('olunibla, No. fi, on
M'edncsdny pvetilng anil completed
ittiimgenicntR for the joint picnic In
Killccn's gtovc, on Diooklyn wtteet, on
July I.
J K. McDonald and J 1', novlan.
of the Colinnlilas; T 1C. t'ampbpU and
y (' Hailev, of the Mitchells, and
Dennis Toolan and Thomas t'llffoid,
of the C'ottnce company, wete ap
pointed ny an es'ectltlve committee.
A ntlinlier ol siib-( ommlttecs wete
also named. Tlicio will lie dancing
dining the iifteinonn and evening and
seveial contests, .siieh as tug-of-war,
tin owing the hammer, tat men's
iai etc, will take plate. The
Rintinds will be billllanlly Illumin
ated and letteshments ol all kinds will
be piovlded. TIip secictaiy of the
committee, V. ('. Railey, will lecelve
bids fiom anyone who wants the
privilege of selling peanuts, candy,
lemonade, etc., on the giour.ds.
Carbondalo Groom and Hqnesdalo
Bride Wedded at St. Rose Church.
Miss Anna lstaut, of 'Honcsdnle.
and Petfr Kiant, of this eily, weie
wedded in St. Rose chut ill sestenl.iy
altcinoon, about '.' o'clock, by Vcty
Ilev. T. r. Cofley, V. (5.
The i hut ih t until Incd a laige gather
ing ol the liiends ot the touple.
.Miss Maij Hoefiling was maid, and
Fiauk Kiant, the gioom'b hi other,
was gioomsmau.
The hi ide nnd giooin woie ptotty
gowns of white otgandie.
Thete was a luceptlon at the home
of the groom's mothei, on South
Chun h stieet, and last night the
touple left toi the Pan-Aineiican es
l),ilion. They will also sisit at Pitts
huig. They will leside in their new home
on sleuth Chun h stieet.
Mr KianU is a .voting man of en
ergy and ability, .mil has man slnteio
ft lends heie His In Ide has a will
ilnle ot li lends in the -Maple iltv, her
Anthracite Tent Established and
Officers aro Elected.
The appliiants lor iL chaitei for
n suboulinato tent ol the Knights of
MaicabLC. met in Mini in' hall, Sa
lem avenue Wednosdav evening.
Deputy (it mil Commander AV. 1'.
Itnilc, of Nai lowsbing, Y, i ailed
tiie iiioi ting to in der and ailed as
thaiiman. "AnthiaHlo" was silecUil
as the name ot the tent.
Nominations and election ol oflieeis
lcstilted ns follows: Cunimaudei, P.
h No") lieutenant conimandi r,
V. alter Aggis; leionl keeper, N. Ii. I tin nice Keepei, I. A. Pur-
pli : ihapl.iin, C. 15. Ilimtei: sei',
P. !'. -Mollltt pliysicitin, ,1. A. Kellv.
M. D.: M. ol A . W. I!, ('hasp. flit
M. ot (i, D. Uoilell, sciontl M. of
(!., II. M. Itevnolds, sentinel, Thomas
h. Gllmmtln: pi'Kel, M. J. Mai tin.
Th" leguliu meeting nights' wciq
made ihe seeund and fouitli l''ndas
In i ai h mouth.
The following wiip appointed' Sn k
i onii'ilttee, i: W. Riitke, Pi nf,
111. Mien nutl 11. I! Ue.Miolds; bo, id of
tiusiips, p T. N'ur.v, V.'alter Afigls
and J, K. HiliKo,
Mrs. Perkins of Forest City, Was the
Patty Who Was Injured
The woman who was Injuted In the
stieet tin wieiK neat l!lchmondale on
Wedli(sda, a, slated in ostcidn s
Tiiliuue, was Mi., PeiKlus, wite of Dr.
IViKllls, o Ktufst CU.v,
Mt.'i, Pel Kins, beslileh the shock, snf
fel 1 1 om an iiijuiy on hei In east,
caused by her sti Iking against the seat
ot the eiir. which was an open one,
when she endeavoied lo pteseive hei -sell
tiom hai m when she teulUed that
the tar was going ovir the eiuhauK
nieiU. It Is piobible thai Mis. PeiKlns will
lulng an action hi nespass against tlm
Ti action loinpany tor damages lor tho
InJuiles sustained
This happening culls attention anew
to the deploiablu condition ot tho will
way's loadbed ninth of the elty, whii It
has been ueglei ted until theie Is a ser
ies of sunken i, ill joints, causing cats
to toik llltti a ship in a swell.
Appointed Notary Public.
II. i! Likely, bookkeeper for . P.
Patteisun'b Sons wholesale gioceis,
unci member nf the Insuianco Hun of
Williams & I.lKoli, has just been ap
pointed as notaiy pulilli. by (inventor
Stone. This s Mi, Ukely's second
teini of olllce, Ids (list, teuu having
espliod .May :,, 1001,
Miss liono
street, is ill.
Uoollttlu, of Sponcor
Hon. W. V Not tun, ot lloncsdnle,
spent Wednesday in this citj.
Mis, Joseph UnlcMni spent Wednes.
day with ft lends in Hcwmton.
Miss llnilly Slled, of Olyphaut, Is tho
guest or Mr. and Mis, Joseph Deluvan,
on lielmont stieet.
F. M. Monohun, en., of Ilnnesdale,
spent Wednesday with his binther, T,
J, Mouohan, of tho Antluaclto bailie
Mi.s. llohett Jleaid and childicn, ot
lielmont street, have gone to Hat ton,
N. Y, for a iniiiith'b visit with tela,
David Hauls and Cecil Manner, of
Km est City, weio among those who en
joyed the dance given by the Cletks1
union Wednesday night.
Mis. Joseph Munition, of Plko stteet,
will tetuin Sat u i day. alter tlueo
months' visit with her sister, Mis.
Thomas liogunslicl), at Newton, N. J,
Tho Celebrated Ohnrnctor from Groon
fiold Visits Alderman Jones'
Ofllco and Tolls an Interesting
Story of How Ho Killed a Black
Panther Ho Was After $25
Bounty, but He and tho Alderman
and Others Couldn't Agree as to
Whether or Not 'Tvvas a Panthor or
a "Tom" Cat.
"Doric" Hurdlck. of (iieeullelil, came
to town v,cstoidiiy, and besides his ac
customed volubility, his "Hough Kld
ei's" hat and Ills ancient siill ot over
alls, he had with him on pnually con
spicuous objpi t, the skin ol an animal,
which was killed near his plate on
Sunday last.
"Dnilo" didn't know Ihe name of the
nnlnril, nor did any person neai Ills
home, but he believed it was a pan
ther, n black panther at that. What
induced him in this belief, he did not
esplaln, but he sp,nlllcaiitly suggest
ed that tlieie was ti bounty of twoulv
live dollais on pauthois.
"Dnilp" Hi st visited the olllce nf Al
doimau Huniiell. He did this tlnoilgli
comtesy to the nldeiniaii, who is the
oldest ninglsitnie In point of service,
he said, in the eltv. Alderman Bun
noil acknowledged that he wan
"stumped" and sliiimK- fiom even a
guess at the liondcsci ipt. "Dnilo,"
however, was nioie lemly and "Well,
aldeiman. 1 don't know what .vou'd
name It, but I'd call It a panther, u
black panther."
"Dnrie." alter leaving Alderman
RiiuueH's oflite, walked down Main
stieet atti.ittlng a Kond deal of atten
tion as he pioudly sauntered along, the
sKIn of the animal li ailing tho side
vvalK. He made tor Aldeiman Jones'
ofllco, and alter gieeting the magls
tiale, he shouted, ns ho pioudly ex
hibited the skin to the aldeiman,
"Name it II ou can. Now, I don't
know what jott'd call It. but I'd call It
a panther a black panther. Just look
at tho sle of Mm. What do vou think
of If eh!"
"Wh.v. that's an otter." suggested
the aldeiman with a sly wink to The
Ti Mnino lepiesentativc, ivlin also had
Ills guess at Doiie's tioph.v.
"No, slice," sti ling nut "Doiie." "No,
slice, otteis nor minks don't kill lambs
noi don't make oil with thiee pound
ducks, and that's what this ciittet's
been adoin'."
"Wliv, do vou know. Saniniie," said
"Doiic" familial ly to the aldeiman as
lie stioked the back of the animal's
hide and pulled its legs to hi lug it to
its "n.ituial sie," as he put It.
"Do vou know that Waller Hut dick,
.vou know AValtfi he's the one who did
the shootin' lias lost about llfteou
dollais vvoith ol lainbsanil ducks. Ye,
he did; and this is the teller that's
got the blame tor it. Thiee lambs dls
appeaied liom Wallet's plate siiito the
nineteenth day ol last March, tin co of
'em, ami mighty mysteiiously, too,"
with a siguliitunt wink and shake of
the head, "and 'twas the ducks that
he was aftet Smula.v. Yes, 'twas. Now
.vou just look up Webstet'.s unabi idged
ditlionaiy, and tut ti lo the light place,
anil von'li find this is a panthei
a black panther, mind ou. I brae ti
ilictlonaiy, a Webstet's unabi Idged, up
to date to 1SS1, but ou don't need to
get no oilier, but the unabi idged, for
'ivvon't do," said Doiie, In a caution
ing ii.iv, as Aldeiman Jones sought
the aid nt the ilictlonaiy.
The dictlonai.v failed to shed much
light on the identity ol "Doiie's"
tiopltv, and then some one suggested
that it was a good-sled wild cat, or
even a "Tom" i at.
"'Tom' cat! Oh, pshaw," diawlod
Doiie in a way that Indluited how
iiuiih ho deploicd the Ignoiance that
the suggest inn indiiated. "Why 'Tom'
tals nor wild tats don'l go after no
dm K1-, and iheii t hei e's the lambs. How
d'.voXpose a's agoin' to cany olf
lambs, full gtovv n ones at Unit. Now
nu ian name thai what .vou please,"
said "Doile," lor the twentieth time
piohably, "but 1 call It a panther a
black panthei."
"Say, aldeiman, joii'd oughter sen
me ngolu' alter it," "Dot ie" bioke nut
anew, after the animal's skin had been
examined again and again, and its legs
weio pulled and tvvlsteil until they did
seem to come to neatly their mutual
"Yes, sir; j on oughter. see me. I
was down In the tallow- watcliln' tho
sheep tor Waller when I hcinil tho
old gnu i lack. 'Hullo,' says I, 'some
one's shut a hawk' I was n baieiuot
ed, enjoyln' mvself and when I come
up to tho house, tlieie was Pat Me
Gnwau. 'Hullo,' Miv.h I. 'who shot the
liovvK.' You know, Waller gives mo fill
cents ior evei hawk 1 shoot, 'Who
shot the hawk,' I says, but Pal ho had
the gnu you know I don't dine to
shoo! on Sunday lined 5J."i anil tosts If
1 m caught. Pal savs l didn't do no
shootin'; 'twas Walter, and bo's gono
dovMi to I.oundor's,
" 'What did ho shout,' says ), 'Shot
a nit, t .s'pose,' said MUiowau.
"'Well, whole's the cat",' said I. s look at It, see what UV like.'
" 'You see the thing was over In the
sweet Hag patch. The sweet flag's
Italy high, ami I could hindly see tho
thing. Well, sh; theto It lay just a
plavln' possum. Hut I gets up behind
It i.nd gi.tbs it by tho hind leg, tiict
one, then the otheiln', and beloie
knew what wasacoiuin', the old tliliu' i
Hunt claws weio a Klckln' and imil-clii
my way, I toll ou l slaunnol the old
thMig down haul acioss a siimu) ut an
ri'm that Wal'er tut down tloiimdilo of
the lunnk,
"'Gee, whl, you'd oughter see tho
old thing Jump! It i nine down bouu-tiity-biiunce,
hut I didn't slam It tor
uothln' agin' tho old mump and 'twas
laid out tor dead, I can till you,"'
This wound up "Dorlo't," iiKeiistlng
ranatlve, and alter pulling the ani
mal . skin until the Inner pait was
i"i'cd so as to show the "n"
sit of thu tiout tcet, "Doila' settled
his "itough ItiJerV hat on 'tis head,
mi'l'bed u lii'iai stick that snivel us a
Lime, and with his "black panthei V
skin nulling after him, hu left thu i.
dot mini's olllce, detlaiing his Intention
of going to Scumton to see it ho could
get thu $.'3 bounty that the stalo pavs
for black panther's skins.
"Now, I'd call this a black panthei 's
skin," was "Doiie's" parting salute.
"I believe It's a panthei, a black
panther, but I lottldn't swear to it I
svvoio only onus that when I joined
the uimy. i had to be IS (o Join thu
THE parasitic germ is measured under the microscope
by the twenty-five thousandth part of an inch. Its
power is measured by the cholera scourge, the plague,
consumption,, and other decimating diseases. The germ
lies in wait for human life on every side: in earth, air,
water and food. Attention has of late been drawn to pets
as disease disseminators. Many a boy has taken diptheria
! from his pet dog; many
In London, England,
monthly examination of
P lft - A 1 m- 1. L. k .. -. 11. v sl J.
iit:d.iiii, uucaubc inu cajjci is uii v-uiisuiupuiuu say nuiu
"numerous cases of consumption have been shown to
originate from the deadly tuberculosis germs which breed
with such startling fecundity in these supposedly harmless
pets." oays a scientinc writer, "ct-
i ual tests have shown that
cent, of the dairy cows of the United
States are tuberculous," and again,
" the average grade of milk sold in
large cities often contains as high as
80,000,000 bacteria in a cubic inch."
These facts are appalling. The
very existence of the human race
seems threatened, as indeed it is but
for one defence. To quote again
from a standard scientific article : " So
fast, indeed, are new parasites being
produced that were not science con
stantly elaborating counter-checks our
boasted civilization would soon come
tn tlir nnd nf its rprhrr "
One of these great
counter -checks to germ disease is
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. The germ generally finds en
trance into the body through the
stomach. It enters by the door of
the mouth in our food or our drink.
A Great
I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia for over two years, and I was a com
plete physical wreck," writes Mr. Preston E. Fenstermacher, of Egypt, Lehigh
Co., Pa. "Had many torturing, gnawing, and aching pains I think about all
that a dyspeptic has or ever could have. I also suffered much with constipation,
I tried many different medicines, which were recommended to cure the trouble,
but these only made me worse, and my condition was more sluggish and weak
than before, "it seemed that I was getting worse all the time. At the same time
my stomach was in a weak condition. It was so weak that the least and easiest
kind of food to digest would get sour in my stomach, and I had such a weak and
I' debilitated appearance that it seemca
body. Muscles were soft and flabby, circulation poor and slow, buttered
greatly from cold hands and feet. I wrote to a number of medical firms for
medicine and advice, and most of them asked of me a large sum of money to
cure me, but this I could not afford. At last I came across an advertisement of
Dr. Pierce's. I wrote to him, stating my symptoms and pains. I received by
return mail the best and most substantial advice that I ever before read. This
advice gave me the greatest confidence in the World's Dispensary Medical
Association, even so great that I at once left off all former remedies and tried
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets.' I used about
eight vials of the 'Pellets' and ten bottles of the 'Discovery,' which brought
me nearly back to my former state of health."
army and I svvoio I was, but I lucked
one day of being 17," chuckled "Doile"
as ho left the nldei man's oflice.
Arrange for Lecture Course.
Mr. C A. Peffer. of Philadelphia,
was In tho city last evening. In the
Intftcst of the nedpath Uvcouni liu
I o in. which have aiianged lor pint
of the i, an so to be given In this city
mxt year.
At the Harrison.
J. J 0'Hoye Thomas n. Walsh, T.
J. Keely, J. J. Maghrau, Thomas. Mut
iny, Max Ttoutfelt and V. U. Stiude
vant, all ti a voting commercial men
fiom Su.mton, weio tit the ilatilson
house jesteulay.
The itinera I of tho late I.lwlo Owens,
ot Mayiiold, will tnKo place this after
noon, Dennis Cliestne.v, nf tho Hast Side,
who. bus been ill of dinpsy lor the past
six months, will be lemovcd to the
HlaKely poor hone today.
The epidemic of inoasTcs does not up.
pear to abate. The eases lalely lepurt
ed am two at the homo oi Mr, and
Mis, Hugh Kbdon, nf Thlid stieet; one
at Mr. and Ms, i, J. D.ivve's, of Ceine
teiy stieet; ono at Mr, and Mts.
Michael Clink, Jr, Main stieet, and one
at Mr, and Mm. William Veale's, Thim
Coutioller Jones, of Aichbald, was ,
) Nitur heie )estetdny.
William T Osbutiie, nf the DIcKiuson'
lollege. cm lisle, is home tor the sum
mer vaiat Ion.
James P. Sampson Is III at his homo
on Second stieet.
Hev. M.iMiatd It Thompson and Key.
Mr. Molter. paslui ot the Pilmitlve
Methodist chinch, weie Scr.mton vis
Itois yestetday
Mis. James Nicholson, of Scianton, a
fouuer Jernijn lesldent, called on
friends here yestoula.
Jlis. .Munis (iiontlue, of Main bdeet,
was In Scrunton yestetday.
Miss Agnes Ftcasj (he young local
pels and parasites.
a girl owes consumption to her
they are legislating to compel a
feathered pets, bv the board of
aaA.A rsh. & ?i f4 slifc . ! rm a 1& & L
twenty per
scientific i
.BLy'' JtS
Jm tiB$m4m li 1
as it 1 nan naraty any utooa in my wnoie
$25,000 Given Away I
In Ihe past year Dr. R. V. Pierce has given away so
many copies of Ihe PEOPLE'S COMMON SENSE MED
ICAL ADVISER, that the expense to him exclusive of
the cost of mailing has been over twenty-five thousand
dollars. This great work, containing 1008 pages and
over 700 illustrations, is sent FREE by the author on
receipt of stamps to defray expense of mailing ONLY.
It tells Ihe plain truth in plain English. Send 21 one
cent stamps for paper-bound book, or 31 stamps for
handsome cloth-covered volume.
Addess; OR R V PIERCE, Buffalo, H Y.
vlollul.,t and a pupil uf Miss Julia
Olapp Allen, took pan In a inuslcale at
ricianton, Wednesday evening.
.Mrs, Aithur Day and chlldiou and
Mis, ICnjory, ot Ceineteiy stteet, weio
Sei anion visiting .vesteulny
Delaware and Hudson engineer Ihn
otson Wint. of Wllkes-Haue, Is visit
lug ti lends In tills vicinity,
.Mis. Fiank Maker and daughter,
Mis. nilliu Nicholson, of Dutidaff,
spent Wednesday in town,
David Kennedy, Kted I.nttg and
David Moon left yesienlity tor Mon.
Michael Muldoon, of Main hlieet, ic
turned homo last evening (mm .1 two
days' fishing tilp with about ,t bun
died and iltty pounds ot
Seldom do (ho people of Peikville
have the opportunity to listen tn Mich
a inusitdl neat as was given them
Wednesday, Juno l!i, in the Haptlst
chin eh, under the auspices of the
Peckvllle China! snclet), The ihnius
woth was very fine, and speaKs well
lor the till octet, Miss Daisy li, Hall, of
Soiaiitqn, The audleiito showed theli
appicolutimi of the piograitimn by ap
plauding evety nunibei, and the sin
1 ess of the eiiteilalniiient was ovl-
demed In no uiicottaiii nsunuei
'Iliu soloists uf ihe evening weie nf
11 high older, .Miss May Myeis. of
Wilkes. Mane, delighted evervone with
the exquisite power and svveetlii'.is of
her tonea. Mi. Lewis, ot Nicholson,
gave a double number, and for an en
1 ui 11 a select Inn fiom "Tho lleisha."
Tho nitisli! loveis of PeiKvlllo will long
lemeiubei' these two talented attlsls
One ot (he fcatutcs ol the evening
was the (luiutctte, composed of Messts.
Holllster, Haas, .Mitchell. Marllett and
Mycts, of Scianton. Without doubt
their vvoik was some of the best ever
1 outlined by mule voltes heie. Their
voices blended beautifully in peifect
The water in the public fountain was
slatted yestttday.
Two dimming selections weio given
by Mr. Georeo lianlcy on tho man
Its future power for harm depends chiefly upon the
condition of the stomach and organs of digestion and
nutrition. When food is perfectly digested and assimi
latcd, when the blood is pure and abundant, disease
finds no foothold. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
makes the body practically impregnable against disease.
It heals diseases of vthe stomach and other organs of
digestion and nutrition. It increases the activity of the
blood-making glands and so increases the supply of pure
blood. t It carries off the waste and poisonous accumu
lations from the system. It makes a strong, healthy
body, built up of sound flesh instead of flabby fat.
Even when the lungs and respiratory organs have
been attacked, and there were obstinate cough, bron
chitis, or hemorrhage, weakness and emaciation, "Golden
Cured in
Mrs. Ella Schall, of Moosehcad, Luerne Co., Pa., writes: "Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery cured me in one month, sound and well. You
remember my case was abscess of the breast. We had spent lots of money for
doctor bills, and I hail almost given up in despair, when I told my husband I
was going to write to jou. I am very glad I did so; I had used your medicines
before with the best results."
Her Doctor was Wrong
"When I commenced taking your medicines, eighteen months ago, my health
was completely broken down," writes Mrs. Cora I,. Sunderland, ot Chaneyville,
Calvert Co., Mil. "At times I could not even walk across the room without
pains in my chest. The doctor who attendctl me said I had lung trouble and
that I would never be well again. At last I concluded to try Dr. Pierce's medi
cines. I bought a bottle of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' took it, and soon com
menced to feel a little better, then you directed me to take both the 'Golden
Medical Discovery' and the 'Favorite Prescription,' which I did. I am now
almost entirely well, and do all my work without any pain whatever, and can
run with more ease than I could formerly walk."
dolin Mr
llanley was never better
than in these two mini-
bei s.
The piano duet b Mis, Hall and her
pupil, Mr. Sltgiaves, displayed splen
did skill in teehnliiue and fooling, .mil
was one 01 the popular nunibets at the
The lutal slngeis weie among some
ot the best appieclated iinnibots Mi's,
Hello Hi Mi sang in a veiy pleasing
111(1111101 .
'1410 ladles' fin, 11 lotto, "1 Would That
My Love," did veiy nliol, anil tin
v 01 nl duet by .Miss Hall and Miss
Myus was one of the most pleasing
numbers. .Miss Myeis' tit It contialtu
voice blended beautifully with Miss
Hall's clear sopianu, and falily i.iptl
vated (he iiinlienie.
The conceit was hi might to a close
by a plantation melody, 'n (lldoiin,
Swing Vo' Sw'od," given by the Choral
soi lety.
Mls.s l.dith Heuiv, ul Oak Paik, III,
1 etui tied home osiouliiy, utter a two
weeks' visit with lelatlvos heie
Mis. Hdwanl Dnughoii, of Catboti
iliile, Is visiting lelatlves In town
The lot al ilfgieo ot Pot abortus was
at Olyphaut last evening, assisting llio
oigaiiilng o a Pocahontas degteo at
Unit place
The ladles of the Pieshvtetiaii iliuuh
will hold i lawn sot in) at the 11111110 ot
.Mia Pluuinit'i' this evening,
W. li Itoheitsnti, of the lit in of Dolph
,v iiuneusun, spent yesteiduy at Sun.
D.nllngs Congitss of Tialneil Ani
mals will eshiblt at this plan- net
Wodiiesdii) Two pei toi mam es will bo
given, one nt 2 and one at S p, m.
-Miss U,ulo Nallaio, ot Wilkes
Marie, Is the guesl of Mi. and Mis.
1. W. Hauls, ot Delawaie stieet.
Miss Ciiace Pettlgtew Is visiting
(it ecu Itldge ti lends.
A meeting nt tho statf of the Lady
l.'llen Penman lodge of Mehot kali will
be held in tlielr looms In the Sweeney
building this evening. All ate lefptost
eel to attend.
-Mr. and Mis. James O'.Malley, Mts.
Medical Discovery" has restored the
sufferer to perfect and permanent
health. If you are sick begin to
use "Golden Medical Discovery" and
you will begin to be well.
There is no substitute for the " Dis
covery" and nothing "just as good."
Any attempt to sell you any other
preparation in place of Dr. Pierce's
medicine has only one object, the de
sire of the dealer to, make an exces
sive profit.
There is no alcohol in "Golden
Medical Discovery," and it contains
no cocaine, opium or other narcotic.
Persons suffering from chronic
forms of disease are invited to con
sult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All
correspondence is strictly private and
sacredly confidential, and all replies to
correspondents are mailed in plain
envelopes bearing no advertising or
printing of any kind. , Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
One Month
For years this remedy has been the
stnmlaril nerve restontiie. Thous-uids
of hippy inr n owe their newly found
strength to Its use.
tiexhie rilli replace weakness and
exliaiiitlon wllh strength ntul vigor;
the bniin become:, clear; Ihe nerves
steady mid calm, gloomy forebodings
are banished ami perfect vitality is fill,
ly restored.
If joh are suffering ns above, try a
box;jnuil he encouraged by it effect
to take the full course of sit boxes
then if on are not entirely cured, we
will refund jour money Thi3 satis
factory offer i one of the factors of
our Mtccess
$1 IK) per ho rttioTcs (nllh ginran.
tee toctire or money b icL ), S"i 01), mailed
in plain linkages, Ilouk free I'eal,
MiauciNk Co , Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale ly John II Phelps, PliarnucUt, corner
W j timing avenue and bpiuce itieet.
Michael llobail. Mts.sos Maty Hogau
and Nellie liallagliei attended the or
dlnatlou ul the pilosis at St Peters
talhctliul, in Siiauloii. es(eula.v.
Mr. ami .Mis, I. D l.'dvvauls anil
Miss Ollie .Vim phy ntlendtd thu Hlxlor
Koldiiaiu wedding at (iiceu Midge last
The Daughtets uf Pnealiuntusi un
did ted an onjoiiible enlei tailiment and
.social In IMwalds' hall, in MlaKii. last
Tho luinnieiiiinieut eveiilses of St,
PatiiiK's 111 inh ui) will ho held In the
rather Mathovv opeia house, Thuis
iTay evening, June JT.
Tlm sihool hoaid on Wednesday
night at copied the plans tm the addi
tion to u built to the Fit. st waid
school. They weie diawn by Aichlleec
John Mi l.nughllii, of C.iihondalo
W J Sihiibmehl has letmned home
fiom 1 tilp to New V01K slate.
Austin I, s mil Is home ft out the Holy
ClObg college at Woicestci, Muou.