The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    "'IW'- "!TT .' -nrV M"),rnCrX)rWtyir'S cf?tn!!
ttt -cJ-X t r -c-1 i?TTr"iiisrj,-vf ,':-t v,tii'Bv-'f ejtnFjit,T
Wnjron Load of Children Narrowly
Escape Sorlous Injury Holsnor's
To am Bocamo Unmanagable and
Ban Several Blocks at a Lively
Clip Hampton Streot Youngsters
Roach the Limit in Serenading a
Wedding Party Drawing for an
Organ Notos and Personals.
One of the must exciting runaways
rwr won on Main nvomio, liappont'il
lii.-'t cvoiiIiik .shortly lipfiiro S oVUiel;,
when n team of hordes ilrlvi'ii by Ainns
Jlt'lstier run n tll.stiineo nf movpiiiI
Mocks m n lively into liofnro they woty
X tupped, An oM Wilson lmil been i'IkkoiI
up with u mIkii advert IxIhk the "Auc
tion Suk' of Children" tomorrow even
ing hi. the Siilviitloii nriny bin rucks, to
which ii ioiiiii of bi'okcn-iknvii hnrt-os
v. civ lit Inched.
A half-dozen chtklron wore loaded
into the Wilson ill the lmrrai'ltM, and
Willi one of the itnny inoiiiliors blow
Inn: a' tin hum. the oiitlit i-Hnrted down
Miiln avenue from Price utrcel. A pass
Ion stieel I'rk'hlened l he animals
mill l hey br'Kiin their mud lllijhi down
the iiveiiuc.
As they p,iskmI the corners nt .liii'k
soii si root, il wns seen Unit the drivel lost lonlrol of his leam. anil a
linlf-dox.eti men made an unslicccssfiil
clfort to stop thi'iii. They onlliineil
on down the avenue, and narrowly es
caped a collision with one id' William
I'rico's teams In front of ihc Welsh
Calvinistic .Methndlst church.
At Washburn si reel the Ioiiku" of
lilt- wmkoii wns broken, ami till'; struck
Ihe horses, adding more diui-j-or to Hie
affair. I5y this time the cliildrou In
tile wiiRon were yelliiiK for lielp and
vainly tried to sot out of the wnnon.
When thi- reached a point In
front nt' W. (!. Daniels' residence, an
other effort Mils made to stop them.
I'eter l.amb, of Meridian street, who
amis walking on the sidewalk with Ills
llltle Kill, shook a small coat In front
of the animals and then grabbed nne
of the horses by the head, ami suc
ceeded in turning' them into the side
walk. Tile child! en were helped out of (lie
wagon, and found to be uninjured, al
thoiiKh they were shook up consider
ably. The driver had his arms sorely
Mid-Season s Sale of
Black and Fancy Silks
The Silks offered below at marvellously low prices will
meet the approval of the fastidious buyers, as they em
brace all the up to date ideas aud most popular weaves.
The colors are all right aud the prices are better thau
right to the buyer.
Plain Colored Taffetas
20 pieces, 19 inches wide and not a good new AQf
shade wautiug. Au honest value for 69c Price " v
19 inch Fancy Taffetas Silks. Full line of desirable
colorings. The wearing qualitjr is warranted. COr
A 75c silk for -JV
All Silk Black Taffetas
These represent standard silks of unquestionable
quality and best dye. Finish and shade are both perfect
19 inch black taffetas silks, worth 62jc for 49c
23 " " " " Ssc " 69c
21 "
" " " " 1.00 " 85c
11 .1 .. lmS5 11 9Sc
" 1. so " 1.19
27 "
Peau De SoieBlack Only
20 inches wide, pure silk aud best finish, 85c Q
quality for , Ov
21 inches wide, pure silk aud best fiuish, QCr
; $i.i2j quality for O-JL
21 iuches wide, pure silk and best finish, QQp
. $ i, 2 tj, quality for OL
New Foulard Silks
Of high class quality aud irreproachable character.
lliey are all new aud right up to the nnuute iu style.
There's a reason for the price cut, but it need not
couceru you.
24 inch Foulards iu exquisite desigus, 69c jQr
CJU&lltyi lOr MMMMI f t I t t f iMHMttMHIIMI ft -. . t t V
I Elegant New Satiu Finished Foulards, Sjc CQr
quality, tor i.,.. .,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, j
iNlce i,ine ot tiiglx Ulass
$i,oo. Sale Price
Highest Class I
Highest Class Foulard
very stylish, $1,35 grade,
Globe Warehouse
In his rffort lo stop llm
An Unusual Recaption.
11 Is seldom Hint a bride Is nccordotl
such it reception as was rIvuii last
JvelilhK liy the chlklri'll of Untiipton
slreel to n wedding parly In the 1H0O
block. Kulty two hundred yoiuwritora
had Kiitherotl In front of the house,
each nrined with n tin can loaded with
Such a racket as they created would
make Murrain Mill's battle of Tlelt-Tslii
pale Into InslBiilflciinee. Kor fully an
liulir tin weddlnn Rttests were tortured
wllli the most unbeiirnbln noises, mill
the scrennders were lined up on the
felloe nml In front of the house In
Im'ko numbers, The presence of Pa
trolman Unit was necessary lo quell
the racket.
Drawing for an Organ,
The drawing for nil organ for the
lienetlt or J. I. Htiinton, of r,0 'I'entli
street, was conducted In Med Men's
hull last evening, and was won by
James W. Moll, of Freolnud, Pit., Willi
ticket No, :!l!i.".
The drawing was conducted by n
committee composed or Jonathan .1.
.lones. .rallies lltitson, Jlenry .lacobs
and W. T. Lefts.
Two Police Cases.
William MoOni-molt. of Kyiion street,
was arrested at the Instance of his
mother, who alleges that her son
abuses her and refuses to work. Mag
istrate Davis coiiiinltlod lilni for sixty
.lolui Miller, a hobo, arrested for beg
ging and using abusive language to
those who refused him, wits sent up
for thirty days.
Events of Today and Evening.
Closing exercises in No. It school,
ociiiinioiieliif; at - p. m.
The ladles of the Simpson Methodist
Kplsoopnl chinch will erve an Ini
tial supper tills evening between B
and s o'clock.
Knlerlaiinneiit and social at the
Hampton Street M tliodist Kpiseopnl
church, under ihe auspices of the I.
II. W. circle.
51 is. Horace John, of Jackson
street, will leave today for a few
days' sojourn at Atlantic City.
Leo Ciossin. the base hull and piano
player, had his shoulder dislocated re
cently while playing ball at Carbon
dale. .Mrs. W. It. Dawes, or Atlantic City,
formerly of North Alain avenue, is
spending a few days with friends in
The local retail merchants aie mak
ing preparations to attend the Itotail
Croceis' association outing at Lake
l.odore on Muly l.'i.
All the barber simps in AVest Scran
ton will be closed on Thursday. July
I. but wl'l remain open until mid
night on July ;;.
Miss Cora Anthony, of Carboiidale,
is spending a few clays with West
Serantoti friends.
The young people of the Jackson
foulard Silks, worth Or
1 . M .., , M y
Silks, satiu finish and QQ,
Street llaptlst church hold nn enjoy
able lawn hocIhI Inst evening nt the
homo oC MIrsi Ida Snyots, on North
Itctiecca avenue,
A spoclnl nieetlng nf nriinch N'o,
C2.T, hadlcn' Catholic Tletievoleiit asso
ciation, la called for nest '.Monday
evening, when the presence ot every
member la dealt ed.
The il"gree of master nf hiwa I111.1
been conf.-rreil upon Attorney Chin leu
14. lianlels, by the Southern univer
sity, or HtititliiRlon, Tenti,
The excursion or the Stimli-Ceiitrat
Mine Accldentnl Knml to liilke Lu
ll ore on Saturday, June !!, will lie one
or the largest or the neason, na It will
be conducted light lifter the initio
pays, and tltla Insures n. large crowd.
The renuilna of the late Mra, Owen
Klniiegiin were interieil Iu Ihe Cathe
dral cemetery yesterday nftcrnnon.
The funeral wna condtieleil from the
homo of deceased's mother, on Merrl
field avenue.
The Htudy of nililo work was taken
up by the members of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church laal even
ing nrir-r the regular weekly prayer
Missea Kilty and Helen Mung, of
Carboiuliile, are visiting Weal Seran
tou friends.
William Cnrlesa, of Knelt .street, lina
returned homo from the ltepliisophs'
convention at Roston,
An Infant child of Mr. iind Mrs. John
.McDonald waa hurled In the Cathedral
cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Your friends are interested in
Scrnnton. Send them a copy of The
Tribune's Souvenir.
Thonifts Roilly, nn Oilor, Had a Nar
row Escape from Death in tho
Richmond Breaker.
I'lionuis ISellly, who Is employed aa
an idler at tho Mchinond breaker, had
a narrow escape from death ironday.
II" was walking around one of the
large shaftings which turns the
breaker machinery, when a belt slip
ped off of a large pulley, striking
Keilly upon the head and throwing
liim against another belt.
Men who saw tho nceident grabbed
him just Iu time to prevent the uu
oouselom: Keilly from being crushed
lo death between the belt and pul
ley, lie was subsequently removed lo
ills inane cm North Main avenue.
Piano Recifnl Tonight.
The senior pupils of Miss Kllzubeth
Owin. assisted by Miss Cora Moiris
1:1 Win. reader, will render Ihe fol
lowing 1'iogrnmiiio at the Xorth Main
venue liaptiM chinch tills evening.
Tiin, ll.uw .1' nn ll.iuiirliiii llol-t
Mh-i'i Muni.-, Iin,tciii, liiilMn.
"n.UKin l.c-dvo.," ,i. II"! CnlilmrlU
l).tiil lliiiMt,'.
"'Hie ltci-p," cip. III I.itliiirr
Ml" .li'iuiic- M.i.ll,.rll.
"On tho Mc.itltiw" l.lthiicr
Mi.s-i i:i(.i-c laiiiiih.
"Anions Hip CNiinK," c, 27
.IIns .li'iuiic 'I'lioniK,
"I'rKiicnl Vinloi"
Mi- timiio 'riinine
"MiRiiouct tf-''
IU-i llatlip I'lke.
"I'.iir I'.llcu"
I ij- l.iu,' llfuitl,
"Alpiiii' lllow''
ti Alio CnUin.
Pud, V.d-o
..Mm iliillin
ll.v.lp I'.nk.
)ll-i"i l.ilililo ;m. K.ilo
"AiniiiiS llii1 I'IiiH'in".,,,
Mi.-s ll.iiin.i
Minnol clr Mii.iit
Mi-. IMilli Miirsi.iii,
"lichees cif llip Wcmil." l,)n l.,ii
Mi.- I.illi.ui Mmiio.
I .a f'.iiiii.iiii'll.i Iiili'n IIkuIijicI
Mi- Willti'lmiii.i cliiitin.
V,ilc llinniiisiiiiio Kinutict
Mi- M.if .lame-, ll.i!- I '.id..
It. .i.tinjr MU (Mill. n
"ll.c .MiclcicN." op. u".l Kill Illicit
Mi Kiiiclii'p I..i nt .hi.
Dm I.
i rt i.i ii.iin
li--c', Lewi-, (il,iii,int.
'.lll i. p liu-cll
ps Kiiipliiii- I.niynn, i:iiy.lliplli linen.
Hon aid II. firlllln. the
dllKqlsl. was
for stoinacdi
operated upon Tuesday
trouble, at Ids
kel street, by
I tower, as-'lsled
home on West .Mar
Doctors Hums and
ly Doctors iiessy and
Thomas i. I'ciwell. of Summit ave
nue, a sitldenl at Keystone aefiilciny,
is spending ills vacation with Ills par
ents. John liiirke and Tiiomas White, stu
dents at Allegheny ioei;e. are spend
ing their vacations with their parents
A lame audience Is anticipated to
hear I'lof. II. M. I.uiio, of Hie Seran
toti Coriespondence schools, deliver a
lecture cm "Some Interesting Things
Alioi'l ,M tals," In the Providence
Methodist Kplseopal church next
Thursday evening, under the auspices
of tile Kpwortli League. No admis
sion will be chargHil nt the door. At
the clo;;e of tho literary and musical
progi amine, lee creiuii. -lrawlierrlea
and cake will bo for sale. Following
in the programme: I'lnno solo, MU
Hello (liven: vocal solo, Mrs, Haydn
Cousins' Iconic, 1'iof. Lane: vocal
solo, Miss Kuliy Vast.
l.nst ei'iiitig Thonins Kviiiii was ar
ralKiicd In foi o Alderiniin Kldler on a
wariani Issued al the instance of Al
len l.luloimh. the charge being as
sault and battery. At the hearing, the
prosecutor got excited and engaged In
an argument with tho ilofr-nilant. itotli
parlies became so noisy that the esse
could not proceed ami the alderinnn
hud both locked up in the station
house. They will bo given a hearing
this morning.
A verv critical operation was per
formed on Joseph Kccgiui, of llaiiun
coin I, Tuesday at the Sorautnn Pri
vate hospital.
A special mooting will be laid this
evening at 7.::n sharp in St. John's
church hall by the ineinlicr.s of tho
Young -Mmi's. Institute.
William Hergliafiser has relumed
finni a week's visit at Scott town
ship. Miss Annie Klein, nt Alder street,
is seriously III.
The Junior Order I'ulied American
Moohitnlts, council No. Si2. met for
nomination of olllcers Tiiesdny night,
In Sclilmpff's hall.
TIip of .Inlin l.jly ujj liclil jituil.iy
fl'illl llll' K'il'U'lICO nf liU p.ii nls on l'iltttoii utc
line ,i m l .ii Lirxily .itlciiilcil y Hip fiiciuU mil
p.iliip ci( Hip iUit'IiPcl. Al 0 n'lliKk tlip lull'
Ml lium'cl In SI. .IiiIiiiN iliuuli, uIipip ,i u'
iiilcui nia-o va ii'IiItjIpcI liy Key. I'.illicr Met-
Would lice Kemp' lljljtn fur llic lliroat aud
I.UBS3. It ! tuilJig- inoic Coi.Ih, Coldi,
Aitluna, IliniuliItU, C'rouji und all llnoat and
I.unc 'Hcjubles, limn ony other iiirclicliie. Tito
tuoprictor lug autlioilicd any dium;lt to (,'lvo
ou a Saniplc llolllc In to loinltuo jou o( tin:
merit ol IbU urct icmvdy. i'rkc 23c, aud M.
ID llllilll
Many a Scranton Citizen Finds
ihe Struggle Hard.
With a bade constantly aching
lth (llstrosalng urliiaiy disorders,
Dally existence la hut a atrugRle.
.No iicd to keep It up
I), a's Klndney Pills will cure! yon,
Scraiilon people endorse this claim,
Mr. A. W, Klotx, of mil Liifnyctto
street, painter by trade, rnya! "Klve
years ugo X took a .severe cold, which
settled in my bladder, liver uftof my
kldnryH troubled me it. great deal. I
Used ninny different reincdlcM and look
medicine from ailoctor.who pronounced
my trouble catarrh of the bladder,
but 1 got little ir any teller. M.V
condition wuh continually growing
worse, and there waa a constant dull
pnln uernss my back when alttlng
down or on getting tip and turning
about tho pain became very aharp. r
had to work often for hours in a
stooped position, and If I atralghteiied
up my back felt aa though It would
snap In two. The kidney secretions,
wore Irregular, of a high color, and a.
disagreeable odor, ami accompanied
by too frequent action. T was lliuilly
laid up, nimble to do any work-. At
tlila time a friend recommended
Doan's Kidney villa to me. I had
not much ralth In them, but 1 went
to Matthewa Hros ' drug store and got
n box. 1 received so much benefit
from this, that I continued the treat
ment until well."
For sale by all dealers. Price '0
cents. Foster-JIllburn Co., Hul'falo,
X. Y.. foIc agents Tor the IT. S.
Ilcnieuibor Hie name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
ipy. aflpr ulncli Hip lPUi.iin-c upip to thp cemetery. TIip p.illlip.iiiTS hpip:
.lninw. CniiK?, I'Jtikk riol.incl, 0on Mclrln, l)d
nnl Sinltli, Tliiuins Mclntjio nml William
'flip Willl.iiii Cniinnll Hew cT.inp.iny will liclil
.1 .p(l,il inci'liiit litis cnpiiiiiir jt S c.'cl(.c l kui
In llii-ir inoiiH on I'lllklim anion-. All tiiriiilicn
nip ipi,pstcit tc lip pic cnl.
MK-c I.c.ipII:i I'lilleid a iiiiiiiImt cit
Willt04-ll,irie fi i.ii.l lit lll-l lll.lllc! on I'lcuppct
awnue l,il cvfiilni;.
.Mr. ('. (!. Ii.ih iiliiiuc.l bom ,1 uppK's
l-il to n...-tcin.
ln. l.cii.a ncrgtiaii-er. "I t lii- side. Im" n
1 tn iM-it ficmi :i pK'i i.-it at Wilki-ILine.
The liiPinlipiH ol Hip St. Alo.isiin Mill
meet in rpguliii' n'.-iou this crpiilng at IMiniinacy
Unlike l.lsllc. Nn. ai?, KnislilK of Hip HuIcIpIi
r..)lp, ill iticpl in inoiillit MN-iou thi.s pnpiiiiii;
al riuclun'- lull.
I.,n k.iw.'iinia camp, No. 717, Mn.l.rn Wn'.ilmen
nfy iii"rit'.i, will itipoi this pvpiiini; al Uitltn.iu'.s
Extra copies of The Tribune's Sou
venir sell for 20 cents.
Council Clashes with Burgess Bur-
schell About Stone Contracts.
Other Short News Notes.
'Hip council nut In srv-icii l.i-l tiiulil,
Mltli all ui.'tulriN pt-opiit. I pen Hip moli.m of
Mr, l'.i(i.u lit. iM'tjitgli alti.nipy w.H iu-lntctPil
lei ipn.lpf an ..pinion at Hip iipM nicpiins M.itiut;
Hip ii','lil of Hip boiim-rli in l.iin-jr the ii.i's
ol Hip .Sianlcn II. is ana Water cninpany.
'I'Iil' nutter of ifi.ulim,' Cum' -lit el .in. I piping
it al lite csutier of Mouior aipittip was tcfprieil
In Ihe htic'it anil l.iiil!.'Ps c c.iiuniltpp. Alt epitiKit
.ts icYciu'cl Iiciiii Hip I'diouu'I. .iiIoiiki in leici'
on. e to the ni.iiiitaiti.ini p of )-l Ptitiker sheet,
in Mhiill he .llct the .iioeplllPIIL In IWPi II 111.!
turnpike ti.nip.tiiy and Hip .vrJiilmi Ti.tiltnii
..'iiipjni, iu which Hie lalnr li.ul ,ii:ieec
t. luaintaln Ihe -Heel, camp l.. ,iu cud when
llip mad re.Mcl to l.p a mil
'Hip couiuil cliviisicil a I Ipiiu'IIc Hip wvfr
fU.'-liull. lull .'.llhed al IK. dihuitP c. Iltsintl.
Il .ls thi.l'lil Hut III., ilnilii; .may with ill.. i-PHiis tti.iihl i.iii-p tliiisp who liled e.
upturns at that lime in il vv ilipm, Imi
il luiw It. ui-piii'.- that miiiii ol I lie I'McpiioiH will
still he pii-hed ay.iiu-t Iho tuitil, spuer.
Il iv i MiinaMt'd the linnk -per -hcnild
litgin at Hie iiileif-eclinu nt' ll.uper and Driuki-.
sheets, hut this did nul meet with f.tor and
the ut.illpf w.u p.iv-id uiiiiniii .IH.-I action, 'the
lelutniiii; of the cniiliau (iiliicd inin l.. Hip
council with Thomas (ioltlrii, puniiliiit; tor lli.i
I. u. lug ol .-Inup .it 17 cents per load, itii-iun.-l
by the l.iinte', pii'i'ipil.iled .t warm cll-cn tun,
'file liuiKpss lead a c oiunuiiiicatinn finm I). M,, land .njc til ni the kiie I'nal eoiupaii.t,
-111 nil,- t the li'iu.iu'li .. Mil. I lo.ate ihc iin-li.'i-nit
I heir hind and ciii-h -t.iue hie of cIi.iiu'p lor
pheet lc pair piupo-e..
Mr. Waul -I. il. '.I that l.c- had tvalt.d on
1I..M.I when llp c nidi, r .i- nich.i.sed and
1 cf n Infoou'd tint ihey 1.1 not lnur-li
liciiiiiiuli llli .lone. 'Hip council lieie pnli'ieil
Into a u.i i in .Ii-. ',i-ion in repaid In Ihe mmiiu:
of .in ailiele In icfiieiue lo lioinusli allalrs In a
Siuiii.iy papi'V, hniiip ol Hip inunheis intiiuilin;; Hump's IIiiimIii-II was ip.puii-ilile,
)'.is iticlim liy ileiiiecl h. bun. At this point
Mr. I',i,nii uitlnli'-w the iiaine ni his -..ii, wh.i
al I lie l.'-t iiiri'tiiii; v, pp.ili.tecl feeder of llir
. iu-ln r, hut Hip icfn-nl in cou-lder lin
'flip licui'lluli il,llj atiiiounied Ihe p-oll.
Hon i niiou-(-i Incr Hip liioiiu' ni this stnne, which
had I ecu sijjupd lo H.r l.iitpcvc, whilp mil of Ids
hauls had hccii imu aiui Hip .ippioul t i,
buiKPss v.H nciiv iiilkslnir.
It was cleiided to lu-aiu op,..itiu, with Hip
ciil-dicr at once. ih.Iu illi-l.iu.liiu' ll Iijectmus
"f Hit liuu,'c-.s, Ihe slieet c ntniuK-inrii i lieiinj
aulhnrird In pun I needol supplic-. and put
nii'ii at uoik I.I.isiliiK none ,n s.ion .is p.iihp,
Ciof-avalks weir onU'ied laid on Dudley -.licet, I'lfdi (.In .t. and or, Pili.kei- -.licet at tHi
liiti'i'ii-ilfciii .1 I ollim .tiiel A i-esnliiHoii lull...
dm ed l.y Mr. Mi l..nul.lln, pinMiliiii; foi the ciec.
thai of a ihtplui; al the coin, r of HlnM -tic. t
and I l.n aciiiii, w.n p,is,,l.
Last Night's Entertainment.
Ihe n.i,i lliittado ol llip Tnpp AM'iilip ( hill.
Hun c liiinli niteiuini'd luelr filciuU lu.-l ncila
it Hip ihuicli nlih an . nli i i.iiuiui nt and
liili-.ic.ll pioiaatniuc was nuihud and Itev,
Vi- I'. i die l'ii-.lyleilaii ihuith, wi,
im-Miit and i.i i4,e io,s upon Ihelf iop
and liiipoll.iuce it ihui.ii wmk. A lamp uuinh.'r pie-cm and a u, n -nm n,,, mkled to Ihc
luiilillii',' fund ol the chilli h,
Mr. Iloiicr-i, Miin-i Moltilt, Hain.'S .in. I Cnnp.
Iii-ll, li'ichiis of Sn. ; mIiouI, Willi ihrir mIiuI.
ui, plcnlikul al .Say Aim I'.dls jc'.slticl.iy.
Tliu 111 st cliKiet" will lie cnlil.llid (his I'triiliu;
in ii nirptlns of (Irceit Itid-ji lo.lijp, No
l-ai. ludepeiidcnt Unlet of Odd lVllcms.
'Ihe mi minis of pi. . .1. l.aioinu'H Vhiiiij:
MenS llihle films Ii ivp l,rrn Ic-ipie-licl In iu.-.ft
in Hip iljs ioiiiii a Hip iiieen 111.1,. Vk-.Ii .
Iiliau iliuuli miii.I.iv inoiiiiic.' at III lc) o'clock
llu l.icin nl-e Womcii'-i thiblljii 'I'enipei--jiiii'
in. ion will Imld a ,n.'ij tnf-tlnsr thin run-
in,-al i..;i) ii'. lock al Ml. ou;hl', I llll Sili."r
ooii j.ciiik'. All .no wel.ouie.
The simiitui l KH,' .is-oilaliou, No. Sll, will
linhl Ihcji- riuuUi nirrliiiK Igniulit at S u'llocl,
at llicir hall on H.ioi.nlii; menuc.
'l is day i-iii-c-i ut Hie jlish mIiohI Uuri;lit.
Tin' I.jiIuV i. nuleiy of Hie l'nliifalUt
(liiinli of All Soul-, will meet in at Mrs. J. J.
Ilii.l'.s, Cil A.ljiiu uiniiv, this afleiiii..'ii.
' will lie a nluaisjl of I'rofeosnr Joint T.
WjiUiia' ipiIIjI cIiciim in Uolkw lull loniKht
t S o'clock.
The smoker's delight,
Sovornl Moro Roturnetl to Work Yea
torday Story About Georpo Gould
Buying a Controllinp; Intorost in
Lackawanna Iron & Stool Com
pany Lackawanna Company Get
ting Options on Laud nt Blngham-
ton Now Voln of Coal Found Near
McAdoo -Board for Totlny.
Several more of the employes of the
foundry returned to work vosterdnv
morning at the Allls-C'lialiners shops
on Point avenue, and the coiiipany'a
local roprcsoiitatlvoa expressed their
hope to soon have the entire working
force of this branch of their plant
busied dally.
The moulders, na has been previously
slated In these columns, never struck
but were only laid off because of their
disability to work without the labor
era or corenuikeia. The former, aa
members of the Helpers Kederal
Labor union, Weill on strike. .May 'JO.
with the other members of the metal
tradea, and the coreniaKcra went out
on the ground that they did not wish
to work with non-union laborers,
One of their national olllelals was In
this city, however and arter u brier
talk with Superintendent. .Miud.aren,
ordered tile men back to work. The
Federal Labor union met Tuesday
night and at Its session the situation
nt the Allls-chalniera shops was con
sidered, and It was decided that the
laborers should remain out until no
tion wna taken liy the union, ordering
them hack.
At tho meeting it was furthermore
decided to draw on the treasury for a
relief fund, and a committee waa ap
pointed to take charge or the distri
bution ot same. This la the 11 rat time
since Ihe beginning or the strike that
It bus been necessary to do this.
President .lames O'Counell, of the
machinists-, is now in New- York city,
and lias been written to by Chairman
Humphrey Campbell regarding the
conditions at the ICingsland shops or
the Delaware, Lackawanna and AVest-
era Railroad
full operation,
tonlny, about
coinpany which are In
Said Mr. Campbell yes
llie matter:
"Nn efforts have been made to have
the men at the shops there join the
strikers' ranks until now. as It was
hoped that on account or tne me:,
going out so solidly along the line,
they would secure their demands with
out further crippling of the road, hut
since the company offers no prospects
of an Immediate settlement, steps are
being taken to call the men out at
Kingi-land. The shops there are, large
The car builders met last night in
Economy hall and conducted their
election of olllcers. The same olliclals
weie re. ejected, P. J. McAndrow be
ing again cnosen president. The mem
bers present also listened In a nor
mal! address by one of the striking
employes of the Allis-Clinlmers com
pany. An Interesting Story.
The Philadelphia Xorth AiiierlcaOi
yesterday contained a story to the ef
fect that (leorge tloulil lias obtained
a continuing Interest iu the Lacka
wanna iron 11111,1 Steel company. The
story then goes on to say:
"Tho two mills of the Lackawanna
lion and Sloe! company at Scranton
will be enlarged. It Is slated, and the
great plant upon which work has been
comment-oil at Stony Point, nenr Huf
fiilfi. completed. Lake ores will be
used al the li'tler plant, while the
ores fur the Scranton winks will be
drawn, as now. finm the Cornwall Iron
beds, near Lebanon, In which Iho
Lackawanna owns a large Interest,
"Thus It would seem that Could
lias played ids cards in a manner
which not onlv opens a. way into
Pittsburg for his railroad system, but
which also places him In a position
most clllllciilt to attack. The Wabash,
having a line of its own lo Huffalo,
Is pretty, well protected in thai direc
tion. The Delaware, Lackawanna and
xVoatorn, which. It was recently an
nounced, had become one of the Could
lines, gives an initiol to .Vew York.
I'p to this time all tall: nf an eastern
end for the ("ioiild railroad system has
centered upon the Lackawanna, but
In this direction. It Is hinted, there
may lie further surprises Iu store,"
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Tin; following is the make-up of tho
D L. & hoard for today:
S i.iulou, Jim. Ju. I'M H.
"TUST-HAY, .ll'Xi: III.
Wild I'litB, i:.i.-S 1 1, in., ('. V. Dunn; in p.
in., r. r. ni-aoih.
a. in..
Wild I'aw, i:a.'-l.'.l
.1 ii. II. T. Maple., in .
II a. iu., M. Ilolihu, 1 p
." p, in., II. I.'llli-Mii (I p.
Siiiuniils, i-li-. II a, iu.,
.1, I. ail. in;
.. iu,, M. I. ll.'Miis.m;
iu., A, li. Itaiuiulll;
iu., I'. Van Hoi in. i,
oa-t, .1, lleiinUau; S
a. III., west, (I, l-'i-niiufilkei :
CiriiKs:; t p. m.. imI. W". II
l p. in,, east, ,1,
Mi hols; 7 p. iu..
c.i-l In. nt .Nay t)vr. II. Me lli-Ul ;
west Horn ('.ii'k.i, .lc-l,.ine; 7 , in,,
I'a.utua, 'Ihoiiip-nii,
7 p, iu.,
nest (loin
I'uslii lie S a. in., (I. llnuscM
li. 'Ill ; II, HO II. Ill , Moi.111', 7
HI u. m , s. I'iu
li. iu,, Muiph,: II
p. in., i.ainpini,-; in p. m , a. u i.iciic r.
I'-wi-nia r kliuiuc"--r a, m (l.iirne.i ; 7 a,
Sinaei ; 111 a. III., K. I!. Suci; a.MI p. in.
Maples; 7 ;i. in., Melon, m.
Wild Cat., Wit-.'i a, ni I', Wall S a.
,1. II, Mil'ami: in a. in., (. kiiuitley; II a,
,1, i;.ili.i;;.iii; I p. iu., I'.. II. Hull.,; ' p. pi.
iu ,
t'a.liiii; 1 p. iu,, V. Ilnudkaii; ( p, in., U. ( ae.
(oil. llllilll U'illijln Kilhy J:l l, -w will lo
ll. .11 at aupellllti'll.k'ia'-. ottU'c ID a, l'., 'Illllls, .lunc mi, llm I) Mm in lepurls foi I'. I.. Ilo-.l..
Iliakiiu.ui luliii (oul.'i.i i . poll, lui If, (
Struck Lykena Valley Vein,
'J'lio rock tunnel started a month ago
Iu slope t:, Lehigh and Wllkes-Hiirre
company, near McAdoo, lias been com
pleted and a rich scam of coal, Hie
Lykoiis Valley vein, has been lapped,
Haj'H Hie llazletou Sentinel. The vein,
according to estimates ri'otii n proving
hole, is eleven feet, seven Indies In
thickness and will bo developed al
once. Tim tunnel designed to lap Hie
vein was i oniineiiceil a month ago ami
ia some :', yards Iu length, it was
driven from Hud-, mountain vein.
A week ago a pen in of coal six inches
111 thickness was reached. it waa
thought this was tint extent of llio vein
for which the tunnel was driven. A
proving hole vmis staried, to lie driven
SO feet. It went only ii feel tvlien tho
real vein was reached.
Work In driving was resinned and
J-'rlduy night tho lalo altlft h truck tho
coal. Tho tunnel was driven Hon Hi
and Iho gangways will go oast and
Lykcus Valley vein ta n good quality
of coal, for which tho market waa
llxed yearn oro. tit tho LoIiIrIi and
Wllkea-ltarre tract on South Side the
Vein hiia been reached In other alopea,
lint In lump of them so heavy aa this,
Tho atope In which tt la round la east
of McAdoo on Hie lino to Tresckow and
doubtless exlenda eaat to Heaver
Meadow or beyond,
Gotting Options on Land.
Tho ear ahopa will surely eomo to
llliigliatiitim! Tho Lacknwantiii.throiiRli
Iho Htnglntinton bonid or Initio la
planking down hard cash for opllona
on large tracts of land lying beside the
Delaware, Lackawanna, aud Western
Iracks aolttli of Hie Huanueliauna and
Just eaat of tho city. All or these op
tions hold good rot- ninety ilaya. begin
ning With .Itllle II, 1901.
Tho board or trade has been quietly
at work at that aeellon fop the last
month nud every resilient, or Hie town
of Conklln and llliigliaintoii, owning
laud along the railroad tracks between
the city and Klugliamtoit fleet Sugar
rnctory luia a copy or two of tho type
written blanks whereby tho options are
given. This work has been carried on
by Vrealdent V. .1. McTIrIio, of the
Hltiglinmton board or trade, and Jitlliia
10. lingers, president or the Hlngluun
toti Hoot Sugar company. Htnghum
ton Herald.
This and That.
The minors who have boon on strike
Tor the paat few dnya at the Keystone
colliery, Hudson, will return to work
tlila morning. All grievances have
been satisfactorily adjusted, Tho
cause of the trouble la attributed to
tho fact that hoys and outside labor
era were (locked during the time tho
breaker was Idle for the waul of coal.
1'cn.iniiilii James on Saturday for
warded his resignation from the posi
tion of member of the national execu
tive board of the United Mine Work
ers of America to President .Mitchell,
fie will go Into business at Wllkos
I'aire. James baa been at odds with
district lenders tor some time, and his
resignation was not unexpected.
Extra copies of The Tribune's Sou
venir sell for 20 cents.
Co-iclliiled from I'.-igc 0.
Tlie court seemed to Incline to Mr.
O' Helen's way of thinking, but Mr.
Lewis cleverly Intercepted any possible
peremptory action, by interjecting the
claim that there was nothing to show
that Mrs. Kuapp was not proseeiitlnn
.Mrs. Ames for a different offense from
that which Mr. Ames had charged
against her.
Mr. U'Hrien offered to take deposi
tions lo show that the offenses were
identical, and Hie case was kept open
to give him opportunity to do so.
Otln-r cases were dealt with as
AlKllecl llcplii.lls (n the incnipniation nf tho
s.-railtnu Mum- Cutteis' Local union; llciniau
IMIiaus auaiiet Ihe c-ouuly of Lacloiwauna, ca-c
slated to ic-4 the liie.iile l.i: commonwealth
'gainst I't-ler Canoll, nile In .strike olt fnifeil.
lite; tu le load iu Newton tc.uu-.hip, cMcptioiis
In icpoii of iieei.s; II. iv i.i T. WilllaiiM aiiahi-l
Alines Caioy and othei.-., nile In set aside oecu
li. ii; I'ennei A: (happell aaiu-t I!. II, (.'ilfllllN
and olhi'i-, nile for a new Mat; lla.inian Dinner
airain-i (lie I intra I I'liin-.iliani.i Tele phone a, id
Suppl company, nile to amend recutcl; city of
Sci.inlc.ii :u;aiu-.t L. It. Sliu-)-es, nth- in sttiki'
olf lion Mitt; iu if anuev.itinii ot land- in Talr
l.oiouuh, i.eeplioii.-; .1. S. .Miller aain-l I',
(iiovc, nile to open juibiui'iit; Max Jiulkiivics
iisalii.t .lolui M., nile lo open Judi;.
inrnt; Silas llaitley ai:alu--t fuel Cuinaer, ovcei.
lions to a 1 1. i i I -.! ',-. npnil; Williaiu Watt aiMi'iut
.lulut H. Mil'ciinli, nile for a new,
Mil. mil toil - I'll.'li .Mil '.inn .ii--.iin.-t. Daniel Jlc
( aim, nil.- for dec lee iu ilium c.
Itule Di-cl 1.1 laed l.y AKiecinent l'. fi. k
nir.i In-t , P. P.. nil", evec-puons Iu allid.nil of
d. flli-c.
I'nnlinueil -.I, V. li. ill. ml a.iiii-t Hie city nf
.Sc rillltnll, ccllil,
I ill.' I)i-ch.ui.e.l Cnnminnut'dth attaliu-.t 'ln
s. pii Itcst iifer, nth foi a new liial.
This last case was a somewhat un
usual one. There are two Joseph
Uettofers iu Old Forgo. One of them
was convicted Inst spring of being one
of four who committed au assault on
one Michael Hiltello. More than a
hundred persons witnessed the affair.
Some s.ild it was this Joseph Itcsto
fer and others, including the four
defeiidanls, swore positively It was
tin other Joseph Ueslofer. Judge l-M-u
arils suspended sentence and had
Ihe other Joseph Ueslofer arrested.
He was iicqullled at the last, term of
quiii tor sesisons. The attorneys for
Ueslofer No. I tried to get a now
trial for their man, but Judge Kd
wards peremptorily discharged tho
ml. when tile case came to lie lieiuil
Tlie fourteen cases in which the Mu
nicipal league Is petitioning for llm re
vocation of liquor licenses were put
over until lids morning.
The case of Conrad Seluoedor against
tho Scranton fins and Water company
Is set down for a hearing today.
Pea Conl 1.50 a Ton Delivered.
to South Side, central oily and central
Ilydo Park. Addre-'s orders to J. T.
Sharkey, l'Jli Cedar avenitu. 'Vhono
lied Tuesday ulghl III the home of her
daughter, .Mrs. Alfred ee, In Alan
ohi'Mor, I'lllgiitlld, whoie aim had been
-jilt..,.. I,... .1,., I..., ,1...... ,1...
-IKIIH "! CMC I.IJlt lllll'C
Ihe Diinou
and was a woman of uiro
lvllnomcut ami cuiiure.
The iill-
was a sad
It Ik prob
brought to
noillic i-ilienl nf Iter ileal II
shock in her friends hero,
able tlio lemaius Will be
lids coimtrv for Interment
Mrs. Dlmmlck is survived by three
children, Dorothy, Milton and Allen
Dupoilt niliililiek. The la I lei wa.s
iith Iter In lOiiglaud. she is
also Miivived by her brother, llu
gene Dupnul, the head of the Dupoilt
Powder i-mipany. and a sister, .Mi.
iMuiiul Hradford, wife of I'tiltecl
States Judge 11 r;ii I I'o rd, of Delaware.
She was n cousin of Kdwaul and
Itlissell Dlnimick and of Charles Du
Pont llrcck.
AI.VF.HDA KKNNHDV. the 7-year-old
ilaughier of Air. and .Mrs. li. M.
Kennedy, died Monday night nt o.:!fi
o'clock, after it three weeks' Illness
with brain fever, at their residence on
Cedar avenue. Tlie funeral will take
place Thursday alternoon at a o'clock.
Services will bo held at Iho house.
Interment will bo niiiile in tho Co rest
Hill t'cmctciy.
Tliu funcrul of Mrs. O,
Powell will
..'iniih nn iiii- iiiic-c iiiciilllc,-.
Death was due to paralysis Miporlu
ditccd by liright'H diseiisc. She was
tho widow of tho lute n. c. Dluiiulck,
one of the city's best .Hid most llillll
eiitlal cltlzeli-i, and for n tlino city
ciutt'ollcn. .Mrs. Dlminlck was a
number of Hie Ditpoui family of
Ail Excullunt Combination.
The ploiiMint mothod niul beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Srntti' ok t-'ius, mtinufiieturod bv tho
CAi.irpitKtA Fiu Svnui- Co., illustrato
tliuvtilttunf ohtnlniiigtho liquid laxa
tive prlnolplos of pltirits known to bo
medicinally luxntlvo nntl prcsentlnR
thorn In tlto form most raf resiling to tho
ttisto and acceptable to tho system. It
is tho ono perfect strjunKtheiilnp inxa
tlvo, cloan-sliiL' tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevorn
gently yot promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objoctlonaolo quality and nub
stanco, and its acting on the ltiduoya,
liver nntl bowels, without wenkening
or irritating them, mako it tho ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
arc used, us they aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualiticsof tho
remedy nro obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfounia Kio Sykop
Co. only. In order to got its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, plcaso
remember tho full nomeof thoCompnny
printed on tho front of every package.
r.oaiavir.ijE, kv. new yobe. n. t.
FornalobyallllniBRists. PrlcoBOo. per bottle.
Manufacturers or
48B to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call. 2;W3.
Sixtorntli Kt. mid In Ins I'Ucb,
Anu-i Plan, iNl.ji) I'or Pay niul UiatcR
1.'iiioio.iii I', rl.uc) IV r Pay jml Ifiiwjrda.
bin'dal Hall's lo rainlliui.
lou-ioi-ioil I-'iihI I .".Hi Street.
ThclKKKIIIlSON iiallinrnnclily first-clnns
family anil transient lioti-t.ciirc.riiiRataininl-llltllncoflt
u nun linuniuf In tiirynnd comfort,
On l.Mli .Strocr.jiiHt cast of Union Square.,
it is ititliin a lew luiniitos of tbo lending
utiopt), theatres unit rliihi,
European Plan, SI. 00 up.
American Plan, $2.50 up.
Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up.
l-'ur bptH'inI rales. 1,'iii.lei or information write
n jiiii i.. i ii.i g .--.,, i-riiiirit-it,r
x. -f---t- -t---t----"
For Business Men
In tha heart ot tho whotcsaU
For Shoppers
S minutes' wulk tn Wnnamnltors',
S minutes to S'.rcol Cooper's BIB
Btorc. Kiisy of access to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For SiRlilsccrs
One hlock from B'wny Cars. glv.
Inn easy trnnsioitatlou to all
points ot Interest.
NEW Y01.K.
only ono Woclt from Iiroailwny.
Rooms, $1 Up. uXZu
ho ll"Id finm tho rp.siilotioo, 1117 l-Jyimn
stri'i't. thl afli'l'liooil lit 2.M. llltoi
ini'iit In tin' WiiHlihurn tlrort conii
loiy. Tl.c filiic'ial of tlto Lite .liinii's ,M
Ciutliy will l.-iKi' plui'o Ihls afloriinon
finni his luti' liiiini', r 07" I.uzoi-iici
stri'i't. Iiiti'iiiit'iit will lit' liiinli' In tho
t'lithi'drtil i-nioiorv.
Send tin extra copy of Tlie Trib
une's Souvenir to your friends.
Thirteenth Regiment Will Drill by
Bnttnlions in New Armory.
Tho ii'Kiilar drills in llio now iinnury
nro to hf oiniiiiniri'd in'St wool, iind
aic to lie riiiitiiiiioil mull the oiid nf
July, wlii'ii tin Thh'U'i'iith will so to
Tho drlllH will h" nliii'ii-t I'.vihtsivi'ly
hv liutiillnii.. .Mitjor l-'icinU IpililhiK. Jr ,
I'oiniiiiiiidiiic ilif Third hatt.illou. yos
lordiij isstii'd tlto follow Iiik drill orilor;
i.-iauli Imu- l'. tool
I iiiiianiis l II. I' ami A. ni'ii-iiu t
I'u.l li.ilalii'ii. ''Ill awiiilile al the- new li
inui.i, luiinr ut A.linu auniii .imi Myitlo tici't,
to- ImIIjIIoii iliill 11 1 1. in. "il Hi" lolluwinj;
date-.: Tucili). Julio i'. Muinl.i July I, l'l!i"
clay, July I), .Monday, .luo l.
l.l Olllcl' l.f
I'i.iiiK 1 1 .I'Iiiilt, Jr., Major
It. J. Paii. djiiiJiii.
Sitili a tiling as a liatl.illoti drill
was an inipii.iliillty In the nld ar-
niury. which was hardy luri ciiiiuch,
to tiecoinnioilalo ono oinpuny at
---- .
Your friends nro interested In
Scrnnton. Send them a copy of Tho
Tribune's Souvenir.
E. ins m
tf ,