rYvTTTrTTr-nri'frrc r V t ' . THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1901. ' Tfe.KoOAlffi SjaeaJks a. tongue known g a people perfect camera smt3jf,SMXi3.ims&BM(ns ettvd GSirm'&lsitm - oto ateax? rJu&Ti .toi!4 cMdmny' vxs si Take one with you on your vacation anil hnvo us tin your tjnlshlng when you return. AH styles to SCltiCt from nt Kemp's Studio 10.1 Wyo. Ave. ci. WfeSgii -fi tvtt ttttt tttt CITY NOTE ..$ &a,-.. t- S!.U.i i s" -li('IU.. 'I In Niaiilcn Ncuflniv,' nimni utll yi linir lit'1 .iiiiiihI i lit ri l.nniii' lit in iiutiu-' lull ihi ciliic-il.i.i nlu'lil. Mi.Miril.il '1(1 1'IIM'llri:. Vtiniuoi' t . I 1 lliii' MniiM ii. "I Willi, in - I , . .tesii-nla.1 .HI niil toil In iii.li I ii p in Ihr ill-lliil Irili'i.il i.i'iil. n:vr mm: n Mis -Mit. miiuuii, ..i mrm llulti', "ill -in .ik iti Ihr inn, iimn'i nl AiIiiim avt-hiii- .mil MiiIItiii niml, ,il :! n'i l"k ila. -T. DA Ill's ( III M II. -Hi.' ilmlr of M. ba ud's (liiuih ullt ii.ni.rii tin i'viiun.c tii-lrnl in 1'ihl.iy .niiiiiii. All iiirmlii'ii .Hi' iniu'-liil t" lie HCCMl. i:.V.HiVi:ii N (ll'1'IMi.-llip niiiil.ii .iihI sen rifin-) dii Kni'il-, tn in ni Mchlium, rot; ,v Co., of Mimniii ivi'tnie, lmw nil iiiitin In their ilcil-s in N'.ij Ann lull, 'lue-'li.i ru'iiim;. Tin- .alc-i- l""l.ip appl'l-l lltl'il Mil klll'llll.-!'- jdmlVil til thrill by tlioii' i'iniii,iii . ("'ItKMATiilt' l..il'i:i Ti:ii - linm.lu I'umi.'ll, Pirn lor nf I'uhlir Slid. Won Dinitni' n Health .Mini . 1 1 1 1 J -.riri.il in I lir (i.iiudlmrti in .jurler! Ihe 1 innately ,e.-,tri.ir. 'lhi.- w.i-. ilmip mi tli.it .ill lutein li.iii' an nliili'l-Liiiiliii; ut Hi" ii.ivlilliiii of tli. i.ui. Ii.(mi. .111 milium .' ii ii trndmeil in itiumiN pimidin.. tm I lit iipiii, lKtr.-.il'. .it the 1 inn. .tin;.. MXIil.ll1 In MIX I'.-'I !- li.. ii...iil in tlio i'lioii .it i'p limm; o till' ihiimt --Innp nl the VuuiifT lrti".- Chii-ti.iii .iiu i.H inn ImililiTiy: ah irrlin-.tril t" imi't -it tin 'iniii Men's i hvu tt.m .i.-in.'i.itinii ilium-. vi l-'iitl.iy pirniii'j, .liitu JU .it ii'ilnfk. A iim: i-riiiip li.i.s Iipi-ii .11 i.iiiKCil dii' N.ij Aiie ji.nl. 1. n Miiiiliy .iiipinno.i ninl an. unil -.hen- -aIH In- hi Iruiiir'l .it tin I1l1r.n-.1I WIM. Iltll.ll AX lMJI'i:r-T."(,..ii.ti'i- lt.,l.pil. has ilpi iiidl In linlil .111 iii'iiicsl in tl ,1-1' nl' l.iinr-. l,.illy, llir ,iiiiinr in.iti wlm w.i- fmnnl ilp.hl Miml.iy Pipnins mi til" I. iilio.nl li.nk- lipne.ilii the Mitillii .'.rini lpt.iinliu wnll. Tlio tnnp aiul i!dto will lin .innonmpi! l.itpr. Upl.it ivim aiul flii'iirU nl ilip ilni'.i-i-il ,iii' nt 1I1,. iiiiniin th.it tlip .miiiii nun tiK'i with hull il.n .mil iiip aiiimi-, if iMvijililr, to h,up thp ihj-Iltj rh'.Ufil up. XI'AV fJlllu: fUT TIUIW. -'Mi- now- i.,iip f'l Hip SpiMntni. I'uikft (iiliilp anil Uil-nn'-.-. Ill 1 e-c Tu -B uhhh h.i tire 11 ili'liipil mi m i niml nf iininit.mt .mil niniii'ims tti.in;'ps t tiinp t.ilih, will lip ili-liihnlpil lull1.. It iinil.iiiK tlip urn run' m hriluln nt l'i mi. li.iri.i i. iilic.nl, Lilnsh Vipy rrtilrn.nl, luitial l..iilina'l nt pw .Ipi.-'1!, Wilki'.ldip, ll.ill.i-. ami ll.uiP!-. I..ikp, ai-n a'l tlip tipvv linllp! (Iihips. Thi-i iiup of iIip jiiidp i rnitain-. iiiili'.nl ul thp lit!" map. a tipw priP.i of in.nl iniji- nf ilip I..H k...inn i. U'liiniuu' mil l.thiqli .ill.'!,.. Extra copies of Thn Tribune's Sou venir sell for 20 cents. SUNDAY EXCURSION TO LODORE Sevanty-flvn Cont Ratss from Scran ton Made by the D. fe H, Company. BelnnitiR next Suiulay, .lime ::.! eliding Sunday. Sepieinher In. I'fduiwirr and lltiilson I'limpany run Sunday I'xeuislons to Lake and the will l.o- dure. The tate has been reduced lo Tr. t-nis from Scranton for the round trip. This will be the rate nt all .Millions to and iiieludliiK I'cekvllle. The rate from Archbald will bo fi'i cents; .leiniyn and Maylleld, lid cents; ('arbomlale and iionesdnle, .'0 cents. .Mr. .lames tiormau, of I'arlioinlale, who crave such excellent service (in Memorial Day, will do the caloiintr on Sundays for (he season. He will serve all manner of tefreslimeiits suitable fop Sunday. IncludliiFr clams and clam chowder. A new soda water fountain has been set up especially for Sunday business. Tin boats and launches will bo run from tlio new whaif near tlio Rival pavilion. N'o oiher plnco furnishes .such oppni'luui-lie-, of spending a restful Sunday as t lie cool grove by Lake hotline. Train 5 will pave. Sciuntoii at S.r.O and J1.M iij in. Yotjf friends mo interested in Scranton, Send them n copy of The Trlbvpjo's Souvenir. p " -------- Trytho now So i-lgar "Kleou.'' -j . HiQH-GRADE t : Investment t : Securities ft, OPFICI3S ; 66 BR0APWAY, N. Y. WILKES-BARRE, PA. OARBONDALE, PA. SCRANTON, PA. (Commonwoatlh. Building.) f -f f tt t-t"t-tt t-f-t-tf-tft-f V w ?, pba.i,i;k8 i.n i. i. i WSSSfiW Bra Bo..a. kr wiizjf TfeZ 1 1 I i ffnxs 7 lAiv W 'if FOUR BOLD, BAD BOYS. Arrested Yesterday Morninpr in an Improvisod Shelter on Ponn Avenue, Knur buy.-", Mliuut II yoni's old, wlm linvi' not lived nl lioiiii- I'm- niniillis. II ilii'lr own story l lo In- liolU'Vod, Mr-t' dlfi'ovpicd Mirly yi-Hioiiliiy inoiiilliR by P.itrnltui'ii Kiillus and IViry in itn liniunvlscd shi-llfr wlilcb How hiiil niMilc for llipiiisolvcs noiir tlio iibanilonod IVnu awniio Piitranw ot 1 In- I-yri'tin' t hca tor. Piitrriliuan Kaiitis bud nntli'r'il boys I'litnb over tlio IiIk bill board In front of lite jiliii'P shortly after " o'eloeU, and calllntr I'lilioltnan IVrry. be .stinted to inve.sllKMtp. 'Pile ollleers pot behind the bill bun I'd and down into the lmlln.- all rlRht, but they eoiikl f-ee not bins:. Suddenly they heard a niateh struck find turning around 1 lie y saw the; Klenni i.f Its llr,lit rimiliiK tliroui;li a eiack in a bomd. InvesllRiition re-vi-alrd the pre-piioc of the four boys In a s-hellor eieeleil nil the ruins of the bicycle reialr sliop, which was tiurned out some months iirh. 'I'he lads hud i-oofed over a portion of the foundation walls Willi olii planks and lo hide the plnco hail idled a iiroiiilseuotis beiip of stoncn mill jroner;.l rubbish all around and over the roof, limvlnpr an ojienbm; at the far end. Knlrnni'o cotilil only be effected by crawlitiK on ihe hands and knees. In side, a number nf bunks were ar ranged, and on these the boys sn.v I hey have slept every nljjlit for the last two nnmtliu. Them am ten in the dub ulin made their heitdijitarters in the jil.tce, they say. All nienibors of Ihe oi'Kani'.atlon are either boot lilneks or neusboys. The bin billboard siirroundlnu; the jilaee reduced tlin diances of discovery to n minimum. The lmys arrested jnivo their names in jiolicc court yesterday motnhiR as Andrew Shimlnskv. Sandy TUntosk.v. I Stanley limntosky niid T.ouls Sleru i lierKer. They weir eoiiitiiilted to the i eouniy jail oy .M.iKisir.iie .tiiiuii- oiiiii i siejis i'.i u oe uuci i" n.ivc them eomuiltted to an institution. "DARLING'S LITTLE DARLINGS." The Swcllest Arenic Acliievcment of thn Twentieth Century. An absolutely new and eniiihalie. triumph is being won daily this sea son by Darling's Congress of Trained Animals, the equal of ihieh does not exist, it masnllicc'iitly represents the leading laces of the Lilipuilitn ani mal world, which Mr. Darling alone possesses the popularity, means', ex perience and patience to successfully present and maintain season after season. To the ladies and children Air. Dar ling owes many thanks for their most generous encouiagenienl in the past, enabling him to present fur so small ii price of admission a tented exhibition, the like or eip.nl of which has yet to be discovered. lie has succeeded In touching a great many of the uildgi I dogs', po nies and monkies Jo do almost every thing but talk and to tell the truth, the dear lltlU animals actually seem to make an effort to do that at times, Tl.ey are almost human and that's why they mv known far and wide us "Darling's Uillle Darlings." They all apeiar In the grand free highway pn gennl al II iverv exhibition day, to gether with everv conceivable kind of Lilliputian gorgeous foiu -wheeled ve. hides, uiblenu vans, open rages and golden chariots. Do not let the chll dien miss this actual glimpse of juve nile Fairyland. Two exhibitions dally at - and s p. ni., under thoroughly waterproof canvas. Today, tomorrow and Saturday on the Ash street grounds. FOR MINE INSPECTORS. Board of Examiners Hold a Meeting1 and Organized. The board before whom candidates for mine Inspector will lie examined, orgauivsi'il yesterday. It is composed of James Young, of Duninoro; John K. Snyder. Scranton; Vaughn Itlehards, Piiceburg! Alex. Uuhland, Old Forge; .lames P. Morrisson, t'arbondale. The board organized by electing Mr. Snyder, president, and Km II Monn, sec retary. It will hold another meeting on Friday. Tlio examination conducted by Ibis board will not bo under the provisions of tlio Oariipr Mil, which does pot go into effect until January 1, Itw:'. YOUNG WOMEN'S CLUB, Will Give Strawberry Rncl Ice Oioiun Social This Evening. Among the talent who will entertain this evening at the strawberry and Ico cream festival to bo given by the Catholic Young Women's club at their rooms on Washington avenue, are: Will K. Iiurke. .Miss Mary U. Million, Miss Agnes A. Callahan, W. A. Lynott, Koote Ilrothers, .Misses lioldcn, .Master Deckeliilck, tlio famous boy soprano; .Miss Hannah Maghrau. Tho club extends a cordial invitation to its host of friends to como and en joy ono of the greatest events of tlio season. For Sate Building lot WxlOO feet on the 300 block Lackawanna avenue, Itallroad alley in tear. For price and terms, write to "Anthracite," pare Tribune Oflleo. Smoke Ihe Pocono 5c cgar. TWO DIVORCES ARE GRANTED SEVEN WIVES AND THREE HUS BANDS ARE LIBELLANTS. Ono Woman Deserted Hor Husband Eleven Times in Four Years and Attempted to Excuse Her Truancy on tho Grounds That Sho Was Bewitched Another Who Was Beaton Every Pay Day Quit Her Husband Whon the Semi-Monthly Tays Came. Ten divorces were grant rd yesterday, kpvpii by Judge Kelly and three by Carpenter. The cases weie entitled as follows: M.MHIAItCr W, lillVl.lJI .I'.MliKt CIIAt MIA- W. PUWI.UIl lUlllKM'i; M. sMIIlf aiMliitt IIAIHKV J. SMI I II. maiiv mvi'.iis ..i.iiti srci'linx Mvuis. DVVIJIT. IIIIO'.VN in-alnM 1.(11111: IIROWN. .Ki.si,ii c. uiiiti .ikMiiM maiiv i:. rniiH. .IIAVli: Wll.siiX .iii.iln.t .lAMIIh f. Wll.snx. .loll V Nil IKll.s ns.iln-i CAIKiMM: SR'IHII.S. KAIi; All I, nudli.si. ,IU (HI Ml 17,. I Ssli: i:. IIAII.IIY .njanUI I'.IIWIN T. IIAIM'.V, Mas! of the eases were very recently brought, one of them was Instituted during the .May term of tills year. Cruel trealment or desertion, or both, were Ihe grounds assigned, though In sonie of the cases these causes had rather Interesting variations. In the Nichols case, the aggrieved husband testllled that he was deserted by his wife eleven times In live years, the periods of desertion ranging from three weeks to three months. When he look her to task for her truancy on one of the later occasions, she de clined that the only way she could ex plain her conduct was thai she was bewitched. He also complained that she called him an Kuglish devil nmri I ha u a hundred limes, and frequently beat him. As an evidence or her bad temper, he told that she drove away fourteen different servant girls in live years. He was a widower and she a widow when they married. Tho mar riage took place April 1L'. isn."i, at liing haniton, I lev. .Mr. Nichols ofllelating. They resided at Dunitioie. K. C. New eiiinh was attorney for the llbellant. IH'SP.AND MKAT TIKI:. Klizabcth White and three wituessen testllled that her husband, lieorge White, heal her regularly once a mouth, every month since tho lirst month of their marriage, ten years ago. The beatings would always oc cur when he got drunk on pay-day. She put up with his abuse until the semi-monthly pay law went Into effect hereabnuls. They lived at Lackawan na. They were married by Alderman Post, of the Seventeenth ward, Sep tember -I. ISS11. He works In the mines. She is now working as a servant in Wilkcs-liarm. J. K. Watkins was at torney for Alts. White. David T. I'rmvu and Lottie Brown are Ihe lirst colored couple to get a divorce in Lackawanna county. Ho al leges unfaithfulness and desertion, lie married Ids wife in Haviland, Mont. When they came on here to live sliu got to runillng around with other men and dually, about two years ago, sho gathered up her belongings and went back to Montana, saying she was a western woman and not able to toler ate our eastern ways. Willie Jones, to whom she was wont lo refer as her "Texas Cowboy Baby." was named as eo-respninlent. One of the most seri ous charges preferred against her was that she visited the White house. An other was that she always took a knife and revolver lo bed with her. They lived on KnhliiMon street. West Scran ton. The libelliint Is a hostler by oc cupation. His attorney was John F. Scragg. The Fowler case Is from Carbondale. Mrs. Fowler's main testimony against her husband was given by their lum ily physician. Dr. D. L. Bailey. They were married by Kev. A. It. Richard son, al Oneonta, N, A'., December ":', issr,, and she left him in June. 1S!M. The husband was a druggist. The at torney for the llbellant was Louis liraiuer. CKFKLTY CHAlKiKD. Cruelty was the charge in the Smith case. They were married December 'Jfi, iss::, by Kev. Stephen Jay, at Susque hanna, and separated August fi, l'JOO. She now lives in (ireen itidge. ii. U. Taylor was Mrs. Smith's attoiliey. Mary Myers and Stephen Myers were married November 1."., 1S!i:s, by Itev. B. I. Kvuns, of West Scranton, She loft him July .",, ISll'.i, on account of cruel treatment and non-support. Walter S. Bevan was tho llhollanl's attorney. 'I'he Cohbs are from Alt. Cobb. .Mrs. Cobb was a Villi liusklrk. In Septem ber, 1SU5, two years after marriage, she went back to her father, and declared she would never live with her husband again. She never returned except oncn,, and that was to attend her mother-In-law's funeral, O'Brien o .Martin were tlio attorneys for Mr. Cobb, Jennie Wilson alleged cruelly and threats against her husband. They were married October lii, ISM, in Whether, Fayetle county, and separ ated August I, ISti.", .Mrs. Wilson eunio hero to live four years ago, They have live children. Vnshurg .t Dawson were .Mrs, Wllson'si attorneys, III the Ariz case, one of the allega tions against the alleged cruel and Im provident husband was that ho left his family so destitute at times, that on one occasion his little son had to sub sist on walnuts, gathered In the woods, near their homo, near Lebanon. Since March 1, l'JOO, she has been living in this city, C. II, Super represented Mrs. Artz. The Baileys were married at Katun. Wyoming county, September 21, isiii, by Bev. J, S, Lewis, They cvinu hero to llvo a short time later, September 1, IMil, ho deserted her and told her ho would not support her, Sho In living with her son, in Hreen Bldge, niid ho with tils daughter, in Duuniore. Jo. sepli F, Oilrny was Mrs, Bailey's attor ney. Sent to the Ponitentiary, Joseph Ilarrls.wlio. with John AValsh, was convicted, of stealing a slot ma chine, was -sentenced by Judge Kelly yesterday, to a year and three months in tlio ponitentiary. He lins served n year In tho county Jail and a year and a half In tho penile, itlary for larcenies. wmmm HI Your Bank. If tho question of a banking homo is confronting you, wo sug gest that you Invcllgatc our faclnties before locating. ! The People's Bank uguHnm Anthony Onrdnn, who was convicted nf perjury, wns sentenced by Jtldgo Kelly to two yearn in tlio penitentiary, thndott was the principal witness against Simon N'aritshiis when ho was on trial for the murder of John Mlaktis. riordon swore he saw Niirushns strike Mlsktis on the head with an nx. It Inter developed that this was a con cooled story. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. I'minl.v llPtutlir t'lilllli rrportrd jeMrrrU.v llu! aWph IVlie, wlin wai ,i.iilllrcl by .lojppll ltiit.ilnv.iiip, nl Hip lllilap Snnil.iy nleht, Is In urilniH toiulltloii. Cnitrl lurnullriRb reluscd to Inkp ball fir Ilip tlcfriuliint. hi IIip piiuily c.ip of Michael llollanil nsalnit .Mai! Haven, Hip ilfiiiurrpr wm jr-.lfpl.iy wiitlnM anil Ihr bill il.in!'cil at thn toil of flic plain- ti tr. Thp Mrthnill.U Kpl.irnp.tl church nf Ihmplon fllrrt npplln! lo mint jrolroby In .uncurl Us rhailri' wi a.t lo rlinimr thp tlllp In Hip Knibrry MrthoilM 1,'pKnpjl rlmrrli of foiith Main nd Hrjii Mitwr ulrcrK Notlhra.t ilisllirt of t.arta waiitin ItmiuOilp. Atlornry (i. I. I'riK rtprcMnl, nl Ihr prtlllo'i. WAYLAND CASE ARGUED. Major Warren Attacked the Indict ment Which Was Found Against Him on Several Grounds. Only one of the more Important quarler sessions cases on yesterday's argument list was reached. This was I he case of thn commonwealth against S. K. Wayliind, charged with obstruct ing Justice, In which an effort is being made to quflsh tho Indictment. Jlnjor Kverett Warren and Joseph O'Brien nre attorneys for Mr. Wayliind. Tho commonwealth Is represented by Dis trict Attorney W. It. Lewis and K. C. Newconib, of counsel for the Municipal league. Major Warren opened the arguments with a vigorous attack on tho methods pursued by tho Municipal league In tts prosecution of Mr. Wayland. He said lie had nothing but commendation for the reform work the league has accom plished and Is accomplishing, but he was constrained to say that their methods In tho Wayland case were il legal, Improper and unfair. After reciting the facts. Major War ren proceeded to tear the indictment Into all kinds of shreds. It was presented lo the grand jury without any previous binding over, he said, and there is no supreme court decision that will permit of this, while there are any number of them express ly forbidding it. Tho declaration of rights says there shall bo no present ment without a previous binding over except in cases of flagrant vice or crimes of public noto riety. It is not to be exercised In any ordinary crime. Refusing to answer some questions at an aldermanlc hear ing, it was contended, was not a fla grant vice or crime of public noto riety. The offense of obstructing justice, if anything, is where a person binders a legal proceeding by being obstreperous or contumacious. Mr. Wayland was neither of these, it was held. The failure of the commonwealth's lepresentatlves to include In the mat ter of tlio indictment tne replies of Mr. Wayland its well as the questions ask ed him, was alleged by Major Warren to be an evasion and violation of the order of tho court, and, in consequence, a fatal defect. This omission, it was further stated, does the defendant a gross injustice as it makes it difficult if not Impossible for him to appeal the case on the constitutional question raised by his replies, the burden of which was that he relied in ills re fusals on the bill of rights. Tlio proceedings before the alderman were assailed for various alleged irregularities. It was flagrantly Irregu lar, tho major contended, because of the attempt of the magistrate to hour (livers causes at one and the same time. Some of the defendants were being tried for bribery and some for corrupt solicitation, and the law makes these two separate and distinct crimes. It was manifestly a legal Impossibility, it was argued, for Hie alderman, sim ultaneously, to try one man for ono crime and another for n toally differ ent crime. It was also charged that a fatal mistake was made in not nmrtmt tlvely setting forth the magistrate's jurisdiction. Tho main ground for moving the quashing of the indictment, Major Warreh stated, was that tho "excep tion" provision of the constitution In regard to witnesses in bribery cases not being entitled to avail themselves of the protection of the bill of rights, Is not self-executing and the only law passed by the legislature to carry It Into effect makes it apply specifically to hearings before trial judges. An al derman assuredly Is not a trial judge, the major averred. The bill of rights is therefore In full force In nn alder man's court, it was argued. But even If this contention was not good, Major Warren went on to say, the bill of rights would still stand free from the operation of tlio exception In question, for tho bill of rights of the Federal, government has this protect ing clause, and the constitution of the Fulled Stales says that no state shall puss any law that will abridge or In fringe the constitutional rights of tho Individual. "Tho Fourteenth amend ment, which was passed to protect the black man In tho South, will protect the whlto man In tho North, and we will seeuro to our client this protection, If wo have to go to tlio Supreme court of tho I'nltcd States," declared Major Warren with dramatic force. Ho con cluded with tho 'declaration that the Municipal leaguo would not bo per mitted to override tlio constitution ot the United States to give Alderman Fuller authority to send S. K. Wuylnnd to jail as a criminal and to allow tho league's attorneys to put thumb screws on the free-born citizens of Lacka wanna county. It was approaching 6 o'clock when Major J,'arren concluded, and tho other arguments were in consequence put over until this morning. The motion to quash tlio indictment in tlio case against Mrs. Annlo Ames, of Forest City, was argued at length by Mr, O'Brien for tlio defendant, and District Attorney Lewis for the com monwealth, Mrs. Amos was prosecuted by her husband, but a nol pros, was entered. The next day Mrs. Knapp, the wifo of the man In the case, hud Mrs, Ames arrested, Air, O'Brion argued that court can abiito a prosecution, if, in Its dlscro. Hon, tlio ends of justice aro served, and the court by accepting tho nol pros. In tho lirst case, practically dor dared that tho ends ot justice were served by abating the prosecution. This being tlio case, tho now indict ment should be quashed. District Attorney Lewis opposed the motion on tlio ground that It would not bo serving tlio ends of justico to have Dr. Knapp languishing in Jail and the woman, who was equally guilty In the eyes of the law, going about scott free. ICciitluuciJ cu Page S.) WON MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS GRADUATING GLASS AT THOMAS COLLEGE. 8T. A Great Audience Attended the Tenth Annual Commencement Last Night at College Hall Hon. L. D. Stapleton, of Brooklyn. Delivered the Night's Address and Rt. Rov. Bishop HI. J. Hoban Presided Ovor Exercises Addresses Made by tho Graduates-Awarding of Prizes. The great auditorium of St. Thomns College hall was thronged Inst night by nn audience which was present to wit ness the graduating exercises of the class of 1P01 or the Institution, It was the tenth annual commencement of St. Thomas College hall, and the class of thirteen young men left tho scenes of their scholastic triumphs in a verit able blaze of glory. The hall was magnificently decor ated. On cither side of the stage was a platform, on ono of which wore sealed n knot of clerical dignitaries and on the other the graduates and Juniors. Balms, ferns and potted plants formed a border around platforms and stage, and a lavish use of the national colors In the decorations brought the Stars and Stripes everywhere boforo the eyes. Large banners were draped across tho front of tho stage, and a number of large American shields were also In evidence. On the platform to tho right of tho stage were scaled the nt. Bev. Bishop M. J. Hoban, who presided over the exercises, and nt his right band was seated the Kt. Bev. Monsignoi Kugene A. Garvey, of Pittston. while nt his left hand was seen the Hon. L. D. Stapleton, city attorney of Brook lyn. N. Y. The Rev. Father Martin, of Nantlcoke; Rev. Father Moffatt, of Taylor; Rev. Father Jordan, of Bend bam, and a number of the local Catho lic clergy were seated aoout the plat form. THE GRADUATES. It was nbout S.45 o'clock when the graduates entered, followed by the Juniors, and took their seats on the platform to the left of the stage. Tho graduates, four in the classical and nine In the commercial course, arc: The degree of Bachelor of Science, conferred on John Aloysius Ruddy, Jo soph William Foote, Thomas Martin Jordan, James Gerald Cullon. Com mercial diplomas Timothy John Hag Rprty, James Joseph Cawley, Moses Whitty O'Mallej'. Bartholomew Fran pis Murphy, John Francis McCann, Thomas Joseph Necdham, Michael Jo seph Dalley, George Francis Stuckart, James Francis Cummlngs. When the applause created by the graduates' entry had subsided the col lege glee club played an overture, and tho exercises proper then began. James Gerald Cullon was the first speaker of the night. His subject was "National Sentiment," and ho treated It in a manner both careful and thoughtful. There is no better Il lustration in the history of time, of national sentiment, thnn In America, where true love of country prevails, he claimed. In part, he said: "The ardent enthusiasm which is tlio well spring of great deeds is everywhere found in this country. The gloiy of the ago is the universal sen timent for suffering humanity. Sen timents of peace, which make rulers hesitate before throwing down the gunge of war, sentiments of patriot ism, and sentiments of industry, are th" sentiments which give life and views of a greater life to all tho countries in which they prevail." "THE IDEAL REPUBLIC." "The Ideal Republic." was tho sub ject of John Aloysius Ruddy's ora tion. One of the reasons which, in his opinion, makes this the Ideal re public ot the world is the national combining of the great qualities which taken alone were not enough to pre serve tho giant republics which have long since decayed. He declared no nation's political or ganization is better fitted to stand the wear and ravages of time than that of tills country founded as It Is upon the Christian principle of the equality of men. In tho absence of the vocal quar tette which were down upon the pro gramme for a selection, Joseph and Richard Foote played a mandolin and guitar number In a most acceptable manner. Aloysuls Francis Colligan recited with considerable dramatic fervor, "A Noble Revenge," and Thomas Murlln Jordan then stepped forward to speak entertainingly upon "A Retrospect," He gave a brief resume of what has been done during tho last hundred years In this country, showing briefly and concisely tho wonderful progress wrought, and diow a glowing picture of what can he done In the future. He declared that tho spirit nf tho Nine teenth century In -one of worldllness nnd unrest, but also of mechanical greatness, popular education and uni versal suffrage. His address was a brilliant one, and formed u fitting valedictory to thn splendid oratorical efforts of the night. After tlio playing nf the march, "Boston Ideals," by tho college gleo club, tho conferring of degrees took place, BrothPf Gordon reading aloud the names of tlio recipients. Then followed the presentation nf commer cial diplomas. The degrees nre con ferred by tho Rock Hill college, Mary land. HON. STAPUBTON'S ADDRKSS. Hon. U D. Stapleton, city attorney of Brooklyn, N. Y., the speaker of tho night, was then Introduced to the graduates and audience. "I am .at a loss to understand why an orator from Tammany Hall should bo here," ho de clared, "as tho only art in which that' institution Is supposed to bo proficient in tho urt of mlsgovernmont," & He took as the text of his address the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," ami gnvo tlio graduates an amount of wholesome practical advice, telling them to bo guided by tho examples of great men who have made this coun try, "Today there are great facilities for education. Compare your opportuni ties with those afforded the men who have blazoned the history of this land," ho urged. "You should recollect every duty Is Important and no fact inslg nlllcant. Tho American boy, the Catholic- American boy, must not take rcfugo behind the assertion that he is handicapped by his religion. "In every branch of life In tills coun try the Cathollo young man has the same opportunity as tlio professors ot every other religion. You must not forget that your obligations to learning do not cease now. You are but begin- WWWVWVVWWWWUWWWWVUWWyUWUWWWUWMWWMWWWMAj. .i fieo V Millar & VJCU. V. XTAlUU.1 iX A Store Filled with Fireworks, Flags and Bunting In our large "Fireworks Annex," at 422 Lackawanna Avenue, one block below our main store we have gathered together by far the largest and most varied stock of Fireworks, Flags and Bunting ever seen in Scranton. Both the wholesale and retail trade is being supplied from this store. In this stock of Fireworks you will find a magnificent lot of set-ieces and novelties, as well as the usual small pieces. In a word We have everything in the line of Fireworks. J. D. WILLIAM & BRO. (Fireworks Annex.) 422 Lackawanna Avenue. Auction Sale Extraordinary Contents of Westminster Hotel, 217-219 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pa. Commencing Tuesday, June 25, at 10 a. m., Continuing from Day to Day Until Stock Is Sold. Sale to consist of the furnishings of nearly 101) Rooms. Com plete bar outfit Back bar, front bar, pumps and counters, lunch refrigerator, floor linoleum, ceiling fan, screen partitions. Cash Register. Office fixturesWriting tables, chairs, desk etc. 10 Large Pier Mirrors ; these are all French plate and large enough for bar rooms. Dining Room 25 tables, 2 side boards, silver ware, crockery, glassware, table linen. Kitchen Large 2 fire range and boilers, 1 steam table, 1 plate warmer, coffee, tea and hot water urns, carving table, cooking utensils. One Square Piano. Parlor Furniture odd chairs, couches, lounges, tables, etc. 7O Bed Boom 'Suits All kinds of woods, hair mattresses, pillows, bed linens, toilet sets, Carpets. Wardrobes, separate bureaus, wash stands, etc. This is the largest sale of the season and those desirous ot furnishing or refurnishing their homes should take advantage of this opportunity. Sale Absolute. Terms Cash. The house will be open for inspection from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Monday preceding sale. JOHN JERMYN. BKKSSai nlng life and hence it must be little progression or retrogression. "Bo fair, honest, truthful and up right in your dealings with men. 1 be lieve that you should nol be discour aged hi the race for wealth, because wealth is today the standard by which success is measured. Set your charac ters in tho right direction that you may fit yourselves not only for the highest form of the highest civilization in tho world, hut to outer that place which you have been taught is tho inheritance of tho Christian gVntle nifiti." Tlio awarding of medals was next 011 tho programme and the following stu dents proved the prize winners; Mril.il Ini' IMili'iii i's nf Itrliglnn .liKi'pli An ilnw Mv.N'illl.i. Nrl in llirlit, l.iln.inl .lii-rpli O'llaia. Duiulcil h.v Itiidit liei. Mli li.irl .1. II I1.111. Mcil.ll fur Oi.itm.i -Ahii.-lus I'l.iinis Cnlliir.iii Ni-si in inrrlt, .Inhii IMu.oil Mi Mule, llmi.il'il hy I'nlnnrl !.ra II. liipplr. Moil.it fur KnslWi i:io..ln.iili W. ri.mr Pi-.ti.itnl by Itev. Kilnaril .1. Milinliiilik, .iun M. (Vrelii's cliiiiih, lliniiklin, N. . Mril.il for Knxll-h Llti'Mtmr Tliom.n M.iiini J011U11. Xi't 111 mil u, William .M.iiltn Kill ni hil. Pmutril l',v Hull. I'reilvilik A. Turn;, Nrw York ill J', Siiriue M11l.1l -.Invph Willi 1111 Pmilr. V M in inciit, John Alo,iitn Kinlily. Pnii.itiil In.' Man hattan iiillrcr, Xrw Vmk. Mril.it for MallH'iiutio .Irlm Alojsiin llinl'b. Xe.U ill limit, 'llinm.l-. .Mai tin .Ini'ilnn. Pmiiti'.l hy Tlimnai .1. I'n-icr, ci , iii.-iiliiu of thr Ini.'r national ('onrspmiili'iiip Sihnnli. Kxirllriiie Meilal (Junior la) William )l.n tin Kiliiillrn, .N'rst in inrrlt, .loepi Amliru Mr Nully, Piiiialcil liy Mri,.-!. I larkr llmtliriii. i:lcllcllCO MrJ.ll (I'lr-hlliail l'll., .lnrpli n,imoui .I011I111, Xi'M In meiil, r iirqii", 1'irilriiik Mkharl Thoiiip-nn, lluliril K 1 (iarilinrr, I'lrsmlnl hy llei. Mlthirl II, puiiliiii, paslur St. lii.'.-i iliiiiili, Piimimiv. Tuesday morning the dosing exor cises of tho preparatory school were held and tho following prizes awarded: ..prii.ll piur, 50M M.nili, .Mm r.i'MiH. rln. u linn. rirslitnni 1'l.iN,, rprcial 'iirs Kinlrink Tliomp-oti, ltnli.il (iarilinrr .mil 'lliinJ IMiLiu. I'ii.l prrpji.iliiri. t-priial priwi. 'Ilinni.ia Mi lluxli, Kilnaril p.iiiiu'lly, Palink Polr., .Mm Mi Hush. William be l-ny. i-iioni! pirparatni.i, John I'aililoii, John Lntlin, Ji-rph IMiuhnl.t, Alnr.ius Milluph, I'rnl I. union, John (llllmy, Tln'nuj Mullen, (lair Mi Hale, llolicit Timlin. Thiol pivpaialory, IMwanl llmke. Mhhael Ai.iel, John Powell, frill I'outrr, Maiifonl llmke, H II li.1111 Potter. Speiial i-enunii-hip priuv. I'auiiU JUAudrcw, John ItililiforJ. First Presbyterian Sunday School Kxcursion In Heart Lake, near Mont roMo, on Friday, Juno :s, A delightful rldo of about forty miles to 11 beautiful lake situated about 1.600 feet above sen level. A special train will leave tlio Pclawiire, Ijickawniiua and Western railroad station nt S.'M n. in., and will slop on Hag signal at (lleiiburn and Dalinu. All members of the school aro carried free. Others can purchase tickets at tho rate of "."1 cents for adults and -10 cents for children. Train will leave tho hike for return trip nt 5 p. in., and will stop at Billion and tilen burn upon notice to conductor. Wall Papers, All Grades, All Pricos. Norton's, opposito Hotel Jermyn. Your friends aro interested in Scranton. Send them a copy of The Tribune's Souvenir. Dainty i Durable and Inexpensive... We nrp bn Ina a tntrmllil anrt' mcnl of MllllT. THIX'ltl.OWX nbASSWAttK. ClMIJ-riH, CHAM- I'AIIMIS, winks. cbAitirrs, ris. nr.it howls. siii'.itnr.iiTS, i,aikik AND SMALL IlKttttV DISIIKH. Apob ntmli Tninblrrni $1.20 ilortt, Walr Tiniililrra, $1,73 ilnzoii, Thp italnly appfnrillirp of thftM' coorli-, ailrlril to tliclr lnrxirnbo prlrr, aro ntretiH factors In tliclr favor. Co ts wyomint? awiwb VLF. w.lkln and Look Around, fc i etc. Thousands of Yards of A Revolution in Furniture.... It is furniture made from PRAIRIEGRASS In over three hun dred original styles and designs. Hill & Connell Are showing Prairie Grass Furniture in Chairs, Settees, Tables, Stands, Tabourettes, Couches. Call at 124 Washing ton avenue and look over this very artis tic and useful line. SUMMER RESORTS. Living Inland You Need the Seashore. I'envick, lonn.. on Ions Ulamt Snund, at mouth of the luaulilul ' mnri'iinil mcr, ni; mon atrrartloiu ami families f.ir health ami plca,urr, than any othir Mlnimrr renin uloni; the bound or nirau. .No ocean ilainpnoi, nn mosquitoes, no eiiiUna. Most ilcs-lrahlo loiatlrn on the ound or riirr, hi'keil by the i"u- lf.mllfiil I'wnilij i Sis lwiru fioin New 101k. horns fiom Uoton, .S. ., .New llJcn anil llailfuiil railroad. Fenvvick Hall Has all the L.111I summer attuetioni; rriwt'a tolf links, perfeit road, lor ilihini; and cjiiuif, Imatii'S and lolnn.'. hathini! uilioiw. tniin-l lOiiru, hnwlluu' ulley and billl.ndJ. The hotel U furnUhrd with ptiwte lullii, rleyalotj and all modem romcnlcnce, and (,uppiM a table which, cannot ho .uipasoCil. j The Hicial atmosphere, as airy all tho -, roumlititts. U intillni; to refined triple. r'or full particular, ddres J. K. Ch4 field, propiiclui IIUICI JUlCiblUl. At-V IV(.