MJtJjl3?5v(i5?i5c!KVV ' 'MWHO Xw' 1,V'1 n'IV v " r r f-" a v u "ijf wjQCr""f$''w ' v iTTi 'ttfWi '"-if 7i flWir'1,''rC !r5S3JswewW ,"'' -V5& vW'Ps-iWw 'a';'Vi ji!Ri'rt-j'jiwf'Vv4JWrt!P I ?tn .d M THE SCRAISTOX TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1D0& 5 GREAT INTEREST IS MANIFEST The Tribune's Educational Contest Exceedingly Popular, YOUNG PEOPLE WHO SEEK EDUCATIONS One Thousand Dollar Scholarships in Lafayette nnd Swarthmoro Piove Gieat Incentives There Are Eight Special Rcwauls All in Scholar ships in Pennsylvania's Leading Educational Institutions A De tailed Description of tho Plan How the Eewaids Aie Made Eveiy Contestant to Be Well Paid In structions to Beginneis How to Enter and How to Win Some Good Tields Which Aie Unoccupied. The Many Attractive Featuies of the Colleges Standing of the Con testants One New Entiy Yestei day Othei s Are Coming. IT Irf ni:.IArUCADL.n the amount (if Inloicst that Is bolnp tiil.cn in The Tilbutio's Kclueatiouul Con test, .ind it is flttliiK In this Issue of the impel Its tenth nnnlwi saij to slip a biiol Ut scilptlon of flip plan which pi mod so successful last o.ii. uiul which .st. nts -o punn isinb this joai. TliL'io aio cIkIi t i.ilunblt' wchol.ir shlps nffoifil as spool il lowruds in the- inntest, iRsi(KitliiR in alue oor S'.OOO The tom-eai scholaihhlps in l,ufuctto Col''ie and Sniuthmmo I'llllORl' .III lilt'bJiM's sutliiJeiU to enthuse iicailv .inylSj-jriiiiiK man 01 worn in who seeks a hlh -i education liosldes those, theie is a Uiioe-eur ionise ill the StiDllilshuiff Slate Xni m, il Si hool anil live olhpi seholni ships in the hiianton Business Col el KP ami the Si i. niton Ciuiseiatotv or Jl lisle The Plan in Detail. TIip Tilbune's oblei t In minim thin tlir mutest is to sicuie new leadeis lm the paper, ami at the samp time oltci an oppoi tiinit to the Minns men ami women, who aie willing to help themselves, to sec me educations th.it a I ll lit them foi the life that Is bo fme them. The Miung people aie u Miilieil to i amass 101 subsi ribpis, anil aie lewanlod neioidiupr to tlie letmns tliev miiKe. The mles under 'which tliev woiN. appeals heiewitli It will lie until ed that they aie nedited with points as the subsiiibeis aie tinned hi to The Tiibune, and that the Ioiikoi llu tei in tin which tlie subseiibor aieis to talP the paper, tlie ki eaten the iiiunbei of points uiedlted to the onU slant. Tims, it a subsc ilption is sinned foi one mmi, and paid for in .uhanio. tills i otmts twel points tor tlie lontestant, one loi each mouth How the Eewaids Aie Made. The - diiiiu: man in woman w lm his inched nedit foi tlie moilost nmn lin ol points at S o'i lm K on die even ing the contest i loses will hne the Mist i hoiee of the eight siholm ships. lalaPtte College Is suietlv a male Institution, s0 the winnei oi tills seholaiship must be of the masculine xcnulci. Swai thinoie CoIIurp, Iiowpvpi, is a co-educational colic'so, .so that eveiy jouiiK' l.uly has an oppoi tunlu of seniiini? a icwutil ptjual In Millie, whether slip pomes in tiist or set mid. The 1)1111;; man or woman who has leeched ci edit foi the thlid laiM'st im uilioi of points at tlie dose of the i onlest will iecoio tlie htioudshuiH Noimal School seliolni.'hip, punicled il has not been chosen 1 the tontosi ants who enme Hist and second, In which ease he or she would be entitltd to one of the ilrst lewauls. The leuuiinliiK speil.il low.uds will be aw aided on this same plan tliioushout. The fotu tit winnei will blue a choice of the Husluess Collee or Consen.itoi y of Music scliulaishlps, and .so mi ilnun I lie line until the eight .st hnlai ships lime been auaidul, All Below Eighth Place. Those who lull to get within the 111 st eight will nut go umeivaided. They will roc oho ten pei lent of all the money they hae iiioiuii'd, which will up paid them In cash iuiniedlatelv litter tlie clos-o of the ( oiliest, Tims, fur eveiy yeaily .subseiibor they s(i me illty lenth will be I etm iied, The mu test Is one In which ueiy wniUer fpcuip.s a pti.e, and the value of tlie pil.o depends entliely mi his own Ptloitn. RULES OF THE CONTEST. Tlf lpcoUl ion ml will )n Unr to lie imions seiuruj the lur,vt huiii'j.m i,I point I'oints will lp cirJileil to miilraiinU so. turiui: new fuilntiilitii to the beranijii Tutune as ()!Iom, I'ointi. w) 1 i :r, .i fine Manlir i bn iptl m 'Ilnec Montlis" Subsiiiiitioii Su lijntln' Siiltfiiipllcu., One Year's Subsirlplion ,. , ana li The rontesi ant uilii the lii.liot iiumLer of points iill ttt Kicn - rliukc hum tup list ol ipetul rowardii the contestant with tin iccouJ hl-liet iiiimlier ul puiiits ,mII In. rUcm a iliolcc ot tin: leuuinint; riaul, ami to on through tho list IV li umtcttJiit fjillns: lo tpriiip a spcdjl I -u aril, anil aUo llio-i- who M'lrit tho llit lo i I olarslilps, nill hi kiicii ten per tent of ill Hunt he or tlie tin lit in All (inscriptions mu-t lie pilU In ailwnce Only wvi subssnuers "ill W tounleil Itcnew il li piiijoiu ttlioe nanio np on ...ir suhsoiiptini II, t piioi lo Mi It Hill not 1 cicililcil. I lie 'Iribiine ulll Imi-ll.jle culi tuhiiriptloii sml it found liriuUr in at) uii ii.n'iws the ilslit to rejrrt il Nu liinsfcr tan be niele J flu1 iruilt lu, srci been (dun All kiilteulptliiK, Jtil the iatli t n ll simp, mu.l h' jmlul in Jt 'Ihc liilmne l"li( ijlliiu tin vtik in .IiMi tin) aio ke tun I. In tint piprla nil) b 5'Ht In tin, luNv lil'.ii at uiui 5-uI,-wi tioni iiniil dp nritlin on liljuVs, nlilib i.n l'i "tinel at Ihe Irlbune uilke ci v ,11 b i"nt b null li n"" t l! tli 'iniiiili at i nMoik s 'im. tVCIilln 'l,'"-t ul. IK'I, Il l The TiIIiiiiip'm endeavor to pntf duet the eontu"! In the fullest possible manner, and the i tiles laid down will be rilili'tlv piifoieed. Xot a wotd of fomplaliit was hcatd last year, nnd theie wilt bo no possible occasion to Hail any fault with iinvthlng In the coudtu't of the affair this year. As ulll lie limited li tie' lilies, there can be no battel Ins In points alter Piedll has been ulwn. If a con testant wishes to wlllidiaw lioni tlie cimtest, he cannot tiansfpr his points to a f i lend, foi ll this wpic allowed It would lead to much confusion ami dissatisfaction at tlie rlosu, when tho lending lontestauts would be pndeav oiing to buy out those near the bot tom or the list The Tiibune Is anx ious to do all It can to cncouiage con testants, but must delclne to do any thing foi one that It cannot do for all. In Regnid to Enteting. AVIth the contest but IHc weeks old, and Willi neaily eleven weeks liefoie 1 ho dose, the voung people ate lather buKwatd about euleilng now, as thev think the leaders ale loo for abend Tlie outlook, howeiei, Is not at all dlspoiu aging, even now. Iaist year one MitiiiB lady did not enter until within tin oe weeks of the close, and thm finished In fouith plnie, with sixteen inntestnnts at woik. Anotlier came in seventh, and was in but font weeks. Think of the possibilities ahead of those who enter now, with niailv eleven weeks in which to woik! Those wlio enter tlie contest me given a book ot subset Iptlon blanks and a eiieulai of instructions Tills tells lust how to appioach piospeelive subsi lilicis, what to tay and how to sav it, and gives all possible intin mo tion about The Tiibune and the con-' test The Tul une also furnishes all ap plicants with sample eoph s of the P ipei foi use In the contest, ami all imiuliies foi additional infoiniatlori .neive p-oinpt attention. If theie is anv point not ole.nly understood, con testants should not hesitate to wilte and have It explained Make Spare Time Profitable. Lost j eai a numbei of tlie contest ants weie einplojed ill legulai situa tions and devoted onlv their spaie time to the seem lug of subsc t iptions. This was esptdallv the case with the winnei s of tlie Hist and thlid special lewauls, one of them being einploved in a law olllce and tlie oilier as a cling deik. Yet thev found time to woik foi themselves allot business bonis to good advantage To achieve sulsfadoiv 1 cults It Is absolutely neeessaiv that ou go into It Willi nui whole ileal t and a stiong dote lniinaliou to accomplish something dellnite Jlalf-lie.u ted effcuts can never linng complete imic", If joti make up vom mind to entet, go in to win and h solve to woik faitlifullv. not im a cl.iv oi a week, but until tlie veiy last lioni of the contest. It is not necessary to go to another pait of the tltv to or to anothei town lo begin vom canvass. Sunt light wheie jou aie Von can get the most subsc ilbeis In vom home community, wheie vou aie best known Yom fi lends and neighbois will become In tel ested in vom ambition, and ou inn easilv set uie tlieli siiVset iptions. Tin n v on i an iiiaui h out. Some Unoccupied Fields. As was pointed out Mstoidav moinlng, theie is no bpltci Held mi a beginnei todnv than light in ilie t en ti.tl poitiou of therltv Mejei lewis is ihe oulv innlestant who lives in the ceiili.il utv, and tile tleld has gicit possilillities The 'Hill' sic'tinn and Peleislniig have no mutestauts, and .some one lesidlug in tltesp piits ot ihe dtv should eutei and begin wniU Ik 1oi c tlie leadilis :up fa i ther nd Minccd. Then tlieii is Duuiiioie wltlioul anv wnikeis This is uiiotln r tield vvltli gieat possibilities p, linn da, aie about ovei, and the thought ol tli.i t can be ai mmpllsheii in a lew weeks should inspiie some oung man or woman to take up the woik with a detei iniuatloii to win THE SPECIAL REWARDS. One Thousand Dollar Scholaiships Mahe Atti active Incentives. This je.ii It was decided to limit tile spedul tew .11 ds to those ot an edu cational ihainiiPt and with this end In view eight scholaiships aie olfeied in tlie veiv besi edeiiatioual Institu tions In the stnte. Last f.u Ihe ie wauls weie divided live lielug s( lml aishiim and the s-elei ted tmin the stoeks oi Siiantou ineiehunls. At the dose ol the i onlest eadl of tlie 111 si ten slieiessltil p.ll tlelpauls evilli ed sui h i divided piefeieuie lm a sdlol aishlp Unit It was then dteided that if anothei mutt si was held all the lew, mis should b ol an iilui.illouat liiitine. Tlieie aie two ipwaids this tew thai a if eipialb eiilllled to bn i kissed "Hist," as they aie eneh of tlie same aliio-$i,ooo-i,ifaetto College and Swai lllinoie College, Haeh Is wmld lenowed as ianling aniiuig tlie highest institutions ot Idling In the miuuo, Lafayette College, I.afajele collegn lecehes. Mimlfiils ftoui ull over the I'nlon anil tioui fill elt.lt t'llnies Tin POtlege Kioilllds an) situated upon the .summit of a beiullful lull, ovei looking the dt ol lluntcni, the giounds cont.ilnlng about toils net os, tenaeed and laid out by a laiulsi ape gaidenei, At the foot of ilia college gi minds tlm Hushklll winds, on the Mitiih and west, the l.ehlglr, mi the enst, the PelawaiP Aoioss thu dly, .seven miles away, aie tho MuseoiiHtcong uilks, s(i etching tiff n.lslw.llil lllt.-t Vnu l,nf, nu I. it a tlm eo tun see. On tlie uoitii, a unto aiviij, Chestnut Ulll ami IMI lliosa, it inn whoso lop ope may ovei look a luoad and beiiutltui vallev. boiiiuled h the Huo .Moilntaliis, ihe even lino of whose summit Is hiokcn ill tlliee plaees-jtisi u nout the "Wind ")Ji," twelve mill's away In a dliei't line, on the light hand thn "Oehiw.uo Water Unp," twentj iuIIch awns, on the lelt the "l.ehlgli riap," iweiit) -ll o miles uvv.t). t)f the tlilit) buildings upon tlie lamplls Niuth College Is the oldest. It contains a numbei of lei tine moms, "lliuliicid Hall" the home ot tlm Chilsttan Association of the mllee, an I a numbei ol doimltoi,v luoina. Two wiui;s have in en addi il tu the uil4iii.ll building, mm lining the col lege duipd and hsttiti looms. Thu Vim Wbkli- .Mfiinuliii l.lbjaiy Is a beautiful luilldliio' (it 1'ompcian bilik and teiia colliti It contains a largo Icadlnjf loom, a leforenco book de paitliieut, llbruilan'.s loom, and wnmll mollis for special woik. . I'm dee Hall occupies the most commanding position on the emnpus, and Is nn Im posing attllcllirp, betng one of the l.ii gest ami most Impoilnnt buildings, Then thete Is the .lenlts Chemical l.a hoiatoiy, the (layley latboratory, the AHtionoinlcal Observatory, AVest Col lege, and tho Oytunastum. The dotmltoiles collslKt of seven model n halls, known as Knov, Fnvei weather, nliilr. Newklrk, -Martin, Powell nnd McKeon Halls. They nic heated by Hleam, have a complete .system of panltaiy plumbing, baths, alnks, closets, and are lighted by elee ttlilty, The college has ample b'lll gi minds, tennis giounds nnd boating faellltlt"-, a light, u'lty, tasteful gyinnn.sluni, thoroughly ecinlpped with the most modem appliances, diesslng room, bath loom, etc. It uses a. thorough system of physical eultiuo, p.utlel pated In by all the students, who aie loqulted to be In the gvmnaslum at set limes for class iJ i 111. Thu gym naslum Is also open at given hour; for voluntary work. Swaithmore College. Swarthinoie Is ten miles southwest of Philadelphia. The college occupies a commanding position. Fiom the upper stories of the cpntial building thp view Includes many miles of the Delawaie liver, with tlie counttv t.vlng between, and the cities ot Philadel phia and Chester In the distance. The college giounds compilse over two bundled notes of hill and -wood and beautiful shaded lawn, just wheie the hill countiy finally gives way to tlie level plain euendlng out to the Delawaie llvei. It Is bin doted bv til1 pietinesque goige of Ctiini iitek, .some '.'00 feet in depth. Tho view f I nm the upppi stoiies, or fiom the dome of the m iln bulldll'g, 'is beautiful In the eslieme. The towei of the Citv Hall, Philadelphia, can bo seen to the east, as can some of the laigpt buildings of the southern pa it of the c itv. Tlie v ill iges along the Ilnis of two lallioads, -is far as Ches ter, aie plnlnlv in sight, while be ond tile Delawaie stiet-n away the hills of Xew .leisev. The institutional life at pwai thinoie Is peeull.ii to itselt. Tlie sniallness of the student bod.v and the fact that siine its foundation tho college has admitted men and women upon a footing of absolute uiualitv combine to biing students a i elation to each other and to the institutlrfn which piomotes in a most notable way th development of tlie individual student. It Is piobably tine cveiv wheie tii.it college life Is even moie -valuable than college learning, but ceitain It Is iliat at Swai thinoie il is a vital fence whosp effects, though fieiiueiitlv not recognled, aie to be eouuled as mak ing alwavs lor liglit ciiaiaetei. The i ollege buildings aie all ot stone, substantially built ,nd well ,ti langid. Tlie eeiuipinent in tlie wa of laboiatoi ies, libi.uios, etc, Is adeiiunte foi eveiy need The piindp.il college building is !S leel In length live stoiies in height, and with an exten sion at the ii.ii piovidiug foi an .is seinblv looin, lectuie halls, museum, libiaiv, leading loom, p.ulois, dining hall, etc. It has two wings ot fom stoiies eadl heicnee Hall and the Astionomical Ohseivatoiv aie two ot the othei buildings that aie huge and b Miitllul sti uctuies Heside these theie aie a numbei of otbei buildings, notable among them being tlie g)in naslunis one tin oung men and one for oung women The students at swaiihninie line the advantages of p n lidpating In ie llgious eultuie, social 111 f, phvsiial tultiiie. the students' smieties and publications, libianis and le.iiliug looms, containing .'HUH bound vol umes, and the museum and heibir iuui Sitoudsbuig Noimal School. 'Ibis State Nniiu.il Sdiool is niodoin In eveiy sene of the wind. It Is onlv elglit veais old, but it is one of tlie f'oui Idling schools of its Mud n the .Mate. I'oi health! ulnes ol liiiatlon, puie sp.ukllu,? watei Inv igoiating liiount.iin ail, pel lei t diainage. sui"ly no sdiool tan sin piss, and but few fflii.il. the Vast Stioudshuig Stale Noimal. Situated cm a pimnlneut i ise of ginund on a campus ot eleven m ie, Hie buildings command a delightful view of Die ui i ouniling muntiv for miles, fanning a s( cue magnifitcntly giaud ami pit Uuesiue. The buildings, ihno sioi(.s alwv" Ihe basement, ,n- of slone and In it K. elected at a i cist of neailv a hunched thousand dollais, and einbiaie all the latest designs and modem impiove-menus- in itiehltec luuil skill. Tiiey me lighted tbioughoiit with gas and heal ed with the best svstem of stiam lipating The doimitorlos me sepai ii led fiom e.uli othei by the main imllding cent lining Hit- leeltalioii moms, llbiaiy and leeeptlou loom, poiloi and oflli e the chapd. and dining loom. Tlie close piolmity of the iloimltorles lo the leellatlon looms has icduced ithe tlniblnj; ut; Mails to tlie minimum. Oilier milldings aie Hit gv inniisium, one of tlie laigest and llliesf n m Mate, a kitchen In hxpunlo building, and a liolhr and engine house Tlie .students' looms aie unusually huge, well ventilated and furnished wMIi the best Ingialn uiul bnisses caipet.s, .substantial hanlwood ftnril tuie, liichiding lo eadl loom a bed, luiie.ui, two clulis, a washstand and closet Scianton Business College. Tlie pliPnoninn.il since ess uf trt ?cianton Husluess College is ev idenco if lis populailtv ami the most sub r.ianiial pi oof of its supeiloiity. Heil nifiit, cpniplpio iippoii tments, thin . i ugh Intruclloii, salHfactoiy lesults, lmnoiablo dealings ami pioiules ful filled have won for It o leputatlon lint glial autoes lo it still gieatoi piosper Sty, The anny of giaduttes hnldlng loslUiiiis ol tnist and lespoiisibillty n THE SPECIAL REWARDS, 'ehilarshlp n I ilajeile ( uIIpsp . . t,0in Siuarhi in Sttaillirnnn. (ulln.r l,fn si luilardilp in s0i,iltiuii,' St.ile Soi mil m hoot . ..,,, , t", 'iluiljrliii In Saantou Cui'ervaiur) uf Mu.-if 7'i 'i Iwl irlili in '"iijihiii l un.irti.toi) ul Mmlo . . . "3 sclohiflil in sujntuii llieiiuMi ('ul- like, cllhei inuue ,, . '..,,. ul s, liohilni In smntDu liu-luct, 0 K.i, i iitu r iiiinp Ci Nlioliiihip in s union II i.inus I ul Irsc lltll'l 1 0111 h (,) V J, i I aili uiul it i' itiili'ilJiit failing tu jtiur mil 1 1 iIh sj i , i.al iihii.U will lie .Itin lm ipil pit ini of all llu linn) he u hhe liin-. in N II llu ln-t Inn s I ul irsliipt ilo ml m cIiiIl. in ! I nl llu iinttstaiiiJ tmiii' Hum will In. .Uiii nn iini fi i i Mil ut ill 11 1 in nn i in i i nun. 1 1 I,, llu llltUt, ll' j l in pitiii. Ilns tvpen- $1,000 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THE WORK OF A FEW WEEKS. The. Scranton Tribune offers an exceptional opportunity to the young people of Scranton and Northeastern Pennsylvania to its second great EDUCATIONAL CONTEST THE SPECIAL REWARDS. Scholarship in Lafayette College, Scholarship in Swarthraore College, Scholarship in Stroadsbnrg State Normal School, Three Scholarships in Scranton Business College $60 Each, ' Two Scholarships in Scrrnton Conservatory of Music, $75 Each Each contestant failing to sccuie one of these special rewards will be given ten (io) per cent, of all the money he or she turns in. N. B. The first two scholaiships do not include meals, but the contestants secur ing these will be given ten (io) per cent, of the money he or she turns in to The Tribune, to assist in paying this expense. Here is an oppoi tunity for some ambitious young people to earn the best college education without a great amount of effort, and it is an oppoi tunity that may never be repeated. The Tribune may find the returns much less than the expense and would then be unable to again make such generous offers. Such a condition will be the Tiibune's loss and the contestants' gain. Thete are many young men, and young women, too, who would be glad of an oppoi tunity to "work their way through college," in fact, the presidents of these in stitutions aie deluged with applications foi chances of this kind. Heie the work for an entile course of four years can all be accomplished in three short months, and an education that would cost in cash $1,000 is assuied without fuither outlay. Parents should urge their boys and gnls to enfer the contest and work for one of the special lewards. One of the eight is within he leach of everyone who really tiies. Send a letter to The Tiibune tor full paiticulars, including handsomely illusttated booklet. Addiess, llns luv .mil il'-intln'ic spc ik "v 1 1 1 1 iMiipll.isis nl tlio HUM itoi ions Wll.lv nf tin lli'-'itlitioli .M.in peiiplp Jill iRinp ll -it .1 Kl.'tlll- rl 10 lllllll .1 llisll SI IlilCll, SHIIllllllM, St.lll iiciini.il si hool oi iiilli'c, Alio wishes (o t llvP .1 ImsllRvs CIHIISC moils to stiui' 1 oolvlvpooiiin mil. Till is Piioneons. I'm llio l.t'i li i tins ol llu- student in all Intuit' mills im ins i u tklji.uioii in tin' liiihini'ss nilil, a i ninpli'l inaciii.il iniiisi' !. laiiKl.t Pinbiat iiit; iill'-illiss ,11 IllllllPlii , ll. li til, ll Kl. Illl lil. II, bllsllliss l 111 I IjlllLinCll'Ill ", lllll- iiipui.i! law. spi'llli'i;, uiul all other i"--i nlials fm a s'lticssful i.iipor. Tin tliuo si holm -hips otlpiPil li Tlio Ti 'In. lie In lilt' Si i anion Huslni'st ( nllifie as tpc lal iiwi.hIs aie unlliu ilcd anil muni in. ill ti stiuli'iit uini plelit tin. collide of stiult. lip lid's i liospii. Al I'ip ro'imli tion of the ionise p.tc h Is lui'entPil Willi a bn iii x 1 n I iliilonia, i olifi'i liiif? all tlio Illin ois of 'ho institution, iipc- ot c li.irgt'. 'tills lill' lilt ss co'lrse cloi's licit 14IMI nilli'P situ ttlons; no III- tltiitltiii can lioiioi.iblv Bi'.iiiinttt' slti.atiot.s ludis 1 liiiiliuiti l. ll pioinlscs, liowpNd, in ijo all In it1 power to scpuio Piupliiv Tin lit loi its suiileni-, ami 1ms lieen ii'inuilcubl sin pcssiul In fulillllni; .such iioinlsc I'apiv student ol food limine ter .uul lial its, . ho lias been I iniiipt anil 1 fRiti.it In ttu mlam e, lultliful in ills woil, anil who has conipli'tccl a r 0111 0 .s,n ' c-t-'i'ulh, 1 n sen ml of nssistiinie nnd a s,ltu.t lion. Scianton Conseivatoiy of Music. Tlio uniuinl oppoi tunity The Tiibune ofieis In tlie' IMin nil1111.il Contest by 'ttllliir nslde two lownuls for s-flnil 11 -tlilpt In tlii iiistlliuion ."linulil niou-ii Kip.U Intei ps (iiimi't; pinno plut". II Is em t'linly 11 wonileiful 1 bunco to so. ciii a e.u'u insti in Hon lu planciioiio iIii,Iiik uniler tent hoi .s of neknnwl i(lscil fMPllmro in in Instltiitlini of iiu.issall.iblo lopiilailon. Tin rieltt'ii inotlioii ul piuno lu flliirllt'tt is IniiRht lu the Feiaiitiili 'nusei,ilniy of "Musli, mnl tlie wlu neis of tile two M linlni ships nft'oiecl h Tlie Tiibune will mvp1o Unit In stilietlon .Ml. fail I'lieltell. Ill in Ik liuiini' 11C tliat iiietlioil, Is a pliinlHt ot lintlnnal lepiitation, AlthniiKli fnunil ecl cuih four p,ii.s iikp. the K.tplten I'lnnofuilo fipliiiol of Hoston 1ms learliPil tlio illsiliu'tlon of beliiR tlio liuKost nitil most Miicessfui lu the I'nltod States The Tribune lias solertpil romse l") In tlio f'onreiviilorj's luirlculnin as the ono best ntliiitecl for Its jiuipo-o Uiul lor tlio nnijniltv of miislr.il htu dont.s CoiliiSe T omnis tlio ontlio school pm in' foity wvoks, .h'cohIIii? to caloiulm, mnl lis a nine Is $7."i Pupils in tills cniiiMi pnlH tlllfo leb aips I'ticli wrolt two lirniis a uoeK In plaiinftnlo In 1 lass of fnur, mnl ono Iiour In i-tuei.il tialniiiB tlass, sight plnliiK' IvojoOiiMl hminony tech niiit, ti'inposltloii otc. If the pii.i Winnei is not snllh kntly inHmicvil to entfl' il 011 this com so. Its equiva lent will be Klvon in the roms-es, Mill ed to tho neuls of the sillilont. iwilflr tvonlil estenil tlio t im bo.tnud Ihe Hut. ll.s of one eii's llisti tu lion. HOW THE CONTEST STANDS. The Leadeis Took Anothei Spmt Yc3teulay Ray Buckingham Moves Up Tlnce Places. Jleci Lewis oldenily dues um In- tout 10 lo.o Ills position at tlie he id nf tlio li-it ut Tut Ti Hume's IMin aliuiml I'ontcst, as he npiil to woilv lu iwil taiiKsi m ,itiiil.i lniii;lir; lu "0 points, Ml Mhwinlvi'i mad' .lis lelmius e.u . I the clnj mid Mitt fulfil in K-tlill within tour pjlnts u' tiio top, but ut Who Wants an Education? Editor Educational Contest, Islanding of Contestants. J I ..rrr . II ll.,., ., ll.i t . t .1 .. d,r., 1 1 .1 Til 11 11111 ! tut iviv u 11 1 linn mi 1 nm. i Points JJ 1. Meyei Lewis, Scran- X ton 334 I 2. Heniy Schwenker, T South Scianton... 274 4 I 3. William Miles, Hyde T Paik 130 4. J. Gaifield Ander- son, Caibondale. . . 119 z 5. August Biunner, jt., V Caibondale 75 ? C. K a y Buckingham, J Elnihuist 50 ? f 7. Miss Vidn Pediick, $ f Claik's Summit . . 52 'a' 4 S. Frank Kemmeiei, 4. f Factoiyville 52 4. - - 4 " TABLE NO. 2. .. .J. Hun mint ol llir-c will If in I'lhl, No. .j, 4 I 1 n Iln 1 I(oiiik; ilit i fl'0lllt 9. Miss Noinia Meie- rf. uun, nyae rnnt. . 'tu T 10. Mi ss Wilhelmina i Giitlln, Piovidence. 36 X f 11. W. H. Hauls, Hyde f 1 Paik 23 S 12. David O. Emeiy, w tiniiieib, m-ii, ... ij t 13. Aithur C. Giiffis, ? Moutiose 12 t 14. E. J. Sheiidau, Haw- 2 ley 0 15. Mifc. Jennie Waid, , 4 Olyphant 5 4. f 10. Kobert Campbell, T ij. Gieen Ridge 3 tlie 1 lose of the daj, I,e lid b fii) points AllHtist liiiiunoi ot Cllboiiilalo, In ciillsidoi.ilil uoaioi fouitli plat'P lids moinliisr, ho IuuIiik sent lu ll points Hay Hiiolvlnyliaiii. nf IJIiulntist, miiilo tlie sif.itehi khIii t Iho ilu, howoM'i, A()uk liom ninth to siMli plme, wlieif lie is but ti, points In hind lii mini'). Another Now Contestant. Mi. T U. 'i'liomp.-nn, of i.ni X (nth I.liuiilii .itmio, i, tiled ut The Tiihiifif o'llie jfsteid.n and mtuioiI a I100K or Mlbstilptlou blunivs lie will pinlKtlily IfiMll climblliK 111 liie li-t 111 ,1 lew Uio.s, TllelO die OIllOIS who llllflltl In tnlvti up the woiK lust as soon as thfii m hool duili s ,110 met icalUliiK Iniw tnsy It will lie tn lo.uh ' T,iiio No I." The o.il t.iiliscilbeis would plat t a boKlmior 1101 tml j in tlm Hist table Inn In 6th pljco, and live ninio would mine tlio 1 iiutpstaiit up two pl.iie Call at Tint Tiibune olllie and HO, 11 book of Mibsi ilpMon blinh Vou can thou Mai I 1 Uhl lu uul w ithlli a ti i. tu tiM) lie among t'lo loadeis. Insomnia Is (jlihfil bj a dPiuiiKenirni of tuu ntuvi's. I.lihtj's tvit'iy Xomo l'oni pouiiil s 1111 1Mi.u1 01 celf'i.s combined with oiliei Plllt.it ions, nuillinl Incioill t ulii icslilllii;', In a ueiM moilltiuo of 1 .110 li tue. and uoi'ileiful lu Its pitinipt and sHiothitiK tm.uhi offet 1 1 11 will mal.e jou j-licp Hold li Matthews ItlOh Extia copies of The Tilbune's Sou venir sell foi 20 csnts. $1,000 1,000 675 180 150 $3,005 Tribune, LETTERS FBOM THE PEOPLE. t'nder this hfidlni; sliort letten ol Intfrml will be iiihl mlirtl nhtn iccompanieil, (or iniblld' tlon, tiy Hie writer's name Tin1 rriliimt ik not utunie rtcponmbilitt (or opinions litre eipreuej Letter from Rev. Father M.E. Lynott I illlnr of I lit- 'I11I111111 sit itin-i t inn 11 inilii,! 111 llu' ulits of c 11, ns mil jimiii'. in, pi in u id il In lii" m lino! I11111I il Itition I uimlll it I niiilin? bold in Inn' II whin ilui iimii-l li ib nfii-nl In imoi 1 1 k 1 1 1 i 1 in -i.iiul In mult im liur lit .1 111 I V t- Villi, llllllllll III llll IlltlllllllltllUl Ul lllllllll jlllllkllll . t lilt I V 1,1 MltlllJll, Mill I inn', lulu Hi- u 11K nl llu -i.linil'. tint in Iliu inn illt -1111I11 llu -inii- tu ill ( .ill"1 III till US Ul minis ll s Mo,', lllllllll, uul tin nun. 111 Mnl 11II11I dull iln innii'l ami pi t j 1 it it mi, lit 1 icit I11111; ul 1 Iitu al J ill t llf -itiiuii tn iln i ulitiliu,. 1 1 ir- in s,ii1(io, Inn, ', in llu Mi ilmtlM lii-iuiil iliiinli llu wilt il I, III iill ,-j ill nl till, lu iiiii tint 1 ill, u,iliiiii l'K ii-tul Inn in 111I1I11 null, lm till' jll4 I lil 1 t' Mil, III lllllll! Illlllll lllllll inn' mm iln- mIiimI- nu I ilu In Inn: (In in iiiiiIm iliin tuliiiliiiiiil luiliiiiui i( not iiiulii -uili tin 110I ll limit nu ji, uiiitiil In ,iu Ilui -uili i Mip Hi. 11I1I In 1 ti. illll.ll ul llu unlit- n( ( llll" 111 llpOIM ll" I llll II fill, II. Ill, lit Willi llllllllll' uiiuim m ijdiU'ft itlm line Mini IiiiIii'IIi) in pint' irnl lilllinlit 'If puti'lit l liiilltlun ut li itiu tin' lijteij 11111 lit 1.1 inioii tli livt ml lu niv iluiiili vv, hit h 1- mIh llv mil it pint lu llu iritiiiuin mIhiI. mil nl .1 id iinuiiuitjiiu il iliu 1 til ii'ii-ttnlv Jul Iliu-. .jlniili uio I111II..11 nn urn.' 110ul1l1.1t-, Hi. ( iiliulii 1 1 p 1 v 1 -; .-.ii.li' il 1 iilliiu ,mil a 11 ni'iillii' 1, iiu luitil tu llltf ll IICllltlll It) lllf Mill. I lllllll I Mill. II stiukri, i,i, mi- iii-ul lm llu .iiiium 111 1 jflii liiilliu Hit (nl Iliu llu' I" Iiliulii 11 "( MJinliii..' siiiiilt uniii Hull Hin-littiliiinil mil lil,.il llu! t -J, h 1.11.11 nun .1 lu Hit lll-l .llllrlltl unlit In Ilit 1 i.ii-liliilii.u of llu- I nlltil st or- III I ill III, I "ll-lllllli)ll III llll- IIIIIIIIIOIIUOlI'll ( Puii'-ih 111I1, irnl ,liiiwiui,' Uul Hit- imii (in I Hut Hut IijiI iiiiimIci tuiiK t inplM ikiinl koIiij nun mt iliuuli mini 1I1 111 (lull own ami hiin, pifriit wlill ipILIiiih mnlio Jif Uoiujr "" ilitilnl, I, -ufliUfiil lo liiln 1I11111 williiu (In pin I csv iitnl iiiiiuiiuii of lilt' 1 oiullltilioii, Jul ilitliliiicr Hut 1 tai-it 1 1. 1 1 011 of llu imp!ii u( llu, ci limn in of llu viuie lili'iom 11I1I1 I I he iii'lUliimts, tlut lht'.t loiiliihulo jln'tl) In iho t im - In inn 011 llu t,..i iinn.'iil, ami, whin nu.uiili ih 11) niil'd Hut l.iw nil Itt'u blow lu ciflt 1 Ihoiiu lie- llilll llf, If llrl tif, In )UI litl ami su,t tin lie Bun illlii.'til , uul Ilui Ihi' Imlbliliul t who luil .-1,ii. il llu1 iiiliilnii wii lirlglitioi, Jinl litVl.ili ft It lids ol tlio "Hi. I illl. Ul, u( tin Imiiiii.'li, lit' ilicoil Ihf 11 -p.'flliil ton l-iilf'l iliou ol Iho iitilt(li (mil ivl.dl Ihlt it lie 11 mtnl uul -. u ol on 1)11 luliiiilf.. llll; I'l.llllOV ' lo Iho llouoi ihle, llu' "ihiul iliini if Iiliulii Hi 1011J1 We, ihc iiiuliitliiul l.iVuiu ml iui u, nl Iln' hiiliiiiuli ol loiiutii, .iiivii.ilt II) KlV llu 1111,1 (l U lull V Jllll lllllllll lllllllllH lll,lltlll .iiuoi,jt tin )i"ili ul out li'iuiu.lii jlir-o tn ili.i.uil, jiul tin iiIiuk 11, nils, .liiiliu IjI uiii 1 hiltlli 11 11(100 I lit- (nil li.li'lll .irnl Iho Jibau 1 1, tv of llu 1 1J111 iliou iiinnliil 111 llu iililli mIiihIs, uiul fi'.iilill lot llu .ut) .ui."i if our if n high ecliool Mtlmi In- imiiili. I mil it, clli iii 1111 lninlu. I In linioi.iliom wiiu It itniuiit-iii' mil lights j, l.iiili, Jill illl lis, Jiul wlntli, lm iiuo ihtrit iiiiitjlloiH iri. Mil.iii.lti nf im 11. hi, jnl iliiiiiin Iln I111111. 11,1 ml .uul will lllll lull' llJ,! iM-IIll illoll. lliuhli"l. Inn, 1I1 iiinn tint hum. 1 il if Imii in rjlijaiml Iho nlm. I. Hutu Ihc 1.1, Jilt, jnl m 1:1.11. if Will nu .111111; I. ut 111 Jiu,-nl p. Kill. Pin luiliilh In llu mini ul ill N II IIjii" iiililul, 111 IuiiijIiu llu' .1 1'lllllU'll il.i-' of IMII iill.i in 1 of Iln iliiiiiin', nf Iho lion 11. 1 jil lutiiivT 1 i'ltt iIjuii lit' "ituum (Utjili i ilui In llu itiuilui lU'lui if ilui .luiiili ' i luv 111 11 iiltiui'.li Willi .nn ul um ml..' lm, 101 dull itlumii) lulu!, litilillut, Ilui li' .1, I1K1 li. Jl" HiMilihli' 1 iln I uul lot llu 1 litlh, 101 1 ite wo lii'-l 1 In -j 1 i mi,t jut ll.ll-tliii nilni-lir 1 1 1.1111.1II1 Ilui uiiiuiilliiii 1, lllll llll' ellliuilx Jil 1.11 iln lm ni-i lint nu lllllll lllll lllllll. ill, ul In llu um-"I .ill III 1111 11, , jnl lii.iili I Ik. 1 1 .111 ill ttu tin r il lili. ion, lilitli jiiiiiii.,1 It lie m! nil, n n-l Is -in'.. 1 Uul 1-, (Hi' (lulu ill itlUlui, Unliini. ir itil'ui 111 11 c.t hot hd n 411 (lout lit li Kim unr uiul lluv 1 iiiu li 1b11n.nl vviihonl ! t iiiilin. iln 111111111I' 11M .ml Hun 1. ilim luiniiii 11 illlliiv lu i.i 1lu111111il1.1ll.il iii' hi'i.-t lull' 1- t liltlll.il ItMl't lllllllll lltl illlllll "ut Jit In wl 1 li j u-uiliii ul irlisiou, in I'luio put It iuii- il , il iii.riuiit jii'l iiiuiJt in 11.1111 .nil. m itliu,, I ji lituii nil l i WHAT THE CONTESTANTS I DID LAST YEAR. UIIMiriN KODIIICII I,, ol (JS WiWit ate. line, Miiirul IKTi polnH, equal In Tf. sulHtiilieit for ttio tai caili, iiml it ci lit J uii onlti (ot i four Mart' sitioln. hliip In Uwiniiti' N niliiiiy, Mtluul at SI. 000 Ut I III It M:lll lll.lt, nf rmtoivtllle. -until M7 points, rqtijl lu -ti mium-iIIicis hi one ,M ll uili, anil imlviil an orilcr (or a tin u .Mil"' Mlinlimhlp In Illoomi Iiiiik M ill- Nuinul Slionl, ilni'il at V,i.i. DVMIl . lllltll I. , nf I'lmiilctup, imuiici! 11(1 pnlnl", iipnl tn ST miIim libcm (or nut' rir uili, mil littivnl a pUtlo wlii"il jt 4f MI'-s IH M:(!llt. of Mittcmv. weureA 1't'i piilnt", iipul to '.' iibtirilm for i lie Mjr cat li, anil rutltril a tutiric In piiiiu in-liiKlioii nl tho Krjnlnli Con--irtiton of Mnit, tuliitil at "" (Miss i ii,ii illil not enlir tin contrit until it tt is ttltlim aliout lime ukt of cloiii- ) I I fil Nl! ItOI.WI), of Iliunnori-. Rccnrcil 2T". points, npiil lo 'J I nuliv rilim for ono tiar nidi, mil mrniil i i holarsliip in I lie M union IliiMinM Collrgt, valued .il OHM It r!T.MIV, of 41". inp strci't, so. enroll J.O puinN, eiinl to SO siib-triliim til ono joir mil, ami n tiivod a scliohr. Fliip in tlio ninton IltiAini' College, tiliiid it 'iO MIS ll'WII. II.II1", rf I iko rlrl, o. I mi I 211 poniH, rnnil lo l' tubscrlticis fcr on ti n ojiIi, ami ritoiM'd a bctioljr olnp m tin' "Hiaiitnti llusincfs CoIIcko (Miss Mnus inliiiil tlio conloit Just ono month lufoio it lIomi!) DWII) t" spl M I It, of llliiiinistmrp, c intiil IS 't tioints, njiiil lo 111 Hiihsinlicrii for ono .ti ir i i It, anil rotniod a Colun bit blijtlt, tiliio al fT'i. MIn (illAC i: -IMIll r I , of I irlionihlo, h. Hind 12') pniiits, omul to 11 fiubsciiliora fm one ton lath, and rcttitLil a gold it mil t iluod at 10 llHR III ll', of Ilulo I'nU, sotureil 113 points, iqml to 10 Miloitulioia for ono joir i Jch, .ind secured i camera valued a ilO Scranton, Pa. mocu luslihoii, md lint Ins oxi-tcU all aloin hut. '"uili we hold iho uiiw in nitoil, iiiiaullioru'il iiml tinwl-i' itlloli of Ml. n.ililt lo he, Jiul, jiutoiin of 0111 11 11-tiitiitiiinl light, is cithrii,, mil n( our still BlTJtu niliiral rlRhta u parent', anil iluuiuiliu Ilui thot In io"iiptttil, we pioli-L ll, 1111,1 lllll lit lllll Llillllt inn it. p 1 tap tl fullt n-k Mil 1" uin-i join appnn il or hinitii 11 ol it, mil hi 1. 1 tilii.n ton to foi hul ant piuiti pil 01 ti it lit r Intuitu to inlioilutn into Ihe m hool wi tk or 1.01111111 111 tint ul PYciiiscs ant thin,; tint ii;niiis ul ili-ugjrils inn i.ai'1 iclils, wliu 1 1 in llu -inn' lor .ill tin1111 mil iJicnts "Uo Inu ilwij, llipill did icli(,'loin U011I1I13 111 oiij; llll.lllilt, WllltL we Into hciiil o( tin 111 01 nllui loiinnnnllii-, iiml i havo .ilw i, prijc.l Ilui 1 nr 111111111111111 nuulit mtii In. iilllii led with 11 huii. 11- ili-ioid, vv 1 1 it 1 1 i.nl.i ,tlia up lati II r 111 I lulu nits- iiiniii- 111111 We tru-t ami inn lint -111 1 1 1 I'll, hi 1110 iiiui (all upon us liui lu 0111 1 puiii n tit U,t vv itv lo ohtnli' ,iu It initpi ikihh iiii-foiliuu 1, lotlriilv tlclliit llu ilntli, ul Iho pniii ipil Jtul tiiihus Jiul pill -mil 11,1111 lite luuil limit, on Iliin iiilliontt is will lot lliiilll tin ittiiirlitl o( thrll wol Ut llti'liili, iliiiiiin wi luti' ill out illlhh In iui M,- mil I101111-, out woik, 0111 iliuuli ind em 1 1,1 it -I i UK pi in, Iliu hi it it In In down Ihe hiiulni ol llif, mil hut' no w ilit In lite mil tin III pi.111 mil luiuiont with nm 111 mhlmrs. Pi in liplN Jiul It'll llll- lllllll iiml co, hut UllfllS 11' nulir ami ill wo hoi in um jiul nuhts Hml tin -1' wt' loti' uul ihui,li, Did tin -e wl a-k .toil to n-pitt .mil iuoiuI." Hut pillliolt wis loiiihtil lu ri-iiit(ul lm 1,1 i.t , iiitilt 1 iti in 1I1 111 uul, mil lu,iit nn out' nf Hit 1110.-I sJtiul Jiul iliuiil ililf ilclils of tili111--lilp Hi" unlit of tiiion ijiiii, with it thn ii-lht lu 11)11, uii t iliou ol tin- pitilioii, 01 il S 1111 jniu.lt ,s and lifji! sot milt in iho ullru, II will ,iiiiii-i' all lours ut pi-tut mil (air plit, llii'ii lint , to h 11(11 Ilui wliu lint p lit it'll w 1, li-"I lis Kitplaiiti' wjs lijlli 11 I11-11I, is was .il.ii .1 riAoluliori pio-tutui h,t lliiulor I, W i.ianl, Hut 'llu' pi lm Ipil md 11 11 In in -lull If fi.il.iilil.'li lnli.ifli'1 In Inllniliiir Into Hit t-f I ii.ii woik ul Iln touiinf lit inn nl iviiii-cs 1111 IhiliK tint njiioic oi ilivreftiiit, llu- iikliti t pjiuiljgf ind 1 lliui-liip," mil ttin tho oflu' III hf pari of Ihc luiiili 1 us lu allow llu hull.! In 1 II111I11 ill JiitlhiiK.' i.hitt liuiijl.lu lu plllJ-is iiIimv wilhuiit illicliiii; Iho olijiit ot the pilu Iliu, .tml -1 1 1 wllli llu- lonlutipltious rriitaik Ihlt llio i In "I luuil itiiiihl luii iiiilhins nluletir In do a it ll Iho Hil'jul 'llu lli.iilli and JHOI..IIIII' wnh vvliuli tin jiui ilunjiiil of mi 111 j 11 v liNnwi, ivjs I j, n oi 1 1 1 jid iIiiiui jtldi' wiihoui luu-ltlviatii n wjuaiil, the nun lli.-iim Hut llu iiuioilit ut die .lulliln fi huol lnuid a iliuiil llu1 lit'M of llu' pvlill'iiuri 11 iliuliil 011 II11111 uul Hull Mmi plei-uti. 'I I cue (it tt iiilou IN ililliiil Willi llu, power ul 11 do 11111-I ii-itlli', Imwini, lint ilie lipids I 1 Illins jiul Ijvpjtus un 1I1. ne Ihe fu'tfiiin if liu, Hut Hut I'sikt in jit-tlu' and uiii(. wliii li in iliu r lluv 1101 the I in nut ml a,h. , ml Ihlt Ihe iIIiiii, of Hie law lie lo gun du foiouilitli 11 In what I, Ind. p. ii'h'lit "I and ilmw linn. ntl il U I Jiu-l lull until liut lluj wi 1 lute Iliu, UJiiipliil tii'iin llu' li.lil, "t I'alliol 1 1.1 vji it his uinil I, if Hut iinll'l, wipe nut the ..11.11 iiilf'ii. nf liu'-e ll.'ln, fl mo Iln thai It r I mil Iliu nil, the iiiii-lilulioii n( Ilie full. I Stan. Ul.i 11 Hie ilnlilliil itinwIiiK up today ami 1 1 dm' of nihil kpiiiI itlons who mi Ii im ilfl.tjiul Hit' 111011, bun, lii.oln ol a reiluin 1111 Inn lii jii aoi Ilium, now luppilv depiiut, tine iliiiitd nun 1I1I1 u.ii.iiliiliiiii il iishls 011 nil. iiu, tpiuiiuil-, ha iuk what liiatun 1 ti( nu 1 Ihrt wui', lluv -lull lu lul'l Ilui llll Will' Mil li men 1, lliouus II uiii I laul'iHil, (.."I," llhkt Willi nn Mini tuu, I mnl lliprtv ami jiniit 1 W.1I1H, n( !c 1 nit 11, I'a , who drilled In nineij I tpjius of luiuiii llu 1 1 mull 1 ll ion ci ,i pen 1 1. 111 l..wil nu Hit 1 "lulllllliiiiul llahl ol iitifn ,1 1 1 nil iln niliiril 1 kin u( pau'iitiJu betau-u II it Will' It '111 in I .illnilii., Ihe '.uiii nun ul lilinui 11ml u( Hit- nihoi) luiiili was ,11 nl iliini iipii'liautu, luitvrui, In llu iiilou if Mi lliojiu, lliintt r, a Kuiiliiiuii "f IiiiijiI iiiiilluuiii. lilitl.il vli-, IiIkIi Iiiui" r ilui tiiill ihl" il.ui, iliini, vv lm .nlit 1 Hid and Mini lor t lis pftith 11 and llu iitolulhm an 1 Ml 1 ll llun II. lllllll Willi Hi lllilli.'lllt, I Y fiUII, I tuts I iliuiinil, and I' II l 0II111- Mr Hindu 1 jlllliiili mi ihi,, is un ill I'ulilh iiit,iion, t llu -iui -I 1 mnl that lull llki nu'. oiilntliti'iiiuti 1 jiul (aliiu-, aie llu lt-i .uiuuttis men 1 111 lu'l 1 fu in llio 1 ii,iii.illoii of llifir ll.ln id well iniihl men wi,li Hut the iiiuttiiuitii 111(111,1 ll li'il-tl'l . llll. llll ll'IKIII lljil Ili'lHi JllUit 1 I11IU1 li.jit in the 1 Mint 11 ih thu llu uiiicw li, ,1'id iiiinli'0 il (iiiui nf Hit nwii wht li v liuld ilui tiOitit ilhiis wliu i pile In ll t imp it . ant nllui' in "tli" I illiulor ol Icuu.ui I1110111.I1, Ju 111,1 11, J liiis I'' M I. I.tudl (..