?9 x 1 J ' THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1901. flc Scranten $i6une lAilill'liwI Dully. I'Ti-cpt Sumljy. I.y The lVlli. line' PulilWilnjr Compinj, it Kill CetiH i Mnntii. LIW S ItlCIMIIl), IMltor. Sew York OHtrel 150 Nimiil Ft. vnmiXm Boli .(,cnl for I ui'clnn AtluttWng. LuUrrO al the l,nlufliii' nt -eiintnii, t'a , a ISemiul LH Mill Miller. VVIrn iud will p null. Ilie Irlhune li nliuiv I'Mil In t Hnl din 1 1 lellm (mm IM frlrinU '" I'C mi itiiienl lupin. lint lt nrir- l Unit II"";' liiMt Im niam.l, loi pplilii Mlmi. I II ' ",' I'll luini, nml the iiimllltmi priinliiil '". .""V ipliln i If llnl nil innlrll.utliiiH lnll 1'" mliject to trMlnrlil roiUlon i iir it,r inn: ion MivriniMMi Hi- rnlowlmr inliti' Mi mi the lirli'i- pir I" ' Uili ln rllm, jpite ti In- ii'ril iillliin mil' jnr: I Hun ! H-iilliU'iiif . ''"ill IU5IM VV I I'lptr I lleullmr I I'oiitUm I - Inn Ml lull . I '"' 'A) 'Al inrlieT l"hl "in "II "j II. I 1T .IV. I .." .it .I'l .IS fvin v, i ,ira I ri oirii il llinn. rrolil(lin oi mmnn.-u-.-nml ulnillir 1 1 nlill iitloin in tin- niture ol '! viji, I In hlliiiii' iint.n l iluw of 5 mum h Mm HiIim fir Clilil I Vtlwill.uu; liirliul on Hppluitloii . .. ... . ...i...... TJEN PAGES. sci:anton jiwi: -jo, not. i Tin veiv i.uofiillv pirpain! liitni v "f tlic .-niiittiin Kis(i)fll(i, wlili li Inimi p.ui of mil (i-nlli iiiinliet,it v sniive n 1 1 ullli tod.iN'o Issiu , itpippntM mail li ) iii"l.il.!iu; liil.ni mi 111" ii ul nl" It-i inmpilii Inlui J'uwii O ('iitiiu)i, n whom Mil" iH'illl Is ilni' Correcting Postnl Abuses. - i:ci:.VTl,V (lie thlnl (H-Nt- -r -int piixini ium Ki'iioi.ii, . Hon IMviln MiUilen. v mii t I "" linlilNlipis nf Hi sl IpOl Hill KM lllllll 111" M ll't ll'll 1 1 mil a IKt nf si(i ii tli'ins. mil limit1, .(Mini, If ,1 ikp.u liiieiil i nli- vvhitli liinilil stop .ihinluii l .ill ini'inlimi In illti iMIlPnf , ill .llll tllU sliS( i lplion, li' lllllMl (if till ( Itlllf III soiontl- iliss iiiiiII pi I III s,i s would In- ii Siinlid us Iniiii inns in li'sitini Ho llt'Uspipl'l S .111(1 i'l lodli lis J'ioiu tlic lenoi o tin' I cilles nii'heil bv luni It is lepoiln! th.lt he Is HKpH tn Kmi" snrdi ,i uilo Xi' ci tin less tlioie s ,i niivlit s Miluiuo of il litest romlllK not nnl Innii piilillsi(Ms of 'snide ilKils' imt i Nn inmi the most lepu t.ihlo pulilislii is in the Inmi sin li, for oMinpl", .is tin- i'eiilni, outloolc and I'lmii Inn in ninipiniis ll.upeis', hiillmeis . Dodil. Moid ,. Co. Jli -I'luit .V I'o .1 in I hosts of otheis in eiU.ill Rdiid stimliiu The pulilish-ii'- of Minis mil Mlnei.iN of Ihli llt, IK' .lllllllln llld'-i' oliiilniv )iio- tcsi 1 he piiipiiM' nl IiiiIki- M nidi ii is to milt the c detii it in po-t.il nt lines aiisinj: innii ilium Ions mil vtiotmlv cim mi up I ilmsi ol ilie s, i ond i 1 lss mill in h ill e With this pin pose most iepnt ilile publish i an In liu.n t sMiipitln So In is Thi' rilliuni' is i mil 1 1 in d hi lime Kladh .ihan iloii' d the pi Milium fi.i tin i and tiilst Hi il no shin mil lime to n mine it in out lamas-, foi ni u Mih-i illiei? A i,ond pa pi I oilht lo sell oil Its own mollis The tail iiinilns lio.eei, that a maioiliN if Hie best piiudi i lis find picmiiinis ei u-rinl !n m cieasin iheh i li ill itinii and Inllu i m i Tin 1 1 is noiliin- In Itsi If 111. -."itim.itc in the o'leiiiK ol puniiiuns Whole ilic Diemiiinis ,uo as upio .silltiil tin utlill ait ol ptlhlli In ne llt Is It llht to iiippl.' limust intri l'lisc iii mil , In i.aih a ten fiailds? 11 is iliaih nntleisiootl l. ihoso who li.iic in idi i iiielul s. 1 1 1 1 1 .- nl postnl i onidlloits ill it the posi.il de ficit is not wliiil due lo iliiis.s in unond ilass mull miiiic of those alnist s aic kiI-'miiis mil nisih lint if the KtnuuiiHiii pilil posiac on tin tuns of li i h that it lianUs tluntiKh the niaiN, and II ih i. Illinois weic foitcd to ill uo ini Innii iko ol the malls :atib in lan iiopiiitimi lo the tnilfls on ollni tu llit. tlnie would ho a "sitllillls instead nl a delli It In the postolllcp ilop ii tnionl's iiimual halaiiif sheet. Yi t Unni Iniv these two MOit l.utms In laiNliu; tlic piiscnt dt Ik it, and imilluln oiu alteiition to t-oioiid lIii'-s mall nnl, N it the piopti leniidv for 'snide'1 ad i'l INIiik indues .i i, 1 'lake" lilii.ulos liiiiilnttd liudor the ctlNc it poiloilloals to liniiass and ll uiilKap leimt.ihlu pilhlli ations.' V thlnl. not. And as one tl nioiiklil at iH'iilnlt if with the puh U.shlni; liiisint ss, ih,. aiiompllRhod liosini.isiei f-rs iiit nl. Mi. Smith, m iy, in til nU, he ilepoinltd upnn to Keep ,llll.;e Maddi ll wilhlll licimds. Mi Mt KIiiIp,) s dedtlon iir;nnllnc th ihnl linn niav cai.se a nisli in P'litital I'.'i.iil on toailu kadiiiK to lliii. President Jordan' Mistake. T IS siupiMnK' to find sm li u mini ns PiesldPin Dnvld Htm i .Ionian, nt I.elitud Stanford uhImm-'Iiv, iloil.uliiK that a liillllou men. or tho fl'iwt-t ot the nation, peiNh-d in tho W'ai tor the l'lilim nml that the nun of tint pipsont tln wlioie fathois ,stned at Inline, "fall hhott of tliu men th it blmiilil havo been " It is t-liPPl nmisenso to talk of "a million men pciNliliiK" III Hint war, Tho ifi'onls of tho Vnlon in my hIiow .iliout two million enlisted riming tho Ioui'mmis, The loionls of tliosii Ullled In liitllp slnw II -i'l of tlioso who died tit, a ii'sult of wounds, Injutlos, tlla. t.i.He, si.n v a tl in n pi Non .amii9, and oilit ittNr, fiom Apt II, ISOI, till the end of the win, -f'O.I.'t. Tlioie weto about uno.nnri-a.lialf millions of men serving In tliu ('onfcdoiato (niio, Allovlng an uipial puiciitaKo of those who 'per ished." u hao n total of 632,628 dend out "f v.500,000. In other -words, It Is pUIu that neaijy 3,000,000 of the .sol diets of the Not th and South letuuieri to their homes and to the vocations of pc.ue. These weie as hiao and tute as thon who died, and they aid not lictonio tho tutlu'is of an Inteilur sen 1'iallon, nor was theie any itabon why tliiir hun, "Hip .image nion of totlay," dhuuld 'lull ohoit ot the men that should li.iui h'.en." Wo MiliniU that Pioslilont Jntdan was wilting nmibonse with icgaid to "in ueiiisu HtttH u tosluj," as lie cettitinly did about the llowet; ot the iiittlon "pptlshliiR" In Hip war, nl tluiUBlt up admit that a largo piopor llnn of It spivpiI dining Hint war In the army rnnhs. Oitulnlv aevunty-llvo per pent nf tlioie went homo at the win's iliii', mid a Vei'V hit go number ot llit'iiiief.ici, ni well us their noim, nit ictvlng Ibelr potinliv .et, In ppi; w n lit nf life. l!csile Hill. It would liohonvo l'iplili nl .loiilun to poiislder the tin ileitl'ibli' tliltli thai a goodlv pinpoi IIpii of Hint mintp How el of Hie young tueii or Hip Intitl In the clirlv sKlloi ift fd Ihelr ronnliy bv slaving at home, and doing Millie hm iioppsxiiiv htMii' In ttiliiliilut- the goM'innieiit uiid the lillllV, I'reildetit .lotdlin's I'liiiMlllI Hclellic MonlllLV lllllele oil Ilic '"Hliiial of lie Nullon" goes alioilt ns fur iilrav fiom fuels and I nun the in lull eoiiilltliuis of ptesellt geneni llolis Iieiweeii the nget ol Iwelilv and lilnelv lis an oiling s( . nlNl could I nlltllve to gel. The Itld-CIV about "degi licnles" and "ilegnienic." III the burniiti niu Is no less untitle nml tin less stlllv, because sonic lent lied piofo.ssors laid' Il up The men ot this laud, busied (odiiv In Its inllltaiy, imviil. imiinieii Inl. agi It ullurat, gov itnnieritiil. illplnnnitlc, ediieatloniil, joliinnfl-tli. Ilteian. si leiitlllc, llt M'lithe, cyplmlng. and othet seivliis an. not Infcilni n Hiosp of 'ill or unv other genet atlmis. WV do not bollop ihnl tin' studPnts of T.elnnd Slanfoiri nnhcisltv. over which l'lcsldent .lor dau piosldcs. any mole than other Aiiietliiiiis or IhN ilav, "lull fdioit of tin men that should lime been." I.el hliiL IfinK at them ngnln and get lilt eelght ileal. The I'ltlsblllg Imsp ball club Is In lin-t lime, but Hie Plltsbilig antl (juii.lte sprm to link glngei. Ten Years Old. WlIIT.n ten yeais Is not a long time, ns measuring the life of The Tribune It has npPilheless suf liiid In witness: ntmieinus sti Iking de M'lopmcnts in local inutnallsm. Pei haps the most notcuoithy of these Is the bioariuiori ihiirp and impioved iiuillty of all the newspipeis of Sei an ion Ten eais ago theip was but one papei In the cltv whldi ieiejed and pi luted In tpp of its own setting the lomplele telegiaphle news icpoits of the Assoilated Piess. The othci pnpeis piinleil some oT the live who news nf the da and pidded out with twehc iioui -old plate mattei. Ten mm ii ,tM, the neiagp dnllv space gispn in i, uh pa pet to citv news iliil not ei eed thiee cnllimns. Not In lrnil"iith one icpoitei was ixpeited to eoM'i the local Held, it was a r.ue thing when mine thin two lepoiteis winked togetliei on 'Vential eit' news Tiie pnpeis of todnv all punt fmii and the times as much news, and in both loml and telegiaphle lipids hae double oi tieble the facilities tin u I'liiplojed. T. po-settlng machines and fast pi esses hae enabled the loi nl piiblislnis lo multiph mam fold the olume of nailing niittei, ns well as the lauge of (in illation and piompt ness of senile The lestilt Is that a leiolutlon has been wi ought in local loin niilNm. We llilnk it (.in justl be claimed foi 'I he Tilliiine that lis cntianie Into the mi anion Held was, the main lause of this impnnenipnt At bli Hi it pxcelled and It Ins led the pace pvpi slnie. The I I lini made ten mmis ago, thai then w is loom tin iinothei pipti, and that its iiiinliig would belli all tho icst, has bet n veilllpd. All the othci papeus aie bettt'i and stiongoi than thev weie when The Tiibune was stinted, and l he cNpeiltiunt hannled b its found cis bis passed thioiigh the usual li Issitudes of new enteuu Nes until to ilav it is peiiinnently and luoadly is tibllslud In public faor and contl- dl'llie. In honor of this, the lentil aiinhei sai. ol Tho Ti Hume's biith, we piesent todav to oiu icgulai subspi Hici s an Illustiatetl f-ouenit designed on some what novel lines and lontalnlng, In ad dition to a hlstmv and exposition of the papei and Its well-p(uipperi home, n muss of timely Infoi ni.Ulou about Hiianton. with ews of Us innio imlable public win Its, This handsome booklet w'll be convenient for the edu cation of ptople at a ilNtanic i mucin lug the niagnilh out nml pniiesshe llt.v ill vvlikli vc Hit. H m i.v be sent thnnigh tho malls al a postage iost of nl i cuts and etjn lopiesTnay he hnl at our nllli e tor twenty icnts apliie. It would be Inappiopihuc to urn illldc tills Mhoil notn iiiou mil lentil iiunlvi'isaij without eMendlng heait felt thanks to the many thousands of ft lends whoso steady puppoit and en couragement have helped to maktj The Tribune the suuisj, ti, it is. To these we promise Inei eased effott In tiie vail ous directions of public usefulness that aro open to a well-eonduited nevvs paperilite "PlgTi'tJng Hob" Hvaus i.s having dlf Acuity In coin inclng the public that the success ot L'uile Smiii in tho war wltli fpnln was enllieb due to the et foits of Giocr Cloxeliiu1 and William C, Whitney, Theie was a time when C'olonulo and, In especial mannei Dtnver, weto full of pi Ide over Senatot A. W. Tabor and all that he did foi state and city. Then lie came to tlnancial grief, and appiiently theie weie "none so pool to do lilm leveieiue." It is pleasant to lead In n lecent dispatch ttoni Colo rado Springs that " S. Stratton, tho Cilpide Cieck multl-inilllonalft inining king, has bought the advciae intctcMs in the Muu bless gold mine and pie scnted It to the destitute family of Hip Into Hciinlor A, W. Tabor. Tabor nine bpfilcndcit Sfiattnii when he wn) penniless, Tiie mine was once n big pioducer nml in tile Its owmr a mll lioniilte. Htntttoii will supciltiloud Its development, Soiialin Tabor i In lined to own the initio mill wns Illlgiitlug for possession when be riled" Thete me not so ninny Insiniicis of gntlltude Hint avails Itself ()f nppoitunlllps to liuiltc Itself piai'llenl but Hint each one known nniy well be leionleri for an CMIttlplt. The CniiiciiM loiiospoiulont who rie scilbes the splendid liiituial advitii- HIKt't III 01117110111 llllll lllllioilis; ilic "loiulv riot line of the cotliiliy frincp Illiinco was ovci lliiovv n llflien 5011s ugo, Is piobablv light In ilii'lailng Hint Velli'i'ili'lit'M bane s the tot 11 1 hick of ..a... ..ii.... ...... ...... .1 ...a.. MMii. (OK a lllllll Hill". t'lll'llltM . lilt' lllllll llr- piopi I11II1111 for the out 1 out llsent e.ir "for liistiiictlmi, liu lulling saliiiles finin Ilie nilnlsier of Institution down, was jr.fSOOOn 101 11 nation or L',411,000 people" t'ommeiit miikis Itself on such a stntc of Mlfnlis, The nlinoitni emclit iniirie Hint 11 Wnlei town faimer win th 'MOOOO'J n ictitlv uilveilNcd In a uiiitilinonl.il lout mil and soiuied a wife, 11111 v pos flblv be tiup, but we would not ari Ne glils lo wnste jiiistigo stamps In lopblng to advei llseinciits of till class a in tn w 01 lb slOO 000 does not lisuullv 1'ive to .iriveitlse for a wife. Ills Ilni" Is ge'ieially 1 01. smned In dodging ambitious mammas with nini 1 1 ig".ible ilaitghtPis, who ipsirie within a 1 aril us of one liunriird miles fiom his home. The ibanies ne that the man with $100 000 who arivntlses foi a wife will sttlUe his fall coues potulents for a loan If they ever get within speaking distance The public s bool childien of Allo glunv, It Is evident, hive been taught something about the i ommoiiwealth's gie.it men. Thev have stinted a move ment to elect .1 monument to Thaddeus Stpvens, "the Oieit Commonei ," who battkd with eriual lgni foi the estab lishment of the public school svstem In l'pnnsvlv iinla and foi the abolition of sl.ueiv in this lounlij. Thev hive asked pei mission, thiough .1 lommittco of the school bond, to ciect II in Ian castei, Tlinckleus Stevens' home. Mrs. Smith, of Wilki-Hiue, who has applied loi a ilivoiie lltn hiving been separated fiom hei husband for -'i 50.11s, evldcntlv mi.iiis business. She Ins had ample time to think it o er. This is the month when tho alumni pioves and oiihaids bieik into ,1111111 il bloom, sdp bj, side with the newly bianihing haplins and "the losebud gat den." SUMMER POEMS. , A Summer School. ttldlelf s it ill I ml tPiil-tiinl 111l 1. illn nil t.ic funis irouiil "I 1111 thinknM " sml u, "of t irtin 1 stliool, iiil I li. list h i tn nu ml a biuki 11 ink N to Kitp it fiom liriUuipr, I'm foiiml 'llu- lilitle nf ;ni witli n li'-olcil cut Will iln Mi 1 lip," soil In If ion I iki 1,1 1 il 1 110 1I1 11 vi 11 ill imt nlTi ml, llnl still llv In ti ssuiis mil li 1111I11.; .itli'n I, I Wollt lllM (0 list? It, Mill si.1 " Tlicn lie Uniilit llirui to vnilo wall 1 wide llllll pin, 1 11 nl fiom tin' Ifincs of llio trrp, Vml 1 Hi in-mil lliiiii.-, iinknmii lo nun li 1 11 111I11-' 1 nil win 11 1'n 1 ml win mil when (if Iln 1 nml', .mil Iln lintli mil tin Ins lit' tnifclit tliim to ci t 1 I111II ci lb '3 vinj, lo I mil up i violin Inl I1 nut, lo liith luni 1111I111H tow to pini;, To Bttfop pilli' lliptN ill till S14, Or alt. 1 1 In iv Iiiivvi 1. Win 11 Iln minimi dm Mt slid I mil iool Vml tin luni- ill 11 iul tn sin;. Hit wtioililf 1 1 -ul In- -inniiicr xcliool, Vn I (llll pupil- lifl Ilia tho stool tlicn.' in .1 I iln nn. ' ( , in luri milici siiinii!. The Pansy Ptincess. 1' til I 1 ml "lil .1- llu ,-uii . I nf Ih' Noilli, limn l'iii-i, UII vi lut tluiUn Iks lililc 111 tlici, llikt ilii 1111 upon i tlnie vvlicn knUlits went fotlli Ilic p imp nml splomlni of tli unlit to ou .' In II lilm,' 11 1 (- of .-Hill in I luni Ilic, Unl-l nun 1 iiittii oir 1111111111 wild ml i-l, llll nilliK-,- linn tin 11 nl Hull miiis ilioul'l fllll, 1 1n. ir 1,101113 lie Imt i-lics ot the in-t? ( li -p lo tin -iilo, ill flnto in lil 11k ml rhIiI, V 1 1 lis v w iiiini piniN line .till wuli tut, l!it limn luill 1 iln wlitn, 11111 ImIiI, Ik- uiiiil line with Iln' -milUil on In- luir; Vml ma In Mnliw, pili h - nic fiuil silnl, no iiliilp hii-i 1 1 iii lo Ilic tin A pious nun nllli pillid lips mil tiliiii, Vilio limn Inl lull llu ulilli. .-In. -ullis to 1 1 1. llll lll, 11 pl.'tll p.llltls- Of 1 1 10 lllV. II, III llll, II Willi I kill. Ill lit I I ln Oil- llml-, llii pili nun pi n, Willi i iwm i-l f in' mi I w ill, Willi' Ilium, li In I ii. 1-.-ll. llu Mlmi IhuiU. An) Is 11 inn lint nil im inu mnl lnu, Villi III till "llllll 111 I Wi llillllli.-.S if I)MH W In 11 Hiilinii- lint mm mill ,11111, will inno Mile innii nn 111 tliotuiiftil pin-i ilnitii. (llllllllu Nlll-, ill tilt' SUt ,Ht Wheie the Tom -Leaf Cloveis Glow. I know 1 1 1 II I' lliH' llll nllli il llkll -iil'l, Ami llu limn lid mil'. Iiin-t Willi Munv, Ami iluun innii rue 1II1 N the lunlimt nook, Win It' llu fom k i( tlouis ,IOW. Dm' It if U fi 1 In n, mil oiu 1, foi filth, n I 1 110 U for Imt, nui kniw; Vml (."'I piiU inollxr in HI link If ; oil until, .inn will llml wlinr llu, ion. Hut ,1111 liui-t lull' Inlf, mil Jon luiitt, line fiilli, inii-l I no nui Ic slion -ind o, If tui woik, If ion will, ,miii win. llml the pl-ii'i WI nf llu I in li if ilmii'. -tow llll lllt,lii-'in, in llu Union i r 111.-1 1 ij t. In the Henit of the Woods. Snih li'iutilul tliln. ill llu luni of tin wniiU lli.Uls nml luni, nut Hie kill Klicil 11103,1 Sink U H' of tho hint-, In llu -olilulis U In 11 hi wlfl wmn) liiiu, mul tin' tin .S Int., spun ol ilinti, iwrpt with s t g, U likh 11 1I1 1 l.i In 11s Imt tho llml .1I101 c; sp-us while nini nl 1 11 .11 111 os lliinn,', Miniilii-' thriii Ums In Iln fiiiiilin I010. snih mMj ml pcjto in tliu lie nt of I ho wood., i.iv fnuii the tin's iiu'i 1111 1 im White pisslin nor lnlo of nun Intiuks, Nor f.i-liii'ii tun f 1II.1 lus tiitunl 111 Uitpir vtini Imiitir'ii trail hull nif, (iliminrn tliu linn ulii'io ho wild il-cr drink, Vml b'jilos mul fuc t ninn the gentle f.mn lo look al lurxlf o'i'i the ura.-i luink, Marcant U. fcan,slcr. Otiflin? Stiidies ' of Hiirnan NaKire Two Stoilos by Joe JefEeisoti. .Ill' tl IV. 1CU W.U Kklll Willi 'll' lOIIAlllciltl llnl liin'l nllllKlliu 1 pi iliiiic n lil Mim tirur, imlli iiliib In limit 1 lion wllli lil liiiu'ii! "Itlp V 111 Wllikli " 'Tin' imimI nmiHii 1 llu I hnl lolinrrlnl Willi tlil pin " lie salil, "w i tin h nipt it 11 liHii limn 1 kIIIiii In 1 .null t wn wlirri' wi hnl pli'.iil llu liluht IiiTiii Ih' -liil Ijt I111I in Jul nl llu pciliiiiiiiuc wn nini h, 'mnl wmiil nit line inlvitl 11 fir withlng In Ihc wot Id. II lulsht If iiuii'inl, hi ntlil, fm a nil iiiki r lilt lilm In Willi his tb inks In 111 ill'tilisulh(il III iidoi -tliim' ,irc ,, wniiN, imt mini -In up ptiilitioii if llu hiiiiIm mil tins if 11 wliol' 0V1 lilm; Imt llnl, wlulo lu wis llinitiiinhh ill-llilili.ini In Hi limn r, 1 1' fill mult 1 in ilillit ilinti, llnl wiuilil lliit in mill -nini 1 pim Hull lllll Mil'li tl llllll III Mil llM'H he hnl II' ithdl ns m uuilllii 'I mi mi liiMiilnr" hi' wtilc, 'of 1 pilinl ipilni; Inl ml I woiihl llli' In Mini 1 III till' if tin 11 Inl. is 1 pit 'I nl, ill I woiihl a-l. if loll Is jnl -ilnph. win u llll wile up in 1 in. iinh in, nui win) I so iiiii Mill Willi Itl'l hill fill .11 lllll If lllll lllll llllll -liipiln: im 1 no of llinil, piltut -pi In. Iiuls " Hill li fir llu rui nl. -t i"iliiiii if his i nl iff., wn fm 11 1-1 1 in tin nn w t 11. nui'', with whom Vli IiiIiimii wis -linlii Ilie iw I iml mil ilriull if 1 up nti,lit t 1111N Vlr Min imi Inn 1 In lie iillnl out In mill' 1 epi (h hlnii' (hi dill iln Hue 11IU1I, III I t tiliiii 1 Ih ill 1 ill, he wus 1 ilhil 1 nt, iml mid "liiliis mnl Ci lit li 1111 11 It is In im tint I owe .ill th' -U"i-i I Inn ill iiniil In no pn fi I'll II wis llio 1 irl 1 tiiniirui mini lint I nulled lull' tlnl pnuiptiil 111c tn n ill with nn iriifi.--l ni il walk I v i line 1 h , I I now inn ill. I n mcnli' inn ill; wi know 1 uh nl lit r nui 1 1 111 iuer foirt Hi' 1 inline-- llnl Im- li nn iluiwiiiil upon me hi llu- im pit ul II iilf.inl " "V luni In Ilie imlli nu -hotilc I: "fills Is S'iw lliiiii. Vli I Ion 1110 " 'It thus Iiihooiis nn 11(01," tin Vlr hllii' on, lit ttlllii-' llio -Inn, "nol In ho pnpirul In Ins -pi.ih Imt piilli will -lll-luil In whit pint hi is .Htina,' SiKti vs. Gillie and Eail. 'I ho Till nf ( uli-'ii is 1 Mlp Hlino inline ml-t'iriil 11111I n ton of Hit 0I1I m llml, Ik i is lull is Cioi-iii., ml riutlonm in in. tliln.' No (lie iili-linii- his iliillli, iml ion si In ilih ivpnliiiip of pulilit life Ins nude hint 11 ins h h eviltisiM' ml lim.lih thin ho 11-1 il lo he s-iiin inn H.O, when li m 1011114 mil iiuon-iilii ilni , hi -putt 1 tiw Hits ll-hiti 111 tin Iwinl Hi hnl 1- hi- Initiiini in iniliis-i ihi tn the cmut of Mil,; Smin il, I1111011-II-I11 1111 111 kniwu 1- l: ilml if Inn- iil iniit 111 ih 1-1 mil llnl (en 1 i mini nil liw is nidi iiu like -uili m iiittittit 1- 1 Iwtul h-hi 1111 in mlhe In llu fiilli - oh 1I11I1- nil h ids mil 11.1t il. 1I1I ii - nte iliit iimpiiiil with 1 ;. i.l h-li tin 111 li 1 1 1 1 t f I nu- w is 1 1 111101 is 1 h n id 1 r. ml is jiullli in li p. 11 li nt 1- nilnieil piiiiJ-'e i in in iki 'im Ih hnl Inwisl tin I ill nf ( ul' i;m to 1 ilinui nol hi the run, im) Cul J 111 Imiii to li-h I'n-iiilb llu nohli eirl ilnw Fmni Ins pntki I in eiiu-ite tl i-k of ibei ilni pol !, took 1 pull it it, it pi 11 nl Iln stopptr iml -lip I nil the II i-k link lulu Ins pnikit without if It 1 nu the Knit If. In it 1 -ip HoluL's luow ft It, Iml he G ml liuiiim.' Ill llu nni-e tl lull m horn Cull-in 11 poitttl llu n 1 1 1 1 ion Whin the lli-k 1 suoi.il tiim ilisippi nctl, Ihc tl-lieiiuin 1 i-pcil the oir- nml hn.111 lu-lih In pull fir the -hoie llu ( irl, who Iml Inn II1111-; ilown In the soil 1I1 ni 111s- it the ,-lul, turned In his silln' ml i-kul "Willi in tin tlmnilcr ne miii i1iiii" Honing i-hoii," nillli in-weriil tin su,ts mm "V-hoit" Wlnr' uupiiiiil the 11 hUnim 'Will, nu luni,' -ul liilut "t 111 inn lint 1111 think wlui-kti ln him-tl 1 in ll-li loi fu-li In liun-el' " Ih hi it sot Ini think s iliml i lulling 1'n-t. Haider to Say No Than Yes. lint lit wis 1 1110-t oxdiipl in niun mm nu) in enri wo wi itln of tht fiior tf tn woiniii wlirm lu ini-ht -etk 111 lninii-c tin ic wis no ihnntu. hut In wus slow en some points of riiipiiMil iffertiou itnl tie iinnliil In hi shikeiiup 1 hit lie w 1-foun i ci ili-( iis-uu ou oh -'nil nui mm I iiiitioiN, iml 1 nei -tntnl en hi- liilln In 1 .mil -innii le In nini in in otlur iliriilioii Hi Iml In in tpule tlmleil in Ills itttnlious to t ne inmi; wouiiti fn 1 iiiiuh 1- -tv nu nth-, lut she Iml him untitle to hruu hint to hi- iu 1- tltiii-li ilie w 1- willlti!; to ii'iifisi tlnl shi hnl hinl npildlh tn 1I1 mi (11 ci mse Jo hnl iliin it 111 the ililitite wi- witn u line m tho e until!-, hut what 111 III (llnl w is 1 tlllh nt 1 -Melt wlnli in In wn lllllll-' 1- 11-111I, inl is 11-u il In w 1- iniiii tin.; Miitiutiiit fir -01111 tiling lint (nli milt 1 ul tliei ihi time he w 1- 1111 1 1I11111; nu llu iimpt ilion.- nl life 111 1 the 1 loiicm s-1 1 p oph to lull without linknu' Ihc pupil ill.ul i-miii-1 Hum 111 whit (11 r foini llu lniulit i pi it "llnwiui," ho -ml in iuiiiIu-101 ili-plinu I tonmuiiilihle -put if ihtiitv loi tin wi ik, "It is i nrj ilithnilt thin,; fm ain one to -1) '.No ' " line 111, 111 1111. . il.. I (hiiui fu In r ' Vml inni(r-(li," -h' rt-p 11 Inl -liwit, -n In iiiihl t;ii the full fun uf it, "il .-h mill I I t 1 v t 1-1 ft dn tn hit v. - " Ho looknl hir i-luMit 111 Hie (us it li-t, 111 1 1 liu-li fi II up m Ih -mil "I tun nui," In In-il iiul ' Mi-- Kill, 1111 I t ihuiiip " 'It is Mi.i il 1II11 1 ill Im in' lo -n 'No'" she -1I1I, witli 1 pnin Utile -null, nml lidr slic ft mnl It ipiiti 1 i-j to tij "Vis' W t-h-in-toii 1 t ir. A Decision for the "Octopus." Ileun II I I ul. mil I 'Vli illh 1- I 1 111 iiKinwi illh" nnl "V l .mini v Willi ut siiikt-," I1II111- lie kniw- wl it 11 1- to ti-li Ihi 111111 if lib, nlii.- llu Mlimlu l. iiiiu- l'i -1 Hi file Ins Mil Inl liip-hnl hi- tnilt-i tntll-( M', llniil Iiul iililiu'l 1'n iiiletuill mil 11 put ill m 1- one if llu '1 -t Intt lli-iut 1111 I iniiiliu 11 will. is nriiu-t tiiii-l- ,iiul impolite niuhiui linn In Vuiiiit 1, VI hi 11.I1 1 iiiiii n weillli ml the lu-htst - till -llii'llli-. In Inl .ipplitii his 11I1 mini hlit- of -niil 1I1 111 .11111 in ,1 is own Inn. h, inn to llu rMtul it litilii-' the 1 .111-. hill MiimU i-ii it Hi,. 1 miili tilili li llllll in the pou" nf 1 u 11. i, in, t 1 wmpli In iliipi the I lit ni hi- - n's iiiiiul wis iinfillii. Ill-', ml hi till llnl the m'iiuIiii nf the n1111-" iiiiii'- iltws w 11I1I lie llu inlui il iml in. vllll'le 11. -ill I ni In- In me iiilluinn- Whin Iho -nn wis i pnin liil)-- die tl lllllll it mil nf his lolh. 1 itntii lil- lillu w rm 1' him in iililn. Il In hnl il t11111lu.il whit iiiiii he wnuhl 1 111 -im ilni Ins uiiilintli.il 'llio 1 iiiiii; hi m's npli w 1- luni. Imt it tiulil mt hue lnni.il Vli I lu,i I 111011 piofiimiilli hnl 11 hui puts loni. He whole initio wjs, ili.pn.c I of in llio .-Inipli' 1.1 ittimut; "Id lilo lo htiiino the illeiiitj for 1 lik; lOtptll illon " 'ihli Is nnqiii-liotnlili tho liinkst hit lint Mr, 1 li'itl nn iiuluil. Enckcd Power of Exptession, V 1 null I lie f n lh po.lll m uf ti 1 li 1 in 1 Niw II inp-liiio ilisuM nli. ml w 1- luni -uili li I n is lit 111 .-pillln-, iinnliil ml moli 111I11., ail it wh'wiiIi 1 it iliin 'ni ill Hnl ilie It anium tllllltll In tlic -ii'inl of K".iipl'i "Willi Is I llll IJO'" I I ll.k Intllli i llll.-ii'H ll I ll.'l.'lll lllllll l ull'lt Jl' lllallllllimi ipklli- "Will, It'll nut wcl," liplinl llio tiiilnlde, willi llu' lone ul nic wlin Iiul imispiilnlK I inl ui 111 Militi .ml l-iinlllii moun I "In wlnt nt of Ihc wi-t " piisi-lul (lie liuilli-s iNJinlm. "Will, nui,' ni'l llu intiii-- nun, wlili an in. uili us Imt ll. il in." -mill, 'I know where .ilioiin In Iho tin 11 1 Im i.-.i ii, jii't n will us .imluih, I inihl -.1 1 iulit lluri' it I lu I ! tiiktl, hut I hnni't pit the lliw of lan-unri' ti inile il ih Hi tint' the mil double." I'ltU lui? Ih-l itih. Crushed tho Belle, 'ihc I'iiiue nf W.1I14 un li nitluu iw tll ui 1 oiu luni-, iml when lie bii't In the nmoil for liiiilnin; i'lia-..nlilin lie will not lake Hum cwii fiom $oiiel licjutiis. Iloirnllv at J lukC larnr tho iriuie, In lug (iml, inlcicil lite ie-fn.-liinont room iml askid .1 111U111 will known mlil lieiul), who was peifounin the lolc ot wjllic.s, fr 4 tup ot lia. 'Ilila w 13 oon I'loujlit to Ills to j liit.liiu., who, sinllini,-, a -kid her how iniiili Iw owed lur ior It. .. I l.rt i,,l,n ..I ll.r. m. it ti-.i. mill inul inch. !'- I'.tvv V. ...V -- - ---. rf--. .--. -.- . icsj', U lull -t irowu ordliunl, but (.tiiktus a I s I f limn the leu up), when I tltlnk fiom It the irlu' In one jriilnri " "I mp," irpliul Ihc pi ilni, iiilclli pliilim 1 Hiiliifi tin Ilie Inlili. Hun pin Iln; hill 11 mm 11 lushle It, he slid' "Ilie 1.11I11111 llipihlllt's Inl lint ilrht, unit How lulslil I llilhli' 1011 111 liilln; 1111 nil iinlltii 1 tup nf li ii is I im tliitMl Ihc -utlill In lllll wis tin iniduil In I1II14 his lo.iul highlit-! Ilie snninl nip -Niw Vofk I'ip. A Child's Sympathy. tltlle lrl of n or (I veil, with hie Mil lies tint it'll- lull ut (i.il, nml' tn II. Hull" lln.pllil, Ntw ink llu nihil tin s , p lint 1 (it 111 Im nini' 1 lie ill hnl hi 'It wnutiiltil In. n ntliet til. in I iiiii' tin wis hullv 111,1 nsUil. Vl tin (.lie Ilie ultl InM Tnni, Hit hk ptliii' mm, II il Hie 1 it wus hint. "I w ml 1 ilnrliir In litlp It' ' -In silil luni Im k Im In Iho iriiblng winl, ivluie tin to wis 1 il. i lor witn Iiul inlhilu i'si I" tin "Win's 1 iii-i. iln." ihl Ilie pnlltiniili "I 1 1 ti t n -" Hie tlnl Inl lin. in I hen lie siw the will's tics "Id lut sn," he i m. llllll il. "Piilli Iiiii," wis the titbit's umnietil Hun li u' t mini kiiins, 1 Utile I'.illli nf f I1l11r11r.11 111 nut Mime I nulim "Von luiist In Ip 1111 ." he Kiht In Hie I'll I she liilnl hi 1Mb. HiiiiikIi ll lilitle In r vtn pili tn sie Iho -liirp I iiiii'- iinipnlnlliij the hu In n fiw luiimlis ii wn nil iki, nml the 1 it ins pnlli letmriliiR fmni fir 111 u.tllii Hi 'Now miii inn like lour Llttt lirnii Willi VO'i," tin tloilol "llll. "It nln'l lliiiii," (tin i -ilii "I tics I. mini II, Now no like 1 111 uf It. I) ml In " Ilie I iillrnnin mil Ihi tlnilir in nil lues it null rllm, then Milt Hie ill to the "oifoU for t.ie 1'reMi'tiiii nf t'liullj to Anlmil Ic-lle's Wed b. An Old Fiiend in a New Diess. Mill, 1111 ilrnr ilui.hlri!" (In 11 tit lit till nf nl, "Mil sliiiulil nut he lii-htiitnl nml run lii'm Hie 1,-011 Don't vim kniw ou ire 1 Clili-lijn SLlnill-U" "Hut, muniiii," I'Mltiilb, 'Hie hilly gnat ilii-n't know It." H ilnetl Vtolheihnoil. TWO EMPRESSES. iclor smlili, in New tith 1'iess An Vim iii in 'nvrler win Ins spent it It i-l twiuli miis in Hit Oihnt letintli i:ne n lniilnitlil tilk tn Die miiulnis nl the Vlttj; llnu-e illh in tie stihjet 1 ot "Worn in', Huh " Vlltr pi vinit Ins it iits lo the I lie (111 1 11 nf l.ncl iiul mil I mpii-s of Imlii, nf whnni (he whole woihl is Mlppn-itl In know 1 Mi It tlnl, lu Mill "Wi Iiul in ill' 1 tint Ilie 111 t 111 lit st w 0111 in in Hie militi-' wis Hit I nipi ps of (him I-11 II-I. Hie will, m nf I'mptioi Hi. 11 Ions: Hut tlnl ohl lull ippi us to line Mint -lib to pines sine llu In L.-iniiiii.- of llu tioiihh- witli tin li'icun liLlImn-' llu imliieiue is di ul Hut the 011I -lie wothl ktinws uolliin ot I nipie-s lliiuki, Hie niiiil lulu of lipm 1 woinin of w nnil. 1 fill ihieints-, 1 nlii.-lipniiii lil nml -Iruiltli nt ilnr old VII ntilil Ini Ijpin's nib iiutmtnl is Linn tn Vliil-uhilii, llu' (iiipirni, hut .n 1 tintlii of fit I Ins wife like- the Inil ill llllils nf stile, iml is ilniileilb IJie Idler Inlf of the two UMkts her liu-lund i(ld to lici -upetioi inttlli 1-1 1 1 e mil lutlueiuf lo lur m tie tluin inline tl-e Itlon.-t Ilie 1 11 iltt tf Hie 1 vli iniiliiiuilv ripul piu-ii-s ol lipm in tin pilli 1 I wt-tein 1 iiiliilh 11 I Hunk Hit mlkiilu, 'Ilie llouni ilile (.Hi," I t,ooil iliin fellow, louidhim; uf 1 t dar. He is two Mars lomij'r linn 11 iruko " A CHILDREN'S OFFERING. In ill (lie epie ions if fieltii-' eilleil (nth In llu il. itli of l)iii .'it Vulnin, fiw Iliin-'- weie moli tout im Iliin tlic lioiiu-t tf Ilie pin r V wietlli if iiolel- mil pink .iiituimis. lutl with 1 putple iihliou. wis plunl 111 tlic ilnl-lei at W iml-or, hi uiiu this in-f il turn 'Our Den IJimi V lliunlile (llcmu limn Iwenti -is (Inl then 111 soutliwiil, I onilon " Hie twcnlv -k 1 unci tie m-iiiheil 111 tlulli-h wiitni-- on Hi. lcei-e side of the tani ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords Low In cut. T.ow In ptke. High lu quiilitv. Ladles' fiom 73c. up. Gen tlemen's fiom $l.L'o up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. Gil 325-327 Penn Avenue, P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor, 319 Lackawanna Avenue, Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex Mrfclnli vc anil Ihaih, Atlantic City, N J Sixth JUL 'U Iraiuilwl looms enstiili, itulo ami Willi luili, hot ami 10M kj iwtir laihs in hotil anil umie 1 iiiatlon eleit ami initial, wllhin few auls of Ihu trel Pi Oulie.tu ...r -.1.1 k..rl.... ...I.-, si to lj lie link. uui.a ei'iii.i ..... ..-, T- - -- - a ---.., J W up l.j ilai Sspiilal ratis to famdus. Coailits meet all traiiK. wine '" jjYg r LQn: HOTEL OSBORNE, Ulanllc (llv, K I " nature from bcaeh N l w 75 room a limn. Modern appointments. Un-cxis-Hctt wrilie HatfJ, by the Jay, l.W and up waid. B.v tho week, iisi anil uuward laiui'v, iW. 11 J. ObtOlUC. Mk s m THE ORIENTAL. Pottery If 1011 wldi nun wrtlllii Bill to ho illllrrent limn Hie miuiiiI tun nl null nffilii.s md it llm -im, nini of inn lei lite nnl, (lilinl ll Poller will liiliust nil ll nines In 1 Inje vuhh nf uithpi'' nrielnil, lirh 1 In it Iiiim, whlit nl mhrs mnl tlniii tliim t.li k mnl while or Iniwn mnl 11 111, with 1 imiih if l.iv, I'lVM It ll lllllll! tl thlnl ness, 1. lllll lo llnnl wo.il, nl Ins Him nf a, , t Wi- in .11 lu.ln ik iins In this w ne. As tn I 1 It en V lltlsl I VII of llinnn ihi mil I'iiIIiiv, full of leitit; 11 ml vnlu" $1.25 Gruerver 6 Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. U J FHK NFAVHST STYLES. THh LOWEST PRICUS. 412 SPRUCE STREET. Have you tiled oui Special 10c Linen Collnis? We have them in all the latest shapes I! OF SCRAHTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,03). United States Depositary. Special attention giveu to 15USIXKSS, PKRSOXAI. atld SAV IXGS accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Conniii, President Hlnrv Bii.iv, Ju., Vice Pres. Wm. 1 1. Pi ck, Cashier. Binghamlm Pri vat) Training Schoo for niiioii-, llnl. iml .iml Hcif Mu( llnl ilieu VI innii 1 1 uiiiii-r, I'hi-it il I nil un . Ntnlkwi ih, Mu-.li , Kin If ii. nun Viluii t Hon Open Jin luiunl I mnl it I'lin. iiKultiite s V lllllll 1 I'l I I 'J 1 IIIIILW VlLlltl'' IN II ni i i i idiMyjm SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEAUZRS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISF ACTORILY. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND bCALP TREATMENT ,,.. ...... ii .,,.. .......,, ui'in iiiiiiiiiiii. - j lluil-ilai uui Mluiihii iiiniii.-i PETER STIPP. Oenenl (inliuliir Iln hi r .llnl P ih r n Uulhliui; -lone i iiiinlii, ul nll.u- i n. 1 1 ilU. lilt pin us i' Ofltie, VI i I in t n nu n ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFrC. ti. ou&tirn tijc-1 i s.u. rrjr 311 I n 1 1 mm in I u m in fi u i ! Wire Nr in- if ill I nil f l t i I i the Kuln.' n i nn IW l in l.i ill l,i 1 1. (pull pi rn ii- ' ii . WALTER E. DAVIS, 314, S1G, 2Q PAULI BLOG, Attoiney-nt-X.aw, Scmuton, Tn. i ScRANroM Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVPNUC. Calls ly tcliihoiu re mo m impl au.nlim I WILSON iC WASBERS, i jLauiiiTy auiLDina a savings union, II me ill e, 20- 'ill VI ai l!uiniiu I in .u i i t 11(111 I tnni ii mi in I i , ll. v. HlliUil ui I llu l-lale i f I'u ii-th nui FARRELL S TRANSFER Jlou's 1 ui.Jil, I tiinil ii iiil Hi.;sje, Sifus l'uiiui jul Vlatlui iij, 2(7 LACKAVANNA AVS, H. S, TWINING, iai Pe n ave. FRED H, WINTER, 824 CAPOUSE AVENUE, Maple firm rlrs ami 1'iovisloni V full linu of Vegetable., iti , intiietl ilailj. M F. WYMtlS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 111.' J41.i.oii htiect Zli Wjoiniu; Vve, I'alU tiy Ivlfphoiic Itiunc I'lompt Vltuiiion SPECTACLES. j MADE ND REPAIRED. "THAT'S ALL," FINLEY'S June Sale of Underwear The magnitude of our An nual Summer vSale of Muslin Underwear, and the great importance generally attach ed to it, prompts us to make an unusual effort this year to surpass all former at tempts to please. The quality of Underwear we handle is so well known that further comment is un necessary, except to say that there is that exquisite fine ness, superior finish and qual ity shown throughout the en tire line that has made this department so popular. Tho sort that "contributes dainty dressiness to any costume and that harmonizes with tho thin fluffy dress materials of today. 1 We feel quite satisfied that our effort to please you will receive a very generous re sponse. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to come and ex amine our exhibit of Summer Underwear at 510512 Lackawanna Ave A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of .Gut Glass, ferling Silverware locls, Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. op At F?TATIr ! A. C J M, I i- I AND INSURANCE Iflii.n.iiinif.i I mini 1I..U..H. Imitv 11 u.M ;,r I,,,,,,,, lollni Hem, 1 ol, Eh, iu l.uniili ami llml line- Vtici mt WILLIAM G. LOOM IS, 11 oui3 I ami a Hull' Duilthu; ALEX. HAY, H3ue,sia-,itja decorative PAINTER Mmnnipi uMMii wjwi rumwiil r 1 LTilnunriri ( 'he: home supply co. p tnl- fun ur im i Im r nnl il tor t'ovcriiui i ii . i-h it ii ih prmi n ? 7'.J IV LACKAWnNN AVT , SCR IrVTOM JAMCS J. MURRAY i . i i i 11 Hunt i 1 1 II ( i , In - i in il m ik in i i militi ll ( iitu i. i - i i it I - l it il 111 W Hi A ill I ' I i ' i U1I14 n III m-namn MLANE, UFr, wenzel 222 ADAMS AVE, Eastsr Millinery Piiiilril I'lumhers I mi- .nnl (ii.tli I till 11 11 ti i "-JH- iiiiii h?iunii? I i inpili d ne nn Viiin aie, beuu lllll IVi-SOftf iJ COiAP-NY. a-, ni il le In I. n U ''! ,","1,l nmblinB), 'hiiui bli i N i ml ni. l'i .Suits pie-seil, .."...it. inn. p ' I'l'Jiii' I'li'tlnns re ,jin, i liU.I for jhI ilillifinl New t'lione. A.)j J. B. WOOLSEY dg CO COV7"?lCTO?S AND BUILDERS. l)caler$ In J Plate Glass and Lumber I ' OP ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton, Hanufaiturcrs' Ai,cntl MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Dislrlit Atents. for John llm Mm.:' 'l" (-'u w'r nP nl lleitiual Wire tjulta 1'itchi ani Itubber 5lff. Co 'i llcltiiix, I'aiUnip, llonq ani Ucihiniial Huhher (! oij. hiiowlton l'aekini; Carter's (lit llolhiii-- 'oom Jl" ''"" Bli? Muslin