The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    iiKKr-imrB.ixeGr -swn' v mar-'" o'svifr r&$z
a. -
7 V
TJ''- ?'' iWi-fMV'''' 'sff,!:-A' ." "' ' V ijrtrvrfymv ' v'-i" l fffWpfpi&y; 'T-'WTSFfS!r,
The World of Sport.
ANOTHI.U Si'imitnii lioy loioKcd
.sljjnnl honor on tlio Imse ball
llfld Monday, when Hoy Hcott,
(if IIiIh dty, ns ploftod riiiitiiln
ot the AVjujiiiIiik Hciiiliiiny team
for next scasmi. lilt election Is n
l.onular ono with nil the semlimrlmm,
an his unik litis boon nt 1111 Al tnnit.
ritott was fotincrlv a jnoniliiPiit
member of tin- Sllilwi' team of this
dty, but enltied the seminal y In IS'io.
lie made the oiillU'M on the team his
ilMt M-iir and iIuiImr this .season
played fi Pidi'iirtld thlnl lmi'. n
IlilllK alw.ivs pill a Rood team Into Iho
Held, and theiefoie ll Is nunc than a
little dlstlneUon to he chosen lo pilot
' Ha destlnlcM.
Base Ball.
Amciican Lenguc.
U lltel'im- II 'I I!
CIiIih. 1 n a I n ii o o 1 - .! " J
tldttnt I I (Ml III II 0 ' 1 'I '
llitlrilii (.'illiilnii iimiI Nuilm, iuli ii in I
KliliLLnni3it Linpiit Minikin
U I'lillulrlplili- I! II I.
( lirl.niil J 0 ll II ii 1 a a n- I 'i r
l'liiiiiUipiiii n i i mi j mi -- i r :
llillilio- -ll.nt mil Wimil, Iiimi ami l'imii
t inplit L mlllli n
.t niiiimciK - ii ii r
jllltt nitii- i ii n ii ii ii i I l- i ll l
IllllillllllP I ii "i I .' nil 1 - ) 11. I
I'. lllmi-- II i-lhi,. mil Milnin, liienini mil
JColiii-un. I nipius luiitliti ml ( onnnllj
U Wivlilnstnii I! II I'
V itliiiiutori I II 0 (I ll I a II J - 7 11 '
prtinil U II ll ii ll ll J n ll - J I
Milluii I'iIIiiii ixl t.iiilv, vnur mil lliii'
low. I input llili II
Nationnl Lengue.
U Ilinil-(l ll't (.11111 ) II ii r
(lilllpi Ill I 11(11111(10- j .' -'
llo-ton (I o n j II o l I ' ii 7 "i
lliltniin-Minifn ml hilm, Willi-, ml 1m.
n.ilc. Liiiiiii- . ih
iti ml J.TIMC II II I
( lut ii 1 ii I ii (i ii n (I 1 - I. III
II iMon .... a ii ii ii ii . : 1 7 i '
H ill 1 1 ic-4 I iv'ii .mil llmrr 1 iunn mil K it
di'Ui'. Unpin -h
l I'liil.ilililin- II II I
M I nlll . 1 II I II II ' II (I i - I. II
I'llll lilllplll I . II II II II J II II ll II i 'I 1
nuiciui Ii in mil NrIiiiN, II ii ilitti .iim
Mtlrirlml. Unpin. Lin-lic
U llinikhn- It II 1
iiK.mii ill 0 I n n ' n 1 I (I - u I" 1
llrmikliii . .. . I ' 1 I 1 ll 1 0 "-in 1
It ittiiics Plnllip- uhI tidcn, Mt ) itnei mil
Vtl.uiie. Iniplii limn
At ow Vik I! II 1
I'lit-lniH,- . . , x1 I ' " a il (l " i " Ml
Nr A ink . . I il ii ii il I n ii i 7 I
II itlcii s I nun lull mil mmii i , I civil mil
O ( i nnm , Mitllitu on. I.iuiinim ml Mnnli
I mpiif 1 ll'i l.iniL i illui mi in. mil if
Eastein Lengue.
I mud. in.- I ll. ui,lii, ii
II nlfuiil, 2, mi iui( , '
llOtllfttl II lllllllln I
liMOlltO Ml lllll ll, II. ,IIIH, Mill.
THAT iV I.OlMh loam I- ii'it.iuih
ii (.nun i, .mil now that I'ltiutini
Donovan and his nod men 1 1 in
h.ive si. u led i limhiliK thi'ie Is Utile
iluiilit hut that the will i Diillmic to
Keep ihmi the head ot the pnni'sslou
And theic Isn't ,in (.nthh ii.isnn
why thp team shouldn't It is min
posed ol a lilim ll ol the luaU"-i slut;
seis in the inuiiliv, who an', In addi
tion, ,i iiiieiie of last lluldtis and e
i client base i Illinois. Takp that out
Held, for install! i'. .lesso Hut Kelt,
Suanlo'i's oil pit'hei, Ihnmett Hei
di k 1c and I'.it J)iiiioan Heidi UK
loads tlie leauo up to dale with , Ids,
and it hasn't been li famy hunting1,
nianv bases on balls m hoiuf, hit In
the jiHi'lio! he has e.i'ned that eeel
lont aoi,tRo. lie lias lit en IuIiir the
hall out with mlRlit anil iRoi inei
same, and has Ratlieiid a duster of
etl,i base sliots illlii ll put him at the
head of Hie Ion,; distance batsmen ni
the Ilmruo, wliieli is no small mattei,
hen one lotlnts that IMwaid Deie
hnntv is sini eiv iniuli alie and
llonus V.iRiier and his lltll" willow
tue et with Plttsbuih".
As an instant e ot the wa that ham
hits, look at buudu.N's name with
Jhooklvn, wiieu Padileu, llmkett and
HeUiiidv "iirh Rot loin hits-, the doz
en indlldliiR ilnee doubles and a
tiiple. Tlie team Isn't pai tli ulaily
tak In tlie bo, olllni, and National
leaRlie base ball wiileis .tie biviuuliiR
lo count in the Westi'iueis as .stionR
possibilities lor i lii pennant.
nill CoiirIiIIii, of this dtv, (Oiitiuues
his tlno wotk on ihiid lor Washington,
and diuhiR the last twenty-four
Raines has batted over ,'iio. A Iihro
numlier of etia base Miiasiiih aie in
duded In his lolleitioii of s.itiities,
.Too, who plaed .so wiott li
ly lor the Philadelphia National le.iRUe
lit second base, s iIoIiir Rood woil; loi
Hie Atliletles at Mum Held, and is also
ocdihlonally ReuluR in a timely diho
tliat means u lew i uns.
Haiper, of Kt, Louis, appeals In lie
ono ot tile llllds ol the .season, Ho s
vliiniuK: riiiuph with a tieiiueiuj
which is ustouudliiR, and his woik Is
heiiUiiq a hlsr hit with the ,St, Louis
J'hjle, wlio was ono of tht iirri ('Ra
tion of playern tliat riiieiiRo traded to
New" York lor Jut I; Pojle.woiki'd luuil
Sunday to luako tho Windy C'ltjlte.s
jcalUo what a Rood UiIiir tliey had
lost when they let lilm depait. In
fouiteen lnnliiRs lie only allowed four
of tlio Chicago ins to uiako the dieult,
hut at tliat ho tnuldn'i win, as the
Giants fielded pooily and hatted
,-eakly, and could only koio four
Wliot'h heroine of Ulllsaii0 Tho
Rood looHliiR jouiiRstel wlio pltehcnl
for Scrnutoii last .seasun, stinted this
year with'.s Atiilotlis, iwul waa
used as an enieisomj twliler In u
number of Instances, after which lio
illsappcaicd tiom tho popular view,
Gluiaty Matthew ton's phenomenal
winning stieuk has been hioken, and
ciltlcs all along the lino aie now be
ginning to Indulge in Melons little pci.
sldagoa about ".Mauser Ball Slut," us a.
gushing New York scribe dubbed the
Kactoiyvllle boy, "Jlatthewson, pitcher
and chronicler of base ball," is the
gently sarcastic manner In which the
New Yojk Sun iriun iecognles tlie
pitcher's comments on each game,
which apepar In one of the Hun's dally
contemporaries, and Clioiles Dryden, of
the North American, ferociously sneei.s
at articles "about the kind of soup to
cut before pitching a shut-out game."
Matthew son's recent bieukdown was
only to be expected, after tho teniae
vitching with which lie hud to sti.iin
himself to win hl.i eight Htrnlght. When
a team with disheartening frequency
liuikes one, two or thtce inns n gntiic
hehlinl a joiiiir plleher It In only nat
in al to Mtippose that ho will have lo
plteh for all thut'n In him to innke nnv
soil of n allowing. It won't ho long
befoie Mntthewsou will lime sliutk
his pace iiruIii.
Hunk Plunk, the south-paw from
OettysbuiR tolloRe, who Is twill
ing for the Athletics, In doing iiiag
nllhent woik, and Phlladelphlii hasp
hall w i Item nie- claiming In him
the (hid of the Wlnteti, another
l!etlsbiiig eolleglnn, Is the latest stu
dent player to he added to the elassle
lostei of the Bostons,
l.ufole tontlne.s to play Ills gieat
lleldlng gaiiio lor the Atliletles, and
while not hitting so hcavllv ns at the
beginning of the season, still manages
In i.iusf a big lump to ilse in (lie
tlno.its ol Ametlean league twlileis
when he looms up at the plate.
.Iiuk Dunn, of this city, hasn't hi en
pltihliig paitlciilaily well for Hnltl
inoie this season, but lias demon
siiated his Millie as a utility man hv
hl emeiReney woik at slum Held. In
Moudaj's Ranie lie took nine out ol ten
chances and made ,i Ihice-base hit In
SOMiri'IllXO over a enr ago the
i ominlssloiipis of Heaei (oiiutj
Peiinslaiiia, at the eat nest so.
Ilellation of local c (lists, (iitisentnl
to utllli' the set vie ps ol the ll amp
(ontliigeiit in the louniv piison, to
the i nd ol betteiliiR the (ondttloii ot
the iouni hiRliwns. It was at a sea
son of the e.n when turnips weie uu
ineioti' and lu i espouse to (he notes,
satv tip these gentiv weie r.iIIiimh!'
lu li om all hlghwas and buas and
given Rood, Hiatal leims ol seivae
In the uutitv ,iii. line lliev who
set to woik, lu caking stone, and altti
.1 stiflident iiinciuni of stone had been
.K cuniulaled thev were sel to woik
on an epei Imental bit of m.idw.iv
i Mending liom the IiukhirIi line ol
rieedom to tlie IioiourIi lino of Baden.
The turnips did not tdlsh the woik,
but thiv weie it Indefatigable,
with the icsult that within s months'
time Peiiusv Kanla hoistid one ol the
smoothest. In most and best ((institut
ed iii.uail.ini lo.idw.ivs hi tlie i iniuli v
foi i limited distanips PIUsIhiir lid
eis Know of and enjoy It, and have
been hoping til it the esample ol the
Keavir couiitv aulhoiillcs would lis.
emulated hv those ol other and .nl
lolultiR (ountics Km some icisnn,
howevei tlie sood icsiills of the ex
pel inient have nevei been followed up,
and tuiuips line been sulfeitd lo live
in idleness at the expense of Piiuisvl
vanla and other stales Weie the
luiuip element that lllls om nitiiitv
I ills In yew Yoi k and New Icis(
i,n h fall put to woik upon
loads the tnniiminltv would
some substantial leiuin foi Hit
i penikd in theli inaiiiteiiaiu e and
the owneis o hievdes, automobile-,
and s,iv nothing ol the tunn
els, would pi ollt m.ilci lallv
blowlv but suielv the hit j tie is llnd
iiir tavoi with mllitaiy .lullioi itles lu
this and othei (ountiies, as a safe, ef
fective and economical vehUle, po-,-stscd
of special itiialilicallons thit
( utility
ice eivo
the oi se Is lacking In. In the Tliis
nliin, (Ionium, HngllMi and Austilat
in mis letniukablo pi ogress has been
mad In peifcctlng the bicycle emps.
tJendil Miles, u pronounced believer
In th wheel for inllllaiy puiposes, lun
tloiilnll that his compaintlvcly limit
ed fiwets would peimlt him to do lu
evpi Inientlng lo this end. It has ic
niiiii'd for Ihnpeior W'lllliini, how -eve,
an atltoctiit in his domains, to
glv the freest leln to his aides In e
pennoiitlng Willi tho hluyele, and as n
U'silt .some of the ticcoinpllaliiueitls
ledided hv the blejdu eoips of die
(JeJuati aimv aie little shot t of inar
etns. Their dillls aie mote neaily
peft e t than Is possible whelp men
lia'e gol to oveiconif the natural fiae
tl(Jisnes of ine(lcsoine hoises and
milntuln at the same tlnif their own
(ohpoiiiie and nleitncss for (he wind
in? toininiiiid. In si outing, fniaglng,
n(.sengcr and spv set vice the wheel
his illicitly ilenionstniled its lnconi
I viable degic e of utility on Oeimati
A (leinian mlllliuv ollh ei , In speak
hg of the wheel ill tlie nithv, sold lu
tently: "The mllltaiv c.vdisi Is hound lo he-
nine a most Impoilaiit I idol, In inlli-
i.ny tucllcs and nianoctiv lis ol the
ji'tuie for the folloVihiR loosons;
"I'll st Ills speed iiosslhllllles aie
L"e.iiei. lu nine eases out oi ion, over
any class oi couuliv, a cjcllst will al
vavs outpace u lioisc.
' s c olid He olftis u much smallc
taiget for the puisulng shots, and
pul"l!callv the onlv wav to disable the
cv.'ll'tc is to hiiii'rhlm down h'i"self
"Thiid lie an hide much mole
tasllv than a c.ivah vniaii
"roin Ih The ctilisi has n ii.itiual
Know ledge ol loads, mid i.iu ph k up
Hit 'lav' ol a (oiiiili.v by tiained in-
'llllc I
"We love the hoise, but we know
the hlcvclc would be stipeilm for the
pin poses he selves in wai. Ho is
puiii tuied as neiue;itlv as anv pneu
matic tile. He needs oats. He is slow
and bothelsome. lie Is suhfed to all
soi ts of illnesses Anil -onie dov he
will Rive wav to tlie blov do "
I'eih ips the most notable tlei liiuition
in tovoi oi the wheel by cIcirviulm
was made In Ohio when the Fedeia
tion ol dental I'jdo i lubs was ot
g,inii(l. Some secnty minlsit'is,
nuinheis of the Cincinnati hianeli of
the Pedetotioil, stalled awheel Mom
the ijiiecu Cltv to the semi-annual
nicctnif, at llaniilton Davton, ruinK
lln, Middleton and othti titles sent
dolegotlons almost as l.use. Tlie ton
fiieiue which lollowul tlie bamiuet
was a most unique one, the spcokeis
and toasts being as tollows'
"Sins ol Scoidilllg," TTev. SI. L
Tieslei, shelh.v ville, lnd . "Whither
We Aie AVheeliiiR," I5e. W. A. Uobln
son. Chit lmiuti: "Piety and Peispho
lion," Itcv. I") S sappan, piesident of
Miami uniM'isitv, 'Contuiiv .Minds,"
Uev. i: M. .Mi radden, Hamillon;
liood I toads." Itcv i:. W. WoikDiy
ton, O; "Well Tiled," Jtev. T. II
Cuiiu, i 'mi imiati
The coll loi tlie meeting was equolly
linUliie. cinbodviug, as it did, the lol
low IllR
"Hang up that all of Rho-tlv state
lines with oui .Sundav c out We
wish woitliv, wltiR-loottd, wiud-spliL-teis,
who will want wholesome won
deis waiting wheie we welcome wheel
men "
Tim tlOWMNtt season Is over, hut
local entlitislnsts nic slow to over
come the fitsclnnllnn which the
long nltoa and templing looking plus
hold for the ten-pin roller, and the
Hcrantnit alloys continue doing a big
business, The match games nic about
all over with, us tho really good, Hoa
Honcd pla vet Is willing to wait until
the pinper weather to tiy his luck.
This fall promises to open an event
ful bowling season In tho city, and
there Is no doubt that teams will bens
ntlmtioils as the men who discovered
dillsly .Matlhew.son. The lit ecu
IMdgp Wheelmen will easily he able
to put Into the Held two teams, and It
Is likely that all (he alleys lepiesent
ed Jn the league will bo championed
hv at least two tennis, Another totu
nament, with a line tiophv (o play lor
and Individual pi Ires lo sllr up mem
bers of the teams to play for all that
Is In them, Is hound to piove a suc
cess, ns wns attested by the enthusi
asm which niniked the (list of the
past season's tournaments.
.lack Ta.vloi last week established the
leeoid of the (iieeil Itldge Wlieelluen'H
alle.vs hv bowling -In, vvhlih Is ime pin
higher than the picvlolis ptenilor seoiu
which was made hv Di. Win dell, of
the llle do club. Tavlor had !0 lu the
llflh ft ome ami wound up the game
Willi seven stialght stilkes. He then
tut loose in tlie next Riinie he bowled
hv .stalling oil with lour stilkes, which
gave liim a of eleven consetutlv c
cleanings of the alley.
Sports in General.
SPALDING'S Ollielnl Coif (iulde is
the June number of Spoliliiig's
Athletic liliuii v. It Is edited by
the well known golfei, Chailes S, Cox,
ol Xew Yoik, who has compiled a eiv
Intiiestlng woik on the "lovol and
am lent game." The "SO pages of the
book cumpilsc plcluies of well known
Rolfers, with a special lot ot llnnv
A'aidon In various positions tukeir
while lie was ploying The seoies or
last eoi and pi feeding veins of Rolf
In tills countiv toun a useful letoul of
tlie Riinie foi those Inteiestecl in the
statistics of the spoil, while the gen
ei al contents Include a veiy dear
exposition of play whldi will be found
of gicat help to the novice and can
be lead with piollt hv all The con
stitution, bv-Iaws and l tiles of the
I 'nited Slates Golf association, the
Aletiopolltnn handicap list, liselul
hints loi plaveis, a Rloss.ii v ot tei hnl
cal tonus and other leatutes will he
lotmd lu lis pages. The Guide will be
sent to nnv add! ess in the I'liiteit
States oi t 'minda upon leceipt ol len
i cuts hv the Ameiiiaii Spoits Publish
ing company, H and li P.u K Plate,
Xew Yoi K.
The Ointlal Handbook of the Ani
teur Athletic union ll is lust been pub
lished in No. 1 il, of Spalding's Athletic
Llln ai y. The bonk has been thoi
oiiRhlj tevlsed bv a comnilttee ol the
A. A. P., and is a neiessltv tot eveiv
.Khlele and lnllovvei of atliletles who
deslics to Keep up to dote. The con
tents Include the niles Roveining ath
ietlcs on ttacK and Ileitis, also niles
gov pining lioing, i inss-eounti v lut
ing, tein ing, R)nnasllis,VMeslling and
w.itei polo. In addition aie included
the constitution, bv-Iaws and gem nil
niles ol the A. A 1', articles ololll
ance between the A. A. T. and ofhllut
ed bodies, and lists of olliceis and
dub memheis of the vaiious associa
tions oT Ihe A. A. V. Tlie handbook:
will be sent l" anv oddiess in the
I'nlted States or Canada upon leceipt
of ten icnts bv the Ameilian Spin ts
Publishing company, Hi and IS Pal k
Place, New Yoik cltv.
Is the Only
Because it has no
equal, hence there is
no substitute for it.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only In Ij-uJ 1'arkrli.
rOc, fiOc. and 70c. I'cr LU.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
June 20, 21 and 22.
Location-ash Street Grounds.
Darling's Congress of
TraiEed Animals.
i Ktitiw In)"f in Im llin s,vfllf.f ninnii nhi(c
mint of tin lunitRlh 1 cntui Putl, piuuin
pome DupiHiij, fliinmiitm clo,; MI11I1 111 ik
m,r nionlM" Known the unit w o 1 1 1 otr 1
Diilinh little milium-" I ho 1 1- Mil.
show! I ho ilduht rtf tho little folk- TiinhiMl
( n ih ido of Miiuiitimns ph mloi 1'iilj iL II j
in on the pun iul lnshwu I tlg to ill 'I wo
hi tow: (iuih. Watd pi oof 1 im i ih) .cit
IMhos 11 ihiocri fni thw d itu onh to adult's, JO
unti; cliihlrii, 0 tt.ii(-j
: The Bicycle Season
Has just started and we are selling more
Wheels than ever. The reason for this is that
fScranton Bicycles
NT zJ lip
M Mm KoPi m
I 111 HftMiMn;
I M' (pM;--
Ira .otil-X'
Wm0 '
Are made of durable material to make certain
long, pleasant riding, and prices are right.
Bicycle Supplies,
And can make any part of your wheel
short notice.
Put on while you wait.
i Bittenbender & Co
126 and 128 Franklin Avenue
Lockhart's Great Mill End
Sale Now in Motion. ....
Yesterday, the first day, w:is a wonder.
Remember, the Great Sale will last for one
week only. If you have discovered any arti
cles in the big list flubmitted to you in Tues
day's papers that you want don't delay com
ing after them, because any lot sold out can
not be replaced. From day to day we will
submit a partial list of Mill Hnd hxamples.
Mill End Examples
In Colored Dress Goods
.Ifi-lnrh double lnd Novelty (.'hecks, u'fuilur jii Ilp
y cents; .Mill llnd lulee, T, cents.
US-Inch All-Wool Philds and ChcoKs, regular
jn lee :r cents; Mill 1'iul pi lie, lit tents.
H'l-ltieh Wool Alb.vtnissis, new mIuuIus,
in lee .'.1 eentv; Jllll llnd pi lie, in cents.
!S-lttch hlfrh Biatle Wfioi l'lnlds und Checks,
li'KUlni pi lee 0 cents; Mill Knil pi lee, I cents.
t'l-lneh (icinmn Novelty Cheeks, vvoith till touts
anil 7i cents; Mill Hiiil pi lie. ".l tents.
3S-lilfh llnest Kllk tititl Wool Pieiuh textmes,
win th $100; Mill Hnd pi lee. t'l tenli.
SS-liich All-Wool Polku Dot Uenrlotliis. vvoith
7S cents; Mill llnd pi Ice, !'i tents.
RS-lnili All-Wool Cheviots, iennl.ii pi Ice ri tents;
Mill Kntl pi he. Vi i enls.
ol-lneli Homespuns, the popular Kii'is, lCRUlar
pi lie ."' cent'.; Mill i:nd pike, I'l cents.
'i4-lnih itm tuullty Hoiue-.piins, ickuImi pi Ico
?1 00: Mill Wild pi lie, Til milts.
."il-lnih I'liinella Cloths, all colois, lobular pilec
$1 ::.; Mill Hml pike, $1 no.
Mill End Examples
In Black Goods
Double lold half wool C.islitueie, lCKillur pike l"i
tents; Mill Ind pike, U cents.
Stoim SeiKCs, hilf wool, .111 inilics wide, lORUlnr
jiilie l'i tents; Mill Knd inlie, l1) tint'.
riuo lltniletlii Cloths, .'.il Indies wide; lCRUlnr
jniie '.'' tents; Mill I'ntl pi lie, 'J"i tents
Heavy Cheviots, fcpniiRed anil shiuiiU, leular
jn ii c ."'J tents; Jllll Knd pi if. !' icnts.
Stoini Seizes and Chovliits Ifi inches wide, icku
Iiu lulce 7"i tents; Mill Und piitc, "') tents.
r.tney wove Cliev lots, ."4 Inilies wide,'
pike S1 00. Mill Kntl pi in, T"i tents.
CiiKllsh .laiqunids, IIS inches wide, leprtllar price
HO cents; Mill Knd pike, .!' tents
KhrIisIi .l.ietU.iids, t." inches wide, lcsular pi Ice
7,"i tents. Mill Knd in ice, ri9 icnts.
h'liRlish .lm riiai (Is, IS lut lies wide, lpgular pi ice
$1 .''i; .Mill liiid pilie, T cents. and White Stupes and I'lahlh, leRUlar
pi lie ."0 tints; Mill Knd nice, J"i cents.
Iliuiilieds of lenuiants oL Ulai U Diess llnods.
Mill End Examples
Of Silks
.I.ipinese Coided Wash Silks, legulnr pi lie 4D
tents, .Mill Hud pike, 23 tents
Pi luted Poulaiil Silks, icgul.u ptk'e "." cents;
Mill Cntl pi lie. 4'i cents
A lot ot Pi luted Foulaul Silkb; Mill V.u price.,
S'l tents.
Satin tlnislied I'nulnid Silks, legular piite SD
tints, Jlill Knd piite, " icnts
Satin Mei vellleux: rmilaids, pike $100;
Mill Knd piite. T."i i cuts
I'.uuv Taffeta Silk'-, ii' puce 7" cents; M.1U
Hud ju lee, 4s cents.
Ciniv Tafleta Sllksr, woitii 1 00 and 1 2'i, Mill
Knd pi lie, 7'i i out1-.
Illack and Colin ed Taille Silks, w tilth 7." cents;
Mill Knd pi ice, I'l tents.
I'.laik and Cokued JlenK.ilines, itRiilir pileo 7.7
cents, Mill laid juice, fill iciiis.
Novelty CoitliMl T.ilfeta Silks, lesul.u piice $1 00;
Mill Knd pi lie, 7" tents. and foloud Small Silks, uvular pike SO
ctnls, Mill Kntl pike, "" tents
BoT-During the months of July and Aug
ust this store will be closed Fridays at noon,
in order to give our employes a half holiday
during the hot weather.
Goldsmith Bros, h Co.
HWfHf 4i 'awfMiMM MiMi gMaaH aa
. , .
Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for
this season, is now complete and comprises all
the new novelties iu
Porch Rugs Porch Curtains
Fibre Carpets
Straw Mattings Summer Draperies
Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave.
Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies.
4, ! ;
A I I I NL II I IIIICJI N J) tBzrJ IMUIi'lliU, lm. Il.lj G.rnMlii bl.rfll!. li
J"-' VUWilUVl J U7 iM "'1 liii.rl.. t...M.lfr.lrur..lMliimlllrliilr to Machine liusinc&s ot
DitKsnn Maniiiattmliib' i'o, hiiunton
Htlil WllUes-lluue, Pa.
Htatltmaiy Kiislnes, Hulltis, Mining
Mutliiiiti, I'uuipb
1 iw
- -'
Pocono Heights Holise
AtfomiiimUlcs 5il, nioiUin ImpiovcnicnUj troit
tUUIILH Oil pit Illl-Ca , Itlllll llll.lll.l4U! Lout rtl
tuiKCd. bcntl tur tlrtular.
Samu3l Edinr, Hi Pocono, Pa,
... 1 j .".:... ..." "
luirrira uuruinvr iu rwrv iv uui ritiir
IHm , OntiriiM itulO lj)liriM,4luif I
Varlroft'Ii K Irlrlurva itto rut I IB J I. 1 fldrirloD4
Hhmiikrii Ori.ftT)t.Srii4furSora IffttlmosUHIiuDll
itfittiliiic)rr uifllral mJ lftrUlfroJ, Hrotlun laprrtf
-i- -" i' 4
"-.", I '-V " J.1CW
U'junitil J
MMtVtL Whlrllmj Sproy
lliiMn Vlulhirll''. Ivjtc-
tlun urn tui ituu, iic.i -ai.
t-.l iimv uurruiriii.
II 11140.1'. 101. ll.
m . ni.1 d.wv..t fvr ll
If )M.iih.)t Ml vh II 0
11 till I ... in ii l.Llill
uilu-r. I ut i.euJ tniup lor 11
lutii.m I ln.ok ii I It tivoi
lull UtliuUMIlll 1 ilim O'llW.
Mlunllitnl9 lip 1111111
Iloom UO, 'limn. lUif i New Voik.
A : i