"H V t (fVt-jo- " ("! t" fTP Ffl -VW 94PWHNSiixaW!W??tfWW91 .-4JK mi , 43 :; tiktue. IN THE WORLD, TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. I - -Cs5fe-: nil II HI II I i I mWmZZ- Bb 9BbSv Mih iH BH H IBIr .. M . , 2 jL ', B!BPPyf3WiBaBtWT:BPPr vBIMBbss------- rfyMf " . ' K b BEriiiiyiJiiiiffip rut, nw. v crdAwrnN iAii:w m.r.mVINr. TUP. r.OMPU!TE NI5WS SBUVICI: OP THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY TWO CENTS, " TEN RAGES ' " SCKANTOX. I'A.. THURSDAY MOHXIXCi, JINK 20, 1001. FOCHT AND SCOTT BILLS ARE PASSED tSunnlemental Features to the Rapid Transit Acts Are Now Ready for Governor's Approval. VOTE ON THE SCOTT BILL Bill to Appioptinte $25,000 to the Univetsity of Pennsylvania Lacks a Constitutional Mnjoiity in the House Appiopiintions foi Stnte College and for the Puipose of Deepening1 the Channel of the Del nwnie River Aie Negatived Ji Istiiislic Wilt finin I In Si-nthi'd I'm Han Minis, I'.i.. Juno l'i The onhi ol business at the nfleinoon ami morn ing session nl the house was appiopi I atlou bills on tlilnl leading At tn ninlit's session house hills will bo 1011--IiUkmI on lust, mi oiid anil tlilnl leuil 111; The following ,iiiinil i.tlloll lillU passed lillull.s liC.ISI'l liospllal, $7niii. Iluiilingdou 10101 111, Hoi s, 5,7:".'.!, fin 1 IiomiII il, it. "DO. I'lttston hospital 51- dOO Mi -li cspm hospital, V.7"i The Tin hi mil Si nil supplouionlul lulls io thr i.iplil ti.uisll ails weie t 1 1 o 1 ) ni i on spii ial oiiIim- it tin' 1 in n 11 in.; siislon anil passu! tinalls The bills now so lo (lovoinni Mono foi Ills aitimi When tho Siott bill, constitut ing: I In' goveinoi. soi 10I in of the 1 0111 jnoii f.iltll and tho attoiuev geneial . bond to pass on applications foi i.ipid nans iiaiuhlscs eaiuo up ill Cm a mad a speech against it He .aid that siu'i i mm 11 .IS", noil tlio ( lose ol a b jis ulv session, .1 ini'iiiliei lose .inn ashed Inns null li inonex thou wis in llie 1 1 c.i sin v. lie was iiifoiinid ' Then." it piled the nieiiilici , "lei us laid hoi anil go home " ill. Cm, iv 'aid this is what s holm? done now This is the impose of the i.ipid tiaiislt legislation sshiih it is now pioposul to fin lln 1 stienstlieu 1 Hie lull miking the govo 11111 and otheis a lio.ud ol 1 ellsol s Two wicks. iir.ii tile ollii o ol the soc man of the 1 oiimioiiewiiUh " added Mi C01 i 'pusenled a scui' winch will ,11 down In histon Theie weie theie a lot ol liungis- piuasitos and a lol of inilllninites In obodlenic to the unlets linn Imrl 'noised It. laid tlio tn asm 'I hi 1 uiieil aw i valuable lian 1 hises and now it is pinpowil to pn m 111 111 hot s limn senium simllai i.imii s b pining the powei 10 slant thom 111 tlio hands of a bom d. ' Ml Coia sild time ousht to be a loionatioii at llie 1 lose ol the legisla tive session, win 11 a 11 own should be pl.u ed on (ioMinoi Stone's head and lie pioilalnnd Kins William I lie salt, he I'.opitblii an nowspapeis weie op ioi il to the i.ipiditv wlrh whhli these )llls weie imssoiI b tile lcgislilllie ' I he time will 1 01110," he imuliided, 'wlnn the piople will swoop otn in 'niiil machine oil tlio I. no of the (Ml th ' Vote on Scott Bill, The vote 111 del, ill 011 the Hull pn-s-ngo o the s-iolt bill lollou .. Vii.-Mis-h. Mil mi-, ti.li 1 - 11 i.n-l'iii-. Ilil.il Iliiku II 1, lllisi link", llin.ui-, 1 ill, ( i I, 1 !i imp iuii lull llli, I inik, liiipii 1 . h , I mn, I'livliun. Iliu- Itliliinl II' lliuii. I il. ml- I nun I ili v I HI1I111 I n, 1 iiluiu, 1, dun li inilili . I. mm dili mi 1. mm, I.I ill. 1,1 Hi ill lllilllOM, li llll II lllllllllill s s linn Hum 1II1 III hut i ' li. lit It -li lllli It', bll, ll.n-li-l llu-nl. Ih -km- Hull I nil", , It in-, Kim Kii.mi. KiiiniiK ' In l pi, I I.. I 1 nil, I till, I illliin M Vinlis Mil audits. Mil tun, M ( t i II Mil. hi, ult Mi II, It, Mini, M1II11, Uilli.iml , MiniUiniiiu Mm pin . Nub, Nmhiid, N.lii, 1)11, I'iiiiimiii I'.uii. 1 l!n, I! i I. Iliiil, Km 11 M- Until, lliii, Ihiluoil, 1 1 nt lit 1 ol, In in s, , s,-ln, sh, fi, smiiii, Mlini M snuiti tin 1,1 1 sm soli, siulit swrtim I i tin I 11 tit 1 uk li 'In'm, Inliii C Ilinmi , Mm in, I , llimui I I It llll l , 'I li'ilni.nli NiNtill II I III int 1 I 1 .It, 1111l111r. Wi iMi, Will, in-., 11 Willinl, Win 1 1 ilis. Miifliill, -n ikei 1'i'td, Itii Nils Misniilii lli-nii Hi mi II,, In, nl tin 1111 in, llliiinlc llonii, lln mini, lliu.iii, I, I) , I. 'in, I bom is , llurui lluuiill I Mini, 1 in li, I 1 i, lltxb, I ot 111 is, lliuii llli, li-lnl, I , i,, In-l'-i, I'm 1 lli. Hit,', lhltl.ni in, Hill, lliiillllini, .luxpli, II 11 1 111 ill, lln Mid, llmli, )ln Ha In, I11I111-1111 Mix II W , IiIiiisiiii IikIii Mik, hiu 11, Ioiiiiv Mi ( line. Mil 1111, Mi I'li'iMii, SUWIiinim, Mil Milom, Muiif, M1II11, II I 1 ink, Mnoii, MihiNuii, Moui. Hun, Nlll.lll.il, I'lllll, I' ml. I'tilllilll, llu.l.'in, llmli, SI111II, s,ni, ,,hu . s,,,,!!,!,, Hit-inn., Iin'll, WW.wiulli, Wilh, Wi.lliio.ik, Wil-oii, niiii. 'luUl, l-'i Failed on Finul Passage. Mr MctMaln, "f l.itneastei, iiilseil illlllo .1 luccio ill the afternoon .session h, nppoHlnR the bill iippinpil.uliiK $j.-,- Oflfl III IllO t'lllVClHltV (if I'l'llllHJlVlllllll lie said Hint the unlvcisltv may bo the londlUK cdutatlonnl institution of the stale, but it Is dolus: un better wink than semes of other lIKo Institutions In tho lonunouwealtli, The lust lesMn tmo icfiised to make an appiopilallnu to tills liiHtitutlon, anil 1I10 iiesent los isl.itilie .should do likewise. He win lied the house that unless tlieie bo un ebb In the lido 01' appiopiintions the icsiili must be that the tieusiny would be Fiihmpiged, the (oiiiinouwealtli Imnk nipted, tiiMillon doubled and Hie ob jects of taxation lucieused till to told, Jlr, Vomhees, of Plilltidelphla, .ic oused ili. ilcClalu ot belli,' lutualed by peisonal inotHi's u his opposition to lids uppiopilatlnn The bill failed on llnal passage b 11 otc of 01 to HO, less than a 1 (institu tional niajoilty votins" In the' alliima tle. The bill appiopiiutliiK $10HOO to St Joseph's hospital. Philadelphia, and $10 000 to St. Joseph's ho.-pltal, Heading-, also failed on Dual passuse. To pi event the possible defeat of hcvouiI other appiopilutlon bills the house ad join nod until S p in, Tho lepoit of the loiifeltnee lommllUH' on the bill iHitliiiillns sthool bo.inls In townships having u population of more than 1.000 In appoint a mipct vMiir pilnclpnl of sthool'i was adopted. A bill apptopi luting $K0,00n to the mate college was neitnlhed. The hill appioptlatltifr $200,000 to deepen the iliuunel of the Delawnie liver was also ncKiitKed. SENATE PROCEEDINGS. Anothor Largo Numbor of Appro priation Bills Considered. D rxcliebc Wirf, (roin rho Asorllfil PiM. llatilsbuiR, .lune in Anolhei laiKe niiinber of house appiopilatlou bills for piUate chailtles weir rcpoitud fioin (oininltloe to the senate todtn, and wne all lead the Hist time The ap piopilallon for the Hpttuoi hospital at .Meadvllle was inn eased limn $',000 to $7,n00. Ileloie bills 011 llnal p issase weie taken up, the ciilendai ol bills on sec ond leading was (le.ned. Theie Wfie seentv bills on this uilendai, of which st.he win- house nppiopi ialloii bills Tlio house bill nppiopi kiting $01.00 to the Western l'eimHuillu Institu tion foi the Ueut and Dumb was itmemied hv aipiopi latllig $."0,000 ad ditional oil loiiditinn that the citizens of lJlttsbmg sulis, lib). $-0,000, Hie en tile $100000 lo be used In the election of buildings. The (onleieine lepoit on the senate bill aiitlioi ling llie school dltettois of townships Inning a population of over "1 000 to eniplov a township school su pi 1 Inli iidont wasaieed to The following house appiopi lation bills i ie passed Unalh: lJiihnemaim hospital, Scraiiton, & I ft 000; Lancaster Coneiiil liospllal. Vja.Ooo, Coluinbki hosplt il, l.amastei iiiuutv. $H'i000; touipoi 11 Inline for iltlldien, Alle shoin $:ooo; Wai ion lhm is f hos pit.il. '-S00O The house bill, appiopi kiting SJ.-i.000 to the (lime Clt 1 nllegp ill ilonei (Olliitv, was delented, lei oiisaleiod and agiin placed on the lalondni. Win n the house bill appiopi ialliiR sllO ono to the fiee hospital foi poor i onsuiuplix rs 1 aine up, ill. t.i.idx, of i'lilkidelphia. 11111M il to amend the bill In insei tins- the names "Phil idelphla" and 'While Maen" Ten thousand ilollais ol tin ippiopi latum is to go foi the niaifitonnn f pool eonstltnp- tlM's 111 l'hikidelphia. and tin lemain iug 'vlOO Dili) foi the 1 101 lion of a hos plt il at Woito Maon 1. 11701110 countv. ill. riliin. of Allegheny, objected to the moOi)u appiopi ialloii unless a pin so was inseited in the bill that the inonex will bo apptupiiatoil on the (011 (litions that tlio poisons inleiested in the bill will i.ilso in equal amount. No lRieement w us icailied 011 the bill, ami it was laid aside lot piintlng .Mr. Kllnn s.ne iiotlie th.it ho would not Mile tin the bill unless it is amend ed to meet his obiei Hull. Tho senate decided to insist on its amendment Iniieasins llie appiopila lion foi the X01 1 istow 11 Insnne bos. lit tn I. and a ooufeioino was aitoidiiig 1 ap)olnled. Among appiopi lation bills itss(d lin alh weie the tollow ills I'm evporiinonls in oultuie in cm lug and piopiratiou 01 tobacco 'it State college $.'00il. WilUanispoi t Ti .lining school". $!,0i)0. Si ite Xoinial school, Cl.uioii. $40 000, Knne Huiumlt hospital, H', O11O, Ymk hospital and dlspensii, IsiinO I.ocl; lliiM'ii hospital, $10,0n0; Washington hospital. $1S.0D SENSATION AT MOUNT HOLLY Harry Allen Baxtei Attempts to Shoot Judge Wills He Receives 11 Tin ashing and Is Placed in J.ail. Hi) PxilllsKi' Wln f , Oltl Tlio uflltril I'l'sl Mount llollx. N J., Mine 10 A sen s.nloiuil episode on lined lieto todin, when Mai 1 Allen U,ltei. of Now Vol k, who Mil some time past lias been living .11 Hie home of loiiuer Judge H I' Wills attempted to shoot the litlei Hatel 1. in to ill. Molls se -end weeks ago and iame eugaged to Judge Wills' daughlei. ilabel, The judge opposed the iii.itih, but his wife l.iMueil llaxter, and the latter was pel mil ted to n side at the Wills' home. Yi'Meidnj Hatei and Jliibel weie lepoiicd lo ha lett Mt, Mollj, bill Hie pair caine back latei. Tod,i. Judge Wills unit led Hastei out, and the lat loi pointed a pistol at him, The bulge giat'pfd the weapon and tin ashed his would-be assailant. HuMei, without hat 01 coal, lushed fioin the house, pin sued b Judge Wills and a ciowd of cilieiis, and at the station he was again attacked b the bulge, Maxtor again diew his pistol, but was pi event ed limn disc lunging It by two men In Hie ciowd, Judge AVIlls swoie out a win 1 ant lor Hastei's in test while the lattei was iieing iiineii iciwiiius 11111 lliigtou In a cat lingo by ills, Vx'llls, who 1 nine to his icscue at the station Hastei' was known to be 111 the Wills homo Inst night and a uowd ol masked men sin 1 minded tho house while inl and fentheis weie at hand, but ho was not molested. Judge AVI11 sns ,H safe was inhbed lam night of Lehigh Valle.v inlhoad mock ceitlllcates, and that he bellees HuMoi s the gulll paity Maxtor vas later auested at tho home of Math It. riooy, wheie he hud taken letuge, lie was placed In Jail heie A Inige ciowd g.itheied about the building I'Ut no ioeino was at Icmpli'd, Gen, Reeder a Candidate, lb l.ulushp Who I10111 llie iorUlnl I'll I uSlon, I tine 10, linioi il I 1 ink Itudri, n 1'aklnii, c lull in 111 nl iliu llipubllciu Ule 10111 iiiillic, lontlit jitiioumul Hut lie wj a unit, tljlo Inr if ildlloii Slinultmi'cuii with lliis in in nine mi nt bi.iiuiiu' 1 oniiiiUloiirr liiiiluin l HH j l mini nl in ulikli In? j.m tlut tin c ,illiit.in pull k. 1, Ills (.nni Mi lit 1 tit 1 ' die I un, ul"l tliat lie will niii'ul liiiu-i.il williciul i ,,,-iti, 11 - --- , Will Lay Coineistones. Ily I.ichusUe Wire bom The AvooUtcl Pitst. W.i. I1I1 , 1, ni, .f mil 10 IIUIiup limit ini'l lliilicji Jliljl,! Imli fcinuiil fi em the fi 1 -bit nt lU Ji. 111,111m nf llicii iiniuilon In M) Ihc lonur rimes ol tun mm ImlliJiiiu'. of (lie mcilciu mil. nnlli. nt .tr this ill 'Ihe iciimnnUi, jie to le ninir 111 .NoKinlier, 'llie tuu Inill'lins 8ic the lull (if KOiiiniiienl, enill'l In linnoi nl the fctjlc u( Ohio, Jliil the lull of .nl 111 lliisl I JCiou, In honor I I Hit stale ol l'viiu..,uuU. HEARING IN M0LINEUX CASE Fate ol ttic Convicted Murderer is Now In the Hands otthe Jiidaes ot Gourt of Appeals. SENATOR HILL'S SPEECH A roiccful and Eloquent Addiess in the Interest of the People He De claies That the Question of Guilt Is the Main Issue in the Case An Eloquent Summing Up Mi. Mil bum's Reply. Ih I t lii-iti' Win' fnini 'lln- Vsinntnl I'iik" Mulfalo, Juno 10 The fate of llol and M ilolinoti, comlctcd ol mul ch 1 as th" poisoner of ills. Kathailne J. Adams, at New York In Deieinbei. ISIs, Is In the keeping ot the seen bulges 01 the 00111 1 ot appeiK who foi tine" das past have been listen ing to the nigumonls lor and against a new Dial. 'Ihe appeal was linalh submitted at 1 "' o'clock this after noon and the dec Ision will be not an nounced until some months honi e, when the c 0111 1 sits at Albain for llie fall teiiu. The stiange 01 hue with Its eoinpli oatnl plot and inunlfold nnsleiv, ie lains a stnmg hold upon popular In tel et. The ciowd tli.it sought admis sion lo the erupt loom Ibis inoinlng was larger and 11101 e detei mined than ever and the ballllfs li nl to ieoit to fmip lo lestialn them The piineipal speaker was loimei T'nlled Slates Snatoi David It J I III. atlMic.tlo of (lie cause ol the m o plo. who kail thiec bonis and fifteen minutes- of bis allotted time left when 1 0111 1 opened at 10 o'clock Mo spoke until 1J 1", .mil John fi. ililbuin. al toinev foi ilolineuv w.u heaid for twentv minutes in concise iepl. ill. Jlill was again font fill and elo quent. Me declined Hint the question of guilt was tlio main issue in the case anil w allied the cnuit not to hoc d a plea tint death in tec i-nio illlyjand uigccl objections to acts and liillngs that had not sul1st.1nti.1Uv alfcc tod the lights of the it ( list il. M the loinn weie to be thus sweneel liom tho pathwtiv of dutv he suggested Hi it the mindeiois ml-lil oiganie a titist and all enjov fiedoui. Tn 1 dlsseita lnni on Ihe kiw, he led the eouit down a long lino of aiithoilllts and decis ions all aimed at sustaining the use ol the Hai nelt evident e and the pnl Ic v of the lower coutt lowanls Hie evhibits of handw iitmg at the tilal In this adiniiablv told slciv he made liequont leloience to the famous Tichbiiiiio 1 aso In Mngland, tiaclng .1 siniilniitv in the admlsisnii of (eitaln Millings to pi oe peiiun on the pii t of the lui lles i lainiant. ami 111 Hie pollc of obloilion aim obMiiKtioti on the pait ol the deli me. Eloquent Summing Up. In ftuallv summing up, ilr Hill te- lowed Ihe points male b him es teidav, and step b (lop tiau'd out the nidln featmes of !'ie tlio. I - of the people lie leviowcd the 10110s pondonce with the patent medicine dcaleis and piodaimed ilolineuv lis lln atlthoi ot the letteis. Hi,, ononis of lleniv Coinish and lleiuy C. M.nnet, Hie coinpoiimlei ot the laic i wianido of ineiouiy list d in bo'li 11 hue-, and the man who mailed the lalal pntiin that killed Jits. Adams Mi. Mll buin's nplv was laigelv dexoled to nu answer to peisonal iiitieisin and pai th ulnily to ill. Hills' allusion In the fact that thioiigliout all his .speech he hud not mil e expiessod bis peisonal cons lei ion of the innocence of Hie man foi whom he pleaded. The sticuigost featuie ol the icplv sas the Indication ol tluoe points of weakness ill the ease of Ihe piople. He diew attention to the fait that Hie claim Hint lli'im C, Mainel had lecehed poison lested solelv upon the heaisav tcstlmoin of Douglas; al-o th.it ilol liieus had not bought the bottle-holder and had not been Identllled as the man who hliod the Koch lettei bow without whh li It was Impossible, .Mr. ililbuin --aid to il guilt upon him, A conspicuous ilgine dm lug the ai giuncnts was Oeneial ilolineus, the agel tatlier of the pilsruei, whose face told of the slialn that the al was sjihited and at times bitter n-iew- of the case had been to him. Theie was 1(0 comment at the close, and as the speotatoH lot t tlp'li1 c halls, filler Judge Pa titer called th" nest case. Moth ill. Hill and ilr. ililbuin wire pioffoied enthusiastic coi-gratulatlons 101 their notable efforts. Peny Douds Acquitted. lb llxclushe Wire fumi 'I lie tvnhlPil 1'ien Sen I iMlt, .1 line l'i -I'nrj DniiiN, uliu I114 hull nn til.il ilinini.' Iho n-t nk, 1l111n.1l Willi 1,1,-liutllni,- jiitlie In Milling 3iihiimiiiiih lubis hi J n effmt In inllli seuchCM foi the uiuuliri'i cif Cllj 'InuMiiu IIIi'vIim, two jian it", .n aiqiiltled loilicht I In- jun fminil lint Iho ! 1 ti is ilul ob-tlilU Justice, lull Ih it 11. 11 Is. n is not Riiillv nt niltluif Ihelil 'Iho Hill i iliutbo of luiicli Mli-alion, ami, liei.iu-i nf Hid luoiiilnenii' nl UoiuN, was nl iIi-mImih; luluis Mis. MeKinley's Condition, Hi bullish-- Wile Irom 'llie 4Miiitn I'lm ihlii;toii, lime 10 Ihe nuiililluii nf Mm Miklnli.x lonishl coiitlnius looulilt IUr li is iill Pr, Him J m'nl tlut .-he luil pasted t IjIiIi icirfoitaltle iU unl Ihat Iho suihul iiiiiinM. liieut in Inr eumlilion was ttill not It eal.lt t. Jlckilikj l unite wiJk. hut i S4linj I liltle nicn'lli eJik ill -1 Valuable Hoises Sold. II v I xcliulu- Who (mm 'Ihe sfnclalcd 're4 Ne I oik, Juno 10. -t llie Itainhu pel I'j-o xuilliijr sjIp tnilij III Iho j-l-1iilmi inni lunjS Mlis uililoik it sheip.huil 1m, Siilnej I'aut was llie iiiiulu-.il nl Hie Imp S flatten 'liiiiuuil cull fm .1I,IHXI I'. Wiiinuii piiil V:'M) foi the liup Calilllnih, bip Silenee (nit Two Negioes Lynched. Hi l.icluthr Wire bom 'Ihc Awoclalnl Pew blneiepoil, la , bine 20, 12 V) 4 in Two lie Kion. l'ro,htt Smith 4 nil I' I) I jn,l, luu' jun hun Ijniln'tl. BILLS APPROVED BY GOVERNOR The Dynomlte Eire Cracker Tabooed. Other Measuie- Signed. Ilv rulii'lm Wlic Irom 'I lie Awoelaleil I'risi. Iliiiilsbiiig, Juno 10, (lovcinor Stone todn.N appi oved the following bills: Authoi Ilug town coiitKtts to pay a pot lion of the cost and expense of Blading i ml cuiblng sidewalks. Amending llie Act of Apt II US, IS'ii, foi the pn-lei Hon of poisons unable to cine fur their own propel ty, .so as lo confer concuiteilt iutlsdlctlon upon the (li plums' com I, enable additional poi sons to petition, enlarge Ihe powets of the glianllan uiid autholle the sale of the leal eslate ciT tlio wind. I'lohlbltlng the mnnufactliie and sale ol flieciac Iteis ' onlallilllg dynainllc. Atlthoi 1lng the tiansfer upon the boohs of the c oipoiatlon of lots In coinetoiles owned by the ecu potations ot the lint i lass. Regulating mill delmlng llie bound iii v lines of public loads. Authoil.lng i mil is to grant licenses lo sell laliisli atliig llcpiuis at letall, wholesale ol hv blow ei s lor a longer or sliuilei peilod than one jear In c oY titln ases, but only for the puipose of changing the date fiom which annual licenses shall theie.lftei inn and take elto( t. 'I'lie senate coiutuiont resolution, pioxliling lor the pa, incut of the es pouses In lonneotlciii with the distil btitlon in the lepoit ol tho Chatta nooga and Clih kainagu i b.ittloll"ld commission. EXCITEMENT AT PR0-B0ER MEETING Piessuie of the Suiging Mob so Great That Many Faint Many Jin goes in Evidence. lb Kiliisiie Wire from lln Woctatul Priss Loudon, June 10 Thousands of people In sail (olleeting outside of toueen's hall two hums befoio the acl M'llisod time of the pio-Moei meet ing held theie tonight. "When the ilooi- weie linalh opened, Ihe pies suie of the sinsing mob was so gteat that nianv p'-oplo tainted. Theie was un sldeiable distill banco and windows weie bioken dming the attempt1 made bv poisons without to gain ad mission Some ol these weie expelled. In spite ot Hie igilallce ol llie pio moti'is of tlio meeting, mans jingoes g lined an onlianee to the hall, which was (tammod. "Much hooting, mln- rln.l tlllt r In ntc ,r, o(,l nil (Ilr. llntni'l 1 1 ns r-... ...... .... , -, M . ...... v v..n.-- ii'ion their aiilsal, and dining the e oning the dolhoiv ol speeches was attended witli some diflkultv limn the simo cause Mi. lien iv Laboiii heie piesldod at the nieeling and bosidt s C. W. Saner, (ov-i ommlssioiier ol public winks of IV pr. Colons'), inanv pi eminent pio lliimi, inc lulling Mr. John Dillon, leader ol the Nationalist pin t ill. IHvId LIomI AVolch. (Nationalist), ill James Kelr TI mile. (Socialist), and Sir Wilfred Liwsoi- weie piesent. Dining the meeting fulls 10,000 iln ,nos gatlioiod outside Ihe Queen's hall in ltegenf snoot, blocking tialllc and nc c essitati d lelass of polk onion to keep a spuiblanie ot onloi 111 the iiovd SoM'ial men mounted the pni apot of the l mgham hotel and wav ing union Jacks proposed lesoliitlons agnlust the pio-P.oer agitation, which thev deilaied lo hase been can led when the moetlni. In Queen's hall tei -niiiiated. The usual speeches weie made and the usuil tesolu lions weie can led amid much commotion and esc Itement. The icsolntloiis included an aniendineut In li Mil ol the complete Independence of the Moor icpubllis pi oposed by ltaion liatteisea, lor the l.idlcaK which did not inert with the appioval of the T.a-bouehen- pai ty. Tho meeting ended with Ihe singing of the ilaisellles. J IM, "Meiihuaii (e-tieasiuer of Cape Colonv and now a lepiesonlatlve of the Altikander llond In Mngland) wiote !i letter to the pioinoteis of the meeting upologl.lng lor Ills ahseiu e. SoM'ial collisions nc em led between the iiowd outside the bill and the po lice, and the latter had the gieatest dltlieultv in handling the assemblage. No insanities weie inputted. The Palls Mall asset ts that Ihe pio inoteis of the Queen's hall mooting se emed the sendees of sl in seven bun died "st.ilwai ts" as stew in ds, Those "gangs of foieign intllans" weie loiind Inside the hall, nccciiding to the Palls .Mail, toady to keep older and eject the iiialiouteuts. The "stalwaits" weie di aw n fiom the low class nf foieign clubs In Hobo, .Many of tbein weie aimed with sticks, niooin nannies ami knuckle dustois and the Pally ilall sa.ss they noted with uniesti allied io lei'ue in excluding tosallsts and tin ow ing out uudeslitihle poisons, ACCIDENT AT THE RACES. Tho Hoise Zeus Killed Jockey AVil son Badly Injuied. Ill IsclmUc Wire front llie oijtfil l'rets( Sin oik, .bine 1 1ml iui.lt lit iniiul Iho iailn' a' Miuilii iiN I'll inilJi III the si mill i no on tin' iioKUiniiie Hit if wile llftui ht ill r s. Zins ilnsul I at ille, anil was ikl'iil In l.lno Inst ilflir inuiitli m Iho lint bun Am wis nowihil on Iho nil ami wi nl tloun ulh i treh liohlui Hi il-" svi nt iIov.ii ami kino .mil Wl'siu, llie oiki-,s, lij ktnlilieil en Iho trail.. I.lni' ' aiio iiiniiuil In r ulioit Unit ami miIi In lint' ii.iiu -i I Km- inlun, lull Wibcn ,s hint so hi, ill lh.ll ho hail to lo ueut In a i-.inil yuu-, lln' Imne, a l.lllcil. riicn, itllh tin lliniitu mil, I i alist i well hiikul hoi -i'. taint' n unl Ann ikvrili haiiuu won lln- Hi ldm li mlicap abei , ne of Iho ,iittitfl i'f. f Un il.n He Made Ameilcan Dbllais. HV I'XlllbilP Will IIOI1I IllO 4suiiUlll I'llss Misltti Ills, lune I'' II w ollnillnl lint h e I'u,,., tho alliKt'l cc'iinttrliiur of Nuiiilian bibu liolliin, now in iiiMoil), and 1 1 Ji.MHi.iu i. luu- loiiuiiiHituI lliniMl and stilii limn at lie.ny .iiKamis mil (lit It liilllli-lt Wlm It i. al-,) iiioiltil thai i.iiat munliti ol iil(iiian ililliu, Im,, hull loiind in a sunt mint at ( hlhuahuj, ami (initialed in the I mini Malm Banker Commits Suicide. lli I'ulmlir Wire hum lit Asvulated lris Melhtiuilie, l'la , lune TI 1 II I'liilllp.. plisl ili in of Ihe Melliomuc ilato hank, of IhU ell,', itiinmltlid nikiile .urteidaj I') intlini.' hU thioat at lil-i In me. lie leads n wife ami ihihlien. Ho was one ol the iw.illhiel nun in llils Reitloii ami the .ittjlM ol the liank aie said to he in tr"l (Oiidiliou He has hun Millciiii to nome isluit ficm im hun holla nuntl.. THIRD PARTY ORGANIZED The New Political Grait Is Launched Upon the Troubled Waters at Kansas Gitij. BRYAN MAY BE THE JONAH The Tact That He Is in Sympathy with the Movement Is Announced. The Committee of Elements Sub mits the Usual List of Impossible Demands A Call foi State Con vention Will Be Issued Next Tall. Ill l'scbisiie Who fiom Iho uiiatiil li , ' Kans.lH Cits. June 10 The allied tblld p.ntv lnoseineut, sshlch Its pro mote! s hope sIU lesult beloio 1001 in a national oigani.atlon sluing enough to name a piesldeullul noiulnoe, was launched hole this attei nnun. It was the outcome of a conleicnce of lefoi in ns fioin the lanks of the old pai ties, mil it piinciples aie said by some to base been adopted wilh a vless to fit ting the views of William J. Hi sail The coufeieiice ssns ( ailed b-. Lee ilen Iwether. of SI f.ouis, who, sslth tssentv-two othot SI Ixmls leaden. In the public oss noi ship iiaits In that (its', came to Kansas City sesteiday tioin a lsit to ill. Bryan at Lincoln, sshcie the plans had boon lnld liefoie the Nebiaska statesman. Mi. fit an, it sas stated, had expiessod ssmpathy with the moveinent. If he had not gone so far as to suppoi t. At the coufeieiice theie sseie lepiespnted Populists of all peisuanlons. public nwneishlp ssas acl s netted and fiee silsei Ttepiiblkans, socialists, single taxeis, and Uian Pemocials weie in attendance. It ssas stated that it ssas pi oposed to foi in a thhd p.ntv in Mlssoui i. sshkh should llu ills' bo taken up bv the dissatisfied In the old patties fiom other states. A committee on oig.inhsatiou ssas ap pointed and lns.li nc ted to lepoit todaj. Party's Principles. The committee, sshich lepieseiited each element, submitted the lollosslng sot ot lesoliitious as the nesv p.nty's in incijiles and Hies ssoiq adopted. "Public owneisbip of all public util ities, as lailioads, lelegiaphs, etc "While awaiting the legislation uec iss.n y to sec in o public oss net ship ligid contiol of fi eight and passengei Kites and ses eio jionaUlos foi lebates and other disci iminatlons li.s lailioads. 'Taxation of lailioads and other public utllilv c oipoiatlons In the same pinpoitloii as the salue ot faun and other piopcity. "Phcit legislation bv the Initiative and lofftendutu to the end that the people mav initiate good legislation and veto bad legislation "A graduated im nine tax to the cud Unit wealth, which ice elves govern ment piotectlon shall boar Its Just shine ol the cost nf government. '"ili.it whales or Is used as money shall be full legal tendei, Issued bv the geneial government in suflloleut volume for business pui pose, and that volume iixed In piopoition to popula tion 'Just olei tlou laws tliinngiiotit the state. "Home itile for cities and abolition nf the piesent ssstem of using the police as a standing ainiv to c ai rv julmaiy elections In the Inlet est ol dis honest politicians lepiesenting still moi e dishonest special pi iv ilege e oi poiatlons. "I'leetion of the United States sen atois bv the popular vole" A i all will be Issued loi a state con vention foi sonic time next lall. DARLING'S SENT TO JAIL. Proprietors of tho Pony, Dog and Monkey Show Arrsstod at Wilkes Barre on a Serious Chargo. 11 r.scliisbe Who fiom 'llie -.ociated I'iim Wllkes-Bnue, June l! Fiert Palling and his wife, Jennie, sseie .sent lo Jail this ,-fti iiiumi, on stispii Ion ol poison ing Thomas Samuels, of Bultalo, an animal tialner in the dog, pony and monkey show owned bv the P.nlings. Half an hour alter bieakfasi lhs morning Samuels was taken Mek. lie sulfeied sslth aisenlcal poisoning, and accused the Pai lings, saying that they owed him fl'IO and wanted to get him out of ihe way, .so lie could not attend a case he has against them, and which was clown lor llils morning. The decline they aie not guilty. They come tioin ruadilta, N, Y. Sam uels Is In a piecailous condition, FORTY FORT STRIKERS WIN- The Non-Union Carpenter Resigns, and the Mines Aie Closed Indefi nitely. Hi r'sUuMlo Who from Iho UsoiUtnl 1'rMi WllkoH-Baue, June 10, -The sulking mliiei- at the Fully Foil and the ilnltby collleiies ot the Temple Coal and lion company, who went mi stilko Monday, leained todav that the non liuloii inipenter who was iho cause of the stiike had ienlgued. When they wauled to vvoik, how ever, the company announced thai wink was suspended litdclinitel.s, Steamship Anlvais. fl,e I'.ii'lusne Wiie Irom Ihe SisJuatid I're'n, iw Vuik, .lime III Vinved' liuloii'i, Ml dl'iiol, II ihenolh in, (tiiina, N i(de. and lulu il In I'd mil: I,' iiiitani, Hani l.n,-s, i km lui.l, llicm'li via ( heiliiuiri", Siiun-tf VuiiniJ, llamliuij sillid- On. ink, I bill old, si pjul, Siulhauiitoil, s.Hiiliuaik, lilutli lei i n.lotMl liled Nnla, Npi VoiU lot litti,o,il ( iml ,lotlltlii). Malt. tic, New link Im lililiool llirhouri. Viilinl' Ikulscliliud, Sir uik m rhiiiiiulli foi IlimhuiK land noit tilt ,1), Coloied Pieacher Lynched. II) l.x.lu.iiie Wire liom llie Ksodated I'rcsj la lirante, N (', J line 1 I) II loiiti., lie liruro jueaclui whu. It Is allcul ailciu'lnl lu .h jult Sin.. Noah bails neat la Iii.iiilo ,rlu iln, a taken fiom Ihe uaul hou.e hue la,l liiglit and 1) nc lied THE NEWS THIS MORNING Weather Indications Tod ; FAIR! SOUTHEASTERLY WINDS. l timet il -I ridslilni,. I'is.rs the I'm lit and Siott IIIIN llukir Ti sillies In Ills (bui llehill. Niw Tlilnl I'.lllj lliiiiililriil 'Ihe Vlolliiniv III il lln.' (linn il- CjiIioii I lie Depji Inn tit i! Stoij-"Vi(lnr 'liiifniil, b lilltor." 4 I'dltniltl Note and Ctiiumnit. 5 I oul I'iiIIiikIjmh Vlaik Ihe 'IrihiiiK' I ilu. latlniul l'or,t(-l. 0 I oeit (lilml nf Ihe Illume ('unit, St. 'Ih'inili ( ullii llnnhiile. 7 I in il lliuii unl I laltiln-, siliti") Ci inmeiice. nu lit Slant line WhMIiils S liit.d-Hut Scuiiiliiii iml suhuiliatl, 0 C.'emral Nnitlie.iliiiii IViuiss Isaiiu t jiifiiit in I ii ml I niiimi idal 10 In, i llnssip of tin Uoihl nf s.,it. GIRL TOOK PARIS GREEN Because Her Mother Reproved Her, Elizabeth Owens Took Her Life. Was Sixteen Years Old. Because her mot her chastised her, Rli'-nbeth Owens, a lli-soai -old gh I, lesldlng nt Ma.vfleld, svs allow (d a (lose of pails gieen Tuesduj evening, and died at an eailv hour vestenlay inoin ing. The mothei and daughter had some vvoids in the afternoon, and be cause ili.s. Owens topioved the gh 1, she became angiy. The thought of self-desti notion took possession of hoi and she pioemod a qiiautltv of jiaiis giecn, and diank il in a tumblei half tilled with watei, he fore hoi mother and seveial of the neighbens, ssho weie piesent, nalled what the gill was doing. Pi. J ickson ssas .summoned and used heioie ticaltnorit, bill ll ssas un availing. At an o.nly hour jesteidav moiniug she died. t'oiouer Hobeils was imtiiled and held an autopsy on the bods, and l o nioved the gb 1 s stomal h Willi h Hhowed that the lining hail been eaten assay bv tho poison. A Jurv was em panelled, an Inquest ssas hold, and the following veidict rendeied 'That she came to hei death fiom taking a poisonous dose of pails giecn, with suicidal intent, on the inoining of June II, 1901, hei death having de clined at 1 a. m , aftei taking tho pails gieen at n p' m . June IS, moi." Signed, John It Jones, J "W ilendle son, P J Williams. r. A. Batlen beig. if. 1) Cuie. i. The mothei Is a widow with tbioe daughteis and foui sons The -ill was a fnvoiite among hei fi lends, all or whom gieatlv deploie her iasli ait. The mothei Is piostiated bv giiof, INTELLECT WILL PREVENT CONFLICT Ambassador Jules Cambon's Opin ions Expiessed at a Luncheon Given in His Honoi. lb I xcliislie Win fiom Iho V-somleil 1'ies- f'liiiagu, June I1) "I do not belies e the men who tell me ihat Hade ie latlnns and business exigent les will pievenl futuie wins among the civil ized natluiiH. It is Intelleit that will stop them and intellect alone, lalma tlon makes lot pe.ne mow Hi. in all the business In ihe win Id." The Flench ambassador, Jules Oanibon, made llils Htatement tonight at a luncheon given in his honor at the Chicago i lull, aftei he had listened to an eulogistic toisl, pi.ilshm him fm Ills senlie in con ducting the negotiations thai ltd up in the tio.it which ended the s,pansh Aliioiicau wai. il. Caniboii, in the coiuse of his lemaiks. cllsi iissed mans iuteiestlng siibieots, pi lui Ipalls aniong which was bis opinions of wai and the best means ot us aiding It, "I ti 111 not disclosing anv slate seeiet," he i oii tiiiued, "when I sa.s lint inv espell enees ailioug (lie illploiiiti4ss ol maii.s lauds bus sti, iiglheiied the belief I have n hv uvs held Hint t lilt nil inn lio.llds aie not saw .veil b,s business ,n sentiniont but bs Inlollect alone will most suwlv lnilig ii.ln.tiil a peiuetiil .solution of the most dlllh llll quest ii-, "The odncdlion.il advantages that Anient a pe.ssieses 'ind that uie con mantlv hading he- along the p.uh of luii-lloet. must make her a gieil i.ii ten in thi i onsei valiou nl the peaio of the woild, I 'eive foi Fumii on a vacation net month and v 111 thou piesent il lepoit to my govei nini'iit, advocating the luitlier cnmblnation ol tho Ilium lies of Ihe alliance Fiau e.llse with) Ameilcan unlveisliiei- The time has come when the two gloat iftpuhlii-- of Hie wen Id sliould know oat li otliei betlei I still liml among your people tlio idea that I'.nis 1-t Fiance, you inusl get (hat llilifs slou out of mil heads, We pioposn o tin u some of the tide of Amelle.il) studenl tiavd lo Luiope away fioin the (lei man unlveisltles and townnl mil own I do not depieiute llie won del fill edticatlon.il advantages nl (lei many, but we win! Anieiliaps tn lenllze that for iho aitlstlc. the phil osophical ami the ihiiuial, thev must til) U to Fianie" il, Cainbon will leave heie toinoiinw on a Hip tu Saulte Sle Maile and twin tllfie will lellllll to Waslllllgloil, Oiaduates at Lehigh, 1 l.silunf Wiie fiom lln wiil(I l'ie Ih ildeheiii. l-i, lune l Ihi'li ma., iml tle (jiiis veu lonfeiied on rids ilirlu tiailiult. of I chilli iiiiivei.lu llils afieiuuiui llie film Ipd pilr, Hie Wllhin 2n() mIi .laihli Im (,ene il is nil nee, was nun In I'aul Im.iii-o, nl Hell li In in, a ionilai uiliiiion Hi Vli( oniiell, of llionk lm, il. lis t r. 1 Iho iiilii-i. to tin (.laiiualis, ami Paul V Pauie, 'HI, lo Iho aluiiuii Jealous Gill's Suicide. 11 I ulitohe Who fiom The Avocialed I'res. Walpolo, Vj. , lune l'i Viiiutnlhi iealoii-i, Vimli Sii-e, a l.ernun (.ill of JO )tai., llus ini.iiilt iltimpicil in kill lliniv I lllamlunl, wlm had foi nil l Is hun atlinliu In hei, and then sent u Imlhl intn In own huiu, killiiic liemelt iiiflantli lllaiiihaiil 13 .illulii.- Horn two bullet wound,, tut il is bcllotd he will iceoier. BARKER TELLS HIS MOTIVE Reason tor the Sliootino ot Rev, Mr. Keller Is Given Be fore the Jiiru. OBJECTIONS ARE IN VAIN In Spite of Efforts of the Piosecutinp Attorneys Baiker Succeeds In Plac ing the Foi bidden Testimony Be foie the Panel of Twelve Puipose ot the Evidence Seems to Have Been to Sustain a Theory of Tein poiaiy Insanity Mis, Baikei Is Cool. fly I'.vrhiMV,- Wire (mm the v-wialcd Pick New Ymk, .lune l'i Tlio fate of Thomas '! Baikei mi (Hal at .Icisejr (. Cltv Im the shooting ol I'os.Joliii Kcl- li. mas goto the Jun loinouow The defense hud piai lleallv Mulshed vvhen the imnt itise llils evening. It Is not thought I'losniitoi liwln will tak" long In lehiillal liinkei and his wife weie upon the stand today. Thev toid their storv so iar as the mint would allow answois to the (tiesllons of the (ounsol delense. The iiatuic of the "assiult" was not hi ought out to tin. Jin s The witnesses aussseicd su pioinptly that objections came a slindr late, lu this vvav "Hie outiage" ssas letoitcd lo seveial times dining the das The state had it stilckon out (.lib time, but the Impiession went to the In l i Barkei on the stand told his veislon ol the shooling lie said ho mot Kel l"i and that Kellei spoke to him. This ssas in illicit e ontiadii tinn of Kellei s testimony mi the slunil, ns he claimed not to base met .ins one. liaiker said lie lesponded to Kellei s gioetlng bv (ailing Keller a villain dunging him wilh outi aging ills, n.nkoi: he then, he said, began filing. Mr. Keller, when on the stand, swoie that not a vvoid was spoken and that he sasv no one. Purpose ot Testimony. 'Ihe pui pose ot P.aiket'.s testimony ssas to show that alter basing blooded lot a peiiod os ei sshat his wife had told hbn. he ssas in a moibid stnte ot mind, and when he came face to lace ssitb Hie mlnistei. he was can led away bs fooling, and began thing, that it was sudden, violent and lempoiaiv tn sanltv lasting but a moment, but long enough to tosei the peilod of the hooting. When the eouit lose, the do. fense ssas lit Inging testimony to sup putt this idea, with CNpoit modlcnl les tliuoii.. Bnktt admitted he bought the levnlver about the time ho fllsL hoaiel theslois, which won led blm and caused him sleepless nights and gie.n. mental stiess He denied, hnwevci, that he bought ll lm the pui pose of shooting the i leigsinan Mis. I in i Iter was oxpcttd to hieul: down and In i ome livsteilial on the witness stand, but a ( oolei woman Inn seldom niiuphd the (hall. She was ,i Utile iiejsiiils at llisl. but tills qilieklv woio oil". She i lilml-. aliswend .ill qilistlnns ul hoi husband's lawsois, and bv the time she was put under i iijss-c a niltiat Ion appealed In bounder pel lei t ( oiltiol ill. Kellei sit tluoiigli il all without betiaviug the sKhti'st oinotlon ll is doubtllll if In- In aid mill ll of the les tiinons, as most ot It was In ,c sub dued tone, and his healing is l.u fiom good - - TROUBLE AT RIO JANEIRO. Indignation and Excitement Aioused by Killing, of Rloteis. Hi IviIiMi Win limn Iho V.socnti I I'm. ,, 1 1 o lui,, I I iiuliLiiaiit'ii in I i si Ut nu I I hot Inn nnu-iil li i In tin nl il iIiiilIiiu iipni i null v nr .us win luiimilli i ion i Shiiithv iiilIii mi I iio-ttis I in I In i es tin lot in was loiuiiiiiil In llu ill-jri undid el units ol llu piipiililiim llu I di" mid i ham ihiU.il il liiivid.il liml lu lln tni-iii'ss ili-iutl, I illini fill piiMins in,l loiiiulins IviMil'. lln ilMiiih-ni is ioiiuiiii',1 Iml ll iml Mien. penoiH inn m undid, lull tin- es. IKiiiuil n ihilln.' 'Hum is li" '"liiu d sl,nl. inn lu Iliu liolliv Commencement at Moiavinn School. It '-YihultF Wire fiom Ihr A.fnihted "reM I nn nlei, luni lu llu inn Iiiiiulinl unl i mill i iiniiniiii i in m if llu- I bull ii IHU ninii'i o sn nlihialid loilu it Ihal unions eld Vidian m siho"l a lllllz H"' -.win ili wen Hem i limit I'dinhou, I'iiisluiik. Ii's'h Mis smiihuul llhiiuho lliilulli Wiinil I'mliilrlplili, and Vlaiy llthll lliluiliiihiih. Ilnilolli lime Hindu, Mm Hit I lliuii lih Vlini I una I in low and Ikiclia Mil J out., ul 1 llll Not Regiuded as Seilous. Hi r'scliisiie Win. limn I ho i.iuialiil I'rfM W ndilnjliin, bun' l'i bun id Wnn.l in i mm. liliillliallnn lo llie mini us nl wai leiu.. lu nl Iliad liiuiN and liuiil iihii in the niiuiiiiiil ihilliuis Iml in nut It i minuet aa tn kale tlm Iiiiiiis.iiiu Ihal In dots not, n.anl lliuii " i.e i loui . . Oiook Jury Out, fli list 1ii-ivi Vu fiom llio Vvnelated l'ie, Wilkes Hun blue l'i llu jun In the ea ! of Mhhail I look. Imavil wilh Ihe imiul-r "I ilim lllioules wlib li went mil at Ml n'Hou; t Ins nioiiiut, hid not .iLlinl when lOtitl' aj ,i ,,i in a lln. i ii inn. - , i YESTERDAY'S WEATHER.' I t,i al data lui June l'i, .)1. Iluliesi iiiuiiiiiuo T desricl Inwe.i liniHi Hun -' lleieo' III I ll lie lluiiililil I S i in V! i"l scul. p. in , 77 !! com. l'iiiiiIlalioii, JI holm niili'd 8 p in, Hale -f -Tii"f--4--f--f-f"f-f-f-f -f f WEATHER rORECAST. -f- - Wa.hinalon lune II lor(Lat for Kait- - f un Pniii.iliania lair IhursiUy ami 4- liulai, luht i" Imli oullici4trly -f wind- -f - -