s-A- ! i.'s'fs rnrr'ftk-ftiif. wsr.'Bv 5'JJfi'' " Wr-'"WP- 'Tp8'S!"SS"iAl - K ' WTTT) THE SOR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11), 1901. 31 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. I Fpei'M (n the i raiilon Tribune. 'J'ttiittliiitiiioi'U .Mine IS.-Mr. nti'l Ally. Tlmtiius llvuti imil MIhm .Hisi'i'li I Ino Ilnjci' cavi liuluy for the I'mi- AliK-rlriin ivcptwltlon whore tlli'.v will ! sjiL'llil M woo);. .tiitticH Tlmypi- of r.liii'liiiintoti spout Siintlay with hl.M family at thli liluoe. Mr. imil Mm. SunIiiii, of Spiniiton, rintl .lantL'.i KlininiM' vlMlted fi IimiiIu n tut relittlvi'i In town on Suiultiy, Misses, Ha'. ill Hundley, Kllziilieth K'jll'or. imil Mlpliililu Mi'Kuwti .spent Kunilny wlih friends tit Lulu- Wlnoln. Mr. llyroll lllake.'lee, of Nleliohoil la visiting t-ovrr'il days with his family 1 tit this pliirr. flow 1-TniiU Huwkn and 1'ior. .f. 'I'. Koiierluy vlsltod friends at Luke W'ln uln. on Sunilny. Mr. Albert Mark, of New Yoik elty lilted his wife, at this plaee on .Sunday. All I'. Muek Is spending wmio tlmo here with her patents .Mr. and Mrs. Jot time Wilcli, on Harrison Ftioet. Attorney Kverett .1. Hnrdlns, of I "vVIIkr-s-tluiin was it business man In tow n on Monday. '' GjBSON. Special to tlic Si union Tribune. (libson, .lime IS. i'!. II. f'litik was in lilimhuuitnii Moiuliiv. Reatiice Lutiton and Pe.sslo Spencer .visited fifends In Harford a few days lust week. Mis. J. 'I'. Williams visited friends 1 In Rlnnlmmlon last week. Washington eamp. No. inn, eele- brnto the Fourth of .Inly. Tlio C.lbson and llni'fonl hands nre pxpeeted fo furnish lnitsic. J. H. Wells and wife, of Golden. Col., are keeping house In tho Shop ardson house. llert Williams, of Lakeside, pulled on friends In town .Sunday. Miss Hattle Karnes spent last Sun day with her sister In New Mllford. Will Tiffany and wife, of Harford, spent last Sunday with Mrs, Tiffany's 1 a rents. Mrs. W. H. Hstabiook started Tues day for Illinois, when) she will visit friends this summer. II. M, Roberts and wife, of .laekson, called on friends In town Sunday. Mrnest Seott, of Scranton, was here over Sunday, railed hero by the Ill ness of his Kralidmother. Walter Lewis nml wife, of Jackson, called on friends In town lust Sunday, Mrs. ('. (.'. I. Upton anil daughter, MtidKe, were In Susiiiiehunna calling on friends Monday, DURYEA. Spriial tr, the Siranlon Tilbune. ftiryeu, June IS. (.'lass No. 7 of the Illicit Methodist Kplscopal Sunday school, held a business ineetln? last evor.lnt; In the jiastor's ollice. Here the letiortft of all tho committees were heard. The entertainment committee submitted the pioRi-aiiinio to the class and It was accepted. The programme for afternoon and evening will bo ex ceedingly interesting. The Methodist Kplscopal Sunday school's excursion to Mountain Park will leave Mooslo and Avoe.i near S.SO a. in. All Hie people Intruding to go from this town will find our Metho dist Kplscopal Sunday schools repre sented there by a ticket agent, Tho Lawrence Hose company, No. It have Improved their Iiobo house by having it painted and remodelled, Mesdames Itudotplt Godwallls and James Holloa visited In Taylor Mon day evening. JIIs3 Eva I.anu Is visiting telaltve? at 1 leach Luke. HOPBOTTOM. Cpfflnl to Ihe Pcunton Tribune Hophotton, Juno 17, Children's day was observed at the Unlversullst church Sunday morning. The church was elaborately decorated with ilow eis, evergreens, and potted plants, and a programme consisting of recitations by the children nnd music by the choir whs rondel ed in a pleasing manner. Mr. and Jim. Kieeninn Hughes, of Junction, N. J,, are the guests of their mother. Mrs. Martini Hell. Mr. Myion Titus fell from the seuf fold of a house upon which he was working, on Filduy, receiving a palnttil Injury of the nnkle, from which ho Is eonllned to the house. Little Glady's Dose fell down stalls on Frldav and fractured her aim near the elbow. Messrs. Tones of Scranton and Shel don of Bull Mount, were guests at the home of Miss Alto Finn over Sunday. Tho Unlversullst Ladles Aid will meet with Mis. Edward Smith. Wed AVedncsday afternoon, the meeting having betn adjourned last week on account of measles at the Smith homo. Miss Minnie Halley will entertain at a tea puny of young ladles of tho arternoon of the 2Hli. A union memorial service was held at the M. V. church Sunday evening. On account of the luclemcnt weather which pipvnlled May HO, the program which hud been arranged to take plueo at the cemetery, was postponed. The service consisted of mldiessM ghin by Itev. A. ". Atu tin, unci I.uw L. L. Lewis, wltli musical selections lendeiel by t lie i liolr.s of the two churches. VffiN, 7 m &: Tourists upon the European continent nre "amazed to find women doing the work which in America is left entirely to the men. It shocks the American sense of chivalry to have a woman pick up the trunk and handbag, and carry them while he walks emptv-handed. But sentiment aside, which is the most burdened woman, she who car ries trunk and handbag or that other woman so dainty and so weak who goes through life bearing the invisible burden of pain ? The woman who bears the trunk lays down her bur den when the day is done, enjoys an evening with friends or family, and goes to bed to sleep soundly till morning. The woman whose burden is pain never lays down the load she carries, day or night. The finest and fairest woman in the world is the American woman. Her one defect is the womanly weakness which so often destroys her beauty and mars her usefulness while she is yet in the springtime of life. There is not a woman who would not be glad to lay down this burden of ill-health ; to exchange the dragging step, the sensitive nerves, the pain-racked body, for a body glowing with abundant health. That exchange is made possible by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In the many letters received by Dr. Pierce from women who have been cured by the use of his "Favorite Prescription," there is one phrase constantly recurs: "I feel like a new woman." After describing the complete change from weakness to strength and from sickness to health, and still feeling that there is a failure to express all the happiness that licaltli has brought, the writers fall back on the time-worn words ex pressive of absolute and entire change and improvement of physical and mental conditions. ' Before I commenced to use your medicine T was in a bad con dition (for eight years) and four doctors treated tnc," writes Mrs. Bettie Askew, of Garysburg, Northampton Co., N. C. "Thcv of course gave me at the time some relief but it did not last long", I was sonic nays in my ucu ana some nays i uraggca atiotlt tile liousc. I have used five bottles of Favorite Prescription and five bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and four vials of the 'Pellets.' Now I feel like a new woman, and I want the world to know it." " I suffered with female weakness about eight years tried several doctors but derived nobenefit until I began using Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite inscription," writes airs, jonn urcen, of Danville, Iioyle Co., Kv. "Tin's inedi cine was recommended to me by other patients. I have taken six bo'ttles and I feel uc auuuiui jn:iauu." The wonderful curative properties of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription are best displayed in the cures of chronic diseases, which local physicians had treated without success or pronounced to be absolutely incurable. The cure of Mrs Graham, as told in her letter given below, is an illustration of what has been done for hundreds and thousands of weak and sick women. Here is a case of a woman who had never seen a well day since she reached womanhood. Physicians agreed that hers was an incurable chronic disease. And yet by the use of " 1V vorite Prescription " Mrs. Graham was restored to perfect health, and with a gain in weight of forty-five pounds to witness to the reality of the cure. T... -..-, 11 r . ... i uiu juni ira win now- .is i was wucn i canieiiuo tile world," writes Mrs. P. K r.r-.i,-,,., nr t w I t I H 1 1 1 1 Hi "'."""- "' V ' "i",""' "' l w"1 P"1 ,l ac anyway for I cannot remember ever seeing a well day since I became n woman (twcnty.f.ve years ago), until six months ago when I began the use of Dr. Pierce's Pavon e Prescription and Golden Me.lical Discovers-,' ami ' ' leas ant Pellet, flicy a.e the best medicines on earth made for women awl their con p a its No matter what he disease may be even if ca led incurable by doctors. I was trrnc.lly seven counlrv nlivs elans and also had soini. nf ln hot .it.. i. :...:-: , . ,"""" ") BV"-r'" ., . i------ -. -- . ------ -. . "r. i'"tiiius 10 presenile tor me. Tnev all said my case was incurable, being a chrome disease of long standing. I had beer sick for eight years until six mouths ago, when I commenced with DrR. V. PierceVs ined cine a d it brought me out to where I am now. from ninety pounds to one Inmdrcd and tliirtv-nvo If any. suffering woman .will write Dr. Pierce he willVrite her a father leTte "in.1 l Mr goo advice, and if she will. follow Ills instructions will find out i a very Minit t me hit she h s been mistaken by putting her trust in home doctors." y X b"c lu Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness Its use will carry a woman in comfort through that trying period known as the turn x Hie. it sootlies the nerves, encourages the appetite and induces refreshing sleep. Sick women, esneciallv thnsi ifir,.rin r... i onus of disease, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, w. All correspondence is held sacredly 'pri vate and strictly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. (MmKttl K rv ufmnvAtjiijij i j' 'II i!.: by -P1 . rfi 1 WOMEN WiLL FINO Dr. Poroo's Oamnton Sonsa Modioal Ad- tian of health. TMa avoat ,aUcal work, containing ovor WOO targe pages aa more than 7QO illustrations, la sent FREE on Zf c mtfTST t0 "ay ox""s of mailing ONLY. Sontl 31 ono-cont stamps for tho fTTnl ZZZZa,n atolh' n r -SbS for tho book in paper covers. Addremn, Or. ft, V. PfffOf. ,, N, r. Wsr Tm5jmi smssssrsrssBsataoiisaiass NEW iWILFORD. Special lo the fkrnnlon Tribune. New Mllfoid, .tune 18. Mr, nnd Mrs. P. P. Moss visited their daughter In Susiitiehaiitui the fore part of lust celf, .Mis. ct. 10. Hliay and sou, rnilelon, of l'tohvlllc, ale Rtiests at the home of Mi. and Mis, S. V. Trumbull. Miss Nellie Qulnn bus iturned fiom a two weeks' visit with friends in ltui'foid. Snyder. Mrs. 13. A. Ina MeConnell, Inn Iluidley and Maude attend the County convention at, Dr. and Mis. Uenson, Misses Aldilch. IlesHo Trumbull will rlnlstlan Undpiivni' UiooUlyn .lune l!Mh, NICHOLSON. Hieil.il In llic Si Milton Tilliune. Nicholson, .Tune IS. .Mrs. M. V. Kelly, of Htnte street, Is vIsltliiR her mother, Mis. P. N. Doyle, at KanshiK-l-tiiKli, Troy. N, Y. Dr. nnd Mis. 10. If. Webb, who have beei spendlnu- tho past thtei; weeks with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1'. Johnson, returned to their home at Jersey City, Monday mornhitf. Mrs. IT. 'I'. Wilklns, of Scranton, Is the Rtiest of her mother, Mrs. F. K, Tirtuny. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. v iiik, .lime !S.--11io prcMure in sell sloiU .it 1'IIkIii.iI in liicikliiR lliroush reai-tanic In llu m.iiKcl loil.iv ami carrjlnff the Rener.-il leu-l ul iltis tii a nuterially luwcr b.uls. Tlio bull elcii t in llic tiuiku by no means abandoned It to t lie bean .mil ill lenirriiiR perioils when tlio n'lllna IihI spent Hi fnne tliere was nltrt re.iili mis to bill up pilie-i wltliuut any ile'iic maul-le-liil to ectiiic stofK. Notttltlistamlinit all ir-i, bowexei, tlio .pllliiir was lenewed in torto in the lni.il ilralliiKi mid curled riicc to tlio lowe-l of Iho il.iv eeept fm tlin-o stocks whiili li.nl maiiife-,tiMl Mimr i-lii'imlli. Tin- clo-iini in.h mtio and weak Tol.il ale toil iy. i'VO.SiJ'l l'U'. , , , Iho bond ln.uket w.n nimloiatply .uliio and iiii-Kiilur. Total -ales pir alne, sl.OlO.UHO. I lilted Plale bomli uric all uiuluiiRed un tlio la-l . all. The lollonlnp quotations Tribune by M. S. Jordan k Hears Iniildlng', bcrmton, Pa, upen are tiunilicd The Co., rooms 703T0U Teleplione 5003 Amnion Mmar Aineriiau Tobano .. Alihi-oti An lil-oii. Pi Iliook. 'Ir.Htion Halt, i- Ohio tout. Toll.K'IO t hiw. .t Ohm ( hie. k (,t. Wi't. ... St, Paul Ilnik Waml Kan. i Te., IV I.oui. k a-h .Man. r.lt'valid Min-o. Paillio Si'iilh, l'.iLinc oifolk k c-t V. V. lelill.ll tint k Wi-leii Pinna, llv Patitii- Mail lir.lilitiL' 111' lleadiii!? 11.. Pi., ... Soutliorn U. it Southern H. K.. Pi., Toun. Coal k lion ... 1'. S. Leather lT. S. Leather. Pi.. . I . S. ltublier tTnion Pacific I'lilon Paiifir, Pi., .. Wali.ili, Pi Wistein Union Col. I'uol k lion ... Ainal. Copper People's ti.is Krii- Lrie. l-t., ( ol. !-outheiu Te.n l'aeillr Aimr. Car roiiiuli. . I S. Steel Co C s. m,t1 Co.. I'r.. NP.W VOIIK me. ...IIS' . .llh-'i ,.. S-'j ...io-)1 ,.. M'4 ..no1 1 . . . i'x ,.. -'i'-t ...isp.j .. W' ... Hi'i . . . I HI', ...l-'i'.b . '.!)" .v. . U'j . I" . MI'l . .!.''th . "-s'l . 71 . H't . T')'i . Jl .III . 'II . un . !i,l . .l.U'. .i:ifl .ll'H.i J'!J . "'? . l.i'j Iliirli- est. 1I4'5 lis f'"s 10'i'is Nl-"s 111 !.', !!' 17.!' (I1' 111 un; uj'i iiu 5!'i r.7'j :'.7ii Til'.. i ; IT7 MI'i ::i S-'-a 7i'h ll'i Low est. 14in 1 M' t U Kl'i'i Ml" .:' 4'". 'i ll.l's Pi's wiii:t. .liilv sepl CORN'. .lull Sep! ... I i ... 'i-"i fill .MX Open hilt. i:: inn i 'ijij in. 7 " p'i .in Hi'. MARKi;i IIirIi- Low e-t. o-t, 17.S-' Kill l.l's no', 122 1-iO'i u'ns .V!'.. 152 42'j 17 i!il(s .':.'.' " 71'i II To1 :'' no' m l2-'i !l-.'i '21 1211'i ll.-'i 4!'j "1 1", 17 i- i, IT'.. 4's 71' I7'i 4'j 71 47'- Clas- ins. II! i i;.ii hslj io:.3 j.2 Kte'j Hi PIT, J I 17! ITii1!; il's '. ill in 5 Hi 1.17 :i7U IV U; 17 ' j .-PI 31- Sr' 71' II T.l '-lljs 111 PI 12''. !1.1i V2'l " 127 llP'i ll'i 71 1-1 47 .".2 ' j 4'l " fl-i'i Clos- Inc. 7l'i 4'i'j Hid. Aske 120(1 050 4SII 275 lo0 .". ioo 95 40 301) 32i 30 17.1 100 1.10 ... 75 115 115 115 100 102 115 103 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. First Natioral Bank Scranton Savings Bant Third National Hank Dime I)epo-lt and Discount Bank.. Economy I.IrI'. " v-.pA Licka. Trust Salo Deposit Co Clark & Snover Co., Pr. Bcranton Iron Pence s iirg. Co. ... Scranton Axle Works Lackawanna aiiv Co. I'r.. ...... County Savinss Bank k Irdst Co.. l'iist Satioiul Bank (Carbondale).. Standard DriHine Co T'adeiV National Bulk Scranton Holt and Nut Co Pupple's Bank New Mexko lly. S C Co BONDS. Bcranton Pass;n(re: Hallway, drst Morteaw, due 1020 Pcople'n htrcct Railway, flrt mort gage, due 1918 Tcople's btreet Railnay, Ccneral mortBaffe, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Laika. Township School S per cent. City ol Scranton St. Imp. 8 per cent ; Scranton Traitlon fl per cent Scranton" Wholesale Market. fCorercted bv II. fi. Bile, 27 Laikuwainia An.) Butti r-I'reMi; 20.r20',ie. ; dairy, ficli, lii'iaiOc. I hece-Pull cream, new. lOliallc. LKlis-AVcslem luli. UV-jalli.; neaiby bUle, lin.alot. Buiin-Per bii-hel, ihoiie manow, 2.roj2.B"i l'ea lUaiis Per Inula I, iliolic nuiiow, S2.3Ja ""Medium Beans-IVr ba-hols. S2. 10a$2 15. tlieen Peas Per buslielrs. .l,40ail,4.j. Hour -Het patent, per barrel, $1.15. lied Kidney Beam-Per bushel, yitlafJ.DO. Potatoes I'er bUaliel, h5ario. BernimU Onlon.-I'er bushel, $1.50afl.CO. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, .lune IS. -Wheat Unchanged; uuiliait Kiado June, 7fla7i'.ie. Coin Finn, tic. Ideilii'i Nil. 2 mixed .lune, 45s4alfic. Oat Dull and weak, i while illppul, .'tic, Hiiltei I'lilii, sood ilemand; lamy western neuiueiy, lfl'-i.i do. ilo, prints, tfe. s do. neatlij- do., 2(c. llu'Kn -Stead, fieh peaibj, lie; do. nclein, lli ; do. foiilhuoMi'in, l'l- ; ilo. oulheiu, l'2i, l liecac -ljuietj New Vork lull neaim fanty small, ii4o j ilo. do. do. fair lo ehoioc, S',j,i9o. Helini'd Snaro- Dull Cotton lnchaui;ed, Tallow Ouietj illy prime jn bhds., ITialo.i country do, do. in buii'li. Iu1c; rakes, .I'.iaJV. Live Poulll3 (JuIolT fowls, llisi.; old looaters, 7o I eprliift ihlikens, 15U.1c,; ihuks, O.ilOo. l)iced Poultry I'limer, Bood demanil; fowl.4 coihco lOalO'io.; do, fair to uooil, ftillic; old roostcis, ti'.o. j brollcH nearby '20a2.o , westetn do,, 20a21c HeeeipU I'lour, S.faio banvl", 1,771,000 pounila In sacks; wheat, lil.uuo bii-liehi coin. 10),n.rt InishcUi oat, iiOi.am) luiiheU. Milpmentk Wheal, Sl.uiO biuheUj (oin, 75,000 btisheh; oU, I2,0i)0 butheU. New York Grain and Produce, New Voik, Juno lb. I'lour Kasv ami dull. Wheut i"pot weak; No, 2 led, 7Mi'. f u, ii. alio Hi No, 2 leil, ""'ic eleiaior; Xo. I N'ortlurii Dulutli, 7774i. f. o. b. alloat. Options opened fifi, later lalluil, but weu irietiuhr all the afternoon, filially lallii'ii; and (.losing t-tcady at na'ji net decline. Julv closed "ofii , .vpt,, 7H4e., Oil 71Hi'.i T'fC TVfli". Coin spot Hun; No 2, tSTsi. iltivator and fUi'. f. o. b. alliut. Option) icjdy to tiinij closed linn at 'Ji'dc net uihanct. Julv loed, 47i-c. i Sept., 4!ic; IK I., 45sc. OaU Spot Mini; .No. 2, UJ'ie. , No, (l, SJc.i No. 3 while, il'ir.t No. It wldle, .ttVn;: tiack mixed western, aijJ.ll',sO. j li.uk white, 32j'i5e. Optioni dull and easy on scud (lop propeits Hiiltei KJrinrri ireameiy, HalOjtc ; factor, 12!'j uHc.i imitation cnaini'ij, l.'tal.; slate dairy, H'SalStic, Cheese riimj fjnty large io. oied, Hi.,; fancy laiiie white, '-,; fancy mull tolored, Oi', ; famy email white, He. Kgs r'lrm. erj lalc anl Penaslania, ISaLlc; western uu.'tjdnJ, UjIJi-c; wcitein raudled, ::iJi:iisc. Chicago Grain and Produce. (Iilcafo. June IS. lajwer table reportj ol fine crop weather and i-toilcs of djiuojc by rain in Kails.! put llie when luaiket In a aritly nj nioeJ-i today. .Inly ilcffd unihansrd. July coin ilo;ci Ua-'jv. Iiijlicii Jul oau, uniluugcd, audi THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY. 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, ,t Cent (or liacli tlxtra Line. SITUATIONS WANTED TRUE. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Pour Llnei, 6 Cent lor Bach Bttra Llna, Tor Rent. For Reoto About 1200 I'cet oflloor space on 4th lloor of the Tribune building, suitable for light iiuufucturing. In cluding heat, light and power. linqtliie at ollice of Tlll TRIBUNIi. I'OH lll'.Yr it pIkIiI-iooiii home, with all mod. cm Impioi emend ami tomenlemci; lain limit porchi uiio fiont nnd back lawn. Unit only jr2 per inonlli. linpilie on pieml-ei, 0-1 I'li'totl aioluie. lOll Ui:.T-t'oll.iRP nt Luke Wlnola. Willi ill modern iiupiniemeiits nnd two lioal". Apply Krcd II. Stark, Tradeia' Hank bulldlnt?. I'OR lti:NT-fl-iooni hoiiac, eniner Wayne avenue and Putnam strett: hot and mid w-atet, nor.e but email family need apply. IT'" "ajnc aienue 829 nniXV nilldl-: srnKirr. ten rnoim, modern iinprovcnients; steam heat fuinlshedi deslr. desirable. .XVS-SS sv For Sale. FOIl HALL' At lllRhlanil faun, near llalton, one large ronel wotk horte, one bay mire, with foal, two bay colt", cue Miirol colt, four row, two helfeis, one lain maikct wairon, with plat foini pprli-K, one tup Imgicy. Apply at farm, or P. II. UlemoiH. c,a: Mean buildlnsr, Seianton, l'a. TOR SAMI-lluihllnK lot 2.110i feet on the lim) bloik Lackawanna aMiiue, Hallioid nlley in rear, l'or price and Iciim, wille to "Antlua die," care Tiibuuc Ollice. Benl Estate. 1.U00 Hun siv-rnoiii, binsle iiouae, pood well. Lot ll)o200, fiianton street, Dalton, Pa. Wells ,t Kealor. ?l.S0O-Huji litiilillnK lot. 40x150. Wheeler ave nue. Willi & Kcalei, Huir Building. 2,100 Iluyi doulilo houe, 7 roonn'on a fide, nil improvements, except sai. IJcan street, Provi dence. Wells 4: Keatcr. For Sale or Bent. Pott SU.lfoit 11KNT A cottaRC in lllmliurit, witli excellent water and healthful location. Address Ilr. Halcnon, .'117 Washington menue. Money to Loan. MONKY to loin on improved city real eatatc. I1I..SU1 Dl.l.l.S. Mi. ciiAS. ii. wi:lles. THOMAS spraciui:. (S.M.U0II TO LOAN Lowest rates; stialsht or monthly inments. Stark ,t Co.,TiadeH' bldtf. ANY AMOUNT OP MONP.Y TO LOAN-Qulck, ttrai.-rl't Irons or DuildlnR and Loan. At from t to fi per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 31 1-31 j Connell building. Strayed. S'lUYi:n lll.uk hoic. with mar on left fiont (.houldei. Liberal lewaid for letuin to 017 Piescotl .Kenue. Tutor. vni'NIi MUX. riilt rinir or ntcnarinir for colleire, (an leieiio pcrional iiu-tnuiioii by applvint; to 11. 11, t'pjohn, ,'ili! Connell Iluildinir. provUioiirt fiom 7'jalO lo 20c. up. tasli quota tiom weie n follows: 1'loin -Quiet: No. ! epiins wheat, 70a72i'. ; No. .", li.-iaOO'ic ; No. i led, O'lijac; No. '2 coin, .! ; Vo, ! M-llow, J.'lc. ; No. '2 oats. 2Sl.: No. 1 while, .W;V.; No. ,1 white, 27I)ia2S-!ii . j No. '2 ijc, 17' jo. ; iruod feeding baile.i -ISaJOc. ; fair to ihoiie, fAioJc. ; No. 1 flax wed, ?l.7.i; No. t Noitliweitein, : pilmo timotliy seed, M.'i.'i; mi vi pork", 'sll.S7'.iall.Wl; laid, i.(,7'2a8.7-2'i; klinrt libs, 'js.is.a): diy Halted -liouldevs, 7a'ii.; shoit cleir sides, S. lo.iS..r,i; whiskey, l.lli. Chicago Live Stock Market. ( hu.iiro. .lune IS. Cattle Itcceipt-i, li.UiXi. in cliidiin; t'UO Texaiia; Reneially about, steadj ; mood lo piimc 8teer.s, j.l0aC20; poor lo medium, l.tila.i.imj nocker.s and feeders slow, l.H.VI, tows, -.2.70.1 1. Si; heifei-, ?2.75a".10; (anneii, 2i 2.05; bulls film, Vat.jj; calves, 2,"c. limher, IM.2.ia6.W); Texas led steers, !j2,,i0ai. 10; 'le.xas bulls'. ?2.7oa.l.7.i. llos" lieceipti today, 111,000; toinoniive, .'12,000; Minuted left over, 2,000; oiKiird linn, shade lower, ( ln-,ed about slc.ul ; top, :i;.10; mixed and buteheid, ii.S0iUi.lO; good to ihnl o heavy, l-j.l)aii.l0; iuiirIi heavy, ft'i.'n CM; Tiuht, Ijsi.TOill; bulk nf sales. $r,.02',san.02'..'. Sheei Rerelpt-, 1.1.IKK1; sheep and lambs, sleidy to thru; spilm; l.tuilis up to !,7.i; Coloiados, Vi.l.i; good to ilioico wctlicrs, 'js1.f0at,2j; fair tr. (hoiio mived, Il.u0al; vvosieru sheep, .!.!i t.2.i; .vearlingi, ?la4.50; native Iambi, ful.Li; western IjiuIw, l.li.ai,la. Buffalo Live Stock. Last lluflalo, .lune lb. Itoocipti-Caltle, 12 cats; sheep and lambs, 2 cats; liogn, 12 r.u.-. Miipments Cattle, 10 lais; sheep and IiiiiIh, 0 (lis; Iiouju. II tali. Cattle offerings were, llglit. No (liause in basis of pi ice. Calvei Clioid- to extia, V,,7.'aiPO. I.auibs Choiie to exliu, $l.ilj at.sfl; shiep, mile tlio extra, V. 00a 1. 1ft. HoRs heavy, HlOaO.i:,; pigs, laCCVi. Oil Market. (Ill C i I v, .lune IS. Credit lulaiues, loi; leilll'.. tales, no bid. Hilpmoiils, lOi.ilsO; aveiase, W, ;I.V); tuna, !I2,I0i; avciagc, 61,011, BASE BALL. National League. . At lloslon- It. II. K. IMiilailcllilili 00 0 1 00 Oil O- l Ii iKxston UO 0 0 00 .'10 2 ft H 2 Ilatterlos-Orth and llouslass; PittiiiRer, Willis and Kitllidge. I inplie-Na-h. At I'lltJiiiig II. IL K. M. Louis (I 0 1 11 I 0 0 II il- 2 2 Plttsliuig I 1 0 1 2 0 I II 'I I.I i llatterles Muipliy mid NUIiols; Pliillppi and O'Connor. Umplii O'Pay. At llionkljn II. II, L. Kevv Ymk 0 0 ii 2 il 0 II 0 0- .' .l 2 lllookl)li , 2(12 1 O.i 00 "-10 2 2 Hitleiies Ta.vlor, Denver and Warnei ; lluijlies, Donovan and Mitiiiiic. L'mpiic llw.vei, CiiK liinal il'hii .iyii, nut siheduled. American League. It. ii. i: 1 0 0 0 (I 0 I) 0 '2 :i A 4. o o o i o a o ii i 7 a At lloslon fhiiago , lloslon , 0 0(1 1 0,'t Oil I 7 .1 Hatieries (iilllllh, Harvey and ullf v ju; l.eius and NJiicikoiigaai. t'lnplie Minj.s--au. Al PhiladelphU- II. II. II. Cletelaiid .,, 0 :; .1 1 0 2 0 Ii 0-ti H i PlilladelidiU 1 u i) o ;i o i u u- .i j I lljtteiles low ling and eJiri Plank and I'ovvu. I'mplie ( anllllon. At llatllmoie II II. V-. Milwaukee 0 u 0 0 l l : 0 o t i. llallinioii I 0 4 0 1 I 0 I n u 2 llalteiiiM-.paiks, llaivlu and Maluuey; Howell and llobiiisun. I'liipiita- ln-lldjn ami Conn. ill). At Wa.liiuslou- II. II. 1 llelioii 1 0 0 2 I 0 u o- pi It 4 Washiugibii 2 0 U 1 I 0 II O - li 12 0 llatleiles Ciouin and Huelovvf Caiiiik, Clear and Clatk. I lliplie- HjoIuII. Eastern League. PiovldciKC, 2; Woricstei, 0. Hart fold. 1U; i.iuiie, . Toronto, 10; Montrcul, J. Uutlalo-Itocliejlcr, no kjiiic, rain. AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. 'the Young Aiiuriiau Mar ilVlcaicd the Pink ol Piuvldeuic iJtuidjy aftciuooa. Wanted. A 111 Ml I.MlV deslui liiinlilieil loom Willi ptlvalo fatiillj. Vihhesl "A," Tilliune nlllce. NTi:il- 1.1 1 no hoii-o of Iwelvc In lllteetl iimiiih; sullablo for n tit t il.i-s bo.udlug hrusx; iniHt be dnnu touti and vuy itnttal, AiI.Iiim , T. Ilaikelt, Hell llsl.lle bulldltig. Help Wanted Mule. OLII lll'I.IAIIt.i: I IIIM desili'i two eiieigelli', iiinbilioiH Julius men. Peimaiicnl inlde P' illloiis. i,i uiekly suit, il'iiiiieiuint, Hold. em i". 2.i ilipaslt leipiiied. Human, Mimney llulldllig. Itulliilo. WAN'IT.Il- v bakei; kuoiiiI or llilul nun, vvm, A. Wibbei, Poiest Cltv, Pa. WANTI'.ll-LxpetleiHeil ilothliig Mleniuen, 12i Pellll uveniie. Itoselibilg Hlolhels. ANTLIl-l'iieigetlc. fiiHlvvmlhy jmnig man, peiuuneut position, must lie will innm Inrlided, V'O deposit leipillul, llagi'i, ,112 Mean Uulldlng. WANTLD-Mxperkucid male atrnvgiaplirr, an'in tonied to lalhoad work. Innuiie II. T. 'slade, Superintendent V'rie railroad. Diiuiiioie, Pa. tlAIIUKK WANTI'.Il-Apply Wis S. Main avenue. WAXTIIl) Two voung men to leant business and lake load for eitein liiantitaituior. 12 and expeitaes (o statt, with chance to adiance. VI- ilieei, Willi stamp, Jlaniifaetorer, Tribune Ollice. WANTKD "nlesmen. tiavellng or local! weekly snlary paid. Ilenlik S-eed Co., llochecr, Help Wanted Femnlo. WAN'I'LD tlhl for general huuiewoik. 42S Clay avenue. WANTLD-Two Indies lo learn biisine-s, liire and take cliaigc of demoustr.itu for enMcrn uiiin ufactuier. ?I2 and expenses to stall. Addicss llemonstratoi, liilmnu Olflio, GII1L WANTLD-Pnr general Imii-rvvoik in small family. :J1" Webster avenue. BRANCH WANT OFFICER. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBintT SCHLl'TZ. coiner Miilbeirj rtrect and Webster avenue. CUSl'AV riCIILL, (530 Adams avenue. West Side GKOnCli: W. JKXKI.N', 101 South Min av onue. South Scranton PRED L. TLRPPE, "20 Cedar avenue. North Scranton Ci:0. W. DAVIS, corner Voith Main avenue and Market stiect. Green Ridge CIIAHLLS V. JOSI'.S, 11J7 Diikson avenue. I'. ,L JOHNS, D20 nrccii liidgc street.. O. LOHLNZ, corner Wa-hington ave nue and Marion sheet. Petersburg W. II. KNi:iTT:i. 1017 living avenue. Dunmore J. 0. HONE k SON. Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mis. Tompkins, Ml Washington avinue. Rooms and Board. LAI1GE front room wilh board for two gentle men, 410 Adams avenue. Furnished Rooms. TOR ItEN'T One laige furnished front loom; also one side room. CI7 Adams avenue. Buffalo Hotels. HO ILL LLMHUIIST, Huflalo, . Y duel lly in fiont of Lincoln Parkway entiaiue to expo,', tion. in full view of nightly illuminations and all pviotoihuie displajs. Hates, fl.00 up. A I'OHMLlt ir-ident of Nortliuniberland, Pa., will be k1.uI to entiitain Pau-Ameikau vis. ilnn. Terms leamnalde. . Newmin, 117 E. Ninth St., Ilullalo. Situations Wanted. SITLAI'IUN WAN'ILD An expcilenf ed inaihiiiaii would like a .situation Willi a private faiull.t, Tempeiato man and a very luutul diiver; un deistands ueneial vvoik aioiind a private pt.ue; wilh iptcier.iv. Addles-, ( oailiiuan, .111 Pi nil .IH'llUC. bllL'VTION WANTED-Hy a widow woiinn tn pn out bv day Wa-liini;, nniiiiiir, ol i leaninj;. Please lall or adiliiss, Mis. IIiuhII, I21'l ( idai avenue, litl. SITI'ATION WANTED- lly niiddli-.iKed vvumaii a, liousekicpcr in wi.lmver'.s laiinly; mil Rive lefeieiues, Addie-s .1. II , I TwuilJ-lhllil slliel, Niaulou, Pa. Sni'ATION WANTED-Hy a vmuiR man to au to some siiiniui'i lesoii ainl ail as a hotel eleik fin tin' summer, Mildly tempi late ami lione-ticui furnish best ol leli leni-e. .1. 11, II., Tribune olllie, hl'll' VTItlN" ANTED-Diesstiiakei, uood llttei, ll. .in Philadelphia, desiies a few eiiRJiiemenls; sjl.fiO ,i day or will lake wink home. Addles-, li.7 Uiikiuiu avinue. bll'U TU1N" WAYI'ED-H.v a Hist 1 lass book-kerp-or with eiuliteeii jeim experienie, lo won, two or thin- lionis ilall.v mi a sit 01 hooks in the lily; leinis veiy leaMinable. Addicss, Kvpi'it Ti flume Olliie. Hll.il' ( LA1""' (OAtllMVN iledies a situation wltli a piivale lumlly ; well ixpeiieuied and a lapalile man; stiidly linuieiato nnd undei stands Kineral vvoik about ptlvalo plan-. Ad dioss .1. K -i'll Peon aunui. WANTED-Mtuatlou aioiind Rintlduau's plaie or jinilor work. !, D, II., PIO Webstir avinue fel'lCATI'lN 1 ANTED-lly a jouns nun lo do any kind of woik ur woiklntT 111 piiialo lam ilv or dilvliii; a Rioiiry watsmi. Additss iaic of Junes III01I1, U"Ji d 1710 Prlio stiiei. M'M'Vl'lOV WANTED-II man eradinir or lajInK sldewalk, 01 lixlnir eini nr (iiltiiii lawin, 111 any kind of noik. Call or jiMii-m I iW I'ruvidiiiio load. hTII'VIIOS W WiKIL Tribtwonliy, lelialde voiin' man, K0"1' bablts wantu puller woil:. (iou'l peniiiau. halai optional. Tiunwoilh , Tiibuiio Oflue. Sill' VTIO.V W NTED-AJ walihmiker, "j jcj, expeilinicj leieieiuei. Kobett T. M1111I1, ueu eial deliveij. sIlt'.VIION WAN'll'.DHy K"d aent ami gen. eial iaiiv4nr. II, 'I. Siullli, Hi Peiin ave EslTl'ATION W M'EH-Hy a woman to gu uul .y dav w.ishliii, iiiiiiiiiir 01 ileauliiir Plea-o isll or addles 11m. Iluill, till) I edar aienue, illy- Sl'll'VIION WANTED-A( live joiius man deliei pu.il ion; is sober, honest and tillable, liood irfrruuv. l'i 'llluune Olliie. LEGAL. tEAI.EI) I'ltOI'O.M.S will be reieiied at tlio of lite cf (bo Sirantou Poor llojid mull V, o'llock lida, .lune 21, for tho loofiui; of i'ic iliopel at the Hillside Home, In au-oidinic villi the pcil!Ualioin in Hie bauds ol the aiilillrd, E, II. Davis. It (: miell buildlns. Hoard re sen is the ilsl.t 10 icicit ani or all Ulclj. lly 01 d.r nt the Ss.iantoii Pool Hoard. L. J. laiLEH'li:, &ucUry. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EllH Mill C, M'ACLDLSn, 2J THADURS I1A.N'. iiiiiidim,-. Architects EllWAHD II. DAMS, AltCIIIlIXT, COXNKI.t biiltdlnjr. KltEDEItlCK L. IIIIOW.V, AIKTI. H., RKAt. ??iiie ''"-lunKo Hldi;., 12t) Waililngton avc. Civil and Miniiifj Engineers. II. L. HAIIDINfl, oo conni:ll nuiMitNo! DoutlBts. I) It. C. E. EILENnEHOElt, PAULI UulLbTMl frpiuco sinet, sjuanlon. Hit. C. O. LAUUACII, 113 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. ITtANK E. IIOYLE, A-rrOHNEY-AT-LAW. Itoonii 12, II, 18 and IS Hurr building. V. K. TIIACY.ATT'V.LOMMOXWEALTII ni'tio". I). II. HEPLOOI.E, AITOHNEY-LOANS NEGO Haled on leal estate security. Hears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce, sticet. WILLAHI), WARREN' k KNAPP. ATrORNEYS and counselloia atdaw. Itcpubllcan bulldlnB, Waslilnclon avenue. JKSiSUI k .IESSHP. ATTORNT.YS AND COIIV neilon-al-lniv. Commonwealth bulldintr, Rooms in, 20 nnd 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOMS IKM'TOt, nth floor, Mean bulldintr. L. A. W.VTHES. ATIOIINEY-AT-LAW, nilAItD of Trade buildlnjr, Siranlon, P. I'ATTKRSOV k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Hank buildlnjr. C COMEQYS. fl-13 REPUBLICAN BUILD1NO. A. W. BERTIIOI.r. 01TICE MOVED TO No! 211 Wjcmlng avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. Dlt W E. ALLEN, Oil NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. 8. W. L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 331 WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulbcuy. llironio disease, lungs, heait, kidnejs and KenltO'iirinary organs a specialty. Houu, 1 lo 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturants. TUP. EI.K CAFE, 1-Jj AND 127 FRANKLIN aienue. Ralea reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. k W. PA? 6cnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. HHIUHS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS ANn ccs pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. H. BiigK.s, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eickc's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. G. R. CLARKE k CO., SEEDSMEN AND NUR3 crymen, store 201 Washington avenue; grem houses, 1050 North Main avenue; ttoro tele phone, "62. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wins Screen'. Miscellaneous. DHES.NMAKINO FOR al-o ladies' waists. Adams avenue. CHILDREN TO ORDER: Louis Shoemaker, "212 MEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 10 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE WILKESDARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Seianton nt the news stands of Relim.in Bros., 403 Spruce, and 503 Linden; M. Norton. f'2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Scliutr, 211 bpruic street. LEGAL. Mll'ICF, is hi toby given tli.it .1 special meelinz nf Iho slnikhoideis ol the Aineiiian Lhiir Manufiictuiiiig to. has been tailed lo convene at Iho oflke of the iiiinpanj, room toil Common wealth building, 'iianluii, Pa., on llic !2tl day of August. 1"01, .it 11.11 oMock a. in. to' take .idlon 011 (lie question of iniiea.lng llu indibtcihicss of Iho tompaiiv, II, H. PHILLIPS. SeueUlj. hlOCKIIOLDERh" MEETIVti 'Hie annual meellnci of the stockholder of tho Colliiiy Engineei company will bo held al llic Miirial ntfkcs o the toiiipiii.v, Sirantou. Pa., 011 Momlai. .li.t.t 2llh. I'lol. at '2 11YI01U p. 111., for Iho ilerdin of liiuclois and tin liausadiun of u h oiler bii-iness as mil piopirly (1,1110 beinio Iho me I i,,,. STANLEY P. ALLEN, feudal' NOTK E Is bsiiby giviu tint tho annual nieetln: of Ibi stoiklioli'leis ol II" Euiuoiiiy Light, Heat and I'mvi'i loiiipan.i, 101 Iho elertiou of dlirdois lor lie- ciiMilug .ve.ii, and tlio liaiisadlon nt su, ii nihil liu-liiei. a mav piopeily 101110 hmoio It, will bo in id al tin- nlnio of the lonip.iuv. Room "11, Hepiilillian Hiiildiiig, '1I.111I1111, Pa. Ml Moll ilav, .lune -21, I'Kil, .11 2 o'i loi k p. 111., in aiciid iiii'io wltli ihe b.v laws t the ininpan.i. W .1. SOIfllll'P, i-ountai-. iisrviT. or mimintu i:i:i.d, deceased. I.eltus tesiami'iiliiiy on the estate of Arinlndi Neeld late of tlio ('ilv ot -uaiiton, ilri eased, have tain granted to the iindeisignd, lo whom all poisons jiiibbied to s,ih estate are irn,iislc,1 to liiako pa) 1111 lit, and lhn-o having ilaims 01 iluiiaiidj, to make known same without delay. IL (.' REYNOLDS-, H ('. lll.WOI.D-, Kxcculnii. Alloiney for IJptnte. 7j in-- ESTATE Ol' DANIEL W. SULLIVAN". To Whom It May Concetti; The Orphans' Coiul of Lackawanna County has gianted a lulu lo "bowr cause why Maiy Sulli van. exeiulrix ot Ihe la.t will and ie.tni"nt of Daniel W. Sullivan, should not bo disihaiged. Returnable lo next Algument Couit. " MARY SULLIVAN. II. ('. REYNOLDS, EnccutiiK, Alloiney foi Estate. NX. N f FINANCIAL. OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Krn Big Monthly nnr-Ti Returns. Btoll Tiiolnvcslnr'sl'undPa)Sini. monthly. 'Ihe oldest c-Ublilied in Ameilia, No lerlifleaU bolder lus ever last a lent l'a-ment made lo all iiibsinliels even 1.1 da. Nu lioiible No delav. Money iciumlul on denial d. Wiile lo dav 'for palilalias, lice In any address. C. 1 Maikey is Co., lliuL-uu Hld'g,, New Yoik-. $100,000 Milwaukee Electric Rail road and Light Go. 5 BONDS. Uiiic' lor (pedal cinular. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York.