-f -. - -.t -fcn--rvp'-' --,-,- v !Tf!'WPXf,Vpp''W1' STXV.J r?frF?rS'i!-i 1 0 Tl-Jl'J SCKAiVlOiN 'TRIBUNE- WEDNESDAY, IUiE 10, 1901'. WEST SCRANTON HUSBAND HAD WIPE ARRESTED MRS. BRATOSKY RETURNED HOME UNEXPECTEDLY. She Was Arraigned Before Alderman Kolly Yesterday find Was Com miltnd to tho County Jail CloBing Exorcirjea nt No. 14 School Balvn tion Army Will Conduct ft Novel Auction Sale Excltinp Runaway on Luzorno Streot-Littlo Boy Run Over Notoe and Personals. film Mwituxky, ji'ililhu (it r.n Ninth stiffl, IiiiiI hi1 will'. Miirqnrcl, in- r. l:-jn il foi'foii' AIiIpi mini Ki'llv .M'Ht'T l,iy mi tin1 I'liniKr- of iiiifallluIiijS'i. Tll'i' t'D.inli' wpro niiiri led In Ml!., iWMl, nnri Ihod loK''tliei' tintll AhkiiiI "I" tin sunif yirar. whi-ii I lie lff lunl tin hiiHlmnil iini'tti'il I'm ilfxi'i tlon iiml lion-mippoi t. l'liitnsUy iiiii'iiit'i iM'fmi' lhr ulili'i- Illllll III lllllt tlllll', "I'llll'll till' l'tlC. lKllll l In- i-nl. mill li'lt tin- olllii' wlili IiH wlio iipii.ni'Ully luippy. Tln next il.i. wlii'ii hi' twill In ttoiK, Ills wife ilN.ippi'incil ami lio illil mil li'in n nny llilnar "I' h"i' wht'icaliiiiiis iinlll luil Sn tin tiny, when ulii- n-lin mul tu Iht luinii' I mill N'uit Ym K. Tin' wom.'iii I-5 In 11 ili'lli.ili' i-miill-t 1iii. anil tin' pmsi'i iilluii li tin' oilt iiimic Ili'liiK iimilik' in liniiNIi lull, AliU'l in. ill Kelly eonillillti'il llfi In tile enunl Jail, ami luitllleil Mis. ntisKun. llRi'lll "I" llir- iisii l.lleil ell. II Itli'S to l.ujk lift"! the .!"" Hill' Ml molly H'-siili-tl "II the SiT.-mluii I"s1iIpi1 nil tin N'liiiitiin II. ilL- An Exciting Runaway. A hni'-o on in il b Ituti'hi'i .Inliii .Tillllis, of Iti'llt't lit', I .III iltfll.V .U'sti'l- il.iy, ami the ili'ixer. Tlionuis (!iillllli. tin 1 1 a inn mm i"-i ape lioni "Pilmi" In .llliv. The sh.ilt lift aine iletaeheil I'miii the ttiiKiui mnl when the tiniM- stinted m inn, pulled (ii'llllths, who held the iclli", oer Hie il,i"hl)i.nil. He was di.iKed alonjr the sin-el almlit ttt i-iily-flt p ,viml lieloie ho let mi nt the icins, ami snstalneil sllslit liuillly lmiNes The hoi.se (in. illy stopped afioi miiilliii; shmjimI Uloeks, and ;" -.i pt in cij by Ceni'Kc Allen. Auction Salo of Children. The lne.'il em pf of the Salvation Ai my will i nmiiiet w li.tt tliev all an .nation sale tit eliildieii at tlie .'n ms hall on l'liie .stieel, net Kiiil.iv vviiiii;. Tile i vent is sonielliiiiK new In the tt.i.t of .in ciitei t.iimnenl. and the method HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES I'd! s.U.I. AT G. W. JENKINS'. Mid-Season s Black and The Silks offered below at marvellously low prices will meet the approval of the fastidious buyers, as they em brace all the up to date ideas aud most popular weaves. The colors are all right aud the prices are better thau right to the buyer. Plain Colored Taffetas ao pieces, 19 inches wide and uot a good new AGs shade wantiug. Au honest value for 69c Price t"v 19 inch Fancy Taffetas Silks. Full line of desirable colorings. The wearing quality is warranted. CO" A 75c silk for -JV All Silk Black Taffetas These represent standard silks of unquestionable quality aud best dye. Finish and shade are both perfect 19 inch black taffetas silks, worth 62c for 49c 23 " " " " " S5C " 69c 21 " " " " " 1.00 " 85c 23 ," " " " ' 1.25 " 95c 27 " " " " " 1.50 " 1.19 Peau De 5oieBlack Only 20 inches wide, pure silk and best finish, Sc Qr quality for OC 21 inches wide, pure silk and best finish, QCr $1.125 quality for OOL 21 inches wide, pure silk and best finish, QQr $i,2j quality for OL New Foulard Silks Of high class quality and irreproachable character. They are all uew and right up to the minute in style. There's a reason for the price cut, but it need not concern you. 24 inch Foulards in exquisite designs, 69c A Or quality, for t7L Elegaut New Satin Finished Foulards, Sjc CQr V quality, for ., , -JC Nice Line of High Class Foulard Silks, worth Qr jpi.oo. oaie irice,. , .. . ...... .. ...... ...... ,,.,,,,,,,,, vv . Highest Class Foulard Silks, satin fiuish and QQn P very stylish, $1,35; grade, at , OL Globe. Warebodse if Dm snlo will not lie fully revealed until Hie evening (IrslKimteil. A rtiiiuii' was circulated yenlerilny to the r-iTert tluit several utreot. walls would lie nuctloiieil off. but the offleeis of the iirmy rtHPUi-t their piilrons tlml tilt unit will lie loRltlinute nnit will lie cnllilucleil within tilt Hi-opt' or the law'. A slinllnr wile wui conducted In New Voile Point time nn" and attiaeled lliiill."andH nf people. I'niltlllll Wllllulll I'llee VOIH'llt'S for the entertainment, which will eoni inetice at S o'clock, alter which Ice eieiiln ami cuke will he su-ivcd. Closing: Exercisos. 'I'lie rullntvliic in ori ammo will he renileicil at No. II neliool loinoiiovv altcnuioli. i oiiiinonclliR ai L o'clocU. at the elnilnR exoielscs of the school. I r.iMlK. "Wilminp" s, ,1 liikliiiiiii'ilnl Mile, "Win li l" ll.oc Mi'l" llllnl IIm.hi Cull Ml "Illlltlll' I llll.llll" llnrililiiir 1 'lill 1 1 1't Vi.i.iI s. I,.ikihI.i i.iuini" ....('hcHi Pil ( ImllK "Hi IN lil -il.ll.lllll" "ill"'! l'h ll.li Mllinii! Him Iii-Iiiiiu. ill.il Hili I. "I'.uiili' IImIiw" It..) illliin. l!'-ln Willi inn liull.ilinti. "I Imll.ilioii 1 niilli" ..II'' I'lllll I ImrlH, "l.lttlP MlllllllJ I null," (Im-Ii-i- lluli Itm Willi mi, 'llmmu W.it kin-. .Ii.lm Wlllinie, l.i wl- l.i'wl", I. ill Wil. limn. Il i Hum s..,.. "Mj I.hIv l.n" I'll"' Mo'-'1" l.si, "IIiiiiik nl N.iliil liiifiii.iie." ri.iii'iui M. I'lmlii, lliniiiliii.i' 1'i.nu l lull IK. "sNllil" f-lliwl lliiil.ali li, ".litiiinii' llrunn'" s,,r'. Will ilinc" Iliv-ii- slnlc loiil lln"l, "l.lii'"ii Diimih N On" M.ltlll' I'.Hlll, tlic-ln Hull ( h'4 I'lupluM Itiln Wllllnm (I hi ii', 'sin;;, lli'iiv lllnN" "iliool Little Boy Run Over. Willie Kelly, iiRed eleven ycaiw. ie fIiIIiik' In the Wymb.i lmlliliiiR on .lack, son street, was inn over ly a e.'inl.iRi lust celiiim-, wliile plnylns in liont nf the I'l.iiiMin KiikIiiu house on Jackson .snoot. Koi tuiialely Hie III tic fellow was not si'ilmiily injliioil. hill the ill her didn't oem to eaie mueh about It. a li" iliove nn a lliu'oncenieil as If liothliiR had happened. The boy was picked up and assisted to his home b sevei.U companions. Sale Will Bo Resumed. The nieniliei.s ol the ('oliunbl.i llno mid rhenile.il lompaiiy will lesiu.ie the sale of their effects this evening, coin nieiu ins at T o'clock, anil all llioso who ilef ho in pun li.ise what is lcit will he .iccomino lated. Tlie boys hiue doc Idcil to p.n tlclpnte in the p.n.idi In I lie eenliai illy on Kridav esonlliR, and eeiy nieinhor Is leiillesled to ill 11 out in full dies-. M lade iinilnrm. Confirmation Services. I'.l-hop lloban will lonHrni a cl:i-.s of oer one liiindied youns people at St. lohn's (idinuii r.uholii eliuieli. South .Main asonue and lar.erne sttect, neM HuiiiI.i nun nhiR' nt It o'clock. He will lie assisted by the pastor, l!e. V. A. V Icker. Kep.ilix have been made in the eliui ill lor tho id option of a new in- of Sale Fancy Si Iks Kiin, which In expcled soon. The eon KiCRiitlott ot HI. John's church will hottl 11 plrnlu nt Weber's grove, In Tit y I or, on .July 0. Funorftl of Edward Doylo. The finicrnt of yotuiR ICitwaul Doyle, who was hilled on the Lackawanna inilioiid Saturday evening, tvnt con dlli'lcil yoHteulny afteiiioun rtoin I lie rainlly rcfddence, iJ:l Xoi th Himiiley avenue, Floral offerltiRH were III evl iletico front the ptiplls of No. IS school, whole the hoy attended, The p.ill'bcureis weie Thomas WIN shlie, Kineit. Wllshlie, Howard 1M wurds and llwllyiu livuiti, The llowcr. heaieis were Albert Phillips ami John Thomas. Intel mem was niiule In the CiitheilrJl cemetery. Oloiinora Elect Ofllcors. Tho (ileauers society ot the Slinpion MethodlsL Jjplscopiil church met last evening and electeil Ihe following ollN eeis I'm' the ensuing year: I'lesldciit, Mis. J'. Y. Han Ison, to-elected; vlee pieslilcnt, Mrs. t', V. Lull; lccordlng secretary, .Mis. ,losah 1'all, tieaurer, .Mis. iiooigr. I I'ecU The snel-'ty paid $i!m) on the mort gage last week, whli li now lcduics It lioni 1 JJ.i'Uii, the oilglunl sum. to $l.!)tiO. Au estui efloit avIII now he inade to liiliililnte the lialame hi .lamiary 1, W2. EVENTS OF THIS EVENING. I.awu social ul the home of 111m Ida Sayeis !!10 North llebecci avenue. IVaver inoetlns and open parliament on lllhle work at the WiiMibmii Street Presbytei Ian lunch. Wedding of .lohn .Slugg and Jllss Mary A. .lames, at Ihe honie of ihe bride's- paients on Hampton stieet. Thi weililing nf llany T. Thomas ami JINi Jennie .M. Woolhaugli will take place at the Sliupsou MelhodNt KiN(0i.i chili ch at : o'i look tliN moriiini;. NOTES AND PERSONALS. MNt-es M.ny and HlUalieth llennott, of itntie city. .Mnnlan.i, an; vNiting at the honie of William T. I.ewN, on Hampton stieet. Re. Prank J. .Milm.ni, nf Pott-vllle, called on fi lends in town yestoiday. A .iti was born yestcnlay to Mr. and Mis. .losoph J)yei, ol' Ninth Hromley avenue, W'e-Jl J'ni k. .lis Hvehn i:. D.or, nt Chlcigo, III , 1- tlie gue ot Mi. and Mm, .loseeli U.M'i, ol Ninth Ihnmley aentie. West Park. Noomsy Mai ih. of Dnnnuiie. was ai talgiioil lieloie Aldeimnn ICellow yes. lei day on a charge of assault anil liui lery. pieloired liy his neighbor, Alex. Shatliiip.sky. The latter alleged that Mai cli stitick him on the head with ,i stick. He was held ill hall lor court. An cniert.iiiiuient tmii social was held ill the Holli'viie Welsh C.ilvinlstli Methnillsi i hut cli l.i.sl evening, under the auspices ol tlie Young Peoplil" Sin lely of Christian Uiulo.iuir An in ti'icMiiig piogiamme wa.s picsented, and ke cieaiu was helved. A lnige longiegailon attended the .sei vices in the I'll si Welsh Coiigie gational i lunch last eeuing, when a Welsh i-i-minii was pienihod b Jle. llnliei ts, ol Iowa. An Intel estlng .session ot tlie lJaptiM Young J'eople's union was held in the liu ksoit Si I eel li.iptisl elllluh last eenlug, over which tho pastm, l")r, de firuehv, piesided. I'. W. Weston, the piauNi will be the i liio' auraclion at the entertain ment to bo given in the Hampton Stioot Methodist KpNiopal hutch to inoriow evening by tlie I. W. II. i hole. A henolit hall was hold ill Me.iis' hall last night In aid of John Mackiolh, wlio lost ills aim in a wreck on the Lackawanna i.illioad on .M.ucli l.'i. Thf pi o cods will bo used In tlie pui chase of an artlflcl.il arm. Jllw .le.s.sle Hower. of lnomslmi g. is the guest of her sister, Mis. .. c. Jury, ol Unci; .street. Halph Slileld.s, ot Keystone aiadomy. Is the sue.st nl Chailes Leber, of Haiuptnu stieet Miss Sara Hughes, ,i teacher at No. is school. .Hid her blather. Cheater, are HI with pneumonia, at tlielr home nn Swetlaml .slleot. (iwllym Jones, eiiipln.ed .is a lahoior at the Mt. Pleasant mines, had tvn or his linger?, so badly Injured on Mon day that amputation was neocssaij. lie lecently came hero fioin Mononga. hela. when he lo.st one of his eyes in au ONplnsion thiee mouths ago. Mis. .lames Joseph, of Ninth Hiuiu ley aieinio, N making pi opal aliens for a trip to the old country, Mr. and Mrs. jamb Ploliier, of North .Main .ienuo, aie spending a lew days at the Paii-Ameilcan exposition. Misses .Mamie Flank, Lena Kach, Christina Sliipiit and Kll.ubeth Shlp ci I aie at Buffalo Announcement Is nmde nf the ap- pinachlng imiuiage of DnmliiliU Wler. of South Seranton, nnd Miss Anna .Million, of Division slieot, at Si, Pat llok'.s Catholic church, on "Wednesday, June 'M, at 11 a. ill. IMgar Allen Jones, of South Main incline, sou nf Mis, D, M, Jones, Is home tiom Yale college for the sum mer vacation. Michael Coltiskv. employed as a liiboi or in Itriggs' shalt, bad his aim seveioly latoiated by a fall nf rock, wliile at wmk jestenlay. Seventeen siiiclios weie put in the wound at the West Hide hospital. NORTH SCRANTON. I i-i uulil Hi' aiiiliiinliiin n' I ho 'l-li I ii. I.IIK1II1111.1I iliimli uii Wi'Sl Mnl.ii Mint, a TWIN TROUBLES. They Aie Often Together These Days, They Work Havoc AU Over the Countiy and in Scrnntou. Weak, lien mis, the digestion out of older that is what alls u host of ,t.. pic U cmues uhnut In this way. l.'hst iioin uverivoiU or other caiihes, thu lU'ivesaic biudeiii'd bo.wuul eudurance, iiorse waste l not leplaicil, none ioue Is weukeiied, then the .sinmacli lues Its neivo-conti oiling power ami Indigestion lollows, m, lalllnff Mu-iiKth. When liisi Di, A. W. ciiase' Ni'ie Pills came to .Sciaiuoii peoplo could baldly be nmvliiiml Hint this giuu nii'illi inn v i'lllll icinovo these tinubks. Now it Is ,111 acicpiod fact. liecaiise of their cuie of veiy imihhoin cases no other inediciiio would liiilu eiue. Mis. J L. Joluihon. of No. .'0 Noilli Main stieet, Siuintoii, fa, bays: "Or. A W (Jhusu's Neivo Pills aie vx:i. lent. 1 was bo dUssy and ueivotis, and the btunuicli dlsested Its food badly. Tills condition Induced a feeling of de bility and lassitude. Healing of the nerve pills at Matthews llins.' tein poiary headtiuiu teis, corner Washing ton and Lackawanna, aveiuies, Dr. A. Y. Chase's Ncivu Pills uut sold at nue, u box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medlclno Co., Hulfalo, N, Y. Heo thai pni trail and slgmiUiie of A. W. Cliiibe, M. D., uie oil t-M'ty package. 1 Forfiinafely We have everything In our fnvor good locntlon, comfort able qunrteis, ample capital. Wp are pleaRed to accommodate nt all times. The People's Bank. I'liiHilcil lo 111 dliuot li' pinplp of tills fd'Hoii wlio went Ilinc lu wIIiiim the I'anl.ilii vlitltli'il "1lii HroiMild' llitnl,1' Blirn iniilfl tin' illirilloi of Millliim .1. l.inin. III llic flrU i,nt if lli? i.ii.tntii 11 ilimm of ilillilrin lit rsnl In wliili. iinni' upon tho t,im A Ilniwnlo dlwuiciH imp if tlie ilillilrcii, nlio In lost lilinu'll, mnl tliu llltli' cm- N .lu.ikriud mnl t ikun to I lie filrici, wlio, Mitli llic lliimnlc, liig" llii'h fiir.v itoiu 11 cuml Mm uml thin illiiinr lliinugli tin' oml. 'Jhi niii.lc win miilcr thi' illii'illnn of I'mfcs'or J0I111 iilkuili.iw: MIm .Nntii M. I'rlip, oiiiiiiiM; lo!ltu, Itppip D11M uml Piiifi'mor Wall. riMniv; i luriuiirli), .lolni l'.un uml Allml I'll up. iiiiiiI v (lllliililp, tlu idii-I.iIiIi' of I lip Thlril w.nil, w.m iipUfoiP Mill 1 nt.in Miim l.-nt imiiIiii; nltn 1 rlnj mil nf Jill llilrlrin ihtr, mi Hie Inline of lilvitilnli iniiiliiit mnl ilninki 11ms.. I.it noiilni,' win llic KcMiitli time for ( onnly to lip lufoip Alilriiiiiu .Mjpi, "It P.nli 0inMi lino bi.lux toiniiillloil 10 Hie comity Jill, lillliililo uot ru iII-kiiiIi-iIv in tin. nlllro nml .n n'lie llllllril lo Hip mhiiiU j.lll III ili'llllll nf smxj lull. n iip ream nljl will lip IipM .it tlip lioma 01 Kt in (i.itnlil tu I'IiiikIi 111 fiute lirt I'lliliv pmiiIiik for tlie litinlit 111 thi! MiMi t'oiiKiPtfi. tloii.it limit li. Owlnir to tlie iri.iiii;riiiriil4 for Hip pnli'tUlie mriit of tlie Moili'in Wooiliiieii lint lienii; nine pliliil l.tt luiilliu miilit, t lie elitut 1I11I11111 w.u iniotirit iinlll a wrik from tninniiow inn ing, wlieli .111 ikiliorato iirogi.iinrae will lip ti'n ileml. I'liupllin- with Hie enliiliiliiiiipnl 1 Inn iiiel wilt I"' Kien and Hip InllUtinn nf lifli'ii nrw iniinliris will nln take pi ice. DUNMORE DOINGS. Annual Banquet and Banco of the High School Alumni Enter tainment Tonight. The High School Alumni association held their annual banquet ami dance In Washington hall last night. The hall was specially deem a ted for tlie oco ision, and presented 11 mm y 111 city ".'etuio. I.auor's oiehesti.i tiii'iiNhed lor the dauciiig, ami among pi 1 font woi": .Inlm P11I11I1111, Will 1; ill in. I. I 1 ml. nuisie thuse 1 nllt 11, I.iini", ( nl t. li, Uiiiigp U inli'i-li'iii, lilwinl lii'l le.i, I'.illicl; shjil.n, WIIImiii Mil .11111 .l.nn 1 lillinirlin, .Inlm I 111 ran, 'IIiiiiiiik (iuliiui, .I..I111 lli.nip, .I'llm .Swe.m.i, William (line, ,lue Mmi .111, Ynt' l u-iik, II. IMvi., ,1. I mnmlm;', l,inm Mi, .limm Clnioiil, .Inlm llutli r, I'.anelc lh-r-Kiily, li 111 Milli'i. .Iinni Dulli. Mif-e, Kiln Millli',1, Mibkip Mil. ill. tlllll Ml), I.I.I Cli .11.1, Mai.i l)iifT.. "llip IIMiIIpi. Kitliiiu (..illiin, Kale ( iiIIpii, II inn ill l iillen Mm K'llii. M ikuip I(1p., M'lllli- Hi ilei, Mm MiJ, .Hiiiiic Pin-, Sai.ili lliiins sn.ili M1II11, IM1II1 Millu. niii llnntl, lima ll'llnoi I 11. iiillm, Uitiliin (I'll'iin, l.oielta Mil. nn. Mltie llnian. Tonight's Entertainment. The HnyVs biigailo nf tlie Tiipp .Ve niie Chtistiau chin eh will giw tin entei t.ihunent and social tonight at the chinch. Thoie will be vocal and I11str11111p11l.1l music, including a 101 net solo li W. S Stanton, of riir.in ti 11. Alter tho eniei tuiument the bos will -oi ve he eieani and cake fiee to their guests They sue making1 an ef loit to 1111:11 the flist SlOn inwards the building ot a now lunch. Tho ail uiNsloii lias lieen placed at 20 cents. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Stephen HidiaiiN, nf lligg stioot. has 1 e eh oil a letter ftom hi- son. .Ma, tin. Hum whom he had not heaid In about a eai, and wlio was several time.; icpoitoit ileail by .soldleis 10 1 inning 1 1 oin Manila lie states that bo has been kept moving- neatly the whole time sime his last letter, lie was with the Ameiioan fotces at Pe kin, being the only one fiom this sec tion thus favoied. A lose bush of tho Oiiuisou llani bler v.iilety I.- attiactlng much at tention in the y.itd of V). ,T. Smith, on Chony stieet. It lias boon estimated that it contains not loss than ,i00 pel feet lloweis. Mis, M, W, ciKinibeilln, of Hlakoly stieet, l nt White Haven, whom 'he goes to attend the wedding nf her nephew. Mr. anil Ml-. S. O. Seaton are visit ing Mis, Seaton's uncle, fl, W. Frost, of East Di Inker stieet. Mi. Seaton is one of the laif,est ineiehaills nf Oil Ciiv. John Fole ,1 student at Stale col lege, Is spending bis vacation at Thomas Prni hoi no's, on Di inker sheet. Pen Coal $1.50 a Ton Deliveietl. to South Side, cential city and central Hyde Park. Addiesf, onleis to J. T. Shnikey, 1911 Collar avenue. 'Phone CbS3. " GREEN RIDGE. llr (I W -liniini lu ii'lunii'il li in 1 i-it tn i ll.e.s-15 111 u. Il was uportcil Iipii' I it r r11111g tint 1 i.ihle (.lain hail hei'ii liti'iinl lilling 01 I In- miIoii-. illiii'. nf Mi-. I'.. (. Ilimiiiul,. who la J-It f 11 j: at llic hunip nt In 1 ilnmhiii, .Mm lit", in linn. Iiml Mh Dilili.lkl. In a lio-t nf filimL llnoiiuhout llie 1II.1 who will Kruic tu lien u( In 1 lllnt ami lion Im I cr pmly leiinei.i. Ml.-. Taiibmi 1 I u iitiuniil In I'i'i linniu in HoiiimIiIp ilii-r a uli at Ihe Inline of tier UiiMh lir, Miv, Willi nn o-inoiiil, nf P!il.-ou aicinie. Mi- lllla . Kiini'v ami J1I-- Mlmiiii llni-in, li.il hi l at Kilmnl Nn '.'7, tn.itul Hull silinl.ns 10 a Hip to the iit.ilhv wowN itfiili allei liuun, 'I he .lullllKHI It it (ill in it llulllu Willi 111. 1 1 ai in- lull tf il.iH' ami uiiuittil a jIoiioik uni", Kt 11111 III -liiPkliouP, tin- .Mcapolil mil nf I', I' -lai Miiiil-p, inirowly Miajinl lioing run m 1 hi a lai' 011 Ihe (irrt'n ltitlae I'eopli o hue d lenlay alluuiiori lie was iio-'lhg tin mail nn C.iiiiii-o .ueliile, utiir I.'. (!, Pte en-' store iiml 1 111 iliirctl) In fmiil nf the f.a. li.i-uml.r .ii.ilt hi'il him fiom llic nail, jii.t hi luii" In in inn liU hi Int.-.-urn ) In Ha 1.11. 'Ihe mi 1.111I -multi i-u of th'' nl gania (Hon nt Hip llinlliiihunil ul si. 1 ml of tin tiui. lloili i.ilist 1imOuI 1I11111I1 w.n 11 h hlalnl h.i a lull iniei In die iliunli pirkn lii cipiiius. l ! H'.iins wtio 1110,1 iili.-lli.ilh' ih'inr ileil with Iliu liilioiial 1 olC'l- aiul Willi IIII11I h, llic iniiilhiH ami lik'ii'U nf Ihe o'.iitli. 'I lie 1'ionihini. I'nk I'l.uc ami -It Mm 1 lliotlieilinotl-, win will re riMiilnl. Ih v U. Iljtif.i Inl in pi.it 1 r 1111,1 III. -Illli.-Ull, WllO lllll.-tlltlt III!' Ilioil.il- luinii .11 t In- mmriitlnii tot cut ly lu'hl 111 Nnv vl nn, it'iit ,1 it jt.irt In 111 Hut nuiliii' Ihv II (im, ll't. ('. (. I.tni.ni ami utlni? iolc. alul IiikIiiiiiH'IiUI Hindi' MiiduviiWiul hy Sliv hli 1,'ihini. afiu wluili i til -linn 11 1 - wfp m'iii'iI hi Hip Ijilf iihiiiU of Hip iiuinlpi. 'the im lilt i t eiioni out' ai.tl it iponinu. OBITUARY. WAI.TUIt SIU'UMA.V Tltll'P, only sou of Jeimiu i:. Tripp and grandson of ihe bite Colonel Ira Tilpp, died Monduy at l.os Angeles, Cal., of tuber iiilo.sis of the throat lie was .'.'J yens of age. MIS.S CASSli: POWUhh. aged 1!) ynus, died jestenlay at the home of her parent tt on l.ynon uhect. tho cause ot death being au abscess of lla brain. Dot eased wus an amiable young woman nml was prominently lilentllleil ullli the Pouth Main Ave nue Welsh Ciilvlnlstlo church. Thu tunerul announcement will be nuido later. , .TAMIIS M'AUTIIY. of Ml? I.uwi lu sh eel, died lout night, nfler 11 shin 1 Illness, tie was 11 Veteran of the Civil war, and was seveioly wounded at the Uatlte ot the Wilderness. Ills wife survives htm. The fuiieinl an nouncement will be made litter. D Music I'lillonliig h the iri)RMiiinip Hill will hp irii. licit il tuliiglit lit Hip Hiill nf tin- -mil liwurlll MiiiIIih nf .MiiiIl, lohn I hoi if, "t'atnit," snitinn llirl, Mlvci lltililry, t'ujl, 1 li iiiiiik, Iniiutli, I'll i., foul, l'ii.i, llilldcml, ll.nhi'il. Il.iu-ir. Ililni llniivcr, l,twi, Kelh, Mi -Pei k. M ii'IiliniM', Wallei' ntiil Mif. I.pI' trr, Mi -it. thimllti, Mlilnellaii, Mlnh ill, I 11II1T mnl llcilliilll. Ti nor. "II l.ijjhl Hut llle.ll.i fit in tolulT Tiniih' PiPt.tlcr .Mr. .1. I. Willi iiik. I'hmi -fD "-nlliwtleUn" Ilai li (li) "I'icluilc" Il.nll Mlsi IMua l. sun Inn. Vinliti, "NonlKili" MciuleN.iihn Mm. Auiilla l.n'-lti, Ti inn, "liml's ('.lit" Amino!' Mr. ('. P. Ilinhuilii Sipriiiu, "Up Main Primp" k.tini Mlt .leiinle Knitliiiui lnliti (CiiM-mhli' ( li), ".Mliuielln" ...lliuclcr Mln (.'.n.tl, Wjlnr, lloieir, l.cilpr, .Mil'relt, Slaiklitm-p, Ml, .Mhhlell nml .Mi, Itmlrmut. f!i, "Thr lieu V.mk" lhiltlrll Mi. II W. Killoit. I'l'inii, "kntniiiol" (U-tiotv Up. Ill; ..II11I11 ixli In lllel I.POIlnl 1 IIUc. Sniiruin, "slioiilil Up I'pbiatil" I'.idiui Misi ,lc5ic IVIhtmu., .iiirnio. "tp Mini" Mavtheioni Jlln l.in.i I'iiIIi r. Molfn Olihcilii. Mi-h Mir'int Don. 'IViinr, "l.cjtl Klmllf l.lalit" sphnctUer Mr. I, It. It'iov. Inliu, "I'anl iip 1'ntiir.ilf" Slnt,clie Mi .fii-sie lioilrmm .i'i.iii". "I'lilnr" Itiihii, Mis riniinti' Iloheit-iiii. I'iaini, "Mflmlii" (iijnw-l,i Mi Mamie I'll It her, Vlnlin, "Miuiki" Mii-in Misi bun Wall. r. soprano "liiisM'iu Miihtnittih" Mnhi'il Mis .Mini 1'i.uil.. I iolln liticf. "ItM" I.iliitKt Mi-t Kilua ( u.tl, tti. .In-. ie lioilrijiii . fi) "-.mi null" Iliinianu ih) "Uluit Imp l Dun." Ilntht llr 'I'uiii l,ip,t I Piano Ci) "Mi Ik" Mi. Unwell (li) "I'apilh 11" liutR Mis I conoi 1 line, Cuntiallo, "Oikp in 1 While" Invtlhiau Mi's l'l-ie I'outll. Choiiii, "N'l.cl" "tis-i t 1 MUsei M iitin, Unison, 1'i.lln 11111-. Itulull sou. I'l ink, fii.it 1. I.ii-ler, Milehell, I'lilh r, l.mlttig, Kiufniaii, ll.net, Hull. Hushf". PohpII, .smith Mo; Mt-flime-t Kik I1111 ill. Killer. Ici-lir and IhiUi'l 'IVnni-! Mt 1 Ujppel, toil,--, Itii- , Willi iiih. Iliu lim. 111 nml I'uL. t II"' I'ovi-H inii.h toiitu-t I i-t itiiiiu Mii Ml.tp hi it 1 I'ftK, pupil of I' V. -niillittnilli, tt n lioanl in .1 n it il pi 11:1 inmii- nf 1 1.1..11 il miisie tn the pre.it plta.mc nf au null. 1111 Imili llltllll inil Mlllp lllll'lll. linen's Siilllll (npu. 71), Hip t.jii iiiu uilllilitl, wa. platcil lit' hpi w-ltlt 111 iiilimilp 1 1 1 u ft r. 1 1. in nl tin- ih 11.11 It 1 11 tits nl I lie loinposir, 1 i.iip ami thlu..t of 1'iith ami Imip HiioukIi hmuaht i-iillm-i u-.tif (tiiUiiic j nf appnn.nl from hn In .11ns V M niililiii-lii lij lint - it it-, .1 wnutieilllliv 1 l-l III lllllg ai'llip nl f i'i ilp Chimin ulc's (iiiupu-ilioiis, a spmrnl (til lirh' h.v Kcin-the. .mil (wti of Ma-7tkiH-lvi's niu.t i Iiiuclrri-tic tuiii? poem-, weie itiultitil lit hoi alltiw ml-, lolluwnn; Willi im I". .lumV tnt.il -.eleclion-i Mi- I'tik's plijin ii full nf ih n in- fin thai in of a xitltil tim-aia! ji.ttmc Hut ly tialunl In Ihe Kcnietkp llillulp nap wa-, icmlii'Ierl nf 4 fnnicil wulei's r,ituu: '1 iietti hen Hip old Inllnl ul I'rity ami I). null-, hia I fell 1111 lie 11 c j-tiru'l is with Ihe MUiuil nt 1 liiunpel " Thp renihi ins: nf this putj- t line as a .inpii-i aflci her iliinit init ipiitalit'ii nl tin I h 1111111 nh n tit Bill, I Willi an I'. .Iinni .-ins il.liithtiiilli twn t.f IM- tt.lltl M It PntlollS sniij;, his 'ettlllg of "Iti'lllllc lliinn," In tt lit. li the touipn-Li rtlti-s Ihe title "DrMilnl," ami a ilnamt ' slumliei -una" Mi .Im 1 I. the ui-p.ur of a nth ami illntitp tenm tulip ami sius- Willi tunc It ppii-,-iui Up ilitlitittl tn aiistpi to a ictliiiiiuil . n uiiu-'i ill.i eiitirl.iiiiiiiir eitiiiu nf 11111-11 was enji'.Mil at (.uiin-i-y lull la-t main in Hi" tittasiou m the piano iinlll giun lt Miis Ito-p liuvtat, 1 t.tlentid .tnilli pupil uf lfitilu l. ms, 'Hip .luilunt'p, wlm h iinttilcil the hill to II10 ih"il, w.u lliutlil to the mo-t tltliioltl.llltP ap pl.iu-e lit .lis-t t'ouwat's pli.tine; ami the toiil niiiuhpi' of Mi, anil Mi-t. Ini-epU I', lttiiu.. ot WillvC.-lliirc. who av-i.lnl her. Mi-. Ciiiiwi.t'i uumhiij incluihil conip ttlieiue h iliiiliulr, mot nm nth fiom WVhu, Mnskutt.ki, -sliuhnt, Kit 111, .sihumiu, UubensKiii, l-tlin kottski nml Chopin. Ilu- iniiarkahly aill-lft in It ipiitalit'ii of full of tht'M' tatting t.th1 ths pij.tpil a tir-ullily Ihat in inn o toiing n tiulp 11' aw lou-- Tho ultitt Ilnlli il ht Mi J t.un In ho il' hU laleiititl pupil wnc iiuiuiimius m tniu 1 nlms ttilh him lu lii-i pit'ph"ths 01 i hiilniut future foi tier. Mr. nuriH hii' of Iho "I'mcnltii" of ( om luus nil llautlil'ij "Whv Do tlie Vatmiii II mC" ami th.-. Hums tentlcrul the ;j,iiltul ' ISiinltuuai siieam" ami Up ('iiiiiuiip ".Imlllh." Mi ami Mi-. 11111111 tntthci .-.in" a "laiiliuu Into,' wlihti was, imlifil, a rale tn it. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. I.Ui in' ItttiM U'liiaii.iiu uli ill. il I'm ,a I s-t i.inlnii piotntlii, l.iikiniuui ujiiuti, I'j , .)iiiit Villi, J nil. Pel nn iallin" tin iIhm liii,.u t.ill plca-e r.ty ailtiiii-ttl .uni t'te tlaip ol li-t. I. 1 1 II 1,'ipph P. M .iip Applih.t, Mnl ii'l Mini, I:, s Vliui., Mi Anilii'suii, -' tli-- - ,1. Ilillius, 1: Ihnii Mi ,-anli s, limp,,,., w. . Iliiilni'l, Wilil.ui lllaikmll, til-. A. P. Ih. 11111 it, II. if, llaimi II. C. Ilo.tli, Crank. llo;ii, (Imli, Hulea, lii Iinlll 111 up, I I hike llimtu, Mls 11I11 llrm !-, ,. Iliailll.t. Mtille l Hum, .lot 11 II.-iUh --i 1. .1. 1 I.11U, I, ttutitlli, .Inlm l olt'iiuii I. N Ci'hiu liss Aiu.t Diiih'W, Mir. Ail mi Dunn ami fjuiih, MU, .Millie Doll, Ml.s M.tl.el IhliltL, UI0I1, Dotkanl , ( , '-annul Ditltmloifir, tail Dill 1. lil. Hi 111 1- .1. Dati... Miv. Mai' ;, Diaii,, IIiliui- l.i.lIK, Inn, I I, hul II. 1 all. P V luhllnj-, T l,. 1'i-hi-i, ,1, I., r.iiii.in, Mr -I. A fiiiiliiti, 1,101,1- .1 i.llloiil, Mi. D. t:. I.olil-inilli, Mi ll'ille,- I i j 1 1 1 1 1 . i , Mi-J Anoi lill. lion.-, . (.iilluii, .M;.. .1, limn, C .. l.nn, II, fiumhium. Whip Illll, 1'i.iuk II iiliilli.u, Mi.. U.ih.in, II, S. . .V, llniiillui. Mi-s II. .I.lel.-uli, Mi. Il.ii .Inn,, . p. .loin 4 .', tin. M, M. I,nu, I', i ,lauu-.. Hit. .1, I". Iii-wlill, II. .1. Kill, in, lf,, Vllle Itui.ikel. Wu. W. Jl. Kt Ith. in, I', lully ,v ( .... il, C Kill '-', lliiu.'i' Kuiiiii, .Ipiij Ituttl-ii-li M Ijh, Nellie ami Matin lultl. Mi, I, w. I.uiplif r. let. if baiklni, Min anc lankt.. ti- Kali .tt. tlull, n, hn MtD.iiiihl Mi-, lljl Mtlahc. II I Mil ill, Ml. Mai H. I'lhe, j) I Imtr tiul Optt I llllMl. I.. I Sl.n.ili. Di. I. M.tkC'th. Di .I. Jl.'iii.'luii. Ml.) ('.line M iKtu., .lake 'liilln. li,. I.ii.r Mill, i . Mis. I nill-e tli, nl-, I luih, Millui, UuIijhI Mclij in. tt .lll.lli- Malllitw., ' lliv. D)it NulioN, linharil Se in.. lljllie llliu Alhtil I'lln. M'. ll.i-e Piluii'i. Mi-. lia htlh I'.ip, l!u-a 1' ilint i, lift. It M lti.il.iiik, tt.ill.i I! Hint. ,hm lit in, A SENSIBLE MAN Wouhl n-e Kiiiip'it llalnaui fur llic Tluoat auJ l.lll'lf. It li llllllli! 111010 (till'.h,. tollll. AstlniM. UiuikIiIIU, Cinup jinl all llnoai .ml l.nn;." Ttoublce, Ihan an vlhtl iiiciiiiiiit', 'Iho priiprlitor Ins autlwili'ij uu.t Oiu,','Ut tn irive you a Sample llotllc 1'iec In loiitlnic ou of I lie mt lit of thU Siivat Kiuiil-, t'rlu' -ai, jml C1). Special Diseases of Men S MY SPECIALTY. Do & m Scatter ifflPw& My dKiLinL Faculties If you nrp .iifTcrlnc from otiy ilNe.ne or mmllllon ppnitln tn men, or If on hiir bun ni"ippntin in mil Bpltlnit a pernmicnt piup, I want Oii In roiiie nut liie" x toeial chat with iiip. I will ciplaln In .ton MV S)ST.t (If 'I UKArilKNT. tthlrli I hate oriuiru.td mill ilctrlopctl after my whole lltc'it cxpfilcnce in trcatlni ipcplnl ilHemci ot nifn. 1 hvii nn IwU.., uprilflcf, Irre itaniplcs. trill Irinlmnitii oi elcilro imitlint lomhlimlloni or (Imlbr ifctlrm tvhii h do not mnl cannot chic ilUeahrii iiciulhr to nun. My rduiatlon, my cpcrl' enrp, mar loini'lcnrp, my npiilntlon conilfrnm nil miih tpmkcrv. If toil will pay inn 1 vmt. I -till Khr jnii ritl.i: 01 CIIMIOt: tlmroiiKli iiniiuil piamltuiHon ami an lioncit npliilnn of jour rap. If ou are liui' V 1 will tell ton fo, mitt mlilm you tn that yon will not lip linnibiiiritpil bv unset upuloin praitlllmipn who i laim to euro nil. If aflpr oxtni 'una; .ton, I llnil toil curatilc, I will In-niro .ton of a pcruiimnt piiip, (iiiiniucli aj I will liltc Jon ft written Kunrantrc to rifiiml yon cverv trnt .ton liatc pnlil mi" In t ,ifp t fall to 'fTccl enrp. I make no iharRP for mctllilncs, ns thev are nlw.ivn luiluiliil In Hip nominal fee, "sketl, anil oti know to Ihe rent, ln-fern .toil start ttlnt jour whole treatment li RolriR fo tott, ami I will mik-p no fain proinUn m to Hip Hhip for Ihe sakp of BctUlig J"X a patient, at ! promise only whit I tan tlo, ami ilo i I pronile. I'.VVATIJItM, DsrtlAR(!t:s stoppnl in C to 10 data. lUII's'tONS ami Drains sloppftl In 5 lo Pi ilati. I'l.rniPi I care not of how lone .tamllitt;, 1 will ilry Iheni up at once. SntfCII'm: cuicil wttlmut iiitlinif or illlatlnK. IIMlROCIXI' or any nwelllni!! or nl irRcincula rrtluipit at rnitt, IMI'OTKSCV I' my ti,tiui uf Ucatin-nt li ruradle irrftir titc of the limf tarullni or your npp. ni,,nr)F.R AND MDVUV iler.inKcrneul'i liy my st-tetn of trcilmeut iliow slfini ot Ine rroteinrnt from tlie tcrt hcplntilmr. Itlll.l'MAlIlM, beinif c.iusctl hy impure i-unllHon of Mnotl, H curcil perniincntly liy me. SlTf'IPKJ 111.001) rOlsONINO, pnnincntl curcil tt llioul the me ot lotlitle ot Potash or Mereurt Will I'i: if you raiinot cill Ml rnrrei on.leni-p slrh tly toi fitlcntlal ami all rop'lcn aent In pl-iln eiitilopei Intlo'p "-pent tami to Itiinrp rcpl. Oil l('i: IIOIIIS, 0 a, m. to 5 p. in. and 6 to S i in ; Sumlati, 10 a. nl lo 4 p. m. in ahi) Permanently Located nt Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building, 426-428 Spruce St., ' I TAKE ELEVATOR. .l'll.l.JmiMMI!M?Ji!lCTrHTBI raasa Tha rtnhrini r&m&t&rv IMWvailieiiM v-vamwivij Tre Cambria Cemetery Company beg to announce The Opening; of Their New Cemetery On Washburn Street The Cemetery Grounds are hip,h and diy, immediately adjoining the old Washburn Street Cemetery, and com manding a magnificent view of the Keyser Valley. Inspection of these grounds may be had at any time by applving at the office, located in the cemetery. Until June isth, burial lots will be sold at a greatly reduced rate. Tor full information apply to the sexton on the grounds, GEORGE ROWLANDS. No. 202.4 Washburn Street, City. THE CELEBRATED QORDON PIANO 1 JiV?.1''.iu7ui! JXi.ll"-"!'"ar 'rtr,-:"--it V? a Befoie buying, send lov catnlogue. w c rsrinnnw ja vmu Ave Hi k uviwwii ., ctv YurK Cits. HENRY BE LIN, JR., (., iiiul Vjcnt foi Ihe Wonilis Dull It I I 'r Dupont's Powder lliuiii', Illi-tni', "pi Uliu', s,o.tc, aiil ihe Hip iiii.i I In 11tiL.1l (omiunj's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. f-af.'it t'11-i', ips iml liploihrh. Hi mil I'Jl ton mil lluilJliio ,sc-i.iiiliu. AlillNCH.S: 'J no's IOI11) I'i'' 1 n .IOIIS II lllll K s().V I'ltni'MUli W. II. 3lil.l.lf!N ,... u I'tljir lliliiiintlim. i:illlili It I''. M.s II II. Iiiifitl.. I.' It III. liu. Mli. (I. Itm. I' in lii-'ii lih'i'iii 1 1.11 It sunp-uii, 'il'UIW, .Ins sin,!,.,,, Ml.. Mi Kini'l. Mm. s. .slnibliii. I- I si,,, low, I'linl, "bill. W. ". TI1I1I, .Mm IViiui, MtHlii ItU Willuiii V.iniliie. Mm. Inmii' MiiU'. .1. II. lUliiit.ini'iu 1 II, tlliu, M I'. M.UUI". I', jun-.i .'. Wlllllll.lll I'.lllU.'UI, I lllllk W.l.l'll V. . m.-j. Mlit it fun Weal Srinntou Station, I'tlil .1 llilllllllf, I Jlatl'ij; llllir,. Win t. IvntH. Mi., Villi- Muigui, JJls Jiniiii' Im Mis. .1 linos Mc-Ni-il. I II, I'tti'lil., Mi-. I 'i 1 1111. "iinlll. V iiui'iil I'li-i', Ml IjIujiiI 'Hi mi i II. M.1I1I111. Ji., Ml". I. I Utliilr-1. Miss Jf-it Mlliuui4 uil..ii:i'. Stiong' Banks Combine. 11 l.xwlit-lti- Win' fi ui Hi: W-oiulnl 1'itti hlll-.H I'll, .limp Is I lit' I itt NjiIoiuI LjiiI. fl Nt-iv t oil., n lill'ill'il lit John I) liitikiii'lli jli'l th" "IJU1I.111I (111 until'!,, li .vi ll lt li in KUIiitini; f"i' Iho luiiihi.? uf thi' Njlmnil MjiiI. uf I'i'iiiiiii in.' jiul Hid I'utt Njlliuiil luiik uf ItJU-jj. ( il). 'J iitc- Itm iiuKUii J if Iho lluiit, ml 111 Kin-M... lit .111.1 Into lomlnutil titp"oiii uf muil.t iii,ui.i.). tt i-. il illil iliu Hit Nut VnU IsinU 1 (U'ltMt uiinv tu ti'i) up luuki 11 ui In I itulilll nuts. i'Sissflni lW Hli" '.MAW I III "UTW 1 IK" r-""--g-7-Arwi, f's1yt-y.r(r7iftf. -i'1 $Q 1 IJTI7 """"""..ji-tniTiirft'"t fh.! I GORDON" j I : I Cento r Them on My Specialty ACKENZIE'S mi lis SCRANTON, PA. WON, PA. : esmmummmsa THE mu powie co. Uooms I andj, Co m' Hli BTd'ft BCBANTOlf, PA. rUniiig and Blasting OWDER Urdo at .Mooalo unci Uii3UJc.li) WarUi. LAPI.IN 4. HAND POWDER CO3 ORANGE QUN POWDER El'etrlo tlntterlei, Kleolrla UxploJiri, OS pi oil 11 n hlaitn, Bifcty Kunuuj Reisautio Gliamical Go.'s cxi'lo'iVe. i",n,'i;Trygwrii?tffv:ff?CTyr Failisre in llfuis, moro often ilue to CKh.uistcil neivc torrc tlinn tn link of ciplt.il. W10111; ncrtes me tlie capital that helps incii luiiipii'r i-oiiililloiis, W'lirn iieuple lo-,c tlivir capital they .set to not I. turcKiilii it. Wln.11 ttc lose our nerve force we ouj'lit to M'ck a ineiiis of netliiiB It link Tlieie ii a tiay, cerltiiu aud ICII-lltifll.. M feetl the nerves, waking tliem steady dint troiiKU3 .steel te tlo not believe they can fall to cine NirtoiisDehility niut pliy.sfcul ex. hiustioii that'hv.liytte.iBri'elorefunil tmi muiity It -si hoiis ilo not cure tun. SI 01 per tio. fi lwxes S5C0, inaileil (i-ciui.lv bc.ili-tl iijioii teceipt of price. Hook iree A.ltlriss. J'l u Mi.iiK'ini; Co., Clittrlantl, Ohio For ul l .It'lui II I'lii-lpj, I'hunuil.t, comei tciiiiuij Jt.uu'.' Jiid tpnue wtrcet. BUY THE CSNU1NE ttw rasa pro mr L"1 .. MANUFAOTUKiD BV .. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. .BfM.IT-Tin: .n.viii:. jaasracgMfflWB s F10S v ji li u u IK? la u 6-M V 00 5 II R fi