The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 19, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    ft , -J "V-J' l-V W flV(PJT '
WiPSWJ '' W " j. I Cij r Kij f 1RAV , t i ' Kll ' -n 'S J'"" ' ' "' BW"". J (!' liw "f"?'"1-" ' ' " 'W.-irw, -.- - ..- -r , , ,, t-r, . o- . -
P.TW A ' 'J.je33:eMrawyJ.JlP TT ' J . " " J?..'"-, -J-tSi'.. . ". i r r..iTTT ... i.j. j .. w it i.. v ..f. . p?i. ft.n . j hkm ii' vr
llllrii lo.nb In coral result We would
tike lo li i-o a Uttlo lint wllh vm
jlioiit mi lilt, MOM', (lull Is tlie
) hlcipili lllue llinii' mi smoKf, m
tuloi-nolliiiu lo tH iml cl uuler, lib
Whjs icub lor iic
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
The Peeress
Ironing Board
Tor honing- LADIES' SHIRT
WAISTS ixnd chilchen's cloth
ing, cvciy mother knows how
difficult it is to piopeily iiou
Babies' Caps, Oulmpes, Sleeves
and Yokes. This Bonid is
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Telephone- or mill us a pmlil If" c ill it lour
homo iiikI quote lime in 1 Hindering iny in 1 i t v
or Mill of luc n cutlilix Itt-ulU Min
antcc '
Compaiilis I! 1. mil II (omliimil list
illicit in jtivinq; .1 Ij.iII at Hie
annuls, .mil tln .ifiaii pi mod even
inoi o sttcicssiul than the most anient
mciuhiis hi the loinpanj hud duied
ho ic 'I lii' ilinoi.itloiis wi'ie the -aini-as
on I lie ih i iision nt l)s lull, .Mnud iv
nisrlu in r i he ki iiid opi'iiiiiR ivcnt ol
last riii(a JS.niiMh oichesti.i, st i
tirincil In i lie i.istulv h ilium, nn
ilcml in faultless slvlo a viell aiiuuKc'd
dame luosiaiiiuie, ami a featuie oC the
nUht wis a ill 111 hv sixteen .vouus
1 1 lilies attiinl in attiaclivo, mllll.u
'lnnKliif; i nitiiniL's, wlui went thioiiKh
.soveinl ilillkull ln.inocuv les veiv i.uo-
fnlH, umlei tln cllutliou of l.iculuu
nnt! V. Dais, ol Coinp.iiiv j
'1 ho concluding' pm lion of the fit ill was
' tlie chaise nt the light Invade," Miss
Cetaldiue l'lilllip. lecitlns Tennjsuns
laments poem Those who tonic p.ut in
tilt ill ill wimp Cindoiollt JIiiiw, Anita
"Welsoniluli. Muv I,ind.ibui , Jeniinit
Jones. Minnie lioldiv, l'sther S.iund
eis, Bullut S iiinili'is, I.ile riilllips,
IWiilld Sanileis, .lessii- l!o!di, lthoda
Tllitis, lllla Mo-ifi, Maud Mnsiei, i.f.
zle biiiith, T'cssle Moiruus, lie II. i Cook,
Miss Ceialiliue Phillips, eloiutiouist
Cnlonel V.. II. Hippie and Cnptaln
.lames Molt' 'Ufie two of the nlRht -j
quests of honin, and anion? the Thii
teenth's olllieis who attonileil teie
Sl.ijor Viank Icolillns, Adjutant Dolph
n. Athciton, Qutii tetniastef TtanU
Vanillins, and Captain Milton O Cou
ncil, of K. The captains of tho time
coinpaulPs sUiiiK the ball weio upon
the iciontlon eonunitlte, which in its
entiictv tonslsted of: Captain .liin
"V. KainhecK, Company If; Captain
"William A. Haul), Compan 1..: Cap
tain lohn llufi'. Company II; Lieuten
ant Khuer II. Ifetiy, Comp.iny IV, Lieu
tenant David AV. Davis, company L;
Lieutenant 'J'hotnas Mlllt, Cotupanv 11;
Lleiitenaiit I'.obeit "N". Cooper, Com
pany L; Lieutenant Guy II. Tielih, Com
pany Jl; Lieutenant "Walter L rinu,
Company II. Tho llooi conunlltee was
juadc up of Petseant Smith, Company
Jj; iieicunt Conell, Company L; Cot
poral Saville, Company R: Cotpoial
.Swail, Company L; PilMitu Kein,
Cotupanv J!, 1'iivale Guoiko Loiliuof,
Company I,; Kpieant Coustantiui,
Company 11; Coipoial Smith, Com
pany II; J1! halo Miucus italic y, Com
pany II. Tho leiiesliuiPiit eouinilttee
con.sis.teil of SeiReant AVilson Rallej.
Compau.x L; Coipoial David J. Wat
Kins, Company 11; 1'iivato Viitoi
Koch, ji., Company II.
Tho cpititlvo rominlUPp was made
up of a I'elcsrnUun ol a lieutenant and
four men fiom each company. Its
niomhPis vveie; Company H. Lieuten
ant Ony It. Itplph, HeiPKimt Chester D.
tJnilth, SoiKfant lleihfit Kellow, Coi
poial John S. CoKloy, liate Victor
Koch, jr., Company L. Lleiiieuaiit
David AV. Davles, SeiKeant Wilson
Kalle, HniKoaut I'luni'r, .lohn
Dwci, 1'ihiito fleoiKii Loiinim; C9111
pany H, Licnli'iiant Waller L. I'luu,
seiKcnnt Chillies II. Cciii.slaiitlue, Cor
)oial N.ithaulel n. Holly, t.i
w. Smith, Cotpoial Joseph A IlUhliiff,
Hanley teived tho supper.
John J, Hullor, of 91" ivnn avomip,
mil Miss Maty A, Slono, datiKhlcr of
u. V Ktoue, of It-' South .Seventh
meet, will ho united in iiiaulago at U
'ctocU this mninliiR at St, Paul's
thtirch, Ciieen IMiIbo, with a nuptial
Jiaf, liy IIpv, P. J. Mp.Manus. The
Jlltlo will ho attended by hei alHtei,
lllss Mfircella .Stone, nurt tho gioom
y his bi other, "William Ilalier. A 10.
jeptlon will follow at the home of tho
oildo on Seventh sticot. They will ie.
ililo on AVyomlug' avenue,
Mrs. M", K Kays, of Sanilcison ave
nue, entei tallied tho members of the
Fordlmm family at a supper last even-
It Seems fitting
That licio wo should expiess
our appieciation of tho gonei
oub pationngo of the people.
L The People's Bank i
litff In I101101 of MKf Sain I. Kotdlinm,
wlioso tnniilnKC liiltes pinto tomoitow.
The Biicflti wcio:
Mr. iml Mr. Quai LriilmOi. Mr. niul Mr II
M. Cole, .Mr iiml Mr. Atllmi D111111, Mr. 11
Mr, tl, I'. .lonn, l)i niid Mr. ,1 M, ruriltmin,
lllo ilmulroi .Mm Motl, ("nilioiulllp! Mi. Vnn
HiiRiMi, Mi. hiMill, Mt. Mimlllc, Ciirlion
ililot Mr" Wlilttuuii, New ill.! I)i. I. Ii I onl
I11111, Dr. Walter I'onlliiin, Mr. I., f lllxtcr,
l'liMnin llitkon l,i, llc" m I'onlliatiii
II0U11 Mlioi, Mln ronllnni. Mintrn"; llnllle
Miner, Mnliel Portlliam, lulielh Join", Miry Im
ln.1 liij, McK-e, sl0. ami 1 Ittiiliigr, lltnloii
A very enjoyable time was hud last
nlfiht, when the Upwotth league of the
Klrst (Jeinian Methodist chinch inct
at the homo of Miss Lvtlla Deltsel, On
Monspy nvpiiue, Oieon Itldge. Music
furnlnhcil the gi eater p.ut of the en
tei taliitnchf, after which lpfieshments
weic solved. Those ptcsent wuic:
llei'. (!. Ilolillln, Mr nml Mr" II f.ei.lci, Mr
niul Mr", t II in", Ml" Willi 1111 KiuilmM, Mi"
lliillfi 'lellilc. Mr Willi nil lliinilhcli. VIik. I.
Mi line, Mltxei Carrie billor, Mninie niter, Mnriu
IiiikIoii, lliw (I11M, I Hint 1 t lnll. Ml" Mclin",
llli Vlilme, I llll 111 ilel lllilrcl. tlinnili I :ii-l,
I Int.i liiitillmlil, 1,0111 f!nrt7, II11I1111 (loeliler,
llitlle Itumnii, l.rin Wuclirlt, Vlen.-r. O f!rov".
nun, hull sutnr. tlinlei llillnei, VMlllini W at
tir, I (In inl 'tilnlc. llieil Mi line,,
II it r v Vinilmiht, fieniKe UjIIn, ( lutlis linn
illifr", I ilfir Kiulhnld
Cauls aie out annotiiichiK the mar
tluge of James MeKenua, attoinev fur
the Oelawaie, Liu Itawanna niul AVesl
ei it 1 oat ilepiu tnient, anil Ml"s Annti
Louise llanett. The ceiemonv will bo
pet formed nt St. Pctei's cathedral.
Wcd11psd.1v mottling, June I'll, at 9
o'i lot If.
The chnll biijs (if hi. Lithe s Kplsin
pil thin 0I1 wctc uuilctcd tin lufiitmal
stippet lust night In the palish house
bv spvetal of the ladles ot the church.
Aftei the stippei, games weie onjoved
bv the vntiugsteis 1m all houi 01 nioie.
Lust evtnlng the N". M X. M. soi lely
gave a led lose social and dunce at
the Auditoiium in Ninth Seianton,
which was lritgeh attended In 11
nuiuboi of jiittng people. Tho gtnnd
nun ch stalled pmmptly at ' o'i loc U
and l.'"i couples p.11 tlclpated in It.
Miei lliinlnn left fi l Ni ft Yolk I i-l 111. lit "li
I bu-iliiss tnr
Mi Hippu. niiiusei nf Ioiih 1 im.'n ons
stoie is 11-ifii s in Ni w A i.ik
I M I'liie, knnieilt of Suuilun, isiiunmui
tin Online llottl .it lljincRit fin, I
MM lnlwiii nf ( ulionihlo, K in llie ult,
Rle-t ol "Sli scs ll iu, ol leltuon ixiliue
II W Milium, siiieiiiileni1iil of I'lilliiini
MIIIIO on 111' I llklWIIIIIt IlillOll, Ml" 111 tlio
tilt e-.ttriln.
Mi" Millii, m.p '! Vlluniiii W s Mllln,
V !, i llliil tn New Vilk itMelilu lit tlie "ll 1 Itn
iMiits of lit r liiotlp r
Itoleil I. (.oulil of 11 !. utt, m.l Mi- I! l lit l
C Itrniiftli, i I Willetlhm wiie miirieil it
Uinuliiinton, .linn 'I, lit lttt. Hint s anble).
Vli mil Mi (.ioip b I ii.t, if I'lnl iilclhii,
no in 11k tilt Tot i fin' (lit-, punt lo t ilititc
nil t lie i r i -iluito it I ike W h olu ft i tin -inn
Nilioiul ( i iinniltiitii in Inikiiik bikini, f
the Iniliil Mine Wirlen if Viikih i, n-tuilii
lelt f n I'ull-ulli, when In will itliml I In u n
Million t lli-lntl No 'i
I lie follottin fioin Siimjon tteie re.i-itinl
II III llnli I MliorL 111 tt Vnik 1 l-l tttlk It
I Vlilluin- mil tiniilt, Itilin I ( miiill Mi nul
Mi-- I II Illinium M I lulh iml Vii-ltn
It mil
( II Hi cl wlm In- In in ill Willi llilljnnnl
ton iti"nnuti-iii it Ins lining on (Jtiim t Ttenue
til tit. pl-c ft illillit, l- title lo lie out. iK.ilt
.Vetin on Ins ilttlm'-. mime In will i;o to Hut
spring-, ttlttie lie lit pis lo lie luncllteil His ii
i ition it simifi niotltti-. u luiiteil ttith
Htlt Mi ltutl lull litlll (OIUKtlul witli lot
lioi -e f n ii ult ,i iluiii i ii-
linuloi if I'nlilic Works Jolm I Km he wl o
tiittl tn st tin i tin pivim. of in ortlti niLe in
councils st inn tilit jijr. in piiiMiIiiix tor i
pilllllC liniktl. Sl 111 ll M'tlllllt ifliinotii to i
'Iilliiine mill HiiL In tt is In ntilt infitii if tlie
liitlnst! of llii oltl uinort In lln tilj mil its
Lontiioiiin intn i in ill tl
' Him pulilli nniket hlci lus kirn i liulilu of
mine for teir'-," lie unl, ' bet m-c I tlilnk lint
sm It .in e-t ilili-liinint is vniuciliim, ttliiili nuv
titt. no mittir ttlm lis -ia, -linnlil lute Hi
olil iniioit ttoulil. tn nit niinil, in iki in tiltnii
ilile inukrt, mill 1 liope Hit tlie liiemliem o(
toimcils ttill sec hi lo tike ste)s to pnulii e II
VMnli tins toiilil in t 1 e none tins ,teai, it wmi'il
lie pnilile innler (lie Mu-ti' jua pj--ul In
tlie 1i'MiIiiii In Ittt mil tollitt a H'ltlil 1 1
ftr tlie pinilii-c nul lillin" up of tlie union
"If tlie biilMing is piiuliaml it tonlil lie Intel
up at in tin hint ixpnse unl tin utinuts
tliitli tonlil lie ikincil fiom tlie tint of tie
ht ills ttviiili), m mv opinion, ippinMiiiite it tin'
lout't t-tiiiiile N!5,tii) i mm nml rnUlit, p i
liap", leiih sjiHKXi 'llie stalls "lionl'l l.e let, if
tfiuise, to ret ill ilealeis oulj an 1 a iiiiniimim mi
til iuo lor eith tonlil Ik lived liy orilhiinii
llio peopk ttolilil Hun line an oppoiiimli.t tf
tilling all llnli piiuliasln..- in tlie pioti-ion llie
.it one pi lie, in-tenl ot In lug nliliul, is at pie,
lilt, lo go to one phte fm llieir iiieile, jnoilnr
for llirlr lintlri ami is-1. nnoiliu oi Hun t,i
t ililes, He "
t lliiu-t me Vlmnlit i iluitii t ii i,rinli 1
to the summit Ihilt cniiipiiit, of fink's -urn
mi r.
Those Who Won Prizes at Lnst
Night's Events.
One ol the most nuccpsMul in oi es
slvp euihie p.ntlcs ol tho seahim wus
i ondut ted last night In the Knights nf
Coliiinhii.s club house, ou Ninth
Ington avenue, by the ineinbeis or
Hianch '.'Jli, Ladles' Catholic Henevn
lent ahsoc latlfin, of South Si laiitoii,
Tlieio wcte over two bundled in at
tendance, and tlli; play lasted tioiu
o.uO to 11.10 o'c The pilo wlnnes
vvote as follows;
l-'liK piie, letuin Hi Lot lo Pau
Aiiieikau epn.stloii, .lume.s tlavin;
second pi Io, plei o ol silveiwate, Jlnt,
P McCfii; thltil ptl.e, tinibiellii. Mis.,
llaggetty. louith ptle, umbieila, John
MiGaitv, llnli ptie, im Klng-ihalt,
Thomas linn ell; Hlxiii pi lo, pah ol
laiiey .sllppois, Sai.i Mm laj ; sev
enth piic, nmbiellit, Ml&s Aiinlii
Kauev , i l?hth piUi-, fumy pin, Mlh.i
.AU tl -I-.
Iiiedoikrana Excursion to Buffalo
"Will taKo placo on Monday, Juno "1
Tiiheis for the inuiul tilp, tfi. Hotel
iitcoiiiinndatlous bavo been spetucd for
COO people at ilutel (libbs, which Is bit
ttatod within llvo mlniites' walls fiom
tho exposition ginunds. The inithleal
testlvnl will taKo pl.uo Tuesday and
AVi'dnesday, Juno ".I and 26, at tho Sov-enty-fouith
regiment Jiinut, whine a
c'hotus of 1,000 voice", fiom over I00
bocietle fiom all p.uts of the United
States, will bo heutd Pilday will be
bpont at Nlagaia Kall. liy pa lug $s
tickets aio gooel for ten das. Any ono
deshiug to ifo, can secure all tho ncies
fcaiy infoimatlon by calling at Lledci
kt.uu hall, Thill Mltiy night or Sunday
Bauer's Band of 40 Pieces
AA'ill give a promenade conceit and
daneo at the new anuoiy on Satuulay
evening or llieir benefit. The dicoia
lions and illuminations will icmaln the
same as on tho opening' night. Ailnils
slon, ii teats.
Miss Alice Burko Woddod to Cor
nelius J. Rynn, Jr., of New York.
Ceremony Performed by Rev. P. J.
McMatiua Samuel J, Caso and
Miss Susan J, Harrison of London,
England, Married in St. David's
Episcopal Church Othor Nuptial
A most notable wedding of this
month ot weddings was that which,
vestetday, united Miss Alice Bmkc, the
handsome and cultuied daughter ot
Mi. and Mis. Timothy lhnke, of
Adams avenue, Duunnuc, to Coinillus
J. tlynii, .it., ot Now Yotk.
Tim ceiemonv was pcifonned at high
noon al St. Paul's Catholic chinch.
Oleen lticlge, bv the lector, Hev. P. .1.
Mc.Manus, in the picsenco of a huge
assemblage. Miss Anna Uttflfe, sister
or the In ldc was maid of honoi. The
gioomsman was Kobet t A. ill own, of
New A'otk. Di. Walter M. Iteedy and
Dr. John T. Midi.iili, of this ity, weio
To the music of linnet's ouhestia,
the hi Ide letnlng ou the aim or hei
lulher nml tollowing the maid of honor
and the uslleis, pi oi ended to the altar
tall, whole Hlic was met bv the ginoin
and his best man, mining" fmtn the
s.icilstv. The ii'ieniony was peiloimed
amid a wealth ot llotal deccuatintis
and lo the music of a lulln tilo, the
L'ileubeig "lltidal Song."
White sntlii and dtiihess lace enm-
lL..a lit in Iniliil ..I1 111.. 111 tlllt't
1'iitrt. ill' iiniiri mi "- ...1 ......
...... .. II.... . ..II r II!...,, , till.. ti-
M""ll lift tt-ii, nt mm. ........ .... -
edged with Duchesse late and caught
up with a stinbuist ot dl ttnonds, a gift
of the gioom. She cat lied a shower
boitritli't of hi Idal nt's
The maid ol honor wine a lieautliul
point d'espiit gown, adonied with
h ind-palntcd pink loses, and a piituu'
hat tiimincd with pink loses Stit iilso
c ai lied pink losei" A licit t set with
diamonds, the gioom s gill, was worn
at the
The wedding dlnnei vv is set t cd at
the house of the In Ides' paieuts, ini
midiately altei the ceiemonv. Pi inn
J to I a tet option was held At its
lontlusinn Mi. and Ml s I'v.m lelt tin
an extended lout Tiiev will live in
New A'oi k In n beautiful home pie
son ted bv the gloom's r.ithei
't'he bt Ide Is a voung woluin nf i.ue
giace. In addition to in.inv nttiei in -i
onipllshments she Is one of Si 1 anion's
leading tontialtos and a violinist mil
haipisl ol abilitv Mi. Itvan
is the mil sou ol Cornelius, si ,
ot New A'otk, a letiitd contiattot The
sun succeeded to his tat hot s btisines-.
Among the otit-ol-towu guests ve.
Ah. mil Mis I. K. Itvan, of New
A'oik. John J Keillv, of Chli ago; Ml.
and Mis t. P. Uv in and Miss Adelu
JJvan, of Ifiitlei, Pa , Jt. A Hi own, or
New A'oik, AVillliitn !'. Hi own, ot
Mesiio Cil. Mis lohn Iliticlu lille.
Miss Jiulv lliinhi litre and John I).
Him inline, ot P.iteison, N. J.; Judge
Louis C onion A. .1 Ponnv, of New
A'otk; the .Misses Plningnn. or New
A'oik, Miss Malonev, or Dovei, N. I.
Miss Conuell, or Owego, N. A' ; Miss
Folcv. ot New A'oik, Mi. and Mis
Smoultei, Mis hhe.i and Iti v Kalhti
Al.utln, ot Nanlii oke, the Misses
llattle. Alls-es D'.M.illiu, Miss .Miiii',in
and Miss Alalouev, of Plltstmi
'I he w dding ot Samuel .1 Ca-e ot
L'l I Ninth Ninth sticet, and .Miss Susin
J. lIuiiiMiu, or London, Knglaud, was
solemnied at -' ocloek vesteidiy al
tei noun at the St 13. iv Id's Episcopal
i lutii h. The teieniony wus iniioimcd
In- the leitoi, Kev. I'. .1, Mclleniv.
The bi ide ciiteied the thin ill h lin
ing on tin aim of hei In otbei -in-law ,
P A Coliinv, piddled 1) me usheis,
Willi im Phillips and Line-t Williams,
and the maid ol houoi. Miss Lillian
Heed, or Ithaca, X. A'. Thev weie met
at the all. u sups bv the gioiini, ai -tunipaiiieil
b his best man, licit
Allen The wedding man lies weie
plavtd bv .Alls Selbcit.
The altar was piettllv deioiated lot
the event. The hi Ide wote a hi idal
veil, and was utthed In a innit or
Pii-ian lawn, ttimiut'd vltli appliiiue
and white satin i Ibbon. The imiid ot
honor wine a gown or pink oignudle,
tl limned witli late and white i Ibbon.
Following the leiemoiiv tlie bildal
p.uty tepnliod to 1IT Soulh Sumiiei
avenue, whete a in option and dinner
was tendeied.Mi. and Mis. Case. They
weie tho leilplents or many handsome
piesents iioni their ti lends.
The i ottple lelt on an evening tiain
for Utttfalo and othei poluls of luiei
est. Among1 the guests at the wedding
weie .Mis Phillips, of Philadelphia;
Mis. Hei licit llv.ins, of fit out Mend;
Air. and Alts Pieeiiuin.oi Shlc kshlnn.v .
Mr. and Mis. Pieeinan, of Penobsmt,
Mi.s, Itelph, of Nithobon Mis. Tiaie,
ol Matitli Chunk; Miss M. K. Colon,
of Stilton Island, and .Mis. Ciott-ei, of
A vety piotty home wedding took
plate Monday evening at the lesldunco
ot Mis, II. Jenkln, of Dean
stuet, vthoti her daughter, Miss Ann
M, Jenkln, was mauled in tieotgo A.
.SandciK by iho Itov. Cienigo A, Cine.
Until In Ide and gtnoiii aio popular ami
well-known In the Ninth Seianton
p.ut of tho city Thev left (stPidny
liioinlng at S o i lot k fur New A'oik,
Uiean (liove and other points of in-
Can You Beat It
A lino Havana filled ilgar, Sumatra
w tapper, 100 tor ? I TO,
Imported Cigars
Yeiifoiloid. Concha ilslia cr Cmi-
cliii. INpeilal, per bo ?l."5
Citittla Coi'.tlus, poi bo $l,T.r
lMen Conchu llspeilal ,...$1.73
Compare pikes.
Ilobeit Hut lib, pen bo $.'75
U. Oatcla, Tampa elgai.s, bos ,.,$tr.O
Ml Pavorita, per hox ,.,.Rii0
Z lodelo and 111 Piogiebso, per
bus: , $.j,ny
You ceitalnly can SAYi: MONIIY
ou tlgais at
tptost. t'pon their 1 etui n thev will
make llieir homo with tho btlde's
mother. Present at tho tinge were!
William .IriiMti nml (unlit, .limes II, lenkln
unl Imnlb, I'. T. sinntlci" ami lutnlti, Mr, ami
Mm .mlrrw Milioll". .Mr. nml Jlr. I'elrr
Mooie, Mr ami Mm, llentv Mtlioll", Mw. Jolm
luwile, Mr" .lolm llnltliifou, Mr. (leome A.
t'nie, MKe" Aim i I'liililin, Mnitle nml l.lrle
Mooie, Vaa. ami Until I'loinllnik, Mar) .lenkln,
HroiHC Miiy Cure, .lorpli Linnet, .lohn i-jmlerK,
Albert lUtlen ami I ihtJril I'lillllr".
Board of Trade Committee Was in
Harriabui-fr Yesterday.
W. II. Taylor, Luther Keller and It.
II. I'aUoison, tho tumid of tuidc com
nilttco appointed i at Monday'i meet
Iiik, went to HaiilHbur"; yesteidny to
see what could ho done In tho way ot
having the "ehnsei" to the "tlppei"
hilt changed so as to place it limit on
the amount of taes councils, enn im
pose. The inniinlttce had a confetence with
Oovet nor Stone mid Icadeis of the
house and somite, but ate not hopetut
ol' having the obnoxious piovlslons ot
the "ehnsei" changed. It has nheady
passed tlie house and senate, and only
awaits the slgnattne of tlio governor.
It was thought the leaflets might bo
Induced to icciill tlie bill and have It
amended, but It Is not likely they will
consent to that as It might be il 111km It
to get It thtotigh the house and senate
If It came up again for amendment.
Mi. Keller icluined home last night,
and Messts. Taylor and Patteison will
etui n today.
Re-Opening of St. Luke's Health Re
sort on Focono Ran go for Invalid
Poor Women and Children.'
The foui tli season at Ctesm, of St.
Luke's Summer Home, in the commo
dious house set In two ncies of atass
and trees llie eighth season of the
Home's existence will begin with the
coming' of July.
As evetv one In Stinnton Is awiue,
this Home, owned hv the Men's Guild
ol St. Luke's, managed bv It In cou
iunctioii with a committee of the AVo
inan's riulld. Is stiletly and impaitlal
lv undenominational in Its outieach
fin the sur.enuK women and little ones
of this tltv who cannot otheiwlse have
countiv lile, liesh ah, and other need
ful aids for lestotatlon to health No
il'.iestlon is asked ot lace oi faith save
as matter of iceotd to show that Jew
and Clnistlan of eveiy name aie alike
icclplents of the Home's benefits lor
those who III ed
The lecouls ot the seveial miiiiiiipis'
vtotk the Home has done, (list in a
based piopeitv bevoncl Dalton. Inter
in a inttage lent ai Lake Ailel, then
on the piopetty pin chased at Ciesto,
show some lives at luallv saved bv it,
bundieds lestoicd to health and built
up in stiength fin llieli e.u's woik
to follow.
The Home is managed llboiallv, et
eiononiknll. Nothing Is stinted, but
nothing Is wasted. Pood supplies aie
put chased on the most ndvantugpotis
tenns liesh meat, vegetables, eggs,
butlti, milk, vthkh must be had clallv.
Hvei tiling that is given and evety
tliiug that is bought, has been used
and will be used to niiomplish the
bum list good fot those lecelved Into
the Home and to make the nunibet ot
these as gieat as possible.
St Luke's people, who Mipplv the
Home and ginunds and keep them up,
do also theit shaie In keeping up the
summer supplies thtoughoiit the sea
son No one congiegatlon urn or could
do all Theio aio not a few in some
ollici chuiihes who have gladly ac
1 1 ptcd the pi lv ilego of helping' to make
this undenominational phll.inthiopv
leath tbo-e who need. Some have
done this each Mimmoi : otheis occa
sion illv Hut tuoie heli would have
enabled the Home to do gientet good;
to have niched some ivho needed to
be theio In the l.itet September heat
It is a thing to be most earnestly de
sln d that gifts for the Home's main
tenance this Minimi i shall be sent In
even nioie geneiouslv than evei he
roic; that not onlv bttsv people who
liiuv be peisonully leinluded of it, but
otheis thus i emlnded of Its good woik
will accept for themselves a shaie ot
the blessing that will come fiom aid
ing it.
The tieasiiiei ol the Men's Guild Is
Mr. Samuel nines; his ollke at No
I'.ii W'.voming avenue.
Goldsmith's Bazzar Begins This
Morning A Week's Sale of Mar
velous Bargains.
The gieat t Mill L'ud Sale
will stmt this "mm nine .it s a) o clock
at Goldsmith's llaaiu, and will ton
tlnue for one week, numinous quan
tities ol goods have been leteivecl dur
ing the past lew ilu.s tiom the tl 11
reieul tcNtlle nulls thioiighout tho
totintiy lor this gieat sale, and Mr.
Lcukliait will be heie in poison to
conduit it. This is -All. Lockhatt'.s
thlid visit to ibis city, and eveiy time
he comes he Is gieetcd with liu teased
enthusiasm, bemuse tluough his con
nection wilh tin' and best
nianiltactuiPi.s he .saves the peoplo
thousands ol clolhus. The sale, which
loininentos today, Is veiy senhonuble,
tts It Is at a time when our neces
sities demand the put chase ot tho kind
of goods that will bo oftniPd. An extta
lot ce of salcspeoplo have been engaged
tor this sale. Yellow Pilto Tickets
ovciv wheio will lenilnil ou of the Mill
Ihul Pi he
As tho stcuo will undoubtedly be
packed with eager ptiuhaseis dining
the sale, It will, theiPloiv, he of Juici
est to lnlcndiug bit us to tall at onrn,
,is lots once .sold out cannot ho dupli
Five Young Men to Become Catholic
I'lv'o ouug' men are to bo oulained
In the Catholic, pilesthool toinoiiow
morning at o o'c Unit, In St, Pctei's
( by rilBht I lev, Al J. Unban
Thit'u of them mo fiom Noith Scian.
ton, .Stephen O'Doyle, J, Lnth and
,1 llctfiou The othei two, Messts.
Kelly and Loushney, uro tiont
Mlnooka and Pittston lespcetlvol.
All live of the oung men are giad'
iiites of St. Mao's ccmlii.ii y, at Ual
tlniote, Mel, wheio they ate at pies
cut making a leueat.
The popular Punch dgai Is still the
leader of tlio lOo cIrius.
blVIONsCiN sl l)y-ii bullion, 1'J , June
1., liiil. ut liu- Im I'uik par-otute, IKIbut I'
Miiion-on. ot Moo.-k-, I'j , uml Mis- Vmclla C
idol, of Munlun. by llcv. C M tlitllu, U )
Cl I I.UU'W VfiNHI Iu Kranton, l'J, June
H, 1W1, ot Hie rim I'ark piit'njie, Pojiic Cf.
fun ami Vi-$ II. i Hi i I'. U j unci, liotlt of lliu;
hnitoli, A. ., bv llcv. (' M, (Jltllii, 1). I).
The Tiibune's Educational Contest
Grows Moic and More Interesting.
Frank Kemmeier Goes to Seventh
lnco and Is Tied for Sixth Some
Unwotked Fields Which Contest
ants Could Enter Only a Tew
Points Necessary to Enter Table
No. 1.
Standing of Contestants.
II llil" M" tlie lmt tin, thre noulil win:
1. Meyer Lewis. Scran-
ton 278
2. Henry Schwenker,
South Scranton... 250
3. William Miles, Hyde
Park 130
4. J. Garfield Ander- X
son. Carbondale. . . 110 4
7 5. August Brunner, jt.,
Caibondale e4 2
C. Miss Vida Pedrlck,
Clark's Summit . . 52 T
7. F l a n k Kemmerer, J
Factoryville 52 f
8. Miss Norma Mete- 4.
tilth, Hyde Park.. 49
4 How limit of tlipe will be iu I ilile No,
1 i ll the llo-illd (lit t
J Point"
J 9. Ray Buckingham,
tamiiurst iu
10. Miss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Piovidence. 36
11. W. H. Hanis, Hyde
4- Park 23
T 12. David 0. Emeiy,
X Wimmeis, Pa. ... 15
T 13. Arthur C. Gxlffls,
j. Montiose 12
J 14. E. J. Sheiidan, Haw- X
ley 6 X
15. Misa Jennie Waid, I
t. Olyphant 5 X
$ 16. Robeit Campbell, J
4 Gieen Ridge 3
Yesteidav was a gieat diiv for llie
two leacleis in The Tiibune's Hdiua
tlonal Coniest. and llettiv Schwenker
is dnngeiously neap Hist place this
moi ning A'esteidnv moinlng- the two
le.ideis weie Tl points ap.ul. while
now- theie is a dlfteiento of but L'i.
Another dav like that and Sihwenker
would be in tb st place. The onlv
change in position this nioining Is
that of Ki.inlc Kenimeiet, who ad
.i'ices to seventh place and is tied
lot sKth. Aithur Oilflls. of Montiose.
Incieabed his points and wiites that
Ii" expects to advance mateiiallv In
the list befoie many davs.
'fhose who aie contemplating entei
ing tlie contest should notice how
easy It would be to get In among tho
hist eight leading contestants. Font
vailv subsciibeis, counting twelve
points each, would secuie a place in
the lust table, and five would take
slth place. Theio is a gieat oppoi -limit'
tm some one light heie iu the
cential poilion of the citv, which air.
Lewis has thus fni had piactkallv all
to himself Theio is not another con
testant in the whole list lesiding in
this section of the pltv. C.ieen nidge,
Duiunoie and Pttoisbuig- ate al'0
good fields
Call at The Tilhune office toinoiiow
and got a book of subset Iption blanks.
A'ou can then start t ighl In and
within a day or two be among Ihc
The smokei's delight, "Kleon" ,1c.
Huvlei's Alwavs tiesh, Com sou
c-i n t
and flrf Goods Cen
f?p is in This Store !
Today we call your
attention to our e.
clusive line of
Gibson Pillow Tops
and Shetland Floss
Everything in the line of
fancy goods.
Cramer-Wells Co., f
i3oVyomlntj Ave.
Wedding Invitations
Aio ou intcicMrd in this
lino' And have nu seen our new
linn of "Whitney's Yv'oddlng Papeis, in
nil the now pUeb?
Oils, Paints and Varnish i
Malony Oil & ManUfacfiiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street,
Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
Thoso from Luzerne nnd Lackawan
na Gatherod in This City.
The Luetne mid Lackawanna Den
tal association met last night at the
olllce of Dt. W. .1. Donliegnti, on "Wash
ington avenue, In legulnr monthly ses
sion. ( 'Pile pioeeedlngs weie vety In
tel cstlng, a routine or the night being
a paper bv Dr. C. I!. Thompson, or this
cltv, on "Some Injtnles and Diseases
ot tho Jitw."
A genet nl discussion of iiuitteis of
Intel est to the association followed
Dr. Thompson's piper. Among the
Wilkes-Haiie contingent piesent weie
Dr. MeKei, Dr. C S. Pick, Dr. H. M.
Beck, Dr. Smith, Di. AV.u tier and Di.
1!I( hinds.
License Committee Wants to Hear
Opinions on License Oidinance.
The niembet.s of tho llcen-e tav
committee of the select council, "who
have the goi' license tax oidi
nance undet oonsldeiation have de
cided to have a. public heailng on the
measuie befoie lepoitlng It to coun
cils. The plan Is to set borne night at
the beginning of net week for the
heating and lo Invite all peisons who
may be affected by the measure as It
Mauds at piesent. to come befoie the
coiuniittie and state their leasons as
to why thev should tint be tied.
School Teacheis, Please Notice.
All citv teacheis aie uigentlv te
quested to meet at Supeilntenilent
Howell's oflipe. City Hall, on Wednes
day the lith Inst , at 4 p. in . to con
sldei the lnattet of convention to be
held in Detioit, Aliih, on the occasion
or the National P.dut atlonal associa
tion convention, Julv b to l
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Account meeting ol the National
Hducatlonal Association. Tickets on
sale Julv fi 7 and s Sec lltkct agents
for pnitkulais
p Fashionable
Shirt Waists. S
cj AVh.iUvii fashion saS
JJ the stvle should be what- C5
wJJ tei Hconoinv the pi Ice J5
cj should be whatever Good Cj
JJ Sense innlcilal and ffj
cj wotkmanshlp should be all y5
w2 llie-c Ic.ituits will be J5
C3 lotmil iu our stocks. t5
or Gingham
All colois all fl?es, bishop
s-leevcs with .suit cufrs. A
,.ti- n
lit sl-i lass gatmenl tit a b
en In in Ire ride value.
8 Or
i Clarke Bros
Worsted Suits, to Order,
$15.00 and Up
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
For Ladies and dents.
Getting Ahead
In the world one must keep eyes
and ears open nnd embrace op
portunity; so don't overlook
this t Our
Gixen Valley Rye
It's economy (spending money
(or it, for there's no tonic like it
to braco you up.
216 Lackawanna Ave.
ssv.v44.4.44. 4t t
T LouU Arthur Watr: President
Orlando S, Johnson, Vies Pre,
Arthur Ih Christy, Cathltr
Capital, $100,000
Surplus, $100,000
Court House Square,
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
Al'THOrnlin by Its Charter to ncccpt
nil manner of Trusts; to set a
Ileccner, 'Jiuslrc, (luaidlan, Admlnlstra.
lor or l.Tccitcr.
TTHi: VVIJbTS of Mils Dank are protect
1 ed by the Holmes Ulcctrlo Alarm
I- A. Walres, o. s. Johnson
Wm. F. UnlUtcaJ K. P. Klnjrbury
Everett Warren Aub. Robinson
Joseph O'Brien
At our straw hats for men.
The season's newest shapes
and braids. Sizes and prices
to suit all.
"A Gentleman's Furnishing Store."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Shifting Responsibility
Is alwa3 excusable, when it may b
done eonscleiltlousily.
Kvot' owner of teal estate carrleo
iciponslbilltles that do not appear in
IiIm accounts, et, they aie Imperatively
hnpoi tiint. ,
Tho opinion of an allot ney upon the
.lecuiity ot otir land tltlei must hi
backed by your own assets.
By the pa incut of a foe
Oti may .shift this liability on tho
t. 'Ji, Utxr. President, lit. A. hnjpp. V.-rrf
A. U. UcClintock, Halpli b. Hull,
ViccpnsWeit.l l"t Olfleer.
Closing Out
Our Entire
Stock of Climax
On ou Ivltovv vv'hat the "cll
ma" Is.' Simply a llrst-rlass
window uhiMuk ieadJ-m.idP,
nnd mbts less than half tho
"made-to-measure" kind. They
aio made lor windows between
ivvo and four feet wide and
In the stuuclaiil blue and white
irtON 1-HAMi:, COTTON"
I'liuos, bTnnu ppi.i.nv.s,
Ail one who cap ha its: a
hummock ran put up a climax.
Your choko ns long .is any
ate left,
f 1'U.v
221. 223-S25-227