The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 19, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    jtm 'J 'in fy-B $ -y v i 4 tift Y tVi"WV''?!hV"' "? -??& --,(lv''-, "Vl -
fe V- ,-IV
JvS"lT"-?M''Si i
k y m "
PjhlliliH tljilv, tlxorpl Mindly, by lite Trlh.
in I-uhlMilnp, it Kilty I'oiiH Monlli.
I.1VV P. tlirllAllU, l-Milor.
O. f. IIVXIII'.I', IliMlticJi Miiuarr.
New York Ollkct ISO N.iivm M.
w . viir.tx,st.
Sole Agent lor Koiclsn Adieillsln-r.
Cntervil st the IWulliir al Vianlon, Pa., as
f-ci ond-Claw Mill Matter.
When space will permit, The 'Irlhniie l ily
r)d tn print ihnrl lellrn (mm Its dirndl bear
lnir mi current lnik, lint 1t uilr l that 1 1--r-iisl
I, tlgnril, tor publication, I'J the writer .4
real name; and Ihe condition precedent tn nr
cptahre l thai nil contributloni 1i.itl be subject
I" editorial leililon.
TMM IHT n I'll- rni! tiiiM'nfKivR
llie fnlltiivln; lablr .huu, the prlre per lm li
caeh insertion, spate In he used wllliln one jcitr;
I tlim nt
MM't.AV. M'-ip.r
'" lhaii .'.no Itit tiil ""!
r'l I III. lie3 10
tot oul, if tlmiini. irnliill,n-i o' ri.ndoleii'
"'I 'IimIIji (nnnil.iiH,,,,, , ,,ire ol Rd-
'rjUfiiif m '1111111110 UMlsr i ilnrse nf 5 ccntl
llits Mr ( lavilllcil AilvrHMiu fuinUifd en
f-'UiAXTO.V. ,tt .VK 1ft, IWlt.
!l ' li-iirr in Kivi' nwiiy tr.itiiit
funi-iiN- r.i,. ;i , m,.pull. ,m.r.
' '' tl'.tfl (l , pi,(' lmr,
ss- -
ilemnvinrr the Tax Limit.
-B-lH: i')H,l:cTIONS of tlio
H I'iMul nl tcnlo to Hip tiro-
JL .. Inn hi the rlnitlr-r atiii'iul-
iii 'lit tiM'iiliiR tin- ton-mill
lmil of t.i,ilinii hip well tiiKi-n. Yet
iVte'ls I'nii'i' In llm ai-ruinem tluil If
' i lenimni ,l:fl t-th' uin citizens tn
r "i'i I'c ,in I'lii'llli'iu ytlpfi'vihlon over
I'm -li'iii-ii nf I'oiim'lliiifii anil i'
ril'lf!'. will 'iil fur qond miller lifiini. 'I'Iip lOfiirdnr. It ill lif
fiiiPinljcri'il, lias full pnuer nr p(m
under tin- li.i 1 1 or .liiiPiHlinrnt, and
v li"ii Ids ullli'i' Is In-Pi liy a i tip.sen
t ilKe I'llivon and tsiNpayp:' thern i
littlo lilic-llhood uf I'liiiiK'lls iiiiiiilns
nny I'id.ii t tic taxpajciv. Tito whiile
"UJ'-ci of Hie new Hiai'tor, liolh in it
i filial f.ii'iii and as aniciided. Is to
"iliall,' die poueis and n'spimMljil
i:ies ol I'lty qoveiimieiil. This 11 al-t-iins.
Tin- ppnpp mm knnn whom tn
in.,- io I'm i epulis. If they are cap.ihle
of ubPly limif-iiiK Ilielr iminii'
rliief e-oi nthc. their intei'p.-.s will lie
!-afe. If not, they nitil lake their
lm dii'lnc
fir Henry Hamilton Johiihlone's
hiianpe tales of Smith ATrha niPKCst
that lie may lie in the employ of Mime
tteamshli i-impaiiv.
Two Commencement Addresses.
BT ANTAI. tt-ninins', the edtl
. iMIIiik ill unit-nil of eye,
.&. hand, and liialn, seems to
be i-miilnp: to its own to a
certain eter,t, an extent that Rives
promise for the I'utine. For instance
Philadelphia's two martial tialnln?
l-chools in Its public school system
sent mil last week nearly iwn hundred
pradlMtes. I-'or the earlier founded of
these two school , this was the fif
teenth i niiiuii'iic'-'iiii nt. At this com
mencement I'resiilenl l'lsailes.1. Mar
ia h of the Alldvale Steel Woiks made
the aililifps, Prepidenl Warfield of
I-afayctte cdllese made the commence
ment address at the oilier. The exer
cises w-'ro held icspoethcly in two of
the clly's laifjp theaters. The presi
dent of :'! Midvaie Sleel Winks told
his andieii.v that on the classes of llltll
t' J'"7 lioiu the picpaiatoiy schools
and eolli'K. . of uui land ill fall ihe
hl'lint ot the .viealest hallle for com supremacy the world has- ever
seen. Up w.iincil his listeners that
th" anrizi'iiii'iil nf i:urope over the
silt and vvnndei fill industrial pio
prtss of iIiIh country has i hanged to'iHmi'iii in it In-, vl-w of the
tuliire is that "ihise iniinus will not
pii'ink us to keep markets alieady
M'll if they i. in flefcat Us liy tieaty or
h.v pinhibit'iiK inipoi lation of Aineii
i -1 products, or, fallliiR that, by vlo
1' I1' e. Ainniit; othei thlnps ou must yoursoli-.'s lor the latter. You
will Iikvc to tlKht, and the coii(iiered
v. Ill lm swept nfi' the face of the
Me dwells upon the coniineicial
lutuie npenliir; In the Orient, and on
the itoi'-splty and the certainly of mi
Isthniian I'.mal built by this country
ml under its sole control. Then he
iop!r";?, takiiiK a vi" ry different view
from tlint ul' Mr. Schwab that the
j uutli to i al, full advuntiiBe of all up-)-oiiunltes
must be eollepe bled,
Tlv-re In. lie .-.alii, "a ri eater deniiind
Mr the eoileKo bred man than over be
I'oie, You eattliot hope lo compete
with hint If vou befilu busliu'ss life
now and hope to pursue biKher studies
at the fame time. No man can work
more tlijin nine hours a day and no
honest lioik, And what a man can
not do Jfouth -caniint llope In do."
As the; Kwii'il nnale to all this It Is
Interest I115 to note that Mr. Hurrah
told llle'Jioy.s in closing that "there is
only cinS tliltiK worth llvinp for and
worth ilyiiitf foi'eharaetei." Presi
dent M,a')T,--l'l of Iho Lafayette In his
ta Ik to the. ulher sot of giaduiites said
iiothlns of eonmieree ahrrml or of col.
lege. Kut ho dwelt Instead upon the
aetual value of manual training.
Hitherto, ho said, "wo havo disciplined
the mind and not the hand. We have
lacked that combination of mind with
matter which will make ourwmaterlul
industrial a permanent success." As
did Mr. tlniTiih in eio.siiiR ho specially
iiuulo injiucssivQ the point nf char
acter, of moral development, ns th
absolute' basis on which all else must
lest, in 'his puttliib' of t "conscience)
must boun InlCRral pun of every
juairs work If he Is to make a true
Miccess 2'f it- Civfllssiitlon," he said,
'dlvoicejj from conscience means
vuln." C
1i-o1mIj President Warlleld, helnif
himself Hit administrative head of a
noble Institution of higher learning,
thinks as highly of tho adsautues
that muy and ought to be Rained from
college training as does thu picsident
of- the Midvaie Steel Works But he
cciialnly spoke In a view fllkely to
stimulate, to their best work students
lo whom college Is unattainable.
It Is assuredly a matter of "the
ueisonaf'eiiuutlon" jo a much greater
otent lliflh the I'Ntirnie wlvivntr of
llie Iwn vlewu of 1 olleuo tialnliiK Vr
sits business tialnltiR without collegt;,
Rrnerallv utlinll.
tint Iho Ki'outiil 1111 wlileh both nre
coinltiK tOKCtlter. It l.s iitnio itppareiit
Willi eiu'h fllceeeititiK ,ear, Is the
Riiiuiid of 1 he iidvlsablllty nf coinbln
ln the iMliicntlon of llie Imml with of the brain. The klllilournl It'll H
not only the tironf or this; it has done
inoie than can be measured to ilclnon
stinlp It. We lmp iokiii of the ml
mlrahle results of pi'hnnry Rfade
in. it. mil work as '.vcntpllilt'd In the
.litino'i lirton "clionl In Philadelphia,
and now we find In the N'ew Ynik 'I'rl
Intnetlie Itifotiimtloiithiit not less ilinii
thirty-two nf the public schorils- of
Monhatluu and lh' I ; mtx have work
shops .'itlaclieil lo them where boys le
ci'ive liislrticllou in the crntilitti lion nf
objects useful and orniiiiienlal, Kiltl
'iitioual Ideals are liroadeillnp, tttiil in
tueh lini.'ideiilns: us this they srnw not
sluillow"r but deoper, The channel
deepens as well as w Irieii". of the
tnany Improvement? needed by the
public srhool system, wlileh Is si ill
emit Ideic'l s-o pel feet by some of Its
ndniltilstratnis, sonic nie iii'i'IvIiir:
olliers. t may be hoped, will do so
ere many 11101 e yenia ro y.
A Birthday Souvenir.
TU.MnltliUW, In honor of Us
pilh nnniM'i'sary. 'J'lie
Tiihiiuc will pi csent to lis
reRiilar subscribers a sou
venlr booklet ennlnlniiiR n liistory of
the paper and if llie city, topellier
Willi nuineious half-tone pletuteK of
si ones of Intel est in connection with
tin luakluu of a newspaper, public
btiildliiRs, iic; also a oaiefully pio
pi.ied hiMmy of the Scranton post
0IP1 c, with biiiRi'aplilcal and oilier
on la concernhiR the successive ioi
inasters from the earliest time to the
pi'isent. lively leRtllar subseiilier
will be entitled to tine of these)
souvenlis fiee of cost. Look out for
It, theiefoii', tomorrow mornliiR.
The Cuban Naval Stations.
TIIHRK AUK few public ques
tions now before this coun
try upon which a lai'Ri'r
auioiiiit of foolish w riling
has been expended by antagonists of
tho adniinisliatlnn than Iho acliou
taken by ro eminent for the fiituio
protection of Cuba against insurrec
tion at home and invasion from
Km ope.
Now that the Piatt amendment,
which embodies nothing' but what is
essential to the welfare of t'uba and
to pioventiiiR thai island, 1 01 ceil by
the I'lilted Stales Irani tin intnleiable
rtlln, from ever beiiiK made a base ot
foreign attack against tin: t'niled
btates, has been accepted, flesh at
tempts by the .self-styled "auti-im-pcrinllstr,"
to nullify its tnnvisloiis
may be oNpecled. Alieady hints of
what Is worse than folly hae begun
to prop nut in the utterances of some.
"Kluudeis that are than
crimes," as Talloyiand described the
porformani es nl wrnng-headed "states,
men" in ills own day, are llie fauirito
methods m these, their mental de
scendants, today.
It is the i-pvtnlh 1 lause of the Piatt
amendment providing that the I'nited
Slates .shall actually tie In position lo
defend Cuba and itself, not cunt led
Irlo corners of the coast where the
ns'ilhllity of such defence would lie
ill. that mu'to'iiigs ale heard agains-l.
It is a curious thing, and a humili
ating and sad thing, that tiieic aie
American citizens to be found who .11 e
willing to count as nought all the sac
rifices their country lias made to res
cue Cuba from utter ruin a saerllice
Including that of so many among the
liower of its young manhood.
The pinvision made by Unit seventh
clause of llie Plan amendment is the
perfectly ' icasonuble, iho absolutely
necessary one: "That to enable the
United States to maintain the Inde
pendence of Cuba and to protect the
people iheieof, as well as for its own
deieiue, the government of Cuba will
.sell or lease to the Mulled States lauds
necessary for coaling or naval stations
at certain specilied points, to be agieed
upon with t lie president ot the I'nited
The "certain specilied points" must
he such harbors as the I'nited States
1:111 fortify iifj-ainst hostile naval en
trance directed against Cuba and
menacing the Pulled Stales, and fuuii
which I'niied States sailors, marines
or soldiers could be at mice marshalled
for pinteetlon of the Cuban govern
ment against domestic insurrections
such as so many Latin-American
countries are periodically Involved in,
The entrain es to Havana and Santi
ago must as the only means of abso
lute protection to Cuba's independence
be fortllled and defended by the
I'nited Stales as ell'eetlvely as are tho
entrances to New York hiirj-or and to
Chesapeake Hay tho sea-approach to
Washington. If ever a foreign ileet
with hostile Intent menaces Cuba and.
through Cuba, the I'nited Stales, the
objective points ot Its attack would be
Havana and Santiago, also possibly
Mataiii-as. That fact Indicates when
United Slates protection must bo ecu.
Outdoor Consumption Cure.
-TpHK HKCKNT oider of tho
I commissioner of lumilgra-
JL. lion tn refiiso admission to
Immlgiants suifcrlug fioni
consumption has met with ?everoitt.
criticism from medical authorities
the very persons profoundly and most
Intelligently Interested In tho pieveu
tlou and euro nf that disease. Mr.
Crane, of Paris, for sixteen years, up
to December last, editor of tho Ameri
can Heglster in tho Piench capital,
and for many years a physician, llrst
In New York and then in I'arls, a few
days ukq expiessed to 11 repieseuta
tive of the Now Yoik Trlbuiio views
that me Identical in telatlou to that
attempt, also as to tho proper treat
ment of consumption, with thie-o ex
pressed by leaders lieio in the medi
cal profession. Ho said:
"It Is yet to ho proved that such a
plan is practicable. I understand that
im.ny Immigrants on landliur hero
uppear to be in the best health, but
piove later to bo victims of tubeiuulo-
sis. CoiiMiinptlon Is n disease ninro
nr less iittiidaiil upon clly life. What
ever may b. the condition of people
coming to make up the population "I"
a gteat city, they arc all brought Into
coiilaet with Rcrnis of tubeiculosls.
Those who have tin Inherent weak
ness lo this disease succumb: those
who me sound re-Hut III feel Ion. din
seiijienlly, the means best employed
lor the thwatlltig nf cniiHtiiuptinn Is
In free llie patient ftotii crow lied con
dition!, mid Rive lit tit all the light and
air possible. This Is the means which
has been most recently adopted In
l'Vnnce, and has pin veil most success
ful. "The pain Is lo gle the patient the
life of 11 person ramping out In the
oaks. lie l, aeoe.fdiligly, made to
live In a lent and live on the simplest,
and huaillest foodr. The leslllls ful
ly Indicate the means employed. The
Krciich believe that this method oii
gliiaied with thcnis.'lvcs. In this con
ned Ion I cannot help bin call to
mind thai the same kind of treat
ment for pdtlcnls surfeiliiR with lung'
diseases was tried as long ago as isr5
by Mr. Henry t. Powdlcli, a professor
of the Harvard Medical college. C
was a student there at that time, and
i call to mind Hint Iho doctor erected
a number of tents for the aecnmtno
dallon of indents. At that time the
results obtained were entirely success
ful. I do not unilrstand why this
method has not been adopted more
extensively In this country."
This "outdoor plan," as our readers
know. Is becoming 111010 ami more
practised In this country. That the
Ailltoudacks. die North Carolina
mountains, the uplands of Now Mex
ico, and otliei foiest and mountain
camping out lesorts have cured many
consumptives has long been known.
We have told of die plan, originated
by Pennsylvania's forestry oomnils.
sloner, Dr. Ilothrock, for making the
siato'.s now forestry preserve in Pike
county a sanllai linn for such patients.
Also we have given account of tho
fiee sanitarium for consumptives
about 10 be established by the "Free
Hospital fur Cijn.siimptlves" In Phlla
ilclihin. high up In the mountains
snnit dist. inic above White Haven. It
is encouraging to see that among
the appiopriatlons lor charities by
Iho legislature this month that has
been rellienibeied.
Now that the British troops have
just met wiih another reverse in
South Africa, Ithodos, who has
recently show 11 a disposition to get
benoath the lays of the political lime
light, will pi nimbly again modestly
step behind the wings.
It is a pli-uMiic to note the
ministers at I'ekin have 1 cached an
agreeniuet.and also ihatdecisive steps
have boon taken to determine with
which club Hugh Jennings shall play
ball this sason. us have peace.
OtiHin? Sfiidies
0! fltirnan Nafiire
"None So Deaf,'' Etc.
n 1111 nlorit wlilih Ins Liiised S'seielaiy ll.ise
to he rieiiliusl.v i.niliniis ol "1Ie.1t men" .
iimril lucntli.
I oiuiiinnt .I'llm II. lutili.nn, of Hmei
I'l.iniS . .. 1- ihi'ie nr lies li ml ol hcirm?.
lie holds hii haiil up l In- i-ii" vvlille .vou .ne
.ldduv-iii!; liini. -md iii.iii.iKr-. lo i.ilih voiii
tri.ailii'' Lihl.v will, .lii-t how 111111 h he hem
i-. open to (iip-lhn, .aid tin mi ii't.n.v of the
lir,iiny, fm one, liii his Mipltiotis Iho "ifni'lo
.Inliii" 1-. 1. ut ipiitu o deaf .li he appear. Il
h.ipptued lhi vv.iv.
Ml. Kilih.mi had he"ii in rnncire io bins
th. 11 he had ik-ed up .ill Iho .it lon.ige to vv hit li
lie w.n eiililled -nut iinililii'l !iet auv nnne
pl.iiei fni' Ins iniiililiii'iit-. Hut uiic day 1I1I1
tpiliig he (.illod mi Mi. i.u,'e.
"Iheie is .1 111. in up 111 niv town," tic e
plilniil, "who hum ho lived, and 1 vv ml ,vuu
to ll him "
"I i.m't do it," leplieil fl.ue (and up went
Kelt ham's ha'id lo his e.n), "heiaiise theic .ne
10 laianiirs ill niv d. pailniilit."
Ye-, that's whit lie wants" nid Ketchani,
".1 uii e pl.11 e in .wuir depiitnuiit."
'I ho si unary looked at his vi-uor intently.
111 d -aid in a lowoi tone
"Ihe ilvil sfiviio mill lover all appniiit
'iienls undo' twilve luuidicd 01 nfueu huudird
doll 111 .1 .veai."
Vli', li 1 1 1 i.i 111 icmovnl Ids Ii.hkI fiom liN iluht
(.a and irpllul'
"That will he Mli-fai tory. lie will lint e
pei I nit ic thin tvvi'be I'liudii'd doll.111 a
Ml. (lane was uiowiutr dispel ale.
"I toll .vou," ho falilv .villid, "I i.m'1 do any.
linn'; lm voiir man, 'Jhue is no 11-0 hiins.-iii';
him do.'.n hi'ie,"
"All iIkIiC" Hid Iho Impiiluiiihalile ion.
alexin 111, ll-ili1., "I'll hrlii1; liiiu ilonu," and nut
ho walkul, li'ivitnr the n'Cretnij ii. .1 .tati; ot
sine uioii'ili, 1 1I11 or Iw.i latir, Ihe deaf
mill wall. id in wltli .1 loiistiluiiit.
"lien- is m.v fiiim! .vou piuuilsul In pl.ue,"
ho .ill.
"(lood l.oul!" (lu'i' (anil up went the
the nihil hand), "didn't 1 till .vou I lould do
liolhili'.', .ihsoliiul.v tiotliingl"
"lli.lll'l I Ml toil not III hlllu Willi nun
heie, litc.iiisc I had 110 pl.Ko lor liliu!"
"i, vou Mid von would uivo him .1 pl.ue
al .il.. nil iwi'bo himilnil mi 1 .-i-lil for
him, and In le he U "
Tho sei irl.ny was in ihpiir. lie llil
i.Mi'.-ii'ssin.iii III Iho lue it was ,1 hljiik. In
flu 1 r il s) Hi .1 1 ion he tapped .1 hell (or an is
9iiaut, lnhl llus l.iiur lo lake the coiMitiKlit
In Mr. II , and If pov-lhl,, to ilml him .1
pi ne." 'Iho tonsiiosmaii lunk liiudt .ill .'iioiiud,
iiiid dipaitril wllli .111 I'spic-sli'ii nf ln'iieiuliiiio
on Id- vouiili'iuiite.
The man not a f,dily unnil pine. The inn.
roesvin.iii ia flill iitlur dtaf. 'Ihe siui'iaiy
will, he has his own Mispiuuiis. suciein,
Queorod by His Colors.
John I'lep.n plain of the Princeton lists.
team and linM r nf the inten'olleijlate letont
for iho milu 11111 ttirtrd 111 his athletic woik
at I'linietou, aii'l the first 4 lino lie ran under
I'limrluii (olois was (.11 Ainriul '1, P-'i;, in tin
Anilent Older ol I lilui nl.iti fames at Aihiny,
Johnny w.i uiy pn ud of Iho 1'iint'iioii tolon,
and tho baud of nange ilhhou atim-s his athletic
(hint was .1 woiidii' in widtli, 'Una in Itself
would liavo In Cli 1 it.i iii 1 1 In mike him an nhjnt
of Mi.-piiliin o 1 lie mt'iiiUis nf the Al 1 it tit Or
ih i' of Ililii'iniJii-. hut it was not u uiaiker to
the t st nf Ids docoiaiinii. 'Ihe I'umetoii Ath
lit If .issotlallou had J 1 i.s t hoiulit new i.iu, and
en tho fiuul of Ilinii was iiuliroliliird the mono
lam ot the a.-.-'iciatloH. Tn the peison wlm
viiwetl the lap the ir.ouo'.iaiii appealed like (Ills.
"A. I'. A."
Win 11 that 111-1110,'ijiii was dUovired it (on
llriiiul the biL-pliloii tint .fnliuny was a lull
tirid lli..ii.'eiii.iu. 'the ir. .id ..!' I11I lilin wiiu
iusulliiii; reiiiiiks v. Inn l.e lined up fur iho
ili.ll if tli mile inn. At fun .luluim lay hack
mid to iK tilings co.-j. The ciowd howled with
i-'lto whin they taw the t.upposed Oi-auKt'tiiau
fully too levt 111 the lear and tliouted and vtlhd
to thi'ii' ilumpioiis to ilUtaiiie Iho luleiloper.
'Jhu 1 i'-.i lit w.n Hut twry mini man 111 the rape
1,111 his Ill's on, uud just a .loliuuy put on In,
gpiitt, whin they ttaited on the last lap ami be
gan lo foice uhead, the troutde broke loose,
Juhmi tame down the trail. ln.c .1 wlililwiml
ul kat tilly feet ahead of his uearett coni
ptlitui, Iho nowd hunt; over lie ft me, iv
null 1 litis a "kill lie ,s.iscn.'tli!" 'Ti'll with
Ihe 1i1a1iL.e111.1u!" and 'Tluow him oil Hie
uv.ik!" wtiv huiled at lilin a, he sped ju.w
Hi" tape 11 Inner. Men were stnklnrr ihelr fbli
id lilnt .nut tiiMlna him. .mil .lilinny ilbiredly
mull' 11 reticil In ll,p iIhIiit loom. 'Ihere 1.i
limrw Ptitly itiKeil wtut, v.n vacing nml uliy ttic
iiuml I111I It In loi lilin.- Xc'v York Pun.
J31 nmed tho Butler.
While litiiHf nt hi home at Ilniltoid, Conn ,
M.nk I 'Win vv.11 mil inormnir deep In lh cim
pio-ltlon of fume li'iiiiortou from vilildi lie
1'iileil it good ileil, when lie wa ulleil to llie
telephone, mji lh" Kjii.oii Illy Journal, Ho
told tho In rcicbe the tnewiRC -1!"I
Inlng It lo Mm, hut In 4 tew moment .I3 In
tint the parly at ihe niher end ol lh wlte
i.jiitnl him. I'lmpkril at the Intcrriiplion, Mark
wi nl lo the tf leplione, anil otter "hellotutf" lor
oiim lime wlllnmt nn jiiimci'. Ii' lueil ome ln
HU-ije not irencuM) seen In print, but wlilih
vu. irilahily pli limamie. White thus cngaRcil
lie lieaiil mi iiniAer in itjlonWied tone ninl
ri'('-snl!eii the voiic ol jii cmlnriil (II Ino liom
I." laii'ii vi iy vcll.
"li tint .vim, iluiloi ." nue-dloiu'it Mr. Clfitp
(n. "I ilnln't hoji what on Hid. M biitlrr
hii heen Jt the lelephnne ami Mill he iouldn'1
kiulenUnd you."
No Need to Cioss.
tlookei T. Wjihlnslou lolil Ihe rolloninc loiy
of the "po'h whit ti,ih" nhn endfavorfd lo
tiu ii Mip.un ly nitons or :i leny otrnul by
n lain.
I'nele Vloie iri.ilihe'1 hl lifjd. "Dom' Jim
Hot no eoii"y '1 jllr' he queried.
"No." .ilil Ihe H.itfarln-: ftuiner, "I haven't
11 i cut."
"Hut II done cut .vou hut 1? cenl," Iniiitcd
I'lii'le loie. "ler rioi do fen."
"I kiion," jil white nun," "hut t haven't
pot Ihe '! reals."
I'r.cle Mo.c v.11 In a niundirv. "Hov." lie
iiid, "I iluiie tule .vim 1vh.1l. 'I'r rnun what'.,
ttol no 3 i.ei,ls .1111 Je.V e. well otT on rti.i aide
i lie liver .11 on ic oddei."
1 . ""
Snapped the "Eubbor."
A voiiiijj 111.111 of IhM clly ranr; up a lady no.
p.u.iliil.itiic of his on Oourt ftreet (nine da.vs ai;o,
hut iiMr.ul of her Jiwivrrlnjr Ihe 'phone herielf
lei r elder (.liter did o. The joiinK nun lecoa;.
Mcd Ihe illllerciue at onei', mil laid in n
MI.IVP, mellow viiiu-:
"Won't ,vou plca-c deliver a incase to Miiti
l Ural''
PellKhleil at the pmipett of rjrrving a mci.
use thai itiiuht riMilt in giving her soma in
siclit into tin. lel.itlon tlul exinled hetvvTcn
hi'i Mster and the .voiuip man at Ihe other end
of the line, she an.wrrcd:
"Why, ciit.iinl.v, with the sre.itest of pleas
ure." "Well, lid) her to mine to the 'phone."
JloiupliH JKlmlMr.
To Wage Earners
and Others of
Moderate Income
T5o not spend your money foolishly
because you have so little of it, but
stive what you can fiom month to
month and Invest it in something that
will multiply many fold. The mil
lionaires of this section wcro laboring
HK-n a generation ago and they pur
sued this course while most of their
conn ados blew it all in. The pru
dent ones saw that fuel was a good
thing, that the world had tit have
it, and they bought coal land, a little
at a dine as they could spate it, and
it has made tlietn rich, and their fami
lies live and will live in the greatest
(omfoit. while the descendants of
their imprudent comrades are labor
ing as their fathers did for dayl
Keep this object lesson In mind.
The opportunities of that earlier time
weie in coal, today greater opportuni
ties exist in oil, -which is fuel In a
more oonciete form and is rapidly
supplanting coal, because it i.s easier
and cheaper to mine and handle, and
is, besides being a more economic
fuel for nil large consumers, profit
able for a bundled other uses, The
oil of California is furnishing that
state with cheap fuel, for the lack of
which -her progress has been woefully
retairKd. The entire Pacific coast
will consume oil as n fuel, so that
the demand upon the oil fields of Cali
fornia is unlimited. California oil
refinets will hold the markets of die
far Kast and of tho wist coast of
South America. It is plain to bo seen
that the oil fields of California will
be the source of incalculable wealth.
far beyond what the coal mines of
ronnsylvanlH have been In tho past.
.I1 thoughtful men can see that the
tiling to do now to make money is
to buy tho shares of conservative, re
putably managed oil companies hav
ing large holdings of undoubted oil
lauds secured at low prices, and only
veiiihing development to become the
source of enormous revenues for
Oil. COMPANY has in the most Im
portant oil fields manngers of ability
and Integrity and of the highest prac
tical iiuuliiications for their business,
and the shares of this company arc
today, without doubt, the best Invest
ment obtainable. These shares would
be cheap at 10c, but arc Belling for
the time being at L'Oe per share, to
proe.uie monev to bore die. tlrst wells.
The price Is sure to advance rapidly
to keep pace with the developments
on the erimpnny'.s lands nnd on ad
joining lands. The ninrkct value of
the lands Is constantly advancing. Do
not delay making an Investment In
this stock, As to tho value of this
oil property and the chnractor and
ability of its managers this company
lefers, by parnilsMnn, to the presi
dent of the rtroadvvay Bank and
Trust company, of Los Angeles, Cal.
For particulars concerning this In
vestment apply to tin?
Room 1, Dime Bank Building,
Scranton, Pa.
Our Oxfords
Low in out. Low In price. High in
(iuu)lty. l.adlcb' from 75c. up. Gen
tlemen's liom 1.35 up.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
June Sale of
The magnitude of our An
nual Summer Sale of Muslin
Underwear, and the great
importance generally attach
ed to it, prompts us to make
an unusual effort this year
to surpass all former at
tempts to please.
The quality of Underwear
we handle is so well known
that further comment is un
necessary, except to say that
there is that exquisite fine
ness, superior finish and qual
ity shown throughout the en
tire line that has made this
department so popular. The
sort that contributes dainty
dressiness to any costume
and that harmonizes with the
thin fluffy dress materials of
We feel quite satisfied that
our effort to please you will
receive a very generous re
sponse. We extend a cordial invita
tion to all to come and ex
amine our exhibit of Summer
Underwear at
Lackawanna Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,093.
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
ings ACCOUNTS, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Conneli., President.
Henry Bewn, Jr., Vice pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Penn Avenue,
A Second'Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Cut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
hi l ai
Mercereati & Conneli,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
If You Arc Thinking; of Entering
The Tribune's (J rent
Educational Contest
It Is Time to "Stop Thinking" and
to Begin Work.
'T'HIS GREAT CONTEST, which has been open but
1 five weeks and still has nearly eleven weeks to
run, is one of the grandest opportunities ever offered
the young men and women of this locality. You have
but to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune, and the
ones securing the most receives the special rewards and
all others a cash reward. There is no limit it may take
buf a very few points to win one of these valuable
rewards. Here is an opportunity to secure a four-year
scholarship that would cost 1,000 in cash, for the work
of spare moments for a few weeks.
The Eight Special Rewards.
Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000
Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000
Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business
College, $60 Each 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva
tory of Husic, $75 Each 150
Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten (io) percent, of all the money he or she turns in.
N. B. The first two irhoUrtliips do not itii-liil" tiioal, hut the contestants srciirln-;
Ihwa will be gixpn tin (10) per cent, of ml tin. money hi or che turns in lo 'llie
Tribune, to asjist in pajlng this expense.
Rules of the Contest.
The special rewards will be giv
en to the persons securing the
largest number of points.
Points will be credited to con
testants securing new subscribers
to The Scranton Tribune as fol
lows: Points.
One Month ? .50 1
Three Months 1.25 3
Six Months 2.50 6
One Year 5.00 12
The contestant with the highest
number of points will be given a
choice from the list of special re
wards; the contestant with the
second highest number of points
will be given a choice of the re
maining rewards, and so on
through the list.
Additional information, including a list of last year's
winners, with the number ol" points they secured, and
a handsome illustrated booklet, can be had by address
Tribune, Scranton, Fa.
Pocono Heights Hottse
Accommodate1! in; modem hnpio. fluents; liout
strcami on premises; tcims moderate; best ief.
erence. tacnil lor circular.
Samuel Edinger, Ul Pocono, Pa.
Grand Atlantio Hotel and annex
Virginia A,c. ami, Atlantic Clly, .V. .1.
SUth Jem: .",10 beautiful looms niMiile, uinijla
and uitli l-atli; hot nml cold .e.i-'.v.itcr hatln
in hotel and iinnex. Location win L and lontiul,
within few ard.s ol the fcteel I'ier. Oithcstra.
OfTris t-pecial hpring lalea, J42 tu Iflj by ivoek;
?i.M up by day. Special i.itc to futilities. Coaihca
meet all tralnj. Wiitc lor lioohlet.
ciiahm's r. copi:.
Atlantic City. X. J. One square (mm beaih
Now "flrooni annex. Modem appointment!, 1 n.
excelled service. Jt.itrs. by the !aj, .a0 anil up
uard. I)y the wcrl., .fS and upward. L'apacitj,
400. It. J. Ooboine.
Vp cany the l.irti'st
loik ol Uinbii'lla-, 1'ai
asols and Handles; we
also ni'rOVKK umbrellas
mid parasols nnd inakn
Ihem up equally ai Rood
as new anil uuar.inlco our
pik'Ci to be lower than
any houso in tho it..
W'u repair all our Roodi
lor one icar I'ltKIJ OK
BERNHARD, jeweler.
1,'oH Medal
jji rhotogianhcr
Children's $
OSS ol all hinds,
alio Koiuei and
lliilldins l.oli at
bar-wins HOHSCb.
CMIM't'I) and
GltOOMK.D al
W. T, Keller's
.111 Spture meet,
near Hotel .loiiiju.
Ml the new Moiki
fei spilns, s,tjle are
now In. New HaU
Made in Oidei.
and Healthful lleer lint U brewed, Tho Ileal
Vcitai ol iho Nation. I'limaled in its Purity,
is Pure ShliK. the Ilcrr that nudu Milwaukee
(amain, told by
r6-7J3 Adams Avenue.
Scranton, 1'a,
Uoth Telephones.
The scranton Vitrified brick
and tile Manufacturing Company
Makers ot l'a.inj; Prick, etc. M. II. Ililc,
fierrral &ales Afcnt, OIlUc K3 Wathin.-ton ..
Works t Ny Auk, Pa., II. , V. V, It. It.
All subscriptions must be paid
in advance.
Only new subscribers will be
Renewals by persons whose
names were on our subscription
list prior to May 13 will not be
credited. The Tribune will inves
tigate each subscription and if
found irregular in any way re
serves the right to reject it.
No transfer enn be made after
credit has once been given.
Subscriptions must be written
on blanks, which can be secured
nt The Tribune office, or will be
sent by mail.
The contest will close promptly
at 8 o'clock Saturday evening,
Aug. 31, 1901.
Allis-Chalmers Co
SucL'c&sni's to Jlacliiiie Business nC
Dickson Manufnrturlns' Co., Scranton
and Wilkes-Burro, Pa.
Stationary Knprlncs, Boiler;, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
Binghamtort Privat; Training Schoo
lor lii'ivou-, 1'acUi.ud and Deal Mule t'hil
li en. Tiainlnpr, rio'iral Culture,
Nccdk'woik, Mumc. l.lndficarlcn, Artinila
lion. Open jeai round, ("'miliar. Puce?
moderate. !-. A liOiUITTM.
(i l'aiiui'M.' A.ciiuc.
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
Parlor Hotel. Aieomnindalioni inisiirpiiised
Spri'lul J-UMMnit n.VITS to perminent giietj,
fiet them. Table Itoird, W II, WHYTI
Successor to
U'b main t spcetalty of One bread (tuffs.
Ordtm for Salads, Oysters, Croquettes, etc.,
promptly filled.
A full line of Lee Cream and Icrs.
rino Old Torls, Burgundies, snd
r-auternes. lainll) Irada Only.
L. SOMMAR, Ibilldlng Contractor
Hmploji union men. hstfinatej cheerfull
Given, neinodcllrp ami repairing a specialty,
Will sell all their samples nf tint Imported
Madras Miim for men al C'c ; Morth ?l lo jJ.SO
buciesjoi In William jy
lioii.e palntinr;, iliu'iatiiij and paper
l'!s ami I'M Uaihlnston a.cnur, Mranlon Ta
llflUc houri 8.M) In It m.; l.M lo 8.80 p. in
Only praclicine lady ostiopath In Northern
rru rcrius,ihaula.
I'ltctile Hiring' ond Fixtures
Clrrtrio Ucll and Telephone Work.