( -) - - r m.- -v -wn,V!r" " u-?TfK-'1Wr1'"V'"'""' .V,'WUi!T(tsw''-.Vi 4yfi.ii,iP xti,tilTv '(Jl.Wif-.l-wtur" ",5ik 5? lb"SH'i'?BWT;,'''pji'!i; HSIwt'm nvrtF-J? TTIE SCRANTOX TK1J3CNE-WEDNESDAY, .1UNI3 .19, MOt, K1 fnl 17 V) i P A Well Fed I F ' Child I A child fed on Dr. Hniul'ft Plios. pinned Co tulsticcd Milk glow xli'iitl ny m weigm untiMrcngiii. 11 is mo reBitii or en nit, mi i no toon PlcmcntH nuocsmiiy for litilltllng HlrntiR Ijoncs and teeth, Atcntly nerves, n. vljjoroiu liriiln, find. healthy blood, PHQSPHRTED HfBHBi Is mire unskimmed milk re duced liv n nrocess tliut nre- venistiny minor looiiproporiirri ituii puusiiumcn ana nypo , piiaspiiiicsnuiifn in proportions it wnoie wuenx. uiqi auorus. Dr. IUnd'srtiniiphtdronlniiiKl If V Mi'l Milk ntll endow ny child with k ironi? ronBitimion. mnu jnr uit tree Doomei, '" J F . HAND J iED MILK CO. f inton, I'm. f El THE DR. 2.. CONDENSED Scrantan 0 siW :k. 'ii TrTT i aLSSSik Today Only, Kerman Tabriz Rugs 11500 They were $225.00 and .? 175.00. Tomorrow they wont be here. MiChaelian Bros. & Co. 124 Washington Ave. Aft&IJR&S CITY NOTES j f Ml I I' 'lOVIlllIlltiVV MHIII -Hid.' will In- .i 11 iluia nl I mil '', I . II , ai (.ui'in.i U Hit 'lllllisl I.l IMIIUI, .lulu -('ill, .il - t i Intl., UMIIIIII IINli III.iiIII.II.- MiK iis.m llioili ri , Hi- uiii ili-.ilt I--, nl iliinntti! -muni, tie in Hang .-in-- ei tli. it i-iiiiiI( il ilbtiiluiilou. i.l L-UMl lilfltlll-,, ill.MW ( (Vti:i,- Ilii o.iliiiin i.l l .'.nil in ,1 Mil- Willi III- ,lllill' I.l 111. .Ill ill, llll IS Hill i.illli i' i ,it Mu-ii Hill ihim'iiImI Mill- (.iillf, ' i i timl-, l.il iiit,lii, l-tini .i miMil Mt ,niii iim. III MM Mil. l.l. 'Il.e l.liillilill.l I.U -(.iiiiiii UininiiV lltlii-l it 1 1 -. Nil, .Mi, i)l hold i.llllll.ut wile mi I Inn -it i . I'lkljl .tt.-l iiui i i lime ill, JI .Hid i', mi 1'itiii .ilium, niniii. I in V null 1 1, MIIMWiOII IMPIIIIWVi, I Jinn kiiUnuil, of II Koi.i -.licet, who ii.i, limlnl .line in j Mr i nili mi M,, lulu, Inn wlm .i ii-.iiiuI In l,i, I IJ WOlklllHI, Ml. Illlilll llllilnil M-tllll, iik III ll'Milli, Ills iHMihn, i.i.i lie vull it- c Mr I I Ml VI. 'llll IIMiU M. Ill t Hie muni, f me l..llwlii unit, Hi'iucn'-. i lull Tliuiil-i) niiniiiiin mil niiiln; i,u In ii, uii .mil nn". Irrtu fe.lh.il ll In- Ii, I.l u Hti(ii i v-,., an--Mi I' .1, i.e,. Mi. I' ' lliil,,,,, Mi. . ,, C-iij. Ml. Hi In 1 1 Will., Mi Ililui (1'll.niii II, nKAl.l.KS IV HiGH-QRADE t Investment Securities f f "" OFFICUS ; 06 BROADWAY, N. Y. WILKES-BARRE, PA. 0ARB0NDALE, PA. SCRANTON, PA. -f (Commonwcntlh Building.) U NbClM E' ARTS 4- .Mn. Mjij- lln.r, Mm T. C. Mchln, Mi.. tlleli. mil (I'tlrlni, Ml. .Incilt O'llrltn. A uiniian)' of mll1 linrlrr (lie hull uiliii-tit cf Will llilll.e will lunilli Iti'lnnmiilul mid Veial .i'lretten. Mi.r nisii I'utvni:. -i j upeiiii ihmi. ttijr n( 'lie I'iiiIi iml l.mlilei i niuiiiii. In lit bl ii ulil in lhnr lull II Mm ilri.nl.il In take url In lite l!reiiinr i.unle I'lldij night. The ineni. Ii"t f lite iMiipiiij will unit .it 7 o'lluck In iiiiIIdiiii, TIIIMII (ill 'lltMX" C DPt.il I'K.inser ent Hull ( Mi- (iiilr.il Itjllnwil nl Vn Ii'imi', i n thiiii; in ellnrt In lute ffier.tl nil lmln it on Ihe I. ml in tun llininirli (nun Sr.inlon to IMiIIhiIIiIiIi mIIIiiiiiI i li.Hige of ijH M the hpi put tune nun ml loin lie nuile nt Hillilehem -lutiilliill Willi Hie I'hl.ililflp'lll lllnl IU-JiMii r-iiliomi tll'l It l.ll l.ll.('n:il.- M n ntrlliiu' lit tli" 'Itxriitiilh t rutin v t.llriitri (lull hrlil I.Kl nUM in (luerii'pt lull the (nllowlhir oflken were elirt nl for the imtllns x nioiitln: t'tililrnt, AN l.n ' M. Miekej; lee ipldent, ttlllljiu II. fh.tw; miieliiiv. l.iliMllil Mi I'i ii l.rn; nej.iiier, lltilil .1 (lrl(llth. Ilide.hiilrtil wete .riMil ifler the iih'i tills.'. 1 III .HIM-" Udtl.il'l.lt --'ill l.n it. the piuie street hotel l,nie w.n .itie.leil letlefiUy .11 Hie tnt.iiiii- o( l'i ink Hnhl'li, ( Old Yci'iir, ulm il.iiiiinl tint he plikrd up .1 un.it lieloineiiii; to him it (rw iIum 11411 .nut dime iwiv with It in 1 (inline -lntiet .Jill tlm! h. tnnk Hie tc.1t fur t (ol-c .iml heltlrd I'm .in Inliiti 11 emie up (nl .1 lie.llitiu WILL ASK FOR MORE PAY. Teachers of tho City Suhuola Will Petition the Board at It Next Meothif. The .ipIiudI lorn lii-is of Hip city wniit to Ijp paid (linliiK Hip dimmer v.u-utlnn mul nicy cue KoltiK i" put forth i-yrty effoit to Iuivp tln lio.u (I of pontiol sikipp Id the )ini)iltl(in. Tliltr,-ci(;lit (It'lcfjat'c.s ippipspitiliiK thp tciK-licrs In the tliirty-elKht "Phools ot iho i It v .iiseiiilileil ypstpnhiy nftcr 1101111 in llh- (iiiiitiinii I'otiiicll cliiitiilu'r in tltc niiuilclpnl building and ills ctlsipd Hip ni.iltt'r nt li'MKlh. I was tlmill.i iiiiiuiiinotiily tloclilcil to luw 11 special ciiinnilttPu uiipoltttcd to ilinw up nt once .1 sultalilp pptition for pies pnlatloii to the tc.ti'hcr.-i' cnmiiilttPi ot the lxi.inl of (onltol. iPiiiL'4l!im tho Ki'.iiillni; of the two months ptia s.tl .1 1 . This i-niiiiiiitlf e will meet tod.ty for the pttipose of picpaiitts the petition, which Is tn lie sinned hy every teaeher In the eity and piesented to tile com mittee in time to have some action taUen lietine tltr legttlar nicetliiK of tin- lio.iid ttPt .Monda.v ntiIit. The movement, which culminated in yestetda.v's meeting, has been jroiiiR on Mttletly lor sexeral montlf, and the te.ieheis niaintaiu that Mveml of the m-mbeis of tli- buatd ate in t.uor of Ki'.intmpr the ieine.st. Ill 1 asp the boatd should decide to pay the teacheis for the two months' summer vacation It would mean an eslia pemliti.ie every year of $10,000, the pa.v-ioll at the pieent lime aer aKiiiK about V.'O.niii), and an liteieite for adi leacher of .sleen and tvvo-lhlids lier 1 ent As the ta levy fot the lispill e.ir, iH-KiiitiliiK; the Hi -st nt net month, has alioad.v bten made and us the np pioprialions liave been deilded upon, the iiieiease lould not he Ki'anted till-, ear l)j the boaid vvltlmut cteatlripr si deficient y. Tlie teacheis icalize this, lint sav "(tome the deficient. ) " TWO CONFLICTING REPORTS. One Had Him Dyinp, the Other Had Him at Work. -loM-ph ltiilalavaRe. a saloon Keeper fiom the ItidRe. near Arelibald, was himiKht to the eounly jail veslciday, cliuiKP'l. In a commitment ftom 'Sttllie tllltlea's ofliee. with having "v ill'nily," ntaliclotily and feloniously assaiiltlui; one Joseph Petto vvitli a levolver and other instt uuieiit." A lepoit teaclied the city that Petio had been shot and was in danger of d.ving. During the alteinoon some ft lends of the prisoner sought to have lilin re leased on hall, nveitlng Unit the man who had been so gi ievouslv dealt Willi bv Uutalavagt', was winking as usual in the mines jvsloulny morning. District Attorney W. It. Lewis was mil sntislicd tluil these avei inputs vveie the exact facts In the case, ami Rent County DetMtive AV. A. Phillips to the Itidge l Investigate Mr. Phil lips will make his tepiiit this moinlng In 1 mn 1. Ittltalavage dei lutes (hat he did not assault Petio at alp Hint sunie other lellovv did It, bill because of (lie Ina bility of Pel ni 10 llnd out who hli him lie had ttte piupt lelor of the place ai lesleil. PROF. LUND IN THE CITY. Attended a Rehearsal of Menibois of Liedorkraii. Piof I.11111I, of Ilutf.llo, N V., the leader of the Xottlt Ameiitau Saettgi r hunile, va in die eily estrda.v and Inn niht a I tended a leheaisul of the nieinbers of the svranton Medeikinn, who will sing at the contesis in Mur rain lie.Nl week. lie eplessed gieat sutsii( lion vvlth iho work of the HlllKets The 1 hoi us 01 the l.iedet Utanz Is composed of titty oices and they will be iicionipauled nel .Mouila.v by over 1 ue bundled oilier meiubeis of the l.le itelkianv. They will slop at the Hotel (ilhbs while ill Murrain laige uiun bef of pel soils, mil members of tip. UeileiklunK have slgllllleil theit nen t lou of going 1111 tills excursion, , i.y low lili of fate has been secllleil, THE IDEA ABANDONED. NoSjieuial Mooting' ot Common Conn oil to Be Hold, It was decided steduy to aban don Hie idea of holding a special meet Jug nl the 10111111011 count II to p.i.-H hi. fine louuiiiovv tin- ifsolullon dliPiMlug the city solicitor to petition court to have ti cltv ndiiiltli'il as Inteisener in the cam lnniiglit by Com ad Scliiee iler againsi ilin Stanton tins and Water t'ouipau.v, Tills decision was at lived at because it was noted that the ieoluiUn ilon.s not iiitilioilv.e Hie expeiitlltuie cif any lliottey, and or this retistiu tint city solicitor lould not agtee on Hie part of the tlty to assume lesponslbillty for the payment of any cost to the plain tifl whom, city Solicitor Watson says It "will be necessaiy m (utve enter tin; 1110 if the city should become inter vene! , POLICE NOT INVESTIGATING. Siipetinteiulont or Polhe ltoblltig lakes absolutely no stock lit the tho rny that JaincH I.ally, whose body was found on Sunday night on the i.acka wanim traiKs near tlm Linden stiect bildge, was the vit tlm of foul play, aid as a coiiseiiuciice Iho police arti iloiuts nothing In the way of Investi gating tho tacts. Tim young man's fi lends, however, still insist that he was inuidercd. Tiy the new 3e cigar "Kleon." SUITS FOR BIG WAD OF STOCK PROMINENT B0RANTONIANS PARTIES TO LITIGATION. Simpion (fe Watkius, T. E. Jones and Willism Connell, tho Plaintiffs, and 0. P. DavitUon, J. W. Oakfoid, Dr. D. B Hand. F. L. Peck. 0. D. Jones and Others tho Defendants. Possession of $76,000 Worth of Lutnher Company Stock nt Iasue. Day iu Argument Court. 'ihiee equity stills Involving $T."i.000 'ith of stock, vvltlt a number of Hetnlitoii'M most piomluent citl.ens a" the patties It) the litigation, wete lu "lilllted jelettlay by WelleK & Tor ie..' and' Wlllurd, Wtiireti pi Knapp. The plalmilfs ate icspectiVely Sllnp ."on vt Wnlklns', Tliomas K. Jones and William Council, iitnl the Uofeiidants In nil three suits aie James W, Ouk loid, ('. P. Davidson unci the Clteity Ulver Moniii and l.iimber company, uf Met a num. The tilaiiitlff.s ilutm to have calls or options on 7eii shines of the com pan.v's TH'O a share stock, and Hint the tleletiilauts. In tile fine of tenders from the plaliitllfs for the puiohnse of the stock, ate attempting to annul the calls oi options and dispose of the sloes, to other parties. The plaintiffs petition to have the defendants i entrained flout (iitr.viug out this intention. Judge John P. Kelly granted a pielluilniirv injunc tion In line with the plaintiffs' player, making II letui liable Monduv .1 line L'I, mm. The bills of complaint in the tlnee suits ate similar iu their avetinents. K.ieh i"cites llu.t the boind of tllieo tor.s ol the defendant comp.inv authoi lxetl C. J). Simpson, one of its iliiee Iris, to give to "(ieoige !'. IJandolpli or older," options or calls for $" 000 wet th ol the stock-, lo be good any tlnin belore duly ::i. I'.Mll that Mr. Simp-ott gave the options as aitlhoilzed; that the boaMl ot dii"Ctots i.itllltd and ap pl ovetl of hl' options to the thiee plallitl.'f.s: that the assignees, on Sat in day last, tendeied In '. P David soli, s,.etetaiy-ueasuier of the com pany, iT-'.-OOO for the certificates of tli" stock I'oi which the options called, that 'Davidson admitted lite correct ness of the tenders, and Hint be had the cert lllcates in custody, and that lie lelused to accept the tendeis niul tiansfer the stocK. Kurt her, il is alleged that n meet ing of the dilectots of the couip.iuv was "hastily, litegulatly and ille gall.v" called yesteulay morning at ,S.::o o'clock, and with no not ire what ever lo some of the diicctois. a bate majoiity of Hie boaid ptocec-ded (o deliver to parlies oilier than tin plaintilf.s. the $75,000 vvoith of stoi k lor which the plaintiffs bold options and which they olfeied to bitv. "C. P. Davloson. K. T.. Petk. C II Tones D. Ii. iKiiul and other dlrectois to your oiatois unknown," aie tin ones who, it is alleged, "attempted Illegally, I'radtilently and cnllusively, to rescind the previous action of the boatd." and issue the stock to othei s than the option holders. .1. AV. Oakroid. the president of the company, is in West Virginia, wlieie the company has its plant. le is de (lecliied fo have Indicated his will ingness to tiansfer the stock to the lil.ihitltiV. but could not do s0 be cause the eei tlllcates, seal, books and tape is of Hi" company aie in the hand." of Hie secietar.v-tie.ism 'r, Mr. llnvldnm. The injunction n-stiains the ,u -fi admits fiom issuiuR the stock- to ctheis than the plaintiffs, pending the llnul (lisposition of the suit. Another Equity Suit. Kqultv ptoteedings weie Instituted yesteiday by T. P. Duffy, attorney lor Joepli l' liilioy, trustee for the u ed itors of Kieenicui hai tied, ot Yost villi-, to annul a transfer ot piopeily math by l.atned to his son, onlv a littk more than lour months befoie li had lnrnse'f ndjtiiige 1 a btiukiupt. Tre pethloi, , i Is forth that wh"ii l.runeil was adjudged a b.tukiupt In A pi II last he certified lie owed $J,0iin and owned nothitig. Tlie liustee, upon luv ertigatlr.il, disioveied lh.it, In i h toiler last, T.aiuc-d ttansferied to li.-i twenty-year-old sou, Kieeinau l.-t.-nevl jr., nioie than V2.QM .vorlii of teal es cute and peiscnal propett.v, located in Cf.v iuglon lownsliip. Ii is now alleged by the tiu.-.tep that tills trauster was made without an adt'(iiate or valid cunIdei.itlou and for the put pose of deft. 'Hiding, hlllilci lug and del, o lug his cteditoi'- .lildgc .1. W. Calpenlt'l gl.iuted a pti llmliiny Injunction icstialiiiug .nuiig l.atnetl fiom transleirlug or eiiium beting the ptopeily until the loiiits lave passed upon I lit aveimeuls as to the illegality of the ttailstei fiom f.il)ir to son, Ten Year Contract Fails, t'oltlt yesterday made peiinauenl Ho. iiiiiiuclitiu i(stiaiuiug t lit botoimh o .li'iiiivn t mul t-uteiiug tnlo a ten-.veai loilll.ltt for electtlc light vvlth tin Ciesct'iit lllectilc Light company The injunction hill was tnktii pi. (ciiIcsm, on motion of the plaiiutif, II. P. Caiey, the ililendatil.s having ll'lled lo oppose, answer or demur to II. The Jeinivn llleettlt' Light ctunpany was suiiplylug tlie lint ouch with light nl A7'.."o pci ilvtht per iiiuiiiii. Tlie Ciesi i lit I'lleililc Light coiupan.v came along last winter with an oflet to sup. ply lights at $7.1 per light and give a bonus of 00 or the p'" .tege of ere. t lug poles and $l,ooo adilitioiial bonus pi consideration of the tnnttact being etended lor a peiiod of ten yeats. The Jerntyu IJIecliit Llglit (.oinpaiiv ofleied to make a len-e;t( lontl.ut al !.'. '.0 a light and eive a bonus ot JL.'.Vi The Ciesteui itmiimiiy thou otfeiet, lulus or ViM and a homis of $l,iin Tlie ctiiint lis aiiepted this billet oift i wheieupoii -Mr. Cuiey, as a taspaei luoucht Injuih lion pioceedlllg. alli ing tliat a belter offci coultl lie se. in-1 b.v lOinpetltlVe bills. 'CIip tlelendaiils tlltl not oppose the spit, and vested i' Hie injunction was made peiiuaii- -ii Has a Right to Sue, In m nriiilon wiuleied yesteiday b Piisldeui .lutlge LdwaitU, the (ouirii Hon of 1. II, Minus, .aim t.c.v tor ili tlt'U'iiilaul iu lh s'Ut of It Willis U'Vti agaii'jit the La. ka wanna j:i"iiili I.lglll i(liiMliy, 'hat ihe i.l 1 1 1 1 c r no standing as plalnlliT. either as bur gtrM or a taxpayer. i declaied to be. ungiouiuletl, and the tlefeiiilaiit'.s de limiter U ovetiulotl. The Judge says: 'lite dcfendjid voiilfiuU II at (he ldiiiitllt Iu, tin iltiht, elthu a liuruiM ur uvu)ti, lu tile dip Mil iu Ilii. V3v, Ills lonunllun inj) tc toiuit en thv .tn nd pclittl Intl. ,(9 v lu. m i.i , iivu Mile tin iIciiuiiui, il l. nut lui..-ji In I t,ui lliU luttUuUi quvilion nun, Ui b i Hint it linrgptt nf the WoiirIi anil lit ihlrf pf. II' er, lie In, lite tleht to InMlliitp the prrtfut 'lit. tiP(lflli, Wflicll WP rornliler Ihe lehtlotit nf the IicioiisIi potitnll la the matter .illeetil In the lilll 'Hie ilcuuuier It our tilled jtnl the ill -frtiliiil it illinlPil In nleiur vrllliln llllrrn tl,i.v, liwn lliln (ble. Il- Ihe loint, II. l, IMwjkI', P. .1. In Argument Court. In nigiiment ctitirl yesteiday cases weie dealt With as follows: VikumI spinki liiulltert agjlnl I'jlild. I.jlly, title lilt .1 tietv hint: I'lnrlit l.ewln nc.dnti I'huII t-ht Hi, title for jiiilmiipiit tiolvvitlpt.iudliii; vculltt mid title fci' new Itllli Clrhitil llnliltnoti iifaltt't ( V Dei li. ittlp fur ti new llM, .I. I; W'clu.ile 4 illil .I. k. WeiteniJtl, title fur ttevr tllll; lleotue Pnllir iitfiltpl 'iranlou Ihllwnv toiu pill, title foi' judicium! m.tw illi-laliilluK the ii nlli I! II. II Piiiplagalnt Alliftl lluve.r et ill , rule tui Jtldnniflit liolwillitt.liidlttg the ver iliil. .luhn UMiltnilii; iutiiuny nrCJlnt Hill .V ( ntiliell, pMppllunt lo iilluljvlt of defenp .lolm ( lelliltd .iitilinl f II. ?'iludt, el til , va.i Alalci'; A. I'. DiUTy ii;jlht . (i, flllinoie, PxtPitloin tn ni.iili r'.i leporii ,lenn!e He.111 iignltitt liiiukllu Howell, ilruiiuiei, P II. Mintir agllnrt l' belli tlktll, title 1 1) n't ntide uv. jnl. Hide llMlitlVPtl t'V Auteeineiil I iiLivvatnii Wind WriKllu: nutiiuiiv mrilittt t MtiK'a F.viiiiirelii il ihtinlt, inle to ptrfeil or strike olT ,ij -Idlin (liKilii iiitinl Hie SerjiilPii U.tlr.v (t,iuiiu. inle tu pcifeit iippenT. It lie l-(dule I'irtti'ii l'.ill. uviOiiitlou jitalnit .1 intet l Menu, ntlc tn t-tilke nlf a)iieil llule li.ultilt In Aijiefliieiil In rp intolune.r o' Wllliiiii Siuiiln, inle tu lril:e ult tiiul di-t'li.iifi iiluiiilled- Vi.n 1 l!n,ilv amln1-! M I tier', Kile Arl ORilii.t .latub All?. CUe I",. tUlky ai;jtitt J ilniii I'. Ilitlfv, Mity Mim nu'iltut liilin , MteiJ, 1,11 dielli While .urnlti.t (Iraisi- Wlille, .le.fpli I 0I1I1 itirjlii't Man I:. I 0M1, lliiild I', llrmvn .iLMiiel buttle lliown, mlr for deirrf-i in dholie. ( onllntiiil Ciiherlne Item iir.iliet Maricuet O'lteilli, nd111111ii.tr id ic, tuli- Iu opill judgment; iciuuii.inwed,h ikhiii-L MiiIi.h'I t'liimiiiichaiii, inle fot new tii.il; ill re reinnv il fiotn ntllcp nf ('ml tt.ible .ln-iili I' Wielkeri; ,M. Kjhhi ,tu'iliit (i Unit m 111, I'MpplitniH lo Inlerroscalnrlet; ,lu(ih II si,,,,,. ,-iint Ihe I'liintilranU Tnluc. (n (Otiiiiut. rule In el e-ide tirvlie; mi:ci M.-.tiufji liuiiijr riuiipuiv J'.iin-L Itilnl it a., rule fot ue Hid. Tomlinsou Gets a Divorce. A dlvoice was yistetdny granlmt bv .ludge Kelly lo X, S. Toinllnson, of Lee (Oilit III objection to his wife, Maty .1. TouiIIn.son, was that upon bis return fiotn his night wmk, on two (lltfoient occasions, he found lh bnaider, Johnnie Leonl, usurping cer tain of hi supposed exclusive rights, lie alleges now, that his wife anl the boaidtr are living together ii Ulv t otirt, onlv ,1 blot k away. The Tonilltisons wete nuiriled March 1, Is- rite sepaiatlon took place P.-b' J, IWM. Marriage Licenses. .lulill O ll.ll.l 1 .. S11.111IC11 .lle I' J)ill)lMV s,Itntf,n M.II1II1 .1 Mlllltl.ll s., l.lnlMH Villi ( i.nlu'jtl sd.minu luhn sltt-i; :ul ni ill IIcIiki 1 .n-entie Mm V. .I.1111H 1301 l)il-uui vtnei Vltilllil I llllltl' II..IIIUII Vlin.net Muiatt s, -.mi,.,, I. sj,i,i ltii.li t I'j.iuii 1 1 I I i.i.Puiii 1111 I jpott-e avrnit I11I111 siiiiKii. 1 II.! i:11dt ,ivi inle Hi -die link.inte tillt I'lim f mi (linle. lli.uii (Hi pi' on, iiih'.tt r u.ntiiij oiipiMtu lliiiuili W I i'Ii- Wan liv till White ...WiveiU lit ttillimt II Mi Cn ivy s, 1 uiiiui l.luli ll VI. 1 Mniliv Diiinioti- s, ll (Iitlliili. lolm Muv N. .Iniii-i 1'i.tlm linn. Iin I J'. Ijulitli '.lite' V irte l.iluill'iM U I'lJiikbu jvtniii (limp- M. I..iu(e t .iiliond.ilt l. 1 si, m(, 1 1 ri.uk's summit Illume, I. f ell tj;li 111 t'lilmuilalc llonoi 1 Duiki'i ( iiliniidile l minion I, l.'uii, ji ew link VIim ,1. Iluile lliiuuioie Willi on It. UllliuiH Uliph-uit Vine (i. llpiiiinolnill Rl.d.dy IkhIi sitiutl; s, i.intuu l'it I Ittmlil! sitimtou ll.iiiv VVnahi 1 jili.imlJlu (.11 II. Voile Olt ill mt COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Ihe h.ili I liei n-e nl .Ijine-i I ,it 1, of Old I nui', i.i. vteidjv li.llii.Kili it to Linus Vljn.iuellu 1 '11111 1 .ve.tud.tj (i.ive in apprnul nf the tdop nnii nf unes lpiuip.tr Ji the ilju','lllir mil hell nf John ru..iiumi'iit.t, I'lti" 111.011111 ut .VIImliM Ihirli'f I., llawlej, litt-Ue 01 tin- Js.mned 1. Lite of VlmtiiiK-i litwN, v ,1. ve.ti iday (otiliniied In (uurt. VllC'iin-y l'i ed. VI. Vlono.'liiu, of llnnp.il.ilp, w.i. vi.tenljy iilitiitti'd tu iiuitup .it the l.a ku w.-nni bit, on liiot is n 01 Vltmnei Knlieit .1 Mini ij'. rutin .Vf.Uukii jppmuKil W. I'. .1 iti-en i;uar li in of Aitiiie oll, one of the ill (mluiiis iu the pntituiii piiit inloui nf luhn iill JKauet W'il lion Noll .mil nihil. IMir Ititane, of .n hlulil, (lni(,(d wllli al lilupleil (liuiuill .is.jull, w . lelei.ul limn tail ,vi.iiil.iy on Id. ""li tn iilii.OKe In tin- Ainu nl s,(j(l. 'Iin. pi'j-i'dilm. Ilettiv Mai Cm. Ill i.iIIhm In hw lipi'.lli.l to lll-lut Mtunu'.i lni. I'n it In- h.nl iin I'lldititf to Milj-tJiiltJle l he li.itge J oil w lilted il iwlliui.mil, V veulltt nf lei' Kiilltv will be t.ikdi .11 ihe O. tuber i-e.t-lnn linisi I'ltpinter .ve.linliv tjrJiitid a rule tn .liuw i .ui.f wb.v iti .itt.i(lun. ill tni iniileiiipl -.n.illil not be i. mil :tg tlnl Vhneiit llj,i., Vlike lluiuiilu. ami .lnni'pli 't'jnt j imi-i, tinee of tin (hit ntliiil.. tu Ihe Milt nf (ieurue tulli .tulln.t Vim i lit IllJit .mil nlltei., they luviit; i.iilnl in imnplv with the (nun', unlei' li'sinlhu ihe ii.ii ster nf a dud fm a ihniih .iok 1 1 In Nnrili sir.uilini. nt wlui li tlipv wire tho tni.tic 'Ihe llllf WJ-l llllile H llllli-llile llltli" 'JI at 'I J. Ill Summer Time Taule. Megluning Sunday, June .'.ltd, the New Voil., Ontario and Western sum mer timetable will hewue etfeulve Tialu will leave Sciatiton at 10.110 a. in , -1.00 p m. ami 0.10 p, m,, and re taining, uiiivi In Si'i.uiiou at 7,10 a. m. 10. -t" a, iu, an. I -1,13 p, in. Sundays Leave Serautoti at s : a, ni and 7.00 i in.: at living In Sec. ili um at 7.10 a, in. anil 0. 1.1 p, in. D. L. ite W. BOARD FOR TODAY. The following is the make. up of the D L, H W. board for today: Sil.llltOII, .1 llllf to, Pl II I Ml.W, .11 Ml I. Wild I .lb-, I'j-l S p Hi., W, .1 Mo.im pi p, iii, tWIIiiiu Ihur, v.hh . II ntliiil mi ' k 1 1 1 . wi ni.sim, .ii'si: i" Wild i .iu, i.t.i-i.':,o j, in., I. II ilj.ni., , ,i in., i: M. Ihllilt; III a. iu, A. M I Hit mn, with II, Diihiuj'a inn, II j, iu , I lliuk li ii; I p. in., T. I'ii.tiiiii.; .i i, m , W, II Itiithiiluiui n, Willi I IIjiiI iilmiuw . uiw u p in II, llieliiii." suilllllll., el', (' a. iu. (J-l. I lli'l total ii i in, v.i.l, b liminlill.il, t p. in, u.t J tii').i,. i p. in., i-i"!. W II Nil tioL; "' p in, I in mi v.. Vuu 1' 11. Vlll-.li I , ! hi . ' II I .Il , , I VM -' tl HI fnjiiRi, Tlionp'on I'nslnrf S a. in . (i. lloiwr; 10 j m I in. wHi,t 4 1 "f- in. -Mnrair, V p in., Mmpli). p. in.', Laiupins', to p, ni , U'n'intr, 1'a.JfHKif i:ci)iiiii 7 a. m., (iiHwy, 7 a. ni , sitijtr; 10 a. in., s. i:. suor; 5-u p. tn , start Ion; 7 P- i-i iliCioieiii. Wild Cat., Wet 5 a. in., liitiluin, S j. in,, I' U(et; ID a m , It ltindolpu, 1 j in., M. tjimud.vi ' p. tu., J tiiiik'.v: 4 p. in , A I' .Mullen: '' p. in. M. Iilnlc.i, with 11 U. I ilit cld'a tn v.; o p. in., .Joint llivlef. NOI'lf f. Iliaki'iuaii t.iotje WeiU will iu uut vviili 1.4 11 ii r, o p. tu., .luiiv In, until fuitliu- unlive. Ilfjkiiiuii A. I hrjoud will pall at luliiiiij-tei j ofllev, llniktiuaii luiik Nudhiui upoili fur II )i In ll). Ill iVciiijii Jituoa Ki'.uiioy lepinta lur W'illinu hlthy. . i in i, i i 1 u.'i- u FUNDS AGAIN AT LOW EBB ONLY S15 IN TREA8URY QF AS SOCIATED CHARITIES. This Fact Rovoaled at Lnst Nipht's Mooting: A Very JFew Gontlemen Seoin to Be Keeping tho Associa tion Alive A Resume of the Good Work Accomplished by tho Organ ization Contained in Mrs, Dug gan's Report Examplo of Benoflts of Organized Charity, Tlie good woik or tlie tm.uil of asso ciated ehniltles j-n(.s on, but (lie citi zens of the t-ity do not contribute as thev xhoitld lo Its support. Al every ltieetliig of the board Trcastuer Kelly i priori otil.v a smiiii amnimt iu the tip.tsui-y, At last night's meeting he repotted that tlieie was not u cent In the treas tuy, but he received a minute cifter waitls $ir fiom Mrs, Dtiggaii. Tills small plltniicp is alt that Is now on hand to catry on the woik. The tieas- tnet's leport of tecelpls for the last two months showed Hint the onlv money cunti Hutted was Loutrihtiletl by a certain few gentlemen, who prattle ally suppoit the otgalilzallon, anil who ate about Hie only pet sons who ever give any money to Hie woik. The repoit of Mrs. DiiRgau for the two months between April 1(5 and June IS given an idea of the woik accom plished. It was as lollows: Applica tions for i cliff. J1P; cases ItivesHnatetl, IIS; lotinil win thy and allied, 70; found unworthy, IL1: lodging and meals fur nished, 4; work and advice found for, 101; liansportallon found for, 4; sent to St. Joseph's Poundllng Home, Sj nut to Home for Friendless, 4; sent lo Mouse of tlie ciood Sheplieid, 7; sent lo Hillside home. 10; senl to Laclca-' wanna hospital, 7, sent to SI. Pnttlck's Oi plian asylum, X, A communication was lecelved fiom the Ctiited Cltaiities 01 ganlzation of Chicago which showed the advantages of organized cliarlt.v. A young girl named Mniy Miller was recently re leased f 1 mn the House of the (lood Shepherd whine she was confined for two ears Her mother, who lives hi Chicago, lias been imploting Mis. Dtlg g.m to let her have the girl, but she was a HI tie bit afiald and sent word to the 1'nited charities organisation to investigate the case. The organization ent out Us agent and. after careful investigation, sent on a lengthy icpoit. In which it was set fot Hi that it would be extiomety dangeious to let the girl go to Chicago. The board, tlieiefotc, Insttucled Mis. Duggan not to let her leave the city. .Mis. Duggan complained that she was unable to seciu e the co-operation of the police department iu her woik. Postmaster Hippie was constituted a committee ol one to wail upon Uecor der Connell and lenucsl Mint he dliect the dii et tor of public safety to Instinct tin supoi iiitendeut til police lo place an olllcer at Mis. Duguun's disposal whenever she desiied one. ELMHURST. Hat iv Dunning, of Wilkes-Ma 1 le, spent Sunday with ills patents' lieie. Mr. and Mis. C. It. Smith and Miss Lucy Fuller 1 etui tied home 1 10m Mtlf l.ilo on Praia v. Mis. Mnthette. of Seiautnn, spent Monday with Mis. A. M. Williams. Miss Mildred Shoemaker, who giadu r.ted at Ki.vstone academy lasf week, ieacin.fl her home hew ort Jiouday. Mr. and Mis. M. D. Cooper and Miss Ida TMw.irds attended commencement at Keystone academy last Fi Iday. Mr. and Mrs. Allied Hunt and daughter Adelaide, of Hi eon Ridge. WPie guests at the home of Mr. and Jits. A. B. Williams over Suuda.v A laigp audience witnessed the CI1I1- dien s day exercises at the Maptisi chin oh on Sunday nitnning, and a very pleasing piogiamme was rendeied lu .1 way that rell"cted eteclli on the chil dren anil on those who had the uflali iu tliaige. The church was beautifully decorated with daisies, buttercups, let us ami lam el, besides a gieat uiini bir of heatitiiul potted plants, kludl r A Great Display of New Wash Goods We open this morning a full assortment of the very latest in New Styles. Beautiful Swiss Muslins All in the veiy proper new work, white wound', black scioll figures aiiii lace strip's; an exact copy of hnglish l 45c goods. Our price lx'iC White Waisls That Fit ' INDIA MN'KNS, White Shear; special values from lie io 35c White Waists That Fit lMQUKS, new Coided Welt, white, black ami navy .,. iaic iu 4Uc Wte Waists That Fit ,iiM; STRIPK AND UUKXA DINK elVects, White Iwns and Muslins; a line selection of new goods lot Waists and diesses tffto 75C Mears & Hagen 415-41? lnokawaium Ayo. I fiWiVWivvVVi.i June Wedding Gifts OUR SPRING EXHIBIT OF China, Cut Glass, Rookwood, Etc. The Newest, The Best, the Cream of the Market, IS HERE. ' With an eyesight to your most critical taste we have made a selection that excels all our past efforts the ware, the decorations, the color combinations. What We Advertise We Sell What We Sell Advertises Us Libbey's Cut Glass Rich, sparkling with a shine that is dazzling. Our assortment of cut glass is always large, but it is now larger than ever. All the new cuttings and new shapes Haviland& Co.'s China. There is. perhaps, no citv in the to the lovers of beautiful china as Limoges, France. 3; And who has made Limoges famous? Haviland & 3b Co. Our importations have been liberal and we say, 5 without boasting, you will find nowhere a larger as- 5j sortment of Haviland & Co., Fiench China. 3 CVvxvarVte Geo. V. Millar & wmmwmwmmMmmMmiwm loened by Mis, M. li. Klpp, Mi. 1. ivtainev, ami othet. s. Mr. W. W. Adair, of tin Voting .Men's Cliilstiati association, pleached in the Ptesbyicikin chinch Sunday evening. Mis, Mynm Mucklngliani 'visited her sister. Mis, W. M. IViego, at Si ray ion 011 Thin sday ami Friday of last week. Smoke Ihe Potono Tic cigar. Fine White Waists That Fit A shilling a yard (oi the best selected s'tyles .shown this season of dainty Dimity and Batistes, in even and broken stripes, spoti and scioll designs. Fine White Waists NKW IMtlNTKD M.NKN CO,. (HIS. BATISTES, eU. Tie latest ciae; a veiy laige as- t sortment at I 2'2C Fine White Waists M0ll.SKI.IXE UK SOI E, in e.v quisite plain shades, with silk broken stiipt of silk colors; cheap at soc; some ask 65c tot this new assortment, Out price is oDC White Waists III gieat variety, that fit pet-lectlv. Rookwood Have new color effects that are not equaled by, any othet makers of art wares' in the world Sea Green, Iris, riahojjany. It is in greater demand this year than ever, and why not ? As an art ware it stands alone, having taken the grand nrize at the Paris Exposi tion. You should see it. Every piece a work of art. r world of so rnnr.h intprp;i- 2e- Co. wtK!" ' Oedfar Chests itr It is now time to put your wintercloth ing and bedding and you need something that will keep away moths. There is nothing better for this pur pose than the Cedar Chests that are car ried in all sies by HH1& Connell 121 Washington Avenue. SUMMER RESORTS. Seashore and Country Combined. I UUt, I. I -nil ll .S lllOIII Imlll 411(1 llll llliwi In lllill, -I"" "I' I '"'IS I'lUl-i SuiiflU l'0 JH'I -II' illX il' Ml. II. Ill lll l'i 1. . ui iiiuulli 'I tie l.ijiintiil I "iiniluut 1011 Fen wick Hall IU ever) uilr-iuinii tml luiiwnioiue. all llll- JIUU.CIII-ins Ulil U1. JH'I I'Vl'lJ llniu lumliiuu' et hulili J'i'l pk-iMiic Ujllilnt Ihi.iI Ink" l-Ujlil Ijiiik liei jml Mil Iojw), ililiinir tll'i IJft u lk .ouinl), Oilnil,-. ilnvliu. pilule (.'"It I111K1 Jtt'l liimU mint. l,li'VJU'i iml jitivjli- Inllis IQUJII 111 null Wntt' lu J 11. ( lulhPW, Piouii'l(ii Hotel lifloi mii, S(vv ork City, (or limn' uml mil I'-iitiiuliu.