The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 19, 1901, Image 1
rTvWjiJiiv 5,w 5-'V.- i-s r,;-i mi"'" ws; .jfvq wti" ,S'-'r,vMflrw 0 ributie. mmtott THE O.NLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD SCK ANTON, I'A., WEDNESDAY MORNINCJ, .MNU 1, JW)1. frwo CENTS. TWO CUNTS. n iJBPMB&K Hi VAUGHAN BILL IS REPORTED The Measure ot Interest to Mine Workers Passes Second Read- inu In the Senate. FATE OF GUFFEY BILL The Ballot Refotm Measuie Irf Not Taken "Up on Thiid Rending Fur ther Consideration Is Postponed for the Present Appiopiintion and Other Bills of Iinpoitance Passed in Senate and House Hahnemann Hospital Appiopiintion Inciensed. iti I i In m ii" (nun I In '-"ii.ii"! I I'ulri-dmifj, .lime I! Tlli senate t in- liiiiinitiK telii-ed to concur in the lii'ii"' amendments in tlie Snyder liill nppinpiliilim," $l,ll0,0uil tn the public s bonis. -ii us In make up fin I ln' cut limdi hi tin school iipprnpi lul ion by ibixeinnr Stone two ytiitr.s nn Ptesident I'l'i Tcm Snyder up ) ninted Me-si's Spiulll, (il Delaxi.ue j 1 Clin lull nnd Wellel. lioiKoid, ii J i (OiumiUu" on ooulercin a un tin .1 ii I i apportionment liill. Sexenieen lions., nppi npi latum bills Vi i nporlnl laxorably fioin eom miti.e. The liill! muMmr uppiopiia t.iuis to Hie St .lolin's (..eneial IIos pitnl. lit Allef-'llOiiy. and the Tulllte ii iiMi ln-pllal. ,il Keranton, wet'1 . nifiiili I liv i.ii-iiiK the iippinpriation ini Miii in-iittitiou ridin to J l.'i.MCM. Tl. .u'ley li.illut liill wa- not taken liu mi ihi"il I'Milini? 1111(1 linul passage. Ii Fi i lit. ill' I'iilon. moed thill fur- i i nasi. lej.i lion of the liill he pns-t- piilieil lul the pteM'ill The-, lulls weie .il-o p.i-sed fin. illy: PlMllllS LI I 111 llllllHllllll" llll,llll.'. mil ili- l Imti. ii of eluitite h(t n! Ill" le ( Hip iflimi. ! vc ilth h tin i .Hi" i n ii lul in in Hill" l , in Vt i, inline iii lit inmi.l.n,' (..r tli" uicoiii'i i it I i ,ini inn"- no! Inr jiii.tlt -n lint thei i ii.ui.i-i H.i'ii hen il .1 mil. liu ilni-" fiom - il 1MI , i "-..(in noil, i.n. .Im nm .i lihrll.iul in in .ii Hon fi.r ilimu'i" i i i.inpi lint mine-.- Id ill millers mate. I it Hi," i lie uluti' thill" liorn p'l-ouil , ii,- .1 ill. .-uI'Imh ii i i- will .i- in ill p'liilinj; ,ii Hun lin, l,"ii two it'titin. if i!li,'ii.i- i iii.ti i -i iiivi ini-, Ii Hi' -IitiII Si.n.ile liill aliullslihii,' the minimum si litem rs loi Molatioii of 1 i 1 1 1 i- laus xi is al-o pi.s-ed llnally. Tin linuso hill pinvidlm; lor .in a o i .ill" indue ol the separate Cltph, ins' i unit of VIleRhony colinlx w.'is ed 'u ,i Mile (il I 'I .Vims to Id I1.1V-. Later II it was loconsldoieil .Hid plated mi ill. postponed I'iileudiii. Tin -e lioil-e hills were .li-o defi'.ileil l!i ,. :1 Hill.' tl.i tuillpU'itli "I nlu"l .1,1 pi" .Iihk ini Hi' in in ' Hun ,)f luilni h i. , II ii-, lull iiri.nlni. Hi,' .hi nln i- I. i lit s ii ! , i ilu - !,. I .it in i l-i - uheie H. i tu.ii- i- , iti liu -I. iiliii- -hPl tu i i ie- i -in, hi tut Hi, ii -i i" l, i - Tin- li.ihllliy hill, whh h in in ides tlml nilne 1iiemli and mine siipoilnteiideiits shall he considered ajjenls of He" company and nol lelloxv employes of the mine wotl.ers, was laoi.ilily ii pin ti d 1 1 mil the eoiiiiniltee in mines and niiiiiiiK without .imeinl inent When liu. hill was t ei tumult led mine lime ,mo it had passed 111 .-L I'Mdinn .1 u-L heloie the adjoin iiinetu ii' tile -enate the hill was lead a sec ond time and Hum. oi. million ol Mr. Ileidellialipll. of I.miii a-tei. Il was attain loniinllted to enuiiiilllce -o as In Kie lllo-e lllteli led ill Hie tllea--me an oppoi tunllv lo he heai'il. The i.ih ll.liir nf hills on 111. si find i ond i t'tiiiliiK. neatly till of whi, It aie hop-.' appiopl nitloii liill?, was ileaied. The senate liel.l a sum t -e. ion lo l ihi in lii.-li ileal l liny Imu-e ai liiopfialloti hill- weie ii pin led 1 1 mil i oiiiiiulti and weie all lead the Hi r-L ' mi The appiopl latlon I'm the lar iIsIh:i ho-pit:i wa- ial-i'd limn .'... e.i) in .vi, .tula mid that for the lluhl nifi till at Shitloll was lllerea!-ed fiom ?l,:.uiiii .o i),i'ii(i Til lull, nhlill pa.-M'i the senate niuiliv loila.N, alloiliu no eMia enm- lieii-atiou tor i mil I steiioHinpheiH li-ie the i oiiniy I- a paily In a ens.., i -i ii i on-ideied an. I ameiiileil -n that hill iliall apply to iltles ot tlie llMt 1 1 - niih. In the House. The-e iipplopriatloil hills passed tinall.v in the hoii-o: -, I .l ,,1 llhhl.-liul Ml, I'liill.i, l. In i, inl, P In, .1 lllilll-ln. I'l.lllll. IplllJ, -ll,ll. -I. V ii - '...-luiil. I'lill i.l.-l,lili, -fl mill; Wiiiiiiii', I hiiI. I'l.ilnl, Iphij. -J', i.l; Mai M I'.i. tfi- iu,il,, sl.'.imnj -i liiintl) Im-pi- i I'lul .ili,M,i, l; ( h ii it v hu.,ltj, Nil- I tniMi, S.'MUKI; Wi,l i . J. il, -, i,inl,ii, ' limi Hull) ln,, -luiuii -l.l.'nii, -Imi.iiu.i ill, i l,.i-,ll il. N, I i.-ll,' l", im, llnllu h..--i iii -l.'.i'xil Mi nun'- -null mi Hiiiii, jniliii' i, I'l.ili.i, l,!ili, ',.iji; k.,iul, -l,u hi. 1 iliiili.'in -I .ti N.flllUl K, Itl.ul. ui iki,). II U-. el Hi-Ill:., r.'l.llKI. I'lllUtill. lni-lUlll, -, i.ih I I lnliln il'. i.l -mill), lulling, -I.- (HI. Mlitllllll lllllll. llli I lliollt kM.i.t.1, .'.. in i I iiliiniil lie Iii iilil. -I7.IKO; .I1IHH II in,, inilii.' Ii.i-iii.iI. I'lill i,Ii'I, lil i. -il.-IUl, i ii.VMili i il ui'l i.iiiIuki.jI iau, MVikil, liioiiliAMi 1 1 1 ..-1 i t e I . -Jii,'""!, I Ionic i,i tin- Imcil -.iirili(ul Ul' J" in. "i.'l"; lliiii.liiiu lii.-i.HI. i- , , . H l -niiiiitiiii lio-i'il il. -" Mnii-iiii llilnini mI.ooI, "!(.' ?'".7". I lilltluu'it lUiiiiu p.itliu li(.,lt,il. I'IiIIj lililn, )ii.i'M Hi aim in in, I'ltlrlllll, l.',.l'l 1.1,.11-llUlS liO-lHIjl. fl.tkU -nllll IllUI'ltjl MiMilulll, -I.Ukl, No n, I oriu (li,i,,, l !, aiewi 7,i, Minn., .i 1, -tit, In.ji.i j-v It iii. tlsiKk): lljirisiiiii; sun lu.-iiii liivpit il. .'"iuni . i, Mli-iilnii Ik Jnl.ll. Yll.Uid! Iliili-P l ( III" (ioml llifilltHl, ll.i iu -.iiljiliu,, "m.Oiiii. IViiu-tlMiiiU Dial wiiul ti i i liu ii d f M.J7i; i.ili" li'.llnitmii lei I ,Hil hl',. i-i .it I'ell.. i 1 1 '.'-'Oi I . Minn, lul ulil-'4 in Mil ir l in lulllillilil. .-I'l.Vnl. lilKi-.i'l lupilil. I'ltll.l I li'liu ifr.i.l.m; t i'lill. , iiniiiiiin, nt, s,,u); mull. mi 111 In iiil luui ui .lulu, lliiln.. mi (ii-tDsliiiii; I .illlrllilil, -1 . ".( H ) , iiiiiiiiiiiiuil ill Pn tn til lull I null iiiii'v.inl it M iii. Me -iilii:, CiiiiiI'hIjihI . ,imii .'i,(me; IIjIhxiimiiii Iha-pIuI. I'lill.iiUI- I iii, i.iV; i.mriuii liltj. -.MUma, l. ier lin.plul, l,Mii); KitUiiniiiK liniil, !j.i)i; II Cl.llllllllt IU lYlllli-llVllllU kulllllik 111 Njlll'llll ciuict.rj "1 inUrfOiilllc, Jl.mxij iiioiiuinrui (o tiKiucr) ..( IJiiiorjl s.iinin-1 Mcioihtli, Hint Iicj. hit ot ilu- t'lil'i'l -st.itui W,W. I'lill iiklili'.l ri'.Mliiiii, ,iiii ie olntiun ni'il;ln ti special older for toniuron nioniliiB's e.slou of ihu l-'oehl tin I Kent! .stlppleinenlnl hllN to the rapid Ittlliill aels wax lepoiled fiom (he ttllt'H eoiiiiniltee anil adopted, Them, appropriation hills weie te pot ted: H.imllli" -liile In-me ln-pltnl (niiioiiii"ili, ,r ihi. IIIiIkimo hnvpilnl. ll,.'ln): lliiiilliisiloli H' (iiiliialui.i uiiu'iiiliih., -(..I. lnni- In", il Wniirn .Ii. .'7.i.i'i: V.liliml lmilj, 0l vni, hm lni-nl il i itiinnii-il), sil.VKI. All. Voni In-e-i. of PlilladelphlH, Intto dileeU a hill appriipihttliifr Jl.nnn to Ahel K Cas--e, foinu-t nKent of the dilll and food rommls-dolieM. ANTI-QUAYITES MEET. Senotoi William Fllmi, of Pitts hurg. Presides. II. I KmIii-im" Win- from 'I he ..,,ililiri l'n"s" ITflirlshlltf;, June IS . llieellltK ot the unll-()tt!i,v ,-eiiiilotp nnd lepresen tatlves was held totilt-lu at which pending leMlMlutloli was dlsells-ed. Setl atoi" Wlllltini Flliiu, of I'lttHliinn, pie shleil and Incidentally eNplalued that he had lethed voluiilnrlly fiom the eliaiiiuaiiHhip of Hie I'lttbui4 I'epllh llcan eltv ciinutilttee. Another tncetiliB will he lield next Ttlesiltij evelilllK. ill which ll Is expect ed a lorinnl statement of the future attitude of the oirinlzation will lie piepaieil FINAL DIRECT PLEA FOR MOLINEUX John G. JMilbuin Speaks Nearly Two Hours Senator Hill in Opposition. I Hi I. i lii-m Wilt" frutil 'lin -0(,llfii l'u-. June . The lliial dltec-t verh.i pleu lor (mother ehaiiue hetott a jurj for liohiiul H. Mollncnv, the allcffCil iioimtiei- of Jits. Katherine J. Adatus and Henry c. Hatnett. iind the Hi st half of the airalKnineiu of th' people iu icsisttiiiLL, were hoard hy the court ot appeals today. John C!. Alll huin, lepiesetitinff Alollneux, ppoke neatly two liouts, iiml was .succeeded liv fonie.f "nliid Suites Senator David M. lllll, whose .irxuiiU'iit Iu opposition lasted until colli t aiose nL - o'clock. Air. Hill will do-,, hy noon tomorrow, and with a hi ief teply for the appel lant the ca-e will he .siihniitted to the court. It was a day Mined at times to the thrilling point with touches ot Inxec tie. Alilhutn's close was vIitoiiius. He bei;.ui with :i dltect attaclc upon the poltc-.N tliiiitiKhultt the of i.ecotder Oolf. He ehtiiKcd the latter witli 1'n voritisni towatd Assistant DistlicL At loiney O-hoi lie. Whose nictliods he also (luesttoned, and piejtidhe .iKtilust At torney JJ.utow S. Week'. Senator Hill was eiiualh- ij;oioiis. After explaining his coiiticction with the appeal, he icvlewed the tttse and .ilKU'd the ulll of the defendant. lie slioiiKly ili'lended the i Ollf-e of Ke i m der (ioft and Assistant Dlsitict At loruej Oslioine, unit the theoiy and polh . of the pio-eciition. St.irthiK with the theories of the people as to the Killing of Alt-. Adatus and Barnett, he lollowed them ihionsh their lines of t o.i-iitiiuir ami couteniled fin their sta liillty nnd aceeplani e. lie In-lsled that the people had the tight to .show how IKirnetl died, and Insisted that n euniplete leconciliatlon of the two cases was possible. He avowed that the pio-cnitlon was within its rights in sltowiiiK the lelatioiis of Alollneux and hi-- wile ptlur to their mat tinge, and assMited that It was the ptosc iiilioti "who had siitYeieil when tlie le i Hitler oltleied the evidence stllcken out. He -aid AIM. Alollneux had called her unii i luge a ionium e, lie tailed It a tragedy. All, Hill tool, up .successively the .11 lulls niy-tei ion- lelteis Wlilten iindei tlie name- ot ('oinisli tnul it.ii -nett and, loitelnlly adiusting them In tlieit-plni c.s In the theorv ol the pi o-e-ciitiou, dianiatically proclaimeii the al legeii guilt m tli.- pi isuiier and insisted 111, il the -late hud ciiucltisivel.v pi oven it- chaige. lie defended Hill I. v Cni-nl-h .igalust stt-pifioit or insiiiuation, .(lid a-.-eited the loliabllity of lite nia.-s ot linndwiiiing testimony oilcted hy the state. Ite lowing the tumble .il tin- Kuiclteihoi Ker i luh and (onneetlng with it I'orulslt'.- deuiiiieiatloii of Alol lneux and the llaip-ter ineldeui, .Ml. Hill pioclainicil teenge as tlie tnoiUe ot the plot to liill CninMi, and then plcturoil Jealousy a.s the motive In the Harnett ca-e Ht piiiiumni oil the weight ol eiih'll( e flgalll-t the accii-ed us oM'i whelniltig. and ,-ahl that no de-leit-e had been mode Ii -nu-e none was n, -Hi.' .Mi. Hill did ,. touch Hie dlspulnl law point-. He will go inio litem tomotiow. SMITH DIVORCE CASE. The Wife Begins Suit Alter a Sep aration of 20 Yeaie. M I'm I'Miii' Win fiom Hit wouucil PiPi.? WllKi-s-ltntie, June IS, Alls Hester Smith today begun pinceedlngs for u dlvoue ti out her husband, Hobeit Sinllh. of N'oillMown, l'a. She lles at liellbeiid. Ibis Loiinty. She says that the. were imiirled in 1S.1I and lled logelhci until 1.s"-. when she illsi (Acted lie had unot her wife living-, She lot t llllll then and lias not lived wllh liliu since, She chut ges I igamy. Youiie; Peoples Chriatian Union, 111 l. liuive Wire lio.n Tnc Xvuilatcl l'tr. 1 liiinl'i i-la.i? d, .lin.,' I- 'tin-em lininlu'il ml ili'ionll, uiiiiuil i.iiiM'iilinii nt tin' I'lini-jl- jnl i lumni nf Iho ount. l'iil.'n l iiiilim I'fj.iu Inio tnli. hnnt j(hi ili'Iofi.iiea flelil I-1 Jl.l. tin, Xilmir, I'liltnn. ( miiWiljiiil, o.K. jiul I 'cm immlii'i ni' in amiiilmu. lie ii(n. who yivrn iurr In .nlilii',-i, Macon Will Accept a Libraiy, lt Kulmlid Win- from liu- Auoilitnl Prt. Mjton. fiJ.. .'mi" ll Mj.ior -mitli tnilj ,c iibnl -i 1. Hi r tro-ii ndieu- ( irm-ttic not 't m- ilu' uly ot 4 uiil l :iMi tor a fr- lilirjt.v mi . . mill Him I lul Hie .it) .iiiinpiijli s-.'.lmo n.irli fur its iiifiluli rutin. It Ii. t'.Ninu,l iliat tli.. loiimil ulll Jit(it ill.' nllei Druggists at Wilkea-Barie. U.t Ktcliniw Viri fiom The Asjoclatcd l'rr llkik-lliiti', -liitu- 15. 'the bljte I'lianimcu. nul ds-ociatioit numbers nu-t litre In an. Iliul lulUllltiiill Jiul lilt." (O-.I0II XX ill l.l-t tllllt! ilj. 1V.mIl: til liny ucie chin ii li.tmpn I it lljni.i'.H IjW" iiml Mjoi XiilioU iiijile jlu ad .litis ol utkonic. DR. KENNEDY AGAIN FREE The Alleged Slauer ot Dollu Reu- nolds Is Released on $10,000 Ball. RELEASED BVNEWBURGER The Wife of Lleutennnt Elmer E. Hand, ti Retiied Navnl OHicer, Puriiishes Bail End of the Thiul Tiinl of the Dentist. ll.l I lelnit f XX In- fl.i'il Tlie XwhiiIimI l'lO'. , New yotlc, June IS. Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy was leleasvil under $10,000 ball this alteriioon and was cheered by ti cioxvil of lino men and boy- as be walked to his counsel's oftlce to join his xvife. An hour later be went to South Ferry and took the boat for Slaten island tin his way lo his home at .Vow Dorp, which he has not seen lor thirty-four months. When Judge Now but gor i cached bis chambers this morning he was seen li T.ouis J. Searles, one of Hie eight jur or" who hud held out for the aciiulltal of tlie dentist. The jurors urged that the doctor be teleased. saying that the lour jurois xvho hud voted lor convic tion, had authoi b.ed him lo Ray that they endorsed this leanest. When Judge New-buiger tool: bis place on the bench District Attorney TMillbin sug gested tliat Dr. Kennedy lie admitted to $10,000 ball. Air. Alooie said that he thought that lite Indictment ought to be iiuu.slind, but Judge New-burger nld Unit it motion to that elfect would have to bo made in another cottit. Mr. Aloore consented to the tlxlng of the ball at $10,000, and Judge Newhm get-i-stiod an order to that effect. Lieutenant Klmer K. Hand, it lethed navnl ofllcer and a toipcdo e.xpoit. of feied to become surety to the couit. but as the real e.sla'e xxms In his wile's mini" the bond cletk lefused to accept hint. His viie ciime to couit later atnl became surety In the sum of $10,000. Dr. Kennedy was then released, and accompanied Air. Alooie to the hitter's olllce. where TUr.s. "Kennedy was wait ing for her husband, w lib her father and mother anil several ii lends. As the doctor enteicd the olllce ills wile stretched out her hands to him with a sob iu her voice, aiid sld: "How do you feel, Sam"'.' "I haven't begun to leel et." re plied Dr. Kennedy, looking tendeily tit the wife, his voice liemhlliig and leais standing iu his eyes. Dr. Kennedy lemaiued In the ndices of bis lawyers for nearly an hour be foie going to Hie fei i y on Ills way to Staton island. EX-GOVERNOR PINGREE DEAD. The Well Known Michigan Philan thropist Expiies in London, ll.i l!i lii-ii' Win- hum 'Iho An i itc! IV. London, June IS. Kx-t.overnor II S. T'ingiee, of Michigan, died here to night at il.:::.. His son was Ihe onlv one pie-cut at the time. The attending doctor lelt Mr. Pingiee's bedside at ahmtt 11. i:,. piomlsing to ti-lurn -hoittj. II. S. I'ingiee, jr., -who had been watching nt his father's side for lour days and ho has not removed his clothes dur ing that time, noticed a sudden cltnngo In Ills fathers t oiulition. He had bald ly i cached tlie patient's bedside when bis lather died peacefully, without xvuinliig iiml without speaking one w ord. Young Mr. 1'lngiee has xxhed bis mother and hi- uncle in the rutted States not lo . nine lo Kondon. The bodx of the late Mr, l'lngie- will be embalmed and token to hi a home. The diagnosis made by London spe i lallsls of the chichi ous alteetinn of the Intestines, ft om which Alt I'ingiee sutfeu-d, left practically no hope Ra the patient's lecovety, Toxvaids the end of his Illness .Mr. I'ingiee slllfeted pain and weak ened lapldly lie was unable to retain notit ishnieut. Ills mind, however, ie ni.ilned l.tiily clear. Dining the whole of today ho was practically Kept alx by Injections ot strychnine and dings iidmlulsteted to les.-en bis jialli Xnxv Toil;, .lune IS All s. ll.i.en S, I'ingiee. widow of ex-rjovernor Plu gree, w ho.-e death ill Loudon was au iinuiiieil tonlglu by cable, atrlv.d In this city fiom Detroit today with her daughter and her husband's hi other, I'. (', Plngiee Tim party had started limn Detiolt as soon as they learned of the SethitlsllCKs ot ie Illness of Cioxi'ittor I'ingiee. Tonight thev le eched a cable telling of his death No plans loi the tuiiel'.tl have been iiintle by the faiilly. Airs. Plugtee and her daughter will go back to Detiolt to. mot tow, Instead ot taking the .steamer St, Paul, as Intended. The body will in live hero In about a week. Detiolt, Alhh,,. llllie IS, Senior Pillgn-e xx as but it at Delinuilk, Alulae, in ISM. In 1SU2 he enlisted In tho Flirt .Massachusetts Heavy nilllleiy and .serxeil until the end of the xvar, xxheti bo Incite I In Detiolt, ciilbatklng In tho iiianniuLtuie of shoes. In 1SM the lb' public un party iiomlnnteil e-(lovetiior Plngrce for mayor of Detiolt and ho xx. is elected by uxor 2,000 malot'ity. He was te-electeil in 1S01-UVJ-. bv In uteased inujoiitlec each time. In IS'.hi Air. Plngteo selected as governor of Michigan by S'l.noo plurallly, tun ning ahead of the national llikoi by 0,000 vote.-, lift was ro-u'H ted gover nor In ISflS b about lOO.Oort pluiullty and set veil out Ills t r i in. xvhlcli ex-plu-d In ldOO. Last Alaich ho stinted on the trip to .Small Aftha wliK-h ie In his death lu London, Wx-tlovetnoi Plngice, xxhlle he was mayor, accomplished many municipal icforms, among otheis torclug tlie gas company to lower U.eltv rates llt'ty cunts per thousand; establishing the public lighting plant: mganlzlng tlin Detroit lullxx'ity on a three-ieitt f.uo basis; lowetliig telephone rates, and breaking up a number of sewer and paxlng lings that xxeto Halving when he eiiiuc Into olllce. Ills potato patch scheme, for the letter of the poor of Ihe city, xvns extenslxely copied nnd In ought him much rutins While gox -ernor, Mr. Plngiee devoted his etietgles tow aid sectnlng the passage or a laxv taxing railroads and other coi-ponite piopeity on an ad vnloieiu bas, In stead of speclllcnlly on their earnings. Ills effoits resulted hi the passage of a law along these lines by the last leg Islatnte. Air. 1'lngiee Is stnvlved by ti widow and two ilillilleli, a son mid a daughter. CONSTITUTION REPAIRED. The Yacht Again Ready for Swift Sailing'. IP llxilihiM" Nile lioin 'tin' Aoii.ilfil I'rfM NewpoM. It. I., .lime !:, Afler being laid up two weeks for I epulis to her bioken steel inasl, the Constitution le .stimed her timing up xvork today, go ing outside In ii light southeast hi eo-e and sailing back and fm tli between III entail's Keel' lightship nnd Point Judith lor about four bouts. The trial toduv. xxhlle testing the lep.iheil mast and ilgglng to some extent, was nunc especially tor the lienellt of ihe ciexi, for during the time the yucht was out, practically cvety sail In tile locker was set ami t ii Icon lu. Air. Duncan said tonight thai ('veiy tiling xenl xet-y smoothly and that tlie yacht would go out every day. COMMENCEMENT AT LAFAYETTE Mtnal Tablet Erected to the Memory of the Late Prof. Poiter Is Unveiled. It'l KmIikiip Win' finin Ilu X'-tii i.ilt'.l I'ns- ICastou. June IS. Tlie mix oiling of the initial tablet elected to (he ni"ii oi y of the late Piof I'orlei, x.he died on April -7. was an occmence that diexx to the Lafajelte i oll"ge chiipel today ii huge audience. The i om liicinoiatixe elation xxas dcllx'eied by Pi of. A-illi.ini Hitxter Owen. Ph. D.. of Hie class of 1S71, ptotessor of Latin lu the (ollogt. Tile talilet is of Inonze on a walnut b.i-e. and heals the lol low lug Insci iptioii: "Thomas Com ad Poller. D. I)., LL. 1)., born at Alex-itndt la, Pennsylvania, .luiiiiniy ".', liJ.'; died, llaston, April ".r. I'.iol. Class of 3StO. Ptotessor of botany, zoology and geneial geology, l6'l. dean of the Pat dee scientific de partment, IS'Jn. curator of the iti.n, Clnistliin, philosopher, poet, f i lend, hotiinl-l, philologist, preacher, he sought 'In golden chains to hind science with icverenee.' Iheeled bv tlie class ol Iliul." Tlie Franklin and "Washington Hall l.lbl. ii y societies of the college held their annual meetings this morning. The tru-tees met this ,-il tei noon and W S. Kirlc pat ilc-k, or Kaslon, was elc l"d to pieside in pl.u e of John AW Holli-nback, of Wilkes- Hart e. J. ltettwiik Hogg, class of '7S, a mem ber ur the boaid, donated ViO.ono to x:iul th election of a college Young Men's chiistian association building. M. Hogg is a carpet niniililaetuicr at Philadelphia. The pin chase of a li.i. I of laud south of the athletic lield and between tin hlstoile Sulll xan load and Leliiglilon sttect xxas u oi ted and appioxed. The tin-ties will not divulge the puipo-e for whlih the land was bought. Fied AV. (iiox'ei, .M. A., w ts flee lei! ilistllietor in elect ileal ellgltieei lug, tiinl John A Alecklin, Instructor in mini, in language. K J. Fox-, or Hasten, xxas elected a iiieinber of the boatd of titpstees in place of Alex iUlph, of Philadelphia, deceased. Dr. AVal Held lepoitc-d that dining the tn yenis of his incum bency it- president, tli college had le i clved $::H,oon in mone.x and build ings, e.xdtislxe of the James AV, fiay lev chemical liibiatmy, noxv In eoui-e of constiuction. This building- will (nt between sdO.liOu and $70.0iirt. NEW THIRD PARTY. Definite Steps Aie Taken Toward the Oigani.atioii of One in Kansas. lie IIx.Iii.Ik XMie finin 'lli. .X.iilitiJ l'n. Kansas City, June is, Detlnlte steps low aid the organisation of u new "thhd parly," which Is piopo-ed to embrace All---oml and to foim the nucleus tor a national gioxvth, weie taken today In Kansas City at a con fm elite of llieillbeis of the Populist stain coinmltteo ami u few' Sllxer He publlciins, Tlio niovetneni is siiTd to have the opies-ed synipalhy, If nut the avowed support, of William J ltrjan, whom, It Is further hinted, Is to bo the new party's laudldato tor piesl dent In P'OI. Lee .Met Ixx ether, of St, Louis, and twenty-two other lenders In tint public ownetshlp patty of St, Louis, at lived lu Kansas City dm lug the niotulng, alter bin lug spent Ihe xvhulc of vesteiday lu consuliatloii xlth Air, Hi' an at Lluioln. They ate guatdcil In stateuieuts i oik ei niiig lir.xan, hut sav If the latter does not suppot t tho piesent movement ho is, iu any lute, In sympaiby with Its puipose. Todto's couleleiiLe xvas soeiet. It will be continued tomotiow and ond with a public meeting, when the icsiiU of the gutheilus xx III lie embodies In an mi ll i ess. Fire Dcotioys $50,000. Hi XXiri- limn 'Hit' lilnl I'l.'.-f ( luilotli". N. I. bino 1 . Kills- IliU iiioiiiint; .i lire iiii'ii.itiil in .i luU'i.i lU'iluoul Hm ;.. it t to liiiililnu in (,11'inulli . s ('., t'.iii.ini; i l.., i-llnillul .a T'.d.lliil 'Ihe Ii... I. ilhlil.,1 iii.miK Btuul fmiw iiml own, n nf lli l.iillilin;. Same Old Fight. lit Mul'iiili' Ma." fiom The Xsoilitid I'nn )n Ilu . I'l . .hmi" l -lilt' Hcnirti i in nt III nln Iti liihl ilu-lr tuiitiiiiinii .it ( li'iiiLI'l (' In. 'I In' Mine nl. I lljlil J. (in lii-luuii Hit1 Iliui'U di r ( iniiiio-iiiuii Kill anil lle "iwlif Kit. I lull. Biyan on a Pleasure Trip. 11 Kxiln-iie Whe hum 'Hie VmiiIikhI 1'rc.t. Lincoln, V'ib.. June 1S -V. .1. Ilrjan 111 P nltjlit loi jii cMomltii h.liiu- luui- jml plfj'.iiri" net Lin,; till1 Ilu "ill iiuUe jii uiMir-t ut K-ict-llk'. Ij., luiiiiirtim Mi lli.un x.ill he wj) fiuin I. lin "In tlii.c tuv'U. 3 CENT FARES PROMISED Gonoi'fissinan Foerilp.rer Practlcallu Pledacs the. Phlladelplila Gonmanles. WANAMAKER DENOUNCED Mr. Foodoier Saya That the Ex Pogtmattor Osneral's Offer of 82,500,000 for Franchises Was Not n Sincere Business Proposi tion Charters Granted for RRpid Transit Companies at Pittsburg and Elsewhere. Uy Kxclns'op XX'ire fiom 't'ln" Awoilatnl VieM Philadelphia, Jim is. fungi cssiniiti Robei I l. l-'oet deter, xvho xxlll ptob ably be the head of the street rail way companies tecoutlv gt anted lights in this city, made a statement lodiiy in which be practically pledged the company to tlnoe cent fares, if It I demonstrated that dividends can In- earned xxlth fuics at that low bgtite. .Mr. Pool deter devotes much space to a criticism' of John AVnn.i molier's niotixe lu offering t-'.nOO.OOO lor the franchises, and says his offer xxas not a slnceie buslne-s pioposl tiou. chattels xveie granted at IIiiirN buig today for four additional slieet liillwav lines In the state, the most iti'poi I. i"t one being tlie Central I Lipid Transit company, of Plltsbuig.i euuitnl, St'll'.OOO, to build a line rou r and ii iiUitiler miles long in that city. Chaiteia Granted. Hm t Ishing. .Tune 1.S. A chaiter was gi.'tutcd by the state department to day to the Camp Hill and llarri--huig Sttect Hallxvay company, witli it capital of Sl.OOO, to build n line from Camp Hill to Harrishitrg. Chatters weie Ml-o gianted lo the following cot potations: Central Ra pid Tiai'sil i onipany, Pittsburg: capi tal Jlll-'.eOO, to build a line four and a quarter guiles long In the city or Pittsburg.' The incoi poiatois aie Thomas S Dlgelow, TTcnr.v AV. Olixer, r.eotge T Oliver and Thomas ,l. Criinip. of Pltlslimg, and Itlcliaid Ti. Qua x-.. of Sexvli Icley. Tlie Shaioii and Newcastle Stieot Hailxviiy company, caiiilal Jl-'O.oOO, to build one mile of road iu Xew castle. Tile In orporatois aie Piancis S. (luthtie. Nel-on 11. A'oting and F. V. Itobeits, ot Plltslmtg: W. C. Diown. of Oakniont, and AVIlliam Al. AVhei ry, jr.. of New Yin k. The New Pedl'oid and State Line Stiiet Ttallxvii;- company. New Hed lot d: capital. fl-'.ODO. MURDER OR SUICIDE. Daniel Richards Found Dead at the Home of His Intended Blide nt Mount Carmel. lb I xiliMtp XX n." fiom 'Ihe -. iliul I'll-.- ShiiiuoKln, Pa. , June IS. Daniel Hich atds, aged twenty yeats. of (licen ltldge, was liiupd dead on the porch of the home of hi- Intended bride, at .Mount Carmel, today, with a bullet bole iu bis light temple. Young P.lohards was to haxe been married today to Allss Kll.abelh Wal lets, tlie nineteen-year-old daughter ot Hairy Wallets. The .xotiug man calleit at the Wallets home last night, and sltoill.x aft"i in o'clock he stalled fin hi- home in (lu-en Itidge. u ilistauce of thief miles. That xvas the last seen of him bv any memls-r of the frimily until Ills body xvas found on the poi eh this mmnliig. Tht" weapon from which tlie latal shot was Hied has not been found yet. and the polhe otliclnls .ue wink ing on the theoiy that Ulchaids wax inuideied and his body cm led to the Walteis boni" Allss Wallets said there had been no quutiel between them, and that itleh iii ds appealed to be In unusually good spliils, AGAINST COPPER TRUST. Judge Harney Decides in Favor of F, Auffitst Heinz, 11 Hull live Win- hum Tin' voiUlml 1'if Untie, Mont, June IS. Judge Hal ite, Iii tho district court this mom lisp awatded Hie Allnuie Ileal mine, valued at Sio.omi, to P. August Heiiix. deciding against Miles Plnchm and the ' Copper Tuist." Ileliu bought the piopeity fiom Ftuelau, who. al'tei spending J.'.l.uou in working ihe inoperiy. became ds coiitaged and oti'etcd It to llelnx foi ihe ainount expended, IIcIdk sttuclc a ilch copper nhi xvlthln a shoit Hum and Flui'hin tiled lo get the piopettv hack, nnd xxas assisted lu the light by the so-called trust, Steamship Auivals, liv IU. luito XXiia limn Tin' X-niiilii I'l.'-" Xcu till-, .linn IS XiuiultWiliJ, Nlili".-, 'llinil.l, (lla..(,, Kil-il' U lllu lin, III. mi ii. I h-jii'il- siitliw.n1., Xittuiip: Diuiiii, l.ii.'l il, s, PjiiI, suiitniii'iunn Sil,,- I.iIiii, llit in. xIj -.niili.iniiilon. l!.,ni,'ii lo.rp.'ol; l.iulKJIi. I.IINI. Xhailh Xpnfil Ml- ilimij, Ni Wnl. I'" Hli.iitt I'biionll--nlnl. I'lili'lil llimti ll.n'liiiil', .nul Il..iile'jii-), Ni- Wnl.. Iliillfiilaia- Milled: IVlslnn, New X.nU d ll.iiihi.iiii" snnium)l,in- Ximi'il. II. l-l llll XIjiU IIuii'i-J, Nf"" ull X.I I hl-llieuiK lin llifliun (Jlil p.OKPilfill I hoihimts Xi n(.. I'.nlliiJ. Ni'iv ulk ilj I'lviii'.inli tin ILmliiilk u'l piu'.iili'.l) In Jail for Wife Mmder, Il, i:x. Ill-lie XX iu flum 'I liu s.i)tljliil I'lt'fc. W'Jlxkj, III., .lull." I lii'll X M-imh XJ 1'Uinl in ll.e iniiiit Jill tnil.J. ilul.ul mill linn il.'l our hu "In, lit ii .nor-nhl iliiltl jml I'l. wifr'x iiioilii"".. Mi- XI Jr. i .1. IK'llil)iUli. on II,.-innrilllil.- nt XIjv '?, 'the ann-eil i.- Iho ntv lixing txitncii ll binning of tlio )Iji.i. uwill in the llnii" illiii priMril. "Hi." Uit 111 JC ho t'MJiiil "llll all hi- iliitliinc Jml Hut he j. Hi" of K'i) iii.iiiinti' iipeii hil xxbt'k Hie led lo tin uilrM. Tin: news Tins morninw Weither Indlcntlnnit Tnilaj : FAlRj WARMER. 1 (1,' 'llifc I nit I'll I '.il'' fm- I'hlliih'l- 1,1,1.. Si'tonil Ilu nf the ll.uW lilil, XiiibIiiii lllll lltiiiiittil In Hie -in lie Ur, ki'tiiiuh Itdci.rtl nn II ill, 2 (,'nii'til Pri'illlin nt, ,'l I in j-fniit I I'lni i I'llinm .Xvni iilul Cluilli"- In NivtU of I'iiii,!.. 4 l.illlnrlil Unlllnr I mites nt .Xiilnux 5 -Mill .Inn,. XWililIng'. Inti'li'.tlnj: llaic in the I'lhn 't.tile-t. 'I he I'll'-, n Smnini'i lltiin. (1 XXist -ii.inton uli'l Siilniiliin, T'iti IVnti-il mil I'iliilii l.i I .mil ('iniiiiii'lil il. S .il 'Ihe luiul sulk,, -itniilini ATTACKED BY COLOMBIANS Experience of the Steamer Jamaica at Cocle, Panama, with a Num ber of Revolutionists. 11 r.Xi'lll-Hf Wile fintil Ihe X-ni Mini I'll-' New Uilean--, June IS. l)i, A. 1!. Uroxvii. Inspc-cloi of Hie boaid of liealtb, on the steamer Jamah a. xxliiclt ariived heie toda. said that when the ship was at Cocle. hi Panama, they hud a latlier llxely expethnie with Colombian lexoluttoiilsts. ,six-ty or st-venl nf w lioin weie at that I obit One of the levolulionlst- pn seuted a ilemaiKl to Captain Petei-eii that the ship's pilot and physhlan and the Colombian gox eminent olllclal on hontd be sent ashoie. They desired lo execute the Colombian olllcet- and xxatitcd to use the pilot In navigating a vessel to Hoc.ts. Captain Peters.'ii lefused tlie deliiand- The insurgents made sexeinl al limpls to lion id the .liimiilca, accoiil Ing to Dr. liioxxn. but xxere kept off. They looted Chinese huts at Code and liiipte-s..(l nntlxe xxoineu Into their sei Vice". WEST VIRGINIA AVALANCHE Thousands of Tons of Rocks Come Doxx n the Mountains Near Keyser. It-1 I, X. Ill-Ill- XV he flum Hi' X-r. lllll I'io-b. Key.-er. W. V.i.. June IS. An axal aia he unp.unllelt'd ill tile Wesl Vii glma mountains otctuicd la.-t night al Hopeville, (liani loiinty. thiity eight miles lioin heie. (.teal sections of the mountain-side ttlong tlie Poto mac liver for txxo miles, inshed down into Hid x-iillcy. Thou-aiids of tons of finest tiees. immense locKs and caith, i .line down and tile home ot .Mi-. Andiew Ouis, a widow, was completely xxiecKcd. The '.'.'-year-old il.iugbtei- of .Mis. finis wa- lii-iaull.x Killed and Mr.-, nuts i- iu a dying condition. DIED OF VIOLENCE. Tho End of an Insane Patient at Ballevus Hastened by Abuse. 11 Kx. lu-it XXiie itoni lin X.niittil I'm-. New York, June IS, John Chi 1st, a patient, "ho died this morning in tin Insane pixlliou at Hellevue, wa- totind to haxe died of violence. Colonel's Ph.xsieian O'llauloli pel foi nu-d ,n au topsy on the body, and -aid thai tlie man had died of pel ItoiiitK Induced by blows. The imuiier said then xxas no means ul a-t ei ttiinlng hoxx long igu the Inluiles xxue leiehed. I if t-tewail, the snp.-i'lntendent of the hospital, and K'l. Young, wlio is iu cliaige of Hi insane waul, said Hi, a the lu.luriet weie upon Ihe nuin's body xx lieu he was In ought to tlie lio-pltal. Dr. Ynuns said the man had been cou llued to his bed exet sm e Ills illllxai III llell-Xlle. Mrs. McKinley's Condition. Il CmIii-Jii. Win" fiimi 'Ihe X-oia Hid I'u- W.i.hliiitl. lune lv Hi lllvix. .ift' I ilu en nun,- l-ll, i.ii h-jiiiii, lin Whin llnii-.' il tn .11 Inniuhl, -iiil- "Mi- Xli Knilex i- lii-llnij; .ilu..' xii niii'li -he it.nliniii- In linpiiixi -he I- nitliui; lll llllll -hi- -n up .llinlll ln hmi-, s). ax mmijI hliiuM toiUy." 'lilt- pil.hllllt la III i.uil'.llll' il till III- .lllll' ilu- nlii'iiiunii Ii .-mil in llilihin.k. Gift to Smith College, lb CxiIukIii Win" lioin Hie X-ni i.itnl l'u N.iitlumi'H.ii, Mj . Ii""- l. -A Kit) t,t lea. I'HI In tin -mull i olli g. Hum i liu-iuii". in in, lllni.i" Iljliie l- In he la pi -lilil. w.n lillllulllK tl Ii. Pii-iiliiit -i'b ll.ill of lhi Jlii'.inil l l l ii-i.l fur Hit' i it i linn ul .1 li- hiillilinif nul tliu ii fin- tlie i iitl.ixx mi nt mini. 'IhU iu U I Illnllll0ll.ll ll'"ill Ul.llll. Ill ,ill..l niuiiiiu lu In. ihiiilii ai Hie .Jim u i Anaiehistf. Anested, 111 Ki lii-m- XX In n. mi I In- X--H. IjIiiI I'n--. Ilflllll, .llll.e I -pi. 1.1 1 Ulrpjl.llls flelil X,.(,. .ill, SIM , jv lint llllll' ll.ill in .mil, In. N h.ue hi i'ii ijiliinil in I lie sriilieiilii'iu' Milt. ii"-ii ,l,,ll... Hill Iho Iw.l hull .ullliritnl llllll iii Hie .i".i.-iiull'jil nf Mi'K 'lie linn- iiuiiliKl. win .liliieuil niir Iii liw ll-ihin .iiiih.iiilii- Bennett Gets Declbion. lb Kxi'lu-iie Win Hum Ilu' Xiit i.ilnl I'll"..., PI. Inn. I- l.iK Ik-inidl, "t )li hi cpm I . IV '' Bin ii lie J.'ii.l.iii ii'.ei Ih j lie. viiKi'i'iti. il I'hi id' li'liu. mi J '"Ul III the t. 'llllll r. 'llllll i.t ulni li- lu Inu" In.n 1 lull i n li.iilliJ li.iili i,t nn, lh,' WlllniliLU'ii Mil lllll .lull loi.ivhi Stata LuaBtif Topples. Ill l.xi Ill-lie Win" finin Ilu kiiijU'il I'lC. I q, I, ill. .lull" I- 11 illJIOM I lll-ull lu- Xl-llli ih.nxti Hie I'JUim i. jiii Imm ihe ""Ul."'. 'I hi null. Ihe lliinl i luh iu uul.ilraw in, t .-itiinliy nul Ihe It-jam Hill piuuilil In ih lunilttl I .i.l en will plji .'Ut the wjmiii ix jii in li Jin Mrs. Polhamus Insane. Hy I'Mliikiie Who tinm lie Sv.oiijtiit iit IlliililiJiiiion. N. . .lune I-- XIji I'l.lliimiti mIhim' liii-liiiul vv.i- kill., I in Hit i.'unt Hill wjic, l.jikjxiJiini iiml XXciHii vi l vt U near v Ul, lu fcimi" In-iiu .n J loull t Ihe hm k le iflirtl In n Ilu" lini- J I'lmuhi m In I shi lu. Imli luminal il lu I lie UU lio.piul liu.. SECOND DAY OF BARKER TRIAL The Prisoner's Version ol the Al- Inlr Maij Never Be Told on the Witness Stand RULINGS OF THE COURT The Judge Holds That the Piisoner Cannot Testify to His Oxvn Stnte of Mind The Stoiy of Mis. Baiker May Not Be Told Unless Counsel rinds Some Way iu Which to In tioduce 'It -Eftoits to Secuie the Eye B.iued Out. II. I x, lii-m- W in tn em III, X-.illll,l I'l,-. Xew Voi!,, lune P 1'lle sei ond I.tV ot the tiial nl .let v city oi Thoniin I'.llKl'l I'.I i" lite -diuiltlUK III ill." It x .1 ' lni K'elltt-, ui Aillnutiiii, wit- tun of tilt, h i iitmsel ami -'liaip iitlltms hi tin pii.lillni; luihre. I'.oth iuln ( lp: Is xx, "it on lite st. iml ilin ins; the Iti. The st'iix til ..uK"t I". .' In" liild on ihe witness -land. 'I'll ml luiil that I'.aiKet umlil not tiptlfy to his stiite of mind on the moinlnir of tile sili.tilliiK. The ohjet I ol the de- leiisi fiom the mnmi nt'kei was tailed wa- lo inlioduee .,,(,.( ,..!- I-- I 11 I I ...lilt t' I I III ,1111.-1.-1, i onxeisation between U.nker and his wife, which, il i- claim "d, led up to ,t... , I...... t.... i ... A. . ,...- tho alleu-ed til -II, MM 1I1H) I'll I n t ,, fit I in n .iiitti- sel met with deleat An. lilt and aRiilu tip sniiKht lo iiitniiluei siimi'tliin;; til., I would lead up to tile telling oi what tool, place heloit tin. slniot Inc. bin always Hi stiiet inle and piiic- Hie ol Xew .leiscy li.i 1 1 .'il l Item. Then 111" went stialght at the iiuestlo" and sotmht to hi inn ill the whole stoi.x holdlv and plalnlv. hut Tailed. I ir- Kei wa- Mitlldliiwil 1 1 0111 til without testifying to iin.xtbltiK in.itet- la I l.'ollow'nn: ihl xx hen Dt. Hvau a-.x luui. was ; ciime another . ot lite Monls Plains pl.ictlcnlly deliaired lioin te-iiimi;. necaiisc oi ul foundation and hud lo he xvlthdrnwn. 'CI... ,..,,,, I , ..l.i ilu Lit,,,, !IQ Til- P.ViltlS tiotn te-tillns because of lack of xias Mlthdiitxxn. Tlie .-toiy of Mis. M.iiker may not be told now-, unless counsel llnds some xvny which has not ,et siiprsested it self to inlioduee it. The illlitiK of I lie couit in fxeiy instance ax as pin noiiiiced (iitliUly, and Jersey I.ixx-yei-s xxcie L;ciii'i-ally of the opinion that the exceptions Mi. Van Winkle died xvet.e nol -ucli as xvoilhl upset the lesult K tlieie was a onvlclliin. The Eya Barred Out. The piotccutlnn tried lo inttodiicn the ( lal.en lioin Mr. Kellers head. I I xxas pieseuted in :i bottle of alco hol, hut was bailed otil as sHtesonvi and hax i.iB no be.n Ihk: upon the case. Dr. Sl,-i.--ev, one of the (lectins xvho atteli.lid Dt. Keller, told ol the wot. nds and n.txe -x-pei t t"atlmon-th.-.t .Mi. Kellii- xxas shot fiom be hind Mr. Van Winkle lileil to Ret the doctor to admit that pos-jbly Kolle.i" mid liaikei met fate to fjie, but tlie dnctoi stuck to his statement that the shot xxhlch xvas the most set-loin was filed 1 1 om behind Mr. Kell "i" xxas the last xvllne-s for tile .st. itc lie showed the .lurv his scan eil line and blinded and Indued eyes. He Insisted in a mild xv.iy nn der cioss-i xanilnatloii that Hie shot xvhlcli euleieil his head was Hied fiom bihlnd. lie said he had spoken to no one, and Inlotontlally tbeie had been no illil'iel Mi. Keller -aid, In ntiswet- lo thi.t he bad known Haikei' about ten yeais. "I did not teioKUli'" him," he said, "at the hoii-e alter the sootlna. Ills olce xvas iouhIi and unfamiliar, f was lu leai of death and did nol w'.tn, to uniuslly in (use an.xoue. I cmih not ill-tluKiil-h beiw om an Inten .Hid accidental slinotlnfr." TO CRUSH THE CARPENTER. Vive Thousand Men Will Go on Strike to BiiiiR One to Tonus. Br I'.xrluiii." XVire Inuu Tlio Asncialeil 1'rcw. iVIIlP's-Ilarie, .lune IS, Two of th" i ollleilcs of the T-lllile ''ell and It oil (ominny aie on .-Hike b.inusi. it nun mil, ut cat pi liter Is employed In the Kiirlv Km l, and he i",s to Join tlie union, and as the company win nut ill-chat e him. the union is ruIi.' to make a UbIii for ihe pilmipl"" A tui-elhiBr ol' men fiom all lh' hiiv Itlciles ol' the company Is tailed for tomotiow. and il Is e-pe led thai all xxlll Kii on nil Ike, K.utr tboH.-and lucii ate employed, Couverta Causo Trouble, II. lit Ill-he Wlie fiom The xeclJliil I'ri-' Xuk.ih.liiu. Inn- 1 Hi ''ii . inn.iil it Xhik-I'lm. "I I"!'" ,,lir ''"' l'''C' mi"""l triiiilil.s -a Hie'1 "I ynflpuil e "Wil In mini- uiiiKlt- lhe-e ptlMill. u "I ihe nili. r iiilh.-. ihu 'In- liliu -.iiiiiiiiinliil ilnir jiul Uilli 'I Wnl u llii-iu- - Striko at Keystone, 11,1 Hx. Ill-tic- Will" fixiin 'Hie .Xs.nculcil I'uv Wlk. i 11 inc. lune 1" - I'O'li" liuiitlinl uniihui"! ot the h"iloiic mine, il lliiil-on, ii i nt on ti ik'i till. jllPllinnil 1n i in-' ' he '('Uipani iiiuilil n"t pjj Ihe noi-iLl. nn ii iin KrrJkir ! h.r h thin" ..ll xi.iikin. .In I he lni-il.ii i I'll' YESTERDAY WEATHER, l.i,, it l fur lune IS, I'HM. Ihiilinl luui" I urn." .7 ilo.rid ljit itiiiHijiiu." It.lane IIiiiiiiiIIii: s i. ii i" l"i 'i'1' s p. m U l""l 'Clll, 1'inlplllll.ill, -Jl Ini'JH lllllnl s p III. II ID.', Ill (lllll, I'lill ih'll'll IIHHttHt ti-nm f -- -f WEATHER FORECAST. Wa.luiuitiii. lune l. I'or.'.j.t (or Past- - enf Piiui-ilwtili I'llr lXclntilat and -f- - HiiiihIi.1, ii-nu li mpcutiue; Uiht lo ll(.-h -..'lllu 1 1. ni.. -t- tttt HH mnt