K'h' wS'if'r.UjWWW PWHi'U w 'lPIWpRBMKHliKTSr:.v,-,Vj..,;,l. Ll , JlLai '-' "-,-,( ?.? niivn'i.j'-"r'l(iiinmTWB' -x'w j- - yj.y-sr,.- ' -wj " ' ."- "T if" "--i-j-",-" r j.-j. ivmnfffrVT 75 TCr ,V if . -"JtWT , "- S .8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, JUNE IS, 1901'. V- -2 ! .f IU.OCK1AP.TS Jgreat Mill evmd; sale N " I Al.fliH. ' 1 i!il'f;. 1-1 I; Jk.i4 ... J ..M-i v k wte a , m - - T 7I ihhhm MOTMNMMMMMMmMMftMMNaAMMaM wr . am, -.-'."m. . m hwvb .kmmmmb Lkj .-i,m , M' mmm r-'tf - -W' h rw .. - ha htw ' mH' h wm-. mmw .h. h . n . . wv. n . ', tLII, U Jfl I HB!OKA fAAH. , I v ' ' . "S. "..' TA -N- ' " ' ' ' r' ''''' ' " . i ' " i .. . . rrn& ki - .i eb . . mmm .t i nn - hm bh . mrm . an hm l. kw i . nv i n m wm m I mttt i itti m 1 r r, ; ..ag;L . :fiffil I'MJ 12 ! ro;f. m.'TO B.', K?V Kl E. ' S?a8&!5 v i mi iii i ! tm .. -j - - iit . 7-wi r- . - 'in .. inn n - -- t - -- . . : sj jg-f en n m B f -ftlilfi' fit SUBJL, ?MWhT!fSss,!; 21 F K9Kil.niB5 ffiB-'W-iiS, .7& i lP-'BwrriWi f-"FrTnffli rm m in iii 'rr ff 'vi "TffTwni iiifrir i ti bh - Tif ri" m ..waaic c :vfm li 1 jff uitwnnafia '. tT ju ' ty :rw--cp , " "v - "rRownpiaaivaMMjii! i ijjjjijm i mil i r ji i i e.,va umuizil luib. 2 ihuwhm' - 1 . w.aa ' wwiim 1 1 f in woj1a) jar wv . 1 rm Tuvwum 771 " - - -m.w 1 w ' I flFTrSiSfc .-jT W-fcrfflifflm SJH; !3 THrMVueikm KnmmMMhl 3 ol TT v HUV15I 9 MMMMA W-iSKm&Zr '.' ft i85i?3 Kgiv : ,f ; li as!ji2iiii lins yiifsi 1 9Hnwifif4i s J3 iloj iwmmMwmmfmmy n mmm, BSaBllUmllJ'TH IH I nril fWfiliSiakf!! 1 1 iixm kx.ufi inu bbib v r i. n 1 1 1 it f a a r 1 -----.. . iubbbm ( 11 avrii jjii ar 1 ft i . h - u R. LOCKHART has been sending .,-..4- 4-1-.,- ,.l,i TUir- w Mt I M LUIIUUCL LI If Srtlf. Illia la Mil. u,UL.rvuaii o liiiiu vioil lu liiij ny, auu s.n.ij( lactuieis he saves the people thousands upon thousands of dollats. This of goods that will be offetcd makes it doubly interesting to you, and we are sure that our stote will be packed with eager purchasers from opening until closing. We have engaged an extra force of sales people foi this sale. Remembei this is the only otiginal Mill End Sale in existence, and peisonally conducted by the owner, Mr. C. A. Lockhart. Yellow Price Tickets everywhere, and wherever you see them it means a Mill End Price. This being u Mill End Sale Lots that are once sold out cannot be duplicated. Therefore, in leading over this big list if you see anything you want, we advise you not to delav coming altei it. Cut this list out and bring it with you. Special Notice. fir. Lockhart will open this Great Sale with Sensational 15-riinute Sales. Quantities limited to protect us against storekeepers. ,t s i) m link -ii.u p, foi 111 t foil minutes Mi l.oikli.uL "ill Mil. in II ion. out, llli.uliod .mi! I'n MoikIkiI Tcuwllliir: at -'j ii'iithT"-'! aul l l" it i liu k -.liaui, in IJi-iMiirnl fin llftton miiuit -s niih Mi I.iiikliiil will sill J'lintiil lush !.a lis at -' 1 1 nts 1 l Uiil At 'i ip i luck sli.np, Pii-t rionr it lliilPiv iniiii ii'i Mi l.uikliait will '-ell Kaillis' Past nkuK M'.unloM Opi'ii Wink Ilii'-e. winth 1" i fins .it " i ml:? a li ill At ''l"i nlm viiaip. fni tltleen minute-, Mi l.oikliut will --ell at ili'iil--' (iiiiiiWi Mill's r.il Hint. K Miiks, win tli nuts, at 2 I I Ills Mills Past lil.uk Miiks, win 111 1" nuts ,u ,"i i nts At 'l 0 in link shaip Mi Lin kll.n t will sell, at I ..u i iiiUlltll, tn llltnn minutes 'Jul i linn I.ilcs at I tint pei aul. Point ill 1'uiis l.m-s ill widths ultli Ins-oi tins and (iiilliunis to iii.iti.li win th -'"i tents, ,ii ,"i louts JIOI .11 ll At 'HI in link simp at '11 1 lillllillrir dlllitei, lol illtii u minutes un lit Metal and all lain Hut Inns will liejsolil, doen mi a mill, al 1 lent pel t .11 il At I" ii i Inik -sli.it ii Ml l.iiikh.ut will sell, fni liltien minutes mill, al Notion nitinlei Cahinei Hili Pines, woith lents u 1mi, al ' lOllts pi hos Host iiiullt Publish l'tii", win th S mils al -i ents a papi i l J '0 in loi I sit up .Mi, J.oikh.iit Mill -ill at Kllilioii t omitt i tin tliteen uuniites oiih ""Ilk T.illrtit llililioiis, win til J"i i ents, at ,"i touts pi I Mild l!li!,llt l.llstu sk Tnflela l!il)lioni I I III lies wide v m th J" i ents at Stents -,i. ,ii l l J I ii i lot k slniip Ml lankllillt will sol) lot llltieu niinutts uiil Iii Wiappii Uepai tnient, m t -(mil Plooi lot i I oil I It ,JII I II M f Wlllppels a l 'is i ellls lot n nil! ii JTiilai "U 7.1 Wiappiis at .'i lot ul mil ii'KUlti :i" tout Wioppeis at 7". I t Ills At I mi in link shup Mi I.im kllai t will sell, tin lit tot u iiiiniilis oiih, n lot nt I, idle"' Pa nilii le sdiii t Waists mi l,i il liniil ii I ul link in tli 71 i ents, at I" I I'llls At ' I n lot 1, "ha p Mi I. ii kit. lit will sill tut llltnn minutes mil i lot m l.mlies -jimimei f'm - H'tis, 111 ill H Kill", III .' I lOllts, Mill L'nd. Examples In Basement Slioit lengths llea, III own riluitln:, woith .1 n nt- Mill Pad pi Ii e .''. ( mit-i .""hull leiiKtli.s ot eMia hue ISinwii Potion, woilli i 1 1 ills, Mill laid pi he I i cms llleiiilit'd Twlllnl Tout'llliih', wot tit "i i ents; Mill Pud pili e .!'. n lit" PllhliMi lied l.illi'll t'l.jsli Towellliin', woith 7 ii'llts, Mill Plld pilie, "' ( ems 1'iiiiii'il Iii"li I. awns wnith ,-i lonln, Mill Pud pike, .i i dill" Piiiitcil Uliullles, pew styles woilli in 1 1 nts; Mill l'nil in lie, T' ii'iH" I'linteil I'luillles woitli .'. (ents, Mill Pud pike, 3i icnth. Tliu host Apion i llnttliani", woith 0 ieiit.s, Mill l'nd pi lee, I leill.s. Vaiil-wlde J'CKales, d.iik enloib, woith 10 tents; Jllll l'nd in in1, " i cull". Ynid-wlile Hates' s,im i.stti l,es, wmth Jjij eenlf., Mill Ilnd in In, S i eiiis Light and Daik Outliu Kliiuiiels woitt 7 iciits, Jllll I'ml pi lie. n icnth Open woik I'oloied llJtlstes, wmtli IJi.. untsj Mill l'nd pi lie, I't'itts Tlic best guides dailc CalUoes, i i; cents, Hill! I'ml n He, t iPUH Light Shilling LMlluios, woitli r. lents, Mill i'ml juice, I'.'j tenti". Heavy Ctn.sli Ton els, Mill llud pike, 1 eenis a pair, Mill End Examples At Trimming Counter IFno Tearl Buttons, till pes, woith C lents, Mill End price, 2',$ cents per doon Smoked 1'e.ul Jluttons, all Mus, wmth fiom 11 Xh 25 oents; Mill Kntl jiiko, S rents pei doen, Washable Buttons, in all (Gluts, votth K) icnts JHill Und pilce, 1 cent per dozen Jet, Metal and all fancy Buttons, woith .'5 to 50 , cents; Mill Eudirice, 1 tent pot dozen Short lengths of Press Tilinnilngs at les.s than ialf their Aalue. ffl Will Start Tomorrow (Wednesday) Morning, us enoimous quantities of goods during the past few days from the different textile mills throughout the country lot this ,IKrt I'f'f f1-1Al llf- tr flnli- -lflf nrA TCkYT fin-la ho rtmao Ve c rrrrescA llflfK rrVn-ICaA ailfhltcinetr Ko(-OMPrt fllfrtilnfK Kir' s - Mill End Examples Hosiery Department l.atliis' Past Hlm'k "ciiiikss Hose, woith 10 eenls. Mill Pnd pike 7 tents katlks Past HI, id, Sc unless Hose, woith 11 cents Mill Pnd piin, 11 cents 1. lilies' Hl.ick I. ice Stupe Hose uoith "1 cents. Mill Pnd piki, 11 i ents Ladles' l'nm Hose, new stle, woith -0 rents, Mill r:nd pike. 1J' mils Ladies' Patuv Hose oL the liilest design, iMiith .'1 cents; .Mill Pud pi lie, 11 mills Mill End Examples In Colored Dress Goods ii-inih double told Xoviltv Checks, leKUlu pi In J1 terns. Mill Pnd pi lie, 11 ictus ,s-inih All-Wool I'lnltls anil Clin l,v, lCBitlii pi lie .1 nuts" Mill Plld pi ice, I'l et ills ili-liu It Wool Albitiossis, new shades, leuular pi ii e .'1 n-nts, Mill Pud pike, I'l cents S-incli high guide Wool Plaids and Checks, H'Milai pike .10 nuts, Mill Pnd pike, II i ents 11-inih (leim.in Xoeltv Checks, ioitli CO icnts and 71 lents; Mill Pnd pi Ii e. .'I nuts .It-inch llnest f-ilk and 'Wool l'lench tetiiies, woith $1 OH, Mill Plld pi In', 4'l tents .s-lnih All-Wool Polka Hot Heniictl.is, woith 71 tents, Alill Pud pike, ' cents ..S-iui It All-Wool Cheviots nsuliir pi lee 11 (.ents, Mill Pnd piice, !' i ents .11-iiith IIoiiicspuus, the pnpulai juojs, ievtul.il pi Ice ."! i ents, .Mill Pnd pike, I'l nuts. 11-inih etia iiiulit Honiespiins, legultt pike Jl nil; Alill Pnd pike. 7.1 cents .11-inih I'liUKlla i loths ail iiilois, ieMtlai pike Jl J1; .Mill i:nd pike, $1 W Mill End Examples in Black Goods Double lulii hall wool Cashnnie, legitlii pike 11 i lit-, Mill Pnd pili i, ' i cut- Men in Scigos, h ilf wool, ,ii lm lies w Itle, Urilll.it' pi It e .'1 ii'iil" Mill Pud piin, V tents. Pine Iltiuletia Cloths, !u mi lies wide legular pi ice !' nuts Mill Pud pi it e Jl tints. Ileus clioxiots spungtil and sin mil,, tc'f,ulai pike VI 1 1 lit" Mill Pud pi lie, !!' n'llts Mm in .""oiries anil Cheviots, t . Inches wide, teriu la i pi li e 71 it nts Mill Pud pi Ii c, .Vt c ents r.imy wove ('hr lots, ,11 liiibes wide, legllhu pike "ll OiJ Mill Pud pilie, 71 lents Pnsllsh .liu iuiii(s IS ini lies wide, uptilnt pike ."il (ents, Mill Pnd piin, II ieus Pngllsh Jin ipiauls, 1 intliis wiile, ioriiil.il pike 71 i onth. Mill Pnd pi lie ,1') lents Pnglii-h .lanpi mis, is Inches widf, uvuliu pi lie $1 Jl, Mill Pud pili e, 71 i ems Him k and White Stilpes and I'laliH legulai pike .10 it'lils Mill Plld pilie, Jl mils lllllldlids of leniliiiuts of llllttl, Piess Hoods Mill End Eamples At Lace, Embroidery and Handkerchief Counter Cainbili PmliKildciies woith II cents, Mil) Pud piki, 1 ii'iit per .it it. Caiubiie Piiibinldeiles. 'j to J inihes wide, wot lit .1 ( in t is . Mill Pud ))i ii c . 2 ceiit.s pet aul Ciuubile PinbtoldeilPs, woith 7 cents; .Mill Pud pili e, In lilt" pel Mild, Cambile Pinbioldoilcs, j to I Inches wide, woith 10 touts, .Mill Pml pike, I coins pei .said Cainhtko i:nibioileiies, .1 to l indies wide, woilli U'i cents. Mill Pud pike, ! uutu per uid Cambili Pmbinldviles, i. o in inches wide, woith fiom 11 (1'iH.s to J.I leiun; Mill Pnd itiki, s tents per aid All nihil Puihioldeiios and Insei'tiitfjs, In Hun Canibilc, .Naliihook iiud hwiss in piopoitloii. 'i'oidion Laics and Jin-ei tings to mutt Ii, in all widths, woilli 5 ii'iux; -Mill Imtl pi Ice, 21.- tents pel .said. Tot (hop Lines I lo I Indie;! wide, woilli S i enU, Mill L'nd pike, I icitls pet said. Ton lum Laces, J to 1 Inches wide, woith 10 centis Mill Pnd pike, i icnts piji aul Viileudeniics Luce.s. woith 11 iciiih; Mill Pnd pike, s it'iits ptr (kueii itleui k'Uiics Laies. woith JS cents, .Mill Pud prlie 10 tents pet doen ' Vakndeiino.s Laic s, p wot tit 21 tout.., Mill Pnd pi ice, IJ'j i ents pur doen. Wil Laics, wmth "0 cents-, Mill Pud price, 11 tents pi i do.on i'olni Ho I'aiii Luis, in all widths, with JnsotU ings and Oullouns to mutch, woith 13 to Jl ttrius Mill Pnd pi lie 7 lonl.s pet .said 1'olnt Do 1'ails and Valonii'iinia All-oseis, IS Inches wide, woith 75 icnts, .Mill Pud pike, pi lent!, pei aul. ' CMWiigtji, W'llltea-T- m rtfjffii '-- wr?-i ,--! i iiinu iit i-uiiicj uc 10 giccitu im mtn-ujuu tnuiuoiaom, uccausc iiuuuii ma v.uiiiicl.liuii Willi llic litiycaL ailU UfbL illclllU sale being held right in the height of the season, just at the time when your necessities demand the purchase of the kind I'oint !") Pails and Valenciennes All-osers, IS indies sslde, iioith '." tents Mill Pnd pike, 1' cents pet :..iul 1'nlrit Dp Parl; and Valenciennes All-osots, IS Inches wide, ssoith l Jl, Mill Hnd pi ice, 71 touts pel said Clilldiou's lanes liouleicd Handk.'uhiefs; Mill Pnd pin e, I cent each. Indies' Jlaln hem-still lietl and lice edge ll.ind koiilnofs, woith 10 cents. Jtill Pnd pike, I tents Ladles' Initial Hankouhiels, in all lettei s. ssoith 10 tents: Mill Pnd pi ice, I'j cents ot 6 foi jl cents. 1. idles' pitta Linen llunkeic hief?, 'j-inch hems, woith 10 i ents; Mill Pnd pi ice, 1 cents L ulies pine Linen Heni-stltehcrl Ilankerchlefs, woith 20 cents; Mill Pud pi ho. ' cents. Ltdies' Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Haud keidnefs, woith J.I t nits Mill Pnd price, 2 for 21 tents Mill End Examples In Wash Goods I'linted Diesden Jaionats, ssoith IJ1 cents; Mill Plld pili e, 0 cents Hatistfs and Belfast finished Dimities, ssoith IS cents. Mill Knd pi Ice 1J'." i Pills Polka Unit Linen I! Ulstos, ssoith 2.1 cents, Mill Pnd pilie, 1Jj tents Pinest Fienih s..ite"iis, woith Jl cents, Mill Pnd pike. U'j tents Pinest lliipoited Tieneh Otg, itnlies, ssoith 10 mils; Mill Hud pike 1J' cents Meueiked lliisnettes iodic like Silk. .Mill Pud pi Ii e. .0 mils. Pane.s l)loid chesiols, woith IS cents; Mill Pnd pili e. IJi.. i ents Hlaek Late and fanty stilped goods, ssoith Jl tents; Mill Pnd pi Ice, I2j tents Pinbroldoii d Dot rfssMssps, all colots, ssoith .10 rents Mill Pnd pike, .'0 tents. Mill End Examples At Notion Counter Cabinet Jltilr Pins, assoited sirs, ssoith S icnts, Mill Pud pike, ! cents a bo. (iiiod ini.illtv Mump Hooks and Psis, white and IiI.k k, ssoith l louts: .Mill Pnd pike, - nuts a en tl. Hist itiallts" nkkol-plated stiety Plus, all slos, Win 111 b, 7 and S it'lils, .Mill Paul pi lie, .! ii'ius a taid. Hi si ipiallls Pngl ish Plus, mil mum, win tit S tents. Mill Hud pi ice ! cents oi J loi ,1 i ents. Host quality White Cot tun Tape all widths s oi til n mu I to s cents Mill Pud pine lor all w idtlis, J eoiit a piece. (looil tiiiiillts tint km Plastic", ssoith 10 cents, Mill Pnd pi Ii e, 1 i cuts pei said. The best tiiiiillts" luucy Hatter Kl.istic, ssoith IS lents" Mill Pud pike, 10 cents per v.ud. Hood ((iifilits W'.ttci piimi Sltlit Binding, In all lolui.s, ssoilli ! i fills, Mill Pud pike, " touts per in il. Iliibber Ned: Hat Pins wmth 10 cents, Mill Pnd pi lee .1 i cuts. Ladies' Patent Leather Belts, ssoith 20 tents; Mill Pnd pike, S i enls. Ladles' Satin and Tutfctu Pleated Bells, with Unity bildilc., w (nth 10 cents; Mill Bud pi lee. Jl tents. Ladles' Chopping Bags, woith .!. i puts Mill Pnd pi ii e, 2J cents. Fine line o Ladles' Pot kit Books, Mill Pud pi Ice, 2J i cuts. Mill End Examples In Suit Department 100 Ladles' Tullor-Mude fc'uiis, at .Mill Pnd sale pl lies. L idles' Calico Wrappeis, woith 71 conts, Mill Pnd pi Ice, .Vi cents, Ladles' Lawn Wi.ippois wotth $1 Jl; Mill Pnd pili e, !S cPiils. Ladies' Lawn and Peicale Wiappers, woith II I'l, Mill Pud Pilce. $1 Jl Liiiiles' Lawn and I'pm,ia W'tappers, wmth $1 7.1, Mil) L'nd U lee, l 10. Ladles' Kipaiato Linen fiklus, woith si cents; Mill Pnd juice, I'l cents. Ladles' Washable Milts fiom $1 -10 upwards Mill End Examples In Wall Paper Double mils of Wall Papei, wmth S cents; Mill Pnd pike lli mils Double mils of Wall Papei, woilli U tents, Mill Jmd pi lie, 7 cents. Double tolls of Wall Paper, wottli )i cents Mill Pnd pile c S i cuts Double lolls of Wall Papei, ssoith 21 cents, M.ll L'nd Pike. IK c fills. Double lolls of Wall Paper, woith SO tents Mill l'nd pilce, 1.1 cents. mmfT '.',''' June 19, at 8.30 AND CONTINUE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Mill End Examples Of Silks .lupinese Cm (led Wash Silks, tegular pike I'' cents Mill Pnd pi it o. Jl tents Pi luted Kotilaid Kflks, iegtil.tr pi lie 71 cents, Mill Pnd pi lie, 41 cents. A lot of Punted Toulaid Mlks; Mill Pnd pi It e, 3') (cuts Salin Mulshed rntiliid Silks, it'gulir pike SO ctnts Mill laid piieo 01 tents "".Uln Motsellkux Potil. nils ugulat pi it o Jfl 00, Mill Pnd pilce. Til cents rants- Taffeta Silks, tegular pi ite 7.1 cents, Mill Hud pili e, (0 cents. Punts- Taffeta -ilks, wottli $100 mid $1 Jl. Mill Pnd pi ite, 71 cents Hind, and Coloiod Fiille .Silks, ssoith 71 tents; Mill Pnd pi ire, 40 tents. Black, and Coloiod Bensalines, icfiul.ir pi ire 7o ( cents. Mill Pnd pi ice. Vi cents Noselty Coided Talieta Silks, ipRiilar pi It e 00, Mill Hud pike. 71 cents. HIik k and Coloiod Mu ah Silks, lesular pi ii e .10 cents; Mill Pnd puce, .'.1 i ents Mill End Examples Iii Drapery Department v'fi.. rl. .innc i.r flnmiil v-IU.iilhipv: n rii th 10 i enls. Mill Lnd pi lie, 7 cents. rifuitod Pit-ndi Hatoons sorth 11 tents Mill j:nd pi Ice, 10 i out1-. Dotted and Opi n Woik .Swisos, woitli 1.1 tents; .Mill Pnd pike, lu cents riKUtPd Otiontal Jteps, ssoith Jl tents, Mill Pnd pih o, 11 cents. Piguiod Velum s, ssoith 7.1 tents, Mill Pud pi It e. 42 cents Bullied rfsslss, ssith J tut ks and bin head, woith 1.1 cents, Mill L'nd piin', 10 tent"-. Bullied CottiiRe Cut tains, ssoith 7.1 cents; Mill Pnd pike, 40 cents. Nottingham J it e 'in tains, 19 tents iipwauN Water Color Cloth Shacks, lendy to haiiri Mill Pnd pi ice. 22 cents Wlllon Velvet Hubs, "OmIO, ssoith $J CO, Mill Pnd pili c, M.l'i Besnsibl" Sm.sina P.mjs, 'omo, woith fJ.'O. Mill Bud pike, 70. Mill End Examples M Ribbon and Art Counter Silk Tallela Blbbons, lu all shades, l and 1 indies iili. woilli IS n-uts. Mill Pnd pike, 10 tents K.iih.s Stilped TafH'la lllhboiis, I indies wide, ssoith JO and 21 tents; Mill Paul pi lie, lo nuts l"tvo-lndl Talieta Blbbons, foi ntck wear and bells, woith .!" (ents; Mill Pnd pike. JO ioiiIh Scveii-ini'h Sash Blbbons, in all cnlois, woith 7.1 tellls. Mill Pud pike, 11 cents. So. 40 Dusdcti Blbbons, lor Xtc k and .-"aslu s,. ioi Hi 40 cents-, .Mill Pnd pi it e, 21 tcnls, Xo mi llnsden Itihbons, in all rolois, wmHi 10 1 ents, .Mill Pud pike, 10 1 cut's, .N'u, Ml Diesdeii Blbbons, lu all culms ssoith 71 tents; Mill Plld ptke, 40 (Pius, No 1 Satin llilibon, ,10 jaids on a spool, woitli 73 nuts. Mill Plld Pi Ite, II mil-, a spool, 1 otton and Sitin Back Velvet Itlbboiis at KU'at ls t educed pikes, Tlnli'd cushion Topi lor PmbiolderliiH-, woith SI and 40 tents; Mill Pud pike Jl icnts Mill End Examples Gents' Furnishing Counter Mop's rani. Snlf slllits, with sep.uato 1 lifts, svoiih -Vi icnts. ,Mlll Pnd pilot, jl fuiii" Men's llotiv.v Biirillsh OMiild Half Shhts, woith .VI nulls. Mill Plld pi lie .10 mits Men's and Ho s' Woven Madias Holf shlits with sep.ii.iti mils woith 7' 1 nts Mill Pml piin H Cl'lll" Minis and Ho.s s' lieass blai k and while Hi ill Wmklm, Shhts wiih .sokes and istensiou binds ssoith so leutK. Mill Pnd pi bo. '1.1 icnts. Mill's and Boss' bl.uk and white Dilll W01I.I11,, ShlilH. woith Jl 1 iiis and "1 1 ents, Mill Pud pi k e, I" 1 cuts Ho,ss' Billfold Colli and Caiubiie Shlits. collais sewed on yokes and net I. bauds, svoitu ,:i and II ii'lilb Mill Pnd pike. J 1 cents Men's fani.v Polk. 1 Dot Mioks, nlso plain Hods, Tans and 111 ids, woith IJ'j coins, Mill Pud pi lie, 5 1 enls .Men's Silk Nnkwiar In Ted-i Itnpotlals I'iiiii -lu-Hiind, Biniertlles and Hit Wiuus, woith Jl 1 otlls .Mill Pnd pike. 17 lettts Mens silk Shield Bows, woith .0 litis Mm Pud pike, I J tillts .Mills I .Li st i. nod Non-1 luslii Susppudcis, ssoith J. and ' mit'i, Mill Pad pilie 10 touts Ito.ss LisMi lilotisi'.s tilmiiml in Hod and Blue, ssmth S't tents Mill Pnd pi Ice, JJ mits vvvi'!vf'G0 , T MnMffcri 7-rr W I ) LmiIiTMiiniWii O'clock, gteat sale, and he will be here in person to sivr - i rt-f I f ifK t 1t-wnn . U-.l M... Ho.ss' Petoalo Blouses, ssoith TO tints, Mill Pntl pi ite, 21 touts Boss' Pleattd Waists ssorth 21 cents; Mill Plld pike, 17 1 ents .Mens pine Jilsh Linen hem-stitched llantlkei dilofs, ssoith 10 cents; Mill Bnd pi Ite, 1 for S3 ( cuts Mens Hom-stiti lied nilond lioidur Handkei dilels not Hi S 1 ents. Mill Pud piite, t tents .Men's Sniped BalbllKj7.u1 Shhts sind Drassets woilli Jl tents. Mm Hud pi ico, 10 touts Lidles' 21I-I111I1 (iloiii Silk t'nibiellas, hoautl ful pent I handles, woitli -fJ 10; Mill L'nd pi ice, $1 40. Mill End Examples In Linens and Cottons Vnliui Table Linens, .1h Inches wide, ssorth 30 cents. Mill Bud pi ice, Jl tents. I'nlon Table Linens, IB inches sslde, ssotth 4.1 (ents, Mill Pnd pilci, .10 tents I'nlon Table Linens, Id Indies sslde; -worth 31 1 ents, Mill Bud pi ice, ".1 tints Pine Linen Table Diiin.isk, 2 sauls -vsldo, worth .11 icnts; Mill Bud pike, II 1 cuts All Linen Damask, 2 jaids wide, silsor bleached, ssoith 71 tenls. Mill Pnd pi ite 01 cents, Tuikish Towels. Rood sie a ml quality, ssoith IJ'j tents, Mill Pnd pi it e, 10 mils Tmklsh Towels. Kood sle and quility, -worth 111 1 ents. Mill Pnd pike, IJ'j tent'- Tillklsh Towels, Rood si, and qilllitv, ssoith 20 cents. Mill Bud pike, limits. Tuikish Towels, Kood slc and quality, ssoith J" nuts; Mill Pnd pi Ice, '.0 cents (luod llitek Towels, woith II cents; Mill JInd pi lie, 10 t ents. Hood iul; and Pimsnl Towds. woith 11 cents. Mill Pud pilce, IJ'j tents Buck iiud Piinsed Dannisl, Towels, woith 20 tents; Mill Pnd pike. II tents lllltk and I'liliried Damask Towels, ssorth Jl nuts, .Mill Pnd pike, LO tents. lliuk and PiliiK-ed Dam tsk Tnwds, ssoith 10 1 enls, Mill Pud pike, Jl (-outs White BodspioiKK, Maisoilles pittorus, woith $1 21, Mill Pud pi lie, Jl 00 White Hedspieads, M 11 spill s paltuius, ssoith J1.10, Mill Pnd piiie, $1 Jl White lli dspi ends, Maisoilles pallt'llis, ss'oith $1 71; Mill Pnd pike, $1.1'' Clash TowelUm,', woith il cents. Mill Lud pilce, .1 1 ents pei saul Ci isli 'I'ovvellint,', woith 7 ..cuts. Mill Pnd pike, ti 1 e nts per said Clash Tosselllmr, woith Km tills. Mill Pnd pike, S tents per said Clash Tow flllm,'. woith 11 mils, .Mill Pnd pi Ite, 0 1 flits pi 1 j 111 ds, 5 Ciash Towdllii-,-. woith IJ'j ifiits'Mlil Pnd pili e 10 1 outs k 1 jaid Vaid-wlde I'nble.i 'hulCoiion, sun Hi B (enls; Mill L'nd pi lie, 1 n nts. Viul-wl'le Ble.uhc I Cotton, ssoith 7 nuts Mill Bud pi he. .1 ('"tits Vaul-wiile Bloai hod ami I libit hi hod Cotton, wmth s (ents, Mill Piul pile", '' n-uts, Extra Special at Kid Glove Counter Now- Is iuir t'1'"' ,0 ,n I'l soiu stippls- tot fall Kilts io.fi Liullt s' ,-dasp Pinhioldoied Back Kid (Moves' blinks and minis Tllo lobular l 00 illiillt, Mill Bud I"'"". "'' ""s Mill End t samples In Muslin Underwear Cmset Covets, ssoith in mils Mill Bnd pmc, 7 tents Coisot Cos pis, woitli Ji n'llts Mill Pud PI Ice 10 (fills Cm -nt Coveis, woith "I 1 cuts Mill Pnd pi lop J.I 1 enls Cutset Covets, wmth o louts, Mill Bnd pile SO tents, Coisot Cos el s woith il" (cuts Mill pnd pilce, il (('Ills' Xhrllt UosvilS woilli 57 coins. Mill Pud pilce 43 cents. NlKlU fituMiH, wmHi 7J (tills; Mill Pud pike 59 (Pitts Night linwns woith Boo Mill Bnd pike 7.1 i rut. NIkIU Hum 11 ssuuh BJIMIll L'nd pun OS U'lltlt Nlitht fiowns, svnitli.Jl l'; Mill Bnd pilie ) ; Linn, Willi" Skills, Win lh !' tl'lllH. Mill Pml pike. "1 (( nts Lmii," Whiti skills smith SI Jl Mill Lnd pike, OS n nts Lout, Whin hkiits woitli $1 19 "VI ill Pud pmc, tl.! Lout, Whit. .Moil" woith $1 os Mill Hud prk"( i 10 Loiik While h'-ui t woith $2 10 Mill Pud prke. il ts
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers