The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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.w.wvvrf Vl-Vritfr4l?.(Brt't,53),'W
:llsvw'Ki51fcV-s( "" i ",jfrS('W3, ,w.",vw'ft,'7&i?yJif??.-;T! "SK
Special to the Sainton Tribune.
.Montro.r, .(line 17. I-Yi'il H. Aumbry,
of I'urt DIokIiikdii, N. V is llic Knout
of lPlatlvpM In tills. ilnci' mill i.'iillliiK
on Ml-t ninny friends Hi town.
Vinunmn liiii'illncf, nf KnyMmie
flctiiliMiiy, Kni-lnryvlllo, Hiirnt tfinnliiy
nt the homo or his phi ciit., Mr. ami
Mrs. D. V. clMiitliiiM', on t'linliwt
Ml Oft
L. It l'YIiilt, of llfiirt lulu', mih a
Suiiilny vlslioi.
.Mr. YVmiiiiM., nf Now Vnrk, In vlsll
Inir it t ho hump of his pm-onis. M'
Hinl Mis. Ii. II, Wllllnins, on .Mnplo
The family of Henry V. Jcsmip, rsc,,
of ,W York, Ini.s tirrlvi'fl in Montrose
foi llir -eiiMili, unci will nenipy tlio old
I'liHiiillcr iniinslon nil Clinirli Mioct.
MList Anulc Hiirnliitrt. of Sriini'ion, l,
tlip Riicsl of Mi's .TfMinle Dp.ssiiner ninl
la cmIIIiib on lior ninny oilier nlil-ttmc
li'lonrlh In tills pliicc
Mrs K. I'. Mi'Kcurp anil ilniislitcr,
Miss Mmiilf McKonco, of ClnrUsvillP,
Trniipssop, penciled MontroM- Hip Inst
ol III" week, mill will spend smite tinie
st Hip liome of rnptiiln ,iihI Mrs, Uoli
i'i i .1. Mci'iniHliind. on Spruce street
Mr. ntirl Mrs. Arthur True, of fov
York, are spendlns the .-eiison nt D. II.
I.nt limp's.
liev. Father 1'. K. Rioderlek, of Sns
riilelmniui, vMloil his In other, I'ev.
F.illici A. '1'. liroilerk'U, in this pi, ice,
liev. H. A.
Smith, 11. II.
Urn use Mi'Mta
slnn to Hlk Ink
K. V. Alden,
isltor in tun II
Wiit'ilner, Dr. Y. V.
Wiirner nnd M. li
ure on a llshiiif: excur
e. of niiiKlinniton, ns n
I". Fied Wntrons. Jr., of ScimiiIoii,
lins been sponrlliiR' n few days at t lie
home of his pmiMils, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Chin le.s 1'. W.itrons, on South Cherry
Mi em.
Chief of 1'oliee Tliniims .1. Me.Mahon,
of Siifiiehnniin, was ofllelnlly enframed
In on Saturday.
Word has heeu received that Mose.s
T. .Im-ksun, for many yeais and until
leeently a resident of this place, died
on Thursday, Juno 13, at the home of
his ,,, dun t.s Jackson, at Wonds
towp. X. , . whither he had S"iie after
the death of his wife, which occurred
hill a tew weeks imn. The deceased
was well known In Montrose and
xhinity ns ii skilled mechanic and in
xciitor. He had been ill failing health
lor seernl years, and his death at this
time did not occasion surprise. Mr.
.l.iel.s-in was ahout siMy years of use.
The funeral was attended from th"
i evidence oi his -nn jn WoodsUiwn, on
Satiinlay iiinrnliiK, and Hie IntermenL iii.nle in a (pmetery at that place
The Montrose hall nine went to New
Miltoid on Saturday and crossed hats
with the nine of that place. Itesiill,
3 r -1 1 In fax or of New Mllforil. Acci
rlrnts will happen occasionally.
Chlldicn's day pseiciset- took place
jes-toifl .it the Haplist and Metho
dist ihiiivliPM in this place, ami wer
carried out Willi moie elahorateness
than usual. The decorations at both
churches) wcie very lieautiful, tho
llower.s, pioiiiiiiPlil antonis which were
the modest Meld daisies, weic pnifuse
and, coiiihhied Willi a wealth of l'ernn
and potted plants, the sellings of the
scenes en icled hy the iliildren were
hide il made chariuins. hut the "brlKht
laics nt Hie children -from the liitl'!
tut-8 up to those of a larger Kiowth
tlieir niusiial oiccs i.iiscd in Joyous
pivi'i", and the nunieious reidtatlons
and dialogues weie what made the oc
(asiou one of surpassing luauty and
lare Piijoymen. The Vxcrch'.-.s
at the Methodist church weie i;iou in
liie mornius. and at thr Haptlst churcli
ill the c( nillfi, lioth oillllcpo liellis Illicit
h i on-reR.iiioiis which taxed to the
hinll tli Mr Mutiny capai It.-.
f-rniai id ih" s, i.ini,,n TiilniiiK
!') i tin v .i , June 17. Itoiii
and Mis p. Liuc.Hii lleynoldi
ihr .liip in. a son welchiiiK
to Mr.
., Mon-
Mi ,iiid Mis-. William Konnard of
Sii.mtiii e!e pleasant callers at the
I' "'i' of lliuiy Itoynolds Friday.
U'llli.'Pl lievnolds. of I' I'll. !. A.
I 'hi- and 15. 11. IInlfiiiK nf
'i ii' the honor of in iui;
d'-camp on the stall' of
uieater America's Oreatest Burden Conviction
Forced Upon Thousands That They Are Face
to Face with a Serious Condition.
Mere Are the Pronounced
inioiibliiij. polluting boa ill
Mecpl' fh iilpbts,
furjdon hUrtlnfis.
.Morning laiiBiior.
Rraln fas.
Inability to wotk nr tblnk.
I'lNliiiustloii on t'.erton.
Klaciiif; iippotitc.
Diseatlnn sio.
Food Ivavy.
Kuhlly PNi'lfd, norvou?,
Htrcnfjtli fails.
Trembling band and limbs,
I.,oss of iiesb.
I,oss en' iiuiHi'iilar power.
tfpttlpd iiioliiiii'bolbi.
Irritable, dospondent.
k in
Dr. A.
Mrs. Joseph .Mitchell nf Xo, Olti Lin
den stret, Wost Scranton, Pa., says;
"Dr, A. . Chase's Neivo Pills aro
fine. I was nil nut of order, nervous
nnd could not Mecp uenl: and inlf.
ornble, The kidneys woie hluggisb and
tbo back Inniu notbins" seemed to
help 1110 until I got n box -f tbo
nerve pills at Matthews Uros.' dtuir
btoio, J.aoki' ,11111111 avenue. Since I
took them I sleep well, don't jerk
nnd luk. Sly nerves aro steady
I feel MioiiK and tlin kidneys nro work
in;; well again. 1 tun more tbnn pleas
ed and glad to recommend the medicine,"
Drugtjists who make a practice of substituting selling
you something they want you lo buy instead of what you
ask for have but one object in view more gain to them,
wives sea that you got the genuine Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve lMlls, with signature ami portrait of A, V Chase,
M, D,, on tho box 50o to druggists or Dr. A, W. Chase
Medicine Co , tiuflalo, N. Y.
Known by
Their Works.
Iho r'nininnndefln-elilof nt tlie
National convention ()f the n, A. It. at
Clncliniiitll, Ohio.
Mr. mill Mra. (', If. Cnx of Hcrnntoli,
spoilt Thuirdi.y and Friday with Mrs.
Co- pareiiis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry
Itoynolds', and iiwtrtulrfl coimnciibc
ti. out exercises at ICoystono.
The school hoard met Inst Tuos
day cvenlim anil olectod the rollowltiR
teacheis for the Riaded school: Prin
cipal, Mr, Delnuir Klndloy: lutornie
illnto, Miss I.onnii Wat ren; primary,
.Miss Helen Hard.
Mr. mid Mrs. W. H. Hnover uUpihI
ed tho Hnnt-KresKo wpddliiK last
Wednesday at Clark's Summit.
MIsr Anna Heck, of IlulncsbtirR. N.
I.. rotiirned to h"r homo yesterday,
after spendltiBr the week with her
slstpr, Mr. n. ,i, (rlsmiiti.
I,ast Tuesday evening Mr, and Mrs,
X. A. t'Jnrdner, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arohl
h.ild Hi own. Mis. Charles Knnpp nnd
Mrs. .1. A. Hrltton went t( Nicholson
whorp the ladles assisted Mrs. Tran
siic, of l.acpyvllle, in the installation
of nllleeis of the Hebeknll lodRO.
They weie dellRht fully ciiteitulncd
hy thp Nicholson iipople.
Miss Kato Doollttlc. of Wlsner, Ne
hi'iiHkii, is visiting old-time filend'3
and relatives in this place
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp, of Scranton.
f in ill Sunday with Mrs. Kemp's sis
ter. Mrn. !'. St. Anutiid.
Miss Hessle Wilson, of
Is spending her vacation
at her home.
In this place.
Mr. A. J. fiat dner leturned from
State College lust Friday, with his
fcon, Ueiihen, who Is a student at that
Miss tJiucc Snyder, of Nicholson,
luw lieen the Kiiest of Miss Stella
Vriji'ey for a few days.
I'aulownii lodRo, DnuRhtors of Ue
liokah, will moot In regular session
this (Tuesday) ovpnlnp;. They px
pect to entertain a doleKatlon from
Nicholson, and all membe of the
doiep staff are Ul'Ked to 1 i piesent.
Mrs. :. C. Peel, of AVInt
Biiest of relatives in. town.
Is tho
Special to the Sernnton Tribun.
Ilonesdnlc, June 17. Miss Kdlth Pel
let, of Pnterson, N, J., is a suest at the
icsidence of Hon. K. P,. llardenhurRli.
Miss Hattie Ijoe, a teacher in the
public schools of Newark, X. J., is
spendliiR her vacation at tho residence
of her brother, W. II. I.oo.
A missionary nioelliiR will he held
in the Piosbylei iau chapel Friday at
I p. 111., at which a report from tho
annual nieotins' in Philadelphia, will
he privon.
County Supci intendent David T,.
How or nnd his three brothers, Mr. and
Mis. KtiRcne CourtriRht and daiiRhter,
I.aura, and Mr. Clayton Yale nnd
dauphtor left this morniliR via the Del
aware and Hudson for the Pan-Aineil-can
exposition, to lenuiln ton days.
Tho "Ciibsou Pictures," to be Riven
in the Opera house Friday evcnitiR
next, under the auspices of the yoiniR
people of Grace churcli, pi utilises to ho
hiRlily intProstiiiR.
A solo, "I'm but a StraiiRer Heie,"
was very sweetly siuir by Miss Marcla
I!. Allen, in the Presbyterian church 011
Sunday niornhiR.
The lieu ut I fill residence of Mr. Chus,
DoilliiiRor, at AVhite Mills, Is ncarliiR
1 oinpletlnii. Mr. V. 1,. Prawn, of
Siianton, was the architect, and John
lienoro & Son, of Scranton, builders.
An iritorchthiR Rame nf base ball was
played lieie on Saturday by tho Oly
pliimt Drowns and a picked nine of
Honosdal1, which lesulted In a score
of 1 to l.'i in favor of llouosdalo.
Delaware and Hudson wnikmen have
lenioved tho old water lank that stood
In tho rear of the freight house.
Spn U to die Sci.inloii Triliune.
Towanda. Juno 17. Casey. Haines
and J. Hlnir, the postnflloe hurRlars,
who weie arrested in Troy by Rrad
foid county olllcials wore tried at
W'illiainsport last week and each
found guilty. They weic sentenced to
live years In the ponetentlary. The
n:w anls ainountiiiR to $1,000 will bo
divldul aniontr our otllcers who made
the at 1 est s
Th Star histoiian utilises mention
of a notable ciu unistnnce whlcli ho
Times change, ho do our wuys of living
sinil working. Uallroails, steamboats, every
means of' transportation, all maimer of ln-vontiouh-overy
thing is with n view to rap.
idity, Tiuieisthecssonce, Humanity moved
in the same way nt express train speed.
That's why so mnny men ami women tlml
thomselves giving out, symptoms breaking
in on them thatnro bo common ut the pre.
ent time, Overwork or high tension has
(lone its work. Norvo waste laok of Nerve
I'orce sets you face to face with a condition
uHUBunniH 10 uegieci, it was because
Bvoienco ot tIiet.o symptumfl tliat
. Chase's Nerve Pills were brought
Into being, their action is to provide lacking
Aorve I'orco-the cause of nil theso troubles
-they do this miU that is why they are so
popular, fecrauton evidence nroves tlmlr
has discovered In n cemetery nt Horn
brook. Ho llnds bx grnves In a semi
circular plot, live of which rontnln tho
hod les of person j who were horn In
different countries. Their birth places
me! M1.1. Fanny AYahlor, horn nt
Ucnevn, .Switzerland; J, UonrRO Willi
ler, bum nt Htirlmitn, Mouth America',
Mrs. Finnels .1, Posse, born nt St.
Dninlnna, Italy, A. D. 17S0; Mts. All
die Detipucch, born In Toitin, Italy,
ISOJj Wlllliun J. Delpiiech, hoin In IS'JI.
The hones of an Indian wore found
by workmen while iIIrrIiir a ditch at
Athoii. They woio fnttnd nt it depth
oi only throe root nnd hecatne Imtlly
citnnhled, iind hy examination found
to ho these of n large mini The
teeth were well preserved mid tho Jaw
hones heavy In structure.
Piof. D. C 'I'honuts nf- one lime prin
cipal of the state normal school, has
died at Adrian, MIcIiIruii.
W. 11. H. ttore, of Athens, bus been
re-elected piosldont of tho Sixth He
serves association, which held a nipot
Iiir at (lottyshuiR,
Miles Hnlley, aped fifteen yea is, who
liml constructed a, sniull piirIiip, wn
hndly fe.uiilc.otl n few dnys iiro by nn
explosion of the boiler.
J, F. Mnltlnsnu of Attlehnio, Mass.,
? visltliiR relatives and friends I"
Town tula.
Dr. II. C. Scott and bride of Hreek
onridqo, Colo., mo visltliiR tho Rentle
tnau's pnrents In Towanda.
J. II. Giles reptpsontod the Towanda.
older of the lireat Council of Hod
Moll nt Phllndolphla, last week,
Cornell S. Stowoll, a foimer teildent
of W'lhnot township, this county, com
mitted suicide by haiiRltiR, nt his hiuno
in Sniithhoto last Wcdncsdny. lc
had been in III health for some time,
caused hy an accident. C. A. Stowell
of WynlusiiiR Is n brother of the de
ceased and he and his wife i cached
his home soon after the deed had boon
committed, with expectations of en
joying a vllt.
American Lengue.
At lliilon (Moinlne (iiiiicj It, H. II.
riiluRo ii 1 0 0 11 n 0 0 n-1 .ri n
IltMoil 1120. n J - 11 1- "
Ilillerie Kaloll ninl "siibiIpii: Miti licit .iiiil
SiliH'il.oiig:iM. I'mpiK Mnll.l9-.llt.
At lln.liin (Aflniinnii (t.lnul 1!. 11. I'..
('Iikm;;!! '... n 1 n 11 0 11 n 1 - 1 s
lln.lnn ti 1 0 0 1 2 .t 0 10 17 .1 Ir ilc- I'.itni'.nn ami Siillicm; Yoim anil
sclireiknnsost. I'mpiie Aanajii.
Al PhiLiilelpliia- It. " II.
l'(elinil 0 0 0 n 1 2 S 0 2 ! ID il
I'lillaridplila (I 1) 7 0 4 n 0 1 -12 l.i .!
Ilalti'ilc lliitTrr ami Yeaper; Putt ami Pow
er. I'mpiie Cinlillon.
t ftdtlmorc (Ten inninsO 1. II. II
Milwaukee 100000 2. 10 1-7 It 2
lt.iltiinnre 2 :i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (i l.i .:
Hilleiies lleiily ami M.ilone.i : MiCliinlty anil
itoliln-on. I7mpiics bhci anil Cnnnoll).
At Wadiinslon It. II. II.
tlilioit 110 0 0 020.110 111 2
W.i.-liiiiRton 0001100110-2 8 1
Ditliiie .Miller .mil lliiulow ; He ami Hill..
Pinpiii ll,i-kel'.
National League.
Al llo-ton (Ten niniiiKS") II. II. V..
Pliil.nlcIpliU I 2 0 0 t 0 0 0 I) I-- s 1.! ::
Ufi'inu :: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 ii 12 ::
H.ittri ios W liito .mil Md'ailaml; 1'ittiiiKcr,
Xuliol.5, Kittritlso anil .Mman. I'liipiie -Nash.
t CinwiiiiMtl
St. I.nuis ,
Il.itterie-. Smllio.r
It. II. II.
10 2 0 0 10 2 0-12 12 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 I ."
ami diMmls; Xiwlun an.l
Peil. I'mpiie O'llay.
Oilier chilis not siludnleil.
Eastern Lenguo.
Il.iitfi'iil, .'; b.iariie ".
Pioinleme, t; Wone-lei, 5.
Itiidter, 4: niiffalu, 12.
Tiiioiitu, S;, ?.
State League
12; I.ane.i'.ter, 7 (ht-t samel,
lil l,jne.istcr, 12 (mioihI K.ime),
I l.i 1 1 i-l.ui gr,
Wall Street Bo view.
Xew Voik, June 17, 'liie frtotk inaiket nuile .1
imnotn .uteinpt today to willL-tand the hilling
elicit ot lic.ivv e.lOlt2 ot soil and tliu lliiiry in
I lie imniey lair to 5 per cent., .nit llic
.-liow of (titiistl) .it the openlns as loiicl In
Hiieumb to tills development, in t-pitc ot the per
tcIlce ot ionie notilily otrons f-pots. The ilos
in bhoweil .iihanci'S eiy generally wiped out,
eiept in the few ttoikn Mlmli inmed ,TK.ili:-t
the iinieiil. ,"-t. eontinued to lie tin' 1110-t
1 011-1111 nous of Ihe.-c and the utieiiKlii in iluu
Mid. u,!1, biipphinented h.v aihues in .u loin
litllT l.lillO.1'1 IOlkS fllllll iMIlJi I'llll
In a tone lor the independent steel urn
p.uiies uud a fin' 'Ihe .ution of lint
luuiKet nn Sjlmday after the appear.inie of I lie
li.inl. r.t.itriortit had I htm Millleient notice tint
1 lie lininilal power? thai In- nete pup.ued i"
itnioie the Mioiviic of vljtiinenl and lo
loniiinii' their ellons lor ,111 .iduiue. 'I'lii- opi 11.
lllH V.1H StlOlW, III IPII-eqiKIKI', Willi ."l,(HHJ
lines of M. Paul ul.en at .1 pruil ol !- point-,
the iiiotaliou mi 1111111I11K sales Mir.iln? from
ltl'i 10 lSl. ICIIipailll Milll Is!! Oil S.ltllllll.1.
'Hie Mink toiuhed I'-T'a l.ilir In lite ,J on
ilioinioiis ilealliiKN 'Ihe liellef is well iliflnul
that an oiler is to he nude of 1 per nut. bonds
at tho ratio of 'Jno at par ot tho bonds for 100
in p.11 of 1 he Hook, aj was 1I01111 lui the Hut -liiiKlon.
As ccriitioales for the lluilliiKtini stotk
aie luliiifr at llHI'i, tliat piiie .seiuied 10 ho the
i'bjeeli. point for ht. I'aul. 'Ihe luaiy icall'lns;
whlili meets the htoik' .iilv.uiio at i.icli oiane
.iii.l its late re-aetlon lioweiei, wan niled a on.
jeiiuic tliat the Hnal S"ltlein(iit In 1I11 unllir
liw.llli to lie nude, The indi pendent Mee 1 111.
p.ipiiF storks weie alleited by imiiori- it piiidinu;
al-orptiou into tie) li'iilfd ale ieel (oipn.i
Hon Tuiiirwee Coal lo-e an etrcino 7'.., I .
orado I'uol, 'iVi llepiihlii bltel, !!'..; Hie ie
fenid, ;t, and iloekin Coal, i!',i. The adiaiiu' of
1T in Illinois Central bad no other cpl,m itlon
1 lit 11 the IiIkIi rate of tho dividend Kti'M, jt its
priie. AnulKauiutcd Copper ni Ann all il.ii,
but it was not until the :lnd dealings that it
was, niOierl pretlpltatily ,ip t I m, .villi 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .1 -tlom
of dlaties on tlio put of 1110 short. 'Iilal
tales lodaj, l.OTi, iOi).
'Ihe bond market wa raili-r a. ti,n and irni'ii
ljr. Total tales par alue, J,:,')'i,''0i),
I idled Males Ktiindiui; '.N, the M and new Is
drillnrd Js per lent, on the last i.ill.
Thr follonlnp quotations are fuinlshcd Ilia
Tribune by M, 8. Jordan li Co., rooiiu 7M'T03
Ucam building-, Scranton, I'a. Telephone S0O.J;
Open. High. Low- Clov
mi;. et, "!. Ii.r.
Amciliaii -usar Ill1 1 1 Mi irn't 113',
AiueiiiJii Tobauo Il'l'i IVi 1.17 M7
Alilliwjil Sla S'V', S77H miss
Alt lilxoti. IT I'D l"'4 VU?4 lU--i
llrook. Traitlon si'i Si'j M', M'k
inn k Ohio mils 111 in)', nn
lout 'lob i(i 1 ,., o'l iJl H7,(i i'7'A
( lu. k Ohio ,,,, .Ml',3 :t'a M'.i. A'lU
(hie, iS; (it. Wct SI'i 2li '.'Hi 'JIU
St. I'aul Ii34 lW"i lsllj Is-I'i
Itoik lll'.i Vi'it 17" I70i
Kan, A: Tex-, IT, ,,,,.. ii". ul id iv
l.oui. i: .Nasli Ill'i lit3 UOl, iiim,
Man. IMciatfd ,.,,. lit til'j Vii'i ViWj
Mil Tiaitlou ,,,,,.,.. .ITil ltd 171 17.1
Ml.o, l'aiilii ,., I.M l.'lli ii'ii l.'i',
hoiiibeiii I'aiine t i bl MIT, ot
Norfolk A. Western ,... .Ill,; ,'.l oK, ,'iit
i. (Vntial .,.,,,..niT I .VI VnU l.1j
Out A. Western . IW ."T-' :,
I'. una. It) , 131 Kit? IVI? I'i-I'j
I'adlle Mall IMi I ;:,a l'i 11
lliuilin- lt Is'4 Hi IT'i 479
Heading It)., IT., Ml' N)14 mi mjiJ
Soulliem It. It .(I'i M til III'.;
houthein It. II., IT VsJ, hits s s'i
Tinii. (Val A. lion ...... 711 "il'i nO'i l
l S. leather Illj U?i ll'i li',
V. H. Leather, IT., .... SO w) 71m 7nTi
I' S. lliihber aii -,l1i 2I. '.'P .
ITiion I'aiino Ill'i ll)i Ill's 11 Us
I'nlim raiiflc. IT UP; l)l-'. PHi in3
Waba.h, IT. n; li, 1'lj i.lli
Wejteiii I'nlon Wi (n.i u.,i . PjiT
Col. I'uel A: Iron Ill lini. ".K .v,
injl. Copper .,..121 TO lit"! 1..0
fioplc's t.'ai i, U'l Hs 1 'i
! 0 .-. Il' f ll'j Il'i
trie, li., n- Ti'- 71'j "J1
f'ot. Soulliem .t.Vi li U Wi
Tea I'aelflc ,,,, II l'j sTli IS,
Am. Car I'uiiniliy HI ill J Sl'i
H. P. hleel tM 4'fi I'l.U l"l J''
V, . Steel Co,, l'i ., I'i Mt, P,4 nl
ni:v 01tK nn.M.v MAiiKbr,
Open- HIrIi. Low- Clov
WllllVr, liur. ft. ct. Inc.
July ,,. ,,, 7J?i "i'i 7HT4 7T'J
bipt lr 7I 71 71'i
l OI1N'.
July IT-S IT1! 47 I7"i
Mpt Is'Ji IS, ii'H l"i
Scranton Beard of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Flrt Ktlloral Dank
Scrnton &ailne ank
Third National Dank ";,'","
Dime Depo-lt and Dl'eount II ink..
economy Uslit. II. & "'.
lacka. Truit Bate Dfpoill Co
Clark At Snovef Co., IT.
Seranton Iron I snw fc Mfff. Co. ...
Feranton Axle Work"
t,nUw.inna D.ilri- " '.. In, .. ...
roiinty Mnlmn Hank rust Co..
flint National Hjiik (Catbondale)..
Standard Drill"' Co.
Tradent' llir.k
Himnlcn Holt nnd Nut Co
I'n.ple'k Hank ''.
New Mexico Ity k C to
Seranton ra:iiRcr Hallway, first
Mortcairc, due ltf-O
People's btrcct Hallway, first morl-
caK'c, due 10I8
rcoplc, Street Hallway, Ocneral
mortBKC, due 1031
Dickson Manutarlurlnir Co
Lack. Township School 0 per cent.
City ot Scranton Bt. Imp. 8 per
Scranton Traction 6 per cent
Hid. Asket
Mm .,.
ISO ...
4fi ,,.
27J ...
125 ...
115 ...
115 ...
Scinnton Wholesalo Market.
CCoreietril bv II. !. H'l". 27 l.acknnanna Ail.)
Iliittn lTch. aoaajsc. dairy, fresh, 10'ja20c.
( Ikcm- I'iiII (ream. new. 10'Jallc,
Kkc Western fush, ltl',iJllc.i neaihy 5late,
Ileans-l'er buhel. choice lnariow, Mi0.rJ o
Vea Iloans I'er bu-hel, choice marrow, .j.5ja
$2.1 0. . .
Medium Heans r.T Inishcb. S2.40a2 15.
titeen I'eas -Per budicled. fl.40.iTl. I",,
l'loiir Hest pilent. tier banel, 1.15.
Ited Kidney Bean I'er bushel, s2.Caf2.30.
l'otntoe i'er ba-hel, MaCOe.
Il'riiiiida Onions lir btihel, $1.50a$1.60.
New York Grain and Produce.
Nw Yolk, June 1 1. I'lom fillet asain and .1
shade c-nlir with Ihe drop In wheat. Wheal-."-pot
caiii : Xo. 2 led, 7!si'. f. ". b. afloat; .'n.
2 led, 7v. elcMilor; Ji. 1 .Vortlicrn Diiluth,
Sl'se. I. o. b. Options opened steady,
but later Mild oil. Closed ea-y at 'tafti'. '"I-
lame oier atlinl.i s olllelal close. July I'lowi,
77'6c; Sept., Tl'ic; Ort. 71:!4i'.; I'er. 7oc. Com
Spot slcadi ; No. '2 lli'io. eleintoi', and IS'a' . f.
o b. nfloat. Option market opened linn, but
later tinned weik. It rallied finally on coseinif
and iloscd sleadi at U.iV'- lid adianie. July
closed 17Vii..: isept., ISlic; Oct., ts'ic Oils
Spol (lull's, No. 2, :i.; Xo. a, .llUe.l N". 2
while, .I2'!;e.: No. 2 while, "2c: Hack niKcd
wnlein, Jll.i.'M'ii'.: tiak white, .12.i.17u. Options
dull and easier. Dutter Firm; faitory, 12alt',ic. ;
ireaincry, l",ilO's,; imitation ercainery, T!al7e.;
st'ite ililrj", Itif-'ic. ( hepse ITini; fancy l.nae
mimed, !'i'.; f.iniy lait-e white, lie; faniy small
loiored, !.; faniy sin ill white. Oe. KjrRs l'lini;
stale and I'ciin-jli.ini.i, l.:.ilt',ie ; western un
Kiadid, llalJ'ii'.'i we-tuii candled,'.jc.
Chicago Grain and Producs
( tik.nrn, June 17. Cattle Iteceipts, 2.5,000, in
cliiiliui; 1.0KI Texan; ilioiie, alead) ; others,
weak; hiittlicis' Mink slow: iboiec Texjns sleadi ;
otlni. slow; koo'I to piiuio steers, v,,10a(l.20;
.or to medium, M.M.i".::0; stoikeis and feedeis,
.slow, '.al.STi; lieifers, .2.7R.i).20; cannei-. ?;
bulls slow. sflaLSd; i.ihes Him, 'so0.2,'i; Texas
-leiio, .fl.2,'ii3.0j; Texas hulls, '?2.7.'iau.7.". IIoks
Iteieipls lodny, 4'2,(i'K); tomorrow, 2S.O00; esll
in.iled lelt mei. (,0nl; opened weak; clo-ed
steady; top. 0. 12': mixed and butiheiK, s,"i.7r,a
i'."7'i; ?ood to ihoiee heavy, Vi.90ail.l2!-.:: loimh
beaiy, S'i.7Ja".'i; lidit. ".70.i0: bulk of .sales.
ss,H)it).l,2'... Muep lieieipts 20.000; sheep .mil
lamlK, sleadv to 1(V. luahu; pnns lambs up to
''."1,7.".; Coloi idos. s,.iO; yoml U, rhoue iietheis.
i.!K1il.'2.'i: fill- lo iliouv mixed, s'!..".0at; westeui
shiep, M.'Kiil.21i .siailliiKs. MaLW; nalive
lairlw, '-l.u'i.lli; xxctcin l.inil.-, .l.7."a.'..IO.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(-hiiapo, Juno 17. Wheat developed some ui.ik-ne.-s
towards the end of lodii's session, thimuh
as ,i whole prices weie f.ilily .stead) ; the .lull
ileliiery clo-inc 'n. lower. July com eloed
',e. down; July oals, 's-'Vii'. iiupiovcd, and pio.
li-ioiis from a shade to 7',jc. lower. Cah ipiola
lions weie as follows:
l'loiir ('iiiit; No. 2 'puns wheal. "A',j7.tii
No. :;, iiiLU'oHe. ; No. U led. 72c; No. 2 coin,
12'. i.; No. 2 .M'llow, l.ic; No. 2 o.iis, 2Sc. ; No.
2 while, ; Xo. .'i while. a2S?ia2!K.; .No. 2 lie.
17'.ic; miss polk, Ml.r-riall.7i); hid, Vs-"'-! '
S.V,; lilt., s.7..0a-!.10; diy -silted shnuldeis,
h"s.i7',ic. ; short clc.ii sides, ! 0j-J..r-O; nliUkey,
Now York Live Stock.
New "link, .lime 17. Itieie.s Sleeis slow and
1 Pa lie. nff; bulls steady lo shade hmei : mulium
liiadc lows, 10c oil; other steady; ordinary to
ihone steels, f.l.OJlsaS.t'O; lia, fiviO.IJ; oxen
and clans l.li3; bulls, fiat, 70; cows, '2.311.1
4 10; exha tat do.. M.S'kiI.IO. Calves Aithe
and 30i73e. liiKher. VeaN, M.rK).K1.23 ; tops. sil.Mj
mils, .;.30al; buttciiuilks, si..' hluep
.Moie aitiie and flm. I.amb', firm to He. hishei ;
MMilliurs. sieady; Micep '..'; exti.i, M.21;
dills. si,7,-,.,.,20; jearlin-r-, fl.'JJal.M); lambs,
Mai. 7.1; two cud extia, !-(.!)ji7; dills, 1.i3.2.1.
Hoc Maiket lower; slate hogs, iO.-23.i(l.,13; west,
em quoted nominal at 0.10a0.23.
Oil Market.
Oil (Tlj. June 17. Credit balances, 1U1; reitifl.
i.ilCs, mi bid, Miipinculs, 'itl.HVJ ; an use, til,.
327. Ituns, 210,10.1; jci;r, W),::t1.
IX 111',: Inioiporation of Kleiluc City Com-
niJiulei), .No. 177, Ancient and llliisliioiis
Older, Kuiulit? of Milta. of Nianton, I'a, In
Court of Coinnion 1'lc.i.s of l.aikananna loiinly.
Xo. ,110, September teim, 1WII,
Notlie is lieieh.v Kiien lint ,m will
will be made lo the said rouil nr -i law jinla
tlulLol, on Iho thiol da.i ot Jul), A II. PUM,
al Ii u'tloik in the foienoi.n. under llm Ail of
As-uiibly of tin- Coinonneallli of Ponn-.ylianla,
(iililli'd, "An Ait lo pioilde for the incorpni
atiou and riKUl.iliou ol critaiu imporations,"
appriiied, Apiil 2'lh, ls7I, and the supplements
lleielo, for tho iharli-r of all Intended corpora,
lion to be called "I'lcitric City Commandeiy,
No. 177. Aniiei'l anil Illustrious Older, Kiifirliu
of .Malta, of Sirault.ii, I'.i.," tliu ilur.Hiir and
objeit of whiih ,iio lo maintain a soiiil) tor
beiielidal and proteetiie purpOM-R to il.s mem
beis fioiu funds collected therein, said funds
to be Usui in assistim; the members in time of
i-Ukiiess and dlsabilit), and .-u. litis: their
famlliis in ia-e of death, and for Uksc purpssi-s
lo have, and enjoy all t lie right",
.eii?fiis and piiilleKis of ihe taid Act of As
seiuhly and lis suppleuunt-i,
'Ihe pioposed charter Is now on file In the
I'roihonotary's .ifflco of tho said muii, Xo. 'Mil,
jseptunber trim, Itmi.
.1. II. WATKINS, Solicitor.
"KALI;!) lIIOI'0 I.S will be leeeiied at liie ol
llui of the Poor lloaid mil II 12
nTluik I'llda). J lint' 21. foi the rooflns in ihe at the Hillside Home, In nuordanie wild
the Ions In the bands of tho architect
i:. II. D.uii, 113 Cimiell huildlnir. Ilojul ie-hl-rve.s
tho ilulit to rejut any or all bid. Hy ol
ili of Hie Siianton IMor lloaid.
('. .1. nil.l.i:s'li:, Sa-iclaiy.
'llli: ANM'AI, MI'ITI.NO of tho slO(kholdus of
the Nl.uili.ll l.uc (uit.iiii cnuipaii), tor lie
elrdlon of oillici.s and lioinaition of mih other
business as ma) ionic hetoro thi- ineetlu, will
be held in the ofhie of the conipaii), In the mill,
on Tuitda), July li.tb, 1W1, al 2 p. in,
'I lie Siianluri I.aie ( uilaiu, Co.,
II. W. TAYI.OH, S.i-11'i.ny,
S'lOrKIIOI.DIIIIV MHirriNtl-'lhe anniu inieiiiii;
of Ihe oloikholdeis ol tnu Colliiiy engineer
(ompaii) will bo held at tho general ofilies o(
Ihe loinpaii), Miautoii, Pa., on Mondii, June
21ili, I'lOl, at 2 u'lloik p. in, for ihe clc, lien
of dliMlom and the liaiisaction of eiuli otter
business as ma) piopelly lonui btfoio tbo meit
in.'. ST.M.i:V P. U.f.llV .seeietaiy.
NO IK 11 IS lieuby Bbon that tlio annual mci-tliu
ot llii noiMioldeis ol the Kioiiomy l.iijlit, Heat
and Power Compan), toi the eleilioii ol dliiilou
lor liie riisiilic )i'.n. and the Uaiisaetion of tudi
oilier liiulnt'nit as nu) propeil) loina heioie ,
will bo Ik lit at the olnic of Iho tumpant, Ituuui
20, Itepubliiall llillldlllK', Siratlloji, pa., ua Mull
day, June 21, I'ml, al a o'cloik n. m., in acioid
ame with Iho b)-law ot the compan).
W, .1, .NOItllll'P, ieerelary.
M)IICi:-i:late ot Thomas Young, dciea.sod.
lellns of admlnWtiatloii upon Iho estate of
'I bonus Young, late of the borough, of Dunmore,
dcicascd, haie been giautc.l to Ihe uiidcrsiyued
1 icqiicst all irron baling ilalms or demandi
acalnit the clle ol the Hid decedent, la nuke
ki.uwu the wine to me without diUy. ,ind
all peisi.'ii.s jiidibled to raid c.tale ie icnuesled
to make pa) incut t) me.
ANtiHI.IM; li. VOL NO. Admini.lutiix.
;;2.1 X. Ulakcly slreet. Dunmoie, Pa.
WJI. W, LVI'lIItOPi:, Ailouicy lor Ihe L'statc.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents (or ch Extra Line.
For Bent.
For Remit
About I2oo feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
I'On HUNT-n ilsht room bouse, with all mod
el n Impioieiuents and comenlenees: l.irR"
front pen It; nice front mid back lawn, lletit
only ivl per inonlli, Inquire un premises, (Ul
Precott niii'iie.
I OH HKNT Cot tape at Lake Wlnola. xvilli all
modern Inipiovemenls and two boat.". Apply
l'red II. Stark, TraileiV Hank Imlldliiir.
l'Olt HUNT (1-room houe, comer Wayne aieinie
and Piitniim stieet; hot and cold water,
tior.e but 6mall family need apply. 170.1 Wayne
020 Om:i:.V nillCIK STnni'.T. ten rooms, modern
improicinents; steam beat furnished; ilcslr
de.slralile. J7or Sale.
I'OI! s.l.i: lliiildins- lot 2.1x100 fret on the "00
blink l..i(kawann.i .iienuc, nlley in I'or price and teiui.s, willc to "Anlliia.
cite," laie Tribune Olficc.
Henl Estate.
fl.tWO nuyn nix-room, Blnsle nousc. pond wrll.
Lot 11XI'200, Siianton sticct, Dallon, Pa.
Wells & Keator.
$1,800 Huys btilldlnK lot. 10x1.10. Wheeler ave
nue. Wells' ,t Kcater, Ilmr Iluilding.
$.2.900 Iluys double hnirc,
improxements, except gi
dencc. Wells & Kiator.
7 rooms on a side, all
is. Dean sited, Proxi-
For Sale or Bent.
I'Olt SI.i: OR RUNT A iott.i(sc ill i:imhurst,
with excellent water and healthful location.
Addic.-s Dr. Haleson, ,"17 Washington uxenue.
A VOL'NO 1.M1Y desiies (unils'icil mom Willi
piiiate family. Address "A," Tribune ollioe.
WAXTI1D A larce house of twelve to fifteen
looms; stiitalilo foi i first class bo.irdini;
hriie; must be down town and very central.
Addriss W. T. llaekctt, Heal KsUtc building-.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTKD Kxpeiicueid clothing salesmen,
Penu aienue. Itoscnbcrp: Itiolheis.
ANTi:i) llneritello, trustworthy .inline; man,
peimaneut position, mut he well leiom
TiKiided, V'O deposit reqiiiud, llaRei, :II2 Mears
WANTIM) Kxpiiienred male (stenographer, aim-.-tomed
to railroad woik. liKpiiic t!. T. Made,
Superlntendint Kne i.ulioad. Dunmoie, Pa.
JlAlllini; WAXT:d Apply tins X. Main aienue.
WASTIID A boy between 1(1 and 17. Addiess in
willing, finest W. Smith, 120-12S Washing
ton aicimc.
WANTDO Two young men to leain business and
tiko road for ea.tern manufactuier. S12 and
expenses to Malt, xvitli chance to advance. d-
clie--s, w-ith ,-tanip, Manufactuier, Triliune Oflue.
WANTi:i) Salesmen, tuieling or local; xveekly
Mlary paid. Ileiriek Kced Co., ltochcstcr,
K. Y,
Help Wanted Female.
Clay aienue,
genrial lu.usewoik.
WANTCD Two ladies to Je.iin bvsinesa, lure and
tal-p chaige of demon-tratois tor eastern man
uf-ictiirrr. SI2 and expenses lo blail. AddieM
l)emonli.itor, 'liibune Olfiie.
CIR1, WA.NTKU I'or general Iioiistwoik ill small
family. 317 Webster aienue.
Boarders Wanted.
IlOAlinHlPs WANTi:i)-Two front rooms, with
board, in god famil). Addie-sS (ill Adams
WANTKD Table boaidem.
Washington avenue.
JIi-3. Tompkins, Wl
Booms and Board.
LAltf.'H front room xvith bouid for two gentle
men, 410 Adams aienue.
Furnished Booms.
TOR Itl'.XT One law
also one s-iclo loom.
furnUbed limit room;
5'!7 Adams avenue.
Situations Wanted.
M'll ATIDN WANTIU) Hy a xxiduw wouiin to
go out by da) Washing, tinning, or ileanliu.
Pleast' lull or addiiss, .Mis. ItiiSsell, 1210 Cedar
aiciiue, cit).
MTI TI0N WWH'.ll Hy middle-aged woman a.s
housikceper in widowei'ii family; iau giie
icfeiinics. Addios J. II., 1 Twi'nt)-lliml aticei,
M union, Pa.
blT CATION WANTIID-IIy u .lomig man lo go
to tome summer ictuit and ait as u hotel
clerk for the buniiner. .stiictly teniperalc uiul
lionestjian iiinUh best ol releienisc. ,1. l). It.,
Tribune cjtlise.
hl'll'M'lOV W'ASTI'.D-Dressmaker, good tittet,
from Philadelphia, dej-liea a lew engaueineuii,;
$1.60 a iliy or will take woik home, Addiess,
1U07 Dickbou aienue,
bl'll'ATlOV WANTi:i)-Hy a tlrst elJis book-keep,
er Willi eighteen jears experience, to woik
two or ihice boms dill) on a ct of book in ihe
cln; terms ei) naronablc. Addiess, llxpeit
Tli'bunu Olliie.
1'lllnT CLAS CO.UIIMA.N desiies a .dilution
with u piiiatc laiully; well cxperienieii
a capable maul Mi idly tempciate and limit r
stands geneial woik about pillule A.
clirss J, lx., :.1t Penu aienue.
ANTI1D filtu itlon aiouiid ccntlemin's place oi
Janitor woik, fe. II. H-, 1)10 Webster aienue.
Ml CATION WMi:n-Hy a youn,' man lo do
any kind nt work oi moiMpi; in piixaic fim-
ili- in iliiiins 4 gmiery xiayun. Addins laio of
James nioiu, icur ci ii iu run nm.
&ITIHTI0X UAMI.D-Hy a man gradliiB or
la) ins sidewalks, or lixing feims or iuiilns
Units, nr any Mud "' woik. Call or addict i.jnu
Pioxidcncc load.
M'ITaTiOX W Vli:i).-Triutwoith), lellaTli.
.luuii,- man, gund habits xiunisi poilei uotl;.
fiocd piliman. silaiy optiouil. Tiu-lwuiih ,
Tllbune Olliie.
SITUATION WANTi:il Aj watch-maker; 2.1 yean
expeiiencc; leleicmes. llobut T. i-iiillh, gen.
eral dellieiy.
M'll'AilON WAVIIID-Hy good agent and gen
ei j I caniaiscr. It. T. .'mlih, in Penu uie
Ull'. nu.'.
bllVA'IION WMi:i) Hy a woman to go om
.) day washing, lionlng or cleaning. pi(.i,a
call or address Mu. Itiissell, 1210 cedar aienue
SIII'A'IIOV WAYIKD-Aitiie joung man deslii
position: is ohor, honest and ullable, liood
lefcicnce, 1', Tllbune Oilier.
YOi'XO .MAN, 21, college sraduate, de,ltcT'i
pojitlon as bookkecpei or assistant; .an
crcrale Opewiiter. I'oi full pailiiiihirj addioj
Wesley II, Wraxcr. box I), Lopej, Pa.
orS0 1V05HN want 4 posllian a.s an ad. wilier
in iliy or lutiiltuie tlcie in this cite,
Kjpuicnoc and best ol iclcrcmc, M. W., 2oj
athin;tiu a 'cmc
Certified Public Accountant.
I'.DWAHI) C. Sl'Al i.diso,
!.l TltAllllHS HAN,
i:i)WAii ii.
DAVIS, AltUllllX'T. CONN'IM,!.
nti:i)i:iucii i.. niiowN,
Ilslnte llxih.iiige llhl;.,
All! II. II., HII.M,
120 W'liliigton .no.
Civil nnd Mining Enginecis.
nn. o. K. i:iu:xnr,ii(ii:it, paui.i iiuimumi,
Ispruce street, Scranton.
Roonn la. II, HI and IS llurr building.
K K. TltA0Y,A'lT'V,CO.MMONVi:.M,TH""ltU)(l!
. II. lti:i'l,0(lI,L', ATTOHSKY-LOAXsliTiTjr
tlated on leal estate security. Meals building,
corner Washington aienue and hpjitcc fcticcl.
nnd counscllois-at-law.
Washington aienue.
Hepublican building,
JI2SSUP .V .1I2SS0P. A1T01INI2YS N0 COIJS-tellors-atdaw.
Comnionuealtb building, llonnu
10, '20 and '21.
Oai-OOl, Oth floor, Mears building.
L. A. WATltllS. ATTOUNI'.V.Ar-IAW. no.Mtl)
of Trade building, Scianton, Pa.
Bank building.
c. coMi:nvs. o-i.t ih:puiimcan iuhi.uixo.
a. w. ni:nTiioi,r. oitici: jiovkd to .no.
211 Wyoming aienue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
nn. w. p.. alli:n', su xortii wasiiinoion
inglon aienue. I!esid"n(e, litis .Mnlheriy
Chionic di'casc, lungs, heart, and
genito-urlnary oigans a specially. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Besturants.
Till: I2I.K CAI'"I2, 1S3 AND 127 PHAXKMN
avenue. Kates teasonable.
P. Zl'.IOI.r.Il, Pioprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the lairopran
plan1 VlCrOIt KOCH, Piopiielor.
icss pools; no odor; only impioied pumps Used.
A. II. Ilrlggs, proprietor. I.eale ordera 1100
North Slain ax'enuo, or Kicke's drug store, coi.
tier Adams and Mulberry. Doth telephones.
cr)nnen, store 201 Washington aienue; gieui
houses, 1H.10 North Maiu aienue; ttore tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
dri:ssmkino rou CIlIf.DItllN '10 oitui:u;
aNo ladles' waists. bonis Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
Mi:0AR0i:i2 IIRO1!., PRINTERS' PHPI'I,li:s I2S
xelopes, paper bags, twine, Warchuuse, liO
WaIiington avenue, Scranton. Pa.
Tin: witKi'.s-nAutti: p.cconn can hi: had
in Scranton al the news stands of Iti-iiniin
Rros., 400 Spruce and 50.1 I, indent Jl. Xoiton,
.'22 Lackawanna unnue; 1. S. bdnitei, 211
Spruce fetrcet.
Money to Loan.
MOX12Y to loan on iinproicd city real estate.
Ill'.XItr Ur.l.lN, -lit.
ciias. ii. wm.Li'.s.
00,000 TO LOAN Lowest rates; stialght or
monthly payments. Stark & Co.,Tiadeis' bids,
ftralgl t Icons or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 pel cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
.11 l-nil Council building.
Sl'KVi:i) -lilac I. hoi-e, witli si ar on left tiout
shoulder. Lihiral icwaid foi rcluiii to .117
Prcsiott aienue.
YOI'NO MI'.V, entiling or piepiring for college,
can leiciie iiistriution by appl)ing
to II. II, I'piohu, Till! t oiiuell lliiililiiig.
Lehigh Valley Bnihond.
In Illicit June 2, I'i.I.
Ti.ilus Leaic Siianton:
t'ur Pliiladelphia New imk n.i l. .t It
Jt. It., .11 11.11 and 0..1S a. 111., and 2 1s, I J7
(lllaik llMiiiiiiii1 Kxpic-.s), and II.mO p. m, Mm
dajs, 1). .V II. II. It., LIS, S 27 p. 111.
I'or H'liile II.IMU, llazbiou and pnucipal
points in till! coil legions, li I), ,x- II. It, It.,
c: li, 2 IS and 127 p. 111. 1'ur Poitsiille, tl.ll a.
m., 2. IS p. 111.
I'm llcllil. Ii.iii. La.lou, lliadiu;, Il.illi-l.ui
and puncipil Inliimuliali' n.iliiuis 11.1 D. .v. II.
It. II., il.l'i, 'i,:is a. 111., Ms. I.J7 tltlack Ilia,
iiioud Lxpu-ss), II :,o p. m. Sundae, U, k II.
II. 11., li,:,!l a, in,; 1 ., s.'2f p. in,
I'or Tunkli 1111101 k. 'Ii.wandi, IllmllJ, llhaea,
Ccnei.l and iiiteiinnll lie stations, 11.1
1).. L. .V W, II. It., .'is a. in ; 101 and tl.ld
p, m.
I'or tieneia, ll.i, In'-I.r, llullab), X1.1g.11a Pails,
riiicagd ami all points west, til I), k If. II. It ,
7.1, II-.11 a. 111., 1.2s, .i.-ti (III uk DLjiiioikI
I'li'di), 7 IS. 10.11, p, m. Mindais, 1, i .
It. II., II. .11. .v'7 p. 111
PiilliuJli pallor and sleeping nr Lehigh Valle-,-pallor
cm on all train.! hi'tiieen Wilkiw-llnin
and New- Yolk, Philadelphia, II11II3K1 and mis
pulsion 111 Use
HOI. I. Is' II. W 11,111 It, Snpt., '2d Cottlaud
stieel, n Ymk
Cll MILLS S l.l'L, lien. IMs.s. Agl 20 Coithnd
sticet, Niw cuk.
A. W. NONMIMAl.TILit, I)i. Pa-.. Ant , S-,.iitl,
llctlilelu'iii. Pa.
Co.- tickets and Pullman re. nations appli to
"O'l l.iik.iwautia .11. inif, iianton, Pa.
Delaware and Hudson,
111 Klh'U .Inn.' 0, 10il.
Tiauis foi Cjibondale leaw N union at 1',' '0
, :lhi, il, lo:ll a. m.. 12:00, :2'i, 2:11, '':,
&.. u:2.1, 7:37, 0:11. 11:20 p. in , -n a 111
I'or' ami Lake Indole, ii-ii), III. II 4
in ; 2 11 .'lid 12'1 11 111.
I'or ilkcs.lljiie-U:1, 7: Is,
s in., 12.01 I 2-, 2.l, ii:.i.l.
10.11, 11. Ml p. iu.
I'or L. V. It It. points 0:11,
4:27 and II :: !' m.
lor Pciiiis.iliaiiia II. It. point
S:ll, i;-a, lO'li
4:27, 1) HI, i:s,
0:"S a 111 , 2 I?,
- 0:11, n-.i, 2-, and 1:27 p m
I'oi Mban.x and all points iwrlli 6:20 a. m
and .1:12 p. 111.
I'or I Jiliomljlc-S:, ll;:u a. 111, 2:11, 3-1-',
5.12 ami 10:12 p. m.
I'or Wllki-llaue- UXi a. 111,, 13:ttl, 1:3S,
6::i2 and 6:12 i. 111.
I'or Albany and points noith-.t:52 p. in.
I'm- lloi.cnlile and Lake Lodoie-10,
a. 111. and .12 p. 111.
die Railroad, Wyoming' Division.
Time Table in l.'Hcct c.l. I", PujO.
'I'i a l in foi lliwley and Imal points, imincit
in? at II in lev with Liie uilicul (or New Yoik
Ncwbiii: ami inlcimediilK points, lcjic iuli
ion at T.0.7 a, m and 2 21 p. in.
Trains ariixc St birantcn al 10. ..0 t, ri. nnd
0.10 i'. in.
Insertions 25 Cents
Thn I'our Lines, 6 Cents lor l.'ich Extra Line,
Schedule In Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains lenve Scranton:
0,45 a. m,. week days, through ves
tibule train from Wllkcs-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal In
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the
0.38 a. m,, week days, for Sunbury,
Havrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington ami Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sunday,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train fiom WUkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
conches to Philadelphia via Potts
ville. Stops at principal Inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hnzlcton,
Sunbury, Karrisburg, Philadel
phia nnd Pittsburg.
.1 It. Ill I) lllsi), (!n. Mcr.
.1 II. WOOD, tiiii. p.i... Agt.
TJelawnie. Lncka wanna and Western
In Illicit Dec. 2. 11110.
South-I.".,ii' Nianton lii New York it LI'),
noil, .",.,111, Mil) and 111 01 a. in.; I2..V,, :i..l I p. ill
I'or I'llll iilclplii.i .11 Mil and 10 01 a. in.: 12, V,
nnd ;i.:ki p m. I'm MiuinMiiiig at ti.lii p. ni.
Milk .iiionimodilloii at .'MO p. m. 11l1c .it
lli.b.ikeu at (i..:u. 7. IS. ln.2. I2.US, !I.I1, l.l.
7.I1' p. in. tilie at Philadelphia al LOU, ii.2 1,
OHO I S.22 p. 111. An in- fioiu New nils at
I. III. H..S2 and 10 21 .,. in.; I.IW. I..12,, S.Si
and IL.'IO p. m. limn -tioiiiMiiug at S.01 a. in,
Voilh-Lcaie Siiatilim foi llulliili. and Intel
nniliali- Hliitioii at 1 1.1, I...T. and 0.00 a, in.;
I..11, ,1.tS.iud II. .11 p 111. I'oi l)-.wego and
1 iii at il ::", .1. in. .ind 1.11 p m. l-"ur I'llci .11
LIU .1. 111. and I, .11 1 1. 111. I'oi Monti. i'i
at O.ii) .1. iu., 1.01 and .1 Is p. 111. I'm Mcliol
on at I.oo ami i,.1 p. m. I'm llinglianiton at
10 '0 ,1 ni. xiiiic iu Ni.iiiloii fioiu lltiflalo ar
1.21. .",, .1.11 and 10.00 .1. 111.; ::.:;o and S.Ol
p. in. I'ioiii IKucgo and at 2..11 a. 111.;
12:iS and p. m. 1'ioui t'lh-.i al 2..11 a. in.;
12.IIS and "..:o p. in, r'toin Miliol-on at 7..10 a,
m, nnd 0 00 p. tu, I'ioiii .Munttn-e at 10,00 a.
m : ::.-20 and Mi p. m.
Itlodin-liuiK 1 , i- iijn 1 r.i ''(i.inlon,, for
Xorlliiiinbcilaiid, at li. 11. in 01 a, m.: 1..11 and
.1.10 p. 111. Pin Plyiroiilli at 1.0.1, li.lO, 8.30 p.
in. Pur Kingston ,,( ,s, o a, ru. Arriie al
Xnilhuinbrrlaiid at 'i.yl .1. 111.; 1.10, .1.00 and S.I1
p. 111. A11110 -il nt S..V2 a. m. Anne
at I'liinmith .11 2 0O. I..S2, 0.11 p. m. Arrixo
111 Niantnu fiom Xoilliiuiibcrland al 0.12 a. in.;
12.::.1, I. .10 slid s. 1.1 p. m. I'ioiii Kingston ar.
II. ill .1. m. I'ioiii Pl.iuiniiih at 7,5.1 a. m.; 3.2o
and .1..'M p. ni.
South Lean. Niantnu at I. In, .100, 5.50, 10.01
a, 111.. ::.:!.; and ::. 10 p. m.
Noilli Leaic '.i 1 ant on at 1.11, 0.01 a. m,;
1..11, r,. l-s and 1 !.::., p. 111.
Illonmbuig Diii-lou l.caie Scianton at 10.0.1
a 111, and S..10 p. 111.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Millions in Xew York l'oot of Libeity street,
N. II and Ninth Ken;.
'IIMi: TM1I.1". IX LITLCr .MAY 10, 1P0I.
Ti.iius leaic Scianton for New Yolk, Xcwdrt:,
r.li7abetli, Pliiladelphia, L.islon, llethleliem, AI
hnlown, Mauch Chunk and White llax-en, at S .11
a 111.; expi-'s.-, 1 10; expiess, LOO p. ni. Sun
di)s, L'.l.l p. m.
I'or I'iilston and Wilkes-ll.iiie, S ,11 a. 111.; 1,10
ami 1.00 p. 111. biinda)s, '2.11 p. 111.
I'or Ililllmore and Washington and points
South nnd West lia llethlehem, 8,13 a. m., LIO
and 4.00 p. m. Niiidai. 2.1.1 p. m.
I'or Long Itiaiiih, Ocean Oloic, etc., at 8 Si
a. in. and 1.10 p. 111.
I'or Heading, l.clnnon and llarli-l.nrg, via. Al
lenlonn, 8. i'i a. 111. and 1,10 p, 111. Sunday,
2.1.1 p. ill.
I'or Pnltsiille, S.SI a. 111,, 1 10 p. m.
I'or Mountain l'.uk, SSI a 1,10 and Loo
P. if.
'HuoubIi tickets lo all poiiiln ca-t, Eolith and
west at lowest laics at (lie station.
C M. Ill I1T. Ceil. Pass. xgl.
.1 II OI.IIAI'SCN, Cen. bupt.
Time t'cird effect Dee, 30th, 1900,
I X? 1 SOS 1 8)1 1
k sis a
1 1
am; "
2!i8O0- .
1 pm' ' rv
...a 05180 .
. .s mss..
... adtcs..
...8605 M.. .
... SM62S ,
... SOJJSl,
.. -I lSt
10 IV lOSAr.
101(112 6S
1011 IS U "
losi ia si "
MarllKhl. . '
.I'r.lon Park. '
. ..1'ujliUlle...
. ..UiRon '
1'leni.flnt Mt.
. tlllondale.. '
.lore?! City..
I'arboiKjftleYd '
. Carbonclale . '
.IM1II0 llilils-s. '
StaxilPld Yd '
-Majtluld... '
Jeruirn '
Arrliluil.l... '
III. ilmi ,,
Picklllle ,
.ni)t.)iaiii .
I'rU-i-liiiig . '
I III nop
I'liiil.lsnt-i. "
: " i.
nr,i2s "
moil it "
USUI ir.
'Mil 13 "
11 iiii1 "
11 10 use "
uo: .1 "
nam 11
30.JII 11 "
RMiim "
It VIII 01 "
H. Ml 11 01 "
U 10 .Mi "
a 10 into, "
a is to is
a 110 is
annuo "
a ton. ci 1.
1M II)
7 DCS Ml It .
. . 6 S3
... 610
.. dX
.. IU
7 V3
7 058 (16 U. .,
7 078 13! 01,.
7 l UCB.
7 ma Ms ia..
7 2JS Ml la ..
.. 6 18
.. 6 11
.. 811
(7 2J5
17 71 OSS SI .
7 '."14 07 Cf
" 7 .si 4 10 a tn .
" 7 3.14 HSSi..
" 7 S4 178 ..
Ar 7 104 80S Si..
riill. I'lare
tnliiilrire Tirbondils for 111, held TiH
RIS phi mi flit Hmidt) , and 7.80 nm bundiy only, arrti mi
w 01
lam 7 uu rut tn.iaoupm
.lililitli.nil Irnhn I. im union tt7 OOpm SundiyonlT.
innnin,.,.,, ii, nn. ... '.,.., ... . a.rtu.nn ..
ml I rnlii IravFi MiittrM vird for irbondiTa at 0.15 am
iinvinr at 7 u
dail), trrlvluKntLirtoDdalait(l,sSani.
lEates S cunt per mile.
T.oneit Hiitea lo all Points Wl.
c. iNDcnsoN, J
. iNDcnsoN,
hew ,'ork I ity
Tca, Aaal,
Strutao, ft.
SAFEST! Money Will l!rn Biz Monthly
ni.' en' I Returns,
0L3 1 , liie Ini e.loi 'a I'uiiil Payj Seml-monthlr,
'Iho ulilet established in America. No certificate
boldir has ctrr lost a cent Pajmcnts made to
all nibrilicrs eii'iy IS da) 9. .No trouble. No
dej. Money icluiide.l on deinand, Wiito to.
day lor pnlliularf, flee lo anv addrcw,
I'. Il Maikey k Co,, Hudson Hld's., Xew Yuri.,
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3j to 5
lliooKlyn lMihon lHt 4s.
t'lii-H, & Ohlu, It & A. Olv, Jst Con.
Uv nns. & Tcne limits ls,t Con. 6s.
low it t It'll iy. fo. 1st 5s.
Isonlh., N. A. & Vine , Chic,-. & inU,
Dlv. im Gs
Mexican (Vntial Ity. foil, is.
.Missoiul IMi-llli' Tuist ofl,
Minn, (itni'l 1-3 let. 1st Con, En.
.Mob. oi Ohio, Alontsoniory Wv, 1st
Itl.i Grnnilo Western 1st Is.
HI. 1.., lion Mt & Ho. Hefcl. is.
(ninplcte I In nl ar 1.1, t on Application.
1001 (Pocket Edition) Now Ready
Spencer Trask & Co
27.20 Pin Street,
5 S-nle Stieet, Albany, X. V. M3VS' YORK"