&mm ; jwmmmt "f tX"V "A( ,'1jVA,?lS0(Sl,R('W."-lltlJ s''Vrt't',r''W7?tWvJ?rt'5ii??'wS5! rr rilE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JUNE IX 1001, ($e Scranton riBtme rnl.fl.M Dally. Kurpf Sunday, by The Trlh. line Publishing Company, al fitly Cents a Month. t-IVV R. tHCHARD, IMUnr. O. V. UVXtiUK, fluslncM Manajcr. New y.rk on, no x.u st. V11.I;AS. , Solo Agent lor KorclRti AdvctlUlnij. Entered t the Po'lnffici at JVMnton, IM.. as Scronil-Clai Mill Mailer. When tp.nc will permit, The Tribune l .iiw did In print nhort teller (rom Its frlepilj hear inc on riirrent topic-!, hut IK iuIj It tliat the-e mijt he idgim), lor publication, by Hw writer real names and the condition precedent. 1" ,-1c; teplnnce Is that all conlrlbullons shall be subject to erlltorlal rcvUlon. TUB FLAT HATH FOtl ADVCIlTISISfl. The following tabic shows the price per Inch rath insertion, fpate to he used within one jean nun ol PiflTnsr on I'apcr JJeadlnjr .2-i .25 ,2'1 M .lb .17J .1.V5 .!" .15 .lf.S dIsplav. Position '30 .21 .in .IS l.en than WO inrhe. wxi Inches .... KM " WW) " tfW " '" for .irN ol tli.in!. resolutions of ronrlolniro and similar conttlhullons In the nature ol mtlslng The Tribune makes ,i crimen ol 5 cents a line. tales for Clarified Adverting furnished on application. Ki'I.A.VTON, .ll'XK IS. IPOI. I'nrniiM' I'liivcrtior Patilsuii nils evolved wlin i lip tirniiotincos n sure leclpc for rood Rnvei-iiment. It Is for the Ki'inorints iitirl dissatisfied Rpptih Ihfins In unite in support of Demo cratic nominees. .Mr. Paulson doubt less has In mind a prnnn who would Milt him exactly af. a CiiMiwi nominee lor governor. Do Something. IT IS A CURIOUS hut interest inf ract that for several yearn past citizens and associations in I.ti r.erne county deslrhiR legislation nt lliirrisbiirR have been unable, lo se- ure. it throiiRli I Up Luzerne represen tatives and have in many instances t-oiifrht help from Lackawanna. In worthy instances tills help has been willingly bestowed and this willhiRness should and will continue. But it Is timo the republican leaders of the mother rounly realized that Luzerne, is hiR enough to paddlo her own canoe. If instead of nnpfKlnfr at everybody who Rels head tip In politics, the Re publicans of old Luzerne would choose a leader, give him loyal, support am? pull together for county and section, ic would not bo necessary to ro becr pins for favors at the stato capital; they could make and enforce their own terms. Their county is an empire in wealth, resources and population and its proper place is not at the tail end but at thi; bead of tho procession. In stead or heiuR powerless both to ef fect reforms within I lie parly and by kickine; over tho traces, Luzerne iiiIrIu Vie furnishincr Rovernors again, and Supreme court .iudpes and men in the oilier high places of government. Rut till? can only be accomplished by constructive effort. Sitting on tho leine anil making faces at those who pass by never did and ii'ver will ac complish more than momentary an noyance. It is not a sign of cither goodness or greatness. Tho men peo ple respect arc men who take bold and do things. There are men of this kind plenty of them in Luzerne county, but hitherto they luivo neglected poll tics. It is time for them to get in the game and put their county politically where it belongs. The surrender of Cieneral Cailles will wind up tho skirmish business at Ma nila. Cailles is the last, of tho mis guided followers of Aguinaldo to make any showing in tho way of resistance. There is now no reason why tho IKli pinos should not settle down and turn their attention to politics and ground floor franchises. A Celebrated Case. THE TRIAL at Jersey City of .John Rarker fir the at tempted assassination of Rev. Dr. Keller combines nil the elements of dramatic interest which can enter into a court case anil will undoubtedly be followed by news paper readers with notable eagerness. So far as made public, tio facts aro those: Darker, a man previously of good reputation, claims bo was -.old by his wife, a nervous woman who had not been in good health, that eighteen months prior, Rev. Dr. Keller, a re spected and popular clergyman of Ar lington, X. J had committed a crimi nal assault upon her. She had, it la alleged, feared to niako an earlier avowal of the fact and her confession tinally came in ronsoquonep of words spoken in delirium. Thereupon Barker, without further inquiry, took a pistol, approached Rev. Dr. Keller, and shot him in tho face, blinding ono eyo and iiearly.cHUsiug the clergyman's death, As oiiji readily be understood, public opinioijjlu Arlington is sharply divided on tliPituibjcjct. of tho clprgynmn's in lioeemg or, guilt. All kinds of conjee, t tiros hjivo found their way into print, the most common ono being that Mrs. Barkerthnadp her accusation in good faith hiJt under tho spell of a halluol-' nation arising from 111 health. Whether a wlfo ju nonuiil health could conceal from her husband for eighteen months all knowledge of a crime such as sho charges the minister with having com mitted hns elicited a voluminous dis cussion in' the medical and secular piess. So, also, has Iho question whether upon her unsupporlcd con fesslontaklng into account tho fact of her Invalidism, the husband was JustL tied onSluimnu grounds for certainly thero Ifiio Justification in law In eon stltutlnfe himself into an Impassioned avengeft offering to his victim nelthei explanation nor defense, Tho discussion has been even wider; It has 'considered thu whole question, admittedly a rtejlrato one, of tho temp. Uitlous 'to which clergymen more than most men are subjected front women of highly developed emotional natures, who, without realizing It, often forget that the best minister is never more than human, and when young, unmar ried anil Impressions hie. is more easily tempted, than (critics of the rare lapses traceable to the cloth are fair-minded enough to admit. And bo it Is that the trial at Jeffrey Citv p,Dpcals to a Wide variety of the fundamental elements of human Inter enl, tin prm-eoillniiM will citRHRe the attention of all clashes or roitilors. i'oloiti-1 H. II, I'rall, tmperlnlenilenl. of tln Indian IiKliiMtiliil school at "nrllsle, leportM Unit In tlm sniilli r.siNiein soetlon of IVnnsylvania (here me fix hundred I ml la u Hitnlniila now working nt Irades and rui raritm. It will ho rocallod als'j Unit Itamplon litHtltutP, Va has ft dim I ho first trained Indian as well an iipri-o stu dents. It Is lo Carlisle thai the rov "inmenl. Intends Hondlntr a number of Porto Ulcan students. Vacation Schools and Play. IT WOULD be a very unwise thing to give up the calling of public attention lo the luck of vacation schools and summer playgrounds In Scrantott for the classes or children who cannot leave the city In summer and who lwvc no play place but the streets. It Is well to bring often the concrele picture of what these tin for children elsewhere. Of one opened last Saturday for Ihe summer wo read: "Thp casual passerby, looking Into the dusty, uninviting plot, uneheeied by a single blade of grass, would probably wonder why permission to enter should be so Joyous an event as the eager, beaming faces proved it lo be, but the fact that f.vcn so unattractive a place Is so valued is the strongest proof of Us necessity. Without It the children would have no playground but the street, with Us dangers and few amusements. "In less than a minute after the gate swung open every swing and seesaw was occupied, boys were swarming over the parallel bars, and sand beds worn being converted into forts and mountains. " 'One of the great advantages of the playground,' said the chairman, Ms Itn constant'inculcatlon of .lustier! and un bclllshnoss. Last summer Iho improve, niont was most marked. Mojs who at the beginning were a constant trouble because of their selfish wish to keep possession of things they enjoyed, at Its close were self-constituted guaidl niis of tho rights of others. The girla give less fro'uble at any time, and Iho larger girls are real little matrons In their helpfulness.' " That is ono of many similar scenes In Now York; Philadelphia, Chicago, and some smaller cities duplicate I hem. This year Philadelphia adds to the op. portunities a. "school out of doors" In tho park on certain days in hot weather. The suggestion came from Dr. Kdward l.rnoks, that city's wise and liberal siiperinlendciil of schools, and the season or "public school in Fairmount park opened hist week, the first district in the city to act upon the permission being 'Little Italy," the children bringing I heir own leu cents for car laic. In almost every instance they have earned Ihelr illines, and have been saving Ibein up ror this delight ful purpose or 'school mil of doors.' " That Is worth meditating on. The possible successors of Senator Piatt are becoming as numerous as the prospective tourists to the Pan American. Zionism's New Appeal. DP.. IIKRZL, ihe head or the Zionist movement for .lew Isfh colonization of Pales line, in Iho course of his latest impiu-siouod appeal for funds declares that "dc-pitc every misrep resentation, the Sultan or Turkey Is a friend of the Hebrews. Indeed, 1 say boldly that the Hebrews of the world have no better friend than tho ruler of Palestine. Shall they miss this un precedented opportunity of laying tho ghost of the llcbiew question, and ending the tragedy of 'The Wandering Jew'."" Ho goes on to make a special call lo "the Hebrews ol" America." It is but a few days sluco from London was sent out a statement that Knglisli Jewisb bankers were to supply "a loan" to the Sultan, in return for which tl'.c Jewish colonists were to bo permitted to colonize, tho Holy Laud, with "homo rule" practically t hold own. Dr. Herzl'o manifesto bears no Indication of any such hope or expect1 atlon on his part, lie says the capital originally fixed by hint as needful to he contributed to tho Hebrew colonial trust in Loudon was two million pounds, and that "only" a. million and a half of this sum is wanting. "The magnates of the race," he writes, "might well give themselves tho lux ury" of supplying It, "but," ho mills' "whether by Hebrews or true Chris tians tho sum must be raised." So thai it is lo the Christian church that Zionism Is now looking. This s cer tainly a cheering sign of tho wearing away or old-time prejudices. Rev. rr, Theodora Cuyler has put a swift qiiltu.s on the announced plan of (lomii eivthu'-la.-.llc udnilioiK for erecting a bivmzo statue of him. lie writes thai he will not, could not conscientiously imi-riit to have so largo tt sum of money as Dial would require "to bo espeuiled for tho pur pose of personal honor, rather than of public utility." So tlis.e who may In the future, after ho has passed away, whdt to elect a memorial of him, have noili- served by him in advance that It must t.if.. the foim or souk thing to bo of public Interest, That Is well. Preparations for Iho big St. Louis exposition of lfiu;: are Meadlly ami successfully going on. The cxposl tfon, It will be remembered, Is tho great Middle AVest and 'Northwest's special cnimnemoratioit of their being taken tis "territory Jiohmglng lo the. Uplted Stntcs" by tho liniK-rliillst president, Thomas Jefferson tho Idol of the ''uiitl-lmiifrliillsts" of today, who are so unhappy iihout the Philip pines. Leavenworth, Kansas, has become alarmed over a report that the negroes iif that city are arming themselves with revolvers. It Is probable that peace will not ho restorer! until a dozen or so black men have been slaughtered as a ptecautlonary meas ure. That is the way race scares usually go. (ieneiMl Booth and sun Halliugton seem to be on the point of calling In arbitrators' EFFORTS WERE OF NO AVAIL BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE COULDN'T END STRIKE. Matlo Its Report to tho Board and Asked to Bo Discharged "Chaser" to tho "Ripper" la Thought to Be Detrimental to tho Bost Interests of tho City, and a Committee Was Appointod to Ask tho Governor to Voto It Colonel Hitchcock's Ro port of the Rochester Convention, At Us meeting at noon yesterday, the hoard of trade heard the report of Colonel t I,. A. Watres, W. F. llallstead and W. II. Taylor, tho special committee appointed to see what could be dune. In the way of ending the existing strike In this city. The committee reported that It hurl accomplished nothing. The re port follows; At i.i inectnii; of Iho boanl of tiailc held "H M.i -il tlm IiimiiI W.I icll.ibly infoimeil till! ottinc to Ihe conllniii'il airit.itloii ami tesnltatit lilkch In this hlnil.v lint Ihcie u.n a pioba lnllly 1 1i.it. the UoI.iw.iic, Lai k.iH.itin.i ami Wml-i-ili ititupitiy mliilil inme their lniu fioni Scr.in. ton, ami lli.it '.I npp.Mrtil the duty of the board of Hade, if ihwIIiIc, In brlns Ihe lOiilemling turtle together .nul thereby sue In Niiinton one of its luovt delrcd Indu-tilci; and for Ibis purpii'o n fperial romnilttco win appointed by thu rh.ilr; that hpioi.il roinimuiltcc has now icrpicMril the fciiil.iry to irport (hit they have h.hl a r.unibor of confeiomr.s ttli both hid n lid ri ruled and tint in iew ot tho fait tli.it Imlli side's me ih'teriniiied not lo .Meld upon what each lon-ldm the lt.it point, at i.-no, nothing i in be done In .Tijir.t the liulliT in dbpulc, and tliey, thiKfnic, icpcitfnlly .Hed to lie ills iliaiKCil. In accordance with the wishes of the committee It. was discharged. There was no discussion of the report. Til 10 "fMIASKR" DlSCUSSKn. W. II. Taylor called the attention or the board to a "chaser" to the "Kip per" bill which has been passed by the slate legislature which gives tho city councils great scope in tho matter or levying taxes. This was a. matter nT vital importance to the cily which he believed called (nv prompt action by the boa id. He suggested the appoint ment or a. conimiltee to endeavor to pi event the signing ol' the bill IT II has not already ben signed. There was considerable discussion over the "chaser" to tho "Ripper" anil itwas thegeneral sentiment voiced that now, more than ever before, it be hooves the boa nt to do what it can to see that honest, sterling business men are placed in councils who will see to it that the tax levy is not raised to a. point that will injure the cily. Mr. Taylor's inollon prevailed and a com mitter' was appointed consisting of Mr. Taylor, Hither Keller anil R. 11. Pat terson. They will leave for Harrisburg this morning tn ec 'ho governor. The report of Colonel If. 1,. Hitch cock, who was Hie delegate from the board to the seventh annual conven tion of the .National Legislative league at ltochesler, X. v.. on May S to tl, was read by Secretary Atberton. Af ter selling forth the nature of tho gathering and the business done, he said; COLOXKL HITCHCOCK'S UK POUT. 'Iho wiirlc of this lciinie r. undoubtedly of lb" uriMli'.-t Liliiv in the Hold nt iimuicipnl rcfniui, il. i one veil, spot in our Rottiuuicnt.tl s..t'iu li our lily I i.i - in liiuo p.i-t luvu .itllhicd villi tho ili-ci.-e known :, inutiiiip.il corruption: l!i,j iiru ic.nl :it Ibis lonicnlion all iii'li. .ilril tli.it "tin re arc utlicis.1' 'Iho iIImmsc h well nigh univc i.-.il. i:in i-'i fawned a rlty .is Toronto, an nla, iiihIi r the iipp"s(il ipcu.ilty f.iiii.iblf UiiiMi pncriiincnt.il f-jMcin, h.n bicn saddled wi'.li .1 illy debt nl mir M7,ii,iiui, or a per i.ipit.i debt of nii'i' fllO ..ml with little to .-how for It. 'I liia debt of Slti'l per e.ipil.i .15 rnuiparrri with utir nun debt ol A.:,n would indicate th.it Siranti'ii is iml the nrepc-t in the cull of fln.inei.il bitliriii'.-; that other ihirs Imc and are Mltb'riiu; with our.-ebo; hut it also show the imiwMSil need of inunuipal rcfoim. Us auuuiplMiiooiit in n matter of laicful education and pei-ttnl iiit.itioii. To thii end let in .iit mid (unfit by the wmk. of the Nuimnl Miiiiicip.il Iliu'ik'. J. L. Crawford, who was proposed at the hist meeting, was elected to mem bership by unanimous consent. The resigntalon of Charles lienwood, read at tho (aft meeting, was , accepted. The application of jr. O. Dunham, cashier of the Dime bank, for mem bership was referred until tho next meeting. The llnancc committees reported bills amounting to $so-,i for the month, which were ordered paid. A communi cation from the Merchants' exchange, of liitffalo, N. Y was read, olforing the moms of Ihe exchange anil their conveniences to the members of tho board when they visit Buffalo, Passenger Agent Ten Hroek, of the Lackawanna, sent a letter to the board in which he stated that the Lacka wanna cannot grant stop-over privi leges at Sorantun on .Its Pan-American excursion tickets, as requested by the board. At the close of tho meeting lunch was served to those present. The board will not meet during July or August, COUNCILS HAVE RIGHT. City Solicitor Holds That License Tax Can Be Used for Any Purpose, it Ik understood thai city Solicitor Watson will furnish select council Willi a brief opinion on Thursday night, in reply to a leqttest selling tin th thai councils hao a perfect right lo levy ami collect a license tax to ho used In paying off Judgments and other claims oulstanrling against the cily. The sollcllor holds that money de 1 1 veil from the Imposition of a. license tax can be used In discharging nny debt which Iho cily may bo responsi ble for, CORONER HELD AN AUTOPSY. Death of Cannon Duo to Fatty De generation of tho Heart. Coroner Huberts, at Olyphaut, es terrlay, held a post mortem examina tion on tho body of Justice of tho Pence Martin J. Cannon, who died suddenly Sunday evening, Ho found that death was due to fat ty degeneration of tho heart and kid neys, NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN, Meeting Yesterday of tho Scranton Baptist Ministerial Conference. Yesterday morning the Scranton naptlst .Mlnl-jterlal conference held its regular weekly session In the Pcnn Avenue Uaptlst church. The presi dent, llev. S. V. Matthews, was In the chair. Scriptures were iead by lies-. W. J. Ford and prayer offered by Itev. M .1. Watklns. Ofllcers for the ensuing year weiu eleted us fol lows: President. He v. C. A. Spald ing, of Forest City; vice president, fiev. ,T. r, Sehmltt, of (he First C5er man chinch, Scranton: stcrolary and Ircnstiier, llev. D.ivld Spencer, D. ?D or HlaliPly. Hev. W. J. Ford, pit, V., who has served us secretary and treasurer for eight years, ntMnlulely declined re election, A resolution of thanks to (ho i el I ring olTlrers wns ndoptcd. The order of tho day wits taken up when llev. Albert I), Smith gave a lucid, exhaustive exposition of tho hook of Phllllplnns. The effort was heartily hppret Liter! and commended by Hevs. U. F, Y. Pierce, D. D., It. V. Clymor. .!. H. Thomas, M. J. Watklns, D. J. Williams. C. A. Spalding. J. C. Schmlti, M. rt, Thompson, David S oncer. D. D., W. J. Ford, Ph. D Thoman de '!rtichy, V. D., and Rev. S F. MBt'thows. As the conference was organized June in, 1SSI, this was the seventeenth anniversary meeting. Tho final meeting for tho summer will he held next Monday, when the ministers and their wives are to he tho guests of llev. Dr. and Mrs. Plctce, nt N'ay Aug p:'.ik. MR. HANNAH IS WROTH. Keillor of The Tribune Sir: Your paper this morning contains the fol lowing: 'T.irr on the alert to procure adverlla Ine, Mr. Wanunakcr tlnnd hi tpsctacular 2,.VH,. (H Philadelphia idled railway franchise offer jiwt o .-m to make hi point wlllioiil rolling him a rent. John la r-urcly a grnlu;." Taking Into account all the Miiromiilln and th" (Itciinistances under which this offer w'.u made, ami tho manner In which It waa treated by Ihe .ig.ihoml who Is now arllns a major ol Philadelphia, this little !.o,ulb of joiih represents ihe pnlliir.ll morals of a poltroon and a, black, guard. Your unraMng insinuation that Wana. makci bad ate. thing to do with Ihe time when hi oflrr fhotild bo made I a deliberate falsehood, ami jnii know it. 'Ihe clrtuni'tancca under which Mull ,i offer could bo made weie cicated by Ihe. political polecat at. llariUbuie and Philadel phia, ai.d not by Wanamalicr, and they made no inUtakc when they eonnleil on the approval of seme of Ike newspaper. hi Ihe ftale. II th people or Philadelphia had f.pirlt enoiish to de sine better pnernment than the one lliey no.' I i.i i e they would have llnuun Ahbriilgc into Iho Delaware I her. I will take it as a pergonal faior If .ion will top my pape.' at erne without waiting for tho end nl ;i mouth. I do nut want n paper .lis trinliiatiui; -inh morals In my houfc, or aiouuil it. And if jou cicr tlnd my name on jour sb Miiptiun lit again it will In when the mora! tone of the paper bis been elciatcd, or when all Ihe other p.ipci.i in the cily have Mink mi low thai yoins will erm clean by comparison. Trust ing Dial 1 bae made nos-elf romprebrnsible, I le main. Yours truly, II. M. Hannah. Suanton. Juno 17. LITERARY NOTES. A member of (ha coast and crodelie urey, 0. It. Put n. will tell, in the July icribner's, of a liip which he took in iiutof-tbe-way por tion of tho Yukon Pelta in AlaAa. The illn tntioii'. from bis photograph;, shows a region ol unusual pictiiic.'iucnc&.-. The American Hoy. i-sued b.i the Sprague Tub. lulling company, of Pctioit, i". the only monthly, so l.ir a we Know deoted M"Iely to the inter-r.-ts of mvculine cuing Anieriia. Its i-iic for .tune I chock full of interesting and inspiring likralurc for jotinc lads and men. Kvery student of municipal gmcnituent should make haste to senile a copy of the March l"Uo of Municipal Aflah. publl.-hcd at .V' William slicet, NY. Yolk. It cni.tains 1 new- bibliography of the woihl's litn.it urc on municipal pioblcma and city i ondilion. piepaied by Koberi l". ItrnnV. nt CVimell liniver.il V. .mil emllOelllllg en. tric of over U,in books, pamphlets, gmermnent rrprul, cloeiiinent and inagalne article pub-ll-hecl in the t'nited State. (Jreat Unlain and (ninnies, rr.in.e. tleriuant, Italy, Holland, llel bIiiiii, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland and Hi my other corntricf. Title ate arranged topi cally, nt tint, cue may Unci in a moment what ha.., been written en any and every municipal subject. 1 lassifie.ition is also made aocotding In countries and cities. As a guide to information on cily afTniis we Know of nothing to equal this lolumo. ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords Low in cut. Low in price. High in quality. Ladies' from 75c. up. Gen tlemen's frum $l.'J3 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. bivteenth St. and Irving Place, NEW YORK. American rian, if.1V) Per Pay and t'pwaid. European Plan, ?l,0o Per Pay and Ppwaidi. Special Hues to Families. T. THOMPSON, rrop. HOTEL JEFFERSON I NEW YORK 103.IAI.loo Ent istb Street, The AV. FEItKON it u thoroughly flret-clm Itmily and trnnnl hotel, ottetlngat ft mini mum coit amazimum of lusurr and oomfort. On 18th t:treet,juteat of Union Square, t it within a few minutes of the leadlut; shops, theatres and clubs. European Plan, $1,00 up. American Plan, $2.50 up. Suite with Private Bath, K.00 up. For (pedal rates, guides or information writ JOII.V I.'. CMATI'lr:i.l, I'roprletor X For Huslness Men X 4- In the hart of tbs wholesale V district- I For Shoppers 4. X mlnulea' walk to Wanamakera; -f X 3 mlnutea to Slecel Cooper's Bis x T Btorc. Easy of coeus to tho treat T" J Dry Goods Stores. t For Sightseers J f One block from B'way Cars. tl i 4- Int? easy transportation to all T 4, points of interest. -f HOTEL ALBERT f 4-4- t NEW YOHK. f ror. 11th BT. A UNIVEHSITT VU 4 4. Only ono Block (rom Broadway. 4 Rooms, $1 Dp. ,TTiM., t FINLEY'S June Sale of Underwear The magnitude of our An nual Summer Sale of Muslin Underwear, and the great importance generally attach ed to it, prompts us to make an unusual effort this year to surpass all former at tempts to please. The quality of Underwear we handle is so well known that further comment is un necessary, except to say that there is that exquisite fine ness, superior finish and qual ity shown throughout the en tire line that ha3 made this department so popular. The sort that -contributes dainty dressiness to any costume and that harmonizes with the thin fluffy dress materials of today. We feel quite satisfied that our effort to please you will receive a very generous re sponse. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to come and ex amine our exhibit of Summer Underwear at' 510512 Lackawanna Ave i! 11 OP SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus 5525,003. United States Depositary. Special attention given to BU jsiness, rERSOX.-u. ana sav ixgs accounts, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Conneli., President Henry Belin, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pr.CK, Cashier. Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 325-327 Penn Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Muslin i Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Conneli, 132 Wyoming Avenue, STOP THINKING If You Arc Thinking of Entering The Tribune's Qreat Educational Contest It fs Time to "Stop Thinking" and to Begin Work. 'T'HIS GREAT CONTEST, which has been open but 1 four weeks and still has nearly twelve weeks to run, is one of the grandest opportunities ever offered the young men and women of this locality. You have but to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune, and the ones securing the most receives the special rewards and all others a cash reward. There is no limit it may take but a very few points to win one of these valuable rewards. Here is an opportunity to secure a four-year scholarship that would cost $1,000 in cash, for the work of spare moments for a few weeks. The Eight Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675 Three Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva tory of Music, $75 Each 150 $3,005 Kach contestant failing to secure ono of these special rewards will be given ten ( io) per cent, of all the money he or she turns in. N. D. The first two fohnhrship do net Itivlml" inral, hut the conU-shnU wining thc-M) will be given ten (10J per cent, nl ail iho money in; or ihe tutus in to 'Hie .Tribune, lo assist in pajins tliia expense. Rules of the Contest. The special rewards will be giv en to the persons securing tho largest number of points. Points will be credited to con testants securing new subscribers to The Scranton Tribune as fol lows: Points. One Month S .50 1 Three Months 1.25 3 Six Months 2.50 6 One Year 5.00 12 The contestant with the highest number of points will be given a choice from the list of special re wards; the contestant with the second highest number of points will be given a choice of the re maining rewards, and so on through the list. Additional information, including a list of last year's winners, with the number of points they secured, and a handsome illustrated booklet, can be had by address ing EDITOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST, HWaKSBSnOTBJWSWEWKS Pocono Heights Hoiise Arcomnioililrs .'irt; nimlrin iinpuncmontM timit si i rams on premi.-rfi trims moderate; lcat iff crencci. Send tor ciiuilar. Samual EtJinger, ivt. Pocono, Pa, ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL fND ANNEX Virginia Ave. and ne.i(li, Atlantic Cily, X. .1. Sixth ye.ir: .'io0 1Mii1itiil Hiima rnsiiite, roiiglc and with bath; hot ami rold &e.i'WHlcr hathi in hotel and unnex. Location sole. t and rnli.il, within few yjrds of Ihe Mcel Pier. Ouhc.lr.i. Offers s-pevia! FpiiiiB rates, $13 lo ijn liy rek; If.'.SO up Iy day. Sprvi.nl rales to families. Coaches meet all trains. Write tor booklet. ciiAHLKs i:. corn. HOTEL OSBORNE. Alhntlr City, .V. .1. line n.iiare fioin be.ii'h. New TS-room annev. Modem appoinlnniiH. 1 n excelled service. Hair.-, hy the da,, il,.V) and up. ward. By the week, sfs and upwaid. C'jpuitj, too. K. J. Oubmnc, SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT fAV&Qt Mcjis Bnildinf. Parlor open Monday, Train-day ami Saturday cicniiis. PETER STIPP. Onrral Contiaelor, Builder and Dealer in Building fctone. Cementing of cellars a spe edily. Telephone 250.'. Office, M7 Washliuton avenu". ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. t. JUStzHH KUizI TcL, rear ill Lackawanna avenue, innnufaeturer of Wire Screens ul all kind; lully prepared nr the .print; reason, lie inaka all kuidi of porili ccrrrns, etc. WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, 216, 2IB PAUL! BLDG, Attomey-nt-Law, Scranton, Pa. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Cslls by telcphono receive prompt attention. WILSON S WASBERS, SEOURITY BUILOINQ SAVINGS UNION, Home cttUc, SOS-ICK) Mrars Building, tiauuets a general building and loan business tliiuuijhout tho Halo of I'vniuyhanii, FARRELL'S TRANSFER Moves Freight, Furniluio and Baggage, Safes, Pianos and Machinery, 217 LACKAWANNA AVE. S. H. TWINING, 131 PE N AVE. FRED H, WINTER. 824 OAPOUSE AVENUE, Staple (Iroccrirs and Tionislon. A full line cl Vegetables, etc., leeched dally. M F. WYMBS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1112 JaiVfon Micet. Ji6 Wyoming Ave. Cslls by Telephone Becehe Piompt Attention SPECTACLES, MADE AND REPAIRED, "THAT'S ALL," All subscriptions must bo paid in advance. Only new subscribers will be counted. . Renewals by persons whose names were on our subscription list prior to May 13 will not bo credited. The Tribune will inves tigate each subscription and if found irregular in any way re serves the right to reject it. No transfer crn be made after credit has once been given. Subscriptions must, be written on blanks, which can bo secured at The Tribune office, or will be sent by mail. The contest will close promptly at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, Aug. 31, 1001. m xriDune, scran ion, if a. z$ Allis-Chalmers Co Successors lo Machine Business nfl Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pit. Stationary Knslncs, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. A GOOD OIL STOCK We haie an nphon, for limited time, mi bhuk. of Trea-ury Stork in "Kilt edse" oil rntrr prle, rapllnlired at y:.v),onn. ltepiin.Mhle Hire. . tors. Own- forty acres exceptionally well loeat. ed, n-ar "Biivlmr!." sharlrs 'J'i i cuts ei h. B 3 piofits likely. Write tor propccu. Proinptne.i is neioswar.. I lie Mntc Investment Co.. Denver. Con P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find Tenants for Kmpty Houses, Kropty Housm for Tenants, Collect fienM. Look Alter and lusuio Picpcily and Buildings. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS. linomj 4 and & Burr Building. ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, SIQNAND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANCfR 331 MULRfRRY ' THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Retails fiirnllme, bedding and floor covering! for i mil ut wholoale piu.es at 724 W, LACKAWANNA AVE. , SCRANTON JAMES J, MURRAY, Sin CTSor In the Hunt V Cornell Co., in tin and bheet metal work and until.. turn I'.irlin, turiiaii.1, irpalis and iirurral tin noik a tpeiUlty. No, Wi Liikawamia avenue. wolf & MLANE, 222 ADAMS AVE, Easter Millinery WENZEL Practical Plumberi, Tinneis and 1','iifit tcrs. I iirnaies a Spe t i a 1 1 y. Ilepairins promptly done. SI0 AiIjiii, ae., Scran' ton, Pa. WILSON a COMPANY, ra.hlonablo Tailors (Hotel .Icrimn Building, 32j Spiuco street, Sciaiiton, l'.n. Maits pressed, 3.", cents; pants pres-eil. 10 centi. Clothing re paired, calkil for and delliered. New Phono, jii'JJ J. B. WOOLSEY & C C COVTf?lCrOf7S AND BUILDERS, Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber OF ALL KINDS, Kingsbury & Scranton, Manufacturers' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, IM'ttrlct Agents (or John A, Bocbling's Sons Co.'s Wire Rope and Mectrlcal Wire. Cutta Pcrrha and Rubber Mlg Co.'s Belting, Packing, Hose and Mcchinieil Rubber (ioods. Knowllou Packing. Carter's Oil Clothing. Room 310 Paull Bldg. I
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