The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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f'St " -S u
v -a
An Exeolltmt Combiiiiiliou.
Tho plostMint method mill lirnollcltil
effects of Hip well known lutuudy,
Srnui- of Fiob, lmiuiifuctini'il by tho
C'ALiPuniftA Vm Sviiop Co., illustiatc
thcvnluoof ohtuiuliifr tlu- liqiilil laxa
tive principles of pliiiits known to bu
medicinally ltiMitivc smil prctcntiiif;
t hem in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the k stein. It
is tho one perfect strcnfftlienitif; lnxa
tic, cleansing tlie h,slotn ulTectnally,
dispelling- eolds, headaches and fevers
pently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its poi feet freedom from
every objectionable quality and nub
stance, and its noting' on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, inaku it the ideal
In the piocess of manufacturing figs
nrc used, as they are plensaut to the
taste, but the medicinal qimllticiof the
remedy are obtained fiom henna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Camfoiima. Fio Si hui
Co. only. In oider to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
rorfialobynllDrugKlsts VricuSOs. pirbottto
1WI1I l.-lltl -lllllll -n iniiuci-in -ti-Mir
i ill !" In lil it tin- I'l-uii. MU-ion Irnliy
nn.1 t Kdic-liiiKiiti Hill le cinl to Hi ii pu
U U.iiN IllUikl DOWN- ililiton iki ii li
I IIIIU In I I'l Itl till l)llkull lUlllll Mill
hint liuki iluwu on Icmii 1 ukiiumni iiiin
ttsleiilit nn mm.;, ulillo ludul with ptuiluit,
n I iklnul it illn tot -nni Iiiim i i it -nit
l!r aiiilint wis cnisiil In il,e liii ikinu of an
nil HI II- I I KIM) -U a niLftin -unlit
til loUuVWIIC Otlllll, .Wl tllLllll 1 -I It llll i
I II numl., ol l'iin lliook. I'n .nli in, l
I liillul., U'f I'M -uluit, lolm liu tin lid'nl
ii. Miirtiu, I tin ml Him, lin n ml Minim,
lolm ( tttlit, hiMus, I imol li limit1, Himuis
iNli, I Im I mi -iiliiiI it inn- 1'itiuk
Hi mf I ii in tiiLiiiln is wui' initiili'l
IM tin if I'uWit MltU W niiiit i m oik of
tin in w 'in otli i iK who iln- nut Inline in 1 lie
Milrl tiiliiini I iiiu- I tin Aliiililliionnoi lull in
-i In i- it piiviiKs til in llmii-i innipiiti
qui unit ot tin inuli.i .mil UMitif
In ii i Ins i F tin mm .ni iiiniitit In iiiiixlI-i
ii n mil with a luliiiit iiini i-tenlt .ifh tnooti
l Mill lllJt hi lllllflnl lllll lOllllllls -liOlllil lu
ll i -itltiil li thi hr ill- ot iltpittini nt- ami tint
In ilnl not it ill tnni t,oinn iln i I mil ilnmi,
l it Ii pliisiil without loii-ultln.' iliun i , ii
ihoiuli I"' hnl Hi' I""'" i lo ill .so Iln ilimlnr
,i- I ilkln. ill in tin in u lull- mil ik.u1 iimns
ni Hi Im ilipiitnn nl u lli linn -im ! -ml iliu
I 11 nolilil ho miH til mil pi. "i fill
Inn In sul nut tl , it tun tin tin i'H" il ot,
i lusl tm tin 1 1 ti-nli i itinii of, i iitimniitt
I I 1 1 urn il- In fou pioinnl. itn . Iln in I n illi
fnlh Miti In, 'Hut I Inn tin' p iwi i in hi
i llllllll milt i Ii lit of i "inn il- Imt I iln nut lli
sin lt do -o, noi ill I "
Hip cninniPiK rinriit inni-i- it lli I'mn-vl
1IIU -I Hi' I lllll J, I list Wllk lit lipOltlil to
l ni' lip n of iimii.ii il mil ii i ml win mini, (I
In lirm iiuiuliiis of pioplo liuui ill puis of
tln snfn I ho m luiiitintr ihss nuiiilitul tlfit
in, Iliu o of wliinii win- ruii - winiin Of iliu
in ml i mv wni laiiuutil (Km M Kiiisi m
i ill riizliirniii.', fllliou iiomilii tour i' inilntu
ill uijiiiiitiinir, Iwtlu lii'in tin iiiui-o in iii
ilsmiijl rii.inioiiiii-, tun lioin tl,.' kuii-i in
liiliun.- iiuiiiiulnur, -i fi inn tin i.iui.-, In
ilrun-lr, mil tin' list linn iln Kin.ial i ,uns,
m me I hi lukawiuiu .-tud, nts at ih, -.tau
iolloi:i iio II Moll, s, i mil ii I I loli,
liunnioii', s. ii,,..,, i,, 11,11 Mimi ; ,
11, r-liiini l, Diltoti; ,1, I lioln it-ou, M,,si,
I I' Mini, W il tiatn Milnuio, I,, Im Ki.ii,.
mil llfim Illn, kh, of riillaililplua, l, pn -i iiliiu;
Man- iiiiiiiujnilin, Knlv,lits linipln, who in
tho IM w-tnlii iitiinlluK to Jiriiiki im in-, for
llii-li M-tl lo this i in it tho com 1 1, wlilih will
In holil lion- nit Mi 'Him m nihil f,iH hi
ioi ins it tin' ll'itrl Ii inn ii mil ii,,i tu l.iu,
C'l a (Moaticu of i,n oiu Immlitil ami tin unit,
Hc V. f! I'uki, II I), of I'm. ion on -im
in i, liln ilul tin- rilh ,-Miiitli ,, ih,
rriiiiiiirnirniiiit or liis iiiln.ti, wild tho 10111,11.1
ton of tlio Ilroiil s.nut l'u-liiiiriaii ilmnh ,.f
Tilt Hun.
I tank M liflanr lias lin ip iilntnl pi.inu
fr at Dillon
That heie wo should oiiph out ,ip
picilHtlon of the Bi-'iieioiiH ii.uiimiirje
of the people.
AfcK for KcIIj'h union uuikus,,
Tiy Hie new So elgar "Kleon,"
nKAi.ns in
Securities t
(Commouwentlh Building.)
.'-M-m-tt-t-t-t-t't t-f
1 (otkXi ft rf
The Exerciaeii Will Be Held on
Wednesday Evening.
The annual Lontmeiicenieiit of St,
Thomiis iotl(KO ltl he held Wednes
day eVeiiltiK in the nilleKe hall ami
will he notable ftom the fiitt'tliut the
Hist Rrni'llnles nf the uilh'Ke itoi"l
will luuKe their illpliimiis unit the tle
Kle of it. S lli'ietiitme the ri initi
ates Iiiim been finin the (.nnuilerelal
tlepnl tment snlelv, This jenr theie
will be twelve Ki,uluate, a pmllnii of
whom will be fiom the i nllcKe and the
lenuiluiler fiom the uiiumeit lul ile
pin linelil.
itnltl meiluls will be uwniiled tor plo
Ik'leney In relUluu, sclent i, nialhe-
llUltk'i, UIMIOIV, i:tlKllll esiitV, MllK
llh llteintilie, eMelletue In the Junior
anil nophunioie cliisse, eveelleiuu In
fleshmiiu eliis". These meiluls luiU'
ben iltiuateil h the follow Iiik. Illshop
.M. ,1. Jliiliitn, lto. M, It. D011I1111, of
Ullllinnie, l!e. IMutml .1 .M' (tntil
flek, of llimikhii, ,V. V., Miinlitiltttll
eolli'Re, .Vew Vork: Colonel II It.
Hippie, Clmlc Iliothei.s, T. J. rosier,
lfuli. P. A. Tone, of New Y111 1,
Uishiip llobnn will pti'sltle oer
Wednestliiv nlRht's exeiel". Willi h
will lii'Rlu at S o'tlntk. The uiltliess to
I Im gi initiates will be ilelKend by
linn. J, A. Stiiplelon, of New Yoil,.
(Iliillinis win k ilelleied liv Ihtee of
the students. John rtutlily, "f this illy,
.fames Ciillen, of luiiimure, and Thom
as ,loi dan, of Uiinnioie Theie will be
II leadltiK bv Alnsis Collli;an ami
selei lions li tile fiillef,!' Cilee club
mid the iii.ii telle of the Oteen ItidRe
Win eluieii.
Body Found Sunday Night Identifi
ed as That ot James Lally.
Fi lends Say Ho Was Muideied.
The 111 in w Iiiim- body was luiiuil tm
the J. 11 knu.mti.i tintks, 11e.11 the Mu
llen stint hildgc, mi Sunday iiIrIiI, lilinlilled lile jestenl.i .illeinonn
.is heliiR-j.inu s l.alh, ,ti,iil tent-onc
,e.ns, ol IM11 J'ltlstou ienti', soil of
Alt. met Mis. .Ies Ullli.
lie did not letinn lmiiir. mi .i.itin d.i
nlRht, tin the ili-t time In his p.neiils'
ini'iiioij, and when some ol his 11 lends Mils csti'i(liy llicj winl to
Ciisk k's undi 1 taking establlshuiHiit
and disiineied thai il was ills biiil
whleh was lotiiid.
The de id .noiiiir hi hi wits eniiloed
.it the South mill, and was leioRtlied
as one ot tlie last ,1111, iti lie ball pl.n
eis In the loiintv. He hid been i.ilohei
nil the hotitli Mile luse ball team for
seveial sc.isnns. His mentis 111 iluluin
that he was an espidalU (lliet and
oeinp)ai otin, in tu and that he was
niei known to hae been sttii iu
toliated He went home eat 1 iei
night, ei einh, tlttj si.v, and tame
o.-i tu the ienti.ll p.ilt of the ilt but
a lew times a eai.
He was paid on Sattiidav and turned
om all Ills nioue, with the eeeptIou
ol t dollui, to Ills patents, who ate
both old and whose whole and only
suppoit he was These faet-- would
tend to ilispii,, the theot y that he
wandeieil onto the wall in an iutol
(ated iiiiiijltiiin and tt. II olf atlet l,i
hirf down lo .sleep
t'oionei Itobetts pn tin mid .111 .ui
iups esieidn aftiiiionn and luunil
no othei Inltiiles upon the body esiepl
the wound on the head and the biokeii
neck. He said that the biokiu net k
was uiidoulitedh (aused be (he full find
was as0 the i.iuse i the man's iletlh.
The wound on the hi ad nilhht hae
In en (.instil b the tall 01 by some
blunt Insti miH ut, hist whiib he wus
lldl plep lied to s,t,
I'atiolniau .'scliiiiiili, who was 011 duly
on Penn aenue on Sunday moiniiiR,
was notllUd about 1 n lit tint theie
was sump ttotible neui ihe l.lndin
sltu'l hiidqe anioiiK' some men IT"
went In imestlR-ile, but intlld find
noihiuR' wiouk". not 1 ould lie see am
bnd. In sidi -. the who hid not i
liid him at Hi st, who knew anwhinsc
about it 'Ihe w.itibiiiau who Is ,m
dun liiiwten the luldRe and I'liitet
"in et h id he.nd nutlunw
The pullie sa 1 1 111 1 il" the 111111 had
In en fuulh ibait with and his body
tlliown oei the wall that II would
hue been dlsuneipil diniiiR the day.
It 111UM be lenienibeieil, howivei, that
theie was a ihIrIu tl till staudliif, oil
the K . about lluee leet limn the
wall ill l.i x miiuIiv iind that II Is ei v
possible that the bod (Oilld hae lain
wheie found all day without biliiR-ob-setMil
II wn onh dlsiOM'ied nid
dentally on Sund.ix iiiRlit bv a 1.11
1 In 1 kei wiio stiiinblid oei J,t
Theie wns n tliilu oil the .Ml" in ae
nite swltih all d.iN Suiida. also and
Ihe spate betwien It and the etlj,e uf
the wall at Ihe polnl wheie the (lend
man's shoes weie lound, and I10111
wheie the bod e was only about
time leet It Is huul to lllilRllle how
1111 IntoNli.iieil niiiu 1 ould lmxe walked
out this tar mid iil.iliinl Ids hakim e
.11 all
The polli e ho'l huwexii, ihnl the
llllillny 01 ihe hhtiii 1111 the wall piues
Ihnl the man wus ill nnk, took Up hi oft
to mi III sli ep, ami then till nfi the
wall. Ills liiemls maintain ll"eel,
thnt he was nuilh d.nli with, fhoiinh
llle uill sllesl no lllotle liii 11
1 lime It wus stated In jestonlaj's
Ttlblllle thai the pill kels (, hN 11 ous
els weie tinned lnide nut. The poliie
said esti'ida ilmt lhe tinned the
poikets 11111, looklim fot Mmieihliif, tliat
would lead u lili'illllii .itluu,
MauiaRe Liceiihes,
lioiiiiiiiik llll-M I'lll.lon
II'M I nun I'huii a
h Im I IIjIIu , . . 'U'i I'mii liuui,.
Mm , Sinn , , it' siuitli -ninth -lint
I , hi ml I lli-lii i IVImiiis
I'ui-i Iln loi . . , .1 oliomljl,
llinolli s,iiuu, jiu jijj.i, iku
Miijrint W d'.i .I.OiiIiihI.ii, t
1. 11 in I Mm, in , llhphii 1
l Hi I Ikh I) 11 in, 1
Ijiiiis I' NoI.iii ,,, ih
Mm M Hll, 11 MiIIhIiI
""il U siliiinmr .1 illinium
' " I II ml' , I111111111111
llnilix I lllil.O Ul ul,l
Milunol lion. hi (, I ii.(
lul 11 111. nn , liin
kuic f ill l,s,iii
l1'" I'lJf -,S I lllv, .Il it
hj1, ,:'J' im W, 1 ,ii,i,
sjiiuicl I (j,o in sn,,, xn.tli snoot I IUill-,111 11; ,s,,, s,mi ,Vlll,.
luoisi -it.loi. Ill full li.i,
iiii M linUiiis Jo pcjii ,iu 1
""' li'1 2U 1'ji.i pluo
ji llulinlu m .UI pj,,,
Ml.lucl Ihiianko l.' IlKhluuii, hioh
IIjiIuu Si,M js 1 Uitiinih tiou
I'1'" Km iU , .,, I uI.iihIjI,
M111I0 Kuii ,., tjilionihlo
lUnlil .1 I'airill I'Jilniiilik.
I II - H Mlln 1, I nluiujjle
Kiause's Cold Cuie
101 10I1I in the head, ihest. ilmi.ii or
any poitlon of Him body, lueakn up a
told In J I bonis without Inteiiuptlou
to woik, Will punent told If taken
when Hut iiiptainn ai pcii. I'i Ice
ilv. Sold by all tiiueslsis
The Average Number on the List for
Recent Termt Was About Thirty
Five Twenty Thouiand Dollars
Claimed for the Long of a Boy's Lor
and 35,000 for the Loss of a Girl's
Life -Jack Tierney Is Still Re
forming Othets Important Cases
to Be Heaid.
Theie u millet lilt fulllllR- off no
ttie.ible In the peudltiR- divot co,
Only tweiily-tlnee appeal' on the list
for Ihe .May lei in of tiiRUment eollit,
whli h opened yeslonlay. The nei
ape of lute has bieli about thltty
lle. Aukiiih: She Impoitiint eases on the
lift aie the equity stilt bUUIRllt by
Conrad Selnoedei' lo test the iIrIH or
(oilliells to lei'lilate writer l.tles, and
the suit biollRbt by Colonel lleinmii
Osthiitis to test the leRT.IIty of the
bleele la. The inlrs to iUah lu
dletments In the Wnlnud, Sllllmiin,
Klnn and .Mt Anus i uses and the
( ottni llmunle e.ies fiom Old ToiRe
ar also down for aiRiiuient.
.Indues IJdwnids-, Kelly and Ciupen
t 1 sit all of jestiid.i. UlsposiiiR of
the Hi si da's list. .Many of the
most piotnlnent law wis at the bu
were heaid In the niRtiiiienis.
'Ihe use of .Tamos Cannon ilKiiltlst
Thomas Cannon, 1 ule lot t uses, was
stibmitteil This Is in eeho of the
lainou" llllRatlou width liniiiisoned
.liiines (i.'inuou sei 11 ont- for 1 011
tempt nl couit AVhen be was de
flated In Ihe ej (.tment ptoci odluR-,
II was otilited by toilit tluit Ihe de
fendant should relnihuisf lilm lo ihe
evtent of KQ. th" money he lnd pild
on Ihe b il inee owim? on the junp
eily In dispute lie wouldn't take
the inorov- and It wns paid tu the
piothcmolaiv II has been In thei
hmds u' e-x-l'iothnuotni v Dale eer
slnii. Thf dlencluiits .11 e now seek
ing to obtain this money to npply It
to Ihe mss Aht(h Cannon was rail -el
upon to pay. but vhlth be. of iouisp,
itfti'-eil to do Cannon Hindi no ob
jei lion to esteidn's nile
AVhen the exceptions to the lepott
of the lowot of the new Dimmoie
S'ttci einie up for aiR-umenl. e
JlldRe Kllilpp lepiesentinur some of
the eceptanis anuoiineed that the
sewer 0" dinner e Intel been leniodelled
to lemove the obleetionnble fe.Huits
and the teeptlons would not now be
jit ossi'd
The he.'il Ins1 In Ihe InltllK tlon pm
(eedillRs ot the Vloekv Clen W.ltel
nunpiny .iRilnst th Seianlou .mil
Noi theistein P.allw.iy eompany
vesleulj oideied loutiuutd fioint
.lime -l to lulv .'
In the i iso of the f it v of Si 1 111
te'l against tile (State of Lewis lolus,
11 nile was R-i mteil to rju'isli the wilt
of si ue fm las.
The nile on F. C. mltli to biintr a
suit in eiet tment, ns 111 ule abso
lute. In the ease of Nellie Cl Willi iR.iillst
Wlll.inl Ciillln, a nile fm alimony
was made lettnnible tomoiiow moin
iiij at 1 o'i lot k.
A r Colboin. ii . was appointed
ni.istei In the i.ise of Pitllik l.vons
malui-t Thomas Iaoiis, it il
Dl'lli'.ll Cl
Olhn eases weie dealt with as
iKiml -lilm lioiiui iiiin-t (oiiu litis siniih
OMOJUIJIIS to If I 1 1 L It lllltll , llllllsilllt s, ,
niiipain 11.1111st l, K iiiii-nni 111I1 t 1 sink
nil in liriuiiu, iiiiio Mini nun iu,'ilu-t I in I 11 1
-o, uti.iii o( I'l.n nli Ipln 1. I II lliilsiir
iK.lli-l Man lii,L,n. iiilo foi iltui m,
Iti.'im Mii-u II i 1 iiipjio i.-m-i II I ins,
VMplioiis to illi U 11 of ililin-i, s, imioii up
pl mil M 11 hi 11. 1 iiiiipiui ut, iin-1 I I' iliu
tun, 1 u pin ns illuljxil it ill feiiii Mm I
I-ohIii iL'iihsi tin b iilim llml. Will, nun
lino, nth ! 1 1 in a U lal
siitlul Miilml llilhnil ijiii-i Man Him.
oiiiitl -. , I Wus- ij. ilii, 1 I siinnii, ml,
ipill jllll).IUIUt I Dtcllll llll lllll' ,1,-lill-t I)
ueuo, ruli to still o olf iiu d.
II11I0 Mi-oluli lo , 111 in 111 I'. 1I111 1 lKnm, lli
n.iln-l Mm lloiimlh it il , nilo In up. 11 iml.
mint, fnoii.1 I f 1 ikinist luoi.i' N si,,;,,
nth in iiu-!i fot11.11 nt it liniiiil.
link MimiIiiIi-IIji.uI i.illunt iinist llu Ni
oik, O11I1110 mil Ui-iiiii lliilwiv ompiio,
111I1 10 stnKo olf 11011 iut: I'uin-Nb nil 1 luitnl
Iln uuu loiupat v ij. nasi I' I ll II Mini II, 111I1
In pn inruii to t .it in rili, NoiUui
siiliiuitHil Mjiii M, Knlin, 1 1 .ij. 1 1 ii-L I
ImiiIii. 11, ink tor ili 1 no In illioiii, s liu.
Union u.ilii-t M111 I liiiillii-n
Hull li-iliiintil lo ,iiiiniiil N s ,,uiliii
sun ji.jIii-1 Mur I roiiiliii-on 111I1 In 1 1 1 111 n k
Huh llisiliit.iil-1 tut I ti.i i.jliet (iioiiri
I ,i, 111I1 hi ,1.111. 111 ,Jn.u,, P I Wil
limn itfi n-t I1I1 M mill, m, ink "lot il mi 111
iliti no
lis 11 Mjik -Milium Until, 1 igiiii-t I niiiu
M11 lli t 111I1 101 I. mi' in .liu in'
Iliu nun sii-i liuui U01 .Hum lull ij,iu.t dip
s 1 intuit Itailttjt luiitpjnv.
I'i it mill us Mtliuuil- tk s iiii-i r M iiiufa luiin
ii'tiipiut .i.jn-t In, nun i in,, il. 11111, ji in
I'm 1 lines' la liuui t in in -iniiiim iiui-i
tliilu nt Winl Iliu, itrllmori, illi u s, inn,,,,
1. iu-i M it M'llllit-n- it ,il , 10111111 irl, Willuin
I Jolts .ihjiii-i elite 11 It nkiiis, 1, illi 1 lit
lot llniiiil-l'jlili'i. l.olikii jualu-t MJiKUrt
I loin, s ,1, in,,,, Iliu, on imun-l l.itiiui lu-,i,
nt of i 1 inn 11 .1 ,l In-l I01111 'I1111I111, luliti I'j 1
In, it il Ji liu liuui .ijIi -I Mtltltu Iliun,
llllllll 01 III .Itloi.tioti ll lilll sjp,, (,,
im 1 m . lllll j. 1I11-1 M illi, s,, Iliu, ( ,, 1 t.a s
Ilium ijiiii-i f.ioiuo Mit, Mwiuli lluili r
miii-i Ii 1 11 Hi 1I1T
Taylor Annexation I'tojett.
f'oint, er-le 1 iju v. ltd used the motion
oT .M11J01 lUeiitt Win leu, In stilke off
the 1 ule to take depositions tt lib it buy
01 nuiliei lni nit Iiiu Into tho evpedl-
epi of ailllt lllf poi llolis ill L.ii kn
wtuilia township lo Tilt liii homnah,
III the petition llled lit Atloilie.tH ,M,
.1 llomihoe and ,M r, Colli, loiinsel
tor the towiislilp, the IoIIowIiir:
,l.s one of the leMsops u (he te to
Inkii fui Hum ilepiHlllons
1)110 of llii ttuiil lot tho p 11111 mis ttiii.
iinui Hi ttltins. rlale! jt .11,1 lioiiiiiL. Ii f ti
tin 41JI11I jmt, iml, iiinki iiis ol ittui; I1..1
niuiii, ami m ipiio o pti'tt l urn lI,h il, 11,
uf i.i' f r r i(iniiii-li.iiils, liiiiuhul lutili into 1
.,j of JIllLC n( I J, il I11IIJ lilttll-iup,
.M , on mm, nt .111, 1 iiiiiiijl. In sjii) 1,, 1
111, ,111 l I UJS II 1 Iiliiu) i UJs i f j I, ill I mi,
li.i.lint ui,iiuiii. and ilu-i, ijlinliliil ti, (v
nli- tho piijului,. ul lit ..hi .iiii
jut II iniiiiiont 1 lilhr, Ilul eomliislons of ji 1
uml Ijh, jiciiiii, ut, iioiiiiijlluiLs nl luiiil, ami
ttiii 111 iloliitloti of ill Ihe onluuit ink, ot 0 I
I mi, jtul Mould hiii' linn niludlil In muif,
(nt .uli.iiii ,c ttjs tjliii i-,f 1 no Iju din tin,,,
tt it 110 iilliiiiul in pi-s up in iht jilnil iliilin
ot iln iiului(f to ititiuiliue to tko put , i.
l.jnifi.iliui ol rii'iioii. en ilu-i.'iH, uittpii,r
Utilneiil. ill , ithlili inn ( lute pn Ju.hi.'.l Hid
II Ink il II. c jiuoi- Jul list tl." tottii-lii jut m
Ijtoi ot JIU10Jlioll
Tieiuoy Still Refounin.
ApplU.Uion was made to limit jcs.
teidu.v, by Willitid, Waneii 6e Knapp,
for a 1 ule lo show i.iuse why Hip
wholesale Hquoi Ikeiibe of T. V. Me.
DDiiuiigli and John J lYouey, ol U.'O
I'l Us ton uvunuc, should not be icsoked.
A Spoke in the Wheel"
The p1i. steal machine! y of most
lieople often bus a "spoke In the
wheel," That Ih llley hae -oine ills
01 iter whleh either Impedes their pio
Rress or iieutts tiene filetlon In tmnif
poitloil of their dellente lut'e'luinWnl.
1'lles Is a ledlmiH anil tetslstcnt dis
ease which weats out the patient e ot
lis lellins. It luis M'Vcinl renins of
ti 1 title
.Soinelliui's It's n miuldenltiB llihliiB
sensation. At oilier times It 11 Itiiol of
tu'MliR ttltnois hlRhly Itiltaineil,
The only way to tine the disease
lieiiuanentiy N 10 use a temetly that
lias the power lo peiineate the delleate
niembtunes and tissues and iemue all
It'iees of liiihiniullon.
The Pyramid J'lle Cine pow''eises
thin power lo pel lection. It Is fmnill
Inteil on silotiUlle I'llnelpils hv
spetiallsts who undei stand tho nattlio
of Ihe ellsease thototlRhly.
ThoiisaliilM line been poimiitiftiUv
tilled by It and the uiJUiifiielttici 1
litiM eoine lo loolc upon It 11s a,
leniedv that nmer falls."
oil need not no thiouiih an liiitin-
Pill III eollt'e of dl"litlR- olid suppte
ineiriaty tie.tlment while using It. It
Is a toiuplite tine leiiitl'lnt; notlilnp
on Mini pint but it shut obsi'i'vnnee of
the pilntod ellieetlons nbleli so with
en 1 Ii pin kiiRe.
It Is ninnllfiieluii'il by ihe 1 1 imiltt
liniB Co. at .M.u shall. M It'll . and may
be lintl of nil llisi-eliss iIiiirkIsm.
Oon't expei linent It .Mill uie atllli t"d
with this ttoublesonle disease. It muv
lead lo hciiniis e otnplli atlons If allew
t d lo (ontiiiue. (let this lenu'dy and
1 Ik ( Ihe disease befoie It beeomes
1 in mill : don't ullriw It to elitiiu our
best entitles and weaken nlir eolisll
tiitluu. A01 ompiu lui? the applltallon Is an
aflldialt II 0111 .lack Tleiney, the well
known special oflu er. ill which It Is set
roitli that .Mi DonoiiRh ,t Teeney h.ue
In en sellinj? at iclall, on Sunday and
to inluois,
The nile was Riantid and made ie
ttn liable at the piesent session of 11
t?umeiil eolllt.
Municipal League Muttets.
At the October s,.-slon, last teai.
Fml Millet entiled a plea ol Rtiillj to
tlie 1 hiu Re of smIIIiir lliiuor without a
luellse, pietened aR.tinst him b tile
Mimidpil ItaRiie lie ilid not appeal
for seutt iliu. mil, on S.ituid.o last,
Utoiii". C f." Heei s, of counsel tor
tile le.iRlle, aked foi and seemed tl
capias tm his 1111 est.
Vestetelaj, when Ml. Millei wns
hi ought in, his attorney, II. 1,. T.nloi,
asked pi inilssion to wilhdiaw the plea
ol Riiilty and entei one of not guilt v.
Alien nev lleeis objet ted, but the e.out t
ri. inted the pel mission. The case will
now t,o 011 Ihe list loi dial net Oeto
bei .
It appeals Miller plead guilty with
the uuelt islanding that the Munli
league lepn sentutites would aslc 1 OIU t
lo suspend sentence. The lo.iRUe 11 1
luine.ts would tinlj iiRiee to teliain
1 1 0111 piessing lor sun lent c. Mr. Millei
did not urn to take a chain e of this
kind ami aicoidingly withdiew his plea
ol BUllt.
Tomoiiow lilies lo ic tike the licenses
of the following hotel and lcstauratit
keepets it III be .untied: Pall lek J. Tte
gan, Pali lek I. O'liotlc. John M. Cole
man and Jennie C Hi Ink. all of IJun
11101 e; III idget Walsh, Seventh waid;
Michael Manlej, Setentli v.iid, John
It KelH. Setenlh wind; .I.11 oh Itai
1 is, Ijighih waid; Uiam, f'lRbtli
wind, Tiank Xowlikl, Nineteenth
waid 1'ied A. Metealle and John A
liudson, Thh teenth waul; ! Tluodoic
Mollis, I'.lghth waid, Jlt-tn AI. Jones,
IliRiilh waid, all of s.1 i.iiiton.
A Trespass Suit
gh ing to give juopei w aining of the
ap 11 11 it ui the 1 .11. Dtnmges ill the
sin ut $". 00(1 aie asked
II C. IteMiolds Is aiioinet iir the
Two Charters Applied Fox.
Application was. Illetl III Piothono
t.u.t I'opehind's (itlb ,., acsIc tda, loi a
dialler tor I 'lee tile' Clt Lommandeiy,
N'o. 17T, Ancient anil lllu-tilous Oidei
Kulhhis of Alnltu. Tin- snbsc 1 Iln ih are
Cass Aluit,au, lalMMie II Ktisge,
HeoiM' 1 tow hinds, lleni W, Selon
mid David IJ. Williams. Janies r.
Wtitkins is tluli attorney.
Attoine.t P .1 Muiiley applied lot .1
I hill I er lor the Dickson Cullleiy Ki'R
fund ol Sii.inton, Tlie siibscillietH aie
Thomiis ijiiluu, John Timlin, Thomas
Soulsb.t, Joiiu iioldeii and I'.ittlik
Nijib Etulle Out of Jail.
Nljlb Utlllle, all Al. ililnii who llgilietl
siiiiiow hut etens elt In 1 1 iiuliuil 1 0111 1
lusl se.11, because ,i tiouble w Itlt Key.
Joseph Simon, tlie Ai. ililnii pilist, nnd
who wept to Jail ci moutlis aRo be
muse of bis t it II ill to rc seiniltt to
Mippoit the wile ho was eonviiled of
ih felling, was lekiistil, .M'hleiclto, by
oider of com t.
Attorney John J Aluiphy piesented 11
petllioil t-ettiug im th that Ululeo hits
been in Jail s mouths and that al
though ho has 111111I0 stienuous elfoi ts,
has lulled to s-euuoa boudsiuiiu Tills,
eoiiplid with the lepieseiilaliiili that
lie pi opuses to lute foi his wife as best
lie i an, sec IIH'd Ills teloin-e,
Answer in Equity Suit,
11swcl was made, esleila, b the
dcicudaiu. In Hie eiUlt suit of lr
gllllu llnne.s iidliiluistiiiuix of thei
esnito of Albeit llnie, dei eai-ed,
iirfiilusi Allied llaivey,
Th deieiiditnt 1 laluiK that Ihe pun
nei.shlp Willi Ii existed between luniselt
and his biniliet win", undei 1I111 law,
dh-Milei b the death of his liuulier
and diinies thnt tiieie Is any ucie.sslti
tot the appolutliient of ti ieeelei A,
D Dean Is iittoiue lot tho ilefoudaiu,
II, muv J ( iltli. t. ct Jit". V.illi Man its"
inn, Jli'l Nil l M SI111I111, ol TIT (,1'jii iluor,
vii to-tLfiljt rttu-tit a iniiil.irn li,,ii.i 1,,.
eau" Mlvi l-ljnliiii is lint o( st.1. JH'I ill I not
lute tlio liruihtii euii-iiil ct 4 pJiuil er
llm 3ilieJlioii ol I Iju Itl-oii, vf I Im-huu-l.
10 In ihiUicI a feme olc iiikr, uinlcr
the tt ol lil.nui ', 171S, tut toicnlj.t
liuulcil Iter liii-luiiii lui left licr, jml the
ujiiU lii lu Into luislueis for liors, If ulil, .,11
pojll'lliit icniottd of Ihe rurejiit liu-liaud rc-
luiuu; duu eiijvniK me. uiuu ei tier inauiio.
Moiriiu l).ie-, ot Ptikville, Is the
pl.t in till ill .1 ease liugiiu esteidi
ig linst the M'laiiton Hailway 10m
p.iliv. On Jin 7, I son, his S-eai-old
daughter, laiab' Hi, was letuiuing
tioui Siiiulat sehuol along Alain sheet,
when. 1 tin 1.111 hei down and fiactuied
he 1 skull, dt alb ensuing eleten mouths
It Is alleged Hint the 1 uinpaii was
in-llRt nt in 1 nulling its .11 s at an ex
n'i iely high late ol speed, in tailing
lo keep a lookout for childieii win.
mil it be 1 inssiiij? the tiai k, and In ne-
One Project Is to Turn It Over to tho
City for a Market in Consideration
of nn Annual Appropi iation for the
Maintenance of Local Military
Companies Movement Afoot to
Secure the Proporty for Alholtiu
Purposes Plans Well Undor Way.
for Such an Organisation.
Two piooitn foi utlllBlng the old
ai mint on Adams tiwuiio, ale hi -lug
illMiisMed. Hither or them would
rIm to Ihe ilt.t a vety deshable new
One, suggested by Colonel Waties,
Is to tin 11 It oer to the eily foi 11
iiuuUet house. In ('OiHdeiallon of the
tlty putting lm k among the appio
pihitlons the Item 01 VM a company
pei eir. which was insetted In the
lust gen-ial budget under uuthiitllv ot
a new second class 1 Jtv Inw. but
which iis sucillleed be Us snppoileis
'11 tlie Inteiests ot bniniony,
An iinpiopiiatlnn of $"0() 1 eiii for
th- snppoti of e.u h nillltinv conipany
pctnuiiiHiiilt lotnted within the t Itv
limits I" made tinnuallv bv Plilludel
phin uml Piltsb'jiR, nnd iiothlng Is
expected fiom Ihe soldlci bo-t ill le
tuiu. Tlie local nillluiif men, while
not 'idmilling Inn Unit Seinnton
should, In ,1 pi ope 1 1 ti t Tu. do as hand
some 1 lit lis milltiuv companies ns
do the othei Mid and seiond eliiss
cities, ale willing lo make wluit i 0111
penstitloii theie Is w itltiil their power
foi wliat Ihe." me asking.
Setanlon has long wanted a cllv
mat ket. Dltei'loi ol Public Woiks
Iloi he. when In 1 mini lis, made sev
enl elfmts to seetue one, but a nut
toillv of Ids fellow eoiint ilnien e ould
nut be biought to see the ,id Isabllltv
ol il. The pilnilpal obleetion alwaes
was that It was etv iniieh ol an ox
peilment and that it a lot of money
was put into 1 plot and building and
the piolect should not, the t.ix
pivcis would be uftei their scalps.
Now. hottexei. that an nppoitunltv
in at hand to get a eiv des'nable lo
ratlon and will auanged building, at
a model ale ( ost a gilt In one n tt
II is piobnble the eltv legiskitois will
be biought to look l.iten.tblv upon
tlie pi oil et The 1, venue fiom the
market house ought to e isllt eiiuat
tlie .1111011111 tlie soldier bos ale ask
ing in the wav ot nppiopi lallons, and
cteti if it should not, the eltv, as 1
whole, -would neci be n ety great
iosei. as Ihe (omenietices of a ni'ti
krt hem e .'lie so mmieious and ile
sii.tble tint the taxp.neis would be
willing to Ram them at the evpcMise
of .1 model ale deficit.
Tt in iv be. hnweei, that theeilv will
not hive an oppottunltv ot enteting
Into such a baiRain. Pot some monlbs
pasta motement has been atoot to bin
the old nimor and make it the
qu.nteis of a Hist (hiss athletic dub
T. 11. Watkins, John JI. Hiooks, A. IT
Stons nnd a iiunibei of other ptom
Ineut men who take an Intel est in
athletics, have been w 01 king on tills
pioject. and expect befoie long to tall
a meeting to oiganie a club
The aliseni e fiom Ihe city of AH
"Wtitkins nnd the Illness of All Tbooks
debt veil the plans, or the pioject would
doubtlessh have been consummated
befoie this time
The Idea of the piomoteis ul this
iltib is to hu tlie piopeity outiight.
Issue bonds to pav foi it, and piovlde
foi the p.ivment of the bonds and the
expense ol niaintenauie with the an
nual clues o J"iO memhiis
Tennis, band ball, iudnoi has,, ball,
b isUet ball and othei like g lines will
be made possible bv the extensive Unor
space available aftei a good ied u.ila
lui I11111 has been allowed lot. All s,u is
ot gv iniiiistn ,tpp. 1111 tus nit to be pio
vlded, and In the iidiulnlsti atlou build
ing will be 10llv ananged pat lots,
loiniRiiif, 100ms and a bulfet. Anion,?
other thiiiRs planned aie two allei
lioous a week loi ladies iml ceitaln
bonis 101 Junlois who 111.1v Nh lo he
1 ome lneinlieis
Colonel Holes Is mile h intetested in
the kittei pioject and will be tound to
be one of Its most hem It suppoi U I s,
Common Council Will Meet to Pass
Resolution in the Case to Test
Watoi Rates.
A spei ial meeting of the tuniuion
council will be held eithti tonight 01
Iciiiioinny night fm the pin pose of
passing the lesulilllon inloplid h se
bct coiiiii il no Thin stliij night lasl.
,'tllthoii.lllR the til.v sollcltol 10 peti
tion 1 unit In, luite the 1 lit uillllilted
us Intel ii'iiiu In the i.isti biought bv
Ciilliatl ,sii luoeili'l iig.lllisl the ."s. I.lll
tou lias .1 ml Watt 1 couipnuv
Tile crn-e Is down oil Iliu list fm ,11
Miiinnt 011 Tluu.-iilav, ami unless me
lesolllllou above mentioned Is passed
ll.t that lime tile lily i.lllllul eulei the
case. The di'leiiiiln.ltloil lu i.tll a spe
1 liil inciting was aiilvtd ut .testeiiia)
.ilteinoon, afiei ,1 lonfeienie belwiin
e'iiv Suite llm Watson uml PifMilfiil
Clllplll, III Ule l Ullllllilll (llllilill, hut
lli'llhei ut these gentlemen would .!
whin ihe ineetliiR would be ealleil 101
Il Is known that Cltt Suliiltni 'nt
soii has nile, ul pinp mil ,1 suppb
ineiitaiy bill in minllt to lie pies, nieil
i 1 uill l pel mils thi 1 liy tu eplei the
(Use us iuleivener. Tills bill is to be
signed bv 11 (impel t owner and 1 011
Minici ol watt 1 who will piobablv In
.Mitt lilt P. I I 1111 inopiletoi ul tin
I.111 kawnnnii Vulle.v house, tthu was
leaili to lie-sin a suit liuui the tci.t
i-iailil Hie 1 lit ligieeil to bin k him up
If ihe KMiliiilon pisses common
iiilllii II, us It uudoubti'dl) will CM
SllllCitOI Will "Oil Will hlgll all UgllMi
ineilll oil the p.ilt nl the iil, lelievlug
Ml ri.villl tloill iesponsihllli lot uii
njsts lu 1 .im' bv tnv ios.lhil the.v
might be Imposed upon him Mi Win
sou will also .ut as Alt I'lj nut utoi-
lie lu tlJ case
Just what the .supplcmomai.t bill
pltipatcd bv 'ulli I101 Watsuii (
tenth (annul be leiiiued. lull il Is
uudeiMtood Hut he litltii,.s nut t-
poliii tluit the pieseui Kites aie tin-
K'.isuuulile ami unjust, le.iv ing tl
din. nice out of eouMdt iation
Special Low Rates via tlie Lehigh
Valley Ralhoad to
Cincinnati, O. aceouut ChiiMian Un
eleavor lonveiitlou. Tlckels on ale
July 1th, .'th. and iltli
Sun I'litntisco, Cal , 111 1 until Up.
w 01 tli League Hireling Tickets will be
em hale fmin July (th to July l.'th . n
iliiblvc. t'niibiilt - l.ehlgli Vullev.
itgcnts fur purtlculuia.
I Captivating Wedding Gifts 1
livery piece ol otn liatiii-p.iintcti Chliiii Is or oilglnnl design,
.iml no two pieces .ilikc, Mbhpj's (Jut lillassliiis no eniiAl.
Remember, von py no more lor l.ibbey's here than you do for
siniil.ii patterns in inferior cuttinp elsewhere. Iltivllntlll &
Co.'h French (llllllll has many imitators. The large quanti
ties we buy enables us to sell the genuine for less than others
ask for IlllltntloitH. Prevention is bettei than cure. Why not
come here and get the real when you do not pay any more
for it r
1 Geo. V. Millar & Co. M&KS
A Store rilled with
Fireworks, Flags and Bunting
In our large "Fireworks Annex' at 42a
Lackawanna Avenue, one block below our main
store we have gathered together by far the
largest and most varied stock of Fireworks, Flags
and Bunting ever seen in Sainton. Both the
wholesale and retail trade is being supplied from
this store. In this stock of Fireworks you will
lind a magnificent lot of set pieces and novelties,
as well as the usual small pieces. In a word
We have everything in the line of Fireworks.
(Fireworks Annex.)
422 Lackawanna Avenue.
Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for
this season, is now complete and comprises all
the new novelties in
Porch Rugs Porch Curtains
Fibre Carpets
A .
Temporary Store
Carpets. Wall
4. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4.
Thi pupils of Mi-is U'.iM'iiliui-ii Kim
tlli'Il leillli i pi Ilul tsillllliliv at in I
liomf, IJ7 Wlii'i'ln .iM'tllie Tin- fol
low iil pioKi.nunic ii'inli'H il.
Mmli ,, Iln Im siMhiV luiiil'
Nil i I ilnji I.
WjlH I Ji'
II, u n I II ml
I'iII.i , , lulliii I uml urn m jI liciilu
M in in1 Until
Inn, i Im 1 1.1 ii kin" .. . Hi I"
Ml-srs Hull I il nils hi I M i-.n
It uiilnm . . . . ( Im
I 1,111,1 llili. il
llllllll l'. Wrlnitil. Illlililllullll ,Di '
I urns J Hi ml, Ji
' Ilium mum" . I' II. 'l' '
l.ilnlli I mi
Wall . .1 "I
Hnliil I liil
Iiiu, ill Ms 'I'l' 'K
IiiiiIk IliUui, I s lli ml ami llcilmi ilul.
N,,liiiiis . . lnliiis
lluili II Hull
1 ii.,, I.IiIiIiiik l.jn.iluU up 'i
nli I 'In nils
Hnl, 'inliis' Il inn" Km Hint., ll(i l.l
Ml, -os I il nils, J i, I M isi n
" lain I il" ' . Iliiiiu Up In
' I'll- I'. 111.' -ls.' . .. lull-. "1' I"
Mil 1 1 I il nils
I'uIKj i jiun" I lU' Iiiuiin, lip I
III. I IK Irfi-
l nliniililili ' . ... I) IJllJM'
Villi Ml.ull
liln Mi ii- I lu " t(TII
Mis.,, lih iml M iln I I , In ii, N ami i liu
.Ml-, .Mum- .-lul.i IViI., iliuii-t, will j
li' ii i oiu 'ii at I'o.W'II w ,n pi iiimi1".
this ei'i)liiu. .i-s-lfil li Ml-",
Intlc Aiiii-sIioiik. luiiil, .mil '
P. .IiJlli"-, Iclioi. Kolliiwiim i1- tin I'l o
Hi.iuiuio lluii "HI !' i!spi'iI. I
-iiiuii, lip 7 df-ii; .
Mli. in Mi.iliiii.i '
lnliliif M illn, Alia Mi niii III, M io
Mli .'I.. ,
1,1 Ik., lul
lli) MiiiuIiii - Miiliimll
.Mm Ii lliul i -ilnl -ifii. I
llll Is(lll i
llil -i it liaili
ti I I'lillilli
I i il llilkll ' iiiniliJili'
HjIIjiK' Hi ' 1,'iliiftl.H
inliii I'll.t Mii.iliicnt Hum IVmillo Hrll'iun,
It' lli'M'll iraiiiiini ,..., II )(Ai,v.,.i
V ili tit I,
Ml-- tn-ii l'nlia, a pupil nl' H.iMlll
i:MIH-, Will fclt' II plUIIO llll III II ilul
lu Willi I1M' ii.'ill UiiiIkIU, il-i-Kil li
.Mi. ami Mi-'. J I'. Mm ns. 'Up. pi, i.
yi, llllllll' folln..
Itl Udlllli
lli) Miiinuii nun - iijij Ni i, i'i l' l flu !
(I J lI'C I !jl U i.l,i u, Kl
Mis-i I umui
U)"lii IuiojIh' .. . . i mli In i
(lo .Mil jin Hie Siiimn It.i'si ' . II. ml, I
5r Ituni-
(j) tin) iuiniiii --hili, 1 1
lli) MiiiiL.1 Kit lit
it 1 ill ii. ... . .. -i liiimaii
Miss I iiiiwjj
10 ' llm, luiiil ir -Hi. mi" ,. Mi.iii
HO ".liniiiil" ,. liiH'inr
Ml. II lllls
(al IIjh ilnlli ... , , Kill i ll.lein
(li) l'"ll.J .... l-i lijlkuul.i
Ml-s ( i iiuji,
lanlliiii I ui . . , .... Minn
Mi. ami Mi linn.
rulcnilUc, 0i. III. Nu, J ,.(iiuiiii
Ml-s I'uiiw i j
I A&k for Ktillj'h union naikuis.
"p t r ,r ,r 'r p ,p ,p r
Straw Mattings Summer Draperies
126 Washington Ave.
Paper. Draperies.
4. 4. :
There is notliing neater
in inexpensive porch fur
nishings than the Grass
Cloth Upholstered Fur
nituie. It is finished in
natural wood, and in col
ors, and is particularly
adapted for Porches, but
is equally suitable for
Summer cottages.
We have several styles
of Chairs, large roomy
Rockers, Settees, Stands
and other suitable articles.
Hill & Cornell
ni N. Washington Ave.
i mouth of lje.iulltul Crtinirclii ut
mm 'I'lif Ini.Uloii, foi liciltll .iml
piciMiu is put 1'iiH.iiiii iij Am u'
.son a 1 nit; iln iii.iht i:fiy cnu
M'lliiMicc nil llm lii'-t a 1 1 1 .id Inns, ilolf l.liii.s. rishliiif flath
illK. It l-i tlllt. .Ulil Tt'llllls l,oint.s
The Iliu si m.u .ul.iiiili il mills fm
illhilU 'Ul'l i.mIIuk tliiout-'li tin
niii-t i li.iiiiilnK iiiiuil i. . suopl liy
ilii' liioci's 1 1 oiu Miiimi .mil ltlcr.
N'iM'i Iml no iiiii-iiullot's no mi
I. u l.i. Mipi'iloi louiiis, tiiblc iinsiu
Ktuwitk is luo .iml ii li.t IT linui.s
fiom N'ou Voil. li. u.iln mi llii'
Now Vml. New Union ami Iliu-
oill II. llll It) p-inlilooK .llllll'liiill !-lv tiulns ilnlli (ipons June t!7
I'm iimliti inioi iiiiiiluii .ulclu's
1 I.' c'h.illlclil 1'iupiictor. Hotel
JtiTi'ison, I'ulun fciiuau, New YoiK.
- -