The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 18, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    n-)i fW. ( fJSf '
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' 1
burke Catbondale Department.
BUILDING L r ' I ' "
iEd . ,,1 ,
The Ordinance Came Dangerously
Closo to Being Laid on the Tablo.
Referred to CotnmitteotJntilFrlday
Night Turbulent Scones in Selec
Council The Inridonts of a Lively
The -iiitinklpJl ultl plant otdl
riftrifn "nnp H mpnnit-Ov cltr-p l -Iiir-
laid n the table In select eoiin
(II, .o ilcr tint the n'lVK.ites of
niiinitlpiil wal I nut till mount '
bis ptrrihliiK' of thoo piifu'lil "
M..1 itois Tilth slilveiod lit the fate
whl '-It tlm atoned the tnenaute. The
ldlrninre win llniillv lo-iofoi rod to
(.ominlttt r. hut tint without a wnim
and iiol delnto, Htitl tiuineiotis llvolv
Irk id. lit"-. hn.flciii- that ni.idr 1"'
-it'hfs .P.!on nil" of the liveliest In
lu-t liefoto tin' oidliuinu. wim1 up.
rn Cut;. in "i Ki'pp. In .uvnnliiKf
ith the le-olutlon of the !"- moet
mi oi Mint niiiiii II. piesenkd hH
i-tinnf- nf ill" o. of til" wntoi
p. tin 'I hi llsuio was 17."..S".1 nij
i was ipi.Mm'I .nut plnrrd on HI"
Mr M.innli-n th'ii illP'l up Hi" oi'H
11 lllf I'll thiiil mil lln il I .idliii," Ml-,
motion was "i milled bv Ml I'.HU'tt.
I ii hi Kn il wa pil 'H 'I hntiip
r,i tin-ie .mil pointing fin tlmt Hu
ll nrl iinlliMiiK piovidul I"i" '" lk'ut
.n Vi", Itfn In linniN to iiifpt t'l" ' N
I n-c n ilir I mt while III" i Itv
. i j no. i - c-tiiniil "is o'.pi n.s.OH"
P'liu Hr ashed If (llsoiepi'iu
wmild In .iii wav .iff. - t Hi" l-MIIIU."
of the bond" It i-olli Hoi Mum'
w is MiiiKht f-it an opinion, and in liW
(MM'-l'lll In ll"(l ii id I'"' o"1"
.iiieMi.ui was mi" "I adv is ilillltv. mid
1 r. .lid mil li!U'r that th" niPiP fait
.' tin i" brln,, a iIIIIpkih" h"
ii piopir-nl lioii'l Issue and Hip es-
.it" ct Hip t Itv (litjnnri would af-
ln i tin ,illttit ol tin omul l--uc
All Thompson t'liu'd " wilh
th" i li snlii itm s opinion, loi h"
ui.idr no i onniiPlil
Ml Mcinliion thin lullnvvoil with a
l. iition Hnit tin ..idinitin" pass llnnl
hihI thil'l ic.idliiB
t this linn till" L. A rtobPits of
t.( ltl'"ns i oinmlitpp oi out litin
.lip.l was im llic lOinttsv of the
Mi 1 Solvit- pointPd mil Hint Hi"
loniis tiom tin stIc ol bind' would
tul make u th" dift"i ''ii"" shown
b th" fil "iiRiii""! s pollinate I'm -tluiinuiP.
It was Hip opopitunitv of
the cltiPiis to obtain a watet plant
villi li would siipplv thp piopl" with
m.hpi ml nt willi mud. ,ls '" 1
c.c-p c;i -h" We t S-Ulo Mi Unbolts
nlsn citPd liRUits to show wlut pmllt
v,.is brim? 'I i hod tiom Hi- plant of
tilt Crinsohdntfil Wat"i rr.uipanv
which is p.niiiK 'Is P"i i "in on ,i
lieu "iisiird the waini and imlsv
dd it" anions; th" enum Union vhhli
hrvof tin lllt"lis ot tin SIILtltOIS
to .i hiirh pit' h
IKi th" il'liite ( oninitniPd. It w is
pl,ilnl indlPfit"!1 tli it lb" oi ll'i, Mi
would piitilnh nii'Pt a i uddi u ihatn
If Mi M Million s motion w is piisistod
in Mi li.ntlc Mi Tlniiiili'Dii mid
Mi 'mis w.. d iiiinliiiil in lli"li
opposition to all'iutir-. tip oidln.HiP"
lifhiB dispo-"d ol without KfPUiii"
to loninmt" loi lh" piiiposo oi in
Milium: into th" dNi 1 p mi shown
h ilir iii i iikIiipim r (iiinnt" and
ni tin pul il ' ii li "I llu in lo si (.
if "PiMhiiiB wts '.ill iikIii" and I"
bt -ntlsflcl on i In point Mi liittlo
rind Mi Ikm- w.iulpl il undfistooil,
Mux s.iid with emphasis Unit tlicv
"r noi in tillK loi Wlf piliposp o1
d ! , ipi, thp mrlin in " but lh" did
mt to Know pi iin! sp aKItiK.
Wirt' lli"' wir .it liofoic p i1-
. the omnium p The spot (alms did
' ii il.f u-II io the-" nti i mips mid
i'ti I- WF I I hull's ol ill pi "l , MlIU?
1 nrlis, ith i I w loan- rinalh
U" ml' ijll mi pioiredpil with, hut
i i. ili iitllinmih" ot' of Mi l'.u
"I mn IPiOllllil iind tlif nam of
M Pari" wns eillfd lu ot"l "No"
i",iiihir Ii" u.ts (ipporn to p iss
l c ibf "1'li'i.itn - wlthmii I'-iinlnp
"bfi" . .nun lis "!" hi in i( unit
t i is Ii- tpi-i pni li betoip When
i I .1 i n . n ri'tih"! ills, o -.i d ill it
M I'attb ints.inp.f h"'i(lnl ih" mt'iii:-
il'j; (! Ibf IllOtllltl rl -. lit ' 'rlMll th..
In. l"l"il h" "as oImik mi a ni'i
t ton of Mi U'il- l.j rein ii loi a
k oi I loi.- .Ml I n if. did suq-Rost
tills, bill II P'll In lln tn in ol u lllo-
Thc doctor -otnetimos passes a harder
F"iueiici? than the iikIkc But the spn
tcure of the doctor is more often -ct
aside or overruled than is tint of the
judc In the cn-e of Airs Re craft
given below, the doctor setittnced her to
about eighteen veirsof phvsicnl punish
ment mid 1U13CIV Bui she rehelkd
aqainst tile rcnttMce, and rotnnieticed
th uje ol Doctor
jTierce's Faonte
rl'rescnptton In
"o fe'v etks phe
was a well womnn.
."of the cures et
"tpcted bv the use
of Doctor Werce's
1 avortte Prescrip
tion, that they arc
geueralb tues of
rhronic diseases.
A woman suffers
with diseases
peculitr to her sex, she takes medical
treatment, gets no better, and has no
hope held out to her of improvement.
Then in her discouragement she turns to
Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription and
fiuds a prompt and lasting cure. "Fa
orite Prescription " establishes regit-lurit1d.riv-s
unhealthy drains, heals in
flammation and ulcei.-iUou ami cures
female wcdiess.
"Voir jean, nso mv lifiltli bei?aii to full"
writei Mrs Nellie M Kejcrnft, of flenood,
Wanhjiiston Co Ortrjou "I linrt a very heavy
ilroKRinK "d weifedit m the region of the ultrj,
Kjiillu liAvk ou4 loins, voiilil not lift an tliiiifr
tav, rest at nlglit very poor, stomach de
langul One phvttclim laid I na oerorlce.l
Another taid I had congestion oml i&llhiL' of
iKeiun lie treated inc nine months auj raid 1
nould not he well until I had patted the change
nflit'c. J nasonly twentv seven i ears old thru
I became discouraged, and began udnij Uoclor
Pierce s Favorite Prescription Took a tea
iipoonful three times a day ; began feeling better
right awa, Am using my third bottle now,
and feel I am iu good health I believe Dr
Pierce s Favorite Prescription lu restore t me
to health It suffering women would give It a
fair trial they nould give It praise.'
I)r. h'erce's Common Sense Medical
Adyiser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing onh. Address Dr.
JL. V. Pierce, UtifFafo, K. Y
Hon II ins not IipiihI In- I'lmlimin
l'lptclui. '
In tn ik p tlni I Hi"H would li" ti"
tnlMindeivhinllni? ninoiig Hi" fitoinboi
of rotincll, Oliiiliniati I.'IpIcIipi 01
deied uuothpr loll mil In Hip niPiin
tint", Mi. Jbittl", Mt ii ml Mt.
Thoinpsou endenvoii'd to oplitlli llioli
l5ltion, but It was n
vatrr plant tlowd of n)"( tntois, mid
onlv loud InilKliH m.'l Hi"
'I'llPl" Wll't Oil" (lll"ll Wild llPtlllll"
IntllBiiiiul iind obnticpuoiis, nWo, nlid
ho luid u whole lot lo hiiv about what
th" iltlnn hiiftPicd biiiMf" of th"
wiitpr pliint not bulnt; In their own
linntlH All "llott wild mitdP to siip
pics.) hint but b" Hud;" Id" mind .ind
his imtlmil do old nf liilN. too
'111" PNPllPIIIPIll Of till' tllKllt lPilCll"'!
Its IicIbIiI when Ml Munition lnlst"d
on tlio oM on Hi" llnnl ifinllm,' of llu
oltlliutlK" t'lialiiniin riptih"i tc-ni-dPted
th" toll (.ill iind the "."lt"ni"iit
stiblrpd mid t lie ro w.ip n
itmliilnrj of iitt"Htloii on the p. tit ol
th" sppcliitois
"HtMictt"! said Cleik Moon, .11 Iip
"YisM nnswpipil Mi niiull iind
his Mile wits 1 f-ini dell In fnvm of th"
miinlt ipul unlet owiipifIiIp
"H.itllp"V lontiniictl ihcil'iK. TIipi" some lipsitntlon. Huu a "no" clinic
fioni Ml. Haiti" ivllll" 111 tin s.mie
In c ii tli lit lpalllnned tlmt b" whs not
npposiil to th" oidln.HK", Hi it li" tlltl
noi vote to (It leat It, but wanted (oiin
"II look beloi" it leaped. The dpspipp
.1111 v bPtwicn thp pioposcd bond Issue
.ind lh" (Itv oiiKliippri isilniit" wits
vvlm t iippraidl to.iinnov Ml Hittl",
and he ai col diliKlv wanted wbat""i
doubt whs in his mind settled b"oie
votlnpr to niiiKe w.ttei an es
tahllshi tl ( eitalutv.
Ml. Rattle's "1111" was letotded, llu n
Mi Pal but befoi" anotliei name
i mild be lead Ml. Thomiiuni spiailR
tioni his mid llised that the vot"
pioieet no fut tlit 1 . loi it would sni
plv me in the death ol the oidiuini".
Th"ie w.ts no doubt about this, tor
the vote If i.iiihd out would be a tie
iind iiiiinU Ipil ortiieisiilp of wiitec
would be laid on the shelr
Xo m.ittei on what siouuds I ho lilial
leidiiiK ol the mdinani" was oppo-od.
It was .111 adiolt move, and Ml Man
iiimi 1 leai Iv ioioriiIkI thi' unless he
eiinie to Iheiisi'iK 01 the nieasiui and
asked tm the withdiawal ol his motion
vvhli h 1 ailed fm 111" passage ot
the oidlnant". tint the ui".isui" woul I
he lost. WhftllPl 01 not the poslpnm -nieiit
nf tli" vote was instilled,
llioso'in livoi ot imltinR llnai .11 Hon
hid a ooil fMii-e ill th" plea the
bond IsstK tniftht In viliatedoi hiiiiied
bv pushing tlnoiiRli the oullnaiKe when
the eitv PiiRinppi s istituatP whs "s ,0 fifii)
lilsli"! than III" 1-silP ol bonds pto
v ld"d loi Hi" InipiovpiiiPiM in tin 01
diu 1111 1
Mi Maniiion an oidnulv a-hed leave
in witlidiaw his motion, wliuh th"
1 huh Kianled and il wis det ided to
bold an adjoin nod 1111 otin' on I'tldav
nlKht to llnallv illspn-o ol III" oidin
,1 11c 0 Hie measnie I" be 1 ii'isliU ipiI by
1 oiniiiitit" in lh" mc ultimo
The Lighting Contiact.
Atl'i' III- I'HillllJT of spi , 1 1 01111-
I lis lh"K v is ,1 inlnt 'e-sion o i 01111
i lis to ipi uve bid- tm IIkIiIIiii? the
ii v s slieil and t'l i itv Imildiii.;
alia the liosi linu-rs
'tin bid', when tin J weio opened
did not iMm In-" uiikll il mv. (liftm
en. 1 tiom ilins" loimeilv siiluiiitted
liv the 1 ' itbni'il.ilc Has (oni..iiv and
I'u I. ai I. u anna allev l.mhtlii-'
I I tup mv
'llu rtis loniiianv iihiooil to furnish
Wil-li.uli 1 mips, fiil in iniiiibii, .11 !l
ifl lamp pi 1 e,ii, 011 Ihe biij of 1
one r.11 lontiait V ."ifi pel 1 imp 011
1 tin. c-viiii lonli.n t, end ..'s..n p"i
I.. mp 011 a tlve-vi 11 em.tiait Tins
was a do'l p b ss pei limit mi tli- inn -vr
a 1 ontiai t
Tline was mi diflPHiii" bctu" 11 lb"
ntni"i bid and Hip bid a submittal
b ih" 1 it ti h lisltt 1 1 nip m last
IliRllt- siMv-UKht .Mi llKlll'i at 7t
P"i I imp pel Mat. lor one vein, ind
-oi' pen lump on a iIiipp-voii uin
I1.11 I 'I beie v,i- a bid floui a
W likes-1 ' e iniupmv tm sltv
ellll limp- I'M tin r.n pel limp pel
vrii 011 i) )lve Vf.iis" 1 nut 1 .it I mid ii
in 1 lump on a K 11 vai- tnnii.K I
Kids w(n also subnilll"'! Im th"
ll"htliiB ol th' . nv hull mid Hi" bos"
hnilses but ibis w"i" ovci.shadow"'!
bV 111" bills fol 'IIP'' IlKlltlllET
Ml Marinimi, ol m lei . louinil whs
"'p. I. d ' b lirniiin of the Imnt session
and w ll"ll nil" bids w'el" lend 11
wns siven a inotlon lo piiteiliUii Unit
th. bf 11 lened to roniniittPO, Willi
Insliin tlnns to lepml fnilhwltb 'I'll"
lommllt'" leiiioi' was ,'ou" a low
iiunuti- mid iPiimiPd o ask (01111
(ils until Momln ulsbt i" misld, r
tli" bid
Thiio was sonir- nblcitinii bill lb"
coinmilli " s wi-ll was uerpllen il ill.
iind oniineil- iidiouui'd until Moud.iv
A Nntivo of Carbondule, Now Pio-
minont Fhysicinn in tho West,
Sees Scones of His Boyhood.
Di .Imups B Muiihv. ol Hpokaii"
Fulls Waf-li 1- h i" on a v sji munufr
the 'stats of his v nulli ' and i. hav-
inp 1 ihimutiil lime .iliiniiK t- srillf
1 1 Ills bojliood
1 Di Muni"!, wnsboin iu Caiboudale
lil.s patents beliiR iiinuim the rat I) set
t lei h in tills minus lie leti I'aitiou
cliilP wlitn a bo. loi'itiuK iu i-eianton.
wlieio his Ronlnl ns won him minv
ft ipudalilp- TI1I1 1 on ve 11 - 1130 li" left
Suanton for I'm timid, Oipmui, wIipip
his hmtliPis. weio most fiiMiiabh lo
nited, mid wliuo ihey laicril tlnm
frhfh to posiiions in public lit.', whlib
gives Caibondiilo loason io bo prninl ol
ilioiu ns her sons uni biothoi. linn.
M. i! Mtiiil" Is 11 dititlnmilshed jiulst,
mid anotliei, Wllllmn Mtinlcv, hua also
distinguished himself. At imo tlmu lie
wiih i-ecifiiaiy umHr Clueinot Pen
110 f 1 .
Dr Mtinley poshpsses thiisc nihilities
Wllllil IMO hill" t' Mill hill 1 ess it in -
lelllr;' nlly oxen Ised, and with paiso
veiaiut, and he is now one ot the. lend
illK pll.vsiel Mih of Hpoltane
Dr Munley came 10 c'liiuigo to lake
a special 1 ouiso 01 tun gory and dei hied
to visit the Fun-AnieikMii oxpusiuon
While at Hulfulo his neainess to the
pluie ot his hlith Imlueoil him to tomo
to Cmbondiile und visit ainoiiR hi- em
l auiii'ilntame.s, fioin whom he to
ielcd 11 win in liemleil wolioine.
Dl. Mlllilev Is ,11 unnpalilod bv Mi.
It an, 11 mine owner limn SpoUnuc.
They will go westwmd tuiuouow.
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Estrangetl from His Family Ho
Bioods Over His Troubles and
Becks to End Thorn by OuttinRHis
Throat- Ho Was Found Im
mediately After the Deed and
Was Takon to Emorgoncy Hospi
tal I if spoiidnni and 11101 o-e, becaime of
Minis that hopuiatod him finiu his
tiinill.v, Mlll.1111 (lilllitlis a man who
Is in the lull "venliiK of his yom.x,
niiRlii to destun himself .vestcida
motnlliK bv cultliifr his tin on 1 b.
intiins of a l.ifor.
Tlu hrpiI man s attempt to end his
liotlblo' iivet wllkh lie blooded iltilil
the sllvu lining of his r loud of llfl
voisiij seemi tl lo-l. whs made in
Miiplowijod loinotoi.v, in the
ri.iv" ol his Kimiddiiushtei' whlili he
a.s wont, to visit iilinoat dailv lo 11
lieve his tioublrd mind und spllll II"
iisfd m 1 a01 to 1. 11 tv out, bis inn pose,
mid thoiifili ho noi v-pfl hint! ell lo In
II I r t an aw lul wound, k.isIiIur his
windpipe, the iIi.miips of ipiovpiIhk
imc In his favoi. lie was tii kin lo
JhiieiKcniv hospital his 1en11n.1l tlieie
belli, advsd bv Dl ('. K Malailll,
liu wns ( tiled lo alltnd him
As was his ellslom. llillliths visited
Ma plow (Hid leiiteleiv .vestcidav iiioin
iliK alinut s'll o 1 loi k, and Kieeled ries
1011 Collins with a pleasant ' Rood
mmnliiR'. ' and also stopped 10 that
lulellv with the k epci ol the loino
t"iv llr ihen vm nt In tlio diieetion
ol his ki indtlilld s Kiave ami iciuiiineit
lluie about a half I10111, loi SeMoli
Collins olisoivfd him w MkiiiK towaids
the -outhwi s(pi n pnd oi thp timet iv.
'Ibis was about 'I o'tlotk SeMou Col
lins W'iil( In an opposite diieitton, and
about an I10111 I M01 he had ona-.ion
lo visit ilir vhinlty 111 whlili ho sup
po eil lillllltlls was. (liifllths was enp-
poitliif? himsell mi
icehlv hotkouliiR' to
ton supposed that
a lioo and was
t'ollins. Tile se
ClillHlls had de-
tO( ted soni" nii-i hievoiis lads, who
lne btf'i (011111111110?? liuisiiues iiboilt
the (piiipI"! foi scveial dajs, and be
h.islined lo wheit the old man was
st unlink When a low loot fioni 1 1 1 f -lulls,
Collins obsoivod blood upon the
old man's ilnthing It toveied his
bn.isi, ind Collins was hoiillied at
the -iRbl When he was able to speak,
ho questioned liiifllths bill the old
in 111 didn't leplv llts onlv answer
was a motion tow aid . his thin it. Col
lins Intel me tins' tills to mem that
1. ninths' in ok was injuted, slij;lillv
pushed ilivvn a liandkeu hief whlili
iriveied tli" malls' till o it Kv doliiK-so
he ilisi lnspd a wound, fioni whkh the
blood v is "ushiiiK' Collins summoned
l!i psi, Hughes who was al won In
anotliei put ol thp iPmelei.i, and to
RPthct Ihev assisted (JiilllUis 10 bis
home on I'flmoni siieil bitweoit
-M iile mil Koluiison ,i "linos
l'he old man w is im ible to,
but lip h.i I 1 stiPiiKlh .lit pi hav -iii
JT losi sui li a ipi inlilv of blood
Win 11 liiillitbs was s, 1 1 It tl in bis
home Hi, Malaiin was 1 illed and af
ter i.ishiR- Hie How of blood he hid
tho Mounded m 111 taken to Illliei
RPin v liosf it il
.M lh" hospital lh" wound vv is
dn led mil the fiponiiiR mail" In
Uililllhs In bl" nttiiwpt to
I lid his Doubles was t losed
'I lie wound was about two in. lies
lnu4, lust ,11 lo-s ihe windpipe, wlikh
was almost soohi -() Iiiro blood
vi ss, is liowevoi. woie i ut, and It
wis this ( hi umstani p that pieseivorl
illilliih, Itnni a Ii.irIi 1lo.1t li
t 111' liospiial il vvas slven mil
last niRlit tint Ciimtlts hid lalllod
woildei tullv am! Ihe ehimoes weio
III il lit would ipiovoi. His iav in
dli nlod iPiumkahl-i vltalliv fm oik of
his ias
AflPi Hip liaiipeiiinpr, s.PNt0n Collins
madi a span li for the spot vIipip
liilflllh- "ourIii to pud his life and ho
found thp pint c uudei a .small spieid
in tiee It was a spot iust Milted
lo obseuip the nil man in Ills attPinpt
at -elf-desttin Hon, 11" iiawled In
11111I1 1 the sniiill but nuiiiPious
In imk lies o( Uic tipp. and In a (oi lit r
or the shplld tliPi" was a' pool
of blood whlili wns paitlv lovoied
Willi letvis mid twlfc Alter I ibblnp:
the lam into hs iliinal, and th"
blood hocpin to iilmson tlio Rimind as
it Rush d 101 th, ("liithtlls, by usius
tho 1.1or s-iiapifl loRPtliei the luivos
mid twlRs with whkh bo soiirIiI lo
hhle the blood pool lln then 1 loseil
Ihe 1.17'or and tlnew II af.ip wheie
II v.if foillifl bv Seslon Collins
The old m in waited fm the death
tlul ho hoiiRhl. and vvhop his piiiposo
steui"f In fall lr ( 1 aw led to thu
open spot wht ip lit vas found bv lh"
liiillitlis has bo-ii soielv tiipd bv
f m'l.v ttlil- Attoi bi.s ton left hltn.
n tew inmillis apo he vsas nhlined to
Mrainl" 1mm Ills wife, bei aiiso of
li"i fnlllnp; hciltli whlili necossltut"il
h"i loniovul in th" lllllslti" Homo of
llu Sd.inion pooi dlstih t tlililltln
wn.i now iiIoiip. but In- slinvo to b"
le.-lKitcil lo his tiluls About a week
,li;o, llowcvu, lie was oblB'l b
abandon woik. mi necouut ot his suf
("liiiRs ft 0111 11 1 0111 011 one of his feet,
whlili cipw PMoediiiKly pilntul and
afteited his whole loot This aKRta
viited his 1 niidlliiiii and his nioodv
siieil Riew until M lemhed tho tmi
ilinni Iu Hi" lemotoiv
liiillitlis has lived in Caibondil" for
ui'Miv .veais lie camo fioni AVnyn"
loituiv li to uhoilt a week iko lf
wis implovoil as hostler aboul tlio
lieliwaio mid Hudson immd liouo
lb was a iiue, liuinbl" mail and wan
Indiihtiious and lanniil In his habits.
Th" A li Iph 1 club met Vi Idaj iiIkIU
al lhe houiu ot Ml.-1 Louis Pottil, oil
Soillli W.ishliik'ton Stici't The even
Iiik wns most pleasantly spent tu biitlal
dlMMslons and ended with n dainty
him hi'on. The 1 lub will meet next at
Miss MiikkIu Lewis' home
Mis -1 1j llakei mid Mis W 11
lMurett have Invited Iheh li lends to
tako lea with Hum Wednesday Juno
tool rae u ttiiaiu "liv ivi i liuig not
ucliltis feel H dl 1ii'i..nts ami Jio- Korci
: IiUI pavkaso I ftl I. 1 v null vklrnti, il
k s Olmilcii, It llov, S .
(tin i.t,' roiio. .. . . ii..i v 1 wl b4H,
piiudci lo In b iiitu the .lu e. It inakiu
iiiflil 01 ne ,"" del u , iifa ui-unt rell-f
to torn' anil hiiiiiini, lt' tlu kimiiiI eoinfuri
liMOieiv of Ihcai. I u ii'i ind pii'iuits mnp 1
del, hlistert, 1 dlous aul . u fpoi, Vllcn'c
. -. .(iiiIIap .1, ll.i' Lah. L...
10, nt the home of the Inllor, 126 Lin
coln a'ventio.
AtnoiiR those ftom Ihls city vJio nt
tptictccl the Annniy bull in Seiantoii
on rrldny pvciiIhb tveie Mr. and Mri.
1j. M. Smith Mini Mlri Mary Male.
Mrs C. 12. Spencer Iiiim Issued invl
tatlnifi to 11 coinpllincntary "Health
Talk for Motlicm and Dati(?htets," to
be rIvoii at her home on Lincoln ave
nue this afternoon nt 11 o'clock by Mm
llcotfi" Mi HIrcU,
An Event That Io to Oome Off in
Burko'n Hall Tonipht.
A socletv ovenl amour; the joiiiikpt
people nf the town will lake place this
evenluR-, when the niPinbpis nf this
vpm's class mid the class or '02 will
hold 11 daiite In Htukc's hull.
The 11 flair baa Iicpii wpII planned, and
an cvpiiIiir- of amitspiupiit mid pleas
iir" Is anticipated by the young people.
The Moral I oirhestio will piovlrl"
music, and the hall will be b"comliiRly
Gone to British IMes.
U 1' Solomuil, Mis. W. M. llowrll
and d'MiRlitci. Louise, ol iJllbeit
strict, leave this cxenlng for a inuple
nf niontlis' vlf,ll Mlth Mis, Howell's
parentp. at South Anton. British
Lslrs. Thov leave New Yoik liaibor
on Wednesday, the inth, on th" steam
ship Sit. Paul, which will take Ihem
dliietlv In their destination. Mr.".
Unwell foes with sett of a lonclnK
to 'to her native country, while Mr.
Solomon, who Is also. Mom the In
land, kops with tho hope of ieRaln
1ns his health, which baa been finite
pool ly foi some time,
Tho Ladies Aid Festival.
The Ladles' Aid, of the Roiean nap
list chin oh, will seivo a sttawbcrrv
ii p rip.ini festival Wednesday after
noon and cvenlnc at the honi" of
Mis. James. Smith, on illlhpit f-tieet.
Ttrv. W. n firovv left vestPiduy
nioinlns" to spend the wed: at Lewls
buiR. wheie he will vl-it his old
f 1 lend, PipsidPiit John How aid H111
tls, and attend Hip eeicises of Buek
liell's tommeneement.
Uov. Dr. N. (.J. Paike Sunday motn
Iiik oondi!ot"d ih" foi vices in tho
luo.ul buoi-t Piesbvtoiian cliui"h, in
IMttston. im blent to tho nftv-seventli
anniversaiv of the ' ommencpment or
his nunlstiy with that consieRatlon
Miss All." Bildgett. of Dai to ive
ntif, has Rime lo Now Yoik city to
witness the graduation fioni a nutslo
sthool of her cousin, Miss Helen JIul
vihill Th" pnpi rises will take place
in C'.nnerjie hall
'Ibeio will be 1111 oamlnatlon of
te.uheis for piovisional leitificatcs
net Thuisday at the High . chool:
that tor piofcssional cei title ates will
be mi Kiiilav. No second c.ainina
tiou will be Riven
Mosss. lAnoit. lioutlnvaite and
Maxwell, of the Mo.!arts, pkijpd with
Hip Aiehbald bind estcrday on the
PMindnii of Aiehbald Hose company.
No I. to Lake Lodote.
John McAllister and wife, nf Pike
sheet ,110 1110111 nine the death of an
infant child. The little tine was bur
ied Sunday afternoon in St. Koso
t emoleiv
.1. J iS'eusoi, one of the citv's lead
ing musk bins has been offeiod an
evollont position hi Ilonesdale, and
is ( on-bloi intf its aci "plane o
An cnti ilalnment be Riven in
Tiiuitv paiish house loiiiRht bv- the
piimaiv di pai tnic ul of Tilnitv Sun
day si hool An int"iestiiiR- pio
Kianune has boon aiiaiiRed and all
who attend ate assuud a most enjoy
able ("1111117. Anions: th" iiunih"is
on th" pioKi amine will be sevetal
pieltv tli ill1-.
Malloiv and Tliil(-ell Spent or vvill
le..o this wofk to visit the Pan
Amoiiian eposi(ion nt nilflalo. mid
fioni theio v ill ro on to Ypsilantl,
Mlih. to visit lelalives
,T Ba: rv ItowNon has accepted a
position al the oflb o oT the Peter
ICianU lueweiv, nf the Centtal Penn
sjhanli Hrowinp; company.
l5i. .1. (.1 Haiper and wife have io
t ill noil fioni I hoh w ostein ilip Tho
doi loi attended a convention of rall
10.ul sittRcons nt "lllw alike"
Wiv K"v. T P. eoftov, V. CI., and
Kev. rather Dion lotutnol Satuiday
fioni llaivev's Lake, wheie they woic
on letioal fm the pist week.
UpoiRo S Kimball has a liunilsnnv
new lubber til. d bllRRV. II is one nf
lh" line si in town,
I'liailes Cnrr, of Si 1 anion, was a
visitor in this city over Sunday.
f'eoiKo Seaman i home fiom tinea
months' visit with llonisdiilo fi lends.
Thomas O Malley mid son, Flank,
of IMttston, .spent vpsterday with ielt
tives in this city.
John D'Mallc), of Ashbind. atlciicled
the RiadiiatlllK esereisch at the Opei.i
House Piiday evcnliiB;.
Paniol Sullivan Ins ictuincd to his
home in Foity Pott, after soveial
lavs' visit In this city
Mis w. J MePoiinusli ami daush
lei. Mai.v. and Mi.S H. H. T.i lor left
jostoiday for Now Yoik oily.
II T 1'Msher. of Wilkes, nai re.
ciand deputy of the Fraternities Ac
ilditit Oidei. was Iu town Satuiday.
Itcv. Father McNallv, of lieoig-ei
town, and Itcv. Father (Siskin, of
Itendhaiii, were vlsitois in town yes
teida.v Mls.'p.s Alice rind 1'IUa O'Mallav, of
Sei anion have letmned hotnp, after
a pleasant visit of few diijs with
u-liitlvos Iu Caiboudale.
The water in tho aienwood shaft
still continues to il-c, and is ubnilt
tlility toot up tho shall. If tho Use
eontliiiio.. 1 inuplo nf flu.s loncer It
it, feaud it will 11111 into tlin Pelawate
and Hudson iolei,v. It is possible,
howovci, that by lids evenlnir addi
tional pump will be at woik in some
nf I'm Caihondalo mines, uud that tho
wilier inmins down fioni that dhec
tlon will b" stopp'd, It this will bo
done, th" watet In the tllenwood
shall would, In a shoit time bo pump
ed out The fin omen of the Cilflll
vvnoU Hhutl weio laid olf ypstoiday,
mid only tho eiiBlneeis, lit emeu and
intn onsrnsed in holstlne water aie
wtii 1x111"? .outside of a small foice at
the waif buy
Ldwaids W'atois, nf Potest Pity,
w is a vlsltoi hcio last eyenliiR'.
Miss Polly Solomon spent yestcnlay
In Hi Linton
Miss Jennie Giponslado and btothor,
William, i-peiit Sunday at Cutbondalo
with their sister, Mrs. John Biuke.
Head Feels Like Burst'ng.
Majbo ou vveie out late last nlfeht?
If vou had taken a Kiause's Headache
Capsule be foi c ictli Iiir- otir head
would be ion! and cleat this moiiiing.
Take one now and jou will he all light
in an hilt hum. I'lheL'Se. Sold b all
A meetlnfr will be held by the dif
ferent aoeletics of St. Patrick's church
thls'cventiiE', to make airnnKement9
for an cvetinlon to Lake Lodorc.
Miss Anna McDonald, of Locust
Gap, Pa,, li the finest of Miss Jen
nie Mcrnntii of Bell fitreol. ,
Tir. J, ,t. Pi Ice has relumed fiont
rhltadelphln, wheto he had been at
tPiidhiB the comnienceinent exrtelses
of the University of Pennsylvania.
His In other, (J. W. Price, was a mem
ber of the Rradttatlnrr class.
Itcv. Morgan Watklns, of Hnllstend,
and William Price, of KltiRston, woto
tho Rttests of Prof, and Mis. T. W.
Watklns yesterday.
MrB. P. M. Thoinns and chlklien, of
Hyde Paik. spent Sunday with Mis.
Annie J'vans, of Lockaw, Minn sit eel,
Mrs. Jilvlra .Tones attrndtd th" fti
npial of Mis. Ldwmd Chasty, at
Wllkes-nano on Sunday,
MJssea Mamie Roland and Mniy
Hcalcy, of Sciitnton, visited Mr. and
Mis John ri'Mallev, ot Lackawatma
street, Sunday.
Chailes Kviint, of F0111 th sheet.
Pdakotv, t seriously 111.
J. Caw ley niul J. A. root", ot
T'ast Lemon, were isltors In town
Orl indc chapman, need 77 yoats,
illpd nt his home In Hi' place ot
Raneiono a fpvv minutes befoie noon
'n Stirtdi" '4 I, In t'i pic-cnee )f I1I1
whole family. He cam" into thin
vltinty In tho sprint? of ISfiO and loeat
ed on the taim of the late Captain
Preserved Hall and with the Intel ven
Iiik of onlv two short periods of ab
sent p has been a. tesldont ever since.
After coining1 to this vlclnltv his (list
" Ifo, whoso liialrleli name was Miss
L'tlier Hall, lived but a few veins Ho
then mart led his piesent wife. Miss
L'llen Decker, a "lister of the hi to
tieoige Decker .1 blacksmith and
lesldont of West Scranton. By this
union he raised a family of five chll
dten who now suivivc hlin They aie,
i: J. Chapman, ot Gieen Ridge, Mrs.
Albeit G Wheeler of this place, Mis.
Ira Lewis of Henton. and Leah Chap
man the oungPst daughter who re
mains at the homestead. His two
brothers, of Hamilton, also survive
hltn. Thp funeral will be hold In tho
Paptlt chin eh on Tuesday at 2 o'clock
n 111 Intel inent in the ciaik's Green
cemetery. 1 i
Mis l'ipv and Mis Newbeny, of
Pi evidence, spent jcsteiduy afteinoon
wilh Mis. J. T. Wilght, on Dundaff
Mis W. P Low K of Uioen nidge.
was Hip guest of JIis, Climb's Row -man,
of Lincoln stiect, tho past week.
Richard Moigan and Lizic Schmidt,
ol Ilycle Paik, wcip the guests of Ma
tilda. Sclimldt, of Albert street, on
Sunda v .
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, of Main
sticet, spent Sunday with the lattci's
mother at ill, pliant.
Mi. and Mrs Heniy. of Carina It
street, spent Sunday with lrlonds at
Mr. and Mis will Fi ink. of Dun
11101 e, sppnt Sundav with Jits. II. B
Jones, of Maple stieet
Mis. Albeit Zerface, of Olvphant,
spent vestcidav afteinoon with her
aunt Mis. William Snyder, of Main
Mi William Johnson, a student at
Diekinson coIIoro, is the guesl of Mt.
Charles Tlobeitson.
Mi. Fied Hlllnil, of Plains, spent
Saundav evening in town.
Mis. Jennie Giover entcitained Mi
ami .Miss Shiie and Miss Tile, fit
Sciantnn, Sunday.
David Wiilkius is silll sei icitisly ill
at his homo on Thitd stieet.
Mi-. J(ri Robot Is was a caller In
Stianton josteulaj.
child) en'.-. D.n was obseived In the
Picsbyleiiau and Methodist ehuielics
himday. The pi ogi amnios were icn
doied in a voiy pleasing manner and
gieat credit is duo those who par
ticipated as well as those who had
the PM-icises in chaige.
Mi. L. l. Cat. vie, of Sciantnn, vis
ited tl Hillside colliery Csterday.
The members of the M. 1. A. P. club
chu got their bookfi hy- 1 ailing a'J
tlu homo of Miss Yeitio Di,
Tnore will be a special meeting ot
the school boa id this evening.
The Methodist Lplscopal church ex
clusion to Mountain Paik will lake
place on Fi Iday morning. The Main
will leave th- Avoia station nt S.n
o'clock. Tickets, r.O cents; chlldien,
25 coins. The exclusion is under the
auspices of tho Tajloi, Repdliain,
Monsie, Avoca and Yalosville longie
gitions. The Ladles' Catholic Benevolent as
sociation will serve rream, cake and
stiawbpiiips iu Saisflpld hall lomor
tow pvoiilng. Admission, -." cents.
noi n To .Mr and Mis. Nell Fpiru
son, a sop. To Mr. and Mis. Ucorgo
Kennedy, a daughtei. T o Jii, and
Mis. tiporge Caitei, a daughler. To
Mr. and Mis. J. S Campbell, a son.
Mi. and Mis. Harry Knighi, of Salt
Lake t'ltj, .lie guests o the lattei's
aunt, Mis. Rose Npwlln. Mrs. Kplglit
is a daughter of Mr. and Mis. Mol
ds Johnson, foimeily ipslilents of this
town. They were mauled on the lith
Inst., aie aip en route 10 tho Pan
Auioiican, Mls.s Anna Aikmari. of Biockvvay
ville, N. i., is spending hei vacation
at tho home of her patent" on tho
West Side.
Miss iMIth Andeisou i- spendinq a
few weeks Iu stioudshuig.
Misses Claia McDonald and Hither
Foulks, of Sciauton, spout Sunday at
the Bahony usldence,
Jrhn King and William flail; am
attending the closing eeuhes at the
Mutisft.-hi State Nnimal school
Miss Maiy O'Malley will accompany
her nephew, John McKton, to Salt
I.uke City today. Slie will icni.iln
snveiitl weeks,
Joseph O'Uilcn. of JeiinMi, Is visit
ing fi lends in town.
Miss Mniy Moon, of Hostou, Is tho
guest of his cousins, the Mlai03
Mooie, of Gioyp tieet,
Special to ihe Stranton Tribune
llallstcad June 17 Vi 1 Hand 01 sumton,
piecidfi t ol the Nmtrkan (Inir Miuufaelumu
10111p.11 1 was in limn oh hiislncM Monda).
irctplion wa tendered 1 rt d (Mcrliout and
bride at the I'lithjlcriau ihuuh on Saturday
Piofeitor II W Pca-e. of tins pine, Iu5 an
nuiiiietil lilniulf ii a lanliditt for the ofliic of
court uitiliitiinleiit of sclitols
Samuel sluw, of Umiia, w.14 In town Sun la;
i-ltins llalbttai lliend.s
.Mi Hare) Itu ha5 irluincl iieuie ireni attend
uic a . 11 tnitui.v of inujie hi Ne loik din int
the wlniti ,
liiarlen Catlln, at one time 4 Ktidrni here
and well known in IliU luuui, uhue he prjt-
Completely Cured, of Catarrh
by Peruna. General Health
Also Improved.
Miss Ida Murray wiltos ft 0111 2127
Polk stieet, Minneapolis, Minn,, as tol
lows: "I hart pinnule catatih of the head,
which niadr. the slightest relit so much
woise. I am completely oined of my
calm ih utter four months' lnlthful ti""
of Pei una, and my geupial health Is
gipatly Improved, I iilwns speak n
good word for Pei una." -Ida Mtnrav.
Miss Anna Bryan, a favoiitc cousin
of William Jennings Biyan, wiltes
fiom 145D Floildn avenue, Washing
ton, D, C.
"At the solicitation of a filend I
begun some weeks ngo to take your
Poruna nnd I now feel like a new
pei son. I take plcnsmo in lecom
monding it to all who want a good
tonic, nnd n peramnent cute for ca
tarrh." -Anna Bryan.
Catarrh Gcncrnlly Thought to Be a
Disease of the Head Only.
Vi'hei ov ev there is n mucous nicni
biane theic (atniih may oslst.
The onlv icasnii that ratarih Is more
freouent In the piisukcs of the nose
and Is because these passages
are moie exposed to cold that the
other poi tions of th" mucous meni
hianr. But one Is liublti to have ta
1 111 1 li of Uic lungs, or kldno.vs, or
stomach, 01 llvei. or bowels, und es
pecially the bladdei and other pelvic
Peruna Is a specific In oaues of te
male wpaknpss or pelvic cntairh mid is
heaitllv endoised by all the ,onicu.
If .mt do not dciivo piompl and
satlsfaeloiy results fioni the use ot
tiicil Ii, illcl smliloiib it itimip ipolis llt 111
Mki Ic-sle llnnlein it M-ilini; frirmli nt I 1 t
Oi II 0, 1.
lln cluli fitloi v lu I rrn ru-lird with onkw
ni'l Ins 1 ecu (Oini"llril to will. .1 Rood ilril nf
overtime in order lo meet tin 111
A BJiiff of turbo liohois have Infe'lnl Mi I oml s
time loi the 1 1st low (Ijvs. riirv wrro niiih I
In Icive Ike viilnlt.i liv Sunili) niRlit or tnnilile
vinnlil follow ipptul Olfimr 1 ir k O'NVIII, of tli
1 lckivnnm tonil, vl-ltril tlio sroip suinldi mjil,
hut the linlioca hid loft ioimi
Woilne'iln dl be ni ili on tho I n. km mini
1 0.11I
The Matk hi- Tlul piikoiol opened on
Sitiinlii. The Sn ipjrb mill lino i not ct in
B(oil rondilion foi lii fi-1 in
V. a simorn in, lotiirnid lioine firm 1 .loi
int visit viilh lelitho in lliirisburB ind Plnli
Vlr (ind Mis W n Ihni.lri and dinsliln,
who hive Ixpii M-llin Mi ind Mis ft l' Itoni
slrni, line lelniiid to their honi ut Oi ini ,
Ired W riinuli, editor of tlio Connh Hoi il.l,
plcasintlv rnloit ilnod i ninnhoi of vounc people
at lei lut TIiuimIu cvcnuiK in I101101 ut ln
twrnt-. firt lilitlnliv.
The vonnsct ililld of .film ( Indeslei ia mflpr
inc fioni an ittnk of dlphtherii Thu is i'i"
second one ill tin fund', tu le -biikon with the
Vi nnd Mis li'lin Pri-lle of flint fiend, hoe
lnraed to llall-tead and onnp. Mis limes' lion e
en I'.uhoid tiect.
Y. If nolden, of the Ihihoid l.llnc Men'?
fliristitn T.S0PI ition i pulnns the airmireiiieiiU
fii a si ind icleln ition of (lie I ninth of Ink
to le held in llilbleul 'Ihe piopr inline will in
ilnde a puide, 1 clmis nf In il tilfnt in 1 bis
lint IflvTO fiel, i i-preih, a Mile sjiow Tlul 1
nn1 di-plai of tnrmrls
Infoimation for Coricspondent Who
Asks About Her Piophecy.
A lOuespnndPtlt wiltes to the Sun
to ask for intotniation coneeining the
so-( ailed phopheey of Mother bhlpton.
What is rommonlv spoken ot as
Mother bhipton's pliophecv is a piece
ot ilijnio which was Hist piintid
about IS'iJ It Is ns lollows:
l anises viitlioul loi'ts slnli jrn,
wl aitnlonn nil the vvcrtd uh hoc
Around the nrlli tliou.'hts slnli fl.
In the tw inkliMT of in om
The viorld upside duwn shill he,
nd told 1( found at the root of a Ire."
'Ihrruji hills men 'hill udi,
And no hone he al Ins si le
I nder i ikr men shall walk
Shall ride, shil! flerop, flnll t ill,
In Ihe nr men dull lie ein,
In hhik, in white. In srecn,
Iron in the nilir slnli flial,
s eas is a wooden holt,
f.old shall In fmnd inrl .noun,
In a land tint's nor now knnun,
llie ind wUei -hill wot den do,
1 nsland shill at li-t admit u fie
fhe world to in ind slnli tome
In cfishtrcii liunlnil md rtgiilj oin
This ibvmo was published In an al
leged lepilnt nf a chap bonk vei.slon
mid vos Included with nhout ton
othoi., aeioidlng to Notes and Queor
les, in -I book issued b.v Chailes Hind
Icy, of Tiiighton, lkigland Koi a
number of years it was supposed bv
many that It was what it piupoittd
to bo, namely, a phophei utleiod bv
Mother fihlptnti in the ilist half nt the
sixteenth ren tin j Soveial poisons,
however, oast doubts on Its authentic
ity, and in Apt II. IS".:. Hindley wiot"
to Notes and Queries, and, to use the
write!- of that periodical, "made i.
tloan hioast of having fabilcated tho
phopheey. '
There ls sum" doubt as to whether
thei" p""i' was a .Mother Phlptnn. Th"
Century 13nccopaedln says she was
bom neai Knai"Sboroiich, In Yoik
sl.irp, iu .Tilly, llss, and died about
l.'.vi. it also says in icgard to her that
she wast '11 halt-mythical Knglish
prophetess, huptl.'ed Uisul.i Soiithol "
who man led Tnnv Shlpton, a biiildot,
and, acootillng to iradltiun, "was the
child of Agatha Shlpton and tin
I3o il." Other authoilties .-( she was
probablv wholly mythical V.nious
nher lunphppip.s ut less int"test than
tho one quoted mo attilbutod to hoi.
A Ken Guess Made a Century and a
Half Ago,
Irom the eM oik sun
A phopheey of th" piogioss and do
tlnpmtutF of this lotiuti.v.iommlttcd
to iapet neaih a century and a hilf
iiRO, liuo letently beep tlnoiti tiled It
Is lontaiiK'd iu 1111 "Almuntiik" pub
lished by Nathaniel Ames, nt Hostou,
Mew i'ngland." iu 'the oir of out
Lord Clnlst, i-is, being the sei on I
ear utter HIssomHh ur leap jeai, In
the olsit em ol tlio lelgn of King
tleoigp H "
The iiiophf-iji lemU:
'Heievve find a ast stock ol piopii
materials foi the ait and Ingenuity of
niHti to woik upon. Ticasuies of Im
mense v.'orth concealed uoin the pom natives The cm ions hav
observed that the piogie.-s nf luinnn
litoiatiuo (like the sun) Is fiom tin
east to the west. Thus has it tiaveled
through Ail 1 and l'mopo, and now I:
auived at the eastern slmtc ot Ainei
Ica. As the iclcsliul light of the Hospcd
was dliccted lioie by tho tins"! ol
God, it will doubtless finally dihe tin
long, long night uf heathenism datk-
S-Sffllll MntTriTi?5:?v SJ SI
' s V. w
Miss Idii Murray.
If I "A H "A fc '4 k - 'A m x
Pei una, wilte at oni e to Dr. Haitliian,
giving a full statement of our care
mid he will It" pleased to give ou hit
valuable nilvltc malls.
Addiess Dr. Hitrtiuan. Piosldcnt ot
The H.11 tm. in S.inltiiilmn, Columbus,
Oriental I
If reu wi-h lour uniting sift In 1
illfTeiiiit fioi 1 the souiial 11111 if such
ofloiir.s md it ihs -mil lime of m ler.
ato iOst, (iiiintal 1'ilieii will lute rost
It (ime in a laite men oT uniiu-.
eruiiill, hi 1 km j-Iiip -, Hhiie ill
ijIoih ind ileioiiiiou hluk and white
or hp ui ind ei 111, nnh n li.mli if ,ln .
iriits it n (harm if dihulnos-, equal lo
llookwoid, nl leu thin half iu ro.t.
We aie fviluiic iiriliis in tills wne.
As to pruos.
Kllsr. 1n, uf llionu fluents
Potteri , full of leant! and
v due
Have you tiled our Special 102
Linen Collais? We have them in all
the latest shapes.
;H jaJ 1 hlUlflnhli, Io. Htilr (icimn fl(itrla)(ft Inf
h jJS iuTlf liwrntMlnriirfilMilr mill 1 rlU
1 1 Jjffli. IHwa tfreh fi I lo 111 dj)titi,4boi'' m
Cvru Hl I I olniOrroo lHMlyt It 9ltabn)
l N-iiJ-flfl v-trlrnrrlf KHrlurv (o tulllnit , Indrwlap
TtnfoUhrunkrn Urifn nJrorRMornTtrtlnionlatA.IfloVl
If 1 put Inc if ry mfdlfil mJ fltflrlntfrau'l M-alUo ipjpff J
. . ' !' !!
2h Everv Ionian
N ' tSinletCftulnn'IfhouMknow
lllill.l rii'.'ii'.
nhoiiLdiA wonderful
MAKVtL Whirling Sprav
r tif tie w lo 1 8 rlnf Injf
' . ..n.l v.,, llftl-Slt
Jr. L.sS , KS '
' iSSS'lS5
livri ."' ..'' v.. ' - -r
PSI- llOfl l onvriiirm
ICitcniccI 1
lllleDri latlEm"
tM v f lUtJIbt for It
If Iim (iniiot pnpi ly Ihe
VISIIftfLI m ,1.1 inil
AtK t.nt ats.4 flt-umn fAffll
i ilu'il.u 19 miles MM. t i n.,
Room 1 1", Timt Me , .New Vork
r.,ll n.iii, nlutuuiiii 1II101 llilTlii in
pf5i fioni Amerk.i Po aili and
sciences will chiiiffo the tuo of nrttut '
Iu their tour from heme ovei tli""
Ap.ilachiau Mouialnt to the western
ot can, nnd ns- thej ni.iich thiousli the
vitht des-cit the iesilci,cc uf wild
beas-ts vvll bo bioken up nnd their
.liscene howl leaiio foi over liu-tead of
which tho strnes and tiees will d.incn
teHeiher ,u the niusdo of Oiphrus, th
nicks villi tllsiloso iholr hidden Kenis,
and the ipentiin.ible ite.ibiires of cold
md silver ho hioken up Hiiro moun
tains n' lion 010 ato ulioiidy dlsiovci
td, and vast s-toies aie ipfoived for
ftlluio Inns This metal nioio
Useful than fjold .Mil t-llvcr, wUl ein
l loy inllliniis of h.iiiili- not only to foi in
tho mulct lul uvuid and pe.uefiit
yl inc. allot natclv. hut .111 infinity of
iiHlii-IN Imi'ioxed III tlui eenli.o of
ait and handlctaft anioni-' nien .,c
tun thiouijh all her woik has .stamp
ed auihoilo on this law. 11 imcly
Tlmt all lit matter ."hall ho Imptoved
(1 Its beat imposes-" Shall not then
ihis-o vast quaiiles that teem wilh
tinilMllli ulinie mi s-nuctuiu Im
I led Into Kieat i Itle.s and those for
iiiilptuio Into statues to peipetuat
iV liopoi of icnowiied lieioes,, even
those who idiull now .soivc theii lOiin
uv O' o iiiihoin lull ibllauts uf
Suit ilea' t-hould this pace escape its
(.stiried ronfl.iRiutioii at the cai's
ml and thcfe alphabetical letteih ic
1111I11 loclhle. when out even behold
he him alter he his tolled the heasons
oiiiid for two nt tluec contuiles mori
,111 will know that iu Anno Domini
1T3j tu di earned of joui timet
f . His
1 -T MM 1
Htp f1
ll'iittnf? .Ati... . - - jfrt I
I Gruerver & Co. 0
1 205 Wyoming Avenue. H
811 15
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jft'filr '(?i
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