The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 18, 1901, Image 1

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    ... mmtW .1 ' ..! ,J"i.Jl( ",i .,l,..4fsSBES!BST
fttfevTOi5w'i Wl" ''t . -'s, v.v-nw w.-ny jww
rff- i i-i -, i .iv 'Sf i. r
fcflP iSBtTW LiJi r I Ti .VIHJ -.-; -iT,-ir' kti-v,--i-- '-V,'KIT 7"WS:!jT- ' " i '
HRVl.fAdM.i ,JTI,,''L.IALJl. fTBHIIHW II . HU I .l3KT.-5- I'T."' T (75
IX K-' rr- .. ,-f . r .
V .r:JW
' d
i" f.Vjr r'i . -' . j
. - SCJLVNT()N xr( pi KSDA Y MOKMNO, .IUXI3 18, 11)01.
E-r. T5TJ7t . vr 7 'r'-'i T. rViPff .T, ;ISr)BBBBBBBBBBBBa
Bill flupropriailnu $10,000 to
Hahnemann Hospital Is Re-
Resolution Adopted Recommending
the Appointment of Col. James SI.
Bell as a Brigadier General in the
Regular Army Bill Providing for
Acceptance of Lackawanna Hospi
tal as a Stats Institution Is Passed
Hi I ulu.iip Wire fiom lee --oiiitnl l'itv
I In 1 1 Ishuig, ,lu in1 IT. -In tlii' senate
tonight -Ml. Foe lit, of I'liiun, topoitid
! i (iiti tin1 cli'i llim eommltti'o tin' C.uf
l' ballot bill with amendments. The
ll"W amendments pinvlile on the
applli atlon of lliiily oloitot- i)l .my
I ll'l'lioU (Hs(t till' ('l)lllt-. -h.ill illicit
llir opening i)t billot Iwm's in tin' pi i"-
I 111 l' III tllO lOIIlt, WllOle I Ollipl.lillts 1)T
1 1 .111(1 .lie lldilc. The 1)111 llllil plovl
mis hi'i'ii amended mi as to Im hull1
llll' plll (Mil lo .mil the assistant 1' I o.i -inns
of iho Km in 1)111 'Hip hill s mi
tliinl teiding, .mil (.in be called up .it
anv tliiii'
'llll' SIMIUtO ll'fllscel to I oik in In tin1
house amendments to the onngii sslonal
.1 ( tllllltllfllt 1)111. .111(1 Missis Cl.lih,
(I Philadelphia. Flshoi, ot Imliiin.i.
.iikI II linos, ot Voi U noli' appointed
.m .i i uiunilttco on lonfeieino
These hills weie lull oeltii oil
l! Ml Wellet. ol Heillonl lailat g
Ing ilic powtis D townships so Unit
thev in iv i mm net tin the snpplv ot
u.iti'i Im the ctiiigiilsliliig '"' l"',s.
.iI-m a lilll .iiithoi iIng the giatling.
1 ving ,ni(l imbing oi in. u ,nl. miiiiig
n snoots ,md ,illes, which bt in
whole in In p.iil of the Imiindai lc- ot
bnnughs and Hisi-ii.iMs townships bv
limit i mill. ii I, ,md ptovidmg Im the
piviutnt of i osts. ii.tni tgi's ,mil t..
pensi's theieot.
Ml. Went ot Monlgntlioiv, pli-oiil-i
I ,i lesoluilon, width was .nlopted,
illtccliug tile supel intendenl of public
.i Int Iiiia to pi lilt -'D.OOO i oples ol a bul
1. tin. iiitillfil "V Cnuise In X.ituio
Miiih ' im use in the public si honK
mid ,i bulletin entlthd '.V.itiin Studv
llr li'ii'iu i l.iln.ii.' .Hid bind them to
ediei in ,i single bulletin. 'I'lnee
thnlls mil copies .in to be loi the use
ol the depiutiiKiit ot .iK'i Ii ultuie, .".000
foi Ihe inn lit ol iiublie Institu
tion 1 Oi") foi the senate, uuil s nnn tor
the house oi te)i esontath es 'I he mst
is mil (o (ii eed IsJ
le-rillition IlltlinllK ed bv AJl. tine
Ill. Ill, ol f'.tinbiiii, was adopted, leiotn
iiiomliiiK to the piesident of ihe fulled
''tatcs the appointment of Colonel
.tames M. Hell, of the Twenlv-seentli
n auneiit
fulled States olunteei -, as
a lulsadlei K'
eiieial ill the U'
111 lliv.
The bill ;ippi,ipi I.iliiifr 10 0u0 to the
Hahnemann hospital, or Sii.iiitnu was
ii conunltteil to the eoinmlttre, so that
the appiopi i.ltioll l.lll be idls.d hi
Bills Passed Finally.
These bills wpio passed lluallv.
I ..ilili.l,ni' in Iim ami sivonil di. ulm a
liou-i' oi Iiuiimi ut ilitiiilion Im il liiquinl. il'
l i Of nt Hill 11 (.llltl'll lllllllllll
("iiiuiiii upon tin ii--.uli'iiis of tlii'. iiiiiiiiioii
im dtli the like i t iiiiiinii hum Iim. I( J't
Kill of Uuil n(Niij mi iimU is iihtilnul 1" U
f i i niso-i nf .iiilnii iiini!r in inw-tiiinil- nwilo
i l-i w Inn' is i- .illuwiil In thr homi-ti'iii oi i
iimuiuii liw- it Ih" -tJlo, IiiiIUm ir i)iinli
wluii1 II"' i.ui-i' ot ii Hun are-i' "I thi uw -taunt
w.l- mull' to the- iitlfin lln lent
lliiii-i hill imoiiIuu lor llu unlit iiiio In tli
iiinnionwi.ilth of a oiniunii ot Ilic nil iM in,
lnillilinss mil pii-uiil noiiil oi lln I -i I i -
Wailll I hli-'ll ll, It S( inliil , Hi lit H.ill a- i -inn
li'i-plnl foi ih" iioitlrni niihiiMli not inioii
llon-p hill amnilinj; Hip hill n tnlaiiiis the
in unit n tine ami iln of "hollid" or ' inons-'
The following house appiopi iatioti
Mils Mei pat-sed tlnalh :
I'rini-tlt.nii JIpimoiIiI llomo nf Hip Woinon,
liillif uiipi, a HiooLmIIi, si (inn 'niii.-tl
lllll SiililLfn' )filii,' wlliKll-, s -IllVKI, m.
ml lhH.ii,il ,iinl liiluinm tor Inula ihlc-, s-,non,
l'liilnli'lphli Mhu- In ho-pilJl, MVieo, Wi-tuii
I'M iisil,inii llo-pitil tm tin' lii-iiii' it lli.
ii mil, sJ'i.lieO, foi Hip i up and t le il in. nt nl the
luliRint in-jiiP, -I, Tim mill, upiiiriilin.' siiny
lo Ilic l-lltl' Ot l.ilsil I. Mlu', of II llllihlll,,
(. i -iuiivi iplih n'lilifi lm inu tin li,l-litni
loll of l-'T, I ltril ho'plt d, it I i-toll, s-,
l"l snip ho iilil for i it i in .1 ii-niii ot Hip
1 iiii'iiainn- mil -i ml hiltiiniiioiK mil iisloii-, 1"
i ilnl at Mlo hmj, I In I inimti, MViIk), ,i..
rrr I rrc ln-liliili nf siluuo, Phil nh Ipliii, spi .
Mil); llnnii. for nlon- iiml Moiiiin, s.' lull),
Wet 1'liiliililihli lin-jiii il foi Wniiii ii, sJ.Vin,
lii lil ren's Iil Kihu ut Wi-tua I'iiiik.iIi.i in,
I0,( H I ; Mi, lul;;!,: niK-imi, Phil iih Iphl l, !WI;
l',h,inu l'iihptli ho .pill! Jinl lolniii fjiio,
lli,fmil 1 niun Home lor Ohl ,jiir, I'IiIIjiIi 1
I'hii, l imO
These .seualo aplitopilittloii bills wete
til"n passed Dually;
lir Hip nii cli i-e mil iii'ilmii nf l.nil,ih,.s In
r.ihluh ioilil lu In u-iil In Hip -l .He nun.
mlulon, nKi, foi Ihp pnrilu-p of llu -Up of
I oil .ii'itu, sT,Wi
The sPittite adjoin tied until 10 oVloi K
trituounw Dim uiiiKT.
Transit Supplements,
The Foilit imil Piott .silppleuietiial
Mils lu thf laplil ttaiislt ait.s twin
fias.sPioii hpconil lemlliiir by the house
'unlKut wltliiiut a dissenting vote, Tim
mlur of business toi totuouow s ap
nopi latlon bills oil .set mid teaillnu and
tlilid loading untl Ilual passaf,e. The
i.illway hills will be t.iUeil up nn WeiN
nestlay for tlilid leailliiR and Until pas,
A nuinher of .iptoiiIatliiu bills
passed 111. st anil second teadluK, attet
which the house adjourned until 10
o'clock tomoirnw ntontliii,'.
Brazilian Government Pays.
.j Kxiln-iie Wire fiom 'I lie Auoiulnl l'rpi.
JtlilliKlon, .lime 1" (Jbtr'riin rniiinl
1 the tJtt iKpattiiiciit ii'ilJj fiom I'nlliil sj,.s
MinUter iliian, at I'ttropolls iinnountcs Hut
the ftilllili niMriimciit p.llil the unltiie
i i(()uct(ii foi the ilrsluu Hon In ,i inoh
it j Iljptljt iliupcl In Hie piuiiiii-i. of Milituoi.
aultitolncil I'J He AniciKaii lUptUt inlsion.
fbe raUionary toilet h:i keen dub tinted.
Accouling to Accouuta Some Heavy
Fighting Ocoured on May 23.
Hj K('llilc WIip (nun I lie xoi l-itrd I'll",
t.OMiltut, .llllV IT -A (llxptllih 10 til"
fotelmi nlllcp fliilil the innslll fjeneial
ol" f'litnalllaiiil as that the .Mad .Mul
lah epeililloii had he;l Unhung nil
.May T.'
'file iMiir: coltiinii of inoitlilid lu
tiuii, iiinlei' I'lipinlu Jleieweiithef,
stunk the Mullah's .supply ciimp dttr
lli"; t nlKlit nmicll and eaptllted fi 000
head of rut tie. killed "in Iminil'timt
(lllef .'llliI eiiptlll"d alHithei. i oVeted
lo'n miles, ioubIiI a mIuii p aetloti uuil
letnineil to Its base, all III luetily
toup luillis.
J'llf iiialn lone ot the HrltMi, un
dep I'nliuiel Swnvne, ilepai'ted for f.l
iliili .lime .'. I"tilnfr Mur-Xell, with 1100
iiiiti to miaul Xui Ilia. Swayne'.s eol
uiiin ndviinood against the Mttllnh's
base, Jn the meantime the .Mlllhth.
with ni'00 lollowet's, atlneked Zniiha
thiee Utiles. e was llnallv dtlwn off
bv ('apt lln M.ieXeil. with a loss ot'
olio men. Tin- litllMi in Xatlhi had
ten men killed and nine wounded. The
Mullah ii now tut oft' fiom his base
and a d"i'se action 1". Imminent.
Extended Arguments Aro Listen
ed to in the Court of
Pi I'm lusiie Wire fifm I'Iip Woi'inted 'km
Ilulfalo. June 17. The com t of ap
peals today heaid the flist nigunieiit
foi u new fop Uolund R Mol
ineu, the A onus New Yoi k ehlh man.
athlete and i liemist, under scntenee
of death tor poisoning Mis. Kathciitie
,1. Adams, n Dei embep. 1S.0S. -lio was
the unintended li'tim ot a plot oiled
bv the use ol the mail to take the lite
of Many Cotnlsh. manager of athletic
spoils Judges P.llket, Vanii. Itart
lett, (ii.iv. O'liuen. II, light niul "er
noi , giae hi Hull gowns of blink, sat
upon the hem h tn hear the famous
i aso and dowi at the counsel's table
wete loiinei f lilted States Senator
TJ.ivId TJeimell 1 1 111. who holds the
luief of the people and John (i Mil
liuin. piesident of the F'an-Anioi It .1:1
exposition, who espouses the i.uise of
the jouug pi Isouei at Sing Slug AVIlii
Hill sat Assistnnt Disti ict Attorney liter, tif New Voik. and gioupcd
about Milhtun weie t'.eotge (lot don
Hat tie and II it tow S Weeks, who de
fended Molineitv at his; (
Mollnetiv. falliei of the jnlsonet. nnd
Daid X. rvm.illio handwiltnig ex-lipi-l,
who advised Ihe defense
Manv innie that; the c nm t loom
would hold ciow ded into the em 1 idol s
to heat the simv of the almost fascin
ating 1 1 line linked with the double
mslei of the ilea lit of Iloni v f. li.n
nett and the olllieis of the coin t
baited the outer doot - and admitted
the f.ntned ones bv a rear entiance.
Mllbutn, lot the appellant, talked din
ing the enllit session of the com t,
gaining a heating at 10 '0 o'i lock when
a i lvll case closed, and speaking until
2 o'clock when the coutt anise lor the
da v.
McKinley's Condition Is Very
It) I.u1ump Wap nun Ihe t nuitnl 'tis
Washington, Juno IT. Jh-, McKin
ley's' ((iiitllilou (ontlnues to show ,i
stead. IniptoN tment, nnd she now has
plOKtessod to the point whole her
stiength peilllits Isio fiiiiu it lew
fi lends.
III'. I'lsev, mi li.nlug tile white
house shoith altei ll o'clock tonight,
said th it Mis MeKinley has p issed
an ei ellent d.i. r-lle had tested In
hep eas i halt tor a lougei time than
usual, ,md was now able, he said, to
see a lew u lends lor a short lime e.n h
da v. He epte--ed with oonsldeiable
(Oiltldeuie the bellel' Hint Mis. McKlu
le will be st tong enough to yo lo fan
ton hj Julv 1
Baptist Ministers of Philadelphia
Pass Resolutions.
Ilv taliiMie Wue tioni thi As-oiuliil 'ii
Philadelphia. June IT. The liapilst
mlliisteis nt I'hll.itlelphla, .n the wpek
l i lintel onto lod., adopted tesiilu.
lions I'liuiU'iiiuliiK the leieiit stale and
lut ,i 1 leiilslatlon giautliiK liattehlses op
sit pc t i.iilwn.N -
The lesoiuiluns enter Into 'an cini-e-t
piotest tigalust the leieiit legisla
lioil b the legslaie of the st.lln, Ihe
i Ii lotiiiclls, and ihe in thin n the
o,ooilioi' of the .stale .1 llll Ihe in.iMit
ill I'hiladelplil.i i inn einlllg the .sit eel
tar li.tin hlse," and I'llllliet deilaies
the legisl.illoi) lo be ",i lclois abuse
ot power tin solllsh pin poses ami stag
get Ittfi blow ul the toiiud.iliou ol iopu
la r go eminent nnd ot clc stability
and inoi.tlit)."
Fire in Lumber YaitU,
Il fmhuhe Wop fltii Ihe h-oi utnl Pn(
'Inn lit o, .lime 17 Wool J leuiitil hem I".
lit Uuil tne ha- di'MioMd .ill Hip linnln'i in lln
tail 1 1 Ii.p Ilnl am l.inuhpi i finip un at 1'ii'inli
inn, on Cioielau ln, iiiiioiintlni; lo IViyJOnoo
tut and iJltidl ut (iter yODOnO hp lip .liileil
fiitn in inilaiQiia uii-p in top of a )ille nt tine
hir and, laiiiul In u linili ulnd, .-ui pi juihi
the Mhofparil, lOieinniiis eeiv hoiul, V hoaul
tn. honp aid llnip ilvMrllan.'i inpip hllllilil, ih
btuniiu all Hit' In Im;, jiLt of Hie uiiiipant-, who
l.aiili en jped Mllli Huh lite.
Giaflfrtm Ib Convicted,
Hi ImIu'Hi' Wiie from Ihe Ksmjpil I'ip-s.
I'oiHnul. Mi , linn I" ' (.iiill of minder in
Hip nisi il ,'rie" mi- Hip tenlitt ipiuini-d lij the
jini a.'Jln.t Pilwaiil l.ialliin, vtbo fui i loiini.-ht
lus lutii nn lllal (oi the killiii- ot I lllloid Mode
it, of (lOihain, afnt ilelihiratint; oei two hoian
tonl,hl, Ihe leidlit, it not overllirowi), will
ttinl f.iJtlaiii to the Thonu-ton sidle piUon lor
life, as M jlrif dort not ("lecnle inuulum.
Steamship Anivals.
Hi Kiihwite Wirj fiom 'Ihe Avocialed l're.
Ntvv urk, Jiuin 17 Airbed: Sndtrlind,
ntHirp; llinti, Iheipnol, Cleared, i.toisian,
lliupool; l.jlin, Hrenien, U Soiilhainptoii
Hit men i I bed' honilccn J "Is, .Nov nrl.
I heihoiiiii-sailtd: llailiat-i (fiom Hitintii),
.Vcw oiK. I'rjnle Point l'jied, I'oUdJin,
ew Voik, (or Uoulogue and llottcidani.
Forelan Representatives Have
Decided Upon Distribution of
the Indemnitu.
Will Be on the Proposition Various
ly Known as the American, the
British and the British-American
Plan Officials Are Hopeful That
the Present Week Will Witness a
Close of the Negotiations,
He I'xilishe Wire fiom Ine v.iniitnl I'ipki
Washington, June 1T. A mule mes
sage ieieied bv tile stale department
today fiom Special foiuinissitiner
nockhlll. In Pi'kln, loullims the pi ess
lepoii that an etnlv and uoinpletu
ueieenient anions the fruelgti mlnls
leis oil Ihe Indemnity question Is e
ptited, on the basis of the piopo
sitlon taiiously known as the Ametl
i:ui. Ihe Hiitlsh ;md the liiillsh
Aineilran plan. The olllilals lieie ait
hopeful that the piesent week will
witness the i lose of the negotiations
on the subject of indtuninltv, al
though it is possible that a fin titer
sjllght delay may net up tlunugh .1
vieidlng ft) tile ileslie of tine nf the
niiniteis to be allowed anothep op
poitunlty to consult Willi his home
gu ei ninent.
Once the subject of Indemnity Is nut
of lln- wav, the wlthtltawal of the
foidgn 1 1 oops fiom China will pio
Uiess willi l.mldilv. 1'hete :ue sev
eial other lnittois of the Hi -at older
of iinpot lance to lie linallv adiusled
bv the niinistois. One that is expected
lo give tile most double is the tti
i.mgement or new ttade ttealles be
tween the powets and f'lilni'.
Pans, .Tune IT. In di-pati lies t e
ee!ed at t lie ioieign oflii e heie fiom
Ft kin. it Is '-aid that at the end of
the meeting of th" foieign inmlsteis
theie on Satin dav two points ie
mained to lie settled Hi stlv. Using
the value of the t.-iei, whhh Is tending
to depi"cate and is now ipekoned at
I Hams TO cent lines: spcondlv, the
clalni advanced bv lountties who-e
cred'it is low. stn ii as Russi i and
J.lpju. T'i v wish to be allottt d. pio
poi lionatelv. :i I. it get- numbei- of bonds
than the others because thev aie ob
liged lo pav a hlghei late of Intel est.
'Ihe suKgtstion did not etoke en
thusiasm among the iepiesentaties
of tiie olhei poweia, nnd in.iv ghe
ls(. to i onslileiahle ilNi usslou.
Sir Heuiy Hamilton Johnstone's
Yarns Rival Those of Henry M
Ill I'Mlll-be Wiip tn in lln' niitnl I'm -
London, June 17 Sip Heniy Hamil
ton Johnston, speelul oniinissiniiep
tor tile fganda inoleeioiate, has le
lutneU to London, attep an absence of
two e.its. Jle InliiKs stinjes 0f
I'gtmdii iKaling lluiiv 11 Stanleys
deseiiptiou ot "Uaiktst Aliha" Sir
Henry lelatis that the louiuty sui
loiinding Mtiaiitelgon Is totally depop
itlated as a lesuli of inteitilbal
anil Is i mist qiinnih niatvelotisiv
stud.ed with big game that me as
lame as Knslish paik deer, elnas
and antelopes tan be appioachid to
within ten, and thete Is no
spot t lu killing them. elephants
and lhlnooetos ate al-o abiindatu,
and. ai fouling to Sir Ilaiiy. lions In
fganda .ue to busy eating harte
iieeste to notice a pissing i.uavnn.
The pie-hlstoi c gh.ille lias been dts
lo.eicd in tills (Otintiv bv the ecitu
nils.slonei'. who ptoposes to inaliitain
the legion i of cited to as a national
pai Ii.
Up photogiaplied a of ape men
in the Congo loiest dllleilng etitlielv
fiom Slaule's pigmies and spiutid
photo tecoid'- of their language and
music. Sir Tinny si,ys that tweiwi
.llelies of llliiliep tiees ;ipi Inund In
this coimtty In IiiPNh,iustlble supply.
Men at Five Chicago Plants Will
Start Today,
Hi I.mIiiHip Win finin 'Ihe Aa-mlilul l'ie-
Cllleaiio, JlllK! 17. Setllentent.s with
sulking niai'lilnlsis weie eifoi ted to
day at live plants ot' local inaiiufac
ttltet.s, making ,'i total of oep sueitty
Chleago plants lu which the suilkeis
have won the ilglil luuugUMted
thioilgll the enei,U stliko ot thiee
weeks ago Tinier the tei ins o( seitle
iiiont the sttlkeis will iPiiiin to woik
lomoiiow at all the shops hating
been gtanU'd the nliie-liinir woik day
without a cut In the into of pay pur
day under the leu linup s.v.stem.
Out of the otlgliial '.' 1u0 men In
Milved In the local uiai hlulsts' stlllio
only l.hOn ait now out of woik
Suft'ocated in Gasoline File,
Hi I. xi lii-he Win nun Ihe . "ilil.'il Pn-
llallhnorp, I line K llfnn I llnuijui i-.d
"l v i js, was -iiftttatid lofav In ihaih ivhili ai
tiniptnn: to e-i.ipp hoin a Inn nil, i; Imihlnu it
7.11 Wot Millbill.1 ,-tu.l, and Hob. il lliiiluii,
another old mm, Ills in Hip lio-phal to hnll.v
Inn md Ilnl Ids iliatli I- inomciiuiih pspntnl,
'Jlio fne a- t an-id In Hie isplo.lon of .a-ilim,
whh Ii an iKiiipant nf tin ttr.t llioi nt Im- hoiee
a pourms fiom one ii'iiptaile into anothu.
Will Wheel to San Fiancisco,
Sj Kxeltulie Wire from "1 lie soclated uim.
'loledo, O, .hitie 17 -l.dnaul alnli and I'd
ward Mlllei, tno wliftlintn of (Ills ill, lift to
djv for ("hiiaso, 'Ihe vvill leave tint ill mt
lild.iy on thtlr nlml- for San Iraml-to, and
will Jtmnpt lo hiiJk the letoid nhkh ua ouh
llshtd tome time ao h Noimaii Uexiati-, o
tntnt Klin da4 l.iluiin ( IiIuko ami im I un
Hstu. 'ihej (X)i-ct to ide ivvelie houis Uth dij.
Manager McGraw Will Get an In
junction If President Johnson
Intoi feres.
Ill Iviln-lve Win1 fiom 'J In .oilitnl Pre."
Hallltitoie. Juno 17. Manager John J.
Mi'diuw, of (lie liiiltlmoto Aineilcan
league club, s.tlcl today he had leeched
a telegiam tioni Hugh .leiinhies, .stat
ing that he would pla.v with the local
"We will play Jennings at base,"
.said Mr. Me(!iaw,"anil l'leslclent Jolin
sou, ot the Amel lean league, can then
take sui'li action as he sees tit. If It
is delelerlous to our Intel ests we will
endeaor to gel an Injunction lestialu
Ing him It oiii Intel feting with oin plaj
ets or with our eunyltig out our patt
ot the Ametlcait league sphedllle.
'T tit inly bellcne Ave me In the tight
In this mutter, .feiiuliigs has sent me
i opies of lelleis lie sent to Piesident
Johnson mid Manager Connie Mack, of
the Philadelphia club, telling them that
Mallltiioie had fitst claim lo Ills sei-
v k es."
The Industrial Commission at Wash
ington Decides to Make Thorough
Iti I vilinnc Win- fiom Ihe -o latnl I'rus
Washington, June IT. The indus
tilal i onmii-i.sion has clodded to make
a eiv genoial inquity by means of
clieular lett-ts into the chaige that
ipnitpis cf AlMi'llun made goods
olten soil them for lower pi Ices than
aie obtained fop similar goods nti
home, and a icsolution was adopted
linl.iv, leqiiestiiig that the business
Inteiest of Hie fulled Slates ghe a,
lull iind tianlc statement covet lug the
effoits made to extend consumption
til piodticts to foieign niaikets.
The -ecietaiv ol" the commission
was itisti lifted to pi op lie a letter lo
manul.ti tuieis indicating the lnlor
m.itioii tlesliecl. and ashing aniong
other iiiestious. whether thev soil
their goods at a lovvet in Ice -ibtoad
than nt home, and, if -o, ie(uestiug
them to give leasons lop this eomse.
The ltttep also will ask loi sugges
tions top seeming- better pi Ices
abio.ul loi Arueiican goods.
His Latest Communication Regard
ed as a Bid for Premiership of
Cape Colony.
Ih) l(In-vc Wile tioni Ihe Vs-oiialid I'ri-
Cape Town, June IT. Cecil Uhodo,
in ids ipeetli ai Huluwnxo, Uhodesia,
June IT, wlnn he piedicted that a.
fi delation of the South Afrlcani
'tales would come In thtee oi four, made what Is ugaideil ill some
ciii.iileis ir a bill lop Ihe piemietshlp
of Cape folono.v Alter eulnglying Hit!
ai lion ol the llhinli and Xatat
iiiiis, he snid the only state he pitud
was the uiothui state. Cape Colonv ,
v hose polltiial and lellglous Ic.ideii
had Incited lebellion. When fedeia
Hon i auie, none of the other slates
would have anvlbing to do with her
and he was atiaid the people ol hH
ild stale, vvlio weie iimtilim about
like sheep without a shepheid, weie
i oailng out wot st.
Mi mimics was glad ol Hie oppoilu
nltv nf saving a lew winds, which he
hoped would be lo their good.
Moie Thau 3,000 Trackmen Go Out.
Increase of Pay Demanded.
Ill I i Ill-lie Wile II. mi 'II,' Woo ilnl Pin-
Monti, June IT. nnitlals of the
Ti acUmen's union nnnoujrw thi inuin
Ing between .t.o and y.r.00 of the
Canadian I'atilii Kallvvav toinpaiiv's
tiaikirien siimk this inoiiilng lor an
lnctease of wages.
The men iceelio an nveiago of $1 1,"
a day, and doinaiul an iucte.tso ol i.iom
ten to twentv leiUK a day acioTiilng lo
locality. Tluv sa.v Hint the Canadian
I'adllc oflldllls inetetideil to Inele.lse
their wages the tents a dav, but pievl
Oltsly tut them iloVVIl ll.v lllty-seven
and a half ( cuts a week by lediiclng walking, 'ii that the lomp.itiv
with lite upp.iient Inciense ,silll had
the better of them fbv twent-sev en
and a half (Pills a week The com
pany says that the men nto as well
paid as on any other toad
Kitchener Has Not Telegiaphed De
tails of the Disaster.
Ill I m ln-m Win tioni Hip A.-Juiatul Pum
London, June IT. -Lend Klti honor
has not ot cabled details ot the to.
ei-e of the '.'"ill Vlctoilau iniiiinteil
lilies of ( IWtsnn's i oltlliili at
Steenkiiel-piUll. Jltlle I.'.
Mliall .t It ill I's (oiitiuun to he inputted
limn South Aliha, Seheeper'is totu
iiiaudo is jiioked In at Miuirty.shitig In
Cape Colun.v.
Lend Klliheiiei has moved to Hlnem
Hi l'i liisiv t Wat' fiom llii M0iijted I'k-i
lljiiii-l'iii, .linn' 17 I haiiem vieic luiiIpiI
In lln) state ih pal I llll III lodlV til Ihe-e nnpoi.l
ion,-: lln llianoli ibnipaii, Altiblienv . ian
lit solium, Vniuiiiii Si md ml slioo iniiipani,
li.iu.,ii.iii,, i),0ui, I olniiilii i sin.) torn
P in. I'iii.hins,, aintil, s,rin si. lnv' siir
Pin ioniiaii . 'i Jlan-, i ipil il -lul.iiim.
-haion M iniiidiliiiiiii; ml ipjm. -iiil'Ii l'"U" . I'd
nr niiiiiiv , taplial, s;,ihiii lln VUnne Maimtji
iiiiihl' and snppii lonipiin, Pat.hiuij, capital,
?-,'(, 'lln Ih mi Iiiikp l.ind loinpinv. Ih o
il, upiljl, si)(K) iiiluilnt salp rninpini,
Dmlihllh. Nniiliiini ton loinitv; rapltil, 'i,'l
sininnll Han ininpaii. I IjiK - smninli, laika
mjuiii lunni; tiplul, "i Dili) ine land tout.
pai. I'lU.lnii.-, lapllal, sioncm
Put Out by Handler.
11 Kidiiflte Wire fiom Hie v-oeUted I'rem.
'Ireiiton, .linip 17 Hill ILnrihaii, o( Nev
oili. vv.k Knoi bed out in flip imimN ut toe
liciuon Mhltiu i lull tonight In Jiinni llandUr,
ol Nevvatk.
Placed on Trial lor Attemptlnu to
Murder Rev. John Keller, at
A Case Which Has Excited More
Than Usual Attention Many Pro
minent Clorgymen and Laymen of
the Newark Episcopal Diocese Are
Present Appearance of the Pris
oner and His Wife Important
Evidence Produced by th Com
monwealth. 11 Melinite Wile (ioiii Ihe -oi laird IVfH
Xevv Yoik, June IT. Thomas (.J. I!ai
ker was today placed on dial in Jot -sev
City, chin geel with assault with
intent to kill f.e. John Kellei at
Aillligton, X. J. Jtev. ICellet is the
loar of Tilnltv chapel in Atllngton.
(linker at the time of his auest, told
the- uuthotlties that lie shot the min
ister beiuue his wife hud told him
that Keller had beer, gulltv ol a cilin
inal assault upon hei. Ml. Kellei de
nounced the stoi v.
The pi isouei was lepi esouted bv
Mat shall Van Winkle and Albert C.
Wall, and the people bv Public Piosp
itttois James , Hivvln and Joseph
l'aikei. Judge HI ip vas em the
The case had et ited attealloa Tap
and wide and many women wete
among those who weie on hand eaily
to obtain seals In the tout I loom.
Many prominent eleigvmen and lav
meii ol the Xewalk Ultieese,
all Iiientls of .Mr. Kellei, weie on
hand. Some had been subpoenaed as
witnesses to testily in Ills behalf Mr.
and Mis Haikei, ai e oiupnuletl bv Mis.
Moliov, of Hast Otange, enteied the
i oui t loom shin tl beloie 10 o'clock.
Air. Hat ket wine a suit, blue
slilit, hutteiliv tie, and can led a sttavv
hat. Mis, ll.ukei woie a light giav
gown and a jaunty hat. She appealed
to be a woman of about .',.! e.ns ot
age She N an atti active, but not a
beatilltul, woman. The H.iik"is took
suits ut the head ot the lavwois' table,
neap the witness stand. As the com t
house hell was mug, at 10 o'cloi k, as
a signal loi" opening coutt. All. Kellei
was led Into the loom bv Assistant
Piosecuiop Vit Ut is. lie was diessed
In the g.uli of an Hptscopallan minis
ter and woie smoked glasses.
At the outset ot today's pi ocet dings
counsel lor Hniker i (intended that the
si! lick .iuiy had been cli.uvn In lohi
tiou of law. Aecotdlng to the law, he
said, a stiiltk J ll l v could lint lie elt.iwn
to tiy a i ,i-e of leltmv, and a high
misiloineanop and a lelony aniounted
to Ihe same thing, contended that
the ease ought to he tiled by a petit
ltii and not bv a stunk uiv.
A Jury Selected.
Alloc some ai Aliment, the mint
ovei-iulod the objections and the wink
of selecting the m j, ptoc ei'ded. A
lull juiy was obi, Until in about an
linn i.
Tiie piosi c utlnn at the outset ilitio
euieeel as evident e a pliologiapb of lite
hedge behind which, it is alleged,
llaikep hid ivhlle wailing fop ICellet.
Anothep photogiaph showing Keller in
bed attei the shooting was also ad
mitted. Hugh K. rtooine and his
daughter, ,it eve witness oi the
shooting i,ive theit toMiinonv and
Idetitiiio.l Haikei as the lnan who
Hied til" shots that wounded Keller.
I.ouhe (!, Viin Winkle testified that
she livid neap the soeiie ol the shoot
ing, On ihe tnoinlng of Feb : she
hi aid I In oe successive shots (lied.
(!oing 'o a window she saw a man
lying on the stieet, with nnnthet man
bonding ooi lilui. She d.d not liliovv
Llaikep m that time, she s.nv Hap
liei i un aw.t.v and then she saw that
the man on the giound was Mi. Ke.
Mis J-Milllo 1''. Hueklo, who lived oil
the same side ol lleech stieet as All.
Kellei, les-lltled she hetlld thiee
shots (lied on the moilling of Fob. '!
and i mining to a window saw lin
ker Hie a louitli shot at Ml'. Keller,
I'Vodenck ti, flllehloy, the husband of
the pie, riling witness, gave testimony
mi inboiatlvo of that oi hi.s wife and
told how he had ptitsued and caught
llaikep lie said thai whim he
i cm lied I'.nkep ho asked htm, "Whom
eld you shoot',"'
"Keller, and t hup.) I. killed hlni."
teplleil Haikei,
"Hid llai ker mention his wile's
name while on the cat '" Ihe witness,
was askul.
' r dnn'i Ihink he did," was tho
ti p!.
Dl I'llllV Hal hep said h" heaid
one s-luil ih ed and saw- a man i intuitu;
away. Ho found All. Keller Ivlug on
the giniiud He lielpiil him up, with
ihe nsslstanie of AH. Itoimie, anil took
him home.
Adjoin ned.
Will Ask Increase of Wages.
Bi l.idimive Wile (rem the cu. ialed Pir-i
Pioiidi'liie, II, I liine 17 The ( ihIiu lcr -i i i ' I
liiolnimrn of llu I inon Itillioad inuipinv tv hn h
i niliiiN l .'.iih ill Hit I'le. Ili line- n and ilnul
ltd- nl, Invi loni'd i nill loi i mi-- inn Ini!;
al inhhiUht to lake a lioli on l le null, i ol in
inuea-i iuu.iRi. Iim inrilliis- i i.dlid iioluuli
tiaiidlmr the older ot i.ulioid mfi ill. Iim ant'
Huh itiioii hi the men Mould h ilmnid i in e
loi their dbini al
Second Trial of Jessie Morrison,
Hi I'.vcluslie Wiie fu m Im s-mlalid I'u'si
Kl poi ido, hin, lime 17 lln Imil djir, a
jui via- iiiiud lodiv n Hi eionl Hill oi' MoirUon. on the ihatt.p ol killiiu Me
dial (ailp, the hildp of liil loinui mmiiIluii
It H helieviil thi- Hial will he mini -l.oiiu Hun
the flirt, ltlntli en lid hi a ill-a.-iiPinilit
Pensions Granted.
D nxtluslu Wiie fiom 'llu Wetland I'lfJ
W'ajlilnton, line If -ilae Sivil, o( Mulili n
I cii.'. I.u.ini" i oinii , ha-hem ,uiiinl a piii'ion
,ol Sfi a inentli.
Weather Inillcatlons r odd)!
, 'local rains.
L Hrmiiil lt.i. of lln ( hln sulun.nt
Ni' .ferdev'j t eleln HpiI C a-i.
Woil, nt the I ml'l ituw,
Hi poll on Hip I hlli'iti ( I lllu'.
i (xni'liil-t ilhomlaln Hi pilllui'iil
.". bin il 'luii I cs foi the ("lid Viiiini',
t unit Proceeding'
A 1'iohalde Miiulcr,
I I .lit. ulil,
Nnlp mil t'liiniui nl.
5 loiil-t'llll Woik' llhik'iullli- Itelnin
e haiun In the t inilinn of 1 otiti-l inl,
Munhpiidilp of the I 1 1 nf 'nt,
0 I.ihiiI Wi.t -ei iiiloli iml -iiliuiliin
7 In n. i d-ottlii'i(erii IN tin-v b un i.
I'lliaiii ill mil Lotiniiililil.
S dvpiti-eini nt
Mass Meeting Held to Raise
$20,000,000 to Forward
ll.v l'. limni Wile fio.n I up ts-oii.ilid l'le-.
New Yoi It. June IT. A mass meeting
was held tonight at dime iliuiih In
the inteiest of "nieltopolltan
olfeting movement." Tills "mov einenl"
Is a pail ot the national nioveineut to the oj"?.ilng ol the twohtleih
ce.nluiy bv l.ilslng 'f.'o ooo.oon m u
waid (he eaiisp oi Methodism in tills
loitnti. Ol this sum it has been 1. -elded
that $1,000,000 shall be i.ilscd In
this cltv. Ol this million fTOn Oou aie
to be eponilpd In p.ning ett debts ol
Methodist chun lies in the cliv, and
-inuuofi cash aie to go to St. Chiis
tophei 's home for ihlldien at Dobb's
1'eii.v, the de iconess home in Xevv
Yoi k city and the lOuteieiue claiiu
ants' tuiid, which is tin supei .miniated
Tile I lev. Hi. I J. S Tipple, ovi'i lithe
soil etm v of tiie thank offei Ing com
mission foi ihe boiottgh of Manhattan
ami the HioiiN. auuotiui ed that since
Hie public statement was made one
subsci Iptlon loi $.'0,000 and anothei lor
$'0,000. both lot Si. Chiistophei's home,
had been made. The subsci iptloiis foi
the deaconess home also amount to
$.'"0,000 The total subsi i iptlou amount
ed io $.''iT,(in0
Hi. Tipple did not make pltblli Ihe
names of the poisons who made the
two subsc i iptloiis he annouiunl.
Is Fixed as the Date for
Special Session of the
Iti I xclimiie Wire fn in The -,n iu,d I'if-i
Washington, June IT Seuotaiy Hay
today liMfheel the tollowing leligiam
liom tloveinot Allen, ol Pot to Itiio,
at San Juan:
"I'll. minimis vote tod.iv, heads of de
pailnients flxetl the dale top the spe
cial session of legislaiiiie lop Julv 1.
The date of pioc luiii.iHou will be ,in
ncnim ed al the session,"
The piocluinalion loforrrd lo Is that
iv huh will dec hue flee ttade to elsi
between the I'nited States ami Pinto
(tli o allot a designated date, lu cou
lotmltv with the tonus of the Koiakop
ait, w hli h allowed two eais to ti st
the ability ot the island to sustain ll
solt tin ciiigh taxation. C.ov -ei
nor Allen's i epulis have Indiiated
that uiidoi the lollandi i tut I'm to
Itiin is now ic.ld.v to assume ueo
1 1. 1 de.
An Eftort to Foice Caipenteis to
Join the Union.
I! Is luine Win In in llu V iiiiihI I'n-f
W'ilkes-lkiiie, June l.T Thi.e bun
dled and til t men and bo.vs euiplovid
lit the HailV U. uillletV nl the Tolll
pe Coal ionip.iii. at Folly Fen t,
went out on stilke today bn.ius.'
thiee t i i pi llli I s lotus d in loin the
Union altei being eillesti'i lo do so
The loinp.iliv iillli litis tolltsed to In
tel eie III tin Ulllltei, ll s thought
Hie ciupeuleis .an lie India oil to lulu
the union and tile slllke will lie -hint
Edwards Still nt Liuoity,
Bv Kwlnue Wue 1mm Ihe 'o uud I'rcte
slii, I i, lum I." 11 III. . rdivanl.. Hie
In J.IO lllllllllll 1 ol lohn ( I .Mi i, I- 'llll (i Ih
ill lln po e had noi ahiini'iniil II- ittoiK
In loi.lli' 111 il nnd Ihe M'lnll ill Noilliij.l lil-i-
-till in iioi.i(-. I"'"" iu H' 'i"!'u
l- laliiiliul Imin pio.eil uiiliiH No flilllir
tlllllipl 111' hei II juuill lo Ivilll ttt lie li'i f at
liil lull
John Sholoy Sentenced.
Hv r.ulmiir Wire fiom llie tii lated I'rtM.
Iliiii'hui.. Inii' IT lohn -liul.i in in .in
pliie ol lliiin liom aid Woti'ii hiipir, i inn i
siidmip ol 'hull loi H' i mull i 'i I huh- W
Itv.m, c .i-tiii i ul Ihe HillliV Nai onil hink, "t
lliluis, .i- -iniiniiil hi hidi sii,iiaoii wdn
lu lln I l-lllll lilill lltiall I'll I'll ar- se
pliailul Jllllll I" JUi.'UI In Inn lln IllhlillV
of tin l ml. In Ihnti and Iv Ipi i
Murder and Suicide.
II I. in Mi. lone IT 'ion..oi Hjiilan, fi
mull ol I'. ii'jiuli, I la . ! iiniil siim,l,i na
a-nuul puniipil oi Mm piinlii i honl. mn,
liu'.ii fliul and kilhd l'iuiilil l.ioie II M
N.d iml Hun ininiulliid nn pie Itaiikin tiad
h'en ili-tn s-id 1 1. ail 1 1 e ( honl and lln lo-a. of hi.
p -ill m 1. tiippo-id Ii hue ltd in ihe liuu'In;
Mr, Pingiee's Condition.
1 1 nilnli, linn )- I liuipiii.ii I'iii.iii ih
-nan lib linn ll iiihlnailn lia ni.ui ilnl.
n iiiitiiinid iipi(hen-n Ii a- In In- iiiiiUiiiin
Ihe lloli.i-l ill UK- hail tadul 10 ihuk lln
ih-iillilv iml Hip nib lopeiol '11111110111 1- that
Hit 1 i..l 1.11I iv iiuldid mil 10 paiiiki 01 nui.i
id mint
Stinsou Wins Motor-Paced Race.
lluMon, line 17 siiii.nii won ihe ihuiv mile
motoi paved Ian al Chillis Itmi paik loilav
Nil'Oli iu, I lu own uih 111 Ihe laie. Iiiviiil al
Ih it lime hinkin Hit uoild'- tunipililloii 1 1
nf.!.-. M11. li 1. 1 was tun null' Inland -lin-un al
Hit lini.-ll sti 11 nun,, tl ) 10.
Labi Gnse to Be Decided That W.n
InvolviiiQ the Seizure o! the
Ghllean Vessel Itata.
The Case Dismissed by the Ruling
of the Aibitrators -Minister Pi 0 tin.
of Switzerland and Mr. Gage,
American CommisQioner, Agree
While the Chilean Commissionet
Dissents Damages Not Occasion
ed by Any Unjustifiable Action on
Part of the United States.
It'l Ittttl. ll Will III in I hi W.i'llttd I'll -a
Washington. June IT. The Fiilteel
States aii'l Chilean elahn 1 olnuissoii
completed its wink tod.iv. The last,
i.i-o to be decided was that Involving
tin siiimio In IS'H of the c'lilloan vc
'e Itata bv the aillhoiltles of the
I'liltod Slates, oil Ihe giound that she
was tuiivlng :i ol iimtiab.ind
anus to ChiU The 1 I. iim was for
11,011 wlih Inteiest, md was made
by til" South Amoiiian Steamship, width had ehaiteied the
ship In the Chilean gov el iiinent. The
decjslon of todav dismisses the tase.
Mlnlsti 1 I'lod.i, ot Sw Iteilaiul, picsl
eleiit ol Ihe 1 iimiulsson, and Mi. dago,
the Aineiie.iii 1 onmilssicinei , agneil In
this iivv. while Minister Vicuna, of
I llll", dissented The - ( omilltSbiotl
stuns up Its llnillngs as tollows-
1 Ilnl id. 111111141- ilhud hi tin plant (
weie not in i 1-11 in d hi in iiiiiu-Hltihlt nltiiiiMi
ihe pail of Ihe I int.. I s 11,., 11,11 llu II iU m u
not pui-ned hi Ihe ninl nithoiitle- of th'
I'lllleil s lies upon lln -11- into I hlleir,
V.IUI-, lliilnml In Miiieiiiln hi di-plii n(iirni
101 fuiie mil luouiHil link iitiin 1 iluti-i
' II a Hie It it 1 iv 1- volinitinli plaid it Hip
ih-pitoil of tin Iniiid -liil- in it,, pniu-ionil
siiietinui nt of ( hile
' Ih it tin IP w 1- piohilili 1 111-e fur the ill t n.
thin of the II Ul at Sjnii,.n In the alllhniltls
of Ihe t nitid Stu.s md, Hun fuic, no ninn;
i 1- iloni ,
1 Ilnl tin iliiiuuil Iim IiioiikIiI -nit in Hie
lonrl- of 1 In le- n.iui-1 the cm ei ninent if Chile
In 111 uv. 1 dim vis iipuii Ih. nlentii il ihlm I'm
M hue -et up iuiili-1 1I1P I mini Stiles; tint
tin iiimpini In- mound pnl.tmnt thueon
and Hut tin -e ju.luiiu nl- hive hull paid lo 111'
ti nip iii In tin Kovuini.ini of t IiiIp I hi 1 a-e
1111 -I, Hun feie. he I'l-nii id
Anothei 1 ,i'c deckled to
day was that of the lenttal and
Southern Telegiaph 1 niup.tnv against
c'hili, glowing out of a tax of two
cents a message levied eftiilnfi tin'
utilising of 1SH. The 1 ominisslon
awaidetl S4.0D0 damages.
Dm ing Hie sisslons of the com
mission, tlli'ie have bteu seventeen
c.i-e against Chile and two agaln'-t
Ihe I'nited Stat"s The total nT
Ameili.iu claims against Chile was
$1,100 0(111. and ol tills jjsOhJ, op .rsl
pp" 1 i-ii I has been aw.iidid liv tiie
conimls-liin Tli" two Chilean daiiu
against this govei ninent weie thf
Itata 1 aso disposed nt todav, and
that ol Kldlild Tiiiiubull. who win
awaldcd $ i.fioo lot sotvlies to lb'
Fulled States legation in Chile In .111
iMi.iditlnn ( i"-" some ago.
Otticeis Elected at the Sessions ic
Hi l.vli-ivi' W'ue (intii I hi V'liuitrd I'ic-s
Phllatli Iphl.i. June IT At lodaVs
so-sion ol the iimuiil iimveutlon of
lite' Ameih.iu I'edeiailoii of '.lonlsts,
IMof Itiiliud elotthcll of New- Yoi k.
wa- ie.ei 1 te'il piisident. and .1. I'
Mnlilsoii, ol New Ymli, was 11. elected
honoiaiv -eiii'taiv The temaluing
, illli eis we'll' elci led as tollows.
Honoiaiv in. .sun 1 William Mol
lis, ol I'hlltnlelphl.i 1. piesonlativi in
the gi.iuil loimdl ol Vienna, the pies
ident, liev I! S Sh.lllel. of Unltl
nion liiv 11. I'. .Monede, Af New
Yoik. I.eo S solltl.oll of Chhago
I'.ev Ol Stephen S, WI-o of I'olt
limd, io
Tom L. Johnson's Ett'oit at Libe
Suits Fails.
II, Ivln-iw Win fiom Ihe I'll'"
Cleveland, June IT The gland hnv
today lepnited no line hills In the
ens. of Migiis'tts Hiihbell and the of
Ih lals ot tile Cleveland l.o.lilor IMIi
llshillg miip.lliv. Who Weie diatgnl
with libel
Their dtli'sts vvie 111. lib' upon vvui
tanls swot u mn bv Tom I. Johnson.
11s ti 11 suit ol an allldait made lv
Hilbbell and published in thf Lender
dining th in oin inamalt 1.1111
p.ilgti, dmislng Ihe fell hum with using
uiouev iinlawfulh In ' otinei lion with
his i.inv.iss,
Boatding House Dynamited,
It I I. vi In-iip Win 11 m I h" -.01i11rd l'ie
Ni.IimIIi', Im" IT P'i.lal lloin Pailin.l 11,
hj , m 1 hoiiilili- liou-i. 11 the Moiiuili iniin 1 1. 1.lli d Willi Inlhl- lil Idahl md Sfiielaii
Hill, 'f H" "ak Hill 1 d loinpon, w 1. -ho
UiieilUh Ihe Ii id lln olnllil Mellltiil I pal
,onH 1 Madi'il.vilh w 1. ibimiiiliil let '.n
ii', hut lie OIK "I- llllllllll I"" IHrlO' I"'
.11"' m woik m iml in Miilliuiinillii ve-i.'iiiiy
and pin up a ihe pn.on ae and Hie iliin in-lri
Hill HJ- i ul 1 1. hd He .11
I ,1 il .I11.1 1.1 1 im I. P")!'
IIr.Iip-1 luiipii iiiiip . T iIijiki
l.mii-1 iuniiiline . it di,;' 1
liiljttii- lluiunlil .
S 1 in , 0' tm eenl
i p 111 )i li eun.
4- ---
Wa-hin, 1011 lime 17 - (oieia-l for Kat. -f
un I'liiii-vliaiui l.nul 1 iln, followed aj
t I 1 fin and vvanuii vieatlier Cnenlav.
Wedni-da' 1 .11 lull i inlc wulliM-t
nil .hini,. in .o'ihwe-ifil