"-? '" '- "fn-ntraitt rOiiic.'-'. (?7,-li.W t,;V',"1,i'?It3,11 " Vv"?'. fl"1 " - '"W"",i ,' )- . vlV f.r . t , - IP," ijj. f 1 tVl" '""( THE SC'IUNTON TtU13UNE-MONrAY, .TUNE 17, 1903P. - $t fTr- POUND VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY MRS. BEVIIiAOftUA ACQUITTED OF THE CHARGE OF MURDER. General Comment la to the Effect That the Jury Was Extremely Morcifwl-Dofcnse Was Willing All Alonpto Enter a Plea of Man-' elaughter-A Fine of $500 and Three Months in Jail for a Woman Who Sold Liquor Without a Liconse. My jiii nlttiost tiniinininii- volt on Hie fit at Imllnt mid with ulil.v tun ImllolH nrccMPiiry to nceiiu- iiiiimlnilty, the Jtny In the Jtelllticiiiltt mill (lor i'ii-"-JiHicoil Unit the vvotniin who killed .Mnry Ro-u-, with n u-volvi-r hIii- hud horn ciniyliiK sK vvei-l'-. wns not utility In any iniiniicr or form. The Jin fi'tlipil Frldiiy nlRht nt T n'clocli. At Hip opening of com I, Sul urdiiy intPinliiK. tlu-y cnino Hi mid. Inul .IiiiIkp llaliey it-mi to tln-nt roitiiln of 1 ho In w (mints Hiiliinlttcil by tin dc-fi-mlunt. At 11.1" they i-uini- 111 with a vmillet of not Rtilltv. .TiulfW MalKi-y land churned the Jul V partleulnily nj-iilnxt allow Inn ym jmthy to mould their vciiliet. The law makes no illtlnitl(ti In m-. and tin Jurors should not. he s.ild. lie also warned them asalnsl IioImk liliieil by the -intni-tli- Si-oni"- vllnt-i-il In the i ourt room. When the eidlel wni jiiesented to him, Satin day, the JiiiIeo miIi iiothlni,', i'.M-i'l the few foiiiml iniriH of thanks lor their mtvIi , but the exinelon on liW I'm e tended to indleale that he v,i-- not "alMled but that the Jury heeded not his nth he The lontenllon o( the (onimonwe.ilth was that Jhs. Uev lliiritua hail curled a levnlver for a Ioiir time, with the intention of hootliiK .Mis. P.o-e; that idie sousht out .Mis. ISo-e till-" moi n Iiik. and, pleklilK .i Miiaiiel with hei, .-hot her, while a l.ne iooKIuk iloe scpaiated them; and thai after -linnt-Iiir her through the bod. she Hied two more shots, the last one. Horn every ludleatloti. boinsr tiled while .Mr" I!iim vwis lleehiR tluoiiRli nnotliei loom, twenty-one feel fioin the Kitchen vvliero the lli-U "hot was filed The defeiT-e was (hat .Mis Kose was nlwa.xs hounding .Mis. I!e llai iii,i: lh.it she had u---iiiiltc(l hei and tlueat ened to kill her seei.il limes: that on the day of the "hoot ill); .Mis. Itoe tiicked a quail el witli her and att.icKed her with a poker, and that .Mif. H' il aiqua only Hied when Mi. l!oe was about to strike her As to the silbseiinent allots, it was eonteiided that under the law they wen- all pari of the one aet. that llieie was no lime tor kioIIiir of the blood or leflection between the tlit and last "hots, and that the last shot was just as much in self-defense as was the til st. Tile only eje-witness to the shooting, .Mrs. Anne .Morcso Muet.i. imed -KlePii, swoie positively that .Mis. Hose was not attacking Mis. Iievll.ietiua when ,lhe first shot was hied, and that .Mis. tnsi- did not even lt.ivi- a poker in lir-r hand. 'The women weie iiiai lelinR, JIis. .Mueta went on to tell, and while .Mis. Jtu-e was on one -.idi- of the stove and Mrs. hevilaciiua on the olhei. Mrs. !cvllneiiia diew a ir-vulvci fiom her dicss )MPikel, held it with both hand", and Hied, I'voiy i In iimstani lends to shiny that Mis. Rose lied, that while she was lleelnpr Mis. Hevilaciiua llieil .iK.'iIn, and thai alter she sought icf 'iKe in the faithest room. Mis. lic-vll-aequa followed her. held the levohir within two feet of her head and sent u build tluouKli hei brain. The comment most Reneially hi. ml Is that the eidht is a lepelition of that in the Uilliolt ease last week, In the matter of showing wlial skillful lawyers can do. The husband of Mis. rsevil.n qua, v, ho was act used of Ik-Iiir an anes fnry, Is also fieed by this veidlct. He Mas released on Jlis own iceoRiiizance until the October sessions, when a ver dict or not KUilty will be taken Mr. and Mis. nevilacqua. Willi their thieo-year-old babe, who so matei lally helped aloiiR the deieuse, went fiom the jury room with a paii of fi lends. Mis, JlPvilaeqii.i had to be helped aloiiR, and was taKen fiom the com I house to her home In a cauiiiRe. The fi lends of the slain women weie dei ply chiiRi ined at the Jmy's lindliiR. "When a proposition was made Thuis- l.i V to enter a pha ol inanslaiiKhter they jirotesteil, and their attorneys, Messrs. Jones and Daniels, conse quently had to decline to aiquiesie. lleorRo S. Horn, Cornelius Coiiiirs iiikI Frank 12. lloyle, altoineys for the defense, were IiIrIiI.v elated over Ihe ridlct. They hoped and winked for aiqlilttal, but would doubtless have considered It a victory If a verdict of iiinnslauKhter m.is rendeied. Comparatively Few Sontencea. 1'artles convicted iliirhiR the week, and some convicted Ihe week befoie, lecelved their soutentcs Satin day. There were couipaitilhely few to feel the reputed "heavy hand" of the law, Joreph AValsh, who was found with a Kit of tools and n stolen penny-ln-the-slot machine in his possession, and who had been to the penitentiary twin lief oie, was Riven two yeais mine by Judge Kelly. Mis. Hannah Lally w'as sentenced to t In oo months in the county jail mid u fine of $50rt, for selling- liquor without a tliense. She n loinietod last Oc tober, and sentencn was suspended upon her promise to quit sellliiR She hi okc her promise, and when this met was. established by the Municipal league linkers, Judge Kelly sent her to HII. William J'otrokus, touvleted of em. hrzzliiiK $70.0$ fi urn I he l.lihiiaiilau Koncllcl.il society, of North Scinutoii, imih sentenced by Judge Kelly to tlnee TKinths In the iiHiuty jail and a line of M. TlionuiH Hiooks and Frank Hi own, ;onvleted or huieny, weie each given ilxty days by Judge Kelly. Sentence was Indefinitely suspended y Judge Kelly In the case of I', J. Mes&ett, the Uellovue boy, chat Red with disturbing publli woishlp at Holy Cioss church, The Jury recommended meiey, and the prosecutor, ev. W, I O'Donnell, asked that seiitenio be sus ponded. In tho ease of Anthony flordon, found guilty of perjury, sentence was deferred until "Wednesday, to give an opportunity for Ming reasons lor a new trial. Reasons for a new ti lal were Med In tho caso of John Harris, who was con victed with Joseph "Wulsh of having Eloleu e. blot machine, it Is alleged thut tho prosecuting attorney Improp erly exposed to the Jury a record of Harris' former conviction, and thut ene of tho Juror asserted ho would opt have convicted Harris l? It was not that ho had seen him In the county Jail, seven years ngo. rieorgo "Wilson, colored, who plead jrtillty of breaking Into 13, Jopophson's stoic, on I'cnn n venue, wns sent up to Ihe county Jnll for six months by JtnlRp Carpenter. On Saturday morning, vol diets of not millty weie i plumed In the ease In which Jnnie.i Thomas was accused of obtaining goods by false pretenses, mid the case In which Stephen Mm kalskl was I'haiRcd with heating a hoaid bill. A capias was Issued for Fred Miller, who plead gNllty of selling liquor with out it license, at the October sessions, and who, neeoidlng to the Municipal league olllceis, has been doing business nt the old sttinil ever shire, Dugns Mutt Stand Trial. Judge JMwnrds on Saturday lefused to ieleaso John Uugas, the Austin Heights man, aeeuspd of the murder of John UtMinock, despite the llndlng or the coroner's jury that ttushnoik tame to his death from heait disease. Itushiioek and Ougas quarreled and Dilgas shuck Hiishnoek over the head with a club. The cm oner's autopsy n valid the fact that the deceased was alllleteil with heart disease, and from the icport of the coioner. the Jury found that this, and not the blows on the head, caused death. Tin- fact that llushiiock was found dead the inoinlng after the quatiel with Ougas. moved the Judge to hold him for trial. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Then- will be a session of argument i unit totnoiiow. to continue one week, and at Its conclusion, eoint will begin the summer vacation. Mis. Sellna Williams, of North Scrnnloti, brought suit In illvoice Snl i.id.iy. alleging that her husband, John Williams, has been treating her ci nel ly. They weie man led lu 1M0. and lived together until Mnv 7, of this year. Vosbnig & Dawson aie the llbcllaut's attorneys. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Make Up of the D. L. & W. Board for Today Strike of the Linemen. D., I. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up of the D., h. and W. bonid for today: s. ronton, Imu 17, I'-ll. s SpVi. .11 M tl, Wil.l r-ju I ,i- -- p iii, II liillism; 10 n. m , I . jii Wuriiiri VIONDVV, .11 Ml IT. Wil.l Cits I .1-1 I A in. VI .1 lli union. 10 .1 lu.. Win. Klllii: II n. in., .1 W PiMlin, I i m. I. Wnlhir, .ri . m , (. Koiini'i. u i in . J. I I O'li'lln. summit-, l.k -i i in wiM, I. I'lnnnfelKri . n i in, i el, .1. I .ml. p in I. II Niilio'-, 7 p in i il flini No Vnir, I. Vli Alll-tri , 7 p in, XM'-t fliinl I jiiiki. Mi lam", 7 p m , utM In in I ivimi, f l. Mioinp-ou i-ii-iliiiH ! in, llm-ii'i; la .1 in, s I'm mm: II...0 h, in M Mm in. 7 )i. in Vim pli, 'i p , I unpins; In p in , V W nliii-i I'lvini;!! I iiirini 7 in, .lolui iIiIIihm, 7 i in, I' smai r in i in, I' I' smut, i.O p III., stinliin; 7 i in. i Umhui, Wil.l I ll- Wi-t 1 I'. I. Iiii'ir- III ,i III, I). it 1 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 . 1 1 . II ,i. in, M I llllioill. I p in. I CailiM J p n . V I. Mutltp I p in, (I W I iIliiiIiI: "i p. in. .Iiilin llisli'i, 0 p iii , V. i:. Krli 1. 1 in. sniii i: I niiilni lui luliii (.ilnS'iii ii"l new vill ri pinl .n tiiprriiitiniliiiri iiflm in i in, Mmnlii .'nil. 17 innilminr Kjllril.t "ill i ill it Iraiimi i-li I i i.llli i Hi tkriiiin h r ink 1'ihi mU will en nut uith P U.ill.iip in phu- nt (let rcr Vleil, until tutlli r Hutu I Strike of Linemen. Another stilke is on. The olllclals of the Central Pennsylvania Telephone tiinipauy last night admitted thai two of their linemen had quit vvoik. Tho lompauy enqiloys twelve of these men, four of whom aie unionized. Wednes day the quaitette petitioned Supei lu ll ndent Oaynoi for a nine-hour day at an incienscd wage of Irom JJ.2.", to ?J..'i0 per day. They weie told thut the matter would be taken under advisement, and Sat in day waited upon .Mr. ilaynor and weie told that company oflli ials would be in tile city Tuesday and they mtilil i (infer with them. Tills satisfied two ol the men. but ihe other two sli nek. The lepoit that all the men aie out at Wllkes-ISaiio Is i haiacti rla d as false ! the company ofllcinW, who slate that It was caused bv a visit to tills city of a delegation of Wilkes lJ.ii re linemen, who confeiied with the local union and then decided to wait on their olllclals. Meeting of Central Labor Union. Thereiitral Labor union met In tegu lar session yesterday alternoon at Kconoiny hall and conducted an Inler estliiR meeting. The most inipoitant business conducted was the nomination of ollli-ers for the ensuing .vear. A l.ugo number of names weie pro posed and will be voted upon at the next meeting Prior to jestm day's session the committee in charge of the pieparatlons tor the convention of the American Federation of Labor, which is to be held In this city, met and con sldeied bids on the souvenir pio gi amine for the convention. A nun luillllcalioi! was received from Secie tary Moiilsou, of Washington, I). f, who stilted that he would be heie dur ing the summer In piepaie for the hotel aicoinniodatloiis and other Im I denlals. It will he held iJcceinher ri ll, In St, Thomas hull. This and That. The Italdvvin Locomotive winks, of Philadelphia, Pn Is shipping five lo comotives to Kobe foi utnlli'.iitlon on ihe Japanese government i.illways, The St, Clair Steel company lias pui chased thlit.v-llve acies or land at Uk.lr station, Pa, wlieie the com pany Is building an open. health plant. The contiact tor iluee furnace has. been let. It Is seini.oiiielaiiy stated that the ulllic- of the geneial paymaster Is to be abolished by the Philadelphia and Heading compau. and that heiearter the i hecks and pay mils for the em ployes will be sent to the v.llious ill vision sup"liutendPuts. The checks will then bo dish United by u ileik. At the unmml meeting of the strik ing C.iipenteis' union the tallowing olllceis weie elected, PicshJeul. M, I', Ooidoii, vlce-pieslilent, licotpe Phil lips; lecnrdlng secictniy, J, F Lav eiy; tluanelal seeietuiy, Pah lei; Con lln; conductor, P. C Willli; waideu, lieoige Itolliusnii: truslee, S. I! PiUp Surveyors under L'nglueer Hets, wlio aie resuiveylng the ionise of the Uulctuu and Wllkes-Hano rall muil, have completed their vvoik now as far as Sugar Notch and aie now concluding their woik at the gap. It Is expected that building operations will be begun by July 1. although as yet no contracts have been awaided. The building of the toad is an as suied fact and vvthlu a few mouths the cats will he i tinning between this rlty and Wllkes-H.irre. Hazlelon Siuillnnl, WMI m 3 G..B Mi Lockkrt's Third Mill End Sale At This Store Will Begin Wednesday Morning, June 19, at 8.30 O'clock Mr. Lockhart has been sending us di rect from the mills several carloads of seasonable and desirable merchandise for this Great Sale, and will be here in per son to conduct the sale, as usual. Every department has been yell sup plied with Mill Ends, and we propose to make this the greatest sale on record For Particulars See of Tomorrow's Papers Goldsmith Bros, k Co. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA. His Feast Day Observed by Italians of Dunmore Nature of the Exercises. been ill landed city on It would have bren an easy matter tor an Imaginative traveler had lie Dunnioie .vesteiday to liave hiiusell in some old Italian the icstal day ol a saint, for .vesteiday was the roast daj of ril. Anthony uf J'adn.i, and Ihe Italians ol Dunnioie celehiated il as it is cele brated under tin- siinnv skies of Italy. St. Anthony of I'.idna is iciognlcil as the lavoiite .so hit of the Italian race and Italians thiotighoiil the win lit oe to honor his ineinoij to plead 'or his Intou ession. In Italy it is the custom on St I hony's day to carry ;m linage of taint tin (High the stieets, stopping in limn of the house ut au.v person who may deshe io make an otfeilng ana who mav wish io ask for the good s-alnt'.s inteicession. This custom was lellgloiiHlv obs.-i veil In Dunnioie .ves teiday allernoon. A pioees'sliin headed by a number of little ghU die.ssed hi while ami carr.v ii'g uindle.s started through the and A li the sheets o the Italian district at .' ('(lock. Following the little glils came four robust men lu Miipllce and lassocks heniing upon their shotildeis i .statue of the Vitgiu .Mary. Mchlnd these came another gioup ot men car lylug a statue of St. Aiithnuv when a boy and dually came six men cuiryiug upon their shoulders a life-slue Image of the saint In the prime of lire diessed in the habit ot the Franciscan order. Four other men can led a canopy supported nil four poles and held over the statue, hi fiotit of the last slatue ivalkeo, Hip pi lest, his vestments held back by two attendants, while behind it came the Itouin hand, followed hy an ever Incieasiug uowd of bareheaded Italians, men, women and clilldieu, singing hymns'. The Intense devotion and lellglous leellng of the lough looking men who participated In the procession may be undcis'iood when ll Is chionlcled that they walked baieheaded In the blazing Mill tor ueai ly live bonis, It being 7 o'cloik licl'oie the piucessloil had tr.tw-i sed all the sheets. Those people who deshed to have tlie piocesshiu hall In 1 1 mt or their houses placed tlnee tables deioiated with white ilotlls oil the sheet The tlnee statues would be ie.teil on these tables and the mother or father of the family would tome out and pin upon Ht. Anthony's tube the offering. Sometimes It would be a dollai hill, s-omctliues ,i two dollar hill, ami lu a few iustuiues a whole shllig of bank notes pinned to ll long llbboii, The oil'eilng inade, the priest ira.vcd for the blessing nl' the house and la oc cupants and the il(u ession movul on to' the nest house. Tho sheets were lined with people and as the pioccssloii passed every iiiaii raised his hat and ninny of the women went down on ihelr knees on the dllty street. It was altogether a speitace seldom seen out of Catholic Ihirope and with a stietch of the Imagination one unild almot fam y himself awa.v nvioss the seas lu the stuels ot some oil Italian city. The pietty Utile chinch, way up on the hill was beautltnllv decoi uted and was thronged with devout woishlppeis during the day. Theie was n geneial display ot lliewoiks on Satuulay night, the cele btntlon beginning at .sundown on thill evening and continuing until sutiii.se this mornliiL- Belawnte, Lackawanna and Western In I .tint lie. ". I "fin SiilHh - 1 ,lf s,r,n0n ,,. ( Vulk It I."1, .SIM, i Ml, S.iki ami III 01 J. in.. !-'. "ii. !"'' P I" I'm l'liilnldilMi .it s TO anh ion") h in , lin .nul .1 tl i in Per siii,iii.i,iiii; a il.ln p in Milk .iiioiiiiniuliljiiii .it .tin p in, Viioo :l lb imki ii n i. ., '..is. in'Js, i.'iv., :: n. i.is, 7 1') i ill Vnoc it Pliiii.tilpliii it I "I.. !-'. I. (i .mil s," p in Vrriw ti.iin Nrw Vmk il 1.1.1. i...:j mil lir'i j. in.; Iti. I "'i. .I.M. sli .mil II til p ill I'loril siiiiiiM.iii' it sir, , mi Ninth l,i"ii s, ,n,irn tm Hiiftilo jml i it tot iiuiluli- (.litKHi .it 1.11, I. II .mil " ml a im : 1 11, 1 IS .in I II '1.1 p. in. I'm O-urZn .mil sin i iee a e..t1 .i, in .mi) 1.11 p in Im I tn i it 1 Ii1 a in .nut 11) p in I'm Vliniii i .11 'i W .1. in till Jiid lis p. in I'm Siili.il "Hi .it I (l mil ii.11 p. in. I'm lliiiisliiiiilnn .it HI 'JO i in Viioe in S(i,tnifiii fiom llull.ilo n I ii. .'.11, 1 II .mil in ft) J. in : .! .(tMlirl sl p in. I loin (Kiicii .mil suui.c u J. .il j. in., IS. .s mil .hi p in I mm I Hi. i it 'J 11 .i. in ; VJ.uS .mil .!.,n p in I'm in Siiliiil-oii .11 7." .i in. .iinl . in p in I'loni Monliii-i' a in i Hi i in : .: .'0 .mil s 00 p. in llloi m.liiiis liui-ieii l.c.HO s, r.mtmi fn. Vmlliiniilii'il.mil. .0 it II, Hull ,i in : 111 mil ."...VI p in. I'm l-l.iiiiiuilli .it 101, .'MO. s 10 p in, I'm Mux-liui .n s 10 i. in. Vtino .it Snitliiiiiiliiihnil .il ,I.M J. in : I l. "I"' .mil Ml p in Vnlii" .it Imh.-Uiii nt R 1J I m Viiim .it I'liiiionili .it -til. I...'. ''II p. in Arnv i In sii.ininn 1 1 1 in Nnrlliiniil crlanl .H 'M ' a, in . I '..11, I. .Vi .mil s )-, p in rimii Kiiioliui n II no ,i in I mm I'Imiiui.iIi at 7..11 .i. in i - .nul .1 .11 p. in sI'SPVV 'IIIVISS sniiili t.riM s, i im on ,it ,n, .l.ini, ,1,10, II) HI a, in , III Htiil !. 10 p in Suiili Loin sdjiitmi .it 1 li, (..ll .1. in , 1..11, 1.1s .mil II, .11 p. in llliii'iielmiu' iilmii- I ( in s, Linn,, ,,( pin,-, a in, .mil .1..VI p in. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ill l.ufll .lllll" -', lIKll Vi.i I ik i.c oe sii.iniin: fur riiil-tilil-iliia .i.i.l Sim nrk im I). .: It. 11 11, ji nil mil Hits .1 III., .mil -J I1-. I .'7 (link Hum i:vii"), .nul II..10 p. in, s.iih- il.ti-i. II. . II, II. It., 1..1s. s.-'7 p. 111. I'd Wliin- II.11111, llnli ton Jii'l pinnipil piiinu in tin mil i-Timi". 'i.' t & II II. II , nil, 'J Is niul I.J7 p 111. I'm l-xllsv illc, n.11 a, in.. '.-.In p. in. I'm lldlilrlinii, lli'-lnn, llr.iilin;, Il.ln Ubilii; niul piitiilnl mti 11m (lute -lilimw i.i II ,V II. II It., il.tl, ',.ls .1. in, '.IS 127 (lllnk tin inn, nl I'vpitu-,), II 1 p. in s,i,,,,, ) ,-, 11, II, It , 11 .Is .1 111.; I..V1. f-,-7 p in I'm littikliiiiiiiiik. 'Iiin.iinli. i:iinli 1. Ilhaii, Ciiici.i .nul piliuipil hit. 1 1nol1.1t r Mitlnin, vi.i ll, l .V l. II II., sOs a, 111 l.ltt ami :i,ii p in, I'ur (ti tioi.i, Itr.iluvin, lliiD.nln, Misni.i I'all., (Iili.iltn mil ill points vw-t, vl.i I). ,t II, It. It., 74", ll..",1 j 111, 1 . ...:. (Ill nl. lllaiiiiiinl l. ilii-), 7,11, 10.41, II. .Jl i. in, siuid.iv.-i, ll. .V. II, II. It., 11.11. S.'J7 p. 111 I'lillnun pailui .nul Hlivpliic nr l.iliinlt V.ill. - piiloi i.iu mi .ill 1 1.1I 11.- Iiilwci'ii ilkiv II on' umi Sew ink, I'lnl.nli Ipliia, lliiffalii niul Siiv pill-Ion lliiilui. 111)1,1. IS II. Ull III It, (inn. Sn-.t., Jn CurllJiul Uril'l, .Si'U Vmk. (IIMII.KS s, l.l.i:. (Mi. 'i-,. Ari,. 'Jd f.ntlanil tli 1 1. .Sou lull, . W SIISSCVIVl III It Dn. IMw Ant., Smitli lllllllollllll, I 'J I'nr llikiu .nul I'lillnnn ii'-ou.illniis ippl.v la ;'!' 1 I.11 kjnjim.i jiitiiu', siuntiiii, I'.i. Cential Rnlhoad of New Jeisey, si.iitt.iis in Son- uik-luot ii l.iti.'it.i i,t rut, N. II , .mil s,,i,th i'i in 'UMI. TVHi.i: IS 1,1 I'lIT VIV ll), I-h.1. Ti.iiii'. loap ii.iiiIiii 101 Ni Vmk, Si-null, l.hili.lli. 1'liitnK Ipliii, I'.i.lmi, llollildii'iti, VI jtiilnnii, M.iihIi ( lunik ami wind' IIjii'M, it s 1", ,i in . evprs. I 10, i prev., l.lJ p m. -mi il.nt, '.Ml p. m I'm- I'lllsti'ii .iml Wilkts II air, S "n i in , 1.14 Jllil U) l. III. s,m,jih, , 1 1 1. Ill I'er lUltlmci.-1 .nul Mhliintou an.l points Smith nul t vi.i II, lliklii-in, S.v:, j, in , in umi too p. in sihkIjk, J II p. in, I'nr buns.' IIniiiIi, iKi.ni i.inw, i-tc, ut 11 ii in mil 1,10 p. in. I m lltuiiiiu, l.iluiioii jml lljril.li'HK, via VI linliii, .'si i in. .nul 1 io I', in. slm,.,j( J II p. in I'm- IVilulHc, !..,;, .i in , 1 in p. in 1 1. 1 Mmintain I'.llt., ,, i. in, I III jml I en , in 'llomuli llikil id all points cJ-t, f mi til 411 1 ui.l .il luuit talis at tin- -til km I. V III Hi'. (,.-n. I' iv. Vsl. .1 11. (II1IV1's:S, I. in, sn Eiie Rnihond, Wyoming' Division. Tunc Talilc in 111 fit S(pl. 17, I'm). Tiani. (nr IIjuIi-.i jiu luul uiiitn. lumuit Ina; .il llaU ili Pile lalluuil tm Sow nik, New I, in.- .ui.l niliiiniiliilc pnInU, I e . p Sajn Inn at 7.(11 I in. i'"l - -1 i m 'luir u 1 1 i i u .it siiuiimii at to.ai l in uinl u 10 v. in. t ! l ... ! ... ... .. titiUillhUiif- . s. - -" s " mr- I TEETH We extract teeth, till teeth, ami apply gold crowns and bridge work, with- & 4 out the least pain, by a method pntented and used by lis only. When the im- 5 presslon is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. Si Note Onr Prices for Perfect. Painless Dentistry & J3-2WI ' " -"J . roHan!.. "' -'T"--tMB , .. . . - 9". I um act ICCtll (tliat lit) $5.00 i; Oold Fillings $.00 g Silver Filllntrs so VI rt.u r " . - . CT uuiu vniwns ,v.uu to 3d.UU & A'i,tl.r.r.t ' fr?-ifLi6i'illl'!Jr Txntii wiiiinii, m.,. v. CUtnlrjc Teeth 5oc ..n Ol ATFQ 9 PPPP N ohtuge for Fnlnle-is Kxtract- CnCC- PFnii. , iui-i hu.wii.nntii.p vv,,,i-1.. ii rKnn-i ncuiiiK. X We give a written giiarattteo for iii) yearn on nil work. 0. Bi "ED -7 1 no met tnui hub ta nn ineorporatea tJompiuiy tloittg ImsU '3 ness under tho laws of tills Stnte, and operivtlnK HyHtotn of O ,"i -iionices, is nsiiiiieieiu tfiiaidiiteu or our re.-umnslbl utv and WiKIUlcIl iiaMiiJitoiiuinuM, 5 thnt wo Do Exactly at Wo Advertise. 3 WK MAKK A SI'KCIATri of Goia Crown nnd HrldKe Work. Thl-3 la a ft 3 syslein fur liihi-i'tliiK nrtlliclal teeth where one or moic ate iiiIhsIiik without tile ; '. umc of a pinto. This work 1 moit beau tlftil nml rnnnol bo deteeted from the 9 nntliinl ti-elli. When pi npotly done, wl II lust a lifetime. Call nnd nee tia oper- 5f: S nte. It will bo a plcnsliie for 11.1 to eari-fully exiiinlne your teeth nnd tell you gt '. exactly what your work will cost. No cliaiBo for this. J lours, 8 to 8. Sun- j 9 duy.s, 10 to 4. J !ft Mil till.! t M. I t I Corner lark-awiinna ami VVjomltis acnu(-i Ovrr JT; '? I hfl uUhltO llQIltfll UQI'InrO "V Mo' f"-- ranton. 1,-irBi-U ilrntal g IIId VVIIIlD Ucllldl rdllulo zziiVtm",L ' A ln,InUtdS utca f: - TVIl KxBl PyJQte. . -VSrmwnrXV,lrirJIr Wi a iBiVrn AJ muUMl! I il:!;' itii!i4 lV'.h'iii'l.kKffilMUyF w AMUSEMENTS. SCRANTON, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, dune 30, 21 and 32. Location-ash srncer grounds. Darling's Congress of Trained Animals. ,;3S3b i5.sr- SUMMER FURNISHINGS Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete and comprises all the new novelties in Porch Rugs Porch Curtains -kJs ' "T - Aiknnnli'ilBP Io lif tin- wcllc-'l nrniili- ndilove mint nf tin- inriilulli iintiii.i I'litlv. pinniiu liiiiiir-. Iinrrtliii.". iliiniiiiilln- il"S liillt nuk 111B ttiniiki'is. Kiiomii tlie wuli- wntlil oii-i .1 "IMiliiiitN" I lui) lining-." I'l'i- In,'. Hull -.liow! Ilii' it'htht nt tin- little fi.lk-i t .111 v 1 "nl ijijIi iilc or Mimptiiiiii-. vili-nilii lulli .11 11 .1. in. 1-11 tlie iiiiiiiiiI liiuli.ii 11 pi- l ill. I'aii thnwn iluili. W.itn piniil umi'. "i.ihiii i it-.. I'i np- mliKiil Im tlni iliti- mill In .nlulK -' I I U.K. Lllililllll, ID ll'tlU. Pocono Heights flotose Aicominiidilr W Tiiodcni unpinw niont: t tonl streams (in prciiil-t; trnm inodoiati, In -t uf cicikc"-!. iul foi (iuulir, Samus! Ediagr, Kt. Pocono, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. MIL88A 1 Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1901. Trains leave Scinnton: 6.45 a. 111., week days, through ves tibule train fiom Wilkes-Baire. Pullman buffet nailor car antl coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvillo; stops at principal in teimediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbuvy, Hanisbuig, Philadelphia, Ilaltimoie, Wnsh inp;tou and for Plttsburp and the West. 9.38 a. m week days, for Sunbuiy, Hnrrisbuvg, Philadelphia, Balti moie, WnshuiRton ami Pittsbmg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. 111.), for Sunbuiy, Hnriis btug', Philadelphia, Bnltimoie, Washington and Pittsbuip and the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule tiain from Wilkes-Barie. Pullman buffet parlor c.u and coaches toPhiladelphia viaPotts ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbuiy, Hnnisburg, Philadel phia nnd Pittsbuig. .1 11 III l IIIN-DS. ("ill Vl.l. I It VWiOII, Ci'll I'.l-i v?t Delawaie and Hudson. In IWiil IniiP l'. I'U, 'IIJIII-. (ill I .llllnlliklli- ll'IlP Nl.lllllill .It l..'l -iiii sjM. ltuit .i i. l-.". ' -'. '-'" i-'-') fi -i, i-i-.-'"i, T;."iT, I'll'i, II:-" p. m , I H 1 f, lliuil.llll I l.ik.- InilolP, kin. i,l.l 1. lit -, 'JII .nut ' 1 p. in. -in Wilki.-llidP 'i'i'', 7-I-. -:l1, ' --. in.lt a in.. IJ.OI l:, -':IN .I..I. 1 17, n ID. ..I. in-ll. II : in l. in I'nr I V. II It. p ilnt. -n:l. !' -i in. "-.I". 4-JT mil II:.'' I1 i" I'm t'liiii.ilvinli It. It- puinU-il:!., Hil. -'tl'-, !!i..l .mil 1-J7 p in I'm Ml, ii .nul .ill i..iun iimili-d.iiJ .1. in. uinl .!:iJ p. in -I'MIVV 'I It MN- I'or ( .iilmnilili --:"i0, 1l!.l .1. m Jill. I!"'-', fii.'.j .nul in: i-' p. in I'nr Wilki-linn 'i.-k- J. hi., Uinl. t.'ii. .".-'. d..,J jiid ; IJ p. in. I'm Vliniii- ii il pninl. imilli t-.'i! i in I 111 llill.l .lllll- Jill lukp l,mil0 fin, 11. IS n. in, .nul .' . p. in ,,.. .. .y7yij.-,tiTi.i' msEEmmm Tim Cttrtl In effict J)rv, ,10tlt, IUO0, SCRANTON DIVISION. i an x m Ci So S; ""l "" " PV1 .. 7W.r Il7 PV 101". 10a li toto to - 111 .11 Hi oai 4 si ' io r. Hi ' IDuO mo - u su i u " ,. . Dili 1 1 ..,, 83111 11 " .... 1-MllJi ' ,. , P'.l lllllil " .. .(1(0 U Nil JO " ,, ,G 30 uo; , " . .1131 90111 II " .. SIU 01)111 11 " .. St K.VIIIC9 " en n im on - lia 8 'illll (11 a is 8IU0.: 6 14 klJIOM " ell kihium ' .. .603 3i)H " .. 6 06 S3, 10 IV " 6 0J H3J10II ' OX K .10 1 J 10 l.v fi 1'4 IM t.TTIO. .-K :ui us 'rl? r .' Id -l " . 1.1 . V.,W..I t 1'nilof.fn IIu.ii.kI. .-.imi tiir'il , l'l .tun lurk II1I1VIIIIHI r.illiUllv. .Ill HOtl . I'U'.imllt lit Utlltilulnk- l.,r. .1. I'llv I'ltltlOllllltll. Ill IMllJIII (Will ,VV Uitu Url.Jut- Muillilil VU .'UWKKI Jil 111! II .Aulikll.l Him, hi -tokilU-llltllllllllt I rl, i luirir 'llnuop l-lullililu,- 1'hiL I'Iji-i- &M. IMIltOU ,1 AM 8 111 P-J ll I! (151 Fibre Carpets Straw Mattings Summer Draperies I WILLIAfiS&ricANULTY ; Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 H- -f ! S t Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. THE ISSIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and '2, ComMtb B'l'd'. 8CBANTON, 7A. lining and Blasting POWDER Hods at Mooilo and ttuib lali Worlu. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,003 " United States Depositary. LAPLIN ft RAND HOWDBR CO.'S ORANQE GUN POWDER Bleotrto Batterlen, Klaotrlo F.xploiirs exploding blp.iU, aitety Fait aai Repauao Gtiimical Go.'s rxp'iIK'i'vb. Allis-Chalmers Co Pnu-t-MjOis to Mficliinc r.uoliu-ba (if DicUsdii .M.iiiiil.ic-tinliiK Co., tit-ranton and VIIKes-P..uie, IM. St,itlonii"y KiiKlnrs, llolloi-j, Mlnlii'j Macliiiioiy, I'limps. A GOOD OIL STOCK- lp h.ii ..ii iiilifin. ("r .1 litntleil linn-, on lilmk (.1 T11 iun Mml 111 "mil nliri-" oil riitir-pil-i, lapluliol it V'Mini). Iti.piiiilili liiii--mi., iiimi. torn .iiii-K .mi plum illy "oil lm.vt nl. nur -vu-lii" "-Itnlo '.'1 'tin i' nli "S piulii-. likil.i. VVrini l)H pio-.pi-ctm t'lniupliio.s is iicn-jn, III: rtiilc liuestmsnt Oil. Denver. Cn'n HENRY BELIN, JR., (IciicmI .v-uil foi Un; Wjiiitiii.s H.-ltlit for Du pout's Powder Mining, llli.tinir. -pnrlin-. iiiuI.pIi'm jiuI the ItlpJIIIlO llltlllU.ll ruiiiiuiii'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. t-'afcli f it-.e. "'.il tni'l I Miloilri. Ilmm I1)! L'oti 111-11 lllililllll ,-lUlltlll. ,uM n:s: nm ronn .IDII.S 11 hMIIII x --on .. . w. 1: Ml I.I.Ki.V.N rittslon .... I'ljinniiih ... VVilKes-Hnia P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. ' 21 11 5 10 2&ii 1 ttabtt I., sons to auiiii 1 . 11HU , tM j0b'l 'j 01 1 7 D-i 416(8 o;j of 01 1 7 ;J3 (56 Ut. 7 in nem 1 ,7 13 MS 1. 1 17 13 (96 16 1 '.-14 raosi 7 -."Ji 3i(il 7 311 7 .-uj ' ) lui iOtZi I'i PM PV AiJJitlontl tialiiilme (-rUnd't.- fur Msiui-lil Vmd a4S put vx) . lit Nn 11 Jay, aul 7 Ml pm .Sujidsy udI) , airnlu j t Mull IJ irJ70Uin KU'ld Wpm AilititluuallraluiPivi rr.iiloiiftt7UlpniSijnJa) out), loiiiui at alUi&tti ii. in ('afi'-iioI, arr.inia at 7 4$ pin, ami trniiilravea &lali.t. iarj tin lurtiuuaalg alH'iau dally, ariiviiig at I aruuuila.v ot .. ai i. Itates ') runt, pri- mllr, I,onet Itatin ti (ill Piilnti, West. v, . c r-NoiHsoN, t'jVlln'r.4f'iil Jtw Yurkvit;. . C WCIOH, lra. Aunt, tcraoUu.Ia ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTP.U rNO ANNEK Vlifcinia Aie ami II) . ii, VtUntii I ity, .N .1, Si Mil .vci; t.'.U I'i'iiititiil tu.iini Hi-iiitc, iiul) ami vi'ltli lullr, liui ami old c.i u.n l-i tut In n hotel unit .iniitv. I.i.utii.ii Mint jml xiiuul, uillilu fiw VJiiU ut llio Mid Plil (lulu-.-lrj, Othn ijnilal 'ilni IJ Il, fli lu ! Iiy Hi-ik V ) up Io 'Ij' -i)')iil i ito hi Ijtiuliif (ojilni inul all tuiu.. Unit lur luuihlrt i iimii.is i: lopi: HOTEL OSBORNE. Ailiiilli- (ill. S 1 Oiii- npiiri- fimii l jili Sin "i iouiii jiiiicv Mmlirii jpKiiniiipm In pu llul Ki-rv in It nc In llu-il.n,l Jl ami up U.I III Hi I III' Ulll.. - lllll llpW.llil I JpJl'll lilt) It .1 Dotniiii- BUY THE CEWUJIME SYRUP OF RGS ... MANUFACTUKEP BY ., CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IITAUTI. Til V. XA I Special attentiou given to kusinKSS, rHRSONAr, and sav ings accounts, whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from S to g o'clock. Wm. Consul, President Hi.nry Bi.i.in, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pixk, Cashiei'. i nis n Lager Beer Brewery ilannr&cturersnr OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 N. Ninth Btroat, Telephone Call, 2333. .PA Strong Nerves am the true source of good, healthy appearance. Persons with lialf-starveil nerve al. ways look worried and "dragged-out." You cannot he happy without nerve vigor; yon cauuot he natural without nil the powers which uature meant you to have, fit . Sny produce a liealthful clow which art cannot Imitate I ney nivigornie every orcau, iml iieiv force to the nerves, elasticity to the step and round out the f.ice and joint to lines of health and beauty Si M ner box 6 lioxet (with written I ciiaraiitee), k-'ilXl Ilook trie. I'1-AI.I Ml DKINI Cu , Cleveland, Onto. or sale ly .Tol n II riicli, I'luriincUt, lorarr viiuiu avenue jml Spriue street. !fPfof.Q.hTHErLB27 5&ift ! Sil UlU-lfU'- ! i.rii HrMUa Ii sj 4jrrli-.-!'itrftftjr uliobj Biall PrlifcUi f T jgA m.rr. itfra 4 but. UUotl 1'o1m, Jir"Ji ti Vfjiff j utviinr , I qtlrtflupmvnlt & thrvnWi flrytikt tL-UaWi rotttocu I fit ll