The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 15, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    Vk W i - y t f m
5 ft .
BpfcUt to the Scranton rrlbune
Montrose, .lune U. Mr. nnd Mn.
Jloratlo M. Colo nnd diuiRhtets, Mt.a
nnd Marjorlc, tuo guests nt Mlsi Al
nilrii Fordlnun, nt hor imUIciicp on
Maple street.
Hon. CJpoirp ('. Hill, nf Sllvci Luke,
one of thlt count y't tcpiccntntlvpi In
the Htitc lerMntun li n pinniinent
vlMtot In town tudiiy.
Itev. J. B. Walton h tlin lievxlv tip
polntcd p.istor of Ihp Afilciin Mrdho
diit Hplscopul Hlpn I'huuli In this
Joan Tower Is olciklnj; nt Mi ('11111
land's Phut mncy.
Di. need Hums, nf Suiiiitnii, ni
In town on Vdnednv, belnR tailed
n counsel In the cne of Mi". Nmmiin
Stewart and her little "on, who weio
pt terribly Intuied In n rttnnwny nc
cldont. Latest advkes nom the bed
fide of the patlcnti me i'iy emnuniR
1iib nnd their ultlmntc iecoety Is as
sured. The next nttt.trtinti ,U Vlllnpre ball
will be The IMwIn Tiexnr Stork com
pany, which will appear heie on the
expnlnis" of July 1. "J and .1
fieuiRe II Smith has been nwaided
the t ontinct foi lep.ilnttnp the Metho
dist Hplsiopil church nnd puiinn.iKC
In this place.
The Junior Au.lllaiv of St fail's
"plLOp,il thlllth bIp a Jenkins pnty
nt the home of Attoi ne A. H. Smith,
Mis Mniv 1. tiimei, of .Iittlc-iin-Nille,
Floi Id l. Is n plicst nf (Icoiko P.
Little's Mis. Oimri's home wa dc
Ftioxctl bv the itient iiuttil miifbipin
tlon in the southern lt.
I'hlldien's Dav excuses will miur
at the Methodist. chinch on
Fundnx moinlng. nnd .it the H.iptlst
chinch in thr evening of the ,imi
Mis IMlpb Little Is tlie KUest of
fi lends in To ,nda
t!cv and Ml.. D C. Mimes aie in
S-t i .intfit) todnx.
?lis T I D.ixiet, il.iiiKhlei. Nannie,
md snii i:illott. aie tl-ltlliK Mis
p-wl-ss' inoihf'i. Mis x. M. I .a Uianse,
at I'll ion X V
The Kpunitli Le.iRUP l the Mctbn
flKt thlllth his elected tile follow Iiik
odlciis I'lesldent, Mis rMell.i lef
flies lli-a vice piesklent, ndpai Cor
ttckl, spuinil ice pipsident, Mis Bene
dict, thlid ii e picsldfiit Johanna
f-piout ioiulh vice piesldent, Mia
J.ditli hli.ivv Jones, "-etiot.iiv, V V
JMione, tieabuiei, J. V Spencei , in -B.inist,
Allto Noithiop, thoiistei. Kd
p u Coilield
Mis Chillies V. Meekei, .tit estima
ble lidv, who lias Ioiir been 111 of ton
sumption, died at hei home on Union
Flieel in tills pine, this nititnlns She
was ,19 eais of ape Hei husbiud,
a son mil a tliiiiKblei, Miixlve The
funeial will be attended fiom the house
on Sunday moiniiiff. at an euh hoiu,
and the lemalns will be taken to Oak
land, this iount, loi inteiment
Ii.i H. Lew leaes tonight for a
v Kit at Klmlin, wheie his imeiits le
lde, and fi om theme to the
Ameiitan exposition at Hull ilo Mi.
l.exx's business will be in thai Re of
his brothei. Gem go, duilng his ubscnee
The UMiii.iRc of Miss Lila. i:eline
Haw lex, daiiRhter of Mi. and Mis C.
T) Hawle, to Joseph Castoi, of Biook
1mi. X. Y, will mem at .Maple Clove
faun, the home of the bride's patents,
near Montrose, on Wednesday June 2B,
nt 10 JO o'elotk it. in Re Haskell H
Henedlct, of the Methodist Uplstopal
chinch, will oflielate.
Commander M. H. Van Stoten of the
Yeteian oiRanization of Susquehanna
county, has Issued the following oidtr
"Headquaiteis Vetei.m OiRanlz.ition
of Susquehann.i County.
"Monti ose. Pa, Juno II!, 1001.
"General Oideis No, i,
"1st. In puisuanco of pielous older
the following: staff ofllceis aie hoioln
announced: they will bo obeyed and
jespeeted accordingly: Adjutant gen
eral, F. I. Lott, Montrose; quai tei mas
ter general, K. S. Wainor, Moitiose,
assistant qu.ntci master general, 13 I.
Plunger, Montrose: cmnmls&aiy gen
pral. A. W. Hlckok, Rush; inspeitni
Beneral, GeoigeU. Ressequle, Hailoid,
R Gen, C. H. Wainer, Rush; C. of
Staff, H. F. Beardsley, Monti ose, C.
of O. Colonel D. N. Haidy, (llenuood,
C. of artllleiy. William It. nennis,
Montrose: chaplain, D c names,
Utontrose; C. of naval leseives, Com.
John Finden, Susquehanna; Ass't N.
Res, Com. C M. Read, Hallstead; C.
bf Slg. service, C. S. P.age, 13ns t New
Mllfotd; aids-de-camp, Col. Thorn is
Bummerton; Great Rend: J. v. Ad
ams, Brooklyn: A. T. Sweet, Hatfoul;
Major V. K. Benson, Jackson; Major
That's a favorite attitude of the small
toy. And in this again "the child is
the father of the man." The man does
not essay to walk through life on his
bands, but he creates for himself a king-
ttotn ji topsy-turvy-dom,
He turns night
into day. He eats re
gardless of time and
physical necessities.
I He makes a pleasure
of his business and a
business of his pleas
ure. In fact, he ef
fectually reerses the
order of natural liv
ing. The result is
physical disability
generally introduced
y " weak" stomach,
The food he eats does
not nourish him be
cause the stomach
and its associated
organs are not able
to extract the nour
ishment from the
food. Hence, the
kbody is under nour
ished and disease de
velops in one form
or another.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medtcal Discovery
nires diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition, It
cures through the stomach diseases
which originate in a dUeased condition
of the stomach and its allied organs.
Hence, it cures "weak" lungs, "weak"
heart, "weak" uerves and other forms of
eo-caUed weakness.
! bad been troubled with catarrh of (he
loraich and heart trouble " writes Mr V, 1)
Merchant, of Tylerburg, Clarion Co , rcnu'a
"Had doctored for some time wlthont relirf,
then 1 began to take Dr. flcrce's Golden Med.
ical Dltcovery I took secu bottlet Ileforc I
began to take it I weighed 119 pounds, nnd now
I weigh 176 I am worMtiK stevhb ami feel
like a well man I einl jou mam thank "
Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con-
Mipation. I
I I 'V
Li I J
1 U A,H
Frank Untne, Thompson: S. O, Cul
ver, Hprlngvlllo; H. J, Lasure, Hrook
(lale, nnt) t) A. Maldwln, Filendsvllle.
"2i. jt the last teunlnn ofllceis wore
elected as follows, Unstprn nnttallon
Colonel, 13 (', Yenmans, Hophnttom:
lleiltonnnt toloiicl, A, O. tlllish, Hus
quehannii, mnjoi, Wtlllnm Uoo: qiini
teiniasiei, N, , Comfort, Hnimouv:
ndjutnut, I. V. Kcott, Susquehanna.
Western Mattallnn Colonel, A. M,
Snow, Franklin Tniks; lieutenant tol
onel, M mil, Rush; mnjoi, C. A. Car
let, Lelta.sllle: mljutant, II. S. Win
ner. Monti ose; quai tei mastpi. fl, P.
Stockholm, franklin Forks.
".!d, ,ll staff nniteis mid nlllieis of
eaih battalion will meet at the ini
tiation mom In the routt house at
.Mnnlinse on 'l'huisiH. Junf L'T, "0I,
at I o'clock p 111, for th iut piwp of
Illng the time and plai e of holdln.T
the thlitleth reunion of th' oig.inli
tlon. Ity conimiind of
"M. II. Van Son ten,
' Genet a I Comma mler,
"F I. Lott, Adjutant Geneial,"
Sp'olal to Hie srranton Trlbunt
Hnnesdale, June 11 Mis, 13. L
Malley. ot Maten IsIhikI, .V. V.. will
pr1e a tempeiancp lectme In the Pres
bMrilan thapel on Mnndm esetilng,
June 17 at S o'clot k, and at the same
houi In the Baptist t'huieh on Tues
dn, eenlnrr
Itev. Mr Snwei, of Tilnllv thuich,
C.11 bnnd.tle, will nflklnte in Grace
thuuh llonesfiile on Suniliij,
Menioilul eveitlses will be (inducted
In- 1'ieedom lodge, Independent Oi .
del of Odd Fellows, on Monda e oil
ing net, In theli lodge mom.
A wnll-ccd pike weighing ten
pounds was taught on a sot line in the
Dpiuviiie ihei at Xai low sbuig and
lit ought to Hnnesdale
Pinfessni Thomas K. M.nsh has been
le-plectntl pilntlpa of the Hnnisdiln
Kiatlcd sdiools foi anothet eai The
ttatheis hte not all been selected vet
Theif Is now tin or- Sund.iv ti.tins
euh wa. on the DelTwaie & Hudson
let ween Hnncsdnle and Caibondale
Die letent explosion of chnainlte at N. Y was plainly visible in
Hnnesdfile. shaking buildings and tut
ting nut the electlit light
The next sotlil event in Htmestiale
will be the maiiiige of Miss Knthei
ine Stanton and Mi 13 Raiboui, of
Pateison. on Wedne-d iv uet, at the
St inton lesldcitce on Thlid sheet
'i he following pingiainnie was given
bv the graduating tliss of the Hones
d tie high s( hool In the opeia house on
Pildtv evening Music, invocation,
niiislt , siiut.itoiv with honoiaiv c
stv -Atlain Rede," Floienie Cetelii
'olgt. -'Hoeing Youi Itow." Ali
ble clai t T.ik; 01 ition. Capital and
Li bin In Ant lent Rome" Plovd Lee
Van Weit ', ' foi nell i's Jewels."
Meta Adeline Smith, oi.ition, ' Tlie
Milcstv of Manhood," ,Ia Knight
Coleman, essav. The W01 id Beauti
ful" Blnntlip Hden Wildci . niation
"j Ciitical Point In Hlstoiv," Herbert
Heniv Hlllei. music, essa. "Bioken
H.nmon," Man Abigail Mumfoid,
01 ition 'The Pie-eminence of Hus-
ninrli. Hugh Remellus Kllioe, es
sn, "Jtlolntois" T3dna Pennlman
Dimock. niation, "Pvtamids," Asa L'd
wln Rnant musU , piesentntion of
diplomts Hon Piank P Kimhle.
miisit honoi.iry essay, "Woman and
Hei Hatthet." with aledicton ad
diesses, Maltha Mahelle Collum," bene
diction, Rev J. P Ware
About thirtv fresh all children from
New York will at live In Hnnesdile
Julv fiist Thev will ntcupv a farm
house ne.n town, wheie thev will be
tated for by the kind people of this
x iclnlty.
Sprnal to the Srnnton Trihune
Thompson Jun 14 The Misses Maud
Tnllinan and Tav Wi igliter ii.- v Islt
iig lPlatlvps in Susquehnnna this week.
Miss Hannah Walker, nf New Yoik,
came jesterda to spend thr sutnmei
with her parents, Mi. ami Mit Thos,
Walker, on Jnc kson stieet
Rev. A. F Chaffee, pislor of the
Methodist Lplsiopal thunh, Caibon
dale, Is announted to lettuie in the
Methodist Hplseopal chuith heie next
Tuesday evening, June IS
The stotkholdeis of the N'oi thcastern
Penns.vhanla Telephone tompany met
In Ginnd Arm hall for their nist an
nual meeting osteidnv This com
pany was chadded in August. 1900,
nnd pi o Ides foi live till ec tors to tin
the business. The manage!, I'. J Os
good, icpoited fifty miles of lino com
pleted and In opeiatlon; twent-flp
miles In pint ess or completion, and two
hundied nnd twent-lle shales taken.
The election nf diiectois tesulted as
follows: r. J. Osgood, roipt nit
S. S. Huhbaid, Unlondalp; J, 13, Tlf
fnny, Mt, Pleasant; F, B Cat pouter.
Forest City; Colonel C. C. Piatt, New
13 13. Gelatt was nt Hlikmv iiimn
os(eida, buying wool.
. R. Gelntt and wife t etui ned to
theli home in Scianton jesteidav, af
ter a st of a. wpek with his n.mntn
Mr. and Mis, 1;. 13 Gelatt.
Rev. P. R. Tnwei will hiionlv iim mil.
pit of Rev, J, M, Cumuli, In' Jackson,
next tt.inoaiu,
J. P. Lejden Is lajiug a foundation
for nn addition to his 1 essence, Just
above the Jeffoison housp
Over forty men dined at the Jeffei
son house .vesteidiiy.
Krnuse's Cold Cure
foi mid In tho head, dust, thioat or
nnj poitinn of the body, bieiiks up a
told In -M horns without Inleu uptlmi
to wink. Will pi event cold if taken
v hen MnptoniR iihib.ii. Pike
We, Sold by all iliugglsts
f-peilal In ilit Svrinton Trihune
Hnphottom, June II.-The funeial
nf Glenn, the tluee eais old son of
Mi. and Mis. nest Penny, otLur
led Wediicsduv at .' p. m, n)e services
being conducted fiom the Methodist
diurth. P,ev. Austin ofatlng, The
death of the child lenulted fiom nn
Injiuy to the tplne caused by a fall
fiom tha i-ouh about two months ago
MKs Mabel IJvnms of Sn,tnton ,ls
the guest of Miss Alia Finn,
Hefoie the pieser.t month ends, an
other In Ide will leave the village for a
distant home.
Mi. mid Mi.. L'dwaitl Men 111, who
have been vIMtlns at the home of Mr.
and Mis. Junies Menlll, letuined to
their homo In Scinnton this week
The death ol Mis. A!.t tiieen,
elghty-thiee ens of age, otcuued at
hei home, near here, cm Wodue&tluy.
The funeral services take place today
at 2 p. m. Interment In the Hillsdale
cemetery. ,
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Myron Titus visited
Mw, Hrtimon Tiffany this week.
Hi M. Got man, of Scranton, wits In
town Wednesday.
spJt I" t tic .Smnton Tribune,
Plttston, Juno 14. Mrs, Fiank Pa
tient e, of Not th Main street, Is piepar
Ing foi nn extended visit nt her native
home In Knglnnd. She will leave here
the onrly pait of next week nnd sails
ftom Now Yotk city Juno loth,
Murdotk's Apple Blossoms ind the
Vulcan Iron Woiks base ball teams
will ft oss bats on the West Plttston
fnlt grounds diamond Satin dny nftei
noon. j tl, Hotupr nml family, who havp
ipsldetl In theli own lesldcnto on
Wvomlng aventic, West Plttston, for
spvitnl .vents past, left lust evening
foi Shaion, Pa., wheie they will icsldc
In the futtiip.
Mis. Bonds, of Wllkos-Batie, agent
foi tho Humane sndet, was In the t lty
to-day ntitl took chnige of Atnelln
Hakei, aged fouitcon vears, tlatightei
of Mis, Loienn Baker, nf Cairoll stieot.
The gill's mothct chnrgctl her with be
ing incoirlglble She will be sent to n
Philadelphia Institution.
Dai ling's Congress of Trnlned Ani
mals exhibited heie to-day nnd will le
maln nvei to-moriow.
Aldeiman Thomas S, Loftus, of the
fepventh waul, adopted a novel method
of deciding a laitonv case brought be
foie him this morning Mis. Ann Mc
Donald, of Mniket stieet, hnd Max
Connois, the South Main atiept
butcher, nuested chniged with steal
ing a gooxp that belonged to hei. Con
nois denied the chaige and said In de
fense that he had bought the fowl ot
a Lotkdlle faimei named Hiram
Biungess. The lattoi uphold Connois
In his testimony, but still Mis Mr
Donald claimed tho goose as hets The
nltleiman was In 11 dilemma onlv toi a
shoit time Ho quickly decided to
adopt Solomon's plan of settling the
dispute. jtt oitllnglv the goose was
placed In thai go of Constable Joseph
White, nnd he was given Institutions
to take It to Mis McDonald s place nf
tpildcncp nnd lelease it If the goose
enteied the pinpcit), that would Indi
cate It was familiar with the plate and
belonged to Mis McDonald If it
fnlled to ipeognie the place It was a
sttange goose unci belonged , to Mi.
Cnnnoi The tonstable can led out In
stiuctlons The goose upon being ic
leased hesitated a moment as If puz
zled and then stnited down the stieet
in the diiectlon of ('onnoi's store, and
he was given the decision by tlie aldei -m
Falling fioni a wagon on Mam stieet
this ov pnlng a little llve-.veai -old Ital
ian gill was stepped upon by the hoise
and 1 etched slight injuiles
Pprrial to the scrant m ltitninp
t'nlnndalo. June 11 Mis Di . Gi un
der enteitalncd a ltige uuinliei of hei
lad filendt, at tea last Thuisdi.v
Ham i; Motgan and Miss Minnie
.Mt Kee will be man led Wednesd tj , the
19th. In Winwootl
1 Childien's day was ob-Pived in both
ine 1'ipsinteiian and Methodist
chinches last Sunda. Much tiedit Is
due to the chlldien
Miss IJalsy Bionson Is gioatly Ini
pioved Rev. D D Jenkins pleached in
htianton list Sundaj
Mis John entfitained hei two
aunis. Mis Llvira Davits ami Mis.
Maiy Kills and hei aged ginndfathei.
James BeniiPtt, last Wednesdav.
The Sundiv school convention of the
r.istilct will be held in the Methodist
(hutch next Wednesdilv June 19
Miss Blnnthe Caipentei is so fnl P
coeied fiom her last illness ,ts to be
able to take her dail diives aiound
tow n.
Spfridl tn the Scranton Tribune
Han ley, June 14 Mis Fletcher and
son. of Dunmoie was a guest at the
home of P Poppel this week
Professoi and Mis Mai It Cieasv and
Mi and Mrs Homer Ames left Thurs
day for the Pan-Ameiicnn exposition.
Olaf Spettlgue and Kd Blandln, of
llonehdale, spent Sundaj with fiiends
Miss Mne Kellnm Is at homo after
an extended visit with hei sstei. Mis.
Stanley Gaines, In New Y01 k.
Loroy Hollison and Chai los Rogeis,
nf Pnteit,on, N. J spent Sunday in
tow n.
The giaduating exeicises of tho High
i-chnol hold nt the Opei.i house on
Tuesclm evening, was laigoly attended
and nil weio ple.ihed with the entoi
tainment. BASE BALL
American League.
t PhihrtcliliU- 11, H 1
Mihv mkrr o n n n n n n u (i n j
l'hiliildihii 1 a 1 11 j 1 n 0 7 11 n
llatlri ir llsuln mil Ciinunr, Irtci ,iiu
I'nvtris I itipue Ijiitillnn,
t lliliim 'io- n i 1
la 11 tut J 11 I t 1 (I I J 0 ti 11 1
llillmioip 1 .' 11 11 0 11 0 0 - t 1
lltttnlci ( illihan ml niRtltii, Iririmn,
llmull, Midlnnilv nil ltglii,nn Lnii lie, -Si
cndin nul (uniinll.c
t Pclmlt 11 1 .
IIMcn .1 0 I 2 n n 1 n '-it, 11
llctiolt 0 11 0 a i 11 11 1 1 7 J
llillirirt-('rinln, I'rbk mil llupmv, Ivrllum,
iuiK an I Siliirikniiin.l, I mplic- Miimisiii
i W.iilivnii ( luchnil WdsliiiiKioii, no
K'.IIIIO, Mill
National League.
t 1 imlniuli l'lillarcliliU timinintl, ni,
KJiiir, uiu
M PiilklnirR - ; II, 1;
li i u ") 1 ! n 11 0 n n ;s 7 u 0
I'litMiuu n 11 n n 1 11 0 n 0-1 r,
llallciit- H illt nnd Mini, Ucver anil nn
nui, I tiii!ic Uutr,
At Clilcaco- (i 11, (..
New ork , I n a a o ' i 1 n- in
LhiuRi 1 n n it 11 n 11 n n-1 1, j
llatlirirt lulnr ,md Wjrncr, ciicftc and K
liot' I niilre Ciiniiinijliiiii
M t. I.oul- p 11, i,.
Hiiiukbi I 11 n 0 I 11 11 11 a 10
st I ml 11 11 1 j n 11 1 1 m n j
Hatlirlii- Pmi'iviii .Hid Mcl.ulrp; htnllioC and
MiliuU. I niilrc-l mlir
Eastern League.
Providence, S; Hiilfjln, 7,
HarKord, 0, lloclieslfi, 0 (tlurtcui iniiiuj;,),
Woicister, 5, Toronto, 0,
svrjctuc, 5, Montreal, 2.
State League
lb iillnir, 7. MidllelnvMi, i
lUriUluire, I, I jm.ilri. I
College Games.
U Pr' lilritti Ilium t iiivcr.itt. pi. I'nlninli,,
culK'c, U.
Wall ltrtt RtIiw.
New York, .tunc II. Vn overwhclmlnR propor
tion of the tliy'g dealings was in Union Pacific
and St. Paul and tlie utrntlnv ot tlio Asy't Un
at tlon? will rrual thnt the etrrngth In tho nwr
kct vvm largely ccmnncti lo the mmc tocM.
1 lie Inllticntc of the cticnjdh on the llt ho
tondilcrable rliirlnc tlio curly pall of the ilij,
but It uttmlily vvannl. Their nomc ctlier
hi Inter tipwauh iimveiiientj, 1ml tliee also lud
little elTett nn the uenerjl IW . ,
It wm not tiiitll I'nlon I'tilOc Itself retip'ed
In the Imt hour of the trmllnt.' tint the sclllnc
made anv nolulde Iniprnvinient In prlte U
that lime their wcie ulnrp hreaka nil around,
which Hilled tho incURO level ot price liel;
lat nlRht'1 and tlie aulwrnmnt rallies eie In
clxnlniinli the maiket ilolnu lieavy under re.
iiewiil 11 lllni!. All the pri.fcsstottal clcmetiU In
the nnlkrt ceinid In join In the apri illative
movetneiit In s(, and I'tilnn I'aciflt'. Hie
ppetllle nri,,n thnt I nloii I'Jillle hid utqiiliid
J jOImr) ll1es nf SI Paul ttotn long t unllim
InMtlen n tnnth tlenletl nv !. I'ml lnt louls
while I iiinii IMclllc Inteirsts refilled inv urn
flrnntloti Mhiliver mt he the vr'cln nf t lie
repnit tif the tiilure nf the lunliu of tlie tn
ftnikt. It l tlrnr tint I lit v wen1 ntnlc ne ul
In cover Iiirc .piciilillvc piollt I iklim In oilier
pul of the Hit.
Hie extienie iNe III s Paul leiihed rt's an I
In I tvlnii Pit lilt 1 I'nlniido I net mule in
other is iKitionil nibaiice nf II p ilnlit, with 1 re.
1jw nf 1'i; .aid liimew Coll 10111 t4. ipptr
tilth imtmpithv ttiminrt tnntii,iie tint these
mnpinlpi ate (n he liken 111 liv tin t'nlted
St. let steel tnrpnrallon The rlv In the lleidini;
sli irt-s hid tin nlher 1 xpl illation thin liiivlnu lor
Plillidelpliln jeenmit, mil In New nrk Celitl tl
It ni Mlrl that the rxiiiitlun of n Iniilin; older
fnt evtrtl Ihnii'ind ulnte, ippiienlb for In
vetnient itiniint, found the npib nt tock vtn
sate Ihe ubinie of J" In IVople'H (Jit vvn
tint x I lined Intil ilt mdiv, I, in',, tun lnie
1 nlted si ilrs is rocNtued det lined U per tent,
on Ihe Ian rill Ihe I1M11I mirket 1 Irreuul tr
In ovnipilln tllh ock lot. I Mies ptr value,
The follovtlnc nimtations
Trihune hi M S fnnlin .x.
llfin btilltling, Scranton, Ta
are fiimiflic'l The
Co , rnoma "05 708
relephone u03:
lllch tim- tbs.
et est In-
mernin "neir lHU ltl' Hi' IH
Mnerlein lohicto I m1 im1, lvnt
AlthUnii TlJ; S'b s7l S7't
Vltlnion Pi nn', I0IS. I0f4 mi
Ilinok liiitini "i't sjx, M)l, h
Hilt K Ohio tIJ's 1 1-! V m
(mil InliKin i-' I'l lA'fe H
t he-t (lllli V) V'4 'ill V)ln
( Ilit K i.t. We-I . ... it JI'j. JT Jl
Si Pml I7l'i IWj I70'- I7Hi
nntk iiiand n'i 171 in tru
hill A rn, Pi M Hi HP, 111
Inni v nli nn in, not- mis.
Mm Klented IJ! I.M l.'J'j Ui"j
Met Iriihnn 171', li'i 17. 171
mismi Pn liv l.'iij ui's n ur;
Snillhirn Plcille ill, ri, Nil, iir,
Norlolk A Wist I'8 ill- M', 'ii',
ciniiii 1.7 Pii' 4 iv.s, 1.7
(hit A Western 17", l's i;s, V
ivniij lit i-kCi, dp. cjh r.ja,
I'n ilk Mill 41 II II II
lb liilllg III tf1, IT1' Hi'i tn!
Ileinliiu- lit , I'r 7--li 7 i'l 7, 7j
smithun R II . . il's II", i 11
Snutliirii It It, Pr . ss s,t. st,
lenn ( nil x Iron .. it, 1,1", ni, (,7'j
I s Irallit IP, IP.. IP', IP,
I s I rillm, Pr , ... SO HI 71 71
I s Uiilinir .... 'I M4 Jl Jl
I nion I'aiillr ... . 114'. IIV4 1U, 11J",
I nion I'liilli, I'r, 'it 'IPJ pot, ot)x,
W lliash, 'i . .. I ', II", 41 If,
UeMeiu t mnii . . ',', HF, o,s, frs
fnl liul A linn . lis tJ7's 1 1( 2 ill
Vnial (nppr.. . I.'li, UJ' I2-1,
People (.1-, Iliii, ll'.ij ll'.ij, 117
ne . . . IP, lt"4 41', tl,
1 ru Nr 7IH 7P4 70 7nit
( 1 1 sninhcin . In Id', 1 11.. I'i'j
lexa, Pitlfl' . I", 10, 471 4711,
m ( 11 Intindn . ,P, ,, ,!', !P-
I s S,, ( , lis, 1 it, 1 ! 4 na
1 s sircl (n, I'r, 'fi cn ot;, m
Open Ilich Ion- Clos
Will VI 10c e-t et Inir
luh 77 77' 7ii, 7i,S4
Tpt "I', 71", 71", 74'i
( onv.
lull 4h', tli", lid, 4(i',
sipt 17'; I7s 7S J?5,
Scranton Bcaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Firt Natioral nank
Stranton savings Bank
Third Vitlonal tlsnk
pane Deport and Uiieount ttink .
1 tonomy Usht, H & P. Co
Lacka Trutt sate Deposit Co
Clark & Snover Co. Pr
Scranton Iron Fence & Mlg Co ...
Serantnn xl Works
I tekiw mill "liri "' I'l"
( ounn -tiinw Hank ,V. "liuit Co
I int Vatioml HinK (Carhondile) .
Standard D-illinti Co
l--ailin' iNalioml Hirk
Sernnten llo't ami Sir Co
Pit pit's Dmk
cm Mcxuu Hi A. C Co
Scranton Pasngcr Itailnaj, flret
Mortcrase, due 1920
reople a Mreet Railnay, first mort-
ga,;e, due 1018
People's Street Haibia), General
mortgase, due 1021
D ekson Manufat turlnjc Co
Laeka Tonn'-liip Sthool 5 per cent.
City of Siranton St Imp 8 per
Scranton Traction 0 per cent
Bid Askei
JIM . .
... 73
US ...
115 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coreitted In 11 ( file, 27 liekciianin A )
HiiUd-rreih, Wi-Oi-c , thin, fie-li, iy':aiK
licce Ktill ticim m, HPgilli,
y uc-.-V intent fiedi l'.ille., neaihy nlat-,
noan-l'cr hti-hel, ehonc in,irn, s2(Oa2tn
Pea lkans-l'et liinlicl, tlinht maiieni, $ jji
$2 t(l
Medium Pesns-IVr hn-heli- 2 Ida!' 13,
(.reon Teas Per liuheli, l 40ii -,
Hmr Ile4 intent, per buret, 51 15
Heil Kiilnev lleaiii Pet Im-hel, 2 41a2 50
I'.ilttnts- Per Im-ihel, s.i'nli.
H 1 mud 1 Onion Per InMiel, 41 D)tj co
New York Grain and Produce
New iik, lime II Him simli, U In -t
spot itltr, Nn 2 red i"34i, f n h llhll,
.No 2 lid, 77c tletiloi, Nn I Nirllinii II11I111I1,
(141 1, n Ii iiinii i t n tin 1 pined tin ind
Inline nun but isjIii in iktncd inleln-ed hi tl,
it si mt In"., lull ihiid, 7II1,! ; srpi , 711,1
Oil 1P41,, lice. 7'i")4t (urn spit ,, ni , Nn
2, I7"si e iiini, mil I7't, 1 o Ii illmi
llptini, I1I1I1 nrlin- ind .eni, cn-ed Him mid
ktV. mt tiighcr, lull iltwd 40"se , S(,, (
17 c Clils j 1 1 t i-t , Nn 2, 2e,, Nn I ,l.i
nick iiliilt, ,I2iI7i, I 1 l i 1 :-. xtt uli ill 1U1 mi
rt Hum nf evput Ini-finvi, lluttei n nli ,
111 mini, ,'.il"'..i , hunt, I'lllU. ; imii 1.
lien inaiiuri. I tl7c, iliU dtiilj, ll'.il-i.e
(lccc IiiiiiI.ii, fun. i I tine ul, ml, ,'.,i ,
fmti luce vtliilt, sV,i , lint -null mlnnd,
Pi , fmci "111111 iiliilt, Pi I (,- "le idle r, "tit
1 ml l' iiu-i liaul 1, lli . Hi'tnn n'utir piclit I,
lltlJe., uisleiii landled attl lnl,d, l."..l,i
Chicago Gialn nnct Producn
( lilt ign, bine II -Wliui Raie an 1 hiluilon nf
m in )i lit tkui.s ttihi iiiulei ninlii nn,- tdiiee,
lull l1ci-.hI 'i Inicei, lul nun tin. id '.
higher, Inli '.il, ',1, tluii 11, mil lull pinu
Muni unihauKcil in 2'aji luviii, 1 i, ijuuia
liens 1 tre is fnllu,
Umi Dull; Nn. "2 piin,r wheal, 72i7.e , Nn
.(, I'i'si'tfUi., Nn 2 led, 72t , N 1, 2 tnin, l',t
4i,, Nn J .iillmi, 42i , No 2 m, 2"'.e , Nn,
2 nliili, 2ie ; No .1 wliile, 27i2V , Nn 2 131,
IN,, giiml frrilini; liailn, liil'i,, hit in ,i,uie
iiulliinr, ilaVn , Nn I II 11 -icd, sl7ltl 72, Nn,
I Noiihiiilcru, 1.72's, piime iliimtlii mh,
V , rues', pmk, SII.751MI, nd li 'iUi2'j, nhnil
riln. ,'iisl0, tin iltid sliuuldeis, ti',i7ii,i ,
blnul titer sido, fs,l1a55; wlihke.t, fl 27,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(hliaRO, lime II Tattle Itciripl,, j.iinii. n,
rluilini., lijOO levins; tlmlcc, nituili, niluiK,
slow , biitihcrs an ck nui lex ni", mak; ,oo tn
piiim, s10Hl2V, punt In 1111 ilium, i)r, in,
ji.rt.., .nil (nil. ik . Itnii ,,,lt,. .j ,. . .1
IV.JI I'UII3, T- " ''. .."io , ve.,ie9 lueii,
22 000, tomorrow, IJimi, Icit mei, iiiinaud,
6,(X0, Ktneialb weak, lop, ii n, miMil and
Inittlieis. if') 75ail 10, icon I u ilmlec lienj, , 0
all, roiisb Iieai3, )7"n3i, light, i "Itiliyij,
hulk til -alc, WIAitl ."lieep-ltcce'lpU, bilil,
(Imp lCJit3 : iipoit lip lo t 2i, toiiimi up
III if , jf, iiiiieu ui, t ..e.uieii lauilij., ktenit,
eprlliK, vicjk, lip In ") V), pnnd la iholte wtllt
em, WtlOjl.'ij (ail In iliuiu' iiilvul, vltVial,
uestciii luri, WWalJl, itirllngs, ifial lo,
unite lambs, $UJ0j, vttitein lamlu, s,c.i)0j.
Buffalo Live Stock, ItufTiIi. lune II Iteecipts-t allle, "n
tuis, Mieep .nil Iiinii. 2u un, lu'io, x ell
si in' ni- (unit, iti i n, eslii t an nni,, 7
e.ii: 1 1 s, .' un I nth -No iilcilnit, talte,
ilni'te n txtri 0 Iiji7i, laiiile-, iluin ,
11 1. ii 7tn, li-cp. "Ill .1 Hoik lltjij, sfo i a
IJ 00, 'b, ?0,20ao 2o
4 Lines 10 Cents
Alore man Four Lines, .1 Cents tor Each Extra Line.
For Rent.
For Reeto
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4U1 floor of the Tribune building,
su'table for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
THB Tribunh:.
I l. r I Oil IthNT tillh nil modern Iniproieimnts
ppli at Hit I n,fn stirot.
Kill 111 NT In Hilton mttiBo of nine looms,
furnblied nr imfurnl.lud, foi the eion or
loinei; Hie mlnuln In vtitlon! Rood liiilllon,
cnlliKo iiearb new nnd ill III Rood ulnpe. Al'l'li
In tl. Calllui, llaltnn, Pa. .
I (lit niJNI' (I mom hou.e, toinei W line ainiue
and Pi In 1111 itiitl, hot umi mltl iter,
rore hut unill fundi ncid ippl. '"' ""nt
wo nnn:v mnni: srni.i r, ten mnm modem
improiements; steam heat furnbhed; dcslr.
Benl Estate.
(Jl.Cfm-Iluvs Mx room, nlnn'le notue, pood well
lot lonxjnn, Serinton strcci, union, n
IV ells A. Keator.
Sl.PPO-Diijs builillni; lot, 10x1V) Wheeler ave
nue Wells t. li-aler. Purr nulldlnir
;npn-Hui ilonhle hoti'e, 7 rooms on i ltl". ill
iniproietnent", except ;ai Dean strict, l'roii
dente. Wells It Ixc titer
Money to Loan.
M0Nr, to loan on Improved cil) real estate.
HrMlY ni'LIV. lit.
iil01I,b SPRGUK
nOO f00 1 ttfrfl nr mi mi nml on .ti illht loan
V. C. 1 1 mills, Itooiu fi Ilmr luiilillue
$3J0,U00 TO I OAS lowest riles; tdralsht or
montl 1 paiments Mark 4. (o, I riders" bids
straijlt kins or Hulhiln ani I "in At
from 4 to 0 pel cent Call on N V Wslkcr.
Sit 31"i ( rnnelj building
Booms nnd Board.
LRT.I. front room tilth board for two gentle
men, 410 dims aienue
Rooms Wanted.
VNIH) lor funili if two three or fom un
fiiinilipd roiinw with prinlt fimili for lisdu
hoiiii-keepins, iintnlli loctled Vddns M ,
rrilmni olfue
Situations Wanted.
SITl WHIN VVVNIH) lit it sotiiiK man to co
In "inie "iininiir le-ort ml let it a hotel
ilerk fnl the iiiumei stinlli trnipei lie an!
honevt tin fnt ill-It I e-t ol lefcitnt-e J I) It,
Irilntne utliit
SlltVTItIN V Wll II- Ilre-nnkei, oi d rltlei,
nom Pliilidclplui, ile-nts i lew i n,; ii itu nl ,
1 )U i dat in mil like iinik Ii mi lildic ,
It 07 lllekson licnitc
sill IKIN VV VNIHI III i tliol diss mk keep J
ei with uhlteu tens expnieine, in wiik
two or lluee luuitn ilnlt on t -it nf hooks in the
till, ttrni" icri lea-unililc ddrc--, hxpci
Inliune Unite
Ultsl (UV(IIVIN de-lies c -ltuilirn
with t iiliilt liniih, well expLiieiiicd hid
a i ipililc" nun, -tin th temper it md un ler
Mind" Kineitl work ih mt iiale plite d
ilit-s I K , it Penn mime
VV VNII ll-situttion tiiiinil Ktntltmm's plice oi
jiiiiltii wirk s II II, uiu VVeb-ler aienue
I ri MPIN VV VNII II Hi t iniui" mm to do
im kiiul nf woik ni wotkiif.: in pmitt ft it
ill ni ihivini, t Riom ipt n ddits- lire of
limes nirili, I c ,i if Iil'i Pi ice -titct
(-lit I ION WWII II Pi l nun endms; or
l-i mt; Mdevi ilk-, in HxIiib fencts nr eitlt'n'
lawiv nl tin kind til woik till oi iddie-.i I ,)
PiniideiKc mid
SniMllIN VV VNII II lllMuuithi, rtlllble
inunir man rou 1 liihit- mts pnlei wnrl,
(,ord piiuiiau &ilni opitintl 1 tti-Liorttii ,
Tribune ilftite
hill VI ION W VNII I) xs iialehmikii, 2i inn
evpeiieine, itfeteites lltihtii 1, Nnilli, Ren
enl tltlltcii.
sill IION VNIIII-I1 Riind aeut ml nt
till eain i--ci II I. siniiii. , ,rnn U(1
nil" line
Sill V.IION VVVNIII! Ill t worn in Ii ji, nn
I i dn wa-hiiu iniiiiiu nr ih.inin,- I'lei-e
tall or .nllie-s Vli Itii-sell, 2pi (.edir aitnut,
sl VIION VV xN II II Vtltit miins nun dc-itei
pisltinn. Is -iim, honest md iclltbie l.ood
lefiienie I", I ill line I If lite,
ni'N(, MVIillll.D MN nnt- bsltt wuk, -oo
piniiim I ncli-li litiinin in I lliiiuaritn
(, I'll, .10 llioidwiiv, s, union, pa
(lPNII MVN, 21, lolle.-e jiiduite de.-iie-t t
pti-ihrn as Imnl keeper oi i-i-linl, i in
opir,te lipewiiler tor lull pntlitilii, jllies,
Wffrlrj II Weaier. box 11, lope Pi
1)1 N(. WOMVN viinl- pi-iliiu is in i I miiei
in div 1.110 N ni fiiiuliiiii ton In lln i in
l.xpiil-nie ird l -.1 of icleiinci, V W , 2 n
,ihinst( n auntie
Oil Maikot.
(Ill Citv. bun II (mill liilmie-, n uiilll
iales, nn m. shlpiu, 1 1., 7sitis, avu i.e. il,.
2J7i Huns, 1.1, i7 I, an use, s',77
Tn the PiimltlNo .Mothntlt cluiicli
tnnioi invv rieiu lunpr bv the p.istnt ,it
in ,in oVIuck", mibji 1 1 ' Mintlieil.v l.tivc";
PVPillnir, "Tlin (ilispol, the Povvoi nf
rredPilLh, the K- f.ip-nltl s-nn nf Dr.
mill Mis, Uoifif, is tsfiiously ill nf
Ycstoidn.v iiflPinnnn ftmi diunkon
tluifiH sot upnn nu did innn nnd bin
s-nn fur tlio puipiisn ul inbbtiy, Tlie
hem vvns boat uihium t Ifully. nnd vvlicn
they bad dnno Willi him they t.ut upon
tho old nmn, I;. 1. Sndoi nnd T, J.
Dunn, licailiiK tin iiics, went tn tlin
old ninn'H nsslstniiip and diovc Iho ns
sallants ntf, Thltc nf (licin aif
stiaiiBf'is, lint 'the fniuth Is n ivoll
liiiovvn inllliin, whose liiuutei.itlnn
would allay tho pcciple'H foclliiRts, The
town, diiilnpr tho past mnnths, hns
boon tho steno of ninny diunkPii night
otsles, but jestenliv's utt has awak
ened tlu people to the fact that wo
have no iitthifr dav oi nlffht poliienicn.
Mis. riaiikcnlleld, of I'hlladelphln,
spent Thin sdny with Mis, William
Tho Ij.idles' C.uhnlic Hunmolent ns.
hoilutlon will meet on Hunduv nftei
noon nt I .iO o'elni k.
A Polnnder emplnveil ns mlnci nt tho
I..iiii;cllffe (ollleiy hnd his foi cm m
blown off by u pieiuatuic blast on
Thui.stlay nftoinoou. He was taken to
Plttston hospital
Cleoigo Nevvllu Is spi Inusly ill at tho
homo of his niothei on Main stieet.
Tho Home Mission soclotv will sUl0
lie main nnd sliawbeules on Jiuk
ton's lawn this evening.
W. Ii. Holllstci la spjiiillnj; a low
tluxs In Kingston.
Help Wanted Male,
lUHfinit WANri.D-Apply roa V. Main avenue.
WANriD vvlicclwrlRlit. H lluttlilns, Oil'
pli int. Pi,
WA.MKI1 A Im between 111 an! IT Addrens In
iirllliiB-. I.rnet W. Mnltli, 120 I'S WashhiR.
inn aveiuit',
VMM)- Vti llidiislrlnns bm of about l, vyl I
Iiir to th iimthliiB and kci iimwheie. lite
SinleiMin Oil mil pi . 1 iltx to, I line utteit,
WAN1M1 I'wn itinnir mtn In learn lnilnit ml
tike mad for c tilein itnntiliit Hirer. fl2 and
exptmes In tirl, vtllh tliinie to idniuet Vd-
die", with stitiip. Mmtif ii liner, lilliime Ofllu.
VNIPD-I nemetlc, liuslwoillit, iniiins mm;
mint he vtcll recommended, Hikci, U2Metrs
WANIPD-Sil.Kiiicn truillnc nr lotil; weekly
citlari pill llcrtltk bccil Co, Ilothesler,
N. Y.
Help Wanted Female.
W VMM) V pltl fur Rtiurnl homework; nn i Mi
llion Vppli nt I 12 fin aiiniic.
W VN'n II Iwo I idles In Ii trn liiisinrss, lilre and
tike iliirisx of ileniiuulritnist for etslern man
iilitturir Ml and i xpeu-rit In tart
llcinonstiiiloi, rnhiinr ilfflte.
tlllll. n D I oi -eii, i tl luui-cisork in smalt
fninll. JI7 Web-til aienue
Salesmen Wanted.
VV VrH-silfsintn. "i tnnnlhli and expenses!
peimantnt I'trr .Nurseri In, Ilnchistcr,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
At.nFnr SCULPT, corner Mulberry
rtieet and Webster arcnuc.
Gt'SfAV PItllMj, tv.0 jXdama avenue.
West S'de
ClOHfih VV. jr.SKI3, 101 South Main
South Scranton
HUD b'l'E 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GTO W". DAV lb miner North Main
aienue and Market street
Green Bidge
CHVlUhS P JOM-S, 15J7 Diekson
,1 IOIINS, n:o Orecn Piase street
C. LOR1N5 corner Wishin0'tpn aie
nue ami Mat inn street.
W II IxNIPlTL, 1017 Irving aienue
J G IIONIJ ex. tov.
Furnished Booms.
1 Oil HI NT -One liise fnrnlslietr front room,
also one side loom V17 cianvt aienue.
Boarders Wanted.
I.(IHPI Its VVVMIII Iwo tiont rooms, with
bnird, in 1,0 id finnli. Vddies., bit .Warns
VV VNTKI) Table boaiders Mrs Tompkins, 631
WnsblnRton avenue
MIT In sir,inon. t hniKhts of ( olumhus pin
Iindn ill pin- lem 11 ixni-nis m .en.....
bus lIuIi bone, i n VV a-luin,ton tvcntie, in tire
of jtniloi
I (H Nil tow lupine II W Young, 57
I'lt-intl inline
slIIVMD III ti U hoise, with sc ir tn left front
i.hnuldii I ilnil icwarti for letnrn tn a47
Pn eou in uiu
vkiii i i i,,rl, 'lien tint Ihe annnil meetinz
nf tlio slnikholilits of the htniioiny biulit. Heat
ami Power (oinpmi, Im tilt cleetkn of eiiirctora
Im tin nisiiiiu veir, and the II iiisaction of such
nihil btislnis,. is mil pioperh tome lieiore It.
villi be lulil it tlie nlHie nf the cnnipmi, Itoom
il ItcpiiMii m lliiililinir. s.rtnlnn, Pi. on Mon
In, lune 21, I'ml, it 2 mlotk p in, in iccorcb
tncf with tin bv liws of tin ii'inpini
. W I NOIirill P. Soeretirv.
sn up I Wll sill IS lite of the lloroufth
nf Puninoii, (ounli nf lackawanna and
suto i f I'enn-tU inn, dneised
Inters il nlininislritiiu upon the ihove estate
I itiiiK lien jr lined in I In undersigned, ll per
sons Inleblid Ibeteio will pleiso mike prompt
lninieiit, ind th i biinis eliiins aciinst the
tslilt will piiscnt tlniii tor pniuenl lo
IIHIN W H lis.
s M I.D PhnPiisVIs will le letelved at the of.
fun nf tin Miiolni uf the e ralilon Hoard of
it mini until 7 in ri'ilnik, Mnmliv iveiiini;, lune
'lib lnoi fu luini-liins: the htlmol distrtet wi'h
lb lull mint; tipplies lluls villi stata net price
and must In submitted e u Id inks In le nhtiiiitil
a tine sieielan's olliti Ih' Mini l me himdiid
ilollii, in e lib m leitllinl t bei I sh ill nieoui.
I nit mill hi I. iibnli sum -hill In lutnleil to
in,' mIh 1 1 di-iiiii In ti" "i "find "f mills,!, n
in I In nt nl tin Ir.illn "i luildus in execute
eeutnil wllhlli Itu dns iller tin Hi mluur n
Ibt Mini Nu bid will I" uad or tonsideiel
viblih fills tn c mipli w Uli this iifiiiitmiii
Hit In ml iineives the l" nieit .m or all
"!. n inn ntiuneiinl l"Je pip I, n pountl Oak.
Iml m I iln in Vs, pn teini
nn leiuis b i!m tp, 10 mind Oikland or lab.
vin villi-, pet nam.
inn ir mis bltn piper, 10 pound Oakland or
I- Villi-, pn ri tin
rii.m rnvtlopis, No n wliile
im ilnn u (Jtilnii.i liliht-, as ptr umplo in
hi oik in 'in
Iim tinen eniiiposiiiiin hlilrl, as pei sample,
,i(,(inn peiuil pid, is per simple Mmplo pari
li.ti-l il-n .in nnip iu bid Paitliular .itltntlon is
e died in this Hem, as lie Imird will insist upon
t stile I tnimillanii ulllt Ihe hid
2 Iniitls ink, ( niei's ii llirnes' lltrrels tn
be letuiucil when ciupti mil credit slvin for tlie
S 11111".
I ilven ttatheis' Ink slind-. is pr sample.
hi unss in Inldiis, is pei sample. To be
(iirni-lied In Inlf un--s hints
,Snn KII.--J pens
nun Rinss pupils' leal pun lb, Dixon's llisli
Se linol,
u2 irrnss diiwlmr pentll. IMvnn's M II
pai Rinss while ira.iiiu, Waliluni'i jrljovv
tl lire ss tssirlnl colored school travon,
121 ihcn blackboaid fia-scra, Andrcwa wool
110 piuinils rubber erasers, SO to Ihe pound
2 ill KtiKji rl ist ii hands, Fabcr'i .No, 10, done
up In un" moss iniclopen
Sou paikaijeii chawing paper, 7x11, as per
sample in stock room
l,(iil packages drawing piper, 6x9, as per
1 dozen waste baskets, xs per sample.
'2 dozen teachers' rail bells, as per sample,
2 fcro-H pointers, .10 inch, rubber tip, sample to
lie" submitted with bid
KM Tracy's class record!
2i) feather dust era, as per simple.
121 lartre sponges, as per sample,
Midlers must toinpl.t stnttlj with the ((run
nf this advertisement, and coods must in all
c t-ts, be ripial tn simples No goodi will he re.
lebnl or paid for vihltli .tie" inferior thereto 'Ihe
1 1, '.in I also iiseivtn the licbl In requite a hone
fi i lbs faithful iKrloinunit" of the contrail.
l urdir (f Ihe Sciantun Hoard nf Onilrol.
LUitNfc, I). IhLLOWS, isctrctary. ,
Insertions 25 Cents
Than Pour Llnet, 6 Cents lor Eech Ettra Lint,
""'' " n"i"iiJi-iii.rM-ii-sJijij-ejvi-ini.ri.-.r.-i.ri i-i.-.miwrtn.iJii"
Certified Publio Accountant.
unvvvnn c. si'.vui.dinu, 23 traders bam
mvAnn 11. dvvis, AnciuiEcrr, conkcu
1 jdatr Mchnnnc llltlg , 128 ttashuigton avs
Civil and Mining Engineers.
fcpruee street, Scranttin.
lawyei s.
invNK i: novLK. attorshy.atlaw
Roomi 12, II, 10 and 18 lliirr bulldlriff.
d n KijPuiai.b', aitornky-IjOans M-na
tlittd on real estate necurlty. Metrs buildlni
corner Washington avenue and Sprues street.
and intmsellots at law. Republican buildina
Mishlnton aienue.
sellots at law. Commonwealth building. Room
Iff, 20 and 21.
00,1 D04, Oth floor. Mean buildlnit.
of Trade bulldlns, htranton. Pa,
Rank hiiildinpr.
211 Wiomlns avenue
Physicians and Sugeons.
ai cnue.
inston avenue Residence, 1118 Mulberry
Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidnejs am
Renito urinary organs a specialty. Hours, i
to 4 p m
Hotels and Besturants.
Till: KLh CV1K. 125 AND 127 JRANKLIS.
avenue. Rates reasonable
P ZLIOLF-lt. Proprietor.
senger depot Condueted on the Europeat
plan VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor
cess pools, no odor; only improved pumps used
A B Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders llOf
North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, con
ner Adams and Mulberry, Both telephones.
erymen, More 201 Washington avenue; gieci
houses, 1050 North Main avenue, store tela
phone, 782
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa . manufacturer of Wire Screens
abo ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 213
Adams avenue.
paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 139
Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa
In Scranton at the news stands of Roisniis,
Bros., 406 Spruce and 503 Linden. M. Norton,
f22 Lackawanna avenue; L B. Schutzer, 211
Spruce street.
SEVI.I D PROPOSAIS will be received at foe of.
rite of the secretary of tlie Serinton Bonrd o
t'ontiol until 7 0 o'tlnck, June 24, 1001, ia fur
nish the Scranton School dislntt with tanal foi
the ensuing year. The coal is to be nf goxd quai
ilv, fiee from dust and slite, 2,000 pounds tn
tlie ton; no washed mal will be acccrjircd Tbt
enal is tn he delliered onlv upon an rrder from
Ihe prim ipil of the various htilldings, xsaid nrdei
being upon a printed form provided hy the lliarrl
nf t'nimi.l antl attached to a receipt!, which u
tn be presented to the principal anil signed bf
Inni on the delivery (if the enal. Sei coil will b
pud for unless suth order ind aerompa,
nies thp bill Bidders will st ite liV price p-l
ton for the different sires sepiratcly and for each
of the following sub districts;
First Distritt Sthoola .No. I, 5, 0, 27, 2i, .",7,
Ivl. .15, 36 and 15
Second Distnt I School! Nos 2, 3, 6, 7, S, 10,
11, 15, 30 and 17,
Thild District-schools Nos 12, II, H, Ifi, 17,
18. 10, 20, 2), 11 and 2
Fourth District is. hools Nos. 21, 22, 23, 21, 2!
antl 26
Bids am alsn Invited for furnishing wood af
the virions buildinei under the same cnnditinnj
as nbnie silted for funilsbinc toil. The bid
should give the price for light kindling wood and
aim for slib wood for furnace sepanteli , alio
give price for load in 1 ton wagon and price foi
loid in 2 tun wigon
The sum nf one bundled dollies in tash nr certi
fied ihttk is to be einhsed with eich hi I whith
sum sbill be forfeited tn the srbonl dlstnit in
ctse of refiisil nr omivsion on Ihe pirt nf ths
bidder, to whom tlio contrnt for mi or ill tin
ebstrlits shall be iwarded In exeiuie tontratt
s it hill ten dajs ifler awarding nf the same
Ihe bond reserves tlio riglit to icjctt any o
all bids
Bv order nf the Serinton Board nf Control,
U'CIEM-. D FEI.IOWS, Peeretarr.
.SICK Midi III IIS' Ml I. IIM! The annual meeting
nf tlie slot kbohlers of tha Collin v I'ngineei
c unip no will be held at tlio general nflieri o
the compam., sirnitoii. Pa, on Mondn, Iun
'.Mill, I'ml, at 2 o'eloek p m , for tlie elc-uor
nf directors and tlie transaction nl sinh otbei
business 83 iniv properly tome before the meet,
ing. SrANLEY P. ALLEN', Feerrtaiv.
SAFEST! Money Will Earn Bltj Monthly
r.nem Returns.
0X01! Thelnveslor'srundrajaSembrnonthlP.
The oldest established In America. No ceiliflcaU
holder has ever lost a cent, Payments made tn
all subscribers every 15 days Nn trouble No,
delay, Money refunded on tiemard Write to
day for particulars, freo to any addrtsa
C. II. Matkty At Co., Hudson nitl'g , New Yod..
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3 to 5
nmoklyn Edison 1st ia.
Uhes. & Ohio, II. & A. Div. 1st Con.
Uvdiis. & Tei re Haute 1st Con. 6g.
Iowa Gon, Uy, Co, Jst 5s,
Iviuls., N, A. & Chic, Chic & ind.
Div, 1st 6s,
Mexican Central Tly. Con. Is, S!l
Missouii Pacific Trust na. l"
Minn. Ccn'l Ulec 1st Con. 5s.
Mob, &. Ohlt), Montijuniciy Div, 1st
Rio Orando Wcbtctn 1st -Is.
HI. L , Iron Mt. & So. jtefd. Is.
Compute C'irculai list on Applic ition.
1001, (Pocket Edition) Now Beady,
Sp.cnccr, Trask & Co
27-30 Pino Street,
65 State Strcci, Albany, N Y. NBW YORK
! 4- -t vSi