T s wrnjyr'AX f,,j3T,,Tr,,t" ntj svs nir0K7'v,n i; iim-''its.Mr''s?'trKsN !" IX - ". ' yWUJ JT Jt VIHfTSf '? Mtvi MfcaeraSP1 ("V'iTF-'V' v ''(Wc't1',Tfs7 -i'fl':' y ' '" T - " S y- , i j :8 m 11113 SClt ANTON TJUJ3UNE-SATURDAY, ,JUiYU 35, 1901. t tfJirtt v vw WEST SCRANTON REVIEW OF CHURCH WORK ;nteiiestino paper bead by evan j. davis. Told of the Work Tlint Hns Been Done Since 1815 When n Little Union Church Wns Formed In Slo .cum Hollow Amount of Money That Has Been Expended to Main tain the Church nnd the Piescnt Vnluo of Chuich Piopoity News 0 Notes nnd Peisonnls, ' Al tho IntetoHlIng I'NPrchiM con nected with 1 lie binning of Uu inott gagc of the Kit it Unpllst i hin oh or South Muln incline Wednesday night, an intniostlng' tepuil "f the woik done by the ohiui'h was ic.nl lv I-miii IJusK one nf IN oldest inctnbois, imil for tun Jems thi' llimiuliil spctelniv ol the chiiM h. This lepent was piopaiotl hv ill-. Davis at Hip ic'ipiest of thp eoninitttoo In i lunge of the ctltbiiillon. Tt follows: Shunt Hi inr 1M1 i tinlnti ilumli n is (nrmul in 1 rin ill In ol It hit in slnt urn lloltm, I lo lilt i iiii hi l.! In ll' pie-ml I ulilli Mini l line (lit. Ihmcs inniitiuul thus until tin o.l- Si1', "lull I In lljptet minibus lilt nnl finmitl I rmcltf " Inl'i i llipll-t iIiiirIi -reuriiur Mr lie jr u-o l -i lira I luui i ulilili Iml hern liuilt n thil lull mm kmmii h III' Iniltlh ircl 'llir lieu i li ll It n.is iimptiMil nf i Itclilt pti mem- lien t Iir fillniiltnr u ll tlitt ssne uiiriniid llilo 1 i hllli h lit llir lid l 1 n i" I 11 mm, Wllhim lluhimiiid iml lliigli llui;li! -i iiml Iml i nststm tun nf Ihim llmi minibus, is follows Mil ham I lums tm I' li nrs, lnii l I mi-., iiii l I in is. Mm I in-. lliilrlli leiikins. Mm --in it 1 i Willi mi Ibn-kiti-, Ann i llm-kms, I'lmiin lliu-UlH. Willi 1111 Mini, lionet Sllrti, Willi 1111 I I in-. Milt I'll illl- Min ls.in, (hales I lu mis, Mm Willliins (.wrn Tlionus, 1,'tth.ird Otw n Inn Ohio Inn Innis, Iniiti llit,;hr, Inhn Dims, Mill Dili'., William I! linos 1 liihelh Inni-. Inhn I. Iritis, Inhn I il mini K I,i 111 Iluh I min 1 Puis llmnns I'onrll, Miiml Ponoll 111 I Inlui .lours Willimi Hots Kins hmiI Willi 1111 I'. 1 1 nics ituo iliclul lo nil tin illurs of drian- of the nru ihunh, mil Iritis l Jems iitiug is ihurili (Ink In tin seir lc.l Mt. Inhn W. linns ni iddrd In iln ir muni op- lit- 1ml the ' (.ill n( piophrt " md In-. 1 1 pnitunitirs won nniii in tlio-o iUis I. toll Ins 1111 i?e In llie ptiipli, atul it ws uirptilili In tlirin mil lliri lime In (lie cn'i I11-.K111 llir rir f How inir In oidjin linn to llie I ill wrik if llir liiiniMi.i ami rn(T3(;r linn js li ir pi-tm it HO per li ir, or Vt . pir mrntli V liil Inni' intrilini; llir nnliiMtion if llir new piMnr tin otilliiimr if fhn-tun Imp tivui wis (iim lilnnnicti n l in ifostolir faslnun ill (onnrilion with tin nrw tliwuli Thrre ion- HUYLER'S SCOTCH Kl! I OB sau: G. W. AT JENKINS'. Saturday Needs For Little Money At the Lace Counter You will find scores of good bargains tomorrow, but there's room for tne men tion of one only, here. Children's Mall Hats In pink, red, light blue a.nd white. Regular $1.00 kind at 6C Regular $1.50 kind at 98c Corset Sale-Linen Batiste Corsets Short hips, new model, guaranteed to fit like a glove. A 65c Corset for 39c Hosiery Specials-Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose J 'Drop stitch, lace effects, fast black, in all sizes. The 35c quality, 25c Notion Bar:ainsLadies' Pocketbooks In Walrus Leather, colors, grey, tan and black, with aluminum trimming, new clean stock. 75c and $1.00 Pocketbooks, 50c Hen's Furnishings-Fancy Half Hose Full fashioned and positively stain less black. The sc kind for 15c Globe Warehouse itrls worn Itnmctml mi ttir ptolrwlon ot llirlr f ill li In C1iilt. In llie water of tlio Itoirlnx llrnok, I11 t lie? Iln. Ibnlfl llowrn, tlien nl t'11 lioiitlalr, who I111I lifcn cniriRnl for Iln' nu ilnii Tlio new iIIiI)Im wcrr 'IIioiiim Wilkin, "no of the plllnm now In tlip WVUh tlAptlt ilumli In I'ltMnn; Ullllim I'lilltlps nml Jltilil trwls, Slioillv follow Ihb t lie ordlnani.e im iikiIii ml' liiltilvlrrnl, wlicn six wnc Inptlrtd In Iln mti' tlcrujiniti. Iliv. IU11I0I lluwtii, llie lomrili ttrrol lolin 'Illinois, ni Icwl", llirtnti I J t i". Mm .trnklns, Ann .Irnklns nnd Muri lloll(lns t)n .tin I) ISY, n InislniK niopllni wis lirlil, wlirn It wis rwiUril to onliln .Inlin W, lunr Iln- flisl nppurliinltt, aNn lint Imlnl illnns I r nil In Iln. Dulil Knm. 'innnilt Hill, Iln llrniiniln llowrn, I'ill'lnn I'crri nml llio ilumli In t'ltliomlilr In Ulr pirl In (he onllnillnn of llio Hist inslnr In Srititon, Pi. I OMMIITIli: APPOINT I I). l 1 morllnc hrhl lire. I), IS'il. .Inhn P lrl, Miiirhi .lulus iml Dnlil li. I)ill,, ttiNlnii, who iippnlnlril 11 rotnuillln1 In liCRiillilr with tin' nlll iris of llir 'irntiton Iron .iml Lml imnpiio In iipinl tn putrhi-jtii,' llio 1 11 ml upon ulilili In Iniilil 11 ihunh lii'illilltif;, llnj wnr (iiui-lul nml pinihi.ril I mil mi Miflllii mnur lm "'''i' Minh f, lVi, tho ilililili nppnlnlul n Imllilliu loiimiilliM. ns fi llim lohn I' liwls Inlin II. I)il, Iihi W iltrtj, Inhn I' lluls, 'on mini " ami Iiwls liwl, inriihinl, Tills irpuit wis in nli In llir tuinmillir IVb. I". IcjH: " Xiiniiliiiv (11 nppuititnirnt, wo, Hi loinhilllu fdnlnl In stipiilnt'iul (In 1 1 1 (Inn nl tho Hi Mi llipth-t ihnrth, lni HtiMuil Mil wnrk nppnlnlul 111 In iln, mil iln hoirlii ilrliirr nm irpnil in full nf ill inrlliuhis iniinrilnl with llir nn Hon of Mid liulhlliiir, vhowlntf Iho iiinoinit "I silli'ti iplloli nml c r 1 li lions, thr piiimuls tint 1111 mulr mill llir biliim' of ilrl't n 111 ilniiii.' un I alii nn salil liuio iml lot, I rli I", I Vi "U wis 1 rwls, MI11I1111111 it IIiiIIiIiiik ( nniniilln " "Iti poll. imiMil in tirlult of llir I'luirih lit II iv nl I (Initio, IMi IT, lkVi" Iln tnsl of I'lillilitn; tin t tilt ti I 1111 unililr In 11 1 w ill 11 iniilil of, tho ikoiiIs brmc lost. vpl -i), lVkl, 1 uiuttnu wis 111 nli In rinf H IIII nn Aulirr) Powell, mil siiotiihtl In H1III1111 .1, I.) ins, Hut ill thr niriuling lilini," on Uu n-t slilr nf thr 1 ilk iwnini illtr lmlil tin Hti( tn lonHiiltr thr itlnsilillili of Koini? with Iho inijniil) tn worship In llwlr Piik I'mf W. Powtll mil lohn 11 tones, lonutiittie, ttpoitcil lint (hi) wnulil kitp in unit) mil pi with I lie nnjoiili. At 11 tnritlng: Itrhl Nptiinbii J, Isi.., a mill Ion u.is inulf In Willi un MiCturRon, iml ntuniliil In William ('. H ilium-, Hint thr pup rm In- snlil on Mill'in iirnur A liintlon w n initlr In DiMtl linhrrts, .mil urtomlnl In Hil- II 1111 Ma.ri(,'(;on. tint wo a-k .'.siyi fit tho proputi, I,IKI rlcittti, I OWI in so. ni(iiilli iml VsOO wilh intinsl, 111 one y 11. Al-n. Mill Hie liuvttrs pi 1 si nt 1 i op of tht-o H-olutious to tin (.'1 1111 in l.ulhiims, who muuipitdt piuiliii intt Iho pinpiHllion wjs aiirplul mil the prop uh soltl foi -',Rnn In Imiinn, I'M, tho I'u-sl H1M1 l!ipli-t ihunh of Suinton, Pi, hawnj; olil iN pint nf wniship 111 '-ct intnrt on aiiounl of tho ilistinio wlnili (he mimhirt hail In ro to woii-lnp, in lunst of tin 111 IimiI in llulo Pirk, Pi , 1 lllnl .1 (.piu.ll mrrtlne tnd thr following mrnilii 1- mil liiniin wne srlntcil is 1 hinldini; touunitleo: Milium I I Jti-. Ithn 1) Williams In-tph I ri, Mn-rs T. Howllnds lohn 1, Thonn-, Wil li Mil Mi Luireor nnl I ml loncs srnoiiii iln Manh 7, IKir, Diiid S HobeiU mil llrnianini IIiikIiis wrie ulilnl to (he ininmillir, I he mm miltrp puiiha-td 1 lot mid a hilt fin "-"ilil fmm lo.-rph Pillows lining puiilnsod tin lot. Mi I I n(T mis pi Iri led is lrihitrrt to tnike plins and -pri 1H1 itinns fn thr rluirih hull lini: In Apt il. M, mnouiiiimrnt wis lundt 111 Hi" m nntnn nrw-pjpen for iralrd piupn-il- Inn rcimrd (wo pioiosils, nm hint 1 llrrrintiis foi 'j-OnO, mil 0110 fiom Messrs Hinl-n and Il'inmi nnl foi 'T.Kno The mnti.iit wis in mini lo I d lid llrinniiLs, is tho inuuniltec thought it litlrr to jio it lo homo ltnhtstn I will .iv hcio 1I1 it thr lontiulor ilehiiid Iho wmk (or Inn or unit icirs, si 3011 mil nolo lint llni H5 SB mr mrf two lean without anv rrtoril of tin ihurili liullilltu. LVfl nf Iho new ihurili! I'llnnrtl llriitiiilit' tonli.nt t.,,i,.i.i,,.,i'is,ivv) Pilnlliirf, rk' 1, n..,, 1, n, NO llllll Ill It. JSl) lllUIDIMI l;St,MI(ll I) t 1 liirellliR hold .Nm, I, If.,.!, Up., I H' Hllllmis, II ), w is iliiiliiinii, and linn Inlui r HIIIIiiik iiirhr. Ili'ioltul, thil wr ion ulilrr llie iiiillliitlutn ton ftinill In inntiln die pinplt wtui .lllilnl rrlie, 'Ihrirfnip, the ful luuliij,' hulldlitc luiuuilllic wis ilppiillilcil In t Irtnl lite Imllillm,' In (hi tear: lluijiinlit llllltlirs, Ihnnns I) Dull, Inhn P. towl, Hl. Hun I) Mnrils, I nm 1 V l.i ins, lniph Iln Inilds ami Intui W, llnls, I ho lut tumid wu liii'iinr of Ihe lonnnlllir, 'Iho irtrlpts ami illsliiuriiicnls fm thr liuihllntf wric us folluwii! IIICI.IPI1 Cnllfllld lij tho slflns nf Iln' ilimili miiiilhli ilinlni; l-si, ,s md "-' . l.s.i'l nil Collrilitl In the j.i.ih nf fluuili and nlhrrs I.TIfl 'M Ilotrouitl ,"i,'iil ml Don ll Inn In W. II, Willi mis, inntriiilir oil IX) llniuiliin In I' I, Mnllirs, inhilri I ., L'i (l Mllnlllis 2. I I lulll 77 iimh'im:ii,ni. Hllllmis, innltiiilor s Til 01 W iltim, atihlln I ITU Ih) Pild W I'lid i: Pild siinilr.v pusnns for fuiiiMiln-'s ... (h.(ll.! Pild Inin , V n nn Plid llllirihl nu iniilil 1 'll 11 Mil iiiio nn hitid lii Inhn W l)iis, In iuier nil pi Inlll .. 11 .VI 77 luni I I wo. I(r I W Willi mis I) ll , 1 li ilitn 111. nml l.i 111 P 11 1 u. Miirlin Iho follow Incr inniiiilllif wu folutid tn ar niv.1' fm jinl Iniilil .1 now fmnl I ilw ml P. 'Minims, Inhn I'ppln Intu s, Ihouns I) Dills, llmi lohn I' Minimis lohn II Willi mi., 1 mnu short: ln-i pit Hn nolds, "-itiiuil lrwl Hi n nniii lliuliw. Ilninis llowoll-, Irwrllin linklns, Inhn II Dnis Unlit Miirum, l' in I. l)il-. 1 mi I Dnls md Ihonns I tuns Iho (ollnnine win si In lid in i'm nil no inmnilttre. Ilnmiii II Hois l.iiKdi. I Duis, Dull Moicrm, I im P Duis md Inhn I Mi mm Dr I W Willi niw wis ihiirnun, md I! Itujlics, iiii pii.iileiil" Hilllmi II Moiris, luannrr. Hi nielpls mil illsliiirsciiutilti fm (hi- fiont addilii n wue as follow: lllll IP I- IIiioImiI fiom (rrrionl inlin lions .',111 00 lioiiiird from Ciridui's tniuut Ml) i Itniliod fiom Ihe I ulhs' Mil miily .. 1,'i.Ju) lloiuird In m Ihe nun; l.nliis' fi- mm pit 01 I'rroneil from "nmiit.1 Mils' ti ikiip .... .Mini) ltiniiid liom limn Worlris . , . i) On Id 1 1 mi! is lion it ion fm niw windows . 1 10 ik) llritiMd f 1 1 in tin ilioii uu un HiioimiI liniii ir ihilii Oil k mhiiis . '.' iiTn .'i. Ilnriiid i loin nn propiiii, lion I and innrlrfiK ),- 0 oi) HciiiMil fiom nlil hiitir lmii.lit In tlhplnnt ihuiili 7 1 On 1'ulil 1)1-111 IM Ml Nl Pnl fm mw fi out lo loutriitiis Pud foi slum In air Pud fui niw orin Pod foi windows Paid inhliril .... , . I'm! fm work oul-ili if hull hue Pud f n piuiliiiK, prinliuir, cli , MSJ7I Ci s 'i 7S7 17 . I.IC'KI . - i "2 11 . I ll' I 1.1 (71 W I ' .7 It. I, s, mo y, iii7 or Ann on , l o.s i s,27. it , o 050 oo -I llrnli m it -lalid- i 'iln Oil ll Isl 1 1 1 i'i 7 1s,i7.1 '. Pud for inteip-l on li ml in I mm It ice Pud fur i Hpils, iti , . . Pud fir loin to Wisi -n, hinU . , I'iiiI lo Willimi I) Moiris, tu iiinei ., I.ilil Inline the ilumli pmpnti in il. bt In In ml jnd nun; i.i . In suumuti; up I will .tie i Imil nl Iho iiM if tin. i llllll h pinpilli a, todal t.iound f i ilumli hiiildinc ' Hit mini 1 uildm; n -t I In u ir mm Tin limit id lilion I'tll . . . . i il itmiiuu i n i ti-rs 1 i ( II m irsj .. . . s .,'II 10 turn I sin in MII.IUI T, imil I In i hint ll i n ii I i mill w ml wi uh nf ihuuh pinpnli ' -I il ulf Ji prniuli in tin i nu i ' mm win, li nnki ll,"n in llir aliir Observance of Flap Day. The pupIN of the public m bonis ob--ei ed ll.tn d.i eslcid.i in .in itp pi Dpi l.i li iii.iniiPi 'llie tiaihpis woie (llliseut ill theli i Km Is to iinpii-s upon the iiilldiui tin sphll of (lie in -i.islon, .mil In m.iu of the looms spe ei il eseii ises w ic held riasrs weie unliiiled fiom thi IiIkIi pole-, leienllv eniiid in the ,iids .il Nils In and Is si linnls. and the ibililieu took niiirli ii Idc in the eensps iml ilenlal theielo. 'Ihe pupils uf .Mls Aliiiia's- liioin in No i'i si iiool eshlbited sppi linens nf Huh haudiwiiik to theli p.uenls and fl lends cl in Int. the al lei in on, .Miisiat and lltii.uv eeulsis weie enjojed Iti a niiinbei ol silinols. Young Ladies Choir. The ouiij? l.itlles' ( lioli- or the l'lnt Welsh I'.aptlst chilli h, whli li is lul hv Mis. D. H. Thomas 111 e In ln tilled lo eniii the minpclltloiis at the J'an Aineihaii eNluldlod in r-eptembti'. S3ln1il.11 ihniuses have pit Iously been siiuessltil undi 1 .Mis, Thomas' dliee tiou. 'Ihe pu sound of tin ihnh is as fol lows: l.eai'ei, Mis. I) 1!, Thomas; nisan Ist, Miss llllabi'th Hiirihcs; .sopianos, Kutli .loni.s, Kllabelh llowells, juy Ith hauls, T)in n .Iniies, I'atheiine Phil lips, IMIUi Jones, ,iei nie .leukins, i-.iiali .Mei(dltli llllaheth Lewis, Jlai (iinei Join s, Lillian ll.iv is, 'ouna Will- luiiis; alios, Silt (ill .lone,, Heith.i Kelly, Huliaia Lewis, .Miiivaiet Uuk1ii', Jen nie William", bailie Joins, Maltha Da ds Wheelmen in Century Raco, William SciRiau's and ,T. Winer ('lane, lepiesentaliM) lneinbeis ol' the rieilih I'lts Wheelmen, left jesletday loi Nt w Viul, ,11 roinpanled by llielf ItalneLs Tin se iid is will paiihipate in the Niw Voik .loiniial's lentuiy inn today. A .pnial ficsluii of llie dull will b" hi Id toillKbt to lei else the letuini ft 0111 the Mi p. Miiiw lieiiy .slioiteaKe will be hcivtd for litni'li. Two Excursions Today, Tlie oM'iuMon of Dhlslon No 3, D.niKlitfis of Ililn, nnd Olxhslon No, Jii, Aiiiieut Older nf Illb.'iuians, will la mil tills 11101 nliik' lo Lake Lodoie, A laiRe ciowd Is nutlelp.md The meiiilx i.s of Hi Lm'.s battalion nnd their filendh will hiienii todn nf Mdilitalu P.'iik Tiains will be mil moi nltiK, nfteiiioou anil iveulii"; Jackson Street Baptist Church, The choir ics a nuKi'it In the H.ii tlst 1 huu h of ubpliaut 011 June Jut li I'iufesMii Lewis Das Is has been le. heuisiir the I'liolr ami thuie will be no disappointment. The contestunth tut tlie ( lunch iillt winked illllK'i'litli and at tlie mhI.U held last Wednesday uutlei llie uusjiices ot ihe Ladies' Aid, llie ipillt was uwaiii- SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a couidi to run until it ecu hovonl the rcidi of mediilue 'thci 0I1111 sj, "oh, it will near anaj," but in iuot Ujsi it will mar them an J). Could tluy be I nil ui oil iu rj tho Mjiir-sful medkine lullnl kunp'4 iljbaiu. wlili.li U (.old on a po-itiio ituarautie to tine, lliej wiuhl iniinoillalol) oe the luillrut UUit .ihir (jkini; Hie tliit dv-e. Ptiio JOs. and jiv. 1'iIjI bin; fret. At all iIiu.'i,Utj. . pit to Mil. .1, Wlllliinii, of Ninth Hide Pink incline, slit' IiiIiirIiir in the .sum of $lft. Mi. Itoiliiiond LUtno leuntid wllli 'MM"., anil will letolve a Hlllinllnc diillt. Nt'N't Siiiitlay itluhl lit till ipccliil SPI'- ltc the flioli' will reniter "I'liilse ye the Katlipi'." The niisloi o(01 tlility-UilPP fitllll lli'i I Ills week, but the heat of Tiiodaji overutnio tit 111 nml he only made out cull whiie. An oichcsliu Is nun a iioiilblllty for nun Hundny ehoo1. We luiM' iho nin teilal nnd it will )P inuiiRht toRcther. Bnll Oamo Today. A pun" of luip ball has been ai l aimed for thin nftPt nuiin ill J:10 ii'doi'k on thp iimw'tm' kioihhK Iio tween tlie llowpll and Hauls teams, lepip'.piitliitr Ihosp icxIdluK liotth and sntitli of 'Washbtltn stipet. 'I'lie eon trst will be lot' n bov of elBais 'I'lin llm-tiii or the two i earns will be as follow h: Howell team Bcultv Willltims, (Mtohei'i I.po riosslu, plteliPl : WaltPi .Ioiips, shott Htop, liavld Owens, (list base; John l.lovd, nt'LOtid base; Uobei I fat son. thliii hasp, Will Jinnlson. ilwht Held, Kiank Iteese. lentil' Held: John It. I M writ iln, lert Held. Hauls (pain Itcexp Lewis, patthoi: Opoikp HaiiiiiKion, piteliei: Will rial liiBhei, ilioit stop; Hdwaid Tlunpr, Ills! liisc; i:tiKPtie Kellows. set otul ba-sp; Sanfoid Phllllpi, ihlnl b.iso; Mat. Aniiemati. left Held: 'I'honms Wil liam Held. tenlie Held, 1JI llaiil, iIkIiI t'liiplios W. V.. Thtnei, W ('. and Hi Hrai h. Seoiei. W. C. Hams. IHIIItv niaii, 1'iank l.ee. Pi li p Wil- Wost Side Tennis Club, The follow Ins: m hedulc has bpeii nr iiiiiKi'd tor the pinups of the Wpst Ship Tennis i lub this afternoon: MKpiI doubles Lam a Oavls, nil Haiili, Anna Mason, W. lla.ulon lolltl". Mixed sliiKlcs Mabel Cilsttini! Her boi t (Muitlleld. MKed dnuhles Mailll.i Mott, (.'. H Mott. IMnit n.ins and (ipoiRe Waties. GENEBAI, NEWS NOTES. A ssell attended meeting of llsde Pink Indue. No KM,, Knlshts of l'vth 1111. was held last esenhn,'. at whldi theie was .1 laise attend. uu e A sod.il sisjon lollowed the business miethiK All the couples man led lis' lies. Thoinas de rsiudiv .11 e inslted to ;it tencl tlie sen Ice in the Jackson Stieet Maptlst ihili c li tnmni tow es Piiltm.when the pastor will speak on "Honip S1111 slilne" Special music will lie lelideied bv the choir. Tlie ill iw lug rot a phnnoKiaph toi the benelll or Mis Sainh M011K 0f Washbuiu st 1 eel. whli h was announced foi todas", has been postponed until A UK 11 A sutpiise puts- ssus- leientls ten deied Miss Mildied liohn. ol Him stieet Major M I, Hlali li m letiu neil finni a slsit .-a l'a,mos!a and New Y01 k cits' The "UR-nRPmeut of Jacob tteilnik. of N01 ton asenue. .ind .Miss Ada Willis, of South Siininei asenue, is annoimced. The annual ehlldien's d,is- eseiel'sps will be held In tlie Til si Btptisl ihunh toinnii ow The Young Wnmpu's riuistl.m nssn dation iiiinm.ip sile will coneluile to das at l.n Ienn asenue The spoeial sei sites sslilih base been in piogiess at the Washbum stiept Pieshslei Ian 1 lunch sscie loniludcd last es piling. Miss .M.ugniel Tones, of Rock stieel. is icioseiliig fiom an illness- A son was icientlv born lo Mi and Mis I'i ink loins, or Xoitli Ciai Held nseniip Miss Mais Thom is of Ninth stiept. entei tallied a puts of Ti lends mputly .it liei home Mis I t.t Williams of Ninth Sum nei a si line, is eNpected to anise hnine todas. altei a two weeks' slsit Willi lei itlsrs n Phil idelphla. Tlie tuupial ol the late Willi 1111 (". Disis will nicui tniuoiiowi ilteinoou, fiom the house, i South Itehecca ase nue liitPiinent will be made in the C.iinln l.i cemetei) .Mr. and Mis Airied rike, of TI1I1 let'inh stieet, entei tallied Mends 1 e lenlls. in houni 01 Mls Lillian Iti 1 d, of Ith ua, N V Thorn is Mi (lints, an S-scai-old lad, tell lioui a t 0.1 1 shed on Tliuisdas- and fun lined both his amis. Tn, Hienimn has the 1 asp. Miss .Stella Mm las, ol Wpst Lot list stipet.has 1 etui ned home fiom Hlooins buig State Noimal school Miss Mvitle Piatlllfelti I. of South H de P.uk asenue. Is leiosciiug 11 0111 an Illness .Mis. John Stosu is sriiouslv III tit her liomc. Hans' nasi", of Noith Siininei ,isp liue. Is at (lie I'aii-Ameili an imposition. Mis, John P. Thomas, of Jackson stieet, has been called to Shomakln, bs' the death ol her sistei, Mi". Diuild Moigan has leiumeil riom Shiuuokin, wheie she intended the luueial ot hei aunt Mis Hs .111 P.. Jones HilKiir llowdl. of Acadeius- stieet. lias iu 1 opted a position In New Vol K .Miss Jennie Jones, or I'lsnioiiib, Is llio gue"t of Min. D, R. Thomas, of South Main asenue. Mis" Hmiu.i Hlias, of .Spiing lit 00k. will letuili honin; today 1 1 mil a slsit with Miss Kate Johnson, nl South Main useiilie Mr. and .Mi". Wllllani D. (iilillihs, of Philadelphia, aie sstlng (heli pai euts, Mi- ami Mis Wllllani V t;iif lllhs, or Not ii Siininei aseiiiii ami .Mr and Mis (ienige Pellows, of Tilitli street. .Mi and Mis Aitliui Le.sshou, of Nm 111 Ihouiley avenue, entei tuliied a huge niiinbei of chlldien Tliuisilay af teinoou, In huuoi of theli sop's Hfth blltliday Mi, and .Mi Moehiunn, of Pi c e s-liiet, euii 1 tallied the Ladles .d so el 'Is 01 (In ('cumin Piesbyiei lap dun ill on Tlunsday esenlng Tlie menibeis of Navajo tilbe No 101, lnipiosecl Oidei of Iteil Mm, will meet. In Iteil .Men's hall at I in iteloek toinoiiow afieinoon 10 aiteiid the tuneial of the late. Wllllani 1' Das Is Di D W. Ks.liis. of Noilli Main astiuie, has letiiined honin fioiu n nip UilollKli llie AVesi Di J J. Can oil has lust had toin pletecl an up-to-date dwelling hops,, oil Nm III Kioiule.s asenili) Iu West I 'a ik Mi" David O Lewis is having a sub Manual homo eteded on West Locust Hliei't. Vesleul.iy was Hag ilaj. I lev If (' MeDeuuiilt. of the Simpson Methodist Hplsenpnl cluudi, will pieaeh uu tii piopiiate seinion In honoi of Hie Hag on Sunday evening Tho .spconcl annual cm 111 "Ion of the Sloin-fential Mine Aeddental nrid will bo 11111 to Lake Lodoie on Satin diy, June .'. The tialn will leave the Delaw.iie and Hudson ilepot at 7. !0 n. in. Adults tiikets aie 7B cents. The committee or airanqcmeiits lonslsts of Wlllliun 1:. Lewis, 1S12 Luamiu stieet; Ueoige Watklns, PUco etioet, and Thomas WiitlthiP, of Not lit iOiii Held nvetllle, Tlie Loyal Cntsitdei.s wilt meet this nlteinoon lit L o'clock In Co'opeuitlse hall. The Sons of Teinpeianee lllee eluh will meet toinoiiow afieinoon nt ;'!!0 o'clock. A full titlciuliince Is liesliecl. It Is 101101 toil thai the eWtcddfod nu nntuiiid for July I and 5 ut Atlantic City, has been postponed until next sent. Unity P. Decker, of Ninth Sumner avenue, spent scslcicln.V in Ness' Yoik, Alls. Unbelt J, Williams ami daugli. tei rioietiee, of I, irayctlc stieel, me jcpeudlng seveial weeks nt Ituffalo, Mis, Lou H. Jones and daughter Lois, of North Hioniley nvenup, are visiting In Hastnii, Palmer Wllllains, of South Main rvenile. will attend the commence meiit pxeiclses at Ilttcknell enllege, Lewlsbllrg, toclav. The Colunibliw will hold a special meeting im Mondav evening, when die piopeitv of die eointmny will be utie llonrcl off to the highest blddeis. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Alfred Pedloy Chargod With Wifo Bonting An Exciting Runaway, Other Nowb Notes. Alfied Pedloy was taken hereto Ai de) man Mjeis vestelday 11101 nlng hv I'oiistablp Thomas ;. Jlllls, liavlug 1" en niiested on a wanatit Issued nl Ihe Instance or Ills wife. Mis, Julia Pi dley, svho 1 hinges him with asault and battel y. She dalms that 1 n 'I'huisdnv evening ho came home Intoslc ated and stunk her In the f ice sslth his list and gase her 11 lilac l i'c. Aldeimau Mjeisgasf Pedloy u sescic lopilin.ind and held him uiidirs!00 hall foi his iippeinauee at 1 0111 1. John Itogan, or H1I1U ue nue, riitallficd as his boudsinau. An Exciting Runaway. Mis- Tliomas Watklns, sslTo of Rev. Thomas AVatklns, ol "Wales stieet, ssas sllghtlv Injuied In 1111 ei Itlng itina w.iv last 'i'huisday .it .Moscow, Pa. In coinpanv with Mis. Lewis, 01 lbook slieel. South Side, thev iouinojcil to the abuse place to iuspei t a lmin which -Mi" Lewis had lecently pur chased. Wlille 1 etui nlng the hoi so .shlcli they diose, being a p!i Ited ani mal, bet line lilghtelied bv the plung ing of the innlage into the ditch at the side ot the mad, and dashed madly ass. is-. 'Phe on up uits sseie tluossn out and .Mis Willi mis lecelsed painful intuiies about th" faie and sliouldeis. In the meantime Mis Lewis dung pluekilv to the loins and succeeded in biinglng the iioise to a standstill She ssas, how -isei, seseiels luulsed in her siticcss fttl erroits Moth ladles weie asslstt d tn theli hollies. Tsvo Coming Events Pioiessni- Line, nf the Se Linton Cm lespondenie s( hnols, will glse a lectin e on 'Some Inleiestlng Things About Our Metals," in the Pi os idem e Metho dist Kpiscopal ihilidi nest Thuisdis esenlng, Seseial musical nitiubeis will also be lendeieil. ,iildinn to the plc.isuie nf Ihe esenlng Nn admission will he dinged at the doni, hut at the dose of 'he lileiaiv and uiush.il pui gi.unme Ice tieani ami stiass bellies w ill be toi s He, 'The Hiownie Hand.' .1 nisi nlle 1. 111 tata, will be lendeieil Tuesdas es Piling lis- thp clilldieii ol the Welsh rongie gational dun di nl West M.uket "tied, undi 1 the management or Miss Han nah Willi mis ,uul the Iiadeiship or William J. Lewi". (Meal cue has been taken in the lit quint lelieais.ils and lias b'Oiuht the 1. ml ill 10 1 high de giee 01 ovelleiKi. It is epec ted that this itmi.ita will be one nl the leading niics held in this set tlnn nf the dty this j 1.11. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Itev It S .Innos U I) . pasim f (lie West Maikd stictt Welsh Cnn,'iigi tional duiieli le'll foi New Castle and othei lilies In the weslein pan of the slate and eastern Ohio scsteidav 11101 nin'. He Is to be absent two sveeks, Misse Malgaiel IMwauK, Lije Lena mi and Jennie Das is al tended an enteil ilnnieni iu olspiiaut Thuisd.c evening. The I'.illu 1' U hltlv such is, at a meeting hole nn Tbilisi iv evening In stalled luenl.s-Hse new meiubeis. The luneial ol the two-ve.u-olil elailghtei nl .Ml and Mis l)se u Wha lemen p of 117 Hast Mm ltd stieet, will Like place iii-iuoiiovv attciiioon al J 10 o'i lot k fiom the home fisi.il D isle s, ot Summit a senile', leit .sesieielav alleinnnu lm Lewlsbiiu, l'a when In will attend tin- com mencement eseielses of the Hutknell lllilveisitv, nt lilt 11 his slslei Ms-i JIaiv Piotheine tas les, Is a t,iacluale. Miss Jrshle Kielei will spend Sllll-das- with liei lnnlhei In llonesdale, Ml. iiiuf Ml" .1. I! Osteihiiiii, of Summit isuiue aieslsitlng file nils in the Haste, n slates. Pen Conl 91..10 a Ton Deliveied. to South Side, lentntl dlj and teutial Ilde P.uk. Addiess onleis to J. T. Sliaike, 1911 L'etlar asenue. "Phone CUS3. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. While Olllicr I'elei llaggoils wan making ills loiiuds vesienlay iiioiuiiig about IMI ocloek, he saw a huge clog who piosod to be mad. The oilh ei luilUiilg llie iluuiage the taliiue 1 unlet do Hied si' 1 1. il shots at hlni, which ended his lite I laid link has culcieel llie home ol .Ml. and Mis, Keuneds, oil Pedal ave nue Theli 'i-vcai-old daughlei, AI beila, is so seiiius,s Hi witii la, tin level thai lluie is but u lillle hope lm hoi 101 os 01 , nnd tiioli IU-tseai old son, Clinton, is stiiousls ill wllh up peudli Ilis I'lolessop ('mi siiaiiiu will gise a gland giunastc elililtou tn Woik IngliKJii's hall Moiida, evening A well aiiaugeil inogiiuuino ssill be lendeieil Alter the eshlliilloii tut enjojable so cial will he held. Th ej iiiciubeis ot St. I'atihk's 'I'otal Absliiieiu e nnd Hones oleut so, ttts ssill nieei in icgiilai session Sunda.s alloi noon at St Juliu'.s hall, toi nomination of ullli us Tho St Petoi H (oiiois of St Mill) h (iuinuui Catliolln dull' 11 will hold their legular moulhly imetliit, Sunday af tciunou iu St. .Man's hall. Division No. :!.', Andeiil tlidu nt Hi bernians, will meet at l'haiimus hall Sunday afltilioon at 2 o'clock flREENJMDGE, Mr J A .Mai slu ami s-,toi ot s.in dc t miii avenue. 1 elm ned (steidav, af ter a ten ilnjs' vldt with icluiivcs iu liionkliii, N. Y Attorney Ailhiu luiuii, of Delaw.iie stieet, Is in Hoston 011 business. Tlie ineinbeiH ot tho Young Men's club sshn wish to pal tldpate in the I Special Diseases of Men S MV SPECIALTY. Do Sr JP Center Not eKML. Them- Scatter W1H on Faculties IP Specialty AI.Mjf"1. ".T ,"lT,'r'nR 'rem n dlsnsc nlil, . ,n,.rot K.rl,tln permanent "nn me I n a rxiiMCn to Toil SIV SVSTl 1 i.ii prH,.,",f.,nv whol' lll',.,l",denee In treatlnc special dlseasri ot men. I liisa JZ ' ."P. I01' ,r(',, !"nn,r" ,tUI '''."menti or elietro ninllcal romhinitionj or iilmllaf nrvicru wlildi ,n rot and rnnnot cure lliea.r, p llr (o turn Mj education, my expert V1.1V. n"',"nscleni.r. mr repulatlon con,lpm, a lc nimrkery. If you svllt pa m a oniLi '.' K" " ''H W CIIAIIUP. thnroiiRli personal oamlnatlnn anil an lionrot opnion nf .sour rar If joii arc liitiimhle I will tell em o, and adslso son no that you will not bo InimbitfTKeil tn unscrupulous pracdllnnera who rl-ilm (n cure alt If after exam n uir ion, I find you curable, I will Insure- sou of a permanent cure. Inasmuch n I will " n r,"rn guarantee to refunil vou eiery eent joii has paid m in caso I fail (0 jneet a euro 1 m,,, n (hari-o for medicines, as the) are ula included In tho nominal jee. asked, and oit know (0 (ho een(, befrr joii ulart what vnur whole lrr(mcnt l Rnina; m cost, and I will make no false promise as lo tho time for Ihe take of gc((tng you aa pallen(, as I promise only what I can do, and do as t promise. t'NNMimAI. DIsrilAltnKS Mopped In 5 in 10 dajs I'Mf-STONS and Drains Rtopp.'d In 5 lo 15 dajs i'i n 111 I ciro not nl how lontx slandin),', I will dry them up at once. RTItlCTIlltP, cured without tutting or dllatlni? ID PROCn.K or anv ancllinga or "idarKenienld reduced at once IMPOT(NCV by my fjktern of lroitm..nt la curable lrrrr cctlie ol the time ftandtnr t yntir aire. BtiMinrn AND KIDNFV derancements by mj ajslem of Irritment show ulRiia ot Im provement (run the very beginning Rill t'MAHSVl, belnit caustel hi itnrure condition of blood, is cured permanently by me. TI firm HI OOP POl'JOMNf!, prrniinenlly cured without the use of Iodide of Potash or Meriurj. Willi K If vou cannot call All corr.snnilcnee strletlj conflelitithl and all replies aent In plain emtloprs Inclewc 2irnt stonpto Insure rcpl. 01 1 ICi: DOLUS, n a. m. to 5 p in 1 nil G to 8 p 111 , bundajs, 10 a m to 4 p. ra. DR. MACKENZIE'S 11 I Pcrmaneiilly Located at Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building, 426-428 Spruce St., SCRANTON, TAKE ELEVATOR. -The Cambria Cemetery- The Ctmbrij Cemetery Company beg to announce The Opena'ng of Their New Cemetery On Washburn Street The Cemetery Grounds are high and dry, immediately ad-oinhg the old Washburn Street Cemetery, and com manding a magnificent view of the Keyser Valley. Inspection of these grounds may be had at any time by applying at the office, located in the cemetery. Until June isth, buiial lots will be sold at a greatly 1 educed rate. Foi full information apply to the sexton on the grounds, GEORGE ROWLANDS. No. 2024 Washburn Street, City. I" 11111 In nimhuist this afteiiioou aie luitiosted to meet al tie 1 lub rooms at J ,'(i n'e lock slnu p. Dlikson Kavs, of Sanileisou asenue, leltiined sesieielav fiom St. John's M ilitutv aiadeins, when he has been a student foi Ihe past join The ladles of the Asians Methodist Hpiscoptl 1 liuit h gase a soi delight ful tea iu the clime h pailolM l.il esen ilig. The lawn Iu 1 1 out of No J7 school was impinved by a beaillitill hid ot Hcisseiing goinniunis CI1II1I1 en's Has- will be nbseised ill llieAsbui.s Jletliodls( Kpiscopal chinch tnmni low. .Miss uiooine nl Dallas, i slslled (iieen Itldge (1 It nils ostei tla . P. I' II. t, ml, of Pie ksou avenue, has added to ills possesion all aiul siinie tt ti 11) ol b.iv hen sis Tin Young Men's dull 01 llie fluuili ol the (iood .shepheid will lltve theli annual icstlval June Js I'm ve.us this listlval has been held 011 .Miss Anna Sauiloi son's lawn. This vein thev will have 11 011 the e liui di law ii, Should the weaihei ptoso unpleasant It will be In Id 111 the dub looms. DUNM0RE. The MMiinui Has and Wale i eoiu i.ri Is iMiinllng Its gas iu litis In town huge tin t it Is ongaKid a' I'li.-i'itl la.slnc, a main oil illakel sited The Lackawanna Telephone lonip.uiy have' at list i eached us. a huge lone ol men iieun; ens'agod In eiciiiiir, )olea on ciitcn Itldgi siieei The- Allllillii socle l of the High school will huld a meeting tonight at tlie cential building, H make Hiial at lailgeilleuts loi 111 annual baliiiuel nli Wi ilnesday iipnI. Th" mi ml), is o llidependelll Hum iniupiuy aie making elalunaio uepi -aliens toi theii anniitil pluilc on Julv I at Ki .sslone claiili 11 .Mis Aim I Caldliei, of I'lllliud is '.isiling Mis W. Stevens, oi Illake l Pliiei. J . Sampson has pun linked the t,ioiei.s hildni'ss liniiieil.s londuded l It i .Me .Mill in. on roililh stieet llllll Will continue lip blisilles.s ll llie s( line stand KitM Melliotllst 1,'plMopil eliiii, i lies, ('liailes lit in. Nesslng ii-t' Mniuiug cm lie al I )..!(! anil' e s t nu i seislie al 7 hi n'doc U. Miuullig sub Jed. 'The I'i l liege ot S.JllU ' ill llie i si nlng llie In Ml lodge of Od I IVIIows wilt at lend tlie seislie Tin msoi' will pieaeh a special s"iinnn to litis lodge Sunday sihool at .' !t) p iu mill-week iaei .(uIlc, Wcdnesel ij e tiling at 7 lp o'clock. A icndlil iu sltalioii Is cMoinUel to all to attend llies-e fceivlces Tlie pibinr des-hos. to meet nil pioballoneis Monday evening at b o'clock. or ctindllloti pM-iitlr (o men, or If jmi hv bun lure, I jnt sou to roine mill hse a inelil chit tl lip TliuiTllftr ...1.1-1. t i..-. ..l.l.n CEIS vv PA. A Letter from Madge Pe.r II1 ne-hi lul Into lime hi fore pills In Sits II s irirptiiri tn pen joii 1 lino limit Iho SI nnllinc h sen thin j won just .rinil, llio In nl.' i iln uu mid llu pii-inl- mil, Hut simpH liilih ill-nip inni Iml mi hull M wi-Iii i mil mr all itkht I n i- ill it -u .th ml ulut to cui' until I nml in tin ' Orient il" too r -t n is ii-t, md un ( lit c-t ploio Pud iliui, s,t ,,( dcnrnid ii'iini (hlni l.n knl ju.t n mm II Mi( Mllllmi Until nnl Hi -il thil ol tin tiniM iu re Vou i in't lira (amnri's for bar dim, dill Una ihlri- in brlritr lla-til.i .sours, Madge. Gruerver & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. ill's MS Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 4K5 N. Ninth Streat, .PA Telephone Call, 2333. J THE ORIENTAL. 1