The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 15, 1901, Image 7

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Kcpp tho Jiiwn well
wiitoi'pd and It will look
fresh ami gicen.
and you won't havo to
buy h ripv one pvpry ycnr.
Elpctilo llosp Is fully
wnrrnntpil will Inst
A nllipp hinds of
Hose. Prices Sc to 18a
per foot.
Foote & Shear Co.
H9N. Washington Ave
The Peeress
Ironing Board
For ironinjr LADIES' SHIRT
WAISTS nnd children's cloth
ing, every mother knows how
difficult it is to properly iion
Babies' Cnps, Guimpcs, Sleeves
and Yokes. This Board is
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Telephone or mail ti a pnMal to rati at jnnr
heme and riiol" pihe nn laumlriinc iny qmllty
or Mml nf late nr r,ili cut lain?. Itcults Blur.
Mtnnify tt. .1 Mimas was In WllVrs-llirre jes
tertian Mi l.i ii null" "pcric epoiit Iho pil week
with ii lends it II iM Mount
llr. and Jin. (I. I) Mim.ii, if Wnlunetnn
niciiuc, If ft tMrril ii tor l.inopi'
l)i. .tuliii I'. Neil in, uf n en k, is tlic ciiit
of Ins M-.ICI, Mis I'. 1 l'ti"liv, nl .'15 Cliistiuil
Dr. iml Mr. I. T. Dnnmnc iruicd In this city
Ij-t niclil ami .no now at linim .it ."Ji .IcflciMin
Mr ('ail cislri, i.f h-t irir'i. t l.t-s at Sinn.
It'll llisll l.ll ml, "ill ill Sfptlllll'lM cntir Cnljitc
Irilm Huron, of Diinninre. .1 student at
l.ifj.Mttc In- irtiiiiuil tu liU liiiim fin the Mini
nicr icition
C M Mint, thrt in u pif.cncrr apent
of tin ('inn il lialliiiiil nf cu Jcisc.i, w is in the
ut e-ltith
.1 1 Hi Mi, iIii,miiii j.irnsri nml fioisht
acht of thf Oiit.iijn anil Wc-tcin i.ulro.itl, .peiit
ir-lrriln in pu nl..
Miv. .Mount' l.unj,ttprt l'crl. rrtiuneil fioni
Wuiniinir -unlinii li-t ricnitix to attend rhr
li 1 1 1 i 1 .1 r hill at Hip .irinon.
s V. W .is I mil, nf Hip l.ipkiiuiniia Ti Irplwnp
cmnpim. In-, heeii plrttpil .isiMint Ftrrrt.iry o(
the lii'lpppinhiit .wiu.ition of JVlPplioup Cum
piinc, .it Itull.ilii this uul..
links II. Dniiil, ho ha-. u-.t Kraihntpil frrm
iihrnliiis I nirmt,r SJioul of Minis at hia
motliPi's lioinc al l.iko riol.
I!. I., pinut, uf tho l.iikiu.itiiii i.n -cikc
ilpp.iitinint, hi- utiiriiPil ficni lln-ton, wlierp lip
.iltinrlnl ilip Youiu Men's ( ,ii-uiiitioii
JllhillP tOIIMIltloll.
.Mi. .mil Mi. . riciitf lc, of Mulliprry stiret,
left for huiiipp on 'lup-ilai, when tiny will to
Hum ihniiiL' tin- siinnni r. ami nu.v lontinup thorp
for Iho puwnt 'Hip most nf the time will
lie pent it .Mum htn in Hiimsl.iilt
Mrs . H llihlt, l Jliilhi'in shift, am
Utn. Mi '..i M llion, of Hip
I oi rc-pomlf in p s IkmK wcio thp irnrts of Mis,
llr.irlPii mi 1ni-il.ii il Hip wpihlini; ol IIks Hij
iltn .iml Mi. Ihiiin. of siutli Si union
t Hip Mipreino oonihip of t lie llpptasophs,
hehl in Itn-lon thU wuk, C. n flolaiiil was ppit
til Mipipme iiroio.t, tho fPioml hiuln-i otliip
witlini the Rift of tho oijjiniatiiin H.iltrr ,
Hiniliiil., il:ii of this Lily, w.i, iprlcUul Ml
preme uniinfl.
Vi iml Mr- I.iiiiI-hi Mi Millnn riml rliiMirn,
IIjiv .mil Maluilin. .Mi ami Mrs, .lulu, K l.iinlnp
ami ihihlnn, Klhol nml Milipl; .Mm. .lohii Iliiinl
ti'ii. nf (iiciii IIkIko; Ii-. I'otcr Sniith. Norlh
Srininu; Mi. .iml MKs Cihli, .North Mrmtnn;
111" nil .MitN Ci'iileanai, nt thoiuit nil, , v.,
ali'l Mis .lnm llloih, of I'orost (it., . I),
lift r-lrrdi.i foi .New Vork ilti. 'Imlii at nimii
tin party will -ill on tin I'liriips-ii for dh-cow,
!-iill.iiui, tn annul Hip pxpo-iuon now hpinj;
lipid Hieio. 'liny will ho ah'int .ihout llnoe
Councilman Seem to Favor Approv
ing the Two Unsigned.
At least tun select coimcilineu were
seen in city hall. yesterday atieinooii
by a Tribune man favoiecl the passing
nt iho le.solutlon.s ottered In council on
Thuisil.iy night by Mr. Clonions. unl
iving the action of niieclor of Public
Safety Woiinsur in aw aiding the con
tiaets for .".00 fee" or hose and for the
nv hook am1 ladder tuick to the
highest bidder;.
"We could hold up these contracts,"
said Councilman D W. Vangliaii, "and
direct that now bids be advertised for,
but we'd only get lam a lawsuit with
them thms and hao a whole lot of
trouble on our hands. Tho real Im
ponatil contiact by which tho city was
out an even $ti00, was signed by For
mer Recorder Molr befnio ho quit.
We'd better pass these lesnlutlons and
rest conlldeni In the belief that we've
got somebody In I'haige of affairs now
who won't stand any such action In
the futurp."
This seems to bo the prevailing senti
ment among the momheis as far as
ran b? learned, While tho bid nf the
Lafrance Ihiglno company for the hook
and ladder truck was not tho lowest,
iini'iup-ii'ss ma niiic-ii urn was inr a
truck which the agent admitted is not
yet in use In any city, This fact wilt
tend to secuio tho passage of tho ipso.
The smoker's delight,
Free Lectures and Demonstrations on
Cooking, with Gas,
at our new show looms,
No. 507 Linden Street
Board of Trade Building, every af.
ternoon at 3 o'clock duiing the week
commencing June 10, by
who needs no introduction to the
ladies of Scrantqn.
Scranton Gas & Water Co
I'nrltr this hfirlinif nhort letlers Pi lntrtl
will tit piibllsherl when iceompinled, (of pnbllc
tlon, by the writer' name. Thp Trlhun dom not
murae rrcponslblilty for oplnloni htr xprcd.)
As Machinists View It.
1'illtnr ul TIip TrllmiiP.
lr! In view rf Hip .itHliulp ol Hie
Metal 'lr.nlis fli-ui l.illiiii, as imliH) i'Xireul,
il niaj be will to Imw Hip inlilp imnldcr a In.
thlncs In niitici tlijti Willi lliP VM.ilhil "iiKriv
luent" wlilili the tiitern itlnnitt oiiitlon nl
Miolilnl-ls is ruppniril In line ilolnlcil.
Il Is probihle tint a t.irrful ipiirw nf Hip
prnirrrw of pients linllns up tn Ihp picinl Ul
aurpflnent will tpirnl a latk ol tint Mir, funk
ilnllnif whhh ousht In bp obspriril by piillts
tn an ai;riPiiifnt. WIipip Is thii Join' acrpciiKiit
supposril let hnip been pnlprpil Inlo Mij Is. 1fK?
I iln not rcnifinber In liatp Kent a lnp;lp centente
lcned by Hip Natloml Metal 'Iridps asoilallon
simp Iho afliir M.itleil nier a Jrar njn. I'le,ic
undertiinil this Is not Hip find inliinilei!tanil.
Inif np bid with this Mine Midi Trades
noclatlon When the llmr nirlird ht Socni
brr fur thp llrnl nnp-half Imur ledtullnn no wirp
fiirpcMcri to bp piitllleil In nmhr this aKirrmcnt
It m'tncil Hip nirrci nit lit needed (IcftiiJitc to ftiili
1 Kionf rMcnl thai a Joinl lol.fnenip hlil to Im
hphl between tin iiilniliilstr.ilitp rntimll of Hip
Vnlionil Metal liacle.s .i"nilatli n and our kuicuI
board of tru'trm.
Now let iniiip of IIipIi uinibpis romp foi-wiul
and trll why Ihls was npiessir.i and If wp nanlnl
In lnl.itp whit wp iiippnnrd wp Ind feiured by
Ihp acreeniPiil nt thl Hnip. In Hip first plaip.
why di I Hiii tint enter Into a eonlr.ul
Willi our anilallon la-t Miy and ronitnll lli'tn
spIim wltlioui ips-rio In Hip r urf r they Intrn !
rd In purine and not 'palo room fur Hip londil-
fion thai il was a iaso of "jnllilnc and joikev.
Inn" lo n Iiikp in iaIpiiI. Wp lnv this Hiluir
lo (o'ltnul with "Iclil berp In s rinlon 'Hip nt.
lempl Is lo amid dllniultlis by an aflibln,
iimonth rpupllon to a inuiiulltip or repieenh
Hip. but to noid im tiiiuli as po-diblp 1 deflnltop
aitriniirnl In nntllili.e. Is l lo bp wondiieil r.t
thil Hip turn (akp adiartiLP nl Md.'
Ill order that thp p.iblio inn ii()c fir Hum.
pir Sun- iniiili jni l.pi in; "lip Vitlmnl Villi
Trsdis aorhtion Jid ,i' H' icrv isl inlngi,
I ,i'k .iml In pi nt nn pili.nt fioip I'rnlilrrt
()'( nnnell'i striki' older:
lOltlihl (Irriihr No It 1
i'i.nm, inmiu i riiiNs ion tiii: siioiiti:u
Wi-liiiiKton. I). ( . Miv 12, ITrtl.
I'n Hip Older 1 ion wheip -ffiretim;:
'ii'iidi.i niorninir. M ly II, I inrt Hip iduiini.
tratlvp (diiiuil of Hip National Metal liades as.
'Ouatlrn, nl the Muaav Kill liolrl, N'pn Yoik,
(' I the purpnip of linking ' Iml PlTnrt tn nillast
Hip wjkp iiiotion n(T. ciinp: all linns holilln;
im lubi isfdp in Hip nliiup aeoci.ition.
Wp wrtr in vpt-mii fioni in n. in. until 7 p. m
lut nn sptilrmcnt was reaihid, I insitoil on
tlo aihniiil-tnliip council tiklnc up our rpqup-t
fur nn iiiprrnsc of wacps, rn that Hip net t Irmcnr
imdc with Hipin ttouM bp blndiiur nnon all flints
nu tubers of the Vitumal Mrlal Trules asni laiinn,
'I Ins the .uhiilnislr.itiic ronnril would not d .
but did ajrre tint rath r.isp referred lo It would
b" taken up for arlntiatloi uni'er the ipRiihr .New
ork ncrritnri.t.
I his prnposltion T irfuspil, as il would dkp at
least hx nioiiths to reaili all Hip nes, nnd tlu'n
no fhil ppttlrmeiit micht be effrtinl.
In older tin I no could ocrur, 1 rp
niiPftpd troin the .idminlsttatno roiini il a wiittcii
an-wri In 1 1n t o iiiest' as follow-:
I n-t -I- the nilinli i-ti.ilhe au(linrirr!
In liiiidl" Hip m.ixi qmMion foi i niembim ami
dende it Willi u-
Answer-Me hue nn -in li aiitloulj
Srooml I- Hie National 'li.ules as-niu
(inn the ailininisi.itip (oiinoil ieiie-(iillni; tl.p
Njtiotnl Tr.ulu avonation -pnpired lc
iiibiliite all the uaer iiiestion tint in ly be ie.
fen id 'd II ?
Aii-wpi- Vis, thiniish ii libllratmn (onitin-inn,
it is ptrpiuil to anlitiile all rpip-iious an-uij
under the New Nnrk .itrteuient if Hip rpiu-linps
niih it .1, pir the Nrw Vork .igiieiupnt and
joint ip-nluticn of Noi, Id, nmo.
1 Iilnl Int i- to br dorp in Hip ci-p of filing
who hue not imtified Hut thei n for H"
Aiiiwni Ml inriulieis rf llus a oiiitiou will
be notlllPd innnediilil: lo innfonu tn Hip Nph
mk nRipeiuent nnd joint resolution nf Nov, lfl.
Tint, falling in whiih they will not he suppoitcd
by tin-, av-niialiou
Von will sic by the iiiMirir. lint the idniini-..
tritlie (oiinul t.itrs Hnl it Ins nn powir tn
fettle the wnne ipi(-linn. 'Ihp answers to ipip
tions two and tliup fine tn dihy a sotl'i'
mint 'lliirefcre, imle-s the firms minibus uf
the .N'atinnil Metal 'I lull- as-oiiidon, po-t a
noliip, or notify the fliop loininitlips befoic May
man .m nurei-p of n.ices will bp Kianlrd, u
slnke is Inn hi ordeied to lake illut Miv SI.
al 7 a. in.
Now, j- r Siianton We have Mint is
tu ally a Men) Trader, iniimil hue, Piprj union
ii'iuposlm; wlui h i, a-kuu for Hip nino-hoiir day.
Is it not about tune fuuno inn-idei.ilion was
Itiicn the other men who had no .ik'ieeineiit with
Hie Nationil Mill! Tradis aissoriatmn, bill who
me jusi as In faior of Ihp nine hour div
Why slimilil the nuiliini-ts' .iKnrnient be heltl
up tn Hip-i hum
l'linlly, i- not the nine hour tliy Hieill-ibl"'
Would there be my pr.uo or i output in the shops
of this mi if Hip men could be fonctl li.n k on
Hie iihi In-i-i Would it iml bp uuly ,i que-lim
of i tew innnlli, until the tmuble "would lup.ik
out .mam' Why iml crt tiytthu and h t settle
it and hup it ma with. It teem- to me einy
nun who il urns to lip intrusted j tlip welfaic
of this i us hhoiild see lo it as far as ho was
able Hut Hip present diffli ully ih teimlnalcd as
soon as pp-ihle in Hie richl way, ami in older
Hut any who so deidtp m.n hue iiiforinalinn on
wlikh to .ul, I want to r..iv tint a lonimlllip of
outside pains ii port Suporintiiulpnt CUike, of
thp Drliw.iip, I aikawaiiiii nnd W'esteri.,
as heliij; unwilling lo confer with a lounnlttie of
his mm foinier uniln,ips who de-ind a uuilpi.
line ami who de-dud Hut n.i, louhrtiiie .should
be .iiiaiurul lor by Ihls loninullrp of ouIsiiIph
wnhoiit a iritrialion of their oiims! petition.
How is ihls for an .nhlir.iii atiitmle, and how
(.ill a splilrnirnt be led as Ion; as il re
ii tin-. Ilispriiiulli,
lluinpliiej It, Campbell.
Nranliiii, I'.i., .lime it, iutii
First Presbyteiian Sunday School
Kxeursinn lo Heait Lake, near Mont
lofe. on Fiiday, June l'X. a delightful
ride of about foity miles to a heaullful
lake situated about 1,600 feet above sea
lep). A special train will leave tho
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
tallroad station at S,::o a, m nnd will
stop on flng signal at lilenhuni ami
Dalton. All members of the school aie
can led free. Others can puiehaso
tickets at the rate of ",i cents for adults
and 40 cents for c Illicit on. Train will
leavP the lake for return trip at 5 p.
m nnd will stop at Dalian ami Cilen
burn upon notice to conductor,
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
15c Per Bunch.
Finest Wax Beans, Sweet
Garden Teas and Home
Grown Vegetables.
Fancy Gaudy Berries Sc
to 12c quart.
Pineapples and Fruit.
Brink Saegertown Sar
saparilla and Ginger Ale,
$1,40 dozen; case 2 dozen
bottles, $2.75, at
ie i: nn
Crowning Event of the Wook of Ex
aminations nnd Othor Features
Attending: the Closing of tho
School Year Ceremonies Hold in
the Beautiful Orovo That Sur
rounds the Academy Tho Largest
Class Ever Graduated from the In
stitutionInteresting Addresses.
The tlili ly-spcontl annual coniinenrp
niPlit of Kcystniii' auatlomy, tt Kau
loryvlllp, was held ycstfidtiy, ami a
(piulaii(.c fioni tho stirtoiintlltiK Iowiih
anil touiilry, many nC wlmm were oiipu
HliKlpnts In tills liiHtllutlon of lent n
ItiK. The until e week lias Iippii a busy
one with examlnatlon-i ami various
pxeri'lsps of the Keillor ami under
KiiiduatP flashes. Ye.steiday was an
Ideal ilny for fonimeneeinent, ami Kuy
Hlone aeaduiny was an Ideal place for
the hnldlnp; of enliiuieneuiucut cxer-
elbeH. In ttpi'tii'ilaneo with the eusloin
of foriner years, whenever the weather
lias been favorable the eoinnienceinent
cxeiciH'H weif heltl In a grove at the
tun of tin; academy buildings, wlieie
naiine bus piovltleil nn (imphttlicitip.
and with tin election of a platform
and the placing of bomds upon boxes
for seats, eveiy thing Is In icadlnes-s
for the excrclxcH, and fully a thou
sand people can distinctly hear the
iiddipsbes of the graduates. No woik
of a ilecorator Is needed to beautify
the stirtoundlngs, a"? nature does all
thl with Its stately and expansive
'lees, ilpnllng, sparkling biook and
songs of blirN. The heated rays of the
sun now and then endeavoied lo pene
trate through the foliage of the over
hanging blanches, but what preven
tion these failed to give the passing
c'ouds In Hie sky above succeeded in
accomplishing, so that no one suffeieil
with heat, and fans iere quite unnec-
ces-ary, liecause of tho soft zephyrs
which bl' tluough the grove. Shoitly
after lO.M o'clock the graduates
matched fioni the academy, each lady
being esnoitcd by a young gentleman,
nnd they took their places upon the
platfoim. Resides these, theie woio
upon the platform membeis of the fac
ulty and boaid of ttustees.
The clasi this year Is the laigest
that has over giailuated fiom this In
stitution, unlabeling twentv-one per
sons whoso names an- as follows:
Tallies O. Jlallpy, Scianton: Holier! A.
Bi timing", Clifford' Floienet C'lipen
lor, Fnetoryville: Walter D. Chase,
I.aPlunie' Cathatine M. Colvin. Ciaig:
llinm.t K. Cook, Factory vIIIp; cJertiude
I.. Finn, Cliffotd: Hany 1.. llallstead,
Factoiyvllle. Tllanche JI. Kennedy,
Amtts.i: Chailes Leber, Kcranton;
Giacc .M. Mnekey. T.atluopp: C.lenn L.
Jlaish, .laekson: Kdu.i McCain, Uusli;
Josie 1. JlPiigpr, .Mill City; Robert
Xoithup, CilPiihuin; Helena 51. Olds
and Inez 15. Olds, F.ictoryville: Pun
deison A. Italney, Tunkbannoik: Mll
dted Shoem.ikPt, Klmhurst; AVendell
R. Smith, Factoiyvllle, and Fianklin
sitrong, .fenningsville.
The giaduatlng exetciscs began nt
10.4." o'clock with a selection by I-nw-icnce's
oiehestia, of Hcranton, and
Rev. AV. I. Glow, of Caibondale. ol
feied piayer. Xo all of the gradu
ates gave adtltesses. Although each
one had piepaied an essay or oration,
only ten weie selected in speak at the
commencement exercises. The (list
speaker was tnheit Not tliup, the sec
ond youngest gtadtiate the academy
has eer sent forth. He was also salu
tatoiian of the class. Tic dellveiedcti
fine oiatinn on "Deond tlie Alps Lies
Italy." Gince .M. Mackey spoke upon
"The Wnild's Lditoi," and Franklin
Stiong gave an otatlon on "Ambition
vs. IV.vertv " The other peakei.s and
their i hemes weie: Wendell It. Smith,
"The Advantage of Disadvantages;"
Helena M. Olds, "The World's Tod'iy"
Pundeisoa A, Itainey, "The Jinn Who
Walts:" Kdnii McCain, "Wnild's
Foi ces;" James G, Hailey, "Cnciowned
Queens," Cathaihip M. Colvin. "Soplal
Tyiiinny " AVnlter D. Chasp, Ihe vale
illcloiiau, dellveied a well-wiittell ora
tion on "The Maible Waiteth." The
pNeicises were inteispeised with music
by the oichestin.
Principal Klkanah llullpy liresonled
the graduates with the diplomas, which
he ptefui'C'd with a brief addies. He
said: "You ate IKIng in an age of the
wcu Id when It Is expecting gieat things
from you young people. We wish all
might go to schools of higher lea in lug.
Prep.ue yourselves welt, L'he demands
aie gicnt, ami be leacly to meet them."
Following this wuii tho nwaiding of
pilzps. .lamps G. Hallpy received the
l'.lriiiche lleyiiuldi declamation prize:
i:dim McClaln, the D.inlel LangstalT
leeitatlon pii::e: Lyman C Biake, of
the middle class, was aw aided a pilze
for tho best piepaied and delivered
oration, and Homer Poaso leceived
hnuoiable mention. Hes-slo A. Kmith.
ot the middle class, was awaided a
pri.e for tho best essay. The Latin
piizo for the senior class was given to
Graco Mackey. Piinelpal Hulley im
nouneed at this time that the class of
'01 had established a scholarship In this
institution subject to certain specified
londltlons. Uov. ft, F. Y, Pierce, T).
D of Scianton, staled that he would
establish a piizo for liupinveniont In
penmanship among the students next
year. The annual dinner was partaken
I Negligee
I Shirts,
White Negligee Shirts
are as popular as ever
another lot of them came
yesterday they are on
t sale here today, both
J Madras and Cheviots.
li "ON 52"
r Wuhlrtun A.Ar
of In the dining rooms of the nendemy
by a laign number of people.
'I'ho inlii ot Hie afleinnon picveutcit
the aiidlenec fioni assembling In the
grove o llstpii In the annual addtess
by l!e. IMwln M, Poleat, D. 11., pas
tor of iho Memorial Hapllst chuieli,
l'hllailelihla, eonseiiUeiilly the athlrpss
was dpllveied In the academy chapel,
which was i io ded to Its mmtitat
capacity. Dr. Potent chose as his sllb
Jed "A Coinplete Chaiacter." He dt
llltpd the purpnoe of eihtcatlon as 111"
bringing of all one's pnwcis to fulllll
meiit. He said a pel son Is not Mitt
en ted unless all of his powers, phvsl
cal, hiteltpetual, social ami spllltual,
ale tlcv'eloied piopm tleiiatcly. Ho
claimed that Heaven Is tho gieat Until
iinlwrslty, nntl that bete we pieparu
nutselvps for the higher learning theie.
It was an eloiiueut and sclmlaily ad
ill ess, and was highly iippi eclated. At
(! o'cl.icl: an open-air concert was
given on the campus by Lawrence's
oiche.stra, which furnished most excel
lent miisli thioughoiit the day. In tho
e tiling the aliinml held n reunion.
At 0.:ii) o'elnek yesterday morning the
wooden inch, which was recently
erected by tho student body at the eii
tiance of one of the driveways to the
campus, was formally pipspiitcd to the
academy. Homer Pease delivered the
piesentntlon speech, and Luther Kel
ler, president of the board of trustees,
leeched It In behalf of the academy.
The past year has been the most .suc
cessful In the history of this Institu
tion, nnd the prospects are very ptnni
llng for the coming year, The follow
ing persons weie noticed among the
Mtois: K. M Peck. Chinles Hen
wnud. llovs, II. .1. AVhalen, W. .1. Foul.
(!. It. Smith. M. .1. Wntklns, W. (I.
W'atklns, D.D. Haiuion. James Italney,
lleibert Pease, P. (1. Hotmail.
Fenn Avenue Baptist Sunday School
Scholars Entertained.
The annual mlil-stimmer entertain
ment of the pi hunt y department of tho
Pcnn Avenue llaptlsL church Sunday
school was bold l.tst night In the lower
temple of the church, and was attend
ed by an audience which almost com
pletely tilled the room, nnd every mem
ber of which waited until the end of
the ptogramme, despite the great heat
The one hundred anil more losy
cheekod and blight eyed little boys
and golden and black haired little gills
who compilse the school were seated in
a tier of seats arranged upon an ele
vated stage, and piesented a delightful
They sang selections in al
most pel feet time under the leadership
of the pilmaiy supei Intendent. Miss
ICiigbaum, One of the piettipst fea
tures of the piogiamme wa an exei
'lse In commemoration of "Flag Day,"
In which all the chlldien pledged them
selves to be true to Old Glory. K.ieh
bad a Hag and waved it In unison, as
"Soldiers Young" was sung.
Those who gave recitations and who
sang solos wete as follows; Alma
Lenz. itomaine Mayer, Ruth Keller,
Hazel Hi owning, Roberta, Simpson,
Hertha Saft, Ituth Sbauger, Alice and
Kdna Brundage. Maigaiet Hoblnson,
Iieno Spencer, Beatrice Hyxbee, Louise
and Marjoiie Williams-, Dorothy Wag
ner, ICleauor Paine, Mlldied Atkinson,
Flsio Pryor, Floiente Mitnlpy, Mary
Thomas, M.trgaiet Thomas. AValtPr
Harris, John Ilnrtnu, Gporge Manlpy,
Clayton Hall, Tva Honno, Maiy Beidel
mau and Margaret Callemler.
Services Held Last Evening at the
Family Residence.
Fmipial set vices over the remains of
the late A. 11. Vamlling were held last
evening nt t! "ft o'clock at tho family
residence. .1J4 Vine street. Tho services
weie public and theie was a huge at
tendance of friends and lelatives of
tho deceased.
A few In ief remaiks upon the life
woik of Ihe dead man and upon the
precious heritage of nn unsullied lepu
tatiou which he has leit behind him
weie spoken by Rev. Dr. James Mc
I.eod, pastor of the Fiist Presbyteiian
chin cli, and Rev, Dr. S. C. Logan, pas
tor emeiltus of the same church.
A huge number of the mine foi onion
and other employes of the Delawaie
and Hudson company, who formerly
worked under Mr. Vumlllng, viewed
the leniaius in the afternoon, as they
lay amidst the piotusion of floweis,
which loving fi lends had sent.
Tho body will bo taken, tills moinlng
al il.l.'i o'clock, in the pi hate car of
Vice President Youngs, of the Dela
waie and Hudson company, .to Har
tMiurg, wheie servlies will bo con
ducted at the home of the sister of the
deceased, Miss Maiy V, nulling. Inter
ment will be made at I. lift o'clock In
the family plot In the Hairisbuig
cemetery. Tho four nephews of Iho
dead man will act as pallbcareis.
All Intorest Is Contorotl on Thoir
circuses may tomp and tin uses may
go, but li Is not until the appcarauco
of Dai ling's C'nngipss of Trained Ani
mals each season that the little folks,
the giowlug generation of which so
much Is expected, nio leally sine that
tho Joyous t'uminer days aie heie.
The enviable loptitutlon that tills
duly novel exhibition has made for
Itself Is the envy of all managers of
tented shows. Glvo tho little mother
her choke beiween a new dully and an
Afternoon or evening under the, same
spreading wnteipioof canvas home
that shelters these animal actois, ami
It Is to buttons that she will
lisplngly say "Dai ling's Little Dar
lings." I'pwards of "Oil dogs, monkeys ami
midget ponies coiitiibuto to tho pio-
gram peitorming, most miraculous
feats with a seeming cainestnesn of
purposo that Is almost human. The
Dai ling shows have long slum been
conceded as the most complete entir
pilse of Its Mud la the win Id,
It is a duty you owe tho chlldien and
,oursef to tako them to again witness
tho new t licks to be performed by
"Dai ling's Little Dai lines." Two per.
tin m. inces dally at - and & p. m. The
canvas Is watei proof. Htieet paiade
at 11:00 a. 111, Tho circus w exhibit
at the Ash stieet giounds Juno :'0, "i
and S2,
The Costumes at tho Armory Ball.
The show of beautiful evening chesses
nt the ball last night has never before
been equalled in tfiT.uttou. Ladies' if
ou wish to keep 11 leinembranco of
your appcaianco tor tho future, have
port! aits niacin by Schi lover. Ample,
cool diesslng loom nccommodatjous at
tho Gold Medal Studio for changing
. .I.
All the New Books, Popular Prices
At Not ton's, opposite Hotel Jermyn,
Smoke tho Pocono oo cigar,
Miss Pcdripk and Ray Buckingham
Better Their Scores -Frank Kcm
merer and Miss Griffin Drop Back.
Examinations Being Over Students
Should Investigate tho Merits of
tho Contest.
' ' Cfnnrlinrt nf iUn
:: oiQuuiug ui me
Leading Contestants
Meyer Lewis, Scran
ton 222
Henry Schwenkor,
South Scranton. ,
William Miles, Hyde
Park 115
J. Garfield Ander
son, Carbondale. . . 105
August Brunner, Jr.,
Carbondale 64
Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hydo Park.. 40 T
Miss Vida Pedrick,
Clark's Summit . . 43
Ray Buckingham,
Elmhurst 40
Frank Xemmerer,
Factoryville 39
Miss Wilhelmina
Griffin, Providence. 36
W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
David O. Emery,
Wimmers, Pa. ... 15 t
Arthur C. Griffls.
Montrose 8 T
E. J. Sheridan, Haw
ley Miss Jennie Ward,
Olyphant 5 t
Robert Campbell,
Green Ridge
3 T
It was "out-of-town day" in the con
test ypsteiday, as the only changes In
position were made by participants
whose homes ate in the .suburban
towns. Miss Vlda Pedrick, of Clark's
Summit went from eighth to seventh
place; Ray Buckingham, of Elmhurst,
went from tenth to eighth place, while
Frank Ker -Merer, of Factoiyvllle.
went down from seventh to ninth and
.Miss Giillln, of Piovldence, from ninth
to tenth. Garfield Andeison, of Car
bondale, drew nearer to William Miles
for tliiid place and this morning is hut
ten points behind him. The thiee first
leaders- did not scote yestetday. each
of them thus losing .1 chanco to steal
.1 march on the other two.
Now that the examinations at tho
schools are over and tho students have
mora time to themselves it would lie
an excellent thing for any one of them
tn look Into the merits of the Educa
tional Contest. It may provide the
means for them to finish their educa
tions, an ideal that they had longed
for, but hardly expected to attain. The
best institutions of learning In the
state aie open to them through this
means. They should give serious
thought to It before making plans for
S it l i i ( it
ChMi I
I Of ft ,
iT MmlL W
CTsMIm if
1 Econom
to navo with
rys Manufactu 'ng Slal.'o ler
S 2J7 Washington Avenue, s,:
. '
fS5 fiSrWe make everything in our line Nothing too small &
3 to talk over with you, Sri
I Oils, Paints and Varnish
Malony Oil 5 Maniifacfiiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
the futuie. Hleven wepks yet lpinaln
In which to work.
Those who aie thinking of Joining
the contest Hhotild road the advert Imp
nient on thp fourth page of this morn
ing's TiIIiuiip. It contains much addi
tional Information about the contest.
If you would like to scenic a hand
somely lllusti sited booklet, descriptive
of the seholars'hlps, or would like to
obtain a book of subsci Iptlon blanks,
address "Kill! or Kdtieatlonal Clonics t,
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa."
Populnr Shoes at Popular Pi ices.
Nothing will do your feet nioie good
this kind of wcathor, than a pair of
.Million's Oxfoids, $1,011, $l.i!.-i, Xl.iio,
S.'.nn ami $.'.,"0 and $11.00. Muhon's
Shoo store, yjs Lackawanna live.
Books for Graduating Gifts,
At Norton's, opposite Hotel Jormyn.
Children's Oxfords.
Comfortable the Hist time they put
them nn. T.'.c.M.OO and $1.2.1, at .Million's
Shoe stoic, a;s Lackawanna ave.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment in business,
theprofit from a TELEPHONE
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's office, 117 Adams avenue.
Worsted Suits, to Order,
$15.00 and Up
Kin? Miller, Merchant Tailor,
For Ladies and Gents.
S v i V ( i Vi i l
To vmself down with an unreliable gj
Fountnin Pen because it costs a little less
to buy it. Buy the Best. It's a sure in- J
vestment to buy a WATE MIAN. Handy si:
.-1 ...:.u . "
you on y 1 ir outing.
and Office Outfitter,
! 4
Getting Ahead
In the world one must keep eyes
and ears open nnd embrace op
portunity; so don't overlook
this: Our
Green Valley Rye
It's economy spending money
for it, for there's no tonic like it
to braco you up.
LuuU Arthur Watresi Pretldent
, Orlando S. Johnson, Vlco Pre.s. "
Arthur II: Christy, Cashier ,"
Capital, $100,000
Surplus, $100,000
Court House Square,
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
A t'riiOttlzr.n l,y U, rharter In utrrpt
nil imimor nf Irmtsj tu au as 4.
Itciolicr. 'liuslic, Cuaiillan, Ailmlnlstra. 4.
lor or l.'cnilnr.
"VW. VXUIIS of Ihls Hank rr protect
cil by tlic Holmes Ulcclclo Alam
A 1 a rm
L A. Witres, O. s. Johtum
Win. F. Hnllstead n. P. Kingsbury
lierctt Warren Auir. Rohlnson
Joseph O'Brien
Together with fair, square
dealing, has made this store
a favorite with buyers of
men's furnishings.
It is time now to invest in 9
Straw Hat.
"A Gentleman's Furnishing Store."
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Shifting Responsibility
Is alwajs excusable, when it may be
done conscientiously.
Every owner of teal estate carries
responsibilities that do not appear in
his accounts, yet, they aie imperatively
Tho opinion of nn attorney upon the
secuiity oe your land titles must be
backed by your own assets.
I3y the payment of a leasonable tea
you may shift this liability on the
Ii 'A. Walrrs, rreaiJcntJll. A. Kmpp, V.-Pies.
A, 11. UtClliiloil, Itulph S. Hull,
.Vice-president. I Trust Olftiir.
"From the prairies of
America to the homes of
the world."
In Color Beautiful
In Design Artistic
In Use Comfortable
InDurabilitu-'Like Iron
In Price Reasonable
It is adapted to ,-11
places and particu'u
useful and appropriate fo.
and porches. We have a
complete line,
Hill & Council
121 N. Washington Ave.
&gft SI'RUCB STRcnr. I