The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    "t (- -".-- jjtT -?-j V' ''W' isVM".Vf;iY'1'?1tV,,'f(f 'f' ' i'i'Viii; 7 y-i,'!,v57
--5.-- v?,v ij''bT",'7?rij-ri?'n'it(t''c-??P1'-
The Most Brilliant
t1 f - "-V Ai.wn -" U: i jjj
Social Event ii
the History o:f the
City . . . .
o a
Till! gieat runrtlon with
which the Thirteenth Regi
ment's mugnlllrlent armory
was formally opened lust
night Is now but it mem iev,
tint ii memory Mint will long
he sacredly chetlshetl by
those who Intel u patt In
Ihiit lirllllant scene.
It Itns been ninny and' ninny n
year since Scruntnn hint a mill
tin V bull. A little dunce now
anil then, n full, n summer ex
cursion, n futcwell to the buys as
they vvVnt away to win these have
repiescnled most of the social foatuies
connected with the Scranton gilnid
since Hh cai'llest hlstniy, The time
was win n the Thltteenth Regiment
cnteitnliied In n innnnpr enmmen
'Miiatp with Its Itnpmtnncp In the
stnto spivIcp Inn that was In phi lid'
enis. Within the os-petlence of the
ciungcr genoiutlnns, guaid life lias
been a solicits business with few fillls.
Surely though I' has been woitli
while till" long sllencp of the bugles
of gaiety wltii onlv the cull to illlty for
thlr notes, this somlne rij,v distance
iteioss which Is lellected onlv tlie
monotonous rontlnp of camp and
. weiity maichps and stilling Journeys
It h,i been worth while to wait al
most n scene of yens for the culmin
ating event of last night. It will be
mmc thing to icnipinbei. whatever the
e,ur, may bring In honor and dignity
to our national ginnd, which has le
eched all too little icvvaid In Penn-
Perhaps there wele those present
who could recall more brilliant scenes
than that which grceti d their ejeo,
last niclit lint it Is to he doubted.
The memories of hall looms glowing
with light and beauty, the bieatli of
countless loses on the air, the .spell
of sweetest music In the par. the
pictutps of halls ablaze with banneis,
the iccollectlons of some famed spec
tacular fete must have passed lile a
Mori befoie the mental iPtlna of
many, as the full i evolutions of the
pageant broke upon their gaze: but
it luav lie said with conviction that
nothing ol u similar clmiaeter in the
way of a gieat public entertainment
has stit passed the appearance of the
new niinnty on this occasion.
Imagine n vast loom almost a block
long and half as wide, over which was
lifted a mighty men. whose ilhs of
steel wete goigeou.sly hidden by miles
of hunting, in the national colors of
Ameiica and the national colors of
eeiy other country beneath the sun:
splendid Hags, the blue field glutei lug
v Ith siais- deep festoons in tints
which gladden the eve on land or sea
rind sk ; Muttering banneiis whose
folds fell softly fiom massive stand
aids ; deep droop'ing penanls in hues
dear to the patriotic heart. All this
nir.df up ii ihangeful canopy ulieie
the gaze loved to linger. It lose above
a f.iuy-land of beauty, which stretched
In far-touching lines to break at either
ml in ma.iesiic balconies crowned by
trim cl and healing, like larest .iewols,
the llnuiiiig elect ilea I dpvices. whose
.la.ltng splendor the eye might not
dwell on too closely.
Hanging on both snlrs, lio boes
vising tici on tier held the distinguish
ed guests of the icginient and tep-i"-pnliitlvcs
of the most select elides
of the ill;,, Between these two lines
'vheio i he splendor of elaboiate diess
and the gleaming ol Jewels .vied with
the blaze of iiiloi and light above, h"
gieat it mi lug pl.itfoiui spread Its
snowy sui lace, hedged in by masses of
iiopiial plants ruder the balcony on
the .ipftVisim aeutie end of the build
ing fitted up an Infinite seiies of
boweis built high with gigantic palms
ami -ln tibhei . and made IumiiIous
niHl Sybatitle wltii the of 011
i nial nigs and diap'ules.
The dancing Morn, twice as laige as
ihtit so familiar to sot Id y people at
llie I'.n helm's Halls of the past seem
d oi small dimensions eompoicd
ith Hie (oio.ssnl sp.ue l)"yond It In
the gi.-at ntninr.v .
At the left mi ovei hanging bahony,
11 ig-dinped and edged with p.ilnw, hold
Alesandei'H Military band, of AVilkcs
rrie. v Idle Mailer's hand of foity-lwo
l'i"iri otcupled the evtiemc end of the
building opposite the entinnce, having
for a background the coat of nuns of
J' nii Ivanla lianied mas-ivelj against
the wall Swelling loilh in alternate
number, the stiiiins Imiu these two
I'iiiuoiis oiganlyatioiis filled the enor
mous space and touched the emotions
ol llie listeners in with some bewilder
ing Intense
All this lespiondent sotting made but
mi appropilnie frame for the tnhenu
.Ivnnis on the llnnr the plcturesciie
gintips beiieaili the banners of the
Tnlon, the mciiy danceis, the odhers
in tlieli splendid iinifnims glittering
v Itli gold, the beautiful women In
shlinnieiing lobes, wltii sturr.v eyes
moie lustrous foi tlie enthusiasm of
tilt hour.
As the thiongs moved to and do In
llie lailliinie of the myriad lights It
Mas no wonder that a lliilll of ptide
In ought a mist to mans ejos, as for
the filst time full lenllzntlon dawned
that this wns all nuts that at last
ficnintnn possesses an nreimle sliel
tei for Its tine body of troops, that
whatever the state occasion or til"
(iiieigency, n m.ignltlcpnt nudltoiliun
Mould be available.
Last Night's Ball.
TIIM dream of th national Kimids
niPii unil all those who tnko inure
than a passing inteiest In their
Mfclf.ue is now realised, for yeais It
has been llieir tond hope that they
would have, a homo that would bo tip
litopilat'S to tlicil" needs, the size of Mm
city and the met Its of their otgauli-a-llou.
Last night, 'mid a scene of tho
lulghtest splendor In the iiiesoitce of
i ne of tile lamest and most distin
guished assemblages that ever graced
a Pciantun occasion, the Thlileenth
itgiiuent wus formally presented with
a home Mint In size, elegance, convenl
eri'c and everything that goes to make,
an Institution of this kind excellent,
surpasses by many n measuie the
fondest hope they had entei tallied In
their most bangulne moments,
Of the aimory Itself, tho general ref
erence above Is sullUvleiit to Sciantonl
ins for this orcaalon, Initsinucli as Its
diiiicnslous, inuterluls, apiioIiitiuentH
rnd paitleulai' featutes have been
dealt with so extensively during the
past two or three months that they
me, or at all events ought to be, mat
ters of inuiu than passing familiarity
to local newspaper leadtts.
of last nights' event so much could
be Mild, ro much ought to he said, and
so much will hnve to lemaln unsaid,
that the one attempting Its description
Is, at the beginning, staggered with
the .siuppncloiisiiess of his tnsk, and,
al Its completion, agginvated and dls
appointed that the effoit has fallen
so far shoit of what It ought to he. In
Justice to the event.
l.el It be said, at the outset. Mint
while it was a great disappointment
to the cotntnlltep to receive excuses'
fiom the clebiltles who linil promb-od
to come, the absence of these same
iclcliiltles detracted very little tiotn
the geneial success of the affair. In a
way. It tended to augment the suc
i ess. Had theie been a galaxy of
Itoosevelts, and Wheelers, and Miles
ami Stones, and so on, to be paraded
and viewed, the significance or the ut
trlr would have had too much atten
tion diawn fiom ll.
rail theie weie ( elebrltles there
galoie, and the military ones weie
f-ry gorgeously there. It was their
billllant uiilfoims,, with their gold
build and epaulets, to ny nothing of
tlie attiactlveness of llgilie, fare and
mi I lag" which the glldt;d Mappings
eniased, that added to the affair a
novelty that was at once picturesque
and geneiiillv Insplilng.
I'pon "iileilng the nuuorv last night,
one sfiw not tlie aimoiy. What little
ould be .1 --noiy aftr pass
ing the firnl looms w... the poitlon of
the asphalted rloor icserved for prom
inndlng. lJietty much every other
square foot. top. sides, ends and bot
tom of the vast assembly, or drill
loom, wa hidden from view.
At the fni end a raised dancing floor,
elevated eight inches above the asphalt,
and covin ed with white ciash, and
filnged about with plants and tloweis
to an aveiage height!) of tin oc- feet,
was tlie most sti iking, if not the most
beautiful of the appointments
Occupying about the aine quantity
of space as tho dancing tloor, were tlets
of (hairs facing the riont galleiy. to
!H commodate those who would hear
tlie speakcts.
The side-walla weie hidden by the
hoses and the boxes In turn weie hid
den bv a complete covering of bunting,
and (lags and carpeted with ciash.
The ends were taken up with gal
lflies, and the fionts of these, with
the walls above them, weie most elab
orately decoiated.
At the faither galleiy in which Bau
er's band was accommodate"', the Hill
ing was hidden behind a baud of foli
age extending the whole width of the
loom and unbroken save by the plee
tileal illuminations, which lelleved its
too somber gieen. The center of this
band of foliage was a gieat electrical
pt acock, with outspiead featheis. It
was the piinoipal piece of Illumination,
although theie weie many to claim this
distinction, for the "waving tlass"
made of eleetile lights, which bedecked
tlie end walls above the speaker's gal
lei v, or the galleiy just ovei the en
tinnce. specially pietty, too. were
the hanging (lower pots, jeweled mIHi
tiny Incandescent bulbs, which were
suspended abovx the iailln of tlie
front gallery.
11 waa the loot', however, which ap
pioa(hed the liulv lnaivellous In its
beauty. The loot" is a succession of Im
mense air lies, extending iinbiokcu
lioin sidewall to snlmvall, unsiippoi ted
save bv the gieat qildeis of steel iom
pi Ising the aiehrs
These niche-!, last night, weie a suc
cession ot goigeous i.iinbows. Bunting
of eveiy hue and tint, flags of every
color, shape and design, nod electric
lights that as stai to this dome of
aitlsti- beauty mil Iv outdid in num
bers, com pai. 'i lively speaking, the stais
ot the Milky Way on the clearest sum
mer night.
To say It in a wold, what space was
not taken up by decoiatlon was made
an abiding place for illumination.
The sight was truly magnificent.
Sciautou never beheld its like befoie.
' Define the exeicises began and only
such lights, weie lit as me oidlnaiily
used for Illumination, llie beholder
would ask himself, "How could ll be
inoic koi fieous'."' He had only to wait
for the "laps" that opened the toiinal
progiainnie foi an answer The (list'
notes of the bugle had onlv sounded
when eveiy mie of the myriad ol aic
and incandescent lights used for dei or
atlve put (loses weie suddenly Hashed
on by the piesslng of a button That
sui ely Is the limit one would then be
templed lo say, but befoie hall an
hour passed he would want to letract.
The height ot the beauty of the siene
was leaelied when the boxes tilled,
when gioupn stood about or sliolled
along the pionienniles and the dancing
tloor was alive with soldleis with their
gnv iiultorms, lhe women folks with
their vail-coloiecl costumes, and tlie
pooi male civilians In lhelr black and
wlille, ad Hiik to the scene only such
ctfeei as conies fiom having conliast.
And tills scene continued fmni shottly
befoie 1 o'clock, the hour the iUiiicIiik, until euily this morning.
A thlnl galleiv was elected over tho
north cutiaiite to accommodate tho
Alexander hand lioni Wllkes-Haue,
which played the dame music In the
lecess beiieaili this galleiy, lhe I'hoe.
ids Klre company's c hemlcat and hos'e
appaiatus was stationed with lour
Ihemeu uttetidliiK
That an affair of unusual magnitude
was In piogipss was evident ed upon
nppiuaehlng thoainiory. A thousand
poisons assembled 111 flout ot the build
ing mid watched the seeinlngl unend
ing lino of I'.iiilngPK unloading their
joy-seeking fielglit foi the best pall of
two liotiis, A lino of militiamen kept
the inactivity cleared and th tegular
city police ('nice conti United a liaud
sonm squad to assist u icgiilating tbu
After passing MiioiirIi the gauntlet
o' tlie oiitsilclcj ernvvil, the guest wns
usheied by way of the grand staitcase
to the clonk looms and pallets on tho
second mid thlnl floors of tho udinliils
tiatlou building, eyety one of which
latter weie i onipletelj and tastily fur
nished and decorated, cut lloweis In
lavish piofusloii being the most piom
llieul tcatuie of the embelllshineuts.
Committeemen wero everywhere, and
upon leaching tlie first pdilor.floor tho
guest was taken In low and piesent
ed to Colonel K. 11. Ulpple, Colonel
11. SI. Holes, Colonel U. A. Wattes,
Cuptaiu D. U. Alheiton, Captain Flank
M. Vandllng, or souus one. other of
tho local military celebiltie.s, who In
turn made pieseiitntlous to the visiting
c debt I tics.
At the head of the line was Adjutant
rieitpial Tlintnns ,j, Htpwait, of the Na
tional Uuard of Pennsylvania. Next
came Px-spnnlor, now Htnto Auditor
Optieinl Kdward llardpllhpig, and then
after him, Colonel C. Piatt, of New
Mllford: Colonel Cleorgc M. HallstPiid,
of Scran ton, nnd Colonel J. II. Trcx-lcr,
of Kaston, aldes-du-ciimp on the stnff
of tlovemor Stone! Colonel Kriink (5.
Hweenev, Inspector geneial ot the Na
tional Ouaid of Pennsylvania, and W.
1. IHcks, quartermaster sergeant on
the governor's staff: Major W. S. Mil
lar, assistant adjutant general, on the
staff of rtrlgndler (leneral ,1. P. S.
lioblii; Colonel ('. B. Dougherty, lotn
iiiander of the Ninth ipglmpiit,
J, About the leceptlon looms wpic the
olllccrs of the Thli teenth icginient, and
many of Its former officers, some In
uniform and some In civilian diess.
Among these latter weie Colonel F. I;.
Hitchcock, Colonel C. C. Mattes and
Captain .lames Molr.
Presentation of Armory.
AQl'AKTKIl of an hour heroic !)
o'clock the truinpctei sounded
attention and the speakeis and
other distinguished guests appealed
In the center of the galleiv at the
west end of the building. Colonel 11
M. Boles, the lit Mt conimaniiei of the
Thirteenth legiment, went to the Mont
of the gallery and in one of his con
cise and thoughtful speeches piesenled
to the regiment on behalf of the
Scranton City Utiaids association, the
splendid new buildiui;.
Colonel Boles said they had hoped to
have with them on this occasion other
celebrities besides those Ratheied
about hhn, but v.ulotis things had
happened to (it event them lioni at
tending, But the Thirteenth is a self
reliant body, he said, nnd not to he
cast down by that. In turning the ar
moiy over to Colonel AVaties, as the
lepiesentatlve of the icginient, he
spoke as follows:
1'illow i illriH,!it" inn ! nllenien: It l
fit tliflt I'm' .oi(f of the lirt mlum 1 of our
gleiioiis Th'ilioiitti legitnenl hboold milif t lie
f',it public vlpvt of the .iioii-Im.-. uf t 1j Kiand
chill lull and Jtiilitoriuiu. 'this nnpoiDi? mil
ronmvidioiH jrmoiv K not onlv a noMr tolimony
i ml mlnring inonuiiirnt of voin kchcioih J)prc
tii'Vi' of tin pilriotio vivires ot vour citicit
r-olilieis .niiul ili(oimrii(ii(4 .aid liii"U!np,',liiit a
e-lli ndul "oniiininiition ol Hun lmpps, unil o.
lionoLilitp fi.lfilincnt of Hi pionn''" ho Iit often
in ide to them in vocr Ixiiatf. 1 am tuppy to
Fie tins lour of funtioi. ji.d irdemplion, pmml
of the high otlicul piivllxe clevntv m upon no
a-) pieviilent of tlm tnwtip". of (ho S union lie
(iiiin! on thii noMhlc oujion. I toni ilulatp
Hie nHiiriK .md tnnn el iu old comininil, Ihct
at lalt t fiej ate ccmc into the po"is-.ion and pm
joyment of ovn.c conviMin in and appouitiiicul
no(i'sai,v to in-lruot tho ciiirn how to riofcnd
the stalo crflcieiill.v when the si.tiltnic samflci' of
piliiotiMti Uti) he dripandpd; i omemt luc and
appolntnirnts .is ample as a KUtiful (oininunilv
in piovpititc. aided he ,1 tdtidioii-t and intelliciu
aiclilleic nnd skillful nnd lion.-t huildiis un
1 LonKi.nfulali' oui ut that hi rolehi.itis the
flisl ji-iii in hrr ndient into lhe secoml cl is
of lhe jsipit (ides of oui i nuuno'iiM illh li 'lie
pioi-iou of this luunirknit idifice foi tlie in
slimtion of her .vonrur men in lhe Miniine
duties ot i !li?fn.hip. She m aliejdv unfed for
the ptofimou and excellence ot het puhltc school
biiihlin for the education nt het dnhlitii; r,he
adds (his impipsMVp stiiirtnrr todic lo 1 er list of
public utilities is hei hic,h h hoot of piltiotiMii.
I "oiiinutiilalF IVnnsiliarU llul anotlur of m r
lelnicnls his liceu peiiu nieullc i -ulih-hnl in
ailtipute quiitcis by the patiiotio lienehi em t of
a few of hi i infill, tlui she tan stilt louh
I'eu'l.c dipiiid upon i-oiih to niippl.c chit lhe
whole line milled to piniide foi the ptlhlii
vveliaie; that pnvate pililntism hi foundul for
lin htie unothii inn lens if powei, opemd up
anotlur peieunial fount lin of voiithful ene.fiv
unil .-lienslh, and foitihnl hi i uilh nuolliei
tioni;l!old of ih fi nse. 'the bine Innts and
stione; anus of iiei joung men line neier lit
failed her in time ot llul, and this arinmv is Mill
inotlu'i guarantee Hut (hie- will h toiind n
poniee and full armed lo her future rails.
f'oloiii 1 Walics, all yum predeceAOH in the
honorable (ouiuiaud of the 'thirteenth leuumi
ol the .X'atioml timid ol Pennsylvania, from ill
oignni itioo. vslicue ealous lahois have, step lv
ktep, .ei.ii aflei ,iear, built up the proud lepn
tation vvliich it bean,, uie providentially hue
with me In veilne. and khiire with eon the
ieit idinluUtiative tiiinnpb hoped foi, but
ilenled to tlietu. As lliey hive transmitted to
mu a retold of nn,siillif(i honor, I neljuie vou, in
then name, to Milvo to iniie.H,' it In-tle in
piopnrtlon to join iiiiRiilheil opioitimllii s, mid
lo Riuid lhe eniluranie and hinlihond of emu'
loniiuaud Ironi enenation be tlie inipieecdi nti'd
liivuiv of their new aciomnioditioiis
On hcli lit ol the Hustles of lhe Siinton ( ilj
(iuaiil, in whom the title In lids KO'Jt piopcite
ii'sik, I now tiamfir it into eour ciisio,lt oui
loniiuaud, loi the u-e and Illinium of ,10111 iai
mrnl, and commit to ,ou the ki .it. of lhi arm.
At the conellision of his leinaiKs
he was gieetcd with a Iicaity louitd
of aiiplause and at its coiiclusloa
Colonel Wattes anise and cMended
his thanks to Adliitatit (!
Stew ait for his pieseuce The adju
tant, he said, was Hie best it lend the
National dlitrii of I'eunsylvaula ever
had, The colonel then accepted the
miliary In these wolds;
ladies and cfeiitliiiiin: For a rpinni of .1 1111
till.) the 'lliiitiiutli 1 1'glinf ill , infanlie, N.llionil
diiaid of I'liiieelvanij, hai tnen wotkiti mu a
lilsim iieilltnble to lixll and to it coniiiniulle
It hi .se'itld the stale full will and has In mi
pioiupt o 1 1 -jiuiiit In tlie lullnu's tall II lee
old Is one whli h .111) 1 eui mi'iii in this Inoid
laud iuIkI'I not be aiuiind pi inv.e
Hut lis Kioutli, lis ilelebipiiltlit atnl ls success
have not been nialnri, of an I10111 1101 ot a tin,
'I bey have infilled faithful duiv lioni eeei.t
oldlei In lhe lank, waliliful raie lioni enry
othecr and the kindly Miipuit olid cu upciation of
our litlens,
Ai this ainioij, tl.i fiiiist and li't npilppdl In
the Hale, u monument lo llie hum; pillioli-ui
and htoid lulmlnl KeunoMty of the iltleus mid
tavpaviis of Ibis loiuiiiiinlt) In fiunulle 1 1.111s
fc 11 til fiom tho bojid nf trmtiii to tlie ii'nlmenl,
we nr,iui,se tint the Iriitt 11 post d slull not be
lolatnl, llul lhe aiinoiy shall not In an in
".IruiiKiU of leuor, lut a piuniotit of pene, a
bond of unite' 11 nienliiii; nun to 11' ill ami 1 lj
lo class foi lhe 1 01111111,11 weal u( the. ule ainj
the tati
III .uiiptlii,' the sub inn bust the Thliteenili
Kglniiiil plt'dtis an iiiilbucliiui; J.'.ejllj In the
ilt and the ntjte, 411 ilitlinnie eelilih shall be
In the- fill lire, an it his beiu In the pal, mnial
rallur than pbesnal, coiisiiuctiie rather than de
sir in I lee, and, fuull.e, lo pledge this new aimory
to those uses evbiili shall woik oi tlie pieseru
tion of peace, foi the love vl couulie and for lhe
lelun of law,
"tlovenior rilone, unable to be heie
himself, bus sent his adjutant general
to icpieseut him and this gieat state
cm this occasion, and I now havo tho
honor of Introducing Adjutant
T. J. Htuvvait to j on." was the way
Colonel II. M. Holes limoduced
the next speaker, The adjutant gen
eial of the, state Is veiy popular In
this city, and he was given a very en
thiisiustiu leceptlon at) ho arose. He
lefened to the gieat anxiety lut felt
to attend this gathering, an anxiety
which Induced him to break an en-
gagempiit of n settil-military nature to
1 nine heie, because he wanted to coinp
and bi'caitsp tlie governor had unlet cd
him to do so.
' Tills Is a splendid honor for your
regiment." he said, "anil a splendid
tilbttte lo the Thirteenth legiment
and the N'ntloiuil Oiiuul of the stntp.
Ppiinsylvanla has reason to be proud
or her soldiers In war and In peace.
No gi under pages ndorn the history ot
our country than those devoted to the
deeds of (lie soldiers of Pennsylvania
In every struggle she has been en
gaged tu. They have ever been willing
to lay down their lives in the defense
or the nation. Pennsylvania made
hemic sacrifices In the civil war and
In the Spanish-American war. When
the president called for volunteeis the
governor offeied the National tlunid
of the state. No state In the union
furnished Its tiuoto so promptly and
no soldiers did better service tiian the
guni dsmen of Pennsylvania. Think
of the valor of the Tenth regiment in
the Philippines, but they did not sur
pass In heroism tlie other Pennsylvan
lans who lay In the fever-stricken
camps of the .south waiting for the
command to go to the front. These
camps did as deadly work as tho bul
lets of the enemy.
"The National (Iuaiil a conserva
tor of the peace, tl makes men bet
ter citizens, for no man can be a good
soldier and a bad citizen. 'When you
go a In nail you find there Is some
honor In being a member of the Na
tional Clua id of Pennsylvania and In
this state you find there Is some honor
In being a member of the Thltteenth
"On behalf of the governor T enn
gtatulale you on the possession of this
beautiful aimory. I hope this iegi
inent will enjoy a lasting prospeiltv
and that the people of the state will
alwavs have ten son to be as piotiel of
the Thirteenth jegiment as they aic to
night." At the conclusion of the adjutant
gencial's lcmarks Colonel Boles Invited
the assemblage to turn their attention
to the lighter joys of the evening.
The Grand March.
Tim SPICRCUKS over, another
lnlef leceptlon was held for the
benelit of those who had not had
the nppoitunlty ot meeting the visiting
niilitaiy men, and then after a survey
ot the building, the ofllceis, and e
ollkets of the legiment, escoitlng tlie
visitois, led the giand 111,11 ch and
opened the bull.
Kiom that time on dancing and
pioiiicnadlng was indulged in, except
dm lug the InlPival given over to sup
per, which was set veil by Hanley in
the dining room upstairs.
Artistically eiigiaved souvenhs, con
taining the coder of exercises, names
of committees and progiainnies of
dances and promenades, and encased
in a heavy card cover, containing a cut
of tlie annorv and embossed failed
States and Pennsylvania (lags, weie
distributed among all the guests.
Following was the programme of
dances, the music for which was fur
nished by Alexanders band of Wllkes
Barte: 1. Walt. "11111- lb is'en" Cuugt
2 Teeoslep, "Knit; of lhe Tulf" I'aiuhich
:; Wilt, "(Hue Danube" strau-s
I liiLKie. "1 s. Auio" fliimin
6 Walt. " of the" (luiml
II I'wosttp, "Coon, loon, t.'.ioii," .. .I'liedinin
7 Walt, " ll-e Illeue" VIiiki-
f. I. inclirs, "sweelluirt" Wringarli'ii
0. Waltz, "I'riuct Ihuh Pes l.ebens" ....stiaus
in Walt. "eoiupnsh" lahl
11, l.auiieus, "Inteiiiatiouil" lobaui
U. Wall, "Mine, Woman and -cm.'" ,...sirau-s
I !. Two step, "While Old ;ioiy W.m s"..Vundl
It Wall, "Aitl-ts'i, Lite" Mian,
11. Two step, "I'tog Cuddles" sii.iim
Hi Walt, "Morning louinil" stiaus
I". Teeostip, "lluiid Monte" Mexauder
is W lit, "Vision ot a lieiutifiil Wuinin"
l'i. Teen slip, "Itali ills lluiilene" Kilcnheix
.'0 Wall, "luinioilelliu" (iuntil
Alternating with the dances were the
Intermissions played by Battel's baud
of this city. The piogranime ren
deted wus:
1. "Tiopie to 'liopu" Mevander
L "llelle of the lloiilnaid" I'nlton
1. "laic nf the Kiuaioo" I.iulr is
i, "lTi the Slie.t" Molse
5 "lively llao lias a 11 ir- Hut the Conn". Keif
0. "flood Die, llolle Caj.v" (.batlawa.e
T. "spltlt of l.ibeity" soua
s "Ininiini Club" ,..., Iliant
'I "ale lloola" Ilirsh
HI "stiike I p the Hand" Ward
11. "V'l'i.oiKissi" ,,. Cnti
"llie sen nade" Hubert
1.! "1'I.ik of Mi tin v" V lllon
"sai ami Milns" Snisa
Ti, "I ndii lhe poubli l.iale" Wanner
In "I'ampa I lull" I'.iiliir
IT "I liiuii lorieu" stolon
1- "I nilei line I las" . (lion
II" 'Toll. -Mis of I olumbia" Alexander
Ji). "Itaw iiiull" ball""''
Piom lti'tit) on supper was setved by
Ilaule in the loom on the second
(loot of th" ailiiillllstiatloii building,
Occupants of Boxes.
TWO llOXI'S, which Until both sides
of tlie gieat uudiloiltim, weie 00
(Upled by the wealth, beauty and
fashion of tills pait of tile slate. Tho
occupants weie: md Mis 11. VI II.11, t. Mis, l l
I'owill, ill I! . M0I1 ill, Ml.-s llliii.-t. jd, Itev,
Pi dime Mcl.ccid, Vbvs Mint Mil.iod, Ml. Iln
anl 'I i lei of N.P1V Ii iilk , tit and Mi. Italp'i
Toiiipkuij, nf Niwbuigi Mi-. Siiiiisoii, nf Si ev
V""ik, Mr and Mi, 'Iwltihell, llr lliudo UjII.ii.
Hon, iiml .Mi. William f'onnell, llou, Hid Mis.
Wlll!h .Mooie, nf Wahiuiilou, ), (' ; Ml and
Mm, . I.. ('Him II, Mi and Mis. ,1. I, ( oniiell,
Vli. I'. II (onmll, Mi anil Mi, .loliu It Wil
li 1111, M lis-le llpiunlili. Miss llliabilli
llioiua, Min .1 s Meuulte, 'Jluodoie I'. ('011
nell, Willi un ('. Pliiimlik, biwience ind I'aib1
loit I onuell, 1,ia II, Conuell, Mi mid Ml,
W. I'lllloil.
Mr. and Mi; lleny IM111, Miss Helm, Mi-i
M I Ibliii, Mi. ami Mi.-. Paul II. He lin, Mr.
and Mi. Siibaniil II. Ilolin.nii
Itiiotdei W. I.. Cimiell, Mi. and VI,, l .V.
(oniill. III, and Mi A. I Conn. II, Mi and
Mu. II , Hill, Mix Kdllli Hill, Mi and
Ml. I' S. Ii.iil.ri
Colonel ami .Mr I. W'atie-, Mi- llaevlej,
MKs lliil. .Ml. and Mis. foliu shtiwooil, M is
(lime llinl-.ill, VII, Millie Mjeei, MKs PavU. of
(Milladclplilai Ke.vbiun Wane, llaiold Walim,
Ititla CI1UK.I1.
Mr. ami Mi II. I. I'ldlet. Mi, Allen PaU,
Mi- llaiah, uf I iilontowu, Vlis. Waltci Die k
nn. Mis i'lanies Hunt, Theodore Tidier and
Mui timer Puller. Mr. lie ion flmriln, oi Vluiile
Mr, and Mm. W. I' llalMiad, Colonel and
Mi. 0 M, HalUteael, Mr. and Mm. K. M. Slack,
Mr. ami Mr. 1'. I.. Cuue, Mi, and Mis. A, S,
Walkrr, Mis Piatt.
Mr. and Mis, l.uiber Keller, Mi, and Mu.
Milton W. I.oevi, Mi. and Ml 3. .1. A, l.aiuiiv,
Mr. arid Mm. (iioigc lloutrdi.
Colonel and Mi. 0. C. Mjttts, Mr, and Mrs.
W I'. Mallei, Ml I'lol.e flllmnie, Hev. llr 1,
('. t.ognn. Hi. and Mr (' I' III 1111 Ii ml. Mi
CorneliJ Mutle', Ml Van I luf, Hi. nml Mr.. II,
V, boitati.
Ciiplaln and Mm. II. II Mlinlon, Mr, ami
Mr. Sidney llmeuiod, Wallir llrnnnml, Mu.
Howard (Itltlln, Ml (Irare William, Xebon
Alheilun, Uiplilu and Mr. V. M. Vamllliu, Itei.
Dr. U. i:. (lulld.
Mr. .md Mt. .1 I.. Cinnloril, lluuine llnl'ilult,
of Dorimietnti! Henry Htmelilnlil, ol .letui.eii,
Mr, and Mir. I,'. II. I'enman, Mi, and .li. .lohti
M1C011I11II, W. (I I'aike.
Mi. ami Mi W II. Tallin, Mi. William
K !; I.avetlv, Mis bated), Mis Anna l.avertv,
Mie I'liimle" I.neil), Mi?. S (J llatkir, Mis
lliikei. Mi and Mr. I'.HevIn lleathait.
Mr. and Mr T. II. Walkln. I.aev Watkln, Ml
(Jladi Wiilkin. Mi. II. II. Iluntlnston, Mlv
HiinliiiKtoii, Mlsi Anna l.aev, nf West I'lttston,
MIsa .Man sttom;, Mlie llmle.r.
Mr. II. V. .Simpson. Ml. anil Ml. II, II
IImiI.1, Ji., MKs Allie Miitlhewa, Mis Hall, ot
Morrlotoevn, N. .1.; Mis l.eltett. ot Neet Viiil.!
bleiilcnanl It. (' Pail. U. H. Perr. of Wllke
Dane; 11. II Pease, of WIHcra-Hane: II. P.
Mi 1 rill. P. C, fuller, W, .1, Torre.v, August Hunt.
Ira-Inn, ol Wllke Dure.
Mr. anil Ml. W. f,. Waton, Dr. nnd Mr. T.
S". .lolnison, of I'llt'loni .Indue and Mis. I'eiri.
Mi, l.eoii-e 11. foster, Ml. and Mi, .loliu A.
l.aev. I.liulirtli P. Mon.itt all of l'ltllcin
It. (!. Iltook. Mi. mil Ml. Wlll.nd Matlheees,
Ci'oiri- (! Hiook, John Turner, nf Wilkes Hane;
Alevaiider llodjie, of tt llkca llarre, Mr. and Mis.
'I homas Urook.
.loliu .lennjn .iml famde.
Mr. nnd Ml. . W. Seianton. Mi. and Ml.
.1. It 11J.1 111 i 11 Dimmiik
Hon. and Ml. Allred Hand. Mis llioeen. Mi
Chatlolle Hand. Mis Helen II mil. Mi Imiu
wood, Miss Matte, Mr. I.anvrlii, Dr. Woodcock,
.Mr. and Ml V. .1. Hand
Mi. nnd Mi. A II. Sloirs, Ml and Mrs. I'
J. I'htt, Mis Helen Matthew, Ml. Doevd, of
lljrletim, Miss Ainiiisli Arctibalil, Mis KaRei
111 in I'o-tei, of Neev nrk.
Mr and Mrs. reentt Warren. Mr. and Mis. II,
W. hlntjsbnij, Mi. and Mis W. J. hloU, Mrs
P. I'. I'ike. Miijcu.v Wairen and Dorothy War
it 1,.
Mr. and Ml. A II lllackinlon. Mi. md Mrs.
(ieorRe II. Smith, Ml- Ionise smilli.
C). -. Johnson, Di. and Ml C. b. 1'ie.i, Mil
Walker, or Suliolson; Mlm iiigtista Merrill, Koli
lit I.. 1'ie.e, of I'lnlad'dphia
Mr. and Mi J. H. Itiisiell, of Wilke Bane;
Mr. and Mis fiianl Pelton, of Ibis illv; Mi-a
KIl.i Haiti 1, of llinitliiintcm,
Mr. and Mi. A1J.1 Powell, Ml. anil Vb. John
Mum, Mis William O. I'imell, Cuius Powell,
Vb. Maitraret Jonei", Mia. W. .1, Lewis, ji,, Mr.
md Mis W. J. Lewis.
Mr. and Ml aron CJold-nillli. W. (j. I'aike
and Mis I'atke, Dr. nnd Mi .1. W. Walnwnglit.
Colonel i:. II. Hippie, Mia. Himblin, nf VV:i-ii-incton,
D. C ; Mis. IIphi- Dontet, Miss .Io.t
Dostei, Min Itipple, Mls .fessie Ttipple, Miss
ltuhmoiid, Mes Ituher, Will MiCiilluiuli, It. II.
VVeisentiub. Mi. Itipple
Mr. md Mm. L. I.. ,M.inr, Mi II. A. JI ijor,
Mi. and Mis M 1 I nnnor, 'Ihoma HiichcJ,
Miss Henrietta Wahl, Pi. Jacob Helmei, Miss
1'lora Helinei, Vlr. and Mi (-' (,. Me.irs, bonis
Miller, llniina Millei.
S. S'. Stctler, Mi. and Mi-. I'dwarri Wlnttoik.
Miss Lillian VV hillock. Mi Mabel Krencli, of
Ilnston. VI is
Mi and Mi. Aithur lee.
Some of the Gowns Worn.
MANY stiikingly handsome gowns
weie woin by the beautiful wo
men who giaced last night's
function. Among the many cliaiming
cieations woin the following aic noted:
Mis Heni Helm lllick lice, jet, diamond
Mis William Cumuli llluk eeleei, rose point
1 k 1 ; diamond
Mis H. VI. Hole Wliil, laic and diamonds
Mi-. I". I.. I'ullii White sitiu, pink rosis ap
pliiUid teal I no and di iinonds.
Vti A. ile Oiville BIji kiiUiin -III 11k lace over
white silk, dlamoilds,
Vb. Junes A. Mi Vnull.v W'liite inousseline de
Moie. iinbioideied in ouhida, duiuond orua
tiunts Vli. S. Y l.iet (Jiev S.1I111 iluchesse lace, dia
tm ml 0111 iment.
Mi, l.uiber Keller fae.v ciepe de chine and
iliillon. diamond ornament
Mis S. Ci, Hobeitson lllack laie, emhioideied
in wlnte,
Mu II. W. Aulibild (Iri'i ciepe de dune, dia
monds. Ml William ('. Hall-lead-nii(k net nnd laee
over while .silk, diamonds.
Mis. II, (I Hiadi, jr W hite niouseline de sole
ovei while silk, lacetdlainuiida.
Mi. Ten HioeckHowcreil inous-elme, 00 r
plllk bilk.
Mi. J, T Poller Hlaik net ind dliliiouds.
Ml. S. T. Ihjfs Cieam silk and lue.
Vli-. .1, II I'helpR-Hlue lace and et
Mi-, John It. Williams l'i ru silk and Vein Han
Vlr. It J Ileum 11 -Tel 111 silk, uueu piuue,
Mrs L. It Stellc -Pink nipe de chine, ill onoiiil
Mis. Willitd Mjtlliivvs -Lime bjli-le, lace and
Mis Vmliew Nelson W alkii --VV hile 1 lepe de
e lllne.
Ml J, I., I i.ivvfnid lllack Kienailine over lav
t udi 1 bilk, if. 1 1 lue, iiiamcndi,
Vlis W I) hiiiitilv- 1,'iey fouliul, lue ap
pllitue, dlimond
Mr. Million Sieile Mllhi lllack tutted crept
Kienailine our (auai.v taltcla, Point d'Mcncon
lai e ami diamonds
Mu, W, II, 'Illloi- lllack lace, while iuchce
laie, lieitlu diainonif otniminls
Sin, llientt Miirrn-Hliie silk, black lace and
Mis. K II Itipple Mink 1 iiibroidenil moiisee
Hue de bote; diiiiioiul oiiiamenl.
Mis. William IIjIMuiI-HIjiI, lace, t.
point tiiiiiiuliias, dlimoiid-
Vlis (I, M llill.tead While lice and eliitbii
over while ailk: illnnoiul niniiuini
Vlis I' W Oeailunl lllne In made, diamonds
Mm V It Moiia -hut iiepc di ciilne, In,,
and diamond
Mm 1. A Wain Impoited s'owu, mIiiioii bio
1 ade, median I'tilnt, dl unouds
Mis. Willis I. Mooie-lllne ilk nnd laie, 111
bioidcreil etillt tunpinises.
.Mrs Leon hvi, of Wilkes H.rre -W Idle 1 n pe
de vhliie, diamond
VI is, V, C. 'I.w'ihill 111 it Is. lice sp.niLlid In
J-l, diamond oin.iimiiis
Ml A J. (oniiell Ulaek I illeia and lice,
diamond oinimenl
Mm J (' .ilk ind lice.
Mr. T II Watkllis -Wlille Point d'Alemoii,
diamond ornament
Mr A. K. Connell cope, enlie deuv ol
real hse; iliaiuciud
Mm C t Kiiltnn While eilk mill I. point
laie; diamond
Mis i: VI siaik llluk ml ind Cluinilli lace
nei 1 wlille bilk, cordage ilecoialious, dinlns-e
lace and lo-e panne; illaiuiml
Mu I", I. 1'iik-llljck lace, jel li.liiloini;..
gjiliitine of Anieiicaii Heaiite 10., ; iliaiinjud
m namuil
Mi.s. C S. Woolwoilli-Cmbiouliiid mou-bdiue
de sole over .tillow silk; illJliiulidi
Mm. W I atoii-l'iailiolortd iliillon.
poilil laee; dlauinnds
Mi. V II. lauou lllack pejii de ole, lace and
jel JPI'li'iu.", Ilamonds
Mm. A II Slam Ciicy uepe d. chine, real
late; dMmonil.
Mm. Dolpli Hennelt Atlterton Hlaik laie oler
black silk, K'liiltur? "' .iilloev panne veltct and
bpanitled vtllli jet; lijiiiond oiiiluienm.
Mm. lObeph Lett White Point d'Alemoii Ijte.
tpatiKled with jt; diamond oruamentt.
Min. M ll. McDonald-White anoidion idealrd
I'leiicli batiste lace; diamond.
Mm. Coiiiad Sihrocder steel ciei bmcadc. vio
Irl velvet and applique; diamonds.
Mm. Dielriili aose colored silk, nblle chlflcn
and pcerl
Mrs, II, W, Streelrr-While inoiiellne .unl
Mu. W, W. Matte -While inousolliie otir pink
Mi. William Mirple While silk, ( hanllllr
Mr, P S. Ilalker -While Paris miidlli, Persian
ntnln older
Airs. I', I). Mi ( tnolie and ihlflnn
Mr. I.. T, Malte -I aveiuler btoi.ule and laie,
Mr. Illiituliard niark net and lace.
Mm. V. W. I'll It--While inousseline, II..
moniU. Mis W. ft I'lillon -file' tupe and lice, ill-,
mnml ortiaiii"til
Mi. O It. s(nti-niaik lare, diamond.
Mm Sol (iobbiiiltli, id it k lace, Jet trlmminii,
din 1110ml.
Mr. II. W. Tiiyloi- Point l)'lenioii, nitiie
grown, illaninnit.
Mm. II, (!, Dunham I an nder crepe, din
.Ml II, ll .leimvn fihek lue nvei while i Ik,
pillette lilmmln.
Ml Anhbald- Yellow depe.
Miss Augusta An libahl -White inousseline over
while Bilk.
Mi-N Hole-lllne silk, real hue.
Ml Helln Hlaik laie and net.
Mih. Simpson, of New ork White point
Vlli Jenle Dimmiik Hlue unbroidered mull,
ecui laee
Mik Dale While renan-name lace.
Mb. Hiiker llluk net oeir hlaik llk.
Miss Itipple Lie 1111I1 r fiilk md iliifVon
Mies .lei men HamNoine black lace coven, iri
descent pallet I es
Mis Knstei While ninusci line pink line.
Mi.s VV. A. Coleman lllack hue ami lie I ovei
white nllk
Ml AiittiHta Merrill While silk.
Miss Kitty Mid hell While moiH-fline
Miss Annie (libbonn S ettos iepe, black l.u e.
Mis I'ennv packet- White inousseline.
Mis. (!. il ti II. Dmimiclt-nine bloc ide.
Ml fliace Sindeison Pink ciepe.
Miss Margate! To 1 ley Pearl ciepe mil I ice.
Miss I'liriy Ma.ici White rnoiiseehnt'.
Mm. II. II Waie White Pari mu-liii and lace.
Vlisrt Klolse Cilmoie lllark llie.
Mm. Chiile Ileikwulh Pink iiiii-liii, while
M isl "pdegi .1 IT Yellow silk mil lace.
Miss I ovele Hlue ciepe
Muss Helen MUthews Pink rhiffon
Miss Hennell -White iliiffon and lice.
Mis Klialieth Thoiiu White I'aiis nnislin and
.Miss Plot em e Itichmond Ited net and iliillon.
Mi as Itetta Chinch- tlie.e -.ilk. lace and 1 billon.
Mi s. K. Hanle.v firei bioiade ind lace.
Miss (almore- White niouseliue.
Miss Helen Me(ourt I.jeeudei silk, Venetian
laee, diamond.
Mirs Helen Stovei- laiendn oicrandie.
MIas Hill-While silk and rhillon.
MibS CJertl lleJC Sprasue While inousseline over
pink silk
Mu Alice Matthews -White inousseline,
Mim Howell laghl silk and lice.
Mis .nnie Matthews- White mnusseline.
Men .SpraRiic While Paris mulin oeet pink
Miia Helen Hand While silk mull.
Miss stionit Black late.
Miss lliinliuictnn 1 iwuder silk.
Miss Law While mi ire.
Ml raiiveeather While inouseeliiiB.
Mis llarah White point d'esspnt.
Miss Josephine Itoluwasser-Persian fcilk, wild
10-e, appliqiied.
Miss l!o-e l(oliiw,is-eil)icden silk, Point
Mis Wormsei Hlue silk ami lace .1
System Was Perfect.
THK policing of the armory was at
tended to in 11 most admliable
mannr. and the le.sulls of the
sttlcl mllltaiy pieclsion with which
eveiy thing was conducted weie rleaily
ovIdeiH in the easy manner in which
the gieat eiovvd wan handled.
Tlieie was no attendant confusion as
might have been anticipated, but
every emugency was met and eveiy
obstacle oven nine In a niannei which
lellected the utmost ciedlt upon the
roiethought and calm executive ability
of Lieutenant Colonel K. V Stlllwell,
who had chaige of the dlitction of this
iniioitant phase of the affair
He had under him one hiindied and
four men. the greali-i poilion of whom
wete neeessaiily stationed out.sido the
building. Directly opposite the Myttle
stteei entiatice was elected a laige
tent, which served as the guaid house.
1'p and down Jefteison avenue in fiortr
of the anuy and patrolling Myitle
stieel weie scoies ol sentiles, who
challenged all drivels of vehicles, and,
obeying Itistiuetlons to the leuef, Kept
the wav clear of all outfit- but eat
ilage.s or cabs healing guests lo the
The outside men were .mansed in
lluce lellefs, with Captain Foote, of
Company Ii, acting as otllcer of th
day. Lieutenant llen.v. of Conipaiiv
15, was eoniiuander ol the guaid, and
Lieutenant Kmlth, nl c, .suiierniimer
ary otllcer of the gun it. The "'iillie
quota, of men stationed outside was
made up of tlnee sergeants, eight 101
porals and sixty-four pilvates.
The eight local companies weie all
diawn upon in l mulsh men for (mill
ing duty, and the complement fiom
each was eight pilvates, lluee sei
geants mid two coiporal-
litslde tlie bullillng theie was not a
single pilvalo on dtit.v, as lonimls
sloned ami noii-iominlssioned ottiiets
had entlie cliaigo of llie guaid duiv.
Tlie basement was In caie of the out
side men, ami on the Hist door Lieu
tenant IJavis or L, had chaige, lie
was in command nf a -annul of eight
sergeants and elglii cmpnials. The
coinpanv rooms, bullionui and corii
doe coustlluteil the teitilorv of their
On the next Hoor, Lleutfiiant Walter
K. (iiin-tei, batlalloi) adjiltaiil, was ai
the head of lour setgeants and five
coi'iunals. The headttiai ter rooms, eoi
ildor and galleiy a I tile west end of
the building weie in their charge.
Lieutenant );, . Comad, of Company
A, with four lotpoinls. had the last
Hour to watch over, the supper 100111
beiny part of their post.
llesie.s the mlllt.ll' pinteetlnii af
loiiled, thete also peivadecl the air a
sugge'stion of civilian Riiaidlanshlp,
whlcli maiilfesled Itself onislile tbu
sti 111 lute In the inesenie or Captain
John Davis and a squad of sis' solid
looliing iiaiiolmmi rsiiiieihitendeui of
I'ollte ItoblhiK w.ik also pieseiit. but It
was as Majot Kmnk Itobllng Dial he
was llieie, In a mllltaiy ami not civil
r-'iatteied tlnoiiKliout the futeilor of
the aimory weie a laige' number of
deU'itlves nnd speilal olllceis. They
weie in chaige of City Detective .loliu
W. .Molr, wlii hoveled aiounil tho ball
loom in u full diess suit, dining tho
gieater pan of the night, or main
tained Ivnx-llke. watch on the cloal
looms. r
A miittot vvhiili biotisht tm th un
stinted pialse was the masteily man
ner In which the huge number of car
riages, cabs anil other vehicles hilng
Ing ths guests were managed by those
In charge nf this wnik. KveryaJoutflt
viis driven up to the Adams avenue
entrance, anil thete numbers wero
given to each pilvalo carriage, the
llveiy equipages not receiving any.
At midnight the Myrtle street exit
was o)Qti,i.l, and as the Huong of fam
ily eni ringes were dilven up a special
ittcndnut took the cheeks of the per
fins ileslilng to letve and iinnniincadl
n stentoilan tones the number. Th
drlvoiH tesiicmdlni;, tlie carrlnge wns
entered, nnd In this way a great
illinium nf confusion was avoided,
All other cat 1 luges were driven Tip
to the Adams avenue entrance, which
nerved as the exit for all save those
svho caino In pilvate carriages.
Arrival of Visitors.
STKWAItT and several members
of tlovenior Stone's staff were
tlie only guests who arrived during the
afternoon, a chain of unfortunate clr
vitmsuinces pi event lug the arrival iof
Ills excellency himself: rienrral
Cbatles Miller, commander of the state
guaid, and (ieneial .1. ! S. Oobln, of
the Third brigade, upon the presence
ot ever.vone of whom the leceptlon
committee had counted as certain.
Telegrams wete leeelved dining tlie
'day tiom all tluee dlgnltai ies. Noth
ing was heard fiom either Vice Presi
dent linosr.velt or (leneral Kelson
Miles, however. The latter wns the
guest of honor at an Important event
in Buffalo and this prevented his pies
euce.C1ener.1l Stewait 111 rived on tho
.I.L'4 o'clock train at the Delavvaie anil
Hudson stajlon. He was accompanied
by the following niembets of the gov
ernor's staff. Colonel f"iank ,1. Swee
ney, Inspector geneial nf the state:
Colonel H. C. Tiexler. Colonel Asher
Miner, of Wllkes-Bane; Colonel '.
T, Hicks, and Colonel William Sackett.
Colonel C. How Dougherty, of the Ninth
legiment of Wilkes-Harre, was another
member of the gioup that alighted at
the Delavvaie and Hudson station and
weie met by a local committee. '
(ieneial Stewart and the members nf
the staff left Hanisbuig about 2. .".ft
o'clock, by the Lehigh Valley, taking
the Hlaik Diamond to "Wilkes-Bnrrc.
They weie met al the station by Col
onel R. H. Ttipple. Major W. S. Millar,
Captain D. B. Atherton. Colonel George
llnllstead of the governor's staff, ant!
Captain Kictl W. Dtake, of Kaston, an
aide de camp of tleneral J. P. S. Gobln.
Can luges awaited them and they were
straightway dilven to the Hotel Jer
myn. The regiment and band were to havo
met the Harrlsbtng guests at the sta
tion and acted as a mllltarv escort,
and 1111 older to that effect had been
issued by Colonel Wades. When tele
grams weie leeelved fiom Governor
Stone and Genera! .Miller yesterday
11101 ulng, however, the order was re
called. A big ctovvd assembled at tlio
station to see the governor come In,
nnd many expiesslons of disappoint
ment weie elicited fiom them by hi1"
The news that His Kxcellency would
not be present was made known yes
teiday morning when Congressman
Connell icceived a telegiam to the ef
fect that the governor was 111 and un
able to attend. (Ieneial Miller's tele
gram was also leeelved during the
morning. It was addiessecl to Colonel
AVaties and conveyed the information
that piesslng duties pi evented the gen
cial's attendant e.
The committee than had only the
piesenee ot Vice l'lesldenl Roosevelt
as a faint possibility to llguie upon,
and what was thought to be the as
surance that General Gobln and Adju
tant General Stewait would come on.
Mote hopes wete shatteieil, however,
when Major W S. Millar, assistant
adjutant geneial of the brigade, ap
pealed with a telegiam fiom Lebanon,
which announced that the general was
expected home fiom the west eatly In
the day but hud not yet arrived.
The committee then diove to the
Delavvaie and Hudson station, Majot
Millar unci Captain Atherton In full
iinll'oini and thete nw ailed tlie arrival
of tlie ." Haiti, which came In
ptompil.v with General Stcwail and the
The Committeemen.
FOLLOWING aie lhe gentlemen who
loinptiseil the vatlous commltteea
Willi Ii ai tanged for lhe ball:
Ive.uliie Mum .1 llikloid, I'olouel II.
VI Hon., lb me II, lin, ji , Hon. William Con
liell, P I ta-ii. I' I I' M, loseph Lee 1
lolimd (hailisC Villi,., Vlipu W s Vlla ,
-l.inli.e P Mb 11 I. plain W V Mai, Com el
sihloeihl. ( lut In llohlllsou, lulnn.l II H, Kip
pie, W. I. Puke. I I, full. 1, I' II W.1IU1.-,
Minn lleiieil W.111111, I' s Weslou, t' I ar
il u I, Hon John I' Will i. Majot .1, II l'i-li,
I J, llobiii-oii, W, I, D'Vlallee, I iptaln II. U.
Vlheiloii, 1, Hum, w hnuiohiut, W, 11,
T1el.11. ,IcmiIi I',, 1 t M.i, mle
Ibnplloii Hon II. W. Aiihliild, llenr.i Helm,
Jr. .1. II II.111. II. II VI Holes, I. null llogn i,
(' Pul'. Hoik, If II Hai .1, W. I ir
pe till 1 . I'. I I a-ev, I'olonil II. V l.iiirtin. Hon,
William I'oiuull, T II Dab, Ii I. Otik-on, I
Mm liiiumlik, Hon. II M I'dwauls, John It
I'm, I' I I'ullii VV li I'nltnii. Mijor .1 II
lull, lllderllk W I'leil. lolonel (ieoruo M
lljll.sliad, (11I0111I 1 I. Illliliinck, lon, hdrtlid
limes, Inhii .himin, ll - lohu-on, II I. hlnss
bun, Hon Inhu I' belle, Hon II, A, Kiupp,
II I.e. .1. V I Ineii, W J Lewi, J. A
I Jii-intr, Vljjoi w s. Mil la 1 . Hon, lames Molr,
T I. ( larle, . ,1. I Y.II. oi 11, Hon. William I,,
l'i limit, W liiiksou, Sol fiold-iiiith, .1, II
1. 111. -lie, Willi 1111 I. Hilhstiad, (' P. U'M.illev,
losipb n'lliieii, fauns rtoiiii I O'llilen, T, I,
I'eimiaii, Hon P ' I'lulbiii, I.'. J. Ilohin-on,
( lullei. Iloblnsoii, I, mice saudeisou, John Jmiii
Sc In 1111, ,1 V, Sujutuu, I'. D Simpson, 1.', II,
sniiK'e.s, W l.'j.tlmd 'I'lioiius, Hon James I ,
41nti1al1, Wainn, Hon I Wallet. II
S Will ml, J. .1 Williams, I nh 11 I'. William-,
lion Vlllid IIiihI. ('. II .Ions. Jnsiph .lei nun,
liiilur Ivellu, lapitln W. l 1.1 , ll. II. Pallet
r" 11, Cnlouel V. II. Itippli W. W N union, It
II Willi mi, I'liil I Woiiusii, Henit Wchriini,
( 'i..ib II Uille,
Sale ol 'tickets -il II. Hilull, I' S. Ilatker,
i'ijiiI. (Iiiiion,, V II (lin.i.v, II, I' Ditnliaiii,
V II L.tuiii. lohti W ruwlci. (' W liumter,
II M ll . L II lawall. William II Prck, K.
I Phillips, liaae I'.ct, jl (. slufei, I'. W,
siillwell Thoiua. It lliouks. P. I Case, Major
II Itneli 1 1(1.1. Italph s Hull, U. L llcnwood,
I'. I Pul
I'irv latnea P Mil, loll. T Owen fluilcs,
II II. SjiiiIims, I ), or, .loliu McCouct,
James D'Omcri, lauiur Wahl.
floor Albeit l! Ilunl. lame lllali, Jr , W II
lloeei, II. II Uracil, jr , loliu II Uiouks, t'ie.1 It
brake. M. II lulld. I'tank 1'iillcr, W. I', (am
sin, Captain .1. W Kainbcck, Pr, W. K. Kellar.
I. L. b'einiueiei. Clank l,,vuch, II, I.'. a,oml-,
11 II. Meilill. J I'. Mi id. li, '('. Made, l.ieuici.
jut Maurice lenion. Clai -nte stur-jes, Willijui
J. Tc'lie.e, b. II lliorne,
l.corjtlon--W II I'j'loi, W. W, InglLi, Jo
It-omlimcd on I.a't I'jc.J