The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 15, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    VS, . i
rV jf " 'S - i ' " V (W ', i j .,,
f'' 'jt v,.---l-",'l'fj5
rpwji fafjprv "jiSS
-v .V4.iw.rf.-. ,!WPJ (..JJ"J i"
I Vrr "
$e 9ttntoir $rt6uwe
niMMiM Hally, txctpl Sunday, by T,',JnrJ!;'
tins Publishing Company, at fifty Cent, a Monlli.
uvv s! rticiiAim, wiio.
0. 1'. DVXtlKK, iliislne- Mniancr.
New York omcc! 150 Nan-sin . v1.,.tjVVi
i Bolo .3c11l for t'otelgn Advertising.
Entered nl It.c l-nMofflrc nl ftriinton, .'., as
Sctnntl CU- Mall Mailer.
When pipp will permit, The Ir l.nny '.rt"Jr
Blul to print lmrt l-tl.-n from IH ftl;ml4 ear
inir on nirirnl toplr, Imt IH mle .''U.'L'T'S
' mwt he Mcncii. Mr iwl.Iliitlnn. ! the ' )
leal natm-i ami Hip munition pi" "'" I
irplatiu It t It it nil icntrilnillnin dull ' uu'r"
to ulltnrlal H'viMnn,
Till: I'l.AT It ATI
roit Aiivnni'iNO.
,i.n.. a Hirt nrlpfl tier Inch
The follow Ins table
rach Insertion, fpiiu t
lo Iip turd ultliln otic tf!
i dim Sw) lneiie
M Indies ...
lion "
"All " ...
1'or'nnU of tli-inlc, nt rMlltolPIHP
ninl nlmllar vnnttlhiit
.ertisltijr 'J lie Trlliiine
a line.
Italri for Classlfta!
loin In the niture ol '
inil.ii a charRO ol a emm
AdiertMnc; fiimUeJ on
Itiinol lultnRon
J'.iprr Hritillnit
.21 .275
.20 .22
.Id 175
.1." .17
.15 .101
HCKAXTON', Jl'NK 15. 1001.
l . .
Tlio ('til).ins nic rvlilontly nut w
rvut-li wntrlcfl by tlto lirest'tiri of
United States troops on tli Island 41
the yellow papers would have f tie-'
New School Legislation.
THK FOND compulsory educa
tion 1)111, liiivlnir passed both
liousc, the poniito without h
sltiKle nepratlvp vote, and
gone to Onveinnr Stone, by whom Its
approval may bo ronsldi inl certain,
It Is in order to note that the ohaiiKes
In its pnnKlons fioin those of the
pteviously existent laws are of a char
acter to make It of moie value.
Briefly sumnitiils'pd, they icqiilre the
nttendauee of chlldien during the en
tire m Until trim, Instead of but seventy
per cent, of It, thus providing for con
tinuous Instead of a bioken course of
instiuction. This, In the caw of the
vast majoilty of chlldien, will do very
much more than double the value of
that Instruction. 'Wiii'lilnir chllarew
must attend school until fourteen
years of ape, thus nialilnir their time
for school one year longer than bv t1ii
piesent law. In e,t-e of a real haid
Kliip to the family, fully pioved, piei
vl.slon is made In the law for evempt
Ing chilchen from lemainlm? so lotifr In
school. The law gives the power to
impiison as well a.s to (me patents or
guardians kilntitifr It.
An eNeeedlnglv clause, one
in line with the Juvenile ouit law,
provides that ineoi i Igiblo and disnr
(ierly ehildien may be committed to
the cue of I'bildi en's -oeletles in cases
'vlieie It is not advisable to send them
to the house of lefiiKc
The bill has been di.iwu with the ut
most cue by Samuel Hamilton, super
intendent of the Allegheny schools,
and was submitted to and appioved by
a Joint committee of the Public Kdu
catlon ns-oci.itlon, of I'hlladelphl.i, the
Civic club, and Dr. IMw.ud Bionks,
supei Intendeut of Philadelphia schools,
and also approved by the Philadelphia
board of education, after its commit
tees on legislation and on compulsoi v
education had given it most caielul
Philadelphia lias had foi some time
two ungraded schools for bnokwnid,
deficient and lefinctory ehildien who,
In the other schools-, have been dis
covered to be simply a drag upon
others, or inciteis constantly to sei ions'
trouble. Two such schools aie far
fioin being sullleient tor tliat city's
needs, hut they have been clear proof
of the value ot making special pro
vision for such ehildien. The Indi
vidual attention that In such schools
tan be given to each pupil has, in the
cases of many backwaid children,
brought them up to a point in which
r'.iey could resume mid nmlntntn their
places in the schools w here they had
formerly failed. In the cases of many
unruly ehildien of the kind wlirv
usually easily become vicious, and of
ten cilminnl, they have been actually
influenced to a degree that gives fair
piomlse of their becoming useful citi
zens. That theto will come to be a laiger
number of such schools piovided not
tiione in Philadelphia, but in all other
cities of the state, In every one or
which theie is gieater or less need of
them, may he expected as one icsiilt
of the revised legislation,
The favmite sons will now piobabiy
have difficulty In keeping their piefl
dentlal booms from escaping too early
In the .season.
An fivll Crop-Sowing.
TIIR Southern industilal con
vention, now In session hi
Philadelphia is urgent In Its
htateniPiils Hint the South
wants uoithcrn capital to invest In
" the wimthern states. Meanwhile una
southern Htate aftei another lnoeeeils
to disfranchise tip- Jiegio In defiance,
of tho Constitution uf the I'nlted
States, proposing at the same time lo
hold on to as full repieseiitatiou In
congiess as though It bad the full num
ber of votot.s, and theieby to secuie
nn Illegally preponderant vote and In
fluence in tho national councils, Vir
ginia's convention members hnylng do
teipiinad in advance to follow the ex
nniplo of other southern states In tills,
have refused to take the oath of a
, leglnpce to Ihe 1'nlted Slates, The
other states) have simply set It at
naught. Hue Vliglnlau the other day
told the southern people they were sim
ply dellbeiaU'ly sowing another ciop of
dragon's teeth to l (pen into another
civil war befoio the twentieth century
rinses, A gient many people, south
'and' noith, will scoff at such u pioph
eey; hut so did millions upon millions
of people less than a dermic befoio the
firing upun Foit Sumter,
' -
' Tho ptesldent of the New Ymkclmm
ber of conimeice, Morris K, Jchup, be
fore suiting for homo on Wednesday.
tbld a leptesentatlve of the' Westmin
ster Gazette that the only thing which I
marred tlto pleasure of tho reception
accorded In London to the members of
the visiting delegation of that body
vvns the HtiglMi papeis' nnnoitncenient
of theiii till nt "tnlillonalte.s." Messrs.
Carnegie and Morgan, he wild, tire
piobihly the only millionaires In the
delegation, but nil were Impartially
''snowed tinder with begging letters
mill cnlleis asking for money." There
mi' Inconveniences In mistaken reputations.
Ynle will confer the honorary degree
of Doctor of Laws on Archbishop Ire
lnnd at Its approaching bl-centennliil
exetclses In October. The tlnlveislty
corporation voted unanimously thieo
months ago that this should be done,
mid the archbishop on being notified
cordially accepted the piospectlve
honor. It Is well deserved and well
flornn's Sea Story of the Nation.
TIIH CiltKATKST work of the
famous niailne mid land
scape painter. Kdvvnrd Mor
an, wlio died on Sunday,
dune !, at his home In New Yoik,
ought to be in either the cltv of "Wash
ington a.s the properly of the govern
ment. In the Metiopolltnn museum of
New York city, or In the Academy of
Fine Arts In Philadelphia. The last
named city was that In which he
studied art undei .lames Hamilton,
famed as a mailne painter, and Patil
Weber, distinguished as n landscape
artist. It was his home from lS4,"i.
when he came to It as a lad of sixteen,
until ISfW, when he removed to New
Yoi k.
The wink of which we speak con
sists of n series of thirteen magnificent
pictures illustrating the sea story of
tho United States. The flist of the
spiles he named "The Ocean, the High
way of All Nations." It Is a wonder
ful picture Imbued with the might, the
majesty, the mystery of the wide seas.
The closing picture of the seiles, com
pleted by him last year, is entitled
"The Return of the Conqueiors: Typi
fying Hie Victory of the Nnvy in the
War with Spain."
Kdwaid Moran was limn in 1S29 In
Kngland, and was brought by his par
ents, with their other children, to
Ameiica in 1S44. Two of Ills brotheis,
Thomas and Peter, have also won dis
tinction in ait. All of them studied
nit here, all became most thoroughly
American. Once Kdward went abioad
to visit the art galleries of the Old
Woild. but he returned to his Ameri
can home after a very few months'
lslt, His pnintings are noted equally
for their fine technique and for oilgin
aiity and poetic quality. We hope soon
to hear that the gieat seiles of which
we wilte, and to which he gave tho
most of his working time during the
last twenty yeais, has been secuiely
placed in one of the three splendid nit
galleries vw name.
- -
The nciounts coming fioin South
A f i Ifii of the condition of the lecon
ci'iilr.tdo c limits into which the liiit
Ish have ciovvded Moor women and
chlldien indicate that WeIer Is
rivalled by KiltMi officers. An olfl
clnl lepoit bv Dr. Itonuld P.
Mackenzie of the I'.iltisli ailny, made
in Febi inn y last. Is quoted, In which
"Ihe Hiitish government Is notified
that the conditions are honlble, the
death inte appalling, and the food
furnished wholly unfit to eat." He
ports sent In .lune in piivate letteis
fiom Pietocia lo New Yoik say that
the ie nni entiado camps aie far woise
In londltion now than in the winter.
The Ameilean anli-clgniette league,
whlfh now numbeis many mote than
HO,t0 pupils of the public schools In
its membership, will hold an inteina
tlonijl convention fioin .luly 11 to 14,
inclusive, in Convention hall of tho
Pan-AmeiUan exposition. It may
well be hoped that as a tesiilt the
league will laigelv inciense in num
beis and influence.
Yet another plan to teach that elus
ive goal, the Noith Pole, ''"his lime
Ihe scheme Is to reach it by a sub
til, n In" boat designed by Heir An-setiutz-K.unpe,
ot Berlin, the funds
for consti notion, equipment, and voy
age being supplied by a wealthy en
thusiast of Bet lin.
A coloied doctor of Washington,
wlio claims power to bieak "hoodoo"
spells and secuie the i dense of eiiin
Inals, has landed in jail. This seems
to be smother Instance of lalluie of the
physician to obey the admonition;
"Heal thyself."
The slaughter of the thlld leim bee
so e.nly in the season will deprive
the yello.s and iintls of u laige
amount of campaign mateilal.
china has ivnluoil a .loan of ,ic.
This seems to be the me delimit
lacking lor China's liuls-h,
Piesldent MeKlnley ulso wisely con
cludes not to name a candidate.
Daily Hoioscope Drawn by AJacchus,
The Tribune Astiologer.
AMiuIjIh-' i.iP I.'"" ' iii i f"f Mtunlij, June
l'i. Il)l.
ihlhl Iniin iii Ihi-, uji will tiiiMic lint Ihe
xiiii'f uf the hi.i fever pilum due.
I'jnie ill Heeling. I'M Ihe illuU ot I thort
link will uflili kui Iihii tlillikiliK for
'Ihe mm who hai. In on fonlnl a 'bid uonuii
tehhmi placra faith III a oi unn,
'Ihe funqninti uf the loint' a.joaie "lip.
pci" nie Hill .ippjiuil,
'Ihe "luinie t;ruii" stuwliciiy tlll hai j far
uu.iy louU
Have June tlajt uiu iuKinnlni; In oliiW.
AJacchus' Advice.
I'.LoiH nho .lie not uware that Scranimi ha i
tnnn hall, will Uu well lo laku a pu'p at the
ntu armor),
I'm 'Ihe Tiilmne -
lit fume, in.t Ho.-e, .1 t'JilJU'l for th li ill ,
Which thou, in heaiil.v'? pride, liny not ild.iln
in hc.ii;
I'oi I wllli teii'Ui, i.icr. white tiohU will twine
While iolds hut not t" puic as that puu'
lnrat ef thine
I will twin with all the icsl, .ml all Hie um
i;uccn of them all, the rcl, ml ro.c, the Ihmcr
all hncia hue.
1'iviii the Ilouniaulan by Lea Uwt,
In What Paper Should the Mer
chants Advertise? o . . &
MANY TIMKS niprchnnls In cities
the slz" ot Sciaiilnn are puzzled
when they come to divide their
tidvertlnltig nppiopilatloii ninntig the
newspapers. They do rot feel that
they can nffoitl to put mi ad. In nil the
papers, and when they cctne to make
a choice then trouble begins. If they
listen to nil that the advertising tep
resenfntlves have to say they tire no
neuter n decision, and If they do not
allow the fact that they Intend to nd to leach the eats of these gen
tlemen, mid quietly mnke contracts
with two or tluee impels, then ns soon
us their ad. nppcnrs the other fellow's
come mound and the nieichnnt Is
convinced that he has minle a mistake.
In this connection the following
patagiaph from tin aitlcle In a recent
Issue of Ihe Inland Pi Inter will be
of Interest. The w liter Is giving
"polnteis" to udvi Using sollellois unit
Incidentally gives a few "points" to
"it Is a mistake for a sollcltoi to de
vote his effoits ecliislvclv to demon
strating that his paper has the Img
esl clt dilution, unless It is the onlv
point ol value his paper lias. There
aie some few itdvet tlseis lo whom the
meie quantity of clrculallon Is the only
consldeiatlnn. To maii.v others tho
character of cliciilatlon should bo
clearly demonstiated. Tho man who
clinics n stock of furnltuie, of shops
oi tiny other commodity that appeals
to till r. lassos of people, can not hope
to reach all classes by advertising In
it medium that cli dilates almost ex
clusively among one class oven If that
medium has the laigest circulation.
The man who has gilt-edge seclliltlos
to sell cm not hope for the largest
letutns from a poor mall's paper.
"After all, the stinngcst claim of any
newspapei, Is that no mntteii how
huge a cliciilatlon ennteinpoimles
may have, or how thoioughlv they
may be read by iinv given class In a
community, theie Is onl one way lo
reach the paitlcular rondeis of any
given newspaper, and that in by ad
veitlslng In that paper. If a nierclrint
can aftoid to advertise In but one pa
per, and his goods appeal to all classes,
then he may be expected to select the
pi.per with the l.ngesl general circu
lation, but he cut not reach all the
people without using all the papers."
Weekly Leff?r on
Municipal Affairs
n- Verk, .tunc I".
Till Hi; Is no pilke iIcpnttiHiit in the woihl
si pnnith Miehiticil .i tint o New
ork cili Miliiiiiiln in I iidoik i the
police dwliicl uf thil i itv h c llh'l, ln in
nic i ot cft oiii Mime inih . .nut w inoL ct
liciinllv poli.eil In II.hhi nun. the c u n-c -. ni
the iii pnlliH nl .iiikiiiiii nsr t" i little h-s thin
.1 ihiO.ihiO pci inniiiu. New V.nk, m11i lis ..Hi
(.iine null-, .mil 7.I5J pnlliiiiicii, piii ever
sii,ikii),iiiki fin ihe tiipp.nt of Ihe police clinrl
nicnl ccr c ir 'i lit it are jhont twcnt.v four
policttnin to ihe .'iiin inile, which i- oipnl
to uni iioliiciniii to iwcnlc -i Mil .uip-.
Piiitirillv the -inn piolilim-. m the pu vpiillnii
Ti,l -iippiemn of crime iciifionl hutli the t,n it
iitn, mil i oh h. mill- llifin in i clllfeient w.n.
It is c oiimionh liili"Mil hi this cotmliy tint
Iheie is no ut in ihe win Id a-, wuknl .h Viw
ink. hut wci- Ihe fuls known it would he
renhli sum tli il I ml, n cum- oil Ihe lulin
h, ill mill- VII oiN if ciliiic nni mi' is
mule iimniiil in I oiiiloii Hi in In Vw Voik.
Jilllll mi nl, III' -ot 1 1 1 llt lllll'i it Is l.riill
111 llioi. Inw.ic, while hole It is iccoirniul
ivinwhiic is .in itiiliii'i-nl ceil, ilthmuh thin
is i t ic it until i-l inilitm in ill tlu lui;i tines
.iii.I in it nf lln -iiiilhr ems In the I mini si.iten
lint it I- t inicin eil, ninl, llinifoip, li !
h.iiiilhil c lit umpi i ih In the po'ui .tiithniitii-
III ll'U-t Clllls 111 llllllt I iiiii'i in kcip lie
en! wlihtti nil.iiii hniiiiii-, .nut In ill i.i-es it
1 HI. III. Ill llllle Ms In' III Itovtull tiio-iculc-
the tinlci- ill nn wIiiiimi II timU Ihcin;
llllt I-, Ihe nihil ll llllllmle nl tilt ill p 11 1 UK lit
is nouitinlli utte of uuioiupu uiUIiu h i-tihn
Rut .is .1 miitii' uf fart, tin till is winkiil it
In lint as in otli r mils Muini lpnli-. imp -i s
.mil mlliii-. i tun if "hm pir month ir m .ill
kippcri cf ilNoiiluli linn-is, while s p,m in1
litts the sum- sum neii two nn nth-., mil llilii
nieite riuulales the Hue .ticoiilhu In the .iiunui't
ct lill-lllis-, ih lie 'l'n-e ,ne the i nil oin- nut
cf Ihe Iwuili t nm -t lilus vvlilili ipmh -kuc
in tii" pniiet il- ot the eill. IH cour-e it is i
iiiittinoit- let tint .Nni ork shut- in the
spoil'., .illliouuh It Is hihui'l eh'-, il iloul.-, the
r. I lilt IS ill lliest ntlil r e Hits,
'Ihe ijue-tion of imisic ci nt i its In deion,s hit
rnii-nl the iriilnie; litns ninu' or lo-s tinuhle,
in t i I il Ins In i nun iini'irj lo tiki an utile ill
Ullll one w.ii in iniothir up hi tins phi" "' "
suhjiit I'cr iximpli, Mien nf Ihe liinj.'T . ilm
- I'liiliilelphli. st ,, I'lti-hmi,-, I) Iron,
W isli njton, I'nn hie in e mil In h.iu ipoli- nf
Diiilli do not 1 1 runt uiii-ie il couniis in i-.ilooti-Niw
Vork 1 . il.-. I lit in liom lafl'i 'in-, wlule ( Iit
c I'.-o If- no lni .i.-.iii-l tin in. Ililtimoie n nil,
.1 -pi c III llull-e fnl I lie music III Mlooils, ih
llullilii cllil mini Mil 1, Pi. win ii tin weii no
Inii.-i i illoiuil in tun -ihi'iii. I'nn liuiiti, XI 1 1
wiukie .tti.l ln-ii I'm pinnlt iluii i'ijli in
llli'il -pillll 'in 11-e, ChMllllcl lllilils nill-ie
uiilil PI n'llock it lil,;lit. .Hid ll-lnii iti nut l lie
plllilie to ul.l.l liuulli'lic Mlonlis
It is not c ilillucilt thiiu foi tun i mi.iee
In i.liliiii lijiiois nf all kinds In mosi l lie
lue lines all dt- of the, .-mil ,,t .ill
lints of Ihe ul-dil, hut III 11". Ion It is inn im
ililt to hue .ui.i lliin.' in llie of aid vi unt.l ufiir II o'clock at m-ln, n I to
IlltlllloU Simijiis, ,MII tl Ltll"IS I.t0pplll4 a .1
hoi'l In i-lilnuttiii ihc lulis aie uiiiin,-i ,i
Ml, c III oii-irieil, for the I in ij iieriilnj; llu
ili'.s,n' I, .nn. in ii. I Hi .1'llnrnl to, A h iv
m nous in New Vtnk i iti aie citliiiillv nlloiic'l
In kni op 'ii all nitdil loin; on i .pocnl llettise,
mil iiiioilit lillj n.,-t nt Hum tin iihnut as I In i
pleise, so lonir us Hut put up I lie it'ipildtc
.ill omit foi polite protection lliii.inn has .1 hiv
reipilllUK ill mloous lo he i losed hchieiu llie
In ins of J imd ." l, in, liu, is .i in liter of
fnl, it Is mil .i illillciili tlilm tn u:ct what ton
winl on ,mi ilit of the link or mt hour nt Ihe
lit Phil nl' Iphu, I Ill-toil, Sin I'liui'i-to, l'i 1 1.-.
Imt if., his. i (lit .iii.I I .ml. idle per.
Illit Hl.'.'ll- to Hill .ill llitthl, lull Itoslnll, llllti.
uioic, (Met 'lunl, Ciiii iliinli, II. Unit, Wi-hili-'.
Ion. Miniii jpoh, I'iniiileiiie, la.luinp-ilis .m,
St. ('.ml hue n noiiilnil l.iw- prnhiliiiii' ,',
ii'rIiI i.ilnoiu. I, imt irriierillt il-'ullt n.
lorcul in these lilies, .is ii pictti' will knoitn.
The fulliittinir I nf ulnislli, ninlo up
limn tho hporis f .r I'Uki ot ihe Iwtulv liuct
cities in I lit lulled Mite-, afTnrils iiitiriMnu
ffo'l for Ih'iusht iclalins to the luiiilmt uf the
police department!
Tut il
1'opilU- nun. nl Total No.
tinii. cni'i ii.lliuri'.- Vrrisis
Nm ork :t,4 JT.vtoj tll,iii,;.j ...',Mii
I''.i ,...,.,... I, I.:'s,7'i7 .!..'.'d,ihl 7'l IM
Phil nic Iphu ,I,-J'i,i,ii'i7 2.";,l,(i-l ijm
st. Imils M.'ii.i l.i.'Oiisi ' (so
lloslon ,,,,,,,,.., .VJi.s'iJ ,(sll,'i .l.i.iT'1
lljltlmorc ., fiii'i,'ii7 W,vu ;ii,sji
I'U'tilaiiil ."'1,71'S :."s,:iil ju,mi
llullilo ;--.'. 1-.7 77t,'H7 'Js,:il7
Sjn I'rantleco ,.,, Ktsf.TisJ t.s'),ii7 -ii.tlS
Ciiulninti SiVil! 37 ;. I'H I I.J'Jt
I'ltlchur 3.'l,i)ii Ivl.lUl 'JJOi
Dctioit 'JJ,7U , -,j
Milwaukee U7-5.71S .M,0W 7Ut
Wjshln.'ton '.'7J.7I5 H.VI.7JJ :.j,tn.i
Jersey thy -jno.tJj it)7,bu r.ow
Ixiutttlllr .,.,., 2o-J,sI0 P,0I3
Mlnno.ipols UOJ.7IH 2l2,llt ,HH
I'rotlcleiHi' ,,(,it, 17'i.Vit rnl.lwl thtlO
liiillnnpollt i.,,,, 1i,'l,(l ll'i,7Jl n,n?il
st. 1'iiul ., trsi,iH'i I'H.r-il liiU
llu' lliiee mutt rlllilont ilipirlmtlili In ttie
t'nit'il siiie,, M , 01,, r ,ir mirll, nic
t'iiiltinntl, .ithliii!oii mi, I llo.loti. 'Hiii ilc
pirliurnti me the lent by polltlu
of ant- In Hip louiiiit, 'ihe nort nn Nftv Snrli,
si, J.onTt and I, I here It tm ilmiht that
Vtlrie the nl tte ion ihtiHr.t hit liicu fairly
tiled, am In I liicliin.ill, jteijloii ninl WiIiIiir
lon-tliu Mltrr It I'otitii'lllul by the Icclrul ipn.
t rtinieiit It hit glii'it lutlir ictills than local
IMIIor of 'I tie 1 1 Ilium
Mr: Vniir mtlele In this tnornltio'i Issue on
the .tunes ami N-uunjn' liiiilhrm tills lo tnltiil
the I irciimit lints tuiih i tihlih I nut line nf tin
niihrs nllii the iillunpt tn loot the Noitlilhiil
li.itilc It tin In the illsintliu room nf lie' I nl
Mtl.t ot Mklilif.ui, nt Ann Arlwi, tin follow
inir ttlnier.
M Ihe lime of Ihe -Imilliu; llieic tteu tour
iniilhil uliiiliiils Iliimr In Nmililli hi. 'llie tuts
tthhli now- I'lmlil.' foi an ilmnli nl re
ftmili and piettiit mite lohhlm; tine not then
pirfe'ittil. 'the lilitlil nllii llie lohluis tu"c
I'lilieil tlie-e lili' .-linliiils llieiii
ami "hipped tin in lo Ann Atlnu. Ihe lilinds of
one of them i.mii' to Aim Arlmr mil 1 1 timed Ids
linel.i, It'll the olliei fiiiuul iln tin In due limp
to Ihe i litis t ililt- in vl lo the one ill tthhli
I ttnilii'il, while thine fotii sliultnN fioin Nollli
Ih'M for stuiil weeks tin in tl tn pr.ullta! li
i niiiil Ills I. mill t'ninii', niitc ninl hi inn 'I lie
f.ilhrr if one nf the.e sluihnls kept Hie linlt-1
in Nnillillelil iitut il wis tinui the winil'itt In
his mom nn Hie 1.1-1 ninl tni,t and with his illle
Hut Mitllnd .siinlent Win iter slmt one of the!
lolihcrs, 'Ihc nlln i- vi at slmt In a liiulvr.iii" ilcil.
who n-eil an iiiilslde -I tor pmtn timi
vtlilli" iiloiiiinj. l)i. W lire In is nun- pi u th Intt
il lliiiinl I'nil.s, s I), and his fiuinl, fintn who-o
loniii he llinl'aml ttllh whom I mound Ihe lot
Ipitliii," ttinlcr is at l, Minn. Il-illi aie
ullte suiireons in llu- nuplo.t of the (ireit
Nnillierii mid oithein I'uillc iillioi'l', thus
showlne lintt" mil ipi Miiir inedieil slmlenls i in
ntiliro even ih nl rohlitii for die lieneltt of Im
minll.t, iinklm,- them mole useful to the world
lie ill Hi in allte.
'Ihis Iriitul.v is of r'peeid inlnr-t to Smiituii
piupli, siiiee- the chiiihtrr of the hmlc tasliici,
vtlm losl Ids Hie on ih count of hi- lulellli- to his
tuist, litis ill bcrmton, Hie ttitc of I'dnlii ('.
I)i in.
When Ihu cashier iceomilred the nitjuc of hit
ciislomers he nislied lo tin- null, cln-ed III. il mr
nml refurtl to trite Hum llie i onihin ition. When
tiny Mil- In tlieir fdiimr iimiiuleq outsule tint
the ir tine was up Hiet wrie mi i L-pouti-U Hilt
tlie.t turned and -hut Hie i.i-lilei.
I.. M Cites,
bti.iiitttn, June II.
"I'nclmil lookin-' lo tin I mini suits f,,r oil,
to h l'-iil i Mialii-hlp li'i I. is one nl tho
i-li..ii.e -pictiih-s of im'ti-l.ial A
depitch Iroin I onilou n- tint -eteid steiin-i-hlp
uwiieis in snnliiiir auents lo lis to study
Hie 'iiidilt and piolinhle iiiinlil.t of llie pioilmi
in the in tt oil ili-tiii I." iih nihil of pirli iiiiuit
who leccnlli ivaiiimid Hit 'lei- oil output, -its
lint if Hie depiisil piotis In In 1ft lilt ini
liiu-ldile, as now appi lis, "it will iiiiipusli ,iiihly
utolitiieiiiie -k. m piueiue in- mcllnuls nn the
on m "
A tast mnkct for fm.1 oil in si, un,lnp sriiue
is a eeitdnti of tin- fiitiuc Vs,-ule tiom loe
lllK-tloii nt nlitite t lllll hilwten loll ami nil
in sir mi pifiilue tu n, tin oil In- i t;ieit . ult iii-'e in lis lel.ltltel -lllll! Iillll III' spue ne
cupitd lit l siippli nf e.i 1 suflu it I.t f 'I I tot l-re
Is i terv item llie li-t trm- Ml mm
-tt emus, tm iii-litue, u-iiuic mult one him
died luns nf cod pel d i.t llu -tun m -nii'
ami wiiuht. In Hie me of nil In-ti id ol inal,
is of im ic 1-iu.r impoiliiiee in piopnitmu to Hie
h tuth of Ihe toi.ue.
Ihe flllme ill pit. hit t of ( illloiuil will illi
d.mliti tlii Imd in evtiiisite tuiikit m the sic im
i-lup Mltne VII the 11 ills. I' lufic sieinisliip
i ciiii s an- hue;, am) Ihe e.i-t u .ml louti, In w li
nt I ipe lloin, is still lomrii. lid is e-pecidl'
.idipliil to Hie i'ai cli st-itice, ind Hie time is
toniiiu ttlieu its u-e will he ymiial "
'Ihe mini ol Hit- il. im idimrlil in i leiillll
I .iltfoim i in w-pip i isiuileutli Hiifimili ir nidi
Vtl.iniie lun is in he would not hue fdlen iiilu
tin i llol of i si mi iliiu tile eiill-llllli(iou nf i oil
it leu tms pci iln It is Inn tint i fiti.'lil
sliauiel ot il!;e i i leilt i ill nuke a llip In'
tuitn Nt tt- Vnlk nni llteipnul. in sit tutl e
eliis, en tint mioiuit of mil pu iln, hut llie
Willi i spe iks nt I isi .-hips iiiil ur Hit Iiiitli cli--
Vtlam c liuiis, m ikins llu- nip m si dits Hie
miin,e i iiiisinnpti in nf mil is mil lcs Him
I nml tons tm the iiiuml mp 'lhls is in inni
liiniu imp nun. nt oi Ih, t.iu'.i c.ipuitt of tho
It cm liuilli in donhliil (hit die i.iimuiicid
li iiiiusaiiil tiities of Hie tinihi tidl, in Hie ncti
fiit in i , ili-t ml end .mil ulopt nit is a fin I llie
in. nn use siting in limit c o-t and c iin spue
fnl Iln luililiiiit lllllilie stllitt of the wolhl
ami the iiiihlnu 'f tin iitriuuient ships in
in.tke toi.uis of tluet linns the disimie with
tmi 1 1 pit m-lii ii im I iln I ite llu adoption of ml.
ml I- llie itnnonih fm I of Ihe luinie anil Hie
slims if oil e .imp no. s limit i u put dile linn
.iu nut nt minim I net tints nf id l.m . oih r
Ihe Is'li llt-t I'Ppollllllllits to inte-tOls 'ie
Pacific Coast
Texas Oil Co,
is i-uih a toipiriln li -ml dils Mntk rthi- the
lu.t 0'" lllllilie lo lilt toij of dll.t lion- heleile
Hi" pilhllc
The Company vefovs by permission
to the PieBidont of the Broadway
Btinl: and Tvuot Company, of Los
Angoles, Cnl.
Vim i in Inn the -I' k. Il if f il -'ik. PI It
MlVin l'i" l'i" i-suliitf to nip iiiii inih ml
inn i nl .hi i nn li will -ill f.u , eif
miciii mil 1- rvilil V Will, Tit tne, NOW
This Stock will sell for $1.00 per
share befoio October unci may sell
tor inriny ilollnis por sltnro beforo
Inti-tii- i hi lut a i eh i null I ii c In i iu-,
t'n lain ii i'ii i input I n'l.iiu- ml llu tlill
i l.r Hid ii hit uf l 111 I'll.,' is hi I tllluloia
tin i slnull-lu el
Buy it wltilo it is cheap, For all
particulars apply to tho
Room 1, Dime Bank Building,
Scrnnton, Pn.
Our Oxfords
Low In cul, Low- iu pi ice. UIkIi in
iiu.illty. Ladles' fioin 73c. up. -!ou-tlcim.'U's
ft oiu 51.Jo up.
Lewis & ReiNy,
Wholesale atul Retail.
i K
Summer Exposition of
Now is the time to buy
Laces and Embroideries, and
have your summer sewing
finished up preparatory to
vacation season. Hardly a
dress is made this year with
out a bit of lace to beautify
it quantities of fine dainty
embroideries are in demand
for dress and lingerie trim
ming. Our store is always up to
the minute in every depart
ment, in laces and embroid
eries we surpass all. Other
houses do not pretend to
compete with us in these
lines, either
In Quality, Quantity,
Prettiness or Daintiness
Every woman loves beauti
ful laces and fine dainty era
broideries, land this year they
are prettier than ever. Our
assortments are larger than
usual, qualities always the
fiuest and values the very
best. These are our argu
ments that make new cus
tomers every day and bring
the old ones back agaiu and
again. Come in and feast
your eyes on the "things
beautiful" we are showing in
these lines at
Lackawanna Ave
People's Bank,
Menrs Building,
Court House Square.
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
Savings and Business Accounts
l Picsident -
- -CD. Jones
- G. I". .Reynolds
- - H. M. Ives
Vice Pres. -Cashier
- -
r. n. Jones,
0. I". ItiliinM-.,
Tlimn is Spi igui",
Arthur Piinn,
C. S. Woolunitli.
V. i. I'ullon,
llie lunl O'liucn.
M. 1. Carter,
.""imucl ?-imter,
T. ( Von Stortli,
A It. Waim in,
M. J. ileale.i.
OH Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
it I tei
325-327 Penn Avenue,
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
11 9
Oiooks, E!e.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
MercereaU & Connell,
132 Wyomins Avenue, I
mu yioddj
Sterling Silverware
01 III
If You Are Thinking of Entering
The Tribune's Great
Educational Contest
It Is Time to Stop Thinking" ami
to Ucgln Work.
-iti is uKtAi l.uin itbi,
tour weeks and still
run, is one of the grandest opportunities ever offered
the young men and' women of this locality. You have
hut to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune, and the
ones securing the most receives the special rewards and
all others a cash reward. There is no limit it may take
but a very few points to win one of these valuable
rewards. Here is an opportunity to secure a four-year
scholarship that would cost 1,000 in cash, for the work
of spare moments for a few weeks.
The Eight Special Rewards.
Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000
Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000
Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business
College, $60 Each 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva
tory of flusic, $75 Each 150
'Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten (to) percent, of nil the money he or she turns in.
N. n Tin. firrt tun -tlml ir-lilp? ilo not itul'iil" meal-, but the (einlesUnli teturln
llio-p will ln giicii ten (10; pir i cut. 'it nil tliu money lio or the tutus in lo 'tho
iril'tme, to .issUt in pijiii,: this expense.
Rules of the Contest.
The special rcwairls twill be giv
en to the peisons seeming the
largest uumbei of points.
Points will be cieclitecl to con
testants securing new subscribers
to The Scranton Tribune as fol
lows: Points.
One Month $ .50 1
Tlueo Months 1.25 3
Six Months 2.50 6
One Year 5.00 12
The contestant with the highest
number of points will be given a
choice fiom the list of special 10
waids; the contestant with the
second highest number of points
will be given a choice of the re
maining lewaids, and so on
through the list.
Additional information,
winners, with the number
a handsome illustrated booklet, can be had by address
No other firm in this state has more extended trade than
we have iu Pennsylvania, iu New York aud in many
Southern aud Western States.
Our low prices aud the privilege of exchanging which
we offer to our customers are guaranteed.
(niVII Mills Ilultilln.' l'i' M open Meiiuliy,
I lun-hi aii-l Mtiinli.i iicnlnni.
tienenl l mill llnilili'i .mil I) aler ill
llullilini; miii" l nn nt. "t? ul cUIjis a spc
mil I'elepli i '"
Ofllio, . ( V a-il ma' in jvc-iiei-
IM...l I... I ..,.! HI.IHTri-r"T
a. iu.-jir-rt Klci nl.,
rear Ml I .n l-iiniiiu ii'iim ininuu 11 er nf
Win " 1 1 1 li"" I all Kiiiel-. lull. I'icpiiril ( ir
the fpun; scisein ttt. mil ail l.iius ut eiii
$'i ua, etc
am, 218, SIS PAULI BLOQ.
Attorney-at-Law, Scrnnton, Pa.
Scranton Laundry,
Calli I1 telephone, rereliu plompt attention.
11 -2()s '0') eais llul -I iu, naiisJii') i
l,. lieu' liiiiljiii-; in I I ill Iii ini. Ihiuiihum
tin, tiuli ot I'liiiisibuiua
iluuti I nial'1. ruiiiitiui' ami Ha, -m;,i', Site).
1'eai us in 1 Mad l'i. . -,
I FRED H. wirrttR,
I as4 cAPOuas avenjc,
J bijn fiiJi.iin ami 1'ioii.iiin. till linu
cjI VeitabU-, eti , Unncil ilail
111' l.ll I. Oil -III - I V I I ll." ll
Ul I i Ii' '1' 'in It i M I'lumpl Mini '11
i s, w L": !. ? 1J!
wnicn nas ueen open
been open but
nenrlv twnlvp wppIc in
All subscriptions must be paid
in advance.
Only new subsciibers will bo
Renewals by peisons whose
names weie on our subsciiption
list ptlor to May 13 will not be
ci edited. The Tribune will inves
tigate each subsciiption and if
found irregular in any way re
serves the light to reject it.
No transfer can be made after
ciedit has once been given.
Subscriptions must be wiltten
on blanks, which can be secured
at The Tribune office, or will be
sent by mail.
The contest will close promptly
at 8 o'clock Saturday evening,
Aug. 31, 1001.
including a list of last year's
of points they secured, and
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
MichaeJian Bros&Co.
121 Washington Avenue.
Oriental Rugs
We carry in stock the largest assortment
of finest grade Persian and Turkish Rugs.
I fini Teninti for 1'mptv llniu-rsi, Kmpty Homei
(or 'UmiiH, I'ollcil Itrnti, Loot Alter anil
J lulll u 1'iopiit' ami lluililinc-s.
Itoomj 1 am 0 Burr Duildins.
ana papFn nann"n 321 "UtBPBwer
IMaiM (innltine, IifiMIiu nml flier coicrings
foi c.i-h at ulmlri.ili pricci ill
Siiere-soi In llu Hunt V l'i i.nell Co., In ti'i
nml eh.'ct in. Ul nuik ami idltll ition Cm on
tunnies, Hp.ilH uii'l tin uoik a
i-puially So I!.' I uLiM.iiina utrniit.
I'rae tieil Plumbers,
Tinners nml (iasflt
tii-t, l'iiii.ue-i a pe
i i a 1 t j Itopjlriir,'
piinuplli dune. -!ij
Miami, aie,, Mian
lull, l'i,
r.ishieiinlile 'lailori (Hotel Jermjii null'lliiet
.J.- iiu.ce- ktriet, Scranton, l'i. Suits pressul,
.ii nuts pinl-i prcs.-icl 10 nut's. I'lotliinK le
pnml, lallnl (e r iiml ilelueieel Nei. I'lionc. Wj
Dealers in
Plate Glass and Lumber
Matutadiiicrs' A;,inls
Distiiil i-iiil-. (or
John lien lilnu-p "' lo s im Itopo an I
lleilrnal Hue Liitta I'lnln ami Kulibsr Ml;
Co, 11 Inn. 1'a. liii.- lime ami M,hsnlia (lun!. I.noiillon IM kliiR. Csrtcr's
Oil llolhiiiri- I'-'-'" -il" l'ull filslj.