J6jyvpW "ijIS 'M.prff flirt i yt .0 ''iffVxy-es 2 THE SCRANTON TKlBUiNK-SATURDAY, JUNE 15. 11101. .t.. ,-vwniHra' hniwn' IWF iWi1 V fWift' i" ?ri!J5?!T -. F f- K5n??55!II OlilGC: BURKE BUILDING CONSTABLE PIERCE . -SERIOUSLY CHARGED AccUsed of Extorting Money from Squire Wells of Clifford on tho Promiso of Settling n Caso of Crim innl AssaultThe Allegations Against Pierce. CnnKtabir Henry Pimm, of the Thirl wnnl has hecn i iiiirsoil with pr.mi tllllnR lilt nllln- to Hie puipi-hO of f. tortlilK inonci 'l I'io imoihMc of Hot tlliiK ii (Iiiiiro of nttenipteil ciliulmil nfofitllt. Iirniitthl iv t'ni i If StlloM. w.t'i is now In Jill, iiiiiihiMi Uollv A. Wills nf C'lllfnirl The wiiiT.int fur 111" in rest Is In the liiiliil" of foiiMiihle Notify, of Aliloi miiti ,Ioiih rmirl Tllf r-lnilm'!- ilCTllT-l Cnivslelilf I'lfrrn wi" liioiislil l 'Hlllip T. I'. W'i IN. nf fllfhiMl, who Ii" liren Itistlf of t'v r.'.-.ri' of tlint vIIIiiri for iiimi b triin - Mnr- The ''iiilic Is i ivnlmr of linllv YII who If nultc a e'fln bi.itfil rlinr.irtPi lierenhoilis. nnil who i. tlm' rlrtiirl!int 111 tllf i-iiip brought by tlif- HHIi'-i woninii, ' Who lienrs nn ui!aviii i jiii I lit Ion The InforiM ilion is n follows "Tlint the "-.ilr' Hon.- I'kiio illil on the Hi - t f'.iv nl Apill IM"I .' tin' i-Hv of Car bo'ulnle, unilei llm i'oIoi of his olllee, rtlrl wllfllllv inifl finiiilnleiitlv t.ike nnil lerelve tltr. mini ol tlllrn .iloll.ns for the purpose of Mippw""'lii'; n ehnrge of i,'ipf nimle nqalli'-i tlm deponent'" con, I!. II, Well"-, roiitiiuy to .trl of a'-'-einblv." etc The hhlory of the fhniKew iifrnlnst the ,irt UPPfl eontliilile un haek to the month of .Miiidi, when I'.ollv WelN lintl fnirle ritlle, l.yin.ui H.iker, who was since elrniwtetl III Lake Lodoie on .May 2fl niifl Win in" Hull nno.-livl on the tliHiRP of the lanenv ot his watch, which It was el. timed tool, plan- illtritifc ii meet Ins ol Wells with the Htlles uo iiiiti U.itei the Stiles woiimn, li.iikcil b Hfikfi. it wis. tilleRfil. iiued Wells' ntlfst on the chaise of atlcinpted eiim iiidl rW. utlt H.ikfr. It N claimed, ini pofoti'iifil lii'iisep ,is funic Htlles' liiishinii Wfll- tl mi hnrl C'.mie Htilc ti rested lor iim1ui. H.iker for airtiiiK in the t.ilse intoi iniitloii, and Hull for lmppotiritiii; an ollieer. The eases., whlc-h ntti.if ted in me than oirliuary at tention, r.nne up at last week's, tei in )f eilmin.ii lonit Tlir Sllles woman admitted the CtKil" ot the cIuiikc of attnnipteil t riniln.ii as-s.uilt made h her aR.iinst Wells, and on pleading Biiilly w,is Riven thlitv d.ns in Jail Retm nliiR to the eliaiRe ap.ilnst fon stahle Pieiee, it wn. his ( onneetion with the ease of the Stiles wini.ui BRalnst Wells, that causes him to Uruio in eonrt now. He was iven the war rant to serve on Wells whom he look ii custody at the home of his htothei, 'Squho Wells Helore lelmnlntc with his prisoner, the t iinMnlile, it is al leged, proposed to 'Squiie Wells a set tlement ot the case apaliist the hitters biother. Though the chaise Is placed nmoiiR- the rimvcsi on the iimin.il calendar, Const. ihle Pierce, aecoiiliiiR' to the infoini'itlon of 'Sfpilte. Well-, mride a ptoposition to hi Ins aTiout its settlemeni on whatever si omuls he might, siuceed In having tho Stiles o lilfjn .lRiee to. Holly Wells, the man accused by the Stiles woman was tak en to this city, though he claimel he was not taken hefoie an alderman, nnTl was subsequently ielea-ed when f'onsiable Pieiee leluined to 'Sriiiiic ells and Intoinied him tha. the pay ment oi thltt dollars woulil settle the raSe. The '.squho hesitated until he was lomlnced thai no lesser aniounl would be satisfactory, and then paid ovJm- the thlitv dollais, as specified The p.ijmenl was made b check, rlatfd Mnivli ,:n and payable to Henry Pleue. The check which is a p.ut o'r the evldeme again-' Pieiee, js en. dotsed by lleni.v Pleiieiiiul beneath by Mis- llat tie Pieui Theie wei ime dmibis atiei the fhfik had been tinned oer. and the time ot the nla' last week the Stiles vjSlliaii was questioned as to what part oMhe thlity ilollais she ieieied She ieilled that onlj iie dolhns oo div I led betwcii heiselt and L.wnau Maker, vll" was her anoinpliie She leielved $' and H.iker the jest. It is ilftlnieil by Wells mid his friends that he is being pcis,.L.uiod and, besides this alleged fleecing, they cite nr. an Instance his arrest .11 the'iouit hous-e during the 11i.1i in Sii.mtoii last week, on an alleged trumped up chaise of. bti.lns liquor for n minor. The nitnor I 1 tin- into wtfn Ainlnoe Phl gfou. whom Wells had iiucsted on the r hargf of stealing his watch Consta ble Pleiie made the lift est. or he at tempted to make It. but wits pi evented tt hut whs pieentei by the mint he lug appealed to on the ground that Wells was then Immune fiom arrest, Veins in attendance an a witness at 11 session of couit Home from Philadelphia. Messi. James l.oftu.- and Oomlnli It l.aiklu have letiuneu mom Phiimiel pldli. where they intended the coin riiSjlcement esoielses of tho ITnivelsit.v otPennslvinila. and WiIiips-mmI the Riluluntion nf Or. Thonms laiftus, ,f th)S city, - Meetings of Tonight. Court Lily, No. h Toiestets Amei lea, nianiond lodge, o. .'(!, shlekl Honor. Local Wlfi, t'nlted Jllne Workers. 'Discharged from the Hospital. Austin MeOlnley, who was sevetely in)inel Deeofittlou day hy Jumping off a passing tialn at the Lookout, was yesterdpy rtlsehnipetl. 119m HtneiBency hnspltnl,' lie has fully recoveied. Visiting Hor Former Home, Mrs. M. J. Wnlsh, of HiooUlyn, N. Y, and children Mursarju't and Luelle, ute Uticsits ax. the homo nf Mrs, Walsh's pnrpu& Mr. and Mis. M. J. Kelly, on South Main strict. I To Speak at Albright College. Professor H J Hoekenh.'rry hits been (Js) fllhn's Fool-Easi In Your Glum A Inly wil; ''I JliiU MIoii'h l'ciol Kjso IntfMio Rl'v ii'l nib a Hit to tr, my fuuiij. it acs my Klor by ibuiilun; IMM1I1.UI011. it l 4 ii.ot lUiuly toilet pouilcr." We bolto the attention ct ivh.wiiijii' i)il mil 4 t the &livilule 1'iiril.v cl, AIIvji'k l'ot-t'jtVi Hi. . (. Abbott, olter of the IiU-jro .liuj, fi,i "t I 4 kwu.j rirparJkp; 1 eil lulu,- it lulistantlv jn ,,. luaaicT ' All'illn; and sli'C ilor''!l It, as,, famplc KM KIIDi:. Aililii:4 Mien b. 0limtel l.t i:c, x. v. I CabonJale Department accoided the honor of nddresng the literary societies of Albilght college, at Meyerstown, and will speak before the tuemheis on Tuesday net. tils subject will be "The Old Playground mid the .Vow," which wait chosen by the societies. This talk Is always 11 pan of the closing cxeiclses of the school. MEETING OF ALUMNI, High School Graditatog to Arrango for Annual Banquet, The Alumni association will meet lo nlghi at s o'clock to elect oIIIcei and make arrangements for the minimi banquet to the graduating class, the menthois ol which nre Invited In be present at the meeting, which will he held In the main loom of the High Mihool building. As It Is lite In the se'isnu a (huge attendance Is deshed, that definite ar l.ingeiuents may be made lor the ie eeptlon to the new class. NURSE'S TRAINING SCHOOL EXERCISES Graduates Will Keceive Their Diplo mas in Burke's Hall on Thursday Evoning, Juno 20 Progiammo That Will Bo Observed Tho List of Graduate Nursos. The exercises of the .eai's class of Rl.iduatrs of the tiainlng sehool of Kmei'gonev hospital, will take plme In Hurke's hall on Thinsday evening of next week. The graduates who will iecele their diplomas on tills occasion aie. .Misses Jennie Hunter, Noia Qilinn, Hrldget lillmai tin. i:el.11 lltesslu Kliabeth Thomas, Josephine Ki elicit and Mar gin el L).iIs, Hon. James .1. O'Neill will deliver the addiess to the giaduates and Pie-i-dent Walker, of the boaid of dlrectois, will pioscnt the diplomas. A splendid piogi amine has been pie pared by Miss Wtlglit, supei intendent ot the hospital. Tile Mo.ut oicliestra will participate. The piogiamme is as tollows. Selec tion. Mo.art oiehesti.t; salutatory. Miss Hli.ibelh Thomas: nddies.,, Ilr. O. I. Hallo ocal solo, Mis l.ucv Hadcock: ilas- histoid. Miss Miiig.net I)ais; addiess to griKiui'les, lion ,1 .1. O'N'eill, selection. Moiait 01ches.ua, paper, Mrs. M. I. Kaile; lecitntion, William Dlnimoek, addiess. Hon. S S. Jones, ofal solo. Mis. J,ucy Hadcock: essay. Miss Katheiyu (iaidiiei. v.ile dletoiy. Miss Nora Qilinn; piesenla tioii ot diplomas bv Mr. Walker, presi dent of the boaid ot directors. EXERCISES OF THE CLASS OF '0! High School Graduates Assemble in tho Grand Opera House and Say Farewell to Their School Days at Carbondalo High School Address by Rev. Davenport of Yonkers. Tho Evening's Piogrammo. Tho d.iss of liini, the I.ngesl ever g'Mduated liom the Caibondale High school, bade faiewell to their silmol days heie Inst nighl In the Crand opeia bouse, hi foil' an imuiens . audience of the giaduates' imienis a.id their fiiends, an audieiiK that mil d tbe the ai:e to ovei How ing. The High School oioheslia opined the piogianinie with a populai selei -linn, and then (.line the salutatoi Ian, Ms- Nina Hulls, who extended a waim-hearted gieeting, which she clothed in ( lion o diction. Ml-s Anna Hiown pleasingly icn deied a Mic.tl solo, and Delbeit fiamer made a splendid Impiesslon In ilelhor ing his ntatinn on "The Flag," which was leplete with patrotie thoughts, e.Miiessid In well woidod sentences. Tile qtiai tette, omposed of Messis, fhailes Hildgettt, II. F fl.tik. W. M, Cl.irl: and Uussell Shepheid, lendeied selei lion-. l!e. 1'' M. Pinenpori, of Yonkeis, N V . who was nine a resident of 'av bonoale thiilled his aitdienie with his eloquence dttiing hh Inspiiiiig talk on "The Winning Fniecs of Manhood" lKv. Mr. Pavenpoit lullllled all of the piomlses that were made of his metlts as a public speaker. Mis- Jessie Matthews atliieved quite ii tiiunipli In her valedictory, and she well doM'ived the plaudit., of her heai et.s The diplomas weie giacciitliy pi p. senteil hy Piesideiil Hughes, of the boaid of edtiiatlou The meinheis of the class of 1H01 are as follows. Alice Harbotu, (Juice Hls-hop, una Hi own. Uietla Hi.sson, Hariy lusthe Hiinnell, Haliuond W. Iluike. Heiii'v W foeinaii, Matthew Connor, relliert fi tuner. Hertha pis, Dora Cnilv, WHIN M. fiaidiier. Mamie n. (ilennon. Anna "i CJoiden. (Jeitiudo (irahnm, Minnie lleiben, Heitlne Hnn slcker. l.leatioi Jones Lucy Kelly, PwIkIii N Lathi opp. Joseph W, Mau fli'u. Je-.slo Matthews. Hohei I (. Meaker, Katie Mi Lean, Hthel m Mru -Mullen, Helen Moon, James ). Mm I In, Mary Quiun, Nina Hulls. Alne Smith, Stanley Smith, Katie Solomon. Mnlloiy P Spencer, William Swlgett, Minnie i; Wulllr, Lmn Uoj While Honor students-Academic coiuse, lessie Mat thews. Unbelt Mealter, Nina Uollsj business rouise. Helbei t Ctamer, Mln nlo Heibert, Mlco Snilth, Funeral of the Lato Evan Williams I'nitei taker ii. ,v- Purple, of this city, directed the luueial of the late Kvan T. Willi mis, ot Vanillins, Thursday. Tho fuueitil was hugely attended. The (let eased was taken to tho Welsh Con. gregatlonal chinch, Fotcst City, where, itev. Jouiithau Davis loudiuted sei vex. Inteiinent was in Hlllsldo ceinu teiy, Tlif pall-beat eis weie David I)a Is, David Puller, iteeso Wllliaius, Will lain Painter, James liaggerly and Iticliaid June. Visiting Salesman, T. J. Hopkins, traveling salesman for the latge dry goods house of Dunham & Company, in New York city,, who has been here on business for s.oer(il days, left town yesterday for Scrantuu, Mr. Hopkins, who Is a polished gentleman and ;i successful salesman, Is a warm friend of P. A. Cat full, the South Main sit eel mcuuani. Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 DR. MALAUN WITHDRAWS POOR BOARD FIGHT Thero Was Another Important De velopment at Lnst Night'a Mooting of tho Poor Board Tho Sottlomont of the Surcharges Agninot tho Old Directors Othor Boaid Happon ings. Theie weie Important developments disclosed at hist nlght'.'i meeting of the Cnibonilale poor bo.nd. The Hist was the withdrawal of Dr. C. H. Malailn as a candidate for rtoe loi al the poor house In opposition lo Dr. Halley, for the choice of which olllee the bo-ud Iiiik been deadlocked for about thtee months. Net In Important e was the com- miinlt.itlou iron; Attorney II. C. Hut ler. solkiior for the boaid. telling of the success of his elforts In bringing about the .sett lenient of the surcharge found against the old dltectors hy the minimis in their icpoit for the year ending Apt II, ItntO. Onp of the ex-rll-tectois, i; a. Robbing, settled his shoitage, nniottntlng to $D7.Sj, yester day. Dr. Malauir.s tnmniunicntlnu was bilel. In withdrawing, he" did so, he said, lor the sake ol haimony. Ho thanked tlie diieitors for their loyal and dlsinieiested support, and declared that his lnteiet In the matter would lead him to make the observation that under their administration the inter ests of Hie citizens and the poor would alike be well cued for. Pr M. liana's withdrawal, however, did not Ineak the deadlock, for just befoic the meeting adjourned the doctor-hip was taken up again and after Mr. Lynch nominated Dr. Halley, the lorn. lining candidate, Sectctary Wil liams lollowed with the name of Dr. Shields, The vote was taken and another deadlock was the icsult, the same as hefoie, Williams, Mri'abe and Thomas to- shield, and Lynch, McMillan and Huike tor Dr. Halley. Solicitor Puller's Infoimation as to the sin charges found against some of the e.-dinctois was contained in the following: Ciilionlili', .tunc it, I'm i Hmnl of Dan tor; IVoi Piliut ot the ily nf I .nhoiitl it , l.inilrmtn It bfinir iiupaiblp foi mc tti be pn-uil it tho li-iiul niri'tins thL uniins, I t.iUr Mm Iil.i 1 1 of Hpnittn in ntin? iiinn the tn u tct - -nli'intiiM tu mo it iho I t nioclina. hi ulilimi. In cl.ihns i:ilnlt l.. . Itolihin? aiiM lolm .I ii ( oiinrll, uouhl i : Mi ltiilibini infmnii mo Hut lio will pir tho ililni-. i(:iiiii lmn in full, at nine 1 would .lunrilnuh locoiiiiiionil lint ho bo rim-u until tho dim nnrttiiv iiuht 01 tlio bmirl, two wrikrf lullf, lo in ike .1 oltlrnuilt in lull li (1'Cnniill Ins il-n icon mo, nirl ,io -in ho Im-, ro a. -no lo tonto-t Iho cl urn iinnt him, but Ic I it tlni" M. whnli lo p.i iho fiiuo; j ho will ii o nun h t month until tho iliiiu i I' ml. I woulil Misccl lb it limp bo ion him, mi foiu moiitto., uoiil(i he ns itittliiti,'; on hi- 1 1 inn i Huh month Ii lib hiii o in tho cl.ilui of IMu.in! Monu, i. Iioi.iiioi, wouhl n; : lh.it II W. Iliimtihio.i .mil II - 1 1 1 U . twi of lu- hoi il-incii. ilo imt ilrnv tlion lnbilil mi- In tlif it buiiil llui lno In on in lommuuJi i tion with Ah. Moon .mil no -Imvioh iiiiloivoi ins lo rum .1 -eiilriin ot 'Huh .itlormv. f.oim f.i.iiiiu, r-i . bis ilo boon in consull ition wilh mo .mil will lo iii.rnt il voui uuotint; I oMiimc T.iKiiu into i oii-i Ji t 1 1 iii tb.it dies,. biiiiil-iiiiii or innoirnt pntiis, ih it thoi iln nut iliio thin 1 1 1 1 i 1 i t innl ill it tlm .no n .pnn-ililo IMIIH-. I would oono-lb ioi oiuiiiiiul Hut tlm bo illownl ouo iimntli tnmi ibl. ililo lo llmlh -i i I in full Mttlo this iiiiiuth, niheiwio Iho bona te piori oil lo collr, I. In (omlii-ioii I ilr-n o lo so lint is .ittoinoi fin Iho bonul, I brbo it lo ho within tin pio. im o to mil.0 tho .ibovo s.iu:otioii, lo.nin it bowoui, to Iho iliirolors to n whil -lull bo ih no in null ni(l( ul.lr i i-o, ami I -I mil irirtj In nn out thou will h. tlm -lull obit. Itisolulinn- to moot i .ii Ii i-i.p -liniilil ho pistil b.i Iho bonil Ih io. lulli uhmittoil. II liiulii. Mtnnioi, I', s Skp wiltnc: iln ,iboo. Mi II , Hon. ' .i.i In. pinl lo im tho iliim i.Kiin.1 him in full, 1. fhowu lo tho .militoi. irpoii, f,u iho Vtll OIlillllJ UI, I HHI, to Wit. -rT s-, ,111,1 I I oe it mined 1 is bouil to him II l Hiitlcr, Mtornoi Puisuant to Solicitor Butler's sug gestion the boaid unanimously adopt ed lesolutlons. In each instant e allow ing the extension of time for the settle ment ot the unpaid balances or sitr chaiges against the old dliectois, A FISH DEALER'S TROUBLES. Unable to Secure Bail W. V. Fuller Goes to Jail on Perjury Charge. William V. Fuller, of No I, whose llguie Is n familiar one as he diives about the Ity'.s stieets on his iWi wagon, was sent to jail yesteiday be cause he was unahle to locate a bonds man who would oiler $100 security, the stun tetiultetl by Alderman Atkinson, hefoie whom he was tried on the chin ge of perjiuy. Fuller's accuser on this octaslon, for he has Ikvii attested before, was Mrs, Thomas Medland, of Canaan stteet. It appeals that seveial weeks ago Puller brought stilt against .Mrs, Med land to ieeoer a hill tor tish, amount ing to ?i..ij Fuller swoie that he itir nlshed the tlsh to Mrs. Medland, but the bill he piesented and on which the stilt Is ehilined to have been hasud. was iiiatle out to Mrs Heardoii, tho mother of .Mrs, Medland. Mrs. Medland de nies that she owes Fuller a cent, claim ing to have paid him at each purchase. Mie declares mat I'Ullei was awate nf this and that he swoie falsely to this effect at the healing before 'Squlio Williams, of No, I, who Bae him Judg meat Jn tho hum of M.rc. the amount of the claim. Mrs. Medland pmilui'ed as evldeme tho bill for $1 .IS inntlo out In the name ol Misr, Ueaidnn, but which, she claimed, he swore to as be ing tho claim against her, Alderman Atkinson held Fuller In $ino ball to await the grand Jury's ai lion Fuller tried dospoiatcly haul m lo cute a homlxniau hut was unsuccess ful In nMihlug thu party im wanted, his father-In. law, and he was taken to the county jail by Constable Moran, though he made some vignintisi pro. tests. A SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT, Cavinesi Siriano's Symptoms Have Abated and His Condition More Hopeful, The condition nf (i incsl Sltlnno, Pastiule (Irasto's victim. Indicated an IniptKvomo it yesteiday nntl last night Ids i.j Diploma had abated considerably. It Is believed now that he is out of danger. Uraseo was seen on Tlmrsduy along the Ontario & Western tiack3 suuir.i ot the city nntl his presence was re ported to the police yesterday. It Is now coiilldently believed that he Is being supplied with food by some or his countrymen, and a vigilant wntch will bo kept about the loenllty where ho is supposed lo bo in hiding. Donth of nn Old Resident. The hotly of Hugh Flnncgan .of Or son, a former resident of this oily, wits brought here Thtttmlny afternoon and was burled In the old Catholic cetue Ipi.v on Belmont Httpet. Awntimber of Olson people attended the funeral. Mr. r-'lnnegnn died on Tuesday of pneumonia. He was sixty-four years of nge, and leslded In Oi5'on continu ously since leaving Ctiboiidnle over ten years ngo. Ho was well-known to tunny of the older residents. Two daughtis survive bhn. Fonst of the Sacrod Heart. The Keitst nf the Sacied Heart watt observed In St. Hose church yesterrlny morning bv the celebration of a muss at 7.R0. The celobiant was Itev. John White. THE PASSING THRONG. Albert Joost, of Hcr.tnton, Is visiting In town. Mrs. John Think nnd two daughter aie visiting ttlenrl.s In Seelyvllle. Miss Nellie Fnrrell. of Olyphnnt. Is visiting Mrs. P. H. Murrln, of River street , Mrs, H, a. Sawyer Is entertaining at the Episcopal lectoiy her sister, Miss Fnnnle R Corse. Miss Maggie Cairoll. Miss Alida Nea- lon and Miss Maggie Thomas wore vls tlor.s to Scranton Wednesday evening. Mis. S. J3. Ilnel has teturned to her home In Elk county, nrmr making nn extended visit with her son. R. I. Hoel. Miss Lillian Tlel and Miss Grace Adams, of Honesdale, have returned home, after spending several days at the home of Tl. I. Hoel. Miss AHcp O'Malley, of Sernnton, at tended the High school gtadirulng ex ciel.ses last night. She will be the guest of i pint Ives heie for a few days. Mis. Alida Shay, of ningbnmton, baa been the guests of Mrs. John lb Ink. on Daite avenue, for scneial days. She hi now visiting trieiul- In Wayne county. JERillYN AND MAYFIELD. A ihild of Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Hocking, of West Mayfleld, was se ciely bitten yesteiday by a dog. The teeth of the dog pencil ated the muscles nnd a portion of the muscle protruded lrom the wound. The boy was after waids gien surglcnl attention and tho wound cauterized. Hex. S. D. Molter was at Priceburg on Tuesday, attending the twonty fouitli Kcml-nrnu tl Sunday school con vention of the Womjng disttict Prim itive Methodist I'onte'ience. Mis. 'Maincs and Mis. Raker, of Car iiondalc, weie Jeiinyn visitois yester day. Mis. A. V Gebhnidt and son Oeorge, of the powder mill, will leave this morning for the Pan American exposi tion at Ruffalo, and expect to be absent about a week. Pi of. and Mrs. W. L. Rogcis and daughter Mlldied. of Scranton, were yesloida the guests of Prof, and Mrs. H. N. B.inett, of Second street. Itev. William Roberts, of Ohio, will pie.ich in the Congregational chuich at both si vices totnoi row. The Ladies' Aid soeietj of the Bap tist chinch hae bpcn unable to obtain the u-e of Hie Simpson .1 Watklns building lor their rummage sale. Tt w ill be held In the basement of the Whitmote brick building, near the bildge, at Mayfleld. Mis. M. J. Shields and son Henry are spending the week with fiiends in Car bondalo. Miss Hatttie Layman has accepted a position as Monographer at the offlce of the Scianton Steam rump com pany. The iegul.tr piactice for the Chll elien's dav exercises at the Primitive Methodist church Is held Monday, Wednesday and Satin day of each week. Those taking part are urged to be present. Tho Kpworth league meeting at the Methodist Fplseopal church next Mon day exenintr will be led by (.leorge Har i is. The subject is "Reverence for Sacietl Things." The subject of the pastor's sermon at the Primitive Methodist church tomor iow morning will be "The New Birth." In tho evening the topic will be "Plato of Worship." The topic ror the Christian Kn dcavor meeting at tho First Baptist church is "Reverence for Saeied Things." The leader is William Steph ens. PECKV5LLE. Tonight will be firemen's night at Pcckville Theie will be many unl formeil firemen lrom up and down tho alley present at the Wilson's clam bake this evening, a general Invita tion has been eMcnded to the frienda of the Wilsons to be present, Let our townspeople turn out nnd show tho lliemen that they ate justly proud of their Ilre-llghters. The Slenlck Creek employes will bo paid totltiv. The Ontario will pay their employes on Monday (leotge Post, of Barron, Wis., Is vis It'ng at the home of Mrs. D. P. Tay lor, of Prospect stieot. Peckvllle Raptlst church Sabbath selionl will observe Children's day to inotrow. At tho nimnlng fervlco tho older scholars will take pait, ami the oiuiKcr scholars in the evening. All parents and friends of the scbolius ,eio cotdlally Invited to these services, On thi Sabbath at the Methodist Kpiscopnl church the Sunday school will otnorvo Children's day, both inniu lug and evening Tho primary depart ment will bIc their programme In the meaning, consisting of murehes, musln and rn Italians, under tlm eflltient leadeishlp of Mrs, C. Toley nntl her nsslMants. In tho evening the inter mediate nnd senior classes will gie their ptofrinmme, "The Coronation of the King." a charming collection of music, Interspeised with recitations. Tho singing at both (services will be In chfitgti of Mr. n. Lathrop, the Sunday school chorister, assisted by an or chestra and a huge chains nf olcos vl.lt h he lias been training for these renieos, and the male octette nf the chuich choir. Tho chinch vlll be ap propriately decorated, anil the educa tional collection will bo taken at ench scivlce, The Picshytoilan chuich, Rev. S. If. Moon, D. I j., pastor. Sei vices at 10.30 a. in. and ".an p. m, Subject In thu mottling. "The r.xer Llvlns cjhiist." All wehome. The II iv i of tho iccltals given by pupils of Piofessor Kmcst Rovard will take pluco on Tuesday night, June ISth, In the Methodist Episcopal church. All 1opis of musln are cordially Invited to attend, the recital being ftce to all. Thu piogramuie follows: Part 1 (a) Carl Ileitis. Op. 181, No 3; (b) Stteaboggt "Columbine," allegretto arnee Day. Slreabogp. "Los Klolles" Grace Troy, Marjory Huyl. (a) Gflnschnts, Playing Dragon Files," (b) Outlltt, "The Hunt" Jessie Holllstcr. Hphr-Hldus, Op. 57S, No. 1 Charles Brong. Two Studies, Streabogg, Ada Klo, No. 0, Allegretto, No. lt-arnco Day. (a) Goerdeler, "Reverie," (b) Marseh Lena Gendall. Part II (n) Ktudo D major. Hnrniel Pratt, fb) Scherzo, a major, Dom Kr nest Rovnrd. (a) Two Mlldles-I, F mnjor, 2, F. major! (b) Improvisation. Bovnrd Krnest Rovard. Two pieces for four hands No. t, c major, No. I', O lint major Miss Geutlnll, Mr. Ro vnrd. Grand Trlumphnle, R flat major Krnest Rovard. ii OLYPHANT. Dr. nnd Mrs. O. L. Kelly cfl yester day for a short visit with the lattor's brother, Dr. I). L. Longstroet, at Nar rowsburg, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Sehttnk, nf Philadelphia, Ih visiting friends in town, On account of, the warm weather, the. Juvenls dancing class has discontinued their weekly sessions, nntl during the summer months the class wilt meet but once n month. Willie Dearie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dearie, of Delaware street, waa badly Injured by being run over by a trip or cars on a narrow gauge rail road at Storts' mine. In Piicoburg. yesterday. The young man Is employed ns a brakeman at the colliery, and was In the net of performing his duty when in some manner he fell beneath the cars. One of his arms was crushed and ho received several had gashes on the head. Dr. Bllhelmer and Dr. Cranss are attending him. and have but slight hopps of bis recovery. John Edwards, Martin Mooney ind John Lynch attended the closing exer cises of the Carbondale public schools last night. Dr. J. J. Price la In Philadelphia, whoro he is attending the graduation pxeielses of the University of Penn sylvania, of which bis brother Is a graduate. Children's day will be observed at the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning. The programme, which Is under the direction of Mrs. B. F. Ham mond and Miss Maine L. Sarge, will be canied out as follows: Doxology; Invocation: song. "While We Meet To gether," school: Bible recitation. Psalm InO, school: song. "When the Roses Bloom," school; Bible reading, "The Rose of Sharon:" song, "Blooming for You and for Sle," school: recitation, "The Children's Day," Lily Wright; song. "Help to Set thckAVorld Rejoic ing," school: exercise, "The Daisies and the Children," Miss Matthews class; song. "The Fields Ate White with Daisies," school: addiess. Rev. B. F. Hammond; offering; solo, "The Little Flower Tune," Jessie Brlstley; exorcises and song, "The Rose Gar land," Misrs Thomas' class: recitation, "The Prnyer," Jessie States: recita tion, Essie Polhemus; song, "Come Rejoicing;" benediction. TAYLOR. Children's day exercises will be ob served at the Calvary Baptist churcn to-moirow. The members of the Sun day school and chuich choir have been for the past weeks under the catcful training of chorister Professor D. E. Jones. The exercises will be hold in the evoning at 7 o'clock. Following Is the ptogramme: Chorus, "ChiTiien's day," Sunday school: inuic ition; prayer; tesponse: song by Sunday school: chorus, "The Summers Come," congregation: scripture leading; hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth," Sunday school and congregation: loci tation, "A Legend of the Northland," Benjamin Harris; chorus, "Summer Again, Sunday school; teeltatlon, "Summer," Mariam Harris; chorus, "A Flower Song for Chlldieir5 Infant choir; recitation, "Suppose," Maigaret Davis; exercise, 'A Nosegay," Maud Evans; chorus, "Praise lu Nature,' Sunday sehool; lecltation, Everett Reese: chant, the Lord's Prayer; exer cise, "Children's day:" choius, "Sum mer Praises," Sunday school, address, "The Missionary Work of tho Ameri can Baptist Publication Society:" of feiing for missionary work of the so ciety: hymn, "America," sung by Sun day school and congregation: bcneilii -tlon. All aie coidlally Invited to the services. A party of ladies from Wilkes-Barro spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. William Stone, on South Main street. The guests were: Mrs. Harry Sey mour, Mrs. Bogart. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Wasley Masters, Harry Seymour and John Wasley. Dr. J. L, Grlfflths performed an oper ation yesterday on David, seven-year-old son of David Gould, of North Tay lor, removing a bullet that was ac cidentally shot In the fSIgh three years ago, The boy Is doing nicely. Miss Josephine Reese, of Plymouth, has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mis. John Pugh. of Taylor stree for the past few days. Attorney J. E. Watklns Is In Phlla delphia on legal business. AJdermnu Andrew Doles left yester day on a visit with relatives at Pough keepsle. N. Y, Dt. J. S. Puitons Is homo from his trip to Philadelphia. D ALTON. Mts. Charles S, Miller will serve a talent supper nt her home on Wednes day evening, June ,13, Mrs. k. II, Miller and daughter, nf Byron, N, Y were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Dean this week Mrs. D. A. Van Sickle and two grand children, of Olyphnnt, have moved to this plare, and are occupying W. A. Dean's house for the summer. Mr.'. Irvln Staymlt Is quite ill with the measles. Quite a large number from this place nl tended tho commencement exet vises al Keystone academy yesteiday. Miss Lenn Phillips gave a dellghtlul tfcitol at her home on Wednesday evening, nsMsteil hy Miss Snllio I'tlce, o' Taylor, The following young ladles Hartlclpntid: lltuol rihaipe, Mlldied Smith, .May Stevens, Iney Taylor, Maty Colvln. Ethel flay, Hostel Lltts, Fran ces Smith, Ciraco Yon Storch. Head Feels Like Bur3t'nfj, Maybe you wore out late last night? If you had taken a Krausu's Headache Capsule befoie letlting your head would be cool and clear this moinlng. Tako nno now and you will be all tight lu an half hour. Price 25c. Sold by all dtugglsts. i .. Friendly to the Duke. cetl jiii ilukr uaj dinlns in full kilt ilrctl nt i. Mfelilini iiiinlirrjj rilnnci, his plpor Hindinsr lirhiml lii ihair. M iifxcrt i mj li.iliiirfmc Jlld aUulilc inifthn lifloiiitjnj lo nu nf th, cucrlo ji lunitil rnuml. Wlirn the time came to ictuin It to lis nnri, t lie tnufltmv toul'l not be tlluoicrfil jnju licit'. A rcjreli 4i nude, with im rrult, tlie duke irin c ,irtljl jiuiou dboul It. Oi llio next jiuii Him lie aijjln ilnnnrd the kilt whttli lie lud not Morn in llio intrrtal for Hi? annu.il dinner. At Im s dic.-.MD,- he hjpP'ncd to' rut hit luud in lilt fportsii, and there, to hij ajtoolthmcnt, SOCIETY LADIES Prominent Ladies All Are Using b CA $$ Ms-,e; OD JANET'WIL50MGAIRE Kb w V2! w Br MATTie- GUILD A rySf jjssa. ' -ji. m Z.vl ' l1 .WfA rt A)j nn ' MissBerthF FISHER.- a-.'iex S&bSSS pah Hf Illln'n SffllMM mz . wm 1R5.C0IEJ --r-" & GRE5HAM, ,i,i Ki .-"1 Mrs-ac- fVW- tJACrlSON 4 4"iM'44"i"l"i""l"i"r"l"i'S"i"i"i"i"ilial"i & I Fancy and ! ! Art Goods... ! I Something New. $ THE RUSSIAN COLLAB, ? J stamped on linen, is the veiy latest thing in fancy and art J goods. We have Just received a lot of them, together with material for making. This T collar is undoubtedly the most T beautiful ct cation of the sea- son. Call and see it. S nodes and Patterns for t, July Have Arrived. Cpamep Wells Co., nn Wvnmlnrf Ava ? OW J "!;, TW. ?-H''l L OP SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,033. United States Depositary. Special atteutiou given to BUSINKSS, PKRSO.NAL aud SAV ixcs accounts, whether laTrge or small, Open Saturday from S to 9 o'clock. W.M. Connki.i., President. HbNRv IkuN, Jr., Vice pres. W.M. H, PfcCK, Cashier. fiiunil llio li tilth lud lircn lo.t at the I all fir's dliiiiri. lie liirnrd to iU piper, aud .inl "Hli), 1I1U is lht riiuil lio.v ur were all lookmc foi! Did jou nvt wi mc pm it awj in tm jpoirant" "Vea, join sut"." "Then h did tou not Irll mot" eleiuandod the duke "Be 1 .line I llioiicld juur cuto irrjuirtd I he lit tlr nutlcr kept nuiut," lopunded tlie pipjr, uith a Lnouinj .ir. PE-RU-NA Over United States Pe-ru-na. Miss Janet Wilson dalie, Presldcnl lite Ohio Musical Club, Kansas City, Mo., wiiio.s: ' The Poruna .Medicine Co.. Columbus, Ohio: Clontl"tnen-"For thf past few yean I have trletl several klmln of medicine when I was feeling badly, but I am free to admit that I never found any thing to oiitinl Poruna, "Last fall I contracted n severe cold vhch seemed to settle In my JolnH and made me veiy uncomfortable for1 a couple or weeks, until I tried Peruiia. Herore it week was passed the soienesa was gone, and before I had used twt boUles I was complctfly rcstoicd." Yours very truly, J. Wilson tlnlre. There Is no other temedy Hint med ical science '0(111 furnish, so reliable) and quick In lis action ns Poruna. Miss Alntilp L. Mulld. President 1 1ll poIh Young people's r'hrstl;in Temper- nncc Union, In a recent letter ftomj Chicago, HI., fnys: "1 doubt If Poruna hns n rival In all the remedies lecomntonded today for catnrih of the system. I have found It the best remedy I hnvo ever tried for cataiih, and believing It worthy my ndorsement. 1 gladly accord it." Yours truly. Mattlo L. I'ulld. For dlseeses peculiar to women, Ir nit'H Is a spoclfle. Poruna nevpr falls. It has eiiiocl many thousands of caseq of female weakness. Dr. Hartman ad vises all women free. Miss Berthn Fisher, n popular vouni? woman of Appleton, Wis?., Wtltes ot rernna ns follows. "I lmvc found Pcruna a wouderfut remedy for catanh of the tespiratory oigans which I had for several months, and which nothing else I tried seemed to cure Miss Beithn Fischer. Mrs Col E. L. Cieshnm. Hetnden. a., Treasurer Daughters of the Con fedeiacy. also President Herndon Vil lage Improvement Society, writes: "I cannot speak too highly of the value of Poiuna. I believe that T owi my life to Its wonderful merits. I suf fered with catanh of the head and lungs In Its worst foim until the dm tois fairly gave mo up end I despair ed of ever getting well again. "It took six bottles of Pel una to ctlin me, but they were worth n king's tan- .',cm to me. 1 talk Pertina to all mv friends and am a title believer in Ita worth." Mis. Col. E L. Greshum People who have suffered fiom on tarrh during the winter, generally suf fer from nervous depression in sum mer. Mrs. A. C. Jackson, Democratic) Member Boaid of Lady Managers, World's Columhlan Exposition, In a, letter from the Shot man House. Chi cago, 111., says: "Pet una seems to be especially of value where nerve filaments aie in ditotder. digestion deranged or dis till bailees created either In the pelvlei or resphatory oigans. "Seveial casep have como under my poisonnl observation nnd I have been highly gratified to see the patient cur ed In cverv Instance. I hnvo tried it myself and (bid It a very valuable tonic." Coidlally yoms, Mis. A. C. Jackson. Men and women nie subject to ca tanh. Women aie even moie subject to catarrh than men. This Is due 1 1 many causes. Tlv chief cause is tbe delicacy of her organism, es compatedi to man. The extreme, sensitiveness of tho mucous linings of every organ of a woman's body is well known to physicians. This eplains why, in pat t at least, svo few women nre entirely fiee form catanh, A vast multitude of women have found ppiuna an indlsptnslble lemedy. Every wheie the people, especial I v1 the momen, aie p'nising Pertiim as lemedy for all forms of catarrhal dif ficulties. Send tor lice catanh boo: wiitlcn especially for women bv a ie nowned specialist on the pelvic fa tal ijial diseases of women. Address Dr. Haitman, President The Hart nian Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER Cor, bitlocnth St. and friln: NEW YORK. HOTEL r Tlace, American Plin, 3 50 Per Da) and l'parda Europcin Plan, 1 0) Per Hay and Upward! Special Rate? lo Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. I HOTEL JEFFERSON NEW YORK I03.im.inn r.nnt mth sticet. The .IKPFKHSON is a thoroughly firat-claia family nnd trunnion t hotel, oflering at a mini mum coat nniaaimum of luiury and comfort. On 15th Street, just east of Union Square, It is itithin A fow minutes of tho loading shops, theatres and clulis. European Plan, $1,00 up, American Plan, 52.30 up. Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up. For special rntss guide or information write JOIIV K. IIITFu:t,n, Proprietor -' I For Business Men f In the heart ot tho wholesal. y district. f For Shoppers 4. 7 minuica warn 10 nanutnuHciD-, Store. Easy of access to the sreat Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, glv. InK easy transportation to all tiointa of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOKK. Cor. Jlth BT. A UNIVERSITT TU Only one lilock from Broadway. ROOmS, $1 Up. Prices Rcaaonabls P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. fff StH PbH IfliphU, '. Oil; iirnn BpvrltlUt luf Im Jn Aiurrlrt. Gutrinitra to rurUobntU frhttr IT &EL. UUritti.irrttbfMMi t9lUdsit)sVtfttiM,ibi.4 IlvCWEk R'00' foloB, rioa Diillir, Ul .hou'l,' iLiSuwM Vrlrorlv A SlrUturt (bo ru(llni, I ndilopi iTtntitObriktn Um. Ho4 for Hwora ffllaiQiUU4l.ookl ribOiUattrrrY UHlltal ud rlrflrl'tlfrtud. Btallea psprr.l Every Woisisij Is Interested ml should know abuutlheuondrtful MARVf L Whirling Spray Tlie new ftglotl tj rlcf . injee "&, non una cmrnnu ne aar. it- Mnt Ponvinlii.t. ll'atcutcd.J ltlJrorisiiuti;( uKc.at for II. I (. .'Jhnot tupi'ly tho lttl HI.. iinitt tin nthtr. hi it ft 1 id iLAmn forll fi.ll ndrtiL'Uliraiiil d ret lion In OIVE THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH ; v V-j,A7Iw sflpv " J ' " s Roon. 663, Time Ddff , New York.
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