ifixiri'fi$y'F$ f" t v-" "SM'1 . e-i -tVr- ' t it-'4. W1? v THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1001. Religious. AT MAtTO.V. Thursilny, !n the llantlst chuivli, n nicotine of the tiilsslfinnry snclctieM of tlio Ab IliKlon UaptlKt association was held. Mi. O. T. lMtohaul, of nrnoii Hldce, ttMicxMnllon inoililont, presided. The 111 Ht epwdoti vvns oppianl nt 10 o'clock In tho moi nltii;, with n devotional service conducted hy Mrs, O. 11. Hinlth, nf Kiirtoiyvlllc. Mis' Maiy Hon vim, of Clark's Circcti, mid the minutes, and Mils Until Miller, of Cllffoi (I. presented tho tieasnrci's ic port, Afri Flunk Hi-ooks, of Uletihiii'ti, read n paper on "Kclticiitloiinl Woik of the Woninn's Home Mls-slon Society." After the fIurIiih of a m1o hy Mrs. J'rnnk Colvln, of Dallon, Mis. II. ,T. Chit, of Scr.inton, cave a map talk on Assam, which was followed with a paper on the same coiintiy hy Miss Esther Kowlands, of Kcianton. The afternoon sotilnn liCKan with a dn'ntlonal service In chaise of Mrs. n. !. Tliniiip.Min, of Dalian. A paper on Vorlo Itleo was lead hy Mrs. Peter Davidson, of Scr.mton, and Mis. Ti.iul vein, of Cnrhond.ilc, and Alls. F"ianU Hallfitcad, of Clatk's Summit, ie.nl pipers. Tho clnsltiK papers was Riven hy Mrs. J. IV. Carpenter, of Ciicen KldRO, on "Ctllmpses of Ten Years' Mission AVotk In .Solithein France and Kpaln " It was an exhaustive and ex cellent treatment of tho subject. Vocal solos were pleahliiRly tendered at this session bv Mrs. II. J. Whalen, of Car hondale, and Mrs. II. F. Y. Pletce, of Rcranton. Tho exercises closed with player by Rev. Robert R. Thompson, nf Dalton. A bountiful lunch was p,u tnken of at noon in the church. Next Monday will be the seventeenth annicisary of the Seranlon Haptlst Ministerial Conference as It was or R.inlzcd on Monday, .Tune 1ii, ism, in the Pcnn Avenue Ilaptlst chinch. It tlrst pieildcnt was Rev. Own James, D .. Ice-president: Rev. X. C. Nay lor, sec ictary and treasuier. Rev. R. '. II. fatteili.il!, with Rev. David Spencer. D. D., as chaiunaii of tlio committee of arrangements. In the 111. st year of Its hlstoiy it attained n menibPislilp of thiity-flve nilnlhteis leliosi- names alpliiibetlcally aiiaiiRed aie as follows: A. .1. Adams Isaac Ucvan, J"). D, James K. Riown, D. D, . M. fall.ln, R. C. II. Catteiwall, Jacob F. Davie". D. 1. Kvans, C.coirc I'rear, D D.. A. J. Fin man, D. D.. "V. T. Galloway. William H. f.iow, C T Hallow ell. J. II. Harris, I,. L. D Owen James, D D.. Tlieoplillus Jones, J lived Jones. John II. Meyeit-, Ben jamin Miller, D. AV. Mo, Ms. William K. Mott, X. f. Xaylor, ;. V. Xoacker, Maik I'arl.s. J. II. Pon., Ph P.. J. L. P'llsh, David Spencer, D. D., D. ,1. R. Strive r, I. A. Taylor, John S. Thomas, Murpnn J. Watkins. J. 1. Watson, .1. W. Milliams D. D.. S. W. ZieRler. Only thiee of the above aie now in tho enn i'ereni e, while at least thiiteen aie de Leased. At the falvaiy Refoimed chinch, at Monioe avenue and Clhson slieet, 'hllclien's day exri-i.s will be oli teivod Sunday evening at 7.110, whn the following pniRi.iminc will be ob sorv ed : ProLL.ssional, "fin 1st. the s.ivioi," Invocation: introductory sentences: until, "Onwaid. Maii'h to Llloiy;" leil lalion, "The Open Oatcs," iidna Tay lor: caiiil, "Ciates of Piaise;" Oloiia Fall! fiecd: pi .i or: ies)Onslvo lead ing; sour, "Youthful Hearts;" teclta tion. "The Gates of .inn," Mabel T'linlo. s-iinR, "O Zioc, Haste;" siiiR Iiir by piini.iry dep.u tineut pilmaiy eveici.sfs by lnembeis of the class, fol lovu'd by sour, "Open the Gates for the Dear Little Feet;" lecilalion, "Gates of Opportunity," Ruby Weibel, Ruth Flror. Ilmma Kelleiman.lImnM Banks, Mabel Triunper, and othots; sour, "FliiiR Out the Banner," leeitation by Stanley AVeiliel, "Pieeious Keys." i epi lation, "The Gates of I'e.ul," Ilnvvaid Banks: sour. "V. Pial.-e Thee, O God," bencdli tion. The annual lloial service at the Penn Avenue liapllsit cluucli on Sunday evrniiiR will be til unusual inteiest. The nastoi. Di Piene, will rUo an object set moil on "Christ's Seimon In Tilooni " Roses will be dlsti United to the eonsi esatlon, and sent to the sick after the services. The thoir will sIiir the (Jloiia, fiom .Mor.it's Tweltth mass, and the Hallelujah ehoius, and Mr. I.awieiue's oichestra will lender b.ieicd selections. All welt nine. RdigioiB Hews Nates, Rev. A. II, Smith will lead a paper Pt the Uaptl.st P.tbtoih' conference, Monday at 10.K0 Ofluer.s will be elect, td nv the coniliiR year. Di, Robinson will deliver a uieiuoilal sermon on the late Pr, Babcock, of New oiK city, on Sunday cvpiiIiir at r.,10. In the Second Presbyteilau chinch. The .Methodist Ministers' association if fieiantou and vicinity will meet at Mini I'nik chinch on Monday ninruliiR, June 1", at lo.so, A paper will be pre sented by Rev. J, 1,. Race, W. W. Adair. seciPtary of the Rail--oad Youiir Men's I'hiistlnn associa tion, will addiess tho men's meeting, Sunday, June 10 He will make a ic port of the jubilee convention, which vas held this month at Boston, The SlnipSon Malo quartette will londor ipeclal music and have charRo of the ions set vice, A special Invltutloii s ixtendcd to all men, Toiiirow's Services Methodist Episcopal. Kim I'ark church Piajcr and praise service at ?.0 a, in, I'rraihinc servic." "t 10 M a. in, frei non tiy the pa.tor, Pi. C Jl. Olthn, ClJaa nicet. rg alter the moinins service biiuday wlmcil at ' p. in., Junior league at 3 SO. Senior llmvoilli rogue at BIiO. Preaching at 7,M p, in, Million i tlie ialor. bcrvicfs, it tlio I'jne ttrict MU jon Mnula, scliool at U..IU 4 in. Kpnnitli Icjruc n e.::o ii in. ,.IUiniiriUa,lljiinliiilluatlfnil. It t".oU p. iii All are icmlially lin licit tu at Unci. .SunpM3ii .Miihcilist KiUcopj iliuicli, Vulli JLiii avenue- 1U, II, t. McDeiinutt, p.it..r. Prcacliln at 10 SU a in. and 7.- p. in Morning n.bei.l, "t'lie Jliiid of Cliri.t Hoes tlic rUU&iu TrJiliins nl Tcda Piopcily ltcprcsent 111" 'tlie (vcnlne ceiinoii "ill te i pjtuotic one in honoi of the flap ot our loimtri, fJiaml Army men capecljlly inmcil. Other scrvuu a luual. All velconie. Abui Meliiocllat UplMopal rhuich, inincr Morisfj avenue and Pelawarc street Ituv, , tt, hinipon, 11. I) , pastor Petotional iiu'itiu o( the Ilrbthrrhood l St. I''il at 1180 a. m ; at 10.U0 a. in., thililitn's lliy exerciser, a brautllul rniisical rrvirc um Hud vfestiwl. bunday nhoo( at SSO p. in pwoith league at OSH p. in Pleaching at T.:A p. in. I'ner meeting. Wcdnescijj, at 7 CO p. in. Uuint ineellng of tW llrcttu'rl'.ojd of St. Paul, on the scccml ar,d fourth "luejilan of dill niniilh at 7.."0 p. m. -eat free ami all 11c wclioine, Ah Street Mcllioill't I'plsiop.il rlimcli -llov. ,1, P. Alwlin, pastor. Mornlns pre.irhliig 'rrvlic nt Kiwi; nulijecl, "The llaillint Chrlllan " Cli( inrellnit nt in '.0 a. m , (I, V. t'lmlili, lender. siimhv fchool nt 2 p, in,, I!. W. Stone, mper Iiilriidenti Junior Initio nt :i p. in,, Mim nKtie llnrliiiiiii Mipcrihtcndcnt, Cimmtli le.iKiie ut d.l'i p in., MIm llebrica SiiMjison, lenlei, Iaviiiiij piiiiihiiig eriie nl 7 .!(.'. Ml vveliiiiue. Nnv Aug Metliodint Kplnopil cluirili llev. .1, It. Amtln, ntoi, Sunilnj ilmol nt 2 50 p. m . 1'iank l.'dnicN, miperiiitciiilciit. Piraching ser vile" nt :i i'O p, in v lordlil welcome to nil t eilu Avenue Mrlliodit I'pK ipil liitri.li I. P. Dal), ptvlor .Meeting ot Hrnthcihonil of St. Paul, D.t'i a n ; morning wnrcliip nnd eiiuon, Id, n. m.; Sundiy school at noon; Junior I'p worth leflKlio, 3:!0 p. in,; llpttnrlli leigue, 11 .ill p. m.; cH'nltig wordilp md setinoii, 7..I0 p. ni, Slr.uigcii md all otlicis nrc coritlallv vvrliomc. flint I Stieel .MetlimlM Kpintnpd eliuich-! ( l.Miiin, put or. C'Iim, ti IV t), I). PcWItl. hailei Pip idling, 10 ..0; snndi) mIiooI, H.I'i, fi. It Clark, Miperliiteiiilinl, .liinlor leiBiie, IIWI. I'lindiing, ".o(l. sf,, fie,., i:vrr,vhodv wekoni". I'lret Cermiii Metliodlt KpiMnpd church. 'l ,nns .iveiiuo ami Vine .Heel (!. Ilolillln, intoi. I iiililirn's lliv excrcUo In the clnilili ill llic inoriilng lirginnlng nt 10 o'cloik, nnd .it the Taj lot Avenue dnpil heiiiiilng .it 7 p. in. Hii piogiam lira been prep.neil for bolh occa. lou. The Young People ' sodcl) will meet on Momhy evening .it the home of Ml f.ydla Diet 7el, Moilc) avenue. Pri.iii meeting, 'lhursday evening Afilcan Milhmlit I'pi-iopil iliuidi, llovvaid plan'- Dr. II. s. Hemic), pastor. I'll. idling at I0I.U .1. ill.; Mihjcct, "I he t'nii'cn Suppl)." sun. day sdionl, 'Jm'.O p. m., Dulstlaii llndcivoi piaver mieting, 7 p m , preaching, 7.13 p. in,; subject, "I lie (Jre.it friendship " A lonliil welcome! lo all. Baptist. Penn Avenue Hiptu-t chin ill Penn avenue, be tween spiuce nnd Linden stieet". Siivuc, nione ing nt J0::o, and evening at 7..IK. Morning pi a) cm in tlie iovvci temple at ' 10 At the morning netvico the pitor will give a brief .id dices on "lhe II n vest of V.ear''," lefening to I he lliliel annivcr-ari of his pasloiale nl the Penn Aveiiii" iliuidi. The annual t'lilldien's ehv cv eiciei will be held dining the morning hoiii. Ilnghl niii-lc .mil .in cnteitalning pingiainiin' for .voung and old coulid welcome to evei) liodv .it all the .-rum's in tint iliuidi, ami c(h -clilly lo tlie t'hildien's di) eeiiii's. All mem tieri of the Sunday mIiooI nic lequested to meet piompllv at 10 15 o'clock. 'N oung People's meet ing at (i 1,0. At the evening "eivuo I he piitor will penk onn "lhe l'east of the Ito-.es or fhii-t's Seimon in llloom " This i-, the annud Horal t-erviLC, the dioir will sinj; the (.toua and llallelujal choiu and Lawrence' i viitiesti i will rendir ai net niu-u. l'nt 1'irst P.iptit chinch. South Mam .iventie Rev. S P. Malhcw, iiitnr. Sibbilh nioinlne, 11. .io, (he Chilclrin's lliv evcicie" will be held bv the siblnth nhorl Hi. II (.' Ileddoe, npci iiitenelent, in the hi-emcnt of the WcKli Hipti-t diuidi In the evening, 7 "0, the u-iiil servues bv the pi-Ur. P V P L'. Krviic, b 10 p in. at Ivoiile lull Piaicr mceling wcdncclit evenlnsr. 7.0 o'cloik. Ml are lonliallv invitid. .lackson street IliptNl diuich Morning piaver meeting at n. .0, lliothei Ifiihud Nnholls, lead ci. Pleaching service at Hi .JO 'lhe pistor, llev. 'lliomai do (.iiuhv, 1) I), will pieich Pop,' , ".Needed lleiiu-iu " suudav mIiooI at -' ji. m , t'lnrlc Ilothv, siipeiinteneleut. Kveumg ferviie it 7 liaip. 'lhe pi-lor will preach lo tlie .vouiik in lined people, lopu, "Sntisliuii at Home." spec. i.i I inii-.1l. will be rendered bv (he ehoir for tlie ou.i-ion 'lhe public is eordiillv welcome to all tlie privileges our chiiieh ifloids (ireen Hidge llapii-t cliiin li f lillilrcn's Pay even ise-, of the miihIav se hool it 10 Ml, VI 7...0 the pilor will pii'uh a sermon to ihilihen Vlecling of the .litnioi sih ml v it .'! .10 lia)er meeting of ilie somoi soi ii t v a e, .,0 lllakel) lliptist ihiiii h liivid Spencer, i). 0, pesioi. 10,.lil a. in , i.ciinoii, "I hu-tian I'orgive nos," u IV Hible sdiool; i, " p in , II. . P I'; 7 0, (hildun's Piv cvchi-cs. I.vcivboely welcome. Presbyterian. I u-l Pici.)leihn churih spmie, in u i m , 7.0 p m Pr. VKI.eod will preaih a sermon to voung men in the tuotning. VII the .voung men of the church, i well a, stungcis, arc coulialiv mviliil teond I'rebcteu en iliuich.-eiviecs at 10 :.0 a in and 7.. II p m Hi llohm.sou wilt preach morning and evening 'lhe topic for the inoinmg is "lhe Pmvn of I'aith." In the evening, Pr, II0I1111-.011 will give a 1110111a11.il mmiiioii oil the lite 111. IliliLodi Ml aie welieiiue. Pinvielciici1 Pici-b.vleiian 1 lunch llev, Ccnigp 1!. (iiiihl, II. P.. piiioi Moining scivne at o."V lliciiic cf eivlce, "rnuliguialioii i-ion"; Sun di school ,11 noon; Lnelcavoi srinn, 11 :i", p. 111 ; evening fCivue, Willi shoit -union, 7..MI llieme, "I'n Know Cod" 'the heals of the chinch an. (ice (been llidgc I'n -b.vlen in 1 hiiieh llev. I. .1. I. ili-iiu', pi-loi, llev. L. II, Pesslei, 1 i-tant 10.. .0 and 7 IV miviccs of worship with -unions bv the pistoi ; i 111,, Ilible school; 0 Ii p. in, (.'hii-lliu liiilcivni Ml welcomed coulialiv, eliiis Avenue chapel, iw cuk sheet -'Ilie Rev .I111111. ilitglirn will pleach fn lhe moining at o:io and (il 7 l p. 111 ; smnliv mIiooI hi .1 n'doik, Ml Chiiidici, KUpeiiulcnili'iil Mi. Hughes will leach lhe Men's lllhle ills,, chin Han Iliuleavoi at 7 p. in All welcome! to lluse i-eivices, I emit stieel Slavnulc Piesti.vu'ilan ehulili- II11 Hohiniinn suvlce at 10.10; levl, "Krleml of the Publicans ami snmd,," .1, 1; hlu-ik, pis ten, KiiglMi seivi'c nl 7,.i0 will i in 1 hargc of II. Piinning, Siiiida) .-ihoul nt '.',,10 l'l.iur mceling even 'lliiir-di.v at 7,hU p, in, Cipou-i' clnpe ll'iesb.vleiian) Pleaching at 10. 11 mid 7 .0 bv the palor, lcev. I. I! Poster. Sunday school, t p. 111 ; t-cnioi Kude.ivoi, rt .10, piulni Kudcavoi and iuine.v nieeling of senior ( hrWilin I ndeivoi Monela.v evening, Piajer incciing, 7 u(i Thuruli) evening, All welcome, Episcopal, si. Luke'!, I'jruh llev. llogeii. Uiael, l. 11, red or; llev L. ,1. Ilnightou, hcninr eiiiate; llev. V, II N'ash, jiuiioi 1 male. Second Sunele) alter Trinity. SI. I.uke'a chiircii -7..i0 a, in, holy inmiuui ion, o:,n a. in, nioiiiliig pia)ci ami tieiniou; 7.:0 p 111,, evening piavci and i-nmnu; 0.15 a. in., Sunda) sdievol ami Ilible cl.io-rs. St Vlark', lliinmoic S a. in., hoi) rnmmiin ion; 10::0 a. 111., moining piaver and seimon; 7.1-0 p. 111 , evening piajer and scunon; S p. pi., Mindly lUhool and Ilible clas.sc;, Last End Mission, Picscott avenue .'."0 p, in, Sunday school ami ilible da.-acs; 'J.M p. 111 , evening pia)or and seimon. South side MMnn, Pig street 2,'M p. 111. , Sun day hool and Ilible dac. M, fanrgc'ic, OI)phint-J, ,10 p. m , Sundiy school and Ilible dacs; U..".0 p. 111,, evenius piaver and sriniou, Reformed Episcopal, (,'nce Itcformnl Pplocopal rliiirt.li. W.voining avfiiuc, below Mulberi) ticct-ltey. Ii ,. Alrn.Ii. pastor, Pr.i)(r and praUc scivlce at O.JO a, In, llivine woi.-hip ut 10 Ml a. 111. and 7.00 p. m, Morning, Childicn's liy iclcluationj evening subject, "So ih, a Tjpo ot I lirisl," Salibilh school at I J 111 , P. -s'. of f, L',, ll.JO p. in, scats arc ficc. Strangers coidlally invilcd. Ilible cIj.-m for Icvon stud) on Wrdnisila) ut 7...0 p 111 , fnllowcel b) the icgular pia)ci meeting at S o'tloiK. All arc wckoinc. Evangolirttl Lutbirnn. Kvangt Ileal Lutheran Second Suinlj) alter Tritdt). (icpel, Luke, II; lil-st; cpUlle, I John :i; X'i-lS. St. Matk'e, Washburn and r'uuilccnlli sliccti Itev. A. L. Itamcr, Ph. 1), patoi. bervkca, 0'M 3. m, 7.S0 p. 111.; Luther league, eao p. 111.; buncla) school, U in. Morning subject, "Oi lers ol Jlivlnc Ciace": evening tubjcit, "Clirist'i, Constant Prcscnsc." Holy Tlinil), AJams avenue and Slulherry strcet--Itco. r. U. spickcr, pastwi. sciviccj, sundLeyssonch001 Jesus Appears to John j. e. Gilbert, d.d IOr n . s. n in Secretary of Amcrlctn .,, a, leV. I! y-aiU. Society of Rellglom JUne 16. Hducatlon. PIILLIMI.VAIIV.-ibe' belnveil npewlle, M he tisually ("poke oC hliucclf, (.lohn villi.' I) sunlvei! all the otlieif, hiving lirn glinted peeillhr lavor by lhe Misln, (John wX'.li.) lint he might wilte1 the list pnillen of the mirrd volume, (llev. .wllsls). II Is Hrnciullly .ulinll led Hut he lived until mar the (ml ot the lust century of our ti 1, piing away about A. II. ij. iieai It thill) .veil? utter Hie deslinetion of .leltisjlem,. I Itc ol the' fltnil books 1110 lis idglud to him, one go-pel, t litre tplttc, and the llevelilioti liloci.ipldc.il, elodilinl and pio phrlli lohn's' vvil'liigs .tie ilitiiigulsh(d from nil ot le 1 puts of the Sew Testament, by llic'r ihcpei spllittial Invighl, mi Hut the student moves In a putcr ntinosphcic on 11 Inoic clcgaltd plane. It Is Impo-jlblc to siv when lie winlc Itcvc-t.1t lent. Some mn elbposeel lei mike It his lit woik, and hence the dosing document In the 1 inon. Liter ciitles, Dr. Pariar bring pionilneiit turning them, pit c II a Utile befoic the ovn throw of tho neieel ell) b) I'llu. Much mi) be slid III fivor ol elllirr peislllon. 'I lie Inter piclation of the honk Ins nlvva.vs: been refueled at dlllicult. PltlSliSLIt (Vcise f) - In the Aegean Sea, be tween the Islantl of learla and the piomotitorv ol Miletus ll"i nn island about tidily miles in 1 Ir'Uinference, now filled Pncllno, but In the Hint trnliv, Palnios 'Ihllher .lohn was banished bv one of lhe Hon in emperors fot pleaching ( hrlstimllv and converting the heithen to the t.olel .lens. It is believed tint nl the time of his nrie'st lie was n siding in I'phcMis, wheie ho had ncqiilied lmidi influence, and, as some think, wis bishop over the churches of the siiirnunillng district It was during this binU'i. merit lint he hut the leinukable visions 1 em talncel In this book, lie i-pcaks of hlin-elf ns 1 "companion in nil ulition," iiillmiting lint Mm ilai ptisetiilinn hid liefillen the lollowers of Icsiisliu. He lefeis to the chinch is "the king dom and pallenei' of .Ic-m Ihilst," t most beiutifiil eeiiucption, 1111 acknowledgement of lhe righlful aiillionlv of .lesiis over all believeif, anil in ovpics.-ion of Hut nitdeiie-s vvliidi was neci's -ii) In boning lhe indignities, pi nations and siitfeimgs to which lhe) weie subject for lhe Nike of their Mastir. MI'.SsMii; (veises In mil 111- Ihoujh thus e lied fioni home, .le lit! wis not ehpnved of tie tomfotts cf icliui'Mi. (In one oec ision he c peiicuiril gic.it spmliial evaltition, ulitt.li he elc-eribes is "m the splilt," that is lhe spbit ot (.'ml c tine upon In tit. pi 1 haps as at Penteeo-t (Vets. ii-1). It was m lhe land's div. the htsi di) of the week, then ob-erved as the CluKtiui S1,l,tth, in commemoration of the lesiine elioii floliii, vvl), Piolnbi) Ic had engaged in his t'siiat devotion-. While in tint Italic r st ite- tic lu'.nd i voice vvhieh heemcd lo be I ell 1 ml lilto, innoiiiiiing "I am Alpln and Omega" Ihe-e wouls. elenoting the hist nnd la-t lelteis eif tho fJtcelv alphilnt. -vie never befoic used 111 simd. tine. Ihev phinlv telerred to ,1 being who 111 habited lhe 1 vlninitics of time (I'-alm, se.J;. Hun c line lhe tlic tgc diiccling lite apostle to v.nte in a book whitever he sivv and hcniel, ami to dclivei (bo I ooK unto the t-even chinches of A-l 1. llus wjs theiotoie eepuv llent lo the insti'ie tioiis given bv lhe I'oly Spmt to the I ioph"ts of I-i.ie (l-i., i.lj. MMON (vci-es U and 1 !) Tins hi-t appeal to the sr.se of hr.nlng wai followed bv anoiliu lo Hi, sense of slahl. 'ilie- voice h,d nnesled llu attention, 'the vi-1011 was in two puis, bolh elc-igu d lo uiiko a powciftil jiupte-.-ion upon the t'liiiel lb ic were seven aoldcn cauille-tii k-, reprcseuling tho ihindelier Willi its Inanehis in the temple nt .leiu-ilem (l! , wwii.17 .'!), seen al-o b one of the puiphets (Aih , iv ..'). 'lliL tiguio was Miffitient to sn.(.pvt to one of .levvi-h oliglll some telicioiis ant) ecchsi istn tl pmpo-e which was .iltetw.ud evplaiued. nd m the iniclst of the (.nlikii 'emeliestiek was one "like unto Hie- ami of m tu ' 'I hi-, was ,li-us who iinifoiinly spoke- of lluu-elf iindi r lint title (John, nnl.l), and w 1-. i-o mentioned by the prophet in II il Ion (11m., vinl !). 'Him Midden ippcaiaucc in -tic h fonu ideutitird the pei-en is the one who hid pioiou-lv spoken. John wis llieieiore avvaro tint the mc ege which he hid 1e 011 hunmiivued lo vvnte was lo be one from the .Master he loved, .1 special messige to pirlkul.ir chinches, PPi:i:( I) (vei.-es It, II, 11) In the vi-ion .lesiis atipencd in foim and appaiel, no' IO...0 a, 111., 7. p. 111.; Luther Icigue, (1 "0 p. in ; Sunilav school, 1J 111 St. Paul's, Shoit avenue Itcv. . (' L. I.aucr, pa-tor. -01 vice-, 10 !u a. 111 , 7.0 p. 111 , Sunday fehi.ol, 2...U i. 111.; latiehetic.il 111st tuition-, .1.15 p 111 ; Luther Icigue, Weelnc-day, 7,MI p in. X1011V, Minim liviiuie Hev. P. P. Xirelm inn pi-loi, .stivicc-, 10 HI a. 111 ; Siinili) -dmol, J p. 111 ( hn-t clitiieh, (eilu ivciiue ind Itiidi -ticet ltcv. James-Witke, pastoi. rictvlees, 10 80 a 111; Stlliei t) i-diool, 0 1. III. St, Potei's, Picscott avenue Itcv, John Pin clolph, pi-tor. Service-, 10 ."0 i. in., 7.;o p. 111., Sunday .school, ' p. 111, Lmamicl (leiiu 111 Poli-h chiiieh, Itcce sheet Pev. I'lielmiiid Sattcltnciei, pasloi. Pieieliing in the liciman liiigue at 10 a, in.; Sunda) school, i p. in. (Iraeo r.ngli-h Liitlioian ilnnih ((ieuii.il Svnoel) coiiur Madi-011 ivcnue and Mnlluny .-licet llov. Lullier Heps Waring, pi-loi. O...11 a. m., sunda,, school; 10 ."el a 111, divine woi-hip; suhji 1 1 ot senium, "lhe Paiable of llu (.11.U Suppci;" 7 p. 111., 1 oiiiig People j. -oe ie t.v eif (hn-tian Luelcav ods 7.11 i Mi, divine woi-hip; subject ol see" inon, 'The tnnvei-ion of Curudius." 'the pub Ho is cordiall) Invited Miscellaneous. ion I lilted Lvangelual ihuich, Win Capou-e avc1111e-P1c.11 hing at 10 0 and 7 0 by the pi lor, lliv. .1. W. Mcssrngci, iilrct. " Home lb-) ond the 'liele" and "(.oil's Mtchinisiu." Sutuh) school, 0.10, senioi Lniliatoi, 0 110; junior l.mlcavoi, 1 p. 111 1'i.ivei meeting 7..10 Weiluiv elav evening. Sens lice and cui.vhotl) welcoui". I irst iliuidi (Clui-t .-1 icntl-l), SI!) Art 1111-. .He mic, sunda) services. Ill JO a in. nml 7.. .11 p in. Smith) school, 11.1.1 a. m ; subject, "Hod the Piinoiver ol Mm." Tolliiioniil moolings eilucjila) evening at S o'clock 'lhe iliurth 1 alwi open evny ehy duiiliff Hie week, 'lhe lllhle and all (Inl-lllll Sdclice lllcialure H kept 11, its ficc public trilling loom, "silence ami lloilth, wllh Key to the Siiipline," by Vlii) Hiker IMd), will bo loined to InvcMlitois with out ehaigc Visitors niul lcllcis of iiiipiii) are wilcomcel ami t,lvcti cnurlcous attention ami lit (oimatloii ficc. Ml Null's IniviiMlist 1 lmidi Pine sticct, near Adams avenue, Service it IO.uO a. in , eondiKlcd b) A, J Honle); subject, "Hie Pel sonallt) of Jcatii ns llevcilcct in His Specdi," Simihy school at It, I.I a, 111, Calvaiy llrfointcd I'hiiich, Monioe avenuo and (illsion street Itev, Mil inn L. Pirni, putoi. Sir, vice, Snndi), lll.tlO i, 111,; subjeit, "Itc verence;" evening, 7 Ml, ITiihlicn'a lliy senlcej lliciiic, "lhe Open (iates." People's I'rulnlillinii chuiih-llev, Pi, llild, pastor. There will he icgular preaching servuo oil Sabbath afleinnnn at I p. ni. in More IV lull, llicakcr sliret, (ircen Khlge, Subjict, "Some Paitlng Winds to I'lkmls That Are Dear," All utu welcome, MUSICAL GOSSIP. The flist of lhe trues ol dosing iccitals b) Hie pupils of ill! C'oielelia West Prccinan, MIm Julia (' Allen ami Mi. K. 1.'. Pouthwoilh will take plicc IhU aflcinoon at I u'doik In Mist Prccinan'!, sludio, over povv.dl's niiiMc store. The public is loiilially iuvltid to IliU ami the ic- cllali fallovwiij:, which will le dully announced. Progiai.iiiic, Plane, "lloheiuiaii song" ... .,.,,, Mcltlr Ml-s ( lain lllcc, Violin, "lhe Postillion" Hani 'itt Ml-c Agues Picas. Song, 1'1'vc Sonietlilng Sweet to Tell You," r.inni.ig Mis Maigaiet Wllvn. Violin -(lunloi Kiiarinlilc lliss) (a) Air Wolelfiileit (b) Wall ....UoleltiiUn Misses Mat) HadMrad, l.ula llousrr, hlcanor ('lemons, Kmlly llackctl, Helen Housci, Mister Wallace lloppcr. Piano, "Scvcct Itcverle" , Teibiikowtkl Mils Ai nc Itobeitson. Molln, "Barcaiollc" .,,.. Otto Schill -Miss Mary HalUtcad. as tie did In the 1I.1; nf UN tlesh, but In mnciintil loin", ns htKh pilet (lleb., hill), which olllce lie1 Ins filled since Ilia necnsou. IIW long gaiineiit leaching down lei lhe loot, like the giiimetit of Anion (lis,., wtllli.l), vvm fnstrneil Willi a uolelril glnlle, an tinhlem bolh of ngil iiinl pileritly dlgnll). Ills lulr, whltu like wool or snow, was nn emblem of Ills an. thpilly flMn.i vlh'i), mill the evldeme of His gloiy. 'lhe splendor ol III lie id doubtless pro. ceedeel lioin the' rivs of light iitul gloiy vv lilt It cidiiled Him nnd ilund In nil dlircllniis, ,111 eiublim of dell) Mining almost nil nillons (see lleioilotiis, Thalli), This wis lhe origin, doubt less, of the iiluihiis, or Into, in llnmin art, 'Ilie 0)0 ot .lesiis wele ns "n II line of Hie," de noting lhe nil pinetl itlng lutitie nf Ills knovvl celge Ills feci weie like Iiiiim, 1111 einhlein of Ills slabllltv and pcnn ineiiee, biass being the liies-l ihu.ihlc ol all 1111 tills Ills Voice wis like Hie sound of man) vvateis (lck,, IIII;J), iiidl. (iitlug luivvcr ami leiithorlt). KMIll.l.MS (eis il)-So time ti fm' the peison.it ippeainmc ill Hie Son of mm, as seen in the i-ion, Hie high piiest of the new dispensation, 'lime wete besides piesenteil to John two em blems of the high seivlee to b tendered hy this cv.illeel prison 'lhti two einhlcms stood nvei ngailist cadi other In .1 vny Intiiuite end III tercsilng iclitloii. 1 In Ills light hand lie held seven sins, lepiesentlng as evplaiued alterw.irel (er-e '.'(I), the nngels or paslois of tlie seven ehuiehes of la (Ver-e 11). Hits indicates that these men wen nn ler tho spedtl eare and pnvveiliil piotettlon ol Jesus, a fict veiy full of comfoit In that tlino ot peiseuitlon (Mitt, wvlilijO), Kveiy tine minisier is very doit lo Ids lend, i. "Out ot His mouth went n shnp two edged sword." 'Ilie word of (Jod Is described is the swotd of the spiiit (I. ph. vl:!7), and Is said tj be "-haipcr than am (wo eelgeel sword" (lleb. Ivl.'l. II is pinpei Iheielorc lo inleiptet tils ns .111 cfdilem nf the Influence to be ex ett'tl In the vvoilel h (he wonl nf Christ (l-.i. I'ill). Thus lleeic wis evinbolieil to the apo-Jlo the preit fict tint Je-us defet ded Ills -on. nits and that the vvnnl ptoeliimccl should be cf le live. TI'.sriMONV "(Veises 17 ami Is). lohn wis ci, ( pi) alloc ted by this vision. If he tight Iv lu te iprdcel vhlt he siu, as with crooil kliowleilcii of lei eel s.vmholl-m he pri-uin iblc did, Ibis was the ino-t startling event of his Hie. lhe son of mm whom he hid known as Mastei, .t petting niunii the eindle-ticks (chinches), with tho appitel of Ilie high prio-l, with ladlant h, id. and feel like bra-, -i.ppoiting the paslois of IPs ehuiehes md sondlt g intth Ills wonl of vietoi) this must hive bei 11 sulhciint to aw ikcn 111 tlie- mind ot tlu hiuishoil apoitle- mluled feel BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. (.From Author's Notes m "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," P.ublisheJ by F. H. Revel & Co., Chicago, 111. J We aie often elipn eel nnd ili-ties,-ed booms' of the dimeullic-, vvhieh be-cl the flui-tun life, md Ilie eli-inui Mcitif tits 111 the ( hristi.tu ihuich. Uinslians in all ages hive had -imilai trials, and e Imrchos. hive hid gnat dittleultles to oveitome, "He not di-cournuedt" lift lhe veil nnd hcliild II1111 who id uui Life .11. d Light -landing 111 the mi'l-t of the thione, icid.v tn give us help and lope nt evny lime- of need. song, "Were I (Induct" Cliaminade Mis.s 1 line Poole. Piano, "fiiliiiiihine" Peach Mi-s Nibclh Ciillen iolins, "I'eiveil.v" Carter -Mi'ses llall-teiel, Ilon-ei, Wallei, llackctt, ('lemon-, Hickclt and loid I'liuo, Wall ...WoloIfiilcit Mist llael (W, ioin Duet, "Allegretto" Diuela Mi Co Nat die ('nunc II md lada Ibui-ei, 1 II 'I Oiguu-t .1, VI, ( h tin o has pupated the follow ing i-elottioiv, nf music feu toumirow's sotvicci in the second Piesbvlciim client h. MOIIMMi. Oigiu Pielude Wider (uailcllo, ".liilulitc Hen" Sihneekcr Mi-s 111 11k and ('mitotic, Otreilor.v Solo, "Oh Iledeeinei Divine", .fiounoel .Mi-s 1; 11,1111. Oignn Postlude Salonii! I.MIM.NC. 'lhe mii-ii for the neiiing -eivite will be ap piopinie fur the nicinoml mivIic 101 Dr. Vlallme Pibeock. (bgiu Pielude, "Minlie I'lincbii" t hopin ('iimclte, "Ituck of Vges" puck VII es lllick ami (!n igm, Vles-i-, filppM and Moigau, Sclii tlon, "I'm a Pilgiim, Pin a Miingri" Mil -ton Ml-s (,'nagin nml (J1111I1 in-. Solo, "Angels Hvei Plight ami l'.iii",,,,ll,indct .Mks ni.uk, Oigan PoMludo Ileellioven KNIGHTS OF MALTA. 'J'lio Annual t-'imvtic.ttion of tin lin pt'tinl KncampniPiit of tlio Ancient pnrt Illustrious- Onlnr of KnlKlits of .Malta was hold nn .Siuuidiiy. Juno 8th, in iilnsKciw, Scotland, with Oranil .Miistcr Mir AVIIIIain (, Tiifri'.un in tho Inipoilnl Occldonlnl fli.iir, Tho Ainor ican Jurlsdlutlnn did not nornt Imperial (tupiospiiatlvts tills yoar, Tlio threo stilt last your nttondoil to all inattors that df innndc'd attontliui at that tinio, and no now (iticstlons havo nil.scn, .rnlm Knn ('oirntiriudoi', No, 12, nt WIIKcs-nnito, Is at ranglnir tn ,send Its ttnlforipod tompanv to tho Supronio t'oiivocittlon nt Itopheslor, Ot tuliff 15th, liith and 17th, to tnlto part In tho Kioat street parade, tho evict time for which lins tint yet heen fixed by tho Supreme Oflk'Oi.s. At the coiivoc.it Ion of No. 12, on June I1I1, two application weio ippIvoc1 and twelve KnlKhts 10 colvcd tho IllacU Older, The ('olunilil.tn t'ou vocal Ion nf tlio (Irand commaiidei.v has left many pleasant echoes, and everybody lavish ed words nt in also upon tho fiaternity. The snlnoiilteepeis mo Mill vvnndeiliif,' why thev dd not do n nislilnpr husl neso at th.it time. Orlilaninio Coin niniideiv, No, 170, of Columbia, la eie ntlnff a new and very laiso dabs, for enily ndmisstoii Tho leceptlon com mittee! have' paid every bill from their own funds, fltcat ciedit Is duo to the chairman, Sir Harry C, Dnuglierty, P. t',, nnd his nblo ncsistants!. Itev. Sir William It. lliller will 10 celvo John Ino C'onimaildei'y, No, 12, in his (hutch nt Wllkes-Harte on Sunday, Juno 23, and preach to them n special set inon. Mis. J. AV. Kogert, wife of the earn est and general Itccorder of Frlneo of Peace Connnandeiy, No. 60, at Wilkes Bane, Pa., haa Ju&t sent in a gener- lugs of awe nnd gladness. Palling elown tn vvnislilp, well'iilgli nvenonie, he niched another message, 'I Ids time .le-tis leslltleil o( lllni'cll, ns the llrst ntul lhe lnl, ns once itcul now living lo die tin mure, as hiving the kevs of hell (the grave) nnd ot death, or ns the lesurrettlon and the Ilie (Psiilnt lxvlllr.'O). 'Mils was not ro much .1 illsdcstuc nf something unknown, ns a le-atllinnllnii ol what hid been sild In the time ol Ills eiilhly tnlnlsliy (.lohn MICH), nml tlieio fotc mi lilentllicilloti that Joint might know tlie word of Jesus was liilllllcel and suit dncd, MYhTLItV (Veises It) and 20) Willi this rrfer. erne to Himself, Jesus elliceled John to vvrlle (lie things width he hid seen, and sonic other tilings given to lilin bv the Spirit, lie then evplaiued vvbtl lhe candlesticks mid Hie Mais represented, but made no allusion tn the oilier hgmative expressions. Thus It In mine Hie apoMlc's duty In rcionl, in he did, this vision ami tn hand it to the chinches of lilJ time and of alter time. In this wa.v pa it ol the sitrcel volume wis put tip In m.vstciloiis form, hud tn he umlelMoi.il, Wh) was this done? Many have so inquired ns they hive sought to Interpret tills last book of Hie llngllsh c.iuon. Porhips vve cannot (ill, Pcihaps we hid better not seek ten cilirstly to know, It Ins been supposed by some tint tne truth is clotheel In inistery In inter tn conical fiom the eaillct tenttiiies what will be mule plain in the liter centimes (John lil:l). Paul seenn In hive some thniiglit of (his (I'ph. 111:0), U is be llevcel that this book vhldt Is now- so obscure will one thy cpei. lis ticastnes to tomfmt and stiengtheti the lie.iils nf bcllcveis and advance the kingdom ot Christ (Horn. vi:J5). ltKI'LLCIIONS It will be piolltable for the student tn nllow the flits in this lesson to piss slowly through the mind in regulir oielei, hold ing each in studious eontcmphlion until the scene is vividly piisrnleil. I. The binl-hmcnt tn .1 lone 1st mil, .', The -pnlttial ec-tacy on the lord's div; U 'Ih triimpel aiiuoiincemeiit of an iii'mcii ire-ence with direction foi setvlic; t He gloriios appealing of the Son of tnin, the Jesus of the- (bi-pols, the high piiest of (he new .in Pliant; r. The stars in the tight Ii mil and the two-eilccd sword in the mouth; II. 'lhe pios trite apnstle, reverent and tenor -tile ken; 7. lhe dual a-eition tonurming the evangeti-tio state ment, anil the dilution to vviilc a book; 8. Ilie liivstciiou-. 'hings of lioel, the pingresslvc tcveli lion, the po ible elKelostiip in futuie )C.ns, 'lids I-, pa it of the 1 i-l unfolding of Je-ns In tlie Ii-t ol Ills apostles. It eli-plivri His pio-ont and itiiding inlere-t in His people, and is a pel prtii.il gcr.und of hope to all who follow and solve him. (lul of 0111 Inals tome often out ,-weelest e peneiices. .lohn wis an evile fiom home and loveil ones, witli m, entlilj, eomfoil but the ugh ing of lhe winds and the singing ol (he vv ivc-s, a- tliej beat upon the niekv coast of I'atmos et (ind wis Willi him, nml 111 spnlt he walkcel nml t liked with llim. 'Ilie veil bet ween mm and lhe unseen vvorlel wa-, lifted, aim John beheld the King, s Hie "on in lln gtorv is the tight nf the celestial nt.v, so is lie Hie Light ot His people in (he woihl. Mm belie hi Hie King .,nnd-t the golden eandlestiiks, 1111.1 in Ins imerpii I itiou of llu- vision a mi's ns llul (;,KI is elvvellmK in the nilel-t of llLs ehuiehes, their spiritual Life anl Litht. 'this little picture suggests lint Ihioiish the tele-eope of ItevlatIon, lohn h ul lhe vi-1011 o Hie hoivenly tlty and the woild's Mvleiu suu'ge-t ions Pi.nv Hie outline nf the globe and make soven milks to 1111I11 ile the ehlllihes, Tlirn draw- a telc-eeipe nr.iked "Itovehetion." In the di-l nice tli iw lines to indicate Hie golden cilv, vv it ti ciown, seven .-tais, elc. ( olor Hints Mike th- globe light blue vvltu white outline and nieridiiii line-. Mike tel" eiope, -tais nnd ciovie oi.iugc coloi witli white outline. Make tho clouds giay and white. Pais vellovv. oub Rift from a number of Iadioi of AVilkrs-Iiarre, and piomises that moip will follow for the Knights of Malta hospital fund. With so many Interest ed, tho fund should srow more l.ipldly than bfor. Temple Commanilcry, at Nn. 2SS, at Cnttinndtile, Pa., is now mcpllnt? 1 oc ularly in their Malta Temple. Tho new Command Is hard at work, and a class will soon bo ready fop admission. Carbondale celebrates its fiftieth nn nlvoisaty as a town in September next, and No. 2SS will take pait in the parade in full unlfoim, as one of the features of the demonstration. AIr.i Coniniandery. No. 2IS, at Johns town, Kave a social to Its companions and their families on dime 12, when nddiesscs, music, quartettes, leclla tlons, character sketches, moving ple nties, Ptot. Simpson's Ladles' Guitar nnd Mandolin Oichestra and a kohoi-oiis- banquet tilled up n lonpr and happy evenliifr. An all day picnic on Juno 2s Is aiinnuerl for. and everybody will be theio. Sir llaivey H. Han is, p. (., ()f Wllkos-Harre. Pa , has opened the Ron Ton Lunch Bazaar opposite the Ter minal station at tho Exposition, Krounds, Murrain, N. Y. As tieasurei- or his command, and ns deputy in his dlstilet foimerly, he Is widely known as ,1 trenei.il and indent wnrUer for Malta, Holy Cross Connnandeiy, No, 21, at Philadelphia, had a Iiiikp attendance nt Its Inst convocation, and lecelvoel several applications and reinstate ments. The nntPit.ilniuent cnnimltleo Is nitnnKlnn fop several social iiIrIus that should crowd their council cham ber. WAR AND THE RAILROADS, No Fuss Made Over Number Killed nnd Wounded by the Latter. Kiniii limpet's Wcekl.v. If ".l-'.'i men vvero killed and ui.ii.'ei wounded n battle, even the moot slald newspaper would bo pardoned for uslnt,' .sfiisatlnnal headlines, a tin III ol hor ror would vibrate tlvllled peoples, piayois would be ulteiocl n nil chinch es for tho dead, and sympathetic reel-iiip- for lolatlves nnd wouiiiled would be utiiveis.il. Such a cahnuliy, however, happens evny year, aliuoat wlihoiit comment. Hut for the ollU'lal tepoit of lhe Inter stnto coiunieico Cnnimlsslou, nnnibillly rciideicd lo Kinsiess, the wnild woubi ho but little tho wiser for it, unci ns II ic, kocs on almost unmoved and uiicnn. ceniod about It. The llmues kHcii ubovo foi m ihe bilef olllclal aiinouiuc. inenl of the number killed ami Injiued hy lallways of the I'nlted .States for tho year endliiB Juno 30, IS".'). Tho stullstlc is olllclally softened by u tatlo stntenient that only 0110 poison w.n killed or Injutod for a certain number of million miles accomplished by tialns, Tho publiY is still fuither teassured to the effect that only 2d) passengers weio Killed and only 3,312 weie Injiued, which slves oyer slty million miles traveled for one Injured. We are told that 4.57-J persons; killed wcro ic?ally trespasseis, as were also 6,353 of the in- THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER I1EEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER, COMPLEXION SPECIALIST, The most imitated woman in the world '.7 n.wxtmms The Discovurer ok Facc Dleacu MME.. A. RUPPERT'S RaceTSleach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW- NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. :::::. i Does not cover up but removes the blemish. 1 Race oleach BRIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION . It Improves a Good Skin and Vorks Wonders tvith a Bid One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. ' cAbsoMely Harmless and cAlioays Successful. Drop In nd ask lo have Mme. Rupperl's Face Bleach shown lo you, anil have its merits, manner of using and wonderful results explained, so you will be satisfied It is what you need for yoi r complexion. We always carry ;t full line of Mine. A. Huppert's Gray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Cull linel have their niurlts cixpliiluocl tn you. Abk for Mme. Ruppcrfs book, " HOW tq "G BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. Delawtue, Lackawanna and Western 111 llllie t lice'. 2, llHW. S111II1 l"ivt - t uitrm feei Now Veirl. nt I 10, .'I Oel, ,1 1(1, 8 lie) .mil III 11. n. 111.; liVt, .''' P m K01 1'lill.nlelpliii .it MM jnil 10 01 .1. 111 , li '" .mil .J 1.1 p 111 I'm MioiiiMiuiir at ii.in p in. Vlilk airoiiiinuililiuii .it .140 p 111. Vmvu it llnlinKcu .It Ii :o, i.l1. Ml J', !-'. SI"'. 'v'. T.l'l p. Ill Vllive ,ll I'lnMilelpllil ll 1 IHI, "I".!!, li (Kl .mil h-21 p 111. Vinvc I111111 New Vinl. it l.lli, (.. li .intl 10 J. .1. 111 ; liiel. l.ii, 5.11, ." I") .111(1 II .ill p 111. I'lOlll MliilliMiellj .11 'iU'i .1. Ill Neiitli- I e ivc Sciiiilcni fnt Hull 1I0 .mil lulu ttinli.ilp si client it 1 n, ii :"i .mil ioo .1. in ; l.'i'i, .1 I. uui 11.'.") p 111 Ten ()vv(i;(i .mil vii e iim' .it (1 :t"i .1, 111. .mil I "1" p 111. I "i I lic.i .it 1.10 11 111. .uui I 'i'i p. 111. I'oi VI1111I1.1, 11I tl 00 .1. 111 ; 101 mil 1 li p. 111 I'm Nn linl mn ,it I Oo .uui (ill p in. I'm llinsliinilnii ' Kli'O 1. 111. Vinvc in -ci.inlnn from lliill.ilei it l.'il, 1; .11, .111 .uui 10 Oel .1 111 , .1 ..0 mil MM p 111. l'loni (Mv( :n .mil vi ttii-o nt i 11 ,1 111 , li IS ami 8011 p 111. I'i nm I t ic .1 .11 1! 11 .1 111 ; li..S .mil .1 0 p in. l'loni NiilinNim .it 7.10 1. 111, ami olio i in I'linii Miuilioic .it 10 IK) 1. 111 : .l.in anil 0.00 p 111 nifiolit-littl fr Diviiinil le-ive Sil.intnil fi'i' Nmtiiiiiiilii'iliiiil, .H (ill, 11101 i. in.: 1..11 md .110 p 111. I'm rivmmilli .it l.oi, :i -to, H.10 p 111. Km Kinc-Mon ul MO 1 in. Virive nt .Nmlliiiiiilinlinil .it o.tl j. ni ; I 10, mm .mil S II p 111. Virivp .it KliuMnn nl S 12 i. m. Ainvc .it l'lviiiniitli at 2 00. r.J, Otl p. 111 Vmce 111 Simitnii fiom Nnithtiinliorlaiiel at 0 li 1, m i IJ 111, 4.10 anil 8.41 p. 111. I 'mm lvnusion nl II 00 .1, 111. I'lum l'l'inoiitli at 7..11 a. m ; S.iO anil fi .11 p. 111. M'MIW TIIMN-. c-.iiitli-l.PiVo Mi.mton nl 1,10, .100, .150, 10 0', j, 111., :i .:i .mil .1 10 p in. N'orlli I p.ivp n 1 inlitti at 1.11, 0 .13 11, 111 ; 1 ..li. 1 18 nml 11 III p. 111. Illomii'-liiiii,' Division l.p.ivc eSrianton at 100j a. 111. md .1 .10 p 111. Central Hailrond of New Jersey. MitioiHjn pvv VenU 1'oot of I.ilipity ".ticcl, .N. It , .md nutli I'pii.v IIVIi; TMII.i: IV I I'I'MT MvV 0, ioiii. TiaiiH Ip.ivp "Hiantnii foi pvv V ork, Ntvvtrl., I'li.iliPtli, I'lnliilplplii 1, 1.11011, Hi Ililplicin, VI Iciilovvn, VI mill t I11111U .uui While' linen, at 8 11 11 in.; ppi"ss, 1 10; ivmitw, l.mi p. in. hull ilava, 2.11 p in I'or I'lltslon mil Wilke-, IIjiii1, 8 11 1 111 ; 1,10 anil I 00 p 111. MimliV!-, ".II p. in, IW llalllmoip .mil U,ilim.;li)ii and pninli Nmlli and Weil vii Hi Dili Iipiii, !-',,-, ,,, ,,,,, j,o ami 1.00 p. 111. --iinilivs, i II p 111, I'or l.on,r III 1111 li, DiPin (!tof, clc , at 31 a in, ami I 10 p. 111 I'nr Kpailmir, lalimon ami llaiiislnnt;, vli M lpiilovvn, K.11 a. 111. .) 1 1 I 110 i, 111. htind ijs, 2 11 in, I'oi I'oitsvlllp, ?,V. a 111, 1 10 p 111 I'or vlmintiin I'.uk, ('i a. 111, 1.10 ami 4 00 P. " 'llnmicli llekpN In all points p,i,t, south and wi.-t at lowest I. He-, at I In M itiou, C M. Ill III', Hen, Iim. ul. .1. II. OI.II VI -1'V, (.en Supt. Delaware nnd Hudson. Ill Illicit .llllio 0, I'lOI. '1'ialiH foi I iilimulilp liavp 1-ei.inlon at 0 20, S.im, s:ll, lo-l.l .1 in, li.oo, l.i, 2:, ,1,5. f;J'), lliil, 7 17, 0:1, II. '.'0 p. 111 , l.in .1 in I'm llemerildc, clc , cl in, 10. 11 a, 111, 2;ll and 3:i'l 11 111. I 01 W ilko II1110 - II, "!. Sill, 0 i', 10'll a 111., li M 1 i. 2,1". ''. I..i ".10, 7il", 10 II, 11 Ml I'- 01 I'm 1.. V. II II imliils iiil.1, !J,:il a. in , 2.1-, 4:!7 nml II : p m liu I'cniis.vlv.ini.i II. K poiiil-,-G:li, !)IS, 2. IS, ,'l:.u and 4 2 p. m. I'or Mliinv and all points noith fl:J0 a, 111. nml .1:52 p. in M'MUV 1IIMN!. I'm Cailioiiilili -s..'iil, ll..i.i a. in, 2:41, II 5i, &:1! ami 10. Ii i. m. I 01 WI!,c Hiiip U JS 1. 111., Ii.o.1, I..1', J 2', li .(2 and til.' . 111 I m Vlli.inv and points nmlli ,'1:.1J p. 111 , lor IIdikmIiIi, e ti b,ZU, II: i.l .1. in, and U..1' I' J" Eiie Bailioad, Wyoming Dlvlfalon. I'iiii. Taldo in 1 licit spt. 17, 1'1i. 'lulu-, fin llivvle- .md loial pninii., iiuinccl int. ut llavvlcv Willi llilc nillroad fm Ni vv nrk, Ncvvliiiii; nnd iiitciiiii'iliili' point, Icivc t-c 1.111 imi at 7.01 a. in niul 2 '" in 'li tins .nine at Nianluii at l 0 1, ni. ami t 10 p. tn. jlllfil Till'!' h'CU III flout of llic llllllis wlinii ilioy niiKlu 10 Imvo li-nl litihlnc-s t-lMuv lii'i'c. Homo nf litem vvoie only tranip.s, htcaliiiK' I'ldos, iliua ilildlnt, ( 1 ii'iiiiililtk'.s of tlioir iii.ilutoiiniici and pilfPiliiKi', eincl Htctlim; Hit Initial v pciiht's nn tlie i.illuay fori oiiitloiit-. A t in 'ml iiMimlii.ttloit of tlio ollli'lul icpoit fulls to 10vc.1l any oilier plill aiitluopic 01 leiih.suiliiK fo.ttiui'.s. On tlie contiaiy, a kIiiico at 11 table In tlio icpoit f1iov.s tlmt iluilnt, the peilod fiom KoptcinliPi' i'i, 1S.S, to MIIIIP ll.ltb, Uli'i, the awful hlutiKlilei' of i.illvv.i.vs aniiiiuitfil lo 7S.4U' Killed and llfj.707 In Jniod a 1 opiilation Ktealcr than the clly of New Oilc.my. Out what Is jStilvtly setinano to this aitlelo is the fact that timing lhos, car& the number of i.tilvvay employes killed in the United States was 2.",,030, and the number Injured was H.'.'.llO. For thirty years a successful career RAJLROfiDJTJMEJTABLSQ. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901. Tiains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, thiough ves tibule ti-ain from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 9.38 a. m week days, for Sunbury, Hariisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts. ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton. Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1. II. llL"irillNOV, Gen. Mgr. J. II. WOOD, lien. I'm. As. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Kffcet June 2, 1001, 'I1.111H l.ctvc hcrinlnn! I'or Philadelphia, and .New nrk via 11. & H. V, It., at li II nnd 9..'W .1. 111 . and 2 IS, 4.27 (Iliad. Iliinionei IXptcss), and ll.SO p. m. bun elavi, II k II, II. It , l.SS. S.27 p. m. I'or While- llivcn, llidrtnn and principal piiniUi ill the roil tcitions, vii l), ev. II. It. II, ii lj, 2.IS nml 1,27 p. ni. 1'ot I'ottsvtllc, el.15 . 111., 2 IS p. in. I'm llplhlchcm, i:.ilon, riondinir, llarrinhnrs; niul pnncipil inlcuntdiilc.- H itlom via D. i H. li. It., oil, li,.l) a. 111.; SIS, 4.27 (HlarU Div liimid I'.vprft.-', II '0 p in. S-nndiivs, 1). fc II. K. It,, 'US .1 111.: ) I1, S.27 p. 111 I'oi T1111I.I1 mime k, 'Imvlindi, Klmira, Itlucj, Ccncv.i and piincliiil Intcimccilalo htatinn, m l., I., .v- W. II. It, iOs a, 111. ; 1,03 and a. 10 p. in. I'm f.'cncva, ll.xhctci, H11IT1I0, Niacara Kails ( hie un and all points vvcht, vh II. k II, II. II., 7.4S II .11 a. 111 , I i" K.Si ( lilac W Diatnnnd Ex pic.v-), 7.18, 10 II, 11, Ml p, in, .Sumlavs, I), A, II. It. It , 11 SI, 8.27 p. in. I'lillnnii piilor and slrcpine or I.chlch Valltv pnlor tais on all liaiius hrtivccn W'ilkcs Birn and New Voile, Philadelphia, Huffalo and tiio I'Ciision lliitLse'. IIOI.I.IV II. Wll.lll'lt, Kent. Supt., 20 Cortland ticil. New mk CIIMII.CS s. ,m:, (!cn. l'a3. .Kt 26 Oortlan-J (stlCCt. .New V,oik, A. V NONM'.MVt llllll, Piv, Pa. Ast , t3outl llcthlrhciii, I'a. I'oi llikcls and Piilliinn rrsrrvalinns apply tc Ift'i l.jckiivvaiini avenue, ."cranlan, Pa, Tim Card in effect Dee. aoth, tOOQ SCRANTON DIVISION. 1 an so5 , soi 1 !M ?d.dJf s STATIO.VS c a "J ija n sa PM Tut 1 TlOAr.VY.WiiriBM.r. . il- PM I PM PUT awiw.. 10 I'i ICSAl 10 ID IS 68 " 1031 18 4S " 10 ill '81 " , lOtlistS " Cailnma llieiuiit'tf I.T, StarllKlit " I'ltHton Park. ' VMiiuoutl... ' ..Piiintelli)... " . .Ottioil . , " I'Kasuiul 51 1. I'lilondale. " lormt Lily " (aibondaloVd M . C'arbumlAlA 1 lilts 46. ml 10 UUI J ID " iU II., lUISt ana id. uaill.w UlOllt " OV.IHV ' tamvi " mniii " g tan m " nor . DOIItll " 9 0011 III " M II 09 " 8 Sill 01 ( H60II 01 II Id 10 M " KUIOM " 8 10 10 60 ' 8 3)111)411 " H14I0IV " 8 U 10 IV " H.10IOI0I.V I VI IV .. PM liiiSassi liooiHtei . 6 40 .8 Si .8 34 8i .VVhltu llrl.lfre. " 01 Jlii) Held Vd 7 IliU Jiajncia Jernivn , Aiilihald Wlntoie I'mkvlllo Olypliant I'lUvuurtf Ibioop 1'iovldrivce I'nik I'lati- Sciantou 7 07 a TOUXti 8 411a- 6 tt 15 tit m. 0 22 " J 18 " It si " 1 aa . " 1 31 " 7 SJ " 7 a.1 an in M6 12 at)8i Bill 6W 098 tl CI7 6H m .60.; sea 6 00 Ar 7 40 W6si. fM iM-PM PJKI Adlltional ualnaltaTB farbondale for Mivotlrl Tart tf,vmJf f'f-' I"-"'! "'' 7 VIS" Bunday only, airnloj ' iard70O,piiiaod0Opni " .VI litlonj I iralm Irate- ctraDlon attDOrm Samjai oalr. itontilueatalUtatloni tn tatlModalf, airtlo at 7U pm, aii.tti.li, lfr,., Mai ImM Yar.1 for ('aiboada? at rt elill, arriJiog at Caiboudala t a.M am. Hales S ceuta per mile, Loneat Kates tu all rolnts Weit, . INDCRSOJN, C's'iriu'rAieot, Torll.it rt7SSwr-icS?S' 1 C. WClH, Ti. Aot, Cciaatotu f