J !?.' 7&mUrXW'W '' H' -iw.'KMjyjv1 ppS? v Jf-fiW '" 'H U'!'M "rtVfnfi srtift ?; uf-,v.tTvi:ffvit' SMbune. SWWi mnton THI: ONLY SCRANTON PAPBR RBCBIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE w6iUD, SCRANTON, PA., SATUKIMY MOBMNCi, .ITNE 35, 1901. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. iMMRsJSI I l1 ' i J rrzsfcs?r 4TMjBfjCffiUijffW iwlP?Silfu9F jmSPL j""""" 7 FERRYBOATS IN COLLISION Sldetvheel Northfleld In the Service o? the Stated Island Gompanu Rammed bu MoiigIi Chunk. PASSENGERS IN WATER The Northfleld Sinks Near tho Span ish Line Pier in tho North River. Over a Hundred Passengers Are Hescuod by Tugs and Other Boats Nearby Difference of Opinion as to the Loss of Life Captains of the Ferryboats Blame Each Other. fly KiduMce Who fiom The As-uclalcd l'rs, Xiv - oris, Juno i Tin? wondon sidotvheol ferryboat Xorlhllcld, which Imp been In tho service of llic Stolen Isl'ind Ferry company for the past thirty-eight yours, wns tninnied tonight by t lie stool hulled propeller Munch Chunk, used us u ferryboat by ibe Continl liullinad of New Jersey. The collision itociiru-il J ii t off the Sin ten li-lniul ferry 1 !. id the foot of Whlte 1 1 til street. and lit less tlmn ten tnin ntcs afterwards the Northfleld. which was crowded with passengers, sank at the miter end nf the Spiinisli line pier In the Kant river. The Mauoh Chunk, which was b.nlly damaged, landed the two dozen passengers who were aboard i f hi r. Over a hundred of the passen gers or the sunken Norlhlleld wore diugged out of the water by people along Miorc and the crews of the fleet of river tugs which pioniptly rospond id to the ferryboat's call for help. A f' w of the Nnrlhllcld's passengers nolo hurt in the accident, and the tic llco say that some lives wore lost, c'apt.i.n Daniel tiully of the tugboat Mtiti.al. who saw the ferryboats crash together, says that mioh after tho col-ll.-lon between Iweuty-tivc and thirty of the passengers leaped Into the water and thai ninny of those perished. Cup lain fJnllv also declares that he is uro iivei a hundred nf the .YorthfieldV pas sr icjers were drowned. The captains of other tugboats who were early on he scene, however, aip inclined to think that the disaster was not so seri ous as regards to loss of life. Thus Car no dead bodl"s have boon roeoveiod. The Work of Rescue. The reason for such a difference of opinion as to the extent of the disaster is that th" wildest excitement prevailed on the Xorthlleld. The tun- Mutual sinod In all about seventy-five per sons 1 1 mil the Xorthlleld, and Ihe tugs 1 nity and Arrow saved between them ISO person'!. Two policemen of the old slip station claim to have rescued i, early thhty people between them. .s f-oon as the crowd which had followed ihe sinking fenyboai along llic river Vrcnt were able to render anv aid they winked villi a will, and in many In Mhiicos moi. sprung into the water' to mi vo life. The groiilist service was lc mitred by the tugboats, which. aM smiii as it wjis possible, circled, around the Xorthfiel I and made a bridge- to the Spanish lino pier, and men and women cl.unhored over Ihe tuns to the shoio. While the Xortlilleld was well sup plied with life preservers, which were Mowed in out of the way place-, not more Hun two dozen of the eiiilnn M red passenger wore able In sol the l i belts on. This slate of nffahs wns because the life preservers were not handily obtainable, and the wildest snt of a panic followed when the luiu dieds of passenger realised theii dan ger Tld" was only a few minutes be-foii- the Xorthlleld nnl; to the bottom of Die tlver, and then all who had not Jumped to the lugs found themselves In the water. The svlft-riinnliu: Hood tide anil the iiiiesiion of which bom had tight of way was the cause of the disaster. i '.i (t ii ill brilinin .lohnson was in i'1'iiiae of the Xorthlleld. and I'aplii'n S C. rirllUli was in coniniiilid of the M.iueli chunk. Hindi lays the blame fir the collision on the other. explain Abraham .loliusnn. of the Xorthlleld, was arret-led about mid night on a charge of erlnilnal nogll ;i tuo. lie is lu-ld without ball, and will be arraigned tomorrow. Captain lirlllln, of the Maucli Chunk, vent to bis home in Jersey city not Ions: after the accident occurred. tifllcluW of the Jersey Central rail road gave assurances tint Captuln !i lllln would make Ills appearance in police court to answer to a technical i largo of manslaughter. The only person i"inrted missing up to midnight was ilonrgo II. Coppers. .1 nltor of ilie criminal courts build ins. FRIEOY GRIFFIN HANGED. Pays the Penalty for Wantom Kill ing' of Conductor Latimer. Hi rciu-,H Win1 (mni 'lln' snei.iti Pies. Urunswlck, tin.. ,lune 14 -Frlooy Grlttln. a negro, was hanged hero to day lor the murder In October hist of It. Marion l.atlmer. a passenger con ductor on the SoiiUmm railroad. On the night tho murder occurred, l.ntl nor was Informed, while bis train was i tinning between two stations lu tbl.t pari of the state, that tonio one was standing on 'he front stops nf the bap pa sr car. He opened the door and called to th man to i-onio Insido. Tho nesro stepped to the door of tho our and shot the conductor, killing hint Instantly, Burial of Prof. James. Ily l'.xi.liitv Wire (rom Tlif Awux'latcl I'irsi. l.fwUburi:, I'a., .Juiic H. Tlic hwly o( the late Viottiuit Cliirlcs !?iiloii JoiniJi, I'll. D., prod-wir v( iiuthcniiilct i lliicknfll niibfrolly liom 1MI to IS7T, w biomslit here fioui rj'aju, Mont,, lit tuirial. 'Ili funeral crUocs were lieM this lliiiuvm in llic I'list l.iitt.l cliiinh. Ad'lirfkf .y CiitliWi.t John II. llJirii, o( lluckocll iini. lif.ity; I'iofcur William C, Martin, c( the nnivrrntty. i.l the Hcv. J. T. Judd, t'jstor ol tit ilJV'.Ut (.Lurclu MAYOR ASHBRIDGE IS INTERVIEWED Claims tho Wanamaker Letter In cident Was Grossly Exajrureated. Ily llxrliube Wire from Tho Aiwlatnl l'rf I'hllHilclphln. .Mine II. A Htatoinent Was mndo to-dny by Mayor AshbrldRi! In ri'Kald to the slRltlnK by him last nlRht ot the fourteen rapid transit bills passed by councils Wednesday. The mayor sold: "As soon as tho ordinances bail buen approved by the departments of public, safety and public works they were re turned to iiip. I rompnred them word rui' word nnd sinned tin- Inst bill at 10:0.T p. in. "IteRiirilliiR the alleRcd Incident which took place at the now mint building, the fnets have been grossly distorted, As I was sittliiR on tin.' sliiRo a younK man rushed up to mo, after olhowliiR his way through the ciowd, and handed me a letter. I did not know what It was as It was banded to tno upside down, and called to him: 'Who are you'.' 'What Is this.' The youriR man, who may have been Mr. Wanamaker's secretary, walked away rapidly. Without looking at the letter I throw It after him. It struck him on the hack and fell at his feet. Kiir a moment. I thought It might have been another letter from Johnson. When a eportcr picked It up and of fered it to me 1 told him I did not know what it wns and If thorn were any bonds In it for him to keep them. I frequently receive letters on such oc casions, but lutvo no time to read them. This was another instance and there is no more to say about It." GRIND OP THE CHARTER MILL Franchises Secured by the Bitumin ous Street Railway Company. Pittsburg: Applicants Refused. By Inclusive Wire hem The Ave.i l.itrrl Pros'. Horrlsburi;, June It. The nitumln ous Street f'ailway company of Clear lield. capita lined at Jlsn.OHO. was char tered by the state department today to build thirty miles of track to connect Clcarlleld with On Hois. Falls Crept: and other thickly populated districts In Clearlield county. President. Geo. A, l.ukehart. Du Hols: directors, W. A. KiiR-lenmn. J. B. Hess, J. A. Vas blnder, Du Hois; John M. Urcy, Clear lield: J. I.. l.aiiRham. Indiana, and John P. Warner, Philadelphia. Those persons are also interested in the Old Town Street Hallway company or Cur wensvllle, which was chartered to build a lino seven miles long- with $tL', 000 capital. Charters wore also granted to the Mellon syndicate of PitlshurR, of which Win. J. Berryman Is president for the following companies: Shady Avenue and Homestead Stieet railway, capital SIS, ODD: Swlssvale and McClurn Street railway, capital SIS.OOO: TJg-onier and chestnut Hrldq-e Street railway, capital $70,001); First avenue and Ferry Street railway, capital. $6,000; Ouquesne and Oak Street railway, capital JJl.OOO. "W. C. Karnsworth. of Harrisbut-R, se cured a charter for the liberty Street and Brownsville Street railway, cap ital $0,000, to operate In Pittsburg. Charters were today refused the fol lowiiiK Pittsburg companies because they intend to build their proposed line on the Grant and Boecbwood boule vard: Seventh Avoniio Street Hallway, capital JiM.OOO; Beecliwood Avenue Street railway, capital $21,000. The charters were applied for by "W. C. l'irnworth, of HarrlsburK. WATERWORKS SCANDAL; Five Indictments Are Returned by Detroit Grand Jury. Ill CM'In-iw Wire liom The AHi.itdl Pir Hotrolt, Mich., June 11, A special to Hi" News from Grand Uaplds, Mich,, says. "Five Indictments were returned to iht, by the grand Jury, which has been Investigating an nlloged water works scandal. The mimes of the' Indicted men are: Thomas McGarry, Silicon V. MacLeod, l,anl 1. Gnlshury, Gerrlt Alhers and Henry A. Taylor, or New York. "The icsiilt was no surprise to those who hud kept track of tho Investiga tion, hut It was expected there would be a do.eti true hills returned, among llieiu a number of aldermen. "Taylor's arrest was ordered In New York by wire. The local men are now In custody," CAILLES WILLING TO YIELD Filipin General Ready to Begin Surrender Today. Ill i:iliioUi' 'Aire limn The Wmijled 1'ie-a. Manila, June H. ('allies, the Insur gent loader in l.aguna Province, has become more bumble and now Indicates Ills willingness to surrender a hun dred guns to General Sumner tomor row at Santa Cruz and to give up tlio Imlanro In three days. ENGLAND'S FIVE LARGEST OITIES fly I'.U'liulvr Wlie ircm The AfeneMtnl l'ie. London, .liine II. -A piriiiiiiiur.i rrriits volume jiiil troii'd uiw Ihe ,iiiil,itimi of the live Ulf i ..I rilli u( llusliii'l, rulibiw ol London, ni (dIIoh: .beiiool, IVSI.IM7' Mjih helir, .ll't.oii:'! Ilipiiiivjluiii, fi2J,SJi I.eiiN, C!SWi; Slieltiehl, .'IMI,;;!!. The Intil mnnlier "( nulis In Hiiglaiiil ami Wall u L'i,7il,rJS: ul (rnulis, UI,Nl,:i7, nidi senln? aliriml in the ariuj, navy and niei'. cliaut iiLiriue Lein esctiided, Mountain House Burned, Ily F.u'liutre wlrc (rom The Aiveelated Prm. N'ewlmrgh, X. Y. .bine tl.-The Mountain llmiw, in Ihe iiiniiiilalni hark ni t'ornnall, was ilesliii.iid I'.v llic tldi .ilieriioon. The LulldlnR .H formeily a Id); ninmcr hold, hut vj nnoc mpied, and wa IkIus: put in older for me ai a fjiiliaiiuui (or renMimptivra, To such a u.e ihe IKuplii nl Oornuall ohjeeied and hid ananced to hold a m.iii nietlini; lonlglit to make a public UOtl'it, Modern Woodmen Meet Ily F.xcliulre Wire (mm Th Anociated Prcn. St. I'iiuI, June II. At today' kefelon ol Ihe hlrmilal coiiicnllon o( Modern Woodmen of America, Indlaiupoli w.u selected lor the con tention of loot. An application (rom under ground mliieri (or pirinUtion to join the order wan refuted. SESSION OF THE HOUSE Short Slttlnrj at Which a Larue Number ot Appropriation Bills Passed Second Reading. RAPID TRANSIT BILLS The Focht and Scott Supplemental Bills Pass First Reading Numer ous Appropriation Measures Re ported from the Committeo Monu ments for Pennsylvania Troops. By Krclmlve Wire (rom The Avocinled Pros'. Harrlsburg, .Tune 1-1. A short session of the house was held today, at which . Inrjo number of appropriation bills passed llrst and second reading. Tho Focht find Scott supplemental bills to the rapid transit laws passed first readluir. A resolution was reported from the rules committee and adopted, making bills on second reading the order for Monday night's session. Ciuler this order these bills will be taken it) for second reading. The following bills wore reported from the appropriation committee: Kt. Joseph1 hospital. Hetulhifr, $10,000; St. Joseph's hospital. Philadelphia. $10. 000: University of Pennsylvania. S2."i. 000: monument to Pennsylvania troops In Battle of Shlloh. $i!,000: VllllaniF port hospital, SHL'.OOO: Taylor hospital, .fin.OOO; rtcudinff hospital. $10,000; lled-Ico-ChlrtirRlcal hospital, Philadelphia, $100,000: University of Pennsylvania hospital. $5S,000: KeadlilR Homeopath ic hospital, $14,000; Merchant hospital, Wllkes-Uarre. Jl'.'.OOO: AVilkos-Hiure hospital JL'5,000: Jewish hospital. Phil adolphlu, $10,000: monument to One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania regi ment, at Chattanooga. National park, $1,000. Mr. Lack, of Chester. Introduced a bill appropriating $."i.000 for the pur chase of ground for the erection of a monument to the memory of American soldiers killed at Rrandywlnc battle. The house adjourned until X o'clock Monday evening. OFFICERS SHOT BY THE DESERTERS Loss of the American Officers in tho Fight at Lipa Has at Last Been Explained. Hy Knuhwiir Wire from The Woei.iled l'ic.. Manila, June 14. Colonel Poianns, with live olllcers and forty-one titles, lias surrendered at Llpa, Hiitangas piovineo. The recent battle with the Insurgents at I.lpa. In which Lieutenant Springer was killed nnd Captain Wilhelm and Lieutenant Loo wore mortally wound ed, Wiis begun by the Americans. Th" disproportionate number of officers hit is chargeable, U Is said, lo the fact that there were several deserters from the American army with the rebels, Th Island of Painty is being ravaged by rinderpest, and so great Is the havoc caused by the disease that tho natives are hauling carts to Hollo. REFUSE TO ARBITRATE. Rochester Contractors Ask Protect ion to Resume Work. lie KxcliKiiP Wile liom The A-oei.ited Pie.-' Hochoster, X. V., Juno 11. The con tractors have finally and decisively re fused to arbitrate the mutter lu dispute between themselves and the striking laborers. This was made known after Ihe conference between the contractors and Mayor Carauahaii, The contractors declare that they are In the right on every point and that, therefore, they have nothing lo (arbi trate. They also ask for protection to resume the work on contracts on public Improvements and the mayor has assured tbein such protection, WARM TIME IN THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES M. Drumont Attacks Govornornment in Connection with Algiers. Ily Cxrliislre Vn liom The Awiei.itod Prowl Paris, June 14.--There wns nil excit ing scene lu the chamber of deputies today. M. Drtimnnt (anti-Semite), of. Algiers, attacked the government In connection with the administration of Algeria. When u vote of censure nnd exclusion front the chamber was pro posed as a result of his remarks, M, Drumont refused to leave until a tile of soldiers entered tho house, when he re tired, shouting "Vivo l'linnee" mid "a has las Jttll's." M. Drumont, during tho course of his attack on various oirielaK called tlio prefect of Algiers a wretch ami declined the minister of Justice, M, Monls, and thn minister of marine, M. De Lnncssnn, were disreputable men. Bijj Fire At Winchester. By Km huh Wire Ironi The Asioil.iled IVs. Wlnthoster, Teiin., .tune II. -Five today de. ilrahoxril the entile eait side nl Ihe putilhi Mpjie, exiepl three huildlni:. l.ixvi estimated at sl'O.ixi: Insiiunee, tlie.imo. One perwui vu In juieil. Callahan Held for Perjury, 11 Exclusive Wire (rom The Avoclatri) I'mh. Omaha, Xfk, June II. Ijnies (allalun mi today held for lil.'l in the di-ulii cunt on .1 iluiiie of perjury alleged In lave Leen loiniiillled III one of the Cildlhy Mdujpplii carj. Il.iil wai fixed at $1,500. ' Knights of the Mystic Chain, Ilr Kxcluilie Wire (rom The Associated Pre!,. llarriktiurir, June II. Tho Supreme castle of the Amlent Order KnlghM of the M.itllc Chain concluded their xeslou todj.c. The next eMtmi lll ho held In Atlantic City In I'MI. A ioiikiI. tulion (r all the oiRanltatloiid cvnuvuvd uith the Mjitlc Uulu wjj adopted. VERDICT AGAINST THE LACKAWANNA Justice Maddox Directs Payment of $77,048 to John H. Paul. Ily r.xi'liixlte Wire fintu The AmoiI.UiiI PirA' New Vork, .Ituip H. Justice Maddux, sitting In Miooklyn today, dlrectod that tl verdict of $7".i!4S (Including Interest) be entered for the plaintiff lu a suit brought by John II. Paul ngalu.il the iJclnware, Lackawanna anil Western Italli'oad conipany to recover $70,"fi0, claimed as commissions due under a. contract. It Is claimed by the plain tiff thai on July !', isso. the defendant company enlered Into all agreement with Hubert K. "U'ostcott for tho trans portation of milk In cans over all their lines to' Now York city, the railroad company lo retain SO per njiit. freight chin ges, while Weslcolt wns to receive the other "0 per cent, for bis commis sion. Kroin July. JS!0, to Febriiiuy, 1000, Wci'lioU said he was unable to collect his commission, which bad previously hr-ti reduced to H per cent., nnd that ili.t"li.v he suffered a loss of. ;o,7."'Ip. Th" claim was transferred by Wes'tootl to Paul, who brought the ac tion. The defence was thai M'estcott bad violated his ngi cement by giving bis milk-carrying trade lo the Now Yotk Central and the West Shore railroads. WH0LESALETRADE IS INCREASING Labor Situation Gradually Mend ing and the Outlook la Brighter. Ily Inclusive Wire from The As.nei.-iled Pii. New York, Juno 14. R. CI. Dun ,t Co.'s Weekly Keview of Trade to-morrow will say: Kotail nperatloiis both east, and west are larger and distribution of mer chandise by the wholesale trade Is in creasing in dry goods and boots and shoes. The labor situation Is gradu ally mending, with the appreciation of Ihe fact that In some directions manu facturers would be glad of a temporary shut down of works. Prices are easier, bossomcr pig show ing a loss of about $0 a ton compared, with the quotation In February last year, when the production was near present llgures. This absence of Infla tion In prices Is t lie host symptom In the market and precludes the possi bility of a collapse like last year's, lu finished product there Is great activity, owing to the large amount of goods to be delivered July I. There is noted es pecial urgency for immediate shipment by consumers of plates, bars and .struc tural simper, tho 'activity in building operations showing no dlnilnuitlon. Wheat declined to a more reasonable level with withdrawal of speculative support! A crop this year equal to the greatest over harvested was indicated by the olllclal crop reporf and there was heavy soiling of options with a lull below- So cents for cash wheat at this city. Atlantic exports for the week. Hour included, were 2,!l"6,S:i bushels, against 4,.'.0,t'I the previous week, and ::,0Sl.!i-'l the same week last year. Corn also lost In x'aluo, although crop news was not especially bright. Atlantic exports are still unsatisfac tory, amounting to -,IS7,.V.'." bushels, against ,'l,'J0i;,rdi;t a year ago. Failures for the wool; numbered 170 In the I'nitod States, against 1fi'J last your, and :!.'! In Canada, against 21 last year. TOMPKINS WANTS BIG COMMISSION He Claims to Have Applied Christian Science Successfully. Hy i;.'oii-iio Wire fiom The Awi dated Pres. Carnidon, N. J., June 14. Vice Chan cellor ("irey to-dny made a final order against Dr. George S, Tompkins, a Christian Science advocate of this city. In the suit instituted by Mrs. Kate Mccullough for the recovery of over $1,000, which she entrusted to Tomp kins for Investment while she was en deavoring to improve her health through Tompkins' Christian science manipulations. Tompkins claimed that he was en titled to a large commission for col lected debts due Mis McCullnugh be cause bo was able lo get the money, although the parties wore several hun dred miles distant, by sitting in bis room and exerting thought Influence upon them. SOUTHERN SHOOTING AFFRAY. One Man Killod nnd Another Ser iously Wounded. Ily Lxclilsbe Wire fioui 'Hie .nci.iled Pre-, Sumter, S. C Juno 14. Frank Winn was killed and Charles Smith wound ed In a shooting affray bote tonight. Winn had a lawsuit against IMdle Kd wurds, which was toduy decided In favor of Winn. The two men met later and ifuar relod, and both drew revolvers. PM wnrds fired twle- killing Winn lu slautl.v. Winn also fired twice, both of ihe balls striking Smith, who bad en deavored to eiarnto the men, Smith's wounds are serious, Kdwiirds was un hurt. Will Loan Liberty Bell. Ily Ktilimiif Wile fiom 'I'lir Associated Pie. Philadelphia, .bill" II. M.iinr Wihridae h.n dinied the ordinance' appropiiatlnt,' i.,0oo for Ihe puipo.e of ilffiaxhnr the expense of a Philadelphia, exhibit at Ihe south I'Jtolina luleiaUtc ami West Indian exposition, lo he held in Uuilotimu, . '.. next xriuliT. The iiiiior also lnned Ihe icsoliition of councils: that Ihe uh liherly hell he cent to I'harlestuwn as put of Philadelphia's display. Injunction Against Machinists. Ily Bii'luahr Wire (rout The Associated Prcsi. Cleuland, June II. -The l.'leudaud Punih ami shear loiupany today loiiiiuenied Injunction pio. ncdliUi au-alllst Ihe slilkln- inichlulsls, a.Uini; that the men l"i iC'lralned from ilrefliii; Ihe woilca el the company. The lompany in lu poll lion aveM that the union plckeU have leiiori.n emploji-i ho wish to exork. The cake will he hcaid Tucida). m Pensions Granted. H'l nxdiiiliP Wins (rom Tho .Wioelatod Pie.vi. Wah!ii!:lon. Juiw ll.llorolu Filt fwidoiv). o( Will.cs llairc, has been fianlid a pciulon of 3 a mouth. BIG TRANSPORT TOPPLES OVER The Inoalls Falls Over In a Dru Dock at Erie Basin South Brooklyn. ONE W0RKINGMAN KILLED Many ' Ar Sovoroly Wounded and Crushed by Falling Timbers A Number of Men Borne Sown Into the Water and Jammed Beneath the Wreckage A List of the Vic tims Could Not Be Obtained Last Evening. Ily llxduslve Wire (roin The AiiooUted Pfe. Now York. June 14. While the Unit ed Stales transport Ingalls wns In the balance dry dock at the Krle ba?ln, South llroriklyn, this afternoon, where she xvns about to undergo extensive repairs, she .suddenly slipped from the blocks and capsized. One man Is known to have been killed, and many Injured. There xvere about 1M0 car penters, machinists anil other laborers al work on the vessel nnd dock at the time, ft Is supposed that the vessel was thrown from an oven keel by bal last Improperly placed, or by the shift ing of the blocks on which she rested, causing her to list to starboard, driv ing ihe shoring beams through the rotten walls nf the old floating dry dock in which she was cradled. Re aides the mechanics and other work men who crowded the vessel and dock, preparing her for a voyage to Manila, there were supposed to have been about thirty Italian laborers In the hold of the ship, employed In shifting the pig Iron ballast. While the workmen xvere trying to escape, j the dock itself overbalanced by the xvelghl of the ship, turned on its side and sank In fifty feet ot xvater. A number of the men xvere borne down Into the xx'atsr and jammed under and beneath the wreck age which rose to the surface. ITow many wore caught could not be learned tonight. Martin Anderson, a painter, xvns caught under the descending side ot the ship nnd killod outright. Others were dragged out of the water badly Injured or half drowned, and hurried to the hospitals. Added to the horrors of the night xvas the uncertainty of the fate of the men In the vessel's bold. Some managed to get to tho dock and leap Into the xvater as the vessel xvas sinking, but II Is feared that the ma jority wore less fortunate. The In galls went into tho dry (look at ll.:0 this morning, and about JSO.000 xvas to have boon expended on her tepalrs. Tho lock in which she was placed xvas a very old one. having born constructed over fifty years ago. An effort was made to close the gate at the time of the accident, but xvas unsuccessful. No cue could be found tonight xvho could give any estimate of the amount of damage the disaster had entailed. NEW STEEL COMBINATION. The Cleveland Leader Give an Esti, mate of the Resources of Trust. Ily Lxeliislve Wire from The Associated Pies".. Cleveland, June 14. The Lender to morrow will say: The Cubed States Stool corporation and Its allied Interests nre preparing to control its four big competitors and thereby lay the foundation for a mon opoly of the steel Industries In the I'nitod States. The Cambria Stool company, the Pennsylvania Steel com pany, the llothlehom Iron company and Jones & l.augbllu will bo brought under control before winter. The man ner of obtaining control of these plants will be by utilizing friendly financial powers, hitch as Mr. Schwab, the Penn sylvania railroad and other Interests of like magnitude. The I'nltotl States steel corporation in Itself finds that ihe resources nf its projectors have been about taken up In Hunting tho securi ties of tbnt organization, henc to con trol these plants, which mentis an out lay of several hundred million dollars, It Is necessary to interest outside capi tal. This will be done by retaining as aides such powers as have been sug gested, which will establihh a com munity of Interests among the finan ciers now developing the steel Indus try. Mr, Schwab has virtually obtained control of the Bethlehem Steel coin pany, which he will operate in close harmony with the plains uf the Unlied States Steel corporation, Although the Cennsylvanla railroad olflclals deny connection with the sale of the Pennsylvania Steel company, the denial Is Mild to he technical only and the funds for controlling the Penn sylvania Steel company, will, it Is said, I'omii from sources pear to the. Pennsylvania railroad, Two other syndicate are said to Im forming In purchnso control of the Jones ,x I.aughlln company of Pitts burg and the cambiiu Steel company, and options have already boon ob tained on these plants. The purpose of the purchase. It Is said, Is to control the Iron market xvlien Ihe dull season arrives, and by controlling the entire output of the steel manufacturing plants posnlbly ruinous competition will be avoided. Suicide of an Insane Woman. Hy KxcK'slie Wire f.nm 'Ihe Axuiilaled I'reu. lamasler. June II. Pheini.i Woil.in.iii, an In mate of I hi' louidy iu-ane a-iluui, lounii.iied i,uii id" al noon today l. liauslus. she made a iioo,o out ot' her apron and tied Hie oihri end to a lull in Ihe wall. Mio v.n ;:.", lean of ani on! had Iciii an inmate of the a.ilum Ju-l one XX Ct k. . Bill Disapproved. 3, Exclutbe Wire (rom The Amocialrd rcM. lUrilaliuie, .lime II, lloxruior Sione lodiy dls. nppiovcd a dUpplemcni to the aei o,' Miy il, Jcs7, leljtho to Ihe iiuoipoialioii of thiol lias., title, proildlm; (or Ihe adu,inent of the In ihiilcdncts of mill cittcj and hoiuii;;hi oi town thlpa uunvicd thereto. THti NEWS THIS N0RNINR Weather IndlcatUnsTotWyt SHOWERS. 1 Ceiieul- lluste in Kuiiiiatltig China Ex plained. IViry lloalx In a Ci.nh. Tranpnrl Installs Topple Oier - , Woik of the State l-cnlsUtom, '2 rSenerat-CailioiuIale Depailiutnl. 3 Oeneral John K. nlchinondV lnlerrttliifr Southern Letter, Si entitle Salad. 4. Idliloilal. Noli- and rolnmrnt, 5 Local Korninl Opening of the Thirteenth Itiglnicnl Annul. 6 l.oi nl Mil. Ileulaiiii.i' Vate In .lurj'i Hand.'). Xewi nf the Plre Depailinenl. 7 1oeal -Commencement, nl Ke.vtnne Academy. Prmiltiis of the lldiieiillonal Contest. 8 Local Wcl Sir.uiton and SuhuiLin, 9 (Jencral-Xoilheiislein Peiilisylianht. Financial and (.'uuiueiti.il, 10 Story "Itoiiunce of Ihe Char SpihiK," It laical Kellcloim News of the Week. Sunday School Lesson fur Tiuunriow. 12 Local- Indii-trial and faihor. GENERAL ORDERS TO NATIONAL GUARD The Third Brigade to Camp at Mt. Gretna Instructions to Naval Forces. n.r Kreduniie Wire fiom The Avwhittd Pie.. llarrlsbitrg, June 14. Adjutant Gen eral Stewart today Issued the following general orders to the National Guard of Pennsylvania: The commanding officers of First and Third brigades have designated loca tions for brigade encampment In 1901 as follows: First brigade at Perkasle, Mucks county, July 20 to "J7. Third brigade at Mount Gretna, Lebanon county.July 20 to 27. The selections made are here by approved. The location for brigade encamp ment, Second brigade, will bo an nounced In future orders. The annual cruise of the naval force of Pennsylvania will be made on the United States ship Shearwater as fol lows; Division A, two officers and thirty men. June 22 to 29. Division B. two officers and thirty men, July fi to in. Two olllcers and remaining por tions or Divisions A and U, July 20 to 27. The commanding officer, baCallon naval force of Pennsylvania, xvill des ignate the olllcers of the battalion and the officers of divisions to participate Mn cruise on dates named. The annual Inspection of Ihe naval force will be made by Captain John S, M tickle, xvho is authorized to designate dates for such Inspection. BL0NDIN MURDER . INVESTIGATION Thread of Evidence Seems to Have Centered Upon a Mysterious Trunk. Ry Kx'clmlve Wir.' liom The Appelated Pri"., Hoston. June 14. Tho belief that .Mrs. Margaret Blondiu xvas murdered In her room nt 430 Green street, on the even ing of April 27. is gnining ground in police circles In this city. Tho expres miiii xvho took the Hloiidlu trunk away fiom the boarding bouse on Green street xvas William Dean. Dean re membered the Incident, as II xvas rain ing hard and as the man who engaged him rode with him. Dean says he saw a chock placed on the trunk before he lett. Hloiidin had a ticket for Montreal, no woman at the station, checker at the station nionillu met The baggage corroborates Dean's story. Special Officer Chapman this after noon also found the expressman xvho called for HlonUln's trunk al the 'kil ter's lodgings on Howard street last Wednesday. He took It lo the South I'nlon depol. The expressman told the police officials thai he cheeked the trunk to Spijugileld, WRECK OF THE LIMITED. An Eastbound Train on the Penn sylvania Collides with Freight. Il.i Lxeliisixe Wile (mill The Associated l'n- Pitisburg, June 14, The Pennsylva nia limited, east hound, was wrecked just west of Uochester, Pa today, by a rear-end colllsslou with n freight train. Tim passenger worn consider ably shaken up, but no one was In jllied. except Mrs. Amos Milliliter, of Dubuque, own, whose face was slight ly cut and bruised by being thrown against a mirror and has proceeded on her way to Wilmerding. i'a. The platform of the observation car was broken ami one mall car damaged. The wreck caused a delay of a half hour. Smith Throws Up the Sponge, Hi l!xilusle Win from The Woclaled Pir. Ilaltlmoie, dune II. lu Ihe kciond lound of Ihe light heie loidnhi hilueen "M.uli'iii.ii.-- Ilill.i" Muiili and "iDima; Peler .laiukon," Smith ic icHiil ft Plow nhhh iIomiI one of his c.ics and In- loll ihe I'ln.', hl neiomls lliomliu,- up the spouse at 1 1 '- ind of ihe lu ind, It Js .1 flit loimh-amlreudi i- hilii t I.ti Mrs. McKinley's Improvement. Ill tlxiliuitp Wile liom The xiJoWaled Piovj. W.iisliiimioii, June II. fir. Hlxe.v, on leaving1 Ihe' While House al I0.MI l.iuL'lil, -ald thai Mm. Milxinley was i!oiii- leiy well ami main, luiiiitig In i iioiiujI Inipiuiimt-nl. Slr. MiKluley rci lined on a lolliiur ihair in lei loom dining i hi- ila.i. Mr. Pingree Is 111. II. I PncIusIio Wir Irom The AjMiilated Picrf. London,' June II -llaneu s. Plnciee, lonner Komi nor ( hcld:in. H lu ihU ill), oiufeilni; from a had attack of dyn'nioi.' contracted while lie uai tratclliitf on Ihe lontlmnt. Mr Pimirc'c xiux hotter lo.iii, hut hit plcticlaii du not con. tidcr him out of danger. jSZt THE POWERS Reason for the Sudden Ha&te Made In EvnGiiatlnQ Ghina Has Been Explained. CHINA TO PAY NO LONGER Each Government Will Have to Pay Coat of Maintaining Its Troops There After July 1 if Indemnity Settlement Has Been Effected by That Date -Provision in the Agree ment Handed to tho Chinese Envoys. D.r Exclulif Wlie from The A-snelafcd Pim. Washington. Juno H.--Thp recent large reduction of the foreign forces in China Is accounted for by the terms of the Indemnity agreement. When each country put In the amount or Its claim It Included iin estimate of the military expenses running up to July I next. That was with the idea thai arrange ments for payment would have been completed before July I. Knob gov ernment, therefore, agreed to pay its own expenses in China after July I. The desire, therefore, to reduce the cost of military expenses within tho petlod covered by the indemnity Is natural. That has led to the evacua tion now going on. In case the Indemnity remains un settled on July 1 several of the gov ernments will viilimlt additional claims covering their monthly ex penses after that time. Those amount to $2.0ii0,000 a month, according to tho estimate of one of the governments, and in the aggregate they will reach J 10,000,(100 for each month after July 1. It Is expected that will have a strong Influence on the Chinese In bringing about a complete agreement before the l( close of this month. Tho recent exchanges between Hip cabinets at Washington and other capitals has not resulted In any agree ment on the question of China's olTer, and tho matter has been referred back to the ministers at Pekin. Diplomatic, officials who nre taking part In the ne gotiations believe that July 1 marks the outside of the period in which the settlement will be effected. On that account the departiinj from Washing ton of some of the foreign representa tives, which had been deferred on ac count of the negotiations, has been definitely fixed for the end of thl month. AN UNNATURAL FRIENDSHIP ENDS It Results in a Murderous Assault and a Five-Year Sentence. fly I'.xrliisive Wire from The Awmiated Press. Huston, Juno 14. Mrs. Alice Hitch lugs xvas to-day sentenced to serve flvi years at hard labor and solitary con finement In the eastern penitentiary for a murderous assault upon Mrs. Emily Keek at Siegfrieds. Both wo men live at Allcntnwn. They had been the closest of friends for years and when .Mrs. Keck attempted to end the unnatural friendship that existed be tween th"iii Mrs. Hltehlngs determined to kill her. Mrs. Ditchings at llrst pleaded not. guilty hut to-day changed her idea lo iion-vult contendere. An effort xvaa made in' show that she was a mono maniac. Mrs. Keck Is a lormer great. I'ocahanlns of the degree of Pocahon tas of Pennsylvania. PROTECTED BY ELECTRICITY. Vigorous Method Taken to Guard Non-Union Men at Boinice. Il.i Kxiliisiie Wlii' tioin "I In- s.iu lated Pie-- Willlainspnrt. Juno 14. Notwith standing the assurances of the Slato I.lne and Sullivan Coal company Hint I here would lie no mine evictions of Illinois' families at lieiulce, Sullivan county, two mine families wore forced to move out of company hoiihes on Wednesday. The company has resorled to a vig orous method to prevent the men from ii lulling tlio pump station, wboie the lo iwininn workmen are employed, A.' i-evi-n-Mi'iind barb xvire fence has been built iiboui the pump hoiisofnd dy namo plant, and those whes are heav ily cbarged wllh I'lectrlcll.v. hl lb" lenie are placed "danger" signs, iioil fying the public to keep away front the fence. The fence is about SfliOlt feel high III addition to Hie fonei, M'voral deputy sheriffs are employed, Sheriff Osier Hied to g'U deputies from l.aporte, bin In this was unsuccessful, lie obtained two al Sonestowu. Steamship Arrivals. lie Lx. hwne Wile liom Tne Xiolaled Pren. New iiit, .lune II.- i lit rill Aus'lste Vie. iiui.i. Il.iinhuu:. Southampton and thcihouo;; M. Paul, SoulhaiiiplPii and I heihourir. (.lcaird: TlJte. Nidc. and (iinoa; rampauula, Liteipool; Maa-dom, Ifotioidani. tia luulagne; I'miie-li, lilJiROH'. sailed: llutleiilam, llwllridani, INm huilt -Aii'llid: I'm' llianiauU, Ne'e York. ti Pl.tinoulh and I'liriliAiirj. Southampton Sailed! Coliiuilill (liom ILiiiiIiiiiii), Sew Yolk, vl I'her. Iioiibi', ble of Wluhl 'jsei: Anisteirljm, Rot Icrdam lor ir'.t hik. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. laual dai.i for June II, I'OI; IIikoc.I leiiipeialiuv &i ilccreM l.oue.st leiiiperaline ,,...., fit ilcijrici IfelJtltv lluinldll: S . in hi per ecu.. S p. m OT p" rem. PiedpiUtiwi, -t hoius finical h p. lu., .0.1 Inch. f WEATHER FORECAST. 4- t Wiidiinston. Jiin II I'orooct forFviit. 4- em Pemvyltaiiii. Suntcr- Saluuliy acul s- 4- Sunday; turlvhle wimij. 4. OBJECT OF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers