The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 14, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    J' n
r ,
JUNE 74, WOt,
4 4.4 .....i
Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for
this season, is now complete and comprises all
the new novelties in
Porch Rugs Porch Curtains
The Vast Assortment of Seasonable Specials That We Have Gathered for
Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
Will crowd the store during the one hundred and eighty minutes that span the hours between two and five
o'clock. Our special window displays of the Friday Hourly Sale Goods will convince you of the great saving oppor
tunities this price list affords. To reap the benefits of the big values we advise your being on hand promptly.
Sale No. 1
Snlc No. 2
Sale No. ;
Straw Mailings Summer Draperies
Vfj"1 1 p .
Fibre Carpets
Committee Representing the Strik
ing Laborers Waited Upon Super
intendent MacLaron and Asked for
Terms More Men Brought Here
to Work in D. L. & W. Shops.
Meeting of Silk Mill Owners-The
Lackawanna Board for Today.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company
to Go Into Stool Business,
A. connnillco lepi-o-pntlim tlic utilis
ing In boron t-iiiiilo.wil In tbo foundry
ol tbo Allls-i'lmlniois lomiMiiy's Puna
iivcnue shops miIIpiI upon Supotln
tomlcnt SI. X. .Mucl.nron yoitprdiiy
Mini iihUoiI him upon what tonus thuy
would bo tnlU'ii buik. It Is onl tbe
lnboiei.s who Imvc imy ki luvnneeH, us
tbo iiiuiiltlcis and (oicniiilioM only quit
wink Ijeeiui'-o "f helplessness without
Tin.' I'lillio -woi lluir folio of tbo
fnundry Is iilmut two bundled num.
mid ol this nunibor fully oni'-nlf nio
luboiois. Supoilntondoiit .Mnol.aion lli
fotnuil tbo inoii that they could h
nun on ON.iL'lly th" s.nue tonus us
tlinp under wblob llio fnundi was
lioliiy; opoiatod bofoio tbo iti'lko. Ho
lllllll'fl lllllt till' lOlllp.lllV wni wIIIIiik
to cipiu tbo foiindiy just ns oon as tbo
inoii -iKiillkd tbi'h dc-lm to Iji'Kln
woi K
Tbo 'ninniltioc ibon loll tbo olll('.
anil ollii'i lnloilow. .no ppeolod to
now tnko pliiio loaiillns tbo ni.itloi.
.Mr. Mncl.uipii only n'tuinod votordny
tinin Now Vm k, wboio bo attondod thA
moi'tlliK of tbo Mi-till Tiudos uv-otln-tlnii
Hi' doulod .M'sloiday Hint tbo
AIILs-i'liiilnieis ionip,in '. oouiso ol no
tion would bo oniliolv Kooined bv of tbo u'.'.ih liilinn. No elfort will
bo ni.iilo foi tbo pioMi'iii to opoiulo tbo
.-.hops li tbo .lid ol outride help
A "pot ii'l our toni.iliiluc; t-ovonty-twn
woiknioii it i hod in tbo ' Ity jotei .illoiiioon fioiii Now YnK. nil of
v.boni woio Ininudlutoly put to oik
In ilio p'littiiii', LuoUunuii'ia and
r.ioin i,n lopu'ilnu and niuchlno
-bop'-. Anions lb' number woio
mum billed ineeh.iuli s tbe oflloluH
,ivw 1 1, and lti.l .it piosent lbo bavo
iiioio .ippllcutloii'- tbuii tlie.v bao
win k for tbo moil to do.
When iiskfd iiiiiocinlim; tbo icpoited
puiilni'-o of tbo steel null I. mil ,oMor-
l.iv. Mustei I 'a i Hulliloi C.infiolrt --aid
tbut 'in h u tbliiK is possible, us tbo
lonipuny iipoiIs iiioio v.nil loom, but
as i,ii ,is lebuildiiuv tbo -.hops on tbut
spi is i niK oi nod, bo bud nothlnp to
Has Gone Into Steel Business.
Tbe puiohuse of tbe ( ontiollinpr iu
loiost In tbe i'oniisi.lvunlu riteel coin
puny by tbe J'enusjh.iiii.i
oompnuv, i bleb was admitted by Vb o
1'iesidont Hi eon, iuoos on tlosei ln
vostiKiition to be .1 Kiir.uitk- mine on
tbo puit of tbo H.istoin luilrouds to
lender thoui'-elves Indoiiemlent oL the
fulled States .Stool ( oipoiatlon. It was
admitted, uKo, tluil n sinuU inteiest
was ullowed tbe Philadelphia and
Heading-, .so tbut this lo.ul. too, mlhl
leap tbo benellt of tall and stiuetuial
stool niukins.
Tlie stuleinent wus made in llu.iiielul
littles jesteiduy tbut not only tbe
Heading', but the Hultimoie and Ohio,
I'lie.supeaKe .mil (Uilo, Not folk ami
Western, Uoiik Islund, Lehigh Valley,
and ut leust one or iwo oilier luilinud
( oi poratloiis uio to bo, or h.ue boon,
Shen a lertuiu intoiost which will en
able them to oiiliiy the benellts of a
i houp Mauilai ii pi bo on all nils and
The ronnsjlvunia Stool lonipuny
Links as one of the greatest in (ho
United States outside o tbo rnited
Stutes Stool lOipoiution. With Us
plants at Steolton and Spunow'.s Point,
Mil., It tin lis out oer ."iOO.IiOO tons uf
.stool ruils ,oai. This is un amount
largely in excess oi wli.u the I'eniisjl
v.inl.i i.ilboad sjstein, huge ns it is,
in use, and loi leasoii. It is said,
u ceituin Inteiest was mined ovoi to
the. other louiK- Pblludelpblu Pioss
Meeting of Silk Mill Operators.
A meeting was- bold at the Hotel .ler
niu last night of tbo .silk mill opeiu
tois' ussoi l.ition, und a iiaiplo of botii.s
spent In discussion ol lonillllons
ihtnughnut the L(iuiui.
The Suuqulot mill auihoiiiios .no
highly IndiRiiant iivet tbo siutenienis
made by olllciuls of tbo textile woik
ots to tbo offoot thai Kt' tnnill
lion.s aie uiisnllsii('!ui., Thej donv
uttoily the Riils' (Inlni that they hao
boon hpuv'lly lined slnio lohiiniiiiir
,oik. .Miss Hilda llliiley und Miss
M.ny MauniiiK. two of tin- gills offl
i iil, bavo been dl-duuged mini the
D., L. & W. Bonn! for Today.
Tbo follow biB Is tbe make-up of the
D,, I, and V. bouid for today;
u ml, hi, I urn. II, I'ml
llll,l!-li. II M It
Wild I'al', I'.i-t -s 1 1. in, .1 I Miniai, Willi
i;ur't llml'fl imi, in p m, I W. Puiiu
I IIIHW. .11 SI' II.
Willi Lai., I ul l.'...n .1 in, I. IliliiliiiU;
!'. i, in,, 1),, ,' ii ill, () luainu; In i
in, I', CawiiJiuli, t ii. in,, ,1 ,1 (u-lillii; t 1 1,
in., T. JUCurtli ; .' in, ,1 . Iluli; i p
in , l, I jlltlClll
MuniuiU, t-U.-ii a in , nU, ,1 'irni. 1 ,1,
ni, uct, ('. I'l'iiiiifobii , ll p in, i is ,
Iltriulcin; S p. in , i isl , II, Niil.olii 7 p in ,
iinI from .Sj Aiu. I. Jli IIUlrrs 7 p in , nctl
from I'.iuif.i, SI, (ilnlii, ullli 'llii'iiii-,oh's inn,
7 . in., wctt from l ijuijj, Mi lam,
I'nlliT, 10 a in , I'. I! s,,,,,
I'lblllTiS a, III , (', HolNil , Id i. in . S I III
nnt), 1 1...QJ a. in, Moian, 7 p in , UliIi), 9
P m.i lamplniij 10 p. m , S, Vid.ntr,
PaMcnRfr KiiBlne 7 J. m., GjiIiipj j 7 a, in ,
rinceri C 0 ji, in, Mantoni 7 p. m , McCoxcui,
WIM fat., West-.', j in , I II. Uiilfj j 8 a in,.
It Caslner; 10 a in,, 0 I'joi, ll a. in , P. Wall,
! p. m,, lloiiiliun: 4 p in, Rjmlolpli, jp in,
II, Carmody, b p, in , ,1 (Unlet,
NO 1 11 1'
Conductor P., debut UUa Ills ol.i rien rrlil.iv,
lime H, a. m.
nrakemen lliomis Minim, nJir O'llari and
ohn lltrris will go out with i: i:, Dully, 6 a,
m., June 11, until furllur imiap.
BraVcmen J. Mullm icports tm I Ilopklm,
Jiaio 11, No. 57,
llrakeman Joseph W'armdi ripuilc (oi I, llui.
nlgin, June Ii, 0 p. m.
nrakcmaa Hairy l'olliaintu reports for I'. Caia.
' i.
Bcranton Hallway Company Is Doing
the Work.
The Scranton Hallway company
resterday commenced tbo work of
(radhig PIttston aenuc it la a. big
undertaking, ns In fcoine places an
much as tbico feet of euili and rock
to ha jeinovcd. I
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Begins Promptly nt
:; o'clock.
In Basement
Seasonable merchandise. Under price
concisely sets forth the conditions that
surround the great sixty minutes' sale in
the Housefurnishing Goods Department.
ItllOOM.S Slti'Ic uf boil blown cum, In
Xo i! mid 7, lb inly tied with tbiee anil
tiiin iowi of Kowlmr. Oidln.iilly wuitb
up to .'.Ii'. For slty minutes,
Tinnit PAII.S A twele-(unrt syi In
(lumble llbre pilIK It N a IIrIiI uelRbt,
seainlcs pull, dumbly nude, and .selli ick-
ubirly at 2.'c. Iiliiay. for sixty
mlnuics, I'Hch '
in; crham Kiircnzr.p.s The naim
vealbor of tbo past few diiys suggests tbe
need of an Ice Cieam Piecer. Tbe uuo
that Roov on Mile Fiblay Is the Wblte
Mountain. It's one of tbe bet fieeeis
nude, and is the only one we Know of
that has inoie than two motions in its
nimenient. Tbe popular fnui-qu.ut sie
Mill he void on Friday, lor
sty minutes., for
KITCIIK.V SIJTrf It's culled tbe Twen
tieth Centuiy and iiuisisis ol I bie.ul knife,
1 butcher bnlfe and J pat ins bnife. The
knles aie all made fiom eiucible steel, ami
aie fully win i anted, the name of the
ulucltiier Is staiiiDid on eeiy blade. on
Fiidnv loi lt minutes, the set
will be sold lor
l.l'NCH BUXKri Vou know what they
ate- j ou buy them every day. They aie
i.illed the Hiownies' Luneh Hnx On Fil-
ilay we will sell the standaul nl.e
foi sixty minutes, at
"WOOD BOWLS A lew days mote and
jou'll want ii wooden bowl anyway. Uet
ler hae one or two seiu up mi Fiiday--tlieic's
a s.inIhf: of eiqrht cents on each
bowl. They ale made of haul maple and
(ome in in inch size. Flidav, lor
sixty minutes
VATi:U IMTCIli:ilS On one of the spe
cial tables .Mill will tind an usMutinent of
"Water Pitebeis, numbeilnfc peibaps a
bundled. They eome in a liandsonieiv
blended enmblmitlon of nllo Kieen. with a
laired elteet rteeoiatlon. Piidav,
I or .sixty minutes
Main Floor
nl oppoitunlty to buy summer fabiies In the
newest iIcsIku: In fact, wo just opened up
two eases expressly for this sale; tbeie i
about n.ono urds In tbo lot. In tbe as
sortment will be found tegular elfeets in
Snipes and Diesdens, with giound woik
of white, pink stripe, blue, laemler, eadet,
navy and blaek. Ordinarily tbo goods mo
worth up to lli'se. a yard. Frl- C-
day, for sixty minutes O4C
Second Floor
ill ". Qi
Begins Promptly at
1 O'clock.
Dongol.i 0foids wllh
a 1U0 all
In neat de
uid shoulder
bodice made
full llouni .
I.AWX WliAPPCP.ri About
told, I.iulles' J.awn Wrappers
Mgns, made will) pleats back
edged with liiflle. Sepaiate
with bishop sleeve and deep
Oi dlnat lly ?l.o. Filday
sixty minutes
Third Floor
ItlTFLK CURTAINS It is called a mine
Swigs' Stripe Curtain, double stitched, -"&
yaids long. A sumnicr cm tain at small
cost. Fifthly for sixty minutes,
the pair
lain Floor
CJOOnS White Lawns 40 llRhes wide and
cheiked Nainsooks 28 Inches wide, also riatin
mill Cieno Snipes. This lot lopiesents a eiy
i boke assottment of the host goods at a
big 1 eduction liom legular pi lies.
Kililiij, for sixty minutes
H'NCH COVERS Well made,
(jiiallty of fabiic ready piloted in
,11 ions designs. Pi Iday for sKty
LACHS Another eti am dlnat v
tuni( to buy Laces under juices
time it is an exceptional assoitment of Val
enilennes and Point de Paris In width up
to ti Inches with inseition to match. In
the lot ,ou ii III dud laces ou often pay
I'.'e. a .uiil loi. Friday for sixtv o
minutes, the .unci OC
SILKS Cheney Bios.' SilUs and French
Sal In Twilled Foul.11 (Is in light and daik
giounds. in the lot you will find a beautiful
( omblnatioii of loloiings with giounds of
blue, cadet, icsidue, mode; some bae
snipe eflects, oilieis h.ue luegular snipes
and liguies. The alues ate up 10
$1 and $l.i"i. Fiiday for U minutes.
oppoi -Tills
Main Floor
Sllon.S Ladles'
patent or Uld tips,
Misses' and Clilldien's lllnck and Tun
.Slioos, all sizes, anil Little Cents' Spilng
Heel Shoes, in black and tan, sles Mi 10
1 1'i... Values up to $l.'j",. Til- f a
day lor GO minutes V4C
SLIPPLRS They me tailed the Oilenlal
and Toklo Slippers; thej- 111 o especially de
.slgtied for wear In the bath 100111; they ate
nicely made in a arlcty ot colors; all
hae caipet soles. Pi iday for a a
sixty minutes T'T'C
KNOLISIT PJ:Rf'ALi:S-AU of tbe newest
1 (doling and designs, they aie one yanl
wide and especially adapted for iliesses,
shlits and sbiit waists lor ladles' and bovs'
Sbiit waists. The goods itic consideicd
the best possible 11I110 at I-'jc. 7r
Fiiday for sixty minutes SaC
BOVS WASH SCITS Made In tbe .allor
Blouse style, all hue huge sailor collar and
deep cut shield; the pants aie made with
duck bunds and eeiy seam Is taped; In the
lot will be found light and dark colois-,
mostly blue, although tbeie Is a, rpi inkling
of other shades; sizes fiom ,', to 9 yeais.
Vales- uji to 7."c. Fiiday lor six
ty minutes
SKIRTS Mud1 of two fabiies, 0110 is a
lawn in and caidlnal: they ate nicolv
made, having deep 1 itillo with cluster 01"
tucks, finish up tucks upon the 1 utile; they
are cut extiu -wide and ( ome In all Att
lengths. Fiiday loi to minutfs each T""C
JtlBKOXS Another Ribbon surpiisc: It's
a 1 omblnatioii sale. No. 10 beautiful laney
stilped libbons: Nns. 10 and ,"0 All Silk
Talfetas: Xos. .'j and to Kxti.i Qualltv All
Silk H.ttln and Clio Ur.iln. In neatly eiery
( olor j ou 1.111 think of. Value up j 'jl
to 3Se. Fiiday for 1.0 minutes.... 1 ZtQ
R0CKI:RS Two, P.ulor and Poicb: the
Pailor Koiket Is substantially made of oak,
closely paneled, high haik, has neat c.ued
pjnel with seats in saddle or cobblei de
signs. Fiiday inr sixty minutes
Poicb Rockeis, built of finish b.ud
maple, jiost constuictioii of exti.i stiength,
seats double weae oval iced.
Fiiday loi t!0 minutes, eni li
The company, at the iccpiest of Dl-
icetor of Public Works Roche. Is car
rying tbe e.nth lcnuned fiom the
stieet and dumping it on Cedar ae
ntie between the National bleaker and
the Council store. Cedar aejuic, at
this point is badly in need of tilling
In theie. being a bilge number ot big
boles and rut.
Ulterior Roche is consideilng the
idea of pieparing and having iutio-
duced an oidinance dliectlng all stieet
lalluay companies lo place their
tiacks nt guide in the futuie 011 all
streets on which a pavement Is to be
laid. Thtre are seveial paved stieits
now ou which the stieet lallwav
Hacks .lie not at gi.ule and on which
they cannot be placed at giade with
out teailng up tbe pavement.
The Biggest Littlo Show Is Surely
If .Mill would delight join te with 11
sight bound to please, jou will be one
of the uijilad of spectalots who, at 11
o'clock 011 the day set for the appeal -unco
of Dai ling's C' of Trained
Animals, will wllh pleasant antici
pation await tlie coming pageant. Vou
will find the stieet ou the line of
nun cb lined with lulght-eyed ouug
slei.s, eugetl.s awaiting I'be sound ot
tbo big luass hand hciuldlng tbe gi.nul
dee highway display of "Daillng's
Little Din Hugs."
While the stieet p.n.ide Is n big one,
It is lillpull.iu in ihuiaiier in tbe fact
that ymi will see only tbo little ponies,
the little dogs, the littlest monkeys, all
ell her pulling or tiding in the mile
ilicus wagons ever constiucted, And
tbeie Is such endless Viulely to all
this that you, too, aie foued to ad
mit that It Is a blg-llltle or .1 llttle-blg
show. Two enllie pei foimuuccs at -and
S p, 111., on .liine '.'0, Jl and J.', ou
tbo Ash .stieet giounds,
The Rocky Mountain Limited.
Tbe excellent senice of tbe Chicago,
Rock Island and Pmlllc tallway will
be auBinented 011 Juno Pith by tbe ad
dition of a 'One Night" tialn be
tween Chkago, Coloiado Spilngs and
Denver, The tialu will bo known as
"Tbe Roek Mountain Limited" and
will leave Chicago at 1 p. in. dull),
reaching Colorado Spilngs at l.:0, and
Denver nt , the next afternoon,
The equipment will consist of palace
sleepeis of the latest model, flee ic.
cllnlng chair cats, dining car a lit
carte, added to which will be a Duffel
Library Smoker, thin bringing tbe
train to the point of excellence de
manded by the tourist,
Theie will bo no 1 esti let Ion as to
the foi 111 of tnuispoitutlon bonoied on
this tialn and no extia fate will be
u. I'timi'll, of llluli lifct, uji, JiriMtcil .id
Unlj.i at I lie inUixi- of M. Ilijjii, wlio iImik")
til it 1 wllh lullii,' iojI fiom l! (') ).inl,
Alilcrinan Kntn, alur a lioirinx, tli.-ii liaigcd
I'crmill, the evidciKC oflcud bring buiiltklcnt
o wjrrjnt holding liira for court,
Djby btfphrns, lUioto ilioiilcrl, home In Cn.
fir tncl, ui rjlilcil on Wnln(vilj nlcla. ji
rincil VI .M'.lcidJi l.i VUkIsIuU' Mlllir. 'I lie
four 0111(11 rau'ht in I lie hic uin- uili linul
i, 'lue uiune waj uioiuptl yald our.
Delaware, Lacknwanna and Western
In 1 fleet llu. J. l'lOO.
South I "lie stn,on fci o Voil. it 1.10,
.li', ,-, Ml, Mil mil 10 ll'i 1. 111., l3"i, ...".'. p. in.
lot 1'liilnlrlpliu it SIX) and 10 Oi .1 111 , I' u
jnil .: II i 111 loi StiomMiiin; it U10 '"
Millv iiioniiiioiljlioii at "HO p m. Virivc it
llulmliii al I. 0, 7.1S. lUJs, Uio, ,1 I",, IIS,
T.l'l p 111 Viinc .it I'hilnlelpliia .it 1 OU. .' i ..
(10(1 -triil R.J p 111. jViibo tioiu New Vork at
1.10, I..IJ ami 10 -M .1. 111.. I im. I..1-'. o II. o.n
mil II M p. 111. 1 1 0111 siiuiul.buig ut SO', j 111
Xoilli I oie Su.inlon foi llurtilo ami lulu
inerliitp stitlon, it 1.11, Ii1 and '100 a. in ;
1 3"i, .'1 Is ind 11 .ij p. 111. I'm Oswego .Hid Sia
in al 0 15 .1. 111. md l.Vi p. ni i'or I In a it
1 10 .1 111. and I 1". p 111 l'oi Jlonlio-.
at 000 1 m , 1 Oi .mil "1 IS p. 111 I'or Mihol
mi at 1 Ou ami 0 l"i p 111, I or llluliinitoii at
Hi JO 1 in Viibe 111 Sli niton fiom Ilutl do ar
I '1, .'.., ."1 I". and 101x1 1 ni ; :: in md h 1x1
p 111 I ioiii 0t ,.i anil s(vijiut' it -!.V .1. 111.,
IJ .s and six) p in. I mill I lii.i at .'.V. 1 111 ;
U.'.S and 1"0 p in Pic in Mihol-on al 7 Vi 1.
111, mil (1 (XI p 111 I'linn Moiiliii-e al 10 (XI 1
111 ; .1 JO iihI son p in,
llluoni-lmif. IiI-ioii -1 1 ie s,ijiiIoii foi
Niiitliiiuiliiil.iiid, H ol'. IOU'i .1. 111 l.'ii ind
:. MJ p 111. I'm I'l.Miiouili it, .1.1(1. S 'ii) P
in, IV i Kingston at S 10 1 111, Vnuo at
.Soilliuiiiheiliiiil it O.t'i a 111 I ID, '1 00 .mil S IJ
p 111 Virhe at Kington n 5 "ij 1, in, Vrrbo
ni I'l.iinoutli at -Jii0, I .J, ' l"i p. 111 AwIvp
in s, 1 .inluii fmni NoiIIiiiiuIkiIiiiiI it H IJ a, 111.;
I '. "i, 191 and .s.n p. 111 I nun Iun,floii 11
II (X) a 111 I nun I'll nun, ih .it 7,55 1. in ; .120
.mil ,"1 .l"i p in
sI'MlW lltUNs-
"Niutli-I.i.iio s,Union .it 1.10, .lixl, Sill, I11U)
a 111 '' " md '..Id p in. '
Nollli line Nranloii al I 1, '- a 111;
l'ii. '1 IS and 11 .Ii p 111
Illooni'liiuu' llul-lui -l,i lie Niinton it 10 Oi
a 111, anil i '0 i in
Lehigh Valley Railioad.
in i:nm .iuik- :', i'n
'train-, feaio Suaulnn'
lot Pliilid(lilili ami .Niw VoiU via 1) .V II
It II., al (I li ind I'M a. 111, ind 'J Is, 1 J7
1III11I. Diamond I pic.), and II. 11 p in. S-mi-
di, I) .V II II II , I..V?. S J7 p. 111
l'oi White II lieu, Hamilton ami piinclpal
point-i In tin- toil iei:lnii-. la I), II, It, It.,
I. li, L' Is and I J7 in. l'oi l'o(t-.illt', b li J.
in . J. is p in.
I'or Ilelldihiiii r.i.luii lieidliu, II iliMiuri;
and piiuilpal iiiliiiniiliate nation- i,i II ,v II.
II II,, H..W 1 in, J is I J" (IlIaiK Ilia
iiioud I split.-), 11,10 p 111 Suudiii., II, .V II.
I! II , It. Is 1. in : l.fls, s J7 in
l'oi liuiMiiiiuoil,, 'Innuiidi, Dlnill l. Illiai-i,
t.rnoia and piliiiipil Intiiiiinli ile stitiou-i, Ml
I), I, tt, It. II. s,i,s a in j lili ami UIO
p. in
loi ii ii v J, I. Ilull.ilu, Mis-na I'.ilb,
I hlcaiin .mil all poinlH vm- I , li I) i II If. It ,
7 H, II ii a m . I . I It (III id. Diiinond V.i
pii), 7. 1. 10 II, II,. 0 p. 111, nhuIji., I). A. II.
II. II., 11 fi5, S-J7 p. in.
Pullman pirlur and leepln- or f.rliiqli Valley
pailoi ins nn all 11 jliu-. lulu. 111 U lll.ei lUrrn
anil Ne Votk, Plilladilphn, Hull do und sltl.
ien!ou Iliid.'C
11(11, 1 IN 11 W 11.111 It, (lent Supt . !M ('oilUnd
bticit, Nnv Voik
I'm tlrkil.i and Pullman iceiutiniH apply to
."o'l lackauaniu avenue, Mranton, I'j
Central Raihond of New Jeisey,
Sutloni in Xevv Voik I'oot of Liberty klriet,
. II., and .south l'l I rj.
'i mi; tvuii: in Kirrcr mvv pi, moi,
Tialiu Icaic .souiiton for Ntu Voik, Vetuil,
1 liulirlli. I'lilladelplila, i:aiou. JlitliUliuu, Al.
li'iilowu, Vliiuli (I11111U and White ILien, at S ii
a 111 i ipi-M, 1 10; vxpif-, I IX) i in, sun
ilj), ' p. 111
I'or I'ltl.ton ami Ulll.ei Dane, Sli a 111 ; 1.10
jnil text p. tn Sunday, L'.li p. in,
lor Haltlinoic and Washington ami poInU
soulli and Wist vil Iktlilihiiu, b.ij a, in, 1.10
and 4 Oil p. in, .Simla j , p. ill,
l'oi l-oin: lliamli, (Iii-jii (iron, etc , at S ii
a. in md 1. 10 p 111
l'oi lUadiiiK, l.ilunon and ll.iiii-tiury. v Ij l
lentouii, t-.i-i a 111 and 1 l'l p. m. &utida,w,
' p. 111
l'oi IVtUWUe, S-V) a 111 , 1 10 p. tn
I'or Mountain Paik, S i a 111., 1.10 an I I Oil
P. iu
'Ihloillih tilkiU lo all lioliils e.l-l, foillli ami
wiet at '- iali at ll o utlon.
I M. Ill III', lien. I'jm. ;l,
J. 11. ULIIAUbL'.N, (All. Ssupt.
2, 1901.
Schedule in Effect June
Trains leave Scianton:
6.45 a. m , week day:;, thiough ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet pailor car nnd
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops nt principnl In
tel mediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbmy, Hariisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Wash
ington nnd for Pittsburg and the
9.38 a. m., week days, tor Sunbmy,
Hairisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
moie, Washington and Pittsbmg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days. (Sundays,
1.58 p. in.), for Sunbmy, Hanis
buig, Philadelphia, Baltimoie,
Washington and Pittsbmg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, thiough ves
tibule tiain fiom Wilkes-Bnue.
Pullman buffet parlor car nnd
coaches to Philadelphia vlaPotts
ville. Stops at piincipal intei
medinte stations.
4.27 p. m., week dnys, for Hnzleton,
Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsbuig.
I 11 III KIIINsOV, (.m VI. r
,1 11 WOOD, tic 11. Pass. V.I.
Eiie Railioad, Wyoming Division.
'I'lliii' Tible in I'lletl Cit 17, l"0O.
Tialns foi lliulii iml local poind, iniiueit
I tier at llawlej with laio lallioad foi Sen Vmk,
Ninlmig and Intrinicill He point-, lone n.ijii
ton nl 7 u 1 11 111 ami 'Jji p in,
l'l 1 1 in aubu at snjnion at
(Md p. ni,
10 0
ni .iml
1 ime Card i effect Dee, UOth, (UOO,
an m n
I J;
.iil itf Ar.N.Y.VVUJbl.l.r. l00
.. PI
1015' lOSAr
IU 10
2 81
1 ,
tua.1 "
001 . "
U01II 11 "
UCMI111 "
H5J11W, "
Bill 01' "
I SO 11 01 "
8IU0M "
(IN 5.1 "
xio law, "
ajutoiK "
laJiaiv "
81110 u "
81010 iOl.r
btai lliflit
Pimtuii J'aik. "
.WIuiiooU ..
.I'oyiittllu.t, "
, uiton ... "
Pleaiant Mt, "
,, I'utondale., "
loiettlltv, '
('atboiidalo id "
laibondale . "
.White llrldue "
MailleldVd "
Mu)flfld, "
Jeimn "
Anhlwli "
. U1, 1(011 "
.1 05 1 SO
.a Hiss
, 8 4iSC5
. 2185 23
. 3036 80
, 3 IBS SI
i lists
it oas 116 18
it to;
7 03
I'm k I'luce.
" 7 Wl
" 7 168
" 7 111
" 7 Ul
" 7 ill
" 7 til
" J 111
" 7 .1.11
" 7 Ml
Ar 1 40 j
lie ui.
II 6 Ob
198 IS
086 il
8 II
8 81
IM PM pi I
AilJIItonil Iroloilcin f arbondale for Ullbel.1 wt
0 S mjin t z c-i c f Hlpui Suoiiiy guly,irllo i
ir.4 1 aru YUUI1U tailBUUpnl
iiuioi 1 iroini it-tie ciiutoD 117 00 pm buiulayon.y,
t 1?
iiiiTDfia 1 m 7 OO 1 111 tail U) piu
.wu.i,iw.iiriig permit
plDStt lllltatlooi la l'rl,..n,
UiTnlcivri UiibtM lira foi (irbouJ.
1 tt 715 pin.
o It0.1jta
lll), llrtTluj at Cllbundlla 1 8.M iui
Kates !) cent per mils,
I.oneit Kate In uli l'olnt Vfttu
iw YvrkCity.
c. WlltH,
Jim. Allot.
Delawme nnd Hudson.
In 1 Ilea Juno 'i, 1"01
'lialn for f'.ubondilo leae feiiintcn it O.JO,
S.ixi, ft'"ii, 10,1 1 .1. 111, Un), I JO, 1 it, .j.jj,
3:21, oiJI. 7.1". 0 I"-, 11 JO p. 111 ,, a m
l'oi llone-dile, do, n.JO. 10. 1, j. 111 , J.J4
and B:J'i n in
loi Wllki- lime- ti:ti, T.I-, S: 11, 0 ,S, 10 1;
1 in, IJ oi I.J--, Jils, I., I, 1 .'-, o'lO, 7:1,
10 11. It: 0 ) in
1 or 1. . It. It iinl-i:4i, il ..5 a 111 , J Ii,
4:j; und 11:..0 p 111
loi l'iiin..l.-inu II. It iuiiits 0:13, 9,', ,is,
:t:t.l iml l:J7 p 111
lot lliiu, and all points noitli o:Ji) j ni,
and It'iJ n ni
1 nr ailiond.iU s i, 11:11 .1 111, 2:11, .1 IJ,
5:V ind 10. "ij p 111
lor Wllke-. llano 'MS 1. in,, IJ ut, 1:3, .; ,
0 .IJ and b.U p ui
I'or Mluiiv md poiuU not Hi .::" p ui
Tor llone-ilile, 1I1 ,,11, II, ti a in ami .1 "ij
p. 111.
Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave.
Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. 4 ). ! : - 4 v v !
Mnniifftcturers or
48B to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephons Call, 233.
Cleneiil Agent for llio Wjotnlis District for
Dupont's Powder
Mining, Itlatinj. Sporliuy, -niol clc-s ,ind the
Hcp-uno t. In (.oini) no 'j
Safftj rti-o. Cjiii ind I plodir llcom 101 Lou
lull lliuldin .bcunton
TllO5! lOfll)
JOHN II MII1I1 i. sOV ...
V. I.. J.lbl.1 in VN
....U ilkis lime
Allis-Chalraers Co
Siiciossnii to Jl.irliino Uii'sincis or
Dii'Ks-nn Munur.ii'tuilnsr f 'o , Sci,inton
and WIlKes-Rine, Pa. KngincJ, Hollers, Jllnlngr
Mauhirioty, JJnmps.
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex
VirsluU Me. and Ilcjtli, Atlmtlc Cm, N, .1.
Silh .loji: .I'jU 1 mt if ill loniiM ili-uili, jlnslc
and "illi lutli, liol und i old -oa-uitu hitln
in liotd .mil mill's, loiiliou m'Ioi t jud iiutiil,
within fen arils of the "-ted 1'ici. Oriho-tu,
O'lon (.piiial prms rJtc, "l-' lo l'i bi i eK ,
.10 up li day, bperiil Mtn to funulir-. I oulu'ii
mtet ull tialns Willi- for booklet
( iuiu.i-5 i: roii:
Ml.inlio 1 Hi, V. I. Ou" injure film licj. li,
e T'i loom jnn- Modem .ipiolntineni, I n
cuolled wiiif I! lie. In lliedai, l.M ,md up
waul. Il.i llio eok, -S und upn.iul. L'-nuiili,
100. II '.I. tMioiuo.
Capital $'200,000. Surplus $525,003,
United States Depositary.
Special nttentiou given to
nusiNKSS, pkrsoxai, and sav
ings accounts, whether large
or small,
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connt.i.1 , President.
Hinrv, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Prt:K, Cashier.
in Nature
for mi oni- to nlwnj i feel tired There
is no need to ilr.iR out an existence
without ambition.
Wcik nerve aie reijxinsible for lan
guor, depression, debility and anco
ctlo. Diseaicd nerves whether due to over
work, oicr-indiilRence or any other
cause, can be made strong as itcel by
the use of
They tone nnd in ittorate every orgin
of the'lKidy, soothe nnd strengthen the
neres and transform broken down
men nnd untnen Into strong, healthy,
if-nrniis. rndilv checked ucrsons. If
you find this isn't so, you get your
money uaci.
SI 00 pei bo , fi bores (with guaran
tee), (mOO Ilookfrtc. TLAI. MnDI
cine Co , Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by John 11. l'lulps, Pliirniacltt, corner
Wyoming avenue and Spruce street.
IFMIl'i: Till! .NAMK.
1 4uEH
ipoMon titrj 1
Prof.G.F.THEfL.527 AaMJ
Amtrltft. (luariNlevi to rurf alio by inttl 1r1 tit I
iiIium. firPHH. Abuitt. Illoivt I'oUoH. Rrrisnti
Ubllll7,l oit nnboot), arlrufle ABirlf lurKaof
I iitiini. I nriftrlniiiuati A Shrunkrn OmB.t
Yrih r hmi eartd 4 lo 10 da t.. 3 It jf an pmrtlMl A 0 ynni
r ii I a. ...; I ... j. it. I. .... I
uniiral irrirtrrn. tuii yyuj
Why has
71 K AKE no mistake !
1 V 1 Sec that mv head W 'ML
-,' .r A
is un every pcicnagi; ui & sci ,;
you buy. It guarantees
its purity No coffee is
unless it is in a 1 pound
sealed packet with the
head of a lion on the
front. Then you get
pure coffee the highest
grade for the money.
mjhu tAm.
l-Tv Wife,.
t MAmmssiw
I' 1
Watch our next advertisement.
now become the leader
of all package coffees?
And why is it used in
millions of homes ?
Because it docs not
sail under false colors.
It is an absolutely clean,
pure coffee. No glazing,
no coating with egg
mixtures or chemicals
in order to hide imper
fections. Just try a package of
and you will under
stand the reason of its
In every package of LION COFFEE You will find a fully illustrated and descriptive
list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article
which will contribute to theit happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by
simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed
packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold).