The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 14, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    i-,"--' i-wwi'&jDitoiffv idWuaT'-w Q)iVi",4i.'im1!'tV"r'-'W
tw,w pmwih
s5MffwrrAlflrtrv r,.-i'Nftr;"w-Wf''t3!5lP
When Ho Triod to Bcattor a Crowd
of Bellevuo Cornor Loafers Thoy
Throw Him Into a Mnn-Holo and
Another Crowd Rolled Him in the
Bust More Trouble at the Rising
Sun Building New Business
Housos Othor Notes and Per
sonals. William X. P. (',, t'ilanoy, n diminu
tive eliuraetor, well known In West
Scriitilon fur ninny yours, yesterday
loll fiii' the county .lull, where lie will
spend tlic nest. sixty days nt tin.1 ex-Iipiis-p
id' tin' county.
"Willie." ns lie Is fimiilliiily known,
was arrested ns n iiiilsiitit't'. mid ap
plication will lie made to Inipilri' Into
lils inontHl condition. Kor n number
'if years lie aspired to the position of
bleaker li iss lit oil" of till' collieries,
Imt owing to Ills limited knowledge,
I lie operators hesitated llllcillt appoint
ing him.
Helm; thus nll'i'iiili'd, lilimey fell thill
lo hud ii "grievance." mid went on
Mike. Shie. then he Ini" lived on
odd job-'. VVIien the Mllllleililll league
first e,ime into prominence, Willie 1)0
i lime II scll'-appolnted ollieel' of the
Kmtic. ,iml ut viirlous times since
i hen lie exercised vvlint authority
lie felt v.iis Ills.
.n instance of I Ills inn given ill
l!i'lle tie leeentl... when (ihuiey or
dered ii crowd of young fellows off a
i inner neur liolden's linll, When
they letnseil to ohey his command, lie
proceeded lo move them himself, but
before he accomplished Ids purpose
"Willie Imnleil in the man-hole of a
scuer mid wns nearly iliownpd.
i in Tuesday night he attempted to
move another crowd olf the corner at
North .Main and West I.aek.iwnnna
aviini". and the result! was thai
ilaiicy became a foot ball for his
intended victims, mid when he ap
peared at the police station lie looked
like a stieet sweeper.
He complained to Lieutenant Wil
liams that he was not receiving the
protection thai should be accorded a
)i an in Ills position, and the lieutenant
tried to console him with some fatlier
ly ridviee, but Willie refused to be
Bargain Lots
In Ladies' Tailored Gowns.
To clean up the balance of stock in our Ladies' Suit
Department. The garments are all of this season's produc
tion, and are strictly in accord with the high-class charac
ter for which the Globe Warehouse Suits are now justly
famous. Today you can find your size in any of the four
lots, and probably just the style and material you had your
mind set on. How it will be tomorrow we can't say, but
our advice is, don't take chances, for delays are dangerous.
Here Are the Facts in This
Remarkable Sale of Ladies' Suits
LOT I All Suits formerly sold at
So.jO to SQ.oo each, are now
LOT II All Suits formerly sold at
from $9.00 to $12.00 each, are now
LOT III All Suits formerly sold at
.from $13.00 to $15.00 each, are now '
LOT IV All Suits formerly sold at
from $iS.oo to $25.00 each, are now
$1.98 to $8.50
These figures represent the price limit on our new Sum
mer Wash Suiis for ladies,aud there are so mauy prices
sandwiched in between that we have no room to talk
t"" "about them tcday, but the general expression of all
who have seu our line for the present season, is that
5, Globe Warehouse Wash Suits for Ladies surpasses
H anything ever seen in this city in style and value,
Globe Warehouse
consoled, heneo lie wns locked tip a-
a nuisance.
Rev. and Mrs. Sweet Return Home,
Itev. .1. U. Sweet, 1). U, the former
pnstor of ttic Simpson Mclhdlst Epis
copal church, and tils estimable wile,
who have been spending a few days,
with friends nnd relatives lit the city,
returned to their Oneonta homo yes
terdny afternoon on the :'.."2 Delaware
and Hudson train out of Kernnton.
Dr. Sweet runic here to otllelato at
the Phillips-Williams wedding on Wed
nesday, nnd Mrs, Sweet eatne to visit
her relatives In Park Place, 'f heir son
Willis, who Is also here, will remain,
having accepted a position with J. IJ.
Williams & Hi'o.
The pastor and his wife say they like
II real well at Oneonta. but that the
city Is not finite as lively as Seratitnu.
They are boarding at present, but will
soon commence housekeeping.
During their short stay In the city,
Dr. Sweet and wife were greeted by
many of their friends and former par
ishioners, who were Kind to again have
the opportunity of meeting them. The
genial clergyman says the lati'listrlng
Is always open at Oneonta for Ills
Serantoti friends. (
First Moonlight Excursion.
St. I.eo's battalion, the popular tem
perance soelety.among whom are some
of the best known young men In the
eity. will conduct their annual excur
sion to Mountain Park tomorrow,
which will he In reality the llrst moon
light excursion of the season. The
committee in charge have succeeded In
arranging: for evening trains to and
from the park, which is an Innovation
in tile excursion line on the Central
railroad from this city.
The inoring train will leave at S
o'clock, the afternoon train at - o'clock
ami the evening train at 7 o'eloek, giv
ing each an hour's delightful ride
down the valley and up the mountain
from Ashley. Heturniiig the rnmlly
train will leave the park at S.l.O o'clock,
and the late train at 11.1.1 p. m. This
will give the young people the evening
for dancing in the park.
Judging from the large number that
have already expressed their in.'ention
of attending, the excursion will lie one
or the largest of the season. Nothing
Intoxicating will be served on the
grounds. A large crowd Is expected
from Wilkes-Harre.
An Irate Neighbor.
(Hip of the tenants in the "Itislng
Sun" block on Seventh street built a
fence In the front yard yesterday lo
protect a patch of vegetables he had
planted, anil his neighbor objected so
strenuously that lie pulled up the font";
ami vegetables and threw them m the
Lackawanna river.
The aggrieved tenant appealed to
Alderman Kelly's chief clerk for pro
tection, but Inasmuch as the alderman
was out. of the eity, it will be neces
sary to suspend the legal proceedings
until the Kightccnth ward magistrate
Home Attendants Married.
Charles 11. Kresge and Miss Fannie.
V.. Filewitt. atteniJPints at the Hillside
Home, were united in marriage on
Wednesday at the parsonage ot Hie
Itntnptoit Street iMcthodlst Episcopal
church by Itev. James ltennltiger.
Thoy were accompanied by a number
of peoplo who are employed at the
After, the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs.
Kresge left on a Lackawanna train for
Hitffalu, ami wilt spend u week at llm
exposition. Upon their return they wilt
resume their former positions at the
Improve the Triangle.
If tile eotinellinen of the Kottrtoonth
ward cannot succeed In obtaining a
bet lor grade on .Sixth street for the
Increased traffic nowadays over that
way to and from the Linden street
bridge, they ran at least sec to It thnt
the triangular plot of ground In front
of the Jersey Central freight depot. Is
paved, and ornamented more tliitu It la
Yesterday the clouds of dust that
nrose from that spot was unbearable,
and the loose dirt that lies on the
ground there is continually being lifted
by the winds Into the eyes of passing
pedestrians. A suitable pavement with
a drinking fountain for animals would
he a great convenience at that point,
and servo to alleviate the crowding
and overllowlng of water at the foun
tain opposite the Hook and Ladder
No Truth in the Rumor.
A statement was recently published
In one of the city dallies lo the effect
that l MoCunn, the well-known North
.Main avenue merchant, had purchased
the Kyndn property at the corner of
Main avenue and Swellund street, and
also a lot adjoining his commodious
store building, with a view of extend
ing the present facilities.
When seen yesterday, Mr. McCann
denied that there was any truth In the
rumored purchase, and discredited the
statement that lie Intends to purchusc
the lot adjoining his store, as he al
ready owns the adjoining two lots and
has owned them for the past live years.
Child's Narrow Escape,
While Howell Harris, of Division
street, was swinging In a hammock
with Ids daughter, Mary, recently,
ids son, Walter, came up from be
hind and attempted to climb Info the
swing. As lie did so, one of the poles
supporting the hammock broke off nt
the, and canic within an inch or
two of striking the little girl.
Moth children and the father were
terribly frightened, and It was some
time liefore they recovered from the
shock. The pole bad rotted in v, the
ground, and Its unsafe condition bad
not been known to the occupants of
tile hammock.
Ladies' Aid Servo Supper.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Haptist eliurcb, served an excellent
supper last evening at tile parsonage
on Hock street. The supper was served
under the personal supervision of the,
pastor's wife, Mrs. Mathews, and was
partaken of by a large number of the
church folk.
The proeeeds will he used In the pur
chase of an up-to-date range and
rooking equipment for the new church
building, 011 South Main avenue, which
will soon be ready for occupancy.
Two New Merchants.
Fred Strong, son of Auctioneer K.
M. Strong, will open a gents' furnish
ing store at PJI South Main avenue
tomorrow, with an up-to-date stock
of goods in that line. He will be as
sisted by Clarence Lnthropc.
Kdward Pet brick, ex-permanent man
at the Columbia hose house, will open
a wet goods emporium tomorrow at
110 South Main avenue, In the build
ing formerly occupied by Albert
Henne. liotliiiire well known young
men. )
Soldier Happily Harried.
William Davis, who recently return
ed from military service In the Philip
pine Islands, and who also seen ser
vice in Porto lSIco, was happily mar
ried on Wednesday to Miss Susie "Wil
liams. Until are residents of (lie Kidge
at Archbald.
The nuptial knot was tied by Hew
William 10. Morgan, at his homo In
l-.'fl wards court. After tile ceremony
the couple left for Archbald, where
they were tendered a reception by a
multitude of friends.
Chango of Charter.
Application Ims been made by Attor
r.ey lieorge L. Peck, on behalf of the
Hampton Street Methodist
church, for a change of rhe charter
now held by them, The congregation
intend to name their new church the
"F.mbury," after Hiiltp Kmbtiry, the
llrst Methodist Kpiscopal preacher and
the llrst bishop of the church in Amer
ica. Tlie contract for the new building
has not been given out yet, as Archi
tect llartmmi has not tlnislied the de
tail plans.
Finger Badly Squeezed.
David Jenkins, the well-known
singer, of Fourteenth street, who Is
employed In Hie Continental mines,
bad one of Ills lingers badly Injured on
Wednesday, while propping up a car
in tlie mines.
The injured member was uttended to
by Dr. ( Ieorge H, lteynolds.
St. I.eo's battalion held a meeting
last evening mid completed the ar
rangements for their annual excursion
tomorrow to .Mountain Park,
Hyde Park lodge, ,Vo, :i0, Knights of
Pythias, will hold a regular meeting
this evening, to which tlio members
are urged to attend.
The pupils of .Miss Agnes Murray's
loom in .'o, 10 school will entertain
their parents this afternoon with ex
hibitions of their work in various lines.
Friends of tlie school are also invited,
W. II, Hailstone hits resigned his
position ns foreman at tho Mt. Pleas
ant mines, and Ids place Is being tem
porarily tilled by John A. Morgan, ot
.North Gurtlcld avenue,
The Ladles' Aid society of the Ply
mouth Congregational church have ad
journed tor tho summer months.
Lowls Parry, of Hampton street, is
recovering rrom the injuries he sits
tallied recently In the Iselluvue mines.
A daughter was Horn yesterday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Klmer c,
John ti. .Nicholson, of Jackson street,
who was Injured recently In the Ca
pouse colliery, Is slowly recovering.
Henry Thomas, of Hampton street;
Mrs. William Morgan and daughter,
Florence, of Lincoln avenue, and Mrs,
Allow a tousli tu iuii until it pets beyond the
reach ot nivUUinv. Titer often wy, "Oh, it will
Krai' away," Imt In niot use It will wear
than away. Could (hoy lie intluu'il (u tty tho
Micicfeful incilliliio lathil Kemp's IIjUjiii. wliiUi
U told on a iojltlve mu mil lee to euro, they
won M jmiiieiliulfly tee the cucllent iilixt uiur
tailing tho til.! dun: I'liiu -Jit', uml Hue, Tllal
I.c (ico. At all UiUi'zMti.
James Oliver and three children will
salt from New York tomorrow for a
trip to the old country.
Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, of Albany, N
Y., Is tho gttest of tier parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Kvnn J. Davis, of .South Main
Mr. and Mrs. II. At. Hulsapple ami
child, ot Troy, N. Y who have been
the guests of Dr. and Mrs, J, J, Hub
erts, of South Main avenue, returned
homo yesterday.
Tho wedding of John Stttgg nnd Miss
Mary A. Jnmcs, of Hampton street, la
announced for next Wednesday even
ing, at tho homo or lite bride's parents.
Ait entertainment will bo given by
tho I. W. It. circle of the Hampton
Street Methodist Kpl.seopal church on
Thursday, Juno 20, ( Tho chief attrac
tion will bo Mr. C. W. Wcslon, tho
trick pianist.
Mrs, John IVIIz, wife of John Frit:;,
the merchant, of 13'Jil Lafayette street,
presented her husband with a ten
pound baby girl on June 10. Hoth are
doing well.
Airs. Dora Knicrson Is entertaining
her sister, Mrs, Alfred J. Morse, of
Lcwlstou, Me,, and niece, AIlss Morse,
of Hoston Atnss,
Tlie Bohemian flirts' club Intend to
reproduce their minstrel performance
some time In December.
Allsses Hessle and Anastasla Con
hoy of Atosrow, have returned home
from a visit with West Scranton
AIlss Julia Atormi, of Jackson street,
has returned homo from a visit with
friends In Curbondale,
Atallcarrler William Cannon, of Jack
son street, fell from his bicycle recent
ly and sustained a slight Injury.
The remains of nn Infant child of
Air. and Airs. Stover, of Lafayette
street, were Interred In the Cambria
cemetery yesterday.
("Ieorge Walters, sou of David Wal
ters, of Pettebone street, ran a gate
hook into bis hand last evening and
lacerated the llesli. Dr. .Reynolds
dressed the Injury.
Airs. J. D. Von Ataur, of Almint Ver
non, .'. A., Is visiting at the 'home ot'
Iter father, Ksdras Howell, on Wash
burn street.
The new social rooms in the Atasonic
ball building will be opened next .Mon
day evening with an Informal social
session by tlie members of Hyde Park
lodge. Free and Accepted Alasons.
The clerks of Carko Uros.' and Ale
Conn's rah stores played a game of
base ball on the West Park grounds
lost evening, and the latter team won
by a score of 14-0.
An enjoyable parlor entertainment
was 'held in the parsonage of the
Hampton Street Alethodlst Kpiscopal
church last evening. Tlie programme
printed In tills department was carried
out in its entirety.
Pea Coal $1. 50 a Ton Delivered,
to South Side, central city and central
llyrlo Park. Address ordeis to J. T.
Sharkey, 11)11 Cedar avenue. 'Phone
The f tmoi 1 nf tho 'J-ycir-nlil il.iuglitrr of Mr,
.Hid Slit., tjhwiiil Phillip-. u hchl jotnil.iy
nfuinucn fimn tho family residence on M.ij'lo
Mirct. Sciviecs m.'r tho umains who liohl in
St. Maiy'j) church by Kov. Pol or ChiNt. Inter,
incut v,n marie in the Tnvntirtli wan! romcloiy.
At tho mri'ting of tho Scuntoti Atlilotie chili
l.if-l nitflil William lliosw, jr., was rlcctcil cap
tain, in place of fini?. Riso, ro-'inofl.
I'rank llcalo. ami 1'iaiil." Il.iitnian h.uc rrl ill ur.l
fii'in a toiy Mm o-fiil li-hinK trip.
Mr. .lolm ii uitinir fiienck at Stioii'ls
lnirf. Tlie members of tho !-t. .lolni's t.iteraiy society
will mrrt in .se-ion this riming in th.;
li.iM'iiieut of tlie lIiiikIi, All numui'is aic io
cui5lril tf be luo'enl.
.Mix. JnM'pliiiiR .MeC.irthy, of (.'.niton, Ohio, is
tlie Riirsi, of All m Mary W:ilh, nt Pitt'tun .in
line. (irant cnminatnlir.i, Xo. '-'of), KuiiIUs of
Malta, will meet in .-e-.-ion (bis i-iiuing
at S n'tluik in ll.iilni.nid hall.
William DunKiiy left Mr a few tieckV iwt lo
Xew Voile city je-.tenl.iy.
The .lunger Maeimculior will meet for
lbii eveiiini; nt (Sennania hall.
A nicotine will be hold this eienin-j by tin;
t'atliolii: lielief anil tleiietii ial .KHncialion in Phar
macy ball.
All nev inatk.- ami nntiies fur 'the Ti ibiino
eoiioj-pniiilenl tan be left nt the South Shi"
News company, on Cedar aieinte, and I'lihoity's
em feolinneiy stoic at Pitt-ton incline and f hniy
MK-. Ailieno .Milled, of lllnomburc Xoiiual
m linol, is iKitiin; .Ml, (hallos lioir.ul, of 1'iuvl
tit tit t- load.
II. .1, 'Ihulnj-, the noil kiinuii li,i-o fioni this
Mill. in, has .'iio'-pled a. pa-itlon at IVll .It'll i-.
Tlie loiigii-gatitiit of tlie Xuilh .Main Atonue
t-huitli hate oiedul a laie taheiuatle at Notllt
.Main avenue and Oak sunt, when- serjlees will
he conduiteil ami leililli- he.iin iluiiils the miiii
mer months.
JllnH Alhe 0-toihoiit Jtlendeil I lie class day o.
ciekos of the CnbiiiidaL' llii;li mIiiuiI Wediii'Mlay
Tho eniplojes of the Wc.-t Itidsfe (oil lompany
leteiveil their two week) pay je.-.trrday,
Mr, and Ml.-, S, ,1, Ottons of Nmih .Maui
an mio, arc .-iniiiliuy: a tew days .it Lake ldh''ilc,
.MKs .le.-sif .lones, tit Hi-tiKk Center, has it
turned home alter a, lsit nt two inunlli- ivitli
her Bi'.intl-p.iu'ia-, Mr. and Mis. I.. II. .lones, o
W.i.ine avenue.
Itov. John Klaus, foiiner pa-tor of (be Wel-li
llaplit rlinuli, nil Wot Maiket Mlcel, i Mil
ouly ill at lib. homo on W.uini Ml oil.
A vciy enio.t.ible ami pinlltable time was spent
at the dun I street Methodl-t I'pi-iopal chiuili
he.) ctciiini;. Tin' Xoith Hud I'lohibitiou Icai4ii"
i teitaluly inctc.mut; in lirm;th ami nuiubort.
I' they keep uu piowim; in I In' fiiliuo as I lice
h.tie ilnnr in the pa.t they will lit able lo at.
iiuiiL-h nometbitig of lasting itood to Iht'ir fel
low I'lt'iUurc. They opened tin ui'dlng la
mii'.'Iiij,' "II I'uiintiy (I'riiud, Tin n they wile lid
In pia.vd- by lle. I,,wiun; Mi-s Hiu-t iiiitrd
,t M'leitioii in an ei el lent manner mid llimi
pbny It, t'aiiiplit'll tlclittit'd an eeolleut adilu--,
Ictiiiint; with escelhiit adtite .is to I he proper
intl IiijiU of oiKanization, At the lOiKlu.d.iu iln
tounty oicauUer liitlleil all peioin to n.k iiie
tloiis that t tl their minds iruanliiii; llm
ten peiann- iiionllun, II) answered all in lln
llmltitl time fjlUlaUoilly. Many niw iiihiiI.ii.
weio added to the league They will hold llii'lr
not meeting four uicks benct,
Anoiney II. I). Ite.tnoldi, of Momry intniie,
kit tat etiiiiu; (or Ynglula,
tlurlfj It, llauley. tif Mon.ey aieiiue, has pur
chased the u'ililemc of Mis, Colo at Mudi.ou
anntie and Dcl.iu.tio tieet and rpect to oniipy
it nltli his tainliy at un caily day.
Tlicrc Mill ho an Impoitant luisliK'ss niielii.g
of the ineiiiboi's at tlio looms of the Vomu -Mtn'i,
club nt the Ihuiili of tlie Oood ln.plierd Sa:iir
tlay eenliiK A full atti'iidanee is cxpctlid.
t'luilci I.'. Cotiti, who baa tict'ii in ill health for
6omo lime, will bate loilji for Me.sito, in tint
hope that he will tleiive bencllt Horn tlut (iiinal(.
like tlasscs ot isri) and l!i lioiu ibno No. '.';
will plinle at 1.11 v lake nest tturday. Tho
pally will le thapeidiicd by i'lo.'o.ijr I'd M.
J. II. Hawker.
.Ml.-s M.uioii Saiideuou, of Waniin-.toii auuue,
bailed for l.'uiope )cleiday.
iuoni; thoaQ from tiieen llldsf who will Kate.
.New )oil: for l.t.topu hatuiilay are: Mr. and
.Mr. T- t:. Jonet and daui;litcK, of i'ioldtoiie,
Miss Anna ftohlu-ou, Ml,-s (Jute l.atv and llm
Ml e (iereeke.
Tho ITovideutc Metliodi.-t lipltiopll iliuuli,
A.lniiv Methodist rpUopal tlnii'tli ami liietu
Itldijo llaptitt thiiuh, witlt their Mtuday ..eii'iol.',
will unite in a joint t.curiou lo Lake l.o.l.'iv
on I'riday, June ii. A iJise allendaiun is e.
pi cud and anantrcincnts haio been undo by tho
toiinnlttre in ch.UKC for a niml tnjoyable d,v.
Ml-o 1'iliiat 1 1 a i per, of Dhw. wlio wa.s a u.eniiicr
of the class graduated Iroin the Lackawcnrii In.
pltal TueMlay ennin;.', is the guot ol Mis. .1.
I.. Itea, of riandciioit iirnuv
3 CDCH No oiinmo
2 ,VL' imr When
IMLfA HHEifffffffffVT -twvC4Vu lv' .L
Wo give 11 written gtiarantoo for 'JO vcats on all work. 0.
TJto fact that this Is an Incorporated Company doing lintsl
iicsh tinder tlio laws of HiIh State, and operating a HVHtetii of O
HOoDlceB, la uHUltlulent guarantoo of our rusponslblllty and z
that wo Do lixnctly at Wo Advertise.
1 The White Dental Parlors
tClilll lllllOil fll'lll I '.IK I' i. was there and only discovered
her presence after she hud brought In
some coal itnil sent tlie youtiK -Morescii
Klrl down cellar for potatoes.
While the Jloreseo Klrl was in tlie
cellar, Mrs. Itoso appeared from mi
Insiilt; aitartment, which one, Mrs.
Bi'vllu;fim could not say.
Thoy had some words and finnlly
Mrs. Hose picked up a poker, rushed
at her and thrcntonlni; lo kill her,
lalsod the poker to strike her. Mrs.
Hovllacqun. hadCoiitliiued In her huhlt
of cnrrylnir the revolver, that slie
might protect herself from Mrs. Rose.
It was in her pocket then, and see
ing Mrs. Hose npprnachlui; lier Avith
a murderous threat, she drew forth
the revolver nnd tired. Whether she
tired more than mice or what else she
did after tlie first shot was tired, she
could not tell. Nearly every question
propounded to her concerning (he
events subsequent to the first shot
bloiiKht forth the answer, "l don't re
menioer." Mis. liovllact'tia also told. In re
sponse to questions by Mr. Horn, that
a. short time before tlie shooting, she
pave birth to a child anil that the
babe only lived twelvo or thirteen
days. Incidentally, she related that
while lying In bed, herself and her
child very ill, Mrs. Ttoso came to the
Moieseo house almost daily and stall
ing at the foot of the stairs would
scold and threaten lier. One day Mrs.
Hose Worked herself up into a fury
while scoldintr from the foot of tlie
stairs, and started to an up to carry
out some of her threats. Mrs. Moies
co ami some others restrained her,
but before retiring from tlie scene she
gave vent to lier feelings by, picking
up a basin belonging to the P.evlino
quas and breaking it into fragments.
An attempt was made to bring out
that Mrs. Sykes, (he owner of the
building, ordered Mrs. I lose to keep
off the premises, but this was ruled
coxTrtAnrfTKD lir.nriT.
Oltlccr Hloch was pointed out to
Mrs. r.evllaequa. and .sin was asked
if she had made a statement lo him
that "Me want to kill that woman;
she no good." She denied ever hav
ing spoken to the oflleer, and did not
remember of his having spoken to her.
lie might have said something, but
she wouldn't underutand it, she said.
On account of tlio extreme dilllculty
In conducting an examination of Mrs.
ltcvllacqua, the prosecution permitted
of the widest latitude in the matter
of framing questions, and when It
came to cross examination Mi'. .Tones
was as kindly In Ins tones and manner
as one in Ids position consistently
could be.
once when she was answering "t
don't remember," to question after
question, propounded by Mr. .lones,
Mrs. ilevllaeque unclasped her hands,
threw them on her knees, palms up
wards, ami said ill tile most despair
ing of tones, "Vou can do with me
what you wish, but 1 can't reniHiiiber
any mure." It' could be Interpreted
from her words and demeanor that she
would rather give up to the worst fate
that could come, than to further put
up with the terrible ordeal she was
Mrs, ISevllaeqtin Is from I'alabrin.
Italy, and speaks it dialect not un
derstood by Mr. Moroslnl, tlio regular
court iuleipreier. Oonilnlck l'esantl
a young man employed In Vosbuig &
Dawson's olllce, who Is a well-cilu-caled
Italian, ami who spent some lit
tle time In Southern Italy, was se
cured to do the Interpreting;, and did
it very well.
It will doubtless be a great relief
to the court and jury to have tho
case disposed of by a pica of guilty.
After tlie scenes of'rday. It Is
safe to say. no ninii would want t"
be put to the task or brli'glug In any
kind of a verdict, except acquittal,
and to bring In an acquittal would
only be lliatle possible, II Is safe to
sas, by the exerclff, of the extreniest
Tho testimony of the common
wraith's sldfi concluded yesterday
with 11 statement from Mrs. Carmlno
Hitttlsto. mother of the dead woman,
to ihe elt'eet that Mrs. Huvllaequa had
threatened. Mrs. Ttoso with an nxe, ind
again with a revolver, within two
months of tlio tlino or tho shooting,
ami uu expert opinion from Dr. S. P
I.oiigsti'eet that If the wound behind
tho ear had been llrst Inlllcled. .Mrs.
ttoso could not liuvo moved from thf
spot where she was stundlim.
Mn. nnvww AWitrcs.s.
Tho opening for tho ilelVnsu was
made by Attorney Frank Doyle. llo
gao a clear and concise outline of
tho theory of the defense, as ilutallcd
above, laving particular stress upon
llm ihrcats and annoyances that Mrs.
Itovilucqtm was subjected to by Mns.
Character witnesses were then put.
on. Mr- and .Mrs. .1. I., lloagl.iiul. l
IS. Kriigernian. -Mrs. Haiah Taylor.
Mr?. Annie Jeffreys, Albert Tratib,
Mis. Kate Ttokelcamp, William Jef
freys, Mr. HIIoii McDonald and .Mrs.
Mary Traub, lev tilled that thoy knew
Mrs. IlevllJcqtiu welt ami that she was
a woman of good behavior, peaceful
and unlet. Some ot them were icady
We extract teeth, fill teeth, and apply gold crowns and bridge work, with
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1 eeth Without Plates $5.00
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Othor Work Ih D0110. rrvLJGf-
WH MAKK A SPKCIALTT of Gold Crown nnd Hrltlrjo Work. Tills Is a
pystoiii for iiinprtlnc oitlllclal teeth wlicroono or mora arr nilxlntr without tlio
lino of a plittf. Tills work Ih most beautiful anil rannnt be detected from tlio ;
natural tot-tli. AVhen ptoperly doiii', will a lifetime. Call and seo us oper- tsH
ate. It will lie a pleasure for us to carefully examine your tocth and toll you &
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tloy.i, 10 to !. , iff:
rVirnrr Lsrkanttmiii
Nt'work Slioe .Storf,
roncorn In the world.
to testify thai Mrs. Rose was violent
and quarrelsome, but such testimony
fit (hut period of the case was ruled
to he Incompetent.
('(instable T. S. Hulling testified that
he was piesent ami near Mrs. Hovllac
qiiii all tlie time thnt Oltlccr Hindi had
hcii In custody, and that he did not
hear her make any admission to tlie
t Ulcer, such as the latter alleges wast
The entire day in the main court
room was taken up with tlie trial of
Andnev.- f.iordon, who is charged with
perjury by Simon Nerusbas, who last
fall was acquitted of. tho killing ot
Joint Miskus, on March 17, 1S Ne
rtisas was committed to jail mainly
on the testimony of (lordon, who al
leged that he was passing the house
of Miskus on the night of tlie mur
der and saw Nerushan hitting Mis
kus on the head with an axe. It Is
alleged that this was a wilfully false
statement, for C.ordon not only did
not lilt Miskus on tlie bead, but oven
admitting that It was true that he
did, it would have been impossible for
(lordou to look Into the house as ho
said lie did.
Alderman Kdward Fidler, before
whom Gordon was sworn at tho pre
liminary hearing, testified that Gor
don said he saw Nerusbas strike
Miskus on tile head with an nxe unci
a number of persons who wore at tho
hearing corroborated this .statement.
Simon llinerfcld tcstltied that ho
heard Andrew Miller, (ho prosecutor
in tlie murder case against Ncriishas,
accuse Gordon of having sworn falsely
against Nerusbas. My-t. Sarah T.eo
said that Miskus was not killed in
tlio house ami Hut Gordon could not
have seen anything thnt happened in
the Miskus apartments through an
open door, while passing tlie house.
Court Stenographer AV. D. Coston
rend bis notes or the testimony ot
Gordon at the trial of Nerusbas for
murder. Tills was to tho effect that
Nerusbas hit Miskus with an axe.
Joseph Moglinsky testified that Gor
don told him to tell Nerusbas, while
the latter was in jail, that they
would let up on him if Nerushas gave
thorn ?-": If be didn't, they would
swear hlin to tho gallows.
In his defense, Gordon reiterated
the story that h. saw Nerusbas bit
Miskus with tho axe, and he called
witnesses to prove that Moglinsky
and other witnesses for the common
wealth wore unworthy of belief. Mrs.
Andrew Gordon swore that after the
killing. Nerushas save her a ring and
told herself and husband to keep quiet
ab'iut what thoy knew about Miskus'
In rebuttal Nerushas denied that lie
gave a ring lo Mrs. Gordon and wlt
nesses were called to testify thnt they
would not believe Gordon under any
circumstances. Tlie evidence i.s till Im
and the arguments to the jury will bo
iiiatlo this morning.
The Mluooka fraudulent voting cases
are on trial In court room No. 'J. John
,T. Coyne is prosecutor. The defendants
aro Thomas Murray, William Hart,
Thomas Dlskln. Thomas Jell'ers, John
Crane, V. J. Diskln and M. G. Cnsick.
Tho llrst live are charged with having
voted without paying their taxes, and
Hie last two, wlio were judge and in
spector, respectively, are accused or
knowingly reccivliiK fraudulent votes.
The prosecutor, Mr. Coyne, mid
Michael l.eyden, an overseer: 11 John
K. Morgan, who was a candidate for
school director, and P. J. l.owry have
so far been examined. Their testimony
Is to the effect that the men accused
of fraudulent voting were ehalleimed
for non-payment of taxes, and with
out making the proper allldavits, cast
their ballots. The accused election olll
cers are alleged to have received the
oles without requiring the voters to
make th" proper allldavlt.
The alleged fraudulent voting took
place at the last spring election.
A vordlct of not guilty tins returned
in the case III which Stephen P.'. Caw
lov was charged by Agent Wilson, of
the Municipal league. Willi keeping .1
gaming hoil-e. Tlie cost.-: were put on
tlie county.
A verdict of not guilty wns also re
turned In the case in which Andrew
Itti.sco was i,'l'irR"i by High I'mistnhlo
Frank .Marlln. of lllakoly. with assault
and battery. The costs were divetled.
Judge Carpenter directed a verdict of
nut guilty In the larceny case against
Joseph Walsh. When Walsh wan
caught in the act of making away with
a peuny-in-the-slot gum machine from
Kvorolt Hriw.' store, for which he was
convicted last week, tin- police round
on his person a lock which was of
peculiar pattern and similar in every
respect to tlie ones used on slot gum
machines. The lock was Identltlcd as
belonging to one of tlio companies
maintaining these iiiuclilues, but it was
impossible lu connect Walsh with tho
theft of tho lock, and Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Thomas assented read
ily to the suggestion that the case
ought mil go to tho Jury. Walsh will
lie sentenced next Saturday for the
theft of which lie was convicted last
Tlie jury In tho Dhker-Puinliaiu ag
gravated assault and battery case
went out at 10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, but hud not agreed at adjourning
time. A note was sent to Judgo Car
penter early in the afternoon notify
ing him that the jury could nut ugree.
Painless Dentistry g
$3.00 to $5.00
f" DCm..
nil Wyoming nvemtra. Over gj
Sornnlon. l.arRcit Jj-
20 ottlccs In United States. fy
Thursday, Fridny, Saturday,
Juno 20, 21 and 32.
Location-ash Street grounds.
Darling's Congress of
Trained Animals.
A. l.rinwlprl"i in hi llii sivi'Urst nrrnlf? flrhteve-
limit tif th twentieth cciiturt. Pretty, puncing
jinnit't. IliviTtinir, (liiuiiiittiie tkjc.i. Miilli-maU-inir;
iiinnLpy.N. Known tin tviih' worW over im
"IMrlina'H Utile l.itlini;-.." Tins big, little
slimv! 'I lie tlellslil tt the little tnlki. I'ulr.vljnd
iiiiiilt'.nh' ot MinniluoiH iplcinJor. li.iily nt It a.
111. 1111 th! principal liiw!iv.i.-. I'rre In all. Two
shown il.illy. Miiter-iimnf ciinvii". S,0iiO seat.
Pliers reilii'iiil for llti-i tl.tto only to ailulLi, 20
edits; cliilillcn, 10 tontt.
tie sent back word that they should'
make another effort. At -l."0 another
message came to the same effect.
Judgo Carpenter called Messrs. Now
ronib and Martin, attorneys respect
ively for the defense and prosecution,
and untitled tiiein of the message. Mr.
Xewcomb protested against discharg
ing them, because of the annoyance of
again trying tlie case, and as Mr. Mar
tin did not object very vigorously to
having tlie case left with the jury a
little longer, Judge Carpenter sent
vtord that Hip jury would 'have In
agree on a verdict. The i""" stayed
nut all night.
Property Was Transferred.
J. M 'Walker, trustee of the credi
tors of Fcrdlnondo Arogoni. through
Attorney Italph Levy yesterday tiled
a bill in equity awainst Uoslo Aro
goni. Tlie bill sels forth that Arogoni is
indebted to various persons and that
Walker has been eleeled trustee for
th"in, On May I, l.WI, a statement
was tiled showing that the debts of
Arogoni were $"-',000 and that ho had
no assets.
In October last Arogonl's wife died,
leaving him propoity which rents for
Ji!0 it month. This properly on April
::i) of this year it Is alleged he trans
fori oil to his daughter, Ttosie Aro
goni, without' receiving valid consider
ation. An injunction is asked to prevent
Rosle Arogoni from disposing or or
transferring the properly; to have th
deed fiom her father to her declared
void, and that, she ) comnpll;! to
account for the rents she iwi re
ceived. Forbor Brings Suit.
II. W. I'Vrbor, of Hroniley avenue,
Went Serantou, thiough Attorneys 11.
(.:. Keyiifilds and Joseph O'lirlcn, yes
terday began action against tlieScrati
ton Hallway company to recover dam
ages lor the lo---s of the right leg, sus
tained by his 7-yonr-old son,
ll is alleged that because of tlio
negligent manner In which tlie cars ot
the company weie run on Swetland
street, on ' hi. I". 1!'(I() I'h'llosU Jacob
Korbcr was run down and had his
right leg so badly Injured that It had
to be ainpulateil.
Wll.l.l M c. DAVli;S, better!
known as "D.ivles. I'opt-y-Pool," died
at r o'clock yesterday morning at his
home. 12-' South lleliecca avenue, after
an Illness of three weeks' duration.
Deceased Is survived by his wife and
one son. The tuneral will occur Sun
day iil'tcruoon at - o'clock. Interment
will ho iiiudo lu tho Cambria fema
le iy.
'Ihe fiillnuiu.- iirojiMiiim' ill h" i.'inl.'int nt
Mu.h'i'ii (..ill, M'liiilaj ft'' . ''"i" ' at
u'lloch. un In' li'1' iiii-l'i"- '" Hi' Ihniiiio'f Phi.
Million If cjiii. ll the mmliil'.n el Ihe pro.
Kijiimii. llie itiuiily iiiainii'i'. l.tinui' II. Itei-e,
unlit"" Jll iuimjiii. who lute question! uuiililfiit;
Hun inlnii- in win.- Mm m on .i -lip nt I'Jpir hill. I I lit hi in 'it mi" time: "hik " '(ll
Ci.iili.t lir.iinl": t.i."'i: mlt.ul.iii M '0-il.-i:
Miiihell tinuli'lle: irtitJlioii. Uii. Junes;
jil.lte.-, Hi,. Ilil .t : Milt In II 'Hiaiit'lle
'Ihe lovn .oiIjI "t Hi'' .i'llf' nl i-H-'iety t
Hip MiiIhhIU iliuuli lithl Jl I'ohl Powell' red.
June niiflit tt.n hiUiilV Mtui'li'il Ihe Uwii
.!) tltll'lMlfl W'ilh IllltlllU f .,HI'll hill'.". Whirl!
lent 4 iluimliiii Hint to llm """ 'Hie com.
iinll.t' in ilin.ii' "f Hie -111 J if mi.' I" l 'Pli'iiH
nt iiuny w.inU rt pr.ii-e upon flu iv.illent Jr.
laii'.Mmt'liN. A IJIW liuiiihil' ol Hi' "ins Utlit'i
tif Iht ili'iuh btilt'il refrcihiiHiiW llinius I lit
rtiiiiiu 'l I'l'i'RIiH.i'iie H4- tiiuhit'il tli-i t
wa-i iiiinh eiijiiji'd lij lltii-c prt'-f'tl
'llm Yiiiiiii: ltilli' Miifi chili ot 'he Pit't.
Inteii.iii ihiii'ch whl nieit .ii th Inline ol tins
h..ts limit', on lll.iLtl iui'i. On tti'iiini; at
7,::ii o'.hi.K.
'lit i.-iilenU ate nul nm evttlunil"H fur Ihe ulihi Jliou ol St Antliony'i
,l.iy on biiiuij) m.t in the flute lhe(c
(ituue Tnigret) lu itiuriieil lioin an i-jtlriukij
ti-it at I'IiUju".
Mr. .Itilin n-ahl anJ oii, lirerse, have re
tumiJ Iwinu (ivtit u lUit nt Ncuuk, X, J,
fBsh.. 2
.ai,... .. . , --