THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 190i. 1'iiMlilrd ttillv. Ivepl 'n-idiy. Iiy ri.8 1 Kill me I'uMiililns Uunpim. it HID" r-nta .1 Mmiili. MV ! Ml. II AIM, iMilor. O. V, IlVMlKU, Uualnr Mma'jfr. N.w York Omen 0 .Vi M VI.,.,. VN. Sol? Aecnl lor t'wielstl AJvcilUmg Intend at (he t'liillki it v' union, r . is Second Lh-a MjII Miller. lien mkhc will primtt. 1lif lilhoii' !"'' t'(l to print tooil Irllvrs hum 111 frltmla " rT in ruiioil lopltt. hit It nile l thai llice nu he sl?nd, (01 pt'ldlntlou, hj lite ,llcl 1 mini-; Hint tlic ciindllhm preinlfnt ,,'l ".' ridoiue I lint nil innliilmtlcii atnll be sul)l"',t f (tutorial ictMon. Tin: v(,at it a 1 1: von iirinwc! 7 lie follotslne tililn (turns the p.ln per Indi aili Insertion, puc Ir. W u'.M within one J'"""1 ' I ttiinnl MrlinBon I'ii'I IINPHV, I'uxr HrarllnB I'otltl"" ! f han jk1 inch" i 271 " "' Ml inches .... "0 1' 'H l?VI .... Ir, IV, 'n IW " . ITS f ' Imvi " . ... 16 Hi') I I oi rnrdt if Hunk. rcdilullnx of redolence ml Flmllir lontrlliiilfotK In the nature o( ad- eitl'lng The Trlhune nukes i cliarse o( fi cent I line Nite 'or euolt'cd dritlin; tumldiM in ipplltitlon M't; nton; it inoi. lurio M r'lut? Piv! Thr niiliKm .n of th, adoption in tlio Summon -ml i unci . In ITiT. of tlio Stnif. nnd Ptilft . tli" iii'. i opiihiic', Miihol ninl i d on hi iuMoimI psinrr IJtT' uIpm tlto Hi; MihiiM ho in v I Joni" Idlt.'lJ-. A h'ulit to a F-'itiisli ""ff-nr. is-'s-rr; niiidi ims born Q il: in hot worn tin1 hill. ill "I JL i'iii!mis .mil I iio union of Oliliof.,s in tlio llll till triJe.; tlio nrrosiij- of .i Jlght until oi.e , ide or llio ntlini Kofi horotulilv wlilpiml t it'l .u lnu!"'!f'. hi linn h in ith toim. of siinomloi, !- unfortunate In Its iloin?s-,lnr c'fert upon soiiothI lii(lniit .uul In its port-on il li.uclsiiip. , uliiili fill most lie.nih upon tlio"1 I'i--t tlilo to ii.-.u-tlioni 'inint1. tlii ,oin n itiiil e'nil-dic-n of Iho stiHti-i Hill It hi'cn plain for nionllis tli.'t in -iiiin im in tills issue uoulil ha-. o to li" ili.nvn and sottlfd for a piio i.illnn Tin1 ,uiotis p.illiathfs Mliicli Iijm' boon tiiid to pace tlic in-dlis-tiial il nation liao dol.uod tlio Inevitable, but iiao not cIiaiiKcd If rliaiaotn. W'lsi-lv or not. oiBani'od labor and oiKiiniod capital liap ilo olopol antni;oiisins wlilili must ho Pliinlnated in a IliiMi lonllitt. A -talo of war lias boon entiitil upon, fioin which tlicio is no Quostimis of hoiiir- and of v,ip;o; in llioni'-oh os dotails icarlil adjustablo whoio a f i loudly spiiit pioails-aio now Focondaiv to tlio ourstiou whothoi the labor unions oi (lie cmployiiiK unions f-lii.ll piodnuiinalo In 1 licit" lifo and doatli Ftnij,'j.;lo foi .supioiuaoy, and uliilo a Psht moans widospioad tur moil and lo-.s, It is bv many clooined pioforahlo to imcbsant fldtjotinK and urn oi tamty. Ohio this fuiidanioutal filiation is s-Pttk'il, tlio ollior nuestions i an he adjusted on tholr inoiiti. It i.s umloniable that tlio lahoi ol pani7ations bac ulTcicd nunr in los0 of publn- m inpatliy lioni tlio omossos of own follow cis than fioni all oilier oaiisos i oniliilli'd. Tlic mobs that hound the iioii-uiiiou win Kinsman. pin -suinc; him fnnn sloio to .stmo, liitiuu datinfi liiotclianis not to soil to lilin tlio noi of life, liuillns at linn npprobi inns n.inios ,iud ooi little while artiiall.v laKinj his life, aie nut pill up to this lawless and uii-Anii'ii-tan piiiooduio h. Iho wlsct loadis of labor: but llio, do it in tlic iiiinir and for the Mkc of uniiiiiisni, and till' fad is Moadil huildiiiK up a puhlii opin ion ,nhnp in iinionlsui wlili h niiist bo iclKoiiccI with wliLii the Dual aicmint itiK eonies Ai:elj inan.iKed, labot union? ale most upful and aliiablo liisifiiitlons TaKo, lor e.aniiile. tlio union. It not uiil ha dono Kieai scr iio tor its inoiuhfi.s but lias boon of mnlorial brtiotlt to pulilishei.s. It has Miiioeiled, lioweoi, onh bj putting boti topt don n liaul upon the uiU ( lilof-niaUuir,, tpo of iikI tator and b iiuiodui Iiik into it, do libeiatious the rune Kind of iutelll tuencf and piaitlial imlKnioni that ieall m the lotnlui t of well-managed PiitPi prist-. It has kiuwu b".ond the ppilml ot llahllltj to the "ftrlKe teer and is for the honest Keep. Ins o all Its api cements, 1 1 II aibl ttatlon ot difterpiieen of inteiprt tatlon, I'nlons mi tliis niodPi win e. 'I lie lonttai t-bieaKltifr, linjniti. using, "soaiv-iibiisinsr Kind will epiie tlnoiiRi, natiital law, lielpoil, possibly, by a weaiiecl public. And a shuiplv deiliiod.j(iilikly Pinlpi ilRlu t a imish In the metal trades, ci uel as il Is while In process, may be the means of le.n. ins tjjp atniospliPic lor wiser lsloii and aftlPi oiiuif.Pl on bnih side?. rjui-SpietPieiiiP and PnimsPl have been jSr pe.ioo and tills wnuld lmvo h-en JJioftsible culler liuil pi mlenec incraljfd. lint nlnee war is tlic wonl, let it ie deoisHe, Anieiioan Industiy can orifiqiier the woild wlieu haininiii otih aliome. It will lose all It has haimnnv innies thinitfjh the wisdom of conciliation or the etu cllile tit toiidlet Tlie'ndvaiu'e sunnl of rourtli of July jLelebimeis hu& been unusually rjulft jhls beason. C Sir Walter Besant. .HKUXUXPiiCTHD death of Sir Walter Hesant on Sun rluy after btluf illness has 4 brought piofound regiet to a ei et const Ittitenuy of leaders on both flliles of the Atlantic. Alicady there jlrnse been a vaiioty of news paper estimates rnndo of his Klft and ai'coniplitliments as a titer as to , whether or not he "possessed genlu.V lio certainly possessed tlio Benltis to use fine powets not nieitly "to give liaimlefs pleasiue" as wiltes one bap lent critic, but to bring good works to pats, "The people who aie foruver praltltiK up "aits for ail's pakt" mo not expected to appiceiate fairly the wrlteis who mnKe url setvo IiIkU pttrpo.U'3. If Sir AVnller liad nowr wiltteij any bock but hi "Ail Sorts and I'ojiJItiuns of Men," the bonk liiniiapt nhont bo moitlnn nf r I 13 the "trpip'ii mirtrp iii tin n.tst i:nd" iM' Lfindon Ills plan In lltmnlttic tin li s llinu In ttlilliiiitiniliy wotiltl lmvo liirn spciiio, of all Mint lllo 1'cnplo's 1'ati'ie niul list iiotnltlc isotid wotU illil In Ktlniiilntliiff "aocliil sottloiupiit" Walk In Amotion It would lulic n Kiont iniiny )).'it?cH to 1 oil. Ili own work for tlio hIiiii;rIIiik ioor r Lou don vvas until Iiik. o Irivp no pulpiue to nnkc tiny ll"t Iipic m his many wtltltiRR-not tiovi'W onh but lilfitotlo books on lain- don. Hut wo will nnnip his ntlinlriblp wot It for many 3,0111s nt noctotnry of Hip 1'alpstlno r:plui.itlnn fund, Ills History of .ipntTiloin wtillon In enn 1101 lion with Pioreetmr Palnirr, ntul Ills pdltlnor uf the Kt out woik ontltlcd "The HitMoy of U'ouein i''aptliio. ' Tim plaio li" loaves vacated Is tliaf or n title liner of luininiil'.V nnd beno fmtnr nf the "tniRKlItiK pnw, llio plnop ilsn nf n wiltfi' who ttspil Ids rIH.'j for put 0 ami 110W0 end'-, for tlio iil'liftliifr or loadei", who beramo IiIt fi lends nnd ate ti da his moiitners. Uh hard I. title 9 eroapo fiom pT)-p-ititlon for criminal llbol is IIiioiirIi 1111 coiidltloiial ictractlnn. In other von'. Ills pi luted cuiiraRo was onl iiiiiKp- bo'iiovo, Inwaidlv Ills x It.ils tipiuhlril. ThN dnitblloss disposes foi a season of tin? Dick I. Illlp Ivpn of nitt tniom. 'liat otlii'i iiiiisliiornii Riowth will be tlio iiol to will ' flake It a Rouaer ! TriN It; TIT'S Rinnd ball in rti dliallon of tlio iipw Ai moi.. with Its piosrino of (IIStlllRllisllPll ctiests, lu ilildlilK tin' Rovernor of tlio 1 niniiinti wealtli, tlio ninior senoial oomniand ll'S the .Vallonal (iiinid of IVniisj ha ul. 1, the adjutant Roucial and the In ttopid oiiniii.inilrr "f tlic Thlid lul Riiile, will be a spcclm lo uniiiie in Hip hi' ton- uf Nni ibeustf 1 11 PoiiusM anl.i and one well wottli j'oinc far In .ee. The ball will be peutlaily a pop ular aflaii, icpusi'iitiiiR u lO'uniillR 11111 of all olT-sps; anil slinplv on tlio 'line of a i-ioat 1 Osliiiipollt.111 soi lal and public function it will appeal slionf-lv to the (.mlosity, interest anil iationaro of our people, lint mine than that, it will aid in pstnblisliiiif 111 this cliv a splendid auditoiu'in, baidl sin passed any wheie, in which all Kinds of laiRe public R.ithi'ilnRS iiolHUal, fiaterjinl, rionoinic end ieliiloiis 1 otiientlons, ( istf'ddlods, plcians' leiiiilon1-. coino lalions of iii'ij toim wheio Rciieioiis lkor spai e and lomtoilahlo ,n (.oiuino-datioii'-- aie of vital iiiipoitaiioo may be entoi t.iiin d with pltaMiip tn tlio attendant.' and uedll to our dly. Xotw ithslauiliiiR llip past l.u K ot such a ineetiiiR plai e, Kciantou has won iiIrIi 1 enow n anions llic 1 ities of TVnnsvlva'iia and of the eountiv tor her whole-souled entoi tainnietit of 1 oinoiitions, liaiiiR in tin- public esti mation earned the name ot the t'on ention city par ei client c. AVith tlio new Aininiv coiuplc ted and fico fi 0111 debt, the one handicap lntli- 01 tn fell ill this dliccliuii will disap- poai : and our 1 itiens will take iu ci eased pi ide in pNtpndiiiR to win thy bodies ot llieii' fellow- nuiitrj hip 1 of eieiy .11 let and phase an omphalic linil.itiuii tn iii.iKp tills their nsseni IiI.irp site. Hence it is tliat tlio Ai -inniy beloiiRs in 1e.1l tact to the loiii iiiunily and lepie-enls a iiuilIi-iicpiIpiI and niot timely addition to tlic loiii iminll's ilvlo lOsoUICOs. li'lOlll tliis slandpoint the oppoitunlly pnseuted b. loniRht's tostlNilv to m.iKo a sliRlit ( oulribuiioii in fin theiauie ot the (ominon Rood sliould appeal iiy stniifl. lo the libi'i.illtv of eety I hi 1)1 i 1 -spli itcd 1 itlcii. Tlio ball will he a since ss in any cent, but inuUe it a nitiM'i! The ( out Is still yocin In di-.asiec as to the amount ot wealth ipquitcd lo ui.ihp a llilef a Kleptoiuaniae. The West Point Law-Breakers. IT is rnitTAI.M.V an imfoi tun.itp tluiiR for NobrasKa that tlio Mate should liae a tonKus. nvu o unlit for 1 niiipieliension ol puhlii duty and deo uev as to be williiiR 10 pioclaini an InlPiitiou to to ininiliiate I'tulot Hiwlej, epelled for Insuboidinatloii, Id deimiup uf ills ilpliiie, fioni "West Point. It is an teii moie uiifoiluiialo lliiii- for tlio state that It should also have a sen ator who piopost3 to uphold the cnii Riessman in his far wmso tlia'n foolish action, It If sill! muie iinl'oi luiialo, for them, Hint tln'y sliouAl be so Ignorant ol the law on the Hiibieci of appointments to West Point. Tlio law pliU.cs tlieiu absiilutely in tlio power of the piesldmit. It Is moiely a mat ter ot louitesy thai any senator or lepiosentalHe has oer been invited to iioiniiiatu candidates for tlic niilltaiy ncaduiiij Tlio Ian KUiiiji. of section J .115 of the Uosed Status makes clear that the piesldmit of tlio United Suites has the sole pow er of tlic aiipolntnients-rtliat it ests in him absolutely. Haw ley nnd the other cadets ovpelleil for peisistent disobedience and flafiiant violations of cltMipilno tlieiu solves beep foolish enough to make announcement that "congtess nt Its next session will ie-open our cases and see that we get back to 'West Point tioni which wo wote illegally dlsniissed " Such uttpr Ishoiuiilo on their pint may not bo so giently to be woudetci at. The long extension ot picsldeutlal couttesy In Imlting con gtessmen'a nominations may ijMlly have led the cadats to fondly Imagine that congtess could oveuulo the War Ofllco and the ptcsldent. Hut them is 110 such e.uise for tlio NfbiasKa sem alor and iepresentatio, If they do not Know the law they aie too Ignor ant for their places in public lifo. There was onee a Texas door-Uoeper In the cfiiVitol who conti United to the auyoty of the nation by wilting home tht hci uas "a. bLrer nmu tnan old tfiiint " Tlie.'o PMii'lletl endets ovlibitl ly aie of the saiuo nienliil o.tllliifl and fancy thcmn'los blRRer thnii tltcs West Point tttilhorlllPH, tlio secietiiiy nf war tuid the pioslilpiit. tf they ntul llirlr Neliraskt ndvncates In ooiiRi-ess lint fofKOllen also that the natloii'n repiesentatlvps a' 11 body have al leiidy, ttftor looking Into West Point ooiiitltloti, decided Unit Hie 01111013 aie not the iniikhiR powoi-s and author Hies in thr Ifnliod Ktntes, superior allkp to mllliaiy and eh II Inw, thov will In tlio end be more shaiply re lliluled of It. In tlielr piosent frame of nilitd they Rioo Hosli evldenoo that tlip me not llkplv to bo succpssrs In nny spluro of life what'vpr. They hip wrltlii"? theiiiHolveft down as t.vpes of tlio class of human holim fme dooiiiPd by their own mental make-up to falluio. It Is a gieil pity that they rdiollld have bem oiunuiagod by any one to set thenipolvps up as vlolims n (hoy were by the Xow Yni k "soelety" wooU Iv v hi li euphemistically toiiiiod their dplllipintp and aRgiavated doflauop of the dlsclpliiip of the academy and ot both concessional and War 1 )(lli 0 action taken iiRiilnst hazing "a tboiiRhtli'ss ebullition or vouthful splilt," and wtoto 11 down as very "hind' that thov should bo puiiisiieu. The f'tto fllondn of Hie pxpelled c.i(let- If thov have any tine filenris aIII he I'niemost In idilMtig tlieiu t" aft down lo honest woik such ni the "dinvtion the RovPrnmPiit lias alieath KhPti lli"tn has fitted lliPin for, to be thoip faithful, dlllgtnt. and ampuablo to suppilor odiceis; nnd so conic In the 1'tiluie tn a place whore tbelr ul iiilse.iinluct at West Point may be opiliioI;rd In lew of their Inning finally made of themselves law-abld-Iiir c 1 1 izoiiF. m ' Mi. Hrjan's annoiinceiiient regatd ing a thlid taiidldacy is awaited witli Intel est. The Yacht Races. f "slir.ItlJ aie most Iroious at I tenipls on the p.nt of many JL New Yoik papci.s and some otheis following their lead to tlnnw tontiinielv on Mr. Law son, Hie owner ol the Independence. It is Ids own fault, they leltei.ite, that the Sew Y01K Y.itlit club cannot lot his v.icht in to li to b'somc the defender. The club, they say, has offeicd him '"eieiy possible oppoi tunlty." Th'1 "possible oppoi luniti." it is made clear b tile r ouespoudpiice on their part, icn'ists in Ills f,liing aw.iv his vacht. "ihailciing it tn a niemher of the Xi w Ynik Yacht 1 bib." The wlmle business will leooneilc a ast m.noiit.i ol Ainei leans to the nn iinuiicpiiTi nt tent 01 or bv a London poi 11 spondi lit, Aitlnii Field, that "a si u thug IP.11U011 fioni the piesenfl loi'iish u.ic ot i oinpctltiou in inter national aiht 1.11 lug Is Ibieatenod. If .voir ciiricspondeiit Is icliably ipfoini-eil-and ( oiisuloi ing the blgli illaitcis wbii h Ibis- infni niatlon tomes, theic can li.udlv eist a doubt of it the loi Ihccnilng 1110 for the Aiupi lea's tup -bi its losiilt what it 111, iv will ptoip Hip last mutest lor the touted tiophl uikIpi the oMslitig ti'iins of oinpetition. In slioil, tlieie ,110 to be 110 111010 Huglisli attempts to build iip.iK 1.11 ing ni.ioliliips. Jf ,inv fiutlu'i- challenges aie sent fioni this side jssuining, of 1 oil 1 so. that thoie i aiiolliPi Lipion lailillc this tllP pioposilini! will be basptl on the Plitu Inalluti of the 1.11I11R mat bine and the substitution uf a genuine .aiht." . pioiuineilt inenibei of the Y. 11 hi s'liiinlion is rpinled as saying poslthth that "lids is Hie 1 low taken bv no less distinguished a flguip ill i.iililing 1 In les than King IMwaid liim-oli." Mi this : ide nf Hie water the iiitoiist goes with the tinning of the i.iiti into .1 .Now YmK tlub affair instead o' a 11 itmual one. The Young Men's Clnistiali asso- t latum delegates who lefii'-ed to ac- an invitation to isit Hie Hos tnu Museum of Fine Aits on .11 count of Iho nude on exhibition, toitainli did not m a high compli ment to ilieiiischcs Uochesler lioleis. il is nllegpd, ll.ue the sinpaili. of the inaoi of that city. Il smb. is the case, the tax pieis of the imfoi tim.ittt municipality .110 entitled to t lie sympathy of the public at li'ige. Now that tlio thlid toim business has been disposed nt, taioille sons aie twpeolid tn come nut of the woods. 1 m No mine 01iRln.1l McKinley men ato to be to.'i, Oatlin? Studies of Hiiman Nature Gciman Lovc-Maklng in English. .'I, 1 pi.'lty AniPriiMll Sill. prinlilitf III" winirr in Itiihii, iinl wioailnu- witli "tint avtlul I. 1111,11 li?iii!,r," lilili Muik 1iin In-, mi ilflialitlull.v ilfdllioil. lit if lid (.diiun U pjluinl I" lid iiiibliliins 11 1 iniiot he Ht'iui .Klllllhllill til HI tllC I llrfll'll t "Moll tlio i t unpolled lu liclm Sim b n imIUiii buk lo lid fiirnili in iiitiiia tin' ictoid o( lit p r plollrt in ipoliii ami a iiiiulratly a-. U be i.iuiiiK in tnii. Midi I I'Ji'o lino el 'Ul tuc tCiOi "I 111M mile ou an oitnit," slio bi., (nun .1 nolo out' of the tjriiiiin olfitci-. mnlo 1111'. llo U tUtlniitil .it II1c1ut.11, Imt ciiiui up In 10 (or Ida liolidj, and took me to a dinn. 'Ilio npnili bui uitne.v. I slnll never go to Jn oilier l.eunaii ilime! lint tliis U tlm rNtuct; "1 .1111 Bint that I nude jour a-aofiaton on iii.v li.iliili.u, nnd tint I could he jliout. ton on Hit jt hours of mj piufnte at Heilln on th hall, width tlull be hj J oil Iho muct asit'tahlc djlitiliK ' " if that ueic not jufllcient )n the waj o( I iijlbli phuseolouy loi 111c to think out fur tho iiintei," the tontiuuu, "he lia Bent me a photoRiapli of IdinciK and Iu3 niilti'ii: " 'Mai it he an leiiulnlni icinciuhianee of come uondcifullj line tt'tllur tpt'iil (oituiuteli dj) "' lltlho! lb, mother hai been line lo ubu tide mil) i.i moihtr in tiu Ccinun tljlt -tut naj ! I ftar that after we ueic inauitd, tur tins wtuild nut In. 8) Moiidfi fully hue tojjctlier kK't fotiui attl.t '" -Youth a ( oiiipaiiion How Btldget Spoiled Things. I'u 11 llo and .Hunk aie nut lilunU any more, aid lliliUU li w blaiuu (or it all thaillo U tho pieinMii; tcluii of a I'irupect annuo home, while Mnulc U the bwtet jouii lldui; on MjuIuII sliett fci whom auudrj Hoi. irltn' and (oiilttli'.iH'u' ihllls haie mounted up to an ulimiln," heilit lattlj lltltlel U tho mild at Jljiiite's liuiue, aud a. M.uilc I, a m)it Uwild llnT- joiiii; I'Mvui Willi a tliUdtdlj In il. Kilt alltak, II happtlis nrj tfiru tint lliitl jfct ia liiaiuitid to aay die ) nut at home lihtu tlis told failj ale that Jl.inln I, icillii'"! luiinlmnlv on the tlbury com 1, tilth Hie liteil 111 murine ninl .1 hot. if tine lion bom. Iho nihil ueiiltif (hirlo thought (tilt It would MirplUr the Jniinf; Womni, ulnl ') 'llletf wlieu iilio did tint epd.t Mm. Mlinlr liAd nil iiiiU'inlly (! hilling Hotel, .uul wan mil ilrtH'til loi i.illfl", Ihereforo ho lnlnirtdl Itrltlet lo lilt" lio hid rtono ottr on Hie went Side. Illdilv mil Ihii)ui5li Hie mriKo all ilald. Iho tnroti Iderutt' J minx ituiii. irvtvnl of ftolnif .otaj. .i.'kiil: '('an Jptl tell me when he will tclutlH" sio fillercd. tlnii lu,l her lie id lonipletcly aid biuiled out: ".sine. .111' I'll nk Ml,., Mtule," ruthcil down tin' linll, while 11 tetj miuiy jet illnnlrletl j minis m in tnilkcd tlfiini the front fler lo return no moii' Jlllit.iukrc Sentinel. aMoro Than Sho Could Stnnd. 'lo 1 rtrlll loom liequenler of 0110 n( th luiRef ill ilulit, n, the New York 'lime', (lie ileilli of Ijjinliiu Donnelh leenllcd the ex pei inn p of 1 Jiiiiiik uoiiiin of ltosttn win was r. tWIor here one ttlnlrr when I10II1 t'olonel Inaeimll and Ijnilliu Donnelly weir on the li hue plmfomi The friend wliom the Rotton weinin i iHIIiik neie itsld.nlii ol nrookltn, linn an In lepe'ident tllj at He nlliei end of the hit, hrh'ae Iho modeni Mhe'iluii a, Knout In her filemU a n ciailuale of a fenule polkce, and a kriiIui .illrtiilint at neieial of the In lino loui'i of tlixton', iiihHilidei. nlilili ore llieio ini.ld'ieil the lieight of tnentil tlistlpallon nnd evhllnilion 'n Hie fliuiikltn people iletldfrl thai Iho lliitloniin fhould haio her llll 0' her at usinn. id mental bixuriet l'lrl they took her lo hen t'oloml limrrtoll detliei one of In, 'K iio.lli' lettmeB. 'flieti 'he was trolled to the lie nit nf 1 diti ot io by thf Jlimit'oli mzc ttho loteil sInKrspeiie none the lee, hill Raton imuli tho mine. , ,1 tldlll die win then drag. Ked nni in N'ew i ctk In 1 1 11 ilennr-. Miller lei line on (he etlls of tuodein drci, wlilili was thin 1 fail in itilain ilnle. 1 irl.t Iho follmt. Ing mornliiR the jrnnip, lidv fiom lloton ap pejrtd it the lueakfil (ill lo In (melius cos 1111111', and innotuii cd hei Inlentlon of retnrnint; to ftoslnn it once. Preyed for a rejon foi her sii'lilt 11 and nneipeitetl ilepittme, tliojoiins lad umirkeil: "lo he ten bank uilli jou, I can iml i-land Iho I'lilli'diui'iii o( jou Nut' lhou nit lunrrei, 1 hut hem here lull three dai, and nni line ilriadf f ikon nttuj (lorn me nit, inv siiiKcpuip and mi- thembc. I 1 m't sliiml Iho .tialn 1111 loiiRfi, ind mu-t get hatk in Hi, .Inn uul sinilt at onee." SCBANTON'S PRE-EMINENCE. Wlitor of The trihuno vii- I note tth it 1011 ijv tliis moinins cdl tonallt' about Sti intou hi ing the ceiornl nty lo 11m eleitiu flip It was the ttift tllj in the world lo hate tin, liKlded h.t iletlriiitj, hi jou rui mike another point on tint. Il ought to he at Hie tcrj front Willi first ihs nttoinmodatiorii in tiollit nis oum toiillillj, llnld Spciitcr. Ol'plnnl, .lure ti OIL FOR STEAMSHIPS L'ncland lonl ine In th" t'mted sutc for nil, lo lie ued 1-. jiteimihip liicl, n one oL the -.pillules oT indutiiil tiolution A li-piteli nom Ioiidtm fits lliat feieral teun fhili ottneis ire eui)ing agent-, lo Texas to idv tlic qinhtt and polnlijc qiiintlly of the piodui t in the 111 iv oil ilistiul. A nieiiilm ot pirli iimut, who iitentlt c iiiiincii the tin-, nil output, --it-, lint if the ilrpo-it piotei tn he piaetleillv ine" hiu-lihli', a-i now ippeu-, 11 will impie-llonalilt Itinliiliouic ftei.m juoduiins melhoil-, on llie tin an. A ia-l mnkel foi fml oil in lciiiilnp e(rtiio is 1 (eilalilt nf the fiitme s-ule Irtm tue ipie-aion of lililite 1 due hetttien mil and oil in sti mi piitilu tlnii, the oil I11-, a greit idtau tage in its lelitmlj viii tl f lnilk. Hie pne oi iiipied ht a viipplt uf 1 ill Milfitiint foi 1 totae 1-. a tilt impi'ilint Mem the fit tr mi-Atlintit .-li.iniii-, fni iu-,litii., 1 onuine neirlt one hun ilred (ins of toil pti ilit. 'Hie i-jiitifr 111 -puc and tteulit, In I lie ll-e of oil luleld uf toll. I-, uf nun i.-niK impoil into ill plop ulioii lu llit leiiglh uf the tota.'i 'Ihi fiilmr ill prinluet of (illfonui will in. loulitedli tuid .111 exiin-iiie nuiket in tlie hlenu elup cllll. All llie Ir his I'aiitii' bleiin-lup null,-. 110 liuu, ind llie eattt ml joule, lit tin of 1'ipo lloin, ii taill loiuei. (Ill i-. opeei dlv idiptid to the I'ai lfte etHt', and the time li iinung when its ue ttill ln'iueiit llie ttiilei ot llie abute eihtuiiil in 1 leidtiM I ilifi'ini.i uettcpip 1 is nidenlly unfiinlhar ttnli lllmlii' linns m he would not lute fillen into tin 11101 of otuiiilint' the ioniiniiiuti of nial it HO tniH pel dit II is Hue lint t height Mi imei of luge tip 1. lit tin 111 ike 1 tup he. tttcen Netf ok in. I I nerponl, in sit tttel'e Ins, on Hut iliiuuilL 1 I mil pel dlt, hut the witlii spt 1K-, n fixt lups ind fur the high ili-s Mlinlii linns, making the tup in sK ilitv llie itei.ige tiin-iuupli 111 ui toil i not less thin ii ami urns fni the iiiuihI Hip 'lids h in enoi inniix 11lli III llirnl uf the talgn t ipiillj nf tilt ships Il tin fi 11 till he doubted lint the lomineuul II Hints and nines of tin ttoild ttill, in the neai futuie, dli nil toil and adopt oil as 1 fuel Ihe III meii-e -11 111 In .hint 10-t mil 1 ireo pau fni the uiiiihiiit mil lot i-eruie nt the woild and the enibhug of the gutermueiit cliips to mike tin.iies rf lluee tunes Ihe dl-lame with uul irphiit-hmg furl rhelile the adoption of nil, llll is the einniiinii luel nf Iho future and Ihe shires of ml umpimis iindir leput ible 111 in lcimeiil uttniug luge Iriits nf nil linds nfT-r the gri itett nppoituultlis tu inilui, Pacific Coast AND Texas Oil Co. is Mu 1 1 a torponiinn and lius sloik offer the i-l 1 piiiiitimilt In iiitestors uf ant now before tin puhlii The Company lofers by permission to tho President of the Broadway Bank and Trust Company, of Los Angeles, Cal. -)nu 1 an but Iho utoik now- (01 "fi. pert Ml Mil Hie pi no is Miblei 1 10 ultimo without noiiio it int lime h iilll jell In I'K. teij ,0011 and is I" Mill -l Wlllllll in, NOW, This Stock will sell for $1.00 per share before October and may 6ell for many dollars per share before Christmas. IniestHs cm hut it with conhiienio heiaiiM t!i( laluc of the 1 uupaui'o linluniga uul Hie char aitir and ubiliij of bs inini;ris and tliiector ure ritablbhed Hut it while it is iheap, ior all patlitulars applj to the INVESTMENTand FINANCECO IVoom 1, Dime Bank Building, Ecranton, Fa. ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords Low In cut. Low in pi Ice. High in qualltj-. Ladles' fioni 7oO. up. Uen tlemeu's fiom $1.23 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Ketail. FINLEY'S Summer Exposition of Laces and Embroideries Now is the time to buy Laces and Kinbroideries, and have your summer sewing finished up preparatory to vacation season. Hardly a dress is made this year with out a bit of lace to beautify it quantities of fine dainty embroideries are in demand for dress aud lingerie trim ming. Our store is always up to the minute in every depart ment, in laces and embroid eries we surpass all. Other houses do not pretend to compete with us in these Hues, either In Quality, Quantity. Prettiness or Daintiness Every womau loves beauti ful laces and fine dainty em broideries, land this year they are prettier than ever. Our assortments are larger than usual, qualities always the finest and values the very best. These are our argu ments that make new cus tomers every day aud bring the old ones back agaiu and again. Come in aud feast your eyes on the "things beautiful" we are showing in these lines at 510512 Lackawanna Ave THE People's Bank, Mears Building, Court House Square. Capital Stock, Surplus, - - $100,000 - 25,000 Savings and Business Accounts Solicited. Piesidcnt Vice Pies. Cashier - - C. D. Jones G. T. Beynolds - H. M. Ives DIRECTORS: C P lours, Itulnrd O'Rrirn, tl I'. ncjnold, M. r. Carter, 'Jhouias S-prasuc, i-ainucl simlri, Arthur Dunn, 1' t'. Von htoirli, O b Itoohtoilh, n Warnian, W. 0. fullon, 1. J. Ikalcj. Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 1 Rnr 325-327 Penn Avenue, A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Cut Oiass, Sterling Silverware Clocks Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, STOP THINKING If You Are Thinking ot Entering Tho Tribune's Great Educational Contest It Is Time to ''Stop Thinking:" and to Begin Work. 'THIS GREAT CONTEST, which has been open but 1 four weeks and still has nearly twelve weeks to run, is one of the grandest opportunities ever offered the young men and women of this locality. You have but to canvass for subscribers to The Tribune, and the ones secuiing the most receives the special rewards and all others a cash reward. There is no may take but a very few points to win one of these valuable rewards. Here is an opportunity to secure a four-year scholarship that would cost $1,000 in cash, for the work of spate moments for a few weeks. The Eight Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayette College $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 675 Three Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conserva tory of riusic, $75 Each 150 $3,005 Kach contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards will be given ten (io) percent, of .ill the money he or she turns in. X. n Tho first two t.rtiolaililp do not liirlutl ineah, hut tho contestant socurin thee ttill he gltrn tin CIO; pir cent, ot ail tlio tnoiirjr lie or "he turns In to 'llie Tribune, to assist in pjjiug thia expense. Rules of the Contest. The special lowaids will To giv en to the persons securing the lnrgest number of points. Points will be ciedited to con testants securing new subscribeis to The Scranton Tribune as fol lows: Points. One Month ? .50 1 Three Months 1.25 3 Six Months 2.50 6 One Year 5.00 12 The contestant with the highest number of points will be given a choioe from the list of special le waids; the contestant with tne second highest number of points will be given a choice of the re maining lewards, and so on through the list. Additional information, winners, with the number a handsome illustrated booklet, can be had by address ing EDITOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST, ot t cann AT"' SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA Manufacturing Company We urn Iho laiKf't Ink of l nihiplln, IMr a-iil nnd Hindi", jUu Hi unihrrlla and puisols and miko llirin up ripiillj a? roh! a. nrtt ind Riiirintoo oiu prltri lo ho loir thin any houo in tlio utt Wi ropnr nil our rooJi foi imp jrai riti i. tu rilMtilK. 313 SPRUCE STREET. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WC ARE SATIISPIEO WITH A SMALL PROFIT. . . BERNHARD, jeweler. 411 I ( l SN AM M i: c-nivAI WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM So CUlt. EUtiniiiiufc! SCRANTON. PA. tiold vSt Photographer FOR SALE- ni'fit.ll.S mid W'AO 0) nl all Limit, aim lloiwvj and lluililln; l.olH nt HOIlsl.-s tl.lflM'n and flllOOMI'll at M, T. Keller's 1 acU.iiiiuC'arrn;o WoiU. K t'luldrtn'i .Utl.t. SHOFF'S HAT FACTORY, til Spiute ttirrt no ir lloUl .Uiiiitn All tin 111 A lilotkl (oi irin- uh i .iu iiuiv 111 Vtt llais Made lo Oulci THE MOST PALATABLE ind Ilrattlilul IK'cr tint i brettcd, Tlio Itcjl N'rtUr ol tho Nation. UnntJled m iti I'uiity, la Cure bililil. tliu Uctr that nude Milwsu'.co fainvui. told bj A. W. SOHRADER, 740 Hi Adjuu vnuc fccranlon, I'i. Utiili It-lcphonrf. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK AND TILE MANUFACTURING COMPA Makria id I'atin; niltk, rk. l II Pair, f.ti'trjl Mlcj Ajent, (llftto Bi'j Watliliiktoii -i". V oiks at Nay Aus, l'a , 1- W. V. It. It All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Only new subscribers will bo counted. Renewals by persons whose names wcie on our subscription list pi ior to May 13 will not be ciedited. The Tiibune will inves tigate each subscription and i found irregular in any way re serves the right to reject it. No transfer can be made after credit has once been given. Subscriptions must be written on blanks, which can be secured at The Tribune office, .or will be sent by mail. The contest will close promptly at 8 o'clock Satuiday evening, Aug. 31, 1901. including a list of last year's of points they secured, and 1I1UUUV, OU1UUWU, JTU, . You cannot afford to create a poor impression of your business standing and ability. You will if you send out cheap, trashy printed matter. We do the kind of printing that makes a hit, inasmuch as we have. THE material and employ people who know their business. TUB TRIBUNE PUB. CO. TELEPHONE 1042. T HOTEL TERRACE. Pirlor llnlrl At-iomniodaticns unsurpaisi'il -pet,iHl hLMMKIt llMKt lo priinaiiout cu'ita Cd IhPlil lhlo Bond. W. II WIIYTt: Hanleys Bakery, A2Q SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON We mako a upeclaltj- nl fine brtad stuff!. Oidor.i for Salads, Ojsters, Croquettes, etc., promptly tilled A full Una of Lee Cicam and Icm BROTHERHOOD WlNE CO.'S Tine Old l'orti, 15urKtindif. and bautemra Kamlly 'lrado Onlj-. P. H. FRENCH. 408 CONNELL BLOO. L. SOMMAR. Uuildhiff Contractoi I'mploja union mc,n. L.tlnutea cliecrfullj- giicn, Itcinodcling and rcpilrint; a ipCLialty, 328 WASHINGTON AVE, LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will .ell all their lamplea ol fine imparted !adra SlilrU for men at o')i , worth $1 to $j SO Golden Gate Dining Rooms, licit 25 cent iiimI in tlic city. lite Mul lit,ket. il 00. Sunday dinner a specialty. Ikme inada I'aitry. 244 ADAMS AVE, cnnoMO Dibi:si:s sptci i.ty. DR. S, GERTRUDE EVANS OSTEOPATH, 15 and IM Wajhlnjlori acnuo, Fcranton Ta ()RU hours S 30 to I i m i 1.B0 to 5tl p m Onlj praiilflns ladj osttopath in Northeast cm 1'cnnrjltaiiia IV. A. HARVEY, Hettrio Wiring and futures let trio Ikll aud I'dtphone Work. 309 COMMONWEALTH BUILDING.