Wr,v- - - ti ; ri,.r ," ?'h iv. 'f r.l' i V- W1 4' THE SCKASTOX TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1001. 41 fA wm Dr. HANDS CONDENSED MILK. WITH ') DHnSDHATFS AunHYDnDHnSDHlTFG APIFD , . Hiis is the trade in. irk on ccry can of '.he gemtiub BPm HSBBBSPS It indicates the purest milk from field-fed cows condensed in scrupulously clean buildings, by a pro cess that preserves all the food qualities to which has been added phosphates and hypophosphites, the same food properties found in wheat the greatest body builders. It makes strong teeth and bones, firm flesh, steady nerves, quick brain and rich blood for infants and growing children. It is a wonderful restorative for aged or invalid persons. It is bettei for the table than fresh milk rich as cream, f0."1 ?t, TtlD DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO.. Scranton, Pa. cllif&r! CITY NOTES I - HI HMD in (.- Uticil rtuln ..ml Mull. i I I mil inhicro il II" Ml I'll isint. win-IirIii-h b'liiitil In in explosion of i-i .iiMi ulix. M)IIN(. IIM.1IM, I i ink M milling wis iii II iiii.lui.r M-ienln tiiiMn.: in inc Hunts for tin liiiml tluti lulu miuxx uf tliL 1 ite. .V II iti.llin.- IIVVI III i.l N WCHtK imp- nf men I cm xxi ik x'stmlix In tin mini rnotti uf tin I nlri.il 1 milling xxlmi- nxciil ilnm,Cs in to Ic m Kit1 In tin julscs I an h iinl 1 1 ic lillm." ill IIMT HCll IPV I he l.iikmmiii Id.' 1 !i. ik 1 1 iiipmx inn tiniiil xi-iin!ix tint tlitu liiuinin in to In i nihil i -Hilnln 1 ill Inlidi.i it (lit lull t itt it pi of -J i0 per ilix. I l I IS-HIN ItotiMM.- DiMMiin 1'iwnsi-r V,iril I s -im-Iiu it tin (itilt.il Itnlroi.l nf ix In-, v In- l.oknl mtici i four ixmi-tmi-I. r M Mint mi I'uk iliitinsr Inn , .lull tn.l Vttiisi riMI (II Ml I ll(! ( IIWi.l I) - llm lrx d In i. hi- ln ilinuiil tin tunc of lnittin,; Ili-unoi tin. will tin 1 1 ii itimlii Mirrnniiii i J o 1 1. ik in-ti i I n I ml i rt ninj: is lit ii to t tr IIIKIl ( M.I. I'M -I Ml ,h thr Imilinm, M-tll.llV pll'llltlll till l II XXItll ( -plclllllll 1 11. 1 I. ml i iBr, 1 ulit nit lumr inil fnr ftt t In.li Pintioi of 1'iililit' orks lioili. will plaii' it in n Viu pill 1 III -( I I Ml IDS - Hie liiilnnl low.; Mm- (Ini-tuii niiitioti Wurkcis' I11111I mil tiki 1 Imp of tin- t,o-pi-l lnc-rtitiK at II11 Itcnic 1111 H 11 tin- imiiiiu ilix'l mini1 is iionnsiil ti'l xxh ' itti ml MM.'- 1I 1. 1111 lis Ml I I -I lit- kind's lioulilii- will liol.l Hull rival tr niri'tnii; I- ntla Mining Mr- llo - will In pir-int -uul 'in- 1 ii nit of iln -t itt' lonwtition A fin Hill olfi 1 inur will In jjun II. I .V U I'V D- Ilic iKkiwnini trilii 111.11 leii-ncil t in ii Mhv pi xistenlix inil 1 him- win 1I11I 11 it K.11I1 tin iiIIhp ill tinip will h I ml Inil 11 I his 1 0111 link's tin pus In thw till- 111 ill tln inl Mini nioMlilv mint, pit- Hit litltr put of Hit' inonth lf)l I ST 'IDMOISIIOU. -(01011, r I.'oiiirli will minimi, in i!i.nn'-t In llie r mint i jjll (umoiioxx ultdllODIl it l Oil ilk In thf t-np of llixnl 'lliomis, tin ililxcr I ni who tlitil from InjiuiM iiutiril In lit 111? stunk nn tin' ljf-ail with u pi k 111 tin Aichlulil 111 I II IS h-t VXOik I IM u DOWN" I MltWkMI M' lulm Dm. I. m, 1 .(tin,; 111111 ixlii-o linini- 1- in rihlulil, vx is llklll In the I IKI.JXX nun lin-pll il xi.Ih.Ijx llf til in.' nxcnlx fiom 1 fjll ilnxxii Hit- unlink mint on Mlillln axinuo. IK' -lunk ij.iin,t 1 lailroul iir mil it I- llinii.lit lint im if ul h N urokin. P II MINI MW IIO-i'li M -iori.i' II ilir, H11 irliwiii, I Kkaxxinm mil i.tirn uiiiiir win) Intl Iih i ji- hatllx Injniiil li Die tlxinj; fiuniiliU of in 1 ilmlliii; toii.do, is riHelt lilt; 1 1 r.itnn nf. at tlm II iliniiiunii li- ital, 11 ml nu it tlu 1 mkaxxanna, m Ulul in .itslinlix'n i-in nf I lie llllllllll', -I'lCIUi TV . MI"-lii tin- 1 fill,, if In 1 ml rtrwniic Colin Im T I' I't iitii in xxnil I- 1 kk iIiom- iIjxs piiiariin.' for tin lnc of -t nil fix htlinp.-, us the 6iulil li xiii In'iiu I ill 1 Ml 1I11I11- iiii ixpnliil In 1 j I, t I In tr M imps 1 1 fori- (nl.x 1, tin tinu Imitt i' puine Juno .0 II MIM.UI' IIIMItVin V pnilx hooklit i.iit.liltilU" llic iiinci.li) nf tin hnn,lils Itiiiplu trlrnnill ioiiiIdp to I.. , ( otiixii, Kx . u; ii tn J- Ins jii-t linn I-mki fit hi ih,. pnn Sf -ihofll ,x. I ompili.x, ml u In in,; ilbllilllitlil inifni tho Jliniiit fiiicinlti in Nintliralrrii 't nn.i haniJ. pplit .ilion- toi tin louklt 1 HiQH-GRADE Investment Securities j OI-FICUS i 66 BROADWAY, N. T, WILKES-BABRE, PA. OARBONDALE, PA. SCRANTON, PA. (Commonweatlh Building.) -f "w""" ' "' f (Coramouwentlh Building.) r DIIMKKS IN tr lwwjni . jtV K-aTL! iLMARk ''i flionM ho ftrxxjiilnl to 1 s Sxx.-lnr, i-ecu taij of tin loniimUii In tli 11 1;.' if tin tup yiONMs Ml I I iiiivIIiie of Hi,, lorjl Xion. I-1m xx is ht III !i-l xnnilix it tin' itfx ImlliliiiK of the Mi ntctiori llehrpxx stliool floi thr n put ot llii'li Mirilmii 1I1011I tin h-t -It months xxork of tin M.iiit, .111 ilidion xv is In lil ninl tin follnxxini; oftmrs xxon ittitnl M, itis, I to lull pIKIlllllt. D11111I Irutkii, xiu piMiileu , llii-li li ill nar. in milint; -1 in t itx ; II iltn-.x, titiimial -tintiix , ltix II Iixxii, tiu-iiiir I Mil WD llsTUAIi 1 Ii re will he 1 fur ami fi-tlxil in the 1l1111s xpiiii- ilnptl, Npxx tilt -Irut, in lupsihx, linn 'i, ami tin txxo folloxxiiiK 'It1" Niiiw of tin' proiniiiint f.oiitI(HKn of tin ntx will Ki"ik it the oppnine uriinonx rnli il ix -pi 1 1 il 11111-10 liaR hern pipirnl foi tin on i-ion, mil I In' whole pioietils of the Mks will h" cloxotetl to thf Rootl xxork iiiruil on 111 this ili-lurt In the llu Jninrs HukIhs ant! ln fritinls mil fo xxoil 01s RECEIVED DIPLOMAS. Graduating Exeicises of tho School of tho Lackawanna Were Held Yestetday Afternoon. A 1 lass uf tlnoo lottiifr uunun .mil olsht MiniiK nun iioic Ki.iiln.ui'il fimn llu- Si lioiil of tlic l. itkaw.iun.t Mstti (Inv .iitoinonti, imilor 1 in iimsttuut'S illffcuiit In ii.itme 1 1 inn tho-.p altetul .1 nt upon .111 nf the txi'iil --ovnti Ciitn-iiii'iupmi'nt1- wliltli pioii'ilcil ll. The Mii'iu lif.tth of Ilc.ulni.istei W. i:. lJlnink'. 1.111-eil tho ontiu1 om'uIsps to he tumoil with an alt U vailnoss, .mil this was liLinhteni'il hv tlu fm 1 tli.it it was tin- last Rt.uluatliiH: i-M'tiisoi whk h wnnlii In pifsiilul omm In lhi fouiiflci ot the sdiiini, Ke. Tlnmias M. Cann Tho lattoi has sinoioil hi- r onni otion with thp i houl anil is siik I'cilod h t'liiiiles i: Fish, wlio was tin seti.i .M-ats piitKipal at i:otn Tito iiiim hits nf thi' clas .up .Mlssps Alki' Ahlpu Jsiiapp, IUIpii S TowpII, Doi oth MpsspII, William PoiuiPll DI111- 111I1K, AVilllam Tl. MainwaiiiiK, lli'iny Lewis Joui's, flonlon 11. Taj lor, j 1 -onn Han Pit, Itnlipit h lltm'ps, jr , Amhiosp 1, '-ppiKfi, h , n.inliiipt Spi Iiik I'ltimli The aiKlltoiliuu ol tin- st lmul w.is pit'ltily ili'ioiatt'il with tit 1t1011.it Kllni. fiillPKf llai,s ami wihl How pis, Tlip 1 lass tmmbpis "l'ifil," n kiopiis wfip Million itiuis Hi,, n out ot tin stiiKP. Hatipis ouliostia opened the ppuI-ps with a M'leetlnti, anil ahoiil .' " ('( Im k thp Ktailuati's piitptpil ami tuoK thPli placps- nn the 1 ostium lii'V. Ul, ,1.111111 .Mikeoil. of the Fiist l'n'li Ii il 111 (I11111I1, was 011 the pin Kiamnu' lo niiiltc the oppnltiK piapp. lint In his alispiipi. it,., i),. j,. O. r.oKim piniiotilit 1 il thp iiiMKiitlou, Mm, )i 'mn thm IntioiliKPil Attoiupv W.ilti 1 lunxiei, 11 ptominpiit iiitiulipr 01 the l.aiKawanna Alumni as-ot lation ami Mr (iuustpr K-ni'.in lutiistlui;.iililii'sM nf a Hreni'ial natlli". In th" uiiiisk or his lemaiK-J, Iip said; "It Is Hip iltitv of a s-olillpr to obey, ami piniupt iictlou must answer the bugle's p,i tl ix(, mauiipr our alma iiiatoi Is the 1 0111-iuanilPi-ln-i hlel as ilhoitoi of our i-n-t Ii o lips " He ilosul his aiiiliiss liv ipIpuIuo; fppliiiKlv to lliMilmaKe Plumlpy nml .speaUIno; ,i tho llillupiue lui huoiI Willi h the wi'll-Inu piluoator litut upon all wllh whom he 1 ante Into 1 un til et I'limipul fliaili's i: I'M, was luuo iluii'd b lti'. )i. Canu as his sin 1 ps .sor. ami .spnUe In an PNCppilliiKly able manni'i in the Kiaiiuau . Thpip ,up (.Pilous (Iiim Ith ou," he (li'ilainl, "ft is now piopcp thai ou a K miuisi Ues, 110 iiutii'i what Miur llrmiKi.it tomll tlons nun be. Hit- uup-ilon 'IlaM- I a llfiht to am I'MlKi 1 fiilltlllili' my peilnil ot ili'inuiliMii e on olliPis," 'dip nn. hiMT lo thai iUi-llou ilppemls upon llic neatness or urnr own Mews and (omeptioti of what an piiiuatloii shouM be" le. l)r I'ann thmi ptisenti'd the Kiailniite-with tlioii dlploiiias, the class suiioumllllK their .iKi'd pieipploi.whlle In ,1 tii'iiiiilniis Mid (, whii i slimed how deepl) lip was aflt'i led, Itex.r.iiin In Icily KpuKe 11 few winds of faiewell 1'iotpssoi i;t A Miller (lieu made tho .innuiil piespiit.alun of piles, wlikh weie awmdpil as lollows 1 nslkli Compttoitlon MjiiI.m , iph Mltlimetlo . IU10IU lltteu lliiinei-' (iiiiiuii ,, ., tluxe l'uolitl'i liiumiin . . Iliiniiii l.lllxu Mci-s litiiirdl I'xulltiitf in ilji-irs ' lim Hut I iliu , . ... u MoriiJii Wllllaiu Conuell iJlinmlt'K. the 1 lass puphel, tlidii f,-ae a wouilcilul foto cast of Hie inline lmipoih ot Hid uidti ates, Indulging: lu Kood-nutuied dilps at eciy ineinber of tho Uans. Atu btosp .Spencer, pltilier of the uiifoi tun He school team, which Jms not won a sanio this seuson, was beheld In Dip dim future a twiiler of lenowu, who had put out of business Chilsty Mat. t hew .son, and the oilier graduates were Ubslt'iicd positions mot 0 01 Uss tllKltiripd than this one. Key. i)i. S. ('. l.ogan Kiii the ilosins: addteis, tiailng- the hlhtoiy of th hihool and it Ton tut,- to Hid Institution's picsent liw:, In losing both l)i, i'ann and ileadniuKtcr I'liiinlc.x. I)i. t'uini ilosed 1 he e.euli's with a benediction. OPENING OP NEW ARMORY TONIGHT IS BET APART FOR, THE GREAT FUNCTION. At 8 O'clock will Begin the Recep tion to tho Dignitaries and at 0 O'clock tho Formal Programme Arranged for tho Opening of tho Armory Will Bo Taken Up Tho Grand March Will Follow These Exorcises Armory Is Most Beau tifully Decorated. Tonlfrht will witness the foinnil npenlnp; of the iipw mnioiv of the Thirteenth lefrlnient. TL will be it vastly Impoi taut pent for It will she to Spi an ton a building, tinsut passed In the state, of which she has lotitf stood In need. The new nimnry Is n. niiiRiiltlcent pile, but It means mote to Sei Hilton and Sfiuutoiilnus than the ineie housing of the Thlttemitlt i ele ment in n mote satlsfnotoi v manner than nt possible In the old nimoiy. It nicaiiM Hint Hamilton tun now In vito find Piiteititln tho largest tonven tlons and bodies that meet In the I'nlted States. WHli an aiidltoilum t'.ipnlilo or seating 10 000 persons we aip in n position to attiact KathctitiK' of iiiaiiv kinds that liPii'tofoie had to pass us by. in thl wav the aimoiy, as a distinct business pioposltlou, outrht to be an investment of jrjp.it benefit to the people of the ilt jren f iiillv. NOT A L'LAHS ArPAIIt. The ball with whlih the at mot . will be opened tonight H In no sense a elass affair. It was mljrlniited with thiee pill poses In mind, the Hist was the lalshiR of a s-utrielent sum ol money to furnish this Rreat bitlldlnir, the set olid to jrhe people an oppoi ttinltv to a lew It under adsantujreotis tin umstantes nml the t lilt (I to enable the people ot Hip dtv ot all classes to eonti Unite to a jrti.it St t. niton pntei piIm Mljr as the armoiy Is it oujrht to be too small to hold all who will attend tonight's ball It Hi i inloiiians po-sess the in opt i sphlt. If all the people of Set intou could hae sppii the Intel lor of the aunory last nljjiit thcie would not be an un sold ticket in the dty of Hci anion In noon todav. Within the asf drill loom foil-two aie and two thousand Ineaniksepiit lights cast theit elfttl KPtup upon thieo miles leiiKtb of k.iu 7pv fabiiis of evctv eolor In the itiln bow nml a thousand tioplcul plants lining the dame platfoim, boves and walls, and completely i oneealing tho mantles or the ailministiatlon building The dowel pots and oilier eleiliiial depot atlons aie hung, and In- il, flight todav the least detail will h.ne been attended to, and a a islon of Indcsc till able beaut pippniod rot the eves of tonight's pleisuip spekpi o to.nmcht s i:xijrcisi:.s. The expi lisps loiinei led wllh the opening or the aimotj will begin ptomptlv .it ) o""pk. lfioin S to 'i there will be a" icception lo the illg- nltatles of the state and nation who me expected to gtate the occasion At 1 o'lloik will begin the ptiblii ppi -cisps lu tho diill loom, wlion Colonel H. M lioips will di'lhei an addipss in fotmallv tianstPiiing the atmoiv to the Thit teenth ipgiinenl. The sppech of aicpptaiuo will be made b rolotiel I. A. Vnlips. Sboit spec r lies will then bo ruii bv the goeinoi and oth ei gtipsti-Vf hoiiot l'ollowlng the foimal excu sc s will bo the gland oiaich, led In the high est ofllcial pioseiit. in this the niauli ets will elttlo aiotind tbe gieit di 111 iiioin. 'Phe dancing will follow on a platlotm cowied with ttash, whlih is s0!00 feet in sie About tills Is an nttlstieallv ananged liedgp or sin nb Ikin. The music will be furnished bv Hand's band of this cltv and Alex anders band of Wilkes-Banc to ni:ri:ivji aovmiNoi: The tPtopilon cominlttpo met In the boaid ol ti.nlp looms .MstPidav attPi noon to make final ittiangonieuts foi the iPieixltig and entertaining ot the linited gursts nom out or town flo einor Willlani A. Stone and the niili taiv ci'lebtllli - m Hip sIiiIp will be met at the depot b a poilion ol the meptioii (oiunilttee. and unilei escott of the Thlileenth ipglinent pioceed to ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT ORAL SCHOOL Two Young Women Have Completed the Comse of Study, Having Been in the Institution foi Eight Yeais. Will Return foi a Post Gtaduate Couise. I.Ike a rail' I np gulden on some old VtiBlish estate the IViiiip.v Ivnnla in.il Mhool hci iiicd 1 1 mil the outside es. leida.v, with the vines i lambeilng up to the bow wludowH and the hit at lues bi'iidini, ilu'li Inanihis to luiisii the sioiii-walli'd buildings, IVaitful, .sweet ami lovelj, as If It In) rar i liough away tiom Spi anion with Its dlscnids and s-tllfe, the etelor was bill a ivpe toi within the wide doois, V.hcic the Utile people nil' nun o Kllent limn au,v wIiuip else ecpjil lu tlmgiavn ami whetn (he banner over tin m Is love, fush und i leat, TliPic Is something Intensely fascin ating about this Institution. ir It weio tnili s and utiles awa tiom Si r.nitiiii wn xhoiild Journey lat to vis. II tlm quaint, beautitttl sunouiidiiigs and itst n the tiuiauilllar ipilPt. Wo tdiould talk about It and wiilo about It and mai vol about It, but bpcausu It lies at out vei.v door we foieiot Us e isieiup The llt.st lOuiniPiuenii'iit eMiiles of tho Institution weio iideluated .visiei. rlu j vth two Miting women as. the centtal tlguies iih they aio the Hist to liavo llulshed tho ioiii.se They am Allsscs .Itmiln V, J3i ooKh.nl, of AVII lianispoil, and Miss1 llleanoi V. Alaik eii, of Men or They have ptaitically .shutleiipil the ionise by two jeais as they have been heie but Pight yeuiB IiiHtead of the leqiiiitd ten. 'I'hls nmiK of ambition piUUIpk them to I pint a next imi when they will lake a post ivtaduite ioiii.se, at the same time lin ing the position of teacheis, They have been under the Instt netlnii of Aliss 3i. ij. Conner, the teacher, mi hi loved and honoied In the f-cliool. The exeicises of the day weio ailcd , and Intel csting and Includid all giadey. The attPiidauce of vlsltots was oiy laige, and un unlvcit.al pxpii.ssltiii of touuneiidatlou foi the ptlin.lp.il, Mif. the Hotel Jpimviit lleie tho governor will be taken In thutge by Congipss liuiit Connell nml conducted to the lat let's residence The other state dig nltniles will be enlci tallied at the homes of vat Ions members ot the com mittee. At T o'clock this evening Hie nota bles will assemble at the Hold Jer inn, together with the visiting olllcets, and all will then proi eed to tho new iitmnty. lleie a suh-inmtiilttcp will itcelve them, nlid after disposing of their wraps the vlsltottt will he shown thtottgh the administration hiilldlug, ntter which thev will tnke their place In I Iip regimental votetans loom unit the reception Immediately begin. Then the following older of exeicises wilt bo ciii t led out In the western balcony of the Ot 111 loom: 1 Truwfrr of tlic jiiiuhv limn llio Strinio,, (111 (liianl Id tin' 'llilrtrintli ItcRlinrnl, tnf inti.r. In I tilr lu I II. M. Doit", president nt linmil of limli'isi, '.'. Iti'irplion In- Colonel I, A. Witrrt, com. niaiiiliiig Thittrcntli rcglmrnt. 1 ttilrrii In Vljuhnl (Irntril Stpnmt. , I ililrr-i In llrfoiillir liimriil J I'. s (loliin, cniiini in llni; llilnl In Ikaili C. Vlilirtt liv Mijor (IrniMl tharlrs Millar, coiiitniiiililiK Nitlimil ffiiinl of I'emii.xhaiili (, UiIiimi l.x li'oxrrtnir . A, Stotn , ruliiiiinil ilfT In i hlff. T, Aililuss l,j kc l'mlildil Ilicuilorp ltoiic i fit. (.iiml .Mjnli 'IhioitRli the Drill Itoom I ul In Hip Dignlt mrs iinl 'llirlr suiri, riio 11 ill. rof.oxni, WATHIIH. Colonel AVutres last c tiling Issued the lolluwlng oidet : Sriinluii, lime 11, 1101, HfKlinrnl il'Oiikti Vo " Tho ftilil, ll, tniiil mitl romp inii of the I ir?t iml Third tnltaliniis of the IhirUuilli rcitiiniiit xxlll iarinlil(. it, the nlil aunory on ltliljj, ,lntn' II, l'inl, il A I j p in fm the pnrpofrn of acting at mort to tin" clilif (Xitntixe of the lomtnon. xxrilth, lion Willi mi . sinnc ssi ititily xxlll bo Minniltil at f o'lloil. 'tljiiljnl's tall at 6 I't llx nnlir of I 'ilium I i . Wotri-s 1) II Mlii'itou, Ailjnlitit. C'oloin I 11. 51. Boles, chali man ot the leeeptlou i niumlttee. desliys all the mfinbeis or that buiiv to meet him nt Hie M i tie stieel entiance of the ar moiv at tptt minutes to tight this evening Colonel V. W. Htlllwell dishes that all cattlagps conelttg peisons to the ball tonight suilc Adams avenue at or befote (Jibsou street is if ached, and thus pioceed to the main entiance. This pi in will ptevcnt anv i onftision. A detail of 1-0 membeis of the gitatd will be on dut.v In .mil mound the at -moij tonight. All will enter tbtough the Adauis avenue eiilianie In leav ing the trinot v those who have ptlvate caniagcs will leave bv the Mm tip stteet enttanie, and otheis by way ot Ad mis nventte SOCIETY OF GOOD FELLOWS. Gave Entertainment and Social Last Night at Guernsey Hall. Tne ltox.il Hotietv of Oood Tellows met in ("iiieinsey hall last night, and aftei londucting a busy session, at whii h loin (eon nexv meinbets weio iultHted, gave a xpiv enjoyable en tet t.iinineiit and soi lal Dt MiCiiogoiv, of Moslnn, and AH'. Valid, ol Tienton. X. .1. two na tional ollii ers or tho mipIpIv. wpip pii-enl and diliveied !iddie-is nnd other intiicstlig leatuies ol the night welc voial solos b- Jllss Fall Mil lion. John Ali Williams, Mis c. v. AVnllei. Air r.v.uid, piano solos bv AIlss Piitnev and T.lewelhn .Tones, and iPiitatlons bv Susie (lioss, Aliss llitihlp ,111(1 Alt Hi iln. rioip binth ris lendeieil s0x,(M,.i mandnliii elep tiiuis, and Wallai e (J Alosep gave a stilling spoei h. Ilev. Dr. II. V Y. Pleice, or tho Penn Aviiiup Kaptisl (liuiih, opened the cxeiilsps with ptavpi. The conimiltoo in chai-vo (onsisted ol Di. V. Itussell, t hail in. in; II O Aveilll, All Osboino, Alt l.lnnev and Hi Alexandei. NO INQUESTNECESSARY. Mantish Was Struck by a Train and Body Was Mangled. Colonel Itobeits vi'-tpulay xlewed llic lemaius nl John Alantlsli, Hie Aus lil.iu, who was killed while walking on Hie i illioid ti.uk- at Peckville. No in ijues was iipipssaij Alantisli was haul or healing and did not heed an appioathlng Haiti Ills both i0Bs wpip (ill off and the bodv was b idly m mgled. Ilei eased was sixtv .veat- or age, and eviilentlv alone in ilitt wot Id, as tin one .ippraied to ilulin tin bodv. The ip ln.ilns wpip taken In iliaige bv the Hl.ikely pom Ihi.ii il. Alal I!, C 111 own was heaul, Hev eial niPiubeis ot the boaul of dlinloi.s weie In attPUdaui e. Hev. Pi. H. C. Logan olli'ied piaver at the opening of the piogiamme. lion. "William Connell, lie pieslddlt ol the lio.ii d, who wan (o have given an ad dli'ss, was unable to be ptesent Aliss Win .lotus in Kid the twenty-thlid J'-uliii with exielleut i'minl.itliiii, and Aliss tleitiuilL' Williams gave a pi.n ihal examplp of conducting a begin ning class, showing the methods em ploved, Thete was a iiiun leiltutlou of iniiseiy iliMiies by fotn puplls.w hlle w on otlius went thioush with a beautiful DpKii to diill, Mum lug em phatic nll.v that the pli)sica dpvelop input of the i hlldiPii s not neglected. A Up leading exou se, pceedlugly Inleiestliig as lllustiatlng the ssteni, was conducted by Aliss I, I Itallou, A i pollution was given by seven pupils, niter whlih Aliss Anna Al Hlelianls led the pupils In ,, louveisatloil whlih was at unco amusing and instinctive llllillt little people gave a teiltulloil and Misses Chtiuh and Kliu londuti cd lessons In giogtaphy and hlstniy. Following this i unit (ho exeidsca of the gi.iiluatlng tlass, iho two mir voting gltls taking seats on thn piat tniiii. whoic Colonel I, A Waties, lu the abseiiio of Judge Hand, lu a gl.icclul addtess, piesenteil their dip lomas. Ill inteii.so Inteicht In the womleiful woik of Hie oial method was evident as he spoke of Us piogie.ss and development Ills lematks wpip leiohed with the closeht attontlon by those to whom foi over the Key width unlocks the door of hound of music, of loving winds and meiiy laughtei Is lost. Mr. l.ogan Unwed with leniaiks, and the oung ladles weio picsentcd u Ith volumes ot ritaml.uil DlctlouutlPS and othi'i books. The eeiclM's closed with thu beueillctioti CONTRACTS FOR THE APPARATUS DIRECTOR WORMSER GIVES IN FORMATION TO OOUNOILB. Saya He Roliod Entirely on Ohiaf Zizelmann and Battalion Chief Blowe There Wat Some Lively Siscuision Over Awardinfr Con tracts to Others Than the Lowest Bidders Beiolution Regarding Intervention of tho City in tho Water Suit That License Tax. IHipelor of Public S'ufoty V. T "Wot nisei, In a communh atloit sent to select council last night pliti ed tho nsponslblllty for the rcipttt awatdlng of Hie appatatlts mntiaets to the highest bltldet upon Chief Vnglneer V. V. Hl'elniann and llittlallou Chief U. .1. Hlowe. The tlli'pctot was dliecled by oouti oll last week to furnish his teasons for the a wattling of these cnntinctH to tho hlghc-t blddeis. In his i oni munlciitlou bo pointed out that he had Just barely assumed oillce when the bids weio nppi'i'd and that be did not feel c.'tpilile Ci iclvlng upon bis own Judgment In Alio mutter for this tea son. lie it forth that be ptimltted him self to bo guided entliPlv In Iho mat ter by Chief Zirclmanu and Battalion Clil"f Slovvo, whom ho consldeted to be ixpoits The icsponslblllty for the awaidlng of tho (onttatts lie placpd upon th"sp two ofllrlals. chalnnian Chittenden iPlliitinWlit d Iho ihalr long enough to lemaik that while the councils, undet tho ilpper bill, weio piactit 'tllv icsolveil Into mote debating societies, that npvet- UipIpss be folt glid that Hip tosponsl bllltv for tbe .u aiding of Hie con tiacts to the highest blddeis had been at last located. He lofenoil to the ii'Cint levelatlniis in New Yoik city, wheie It has been ptoven (hat the btothei -in-law or the lite comnils hlonei got a twent-llvp ppr cent. riKo-off tiom all contracts, and hinted that something lu tbe lino of a take off was leeched bv somebody In this last deal. CLHAIOXS1 nilHOU'TIONS Vtnlei tho head nf now business Mi. demons offend two tesolutions al the ipquest of Hecoider Connell, pi (Hid ing foi a couucilmauic latlllcatiou of Hip dliPitor of public safetv in awaid lng the i onti.it t for the hook and lad der ti lit K to the La Vianie I'nglne tompanv, and in avvanling tho con ttacl for r0 feet ot hose to the Uutt.i Vcicha and Jtubbei Alanul.ii lining coiapanv. ll must bo uiiiloi stood that all these (iiiiti.tits wpip awaided befote Tte ciidei Connell assumed oltlie, and that tlipso two i ontiai ts niptitioiipd in Alt ClPnioiis' ipsolution were Hip nnlv onpj nut slgnpd bv Foi mpf He (rtdpr Aloit Hecoidei Connell has di i ided not lo sign them until such time as councils latilv the ni Hon of Dltoeloi "Wen nisei, foi the leason that Ik is not iltogethor smo that the ilppoi lull giv " lountlls no sav vvbat cvci ligatillng the awaidlng of con tiai (s These two li'solutlons weie tefeiied to Hip Indlclai v commit tee In con junction with the i Itv solicitor, but not tint 1 1 Mi. Vatmhan made a few ip mai ls 'This w holt thing was done vviong," said he 'The feu iner loionlei flew off in ton much of a huii. He dls chaiged the dhoctoi of public saretv on the morning that the bids weie opened and Installed a new man ni his pl.no who knew nothing about the de piitmi'iit and who was foicoci, as a mattci ot louisp. In ielv upon the judgniPnt of otliPts r want to (ell jott that this caused a glP.it deal or lOtu input and that It was vvulelv iiiinoipd that som'thlng was divided up nnuin hotuebod.v "I think Hint the old Hip depittmcnt i onitnittee, who weie nlwas getting It nibbed into them, doseivo a little ctedit, bei alise f don't believe thev ovpi did what w is done two week' ago These people don't "ecmi to hive iou sideieii a low blddi i at all Thev weie out gunning I'm high blddeis. ami didn't i onsidei the olheis. Theies someboil.v'" skins that need a clean- In, tip i'ti'1 this di'il, and don't ou roiRPt il " TO ADMIT Till: i'ITV. As ptedlited In The Tillnine, a u so lution was iniinclm nl illipptlitK the ill.v solii itin to petition toilit to have the i liv admitted as Iiiihi v enoi in the eiiill stilt luotmlil bv Com ad Sclnoe di't to test the legality or the vvatei Hies cinllnanie li'ietitlv pt-spil hv 1 iinncils. The iiMiltitloii also incivldul that the city solii Kin should eiiileiivui lu have mutt ll the pike to be ptld bv the elt.v rcn xvaler at the old lliftne or $1 -(mo per mi. Instead or at the pi Ice nl Jl.'.aOU ppi .ve.ii noxv ilenmnileil b.v the hitantiin Has and Watei' rdinpan.v, Ml' Mpv in objected stiiMiuciiislj to tills patt or the it-solution, but lo no avail, lor It vx.ih passe il us lead, Mi Meiilmitn stated that be had a (onvpisatloii with Mi Kihioedei and that Hie latter had Infoi uieil him that he would he vei.v Klad to have the dty Join with him in his suit iiMtliist Hie iiimpauv The lollowliiK' lesoliiiliins xvi'ie ol leted and passed' llx Vr ritiiinnt -Mm tin,; Hi. iln link in ailvilliM' the iiiiliiunu iiup ism; i Iiuii-i up n lilt, k-ti le, f (1, 111 If. ill III Vli ani.li m 1'ioiiiliie lint iIpIk junlii In xx j nl Diii( piiatiim n r in in I s I, p.n.1 mil ul l In loriripoiiililii,' HCn ts lui tin. pn-int rar Mr Mi. ( lilliimli-n-iiiiiitliii; tli- tin Miliutur lu fiiniMi an iplnlnll Mltlni; (mill xxlirtlici il not tin tit) (unlil inipa-i- i liuiiso In for n,, luiiniiil o jinlkiiiiul mii'iuiilliii; j,Jiiil tli illx Oidluaiiies inovldlllR rm lepalis o the Illume avenue (iilvett, and piovld lui? fm a hPvvei In the .SiHenteentn hewer distill I weie parsed on ihild and tlual leading COMMON COUNCIL. The lommon nunc II IIiciim i,in m. (llu, lilt ii ba.s been Inst sight ul III the Bcneial Lilk abiuii the meusiuu pie pned by c'U .Solliliot Watbou and inti imIih oil lu Hie .select lotimll I'tesTiii-nt c.iipiu, or the nimmoii wmn cil, however, who lutioiliu ed the oi illniiiii p, hail not foiKuiteii it, mid he called It up foi Hi st and M-coltd tend iiiss at last nlsht's meetliiK The oiilliiauce pttivides nnlv oi a ta upon the kioss leiclpts ot lotpo' alliins live per cent on mieet tail way companies and two pei lent upon tclesiuph, telephone, vvatct, sas, .steam heat and elcitile IIkIH coiuiaule.s. Tlieie was u Kcueial discussion of the nidin.niie but luuhlus wan ilottci except to .send It li.u U to committee for futthei lonsldeiullon. llutli J'lesl ileiil Calpln and Mr. Keller epie.sed themselves as laoin0' the passage uf ill Hill! H You never knew a bride ? dishes. Our Store is an dishes to be had ill cranton. No matter what you want, be it a complete Dinner Set or .1 tiny After Dinner Coffee Cup and Saucer We have It. Our line of Cut Glass has few equals. N. B. We aie Scranton Agents for Libbey's. ("Nuf Ced.") 1 Geo. V. Millar & mmmmmiNmwmmmmmmm IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF CLOTHING AND YOU ARE SHORT of MONEY Try Our CREDIT We will dress you in plenty of TIHE TO PAY. 31? Lack. Ave Second Floor Open Evenings PEOPLE'S an oidlnaiice I ilnpr nnlv Ibe intpot.t Hons Instead of a sweeping nieasuie lu whieh the tav on i nt pot a lions would be coveted with a vvhnlp lot of mliioi piov islons. Jit. IvcIIpi was im lined lo tbluN that all the tompanlcs should be tavi! live pi i pent on thi'h kioss lecelpts without eMPpHiui Mi Phillips sid that if bpiipflts aicittiiiff to the (illens weie consldeivd the stieel i.iilxv iv companv shotilil be taxid twenlv-llvi pei' cent or its kjoss ipicipts He r.ivoipd KPttltlK even with the vvati-t lompnn bv jiuttiiiK Its tax up to ten pet cent. COV 11 ltl) ItAI'S The Sitantou Katlwav i oinpan-. i .nut in fm sunn. i ltd i ips xviien tbe nidinauie I'm biilillns the iiitmiiiK of 11 it-w heeli d cats tame up on Hist and sci und leadings Kevet.il ol tin membeis told ol the numeious i nm plaints made tn them iibciut the tuii nlnir of this,, iil-i ve-wiei Miik and e ir spllitiim: iiiM Mi. 'Alw in tli said lie lavoted aim ud Inir the oidinance su ,is to piovldi- i penaltv fot Hip limiting or eats mad beloiP the Civil wat lie sild th it be had It on Rood authoiitv thai i iv made in I Si" ai beliirf tun on tli Xoitli Si i anion lint "I vxhli the menibeis unlil s,,p ,ni I hi ai the UPive-teasfi tlie compail' bis hem luuniiiK I" the South '"hit Ibis lust vveelx. ' said Ml Phillips l anv nieuibi'i i ides on that i n and ba less than two spasms lifTine lie j-i I in toss the Heat luf, niiiolx bilil(,i. I'll pa fot i ab tide bul. lot blni " The oidinanii' was passed tin nil ii'ottslv on llisi and si.iond w-tilings Tbe oiiliu.tuio i stalillshlnt, pnlli (ll'lili'ls and iiiathifc, Hip oflli p ol pu llie iii.iKisttali, vxhkh was auieniltd at the I.i -t mic-tliu; ol Hie common In, null so us to pi iv lilt loi a uulliiin salaiv of $IH) loi all ol these ntlli ial i lime up on passul at n I thiid n atlliffs and w t (Iip sum, old d h it- i, limit t hi aiiis li.ul illluslii p. .-ti ol equal s,il btpu f,oin ovpi nm:v iti:soi,i'Tio.N The lollow'iu ij'"olutli lis ttoduceil and pi"s i Well Ilt- llx Mi Killu Vial , inin ll I it I txx ml i l;.illl.u I i.iiiipinx Iii nil, i s xa, h i, xxi liilx i ml nf I ii Is-iiti -inil in , , nn tin- Miikf mill ti, xx In im-' null,! in iliu XX 11 I in ix III llllllllis V Unlil llx Mi I'lillliii- I'n xiillni, fi,r lli si mi in, ml Ix punt in nt ill ot ill IHIIIIII Ills lllij llx I 1 1 XX is pnlili-li tl i names V Ishlilllll nltlll I IX i ilx i mill, xi - , vi Int.. llllllllll.' 111! lilX 111 till M tltilllll I' I llll 1,1 I . i In i !. 1 1 il. llx Mi I .ilpin- Him tin,, ll i iliinti'i nl puli H xxiak-i In iiulilx tin sdihtiii 1,'ilUxii iijiiipinx tn n-pjli Us tr h ks mi llii- Hi Hi x ik Inn The follow hnr oi dliuini es wen- Inlio- dllcld ami li-leind to Iheil plopil committee s; llx Vli ( jlpln -l'inl ulini; I i tin , i x nn in uf tin- dun) nf I. . i, lui lloiik ijin-t I'uL I'nli nun I'llruk Vli VI in im i, xxlmli iln s,,,r, ,,,, lllllt lllllltlX llllljllll (III llltll XX Is l , ,sl Iir 111 Vlr lli.kdli -I'liixiilliu '"r ni iluii l!nla In tin I Iliu! xx ml 111 Ml Ciiliiiiin I'iuhiIiii,- ti r i nilil nihil In in Jt N ix Vii pal. The nidlnami's piovlilini,' loi the pi.vineut of a ilaiiu or the llatbei As phalt icnnpaiiv, piovlilini; lor the clos ing ot a pottion ol I'PiitiP siitct, and establishing the guide on MucHc Micet weie passul mi ililnl mid Until leading Coll Ul II llilioui lied to tliei't llcM Thiusd,i,v night. A MAD D0Q SCARE. Littla Animal Appaieutly Atliieted with Rabies Caused Excitement. A small whito ro loi i lei, which had till the appeal uncos or being alllletod with I allies caused all Kinds or iiiin l, lotion about noon xesteidu.v In .Sltoi t iV. Ciiuiiiiiugs' (igai im Im .v In the i.i-(t-ltlii Aiiade, The dog, who was nothing at t h i mouth and who snapped or isnailed at t'Vi'ij pei.soii it met got into the vvoiK Kbop 1 1 oni a dooi leading into tin At cade. The glils und men at woiK In Iho plan' when they saw llie, animal made quick wink In gelling Into Hie isalesioiim u noni All escaped with out belin.' bitten The dog itaslied aiouud the loom at it fin Ions pin o ami ilmill.v i an down hlniiH Into the tellai The tellai' dooi warn liis-pd oaliliu and I'atiolin.in Johlt-i wins summoned Altet doing a little leiimuolteiiiig, he dei Ided thai a Kbot gun was Hie piopei weapon to uu mid stinted out allot one .M Ii Intel Tigtie, a .vouug man, happened along about this lime and killed the dog With two shots tiom a .small pistol bc fmo tho polk email ictmned. Aik lor Kellv's union uackcis. (ii ! "TO BE" who did not like pretty JK Exposition of the best and finest 5? Co. "S?.1"?. Sys tem. the BEST and give you Credit Clothing Company. Porch Furniture What is moio restful after a warm day than to sit out on the porch dur ing the evening in a com fortable rocker? We have a most com plete assortment of Porch Furnituie. Theie is a great variety of Porch Chairs, Porch Rockers, Porch Couches, Porch Tables, Porch Settees A few of these make a porch look very inviting. Come in and look them over. Hill & Connell ial N. Washington Ave. j -j J JJ I J J I1 l I J IJJ J 3 $! J ,l,l,J Fancy and Art Goods... Something New. THE RUSSIAN COLLAR, stamped on linen, is the veiy latest thing in fancy nml ait goods. We have Just leceived a lot of them, together with mnteiial toi making. This Lollni ib undoubtedly tho most beautiful cieat Ion of the sea son. Call and see it. noiles niu Patterns for July HaVe Arrived t t t X- i j CranRer Wells Co., T 130 Wyoming Ave. 4. Y 4'H,'H,4''l,'l"H-J MONUMENT SURHOUNDINGS. Elaborate Plana Made by County Stuvoyor Stavenson. Ill, tinu, up plans fm beautifying the 1 otu t house giotiutls about tho soldteis' ami sailtns' monument have been mailo bv Coutilv Suiveyot Miuoiibou, at the suggesilon 01 ihu lountj 1 otiiinis.sion ims. The.v weio tuibmltted ycsirtday In Colonel II II Hippie, 1 halt in, in or Hie monument 1 ouiiiiiiin- ol the (Jiand Aim.v tPiubli .Memoiial assoi'latiou, and tecelvid his 11111 -.. 1 vi d .ippioval They will be submitted lo the gtlier memhciis ot the 1 ontiiiltiee, and if ap ptovccl, iimuediatc steps will be taken to 1 any them nut. Walks, Manilla 1. mid llnwct buds me to be set so as 10 iclleve the moiiu iiunt of It's ptesent appeatauie of be ing III a depiessioii ami lu liutlipp add to' its iitliat llveness, iho two hliy 1 .unions secuic-d tin llie niitnty by l oiigiessman Connell tlnoo e.n.s ago will be iiiouuitd at the appioiche.s to Hie platloi 111. Ask foi h""ll's union ctackcis. Tiy the new Oc. ligai "Klcoii.1 I . s i k 4 u -.-