.wR- t- i " ji'e ' 4 . I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 19011. 9 t .., . .4 ' ' V M'v"i"t ' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FIDDLED AND THE REPTILE THRILLING EXPERIENCE OF GABE OR AND ALL. Effetto of tho Vestal Explosion. Brio Plant to Bo Increased in Size. Minister Dcsiros to Purchase Pota toes Strnngo Find in William Faltor's Orchard One of tho Freaks of Lightning: Several Mil lion Peoplo Await No wo from Wayne Oil Fields. Spcltl to the Scrmten Tribune. Susquehanna, Junp 11. Rube Cran rtall, of Dorp Hollow, a tiddler oC loo.il fnittn, on Saturday crave a foIo under most lcmariiable cliruiinttnnce. He vvni on hh way to play fur 11 dunce nodi' hnllttead, and was walking nloncr a nariovv toad rut In the moutain side -t onr point the road wlndi iitiitind .1 sduip .spur, nnd Is very liminvv. Oulic vvas hatmteilnns lelsncrly dinner, and had loni'hud this point when he lieiud tho wuinlnir noise of a latlln siinko, and lnnlilnf? up, lip siw a lilcr leptlle dltpctly In his path. t'.aht piomptly took to his henK hut li.id taken hut a .steps or two when, foini the woods fioni tho side oC the highway, another lalllor iot-o tip. Theie v as not enough. 100m to pass the Fiiake withnut 1 tinning the ilslc of liehifr lilt ton. and the toiiiflcd fiddler lucked up nff.iinst the ledge that hung nliove lilm and eyed the rattler. Ks cape vns impossible, and Cinlip was rondei hit; over the fine fact, when It suddenly occuiieel to lilm that he had lead .sompwhoie of people elm mini snakes vith music. Pi aw lng; his Jidflle fiom his box, ho bec.in to play a lag-tlmo air. and nlmo'-t Instantly it had the fleshed rffeet. The big .snakes gindually un coiled, and stretching themselves out on the path glided tow aid the tiddler. This moe did not delight Oabe, hut ho Kept sawing away. Close on nnd closer came the -.nukes, and faster flew the bow over the Ktilnfr. At lnt thev reached a point within two feet of the teuiflod fiddler, and wind ing thenisphps up, lifted their heads rli so togethei. At this point Gabc's ncnes gave xvnv, ho grabbed up tho net k nnd lit ought it downwlth ciushlng foi cc on the heads of the Miakes. The blow blunned them, and, befoic thev could iccover, Oabe killed them with n ioik. He lost a fiddle but he "-.iveil his life. irnnn axd rnu:m:. The explosion on the Lackawanna Pt Vestal on Saturdav evening was distinctly he.ud in Susquehanna and vielhitv. Tho -n ve.ii old -on of Air. and Mis. Ooige V. Bin t, foi moi lv of Susnue 'muii.i, but now of Coining, weie on Moniloy bi ought hem for Intel ment. Hauls, Nichols & Plate ciicus was billed to appear heio on Moml.iv. Tt an Icd on Suiulnx, but the conditions did not suit the show men and thev e odustccl The lhiC is about to iintei lullv in iie.itp ihe Mre of Its plant heic. "dilldien's D.ix" was obsenpil In the vceral chutihes of thK place on Kund.i). Uev. rather Manlev I- at llaie's Take, attending the annual letieil of the assistant pileMs of the Scinntnn dloece. IX St'hQl'i:!IANNA COl'XTY. The biisquclmiiua countv Fiatcinal Alliance and Indtislunl Union is hold ing its annual meeting at flush todav. It is .said til it when a Montiose newspaper in in hcaid the explosion at estal on Nituidav nlghlCiic u aw led nuclei his bod and coniuunced to say his little Now I lav me" Up thought the end ni the woild had ionic. It I' thought that the annual en lampnient of 'ho Ku,-ciioh,inn.i coi'iity Vcteians OiganUation will this jcar be hold in Monlrce. On account of the unfai oiafolo wcatlur the face oC some of tho Sus quehanna county fai moi s are lon-r enough to eat oats out of a chum. The vventhoi Is almo&l tnklniv a back waid spilng into summer dl'T Or Tlin OllDI.VAllY T'age I. man, who i "sides near llall Btiad, has a foui -legged chicken, re lently hit dud. H uses but two of the leg-. Yv'llllfini Keller, a Biidgowator fann er, leiontlj found In his oichaul, a number of gieon apples in a poifect slate of pio.'Ci atioii, inrie peifeit hi tri-te than If kept in a lelkir. l.ldildgo Shoop, aged nine eais, of Jlopbottoiu, a few clay.s sluie found a diamond ilng in a muddy nviil. it be longed to the village undcitakei. A llnllsluid minister advet Uses that ho deshes to punha.se four bushels of good potatoes When a preacher Is compelled to buy potatoes, theio Is something dpcldcilly wionir with his ci iigicgatloii. MUltl'I.Y DUirTWOon. H. M lVase. iiilni'lpul of the Hall Ftead hdiuols. Is a candidate for tho rfllce of county suiieilntendent of Mhools The list glows. The l;0.5 plow will havo an uiuhiplla attachment. Dyspepsia and a bi niton heait c. lilhlt a undc i ful fdnilllJilty In thilr outwaid appeal anees. Theio Is geneially something gossa. mer In the weather pinphet but then Blto theio is a little weather piollt li, tho gossaniei. A Heiilck mun, while making nltlng hA :. m. r THE 25 ct. MILY DOCTOR. CEDAR SPRINOS, MJCH, , Mrs. Isaao Dunham, a t-oII lcnocm lady of that f ikeo, rites i "I ituuot praUe Dr. A. W, Cbasa's KiJuoy-Llvcr Fills too much. They did for uio what doctors and otber medicines could Dot do. I was troubled with berere disorders of tho tidnoj s nd enlargement of tbo liver My family doctor "created mo tha whole of lat wlatej , but did not help mo iry much, co I gave blra up and began using Dr, A. AV. Cbaso's Kidney-Uver rills. The result was Dimply wonderful. I am XI xt. coir strong and healthy aRaln, thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney-UTrPill3." A.W.GHASE'S KIDNEYLIVER PILLS. changcH In his well, discovered that liecs 100 font away hail sent roots to and down Into tho well. How did the tli ps discover the well'' Near Hophottoin, a few.dnys since, lightening holt struck a tree beneath ,hlch some cows weie huddled, None of the cattle wero hint, nvcept a hull with ti copper rlnij In his nose, that was killed. SUSQUEHANNA IN 11 IK F. Fottuer Auditor General Levi f!. Me Cnuley, of AVest Chester, who ltm just horn elected coinmunder of the ft. A. K. of Pennsylvania, was foiinci ly and for sevcinl j'cars a lesldent of Susquehanna. Ills lather, the late Captain John McCauley, at the begln Ing of the elvll war, uilsed In this place Compiiin K .Sixth Pennsylvania. P.escrvcs. The Major Is a one-aimed volcian, Hundreds of Susquehanna people on Sunday visited the scene of tho tcr ilble ex'tdoslon at Vestal. lly n strange coincidence, Hui'ialo mil's show and seveial hundied Sus quehanna people weie In Uliighainton on Monday. Mi. Sampson, of Poporlt, nihcrtlses in the home papers that he has a gold mine, situated n".ir that lllago, loi sale. The esteemed Mi. Sampson announces that tho mine pioduces oio Win lit Jl'" per ton. Seveial million people, bo the same more or less aic anxious to hear fioni the Wayne countv oil Held. Theio 01 e six cios of typhoid fever In the homo of Henry Sjkes, In Oak lev township. Uev. rather Manlo", tho nble and popular assistant pastor of St. John's Catholic ihuich, is at Harvey's lake, attending the annual retieat of the assistant pilosis of the Scranton dio cese. The local council of Daughteis of Poeahentis will this evening pay Gieat Jlencl council a ftatemal visitation. The Ihio is catching a large number of Pan-Amoi lean nassengeis. T hoio w.is light fiosts In this vlelnltv on Sunday night. In the language of tho Uiltlshei, "what a blawsledt climate!" Whitney. TUNKHANNOCK. Epedal to the Srrantnn Tribune Tiinkh.innock. Juno 12. Mis. Chailes Haul, of Uoston, who has been visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mis. Jns-'ph Wood Piatt the past week, left .cstottlav foi Kingston, wheie she will islt her niothei, Mis. j. K. Peek Miss l'a Moss, of Plains-, llle, Is isitlng her giandfather, Di. A. Ii Woodwaid, at this place. Mis Josephine Boyie, ot the Intel -national Coiiespondenie school, at hcianton, is spending her two weeks ncatlou with hei patents at this place. James Doublet and Oilaiulo Ccim stoi k, cxecutois of the estate of Lydia Mayniud, deceased, sold the peison.il juopeity of the estate at public auc tion at hei leshlence on JJast Tioga stieet on AVednesday afteinoon. Miss Ituth Piatt, who is a .student at Sji.uuse unlveisity, is spending hei Micatlon with her patents in this place. The ie.il estate of C. Summer Hinds, consisting of a house and lot in Pac toi.wllle, will be sold at shoiilf's sale at the couit house on Satuiday aftei noon at 1 o'cloik. i:-Assoilate Judge 11. AV. Ikudwell was appointed fotoman of the gland jmy of the new tilstiiit mint In ses. sion at Wlllianispoi t this week. Chailes Hi own, poitei at the Keelei llousp, lias ghen ui his place, and will iPiuuM- his family to Hlack Wal nut tflis wn k. At a leiint mtcllng of tho slkio1 boaid, Miss Adelaide Me Kov n, Miss May Valteis, Mis Hesslo I.eighton, Mis. Jennie Thompson, Miss Lillian Clillds, and Flank D. -Miller weu chosen as teacheis lor the next teim of our school, tho lemaining iiknes will be filled latei on. i:-Sheillt Fiank T. Knapp, of Mill City, was doing business in town on Weilnesil.iv. Tho game nt base ball held on the fair grounds on Tuesday afteinoon, between rluhs composed icspeetixely of the mat lied and unman led business men of the town, resulted in n iitoty tor the toiiuor bv a scoie of S too. Photogiaphcr P. II. Shook is ex hibiting a new batch ot plenties in front ot his studio on Wan en stieet. Mis. Mattel son of Sing Sing, who has broil lslting the family of Mr. am: Mr.". Patili'k Hooe on Pine slioot the past tin ee weeks, i etui nod home on Wednesd.i. Mis. n. ,1. Joiden ontoi tallied lilends fioni Falls on Tuesd.iv. Ocoiso P. Deihlnnr is in attoud unco at the Ciie.it Council of the 1m pioied Order of Ited Men at Philadel phia this week, as lepieseutativo from '1 uuklrinnock tiibo of this town, SUSQUEHANNA. Sl ii id In tlir Sirjlltnn 'iiilmno, Susquohaiina, Juno I.', Willie, tho 7-jeai-old s0n of Mr. nnd Mis. diailcs Klinley, fell fioni it look and into the iler on the Oakland side at fi.iO last oeulng, nnd was diowued, Tho bodv has not et been iecooied. Men oiked all night, di edging and dlUng, and today djnanilto was tiled in the hope of raising the body. Mr. and Mi.s. Klinley hno the sympathy of all. Piof and Mis. Chailes T, Thoipe, of Forest City, uio lsitlng Mis. Thoipe's mother, Mis. C. T. Itaitiam, Last Chinch stieot, t t is icpoited lll.it the TJilo will urge the old steam hammer simp id utilise It .is a esupentcr or holler nop. Avhllo nt the A'estel wicek on Mon day, Policeman tlcoigo Smith, of Sum eiuehaima, sustained a slight stioko EATON RAPIDS, MICH, Mrs. Roso Chuffee, a business woman of Eaton Rapids, w rites i " 1 or n long time my system, was in a terribly weakened slato. Biliousness, severe Indigestion and kidney troubles madu mo to miserable that I as hardly able to oik. A frtend told mo of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and I found them Just as represented. They restored my health to me, and I think they are a wonderful medicine " The marked success of Dr, A.W, Chase's Kidney- Uver Pills with Backache, Kidney Trouble, Con. stlpatlon, Headache and Stom ucli Weakness make them family requisite. 2J cts a box. of paralysl?, lie Is nl ltls home In this place. A number of JachHon people left for tho Pan-Anio: lean this morning, Mr. and Mic Jameq Skinner, of tho Cascade Home, itic at tho Pan-Aincil-can, William A. Skinner esq,, Imi 10 turncd f i oin Wllllninspoit, whcie he served ni t'nltcd Mtnten giand juror. Mli Julia, llileklev, ot Hlnghamton, Is tlie gueit of Stiietueliaiina rcla tlvei. Mr. nnd Mii. fleoigo XV, Ball, of Jaclcon street, wore called to Corn ing last evening by the Illness of a daughter, M!. diner I.vons. Mis. Itnirilson, of Klinlia, Is tho gtips-t of her daughter, Mrs. Hev. 12. i:. Itelllv. A slight bla'e In the ralUenburv block called tho 111 o depai tiiicnt out this moi iilng. The flanies were eiucnehed with buckets of water. Tho Oakland Congicgatlonnl chuieli has uilsed the salaiy ot Its pastor, llev. Mr. Miiokcj, $100 per year. It Is In a ljouilshlug condition, spliltually and financially. An adjoin ned meeting of the hoard of tiado will be held on Tuesday evening. Tho Ladles' guild of Christ Hplseo pal church held a supper this evening nt the resldonecc of K. It. XV. Scarle, esq. MONTROSE. Spec's! tli the Scnnton Tribune. Monti ose, dune I'.'. Jesse A'. XV m li ner, class ot 1901. M. II. S is nt Sta(o College this week taking the cntianeo examinations, expecting to become a student of the Institution next fall. C. M. Hawloy has l etui nod fioni a visit with telntives In Scrnnlon. Company II, Ith Regiment, renns!.! vnnl.i Rescues, will hold Its annual l minion at tho l evidence of M. II. Van Seoten In Monti oso on .tunc IS and 27 the thfi ty-ninth annhoisaiy of file company's (list engagements, Meehanlesvlllo and CJalnoi, Vo. Uveiy sur Ivlng member of the company Is earnestly and cmdlally Invited to be piesent. Yesterdnv nfteinnon as Mis. Nor man Stew arl and little son, Xoiman, weie out ilding near i:ik Lake, tho shafts gave wav ami falling upon the heels of one of Mr. Stew ait's spiilted horses, the anini.il gae a bound and bioke Into a fuilous uin down a steep hill. The di hei, Walter Benedict, either jumped oi was thiown out at the first lunge of the hoie. Mis. Stow ait and the little boy clung to the wagon a shoit distance and weie then thiown out. Mis stewai t was tlnow n up in the air Instead of dlieetly to the giound and tills !-. believed to h;ue saved her fioni being killed out light A-. it was Mis-. Stew nt le ech id sevco lacerations and builscs about tho head, but no bones wore bioken and unless It should develop that she sustained Internal inluiies her iccovoiy is anticipated. Mastei Stewart and the diher, Benedict, weie painfully, but not clangeicuish iu juied. rhyslcians fiom Sci.inton and Montiose and a ti allied muse aic In attonilance upon thu tnjuied at the residence of Hliijah Young, to wlileh place thov weie taken Immediateh al ter tho accident. Tlje hoi so was un I n j u led. The Odd Fellows' meinoi lal day was appiopi lately obscived in this pine esteulaj, and the aihettlsoil pio gi amine was successfully can led out. The pilnclpal addiess was b 13 C. Deans, of Scianton, and Is spoken of In highly complimcnt.uy leinis. The I.awsxllle band dlscomsed mnitial music in a veiy eiedltable manner. The local lodge appealed in the lull legalla of the older. Company C! was inspected on Mon day evening by Adjutant Atheiton, who was detailed lor the duty bv Ma for Millar on account of the I.Utoi's Inability to be piesent. The company stood th" oi deal -veiy well, and it is the opinion of espeiiencod guaidsmen who witnessed tho inspection that C! will be i.uotl far up among the com panies of tho Thii toenth. I31octilc lights cue being put In St. Paul s 13iiiseop.il chuich tills week. -Mi. and Mis. A. Tj. Titm in weie summoned to Rlmiia. yesteiday bv the death of .Mis. Deistei, a sister ot Mis. Titnian. Kay Men ill was a visitor in Bln"? hamton this week. Lieutenant Leon Bauow, of 13iiul niink, was In town the Hist of tho w cek. Chailes Rogei.s, of Cienova, X, Y a widely known l.illioad postal olllelal, has been spending a hi ief vacation with rolathcs and li lends in this place and vicinity. Father A. T. Riodiiik, lector of St. Maij's chinch, is at Harvey's Lake ibis week attending .the niinual le tieat of piiosts ot this diocese. Head Teels like Blasting. Miobe you weie out hue last night? If von had taken a Kiause'.s Headache Capsule beioie lotliing youi head would ho cool and clear this inninlng, Take one now and ou will be all light in an half hour. Tike 2."c. Sold by all diugglsts, AVOCA. At the examinations held in the Young Men's Clnlsthin association looms In I'lttston last week or inlno tin onion and assistant foi onion tho lol lowlng woio succcsstul: Km emeu, Wil liam Kane, Stewatt Rutton, Cleoigo Davis, Anthony Henley, ,lohu Ollhoo ley; assistants, John ti.uloy, John Mooie, Rbencer D.ivis, Walter llutch Ings, William Moigau, John Mitchell, .lames Huiko of the West Side, wa.s suddenly seized wtli piualysis of tho left side while ut wmk In tho mines on Tuesday, Ho was icmovcd to tho home of Michael Lynott, with whom ho boat ds, A cuing son of Mr, and Mis. Chailes Robshaw was painfully cut nbout the head In No. M shaft by being stiuck with flying pieces of toal on Monday iifteinooii, Mis, D. T, Smythe, Misses Maigaict Iteiiuimau, Jennie Young and Jennie Whyte attended tho ginduatiug exer cises at tho lllllman academy on Tues day evening, John Hodgson, of this town, was among tho graduates In tho classical comse, and Robert Dougher, of tho AYe-st Side, was a competitor In the declamation contest, Mrs. Robett Hurt, of Kingston, spent yesteiday at thu icsldeuce of her inotli ci, Miss Bessie Foy, of the West Side, Miss Maiy O'Malley will accompany her cousin, Allied MoKeou, to his htimu in Salt Lake City this week, wheie she will lemiilii until August. William Uoldeii and John Houston roturned fiom Lodoio last evening, with a catch of about fifteen pounds. Miss 1311a L'uiley, of Philadelphia, Is spending her vacation at tho family tesldence In tho Xoijli Hud. Miss Anthony Cogglns left a few evenings ago for Butte CUy, after two manthtJ visit at tho homo of her moth er on the West Side. Mis. M. F. Leoimul and family will leave this week to Join her husband at Buit'ulu THE MARKETS. Walt Stmt KstIbw. New oik, Juno li. 'llii' floilc inntkrl fell Info scmlslictnillon ilmliiit tlic lifter put ot flic iby nd flic cnlns wblcli were ctnMMictl In the niotnliu were pretty geneially wlied out under tho iliilible ol Billing olileii which rnme upnn A maikel nlniot b.uo ot ileninul. trlom polnls of eliengtli mule their iiikai line during the cliy, but tliey lot llirlr Inlliteticc In MtUilnlng prices. 'Ilm iiiimI notable feature ot flic inirket wero Mhiouil IMclflo and lVnnliiuih, vvlilcli enth nicxii' m much as 2J4 it uio lime, ilie siii liodllon In flic utreet U Hill Hie Mlooini I'lilllc illrcrlors will meet tievt Jlondiy and put flic Rtoek on a fit c far rent. bnl, Slniki o( nfllll iiled lompinlrs uliowcd some j mpalh) ( eeildlv flic Denver and Itln Oritide ktock". 'flic liio,i" ment In IViiimlvaiila wh due to toiljv'i uporls vt the mnuldtinii of the reiuijljnlu Steel coin piuiv by the tillrunl company lo nfemurd lis ntccl mil supplj. flic Unlled SI lira slccl rtniki weie ritlier tlgtilllcnnllylieji), but tlic slocks ot itidepctuleiit icmipinles shot up In a trlMnf manner. The hiovcnient In Colorulo I nel wn sciiMtlotiit. the cifrcnie rlne icuclilns 13',i nnd tho jumps between sdes reaching in miieli tn 'i'j polnlc A violent to action left tho ktuck inai. ket only SV4 not (riln. Tenticvc Coil roe t'a and flic Atnirlrin Car otockt, tlic ltepulilic hni mid Steel sfockn, Ploii bliclflelit nnd smcltlm; be tvveen t ami 'I polnlti. .Satioinl lx-id rnntinued to show flic elteet of expected hciicllts I mm htiiuiil (XI contiol of merlean llusud. The cw V,0ik public utilities woio Strom; on hopec vt oacnpfiig from tlio proviiloiu ot Uio ranchhi lav. Movemenls of nny slgniflcniicu oulslde tl ese sticks woic lonrincd to a few nrely active stocks. Total ules foilij. lllt.'iOO ulnres Steele in Cenli d Income bonds weie beivlly boiulit, but tin gencud bond nnrket i dull and Irrrculnr. lotnl Bales pnr viluc, ,ii)-,rRKi fnlted states liondi were all iincliiiigiil on Uio lat call. Tlic follovrlnp quotations nre fiirn!hed Tim Tribune by M. S Jordan & Co , rooms 705 .00 Hears building, bcranton, Pa. Telephone 5003: Open- Itlcrli- Low- ClM- inc. nt. fst. fur. Ameilriui Suftar Ill's 1 1 1 r 1t ll .Viuerkiii 'Joliuin IW 1 Ill's 1 ii 140 Alihlioii Ni", ST S(l rt' Mchl-on. Pi ten 101'i 10J', IOJ'j lliook. Tuition sn TUvi sHi Hilt. . Ohio lov Vn'j JiU IOUj Conl. Tob mo iil'i f'i's Hi1! " tlies. L Ohio 4n li' l')s l"i riiii , t (it. We-t .... ari -ji i.'j 'Ji? St. nd K.T'j H.rVi 1M. Iim'i ltoik Island lilT'j HIT'j i7'i loT'j Km .v. i0V( pr ci (,i hi r,i Louis &, NkIi 1cvca Iffi-, HH'4 10iiH Vfm Vlewled Ill Ml 110 I'fij Hit. Tnetlnn 17l'i 17 l'j 170 17.', Mlssn. Pirlllo I'lh 12n2 U2 112 Si lltlli Ml P.ielllc Ill M'n ') )l'j Norfolk ,V WVit Tl Tl r,fi 5t Y. Ci.itnl lV.ii 1n ir,"i l,i", Ontirlo .. West S Is 7'. .!, Pemii. l!i- 15l'i 1"ii"j Ill's lil iiciilim: Hv -I-.'., fi1! iri't i1,'i Kcidui!; ltv., Pr 7s 7s' 7s 7s's Soiitliern It. II .n,"i I Pi .Il'i II' i Siuthein It. it. Pr , .. s; s;ii ,; j,;c, Ti mi foil i Iron i hl'j f.T M V. S. leitlur Il'i II H"H 14 V. I cither, Pi 7ii'. S) 7l'a M I nlon Piciflc 107'i lOi'i 11,7 1 1,"3i I nlon PjiiIii, 1 -si' j Wi ml (Hi Malnsli, Pr Il'j, 414, 4!)t 4t Wistiin I mini Ill 0it ill nc;, il I ml .'. Iniii 'rt'. 115 ft)' i 30s And Cupiiii li! l't 12f8 1'ITf, Pciiili's (.is 111. lid !"''. 11T. 1 HI' 41'', 41 4. 4. I lie. 1st 70'i 7' . 70V1 70'. Cul Southern IV. IVj ,', 1 i' 'hNJS Pill He 4s'i 4s 47'j 4s'i Vm fir Foumliv .... 1 ' . '", III 'h HJ"s 1. s steel Co I ) tt jii 4i I s strel (o, Pr, . . 'isi, Ms-, i.iH u5i M W 01!K (SlfVIN MVUKI.T. Open High. low- Clos Wlll.vr. wf i'.I. et. Jusr. liilv 77" 77" 7i."h 77 bi'I't 71-h 71 H 7I'8 7' (OfiN lull 47 17 4i,i. 4iIU S'l't IS la 47 ll 471 Scranton Ecard of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid Asked. First Natloral Bank 1JW1 Scranton Savings Hank 350 Third National Bank. nil Dime Deposit and Discount II ink.. 275 I'conomy Llijht. U ii'. Co 4u Licka. Trut Sate Deposit Co 1111 Clark A. Suover Co, Pr IJ5 Scranton Iron Fence L llfg. Co. 100 Scranton Aile Works 93 Iacka-vanna Dairy Co , Pr. 20 Countv Savfncs Bmk A. lrust Co.. JGO First Kitioml Ham. (CaiboiidaU) sjj Standard Dritline Co jrj 'adiis" "N itioii il Bit.L 171 Siranton Holt and Nut Co ion Pinple's llink 1"0 New Mimco Kj. A C Co 7; BONDS. Scranton Pass-nger Railway, first Mortage, due 1020 115 ... People's street Railwaj, flrst mort- BJrfe. due 1018 113 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, dus 1021 113 ... Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacks Township school 6 per cent. ... 10i City of Scranton St. Imp. 8 per cent 102 btrantou Tiaetlon 0 per cent 115 Scianton Wholesale Mai ket. (Coretctcd by 11. O Dale, 27 I ail, manna V ) llutlii I rcali, 0.i20'.i., dauv, tn-li, w'.aidc. Cheese Full en nn, new, HI'. ilk, ys. Wc-tirn fu-h, U'-iltc, marly slate, 11'UIJC. , , Hi am Pel bushel, ilioue iniiiiiw, s.2ii0i2 0'i P11 Beans Pei bu-litl, ihoue marrow, sj 3J3 S-Jio Medium llemis Pir budicl-. s.MOi'J' 13. (.run Peis Per bushcli. si 10M e, 1 loui lkt patent. pr bunl, l 15 Rid Mdnev Ik 111. Per tuislicl, ?2 4 jas. 50. Pol itnes Per bushel, i-,a')0e, Beiiiiuda Oulona Pet luivlul, 1 ;0i CO. Philadelphia Gioiu and Produce. Phlhdtlphla, Juno 12 Wheat steail j con trait .irule June, 7'j'.a7n. C1111 I'nni, '.1. hialiu, Nn '2 luived lulu', Jl"1! liCc. Oils Hull and will,; .So. 'J wliitu 1 lipped, .ll'iiil'.i. Ilm tc 1 J 11 111 ; ';j1o lilulur, luu.v we. tun 111 1111 nv, l'ii ; do, d prill!.-., I'll , iln maibi, 2l. 1 gs Stcadj , fu'li neirb.i, Ik , iln. wosliin. Hi ; du soiilliwistem, 1J .; ih smitliein, 1-'. 1 I11 1 so Quiet, .N . full 111 mis fmi sin ill, li' i'I'jC ; do. do. do. flir m ilioui, S'.ili lit Ilm il Sugui- I nelnnsul Collou.-Hini and 1 lu. hiiiliti; niiddlinsr uphnd., hi. Tdlnvv -chittl, titv pilme in lilids,, IaPsi ; couuln iln, do in bauds, t'ilt&t., ral.i, .'nS'.e. Live Pnulli.v Finmi, (rood cltiimul; fow,s, llalV.i' ; old roosters, 7c ; .sprius: cliicktns, loi'le ; ducks, (ii. Dicfscd Piiulliv -steadvi tuvvls rlio'ee, 10.., do. flir In good, ua'i'.i loiisllni; iliH.eiu fiocn, llalfe ; tinkeis fiom, 10il2f Receipts Hum, .MX"! Imiels and l.asil.OiV) pounds in Meks, vtlieit, 52, (mi lnulioh; corn, Jim mm InislieN; oils, Jil.OoO hiulnli. Miipmciitsi - Mlieit, 17,000 hu-hcUi coin, Sl.OOO bushels; oit., 17,000 liuslielf. New Voik Qialn and Product. Niw 'Voik, June 12 1 loin VVtak and 5il"?, lower to m'II. VV in at 'pot weak, No a ml, TPUc f. 0, h. alloal; Vo. 2 red, 779e, elcvatoij No 1 Norllicin Dululli, sl't f 0 b alloal, Oplious opiiiul firm, but devilnped licav.v Julv liipiiilafioiis and nilid weak ill da. Cloned about s-teulj at ' . net dtcline to Me, ad. vance. Julv rlaMil 77c , Sept 7lc ; Oitoliei, 75i i llto, Tn'.i Coin Spot vveik, No 2, 47e ilcvitoi, mid 17V. f o. b Jlluit. Oplious uptiiid sfiult, but evenludlv easul oil uml l in-ill wiak at 'tiV net lo-s, Julv cl'bid 4ii'ji ; Sept , '' Oils Spot ipiiil; No 2 ,L'i ; No ,1, i.l'.i 1 No 2 vvlllti, 3J'i.i ; No. J vtliile, ...It ; link niivid westem, .ll'laSI'i.; fink vvhiti, Wj.it7i Option, miief, lmt fiirly slndt, Hiittri Stead.t ; rieimeiv, IV.ilO'.i , do, ladoij, l'K.utli ; iiiiltitinn nraiueij, l"i 17c ; Hill' dilij, 1l',jal!',.i. Clieesi t'li-oltled; finej laie lolored, blsisajt j fimv mm ill cn oied, Dt' , elo, do white. Oo 1 gas Dull uu 1 wiak; State and IVim-t Ivnui 1, fie ; western unbailed at milk, lOil.'i ; wisttin caiulled and selectid, 12'iajdi. Rhlcngo Qialn nnu Produce. (Idiago, June 12 Wheat again jiilded lo fi voialda uop lomlitions toelav and July 101 11 iliv-td '.c. iindir yralenlaj's final price, )ib oats, 'ee lower, ami pruvidon (10111 a tlunlo liwu to 7'.i. above. Cxh quotation, weie is tollnus: I loui Dull, No. 2 nuing vvlitjt, - ; No ,1, 07ai' , Nn 2 lid, "Oallt ; No 2 coin, 42'H j No. 2 jrlluw, I2'jc , No. 0 oils, 27 U i2s'Io , No, 2 while. SOii ! N11 I while, '.'7'si2S'.i , No 2 ije-.lOe , (.uol fulling baili, Jse.; fjr lo (holie milting, Sli No 1 II u m'hI, fj To. No 1 nurthwisleiii, VI 71. piinie1 tlniulln 1.. nl, WilCT. me- poik, sn v.all ihi, laid, frS.U'i S-2, (.Imi 1 nl,,, u07'.as 10, die silled .liiuil deii, Ii'ji7'i ; fliiill eleii ,lile, ss 25is J7"., wbUkev, si. 27, Muaii ml hut, -it ,1; i 11111 latcel, V'77, confeilionirs' , -5 (it, oft ,V, 5I), Chicago Idvo Stack Market. Chicago, June 12 (attic Ituripts. 21 orrn, levaiis. V10. elioiee tie nit , i,llicr w.al. im hid. fiM Imlilitis' .Ink and hsjii- l,.l i, Miiut t'ui , tJoOiOuO, po r i nudum, si JaJ.fj, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mare Than Pour Lines, j Cents (or nch Extra Line. For Bent. HSIVSfWWW For Rento About 1200 leet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of THb TRIBUNE KOH HHNT-cI room home, furnished, witli two sleepltur roonn reserved; or inlulit hoim with partien, if agreeable. Mite't '211 Connell buildlnR. lOIt HUNT-Cholte of two roonn, private fimllj, trentleinan onl. fi2t ahlnttton avenue. 1I,T KOIt HUNT with all modern Impiovemenl Appli at 'HO f.lnden street. 1011 IllAT-In Dillon, roltace of nine room", fuiiiMied oi iinftirnialieil, for Ihe fCion or lonei; Hie minutes lo station, cood lotalimi; coltitro neirlv new and nil in good shipe. Apply to G. IV Cuillon, llalton, I'J. 10K IIINI' flioom lioue, comer Wnvne avenue and Pi In uu lnit; hot and mid w'tel, nore hut mull fiimi! need nppb. 1701 W.ijne avenue 020 ntlM.V inrifli: sriJf.l r. ten msim, modem fmprovcnients; iteam heat furnished; deslr desirable. For Sale. ,XV K1H SAI.I. Seondliiniled ladles' hnielc, clieip Call at 321 MaihliiKtou ivimie, neond llooi 1011 "5 M i: One tlilicl value, Inrsc xtore build int? in voia, fully eipilpped for iicnenl store puiposes oi can lie mid lor faetorv, A No two ilillveit vv ikoii4 In wood condition; two time lnirol oil I inks and pumps: two ho ca'C; cue elieise ifij one larco plttfoim still-, one fife, llrnoks A Hal". Inmiin1 oulli i-ido SUne ( o , Minook i, lka. stocken and feedi m, steadt , eliouo, linn, $.la3; e ma, s2 7"ih"i; lmfu, 2 silai 10, iinmis (.low, 2V2 70, hulls, iluiiif, stiailt. nthtr, wnk, 2M)iIC"i, e ilve, stiaeli, sla" "-"i, lexis led Meir-, ft IOi'i iiU; 'I'lV.is InilN. 2 7oalii'i lloas Umipts tod it, KO.OXI; tomorrow, 2i,000, lift (Mi, 2.DO0, eijiined active, "h IiikIiii; ilo-od ialu, top, -ti-J), iiiimiI and butehii-. -i)0aU2il, Hood to elioue luavj, ((,21, ioubIi lieivi, Vibla in;; lU'ht, JVia(il0; bulk of silt', "HO'.a (il'i Mnep Heceipti, lri,000; sheep nnd limbs rhoni, slndv, othei, slow; spring up to "i7."i; Itooil to tlioiie villiir, !b'al 10, fall to elioiie iiiImiI, vliOil'i-,, we-lein sluip, t-TXlal 10; viiilliiK. i 14 4it. iiallve IjiiiIm, Mij Id; wtst. tin linilis, l 00 11 10 New Yoik Liv Stock. Niw Aoik, .linie 12-Ileno-i-MeeH, 10i. lilgli. ir, InilN mil tow., sti nil to l'ii oil, sletis, SI 20ad; oicu and si us, 2 73il H), bulls. ,at 1'.; eeiws, 's2 2"nl2J (alvc e lis slow aud2JiiU(. lower; buttermilks, .jj-rfic lower, veaN, 'MaS Vt; ilioiiu and extra, s'i W)aj 7.1, liufleiinilkn. )a i 10, mixed ( lives, f riDu Mieep and cirlimn flull; bnvy j-luep lowti, i;ood lambs, '2'c. htglur; bhei p, '2.101 71; lomiiun veiilunrs, M; lamKs, Vi 10K171, iiuinlv, 'sd iiih 71 IIot,s Market finni i at M. 2 u(. i0 East Libeity Cnttle. 1'ist 1 limit, June 12 Cattli teadi , citii, S-IIOiO, pi iiiie. sj70i5SD; kooiI, filOilW) llosrs hteidt, iiiinii' Ik ivv, lust iiiediuiiis md hirbt veikii-, ( laid 17'.: pi,'-, fin I" Bond, 'li HIM. 10, eominon to fair voikew, 'siiOliOlO; eominoii pus and hkip-, fljOal.'o; ioiiIls, Mi . 1,0 liiep slem, lu .t wetheiv, s 7011s-,, i ulU and eoiiimiin, -, MH2 "0; e lioicc M ulili--.', fllOi 4 71; euiumuii to fcood, al 50, vi il i iHn, fin 0 21 Buffalo Live Stock. I'isl, Iliilliln, lime 12 Ifeiupts (illle, Mi i us; trfii i i ami I inihs, ,1 eats, luB,, 10 in,. Hiinmni Cittle, m, eais; Imp n d limbs, I ems, hos, 4 e uu ( ittlc No ( lumrc, ( iHis -ilioui. lo evtii, lj iiiu 73 I Jitilis- I It n o lo ivtii, YllOi'iH; simp, iIkiuc to cx'ri, '"IiISi llos Miiliuiu mil voi!.ei, si viji, 2i, i i0rf, o 13 a0 21 Oil Market. Oil Citv, lime 12 Ciedit Inl liters. Kii" eeilill files nn bid liipinents, 12.1, 70n, aiiiie, HI, Tvi lluns, 01,112, iven,e, 7,1uf, BASE BALL, Ameiicnn League. t iii-tui - n il. 1 lliiriiic 10 0 0 0 10 0 0-2 ( i Ui stem (I 0 1 1 0 I 1 0 ' I S il llilleiies -v-ieer md 'slnw, Iciim,' .mil n liroik oncost I nipnc Miius-iu. l IMiilulelpliii - II II I' Mllrtiiikei- I 1 1 I 0 0 0 1 il-ii 12 2 I'lnlidclpliia Il 1 II U II 1 u ,1 II- ,1 h 1 llilli ills 'spitks ,iml liiiinoi, lieinliiid and 1'iiwer- I nuiire Ciniilloii. i liiiiiinoic li ii i: riiiii-d o o o in o o ii o i i 2 lliltiliioui 1 III o I 1 II i '- s n a llillolli.s l.iithlh, ( .ill all in md Milium, 1,,m in in .in-1 Itnliiiwin t iiiiile "-Ik l id in uu J ( oriiullt. t Hii-hliwlim I! II. II (ioiland 1210002 00-0 S 2 Wasliliulon . ... n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 .1 S lldtleues Moon' imi V.iai.ei, Canlil, and Clark l mpire lla.kill. oMntloiial League, ,t I'iiIsIiuib li. il r Niw oik ,,,, o o o i i o o o o- 2 o n I'illslilll .. . 0 0 (I 2 .1 0 uu - h '2 lliltillri, I'livle .itiel Wainii, Liubio and J'inmiii. Uiiijuitt Hwjrr. At Cmelnnati (twrlve liinins-) It II. I' llonon 1 2 (I 0 (I 0 1 0 2 0 0 O il 12 '2 Ciniimnll .... 0 o 0 o o 2 4 (i 0 no ii-r, ti llatleiies Nlchob and Mttiide and Muiau, Halm and Hritsrn, I miie O'Daj. At f liiuvro It. II I' llrnoklvn 000000 0 0 1 I 1 CliiiiRO 2 I 0 0 0 1 0 J S 12 1 llitlerie-i Ivitson ami Mifjuni; hennidi aid 1'ancll, lluuhes and Kalioi, t'lnpiie- t iiiiiiImj 1 am t M (iul- II II. i: I'liiiiiieipiiii o ii n o n n n ti ii- ii ii 2 t-l loui, i o o i i o n o il 0 0 llittcili.i-Oilli md Mclailaiiel, I'uwiil and lljan. I mpiic I nislie. Eastern Lengue I'roudeine, 10, llullalo, i, llnelieiilci, le, llailfoiil, 2, 'loionto, 12, Itoohistci, S. Uiiue, J, Mouliril, ,1 State Loaguo lliilisbuii;, 7, Mliiilown, I, 1 asliui, 2, lie ailing, 7. College Gnmes. Vt Niw linen j,U 0 (,nli.si IihIiiii', S. Al I'loiideiiu -lliuwii, I, Ilm ml t ..oos.c. Ml C,ii;e lie, alias i. vimi ii,- iiimiIi hi Caihuiiilali Mr film II hrilxn. l .ludtiii it -i jt. mb.-i is li'iiie' le (se inl Ids ."nnu r vieatiou with Ids pairnl! mi Noilh Mill .mum'. I In Vlivjts .Vljrlen and flew I.foiijnl, of Si,. iiieliamn, .no ii-iuii; at (he h uu if viiv, lla in Jlie aw in, ii ef Mr llhu lin.jn's etc re rju.'lit file .vi leidjv moi inn,- bv a tin tia )) i exi loJiiif SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Help Wnnted Male. WANTKIl Two voiinK men In Irani liuslnen mil like roul fin ciisiein iinnufictiircr. SI2 and exicrai-i to slarti vvllli chniue to ailvmce it ilirsi, with Ktimp, Matiuficturcr, Irlhime Ofllce U'AMIlD-IIneriretlc, truslvvorlliv. joiinit man; must bo Well ruutnmiiulid, IhRer, 31'J. HciU bnllditii. WANTHIl Siltmcn. fnvcllne? or local; weekly rihry pall. llcrrlck Seed Co, ltoehester, K Y, Holp Wanted Female. WAVIl.tl IVo hdies lo letrn Innliieis, Idle and lake clnmo of demonstrators for eastern man. nfae Hirer. $12 and expenses to ktart. AddiiM llcinontlritoi, Tribune Orlue. IiMlllS-nlrli evertwhere eilly earn (! vveekl.' adilifliut envelopes home evening'. Any qnililltv liirnislipil Spue! addiesscd envelope, pn lliulars. Mnnascr Dept. Id, llox 1000, I'liilidiN plil.i. (fllffi M'ANrKD-1'nr nenciil housework In small family. !)17 Webster avenue. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Cential City AMIIIll' !-CIIMTZ, corner Mulberry rtieet and Webster atcnuc. CUS1AV l'lCUI.b, 030 Adams avenue. West Side 01 OHOi: V. jnNKIN"5, 101 South Main South Scranton I III I) I, intpfn, 720 Cedar avenue. Noith Scranton OI'O. W. I) WIS. corner N'orth Main avenue and Market ttreit. Oieen Ridge CHARMS I JONI", 1117 Diekson avenue l .1 .lOHN1-, IKO Cfrcen Itldge street. C IOHI:n, inrner Wa-liinglon ave nue and Mai ion street. Peteisbmg V. II. KNI ITITi, 1017 living avenue. Duunioie J. n honi: i ov. Real Estate. frl.WiO lints six loom, single nouse, Rood well, lot 100x200. buiiitoti street, Dalton, fi. Wells i Kutor. ffl.810 ltuvs bulhlliu' lot, 10x110 Wheeler ave nue Wells (V. Kealn, Miiir Ilulldinj. $2,000 II115 s double home, 7 moms on a side, all improve uu tils, except (jas ill an street, 1'ioti dinci Wells i, Kiator. Money to Loan. MOM.Y to loan on Improved city real estate. IirKRY Ui:i IN, Jit. (has ii wi.n.rs UIOMAS fsPIUdUi:. fJ"sWO0il 'IO 1 0N" lowest rates; straight or montllj pavments. Static & Co .Tradeis' bUtf. ANY WIOINT OP MONl'Y TO I O XV Quick, strai.'l t leans or nmliiiiiR and l.oan At from 4 t, per rent. Call on N. V Waller, Jll 111 Cinnill bulliliui,'. Furnished Rooms. 1 Olt lll'NT One law fiiinMied fiont room, aUo one ide room. BIT Adams avenue. Boaideis Wanted. IIU MIIll It-s WV.NII1I Iwo fiont leiniiia, vtith lio-iul, in i,oid lamil. diliess UU Adama aveiiue. WANTf:il fable boarders. Mis. Jompkm, 5J1 W ishiiigtuii avrnue. Stiayed. .SIItM.llllli(k Iniisc, Willi Mir on lift fuint slimililei. 1iiiu.ii iiwaiu nu niiuii tu .,, I'rtsintt annuo. Situations Wanted. Mil UION WANli:i) ltir a first class bonk lii'(i ir with "uhteen viai-s evpuiuiitf, to wuik two or tlueo liuiim elilli on a set eif b inks In Iho eilt; linns veij it i-onible. Adiliesi, I.xpert llibuuu Ollite. illlir LI-S-si (OHIHIVA eh -lies a Kltiution Willi .1 piitale t null v. well ixpiiiineeil mid i i ipablc nun, i-lut tl tempi inio md under s.limU (.iiieial woik ibmit pnvate plate. Ad-die-s J It. .. ,1 l'lim avemii. W N II.D Ntuiliim Hound geuth in m's pi ice or janitor wink, s II 11 , 010 Webster avenue sill 11UN vlVNllli Hv i vounir man to do nit kind of woik. in vvuiUiiir in piltate lam- lit lll'lllivillt, l UmlV Vt IITIIII llellis., iaic of limes llliieli, leai ci 1,10 1'riei-stieet. Mil AIION WSII)-llt a mm Rriilluir or litinK skint ill,, oi lixiiut films oi inttuij liwns, or ant kind of woik. (all or a.hlio.v, 1100 I'lotidinci- load. Sill MIllS W VSll'.ll luistworllit, relhlile voimi; mm. I-""'! lialuls wants poilei woik. Cioil pt inn in salarv optioual. 'Jiu-twoilby, 'liiliuiiL' Oftue. blU'WIOS W VSII II-Vs wateli maker, 21 jears. expirllllle, 11 K II litis, lluliirt 1 Mllllll, HCll. ri il deliveiv, bill MHIS SIIU-I!t Kiiod asent ami Bi u. nil tailtlssir. II. J. Smith, 113 I'enii ate. nue line. hlll'MIUS W Sil,D-lli' i woman to pi out In- dit vtislilnjf, iiomiiir or tlemliu I'ha-o e ill oi ad-Iuss Mis. Ilu-sill, 1210 Cedai avenue, ill) Mil MIOS WSli:i) Sctive .vounu nnn deslies position, is bulitr, liouist and uliible. I.ool Kfiiciue. I", liibuno Olllee', x.m'N(! MMIIIII H MW tints lljlit work, good piumaii I ii.Ildi, Hi mi in and Ilimj,aiiaii, (!. I'll, JIO Hioidwav, ! I niton, J'a, OI Nl, MSN, 21, college eraduate', desires i posit ie n as bookkeipci oi avistani, ran rpei iln itpewiili'i I oi mil parlicuhrs adhcts Wish) II IViivn box 11, Lope, I'a 0l'Nd OVIN wauls pivllian as an ad urlifi in di) tooili oi fiiinitme tloie in tliis ellv Ixpiil.iiic .mil hist oi icfeiiute. M W , Sol Watlillislnu uvciiiii. LEGAL, IN III.. I tale o William II links, ilii.a-e.l In il e (lipli nis' (mill il I ul.au inn. i ( oiml) Notice is In ii In uivm Hi il i lule his bun planted bt sjid eutut to idiow idil' wliv itics ( I'uWlll, llllililll II Hoi allOlllll not lit tjlss.ll II Kiel. Hill lliahlc lo ik XI ii,iiuiiul euiut, bi;.llnili, June lilh, loui W. l,Mllllll IIIOMVN Mloun-t in II Hi itviiiii,' ttas tiiiiiimd ami Iho fiout nl Hie .Ul, di.lilt ilinin.nl (lit lust was pl.t undii ei mill bv a biitket mi," uio (lie luv-i- ceimpaii) limed uu IIio.miiii, but it was I ut lieu .-jl.t In lIu in lu niiuii I In.' ins , its I lie In - Wils lllldtl lellllnl lb ladts' Vi,.U,tijit ieiel) will Iniel ill Iln lutllntlll if Hie I'll I'lleli III llllllell IllUai .1 Kliu.i.ii Mi... diieit, tf Wilkn linn, ul le picvilt III tie iltiilui. -lie will cp, iK I tin ouni f.jdiei.' H.s-inn e in le Coluucl II M llJlt. of .stiauioii, w is at Uu Moosii I'ewvdvr llu.U .vtstcida.v. Mi's vunic ll'iieJi wo. a caller in siriuon K iciui i DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Tour Lines, 6 Cents lor Bach Bitra Lint, PROFESSIONAL. Certilled PubllovAccountant. iinw'Aiin c. si'Aiii.iiiNri, a TitAiu:ni n.VNr: Itllllllitier, Architects rnwAiiti it. Davis, AnciiiTixr, to.s'.vti.ij building, i'iti:ni:iiicK i,. imow.v, aucii. n, nr.u Islalo Kttlnnge llldg., 120 Washington v. Civil and Mining1 Englntwrs. t. HAnni.sn, mi coxxklij nuii.ni.so. Dentists. nn. c. i. ni.i:sni:naEii, tauli builduso bprtice afreet, Seranton. nn. o.o. laubacii, 115 wyomino avenue. Lawyers. FlJAXK K. IlOYf.E, ATTOnNEY-AT LAW. liooms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Purr building. f. K. 1IIACY,ATT'V,C0MM0S'WEAI.TH DI.DO. D n. Hbl'LOOLL', AlTOItNEY-I.OAN9 NECC Hated on real estate security. Mean building, corner Washington avenue and hpruce street. .VIMiAIID, WAItKEV fc KVAPP. ATTORNEY3 and counscllom at-lavv. Republican building, Washington avenue. JESSUP ell JESMIP, ATTORNEYS AND COUV scllors at-lavr. Commonwealth building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. TIFAYrR. ATTORNEY. ROOM 3 00.1 001, Otli floor, MeaM building. h. A. WATRK1. ATTORNEY-AT-IiAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTEftSOV efc VCllJCOX, TRADERS NATIONAL Rank building. C. COMEOY3, 9 13 REPUBLICAN BUII.DINO. " A. W. nntTHOI.F, OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wjomlng avenue. Fhysicians and Sugeons. DR W. K. AI.L1.K, 5U NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR S W. I.'AMOREAUV, OFFICE 330 WASH. lngton avenue. Ilesidcnce, 1318 Mulberry Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and Renito urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p m. Hotels and Resturants. THK 1 f.K CATE. 12? AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZriOXER, Proprietor. ECU ANTON HOUSE. NER D . L & W. PA1 Finder depoU Conducted on the Kuropean plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A R nillOCS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ress pools, no odor, only improved pumps used. A. II llriirgs, proprietor. I eave ordeM 1190 North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug etore, cor ner Adama anil Mulberry. Roth telephone! Seeds. (! R. CLAIIhl'. k CO , SEEDSMEN AND NHRS erytneu, alore 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSI'I'II KUI.TI'I'L, REAR 511 HCKA. AVE, Scranton, I'a , manufacturer ot Wire Screens Miscellaneous. I)f!l S'-MAKINO FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 213 Adams avenue. mi fiAitai.n nitos , printers' supplies, fn velopcs, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES BHRI RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scianton at Hie news standi of Rolsm.in Bros , 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton. 2Z Iackawamu avtuue; I. S. Schutrsr, '211 Spruce street. Rooms and Board. LARGE front room with board lor two gentle men, 410 Adams atomic. LEGAL. SIOCKIIOLDFRS' MF WIN (IThe annual meellns of the Moikholde rs of the Colliery Lngineer ctmjian) will lie held at tlio general offtcw o Hie company, Scramon, Pa , on Mondi), uiinn 2ltb, 1001, at 2 o'clock p. in , for the election of Uirectou and the transaction of such other Justness u mat properly come before the nicel in'. SI xNI.r.Y V. ALLEN, Secretary. NOIICi: IS hrrtby given that the annual meetinc; of tlio stockholders ot the Economy Light, Heal and Powir ( ompaiiy, (or tlic election of directois for the mstilni," )cai, and thfi transaction of siieii oilier Iiiisiikv, as may properly come before il, will ho lit Id at vhc otflce of tlio company. Room 20, Republican RiUding. Scranton, Pa, on Mon el iv, June '24, ItXll, nt 2 o'clock p. m in accord niico with Hie by laws of tho company. W. J, NOltniUP, Becietary, NOl'ICi: Sialeel prepoials (or tho furnUhliiR and IivJui" o( iie'vv ttesl floor joi'ts In the present lion briiUo at Jordiin nullow, on the load from Wallaville to Carbondale, will be received by tn county rpinmi"Siouers of Lackawanna, countv al theii cfllce al Scnntoti until 12 m, Saturda), June 15.11111 Sialcd pioposils will also bo received by aid cmiiiiu-sloiiHs ac biid time and place for ths iiinslri'eliou of the superstructure of a ateel hish inv bridge over the laekjwanna tivir at Aich Inld (,'! the leiuotal of the present bridge), in acconlaiue with plans and specifications on Ills at the odliQ of the county surve.vor in the rourl hniiie. A elieek for fifty dollars must accompany ruli hid on the .'list proposal, and for three hull el red dollurs on the latter. JOHN PENMAN, .f COURII R MORRIS, JOHN J DURKIS. Attest County Ccmmisslonerf. W, C! MSI1LS, Clerk. FINANCIAL. -swV.- "W ."VWV"4NVVNyrt-VVAV" OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Earn Hltr monthly Dliii,m 1 lie Investor's I und Pays Semi monthly. 'I ltd nldet PKljIilLhrd fn America. n nprltfl, il boldei lias tier jivst a cent I'ajmrntf made lo all Kiibse riliers evuy 11 dajs Nn Iroulde, So eh la) Monet iifiiuded on demind Write fo il i) for paitfuilitB, tire to any address, V. V Mackiy .v. Co, Hudson llld'g , New York Bond Offerings. Paying 3$ to S34 ItioriKlyii IMI'-on lHt Is, Olios, & Ohio, It, A. A. Wv, 1st Con. Ik Kxnn? & Tono Haute 1st Con. 6s. low a fleii, lly. To, 1st 5s, I,oult. , X A. &. I'lilc, Chic. & ind. Hlv 1st G. Mexli.in Conlial Ity, C'oii. Is. .Mlssotiil Paclllc Ti list 5o. Minn (lon'l VAw. 1st Con, 5i, Moli. efc Ohio, MoiitKoniery UIv, 1st 5h. tin (ii.iinlo Western Ibt Is. til 1... lion Mt .x: ISo. ltefil. 4.3. ( omplrte ( ueular I L1 on Applieation "STATISTIOAIj TABLES." 1001 (Pocket Edition) Now Ready Spencer Trask & Co, 27-29 Pine Stitet, fi Male hlicet, Albany, S' Y. NEW YORK )