The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    s , ?, rfy .hii v.yvv
'"""rf Jl'C rvwiw lyft-i
WW 3
fo -jay ?--,,- jitttni' f'rt'!jS .JisiitVi;
They Attomled tho Meeting of tho
Metal Trades Association Action
Taken by That Body Does Not
Givo Hope That tho Strike Will
Boon End- Lackawanna Will Hero
after Not Carry Dynamite Wreck
at Vostal tho Caltao of This Order.
D', L. & W. Board for Today.
KuH?i-liiiiitt-nt M. X. Mml,nu'ii, of
flic AIIIn-OIiuIhu'i-s ronipiiiiy's Point
flVPinin shops; I'iwIiIpiiI W. I. Helm
ilrr, nf tlm Holt mill Niil woiUm .
It. .MrClavp. nl Hip .Mrf'luvi-1'iofikn
cnniimiiy: .1. It. Punic of Hip Srrimton
Pump MniwfiK'ttii'liifv potiipan.v, ami
AV. N. (.imtlnrr. of Hip l-'lni'h .Miinufai
HnlnK ooulpiuiy. mvi-o all In Now York
Tuesday and yostriday, iittcinlltiK Hip
iiipMIiik' of Hip .Metal Tiades acsnuln
tlon, and all of these KcntlPliiPii hut
Mr. .MneJ.aien have now lottnm-il.
The latter Is oxpoetpd Iioiiip this
lnornliiK. Willi the ixo(itl(in of the
AIIN-Chalnier.i eonipnny. Hie imiii
I'eins named above are all new rumors
In tho assoelatlon, IipImk only reoentl.v
ntlinlttod. Then has hern a Keiieial
Influx into Its ranks lioni the smaller
faclurers from all over the country,
."(cklm; a nuitnal anil pro
toetlvp leaR'ie.
Over two linndreil concerns were
represented, three men from the Pa
cific coast represeiitlnf? all the manu
facturers aluiiB tin- const. One of the
senllemen lui letuineil declared last
plKlit to a Tribune nian that the asso
ciation had not In a spirit of Iwirrii
doclo thrown down the Raiinllet and
openly defied not only the machin
ists' iililrni. Put Hie Federation of
l.nlior. as ieport"d in dispatches in a
local ovenliiR paper, but Hint as the
machinists had taken the Initiative In
violating: the terms of the oriRlnnl
agreement, the association had merely
declared that contract null and void
as a result of the strikers' own ac
tloi s.
The principal business done at tho
session consisted in realllrmltiR the de
claration of principles and resolution
adopted by Hie administrative coun
cil at ChieaRo ilurhiR the latter part
of May. The resolution, adopted May
US, declares the agreement at an end.
and"" In the declaration of principles,
adopted May -'!). the association fully
rK.;rls tho attitude which It main
tains tnwaiils all employes. Two of
the most slRiiificant clauses are the
F.inplojnitii'. So ili.-mmiii.itlnn will h made
ncaiiut any man lircjiive f hi' ineiiilirft.lilp in
nr jpcirlj" er c,r(rani.iliin. I'.rry unikinan
sho elects lo work in n vliop will tie ifquiwil In
wnrk pcawably ami liainioninii'.l.r with all lii
fellow employe.
Pii-approting ali'oliitclv of MiiUci and lo, k
mit.s the mnnhow nf tlii ii-ori.itlnii will lint
arWIrate any question witli mm on stiikc. Xrilli
rt will this) avnciatimi rmml cnu n, a lot koiit
en am' arl'itrablc i'iiciIIpii nnlcw .irliiti.itinn
No effort Is yet being made by the
local members of the association to
operate their plants, and while the
Tiianufactiirers declare that they will
not turn aside any men applying to
them for positions, still for the pres
ent there will be no attempt made to
recruit employes from out of the city.
There were no new developments
during the day among the strikers
themselves. The delegate to the ma
chinists' convention at Tot onto is ex
pected hack soon, and will submit ills
Will Not Carry Dynamite.
As a result of the recent wreck on
the. Lackawanna railroad at Vestal,
Superintendent ('. .1. Phillips, of the
Buffalo division, has annulled the order
permitting Hie transportation of dyna
mite and other high explosives over
the road. The order becomes effective
at once, except for any explosive ma
terials now actually on trains.
Whether this order will become per
manent is not yet known, as Hie orll
i.drtls have not decided on that. It Is
possible that some special arrange
ment will he made for transporting ex
plosives other Hum the one recently
In vogue. An investigation of the dam
age done to properly at Vestal is now
belnc made.
Seven cars were destroyed in the
wreck. The engines were of tin- old
type. The coroner has been Investigat
ing the matter and will hold an inquest
at Blnghamton this evening.
It is announced from l-'liuii-n that
Henry Polhamus, who was injured, will
bring suit for damages against the
Tho Salo Ratified.
A mellng of the stockholders of the
Ulckson Manufacturing company
was held yesterday morning In the
onions of the company official? in Hie
t.'oinmonwealth building and the salo
of the Cliff street shops to the Ameri
can Locomotive company notified,
The session was continued from a
meeting held some time ago, The
miIu was unanimously approved, No
statement has yet been made as to
the price paid for the shops, nor Is It
likely that there will ho any announce
ment until f-'hortly before the combine
takes possession.
D., L. & W. Board lor Today.
The following Is the make-up of the
D,, L. and AV. board for today:
rkranton, June ):), I'XII.
Wild Cat, ).'asl-S p, in,. O, . ridgeuM;
10 p. m., J. II. Mastct.,
'IHUrtSDAY, .ll'.Nl 11.
Wild Cats, ICast 12.C0 a. in., 51, Golden; ;i a,
m., A. II. Howe; 0 a. in., Ccorc Hurt; In a,
ra., T. Fltzpatricl;; II a. in,, A, IS. llainmlit;
I p. in., V. Van Wormrr; 5 p, in., M, llciiiilsan;
6 p. m., William Kiiby,
Summit!, etc. a a, in,, ca.l, J. C.'irris,-; a.
m,, west, (1, K101111fcll.Pi; tj p. in., cast, .1.
ltnnigan; 8 p. m., cast, W. II. Niciioljj 7 p. in.,
tt from Kay Auj, l. lIcAlllitrr; T p. m., eil
froih Cayuga, M, (Jintey, with Tlioinpon' crew;
7 p. m., weit from Ca.tutra, MW.anc,
Tuller. 10 a. in., I". i:. set or.
Puibcrs 8 a. m., (J. Homer; 10 a. m., S. l'in
nerty; J1.30 a. in, Moranj 7 p. m., Murpb; 0
p. ni., Lainplnc; 10 p, 111 , A. Witlcnrr,
rauengcr Engines 7 a. m., Gaflney; 7 a, in ,
Singer; 5.30 p. m., Stanton; 7 p. in., MeGotirn.
Wild CaU, Wcft-5 i. 111., J. llaMcv; 7 a
Ketchumj 10 a. in., J'. E. Duffy; 11 a. in., O.
Case; 2 p, in., C. Kiiugley; I p. in., 1 I,,
lloceri; 6p. in., J. II. McCanii; li p. in., John
J. V. Devtna and crew will run 0 a. 111. wld cat
Thursday, Jur.o 13, In place of plate Gerrity and
ereiv, oris round tri'i.
J. Gerrity and crew will report at tuperiiiteml.
ect' offlte at 10 a, iu. Tlmrda,t, Juuc 13.
Two Story Ablaze for Third Time in
a Year.
A fire which was very probably of
Incendiary origin broke out this morn
ing shortly before 1 o'clock on Iho
ground lloor of a two story unoccupied
building at , "OS Harrison avenue, owned
by Thomas Young, of Dnnmore,
An nlarnt wns turned In from box I2S
at the corner of Prospect nvcnttu and
Vine street, and the Crystnls anil Tto
llefs responded, The flames were loi't
lonlbtcd to one or two rooms, Theiu
was a strong smell of kerosene about
the place and this, coupled with tho
fact that this Is the third time with
in a year that It has heen afire, gives
rise to the theory of Incendlatlsni. The
damage done will not amount to over
Part of the Covering of Torpedo Did
tho Mischiof.
ieorgo X. Decker, of !!28 North Sttm
lipr avenue, suffered an accident Tues
day night In the Delaware, Lackawan
na and Western yard, which will cost
him the use of Ills right eye.
lie was oiling his engine when a tor
pedo on an adjoining track was explod
ed and part of the tin covering Hew
and struck him In the eye, cutting It
severely. He Is velng treated at the
Lackawanna hospital.
Station Agent Chase and Two Com
panions Had an Exciting Time
at Parsons.
F. X. Chase, station agent at Par
sons, had an exciting battle with bur
glars at the station early yesterday
morning. Mr. Chase lives a short dis
tance from the station, and the build
ings are connected by a burglar alarm.
Karly yesterday morning Hie ringing
of tills alarm woke him up. and dress
ing he aroused two of his neighbors
who accompanied him to the station.
All were armed with shot guns.
An examination of Hie station
showed that two men were in the
building and Chase and his aids deter
mined to capture them. A noise was
made and the burglars alarmed, made
their exit by way of a. window.
I'pon gaining the platform they were
told to surrender, but the thieves drew
their revolvers and fired several shots
at Chase and his two comrades, who
returned the Ore with their shot guns
at close range. Yells of rage ami
groans of pain followed the volley from
the shot guns, but botli men succeeded
iu tho excitement that followed in
making good their escape. Chase and
his companions are positive that at
least one of the burglars was wounded.
The thieves were at work upon the
freight and express matter when sur
prised by Chase. The burglars, in their
haste to escape, took nothing with
theiu, but left several article's as sou
venirs for Hie agent.
Kadi burglar left a new umbrella,
two bags to carry away their plunder
and a pint bottle containing a small
((tmntliy of whiskey.
Martin Crippen, detective for Hie
Delaware and Hudson, was notified and
is now working upon tho case.
Ordinance Making Them Necessary
to Bo Introduced Tonight.
Therf will be Introduced in council
tonight an ordinance providing that in
the future all bonds filed with the city
by contractors, tax collectors and oth
ers shall be surety company bonds.
The ordinance has been prepared by
City Solicitor 'Watson, who believes
that It is about time the city demand
ed bonds from a responsible company,
thus reducing to a minimum Hie possi
bility of not being aide to recover In
case of an emergency.
Water Rates Case Now Goes Into
Argument Court.
President W. AV. Kcranton, of the
Scrantou Has ;.nd Water company,
filed a deniui rer yesterday, iu Pro
thonoiary Copeland's ofllce, to the hill
brought by Conrad Schroeder to test
the validity of the city ordinance
which ai tempts lo regulate the water
This throws the case Into argument
court. .M. K, Olmstead, of Wilkes
Ham, and Wlllard, AVarren & Knapp
represent the defendant.
I.i.l uf Utters ii'iiinlnlii',' unbilled for .11 ilip
Nuiitmi io.-liillici, l.jil,.n,iuii.i riiiini.i, I '.i,,
Jlllll' Pi, 1U0I, IVlMllH CllllillU' fur Ihl'.-i' CI.'M
will )e,nc ny aduMliffd and -hi- l.iu of INt.
K.r.l II, Hippie, I'o-tmi-tcr,
GeoiKi Atilier.
M. Ilienner, W. f. Illmint, I'Jtilik lliill.r, Mi.
A. Iluucis, Mi. Anna, Mis. S. Il.aiilt,
.Ml. M. Itoellu, I'., W. m.v.mtfc .Mr, .l.tmi s li.wd,
Mis, Jam- Ilium. in, John T. um, Jolni l:.i!.,r.
. Mu. Aniiii' t'n.Mio, Tliouu'. I'.iiinll, .1. IV. ' Inli
ne, Mike CpiIoijiii, .I.iiuis Cunway, John ofney,
Ml', 1'iillllH, M, ('ginw, Jlllluil Cn.wie, n',lrV
I .ll 111 1111. Ml'.-. Cainci, Mu. Oilin.
Jiwpli M.ul.s .Mr. Ilouclieity, Jnvpli M, llatN,
Mrfiy lliill.v, J .iini s lluiiucllv, (, Dun mil,', ,M.u
l).oii, Aiillmny Dim 11.
Mia V.. Iliiiinen-oii, J!i. 1' I'. iVki-ii,
i:iic IMuaiiln, Mi'. .Minnie lint'li-li, Reniu I . ) -ley.
.I.din l'or.'trr, JlUluel I'.ilil.
Jaini-i i;luly. Meultt (iuiilner. W. II. linf.
fall, lluilolph (ie.ier, Maiy (;.ii.huin. Hiilliin
lillliolly, dialler G.iIIikIiii, 11,'inv 1,'iildin, It.
liodeii, Jl. 1', (laiutv,
Owen lliinhf, TliAinat 'Pi'iiii, ''a-jh IIim'ov,
I. M. Ilairi. T. II. II.IJS W. W. li 111 -a II.1VKI
Mis. la l.i.
Mr. T. .1. .lames MU l.i.'ia J1.11 , Mi'. Cd.
Jon,'., Pa 1 1 Irli Jenkins
Annie Kearney, Tlioiuat M. Kiuii'y, V, dllam
Kelly, T. W, Knapp, John Heavy, It. I.V y, .
.luliii I.oukIiIIii, Tliouias l.nunor ie, M.iry .au
gun, Arllnii- l.mlnig, MUt Hay l.enet, IMie lea,
.Mis. r.liu l.ewy, Jliia Mary l.rni'y, 11. W. aion,
it. M. I.iviiiilnn, Maiy
Mia, W. MiN.iii.iiu.i. M. .1, Mcl,iu;rhii, IMt
ikk Mclntjie, K. Mi 'Kvnnoii, paiiil Miiliihiiit,
Mu, t.'lau MilH'iinolt, Kale MiC.iuii, ilul.cit Mc
Seal, Tlionuj Mifue, P. I!. Miitmi, .Mm. II.
Mjik, Mis, Jdiiit A, Moijii, Miry lliiuay,
William N. Moll. J'jlm Maikrii, 'I'Iimiiih Miiij;,
'flioiua Mon U, (liarles ,1. Moikjii, .Inlui M.'il,.
A. II, X.iney, Maisaiel Nellar, N. Noone, Mas
gle Xadlus.
IMwaril T. IMnau, .Julia A. (Ytomill.
Tliouu., Paildeu, Ml'. I.. 1'arUi.e, v. W. I'.ilirer.
.leliu Qiiiniuu.
Julm It. llllj, Ailliur ItnliliMin, M. Il.uii. A.
Heady, K. Ilkliard', Albert ltu-ell, William
Itaniily, Mm. Alonu Itobintoii, ,1, tu.ell.
Mil. Mary Stott, Mil, 11. Sullivjn, 1'iaiik
FUiweitjuiir, V.. Smltli, Kate f-milli, .Mu. It.
Strike. Joe Slioity, I., SlimneiKon, All. );, Sim
nirii.011, I'. Surriie), Mi, bene Stevens, Julm
Smith, llldiael Shay, .lame Sulli.jii, iih
sullhan. Nellie Slaek, Maiy Stliiiikvr, John Mail,
William Springer, buy Sullhim, William 1.
.lo.-epli Toll, Willlani Tunner, U'uU Tilfrly.
William V01 Ion.
lh. Maieaut Wllll.inii, J. M. Walton, Wil
liam Wailnlsili, r'red Weline.hln. Daid Wcl'li,
Mr. Jacob Hcase. 1
Tht Principal Gaut Is Ourabli but Qtnarally Of arlooked.
Many things may
deafness, and very often
difficult to trace a cause.
people inherit deafness.
diseases like scarlet rever some
times cause deafness. But by far the
most common cause of loss of hearing
is catarrh of the head and throat.
A prominent specialist on ear troubles
irives as his opinion that nine out of ten cases
of deafness is traced to throat trouble; this is probably overstated but it is certainly
true that more than half of all cases of poor hearing were caused by catarrh.
The catarrhal secretion in the lungs and throat finds its way into the Eustachian
tube and by clogging it- up very soon affects the hearing and the hardening of the se
cretion makes the loss of hearing permanent, unless the catarrh which caused the
trouble is cured.
Those who are hard of hearing may think this a little far fetqhed, but any one at
all obsexvant must have noticed how a hard cold in the head will affect the hearing
and that catarrh if long neglected will certainly impair the sense of hearing ana
ultimately cause deafness.
If the nose and throat are kept clear and free from the unhealthy secretions
of catarrh, the hearing will at once greatly improve and anyone suffering from deaf
ness and catarrh can satisfy themselves on this point by using a fifty cent box of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a new catarrh cure, which in the past year has won the ap
proval of thousands of catarrh sufferers as well as physicians, because it is in conven
met form to use, contains no cocaine or opiate and is as safe and pleasant for children
as for their elders.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets is a wholesome combination of Blood root, Gnaiacol, Eucaluptol and
similar antiseptics and they cure catarrh and catarrhal deafness by action upon the blood and
raucous membrane of the nose and throat.
As one physician aptly expresses it; "You do not have to draw upon the imagination to dis
cover whether you are getting benefit from Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; improvement and relief are
apparent from the first tablet taken.
All druggists sell and recommend them. They cost but fifty cents for full sized package and
any catarrh sufferer who has wasted time and money on sprays, salves and powders will appreciate
to the lull the merit ot Stuart's
Thf Browns arc Jubilant over their
defeat of the Olyphant liao hull team
nt Lake l.odorn on Tuesday. The ri
valry ln-tween the two teams has been
very heen of lute, and the same was
exrllJiiK from start to finish. For the
Browns, Morgan pitched the first half
of the game, when he was released by
cieary. Curlis and Sheridan did the
twirlliiK for their opponents. Tho score
by Innings was as follows:
Olyphant H. It. V I 0 0 :: U 0 t ."
Drowns 'J 0 n 1 I x 7
Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Dearie, of Dela
ware street, and Allss Charity Crip
pen left Tuesday to attend the wed
dliif: or Jllfs Kniina Dearie to William
J. Kvans, at Bethlehem.
Prof. John O'llara, Thomas Haun
liue, Joseph Retail and Prof. Ciuu
miiiKS returned home last evening-, af
ter spending the day fishing at bake
l.odoro. They report a good catch.
A quiet wedding- took place at the
residence of tho llev. Kills lloberls on
Susquehanna street, Tuesday evening-,
when Dinah Kvans, of Fourth street,
Blakely. and William Kvnns, of the
West Side, were united Iu marriage,
David . I. Owens and .Miss llaehcl Kvans
were the attendants. They have the
best wishes of a host of friends. They
will reside at the home, of the bride.
Childien's day will lie observed iu
the Congregational church Sunday
evening. The following' programim
will he rendered: Opening song,"Hulld-iiiK-,
Daily Building," Sunday school;
Scripture leading and prayer, Itev.
Peter Roberts; song, "Christ, the Sure
Foundation," Sunday school: recita
tion, "Introducing Faith." five little
girls; solo and chorus, "The Shield of
Faith." Blanche Williams; recitation,
"Introducing Virtue," live little hoys:
recitation, "Helping Mother," Jennie
Davis; duet. Llrle Lewis and Hannah
.Morgan; recitation, .Mary .Morris; song,
"flrow ill tile Knowledge of Jesus,"
Sunday school; dialogue, by ten little
ones; temperance song, "Living for
Jentis Here,'' Sunday school; recita
tion. .May Kvans; (tuartette, "Father,
Make Fs Loving"; recitation, "Yonder
.Mighty Ocean," Mamie Davis; dia
logue, by tour girls; recitation, "Some
body's Mother." Mary M. Davis. An
address will be dellveicd by llev. Peter
Huberts, who will have charge of tho
exercises. Closing sruig,"l,ove of find,"
by the Siillda.v school,
Miss Clara House, of Scrunton, Is tho
guest of Mrs, J, A, Hull, of UluUely,
At the fl fecit llldge Presbyterian
church Mr. Wll'luin T, Davis, a prom
inent young1 man of this place, mid
Miss Ucsslo Wade, an estimable young
lady of the Sibley, were willed Iu holy
wedlock yesterday by the Itev, L. It.
Foster, lonncfly of this place, Tho
bride looked very charming, being
gowned In a c,ray suit Willi silk trim
mings. At the conclusion of the cere
mony the contracting parties enjo.'il
11 sumptuous dinner and then left on
an extended wedding tour, taking- in
tho Pan-American exposition,
The funeral of John, K-molilhs-nlil
child of Mrs, John Connolly, occurred
from, the home on Taylor street yes
terday aternoon. Services were held
at the house. Itev. Dr. II. 11. Harris
olllclatiiig. Burial was made In the
Forest Home cemetery. Tho pallbear
ers were Lauru Sperber, Annie Phil
lips, Oertrudo Healey and Fthel lteese.
Funeral Director J. 13. Davis is tabl
ing an addition to his residence on
North Main street.
l.acUuwanna Valley council, Xo. M,
Junior Order United American Me-
it is
Catarrh Tablets.
Delaware, Lnckawnnna and Western
In i:ilcrt l)w. !, I'hhi.
SihiIIi fii. Sri.iiitnn ni- N'rw ,rl. .11 I l'
.-tun, ;,..-,o, ,mi .mil MI.H.-I .1. in.: I-!.:,:,. ::.:::; p. m.
Per I'lill.iilclplii.i ,1! MM .mil lO.n-. ,1. 111.; 12. Vi
mill .-i.:::l p. in. I'm' MininMum; .it 0. 10 p. m.
Milk ;t(rini)ioi!.ition ;it .'!.'(! p. 111. Anhe it
lloliokin at ii.::i. ;.li nv.'s. l-.'(K ::.n, 4-is,
7.111 p. 111. irif at Plill.uli'lplii.i :il l.tlil, ::.-'.!,
ii.ixi .mil S.-Ji p. 111. .11le fiom 'i- inilc .it
l.lii, il.:a anil Hi.-.'.! a. m.; l.. I.V, .".IS, .1.1
.mil ll.:.'fl p. in. I'lnni ''tinuil-lmis: 11L Mi', .1. 111.
Noitli I.O.HP Siuntun for Hiitl.ilo ami iitti r
iiuili.iti" station .it 1.15, H.:!", ami H.iifl a. in.;
Hi, .VW unit ll.." p. 111. For O-wrcn ami Syi.i
cum. .a i,.::.', it, in. ami )..", p. in. for t'tica nt
1.10 a. in. ainl l.."r, p. 111. I'm- Monlios
at a. in.:", anil 5. IS p. 111. I'm- Nuliul
mm: al I. ill ami il.l.'i p. 111, 1'or Hiiuliaiulnii at
10.-J0 a. in. 11ic in Si-tanloii fioin buffalo ,11
I. -J",, '.'.."I.",, .".n anil I0.IV) a. 111.; iV'n ami S.11O
p. 111. I'ioiii Osncsn anil tyi.iiu at 2..V, a. in,;
I2..'S nml Ml p. in, l'roni I'lii-.i at 'J..V ,1. in.;
12.KS and il.W) p. in. 1'iom NUIioUnii al 7.'e a,
in. ami tl.ui' p. m. I'ioiii Monlio-c at I0.U0 .1.
in.: :'.2U ami fc.i x I p. 111.
likKiiii-lniri.- PivUion- s', i.inton fur
Viiilliiiiulii'ilaml, .it I'.l.'i.", a. in.: I.' ami
"i..",0 p. 111. Knr I'I.miioiiiIi al l.n.'i. .".to. f.M p.
in. 1'or Kinstnn at . a. 111. iric al
Noillninilii'il.iml al o.:ii a, in.: I. Ill, ,'i.Iki anil S. I",
p. in. Aniw" at Kindlon nt P..VJ .1. in. AiiHp
nt I'linmutli at i.OO. I..I-", HIS p. in. Aniw
in Siianlou fioin Ninlliiiinlinl.iml at 'i.i a, in.;
l-J.,'1), t.r,e ami s. I.'i p. 111. 1'niiii KiiiKiiiii 111
II. no 11. in, I'uiin I'l.Miiiiutli al 7,"m j. 111.; ,'
ami .'i.M.'i p. in
.f.lAV TltAIN.
imlli IrtMie -i-ianlon at 1,10, ;.iki, .v:,i). 10 n,",
a in.. ".."'! ami '!. Hi p. in.
S'urlli l.i-avc Sei.intini at l.l'i, ?.''' a. in.;
l.."i"i, ."i.l-i nml li.::', p. 11,.
III110111O11111: l)i Won-LiMM .Si-ianlmi al,
11. 111, anil ...o p in.
Delaware and Hudson.
In i:iWil lime I', l!"il.
'I'ulm fur Ciilinnilulr lean1 Si r.inton at :'".
R:im, S:."i!, Iiiil.l .1. in.. 12:00, 1 :2H. 2:11, :i;K.
,"i:2:', d;2."i. 7:.',7, !I:I5, 11:20 p. 111., I;ii a. in.
I'm- IIiiiiihI.iIi', rlc, 0:20, 0:l:i a. 111,, ':!!
ami 7i:20 p. in.
I'nr Wlll!i.lain-iiil5. 7:tS f.:ll, :.::, 10: 11
a in., 12:0:1 1:2., 2: IS, il:.'!:!. I;C7, 0:10, 7:l,
o:i, ll:::n p. in.
I'nr I.. V. It, It. piilnts-l!:l."i, !.:: .1. in., 2:IK,
1:27 ami 1 1 ;.:0 p. in.
Poi I'piiii-.t.hiiiii.i It. IS. points -II: 1.1, ni.'IS, 2;lS,
'.';.'.; ami 1:27 p. in.
I'nr MImii) ,mil all pufnio 11011I1 0:20 a. 111.
ami .I:.VJ p, in.
I'm- ( .uliniiiltle-Si.ln, II :.:.! a. in., 2:11, 11 ;.',.',
li.'ii ami 10;.'2 . 111.
lor WIH.W..II.1111- -ti::i .1. in., P-'lO'l, l:.1', 3 .25,
(I:.'I2 ami Ml-' p. in,
for Mliany ami point i.oiili- .::.",: p. in.
I'or IIuikmIuIp, ill-. S-iNi, ll:.".t a, 111. ami !l:.12
p. 111.
c-haiilcs, will convene iu regular ses
sion this evening, when nomination of
ofllcers will be held,
Miss Uobecca Williams Is visiting rel
atives iu Olyphant.
.Mrs, James Thompson, of .Main street,
was the guest of relatives iu Pltlstou
John Mniul&h, a Hungarian, whose
home was at PrlceburK, was struck and
Instantly killed by engine ,",2, south
bound, on the Delaware' and Hudson
railroad, at about '.'.HO o'clock yesterday
afternoon. The accident occurred Just
south of the Peckvlllo station. M011.
tlsh, who was parti demented, was
walking the tracks and fulled to hear
the approaching train, He was hurled
many feet in tho air and when tho
trainmen went to him he was dead, his
both legs having heen severed at the
ankles. He had 110 relatives in this
country. Tho body wa taken in
charge by J. X. Lllllhudge, the local
pom-master, who iu turn placed the
body in the liuiuis of Undertaker Swal
low, of Olyphant.
Mi-p. Mace, .Mrs. Monies ami Miss
Vaudervoort gave a very enjoyable
outing to their Sunday school classes
In White's addition yesterday.
Herbert Frear leave's Saturday for
Niagara Falls, where, he will make his
future home.
Lehigh Valley Kailroad.
In Klfpcl .Iniii '!. I'ull.
Ti,iln f.o.Hi' Siianlou:
Km- I'liilailolplili .mil ivv Yolk li.i I). & If.
It. I!., .it H. I.'i anil !i..-N ;i. in., ami 2.I1', 127
1 lll.11 k lli.iiiionil i:piv-.V), ami ll.:iil p. in. Mm-ila.-.
II. k II. It. It., 1..1. .27 p. in.
Fur Mliile II.iMti. Ila.lfton ami piim-ipal
points in the (oal rpuion. i.i I), .V II. It, I!.,
0. 15, '.M-i ami t.27 p. 111. 1'or I'olUvillo, 0.1.1 .1.
111.. 2.1S p. 111.
Tor lirllili'lii'in. i::i-ton, liciilinc:, ItaiiMniU
and principal liilriunili.ili' ! Jtit.ii, via 11. is. II.
It. It., fi.1.1, !,: 11. 111.; '.MS. 4.27 flll.n-k Ilia
1110111I r.pictvs), ll.::o p. 111. simil.i.v!., I), k II.
it. It., P.3S 11. ill.: !.'. 8.27 p. in.
I'or Tnnkliaiinoik-, TouiiihIj, r.lniiia. Itluc-.i,
finni'ia ainl piini.ip.ll intnnii'ili.itp -talioii-, m.i
P., I.. 4. W, It. II., S.DS a. in.; l.el .mil .".ID
p. 111.
I'or Otipva, llnrlirOrr, II11IT.1I0. Ni.12.1r.-1 Pall-,
f'liiiauo anil all poinN f-l, i.i I). fc If. II. It.,
7.IS II.S'i a. 111., I.2 .!.::.: (lll.n-k lli.iinoinl IW-pir.-.-),
7. IS. in. II, ll.::o p. 111. Nimlaj.--, 1), & l.
It. It., 1 1. ,11, S.27 p. in.
I'nllni.iii pailur ami ,'oiiii:t or l.oliisli Valley
pallor (.111 un all traliw lntwi-rn Wllki-Ilano
ami Nov.- Voik, I'liilaili'lplii.i, lliilfaln ami .Kni
priiion Itililuo.
IIOI.I.IN II. Wlf.llli:. CiMit, Siipl.. 20 Cortland
slll'it, Nl".v nik.
Cll.UIU'h S. I.i:i:. Cm. IM..'. Ai., 2fi I'oitl.nul
tii-i-t, Nov.- Yolk.
A. W. M)XNi:MAI'lli:it, DIv. I'.k. Ant., Soutli
11,'llilrlii-ni, Pa.
I'or Hi kits ami I'nlltii.iii ici-.itiiiii apply lo
:!0o Laikawanii.t aMiiiii-, Si r.inton, Pa.
Central Kailroad of New Jersey.
Sl.iliniH ill N'i'W Vol k foot of l.ilnily sunt,
X. It., .nut Son III I'rii.t.
Titu; tmii.i: ix i:iti:it mv i', mu,
Ti.iiti-, Iimm1 i-ianlon lor Wv oik,,
l:li..ilii-lli. i'liil.Kli-lplil.i, i:.i-t.,n. ll.-lliK'lio M-
li-ntnMii, Main li I'liuiik ami UlnU' limn, at .'.'
.1. in,; rpi".-s. 1. 10; i'pii.-., I, mi j 1, in, Sun
il.i.iS 2. I.'i p. III.
I'or I'lte-tim nml Wilkcll.nii, K.11 a. in.;
ami I.0O p. in. Mimi.ii-. 2.11 p. ill,
I'or llaltiinoio ami Ualiiii','ton nml point'.
South mill VVt i.i llclliloliriii, S..1.1 a. 111., I 10
anil 1,00 p, 111. Smi'liy", 2,11 p. ill.
I'or l.nnjr II1.1111I1, llu-aii llmve, otc, at ! .11
a. 111. ami 1. lo p. in,
I'nr lli'.nliii'-:, lulunon ami llariNliura:, l.i .M
linlinui, s.,1,1 a. in. ami 1. 10 p. 111. Sninlai',
2.1.1 p. 10.
I'm rnlMillr, S..1.1 ,1, in., l.In p. in.
I'or Muiini.iin I'.iil,, .1.1 a. in,, I. in ami 1.00
Pi '"
TIiioiikIi tlikrlK In all polnU i-nt, noiitli ami al iiuti latcs at tin aialiiiii,
1 . M, III III', (li 11, Pa. Aa'.
.1. II. Ol.ll.Vl'SKS. (it'll, snpl.
rime Card In effect Ver, HOIIi, 1000,
I 07 305 1 SOI;
' Ts lit
3 054 SO
. -w '
I f M 1
. Ill IV 1
I'dllotlll .
3 1
3 2S
. Mrli(tl,l ..
.Tri-flon l'Hik,
" I..
111 ii
814 (5
.iMiiwnua... "
...I'uuitdk... "
. ..llmon
I'lvuantXt. "
l.-iiionilult'.. "
t'oiiit tit.. "
CuiLionitale Vit fl
t'ailioinla'u . '
AVIllll) llllllEV. "
Jluilli-M Vil.
)fallti. .
Jti-niili. "
lri'lilml.1... "
Wlntoii .. "
IVilnlllo .
. 2 4IJCS
. 2 605 II
,. itaii)
... auisbi
.. 3H5J
.. S
10 do:
1 .3
.... Pu
ill 11 11 "
0 10 II in '
III)? ..I
'7 0H3 816.
,.. 6W
it v 1 . . .
' 7tJ3 mis
' 7 073 ISO 01
1 7CJ3I66CG.
7 163 CI 6 (II
7 Hi M6 1
7 CJ3 696 10
lili 036 !l
f t'lJ07t2J
7 :i( 10627
J -4 14 6 31
7 .Vil btjitf
7 1'I4 W6SS
31 mviii 11 -Si
ooiii 11
6 sin in lot: -aa;i
;,on 01 -e
u; a it 10 in "
9 13,
3 03,
III) pliant.
I'rk'fl.urn;. .
Park I'J.ue
moiuM -
H.WI0I "
nas 10 11 -nut
me 1
t :' in id i.v.
. . . 6 (0
.. 8 0C
Atljitluoal IraintlraTe rarLoiWtlv for loiliila YirtJ
649 pm eitrt-nt tjunJiy, and 7.0 pin 'SiiDdiy unly, airlvlotf
tMivrMil Vanl 7 U) inn end 8.00 im. '
topplDif at alt aiai Imia lo riirlmmiaN-. anii'ur at 7 43 pin,
auJ train travia alavbrM lar.l lor artivuaa.y at&ilam
itall), arrivluii at Cartuiitla!(; ut tk-K3 am.
Itiltes " cent poi- mile
Lonest Itiltes to till Points West,
CVI I'ete'r As'at.
K VvilcL'itf
r. WC16H.
'Irar. Aunt,
brraaWu, i'a.
StgfaBsga.-r''' '
Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for
this season, is now complete and comprises all
the new novelties in
Porcb Rugs Porch Curtains
Fibre Carpets
Temporary Store
Carpets. Wall
The Eastern
Consolidated Oil Go
Of California,
Have placed their proapccttia in the
hands ot llie tindPinlifiicd, and cun be
scon by all who have a desire to nc
qnaint themselves -with tho true and
unbiased statements of tho facta set
The following clipping, etc., may In
terest the reader, but for full details
we must refer you lo llie prospectus
of the company, which will be found
Intensely interesting as well ns In
structive: First The ofllcers arc from the East,
nnd are Incorporated under the laws of
Kecond Tho capital stock Is $.",000,flOO.
Third The par value of stock Is $1.00
per share.
Fourth The price of shares are 25
cents each.
Fifth The properly owned and con
trolled by tho company is ID.tlSfi'.i
acres, all underlaid with oil, which has
been critically examined by test wells
and oil may ho seen on surface of laud
as well as lloaling out for miles on the
Sixth One hundred and ten acres of
this vast tract lies In the southwest
ern Held of l.os Angeles. Upon this
pot-lion are throe wells now producing
oil In siililclent fiiianlilies to pay a
handsome dividend upon the allotment
of capital stock now offered for sale.
.Seventh The fourth well was to be
finished by June 1 (pi-ob.ibly producing
Klghth Orders have been given for
seven more to be finished by August 1
and live more by September 1, which
will make sixteen producing at that
time. These (at low estimate) should
bring lo tho treasury over fciO.OOO a
Ninth Tho company propose to sink
nue well lo each acre on tills 110 acre
plot. Now. If sixteen wells will pro
duce $20,000, 110 acres would produce
$i:!7,rn0 a month, and twelve times that
would bo $l,e.rj0,00fi lu one year, and 19,
CMi'i acres at the same ratio would
yield a revenue of $,JSS.ii1,i7"., when In
lull operation. Now, suppose wo de
duct from the above for expenses in
equipping this vast acreage, including
salaries, etc, $$8,021,7:.':!. we would then
have $200,000,000 a year for dividends.
And as wo have only 3,000,000 shares,
It would give every one $40 for every
share ho owned, alter paying or the
$25 will now purchase 100 shares.
$50 will now put chase 200 shares.
$100 will now purchase 400 shares.
400 shares at $40 each would he
$16,000 a year, which cost you to
day only $100.
The latest news. Sill of .lime, is that
the ofllcers are on the way to Cali
fornia to purchase another very valu
able property that Is producing large
quantities of oil. II' the directors make
tills purchase, the price or Steele must
W. G. Doud,
315 Franklin Ave. Scranton, Pa
Grand Atlantic Hotcl nd Annex
ViiiiinU Am, ami licit li, Atlantic City, X. .1.
Si.stli yi'Ji-i ,1.W t'Cinl fill 100111s rii-uili, fiiinlc
anil Willi ImiIi; hot nml cold MM-iralcr lutln
in hotel anil .mnrx. Location heli'it ami,
-williin fnv yanN nf tin Mrrl I'ir-r. Ur(lu'lro.
(Wits nirilal iilic lads l-J to ii ly vtreU,
S'.V.O up by il.iy. Spi' r.itoi lo families. Coaches
imct nil iulin. Willi- for
('IIAIIl.l'H li. COI'l-I.
Alliiiilli Cllj, N". J. (1'" fMIIJ"' li01" I'M' li
Nhv ",'i-rnuiit .imift. Jloilrrii iiiKilnliiniil. In.
i-jcii-IIpiI NT Id". II.1I1V. li)' li"1 'lay. l,."i0 and up.
M.iul. Ity I Iii wci-U, and upwaul. t'ai.ii-ty,
toO. II, ,1. Onliouu.
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001.
Trains lenve Scrnntan;
0,45 a. ni., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet nnrloi car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
PottsviUe; stops nt principal in
tormetliote stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnnisbuig,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg' and te
0.38 n. ni., week days, for Sunbury
HanisbuiR-, Philadelphia, Balti
mure, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m,), for Sunbury, Harvis
buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg' nnd
the West.
3. A3 p. m,f week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car nnd
coaches to Philadelphia via Potts,
ville. Stops nt jninctjyU inter
mediate stations.
4.37 p. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury, Hnnisluug, Phlladel
jihla and Pittsburg.
J II. IIITI IIIWIV l.rii. Mar.
.1. 11. Wool), On. '., A-t.
Eiio Paihoad, Wyoming- Division.
Time Talili in WWt Slid. IT. ltd.
't'l.ilni lur lliwh.i Jii'l Iik-jI point,;, ii'liimt-in-,-
,il ll.iwlo.i Willi Diii- i.idio.iit lui .i iniU,
Ni'wlmru lUiil iliUIMKi.ti.iU- pnlnli, liae f,un
Ion ut r.o-'i u, 111. and i.'.i'i p. in.
'Iialns utilve at tjiuntuu at 1". '1 1. 111. and
V.IU p. 111.
Straw Mattings Summer Draperies
& flcANULTY :
126 Washington Ave.
Paper. Draperies.
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,003.
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
ings accounts, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connem., President
Henry Beun, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
tf annf&ctnrers of
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street.
Telephone Call. 2333.
(.'or. Kixtrrntli St. anil Irvin; Place,
Amnion Plsn, W.50 IVr D.iy anil rpwanR
Kiiropi-an Plan, S.I.IMJ Per Day and Upward,
tpcdal Hati-i to l'aiiillli-s.
lnj.ini.ioti Kiini in Hi Hlrcet.
,t t... I t'l.l.'l'IIUf)V Iu ., 11ntn,.!lv flp.,l..
Inniilj itiiilrunic-iit liotel.ollertneutarofni
innmciHt a iiiiixiiutim of luiuryaiul comfort.
iin i diii mroci. just rusi. 01 uuioii oijunro,
It in within a law mmntoa of tha leaUinis
sliop9, thedtri! nrl clulis.
Curopnan Plan, $1,00 up.
American Plan, S2.50 up.
Suite! with Privats Bath, $2.00 up.
I'or apvclal ratcs.nni'loi or information write
jiiiiv :. oi.vrri 1:1.11, 1'rnin-iotnr
I For Business Mcii J
in Iho
heart ot tbs wholesale
For Slio)iciM
S minutes' -walk to Wannmakers:
5 minutes to Sleeel Coopei's Big
Btore. Easy of access to the creat
Dry Goods Storon.
For Slgblscers
One block trom B'way Cftr. eiv
Inir easy trnnsportatlou to ll
points lniereai.
Oiily one Illock trom Broadway. -
Cono Heights Holise
Acriuoilati-i 50: inoili-rn impiovcmcnta; tmut
. - - . i A .... ..-..! .tn Iti-ia lf.f-
creiuii. bi'ml lov circular.
Samual Edingsr, W.t. Pocono, Pa,
Everv Woman
. - ia ..... I ". 1 .. . at ill il. I lrn
DlintTI U'l.MInn Ct.,7W "
111.' IU'W MilHjri?. Kffff.
i,n .n.ti .imi tiaa I if St- .uf.
... . . "
(91 .Mtsi t uiivcuer.r.
(iirta-i-r iuin.i'7.
i M.r biu.'21-t fvrtt.
1( h ' U linL tlil lilt
II 1IVI?I.. n(ivi,t I il
iitiu-i. im i Mi'ini Ktuiuii for il
full it irtL-lilnrftUliil illU'i iHllllltl
Y4luV.lli'l?1.4'lleS -1 II.VKM'Om
Hgom C09, Tiiius llJtf., Ncvv Vork.
w ' y
Jflr& L-