The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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HpjcUl Irt the Scranton Tribune.
TimklmntUH k, .tunc 11. AH . J. T
TticldciiKer, of MitipHletri, who hai
linen Hit; utlesl iif Me. and Mi". Wil
liam X. 1tpjnol(l i ho past week, io
ttiinpil home tin Monday.
Mil A. II. Woodwind Mtcd filonils
nt l.itlct' "Wlnolit on Monday,
III. iiml Alii. Wliriitnti, of T.auc
('nicy, woio dolus litiMlncss In town on
Mis. lniili '. Knoll, of Monti nip,
".vim lini lii'cii lulling Iipi shti-r, Mis.
lillrn Ito. on 1'Iiip Htij'ct,, lius ip
tllinpil Iioiiip.
Ml4 Mni Mid hell Is Hip RUi-st nf
ft lends anil i ninth cm at Mansfield, Pa.,
thh wrek.
MlllllllKP lltt'tlsps llllP llPPIl lHllCcl
to (iiu ton Tltknni, of Tiinltliunnook,
iiml MIhs Atinii A. Krin. of Mrlioop
nnv, llmiy A. Slhniii, or Sioux City,
Itivvn, mill Jllis MpIIp J! I.yon, ot
('.UliptOHll I'll. JlMnll lllllflitlL,', of
Talon, mill Mis runups M. Slcklor,
of Vol nun, I'.i.
Mrsliopprn ' Ui'p,u Ihe to rIp nn
ild-fiishloiii'd I'liintli of July LPlcbui
t Ion.
V It. Aint went to Wllkns-Hirtio
on Turstliiv, to set tep.iiiM liiiiclp In
Humes Ih.1ihirIur to tin- 'W'.niiilnir
TflnplioiiP rotnp.m '.s Mtcin, w lift Ii
tteiv Intir.pil out In lluhlnliip; iIuiIiik
(lip M'pi' tliiinili?i-stoiiii ol last
A couple : .connc inon lioni Hoot
Hollow tamp oi'i' to town Snttinl.iv
for n llltlp ipi ipiitlon, mid n f ten pti
.hlllK themselves avvlhlp, thcv KO so
nnNv tluii thi' h.ul to lip loi'Kod up for
n i ouplp of il.ns 'I'hpy have been ic
lpfipil. Tlir loiitincts for raiiiiiff thp mall
to XlilioNou, Vpi non ami Beaumont,
fioni TunMiannnik, usphn July 1. .mil
ii gpiiPi il all-ioiinil ilunct' will bo
made. The pontiai't tor i, lining tho
nail to Xit ItoKon w.i, lot to a Ttin.ii
l;y the nanio ol Hill1-, who sajs he bid
Jl.O a dip foi tho pi h Hew. and
k,io bonds to Lomplv with his bid, as
itipilipd Tlio postollli o tlepaitmcnt
r.up him pionipt notice that his bid
to canv thp mail between thp two
towns for tlO per year was ai-copted,
and th"v Insist on Ills undoi taking the
pontiatl. He sins ho will not, for
he did not make stieh a rontiaet, and
thus it stands at ptesenl.
Sprcnl to the " l tnton 'I illume
llaifoid, Juno 11 A quiet woddinjr
was solemnized at the honio of Ml. (.'.
Wheaton, Tlim--day, June fit li, the con
ti.ictlns? panics Ijeins Miss Bessie
Wheaton and Mr. Walter T-ewis Af
lei a .shoi t In Itlal tour thev will le
t li I ti to their home In Jackson.
M1s Bei tho. Holsate, of the Snlillois'
Oiphan --eiiool, is isithiH: in H.itils
huiK The Picslivlfi Ian r lunch will eele
ln.ite Its Hli tlnl.iv Juno 1". Jloll call
will be held Satin ilav alteinoon and It
is caiiH'sih i tut sted that all mein
heis will be i altenil inee.
Chauiu v Hhotlcs has Incieased the
alue of his piopeity bv the addition
of a ei laiKo now bat ii.
U. I Man.ud, a member of the
RiatliiatiiirT class of Hast Sti mulshing
Xni mal si ltool, has been eleeteti piln
elpal ot KhiKbley school. i
I. V Jones lecentlv letuined fiom
Plm Itla. whither he made a tup for
his health.
.Mis; 1-oulso lalti.m, of Soianton,
lslted lelathes in town last week.
Mi. Judson Spaiilding, ot Hlngham
ton, is -visiting her bister, Mis. Alpha
Piofessor H. W. Pease, or llnllstead,
is a candidate foi the tiltice of county
supoilntendent of s-chools.
Miss .Trnning Chaniheilln is siting
her Kiandpaient.s in Wllkes-Eane.
The band bosaie to bp Kiiests of the
O. A. 11. bos Weduesdav night. Ice
cream and cake will be Riven them in
exchange for a few of the choice se
lections which they aic capable of rcn
deiliiR. Childien's ihiy will bo obsonod in the
Methodist chinch Sunday, Juno IB.
Tuesday, Juno 11 was Inspection day
at the Soldiers' Oiphan school, The.
boys and Rills dirt Rieat cietlit to
themsehe-, and Superintendent Mat
thews. A larRO ciowd was in attend
ance and llio usual good time was en
Sptclal to the Scranton Tilbune.
Hallstcari, Juno 11. Mi. 1'ieil Ostei
hout, of Mountain Valley, was niai
llcd to Cauie Fisher, daughter
ot Mr. and Mrs. John l'ihher, at the
Inldo'a homo Tuctlay. The cei onion v
was peiloiinpcl bv Ilov. Hinest Colwell,
pabtor of tho Jl. j:, chinch. At i
o'clock Mr. and Mi.. Osterhout loft
for C'aiboiiilalo to visit a .slater ot tho
Tliniuns Monne.v Is assisting ns eloik
In the .stoio of M. F. Hand.
Mis. F. ll. lleldln and ehlldion aio
lhlting telathes at Water Ciap,
Mi.s. John Ciook Is 111 this week,
i;, U. Simons Is Hpondlng the week
at Hat i lulling, whoio ho is visiting
an uncle,
Hev. and Mi.s. M. J. Watklns and
family aio visiting n lends hi J'nc
toiyvlllo and Soianton this week.
Shoillf AV. J. Maoy, of MonUnse,
tv.ta In town Tuesday and miuunonod
i juiy for a lunacy proceeding,
The poi eli nf tho Mitchell House Is
icing lepalntod,
II, H. Heny lias placed a new Hug
ialk and now stone Mops In nont of
Uitt'hcll hall.
Mis. Finda Decker killed a huge
le.siiako on the dnoistpp of her home
ust tmtsldn of town last Satin day,
Tho Sunday school leacheis aio ror
lially Insitert to attend the teat hois'
neetlus: vvhlch will bo held In the
Ullioad Y, M, C, A. hall Sunday af
pi noon.
Chant Decker has accepted a sltua
lon as cleik for T, i.'. Tiffany in tlio
ling stoic
Tho chair fnctoiy employes who went
Mi a stilko lust week have all je
tiuned to wtnk with tlio exception of
Illehntd Wllinot, one of our piomls
Iub young moil, lias just toimed a
paititeishlp with Mr. V, 13. Huike,
of Bond. They will conduct a
fuinltuio and geneial undei taking
Mlclncl Fltzgeiald, ono of our ener
Retio cltl-icns, lealUIng tho (benefit
Jerived by public linpiovcmcnt, lias
Mr.iwl Mis. S. S. A'iiKht. of Mon
.rose, wero visiting ft lends hue tiur
ng Sunday,
alsetl a subscription and pure-bused
i new bucket und dipper and chain
old town well nn Pino
Miss Desslo Snoer, of Hlinlta,
vlsltlnif Miss Cltaco Hoblnson,
Miss Kllen Tiffany, of lJIngliainton,
was lsltlng iclatlvps here Monday.
J I. J. Caner has flnltdied painting the
pleasant residence of T. J. Connoi.", on
Main sticot,
JMuuid Scotleit and his ptimpeteiit
cipw ot U'pstciu Union Tolcgiaph llne
iiipu wpip home to spend Sunday.
Finnic HauiPS and Jpioiup Rlnat nie
painting the house ot Peter Allien on
Chase n venue.
Mls .Mary Seotien was visiting In
Hlnghiiintou Tuesday,
Miss Martha A. J I lit. ot Xow Yoik
cllv, Is tho guest of Mis, John Allen.
Mi". William MeToud was visiting In
Hlnghaniton Tuesday.
Mi. John limber was visiting icla
llves In Susquehanna. She l etui tied
home Tiiosdnv.
Stephen Tlnsley Is niaklng linptovp
nit nls about his giot ci v stole on Main
stippt bv eipc'thiR a new awning.
Mr. and Mis. t'h.ulos Fiear, of Oll
beilsvllle, mo visiting at the homo of
Kihwnd Scotten.
llplawaie, l.ackawaiiua Si Western
ohsoi vntinn cm, tho roinet, passed
west over the lo.itl Tuestlav. Sevcial
coinpanv oflli hils woie annate!.
The Hall.stead Flip Knglno and llosn
pompany woio called to Vestal eaily
Sund.iv morning to aid In subduing the
fire which was binning among the coal
and itibblsh seat tried by the explosion.
.no time was mst liv tlio novs in io
spondlng to the call. They spent
twcntj-ftjiii houis ,a the scene of the
w i eek.
Special In (he Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Juno 11 Mi. and Mis. r,
1j Li. nk, of Montd.ilc, woie giPetln:
theli manv old it lends heie Satm tlav
and Sunday. They woio the guets ot
theli son, t! I. Claik, and ol their
tlaughtfi, All s. r. Al. Lewis. Mr. Claik
is looking aftei his f.itm Intel ests.
The Chlldien's tia.v set vices at the At
V.. chinch Siindav morning diew an
olti-tinip toiiKieq.iticin The Illicit on
lendeic'tl theli iiaits well .intl th-
tlecoi.itions weie flue Foi some ip.i
son the Baptists postponed HipIi spi
vlces aiinounced foi thai evening un
til not Sabbath evening.
Alls Samuel Ti uesdale, who has been
conllned to the liousp h illness foi the
past month, is ninth inipioved.
Aliss Jennie Conpei, of tMibundalf, is
visiting her sister, All I.eon.ud Cole.
Alls. Scott Hauls, of Owego. X. X,
was a pallet ni town, while
on her wav to v Isit tilentls in fecinnton.
Aliss Xelllo (.iancv, teat hei of the
Wrightei schools in the township,
spent ant! Suntl iv with hoi enf at Oakland. Her lathei issei
lously ill
Jh". Fletehei does not impiovo and j
jtui i use is uucnniing senous.
Wo quole fioni James Wliltt onib
Riley foi the benelit of those who m.iv
"It ain't no use to giumble and com
plaiu. It's jest as cheap and easv to lejolce,
AVheu God soils out the weathei anil
scuds i.iln,
Whv, tain's niv t lioit e "
All. and Jlit. W. II. Glllatt, apcom
ranled by their mother, Alis Stanton
and her daughtei, Venule, tame up
Satin tlav and will spent! ,i tow ilavs
with Air. Gillatt's jiaients, All. and
Ahs. H n. Glllatt. on .Tefteisou sheet.
, Ahs. Aldildge, of lloinellsvillc, is
vIsltliiR her bi other, fliugess i: c.
Air. and Ahs. r. AI. I.cwls had a new
rxpeilente on theli letuin tlip fioni
Xew Yoik last week. While on Hip
stoainei fiom Xew Yoik to Albany (he
boat lan amuck another cr.ut, which
caused a clatter among the clMios and
a sciamble among the sleepeis am! a
delay of a few boms for leii.tits, and
while tlieie was no seiiotis d.imnRe
done it stiued the blood of all on
Ahs. Alaiion Claw son, of 1'ieosoll,
AUch., and her nephew, Antliew Tohv,
aio visiting the ltnniei's sister, Ahs
B. F. Baines, on Jackson sticet.
Clarence Sponcei, Ksq., of Cm lion -dale,
wis a business caller in town os
terday. Air. and AIi. C. Al. Lewis weie doing
biisiiiPss in BliiRhaiuton .vesterday.
J. S. Aluliev and biide, of Al'onta
nimas, r.i., woie guests the lattei's
fathei's. Alanley Wiighter, Arnnday.
They lotutiied to theli home on the
morning tiaiu to-day.
Peiry & Lewis, coutiat tois, doin
Susquehanna, aie onlmglng and ie
.shingling J. D. Allller's faun bam.
J. L. Winter looked on the Wild
West show in Bliighaniton josteiilav
A faiewell leceptlou was tcudeied at
tho liomo of Thomas AI. Davis, of Main
sheet, on Alonda.v evening, given in
honor of the Alisses Gwenpyfar anil
Cleidwlu Kvans, pievlnus to their do
pal tine for Wales, Delicacies woio
sen eil, Thoso pieseut weio Alisses
Gwouhwyfar and Cleidwlu Hvans, Illla
AI Davi, Al.ny A Davis, Aliny Dan
iels, Lama Ilattou, Sadlo Kimmcimun,
of Pottsvllle; Gciliudo Davis, r,,i
Jones, Aliny A, Llewellyn, illnuche
Jones, and AIcssi.s D.nhi t, Davis,
David .1 Pugh, William Hooper, Fled
Beai wolf, David J, Davis, William
Phillips and David T. Reese.
It took thliteeu p.issengei coaches to
convoy the niembeis of tho Tayloi
Hose companies, jos 1 nuti 2, and
Talor Slher Cm net baud and their
hundieds of mentis on the joint ex
clusion of the a novo named organiza
tions to .Mountain Pink estoiday.
About twelve bundled people in all
weio In attendance. The weather was
all that could bo deshed for the occa
sion, and a most delightful day was
spent by all Tho excuislonists io
luiued home last evening at about S )),
a happy but much Hied lot Tho event
was u grand success, and tlio pio
tnotPis fee veiy grateful for tho pat
ronngo leeched fiom the public.
Hunch No. It.'. Ladles' Cathollo Be
uevolent association, will conduct a
giant! enteitalnnicut and euihio p.uty
on June 25 at tho e hutch pnilois. An
plahnute piogiammo of local anil out-of-town
talent Is being imanged for
tho occasion, and a guild tinio is as
sutod, John, the elght-months-old child ot
Ahs. John Connolly, of Taylor stieet,
died on Monday, after a two months'
Illness. Tho funeinl will bo held this
afternoon at 2.110 o'clock. Burial will
be made in the Foiest Homo ecmeteiy,
Tho united societies of the St. John's
Gentian Cathollo chinch, of Hyde Park,
will hold a picnic in Webei's patk on
for the famous
July n. A pib.o of $10 will be nvvnulcd
the lucky holder of llio admission
Tho funeral of. Alum, tlio sK-niontlis-old
chlltl ot Mr. and Mrs. John Ulch
nrds, ot Taylor street, mcuncil on
Monday, lltiilul was innilo In llio Mil
waukee! cemetery,
The members of Hie Cah'nty Baptist
Sunday school nnd chinch eholr nto
icqiiested to meet nt tho chuiuh on
Fildny evening to rehenise for Chll
then's day oxeiclsea, which will bo held
on Sunday evening next,
The union excursion of the Methodist
Hplscopal chinches of Xoi theaslorn
Pennsylvania will bo inn to Mountain
Park cm June 21, Tickets can bo hud
from the committee nnd pastor ot the
local Mothotllst 1'plscopal chinch. A
good time Is assured to those desirous
of attending tho outing.
Joseph Finncls, of Xnith Taylor, Is
spivlng as a Juior at the Sei anion
coin ts this week.
Misses Small Davis nnd Carilo Hur
wln, of Hyde Pnik, visited Miss Lyilla
llosklns, of Atherlon Htieot, leconty.
Tayoivillo lodge, Xo. 4fl.', Knights ot
Pythias, will meet this evening In
legulnr session.
Mis. i:tts, of Wllkos-nane, has le
tuinctl home, alter visiting at tlio
home of Mrs, It. W. llceso, of Main
Miss I.ytlla llosklns was the guest
of fi lends In Hyde p,uk cstoiilny.
Cionier Jones Is In Boston, Mass., at
tending tho Giand conclave of llepta
sophs, as n lepiescntutlvt' fioni Lack
awiinua conclave, Xo, 210
Fiedeilck Wat nice, c-ipptitdcr ot
deeds, of AVest Scranton, was a busi
ness caller In town yosteiday.
Aliss Aliny Dickson, daughter of Air.
and Airs. James p. Dickson, has le
tuined home for her summer vacation
fioni Mi. Ilayden'.s school. Pelhant
Alanor, Xew YoiU. She was accom
panied by tho following voting ladles,
students at the tame schools, and who
aio spending a shoi t time with hoi :
Alisses Luna Fiancis Leonaul, Chi
cago; Helen AV. Xesbltt, Xew Yoik;
Ava Williams, San Finncisco; Alaitha
Hauls, Alemplils, Tenn ; HI! iboth
Falls, Memphis, Tenn,; Aim y Hunt
lev, Buffalo; Al.n.v and Allilan Bai
lett, Com end, AI.iss ; Mabel Winslow,
Beveilv, Alass,; Atlelj n Haidetibutgh,
Kingston, X. Y. Thev Intend to go as
a p.uty to Buffalo and attend the Pan
Aint'i lean exposition.
Chlldien's tiny will be obseived In
tho Methodist chimii nel Sunday
11101 niug.
Mr. ami Ahs James Gieen, of W.vo
nilng, weie the guests of their daugh
ter, Alls. Heniv Al, Ives, on Sundaj.
S. 11. Shoemaker has been visiting in
Xow Jeisey lor the past few davs
Air. and Mis C D. Finn have ai lived
home fiom their wedding toui.
A stippei will be soivetl in the Aloth
otlist chin eh Wednestlav evening bv
the ladles of the chinch
Kev. D. D Hat mon, foimeih pastoi
of the Baptist i lunch at Luevville,
vas in town on Alontlay.
W. P. Jenkins has made quite an
Impi moment to his business by plating
a soda tount.iin in his stoie.
A mlsslonaiy b isket meeting ot the
Baptist missiouaiv tiicles of the Ab
Ington association will be held in the
Baptist chinch heie on Thuisdav.
Theie will be two sessions, nimnlng
and alteinoon, and Inteiestlng pio
gi amines have been aiianged for each.
Chailes Von Stouh has gone to Kicii
tleltl June tiou to vvoik on the new un
load station being built theie, and of
which his fathei is loieinan, tor the
Delawan, Lac kuvvaniia and AVestein
Kev. S L. Hai If I, of Imlajstown,
. J., was the guest of his foimer
school 1 1 lend, Kev. It. It. Thompson, on
Mis. Hdwaid Xoithup and Ahs.
Ti ,mk Biooks, of Cilenbiii n, gave a
talent musical and liteuiv enteitain
inent In the Baptist ehunh. Piof.
Mandiestci, of Factoryvilie. lendeied
seveial votal solos in a most pleasing
manner, and iccltations weie given by
Aliss Lena Xoithup, of Glenbuin; Aliss
Alabel Dei shinier, of Scianton, and
Aliss Maud Weathei hog, a ptomlsing
voting elocutionist, of Scianton. Two
selections woio plaed bv the Jolly
Banlo club, composetl of Aliss Sat. ill
Wher, Aliss JIabol Deckel, Aliss e
Puitly, Aleiton Ptucly and Alain ice
Dean. At tho close of tho piogiammo
talent ice eieam was served bv Ahs.
W. A. Dean, Ahs, 1'iank Colviu and
Ahs. R. R Thompson.
Ametican League.
At Rialon II.
Vlilu.ll.Kd 0 II 0 0 0 10 0 1 I
I! i.m 1 0 0 a II J I I s
II. r
11 l
n mil
II 1
Untrue". -lliiib. mil tnunm; t iinpv
Sliicckriutst. LiiiijIip M mi in,
VI HilUiiit.o It.
( Icerlaml ... . I 1 I 0 no I il I i
llillliiKiie , , ., II 0 0 l 0 1 0 0 I " s
lliliuii lint .mil Viun; lurll unl Uuli
liwii I iiiiu'4 slioililni mil Lt iiiinll.t.
t I'liiliiWrliii- I! II I
I) Iiml I 0 il 0 ll 0 0 il 0-1 7 '
I'lilUMpbh , .. I n no on nn n-i I o
Ilittuif.- t iniiln ii I sn, Irucr aul Ton
cr.- I intuit int il It n
l ililnim- 11 )
(Iiuc-ii, ,, ii oo on ono-1 ;
i.niifnulr 1 0 l 1 n o i) o v l fi
llitlirlcv-lliivrj hihI Sullhan; Lit
filJll.t. I'llipIlP lllokcll.
Nntional league.
t ( ini.ii niti II 11 V,
liiuiou . . , , Minof (Kino-) r i
(nn Inn ill ii J o I) ii tii i) f)j
11 1 1 1 lit IliiiiDii .mil Mllii.Li; Ihlin, I'lill
1 a -3 .nul ileisen, tinpnc I iiblic,
t Si in ill- , u
I'liihniii'liii ,, ,.,.o n ii t o n o i o-i
st inn'. , . . u a n u n o n n i i
IlilKiii s-l'o'iiihiio .mil Mt 1'n l.uul ;
mil lljin. rniIic ( iiiinlnsl Jin
7 1
s 0
( liiu.-n I l 1.
iiuuKitn .,,,, 1 1) "i on t n n i-'i ii i
thin 1,0 0 0 0 0 1 I i) 2 1-5 ID i
llattciiM Me limri, Hughes, Kllnon -ml Mc
fiiilicj Mtncfio Jiul kllnij, l'iiiihe l)M)u,
Vt 1'itl.lnirK
-Vcv Voik I'itt-lniicr, fne iunluj,
Enstern League.
Woirfolcr, ti! HuIIjIo, 7.
Ihitfuiil, l! MoiiIiijI, 0
lro Mcuce. 5; j'oiomo, t.
sv mc u-e, il, Itotlmtti, 1 (lut game)
s.MJIllM, , lldlloll'l, lb (mH.HIiI tJIIH).
State League
Ki iilin, 5; I onc.iitrr, I,
Alltnloun 11, .Mldillcloun, 0
College Games.
vt riiilaiklphh 1'iihculty of I'cnii'jhinla,
.o; Colwiblj, 0.
Tho Aronson Ilase M tenn would like to
plaj any team under I lie ago of 10 jcjm. Jjiob
ArpiiMu, manager; .Nathan I'l lutein, pitcher;
Jacob ltoscubci;, catiher.
Wall Stmt RavUw.
Xew Voik, .time 11. The ilciillory movement
ot prlire In Imhj'i nlock market ilrmomtrittetl
llu pmfiwlniiiil rlmr liter Into which It hu flRidn
telipietl. 'llio volume ol tlriillniji fell link neir
to tlip level which uu reneheil proiioiw It) lat
weck'n pint ol rpeciiliitlvp ncllvlu, Ihe illniln
hheil hifeiel lnmeil a leiiilent.i lo become op
ffi t il In ii few Klotk. The ilienglli of IheV
hail snina Inlluenei1 In rmlilnlngr tlir Reiwrul
iniikef, hut thl wiineil In the hller pirt of the
ilij. The openimr mule i rii il Miow of Mieimlh
uiuler the lomhlnetl Inlliienee of faionble In
tel pri l.illon of the. soternnieiil imp Icpoit pub
IMieil iftir the close jestertlti. The prliiK
vvlieit RiaiueM wile toiKetpientlv Ironic, .while
the Tciii. Mlwoitrl iiml Knnus linn weie held
buik. A uliarp rahl tnrrlcil Texas mil 1'ielHe
down J"i (huh tlie lilith point, uml Mlvonri
I'aillic llielf fell uiuler list nlitlif. Tli whole
tnntket uHcietl from nall?lnK until the aBBfe
she movement In Vlkwurl I'aclflt' iheckeil tlih
tletlltie. I his ntock tnuclieil I2J1 on will tie.
flneil pxieititloru of a coniinif ilivlileml The
prewire on 'IVvoa ami I'litillc win itlrlhiiletl to
.1 thanRp In the ratio of IU prnpoeil evclianno
Willi Mlwourl 1'acifle olotk, vvhleh hai been iiip
poieil hllheito to he two shires foi one of
Mlwnurl I'acllli'. Tlio appeirante of cnnlinlllni;
nUmhiril oil Inlereils in the illirc.lnr.ile of the
Amerlciii l.tiiKieil toinpinv vei trsponslhle fur
(he stieiiKlh of Iho'e utocks ami nf N ilinnat
lie ul, vvliltli, ll Is sild, will Imiefll from the
ilumce. V niinibi r nf the lilch prlttrl spetlallles
mich is Siirii, inalsiiiiltetl Copper ami meib
nn Tobneo tlm.liialril feverlshlj under the In
flinme of whit wrmed pnnlv upei iilillve oper
ant ns I'ntiii iles todiv, Ml.inii shoes
Ihe tleininil for bonds wis wilt tll.lribnlnl
and pi lies udv inted 'lolal ile, pir vilue,
si 07-, lino l s Inmih Hue nil iinthinned on
Ihe hivl nil.
The follow Inp qnotnllons are fntntshed The
Tribune bv M. S .Ionian fc Co, rooms 705 700
MettB biilldinc, hcranton, fa. Telephone 6003:
Open- Iliph- low- Cbs-
liii; est. et. Inf.
iiieikm Siiu-ii .1IJ1, 1H 1I0-4, 1I0'
Vmir. l'tibtcto Hl'b lih 110 ll(i:
Mi I1N011 7i4 s7Vt sti'l
Mihlson I'l 1IU 101 W ioji,,
lliook. Trillion SI sp9 sTM 70",
Hill .. Clhlo 1in nil 10Si, 1lWis
C'niit. Ttilnctn 7(1 701, fi'lij h'H
(lies. .V, Ohln .-,01 i fiO'i 4 . S'OIb
(hie. S. (Jl. el J U "1'8 -M 21",
M. I'nil HO 1( S m"B liiii''
Hock l.hnil 1d idl li), 1iJ"i "
Km A lis , Pr. iil' 01'h I'l "I
bniiis. ,t, nh Ill) 1in" 1i)si; lie)
Vim. rievihd 110 ll'i IIS-j US",
Mel. Tritllnn 17Ht 171 170'g 171
Misn I'.Hine M1'i IJJ 1b Ul
Southein I'nirle Vl (ii)"H .VI f) 1
Norfolk K. Ditlmi .... v 01 jiii!, 5,i4
V V Cenliil 1 -,it r,ip; r,, f,(i4
Ont ,. W1-tem I "Mt 17 'I7,,t
I'eimi II It r, y,-i iV), I'd
Pit illo II ill ,i't 4t( -jij,
Undine lit i" u U l'i r
lleiilln" lit , Tr 7s1! 7S 7i. TsiJ
hoiilhcin H It 1! II ' )i, 1",)s
S111II1 1! II., f'r S7 S7i4 si4 ,
Tenn ( oil A lion . ... 10 10 (0 11)
I'- " leilhti I , i-H 1 ,-t ijij
V S 1 o it In 1. l'r '0 sm4 7'ii4 7iii,
1 . s ltublinr jii , o jnr, 201
I'mon I'ltlfli- 10 1IH iiri4 107
I iiiuii 1'n 1II1, l'i ... ) mi mil, 'Hl)4
"iinsii. 1 1 i4 u l.ic. trt
(tein I nimi . .... ')i(. 'i oiu. )i ,
(il I ml ,V lion 100 100 Iiu", 0015
1111l Cippti l)",i4 uin Mi 1J
l'uiple's (,is ni.'i 111,14 ir,t( jf-.m
I " I 11 I, t.H
1 "'', Nt 70 70 4 70 70
'"I 'o j-,t -,i Ti'4 nn
'livisl'iul .'i 11 47 4s
in C 11 Inimiliv 1 IPt ,()'!, !1
I s Mill Cu 10 w4 ,,, n,
I s S(,ol Co , Pr. ... 'i 'i'i iis Ms-,
"III M' nn; e I e,t. ini-
Optn llifcli fo. Ctus.
Jnh 7 7s 77 77i4
I'l 74 1 71 71 74
'"k J" 17 47 47'i
Vl't 4 is ,;- 4;-(
Scranton Beard of Trade Exchange)
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid Asked
First Natloral Bank -joo
Scranton Savings Bank 350
Third National Bink 40
Dime Depo-it and Discount Hank.. 275
I'conoiny Light, II. & 1". Co a
Lacka Trust Safe Deposit Co 1,1)
Clark A. Snover Co. Pr u;
Fcranton Iron Tenco & Mfg Co 100
Scranton Axle Works n5
Laclta-vanra Dairy Co , Pr. 20
Count Savinpra Hank k 1ru-.t Co . 3u0
Tiist Nitlonil num. (Carbondale) s2'
Standard D-illine Co 30
linler-.' Aitionil Dirk 17-,
Scranton Holt and Nut Co 100
In ill's 11 ml 1(1
Mv Vli'vito It. C Cu 75
Scranton Pass-njjcr Itailwajr, first
Mortgase, due 1020 113
People's btrcet Railway, first mort-
Ka,to. due 101S 115
People's Street Itailway, General
mortgage, due 1021 115
Dickson Manufaeturing Co too
Lacka. township School 5 per cent ... 102
Citj of Scranton bt. Imp 6 per
eent 103
Scranton Traction 6 per cent 1!5
Scranton Wholesale Mniket.
(Coienled bv 11 0 I) lie, -'" lid iwaiinu Av")
Hu'tti lrei-h, '0120'si . thin, fieh, ISJU.'Oo,
(hien lull ciemi, mw. ID'illt.
1 km- WcMtin I11-I1, JJI'.iIlc., neaibv slale,
llein Per lni-hel, elmite iniiiovv, f2(i1a2fl'i
Pi 1 lit m- Pel bu-liil, choice IH3IIOIV, 2jji
?2 10
Vlrdiuni Hems Per biisbcU. 2 (OaSi 13
Creni I'eis Per hushclcs sI.IOisi n
I loiir-Het pittnt, per biirrl, 1 13
H.d Kidnev Hiam-Pei liu-hcl, sj 43a$2 50,
Polalne-, Per bushel, f"i i'Hb
B'liiiiidi Onions Pel hti-hel, SI 31)11 60.
Philadelphia Gtnin nnd Fioduc.
Pbtljililpliu, .lime 11. Wlieit UntlniiKed,
ennli 11 1 ni.nli . Iiuit'. 7)i.i7iii, (dim 'li, low
ti, Nn. 2 inlvid, lime, Hii'iHil'.i Oils las
in Nn. 2 while ilippnl, li,ili.i Hiiltir
Ii nit , lin 1I11111111I. fini.v witiin 111 nn
ti.i, 1'n , do do puiils, l'li , ili, 111 nbv tin,
11. I vs Mr-Ml, ; In-li nt.iiliv, Hi , iln,
v.lli 111, Hi , do MHithui Mi 111 ,1 1 ; do,
t-inillieiii, 12t ( hi eii Dull .ins' rj-ie 1 j N, V,
full tllllllS, f mc . Mlllll, l''i I'l'i-i ,: ill), ill. d.
filr lo iholie, S'.iik, Uiliiitd Mum-.'n-
tlinictil ( ol ton I inn, 1 Iiu lilcliei; mt '
1III11; iiplimls, S 11 He billow- Dull; illy
inline in liluls , l',il'6i ; toimlry do, do,
bmils, 4",ilt ; tikt, Siii.i live pnultiy
- I Inn, fill ,1c tn mil , fowl-, Hi old rnoDleis,
Ti.J pilu; tliitkins, 1'h2h , ilueki, 'It
lllis-ed pnulliv Mcidv, .mil in flii ilniiinil;
fowls, eloite, 10e J dn t.ilr lo good, UiOiV,;
old ioostei, 1'i.c: unstlng chickens, imui,
llJlli , iiuki,)),, fnvin, I0iI2i,
lien iptn 1 lour, 2,.iSl burels, ami 2,7nj Oil
pnuiuls in Mtko; win it, 7l,00i) bushels, coin,
lilflisi Im.lieN, nil", lil.ono hiLshi Is Milpimnts
Wheil, 11,110 biisUla, coin, 117,000 bushels;
enN, lO.OOi) liuiheN,
New York Grain and Frodues.
iv Voik, lime II, I loin Dull .md nnili
b' 11 nil imt suitlis, btiug iiiiluentiil b) wliclt,
M i nil. pill lit, s.i0Uil,13: Minn blkeis, -:t)
,', IS, wlulpi pilenti, l.i JiJ'), wilder ttMUhts,
ft. I i . l'i, wlnlri . vti i, 2.'iOi2Rj; winUr
low .lull-, s2 02 .11, Wlieit spot weik; .No,
- rid. 7)'if, f n Ii lrlmt, anil 7'e. elcvaloi;
No I in Hlit in iMlulb, ei4, f n. b. all ill
ll.iiLns ipinttl Htvd.v. hut soon vveikcnid and
rub'il lie iv.v ini'-l of Ibe tlav, ( In.eil weik .it
".1I1 let iletlliii, dull lined T7'i , ; btpt,
71 e ; Hit, lt ; IKc , 7'iht (o,n Spot
wi.l , Nn. '.', 17' 1 cltvilni, nil I l-o, f 0, b
all, ll Opliou.! Hull ill iliv elo-eil wcjk it
'.l5e ml n.s lulv 1 ln-iil 17'4t ! t ii ,
I7ssi, ilil.-S'ift kit nil J No. 2. .I2II.P,; No,
J, ,1" ; Nt 2 wlllt, ,.l'(i- ; Ni J wiiile, 3,e
Ni 2 luck linieil wiMein, ,!2llljc, Irirl,
Idle, 'I2l.il7t'. options sltadv, .mc quiet nn
Ihe bullish nop upon Hullei 1 inn; iieam
ny, I'l'.alft'.i , fjilon, liilli.i ; imlulion
11, ailing, llil7e ; .-lole dill), ll'.-ilSc. I lu-c-e
-Quilt. fJiit lan.0 foloieil. sejsi , ,lo, tin,
while, VU?" 1 fait1' .null loloitd, Ot,; 4n
ih. white, u'tj'l'ii, 1 ggs Wtak, bt itu aul
Pinna, ltviill'st,: u, sit 1 n unurjilul, lu
l.'i ; wesltin, t. nulled, teliiltd, llall'ie,
Chicago Ginln and Ptoduc.
fliltago, bine H -Maiked vviakness ibarjtter
lod thu win .it maiUet todav It 1 ilo-ed, I'.e,
lowii, Julv lout ilostd 3tae lower, lulv
Oalx lie, down, and piovUioiis tiom iiiiehan.til
lo 2te, limit ( uUulJi lliul pi Ill's. lasli
iiuouiloin who u, tolInv
I'luili -Ifiilel, .No. ,! upruij wheat, e.o'..i6'll.t ;
No 2 led, 70?i72e ; No. 2 coin, 4al2hi ',
No '2 .vtllow, 42il2!.e.; .No '2 eaU, .'-'.e., No
I while, '-'7'a2i3kl .No 2 rje, M',l , (.ood
feeding bail,;, 17c.; fall to choke inaltiiu,
uljUe, ; .No. 1 flt seed. ipl.7lj .No J noith
uttlein. 5-1 71 ; pi line limotli) seid. .JaJoo,
liiei-s pork, $11 SOU I W; laid, $S 12',sl$.'2); t.hoit
libs, S7.o-,jS13; tlry alltd ihoulder., BkaT'ic ;
shoit clear tides, S-23as:.7!jj whiskey, fi 27,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, lunc ll Catlle Receipts, 2,500, gen
crall) .Had;; choice eoui twd heifers, fjuu;
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Tlun Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Gch Extra tine.
For Rent.
For Rento
About 1200 feet of floor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
Tills TRIBUNl:.
10K IIMNr (1 room hoti'e, furnished, with two
Kleipliu;' rooms lenerved! or inlRlil bouul
with pattie, If jRietable. Aildies ill Connell
1 OR IIIINI-Chtiite ot two looms, private famll),
gentltimin oult. 021 nsIilnRtnn avenue.
I'l, VI' 1 Oil HUNT nllli all modern Improvements
Apply at ;ilfl Linden sheet.
1011 llliNT "-even loom homo, with modem Itu
pinvciuenl", nn flieen llldite street. Impilre
K2J Sinder-on nvenue.
IOU HUNT In Hilton, cottage of nine ruonit,
fuinished 01 inifuiiiMied, for the scsson or
longer; Hve minutes lo stitlon; (food loc-illon;
cottage neirlv imv and nil In good uliipc. Apply
to 0. . Cailton, Hilton, I'.i.
IOU IH'NT Nine rontn hou-e. wilb lntb room
and furnice. Apply at K)12 .liekon sticet.
I Olt Ill.NI' el mom house, corner "Aane avinu
ami I'lilnain street; hot and told witel,
nore but small family need applj. 1701 V iyne
020 OHLT.N ttlflGi: smr.l'.r. ten rooms, modern
Improvements, steam heat furnished; desir
desirable. Tor Sale.
1 Olt sVti: t-eeonil h mil, el hdies' bicvtle, thiap
("ill at 21 Washington attune, setonil lloor.
I Olt "VL II Team pure bieel Jlorgans, 5 and G
.veils old, full slstcis, fist walkers, cti.i
drlurs ilouble oi iiule; bouiiu ind kind; pits
in utabli L. (i "-iliooniinkei, I Imlmr-t. l'a
1 Olt bVl.i: One thiirl Mine, Inge slnre build
mi, in Vvoca, fullt tiiupp(il lor geneial
store purpose! ni can be nd for fulorv, Al-o
two tleliveiv wagons in good condition, two
lime bairtl oil tanks antl pumps; two show cacs,
one cbte-e sifi ; one laiue platftini stihs, one
site. Iliooks i Dil . In pini' '-omit Sitlo Stole
Co , Jliuooka. l'a
Money to Loan.
MONKY (o loan on improved citj reil estate.
iirvitY nn.iv, jii.
tWW.OOO TO IOW lowest rates; straight or
niontl li pa.vments burk A. Co .Traders' bl.U.
stralgl t leans or Duilding and Loan t
fiom 4 to 8 pi i cent. Call on .N V. Walker,
311 Jl", (Vnnell bull ling
Furnished Rooms.
10K 11KNT One laige fiuiilslied fiont loom;
al-o one shh loom 317 Athiu.-. avenue.
Boaidera Wanted.
110X1(11111-- WVNIID two front liinms. hi(,
bouul, in t-tod ijimlt. Adilnss 011 Vd mis
W A.Nri:i) 1 ible bonders Mis. iompkui',
Washington nvenue
Buffalo Hotel.
l'VN VMI III'MN ltl( llll II (T I10II L -I lisliliss
s() nimi l '.-, illicit ill Inn, it l-Dlnhlt. lalil,
sillll-. tl -tlu't inoins, atlltl foi ulttllil 1.
'dwjit, Mnonet lliiililui-,, llutliln
l.uod to piinie still:,, l I OiC. J j; poor to inn!
nun, M J0ri "it), stntkiis mil fetiliiH, thmn,
slionger, i-C 1 1 8"; cows, 2 V)j"i. heifiis, 2 Si)
il l'i, e il ners, s2i2 1"i, bulls, 2 'Hi 1 1 I ." , tilvt-,
tli in ; sliti-, $11 tn s2i. sai,7J, 'lej3 fid
sictrs, ! ",i", w), IVms bulls, j2 7i'i1i7
llti lteteipts todiv, lij.OiW, toiiiouow, '",
OHO, estimilid left ovti, l,00n, .") In 10 tints
llle'hcl, Closing sll lllO IHill, lop, " 20, llllM.fl
ind Imlther:, s'ijio 12'., ",ootl to thoite lit iv;
-., ni it) 20, ioii'Ii, -. teiil'SI, Iilit, fjsniUO,,
bulk of sites, , 'I7'!.a(i 10
I-hccp ItCfClpts, 12,000, shop, steib, .ml
lambs, sttidv to slaw, -.puti, up to 7"i,7J; ),ooil
to cl olee wcthcis, 'I 'Kill 11), fm to choice
mind, ".tiiO-il; witern sheep, .! 00 1 1 II).
vi.ulings, stit id, nithe hmb, yIiIMi, wt-t-till
knibs, .( oOl'i f"i
Buffalo Live Stock.
1'i-t llufliln. .lunc 11 necelpt Citlle, leu;
-bun and limbs, ; bo's, 2 t irs, MiipmiMS
filth, Itu, slice p .mil limb-, - ; hogs, J
e ir
C lltle Vboilt stt lilt , no i lives on (tile,
miilil uniuiiiillv ?)"0-)7i, 1 nubs, tlioue to
eln iliv fed, vem noinuiully s", 10i"i,2, shetp,
chum to elia, 1 1 I i'l
Ibfes lit ivj, -Ii IjiO 17'i: pus, ijii 10
East Liberty Cattle.
1 i-t liltilv, June 11. Cattle teult, ilu,
fj'miii, inline, 'i70riW), good, "iiii,ift
lings- Hltliii, prinie pii's, -! I7 iff '0, light
vnikm, ifj l'i ill I7'L, btavv lun,, Mi.!?'.; best
miliums, v-t, lull 1,1., Iieivj jniktis, 4 "n
i'.i"'., tuiiinioii lo filr .vorku-, 'IiOjio 10,
rough-, iii'ii),
-in rp-Mi ndi ; In -t wtlbers, fi7iii,S",; i hni, s
ve.irllngs, 4iUilT",; ce 11,111011 to good, fJil M,
vial (..lives, suo.25.
New York Live Stock.
.iw 'Viik, June ll.-Deeves I telinj slcnlj,
elite?, nt thing iloliu; wi ik lulm.',
sheep and veirlin's-lo ; I1111I1-, sleult In
Elione, 'beep, 2 '1O1I, 'tailings, f hOjiI,
limbs, 2(12'mti,0
llot.s- Nnuiiiially lilsher,
Oil Market.
Oil (il.v, Julv 11 Ciedil biliiites, Kfj; ,11
tihcilcn, no hid lilpmiiils, liT.sil, aveiie',
SS.t-U. Rms, ini,liOi; avtlige, 7i'10
He Poid Oft' 815,000,000 of Chuich
Debts in the United States,
Kdu.ud Kimball, wlm Iiml the ills.
tlllL'tltm Of llllVlllK llKUIRllt llwislit la.
Alooly into tlto clmrcli lpecl out
about f 1.1,000,000 in 1 liui i'h debts In
Hip L'nlteii Stuto.s nnd Ciniulu, elicit
.1 tow ilun oro in tlio ICSldPlUO of
IiIh Mm, Pr. It. H. Kimball in Oalt
1'ailc, L'liiciiBO, JU wiiM but 11 in Ituvv
loy, Ahihs,, July 20, 1821. Wlien twenty
tlucti on 1 old ho wvnl to Hoston and
eiiBiiK'etl in tbe caipot business, whom
be bt'camu (be bend of a Itu ye cm pot
Willie a leMdeiit of .Mount Vt'inun lie
joined tlu .Mount Vc'inon Coiikipbii
tloual tbiiicb and tautslit u class In
Sunday spiinol DwIkIiI li. Jlomly was
one ot Ills iiiills. Mi, Kimball wont
to New Voik In ISO'S and entrm-eil in
tlio wlioli'salo baiilwaie business I In
leniaiuod tliPio until lifter tbu (.'lilcatM
Hip, Avlion lio lemovcd to that city,
AbanduiiiiisT liu.sliie.s.s ontlicl.v in
1S79, .Ml Kimball di'votei) lila H,. to
cliuuh vvoik. Cliuicbos In t'lllcago,
San r.aiK'lwo, Oakland, i'oillaud,
Denver, WaHhliiBton, liostou, Pblla
delilila, Xew ail: antl een in I aiiuda
weie asHlhted by bis labous. and niil
llons of tlollais weie lalsetl tluotigh
hla effoits to pay off 11101 (gages and
other debts which cougiegatlou.s bad
No denomination or cieed was spe
cially favored. His eloquence and en
ergy weio always nt the seivlco of
any thuivli In financial dlstiess.
Help Wanted -Mnle.
WANT I'll I'neigetle, Itii.lwoitli.t, .voimic man)
must bo well letoniineiuled, llagti, !I12 Mtar
WANtr.ll ilriiien, traveling or luiali weeltlv'
Mlary pibl. Ilerrltk Sieil Co, Itocbcsler,
Help Wnnted -Femnle.
VVVNTl'l) -Housekeeper no! over 10 veils; I'm
lesliiiil, wldowei mid two tlilbli'ii. t'all a
I2 llunop Rtitet, Uutinioie, Wtdncsdiv.
OII1L WVNTI H-I'or geneial housework In imll
famll'. ri7 Webster avenue.
Agents Wanted.
A0I:nI1 VVANTI.D-JInle or female, to work
on salary or conuiilvilon Applv it ,120
Washinglon avenue, fiom S tn 0 it, in ', fioni
12 lo 1 p ni , and fiom 11 lo 7,10 p in
Want Advertisements Will Be
Becelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Centml City
AMiUlT RCIII.c'l, corner Mulberry
street and Webster nvenue.
GUSTAV I'ICIIir., KO Adams nvenue.
West Side
01 OIKIi: V, JI1NK1NS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
KKH) h. TUIIPPK. 72) Cedir avenue.
North Scranton
Gi:0 W. HAVIs. corner Noilli Main
ot time and Mirktt bticet.
Gieen Bidge
cmniiis p. lON'is, n:r nakson
I .1 IOIINS, 020 Oiren llltixe strett
C lOltl'N, lorntr W'aliliiBton ,tvc
line and M 11 ion stieet.
W. II KNI ITI fy, 1017 living avenue
J. G UONI' i s-o..
Benl Estate.
101' I Oil Ml ll lliiu-cii, neji I null 11, II) (nt,
math oppositi Mi Willlim I iw'a sj on,)
I101111 Onh vi7"i, nihil ul fiom $1,100, 01 will
iMlnngt- (ouiigv-, Dune Hank building
$171 Will, HIS III I. ml lot within thin- bind 1
of Alois I it lor hn-pltal, nut 111 allev ; si w
eied HmIiiciiI linm $ou t2(K) down ('ouifvs,
Dune II ink building:.
1, COO llttjs see loom, single bou-e, good will
lot HXK200. Sti niton -tittl, Haltou, l'a
Wells 4. healoi.
rl.s'iO-Uuvs building lot, JO1r.O Wbetler ave
line. Wills .(. Kratii, Hun Uuililuij.
$2,100 Buv s ilouble homo, 7 moms on a sle ill
improvements, except gas Dun btiut, I'iuvi
tli 111 e. Wells i. Kiati r
Situations Wanted.
llllsl' Ll,ss (OXdlMVV tlisiiis a. sitiialiun
with a put. He fiiiuU, will expuiencnl i.lil
.1 t ipalile tiitn, biuith ttinptritt intl unib r
tliiiuls t,iinul wnik 1I1011L pin Hi pljte. Atl
diiss I, K, . t l'cnu avtuuc
W NII I) siiiiiimn iiuuml !.i nib in 1 it's pine ui
janiloi vvoik s ) j; t up) 1),1, 1 .iveiuie
silt 1I')N WNIIH llv 1 viniii' linn lo 1I0
yiiv kind of wnik 01 wotlli; In puvile ftui
ih ot diiviug 1 giniiiv v i.'on Vildiiss tale of
hints lllotb, 11 Jl ef lilt, 1'ini stint.
Pill VIION WNlll)-llt t nnn griding or
living siihwall-, m llvin films 01 1 lilting
ltvvtt-, 01 .mt kind of vvoik I all 01 itbfi t vs t no
1'iovitltiice load
slir1ION N1I I) -liu-twoilhy, leliiblc
voung man, gnod habits wants porter vvoil.
(.mil iitiiiiiiii Ml in tptiouil, liu-twoilh)
liiliiuie Ofhte.
Sill U10N W'SN'll I) Vs vv ltth mikir, '2" jeirs
ixpttienei, uliriiiees iiobut f, biuilh, gtu.
ci il tltlivei).
sill M10N WVlll)-llv good agtnt and guw
tial taiivi--ti. It 'I. iMiiilli, 115 1'inn aiL.
nue nut
sill M'lON' WAMIH-llv a vvninin lo go out
bv iliv washing, Honing or 1 lt ining, Plc.1-0
iill 01 atliliei Mi- llii-sell, 121') Ceil 11 .ivtnue,
Sill IIOV W NN J I l)-UHe .vouiig nnn dt-ires
fo-illoii; i Mibei, boiu-t and uliable. dood
icfcientt, 1', 'liibuno Oiliie,
MltNl! MMillll.D MN vints lulu vvoik; good
I it 1 in in I ugll-h, (.11111 hi and Hiinganaii.
C I'll, ,10 llinitlvviv, stunion, ,t
101 Nil MN, M, tnllege ci idiule, de-iies 1
po-ltlon is bookkeipii m iv-istaut, tan
opei He Oinwllii I ul lull pnliiulirs aihlit's
We-le.i II Wcivei, b i 1 ,, 1 opi, l'a
01 ,NO WOMW v nils po-lthn is nn ad. wiiter
In ill j- goods or furniture -loie In this utv
i:ptiieiiee mid best, of uitunie, hM W , 2j
W ililngnii neiiue.
rv vrv vv t s. r
W. N.ijV
( IIAUII It NO IIU.- Notice Is hriibv Iven lint
in ipiillcallun will be made lo ibe gnttrnoi
of the stal.i of I'liiuivhauli, 111 Mnniiiv, Iiu
171b day nf linn, A. I) 11)01, b 1' M, loun,',
(Itnige W, llmiiei, I hubs II -i,n, N. 1,
Miekti, I', ,1. Iii. I' () Dtishlmei, l.eoiu W.
IlltrCtkii, II M 1 iniiMiii ind s, , a, l'lirr,
nuclei the til of js-unlilj m ihe ennuuonvvi 1I1I1
01 I'fini-vlv inia, "vti n t to piovble
Im Iiu iiiioipoiatiiiii ml kill .1 ion of mull,
toipnialioui-," ippiovul plil 2'i, iU, ami Ibe
mi pit mints Ibiieto, Ir. 1 ,1 iliutei nf ail lu
ll mini loipm ilioii in be i.illnl "Miiiiiuit Daily
iniiipiii)," the ihniitii nul obiect vvhtitof is
foi the pmpnso ul u unit 11 lining ami telliu
ttlidtlireil ill i 1 k and .ill nihil iliiiv pioilu t,
mid for Ibis puipiee In hive mil tnoj ill the
lijit-, hem Ills ami piiviltgis of the Mid act
of assembly aul its up Itiuents
I.IOIIlii: II IWIOIt, s, iior
irAn: or mimindv mi:i,d, dlcihspd
lettirs testamentary on llio cslite of rniintli
Neeld, lite ol the (Hi of huantou, dutii-td,
havo been giintnl to the uudtiaigiid, to whom
all pii.ons iinlctiKil In sib islalc ale lequcilcil
to make pjjiiHiit, and those bavin; ilaiius or
dllliumrs lo nuko known name without dtlav,
( J" NHI.D.
II L Ilia.NOIHs,
II I III VNOI lis, l.xttiilois.
Atloiut) foi I slale.
iNiii: 1 si mi: op ds.nii i, M'l.i iv
Iii Whom It May ('intern!
'n Oiphaiis' Couit of I itltawaiiiu ( nuntj has
gianlttl u I ulo to liow t.lii-f whj Jljiy .sulll
vjii, iM'cutih of Ihe IjI will and It-liuililit
tf llantil W' Sullivan, shuill not be dUcluitd,
III till liable lu l)it igiiintut Court
11 I' l!l.NOIPs ImiiitiU.
lloini foi Utjle
SO I It, I -i did piopusjls Im Hie fiuiilshlii' ami
Ijviug ot mw .-li'.l 11 101 j.h-U 111 the pic-ei,
lion hriili.0 at luiilau llollov., on (be load lioni
Wall-ville lu (jibuiidab, will he letilved bv ine
iiiuut , oiilii)l-inntl'- nf I atkawaiuu iniiut at
theli 1 IIU 1 al Mriutoii mini 12 in,,
luiio ll.l'1'l
hialtd piupo-iU will al.o bt nteived bv fcihl
loiiuuissioiieia al sihl tunc nuti plJte I01 tbu
coiislrut lion of Ibe Bupcutiiiituie ol a steel liikli
wav bridge over th" l.iikawanua livtr at Aicb
hah! (-l.'i Ihe H'liinval 01 Ihe pie-tut luldgcj In
aiioidanee with plans jnd fpullli jllon.s on file
at the olliti' of the louiilv wirvijor lu Ihe court
home. eheik for lift dcll.iis must jiioinpau
taili bid on the hr.t pu isj, ami for llucc liun
drcd rioll.ts on the lattci
.1 ( Ol'KH It MOItUIS,
IOIIN J. Ill'IlhlV,
Attest. lounty Ccinmllonera.
W, G. UMII, Llcik.
Insertions 25 Cents
Than Pour Line, A Cents lor L'ach Giclra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
1:1m utn c. Hi'.un.ubNa, :j thadiihs nNrf
l',1"V:VM " U-"'", AltCIIITLCr, C0.NNUl.ti
bill Id I ng.
I'ltriij-'HicK 1,. niiowv, iirii. n, milb
I stale K-tlnngc llblg, 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Englneeis.
II, b. IIAHIIINO, (,00 tO.NNl.l.b ni)IM)t,NO,
nn o. 1:, i'ir,i:m:ttuiii' paTTm niiiluTNij"
frpruee street, ieranton.
nn, c. a. uunAcii, us Wyoming avknui:.
I'llVNK i:. IlOVI.i:, ArronNHV-ATLAW.
Ijooma 12, 11, 111 and IS Hurr building.
n n. ni:i'ix)oi.i:. aitokm:v-i oans man.
tilted on real estate secuilty. Mears biiildlnB,
corner Washington avenue intl Spruce street.
nd eounsellors at law. Ilepubllcan building,
Washington avenue.
JLf-SUl" A. ,11'SSHI', ATlOUNins ND INJUN.
scllorsat hw. Commonwealth building, Roonu
19, 20 and 21.
tKHIBI, tub floor, Mears building.
"' A'VVII!1"' ai ronNi:v-Ai f,AW,
of Trade building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank building
a w nrnnioi.r, oitick movld to no.
Ill Wyoming avenue.
Physicians nnd Sugeons.
ington avenue Resident o, 1318 Mulberry
( luonlo dlstase, lungs, htart. kidney antl
genitourinary oigans a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p in
Hotels and Kesturants.
mi: 1 i.k out, 12-, and 127 franklin
avenue. Rales rca-onable.
P. ZFIGLCR, Proprietor.
unger depot. Condueteil on the European
Plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprletoi.
cess (tools, no odoi ; only improved pumps used.
A. II Hiiggs, piopriclor. leave orders 110(1
Noith Main nvenue, or Kicke'a drug 6tore, cor,
nir Atlama antl Mulberry. Both telephones
c r chrki: v co. sci:dsmen and mirs-
ervnien, 6tore 201 Washington avenue; green, 1950 Noith Main avenue; alore tele
phone. 7S2.
Wile Screens.
.lOsrpii Mii.rrrt. ri:ar sti lacka. avk,
i-tianlon. Pa. mutiufactmcr of Wire Screens
iinrssMuciNo port
al-o ladies' waists
Adams avenue
Louis Shoemaker, 212
MI C.'AROl II BROI , PIlINTrilS' "-Ul'Pl.lLS, FN.
v elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, luO
Wasiiln'ton avenue, Scranton. Pa
Tim iMl.KI S lUltRi: RbCORD CAS RK llvl)
in Scranton nt Hie news stands of Reismin
Bros , 400 Spruce antl 50J Linden; M. Norton,
.r?2 Lackawanna avenue, I. B. Schutzer, 211
f-pruie btrcet.
Rooms and Board.
LAUGH front room with board for two gentle
nun, 410 Adaias avenue
NO HIT, is biitbv given tint .t special meeting
of the blocklinldiih of the incikun Chair
Miiuiit icluriug to. his lucii called lo com pub
it the oflltt of the touipaiiv, loom litW Common
wealth huililuig, s, lanmn, Pa, on the 12th
di.v of tuu-t, ')l, it 11, (j o'tlock a. m.
In like ai I ion on the ipc-lion ot iiicieasiug the
iuiklitediitss of tin ininpinv.
ll. W'. I'llllf.ll'.s, f-ecretar.v,
'llli: DI01IRNI D N'M'L inceliiig of Ihe
blotkholdi is of tho Diik-ou M inuf ictiirli g
eimipiny will be In Id it Ihe otlice of Ihe cot i
pint in Ihn ( oniiiiouweiltli Duilding, in the ( llv
cf sLrJ,un in I ho t cm lull il iv of June, nul
I.. P HOW I II, scciclait
birinlon, I'l , Mav .0, JlHll,
hlO( MIOl III IIS' Ml I, UNI, Ihe iiuiiiiil meeting
uf Ibe btntkholdiis ol the ( olliciv I ngineer
minpuiy will bo In Itl al (h i.cueral ofrlces of
Ihe cniiipauv, 'iiiiiton, l'i, on Mondav, .bine
2llh, IfKll, it 2 oiltiek p in , for the elei-IKn
ol iliiietius and Ibe tiiii-iillou nf sii. li oilier
Inislncsa as mav piopeilv tome In fnre the ineel
lug MAM.I'V P. AI.I.I.N, Ntictaiv
MUK I! IS buebv givui tint ibe annual merlins
of the btotkholdeis of the Kconomy Light, Heat
and Power (onipjuj, foi llio clcttion of diiettoi
for tlio cp.iilng jiii, and the liaiisaitlon of suth
other btcsiiitts is nil piopeily lonio before il
will be hi Id it the olrli e of lie conipin), Room
20, Ilepiibllian Iluildiiu, biianlou, Pi, on Men
iln, Juno 21, l'"H, at 2 n't lot k p in,, in aicnrd,
ante Willi the bv laws of the toinpinv,
W, I, NOItlllUP, Seueliry
l'UIII Id N01ICH is hereby given that an appll
utinn of the Lackawanna Hantwaic tnmpanv
for a iletico of dissolution lias been made lo Hie
( niirt ot Common Pleis nf I.ackiwanna. tounij,
an I Mlurilav, the 2ml dav of June. 1001, at 1
n'eloik a. in , Ins bun Used by said couit, fer
healing thu Finie bald applleatlun is on hie
in tahl couit to No, IV), September teim, 1MI.
M, 1 SNI)0, Attornev.
SAFEST! Money Will iiarn Big Monthly
dccti Returm.
DCiOl! Tlielnvcslor'sriinilPayaSenil monlhly
Ihe olilest established ill Amcrici. No tetliflcale
hnblri bis ever lo.-l a cent 1'J.wiunti made to
nil tubscrlbers eveiy 11 daji. No trouble, No
delay Monev reliinded on demand Write to-
daj for particulars, free lo any ad Ires.
C I! Mackey A Co., Hudson llbl'g , New yoik.
Milwaukee Electric Rail
road and Light Go.
Wiile tor special clicular,
Rudolph Kleybolte & Go.
1 Nassau St,, Nw York.
.,-j. .nfaajaftAaija.'w 4Mn'. -.. r j..
.. , , 6..'trrti- ni , ?