The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    i V
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Jna,.l "4 VH'
Members Decided to Take a Vacation
During July and August Y. M. I.
Minstrel Performance in Mears'
Hall Attended by a Large As
semblageExcursion Season Has
Begun Delegates to Republican
Stato Convention Nows Notes and
Forsonal Paragraphs.
'I'hf West Side IjoiUtl r tiudo met
Inst evening, but owing to tin- heat nml
counter attractions, the iittentlanre wiih
limited. A numliii of bills weie in doted
paid, and the reports of the oeeietuty
and tieasuror ueie rend and appioved,
and cmloiscd hv the ittitlit lurr commlt
tee. li evident panlels aniiouiieed the
appointment of the fallow tugr commlt
ties for the coming yeai :
NicU mul llnilic V, II Holme I I' Wmlr
m m. It (i Moikiii. II ! l.aii, .lu-rph Oluei,
,1 st)ri, Inlin Pi I li.
Mflnlirplili Ilium I M roll, l)i V II llivi,
U (. lrwr, I Pillow. Mimiii. U llijiln
1 i in-, P.ohut I Million-,, .le hi in I ltu
I'll'.. -I I'lllntti Mimiii, I' I Millliti. .V
M.iii, liwiph I' Phillips i: loiwi-,
.Inlin I mi. .1. "-. 'Ill-Ill I
I ii ul it Iwpi In'm I! I .hi, Inlin II Pi Hums
Willi iiii II Willi mi, lln l"i implied, I. M.
I lake II l I i un II l. Moikiii
Pin an i Ileum .lupin II. III. II e I.miH
W (. Hue. Ihnmi I I'liel, Willi mi (oiliv
l,..'-hli"ii In-' pli Oliiei, -I I P nil-'. I, If.
I' Mm. liulirrt I Mllll mis I Pdlnw- M ion,
I! II lui's .IlIhi II I an
The ho nil will ieiiies (Oiimlls to
t il.e lip the appeal m.ide hv ('out. id
Si luueilei in lefeicneo Hi the water
i. it's, and the nrittei will be Intio
eiueed hv Select I'oiine ilinun Olivei. IL
w, s lepotted that the pelHIon now lie
f,ile councils with lefeieiitf to Ha
le mug of Washhtllll stieet will he Up
pleniente.l tn include the paving ot
Mi eel Intel section1..
Mi. Mason icpoited thai the oulln
niiio lot piving South Main aentie
has pass, ii thue leadings In councils,
siirvovs aie heing made, and that
piopr'itv ownets will -.oon ham ill"
i ost of thell shale of the p.i ilifr It
lw i((tiestcd that all old ttt.iln and
water pipes needing lephiclng should
he attended to hefoie the pavement is
The hoaid decided In adiouin tor
.1 1 1 1 and Aiikiim and the next nicotine,
will not oi tif until the secure! Tuos
cl.iv in Septemhot. unless a special
ton sai.i: at
Bargain Lots
In Ladies' Tailored Gowns.
To cleau up the balance of stock in our Ladies' Suit
Department. The garments are all of this season's produc
tion, and are strictly iu accord with the high-class charac
ter for which the Globe Warehouse Suits are now justly
famous. Today you can find your size in auy of the four
lots, and probably just the style and material you had your
mind set ou. How it will be tomorrow we can't say, but
our advice is, don't take chances, for delays are dangerous.
Here Are the Facts in This
Remarkable Sale of Ladies' Suits
LOT 1 All Suits formerly sold at (Jl QO
$6, o to $9.00 each, are now &JzrO
LOT II All Suits formerly sold at d! QQ
from $9.00 to $12,00 each, are now PLJVO
LOT III All Suits formerly sold at Q QO
from $12.00 to $i5.ooeach, are now P&rO
LOT IV All Suits formerly sold at f Oft
from $iS.ooto $2 5.00 each, are now VO
$1.98 to
These figures represent the price limit on onr new Sum
mer Wah Suiis for ladies,and there a,re so mauy prices
sandwiched in between that we have no room to talk
about them today, but the general expression of all
who have seen our line for the present season, is that
Globe Warehouse Wash Suits for Ladies surpasses
anything ever seen in this city in style and value.
Globe Warehouse
meeting Is eiKPtitlal, and lit that event
It will be called by the president.
The Y. M. I. Minstrels.
Take the number of poisons who run
he conilurtnbtynccoiniiiodatcd In Meats'
hnll, multiply It by two, unci n close
estimate will be at hand of the size of
the audience which last night enjoyed
the mlnsttcls ftlvcn theie by Ht. lb en
den's cotmell, Young Men's Institute.
It nits excessively hot, the audience
fnlrly sweltered, and the ntogrammc
coveted a pel lod ol thtee houts, yet
the delighted tlitong would have wel
comed nunc. And nil this Is due to
the fnct that a dance to Bauer'H music
was plensantly looked forwaid to bv
the younger element, which was, bv
far. In I he inn Unity.
The St. Hietiden boy iiioved them
selves oilRlnal In their Invention ot the
now celehinted "plum tiee" social. In
wns too numeious to mention at
length, they established an enviable
teptttntlon as onlertiilnois. I.nst night
thev outdid themselves sevetal times
over In both ) expects. They can give a
mlnstiel show any time the sphlt
moves them and count seeuielv on n
ciowded house.
In music, mirth and Intel estlug nov
elties the perfoininiiee was all, and, In
many featuies, much mine than Is
looked for in even the best of nnialetir
mlntiel. The c hoi us singing was
leallv nitlstle. the soloists weie. with
out exception, good in olee, well
ti. lined, and appiopiiate In theh selec
tion", the Jokes weie all of a local char
acter and some of them, to ay It most
mildly, weie "not bad at all." and the
pel lormatiee us ,i whole was given with
a lefieshlng snap and dash and ab
sence of the more common frailties of
the amateur, betokening- ilovciness and
thoiotigh piepaiatloii.
The ui tain ioe on the Inevitable
senil-elii li wllh a goigeous setting of
skj-bllle hangings a hedge of full
blovvii sunfloweis, and, lor a eentei
pleee, a huge, lefulgent sunburst.
M. J. Flfglbbon, the Intel lomlor.
in legal costume of bitglit-coloicd
satins and powdeted wig s,(t on a
lalseil dl.r' In the middle of the semi
circle. At his feel, po-ed two hand
some little in chins, James :vIcHugh
anil Thomas Fadden, uttlied as pages.
The peifonneis wote duck tiouseis
and blue slip t waists. The end men
and clients inembois weje blacked:
the soloists woie "whit" face."
Tin' soloists weie 1'dwaid AValsh,
James McIIugh. .Tames JIcAndiew,
Ttei t .lohncon. Will Vaiiston and Harty
Si' Ilvniv one nicked an en
cote. .Mastei .lames McHtigh was the
nur t pleasant suipiKe of the even
ing. II" possesses a icmaiUahly tine
.sopiano oicc, of the sweetest tone
and elpi.slo l.inge and viiliinii'.
That he should not have beer bi ought
nut moie piominentlv hefoie was a
mattei of man el to all who heanl
111 in tin the lli st time
The end men weie Gene Ceisgiove,
.Tames fumniiiigs, l'lchaiel l.oncignu.
TMwaid Mcl'lnin, Dnnh I l.enahan,
V.oheil Iuffv. M J. Hiiike and l.en
Ciosslu Messjs. Cosgiove, t'tiin
inlngs, I.oneigan and Ciosslu gave
comic songs and, like the moie pte
tentious soloists, each iccelvccl an en-
cote. Mr. CutntnlnRB was honored
with a double recall.
A3 the tnlnattel season Is now stttcly
over, It will not bo amiss to lcpoil
some ot the "gaga." One that took
imtlleulnrly well wns n plnv on the
wotds "Alleks" nml "mixed" itt ap
plied to the clioius, In ptovlng to Mr.
Kltfglbhtiii Unit theie wits n striking
shiilhulty between this mid the lecent
llohcinlnn girls' minstrels Th" latter
had both male nml female vohes.
The Injustice of putting nn Intoxi
cated man oif a t)i Inker stiject cur!
the intger of I.ttthpr Keller, the ce
ment, lime and hair mini, at the ic
fital of tho Delaware, l.ickawannn.
and Western company to lot him bnve
lis old switches; the cunning or the
nepubllenn leadeis In "Yes, sir, would
you believe It sir? Vslng woim,
sir!" for bnlt to catch the German
ote. weie 11 few of the latches that
piovcd the most piovocullve of laugh
ter. The .spoclullles of the olio consisted
of ) monologue bv John MeNulty,
acioh.ittc featB by Itlke and Motllx,
and a clever song and dance sketch
by Loo Ciosslu and James C'umuilngs,
The musical end of the affair was
under the illiectlon of Pi or. John T.
AVatkln.i. He was piesented with a
large bouquet by the oflleois ot the o
elet dining the peifonnnnce.
Parlor Entertainment.
A 11.11 lor entcitalnmcnt will bo held
at the Hampton street patsonage on
Tbuisday evening, June HI. at R o'clock.
The entertainment will be free. Ice
cieam. stuiwberiles with whipped
iieani, sunshine cake, and coffee will
he seived at the close of the enteitnln
inent. Following Is the pi ogi amine:
lii-.ttnmt'tilil sole Nellie How
lirrllitlon, "Mil.liu' I p" . .. .l'OliHIc HiMulli'
Vni 1 1 vili. 1tl111r llilcnui
liicititloii "linn's liHKeili,'i" ... V.chm I'ulwr
cieil clcmt
Mi r I,. Mnnc nml Ml Ann lltnnctt.
Itriltition, "Mi I IttlP MK,c If-s none tn
slop' Irene' Pinom
exil solo, "I. lllli' siijv while IIiiiiN''-
licie tov-.
lliellilniii, "In (lie DiNv I iw". Mov Wllllnm
pii1 il,i Veti.T WlllUms
l-iii', "Hint I'm Mil riiililnii Ho for liu,"
Hv elslit clulilrcn.
lleeilatlon Mnpaut Hliausli
VoeJle-ol Ml. H T. lnne
1,'riilalinii "sin- 1'iouil It" I leanol (in
0r1l clue t . . .Mi s Wuirn nml Mis .Viuu I,nti r
Iristruiiicnt ii -ol.i. "Pjvmi of t lit. Cciilun"
M n he .'
Excursion Season Opened.
The exclusion season Is alieady
upon us, and the town is lining pla
c aided with the aniiouiKements of the
ailous societies, mine funds, etc.
Lake Lodoie and Mountain seem
to be the I'avoi ite i esoi ts helet ted this
.veil for the annual outings, and Sat
in 1l.1v nct wilt begin tlus-e populai
0110-el.i' events
On Hut date Division Xo ... Duligh
leis of i:im, and Division No 1:0. An
cient nider of Hihei nl.nis, will spend
the day at Lake l.odoic. while St.
Leo's hillallou and their ft lends will
go to Mountain The Sloau-Cen-1
1 ill Mine lund have selected Soituduv,
June 2:1 as the elate loi their outlngat
l.oehiie, .mil the Ancient Older of III it
ems hav' engagid .Mountain foi
Julj I. The ('onthiciiltil fund exeurt
011 Julv S and the Diamond lund on
August J! to I.odeue.
Factory Girls Arrested.
Kclith Davis anil Jennie llichaitl".,
two voting liuteuy gli s, weie ai
lfilgned hefoie Aldeiman Kelly on
Memdav evening, charged with disor
derly conduct, and e.ah was lined ?1
anil costs. The piosecution giew out
ol icmuiks made by the gills to Will Haeis, who conducts a meat mar
ket on Scianton sti cot.
Saveis alleged that the gills weie iu
the habit of calling him a scab, be
c.iiiso he peisjsts in keplng his shop
open after ii p m. Another one of the
gills. 11.11 1 lot Itit hauls, ten whom a
vvaiiaut was Issued, succeeded hi elud
ing .ui est. The two who weie lined
now thieaten to have riaveis anested
foi ass lulling them,
Only Two Candidates.
The only e audldales loi the delegate
ship to lepiesent the T'iist Legisla
tive disttlet at the coming Republican
state convention lo( he held in Ilanis
hui in August who leglsteied weie
ilviin J. Ocvis, of South Main ave
nue, and Thomas Gillespie, of Xoi th
Se ranton
Clialnuaii licoigi' V. Jenkins and
Secietaiv AValtei Simpson held a
1 iinlen'tie 1' at 10 o'clock vester
da 11101 iilng iu the dlstiht, and the
latlei east the hallo! lot Messi.s, Davis
and Gillespie The ballots weie com
puted bv the c hail man, and the can
didates liHiii.illj declaiid elected,
Jubilee meeting and moitgage
buinlng sei vices at the Plist WeJsh
Haptist chinch, Houlh Main avenue.
Tlie memheis of the I'olumbki Hose
compaii), and a number of Invited
fileniH, will eujo.v a clam bake at
the spcedvvn.v hotel on the Llmhtiist
boulev.ud this evening,
Regular weekly pia.ver meeting at
the Simpson Methodist Lplbcopal
c lunch. Rev, .1. Ii. Austin, leader.
Special leliglotis .seivices at the
Washhuin Slice! Pieshyteihin c lunch
Talent siclal at tho liome or MKs
Heitha Wale, Mil Swetland stieet, by
Mss Ida Hughes' Sunday school
cl.ii-s of the Jucki-oii Stieet Haptist
c hill ll.
We'ddlng of James M. Powell, of
Neil th tint Held avi'liur, and Miss
flwi'iinie M. Thomas, ot Vouli Jlain
avenue, at the South .Main iivenuu
Welsh I'lih luetic Methodist ehuieh.
Ice cie'ani social ul the Jncks-on
Mifet Raptlft ehuieh, uiuler the uus
pli es of the Ladles' Aid society,
lie ueum and strawheny hoclal an
the lawn In ft out ol St, Mnik's Lti
tneuiu 1 hutch, coiner of AVashhutii
and Fniirteciilh .stieeis,
Mis. Phillips, of I'.'O.I Jackson stieet,
.is.t evening eiitet tallied the Ladles'
Aid society and the tiuuiice Im.iul of
lite Daptlht c hutch.
Announcement lias been made of the
mniihiKO of William T, AVanla, of
Philadelphia, and Mis, II. 1!. Ikndei,
formetb of South Main avenue. Tho
ceremony was peifoimed In the
Quaker city on June 5, by liov F. W,
Fmr. of the Bethlehem Haptist chinch.
The new social committee of the
Illectilo City Wheelmen will oonut
a dance at the club luuite to-moiiow
Coimuoii (uimclluuiii Albeit Lewi.s,
of tho l'ltlh waul, will inttoduco an
Allow a tnugli to urn until it eeU lirjoml tlic
rejeh ot iiH'iliiiiie. 'llicv often 6Jy, "llti. It will
uear auj," but in mot c 0.504 It will wear
Hum aJ. Coulel tlicy bo indue ul to try tin;
iucuulul medicine called kcmp'4 IUUjiii, wlilcli
U told vn u poaltlvo iciurjnlco to cuii', tlicy
would immediately sic the) ciccllcnt clUct idler
takhu lieu lit don-. I'rlin Jc. juJ 60.. TiIjI
tlze Utn. At all dru.'gUti.
oidlnaneo In councils for the paving
of Division stieet, between Main and
Hyde Path incnues,
William Bougiuves and IMiuer Crane
will teptesonl the Jllectilc City
Wheelmen In the New York Journal's
century run next Saturday, A num
ber of tho club men will accompany
I he thiols to the metropolis.
The Columhlas have presented the
crayon portialt of John 'H. Walker,
which hung In their looms, to the ex
ehlet's Wife, and It will be sent tn
Hunirnr, whore tlicy now lcslde. The
frame containing plenties ot all the
members, was piesented to the Re
lief association. Tho remainder of the
company's piopcrty will he disposed of
at a meeting to be held next Monday
Mrs. Maiy P. Nolan, ot Pi Ice stieet,
Is ontM Inlnlng her cousin, Miss Lllllnn
Hampson, of New York,
The ball for the benefit of .John
Mackroth will be held at Meats' hall,
Tuesday evening, June IS.
A son was lecently bom to Mr. and
Mi William A. Phillips, or Lafayette
The Fiunklln Ihiglne company met
last evening and made ntrangemonts
for winding up their affairs,
The Leek Social club held 11 meeting
last evening to aunnge fot their 1111
nunl outing.
Hlectilc camp. No. .'.!, Palilotlc Ol
der or Aniet leans, nominated officer 4
at their meeting In lied Men's hall
Inst evening.
The cantata. "Little Red Riding
Hood" was lepeated Inst evening be
foio a falr-sled audience. An Ice
cieam socliit was held aftcrwuiels.
The Tabernacle United choir will
meet this evening. Rvery member
who participated In the cantata Is 1 co
quetted to he piesent.
The William Connell Anthincltc
Olee club had a good attendance at
their rehearsal last evening. Kveiy
member is anxious for the trip to Ver
mont. "William Kvans, the bailtone soloist,
of New Yoik, Is spending two weeks
visiting lelatlves heie.
.Mary, the H-.veai-ohl child or Mr.
and Mis. Baltz Oothler. of 1S07 Jack
son stieet, was seveiely scalded es
terday by the upsetting or a pot ot
Peter Oealy, or South Riomlcv ave
nue, has lotiuned to Buffalo, aftet a
S.I101 1 stay bete.
William Kvans, of New Yolk, and
Miss Mvfanwv Heynon will sing at the
luhllee meeting In the Fhsl Welsh
Haptist chin ch this evening.
The St. Paul s Pioneer cot ps w in
meet again tot tit III on Tluu.sdav even
ing. Your Full Dress Suit.
Whether for the aimoiy hall or oth
ei diess Decisions ou will find the
newest hen., elthei for lent or sale.
All the leuulsltes tics shhts, gloves,
etc. Sumter Pios. '
The Piohibltlon league will hold a
meeting in Mauler's hall on Satin day
night, when it is hoped all tncmbei.s
w ill be piesent
Mrs. John foil ell, of Dtidlev stieet,
has 1 etui ned fiom Minneapolis, where
she went as a delegate of the Ladies'
Michael f ullen, of Mo now. Is visiting
Ii lends In tow 11.
James O'Hoia left yesteiday foi Lake
Lodoie, wheie he will spend some time.
W. J. Hall is indisposed at his homo
on Dudley stieet.
Ice cieam soda. Bone's ding stoic.
Mi. and Mrs J. W. Hand, of Fifth
street, aie in New Yoik city fen a tew
Spencer Masteis ms lei t lor Clove
land, Ohio, whoie he will peimaneiitly
Tieasttiei August Wahleis will pav
school 01 diM s Wednescln.v, June 12,
at the hoioiigh building.
Messis John and James Skcoch, of
flay avenue, linve letiuncel liom a two
weeks' stav at Rtiffalo.
. D. Pony, bookkeeper at theOieen
Ridge oollleiv stole, Is t-ei lotlsly ill at
his home In Olyphaut.
Mis. Michael Meflaue, of Fig
stieet, is seiiouslj ill.
Tho memheis of James fonnell
lodije. No 170 Independent Older of
Odd Fellows, will meet at Fieuhan's
hall this evening.
Mis P. J. JMHot. of Bt.lialo, N. Y.,
Is the guest ot Mis. Mary Roland,
on I'lttston avenue
The home' of limit v lCeniudy has
been hilBlitencd b a daughtei
The Roval Aicnuum will hold its
icgular monthlv meeting this eve-ning
nt Phainiaev hall.
Theie will he a uiotheis' meeting at
the South Side Young Wtnien'.s Cluls
tinn association 100111s, 1CJI Cedar ave
nue, tomoiiow atteinonn. This will
be the last meeting of the reason.
All motheis ai'e Invited to 1 ome.
Cake and coffee will he suved,
Oiand opening today at M. Rugno's,
Iti.'U Piospect avenue.
Pea Coal SI. 50 a Ton Dellveied.
to South Side, eential city and oential
Hyde Paik. Addiess oideis to J. T.
Shaikey, 1UH Cedar avenue. 'Phono
Mr .il.el Ml I. U. I'ooie, of f'iiuii-e ave
inn', an hi Sift oil. tltv
Mif. ( h iilcs ViuUfd, ot Ddinll, .Midi. .n 1 1
Mic pjiI Uit of tlic vvrel. Willi (aeeii liliUe
'He Uoinaii'h I'oieiBii 5llloii.u lilele of lli(
liur Vleiliodl.' liicoiil cliuiili lll men it
lb, liuine ol Mir. I), )'. Ncilil, S.'O folumtili
menue, lonnnon jfie-rnouu at ii'iloil, A 'ireje
aitinehuci. 1 clcsucd
f 1', loiies and Itoi (Iillo-plo went lioiit
tt.laiiu' jcstercli) and utiirmil 1 Ith a jMi of
twcnl.c e'Kli
'I he sclinlin fiom inerel of the cite hind'i
cailin fihooU injcrcd a picnic in Sjiiduoi,'s
uik vcHWrdav Outdoor Raines 'veie ilajed, and
a liounilliil lunch e.n piovnkd hv Mi. l.Uu ml
Mil I Dale, of Dakota, (. u.iiin.' Mr
and Mr J William Ward, 01 Phinond avtin.c.
Ml. llallio ill, of roml itifct, U ill.
Ml. S II tdiklci, of I'lovleicncc iced, I; HI
The thieo-year-old daughter of Mr,
and Mis Fdwaul Phillips, of Maple
stieet, died yesteiday moiulng, utter a.
tluee days' Illness with bronchitis. The
f uncial will take pluco Thutsday aftei
niion at 2 o'clock. Intel ment will he
made In the Twentieth waul temeteiy,
The t'atliei of the deceased child Is sell
ously ill with typhoid fevei,
The funeiul of Mis. Henry Roetcher,
who died Sunday moinlug, will take
place this uttci 110011 ut 2 o'clock fiom
the family lcshJcnce on Cedar avenue.
Services will bo held at the house, unci
lutei ment will bo made In the Plttston
avenue cemetery.
He Spoke Last Night At tho North
Main Avenuo Baptist Church on
"Tho Coro of Education" and In
terested a Largo Audienco Canta
ta at tho Auditorium a Big Suc
cess ''Tho Passion Slavo" Will Bo
Produced Tonight by Crystal Club..
A vcty lnleiestlng lecture wns de
llveied last night hefoie 11 huge audi
ence at the Not Hi -Main Avenue Bap
tist chinch by Piesldent Silas S. Neff,
Ph. ft., or the Ncrt college of Oiatoiy,
Philadelphia. "The Cote or Kdticu
llnn" was his topic and In pall he
'Ihc clor.i ol (.oil l llir l 1 if- of lll ililb
elicn. 'I ho problem of unices ii the problem
of rclnritliin. Ihcrp Ii one fuiinitlin thtl. vill
renckr iinnrceu,v ill iifoimillnti, an I tint H
the forniltlon of tin' people, 'lime it tililhrlc
but one gir it probl tu under tin' inmlelci itiun
of man Iodic, 1111I tint l the riu'lit eehie.ille n ot
mm. All oltiers mo lnUiilllrint In compirlsnn,
t.od mil nun lie In palnriilp in Hie Uli,gibuii
of (lod on 1 iitli (locl'ii pait v n crc itlun, nun's
k rdcication.
A ueei.ful niirliinc k one pTfccth' idlplcd
to doing the worl. elcshcd. jou mini cole
side r c micrissful in 111 Whit Is nun's work?
I'ltlnnle-h to cirncc lilmuli md bk fellmcs Into
the highest ill roinid pemcr. A nun nnlconlrlb
ntln dlicelly or Inellrecth to thk k n fiilme.
Whit .11c I lie conditions which a mm mut meet
lo ho si etcssluW lie must hue int j.ln -Ii ii
riiiluranic ; he iinst hive the inntlclrnie of the
ie(,ilo; be able to nilni'le- with the peopli ! do
I ! spec III wijik pi 1 fee th ; i mill Unite, lo oipe
rtent it leet, ehrccth' lo llir iuipioceinenl of
the pocple le meets; realize the present .iiluil
londition cf lldn diout him: 1111I tiinlh- be
able to see how things in l,eiKi il might to be.
To nTct thee le nuit have, ceitain eiuillte,
p!i,'iral lit lit It. elui-.cler, i cm tal kimwledce,
'peilel knowledge of lik spend line of vvoii,,
1 mr 1 ion tl ponei, ob-crv itiou, inaaination Health
dill cthe iiidmince, chaiicter "ill bung con
dele nee of the piople, gdicnl knowlrdce viill
help lo nuke him c gcod mlvei with people, spe
e ij l.nowlule vvlll aid him in dome; puficc
worl, emotion il will Kite liinl perMiiul int'ei
euee, obei.alion will cnibte him to sie thitui
:n tlicy aie, and irngin .tion wilt ghe that
lng!ut of all ciidonicut, the abilllj to ice
hou tilings onht to In.
I'l-sin In the IU-.L 10111 of tlee points, ce
aie o eriisidei the 1 ut three emotion. li er
vation and iiiutcinition I motion goes (he in
timntnl element, ob-eiv itiou the. picctieal, ate
mutilation the element of invention mid on,
iiulltj. Our fellovunen need in mv kind, of 1 c Ip
ho'ii ', uliifh wc must give them If we an
to meed, but the Inlp thee need mol of ill
's our ier-onel intluciKe on tlic 11 live-. Tin
moil fictoi in tins pimer of milium c i9 ot r
A nun nni-t hr-t reilie lhin ,n line ire
before he will hi e no de-tie tor improve im ut
If be do not see tint In- en it is shibbi he will
not iletiie u new one. 'Inert- u ptilup-, nollilii
eititte pel ful et in thk woehl I he re are letter
w ts eif It echini, i-ollin t,ooik, pleaching,
bunging up ththheii, btiilding hou-as, miking
Mm iintt hoi ht piwtm of ttion th
v elope el in older to see how tins,. tliiiiL,- are
done. Hut. mist of ill nnihiu edtit tltoii mii-t
ptoiluce ongiuil p c pic bit ui-o ouh otiginal
people i in nupiflce on the pre-rnt w n, of tlomg
things lite eliic it ion It, pipeline this kind of
people must be, to a 1 1 J Ihilo digue, i n i
kind of edtte ll ion
Cantata at Auditorium.
"Oui Flag." n beautiful p.ctilotic
t.intat.1, was given last evening at the
Auditoiium under the .luspkcs ot tho
Memoiial Haptist ehuieh, a choir of
eighteen mixed oiics leiideilng .sedos,
duet, ti ins, iii,ii lettcs and c hoi uses
"Father Time" was lepiesented by
David Smith, " rude Ham" by Ilk h
.ucl Rutland: Miss l.lle Tellium was
Columbia:" Mis. Heiijamin Amos was
"I.ibei tj" and Mis. AV. F. Thomas took
the p.nt of "Mother," each poitiavlng
thcii lole Iu splendid stj le and .sing
ing it with telling ellect
Theie weie two flag gills, tlic Misses
Tydvll and Anna Ileese: companies of
plow hojs and snidier bovs and thir
teen small ghls icpiesentlng thhteen
stais. Theie was a gland iinich ana
an opening ononis lolhnved by a e hil
dien's c hot us, in which the full c holi
pai licip.ited. Then followed a thelitis
of e hllclicii, lutiodtieing "Father Time
(Mr. Smith), who sang a pleasing solo,
"Oh Chlldien Deal," billowed by the
full clioius singing "Are You Old
Father Time," lo which "Fathoi
Time" Time sang a iesponlve solo,
"Chlldien, 1 l.i.' Long lleeu Watt Ii
lng." and then another chorus bv the
thildieu telling the stoiv of tho Hag.
The Misses Tvdvil and Anna Iteese
uct lendeied in most pleasing muiinei
the duet, "Making the Flag," aftei
which came. i clioius by the little gills
li'iuc-cntlng the stais. A clioius of
ladles, chin its ot boj s and a lull chains
gave other numbeis, among which
weie "Hull to Columbia," ".Saluting
the Flag," "Victory," and "Anvil
Song," Intel spei soil by solos bv Mr,
Huiland, Mss LUIcolt and Mis, Amos,
The mtei tnlnment was laigelv at
tended ami all pioi-eut weie delighted
wllh ll.
The llunneis and Dilveis' local ol
the United .Mine Wen kei s of Xlilelha
will i tin their lust annual exclusion
to Lake Lodoie on Thuihilay, .Tune 1!
Tho exclusion is expected to bo one or
tho leading ones of the .season, as it
has been extensively udvei Used, and
.scvoial hunched tickets have been sold.
The Crstul Llteiaiy and Hiamatic
club tvlll piodticc Ilaitlcy Campbell's
inelodiama entitled " Passion's Slave"
at the Auditoiluui to-night.
The diawiug for the gold watch lot
the benefit of John Tianter at St.
Maiy's halt wiih postponed n. lb"
Uth of .luuc to ,lul.v 1-.
Thoinas Neary and ,ohn Uoivle.v, of
Mcfluhe A: fiihir, spent Sunchi.v at the
homo of the Misses Oulltigher, of riilu
chllla, John Neaiy, of West Miukel stieet.
lt'tuiued homo fiom the Ituffalo slock
.vards with a eaiload ol hoisos.
The Hui hem' union mot lust evening
In Leoiuiid hull.
L. (', Clink, of IMella, i.s vkitlug his
biothei, Flank Chuk, m Chuiih
Oiigiu of the Pluase "Blood Is
Thicker Thau Water,"
John n. Tattnall, of Savannah Ha.
Is tho only son of Comuiodoie Tatt
nall, who a Hub olllccr of our nuiad
iqii In the China seas iu H7. was an
eye-witness ot and a pai llclpaiit In
the ianious u lion Iu fiom ot the T.ikil
foils which nun keel tho beginning of
the Intel national pinces-.s now leach
lug a climax In China, st.vled In L'uio-pea-n
diplomat the paitltlon, but liom
tho Aiuciicun point of viuw tile devcl
opnicnl, of China Tho leniuiks said
to liave been made by lieneial Chaffee,
of tho Unlt-d Slates imny, on a ic
tcnt social occasion In Pekln, and Hie attitude on ibis
Hastern iiucstlou. iccill stilklngly at
this time the Incident between Com-
Scranton, Pa.
The Big Store Is
42 Months' Old....
A Great Two-Days' Sale will make
the event an important one. The list of
specials gathered for selling on Wednes
day and Thursday represent the newest
and best goods at rock-bottom prices.
Wash Fabrics
India Mull Lawn, ordi- i
narily jc. Sale Price... 2,C
Nice quality Dimity, 30 inch
es wide, ordinarily 10c.
Sale Price C
Fancy Pongees, in all colors,
ordinarily 13c. Sale --.
Price 1UC
Good quality of Batistes, known
as the Supcrbjs, ordi- i
narily 15c. Sale Price 2,C
Very latest pat'erns in Swiss
Brochu, ordinarily 20c.
Sale Price 1 (JC
Linen Ground Lawns and Ba
tistes, ordinarily 20c. i
Sale Price 120
Imitation Wool Challies, 32
inches, was ordinarily i
18c. Sale Price 2zC
Cetton Foulards in
fancy colors, ordinarily
25c. Sale Price 1 9C
Dimities, very tine
quality, ordinarilp 25c
Sale Price 1 5C
A new Dress Fabric. It is
called the Kashun. It is a fast
black, light weight.
Just the thing for sum-
merwear 35C
Jonas Long's Sods
The Cambria Cemetery-
The Cambria Cemetery Company beg to announce
The Opening of
Their New Cemetery
On Washburn Street
The Cemetery Grounds are high and dry, immediately
adjoining the old Washburn Street Cemetery, and com
manding a magnificent view of the Keyser Valley.
Inspection of these grounds may be had at any time by
applying at the olfice, located in the cemetery.
Until June 15th, burial lots will be sold at a greatly
reduced rate. For full information apply to the sexton on
the grounds,
No. 2024 Wnshburn Street, City.
niodoie Tattnall, or the Amcikan
Hlimtlioii, and Admiral Seymour, ot
the- Itiltlsh siiu.kIioii, which Is said to
hae het'ti the- tli'st nnplleatiou lo
Amcilio-liiltMi aflahs ol the b.i ilig:
"lilood H .iih hot' than wiitot." When
the tomhlned nngllsh and I'lenih
Heels, .uilv In .lul. is"'.', attacked
the Chinese foils' at the mouth of the
T.ikil, 111 oidei to loice a passage up
the iUct to Tlen-T.sln, whence ihe
(111110111.11". thin on ho.nd, ot those two
nations weie to make the land Jouiuey
10 I'ekln lo uilifj a n-aty.a hlooih
litiMil li.lltle ensued,, and the ItillMl
lunges laden with leluioicenienis
needed a low up the ilvei, 1 1 was
then that Coniinodoie Tattnall, gallant
Aiiiciliiiii seiiniuu and splendid naval
ollleci, onleied the assistance or Ills
own steam ossci to mlp the Tliit
Hieis against the cuienl. rvelaimiug,
as he Wi. lonionstialeil with oil hc-lng
11 iioncomhalani 'Nesct mind'
Hlood N thicket ilmn wutei."llur.
pel's Wee'Ivl.
What Some of the Redskins Did in
tho Civil War.
I lull! lie MllttUllUo S(litll,
"I lead with 11 gnat dial of Inter
est" said a Wisconsin eieian, 'an
aithle In the N'lltlnel legaiellug Indi
ans who ate on the pension loll. The
n.iini' pi luted 1110 ly all lainlll.11
to nu, loi 1 seiNed .1 nil and a half
wllh those 1 .1 Mildlei-s in the Tlllit
.soenlh Whiom-lu Tlu-y all caino
liom the leseiMitlon In ssluiwano
county and weio enlisted in the spi lug
01 l&'il h .lames Ulti Iu ock who
wa.s lali-i loiunilssioiied iaitalu of tho
ioinpan, the (list captain ot Tom
pall K. A A, ntlllietl. having he ell
killed at (ho clmigo hefoie I'elershuig.
"llltc Iu ink's Indians weie good sol
diets, ospeilall on the I'l' ket line
They did not lake ei klrnll to tho
di ill and sulci discipline or the uini.x,
hut they weie good shots and haul
llghtcis. Theie was not ,1 lowind
among them, mid some weie legulu
daiedeIls 1 lemeniher seeing one
ouiig Indian get a, hnll tlnough ids
i-ap, just gi.ilug his scalp. Ho felt of
his head, looked t i" cap, lalbcd a
June i a: !9oi.
Fine Light Shirting Calicoes,
ordinarily 5 cents, Sale i
Price 3C
Fine Bleached Muslin, 1 yard
wide, ordinarily 7 cents.
Sale Price 5C
Canton Flanneh, the summer
kind, ordinarily b cents. . 1
Sale Price 4-4C
Dress Ginghams, in stripes,
plaids and checks, ordi- t
narily loc. Sale Price.. aC
Percales One yard wide, in
medium and light
grounds. Ordinarily 3
12 1-2C- Sale Price.... 4C
Fine Sheeting, known
as the Armory. Sale
Crepon Ginghams, or
dinarily 15c. Sale Price
Calicoes Indigo blue,
cadet blue and black.
Ordinarily G cents.
Sale Price
Ginghams The Amos
keag and Lancaster, Sale
Price OC
mm, powder co.
Booms 1 and 2, Com'lth B'i'd'f.
nining and Blasting
Md at Mooslo and Itmlxlal VfotKt.
Sleetrlo batteries, ElootrtaKxplocttri,
iploatnx blati, Safety I'mtant
Resauno Chemical Co.'s nx'
war whoop and kept 011 shooting. It
was In Tint Alaliejiu-, ,u Poieishuig,
which we had chaiged tiud captuied,
A shai pshootc ! had got lauge of tlm
wiuug Indian ami tin lattei was not
wlsf ruoiiKli to know It A second hul
hu hand uiis.seil killing him and ho
then took hetlei' coei.
"The Indians weio all light us long
as whlsltc was kept 1 10111 them hut
miiiio ot thein weio ei ugly when
diuiik. and while wc weie walling at
Washington to he musteied nut ouo
hlg tellow tliee) to kilt Captain Hitch
cock Tin have ,1 ill anil At 111 post
oil the leseiMitlou and aie as pioud
of theh iccoiil as an of us TI1010
weie a lew other Indians sca(teiei
lliioiigh othei Wlseousiii icgimcnts,
hut the TI1I1 1 -seventh had tho only
1 onsldeiahle hody of them, toity-IHo
,U the oulset Iu ones company, and one,
,111 Oneida In anolhei company
Twelve ot thhteen of them weie killed
or died ot wounds, nearly one-third ot
their nimiher, live of them dying lu
tebcj UljU l-ka "