The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    t -f t tf iva tsi;? f i f j
r -.jf
' " SC ' l fSXstfZ?n-T& t r . VA--'. f "v'irtv 7" viT,; " -
s4 V"
PuWI'hnl Mlj. l:wpl Minil!. t-y lli'Trlh
line HuMlf'tlng oiupan.i, nt l'ltly t nt a Monlli.
I IVY !?. ltl( HAIIt), lilllor.
0. F. IIYVriM', IMsIwm Muner.
Vork Offlce. ISO Smiu St. yBfcruMfi
hole Ascnl (oi 1'oiclHit
Littered at tlir IVntnflui' at 'vriititon, I'a . as
V'lutid Ujw Mall Mitlrr.
Uhcn ipuc will pf-nnll, The -l" l t?
KiJ'i in print Klnrr icinr iiom in ",,, ii,,.
rlJ'l In print kIiiN lollir fiom 111 frlfiuls '"r
ric on i irir-nt topic. Iml IH rule 1. Hut lli'e
nii't hi. li,Mdl, lor pitili.itio'i, l. l'"' w '
ral nam; mil th iitnlltloti prncleiit l' nr
- III' . .III. III iiivii !--- llmt
"plaiur tit that nil luiitrlbutitmi idnll lie niliiett
I" erlllnrnl mlMon.
'iiik m, t rsvii' ron ADVi.uribisn.
"Hie frllnwlnc taMo hon Ihe prlrc wr Iwli
r(h insertion, upace to Ii" neil within one ears
I m i irl if lliin im
,i.1nllnii ot i nllilnle'l' i"
mui miillir iintrlliiilinin In th" inlure of v
'ilMiiir I Im IVilmiio milic. a dials'" ' B lc"'3
it 1 1 lie
l!itr for t'loilileil V lintM-itr finiii-hcil on
nr plii atff n
sr-rjwTD.v. i'A. .it'.vi: is. ioi.
Tic Tlmns lnl pap-iIhr lilir(t .ill In
Iri rt iriK "!nlleu.ii mini; odlUmi ' n( L'l
I ircs i oiiiiiitirniiitKp ni its ouMiiMiicy
in ii Ii ni(v(iini. ni'u hiniio dl Its nvn.
In .itlilltlrm In the intiril citntt.t or nov,
oiiitiioiit mill liilM.'ll.iin a 1111 m I o- of
ip" i (inti Iluilldii; wcic iiiint'-il,
lint itile riiiio. it; tllrm ii hlstois of the
"I Iiium and of h-'u itiion Join niillsni hv
'' li.imll uIkim' .iiqiKiiiit.iiuc
v Ith III-, tli'-utf. iup tfiit-rli;ht
!n,i' "I .K'llxo uoik in MiM.pipt. pin-
llllllloll 'II" TIl.llS ll.lS III UP .M.lll
I ( "M uoiirlri Mi II sin , 'sv1,i lUU wo PN.
I' nil lo lt i-ntj pi I-iiiK iuiipiiftoi, Mr.
I- .1. 1,MI('I! olll (llllipllllK'lltS .111(1
In 'i W i-llo.
Third Term Talk.
rmiti) Ti;n.-i i.n ,1 pici-
ilcnt ot the TiiiU'd St.iU's it
pi.n Uc.ill.v Impossible ,inil
will inn. tin so until public
opinion slull umloipo .1 Kic.iM'i I'lunmt' Is now In pin-pint. lli'iMp Ibo
l.ilU o' .i tliinl ioi in foi Willi. mi Jlc
Klnli' bcfii -imply speculative
SobMp ti'fiul foi mild iiHMital cpipIc
in a (iL.uth of nimo stii-nuoiis
Xn one lio a Mi. ?ItKiulp be
lieecl that .uu i onsiilciatlnu uliat
cei slim t ot an iiiesistible public
tall could tempt him to liaaid his
piceciii uliuubl unpieteiieiited hold
on jiublii estepin b. onteiiiiK into an
acrimonious miurkIc for a thud con-s-e
utt u iiciinination 'I'lieip is no such
call, and tbeie li. not likely lo be.
His. pPsonal statement ienioIiis bis
name fiom public onsideiation is
Mmpl a coninion sense Inteipietation
of the t,
Yet, hjiPdMiiK a puirly iei-onal
opinion, ue hap never been lonveited
to the belief that tlilul teims would
nocesi.nlly be mine daiiKeioiis than
second teini!-. A sIiikIo lei in mle,
villi the teim suilklenU Iouk to mip
the eountiy lioin the wear and tear
of fiequent picsidential elei tions
vould be a lonslstonl pinpositlnn and
a lea'onable one. The public skitlish
nrss vhen a till 1 1 1 teini is mentioned,
viewed in connection with its i onipla
ipncy ovn a second teim, is not, liou
pvpi, lonslstent nor s It ipiisonable.
In the pip.sent lonluuctiou of cii
i must, im (, the opportumiv to ictiiln
until lrm, an adminlstiation winch
has shown .sin li wondpiful nbilitv ,ii
lia.s In pii shown b the lucuiubPin ad
niinistiation. whatever raiidlul nblce
tions mlslit be loniuied iii by iilaim!, would, as a pi.utlcal piopositlon,
"flop in.ui.v .subsiautial advantages.
The adniiiilstiation niachinei - Is in
tlioioiiKh wmUiiiB 1 1 mi Jt knows its
duties and die Insti tinn nts o their
pel lot ma m P. Its letentlon would
lllsute n intltlnilln of pohey 111
ili'ldh of adnilnlsliatioii whine 1111
I'ltnintv oi i h.uiBi' would suio
!' '' (ostlv and iiiIkIiI 1h
dlsastuius In hoim allaiis tills is im
poitant hut not supieiinly Impintant.
In insulai nlfalis it k ver.v impott
nnt. The neiehsity ol haviim', with
(mil (haime In the white house, to ie
loiutimi the peisouuol and nicihiids
ot administeiincr the Roveinuifnt of the
dependeni islands put by the Sp.inNh
Ameikaii war uiider Aineiican titislee
"hlp must be obv luted in hoine nianner,
otlipwis(. loiifiisliin, if not fallme, will
follow uneiiliiKl.
'I lie Pfill-AmoiliVii .sieill.s to lie
i.'UiiiK in the usinl nnmbei oi box
oilifp Mukelh wltliout milking much
fufs uliout It
lililiu Root.
Iri'DVKItY bat- been niailc
hv Hie I'lilladciplilu Iruiulier
Yhat Hon. Cllhu lioot. th"
'piOM'nt K'ctettny of war, Is
' nllci!witi an (ivoiwppnliiR: sPnMi of
his (U n lilU'oi taiue, anil he thiuK.s
that vHieu he opens, his nioutli no cIok
n t.M 'Jje o unmannerly ns to batk"
ruithg.inioter ".Mi. Knot, may Im a
shuipfptai minuet, lint he inn't IU to
be a 'member of the labinet. He
hahit't j,Knt Rood sepsp
Thls'.dlfinveiy lh entltltd to eltihsl
flcatlon Uiiiler the hearting of 'Im
portant if tine." Our Phll.nlPllilil.v
oontompovaiy may have pMiiihlvo
sourcea of Infoimatlon; but tho bpii
otal opinion dllfeiii widely fiom that
Just rint9I. It iPiiiembeis that when
Mr, IltfotUook hold of tlm war ollleo
the w.-S lUiMituicnt was In a mate of
confusjbii nml uniestt and
It reinemlwib that in a snitptlsluKly
.short XUn lie vhlppeil It Into line,
lirous-ia the rtlseoulnnt buieaii chiefs
Into buijcotlon anil effected a ieton
Pt i net Ion of the at my staff system
hleh.yuts Ills namo hlsh on the 10II
of his' t'ouiitiy's lipiipfuctots.. That
he may " linve icslsted somewhat
fcharply nrlous effniu to Injert poli
ties Into army .ippolntinentb and pro
motion, and that he may have at
tended more tsttlctly and tlmily to his
duties as ho viewed them than was
altogether ple.iEing to jieinons hlsh in
Influence who had stQwn uc urtonied
to a nianipulallve piemeatlve hi aimy
aff.ilis.can Lu imagined. Hut these,
ciicumttanccs do nut iietcbaiily be-
"I Run r.t nllnsnn
DIM'I VV I I'aprr lliM-lln
!' lli in "inn (iiilir1 y, ' I -2"
"ii in. Iip :. I '
'-"f . .. I 1. IT3
"'n " . IV,
fwi . I n I .III"
Indleale niilto the eontiiuy.
ir .Mr. Hoot Inti a Iteeti boIihp of 111
ow,i linportttticr lie l elemlv enlltled
to It, Thai liiipdilnnte cine to him
wllhnlit Hollcltilllon mill lie tin opted
II ill a very Kieal pectinlaiy miciI
llre. Th" man who i-nii uinii ten times
as iiurIi III the n u tiro or Ills pin
fpflon ns All. lioot lecelvps while
wot l Ink foi ttncle Main who can unit
II li'ullliuiilely and hv itepoinleialit
lpeilt In ii i oniniinilty whole Hie eom
lletllloii of piofe.sslonal sldll Is nitieli
lien oi t linn It li at WuhIiIiirIoii-i
limy be litinilile In ilenipiinor or may
be pi olid, but 111 "Itliei event liH im
pnitance liitist be i oliueiloil We
should say that Hie rov eminent
Is lucky to linve the bcneilt of his
.ot vices-.
China's Famine und Indemnity.
MIXIHTIIR WU'H eablesiam
to I.I Huntr Cham; that
the rinistlan Heiald of
Xevv Yoik had Jusl placed
b.v calile a piellmliiaiy conn Ibutinn of
SJO.OiJO fiom Amei leans tor the lellel of
the fainlne-sti Icken piovlnce of Shiin
Sl. HI the disposal or the lelief com
tnlltee foiined by Aineiican nilssloli
ai les In China, lias IiioukIU this le
sponse, I'ckln, .Iiine &.
Wu TIiik-Iiiiik, M'ashltiKton.
olll i able of .lime " leielvpil. The
famine In Shan-SI Is cnusliit; Bieat hiii
feilns: and dlstiess to people tbeie.
The lipnevolenl people ot Anieiica,
thiouu;li the Clnistlan Heiald, ate
veiv kind In lalsiiiR a lellel luud and
leinittliif.' as a Hist instalment the sum
ot tweutv tliousand Amcilcau dollais
to niloid Inimcdl.ite lellel. "We nie e
tienielv siatetul to the Amei leans,
wliose libel allt and benellceiKO make
no distinction of lace or touiitiy. t
liavc dulv Inloimed by toleBiaph the
impel iai kov ei nmelit Slid the rovci nor
of Shan-Si I.i JIuiik Chans.
Although the famine In this gieat
noitbein CIiiiipsp piovlneo is even moie
leiilble than was the last Limine in
India tbeie has been far less icpoited
in losaid to it. Until the inlssionailes
leained the situation and applied to the
inisslouai v soi letlcs in tills eountiy lor
aid. the diplomatic situation In China
iiow tied out ot the dispatches any but
tlie moi eft mention of conditions of
staiMiliou in a piovliuo with many
millions of population, conditions tliat
have biQtifiht on oven cannibalism nc
(oiilinpr to a ipcpntly published letlei.
Ceitainlv it seems like a niockciv ol
hiiinanitv, to say nolliniff ot Clnisti
anitv, lor Koveinmenls piofcssedly
clnistlan to be wi.iiiKlliifV lor montlis
ovrr how to squeeze an ennimous iu
ileniuitv 1 1 om China under siuli iu
iiimstaiKts as these The I'lilted
htales is so tnr the onlv coiintiv III
which an endiavor is beliijr i.iriled
on to s,,p the lives ol millions of
st.iivinc Chinese The I'niled Slates
Kvci nmeiil, vv called witli the wiano
litiK. has once moie, thioiiRh Mi. Itoi k
liill, the picscnt aellns lepieseutative
In T'ekin ol Ibis lountiy, appealed lo
the Hiuopean poweis lo submit Hie in
demnity piopositlon'- to the aibltiation
of The Il.isue That tiibiinal
was established, all those Hiuopean
powei.i loiniiiR in that est.ihlisliment,
for the espicss put pose uf aibitiatin
in lei national disputrs vvheie diplomatic
ncBoti itious lni( Lillcd as they have
done In this inilenmitv business, China
also was a p.utv assenting to The
ILiKH" Theio Is thciefoic no
shadow oi le.isonable excuse tor the
Hinopoan powtis to leluse acceptance
of the Fulled Stales' pioposal tor such
leleicni c,
Tbeie is a mow Ins belief that it
nui'U have been some ol the mstei
iiiti' Mr. Ciiernscv's ame.stuis wlio
stiuck Hilly I'ateison,
Carnegie's ''Comfort" to Britain.
L.ken aihaiitnse of hi-.
Hiitisli blitli to ofior some
exteedinsly plain advhe,
tlnotmli the XlneteeiHh Ceiituiy
ni,iKa.ine, to the nulusliial niiiKiintes,
the newspapers and kciipiuI puhlie of
his native land. He (iiotes ltoiu the
London Tinier and other .souues of
Hiltlsh public opinion one pessimistic
Ulteiaiue upon another o the late so
optlmlstli Hi lion, Then, alter eiti
f.vinc; as true all the pessimist si.v.s
Mf the ludustiial and lliuiui ial situa
tion and the pieiedenie ot the Hniteil
Stairs, lie pioieeds to icniaik:
"Yet cninfoit Is near, vvhii It. with
.voiir leadei.s' pciinlsslou, wo shall
ventuie to nflei; but beloie the pioper
.stale of leceptivlty tan bo leached
by our pe.sslmlsti ft lend one .step (,s
Indispensable, He uiiisl adjusi him
self to piesent conditloiih, and lealiv.e
that theio Is no use In these dn.vs
dwellinR" upon the past, and espp lally
must he icat-e iupih-iiiIiik his om. eoiiu
try with the fmiy-iho couniiie.s of
the Amei Ic. in I'iiIoii, J: pluiibus uiiiim,
It is out of the question to umipaic
tl,OAO,UOO ot people upon two Islands,
I'.'i.ono hfiuaio mile.s in aiea, with over
f.Oft people a snuaio mllo (1,'URlaud unit
Wales), th T7,ooo,iioo upon
b(imio miles, unequalled In natuial tc
souiees, with only thlity pooplo n
s(piaio mile "
"Whether this statlstlial .settlns
fm Hi of compaiatlvo wealthy size and
numheis v lomfoit his Hiltlsh loader
Mr, Caineglo Is ovldenlly himself
doubttul, for ho pioeeeds to stilko a.
UiiocU-dovvn blow tit the most ihor
Islioil of lliltalu's ideals and policies
Head his statement. Ho says
"It is pitiable to see so many lives
list and to much money .sqiiaiideied In
puisult of shadowy dominion ovei
bat i en tetiltoiy In far nlf, spatsely
populated lauds, ostensibly to seeuio
new niail'ets for Hiltlsh pioductb. The
maikcls of uueivlli.ed lauds aminints
to K'i little, and Hiitaln has no ad
vantages Horn her nominal sway un
der the polity of fiee tiade, for fiee
tiade docs not follow tho lias It tol
lows tho lowest pike, eutient. Loyal
Canada, buys tinea times us mueh
f i om the United Stutes as ttoui
Hiitaln. Hven her I'nlon Jack bhe
buys In Now Yotk, If '.'s 6il a year
vvcio aUU'.'a to tho purchasing power
tok( II ti litl'U nf "rjonil HOIIfC."
Only L' of the Ri iipplleanls for ad
mission to West I'olnl pai-sed the ex
aminations held this week. Hvidpnlly
umielhlnp mote than the nppiovfil of
conKiessnirti and senalois Is lipoded
to enter (lie I'nlted States Mllltaiy
of the lttlll!i people for homo pio
itlit'lH, the iiiiukc't would he enliiiKed
lo the extent ot nil Its expoits to
China! les than (Id pel would
rtlta! the pioltl, rine pound per head
would rUo Itilliiln mote now tiade
thilli her total expuils to llidlu and
south uiul I'ast Afilca (oinlilued, or to
Canada and AihIuiIIii, China and
lap. in couililned! to ilcunaiiy, Italy
and France combined, or lo thf
I'lilted States, Ihas'll, AiRoutltia and
Canada (omltlned, and equal to one
half of the total export tunic lo all
Hiltlsh possession, which Is JJSO.OOO.HOO
a vent, If the UliS noo.000 of lueiea-cd
KinoiniUPlit expciidltltie a out' In
clined (lining the lust live yoats vvcio
Mopped and spent by the people at
home upon Hiltlsh pioduets, this
would itlve a new inailtet c(Ualllnt?
' that of Canada, South and Hast and
West Afilca KoiolKn Africa, south
and east, ami the West Indies, Colnn
and IIoiis-Koiik. ConiiueiliiK new
ten Hot y for maikets abioad is diop
PiiiK Hie siibslaiKo lor the shadow
diiishiK' lalnbows. Tho case ana Inst
this pollcv is closed. Tiade him not
increased, The title statesman will
soon tin n his attention to the bettor
IlifT of conditions at home, for It is
Iipip that the Kieatest Ineieasc of
Hiitisli tiade can most easily bo ef
fected. A piolltablc home inaiket Is
the stiotiiti'st weapon that can be
used to conquer maikets abroad."
This Is not all. lie pioeeeds to io
inaik that the industrial situation,
"soluble a.s It Is and danROiotis as
It may be oine," is not the ihloC
.soiitre of d.tiiKer, but that "it is the
llnanclal mid political situation which
Is iil.iimlne-. foi it needs no piopliet
lo loietell that a continuance of tho
aRKiesslw (cinper vvlildi alienates
othei kovci niuents and peoples, and
vhith has mistaken acqui
sition loi Ronuliio einplie ninklns'.
snnisi soon stiain the nation's power
and lay upon Its pioducllvc capacity
such bin dens as will lender It In
i.ipablc of lctalnliiK' the piesent vol
ume of tiade, which Is essential to
the piesoivation of Hi Main's position
ns foicmost in tlio wot Id, llnancially,
r I'liiineielally and induslilallv. (Amer
ican I'llloli, hols (Oll(U'S)."
Will iinv Kltt ol uiilllons to ScoLlisb
nniveisilies, or an.v wisdom in the .id
vice kIvcii, make Mr. Catnec;ie's plain
.speaking tnleuible to his ic.'idcis in
Oieat r.iitalnV Heie is his conclu
sion: "II ovpi a nation had lear and un
mistakable -warnings, as the w liter
thinks, that Hie time has anlved
when it should hencefoitli nieasuie
its lesponslbilitips and ambitions
IhiotiKliont tho woild with its ic-J
souices, and cut its gaimont aiiord
ing to its cloth, It is the deal old
motlieiland ot the i.ko, with its tiade
nalionai.v, .n ,n my of Ihiity tlious
and men or moie lo be piovided foi
in South All U.i, even alter pence
ui'Iips; its evpenditui es and taxation
im leasing, and Its piomlses to pav
alieady at such a dir-couut as tr
altiact i.ipltal fiom acioss tho At
1 tit it. Hoiks ahead, sine enough:
but this d 'es not mean that Ihe olll
reis ot the Ship of Stato aie to diive
it full steam upon tlipin. On the con
ti.uv, it should mean that (bo incks,
being now in sight, will bo avoided."
It is to be foiled that even that
"dear old inotheilaud" will fail to tile pill that Mr Cainegie
otlu", oi induie "the Hiitisli pessi
mist" to an opt .Mi. Cainegle's offeied
comloi I.
(lorn Paul now serins lo be about the
enlv one who is deslious that the war
in South ATi lea should ontiniie. As
Kiugei and bis money bags aie far
out of range ot bullets, It niav be some
time vet beloie bis opinion can be
alL ml.
Niur iv-two lallio.ids have alie.ulv
ineivMi ibaiteis at Hauisbuig. 14
brplns to look as though the oC
having a tiolley tar stop at every
man's lionl gate is to be leallzed.
Cncle Sam's iiedlt will not be Im
pnlicd b.v a to enter into pait
reiship witli foteign nations in assum
ing lospom-lbllity for the settlement of
Chinese obligations.
Why Ball Tickets
Cost Ten Dollars
I ikliu nf Tin' 1 1 ilium.
Sir:- 'llirio fhiiis 10 In- some mi ionipti"n ot
tlio liitutkm m ilio comma loo iniuiiiu tl.e
o( cviKl-O' of llni !'( 'llililiimli li'.i
mnil .liiiimt in tivim; the pun- if tiids it sto
foi .1 m nth ni in mil tub, wliUli some vvlin
mouIiI liki to .itliinl llilnl. it unit Hi m lln
i in i.lRril to pi).
'Hi" ii i-niis tn linliii.' tlii-. the pilu no
Hill Ilio liii-ltn-. if tlio Sujiiioii III liiuiii
hoc ml 1'ieii .ililo li olililii vvllliiii sji.mjil if
a-, muili ' i- li piiitil lo tnii-l Hie iiiiioij
.mil pmvldc Hip mull amount m .ib-olilUly
nui-in luiiiitini , null a-. ikl Jii'l ikon,
cti. I In) line villi llul onl.i Ironi llimu wlio
i null) KOf lime Mini-, .mil Iiivp imt luritofoie
ai,nl lo I In' iu!illc mii'iilh fm uli-iiiptloiiS.
It win llion.'hl lint ski UiKiH o smli an In
tui-lniB cvoit .-n lli" opining lull i to nc
lli;llt lip Mil'l to ,la mm) J,iHl Ill-fplc Him
uouM fid lilo iimlill. ilins tlul aiiiuiiiit lowuil
tlio i(iioilition of a .si UK I nil' whl(l) L m
niilllililo unil hi iiacs-ii lo tlio nuinlciuiHi.
of tlio iiniiiiit, in wlik h all tale o mil h
li 1-1 li. pcil iml rvpnlnl l tin tnilus nul
lunir.ltlro Hut rvcijune who froL .m fnteit st
in om nillilii) orcmiitioii and appiuli'ps
Hip .itillKis our mui lino ninlo lo siiiilii
it in lio nl, mnli i vri) ilUiouuuiiU illiinil
.I jims, sill o ill 1 Ik nisi h oi ol tlm oiOt
limit) to giio the shtil niilnuo of it u cut
whlili lh1-' uiubiso of a liihit woiihl aiiioinu
to, ulirllur the) wi-li In illdul the lull oi
n I, 'Ihe prople if n niton lute not hen
l.llllll Llpull J fllllllllll.l if Ijll' js folllllll) in
.ml In tho -iiipoit mui cmoiliaciliu lit nl mil
UUl, dllll Ull XVCll .lllOIll lo ll'lllil.llO HIId
lioUhlo event Laiidoiisly ami ihri'ifiill)
Hue r.ujlit to he .it lu.-l ', MJ fik inU able
lo lonliihiite io lo on imjiiiiuint armor; If
cioijoiif- will ilo it tho itffiiiunt will he roUli
IbHul vvllli'iut liuidciu-oino iKIit.
II M llolij,
l'irlilrnt 'Inioiro sirjnlcii ( itj (aunl.
birantou, Junr 11
Mj tl'ltcll writes fiom I omlcH Hut, "llif 's-il
o( Sllciuc," h) V II, I unJcr, l. Ihe new l.n.
Ihli eucUN. Ilu J)9 Hat the authvi 1ij 4 ecu-
ulna ulll fur tonuil) mid drlilr.vcil " an .ilouii't'
ItK miircW In tiiontlllnit tlio rculor lo tin?
tiimoloie. "Ilio sM rf sCIUr" l Hie flrit
ami last imtil ol Hie millior. Hill rcniarkible
li'iiiniic will ho liilroilniril lo Hie Anicrli in
pnhllc 1 1) II, Applcton .v. CompJli).
Mm I. Ill . I'c-illlo. wliov rciiimip, ' Ihe
MrlCHuiicicd I ui Hi.' to lii nilililicil flioillv
hv ll pplrtoit 4. Coinpni), Iim Iml rTifpllonil
eppoi tiiiiit l-s for im qnli lut; 1 hioiit IoiowIcIkp of
Vliiiilinii Ilio, s, UJ, i,ntM VHtlilitaii while
lirr lillin Win nt Hip hunt a .1 olillir In the
1 It It war I'm micmI rnm iilio m a mirrcM
till iniilillnilni lo (hldko jiul (lin-iln liewo
ppd, ami trivrlnl mcr Ilio Rrralrr pit I of the
I nllril strtipjt Dor Mnilr mil nkctrhe wele
ncicplnl In nrirl) all Ilio Iriillntf liiianrlnfs, ami
flu1 riIiipiI an pm rpl I.111.1I ropiititiott hv her
sloilrs of Unlrin lifo nnil Wr-lrrn ljpc. Ilor
Iftintll Hnblml lomiiiui'. "Ilio ItolcJuiieroil
l'oli Mi" lus htcn (lev illicd 11 1 iiuiistptit utinly
of 11 woiiun' Im oii'Ulcni 1, kkoIi I101I aiiiliut
Hip IhiKkioiiiiiI fmnblinl 1) I tic crnt pine foi
et9 of nortlitni Mlililnun.
'Ihe llrllncilor foi .luh, In iililitiou In ll
niailir lllrntuip of lnhion, 1 nolalilo foi vmiii
mlkbiK efleiln In llmi lotor prliilini! nH In
(0111111 Hon with an liitoimltm ntlile on the
I'm-11111I1111 rvpolllon, 'Hie nrljilnil wilrr
mini rtilifi of (', Pmnrr. illucloi of (olor
to the lliilfilo how, wne loinii-il lo Ilio IVllmv
tlm for piitpop of riproilmllon jml Hie
giti v incs which lino iiaiilleil lire niittrl rf II
1nitMtlu pobiliinimtli. pilnllne. J lie .lul) cli
Hon ot the llelliunlor li I.J".,rfl
Ailimv' "C'oiiinipielal (tcosiaphi," "lie of the
nio.t impoilanl lioel, of the sra.-on, will he iv
Kin rl rnlj In Jul, Ihe Intcic-t In mill'
niprilal rilm tlinn niul ill H1.1t conieim Ihe
lnrluirhl Rrowlh nf Ihp tnllpil Mile", inakoj
this book a inol (inipli one.
" Siilni'i l.os," the nnloliioRiflpIo ol llMr
Vilniiril Itnhlev II. I 1 ins Im prnieil no popular
thai II Applelon ,. toinpnn, the pnhlishria,
.imimime Ihe sivlh rilit loll tlii" wllhin four
weeks of the minimi iMihlkaliun,
IVio llliliiti'i lnniikulile "Life nl (InLt."
wilh m lnl,ioihutioii In ( anlhiil (.Ihlmiis i to
he snpt In u new- mil mmr roinpuc edition
fm nI- ilption ilc li ihe pnlill'hers I' Vpple
tin ,v; Compiii).
Slinlriil s of Iivpiiiili-iu will he inlere-leil in a
little hook in t IimipiI In l.iinl .V lee lis nlle
h "I'i ulli il IbpnullMii." iml the aim of lis
aulhoi, the O imp ilo sunt (iinnain, is to nuke
tins uhiik subject ilea In the My lenlci.
A Simlh lld-lcil tlicet hon-i'wifi' lliik In r
hr.ul oul of the wimlow 111 1 -ccond sloi lid 1
few moiniiKS aso wlun .!ie iw 1 stmL ven.lei
with .1 w.isoii lull of win-, (ineieil ovei illi
1 nil i, lop luloic the door .mil Miipptil, "I
don't w mt mi."
"Don't v nil 111 whit;' i-keil Hie 11 1I1 in
the KriifTt t lone he lould loinmind
" lino von soti" ikeil Hip housewife
' Oh, ion ilun'l w nil oi) " lepliul the peddler,
"fire up.' md he stated down the tmt behind
his w.ifjuii .iml slnki old hoi-e
"Now I wondei whit Hut 111 in ln, ,1111 wn,"
soliloqnied the hoiisc.iife. "lie-, the mot (
isiHiitimr pnldlci t iwu --iw."
she witched him until she s ( Mm dine up
tn mothi.1 huiisi , and when ho hid koiic iw.n
aj ilu sip tlnew 1 -luwl on 1 hi r held and w ilk
id iipub 1 him k In tk i wiiuiin whom slio hid
mir een hefore whit the vender vv inted to sell
And piohihlv- If he hid known liovv inuih he
11011-nl liei iniin-ilv he would hue bier hip
put tli 111 if he hid s.olil liei 1 peck of onioni
I 01 't he I rilnme
1 love mil winey Iml -"liiiiiM'-t thou wi-h
Hill I lis 1 ,ve mifjit be,
1 bftn ncede'-t hut lo I isto Mie cup,
linn hind it link nie
1 in tinln me llul nip would luin
I 1 0111 lh) ih 11 lips ,i ki-.
And vvhih I ill 'ilk would -.ofib idd
d.i-lil' nietJ ol Mi.s
si lanlon, lul) 1! - I to Ito. 5
Money Aiticle, 'Headed
The Financial Situation
published each Monday, has for 15
yents been looked for with the gieat
est inteiest in banks and counting
100ms nnd among' all financial men,
and has been lespected ns peihaps
the most intelligent leview of the
money market and stock market. In
this article, Monday, June 3, the
Sun in the com so of a leview of the
business and condition, of the South
western Railway systems says: "An
other potent influence affectingAtch
inson for good is the oil discoveries.
People heie have not paid as much
attention to this matter as they
should. The general tendency has
been to scout it ns a craze. But
theie is no longer any doubt that it
aepiesents a permanent nnd almost
incalculable inciense of wealth to the
Southwestern territoiy, and hence,
inevitably, to the Atcmnson, South
ern Pacific and other lailroads in that
section. These inihoads will gain
much by the additional business
geneially growing out of the new de
velopment, but their chief product
will be in the astonishing saving
rendered possible to them in the cost
of fuel. A ton of coal in oil does not
cost over SI, whereas the coal used
by the Southern Pacific and Atchin
son railroads last year cost between
$3 and $4 a ton. As the expendi
ture for this puipose is neatly 25
per cent of the total cost of ti as
portation on the loads, the impoit
ance of the new found economy is
appaient, It means millions of dol
lais to these lailroad properties."
This aiticle fairly lepiesents the
tiend of thought toward the oil in
dustry among capitalists geneially.
The magnitude of the industry and
its importance ns a source of wealth
is perhaps not yet appreciated by the
general public, but the leadeis in
finance lecognize fully that oil and
its numeious by-pioducts is to cut a
groat and constantly growing fig
me in our domestic nnd export trade,
the extent of which is alieady colos
sal. To make money in oil it is only
necessary to discriminate carefully
nnd Invest in stock of companies
that nie under piactlcal and respon
sible management and have laigo
holdings of oil lands secuied at low
corpoiation and this stock offeis the
best oppoitunity to investois of any
now befoie the public. The company
LOS ANGELES, CAL. You can buy
the stock now for 20c, PER SHARE.
The pi ice is subject to advance with
out notice at any time. It will sell
foi 40c. veiy soon and is fairly
wo ith 40c, now,
Investors ( 111 liny it wjih contuUm? licun'o
the vJlue of the uiupjio'd holumci. and the c liir.
.elir and nliillly of itn iiuiiifiM and dncuois
aie fsUhlMied Huy It while It is Uirap. 1 or
all piitkuljr appl) to Ihe
Room 1, Dime Bank Building,
Scranton, Pa,
$3,000 in Special Rewards,
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE litis inaugurated its second Edu
cational Contest which, like the first, is open to every ambi
tious person, not only in Scranton, but throughout Lacka
wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
This contest will be even greater in magnitude than Its predeces
sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and
will be carried out in strict accordance with the lules ot fairness,
and justice.
The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read
ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage
ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de
cided to repeat it.
This year the special rewards are limited to those of an edu
cational character, eight scholarships being offered to the very
best educational institutions in the state.
The Special Rewards.
Scholarship in Lafayette Collogo $1,000
Scholarship in Swarthmoro College 1,000
Scholarship in Stroudsburfr Normal School 07G
Three Scholarships in Scranton Business Collorro,
$60 Each 180
Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music,
$75 Each 150
Each contestant failing to secure one -of these special rewards
will be given ten (10) percent, of'all the money he or she turns in.
Ji'. n The first two wlinlarhlpi do not Im1'nl, hut the conlintinl prttirln
the c will be given tin (10 per rent of all tin. inone ho or iu lumj in lo Ilio
liil'iine, to assist In pa)ini; tlili expense.
Rules of the Contest.
The (special reward will he clvcn to tin'
peirni teeming the Iii:iel luinihii of
Points will he eiedlted to ionlet inU mv in
Ini: new nihsiillieis lo l he feci niton liilmic
as follows:
fine Monlli'! -tuVeription $ .SO 1
'llnee Mouth?' NilMiiptiou I Ji
i Month,' Silwiihtlon l'
One eir's Silmriplioii ' "U 1-
llie innlel,mt with the lushest luuntu 1
of pniiiH will he cIvpii 1 (hone fi mil tl.e
IKt of 'peilil lp'uid-.; Hie 11 nleUnt Willi
the t.rrond hlshet nunihei "t point-, will he
Riven .1 ilioke of the leiiuliilnj revv mL,
and so on through tho ll-.t.
I- ir It contest nit Itillns; to (-011110 1 p I il
1 cum il, aiid .1K0 thn-e who -iclept the ful
iwo m hoi tishipa, will he kIvcii ten pet tent,
of all nionej ho 01 she turns in.
Full particulars will be furnished all interested, including a list
of the winners last year with the number of Doints they seemed.
Tribune, Scianton, Pa,
ol I III oil 15
A si Ml
V J U"UM lu,u
Our Oxfords
Low In cut. Low in pi ice. llin in
qu.tllty. Lad ips' fiom 7.1c. up. tion
tlcnicn's fiom $1.2J up.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
People's Bank,
Mears Building:, $2
Court House Square.
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
Savings and Business Accounts
President - -Vice
Pies. - -Cashier
- - -
C, S. Jones
P. Reynolds
H. M. Ives
C II, lonei,
fi, 1". Ittv Holds
'llioinas Spruguc,
Althur Dunn,
O. S Woolwoith,
V. 0, Kullon,
llicluril IITIririi,
M. P Cirtcr.
Samuel iiiitn.
T. 0, nn '-tnith,
A. I), Wiiiiun,
M. J. Ikale.v.
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-327 Peon Avenae.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Succesbots to Machine Iliibiiicss or
DkKson MdnufactutlUB Co., tscianton
and i c, IM.
Stutloiuuy lOiigliics, Uollcii, Mlnlns
Mathlnci, I'unu3,
All sutiMiiplioni miijl lie piid in nlvance.
Only -lew suhsiiiheii will he ininiled
iteiiivviW hy peiMUH who-e liitne, wete ,m
otn iilnciiptlou iht prior to M iv 11 will tut
hi' iiedlled 'Ihe luhtine will lni".tii:iti
euh Mih-ulpllou iml if found IiiiuIki 11
mi vv 1 ic-eivri the rUht to irject il.
No ti.iiMii rin ho undo .ittu iicdit Im
01110 Urn clvcu.
All Mill-nipt on, iml Ihe 1 1 li lo piy lor
Mine, intisl lo liiinhd 111 it 'Ihe 'liihuuj
oflli i' within the week in wliuh Ihiv 1110 se
tint .1. mi Hi it piptrs liny ho stnt lo the
Mihi rihus 11L onto,
-tihi llptioiu tiiuil ho wiitlen on hi ink,
width tin ho siiiutil it Ilio lilhunc ofllie,
01 will h i-cnt li 11 all.
'1 he 1 oiite-l will ilose pioiupll ilSo'ulxk
'jtiiidj evenli., Atyiiit Jl, piOl.
Have you tiied our Special 10c
Linen Collaib? We have them in all
the latest shapes,
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
'Manufacturing company
ik t nrv tlio ljlirt
Mr !i nf I lllliicllll-i, I'.ll
.wiN iml Ihnillc-. w"
,il,n Itl'COVIIll itiiiliiill-n
uiul pariaoH ,nul tinKi
tin in up rinllj .n itol
ns mvv iml (,'iuniilce mil
plliCS lu II" lOVVil- tli lit
Hit hou-c III till) ( i
Wi. icpair all mil Kinl,
fm niif .veir 11(11. 01'
t HUK.i:
BERNjHARD, jeweler.
"ti I.U l NN Wl M I.
Cold Mc.IjI
,cv 1'liotogrJi'licr
ChililiiH'4 5V
nrnr.ihb ami w i
0S of dll lJuiU,
nln IIoumm aii'l
llullilins I on at
hait-iins. IIOHhi:-!
( Ml'l'l I) and
I.;iilavv uaiaCarrlJi"
nt .-piiui. nt .ii,
I1FJI lllllll IlllltVll
Ml ilu new liloiUs
fn imiiv; "ivU ji
now in New llai,
SIiiIp tn drill r
a ul IIcjIUiIiiI llorr lint it lirovvrl, II ic Kit! uf Ilu Notion I mivulcil in lu Puinv,
ti Pine Nliln ill liar llul nuilc Miivwul.ii
lam Hi, -miI'1 I','
T'j-I.'s A'Ijiiis v nui SMMiiton, 14
liolli 1 1 lopllollCJ,
The scranton Vitrified Brick
ano Tile Manufacturing Compa
MaKcis ol I'aviu IliUK, rk. M 11 Dale,
li'icral S-Jle Ajcnt, OilUc 8J9 l avliiiuion i.f,
Woiki at .Nay Au;, 1'.., i;. L WT V. It. It
Now Unit Hiimiuoi Is licit", Wnali
OrmlH anil IIkIiI Dich Mitcilnli lip
foiiic tin.' linptiitiiiU fiMluies "C win in
wt'iillicr wiuilinlio. A't wrtc ncvor In
brtlet' shape to iiipply the KU'iil tln
niitiiil for ilit".o ilolli;litrully fool titnl
licilltlflll ilip.s KonrlH. Our lollllleiti
nnil HlicUri noillnv villi tlio llioit
tiopulai' rnlitlri uf the mmhuii. lloni'i
of il.ilitty ioIoiIiik :md piintliit; In c
flllliilto niul pliilmiMto iIokIriim; nlso the
nciil di'liity piiitt'iii'!. Ami'iis the liiany
ncv in i i hIs ((instantly liolnc; mltleil to
nil' illicitly piioi iiiuti'i slot'k of Hltin
iiiiT Iiio's CJoml'i, tlio followlns ail!
l'.tu nut tci litis:
Satin Sd-ijie MUtc,
Fnvillc Dc Sole,
.Mcrcorixcil DhnUles,
Doticri Swisses,
Silk Chanibraj,
In Stilpcs, Dots and 1,'UUn Colors,
Silk Finilieii Foulards.
Silk Finished Pongees,
Scotch (iliif hams. ,
In l,ai'o Sti ipt? Tirfccts.
5ouscline dc Soie,
In all tho Litest Shades tnd Color
ings. Black Novelty Wash flood,
In Stilpcs, i'IilUs and hiooaile fig-
Belfast Diiniiies,
French Organdies,
Plain and Figured Lawn?
Fine Percales.
Lackawanna Ave
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati S Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
I'irloi llotrl, Aiioitiiuoililloiii niivinn-'i'i!
spulal MMMI'.lt IIMIs to poi maiicnt Biiosts
tilt uinii. 'ijiiip iiinrii. u. ii winn..
Successor to
Wu make a Sinijll,v n( fine Incail sltiflj.
Ordcts fnr SalaJa, Ojslcrs, rtoiucttcs, etc,
iioniill f.lKil.
A full lino of Lie Cream anl lies
Brotherhood wine co;s
Pino OM I'oiU, nurKUmlici, anil
- inlri ins Iiiuiily 'liailo Only,
L. SOMMAR, llulUini Coiitraitoi.
ltiiio)8 union men ,tiniatci cliccilully
glicn. llcmnildllng ami rcpalnng i speihlt,
Will till all tlnlr tainpln of fine ImporteJ
Jlailris ''lint' tor icii ai I'll , mrllt l t v.' M
Golden Gate
dining rooms,
liut S3 cent im il '" H" 'U
live llul li Ut. irl 00
smilay ilinnor i jpeilalty.
IKmc maile I'Jjtrj.
UIIIOMl HIM Ml 1 rniT l.
I", oi I I" Wa-tiiiifsion .ivciiui 'iianton Ta
nil. u - .0 t li n 1 OloS.'lp m
Onl iiutiiiini lal o-tii'pjll in Norlhci't
cm 1'iiiii"IvjI''''i
l.icilno Wiling aiul t hturo
Klct-triu Holl and Telephone Work.
Out 03ass,
Sterlisig Silmare
CEocIs, Etc.