The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 11, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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ATf?' ' """ "" f4 ''?
Fpecial If1 tlie Scr.intnti rilbnne.
.Mriiiti.,c, Juno 10, Mrs. I-.A. Hacku.x
flint ilnimhiPi, Mlllaiu, ltnvr iptiiinrtl
ti run it ti pxti'Mil.'d vlitll Willi lolittlves
In t'lillmli'li'lilii uiitl Miilmiiiiy rity.
Mih .M'llioti I'Viizler Ik I lie rui'M uf
Per mImUm1. .Mf. t'liiiilc.i I!. Kciwler, In
JvV-w Yoilt.
Miss Mary .Iiikblt Ik In rtiisinii'lmiiHH.
Ii which pimp nil.' whs, (iiltninoiK'il nil
Siiiuiilns li.v lln h flmiM I1Iiiok f hor
llr 1 illt'V , Hiiliilil llll'chlllil.
Mr. anil ,lw. .1. S. Tuiboll ate vl.-lt-Inn
I'HoihIh In HltiRliiiinlon.
.Mrs. D. Wflistur Coxi. nf Ahlnll. I'll.,
who has Ih-pii spending u few days with
Imr wlBtfr. Mi. J. S. I'miitilKlit. in tills
pltici rcltirnotl to her home today,
Mm. L,. P. Knoll Is the of rela
tives at TnnkhniiiHK'k.
.MIhm Delia Coon In irltlually III at her
i-phIiIpih'i' on South Mnln wtreet.
Mr. Anthony and family, or Vllko
IirtiTc. liave arrived In town for the
Mimnier, and are occupy I npr the A. I.u
tlitup leHldenee on Lake avenue.
Tlif terillile explosion at Vestal, X.
V., on Saturday night was fell ili.s
tlnetl.v in .Montrose. In some Install"?.-!
windows rattled and the Rrrtund .seemed
to tremble.
Miss .Titlie rniser. tlie elocutionist,
vill appear at AVavorly. N. Y.. kIvIiik
on mKitaliiniciit in I lie Presbyterian
church. The balance of this week Miss
Ciuser will (III ensaRoiiionts at towns
In TIiiku enmity. X. Y nnd Hradford
county. Pa., and next week tier en
;iRenienl lake her to some of the
principal towns of Central X'ew York.
The signal si'ecess with which Miss
f'ltiser is mcettiiK is exceediiiKly Kt-sitl-IMlif?
to tlie peopk- of her home town
Mr. Hid Mrs. .Innies '. Van Caiiipen
have roliirned from their weddlnp tri
nnd ar- "at home" on South Main
IJnv. and Mrs. T. T. .Miniver. r. P..
of Xew Haven, Conn., have been guests
foi a fw days at 1 1 - home of K. P.
MttiiKci, on bake avenue.
Severil prominent residents of tills
place nro at Bingliamton today, renew
ing their .south at Buffalo BUI' show.
George K. Foster, a prominent mer
chant nf OreMt Falls. Montana, has
been visiting friends in this place,
which was tor many years his home.
There Is promise nf a large attend
ance and n noteworthy occasion tomor
row, wlien the Montrose lodge of Odd
Fellows will observe their Meumrinl
d.iv. The procession will be in charge
of Marshal V. D. 15. Alney. The
vllle band has been engaged to furnish
the instrumental music. Following (lie at the cemetery, there will be
lile .iddrcss and other exercises in Vil
lage hull.
Children's day ivm beautifully nl
Mived at the Presbyterian ehureh yes
terday. The other churdies will ob-.-eive
the day next Sunday.
S,m tn tin' isu. niton Tiibime.
lloncsdale, June 10. Mr. ami Mrs.
Horace (!. Young and daughter, Miss
Daisy, and Mrs. I.uela Cole Atkinson,
ol Albany, arrived In Honesdale liv
special ear Friday afternoon, remain
ing In Honesdale until Monday after
noon. Misses K. Louisa and Mary Men
ner are home trom Vassar college for
the sununer vacation.
The Children's day exercises were
appropriately observed yesterday
morning, in place of the regular morn
ing service in tlie Presbyterian church.
The excellent programme by tlie pri
mary department and bright faces of
tlie llttli' ones made the occasion a
happy or.e t'er r.V present.
Tlie straw hat and shirt waist re
main In winter quarters overcoats
and fur robes are still holding the fort.
A lire Is needed to overcome the frosty
Mr. S. V. Powell left this morning
for Willi.nnsport, lo se:ve as ,'uror in
ti' I'nited States district court.
Tin; Baptist Sunday school con
ducted their children's day programme
last evening.
Mrs. Lucia Cole Atkinson, who for
seventeen years was organist at the
Jlonesdnle Presbyterian church, prior
to F.olng' to Albany ten years ago,
where she is still organist now. In a
prominent church, delighted the large
audience in the Presbyterian church
last evening with several selections,
both during thu service and at the
close. A large portion of the audience
tarried to enjoy the closing recital.
The directors of the Xorlheastcrn
Peniisylvani'a Oil company went to
Tanner's Falls Saturday and located
the oil well. They have contracted for
n new derrick and decided to sink to
a greater dcptii the well started some
years ago, then explode dynamite at
tlie bottom, which they expect will
start a gusher.
Among the visitors in Honesdale
fiver Sunday wore Mr. Barbour, of
Patterson; Miss Kathleen Hand, of
Wilkes-Barro; Mr, Wlllnrd V. Coon, of
Chirks Clreen; Miss JOlizaheth K,
it's the Neglect of at First Slight Ailments That Bring
So riany People to a Condition of Waning
Strength Usual Pursuits Must Be Abandoned.
So many people In this husy ago
crowd along life with a eonseiousnes'j
that mi tu re is tapping for assistance.
They are tho kind who do not admit
sickness until held bedfast by a vio
lent attack.
They are the Hind whose lives are so
full of activity that first symptoms
Palpitation of the heart
Unsettled nerves,
Nervous headache,
Trembllnu of hands and limbs,
Loss vC appetite,
Waning strength,
Food heavy,
And a lot of indications are vussed
over nnd endured until gradually they
drift into it settled condition of ije.
The giand reputation gained by Dr.
A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills follows now,
Their success In making this kind or
sick peoplo well
Mr. Thomas Summer, of No. 119
Jackson street, Scran ton, Pa., says;
"Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills are a
Betitly. at Iter homo on Thlid slreeti
.Miss Helen lleiitly, of Wllllunisport.
!:, A. Peiinlnuin, or the Citizen, nnd
II. H, Bassett, of tlie Independent, re
t'urned yesterday from the IMIliit'litl
excursion to Buffalo,
.Mr. and Mrs. Homer (lieeue left this
morning for a trip up tlie Hudson
river, to be absent a few days.
Itev. William H. Swirt preached the
haci'iilaiii eate sermon to the graduat
ing class of the Itonesdale high school
last evening, The text was taken from
1 John. S-UI, and was presented by Mr.
Swift In his usual forcible manner.
The large ehureh was filled with an
appreciative audience.
Special to the -siiantnn Tiibune.
Faetoryvllle, .tune II. Tlie observ
ance of commencement week of Key
stone academy began last Sunday
morning at the Baptist church. J'rn
fessor Sully preached an eloquent ser
mon from the text found In Genesis
11 1. "And let us make lis a name." In
the evening Itev. Mr. Smith? of Scran
ton, delivered a most Instructive and
powerful sermon before the religious
societies of the school.
Keystone academy Is getting out a
very neat and useful handbook, which
will be ready for distribution about
Hie 11th.
Mr. and Mrs. P.obert Hughes, of
Scranton, spent Sunday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. B. ,1. Crlsman returned
from their wedding trip Monday after
ii ion. They will reside in a newlv
furiMshed home tin the farm of Mr. .1.
Ii Camveli. They were given a reeep
tlou Monday evening, which was at
tended by some thirty relatives ana
friends. A line collection of gifts
showed the good wishes of their
friends. Mr. Crlsman is one of our
highly respected young men and Ills
bride was a popular teacher at Hniues
burg, X. .1.
Mrs. Giles S. AVIIson came down
from Montrose last Friday and at
tended the ninetieth anniversary of
her uncle. Isaac Dean, at Waverly.
She returned on Monday to Montrose,
where she with her invalid husband
are spending the summer with their
son, Dr. .John G. Wilson.
Monday evening, at a special meet
ing of Paiilowna lodge. Daughters of
P.obekah. Mrs. Frances K, Transue, of
Laceyvllle, grand master deputy of
Wyoming- county, was present and In
stalled the following officers: X'oble
grand, Miss Alice Hanson: vice grand,
Mrs. Elizabeth Knapp; soo-etary, Mr.
It. H. Holgate.
Faetoryvllle Kncanipment will meet
in regular session Wednesday even
ing. .Mrs. Fred Wright has returned from
Gettysburg, where she represented the
Ladies' circle, (J. A. It., of this place.
Professor II. F. Jarvls held an ex
amination for touchers here last Sat
urday. Mrs. Bay Beardsley and daughter,
.Muriel, of Binghamton, X. Y., are
spending the week with Mrs. Sinirell.
The funeral of Mrs. Annie Gibbs was
attended from the residence of Mrs.
Stevens last Snturday.
NEW MILFORP. t, the Sirantnn Tribune
Xew Mllford, June 10. Mrs. Frances
Patterson Is visiting friends in Brook
lyn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morse ami son,
Glen, spent Sunday In Binghamton.
A game of ball was played on the
local grounds Saturday afternoon be
tween nine players from the tannery
and a club selected for tlie occasion.
Mrs. F. F. Moss visited her sister in
Harlord the latter part of the week.
W. F. Sherwood and wife spent Sun
day of last week at the home of Sirs.
A. E. Sherwood.
J. V. Axtell, of Stevens Point, was
a guest of friends In town Saturday
and Sunday.
Miss Kmnia Cornwall, of Blirghani
ton, called on friends hero last week.
Thomas Allen, of Binghamton, was
a guest at the home of Tracey Hay
den Sunday.
Mrs. Matthew iland entertained
Mrs. Daniel Ford, of Blnshaimou, the
fore part nf the week,
Charles A. Tucker, of Binghamton,
visited his father In this place re
cently, John Lislle, of Susquehanna, was in
town on business last week.
Bev. Charles Smith spent Monday
ami Tuesday at Great TJend.
Mrs. Albert '.Moss Is contlned to her
home by Illness.
Miss Hun McConnell lias returned
fioui Stroudsburg, where she has been
attending school the past year.
.Mr, and .Mrs. K. B, Smith, Mrs. M.
O. Bradley. Misses Minnie and Bessie
Bradley, .Mr, and Mrs, John Moffat,
Mr and Mrs, L. A, Sherwood and Mr.
and Mrs. William Harrison, attended
tlie fortieth wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hnndrick at Hall
stead last Tuesday.
.Mrs. B, F, Waterman, of Hnlistead,
splendid cure for nervous slid; head
aches, Mine were terrible at times, 1
was nervous at tlie same time, The
nerve pills wore recommended to mo
and I got a box nt Matthews Bros,'
drug stoi, Lackawanna avenue,
and they completely cured the
headaches and nervousness, This, 1
think, is recommendation enough,"
Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills, 50
cents & box at druggists, or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. V,
spent Saturday and Sunday with rela
tives heic.
A number of our town people at
tended Buffalo Bill's show In Bing
hamton to-day.
The ladles of the Working guild will
serve a ton cent supper In the Pres
byterian church parlors on Thursday
from live until eight o'clock. Kvory
body Invited.
Ipcclil to Hit) Srrinton Trlbuni.
Hopbottom, June 10.-- The lawn
festival given lut week by the Willing
Workers of tlie Methodist rlnuvh. was
a HtinjKis.
Anuiig those who attended the
Buffno Bill show on Saturday, wore
Mlssf 1'Miui Brown and .Mabel .Inffrs,
Mrs. Asa Wllniarth, Mr, N. M. Finn.
Mis. W, 10. Brown, retimed homo
Sunday evening after a three weeks
visit at tlie homo of her parents In
Now York,
Tho FnlyorsallHl Ladles Aid. .will
meet with Mrs. Kdwnrd Smith of
Lenox, Tuesday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wllniarth or
Owego, visited Mr. Wllninrth's mother,
Mrs, Julia Wllniarth, over Sunday.
Mr. Saxa Wllnmrlh was home from
Alford, aiso.
The people who gal hoicd at the
Universalis church for services Sun
day evening were disappointed, the
pastor not arriving from Nicholson as
expected. There ware no services the
previous Sabbath, Mr. Li wis being III
nt Hint time, and lie was 'no doubt un
able lo fllll his appointment this week,
Chlldrens Sunday was observed!
with an appropriate program at the
Methodist cluirch Sunday morning.
Mrs. Myrtle Morris, recently spent a
few days with her mother, en route
from Sc.inton to Buffalo, making tlie
.iouney in company with her children,
by horse and carriage.
The School Board have as yet failed
to reorganize for tho coming year, and
there Is some talk among the citizens
of appealing- to court to appoint a new
board, owing to tlie fact that a Sate
of disagreement and dead lock lias
iharaeterlzed tlie entire past vear.
For the bcnellt of the school, at least
It room:; about time that tlie dispos
ition, If not the personnel of the or
ganization should be changed.
FOREST CITY. tn Hie Si-Miiton Tiibuiic.
Forest City, Juno 111. Tho annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone
company will bo hold at Thompson on
Thursday next at 10o'elock. It will
be a large and interesting meeting.
Nearly all the' share owners will be
present or send a proxy, and It is said
there will be a stiff light for suprem
acy between opposing factious.
A reception will be tendered 'Bev.
ami Mrs. Hollelislied In the Presby
terian church Friday night.
Misses Myrtle Martin and Isabella
Johnson are attending tho summer
school at Xew Mllford.
Albert Huddy, of C'arbondale, was a
Forest City visitor last evening.
A band of gypsies camped just north
of town, attracted many visitors yes
terday. They have the usual collec
tion of horses, clogs,, bears, etc.
J. II. Cunningham is in Williams
port, attending the llrst session of the
new United States court.
The board of health urges all house
holders to be unusually vigilant In
cleaning up their hack yards and cel
lars this spring owing to the small
pox epidemic in Luzerne county. It Is
the stitch In time that counts. ,.
.Mrs. M. O'llara. of Pleasant Mount,
was a visitor in town today.
Yesterday was children's day at the
Methodist church. Tlie edifice was
lavishly trimmed with plants and
flowers, and a very Interesting pro
gramme was carried out by the young
people. The Presbyterian Sunday
school will have Its floral day services
on Sunday evening next.
Head Feels Like Burst'ng.
Maybe you were out late last night?
If you had taken a Krause's Headache
Capsule before retiring your head
would be cool and clear this morning.
Take one now and you will he all right
in an half hour. Price '.Tic. Sold by all
Special to tlie Scranton Tribune.
Tunkliannnck, June ill. William
Piatt returned home Sunday from a
visit to the Pan-American exposition.
Marshall Seutt, of Carbondale, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Attorney Paul J, .Sherwood, of
Wllkes-Barre, was doing business in
town on Monday.
A game of hull between thu married
and unmarried business men will be
played on Gravel Hill this (Tuesday)
Miss Lillian Hickman, of Sayrc, is
the guest of friends In town,
.Mrs, Dell Seutt, of Carbondale, who
has been visiting friends and rela
tives the past week, returned home on
Mrs, Elizabeth Boss, of Putnam
street, visited tile Pan-American ex
position last week.
Final argument of counsel In tlie
distribution of proceeds of real estate
of 10. it. Blukeslec vas heard before,
lOleannr J. Little, auditor, on Mon
day, The regular Juno term of court con
venes n n Monday next, Jjino I7th,
Tlie court calendars have been printed
and are ready for distribution,
There will lie a meeting of tho
Teamsters' union on Thursday even
lug, Olllcers of tho international union
will lie present.
The Ladles' auxiliary, St. Aloyslus
society will meet on Thursday evening.
The marriage of Miss Nellie Halliey,
of Pittston, and Simon Queoney, of
the West Side, will take place next
Herbert Boase Is homo from college
and will spend the next two mouths
at the family residence on South Main
Bey. James Morrison is wllli the
priests at Harvey's lake this week,
Messrs, McUinty and lieddiiigton,
of Olyphant, spent Sunday ut the res),
dencp of Mr. and Mrs. T, J, O'Malley
John McKeon, of the Chester .Mili
tary academy, Is the guest, of his
grandparents, Mr, and .Mrs. Patrick
Sunday was observed as children's
day ut the Methodist lOplscopal
church. Tlie little ones acquitted
themselves admirably, and with the
lloral decorations Hie scene wits In
spiring. In the evening tlie presiding
elder, Bev, Dr. Qrlflln, preuched.
Joseph Coyle, of Beaver Meadow,
has returned home, after several days'
visit at the Dougherty residence In
Hie North End.
Kvery member of the Taxpayers'
association should attend tonight's
meeting. Important borough matters
will be discussed,
WU Strut IUtUw.
Nrw Vntk, June lit. Ihrre w.n mime lliiilil.i
(Inn In tlir nlmk'ct toiltiy, til w,u fnirnlmil'
imcii li.v tin' drop in lihn mi fjlunUy atlcr tli
bank iMidi'ilirtil iiciltrd. The bi'nr Mrty, ttlilcll
olil Mollis ill Hint tliiif, tonlltiiinl lliclr rflorH
toiljy. A number, of deielopmenti liel)fil lliem
in tlii-n piirpo'e, but niter the prewuie: ol tbo
nolllliff luil iiei'ii tclriteil mill uppoiterx ol utmW
I'fWili In bill lii pill!- (Willi, the Iiimih took Hit!
larm uml begun lo inft llii'lr dmit lines '
Iiir ery nenornl tiTOierles of the Iwes hii1 In J
few Mniku quite a nntnltln Rnln.
Tbo in.triy .Hlmliliiu to tlie imli.i"e uml mil'
KolliUitlim nf mine ol the iiiileinili'iit rteel mm
tunic w.n m.ulc miuli ef by the be.u, who ilr.
vm Imminent between two Mii.iiu 111 gimip.4
wii Imminent betwein I lit; two ntmiM
ttlilcll flaurnl In the Nnrlliiin PuilnV n.ii.uri'1,
The tcel Minks loot H'k iiinl I1,,, rp'peitlvelj,
lor the inmiiiini Jlnl Imfeireil iltirliiff tlie perloil
of ttenknnJi, but Milled lo u fuitlon oer S,Ulii.
liny, .Sime ImIi c.ihn been esbiblWieil
in the Soutlive.letn Riuiip wele viieil out by the
Pipmiiip tn wll. xtoi'k in Hull, itienp ileillnlni:
in mlnpullir with the uelieiid lt. Hock M.niil
felt u linifli ii Pi limn Hie be-t, SI. I'llill. !U4.
iiinl Mlvumi l'.U'lili...T!i. Tlie le.nlliiK IihIiW rials
limvpil Hither mule iletieii,n, miu.ii- f.illlinf
nearly I, Amalitaiiiateil I'upppr, .Hi, .mil Allied
can Tubal in, IViiplc'x tlan uml the Xew Veil,'
piitilit iilllllie.t finni I-1, to ill. Tlie late mlly
left the net ihaiiKi'' liilllinii( in only it few
Miukf. MHoiui P.ii'lhV luce er.v Miomily lo liil
In the lafe tleallims, wbieli wjs 2, points over
.Mtliitlay, Tlie Southwestern i.1oeks uenelillly,
vmtlii'lii P.itllli', Alt Ill-oil n lid I uioii I'.iiilli'.
made notably ftwul leiwrrlrt .mil l'ennyl.tnl.i
was lltliil a point out Situiil.iy. 'the ilodiiv,
liriellliclo-, was llglill., Hie mniket
jlclilliifC iik.iIii In ,ol. Ainerltiin l.lnspril lo-e
h'a inn! Hie prrlonril, S, on the buytiiK of only
u tew huiiilii'il liait'!i. Total -alls today, SJ7.MH1 p.
Tlie lionil maikel was iiioilcialely rutin' ami
?lx, nl some lilrRill.iliO, but wan in Hie main
II Total sales par uiluo, i-J, -:0,IHH).
I 'tilt r-ft ht.HM bonils wpip all iiiicli.1 ncril on I tic
last mil.
ThP following quotaliniis rp lurninlicil This
Tribune by Jl, S. Jordan & Co., rooms T03-7M
Mer builillntr, Scranton, Pa. Telephone COM:
eipen- Itipli- Low .!b-
me evt. t, Iiir.
AniPiiuiii Simar Ill lll'i I4i! lll'i
AmeriiMii Tobaico 1 1:1 II! Ilil'.i Ill's
.Mililsoi .".-I'i Ni',2 M" SIP
.Mi bison. IV !!: 1UI lot Wi',
lliook. Traction Wl'i Mli Til Ml-'i
Hall. Obin i.inT'i HlsU J t i . lOS'i
foul. TulMt-ru ii'l'si TO'.i l,1 a Ttl'
I lies. A- Ohio I'l'fc .Vli i 1S'a ,)
St. Paul 11,11', Puli 1ll.i',i pl'iii
Itnik l-lanil Iiwig li.'i Pill-., Ha
K k Tt'.. Pr. u:P,i HI lU Wi
l.ouis. .V- x.i-1 limn im'i Jus1, w.i'i
m iiievaitii iimi; mi n;oi un
Met. Ti.irtiim 171'i V,-J'.i 170 I7J p,iciltu llll l-jn lit! ll'lll
Sniitlipiu P.icitii' ,",S .VH ... ."m;U iViiJ
Xoi'lolk We-l .VI-1 .Vlij. ,VJ, .VI
X. V. Central IS-j4 I .111 1.11 !V,it
(Intaiio ,V- WM :ir',i nil'i :t7 j
Ppiiii.i. Itv Lion 1PH ll'i l.M
PaciHf Mail Aii U il 4:1
lltadiiiir Hi- l.iiB I.V'i JU. IV.B
Iteadlnj; Hi'., Pr Tsli W. t;i.. :
Snutliprn B. H :::!', :cia :'. ;:..
Southern It. K IV., ... 5-iiVi fMl'i SV'i Mi"8
'IVmi. foal A lion .... .S',.j .VI .',S .VI
1'. S. Leather I::? 11 :Sj, I.P,
1". H. Le.ither, Pr 7IH.I 7n',; 7u 7!'.i
1'. S. Itnbbei- SP; -jni, aia4 -Jtl!,
1'iiion Pacific lntl4 i7b Pl'i'a 107n
I'liion Pai'ltii', Pr Ni"'i nn'j S'lL'. !i,
Wabash, Pr 4:ii II 4 II
Western 1'nion ill !il !i.i4 (ll'i
Col. fuel k lion HM'A IIH'i ItKI'-i 1WI?H
lilie Hi 4.f' 11 t:l i i
Kne, I-t 70 - 70 ti'i'l 7ii
lul. Snutliiin 1.1 1.114 n 111;
Texas Pai-ifie -no; ,111 J m';,
Amer. Car I'oumliy .... 'J!i"; llilK. -jn Illl.i',
P. S. Steel C, nt 1:111' 4; 4in
l. S. Steel Co., Pi HTi lis'. 7 -iij
Open- High- Low- Clos-
Mli;AT. Inif. e.. e-t. int'.
July 7'iH 7!' 7s'4 7.'4
Si)l 7.1' a 73's 7l:ti 7l"i
July 4f ' l i,- 4;:
Si'iu l-'2 4-.'i 4e'a 4si-
Scranton Eoard of Trade Exchanga
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
First National Bank
Scranton Savings Hank
Third Notional Bank
Dime Deposit anil Discount Hank..
Economy Light, II. & i. Co
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co
Clark & Snover Co., Pr.
Scranton Iron Fence k Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Works
Lacka-.vanra Dairy Co., Pr.
Countv Saving Bank t Trust Co..
Piist National Hank (Carbondale).,
Standard Drilline Co
Tiailei-. National Har.k
Scranton Holt and Nut Co
Piiiiik-'t. Hank
New Mexico li.v. - C. Co
Scranton I"ass:nger lUilway, first
Mortgage, due 1020
People's Street Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1018
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, due 1021
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Township School 5 per cent.
Hiil. Asket
125 ...
,,. 73
m ...
City ot Scranton St. Imp. per
tent 102
Scranton Traction 6 per cent lis ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corncted by II. 0- 1'ale. 27 Laikawanria Ave.)
Hil'.til I'lPli, 2ua20V: dairy, frc-h, lOVia-iOo.
l-irpp Full cieain. new, lO'.iallo,
;gga Western, Plll-aHi.; ne.uliy state,
ll'taljc. , , , ,
llcaii I'cr bushel, ihoke inairuw, Yi.00a2.ti1
Pea Beans Per budii'l, ilioiic nuiiow, .'.Ma
Mcilluni Reans Per bu-hcls. i2.IOaW.45.
Hieen Peas Per biisbcles, fl,IOa$l.l.1.
l'loui Best patent, per b.uiel, $1.15.
Ilcil Kidney Beans Per bushel, !f.,.43aV-'.50,
Potatoes Per bushel, MaOOc.
Beinuid.i Onions Per Ihi-IipI,
Philadelphia Qrain nnd Produce.
PliilJilclplii.i, .Iuiip 10. Wheat-"ialr. Inwir;
i nntiai I giaile .lime 7.1 '.j a 7 1 It . ; toiii, Uc, Iuhcij
So. 2 iiil.xetl .lime Ilitj,i4ii-4f. Ooat4- Steady;
Xu. 2 while ilipppil, JtlVie. I'lour ijiiiet, but
flim; winter Miperlor.iW.lOai.-.'Ji do. pxtia. 2.H) IVniMilvJlil.) lolli'V ileal-, Ma;i..'i21i tin, tin
i-tMlglit, Sl.23.1.1,10; we-lein winter tleur, SK1.23
11.411 tin. do straight, I.IOa:i,i)0; do, do pateni,
s:.ti.1.ill.lHI; Kauris ntiaiglil, ill .-.!,,;
tin. patent, ill .uk, ..').l1"a'l.7.1; spiing rli-Ji,
)'l.;i.1; tin. straight, S:i.Mu:i.S.1; do. paleut, I.M
ul; do. I.ivoiltp brands, !j.,I0a4,25; city mills
I'XU.i, s2. I0.i-J.ll.": tin. ileal, irl.'J.1aH.I0; do.
'.tiaight,'i.iiil; lo. iiateni, i.Miil.2l. It.w
l'liiur-lliiil at i-2.75a2.l0 pci-baiiel, us hi iiuallly,
Hutlei Sleaili, ,ilr ili'inaiid; tanc.v wcotein
iivainerv, pie,; do, iln. piinls, HH. ; do. nearby,
l'ic. Kggs Steady; trcsb neaiby, He.; tin. west
un, lit-,; do, (.ouHiwc-tcrii, Lie.; tin. Miuthein,
p.'c Cliee-e-Sleaily. Itftluiil SuuMr Unilungi'il,
Cotton Up. lower; iiildilllng niil.inils, Kljc.
Tallow-Pull; city prime In blids, 444alTiit..;
louiiliv pilnie In bbls., I'ialTgc. ; takes, 3,4.i!c.
Lif I'nultiy riinii Qwl, 1U',: old itxijlflf,
7i; nlne ihickens. ).'u2Jt. ; ihitU-, Ik'. Droved
Poultry Finn, good ilemaml; fowls ilioii-r, 10c, j
do. fair lo good, fla'Jlie ; old roosters, iHsi-.s
loading rliiikriv, lLHIc. ; tuikeis liozen, lOalUr,
lleceinls I'lour, 2,(101) li.iriels,15l,000 pounds
in sacks; what, l'l,M buslitls; ioiii, iai,(HHl
btisliels; oats, ln.nfiO bushels. Shipments Wheal,
8-,l0 bu.bfls; inin, 7.1,000 bushels; oats, JO.tKW
New York Grain and Froduc.
XI'W Yoik, .Iuiip 10. Flour Dull ami e.isef
with a llglt tlt'ciino in ihohe grades; Minn,
tulilit, 'l.0.1j.2i. Wheal Spot inaiket eaiiei ;
Xo, 2 ictl, hftf4''. f. " l.; Xo. 2 led, 70l,sC
elevator; Xo. 1 Noithein Dululb, Sl'.lc f, o. h.
alloal. Oplioini opencil steady, but later rated
on. A lemporaiy rally at noon ua followed by
.1 later tliup, i-lnaing xeak at esu7v. net decline,
duly iloM'il Tslic; Sept, 7l?4c. ; Oct. "Jliu Op.
I leas wen- geneully tleady to ilnu all tuv,
Closetl lalily kteady at if. net tlecline, July
ilosetl KT.c i Sept. ISisC OjIk- Spot Hun! l",
2, ifji'.i Xo. 3, Si'.i Xo. a white, 31i,Jte.; Xo.
!l wlilte, Slsir.t furl! mlxeil we-tein, ;i2a:lP,si!;
track while, :l21,.ia.,l7i'. 0iton.s very quiet, but
lirnily belli. Hutlt'i riim; cipaniery, MaPv.;
tJilurv, 12alli.; Imitation rieaiueiy, .1jtt:i',;
state ' ilalty, Halfc. Kggs ljuiet; lale and
IVniisyhania, Plii-c; notviii unguded, 11a
I'J'.sc. 1 weieiii i-audlitl telected. l:iJi:H-ii'.
Cheiw Sleady; fancy latge colored, Sj(s0ix-. ;
do. tlo. wlille. Minnie ; fancy Miuli coloieil,
HVv. do. do. white, DUaOlJi'.
Chicago Qrain and Product.
(bliaao, June 10. Heau held the Mattery in
llie wheat lilt today, July wheat dosing; s4aTc.
biwer. July corn at the c-loso wo ",4c. dgher,
July cats khuwrd a loss of ,4e. ani ptoi-lsious
were lOiUc-. to 13e. Iilghci, C'.uli tjuolailom
uniA ii m t,l trxlt a
nriv -i imiuiiit
Flour ljulet; xo. 1 pnng xvneat, i-.,473e.; Xo.
a. .iail',sc; Xo. 2 ml. "2a73ii No. 3 coin,
lM4alPc; Xo. 2 yellow, .'l; No. 8 oats, 27',ij
2ex; Xo. 2 while, iWlji.; No. 3 wbte, 27j;j
21'.; No. 2 r,ie, OHjc. ; good feeding barley.
tOaVOt-.; fair to iliolce mailing, 51a Vic, ; No. 1
Dai aud. il.ii): No. 1 Norlbwtitcru. it. 71;
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Llnei, 3 Cent lor Rich Extra Lint.
For Bent.
For Reeto
About 1 200 feet of floor space oil
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufneturing. In
eluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at oflice of
The Tuibun,:.
. 1 -
l-'liAT Poll IIKXT Willi nil inoileiii imptnwincnK
Apply nt Hill Linden street.
I'Oll IIKXT Spipn-roiuil home, with inmletii Im
iiotnienls, on lireen Hlilne stieel. Imiiiiin
PI2.1 Samterson avpniie.
roll IIKXT In Hilton, loltaite nf nine looms,
furnished or unfurnished, for Hie e.ioii or
IniiHPi-i llie minules lo stallon; (toml lni-iHoii;
ti.tliiKP 11e.11 1 v new nnd nil in Rood shape. Apply
It, O. W. ('.niton, ll.tllon, Pa.
I'OU IIKXT Nine-mom bou.e, wllb I1.1II1 mom
and fnm.iip. Apply nt I11PJ .laekon slreet.
I'OU lli:.Vr-(.noni linusp, eonier Wayne avpnue
and Putnam stint; hot and mid water,
none but small faiuilv need apply. 1701 Wayne
29 flRKti.V llinni: STIII'.ET. ten rooms, moilein
Iinprovcnients; steam heat furnished; dcslr
desirable. For Sale.
I'OU SAI.i: Spconibbanded ladies' bicyile, cheap.
Call at .122 Washington iiieuue, sfcoinl Htmr.
, r vx.'v x
I'OU SAI.i: Team pint! bled Muiituns, ," and il
yeui.s old; lull sisteis fat w.ilkeis; extia
tlrlieis double or sinsle; sound mnl kind; pets
in stable. I, ii. Stlioonmakei, j;iinliut-t, la.
I'Oll SAI.i: One-tldid sable, laiRe stole build,
ine; in .Hoi a, fully equipped lor Kiucral
hloie piuioes or can be used for failoiy. ANo
two dclhciy waKons in pood londltton; two
Hiree-bnuel oil tanks and punip; two sliow raen;
t.he i-heee safe; one lamp platt'i.-im stales; one
Mfe. Iliooks ,- ),i ,. hepiiie south Side Stole
Co., Minonka, Pa
pi imp 'tlmotliv seed, $.!a:!.btf; niiss polk, ill.SO.i
U.S.",; I.111I, "!). j2ia?..M: slmit libs. !;
iliv villetl shouldeif, tl";.i7 v.; shoil tlear hide-,
.fs.-j:,.is.:!7':; itliiskey, IH.-.T.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Cliiiano. .lime 10. -Cattle Heuipls, -.'2.IKKI.
einiliim 1.20O Texaii',; Meeis, slioiiK, at IP
butilieiV stocks, stead-; Tcxans, tlim. Hood
prime slee. Y."i.ti0aS.0.; toor eo meitiuin, fl..'
Vai; stockeis and fpedei, steady, sal.Sn; 101; beifi'is, .7,a.'i. I.i; i-anneis,",; bu
sieadv. S2.mial.ii3: calies sleady. iI.ij.7,: Te
stteiJ, tl.:i.",a.".is); Texas bulls, .,.7.m:i.",. "g
Iteceipls I (,il.t , :I7,000; tiunoiiow, I'l.OOO; e'li
liiated, left oier, .oiki. stmliK, .V. lo "'f-f. hiali
er. Tops, liO. 10; mi.xod and l,uli4ii, s"i.7."a
i.117'2; sood to iboite heaiy, s.'i.Mali.lO: louuli
lie.ny, c"i.70.i.'i.sO; llirlit, $"i.7.",.i",.il7'.i; bulk of
sales yi.fOaO. slipep Iteceipls, -JO.tMIO; lieep
anil I.inuis up 10 .i.. 111; iiooti 10 tnoite weuieis,
f.l.00.1 1. 1.".; lair to ihoiie inixrtl, .s:.70a:!.0.-,; we.l
em sheep. s:i.K),il.l.'i; Texas sheep yr.irliii, Sla
4.2."; natice lainlis, tlal.l.'i; wetein lambs, -fl.OO
.1 -. t -.
Buffalo Live Stock.
Iliilt.ilo, June 10.- Cattle-Steady; 1 boicp Ir, ev
tl.i expoit tattle, $.l"j'...'i; Kimtl lo best, l.llla
."ifiO: hliippiiiR steels, S'-I-'-i'lI.; expoit bull-:
ilioite lo e.xtia. $1.11.50; kooiI 10 choite butcheis'
steers,,i0; kooiI to best tat bull-, ?la4.lft;
Bund to choice tat tows, Isl.'iOa'i.lO; fat lielfpis
choice to e.xlra, f.7.'i.i,.2.'i; hoimI to choice tlo.,
Jrf.."i0.i4.7."i. Canada stock calies choice lo extra,
sl,10a4..",0; kooiI to thoiie do., ,I.10j4..'; Canaili
feedeis Kood to extia, ,l.2"ia I.Im. Call e Choice
lo extia, .""jali; Rootl to choice, K..'i0a'.7.";
Michigan tulips, f,1.7.' LaiiiKs Clioice to ex
tia. K.l"ia'i.2."; tine sale at isi.ll',; aood to thoiie,
M.lsl.i.1.10; sheep choite lo extia, MJOal.-J.",; ynnd
to choite, sl.lKl.ri. llnjis Mixctl iiiediiim and
heaiy. $s!.07iiaif.l(); yoikeis, vi.lOiii.i:,; piss,
K0.iati.10; lonubs, .i.40.i".lil; stas, fl,,'iilal.7.".
New York Live Stock.
Xew Yoik, .lime 10. Beeves Steers, steady In
111,-, lower; bulls, steady; cows, steady 10 l.V.
lower; steeis. 't.l.i'.pn; extia, j-41. 1 ." ; bulls, S!.2"u
4,.'i7!.; lows, Ifi.oOal.l?',". Cahes Market slow
ami iria2.c. lower; butler milks. 2.'a."i0c. ol,'.
'enls, LU.',; choite and extia, S.i.8.1a(i; butler
milks, fsll.oOa::.,'). Sheep Veij slow; yeailinss,
dull .1111I lower; lambs, in fail ilemainl ami
steadp; sheep, t2.,0jl: yeailliiiis, $ta.V, l.imlis,
$.-.;0.ill..iO. Hogs Maikel linn at ifU.Plaii.''.'"'.
East Liberty Cattle. Liberty, JunelO. Cattle Steady; e.xtia,
$,".'f"ali; piime, .",70a j.Sa ; uood, $j. lOa.i.o'). Hoys
At Hit-; prinio heaiy, fti.10itl.12l-;; brut, medium
ami ynrkcis, H10a(l.l2',i; llaht, do., .i.iil.ll-,,
piss-, 4(l.0.i.i(i.l0! skiis, IjH.rAio: ioukIis, $lal.."0,
SIippi Dull mid low-cr; wplheis, M.!i."ial;
thoiie yeailliiKS, l.7.''.t I.S.i; iiinimnii In unod,
.i.H.(s1; leal calies, tli.HI.2,".
Oil Market.
Oil Cn.i, .Iuiip 10. Credit baUmo, Hi"i; feitl
fiiales, no btl; blpniens, -Jsl.llll; aieiase, e'7,.
SO'i; inns, 2."i,(liri; aierace, 71,277.
American League.
At Huston- II. II. I
Milwaukee 0 0 .1 0 t 0 O II 0- I ,s 2
Itoslon 0 0 0 0 I) l (i II 7 !' 2
llallerles llawlcy, 1,'anln and Conner; Kellum
and 'ihtcrkonROSt, 1'mpiie Mina-au.
At llaltlinoic-- It. II. I:.
Cleieland 1 1 2 0 0 t 0 0 .1-1.1 II I
llaltlmoie 2 II (I O 0 II II 1 II- Ii 12 I
llalttiict, lliiwlluir, Hurler uml Veauei; Miliiu
nity and llirniiahan. t'niiiic sheiidau and
At Plilladelplila- It. II. II.
Detinlt 0 -.' 110 11 I 0 1 0 1-:, !i I
Pliiladelphia 2 110 2 0 0 0 110 11-1 7 t
llJltPllen Miller and lluelow; Piatt and I'tiw.
pis, 1'nipilP Canllllon.
At Waslilnsltiii- It. II. II.
CliiiaRo n 2 I I .1 0 OOllll-pi 1.1 t
W'ashlliKlou 0 II I 0 0 0 I S 0 II- 10 pi ;,
llattciies-Katoll, Criftitli and Sulliidii; I'at
ton, Hear and Claik. I'mplre Haskell.
Nntionnl League.
At Pilt.liuiK it. 11. i:.
New Vork 00 11 ft 0 n u 0 1 1 1, ;t
Pilt.buii; 00 0000 1 2 H 7 II
UaltPiies Taylor and llnwninan; I'iiilippl and
O'Connor. rmplie-O'Pay, (
At Cimlnnatl- If II. I:,
lltv-ton ,.., 002 0 0 11 a 0 l-!l pi 1
Cini'iiinatl I 1 0 1 0 I u 0 I- S 12 'i
llatleries-Willis and llittildse; X'ewlou. and
lleigen. I'lnplre anlp.
At St. l.ouli- II. . 1:.
Philadelphia , 00 1)000 000-0 7 0
St. 1mU 4 100 00 00 S 111 0
llattrries White, Tow ii.send and HmiHass;
llaipur and Nichols. I'liiiiiicCunniiixhaiii.
At C'hicaso- It. II. II.
Piookliii 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 II- 11 1:, 1
Chicago 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 11- l t,
Huteilr Honouii and Miliuiie; lla-nu and
Kaboe. Pmptip llw.ier.
Eastern League.
llailfcnl, -'I; Montieal, 2.
Woneslcr, 7; IliilTalo, 2.
Sirai'iire, 7; llochester, 2.
State League.
At lleadlns- ). , p..
Lancaster 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- S 6
Dcadinz 10 110 0 0 1 fi i :t
Hatlcriei Hunt and I'ither; Ton ami Slalam-well.
W'AXTIll) Tlie woild to know that pxpiilmentliij;
Willi I l in has passed nwn.l, but is
spiidlly uml peiiiiiitiently rilled. All InhnmaHim
liet' In iiilllnir mi or nililiesliut ,1. I!. Ta.ilm ball, or C. W. t'nlenian, Innllni nf Hie
Set uml Pieshitriiuii thiiirh, ieIdelup ll Million
loiitl, Siiaiiton, Pa,
Help Wanted Male.
WAXTIIII lineinflie, liiistwnilliy, .100111; tn.ili;
must lie well leiniiiiiieiiileil. Ilacei, 1112 .Meats
W'AXTi:il-S.ile.uou, tliilellnit nr total: weekly
salary paid. Hen Ilk Seed Co., ltocheler,
Help Wanted Female.
WANTIIO lllil fni- Krnei.ll hniiscwiuk. Apply
Tuewl.iy p, in., Il-J Colfax aienue,
W'AXTLII -lloiiM'kieier lint over pi jpiiis; I'm, whinner urn! two iliibbeii. Call ut
412 Tliroop sheet, lluuuinie, Wednesday.
W AX'TKII Woman for Ktneial hoiiewoik. In
ipilie at III! .M.ulisnii aienup. tli't Hal.
WAXTDll-Conipetent sill fm Reneial house
wink. 17-211 .MnliriiP lllenue.
W'AXTi:il -A ilemi, neat, expel lent eil punk; well
lei niimii'iidcil, .Mis, W'illiuui Council, IHVi
Vinp sttpet,
W'AX'lllll A second sill; must be Rood wailiet.
Apply 1012 Vine streit.
lilllf. W'XTi:il- -l-'or bnii-iwciik In null
family. .'117 Webster .nenue.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central City
ALtlLIlT SOIH.trrZ, corner Mulbciry
ctreet and Webster avenue.
fllJKl'AV PICIILL, CM Ailams aienue.
West Side
l',0II(li: W. JIIXKIXS, 101 Snulli Main
South Scranton
l'Ri:i) L. TIIItPPE. 72!) Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GLO. W. 11AVIS, corner Noith Main
aienue and Market stieet.
Green Ridge
CIIAtlt.KS P. .IOX'i:S, 1J57 llickson
1". J. JOHNS. 9-'0 Gieen Itidge street.
(.'. l.OilLN, lorner Washington ave
nue antl Marion stieet.
W. II. KXCPFKf,, 1017 living avenue.
J. 0. BONK & SON.
Real Estate.
LOT KOIt SAI.i: -llarilson, near Linden, 40 feel;
iieai ly oppo-ile Mr. W'llliaui Law's SI2.HIS)
linme. Onli !r'l7.i. lednteii horn SI, 100, or will
pxcli,ine;p. Comc.r.i.s, Dime llanlc buildintc.
.I75 WILL IHY 10 loot lot within Hnee blocks
of Moses Tax lor hospital; not in alley; sew.'
eied. Deduced fioui ifSlHi. iM down.' ComeKis,
Dime Hank liiiilililiu.
?l,('s)0 lluys si.x.ioom, single house, itood well.
Lot UIO.x'JOO, Si union stieet, Dalton, Pa.
Wells k Kealor.
S?I,S90 lluys bullilini; lot, -I0vl.1ci. Wheeler aie
nue. Wells k Keater, Hint Uuildiu;;,
l?2,'aOO double bouse, rooms on a side, all
iinpiou'liii'iils, except jjas. Uean street, Pioii
deuce. Wells k Keattr.
Money to Loan.
MONLV to loan on improved city real estate.
ni:xnv bi:i.ix .in.
niAs. ii. wt:lli:s.
.lllO.ilOil TO LOAN Lowest r:.tes; stralsht or
monthly payments. Stark k Co.,Tiaden' bid?.
straiRlil leans or lluibiiiiR and Loan. At
from 1 to 1 per cent. Call on X. V. Walkci,
HM-.lla t.'onuell buildin;.
Furnished Booms.
I'OR Hi:XT One laiRe fuinlslied fiont loom;
also one side loom. n:!7 Adams avenue.
Booms and Board.
LARCH! front room with boaid (or two gentle
men, 41(1 Adams aienue.
Till', WTXHKIIMHIli:, new piivale Imai'dins house,
laiRe looms, kooiI table. .VII Washington ale.
Boarders Wanted.
l.AKI! li:W l OTTAlii:, on faint, wauls limited
imniber siiimiier lioaidils. I'm paititulais nil
iIicn. Mis. ('., box 12, Dlinoik. Pa.
WAXTi:i)-Table lionideii. Jlis, Toniikllis, Sit
Wiishlngton avenue.
I.IOT Oentleiii.iirs poikel i-nmli, siller case, ini
tials I), M. I' Plea.e lelmn same In ,111
Mailinn aienue or Tiiliuim oltite.
Buffalo Hotel.
I'AX Ali:i. VS IIICHILII'.r IIOTHI, lilstil.iss
lp.llllllll't. ililett l .11" line. ll.loil.llile l.lle..
mills nr siiik'p iniuiis; send Im- lirtulai. A. T
stewait, Minnie) llnihllUK, llullahi.
Situations Wanted.
WANTI'.H - situatinii alumni Kenllcniau's plate or
janitor wnik, s. H. II., 010 WclMrr auiiue.
SlTI'.VIION WWTI'.H H a inima man to tin
urn- kind of woik or welkins In piiiale fa'ii.
ily nr tiililng a Biocvry v..i;i,n, Ailtlirvt iaie nf
.limn lllorb, liar tt libl Price stieet.
Sl'll ATIOX WASTKD-My a man giadins: or
laying .Idt'iialks, or lixln,' femes oi iiiiimi
lawn., in any kind ol uoiU. tall m- addiiM l-I'M
Pioiltleliic load.
SITl A'llOX WANIKD. -Tiitstwoith.i. nlialile
iuiiiik man, yonti habits wauls pinlri wml..
lineil penman. al.ny opllnual, Tl list wot lb.. ,
Tlibuno tllliii'.
SlTI'Vl'lOX WAXTi:l-A watih-iiiaker; -ii jeais
p.iilliuie; leleii'iites. Unbelt T, suillli, gee.
rial deliur).
Sl'll A'f'ION W'N'ir.ll -Ily good agent and geu
rial lJlll-1 ir. It, I. Miiilh, 111 I'llill avr
line. nut-.
SlTl'A'l'IOS WAXI'DII ll.i a woman lo go oui
, day w.l-liln,', Iioiiiuu oi 'i leaning. Plea.e
tall or atldii'M Mis. HiKst-ll, I21'l Citlar aienue.
c ill.
sill A'HON W AXTLII Acllie .loung man ilc.lie,
position; is Milier, bonest and tellable, liood
lefeiemi'. l T'libiine Oflnc.
VOl'XH MAIHIIKII MN wauls light woik; good
penman, llnglioli. Human and HuugjrUii.
O. Ph., lilO llioadwu)', snaiiloii. Pa.
YOI.'MI MAX, 21, tollego graduate, dolit's a
position a bookkeeper or assistant; iau
epeulc Upcwillci. I'or lull addirsj
Wesley II. Wcaicr, box 1), l,pca 1'a.
.Ol'NU W'O.MX wants iiorillan as an ad. wilier
in ill y toodi ur fuinjtiirc '.lore 'in this city.
Lsptii.-inc and best' of KrVrcmc. Jl. W',, 205
Washington airline.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Thin Pour Llnei, 6 Cents (or Bach Extra tint,
Certified Public Accountant.
lillWAIII) C. .Sl'Al'I.IIINH, 23 TltADIinS HANK
Kslatp llxrlinngp Ilhlg.. 12(1 Washington ave.
Cl'll and Mining Engineers.
nn. a i:. i-:ii,i:s't,, pauu huildino,
Spineo sliecf, Snanton.
flJANK ii llOYI.i:. ArronNKV-AT-LAW.
1'oonis 12, 14, 1(1 and 18 Purr building.
Haled on real pstate security. Mcars bulldinj,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
and counsellois-at-law. llcpublican butldini,,
Washington avenue.
sellors-al-law. C'oiriiiionwealth building, Rooum
II), 20 and 21.
OOl-OOf, nth floor. Meais building;.
of Trade building, Scranton, Pi.
Rank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Sugeons.
Ington avenue. Hesidence, 1318 Mulbeiry
Chronio disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
genlto-iuinary oigans a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. in.
Hotels and Besturants.
"Hi: L'l.K C'APi:, 12.5 AND 127 FRANKLIN'
aienue. Rates icasonable.
P. ZLIGLF.R. Pioprlctor.
senger depot. Conducted on the Uuropean
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
less pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A. B. Bilggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or L'ickc's drug atore, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
rriiucn, ,torcfi01 Washington avenue; green
homes, 1030 North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
xelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130
Washington aienue, Scranton. Pa.
STOCKHOLDERS' MEITIXO Tlie annual meetln.'
of Ihe .sioekhobleis ol the Collleiy Engineer
inmpaiiy will be held al Ihe ueneial offices ol
Hit iipany, Siiaiiton, Pa., on Monday, .lui.e
ill h. IliOI. at 2 o'llutk p. in., loi Ihe plc-llmi
of iliieclms and the Iran-action of such etlur
business a.s may piopeily tonie liefnie the uicel
im-, STANLEY P. ALLEX, heuetai.i.
.NOTICE l lieieliy giien thai the annual nieetiii','
nl Ihe stmklmltleis nf Ihe Economy Light, Heat
nnd Power Cotiipaii.t, lor the elettion of diiPitois
fm Hie ensuing jcai, and Ihe Iran-aetion of sinli
nihil' busiiie-n as may piopeily iiune belore II.
will lie held al the olni p of Ihe t oiiipany, Ilonui
'0. Itepulilicaii lliiililing, Siianlon, Pa., nn Hon
tla.i, .lime 21, lisll, at 2 o'llotk p. in., in aitonl.
anie with Ihe liv-laws of Ihe toiiipani,
W. .1. XllltTlirP. Setietaiy.
NOTII E Sealed pinpii-als fur the turni-hing and
laiing ol new ..teel flooi jol-ts In llie pie.ei.t
In, n hiiilge at .Ionian Hollnw, on Ihe mad linm
Wallsillle In r.llbiilidale, will beietelieil hy llie
inimlv lonuiiis-ioneis ol Liiikawaima lOimli u
iheii-'clliu' al mi.iiiIiiii until 12 m S.ilunI..y.
lime l.-.ll'dl.
Sealetl piopo-.ils will al-o be icceiteil bt stnl
Miiiiliilssiniii'rs hi said I line and plate I'or the
inuslri'i tlnn ol tlie supi'islrut line of a slrel high
iv.ti liiidue oier Hi" In kawanna liier al Alili
l,.iid li.iid Hi- leiiioial ol Ihe picstiit biidgel in
aiioMlame with plans uml spit ill' Minns on rite
nt Ihe nflim nf llie inunl.i siiiieinr 111 the ioiii'I
liniw. A tlieik fm- fifty iiiusl anompjii.v
eicl. bid on the :li-l pi,, ami lot I line luin
ihul iinll.ll, nn Ihe blllel.
.lllllX .1, DI'IIKIV,
ill est: - Couniy LViiunUsloneis.
W. Ii. )ir.l.. I Ink.
NOTICE- Esiale of Thnnias Young, deceji.-d.
I.etleis of ailmiiiislialloii upon llie e...i(p nf
'Hennas niuig, late nf the lioiough ot lliiiimoie.
ileieased, liaie been granted to the nnileislcried.
I leipirst. all peisoiu having claims or liemaiela
agaiiisl Ihe estate of the said tleccdrnl, to nuke
known ihe same to me wltlioul delay, Ami
all ipii)im Indebled tn .-aid estate an ieiuetPtl
in make pa.imeul t'l me.
AXHEI.IXE C VOI S(l, AiliiilnMulrlx.
:i2.'i N. Illakel.i slirel, Hiniiiioie, Pa.
Wl. W. LVl'limiPE. AHoiney for the IMale,
siv-x j v .x v yv fs
Will Rirn DIk Monthly
tor'n Fund Pays Semi-monthly,
d in America. Xo icrtifiuU
Tlie oldest e-tablidie
holdei has eier Icct
all siibsuibeis every
delay. Money irfuin
il.ii- for paititulais,
(. E. Maikey k Cu.,
a cent. Payments nwdt lo
11 da)s. No tiouble. No
iled nn demand. Wlite In,
Dec lo any addre, '
, Hudson IIIiI'e., New Yoik,
Bond Offerings.
Paying 3 to 5
Hiooklyit l'Mlstin 1st 4s,
('lies. & Ohio, II. & A. Dlv. 1st Con.
Kvunx. A- Teiro Huute 1st Oon. 6s,
Iowa (Sen, Ily, 'u, 1st 5s.
Louis., N. A. .V.-. Clili-., Chii!. & Ind.
Dlv. 1st s.
Mi'xliiin (Viitial Ily, Con, is,
.MIssihiiI I'uciflii Titist ."ts.
.Minn, lien'l Klt'i'. 1st Con. 5s.
Mob. & Ohio, Montgomery Dlv, 1st
lllit (li'iiiiilti Western 1st -ts.
St. 1,., Iron Mt. & Ho. IteM. is.
Complete (iicular I.Ut on Application.
1001 (Pocket Erjltion) Now Ready
Spencer Trask & Co
'27.20 Pine Street,
Slate Street, Albany, .V. Y. NBW YORK