"N s THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, JUNU 11, 1901. WEST iWVVkk' BAPTISTS WILL BURN MORTGAGE JUBILEE MEETING ARRANGED FOR TOMORROW NIOHT. Interesting Programme Prepared, Including AddreMos, Recitations and Singing Joseph Reeio Ap pointed Superintendent for Templo Iron Company T. W. C. A. Rum mage Sale Fife and Drum Corps Entertainment New Telephones in ITse-Evont of This Eroning. "" At tin1 lulilli'c inci'tiiiK anil 11101 I- S.IKe-llllllllllK si'ixltox 111 lilt' Kh-U WpNIi IlnplHi chinch, South Alain awnue, to-ninnou r-xoiilnt;. the fol lowing pi out amine "III lie tende-ied IirIiii: f I It inn No. Hill K iuxbiil. 11111211 mill II itlpt Itoiilliitt . Mm l Phillip- Plain .. .Ill'llllllllll lllllili'p .ildiisc (Inlnniii 11m. II II Hopkins T tin in. "Oil (nun lit l Wnu-lilp" ( Imii llei II Hi. hi . . . .Ml. -i lii I! lime. I lllll, "lit He -.lllldlllll III" MlllillV ""lllll'll Mo'iii l' in. I e idu I ddir-. "lunloi XX in I." Mi--, -ii id Xlimlllli li Mil ,,!,, . tiilltl I'x III" 1M111 "-1111111 II X I' I Xiitl, Mi- l.h'ili Hi II llu.hu I III. 111. ' I line IX IX ' XlHlllt: I idll-' I lldll l!dies, Mllll ""UHtll -r ImiiiK MI- l null lb. Id.., i lnitii. 'Inn- It. ii (i tl. U 1...I. Hint..!1 lin.l l - Ii... I I hrm is W ttklli-t I ( nil l I'riltullill XII-4 Xlllllll lllll" XlilliCIM, "N nil Ml I....I In line' ( h.iil xVdii". "Ihe Intillri mil -i.li nf tin ( ImiiiIi' limit I' Him." "..In li XI I lt..t..n Million, t.'llll'-, "llll I IP 111. Ill -IHl 111, III i.l Ihe I llllllll ' I 1111 I 1)1X14 XlHIliIll, "Hi. I i III Is bill.;' . , I Ii ill I! nun. uf Moilciisi. Mi- I i in - Inn- li- I unit in- Ii Mll(..l iliiniiiui l.'.'i H Ii I'.,,i,iii- i ni i in mm, I. .In. I) I'l ilii- Tlir public Is iniili.illx Inxlti'il In al t ml tin ineetinj; Recognition oi Ability. ln'-t pli Uipi ni Ninth Lincoln ,ui. lino, xx I'd lias been inside loiemaii .it tl.p HiiKH- shaft of Hip Sciantmi i'oiI loinp.uiv km l lie i i-t niiip .e.ns, es ieid.i began xx in I, ,i- kpiioi.iI -tip'r-InlPiiileiit oi tli" Tuiipli. 1 1 on i oin p.iny at tlip L.iek.nx. iiin,i anil Sipi rlolc Cie"k c ollieii'p-. .Mi. IIpp-o I- .in csppi if ni fil miner, mid Ins appointment to such ,1 ipnn -ibf posillon i- a iPiosiiltlmi iT lil ab'litj. rniiliiB his i iinnei tiun xxltli Hip Utiles shall lie- I'lilfiypi the lonildiMiu' HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES ion JjALi: -XT G. W. JENKINS'. Warm leather Wash Fabrics... Are now iu the zenith of their popularity, and we find it hard to keep the assortment fully complete, While this is a fact, there is no danger of your having cause to complain of lack of variety, for at all times the wealth of weaves, designs and effects is simply bewil dering, and choosiug is made difficult simply because of the vastuess of the range of styles submitted for your inspection. Still, as we have said, there are cer taiu patterns in given weaves that have been difficult to obtain, and as we begin the week's business with a complete line iu every detail, there are advantages to be gaiued by an early call, which will be missed later. In Dimities, Batistes, Pongees, French, Scotch, Silk and Linen Embroidered Ginghams, Mousseline De Soie, Mercerized Fabrics, Silk Novelties, Embroidered Specialties, Linons, Lawns and All Other Fashionable Weaves, ...l.'.T here is not a pattern or coloriug wanting, and prices are really very moderate. Two Attractive Specials. , Exposition Batistes i I The daintiest and latest fashionable wash weave, in 'scores of pretty colorings and I unique designs. A geuuine I surprise to knowing iQln buyers, at a yard,.. 4i2ll Globe Warehouse SCRANTON nf tins einplovps, xvho ate nil pIoiitiI to lo.ti n of Ills micces.. His plitt'e tit HiIukV linn Ijpptt llllod by the tulvntiet. incut of rotpumn lliciinun. School Fund Closed. N The lliml depoilt In the school t'hll clien's savliiK fund wiim nmtlc at the Weil Side bunk yesterday for tin" pipicnt teim. It cniiiu from No, 1') school, nnil amounted to $30.(3, TIip fund lit No. I!! rpIiooI xvni plopil IumI week. Yesteiiliiy' deposit mum as fol lows: No. lii MM l.ee, if,."; Mist Mur ray. Jl.fiii Mini XlclinK I.19; MM HcanilHh, OPc. ; MIsm Mnri'itti, JITS; mih Hutioii, M.12: mimh Davis nic.i Miss HvniiM. tl.M; Miss Kclloxx, J1..I.!, Miss Klyiin, $2,nfl: Miss Wade, M.lti: Mls Mm phy. $JOs; Mis. IVrbci, $.!.'T MM Pock, $.l!l; total. $'lM... Entertainment and Social, The Bellovie Fife and Dunn coi pi lipid tlipli uiintinl entei inlnineni and .social hi Mears' ball Inn pvuiiIiik, anil Hie pxpiiI xva- pationlr.ed by a lain" number of voiiiih people fiom llille vile. Aniollf.' Hie I'-atlliew nil tile .lo KinniniP xxeie souks by Will I.'. MiiiUp, Hlandle llanlleld, MaiBJiet M.uik.iH nnil MaiRinpl Arinsbx-. The Williams lliotlieis eutei tnlucil xxilb bllek .ui'l xxlng (laines. and the Hanlleld .-?ls.eis riivi' their spec laltli". The xti.'lal xxhleh folloxxed xxa an eii Joy.iiilc alTnlr. Music xxas luinlshed bx' .Ml-- Kale lleaidon, New Telephone Connections. WmUniei xxeie piiRimeil In (onni-ct-Iiik ,i minihei or the nexx- telephones on this sie j'esteidax, and alieailx a larp- niiniliei ol them aie In use. The seixlee xxlll be fnlh" oqulpppil In a s'lun t l line The iniinllfss ntitnber ol xxhes and poles that haxe been plated nn this dde bx" the nexx lonipnuv demousliate that the nexx ei x lee xxlll he gpiu'i.illy used. First Baptist Church. i 'lilldien's dax xxlll be oh-eixed next Siiinlax nioi niiin:. The ptuyet and busini-s meeting of tin- i Inn di xxlll be belli on Ftida ex'enlnpr, ln-tead of Wednesday rxen Ii.r. at the Plvnimitli Inn eh Siui'lav si hool 11)1 in, I'lie Ladle-' Aid -ocletx- and ilium o boafd xxlll meet on Tnesdax nx-eiiln l the pome or Mis. ThfOdoie Phillip!, 2(1," Jinkson -tieet. The Ha i t'-t Yninin I'ouple'- union business liueiiiiK xxlll be held on 'eelc 1 1 om W'pdnesda.x pxvning, a flee the l-iaxei ("uiio, Tlie Ladles' Aid soi lety xxlll -erxo one ot thoit iriial tbst-elass suppeis on Thin -day exvuiiiK- next at the home or Mis. s. P. Mathexx-, on ItoeU stieet. Y. W. C, A. Rummage Sale. The West Pciaiiton bianeh or the YoiniR Women'- (.'lulstian assorlatlon v ill tondllut t iiimm.iRe ale Tliuis da, 1'iiday and Sjttuday ot tlii.- xxeelt and all .nUile" xxill be thankfully le- tixed at the looms exeix d ly fiom I to !' "0 p in., oi on Thui-dav moinln at 1.'!' Pcnn axenue, oi a postal i.attl Embroidered Qinghams Fine Silk Giughams in short lengths for waist pat terns, etc, very handsome goods, worth at least 50c the yard and all of the OQm newest, best patterns.,. Zuil sent to the rooms xxlll In sine llielv be Jiipr tailed for. .Second-hand clolhinp; of alt Uliiils, filiopp, i libbers, tntts, fancy xx-oik, sec ond-lmnd furnltuio, dishes, Itlmniltigs, plcluic, etc., will bo neceptublc. EVENTS OF THIS EVENING. 'VollliR Men' institute Hllltt Waist .Mlnstroli at Men is.' hnll. S..1 o'clock. IteRiiliir mectliiB of the West Side bonrd of trade at thcli iooni. Iu West Hide bank, s o'clock. UcruIui' monthly nieetliiK of the. Kiaulttln JJiiKliie company at their lliiM'terN on North Hyde Park axuiiuc, at s o'clock. Special mcetlliir nf (be l.eek Hoelnl club tit I'ix'nns' hotel, Jackson Hlteot, at S o'clock. Special tncetliiR of Division No. I, Ancient Older Hibernians, S o'clock, Iu Ynuiifr Men's Institute hull, Metlnjr of Camp "I, Pntilotlr Order of American", In Med Men's hull. Nomination of olllcers. Mepioduetlon of the cantata. "I.lttle Med Ttldlmr Hood," ill the Plymouth I'oiiKiCKiitlonnl chin eh. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. .Miss Katliellne nllibuns, or Lafay ette sit eel, liny letuined fiom a visit xxlth fi lends In Cnlbondalc,. Ildltor DaxMs, of Uitisfoid, IM xxas the lucent Riiest of Fred Davis", of Not th Sumner ax-uniie. A If led TixlnliiK and C.u I Baltnianii "punt Stindav al Cuni)bcU's Ledge. (Irand S.iehem Myers, of the im pioved Older of Med .Men, lett yester d.i.x to attend the sreal council meet ing at Philadelphia. Mis. i:il.i Halpln, Mis.. Lllzabeth Sheedy and diiuprhtPt', Lucy, of Vestal, X. ,r., haxe letuined home fiom a Mt with 1 elathes on Noi lb Slain avenue. William Hx'ims, of Noith Uiomlex .ixenue, lias letuined fiom a visit xxltb liK son, Hnydeu, of Catboiulale, GENERAL NEWS NOTES, Stiect t'iMiiinlssioiitff Moxxlaiul I). Tlioni.is Is in.ikiiiB extenslxe tinpruve meiits at lils home on Ninth Hde P.nk .1 venue. The Mmlh will spend the summer .it Moscow. .Limes Jeieniiuh, Si of L.ifnvette stieet. loinmriy innltor of the Tiibune InilldhiK has been appolutod sexton of of the Simpson Methodist Kpfscop.il c lull Ii. Miss Ilthel Mclleimott and Miss Sadie Mulsh, of Oneont.i, N. T.. hip xisitins: the foimei's paients, Mex and Mis. II. C. McDeimntt, of Not th H.xde Paik avenue. Hex. tl. ('. McDetmott, of Simpson MethodNt IJpNcop.il ehuieh, xxill spend a poitiou of this week at Svtaense unlxeisity, to xxhich institution lie U an 0lllel.1l xNltor fiom the WyomiiiK' (onfeience. UN piayer meeliiiR on Wednesda.v exenliiR xxlll ho led bv Hex'. I. It. Autln. The xeddlriRyf Itany T. Thomas and Miss Jennie M. Woolhaugli, of L.ifiiyett" street, xxlll take place .it the Simpson Methodist I2piscop.il tliuuli. Wednesday morning, June II, al ' o'clock. The Woman's FoieiRii Mission. uv so 1 ietx of the Simpson M. 13, Lhur(.li held tliLii icRiilai meethiR last exen iriR in tlie lei till e loom of Ihe (liliidi. The Chl-I'psilon .sodetv met in tlie W.ishbuin stieet Piosbvtei inn (.lunch last evening' and ttansacled lORiiIar business'. Mis. John S. I.noiiiis, ol Noi th Kill mill .ixenue, entei tallied the membeis ol the West Side Chailty club last exenliiR. The i hili man and seuetaiy ol the KiisU t.egislatixe distiiit committee will meet at 10 o'clock Ibis moiniim and pass upon Ihe names ot I3x.ui J. D.ixis and Thomas flillespie as dele Rates to the Mpiiblic.in state (onxen tion. P.itikk Dunn, a woikm.in employed on I.ai kin's new houe on Noith Main .ixenue, tell tiom a scatTold xxlille at xx oik xesteid.iy moi nitiR, and sus tained bcxoip injuiles. He xxas taken to tlie Tauk.ixx.uuui hospital. Uunu xxas lendeied unconscious bv the tall, and his hip was inclined, Uuth ol the I'olhamuses who xxeie killed iu Ihe Delaxxate. Lackawanna and Westtin xxieek al Vestal, weie fonner icsldents of AVest Soianton, and weie well known here, I3nglneer John LoneiR.in, xho had such a nar low escape, is i elated to Ilk haul Lou eiRan, the Chestnut stieet mei chant. Hini.x I'olhainiis, tlie naRiiiau, xxbo was Injuiod, was ul'n known heie. Mai tin May, a lad icsldiiiR at '.MJl Jackson stieet, was sti nek In the face xxlth u hammer ycsteiday, and soxeie. ly injuied. A caipenter xxoikliiR on u plat foi m In that locality let tho bummer slip from his baud and it struck the boy. Dr. Uicmiau put cIrUI stitches in the hoy's Hue. C I' Powdoily, loimciiv xxlth the llconoiny Fuinltuie tompany, has as sumed chaiRc of the advei tishih' de partment at (Mai kit 13ios.' stoics. Special sei vices xxlll be held Wednes day, Thin sday and Fiidny eveiilnss in the Wasiihnin Street Presbyteitan church. The Ladies' Home and For eign Mlsslouniy soeloty xxlll meet Thin sday afternoon at the homo of Mis, Reynolds, Luiuer of Hyde Paik axenue and Pi lie street. Announcement has been made of the coming- marriage of W. .1, Jlospst or Taylor, and Miss Kloieiiio It. Metis, of West Scranton, Thomas Thomas, of Noith Sumner avenue, tripped ovnr a lope ut liufttilo Hill's show lecontly unci tiactmed his aim, Tlio finctuiii xxas i educed ut tho West Side hospital Hedge Hnsteile and funillv haxe taken poMsslou of their nexv home on North Sunnier avenue, St. Leo's Hattallon xxlll inn their annual excuislon to Mountain p.uk nt.t Satin day, and lemming; the tiaiu xxill leave the paik at midnight. Tialns xxlll leave heio at S.'iO a, m,, : i, in. and l m. GREEN RIDGE. Wane Poveily, of Manslleld is a suest iu tho family ot Attouic o, s. Woudimf, o Hlectilc uxonue. . Mis. 13d, pinker lias letuined to her home In AVnvetly, uftei an extended visit with bei sister, Mis. II. L, Hut dick, of ."Mousey uvenue Camp 25, Patilotlo Older Sons of Ameiica, xxlll elect olllcers this even ing ut Musculo hull, Dieksou uxciuie Miss (iiTtiiide Ahx'iu Hi, n studeiit i(t the School nf Applied Alt, Philadel phia, is tit her liomn on Meyleil ave nue, for the simuuer vacation, Miss Hosu Palmer, a i etui lied mis. Hlonuiy tiom China, will speak at the Hast Muiket Stieet Piiinltlvo chinch this evvulnir. Tlie Woman's Allssionaiy society of the Gieen ltldge Picsbytuiiun chinch xxlll hold their monthly meeting In the chuich chapel tomouow afternoon. An Intel cstlng session is anticipated, as the report of the Philadelphia meeting xxill bo lead. All women of the con uicguliou me Invited. THE WRONG MEDICINE. Thousands of people yeitily deal their nils xxlth tho wioiir medicine. They are In the habit of Jumping at the Hi si "cure-nil" they see advertised mid fancy they are going to be bene lilted, People "houlil uo moio caution In selecting their medicines. These me tbnes xx hen the country Is Hooded with the pt Inlcd ho.-nts of experiments, those xvho hmc plies In any form uin not be too cuiettit In Its tieKtmont. The dellcnle membranes may receive Inlmles fiom humbug lrmedles that xxlll lend to the most complicated eruption?. Pyramid Pile Ottie Is the safest leinedy known to medicnl science. It purifies the affected pnrtn. reduces the tumors, and takes nway the imtnmmn tlon. If you nie tioubled, try II. It Is prepnicd by the most skilled specialists xx lio hnvo ninde the cm lug of piles and kindled ttoubles a life study. It Is now i lu best known pile remedy befom the public. Thousands have been cuicd xvho bad experimented for year." with exeiy other known lemedy. Iltiudieils who have been dented sur gically with i suits have been complot ly cured by Pyramid Pile Cine. Don't et erlnient xxlth dangerous chugs nor i tin the risk of n painful surgical oper ation. This lemedy Is n prompt, per fect nnd peimanent (lire for the mosi persistent case of piles. It Is manu fnctuied by the Pyramid Drug Co., Mat shall, Mich., and has found Its way into ex'erv wldeaxvttke drug store on the continent. Ask for It nnd be ctned of a disease which may lead to fatal complications. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Interesting Caaes Tried Before Al derman Lentea Entertainment and Social at Athletic Hall. Mm tin LatiRan. of :!1!l Hhih stieet, xxas atialgned hefoie Aldcimun Lentes last night chaiged xvlth attempting to kill Mink L.ixeine, of "il Birch stieet. Lang.in passed the resldeiue of L.i xeine Stindav evening about 7 o'clock and II is alleged began calling hiin names, not satisfied with xxhleh he is said to have taken a huge bottle lrom his pocket and tin own It al Lax ei tie. Missing him be Is fuither chaiged with picking up a l.uge stone and throwing it. Tlie alderman placed him under $'00 hail, In default of which he was committed to the county jail. Entertainment and Social. The entei talnmenl and social xxhleh were given last cxening in Athletic hall tor the benefit of Joseph Keegau xxeie 1 n-Rely attended by a well pleased audience. The piogiamme xxhich xxas piinted in Saturdav's Tiibune xxas (.allied out in its cntliety and was a splendid suc icss. Piolessor T. J, Meiinie furnished splendid music foi darning. Mother and Son In Court. John Blolkoxvski was analRiied he lm e Alderman Lentes last evening on a xx at rant swoin out by his mothei, Anna Blolkoxx ski, lor cairying 1011 (oaNd xveapons and being Inconiglble. Dining the hearing counter charges xxeie made against the motliet and a xx ui rant xxas .sxvoi n out later by one of the bov's relatives for her an est for bleach of piomlsc and olliei ot lonsps. AlclPrm ill Lentes, aftei heatliiR the i.ise, put hei under VM ball, and th" boy was put in $Jon ball on the f'nsi i inn ge pi cloned. The (ase will bf ion! inued this inoining. Nubs of News. Vesteula.x morning at n oMoik the I uncial of the late Mis. John Conueis took place. It xxas held Mom the fam ily lesidcnie. No. 10 Stone avenue, and .it St. Petei's cathedral a icnulem mass was lelelnated, after xxhich In tel men t was made in the cathedral cemetei Theie xxill be a meeting of tlie Catholic Mutual and Benefit associa tion this exening at Pharmacy hall to make arrangements for the SI. John's chuich exclusion. All membeis aie icquestod to be picsent. Comet lodge. No, lil, Knights ot P.x thins, will meet iu tegular session at Hattmnn'.s hall this evening. The membeis of the Junior Older I'nlted Amuiican Mechanics will meet al Schliupfi' hall to-night foi nomina tion of ofllccis. John Fallon, or (he Stioudsbuig Nounal school, Is x siting his parents on Palm street. John Caxaney nnil Itobeit Hnmni have returned fiom a xxeek's lsit at Buffalo, N. V. Hiaiid opening today and tomouoxr night nt M, Bugno's, I'J.'n Piospect ave- 1UIP. Matthew J Pluod, ot ICim stieet, xxas mairied in Miss Mary Agnes Sutler of Paten-on. N. J on Thursday, .May .10, al that place. The ceremony xxus peifouneil In St. Bonli'aie Momaii Catholic chinch, by Ilex'. Father An thony. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Delivered, to South Side, central city and central Hydo Park. Addiess otdns to J, T. Shaikey, Wit Cedar avenue. 'Phone 0653. PUiNMORE. The uii'inbi'ls of the school boaid, accompauli'd by the txx-o retlilng meni bcrs and Stipeilntendant Tinvnid, spent ycsteiday In the annual Inspection of the boiougli schools, Oxxlug to llio late hour when tlie xxoik was com plettd, the meeting scheduled foi last night was not hold. In most cases the buildings xxeie in a ery satlsfuc toiy condition and the icpalis that xxill have to be made duilug vacation this yeai will ho vety limited. The Ladles' Aid society of tlio MethodNt chin ih will hold a lawn so cial at tho home ot Paulcl Powell on Thin sdav night next, when .stiaxv beuies nnd ico cieum xxlll be seix-ed. Lady MoKluley lodge xxill hold mi eiiteitalnment and social at Odd Fel lows' lull on Wednesday evening, June 12th. Cake und iieam xvlll bu set ved, The Huild of ht Agnes, of St. Maik's chuicli xvlll give n lawn social on tlio palish lawn on Wednesduy evening. June 20. Iluumoic lodge of Odd Fellows will attend sei vices ut the Methodist 13pl.s topal chuich nest Sunday evening, when Ihe pastor, Hey, C. H. Nexxlng, xxlll deliver a special senium. The Young Ladles Mission elide ot the Pietibytciiaii chuich xxill conduct a rummage s-alo ut the Horan Ibullillng on Chestnut stieet next Thursday. .lames Huirlugtou, of Chestnut stieet. Is reptcseiitlng the locul lodge of Hepnsophs, ut their convention at Boston. NORTHSCRANTON AN INTERESTING ADDRESS BY PROF. SILAS S. NEFF. President of Noff Collego, of Phila delphia, Last Night Addressed n Largo Audience at the Auditorium on the "Hopes of Youth" Cast of Characters and Programme for To night's Cantata at tho Auditorium. Other News Gatherings and Per sonal Gossip. Piesldent Silas S. Neff, of the Neff college of Philadelphia, N In Ninth Scinnton this xxoek to make nddiesscs on educational mntteis ul the Noith Mnlu Avenue HnptNi chuich. Last ulghl he spoke at the Aitdltotltim on "The Hopes or youth." nnd to-night he xxlll speak on "The Cine ot Hdllca tlon." Lnst night there was a Luge attend ance ut his lectin c, and Dr. Neff, who Is one of the lending educiitois of the stnte, pioxcd also n mini or ctilttuc and splendid pcisonullty. His uddtess xvns filled xvlth helpful suggestions and inspiration. In the ionise of his ad dress ho said 'Hie lioiiei of jotitli nn' Ilii' pinmhr ot tlie futinc tlits ((illownn ol piophciy fiom tho lni mm nilmlx, XII x ouiiir inlmN sue luxiirlint III luu". II U the hope of miiiIIi tlmt oiililiitr more linn .nix tiling olio tlio iiurlluiiniM fiwlni Hon mil ortirxovicnl lniiiii( of llio spilim tliiie of life. 'X.oiiiig pinple llnio.t llio III llioir licpo mill xilion mm (iu-i' " to llvo lie ooi-os lo lio jnimir. Not uiilx i 1 1 t -t lino, hut .ill lii'iltlir .xoiiiik pioplo ivput lo lie, ilo or pov-iv, Miiiirtlilni!' iircil in life .mil it w.ii il.mlillox the Intention of (loil tlut j1Loiiii(; pcoolo "lionlil hi to illx' .iccompli'li mhiii tiling Kir.il, Xn I lie Iih mulo It iiiMiilili' lor ill lo uJlio llioi. liopr XII minil liixo tlio pcmci lo inncclvo uoiL oxpcit ilioiu, luit onlj i compiralixi l.v fnc mr inert llioir pxprctitioiK. This cleitli of their luipis in their gleil hiltle foi it'nliilion is porhipi the - niiK.-L of nil Innii in ixpuknu in the Imniiii minds h tlio hum possible of nil bin i.i 1 mound-. (wi lis gitiui.i U its tl lino. "llio (Vinitcri- of lis Hopes" XXhx U this? Vliv this imllcss longing, this endless simtcle .mil this ncxtr ondiinr Inneral pioeession' XXIiv moot xi e hring to pass (lio.c KKit IhiilK5 ill of us look finu.lld lo? To .mswoi this xo iiin-l Mist upl lo i iniiio finuliincntal (inislion: liil is lint ulmli enil.lis nun in .iieoniili-h inMhliiK' Hint is i uiiiIii woikoi of Ihe xioild? (If eoniso, time is lint one upli: The linin'n mind is I i;ic it Koiulit uoiKei ot the xioild. Ii is vwth tho ininil .is wall the niiilnno 'Ihe liettei llio midline the better tin oik. Tho xro.ilii the ninid the giciln the anoiif plilimint. 'I)k Inid iliops fiom Ihe tiees .mil In.H no fruit, foi the luo oinnol supple sutH (lent imiuiiluuent. Mopes die unrrali(I be cjuso tlie mind ins not the powei lo peifoim uhat tho hopes iifpuie. XIjim peopli lno .1 Lilher injsticjl xitw leg.uding the djing ot tlio xxorld's oil, tlici si i in in think lliiims (t done aei uli nt.llli. On tlie snunil llinillit c all Know that lui k ot run dfeit linn mil-1 be i i lu-r i i)ii it lo llio pioilui Imn ot llio elieel. link of i'Xiij Eieil dud thuo is .i irn it mind, (real minds onli i in d kkjI llilns;s. sml minds onl i in do snnlt thnus It is in lutei estins ind, lo those not spcddists m mind snulv, a rmstinous f h l tint xilule onh e.ieit mini's i an do cie.it things, .ill minds, men and miiiII, i an hon foi bilui lliinqs, Is linie, then, no lon-oiilion toi llio .mi igi' man.' Not a p.ulldo The aeriis;o mm will foieeei do nnle aiei n;e tlui bs. I!ut the nwi.iRo man iniv liicunic the pxlrinitliiiux mill !od plaied mm mil nitiiio lieio in an liniomplole londiliou (liu xxoik in tin xxorld is to improio nature and oiu.selies. for .tnturies man aeiipted nitiuo as it i mu fiom Clod. Tlieic wis lilllc )ioi;hss, man Imd on xlnt the Kliiund uitiirillv piodiued. XXheio nun foimeily bireh oisod on imndieds of imos of riountl, now, In impioiiu? tlio Miil, men fiet nih on i fiw aeies It xou Hilie the ixlint In nine li mm his imprnied on Uriel's wink iu ijititro, ium)i,ue llio win Id tixo bundled xoais ,n wilh l.dn IIxpij si hool bo knows the lids Wheie is the wop f nun i who would urn In .-ill-tied with (ho 'inunit lint Cod limit, xwth hois,., m, -Imp, apple?, boiriis, eli.' Xou will occasion ill.x nuet. i nun xdio is sfpinmsh Mti-lidl ow wp .no impnnlng eieiuhint. Wi ate intrnsplx ensiled in woikinir i iw uililro up into flue .ut nitiiro. .Xnd jot Ihe li. p.s of joulli fill thick in bh-t, and .lit the stales, of ihe iiopes no mudi too numiioiis on Hie hillside of the minds, 'I lie Innnto of Hie inni Itcntli eiiitun Ins In en a compldc IJod's work iu nittne of Hie tuenlielh i in tun. He xxill add to tins complete (.'mi's woik of htii'imi nitiuo nun's mind, . t. in Hie I iw siniplx beeiu-e ho bis clion loiupiraludi liltte attention lo wmkiiiK liiisili up into i tin islud pioducl. tie bis dneloped exnjitliin but lnni-df. XXV luxe in (dueition xxluili consists imilih of ili-tliution, but liishuetinii is onl.i slightly (lixelopuicut anil somclimos ii-ull- iu no dexelopnient, Xll adi lined cdiiL.itois up now sinus tin-1 IdRliest UioiirIiIs not nicielt to llio pioblrm of how lo best In.-ltikt the tniiid, but how lo sue tlio boy a belli i and dialer ininil How lo pioperl.i eoiubluo lliosp t.xo phases of eilui .ition is Hie great problem. Iltunan development Is x .1-1 Iv- mine important than mere in-tiuillon. Tie .Talis of tho hopes aio xer.x iiuiiicioiis in the n.lud of llio m in who. meiiU knows I lots I'he bum iu development xxill depopulate this ceincln) of llio mind. Our Flap. The above-named beniitltul cantata will be pel foi med tonlghl at tlie Audl tiiilum by a choir of eighty fiom tho Memoiinl Haitlsi cliurch; conductor, Oeoige Ha vies. The .slngeis xxlll be in costume, and uccnmpnuicd liy an oi clietia. The cantata gives, the hlsloiy In .song ot the vlctoile.s of tho Stars and Snipes from the struggles of tho colonic, under "Wa.shlnston, clow u to the picsent time. tsr or Liin,rii.iis fallier 1 1 mi. bixld 'uidi I'ndo jiu Ilnli nd Hull ind Columbia Ml-s l.i7io l.llliott libeil.x Mis. llciijimin Xiuos Mollici Mp., . r. 'Ihomu I'lair (iltls ... Ml-is Ixdvil llece, Xnnli Ibe-p I'lUouei ..Iddio Xiuittap flow lloxs and soiiim llo.xs, ( niniuny or lloj 'llu nilrlecn sj, ,'llilrlieii small l.ill.s OiilifaiM Him Uixlis, John Ix.nu, I'ml Wliltc. Mflnl I'Klu UikjiiI.I, Mls.s XiKn.ie Twlnlnc;; pianist. Ah. Pixid lalvv ink niiri.isi: ur ntocit mmi: C'land Xlaicli, "file (iulicilns of Hie I'.oph," Dii lie. Ha Oprnlui; lln.iii',, ' ('cine, (mm, I oi.u ' I nil ( limius "Wliu Come lleio:" ( In. tin ot ( hildien solo, "0 Children Pear" 1'alhei I line ' ie You Did Kallur Tiniol" ( bout, solo, '( lillilitu, I lino Linie Hun W'aldi liit:'' I '.illu i lime "ti. Wo I an 'I ell Xou Ihe Moil," ( holm nf ( lilliluu linn, '-Jlikllis Hie Has" Hi,- I, ills "file 'I llll (if ll stu" . . .(liuim nf little (,ilU ' Mstei t'oiod'onr" llioiii, of Xli nun (do, "ludipindiiiip lull." ., I ilcrlj "Wheie Is I'ndo Mini" , f hoiu, of llojn "cs, I Will Tell" I'mle sam "Hall to Coliimlil i ' .. ,, . . I'nll ( horns Kaijle Son I uliilnlii.i sjllltitik" the I'l is , ( holiu "X ahiiton" ,, , . . . .OiMitiliu "( rosfing Hie liiluvaiC sm ( ,ui "Mdoi.x" . . I'nll I hoius solo. "Our lleaila Xu l.lad" , I nde Mm Xi.vll Soiik' ,. I bonis SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a louk'h to run until it se-H bejond (lie reach ot niedliliie. 'i lie v often sj, "Oh, t will wear away," but iu mast ea.-es it will wear them aJ. Could tlu-.v to induced to try tho ucceful imdleine called Kcmp'a llaljain, whieli U told on a ponitbe guarantee to cure, lliey would luiuicdlalcly teo the excellent illui after taking the Hrat done. Price 23c. ami 60c. 'IVIal tir free. At all druuUta. JONAS LONG'S SONS. Watch for Important Announcsmant in Tuasday Evening's Papirs Women's Madras This suit is nicely made from best cjuality of woven madras. It has a tucked front yoke with reverse trim med with three-quarter inch beading. All are made with the new style crush collar. The colors aie blue, ox-blood and pink, the piice Women's Tailor-made Suits, $10, $15 The io. oo suits formerly sold for $12.00, $ic;.oo and 5i8.oo. The $15.00 suits are worth up to $20.00. Is it any wonder that many are finding new owners ? The fabrics are Broadcloths, Venetians, Homespuns and Cheviots. Children's Pearl Straw Flats, 19c Each On Tuesday we'll sell them at that price. A good opportunity to buy and save six cents each time. IQp Tuesday, each 1C Groceries The Guaranteed Hind Prunes, Santa Clara, very meaty, 6 pounds 25c Crackers Hitchner's Tid-Bits, per package 7c Pickles The Kent Brand, i pint bottle 14c Chocolate The Premium, J4 pound cake I6c Soap The Dome Brand, io cakes for. 25c Evaporated Apples i pound packages 7c Rice Choice Carolina, 6pounds 25c Webb's Cream Corn, finest packed, 2 cans 25c Dates and Figs, fancy 1 pound packages, 3 for... . 25c Pineapple Chunks, delicious, packed at Singapore, 2 cans 25c Cottolene, large pail, 45c; small 23c Coffee, Our famous Mexican Java Brand 23c Jonas Long's Sods "Bojoncl tho AtiMl and Ibe Mill" . . t'nele sun Plow 11ms' xins f borui of llo.xn "The ii(.'il eiT Pean ' ( ohmibk I ladle Sins" Molliu "V Cloud I ee" lather I line "Lincoln" Vim ( hoiu, "Ihe It title I n ..I I neiloin" t 11. b sun III, ( llllllls "Thc.x ie ('.nuns" . .Nini I Imni, "rump l i.imp 'Iiiiiii" .1 mle -1111 ind Chnius "In Hie I'li-oit till" Pilsonei "II Is l'im" . I.ibiilx ind Coluuibii smut; ot Pi 11 1 ." ( oluuibii, I 1 1 li '-liu, I 11 Iu 1 I line "P111-1 (.oil' . . Ilium mil (bonis "Ihe -til .-muled lliiinu" lull Cliotiis TOLD IN A FEW LINES. P.iv. (I. ( T.vii.iii,i.i.slni' ol' the remit Stieet Methodist KiIsioiul thuii'h, anil xili l.ihf i.'Vc'iiiiiK' I'Olebiittotl their thli ty-lirth nnni cm briij. fit the imimjii aire. Jtp. and JIis. r.vm.ili uele pie .sented with a Iio.iiitlful et of lluvlltinil (li'hes liy the i'onste.'K.llIou of the t'huieh. John ('iiiiiilnshiim .is the oiilv pils 01101 in police couit yi'dipuluy nioiuiiii;. Illu cli.iie xxas di 1111k .Hid illsimleilv louduct. He w.is lined '," by .M.iBis tinte Fldlei. A Rin ml cantata l he held at ihe Welsh CotiKii'Kational chuich on Tues day, June 1 under the mn-pli es of the liaml of Hope of the Sunday .M'liool, Tlio title of the (Mlltntil ii "The Biownle llnml." and it l.s one of the piettiest prlnlccl tor chlldien, Leader, Willlain .1. Lewis, nmniifjei. Miss Alin.i William-. Mr. .nd Mi. t'liutlPr. SciincKur, ol We.st I'ltttfton. e-(leida islted Mr. and Mi. Kud Ma.vo, oi Noith Main itvtMiue. OBmiARY. I.AWIin.NTi: UI1AN -The dealh nf I.nwieuee hciin occuueil suddenly at Ills liniiii on West Mm kit stieet (.es teida.x nun nliiK at 7 o'doch, atur a lew houi.s' IHui Dei eased i ut mind the lioutfe- Siindny inoinlns: and hail taken n shot t walk, un his 10 tuiii home ho was feelliiK iippuu'iitly well, hut a hunt .1 o'clock Mi. Dean awakened hi family with Hliiup ri u.iii! and iiimpltiincd m havliiK (' veie puliis in lilt iiliduiiu'ii. and. alter MllfcllllK loi ii few hoillh. Ml. Ucail died, lie was bum In li eland mid was 1 1 ju.iis of uffe, lie Ik mii vlvpd by his wllo and il ehlldien 'I'liey an as lollows; HtldKet, Mai), Nellie, Uei liude, Adeline .md Law i nine The IUIHT.il iiniinllllioineiH will be iimdo l.ltel. """"confessos Theft of $20,000. t , 1il.hi Wiie iio.u luo v.ueiilul 'ie Miiiii.il Point. Wi',, luni i- -.(exxaii lelul, xxlio xx.i .llll.-tld on cisueiiu ni liaxnu rubbed llm I'litl .National bank of Mliuial Point ol ox i Wcl.nnu aboui tlnee week, auo, has loiitiivseil. lie coidiiiB to llu poliie MI llu moihH .eipt YJ.Vm bai. luni rtiouied lilell In. olbud to lell the olfiiii., it ii .ant. xxlme llu pail.aui. ii Lull in) Oiubatone Dealoia Must Pay Tax, n.x KulJfho Wlio lrom Tlnr jeoilalcd PreM. j-lilutiun. I line' Id ( ommissloucr ol luni' ual Ituxeuue ukis lia diiidul that a nri.ni H liable In i-pct i It IJ .n luokei .o .'. xxlio-. Iiii.,Iiks U lo deal in pun anl ealU on ioik ui praln. ouuWe of an eilianse, boaul nf tia.U or iniilar plaic, AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. 'Ihe "Itlllni: bai- ball luni lu noianl'e.l if III Hie- follow tnv plajei.s: lalilui, iuan Mead, plliliu; Kune, In.-t bao; (olxin. Moud base; Doodxxin. Hilid bav;j Millxxell. lift h-ld: 'IxxlH. (.entu Iklvli t'erbei, lljlit ".il'ls Uuiuelt. Store News, Tuesday,June 1 1 Wash Suits $5.00 $5.00 THE ORIENTAL. WhaffoGiue the Jiine Bride . xm luxe i -plindll Hill ut bolli i ul and diiiritiil slas.s th tmtiiu pla hrpnaie ili-lii s .ue lb. dilulitst unxilh ol the sei-i.ti xxhilc ul is. mil old. lent PMict Our line is tiphli xxilh cimeo mil line liuni dieinw of Li mix, If llu tiisle lull- lo hind piiulid rhiiu, xxe (in -up xniti lime- mil mnuey, too u iiimx i iliei Hiin.'s to (ill about, but spue pli. hllill-i i ull'll In. Mliprlsul n Hit. iiuiiitnx- ilnl (inliix of pure ll tsis jnu in ij nuke lieu- Willi A Dollar. Gruener & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. ! Fancy and Art Goods... You will, no doubt, ngxee with us when wo &ny this is the lending- Enncy and Alt Goods stoie of Scranton. Every thin b thnt should be found in a stoie of this char acter is heie. Special atten tion is cttlled to the following: The new Gibson Pillow Tops in colois. rnns of dainty silk gauze, both plain find spangled. Belts of Fnncy Leather, also Satin with Tuiquoise Settings. Bnttonbuig Patterns in new designs, Cramer- Wells Co., i 134 Wyoming Ave. M"H'H,'M'H,frJ'H'H,i,,Hi ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS, '--' r' -( GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL tNO ANNBX, "wrtinia Axe and lleaili, Mlanlie 1'ity, N, ,1 Sixth )'al, ' liautifiil loonii cnvuiie, iingl., and xxlth bath, hoi and cold .ea-xxatcr bathl in hotel and :mne I mat ion Mleil and (flitial, xxlthtn Itxx xaids ot Hie stiel 1'ier Orcliotia, (libra .peelal vprmg laics, l to l'i b wee'kj ' up bj da.x speeLI i ites In l.imlllc. Coachu melt jII K'l'i'. WHu lor booklet uiuii.hs i: ropp HOTEL OSBORNE, Mlaiil'' 'H.''. ' "'' -s'luiu fiom bej. li, N.xx' fiin.nu annex Moduli appolnlmcui., Pil. csiil'ed Mixlie Halt-, bx llu da x M. SI and up. xxaiel H 'Ho xxick, -0 and npxxanl Capacllx, (IO II 1 (Ubornc .boil-top. riu v xxoiild like In play the MWr Junloi. '" vaiiinijv ullitiuMn, .lime 16, on llm Mode-' "'d. It uatMaiior au-xxei ilnoiicli in .i(uuue, II. Mead, upijln, T. ICauc, m-nugcr H