P'j!SfanTftiif':r;'rffWjrJr,''.!, ,,. s,!TT!T5S5 ' '"v" "5 -,,.''.'K?TT?Pp 1 1 - nbttwe. mtttott K :fu T. X T Wi&y & &JVW ' z i.V ;l' p vw. THB ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. .-..-.iW TWO OKftTS. SCRANTON, lV TUESDAY MOKXIXG, JUNK 11, 1001. TWO CENTS. .V-vnrm-WP -n-"-S4-t 'ruiv.-wMs-iiXi-- --. jvm- -v srW'iVRSlAi, m r "US, r . e MORE RAILWAY MEASURES Bills to Regulate the Construction of Elevated and Underground Lines Are Introduced. REPORTED FAVORABLY The Scott ami Focht Bills Heceived from Committee n Few Minutes After Having Been Introduced in the Senate Controversy Over the Scrnnton Hospital Bill Is Renewed in the House Mr. Creasy, of Col umbia. Objects to Approval of the Journal New Rules to Govern Absent Members Mr. Cooper De sires to Deepen the Delaware Jhe Fox Capitol Bill to Be Considered Today. Iti I ,i ipi-nn Wiie lupin 'ln Assiu mImI Pic. llnrrlsljitrg.June 10. Two hills ln;ir Ing on tlio Focht mid Winery laws, passed last week, were Introduced In the sc-n.lto tonight, ono by .Mr. Kneht. (ii Cnlon. mill the other by Air. Seolt. of 1'hllutlclphlii. Mr. Foeht's bill Is n supplement to lils elevated railway ait, and is designed to ninli" the lan guage (if Hint act dealer. The Scott lilll restricts the building of elevated r 'indci ground roads to thickly popu lated localities wlici'i' the surface trav el Is congested, or until the necessity for siu h a road shall have been passed upon by a board conlsting of the I'ovi'rnor, secretary of the coniiuon vealth and tb n torney gonral. The bills wei o inureillaiely referred to e inimiltee. and a few minutes Inter iv"io fa voiably reported to the senate. They III be pushed through both bouses as rapidly as were their prede cessors, These bills were reported from con ference committees and passed finally: ' li.i'i hill plodding fnl tlio IciiiMl.llii'll nf I ..lie liiulk', labels, clc. it1i irinc llie I'lccli'i" (if (Mihnti rmiiily to in ' cor .-i - -. in llll tin' ullho of pnithimnt.iiy. Kin (ip pr I'cth i.i llii' lontt of mot iiinl terminer :imp ou.lllel' -pii.l:-, finp fur (Irik ill I lie nipliilhs' niMi Mini ii'i.icr nf mils, .mil one fur iccoiilcr ii iieiit-- The lionse judicial;,- apportion nient bill was recommitted to committee. fler the cal'Midar bad been cleared or bill'' on in-st and second reading the senate adjourned. Two sessions will be held tomorrow, one at n p. in. and the other at S p. m. Scranton Hospital Bill. The controversy over the roll call on the II tin! passage of the Scranton hos pital bill In the house nn Friday was renewed at tonight's session by Mr. f'reasy, of folninhiii. moving to ap piove the loiirnal of that session with Hie exception of the vote on that bill, lie followed his motion with a protest against the recording of the votes of Alessrs. I'.eacoin. Chew. Council, Kd wards. Fahey. Ileiulei'son, ICopji, I.eili, .McConiiell. Keibel. Seal and .Murphy, w were recorded as bavins; voted in the allirnintive and some of whom air. i rensy said, were not present when the vole was taken. Speaker .Marshall ruled that the house could only approve or disap prove the Journal as a whole, and that It could not act on a portion of the .lournal. The .Ioiirna! was approved by a vote of IK! to HI. Mr. flnll, of Allegheny, said much of the trouble over the alleged Inac- unify was due to .members leaving the dlty and requesting the clerk to inorlc them up on certain hllK .Mem bers could cn-lly "m where this prac tice would lead to if il was not checked. On the verltlcatlnn of the roll il" the clerk does not lead the names of such members he Is put In the position .of falsifying the rolls. This is not Just to the clerk nor to the house. .lr. (lull suggested to the i lerks that they refuse to record the ii.mie of any member who Is not pres- nt and answering to his name, If a incnibvir wants to vole on a bin, he oiitliiiied, let him lie here and vote when Ills name is called, and there will be no further controversy over the loll, Speaker aim-shall slated that lie had Instructed the clerk to hereafter re cord :m member who Is not present and voting. It lias been Hie custom ever since lie has been a member to mark absent members on appropria tion bills, ilut this must stop and if tlio bills fall the responsibility rests wltlt tlic members themselves and not with the clerks, I'liief Clerk Hnrvln m.iile n state, uient defending himself against the accusation that the roll call on the ote on the Scranton hospital hill was falsified, He said thai he kept the roll himself and recorded no names which ,cro not answered to, Mr, Cooper nnd the Delaware, Air. Cooper, of Delaware, offered tho following concurrent resolution, which was adopted: Wlidra!, 'Hie Pelawaie inn U ilie only uicUmd f toniniuniialiun belwcen the l il IVnie.tl unia am llic Atlantic oir.ni, jml Vtlwra, tlic iviiiii'ri of (lie I'nlUil Males ha.s mnUded for a Ihiitjtfout' channel m mean low n h 1 1 1 , iheiefoic. be il lloobril, Tint tli' coosics. of llic lulled states lie lequcslrd In nuke ,iii'iiiiic apjiopi lu tlon of money to the uur (loiuilincnt lg caly rmi (lie iiovivion ef llic jci of (unmivs ctabU-li-mt; il.c ilenili ul lukr ji 1 1 1 i 1 1 ni ui uiojii Ijiv vvatcr. Hy a vote of L'2 tn SI, a motion offored by Air. ltrown, of Crawford, to recom mit the senate bill repealing tho local option law In the Twenty-ninth ward of Philadelphia to the law and order committee for a re-licailng, was re Jt'Rted. Air, Troxcll, of J.yconilng. offered a resolution, which lies over one diy to l'lupo on the calendar the hill to llx the boundary linn between Tioga and I,y roinlng counties, which was reported from committee with h negative reo-iiinaH'tidatloii, Mr. llllss, of Deliiwnie, reporteil ft Kjoiutloii from the apptoprlallons cominlltce, wllleh was adopted, nllow lug the ndJlllniH general to apply the uneNpendi.'d balnnco of$:i,':iri,IO of the iippropi'latiou made by the legislature of tS7, to transport Hie Pennsylvania soldleiR to the (.'hleUnmatlga battle field, to (he shipment of copies of the document entitled "Pennsylvania at Chlrkiimiiiiga," to the survivors of that campaign, V resolution was also offered by .Mr. Hllss, nnd adopted, making a special order al II o'clock tomorrow morning for third muling nnd final passage of th" Vox 'iipltol bill. Appropriation Bills Reported. The following appropriation blllt were leported from committee: Homeopathic hospital, Pittsburg, $70,000; Curtis home. Pittsburg, JG.nfHi. Air. Colvllle, of Philadelphia. Intro duced a bill to establish houses for ne glected and dependent children in cities of the llrst and second class. Air, Henderson, of Allegheny, Intro duced a bill to regulate the practice of architecture and for the appoint ment of state hoard of examiners. After clearing the calendar or first and second reading appropriation bills, tlic bouse adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow moinlnir, OVER THIRTY MEN ARE IMPRISONED A Serious Fire in the Mines of the Pittsburg Coal and Coke Company. Hy i:clmhi' WIip fiom The AiMirlalr-ri l'rc. Port lioynl. Pa June 10. The Pltt.' burg Coal and Coke company's shaft, No. 'J, at this place Isi again on fire and over thirty men are in the mines, manv of whom, it Is feared, will never be heard from again. The names of alt those entombed cannot be learned, but the following ura known lo be in the burning mine Jack Peoples, Tony Stickles, Frank "Davenport. "Daly. William AIc- Cmi", superintendent of the district: DeMile Worlley, nit boss of the mine; Michael Uoy, a foreman of the Kuollil lrlnes. and alioui thirty other miners. About 6 o'clock smoke was seen to be Issuing from shaft No. 2. It. is thought the lire started from an explosion. Six men were In the mine at the time of the explosion, including Peoples", Stick les. Davenport, and Daly. Two others, named Stakes nnd Setter, were rescued. About 7 Voloek Superintendent "Will iam AlcCiine, Wortley, "ltoy and several other bosnes, with about twenty men, went down .shaft No. 1, which is Just opnoslte No, 1', and have not been heard from since. About three hours after the rescue parly bad been In the mine two more explosions were heard. All sorts of ptnns have been suggested for the rescue of the men. Some talk of turning the river Into the mines, but many oppose, this idea for tear of drowning the mlneis. At 11 o'clock to night four men volunteered to go down shaft Nn. '2 and Xo, :! and one man down No. 1, bill up to this time it Is not known whether they have succeed ed in making any icsetie. fias and smoke are Issuing from the mines at midnight, and oer two hundred men, Wdincii and ehildicn are waiting for some news of relatives. NINETY-TWO RAILWAYS RECEIVE CHARTERS Combined Capitalization of the Or ganizations Amounts to Over S12,000,000-Bonus to State. Uy i;i'liMu n.' Inilii Tlie ,V-ihiuIimI 1'ii'i.n. Hiirrlsburg, June 10, The Harrls burg Traction company has tiled appli cations for a charter for a company l( occupy the unused streets of Har risburg ami to run lines from litis city to Dauphin and Ifummelrttowii, The otllelals of the state department announced tonight that charters have already been grunted to ninety-two railway companies under the Focht ami Finery rapid transit bills. The combined capitalization of these com panies is XlL'.tifin.Oftft, and the total amount of bonus iccoived by the slate from them Is $tJ,Hi!.7S, The list of Hie companies, except those granted to the Philadelphia. Wllkes-Harro and Scranton Hyndlcaics, have not been made public. THE STEEL COMPANY'S NEW PURCHASE I Hy i:(luhe Wile fii.m The Aut-je I'nsi. I.elum.n, l';i.. .Inn.' Ii).--'l.e l..uk.ovama Inn and hi ill cumpiny hi pmtlu.eil the (iloniuKcr t'pilin;' l'io'cil.v. iiniitiiir oi ihlity-tiie nui. Tlie puiiliae piiie w.i N"t.i,l)i A jiue optu health leil plant, il i aid. nill be eicdfd on tin land. 'Hie (ompaio. ouiu the Cohlnook iiir-imee-i hue and hold.- a ln.e on the llird Coleman am) North Cornwall Iihiuki. al toiiiHall. "Hie ni'ttlj aiiiiied land adulii4 tlie fnlibiuol; fui naic piopfity, wheie the company i neillni,' niie bundled tukc ineiii. Handler Wins from Still ivun. Ily CxcliMtr Who fiom 'Hie Awoeiated I'ic.i. Tivnluii, X. .1., lime ID.-In tlie .event cent h puii'l iif j twenty-round battle ut the Trenton Athletic ilub loididit doe Handler, of Xcwaik, won tiom Spike SnIlbJii, ol heland. the bout WJ tlie fanlest ami luule.t nil touslit in tht; ciiy. Ituiuiler In I he .eunpcnlh, roiunl vu;i il teuilu' rlslit lo Spike", jaw and ijuhKIv fob lowed it lo the (toor. Sullhan was tinting P the floor when )aie; hi. Iirulliir, iulied UikjusIi the i opes and uu'd'lilm I mm itoins down, Cuban Convention Postponed. Dy Kxeliisile Wire frem The A,ocitd f'rn. t lu.x nn I, June 10,-Ilnir to the abjure of Senor Capote, picsldcnt of the Cuban loiiMliu. tlnn.il convention, the jeiret keidoii Ilut a to hiM' been held today vat piMtpoued until to liieviow GEN. BOTHA IS FOR PEACE The Supposed Gontents of a Letter Brouoht bu the Boer Com mander's Wife. ADVICE FOR MR. KRUGER The Former President of the Trans vaal Republic Is Urged to Make the Best Terms Obtainable Boer Agents to Confer at The Hague. Dutch Queen's Mission to Berlin. Hy lAilii'lvc Wile fnmi The Av.ni l.ilcil I'nv. The Hague, June 10. Air. Kritger and Dr. L.eyils arrived here today. They drove from the railroad station it Hilveistim Junction In a closed car riage, and are slaying at the residence of Mr, Wolmariins, one of the Hoer pence envoys. London, June lo. The Sun hea is that airs. Botha, starts on Wednesday for The Hague, where air. ICruger has been summoned to attend a conference of tlic Door agents in Kurope and the United States, to consider Hie report Air. Potha has brought from her hus band, In which the latter advises Air. Kruger, as the constitutional head of the Transvaal, to sue for peace and accept the best terms obtainable. ttUEEN WILHELMINA'S EFFORT Dutch Queon Sought Kaiser's Influ ence to End War. Perllu. June 10. The "ICleines Journal today prinlK a dispntel: from The Hague, in which It is said that the pur pose of Queen Wilhelmlna's recent visit hen: was to obtain Emperor William's consent to end the South African war through The Hague arbitration court, both the Zweibund and the Drelbund being willing to do so. The emperor. It Is asserted, consented, and the court began work thereon. The dispatch has created a sensation here. The following- statement, author ized by Count von liulow, the imperial chancellor, bos been given out at the foreign office: Neither FiiIiaiil, 1'i.uui' unr Ifui.i rvci :ip. pioathrd ftormariy to particlpati' in any ncli'm nimlnK at ending tlio Smith Afric.ui wjr, .Vr many lias nil alonjr distincrnisliod lietwcdi uflci ing her grind fierviu'o ami intervention. To ullcr licr Kood olllrci would be possible innlor crrliilii i irciiniHtiiiM'Pc, i., if liotli pittivn to tin- war request it: lint it will In- remembered Hint. Cient Piitaln enly joincrl The Hague confeience on ion ilitlon tluil llii" ltoer Male- were c.iclmlrii. There if) no ilnnlit lli.it Air. KuiRcr, who 1 a leiy scrims statesinin, came to Kuionc to obtain tho good office's of several of the powers to end tin; war, but thre ii also no doubt thai (lre.it lb it. ain dots not want their grind nffln-J. .U lea-.t, it U true that slnee the South Aliiian war lieg.ni Oieat ltrilaln has never, either ci'lially nr in wilting, rmihdeiiti.illy nr nfllci.il luoadii'i! mii Ii an irlen. It is quite pnil,le lli.it the ll.i,r mi!o l.as n.iw foimally a-ked The 'Uanue aibilialion (mill 10 lend it aid to end the ,ir mnulww, ami lh.lt the coutt lia. held it M'j..inn legaulii.c the mailer: lint tli.it. of roni'i', U entirely (lit feielit In. in ui-y eiioiH -lepi to cud Hie war. PHftADELPHIA FRANCHISES. Fourteen Ordinances Introduced in Quaker City Councils. Ily llxdudve Wire from The Aoriated Pie. l'hilailelplil.i, .Tinio 10. rouitc.-n oidiuaue's weie Introduced In civtmcils ind.iy, lliiilren of wliieb a-ked fmnchl'i"! for vjitous sheet niilwiy coinpjniec, the renuining r.ne pinvlding tor the levnldiig of all julvileses ipai'.tid to'comp.imis which have not tjken advanlace nf the-e pilvl. It'liM nitliln tic time IimiI by pieilou indiii amc. 'I'lie lianehi-i". eie for thiee ceneiul i Iari of iallio.nl. . undeiipnuiid, surface nnd elcv.iti il, 'the the cleal(il road oidinancis eai.li (ontain llic name cibiauc and only iliflcr fiom e.u Ii nllirr In' the p. I of ,lrett In be iicdipicil: Hie I'l.ii iiifin e nidin.intes weie diawn in similar fiiliion. One bill nullint li the couilim limi uf a Miinvay under llioad etieet. All of llic billi weie h.tindiiieil in the liitei.-..l of two pliueipal companies, kimun as tlie iill.nr i.dluay icmpjiiv nnd tlie ec.itcd railway inin pany. Tlie (haihr'i v,ci( ui.icki: by Ihc .uic byi-la. line l;i-l week, Mllh llic piovi-.lou that tlie con ftnl of the iiiunlcliallly milil be iccnred b.'loie ihry birsine eperalne. A tih'Kiam I'lo.u Albeit l .lulmsnii, nf f.cic l.ind, was lead at the incelintr ,f (ouuiil. in wliieb he Mini be would in a sliort time .suhm't oidinanie pinvhllin: for tlaec icnt fail-.", Willi lice Ir.in-fi'ii.. It l Hinerally bclleied lli.ii Mr. .Icluixin will euiitejt the valldlly of (he fiaii chicji if iliey nie acted upon faioubl.i, WEST POINT EXAMINATIONS. Of 5B Candidate For Admission Only 22 Passed Successfully. !1t Kicluhe Wire fiom Tlie As-odatrd "oh. Wei.t Point, X. Y., iIiiiia 10, - Ot the fitly nine (.rniiuniK wiiii lepoiied tor einraiue exniiiitn. liniK J.i-t week duly twenh'twu pawid siieie. Hilly. W, W, ItOM', of 1'eniisjlvani.i. wis in ilia ii,'cefful lUt. inc-i) ivvinivtwo. toisethrr with one hundicil ami toe olhen who iiuliil(d la.t Maicli. lock the oath of nllrcUnee and were adiiillinl in the liillltnry amileiuy Inliy. In din icoinaiilzaiiuii of (add otHiers Cadit '. S, (Irani was appoim.il tcipe.int iiijur and ( add Dniislis MjcAithnr liUt Migeanl. Only .ibout one half of Ihc thlii! i-laii was peiiidtlcd lo leave on liiiluiili od..y. The otlKis i'ie nndir pnnUliiiKut and will not be SlJIited b'lve ol abeiue until about llic middle of ,luv. MRS. M'KINLEY GAINS. Physicians Announce That Every thing Is Now Encourngiug". Ily i:diiale Wlie fiom Tlie Asicciaied t'ies Wa.hlnslou. dune V).-In, Khry when he Id: the While llotwe at ll,J loiiujbl ai.l: "Kuiythlng i rn nuiai:ii'C. Mn. Mdilniey U ilolim cry nicely. he ! ujinlni; j.te,idlly. slic at up in a rolling ih.ilr today, iKKU''allns piob. ably an liom. We aic very nuuh enioinaxed by the steady iiupinvtiiKiit." Suiueoii Uencial Sternbciu nude hi. iwi.ll ilt to the White llouv.' today and on leaUng said that Mm. Mcliliilcy luiniuued to iinpiove and it dolus eiy well. Governor Sanford Very 111. Hy i:cbulo Wlie fioni Tin Aotiateil l'u. TiealodNi, Ala., June 1(.-tloeruor . II. Sil.loid, who ha ben ill wieial da, wa re polled iiiuih woie today. It u bow feuied ho will iml inula HEIDELBAUOH BILL SIGNED. Other Acta That Recoivo the Ap proval of the Governor My ltcliibi' Wile fiutii Tlie Awnriatril l'ie, Hiirrlsburg, Juno in. (Inventor Stone signed today the Heldelbnugh bill, re quiring accident Insurance companies to maintain a ie.orvp fund eitiiil to llft.v per cent, of the amount of their premiums. The bill does not apply to beneficial, fraternal and toiler associa tions, of to an order that does business under a ritualistic or lodge system. The following bills were also ap proved. I'i milling lh.it the" iiioliloiil of louncll In bnr hiisIm shall cMrciM- die dullcs nf liiilpex in the ali'cncc or ili-im.illllcatlou of that otllci.il. .Mating It tuil.uvful tu wilfully or inalli loildy uiiiomi w.Ttc or packing limn the line. of en Kili("i, tun !.'. etc., nf ti'Jln ami elcitilc lailvvay (nnitiiinlei. I'luiillug a milhoil of ilm cilillc fur Inl.ittnu ol law l.puil-liii iiiilliiaiiiet in tuwieliips ef tho Itret ( lu. Itepcaling the ail nf Apiil 2:1. Ii-'i'i. relating to the granting of rrinll for llie einpl.lng of Cll pools ill M'COPli elas cities, i:lruilliig Hie proceeding in pillltlnn anil ull.er action lo the orphan cnuit. Aiilhniiliig boroughs anil liKorpoiateil towns to lake, ice iitnl nppropiiate private prnertv of pulilio liuillingi and noiks within tlielr ir penile limit". Allowing legit llii. lie and illegitimate ilillillcu bnin from the nne inntlier (lying without ililb linn lo inheiit iial and tron,il pinieity from cadi olhcr In e.cluden tn the gianilinother nl l In- illegitimate li i til or eliihbeu, us tliniigli tl-.cy had been horn in lauinl wedlock. THIRD BRIGADE TO CAMP AT MT. GRETNA Adjtmnt General Stewart Approves of July 20-127 as the Date Offi cial Orders to Be Issued. Ily I c!iic Wile fiom Tlic Aneialed I'nss, Hiirrlsburg. June 1". Adjutant Gen eral Stewart has approved the selec tion of Perkasle for the annual en campment, of the Flr.u brigade, and Mount ("Irelna for the encampment of tlie Third brigade, botli of which viil be held July 1'0-'J7. As soon as Hie place of encampment of the Third brigade lint been desig nated by Cieneral Wiley, official unlets will be Issued announcing tlie desig nation of the three encampments. TRAP SHOOTERS PRACTICE. Americans Find English Conditions Different from Those at Home. Hy i:ilicdc Wire fiom The Av-ociated l'nf. Tjondon, June 10. The American trap shooters bad some ptactlct; today as a preliminary to tomorrow's contest, but tliey found the oondiHons. so different front those they have been accustomed to that the shooting of the team as a whole was much below its American overage. All the shooting: bore is down hill. Tlie targets are thrown far and fast and at n much higher elevation than is llie limit in America. The rise also is eighteen yards, as against sixteen in the United States. Tlie scores at the first practice were very disappointing. Cliauneoy Pow ers, of Decatur, 111., broke twenty straight lu the first event, and then dropped more than half In the next twenty. "Fred Gilbert, of Spirit I.altc. Iowa, was the only other man lo break twenty straight. K. II. Tripp, of Tndlanapolls. look nineteen. Some of the old reliables fell down finite ser iously, but wliile they scored low tho Knglislimen scored lower. The Amer icans are contldent of winning. LOWELL'S DARK TRAGEDY. No Solution of Mystery of the Head less Corpse of Chelmsford Woods. Ilj i:clusho Wire from Tlie Woi'i.ilcil Pic.. Lowell, Mftf.s., Juii" 10. Xo solution of the mystery of Hie unknown -woman, whose lieadUss body was found i sterility In the Chelmsford Centre woods, lias been reached. An autopsy "ns held today, but the cause of death was not determined. The report of the medical examiner was to the effect that the head was severed from the body by a sharp In strument, that Hie woman bad been dead for several weeks and that a hole under the arm might have been made by a bullet, but, just through the skin, trace of It was lost. The woman prob ably was about thirty years of age, TWO GIRLS DISAPPEAR. Tho Body of One Is Found in a Park Pond, Ily Kvdudic Win from Tin Avmclainl Pick. Maiden, Mass., Juno 10. The body of Miss I.illlnn Illddle. seventeen years nf iuc, was found lu Pollsmere pmk pond, here, today. This young woman and hei sister, Sadie, lifteen years old, dls appealed together curly last week. The pond will be dragged for llie body of the younger girl. The cause of the disappearance of the I wo young women Is not known, They were the daughters of Lemuel ,. Mid dle, or this city. POWELL HURRIED TO JAIL. Negro Gives Himself Up to Escape Lynchers. Il l.uludtc Wiie fiom The Awot laird l'ie llaeilowu, Mi!., Innc 10.- -Iluiilcd hy annul lueu, who ivaiitid lu Knih him fui aoaiiltlnu Mks l.lrle l.o-.uil. a .Minn- wuiu unman. Ihini; .-Hiuv. the line in 1'iJiiUin coiuiii. .loicph I'ow. ell fioloiedl JI.iic hineell up In (lie nllicir, In (lay to ocapc llie (liii,Jiue m hi, puoueiv He in. lnnricd to ( hJiubeisbnisr and plated in Jill and a ttiom; guaid ""., oiahlMied about die biiildiui; to pro "in. him nnni helm; ukeu o'lt. The ueino cholicd hN viilm aliiio.i into in-1-cni.lhillry, but tier s(ie.nn fiiijlitcucil him btfme he itMoiiiplldied hi pinpo.e. An armed pn-o .tailed in put. nil of tin 1111:10. who wai tiaikeil lluuiuli llchU and woods foi mini) dUtanee, but he wa not ovciULcu. He later yuve hiluxlf up. Mother and Daughter Drowned. Ily i:dude Wlie fiem Tlie Avaxlated I'liw. New Vuik, June P. -Tho body of llcn-alle powd, a Jyear-old uhl, ulm di-appeaicd with her mother on Ma) ;:n, ivj found In Hie Kj.t liur today, the. body of the lumber j, fuiuul jii the iliir on Jlav 31. 5lr... Itouil had bein routined ill an ux.Uum Iwicc and II it believed the was in-ane at the time t.lie hit home, ap paiflilly Willi the Intention of Ulllny heicelf uinl l"r MM. NOT A PARTY TO GUARANTY United States Will Not Join in Agreement to Be Responsible tor Chinese Indemnity,. ARRANGEMENT DIFFICULT Considerable Anxiety Is Shown in Diplomatic Circles nt Washington. Over the Determination of the United States Not to Be a Party to the Joint Agreement of the Powers Representatives of Host of the European Powers Do Not Believe That a Resort to the Hague Tribunal Will Be Acceptable to Their Governments. Dy i:-clusive Wire fiom Tlie Aoi ialed l'lci. "Washington, June 10. The govern ment has formally communicated to the foreign powers the impossibility of Joining in a Joint guarantee for the payment of the Chinese indemnity. Tlie difllculties in tlie way of such an arrangement are set forth In the com munication, particularly in making a joint guarantee of this character. In view of the determination of the United States not to bo a party to a joint guaranty there is anxiety shown In diplomatic circles as to the outcome on thej question of indemnities. One view is that the majority of tho pow ers, being favorable to u Joint guar anty bill, will expect tills joint instru ment and thereafter carry on a eon cert of their own. In that event, it is said, the Vnited Stales would arrange directly with China as to the Ameri can portion of the indemnity. Tlie representatives of most of tlie European powers don't, believe that a resort to The Hague tribunal, as pro posed by the United States, will be ac ceptable to their governments. READING MILL CLOSED. Strikers Persuade Workmen to Stay Away. by nxrliwiv Wire fiom The .Wouatcd l're, "Reading. J'a., June 10. Some eigh teen men reported for work at the Oley street mill of the Heading Iron com pany tills morning, sutricient. to start up three beating furnaces. The com pany had a number of special officers on duty about tlie mill. It was stated that a number who had Intended going to work were persuaded to remain away. The strikers' pickets were very active ind persuaded many to remain away. At noon the company gave up its at tempt to resume. This mill usually em ployed 100 men. FIRE AT LUKE FIDDLER. One Thousand Men and Boys Are Out of Work. Dy Kiclu.dic Wiie fiom The Associated Prm. Sbatnokln, June 10, The lire which broke out In No. I slope of the Luke Fldler colliery Saturday morning, ig nited several largo bodies of gas last idght, causing the (lames to spread so rapidly that the fire was beyond control tills morning. The oflleinls had all the mules hoist ed from tlie shaft and Coal Jtun creek was turned Into the slope, U will be several mouths before the shaft can resume, one thousand men ami boys arc thrown idle, NATIONAL GUARD ORDERS. Captain Knox Discharged Action of Colonel Dougherty Approved. Ily INclusUc Wire trail The Associated I'liaS. llurrlshurg, Juno 10. Adjutant ('!eii crol Stewart Issued general orders to the National Guard of Pennsylvania today, discharging Captain William C, Knox, Company A, First regiment, for absenting himself from his com mand for more than thirty days without leave. The orders also approve the action of Colonel Dougherty, of the Ninth regiment, in changing the location of Company I. from Wanamie to Xantl coke. Lodge Charter Suspeuded. Il.i Kulihhf Wlie from The Associated l'ii. llailMuiitr, .Iniie 10, Tlic diaitre of Cjpil.it ( ll.t 1n11m.il, dr. O, 1', A, M of tlu oily, lias In en nii.-ieinled by Male Councillor Wobciwuith, ui Philadelphia, for lelalulng In iiieinhcihip Wilmcr ('imv, who wai. cpclhi fiom the older nine lime ago by lie national mundl for i 1 1 n lii'iilliialinn. Meat Choppers Strike, ll.i llxcli'Shc Wlie liom Tue wuUtrd l'ie- Daklaixl, I'al., dune pi.lletweeii ,iV) and toil biitclicis, meal thoppcu and i.uuin xlrucl, to day. Tlie only meat lo be setuied was at thops weie nnn-iinlon men aic rniplojid 01 wlieie the pioprictoo; were willine In cut It. 'Ihc lioiijdtt heiwiMi the men and llie whobajleis at tin.' tbH'k jih, who. 1 1 til-til in diqd'iy union ianb, Steamship Arrivals, 11 i:ulibbt' Wiio liom Tlie Assoelaied l'ie. New York, lime 10. Arrived: Tiave, aplc; .soutlin.nki Auteii: (liov-er Knilui.l, lliemui and Clieiiioiirir, fle.liedi KaUeliu Matla Tlnr ila. lliemrn, via Nuthanipiou and f'heiboui.-j ."ervl.i, l.beipool. ntwvip Ariived: Ki'tidnu Ion. New Veil;. I.Lurd PjwiI: Maliiulaiii, .N.'w Vork for lluiunl.im. An Attorney Drops Dead. My Ksdiidie Wire from The Aissodatcd l'iei. Kansas City, Kan., .June 10. N. II. l.'jrtltailon. a pruuiiiunt attorney, dropped dejd 01 lieail dis ease today. He was born at Kl-er, . Va in lsf.11. At llie time of liu dealb he was uiiins ui attorney for frank lUHkcfellir 111 his ,.i,c acjlnt frank bifel, foinier pii.ldent ut the Slisjcl'Ssjiidcr l.isc block lonipany. , THE NEWS THIS M0RNINU Weather Indications Toil) i FAIR l WARMER. I (fciirrnl- fnllcil Slate Will Not tie ItecpoiT dlble lor Chlne.li; Indemnity. Mole It.ilhiay Itlll-i liltiodiurd. Cuban in fear ol Auncvilion. , tUiiual llotha llo I re I'c.iic. J Retieul O.tibnndalc Depnitinent. 3 Iflcal Mr. llev.ilit'ina on Til.il for Mindir. Hoard of Control Awaulu a Contiau for a New .School liulldiii', I IMilorlal. Note and ConiiPdil, o i.ncal-''rhc Identify of ".Mr. (Iiieimey," I'ducatliiiial Contestant Haul at. Woi'k. , I! Local Wet Siunlnn and SiiIiiii1i.hi, " Heiiei.il XottliciMcni IV nn. Itautj. rinaiioial and Conimcici.il, S lair.it tnduttihl and Labor. PRESIDENT TRUESDALE DENIES FALSE RUMORS States That There Is Absolutely No Truth in the Report That Ho Has Resigned, Hy n.uliiMU' Wiie (nun Tlie Ai,dacil I . -Vow York, June in. I'reMdenl Truesdiile, of the Lackawanna rall load, being asked as to the truth of the report from Scranton, Pa., that he had resigned, states Unit there is ab solutely notlilng in It: that It Is only one of the many falsehoods that are being circulated among tile company's shop men now on strike by the leaders of the strikers, for the purpose of nils leading them, and to keep thorn lu igr norunee of the real situation. Jlr. Truesdays being also asked as to the truth of tlie report from Scran ton that the company Is about to make a proposition to the striking employes for a settlement of the questions at issue, said: "This report Is equally false. The company jtas no proposition whatever to make to its men. The cause ot the strikers is lost and the leaders know It, but for the purpose of bolstering up the men they are circulating all sorts of false information and reports among them to discourage those of them who want to return lo work from doing so. The company's business during the past month has been much larger than during any similar month in its history and its engines and cars arc in condition to handle its largo traffic promptly and to the entire satisfaction of its patrons." WINDING UP THE SINGERLY AFFAIRS An Opinion Authorizing the Sale.o Securities of Record Pub lishing Company. Hy i:dusiie Wiie fiom Tho A-Jmciated l'i(s. I'hiladelplila, .lime til. .Indue Md'liei-uii, in tlie United States (iiniit court, today, haiidid down an opinion aulhoii.iutr Hie sale nf lie M'finltlra nf llio ItecoVd I'liblUhiuir lompanj, formerly owned by tho late William .M. siuserly. .Mr. Sinfferly bad been pic-adml of the luMimt National bank and Hie Clie-tuiil Saxiics 101m pany. which failed, and suit was Inouulit by (ieipilfe If. Katie, jr., leieiver, aciiust .lame-. s. MiC.iltncy, aduiiiiLslialui nf the MniTli eslale, l'iokine to the s.ile nf Mr. iiiKcrl.v'i inteiiM in the lli'LOiil o sitisty iMc claims uf llic (Illinois' of th? dclumt b.iukini;' iustiliiiinn, .i.stant I'liiicd 'l iles Alloiiiev ,l.iiiie4 M. lli'ik was appointed master and lit-t icpoii w.h l.lioiable to the leirber. .Imtuc Mcl'lieiMiu oiii. tallied tliis dedsiun. The cnuit will Ik llie il ite of llie i-ulc. SINGLE TAX MOVEMENT. Explained by Mr. J. H. Ralston, of Washington, Hi IWeliislve Wire flout The vndalcil Puss. Wadiinxtnu, .lime In. Mi. .1. II. ll.iNi f Ibis city, explained llie ..inalc la mnvcineni in the ludiistiia! rniumitsiuii luda.t. lie said that the .,tcm !m! ncier tcieivcd inuie atleiitlmi than II Is getlinir today: that llie lei;slapii ol two stales h.lie adopted single lav .iiiieiidincris to Ihcii- rcpeithe state 1 .institution., ami Hut other state hHtUl.it UI c had illicit Hie iih-slnu (Ciupliiiieutao' tolcs; lli.il Hie innemenl had de. M'lnped n number of lileiiiN in cnni;ics ami Ihat it had lei.civcil inueli aUiidinii finm Hie news 1 1.1 pen anil ni.iJziiii's. In New Zcilind, he .-.ild, Hie Msli-ni h.nl hi en veiy Benevally adopled and had pimed ipiile pupular, lu the t'nitnl statis in riiciu veils Hie epeiiiucnl had been tried only In llie nu- instance of UyalNvillc, Mil., and in lint i.bc had been (leclaird I'nnti.uy tu llic tale cmi-tini-linn, MISTAMPED BEER SEIZED. United States Revonue Deputies Find the Liquid at Shamokin. Ilv llveluslve Wim fiom The AisOdaled Press. I'hiladelplila, .luue lit.- fulled Stales icvcniie deputies' today eied sIm.v-.schii lull I.cks ild kiuytwo iiiail(T kei ot beer wlili Ii weie found in a shuiawloah stoiaue iuiic with defaied lev nine ilaiups attached. Tlie beer wai ilisenwnd by the icshlcut deputy at Mieuaudoali about a week aito ami. under liisiinctious pom 1I1U dh. was held pcndiiu; .111 imoliitallon. Ileputiis weie icnl l Shenandoah ti out this dty and as a lesult Hie loer was .ieicd by Hie unveiniiieiil, 'lb" shlppei or Hie tcnslitiiee li.ni nni yet Inen IUlll'1. Kruger Will Not Visit America, Ily i:chiiliit Wiie fr nit llie Wuimd Pin. Washington, dune !(). Ii is undersiood ihat foiiiicv I'icsitliiit Kinder, nl die Tiaiistaal, will rot visit Hie l.'nlied Males iliiilm: the 1 online oiiniiuii' or fill. Al one lime tlieie win .1 pro, put lint Mr. Kiueir liiiuht mike ydi a vUil, but those iMiinsr mm? knnwledue nl his iuoe Ilium jy Hie visit will not In made, al least tor the pi crcitl. Class Day at Princeton, Jty Huelmitc Wire from The Associated I'iim. I'llmeion. N. .1.. dune lO.-'llic annual class I.i I'W'll k.- of I'liueetoii iiuii.sit.i weie indd ill Alcan'hr lull luda.i. pieMdcnl I'.illnii piesid ed. Tlie clasi nialloii wa delheiul by llalph P. u II old and llalph S. 'liniup.soii lead the chiv, poem. At ihc ilo-e of Hies' efcnisci, lie Wilt V. lutihink ileliieied the lij oralioii on the ktepj ot Nassau hall. Louis Stern's Suicide. Il.i r.M'lnio Wiie fiom Tlie As.ocated Picm. Ilaniborp. llivaua, June ID. -I.011U stern, the former Ifnlted Mutc tninineiel.il asent heie, rlivt ami killed IdniMlf todat in llie puldb ajidins iK'ar the town. CUBANS FEAR ANNEXATION Representatives of tlie Race lr This Gountru Uroe flr.ccntanco ol Our Terms. PATIENCE OF CONGRESS The Cubans Believe That It May Be Exhausted, and Intimate that the Body Will Not Bo So Liberal Next Time It May Take Over thelsland as Incapable of Self-Government. Possibility of President McKinloy Dismissing; tho Convention. by i:Lludtc Wlie fiom The i.oi l.iteil Pre". "Washington, . tttio 10. --Tlie Cubans wiio are sitting as delegates lu the constitutional convention In Havana have been urged by their own repre sentatives in this country to accept at once the I'lntt amendment and make the conditions or that a part of their constitution.' (lenernl I'.ihna and other Cubans in the t'niled States who have Kept lu touch with the govern ment of the I'nitcd Slates since tlie war with Spain was begun are illusi ons Unit the Cubans shall have un op portunity to organize tlielr own gov ernment. They realize that the lerins of the I'latt amendment are the best that can be given. They understand tlio spirit of congress better than do the Cuban delegates In the constitu tional convention, and they know that should the convention reject the Piatt amendment congress would not again offer such liberal terms. Patience of President. The president and Secretary Itoot have been patient with the delegates who have been engaged lu constitution making for the last six months with out ,t result which Is satisfactory to this government. Tho convention was culled by order of the secretary ot war, and he can dissolve It when satisfied that its efforts will be fruitless. The delegates are receiving puy for their services, and while that money conies out of the Cuban funds the United States is responsible for the expendi ture. When Secretary Hoot and the president are satisfied that tlie con vention has done all that It is possible for It to do, they will adjourn it. The Cubans in tills country who are representing the island fear that the time is near when the president will advise (Jovernor Cieneral Wood to no tify the convention Unit its sittings are at an end and the delegates are no longer authorized to discuss the rela tions between Cuba and tho United States. General Falnin fears that when the convention is adjourned tin? president will not authorize another until con gress takes up tlic (iiestlon. They also believe Unit when congress does that it will annex the Island on the ground that It Is Incapable of organiz ing Its own Independent government. For those reasons the Cuban junta has sent an urgent message In the dele gates in tlio convention begging tlicni to accept the Piatt amendment, and warning them that there will not be another opportunity for such a gov ernment In llie near future. THE AVERAGE OF WHEAT, Preliminary Reports Indicate a Re duction of 6, 4 Por Cent, 111 i:iliu-ltv Wiie fiom The .Wnd.itcd 1'ivs.. U.idiiiiiiuu, .lime PL Pielimiiiaiy icpoits ol llie uini: wiieai aiiiase ludicate a icdui linn m .1I1..111, l,'ii).(KKI .Hies, in ii. I pel ci'ul. ot no tMcnlj slates lepniiiu lu.nnil acn 01 upv.ipl iu spiim; wle.it, cijdil lepmt an iui le.i.c au;ii guling abuiit ;;l.ixi inn.- ..n.l Incite a dcdcis. aiiinuntiui; to about l..'i.U'O The averaue 'ouilltioii nl s.j,i itig wheat mi .bin -1 was tri.il per lent, as iiimpainl Willi t7..l pe. lent, al liu- inircpnudhit; dale 1.1-1 e.li. 'III. mi'.. 11 nf llie June utciaucs tin llie I.i-1 ten jc.n i tr.'.li. Ihc .ivciau'c iniiililioii ui' wiiilci wheal ih- f lined iluiiui,' -Mai li.J pnlls, Hie cuUilltinll mi June I being fT." i .iusiiii-t .v;.7 mi June I, I'Mei. Tlie mean 01 the June .ocraiics foi the last tin ean of winter wheat l M,".', Pennsylvania's 11111. IK" K I'd. Tlie total lepmleil ik n-.igc In n.n. I sniallei III. 111 Hie acicace hil'Cslcil li-t jeir by !! per (em. 'Ineie is an imieis.. nl -J p r Kid. in I'l'iin-vh.iui.i. The (iiei.iKe louditfon nl oath it S,:t, as ai:.iiii..t HI,; on June I, 1 1 'in, ami a icii ear .ueiace nf m. (if the si. ills h.ninu nue million aues in upn.inl. lu 1..1K Piiin-.i 1. .111.1 lepnils lllll'i- pnillls al'uvc its tell ,1.11 :i it 11 Kiii. 'Hie .incase luidci' i.ii- shuns 1 ii-iIii. ten . f l.li per icnt. lion lhai haivcsiid l.i-i year, lu l'eiuis.ivani.i the aiea i lepoiied il.e ,im a list year. The aveiane innilitluu nt rye Is ffl.H, as (ninpaicd ultli .-7.U 011 June I, pfl. .aid a Idi jell' .iui.ikc of K'i.1. In I'cniis.ilianl.i Km tin ear aiel me U cm nihil lij si potnii. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS, I'uur Iinti.il fit I.11 mils in Oklahoma In I hen Wlif.lt flops by "Mtlllilaj's sluiln. 'Hie rniicisil., of I liiniun is rtihliiinu' .llll. f.ilnl preiaratni) sihuuls in I'limpc. 'llie Vandeihllt p.il.uc at llilliuoie, N, I ., ' 1 . i-1 1 , huiilidl.t picpiiiil lur lis ihmh'i's cci 1 paney. Mini. ill's of Hie IVisle.i.iu liniiri.ity, at jl na K .111. , li.ic ilcnoiuufd Hie ijculiy lor nii.tm Hi. Tiihhs and all ihicatcii In willnhau. I.ieiitciiaut liineial Nebuii . Miles will he on.. bl Ihc piincip.il ispeakeis nt lliimn llliil.-i.il.v (MiliiutluemfUl ilinuei al Providence, IE, ., Weil liexliy, June I-' YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I.uial daia mr June It), l'Hi; lliiihi'sl Iciupiiaiiue ,. 71 ilesu -1 Lowest tnnpfUime Iiide:i,r Pi I..tlc llunildil : .S a. in PI per u'ln H p. 111., :7 pet 1 cm l'ledpilatiou, '.' houu ended p. in., none, weather, ileai. WEATHER FORECAST. 4. ,- f Wiikhinston. June Id. Koreia-t for Kt- em Penii-ybanij: Pair and warmer -f f TiievLiyi WeduiMlaj. fall, Ic-lu louthcrly f f wind.-. ,y f-f-f-ff-f-f-r-fi-fii-fisr s). ;