THE SCKAlNTOX TiUBUNE-MONDAV, .IUNE .10, 1J)01. c WEST SCRANTON PEPPERED HIM WITH BUCKSHOT THOMAS THOMAS FIRED ON ROBERT ROCHE, INTRUDER. Eattor WftB Trying to Force an En trance Into Thomas' Houeo When Cnugutin tho Act-Children's Day Exorcises in Several Churchos. Welsh Baptists Will Burn Their Mortgage-Funeial of Mrs. Rowan. Events of ThiB Evoning News Notes and Personals. ,t I!u1iri t llix lie, ill Ninth Kllmoie .WlllHC. MH peppeled Willi hlllll'dllil iiuh jeMcidiiv inoinliiRr while ut trliiptitiir to ohei t mi iMitiiilK i' Into the huu" iKoupli'd l ThornuM Thomas lit till' I III llCt nf LvclOtt UVetlllo mid Pet trlinne sliee-t. Hm Iv i l.illim thru If vu ( wttiKcd III 11 little detective vvnik, when hi' w.ti ovei taken bv Thomas, mill befoie lie i oul'l I'Spliiln his liiKslmi lie ICCe'lved till' I Otltelltt 111 TIlOllllls Mill In his Ii.ii l. -?lnil liv .illii the slumtlllK uiiiiiu'il liriflm vvim iiIitimiI In P.itiiilinun Hut Id U.ivls u.mdci Iiik up mil ihiwn Main avenue Till- pat milium ic 'aiil(il hlui with Mi"!'!! Inn. .11 up hi this time the uw Imil nut liei n ie pnl lei! In llir pollie When quest liilli'il, lluihe mIiI he w.ix InoklllK lot ii dot -tm. it Mil i.uillnUsH Kilnidiil hi" t out, vvliuli was ill lit nil In llle link, l).ils him In Ul. I'.ivmond's ullli c .iikI tin u iiilutmi il William. Ill II theie w.n l.leuttjllltllt .snmethiiig lime with the lellow. The olllieis vvtnt up In Iliu iloi toi' nflii e .mil theie Inunil IJoi he sticVheil nut nil the llooi. Ills link In-Ill? lit iialiv I'lleil with Inn k-diol I'pon iiutstiuulnitf him It vwis leiiiueil thnl lie in in in oil u lnddci .mil was standlns; nn It when shot Thomas luul he ltd the tellnw .IMHIIIil tile pl.n e mil pi in III id Ills Kill! ,111(1 vvuit ipilcth Into the .nd, wheie he nle-ei m ( iloehe tlnKci Iiir- nt .1 set (mil toi v window Without mm ii eeie liiunv he il .iw.i and f.niRlr Knelir lull 111 the link with the ruii's colitr nts t'pnn lis own .dmlsslon Iloi he was plated lllidei 111 lest .iixl lot ked up At the Ins: liefoie Polke Marjistiate IMvles In was held In TWO bail for his appc iiaiiie nt 1 0111 1 Childien's Day Exercises, fhiltlipif- dm, 01 riuiiilii., was nli-fteil In s(d,i1 ot the elllliilips 1 -tciil i, .iiiid the I'siuKs wcio ol a HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES ion sir m- G W JENKINS', Weather warm Wash Fabrics Are now iu the zenith of their popularity, aud we find it hard to keep the assortment fully complete. While this is a fact, there is no danger ot your having cause to complain of lack of variety, for at all times the wealth of weaves, designs aud effects is simply bewil dering, and choosing is made difficult simply because of the vastness of the range of styles submitted for your inspection. Still, as we have said, there are cer tain patterns in given weaves that have been difficult to obtain, aud as we begin the week's business with a complete line iu every detail, there are advantages to be gained by an early call, which will be missed later. In Dimities, Batistes, Pongees, French, Scotch, Silk and Linen Embroidered Ginghams, Mousseline De Soie, Mercerized Fabrics, Silk Novelties, Embroidered Specialties, Linons, Lawns and All Other Fashionable Weaves, . .There is not a pattcrtj or coloriug wanting, and prices are really very moderate. Two Attractive Specials. Exposition Batistes The daintiest aud latest fashionable wash weave, in Vcores of pretty colorings and Unique designs. A genuine surprise to knowing 101a buyers, at a yard,.. Lli Globe Warehouse MkIi older. At tlie Hlmnon Methodist P.plieoinl cliutpH nn oilglniil Hcivlce for Children's dny ni rntrled out, on titled "PpiTinnc nf Flow cm." The inn ri limine took the plate of the leKitliir inoinliifr net vice, ntid the edlllee wua (specially deeointed mill .tiled IH' people In aUeiidiuiie 1111 the igivIcp". The ehotus work win pin tit Ipnted In bv the chlldi en of the Sunday school, mid the pilniary pupils. After thr lu Micatlun and leMponilve tending. Pai tor McDoinintl Imptlrcd a uunilipr of Infant". UecltntlotiH weie Klvell by Alls .Ipssle Plole.v mid Jlli MpssIo Slote A solo vn. uImi ii'litleiril hy Miss Hostile I.iiiip, of Vonihir enil nnry. The inoinlnir nlid evcnlilK "eivhes nt the WnHhblun Slieet Piribv lei Ian ihuitli vvoie devoted lo the Childien's dn oxen p. A teilturp of tile pio Klilinnic mim the otohistiul nillste, uiidei the dlieetlon of fieoiRe Walei. At Hie nioinliiR sen leu Mli Lvdlu Sailor liinir it "nlo, mid lei Itiitlons and sourh weto icndeieel bv pi Imiu v bov mid Kills. Those who spoke wen An nette flow ell, Ann Dials and Willie Hodman. Dr Mount. Hip pisloi, spoke at bolll seivltes 011 the slRiilfliuilee or tho (lnv mid Its uuheisnl obsei vinu e, mid In the evening .Miss JMim Williams spoke on piu.Mi. nml Wllllnni l)ales on 11. lisle Miss Mutlle Poole s.iur n solo, mid nddiO'ses vw-ie given bv Mis. i II. Hull mid Wllllum T. lluiinll on Hlble school and Chi Nllnn Ihidcnvni oi l. Similar pnpm Wes weie held In Hip Jlmnptoti Stii'ot Metbodlst Mplspopul ihuiih, wheleun eiellunt piomatiune vni leudeied mid n ininibei ol ihll dlfll weio Iiiptl7id Special inusli was lendeieil, tt ml at fi '0 o'clock theie wns 11 unioi; niPolliiR of the Senloi mid .Tunloi I'pwmth leagues. Childien's sei vli es weie also held In the Hellowie Welsh Calvinisllc Metho dlsi (lunch last evening, which weie (ondiKleil 111 lltiRllsh, mid weie largely .'lltllHlOll. Will Burn tho Moitgage. The iPicmonics incldpiilal lo the binning ot the 11101 tgiiRp will be hetn at the Fiist Welsh Unplist iIiuilIi, Sotilh Main aenup, net Wednesd.ij evening pi oki, mime Is now being aiianged toi the event, whii Ii will be imnoutipcd In this depiiUiieni late). It will 1 011 sKt of addipsses, singing, etc. Disorderly Conduct Cases. "Mi M ugaiPl Davis, of 10J0 .l.irksnn itieet, who was in rested eaih S.itui d.iv 11101 ning togetlii'i wth another woman and thiPe oung men. foi keep ing a dlsotdtrly house at the nboc numliPi. was fined siG In police tout t e,tti da The otlieis weie each lined To A oung mini mined H.uli, ipslilmg at '5.' Nni th l'llnioip .ueniie. was ,11 icsud at the Inst nice of Ills piient for dl-oidcilv condiut. He was fined ", al'-n Shirt Waist Minstrels. The Vouug Men's Tnstltutc ininstiel (onipmv held a full dtess ichenisal in Mi ns1 hall last night on the peiloiin- am e to Ik giei. tonioiiow evening Embroidered Ginghams Fine Silk Ginghams in short lengths for wajst pat terns, etc,, very handsome goods, worth at least 50c the yard and all of the QQn newest, best patterns.., ZJJ(j Itnuer'n tncheitra nceoinnunlcil litem llnoiiBh the proRTntnme, nml nilded tntU'h Inspiration to the thortia ami polo v ot It. The pcifoinmneo Ii up-to'date ntid promises to be very enlertiilnliiff. Pi of, John T. WiitUIni has worked hntd with the bo.s to niiike a stuerii ot the af fair, and ludtdiifi- from IhmI iiIrIU's ie lien 1 snl (hey will succeed heoiid ex pectation, " r Funeral of Mm, Rownn, The ftmnml icivIcpm over the )' tnnliiM of the lute Mm. Anne Itonnn weio (ondtietpil nt Holv ('ioh chinch, Melleuie, ut ! o'clock Hitturdnv morn ing, and weie nttcmlcd hy mnny lelii lle? and fileuilH nf dpeenipd. Uev John nutin tonducled the ipivlce find punched the Meunon. The piill-benicis ie all itiiiikNoih n dpceaied. Tlvv weie Wllllnni Mmwin, Thoiniis Itownn, .1. J. itonnn. Chailcs Hounn, K, Itowan and John liownn. Intel inoni was ninde In the Cathcdial cetneteiy, Among' the Ohuichos. 1te. HurIi Diile, pustot of the Smith Mnln Avenue Welsh ('ah'lnlstle Methodist chinch, occupied the plllpll or the Hellevne (lllllill (lt ilnv iiioi tiluir, and Hew Wllllnni Uavle. pctoi of the lallei chili (Ii, pleached to Ihc funnel 'm cmifTiPKatlon. The SiiltMitiiy exenlnir pospel nipet Iiik ill the Youiik Women's t'lulstlan fi'.voiliilliin looms nas i oiiducled bv Miss Aimii Vim Xm I, nl Hie South Scinntou a'-'-oelatlon. Iie. V A 1'ilrker adiiilnlsteud com munion to the inenibeis of Urancli Xfl. (.", I.adlei' Catholli HcnevoleiiL asio (.ntlon nt SI. John's (Jpininn Catholic (hliiili "leldnv inoililtiK. There uas a l.ii bc attendance of the ladle". The S.K lament of the I. old's Supper tie adnilnlsleied at the (lose of the nioi nlliB sen Ice jesleidav In the .lack sou Stieet Baptist (.lunch. Events of This Evening. McKiihii iiionlhlv meptliiK of the Wo men's Jlome MWsloiuuy sodet at the hlmp-oii Methodist ipKi opal chtitdi. .MppIIiik: ol the ihlit iuiW claws and eniollment of new nieinlniis at the on hi? Women's CluWtlan asoi latlon loom1-. South Main avenue and Way bill n mi eel. MPflliiB ot the hojul of deatons In the .IiuKson Slieet Uapllst cluildi. A special meeting or the West Side Chmlty dub will bo held this evening at thp home of Mis. John S. Lioomls, 12.2 Xottli Llin olu avenue The meet ing will be held at s o'clock foi the tiauxnetiou of iinpoitaut business The hob ol the Fits! Welsh Baptist Ii in c li will meet this evening foi ip heaisal A meeting of the Columbia Hose lompanj a 111 be held this ovenlng. The inenibeis ol the Jackson Stiept Baptist diuiih dioii aie lpepiested to nifpt this evening to lelie.iMe tlie musk loi the conceit to bp gvon at Oh pliant on June 19. General News Notes. Mini Williams, of South Main ave nue, has opened a buhei shop in Uelle vue Height''. liupiovenii nt aie hems madr on c -Aldeinian Caw lev's piopeity at the (oinei of N'oith Main avenue and La fajette stieet. Tlie annual picnk ol the e-nu mbeis ol the Kevsri Vallev Hose ( ompany held on Silutilav .iftcinoon and evening at Ke.vsei Vallev paik, ind was libei allv p.itinnleil Tlie Diamond local Xo 'l ! Tnited Mine Woikcis o Ann tic a, will urn I heh annual cseuiMou to Luke I.odoie on Salindav, August 21 An impoitant meeting of the l.eek Social dub will be held toiiinuovv f veiling in i:v .ins' hotel, on Jackson Mi cet Feisonal Paragraphs. AV.i Iter Kn ipp, the Xoith Mam ave nin hutchei. Is ill at his home on Xoi th lliomlej avenue Misses Stella M.i and Sadie Coldeu, of licllevue, ,ne "pending a lew dns .il tlie I'aii-Amei k in exposition. Pied Pettis, l.oien CI tik and W.iltei U. Kvans aie iu X( w Yoik on a busi ness ti j, Ml.s J. H of ijiieoiiia, X. Y, Is visiting West Sli anion llicnds. Di. Sweet s expectfd htie tomnliow foi a lew d.IVs Mis. Willltm, of Xoi th liai fleld avenue, is euici taiiiing hei niece, Miss Coia Mvci", oi StioudsbiUK Mis rtubeit Meulllelil and sou Ilob eit. or Philadelphi.i, aie Hie guests of All. and Mr", c.eoige Jaiobv, of Xoith J.liuoln iivcnue .Mis. Ciaieiice Siiovpi ami sou Cecil, of Xoith .Main avenue, aie spoudlng n few davs with icla lives at Allll Clt.v. All. and Mis ri.iuk Peilihk iind dauhler i,iil. of Xoith Main aveiiue, nie among I he visitois at the Amei iiaii fpostluu. Pen Coal $1.50 n Ton Deliveied. lo South Side, ( oily and ential II.Vde Paik, Addiess oideis to J. T. shaike.v, lUIt t'cd.u avenue. 'Phone SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Childien'H Dtiv vns hdd nt the lilt Km y Stieet 1'iesb.v tei leu dun ell jisteidiiv The dumb was beautllul l di( denied and iiioscnled n veiv at ll.'(ttve nppeailince. llev. W. J Xoldt pteadicd a spedul vrinmn foi iho dnv An excellent musical pio giiiinnm vas tcndeied li the diildien ol the i ongi elation and tin dioii, iiii dei tlie dlieetlon of mi C Snilth. T1-' iiieinbus of Camp I !0, l miotic Oidei Sons oi Amciiia, will imet In Hgulai si.ssloii lhs evening at Hait iimn hall. The nieiiibeis of tin Young Alcit's Institute will met iu innnihlv seMon this evenliif, at Pliiiiinaey hall. PARK PLACE. Mr. an. I Mis. Mai dial Pieston, of Com t MiPPt, have i etui nod ftoni a tn d.ijh' virflt with ilmli daughlei, Mi.s, UuU of I.ancasiei, Pa., and their dallghtet, Alls, Rt ed, of Plttsbuig, Pa. Mrs. coihcr, of Court stieet, Is al tencllng the Paii-Ameilmn exposition, J, s. Pilteluud, of S.'" Coin I sueei. has opened nn Ice ncaiii pailoi and confi'ctloiifiiv sliop In loiinocilon with his bather shop. He intends having .1 line tllsplu) of lluiwoiks for the Point Ii or Julj, Yesteulay was Childien's da at tho Com l Stliet Metliojllsi l.'piscnpnl dlilldi. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a lo urn until It Bit loiond Hie rncli ul nuilklnc. 'Ilio ofiru isi, "oh, It Hill wcjr juaj," bul in uiuO. us.s it will near tlirm an. CVuM I lie) lit imlucol Iu U) tin tuiciislul mcillciuu tailed Kfiup' IIjLjiii, uhkli Is fculj en u iiaslllu- tujiauU. to uiic, they wvuM liuiiinliatcl no tin' c rllcut iiTrci n(Ur UlliiC.tlip Hut iloM-. Pike 'JJ. utul 0(x 1'rul Uc life. At Jll'urustcUts. DUNMORE DOINGS OHILDREN'B DAY EXERCISES AT METHODIST CHURCH. An Excellent Programme Wm Ren dered, In Which Member of the Sunday School Played Important Roles Serrices at the Preabyter ian Church Year's Record of the Tripp Avenue Church Under Rot. J. D. Dabnoy Funeral of Mrs, Era Hall Other Notes, ClilldienV Dnv exeiclses weie held esteldny morning nt the Methodist iltutoh. Tlie ehtitch was nicely decoi ated for the occiihIoii, the ccnttnl llg- ui t being n huge floral gateway, In kipping with the title of the excises used, vvhldi was 'The (Inteway or the new C'untiuv." The piogtaininc lcndcied was as lollnws: Oipin Volunlan Mi's Ituliv "'t s, ut, "IIiIbIiIIv (ilcani (tin llmtiir" . .v"li"l ItoilHllon, "Himrn ' isJilli lnkr s,iB. "f!hd (liililnn'i ln" Slmol Itulliitimi .. .I.lllll Mllllfl ih1iix, "Xow (((.iiiui ami X(w Pi tie" Mac Kdler ViiIIk f'holr I MlcWe, "I'mllv," IMih Itirthulaiiiiur, I We llnici. Ilildi Miisrnbiiili, M ii v seioi. s,li "V Pine llfuii ' Hc.l Powell Itfttlilinii, " Ilmlr. I own" ..(livlnn WcIiIkt Keill ilion, 'Our llomfi" ltilpli X'owhiu: IackI-c Infnit Hiss ltl(it!oti It r in Hmns lluilliV, "I In Sun ol Id i Xid-oii" VIUh iiiii Vfiuiir snni: srliiiol VdiliTfi Iliv, flmli II .Xiwlntr s, ,(f ( OIUK J ll Kill Etclu lilt tion At Freabyterian Chinch. Tlie roivlce at the chinch last night weie In cbai,e of the Sunilav school and n special Chil dien's P.iv piogiamine entltlid "Ood fs I.ove," was rendeied. The Kxer i Ises vvete eiy inteiestlng, the wotk ol the nichc-tia being much appie (i.'led. Tin icgulai Sunilav school oidiestia. Miss Beattie and AfelC.iv biothets. was stiengthened bv the ad dition of Messts. Coniad, Hudson, Cluindlcr and Stanton. Singing, lecitations. icsjionsive ifiid-ing'-, with an address bv the pastoi, ((imposed the evening's piogi.tniine. The collection taken foi Piesbyteiian S.ibliith school missions amounted to .l. Fiist Year's Pastorate. Vesteidaj mat ked the close of the Hi -.t vein's pistoiate at. the Tilpp Avenue Christian t hutch of lie v. J. D D.ibnev, Last night he picached his niiivptsaty scimon, dining which he spoke of the ptogipss made din ing the past veai and the piesent lloudshing condition of Hie church. The piesent (lunch nirnibeiPhlp Is one lipndipd and foitv, about elghtv five being added luting the jcar just ( lospd. The Sutidav srhool now num beis two lutmlied and tiventv-eight, against one hundred dining the jear The Junior ciuistian Endeavor so ( ietv Is the stiongest in this dlstikt. Xi.ul.v SiOO lias been i onti United foi home and foicigu missions Oiei I."iOu has he en collected tot all pui poses Ibis jcar Dining .i pastoi ate of seventeen veais-, jti. D.ibnev said, this is only the second chinch in vvhlili at the (lose of tlie chinch xeai everv debt has been aid He inged those pies ent to (oniinue theii elicit ts thiough out tlie next that the chuicll might continue to glow as it has the past. Plans aie being laid look ing lo an (lil.ugcnienl and leniodel ling ol the piesent place ol woishlp, whidi is tolnllv inedciiiate for theii ineds BOROUGH BREVITIES. Seivhis ooi llie lemnlns ol Mis. Ilva Hall weie conducted at the home un 1 1n nop stieet jesteidaj afteinoon Itiv. Chuilcs If. Xfvvlne. ot the "Methodist chiitdi. ofRdated aud music was ftunished by a quin tette ft oin tlie (hoii ol that ehuidi The ii'malns will todaj be taken to Alum v, P.i , 'vliete inti intent will be ll'.ule. I.ettris H in lining tun hilnted dining the polio I ending June s, 1901. Pet -sons (ailing lm tin so letteis please snv 'adveitis d"' V. H. Allgtlte, lOft Adams avenue. 'I' A Bed:, ,',11 Aladi soi, avenue W. J, Blown, til J Fouitli sitect: Hli.i Ciiuaid, John Hagan. Dmk stieet: Oinigc Flietdiel, rtldge stieil, Vlold fiaidinei, C. J. Hans, IMS Jeltet-oii avenue, Mis, V. J. Jeiftev, tl"s-5 Adams aveniu; B. li Kooiner, Kurt licet (J): John sei. stoue-i uttei : Anna Alolodj. II.' ntove stitet, Mi.s lAdia Shannon, 12S Adams avenue i-'i. Mis. ntidget Sv.ail, Ciiim slieet, Addph Tmwll llfitfi. Pasipiale Sdiluvone (V.). Pal Knlvak (F AleMllllau Bios., the well kuawn llveiv ineii, havt iitirrhased the busi ness ol J C Wm net, at fSreni llldgc. and will conduit il In i oncectlon with llleh buslt.e.s he!.' The s( imol bii.nd will hold a spedul Hireling tonight All. and Mis i: W. Bishop and Miss llitbv Yost have leiuiued ftoni an ex tendi d nip to Wellington. D c Ahtllo'i Keainej, ol Ct metei v stieet, leives tills moinlllg foi Bur falo. vvlni'c he will sitpeiltiiend a latge loniifiit for Cotnad fiduotdci J, Ii loliiison. of Klinlia. X V, Is Ihc guest o his -Istei .Mi!-. P W Ulple.v, of Alouioe iivenue, Mis, lifotee Pilt and daughtei aie visiting .Mi. Pile's slstet at Ole.tu, X. Y. GREEN RIDGE. Cieoise l.ludsaj, or Moiise.v avenue, n medical student ai the I'nlveisltj of Pcnncjlvania, Is hmiie. tor the eumincr vactaliai, rtobeit P.itttisoii, of l.aPlitme, was the guest of dicen Itidge fiionds over Suiida) Dr. and Mis is iMgcir Demi, ot Alon loe .ivenue, spent Satuidaj at Apple Blossom ( ottage, Wuveily, the home of Attorney and Mr.s, A. D, Dean, atteml I n if a funillj gatheilnglu honoi; of the ninetieth biitliday anulvetsaty of their fathet, iH.i.u Dean, of Xoith Alain avenue Allss Howe, daughtei of All mid AIif, T. B. Howe, of enpuuse avenue, Is n niember of the class of nuises who will be gi.idiiaitd fiom the tialiitng school of the Wilkes-Bane hospital, Wednes. day evening of this week Them will be n business meeting of tlie liieen rtldge Wheelmen at their looms tonionow evening at S o'clock. Asa A. Stecker, of Imcli stieet, was ui rested and taken befoie Aldciuiuu Bailey, Satuulay afteinoon, charged b his wile, Ihiiiua Stecker, with nou suppoit and Uueatenlng to do her bod ily hnrnt. He wus put under $200 ball, Thoinns AIuDoud becoming his bonds tiuin. All pet sons who lintl tickets to sell for the Treble Clef social and have not yet nintle their rctuniH, are leuuented lo hand the tickets or tnnnev to Mi". P. 11. llatciuan ot" AIi, C, AI, Can us parlv iih possible. The residents of Ut colt ttldge weio somewhat Hint tied about liootl vestei dn bv heat lug u loud explosion, t altsed by vvotktneii at tlie old glass winks, who had used dynamite to destiov the Immense chimney theie. The following olllceis weie elected bv the Hmidity school of the tliceu Itldge Piesbyteilun chinch vestetday toseivo foronejear: Supeiliitendent, Thiiinas P. Wells; assistant supeilnlciulelit, Piof. (leotge Phillips; secietaiy, lltniv Klnslev; itsslstunt sccietary. William Foster; tieasinei, J. '. Itiingl; chor ister, C P. Whlttemoie; plnnlsi, Allss Linn n Ateldruni. Chlldteii's dav will be obsetved by this Mcltool on June L'2, The Sncirtluent ot the land's Supper whs celeb) tiled nt the motnlng set vice of the Cupotise mission chapel jestcr dnv, Pldeis I', l Hitchcock mid M. C. Can assisting Jiev. I, P, Postet. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Feaat of Sbng1 at the Freabytorian Church School of Human Do- volopment Other Notes. A magnificent feast of saeied song was enjoyed bv the woishlppcis hi tlie Piovldence J'lesbv tcilan ehtucli jes terdu.v. The moinlng sti v ice was given over to the obsci vain of Childien's duj and tlie hour wns filled villi the music of tlie voids of chlldien, blids, inenibeis of the Loiigiogallou, and the l.ttge (.hull , with Allss Jackson at the piano: Alls. Ah Donald, oiganlst, and Allss Claudia WlUinms in-chiiige ot the pilminv depatluKMit. The service was In ehaige of Supeiliitendent Thomas Aloigan, Tlie musical pot lion was piettllv inteispeiscd with lecit.i lions bj- inenibeis ot the pilniatv de paitiuenl. Alueh cine had bet n bo stowed upon the (locoiutlons and em blems bv ladies of the King's Daugh ters' soeietv. Tlie evening set vice was one of hj niu and nnthein piaise; the huso e holr was composed of loiinei inenibeis of the chinch dioh, assisted bj- Alts. o. M. Btundage, sopiano; All. William A. Hoboi ts, basso, and All and Alls William Whitman. The i hoice anthems lendeicd bv the dioh weio by coniposets who stand in tlie rank of Ameilcan sacicd song wiitei"!, and weie presented with a devotional sphit and pi edslon. which ev lined caieful siiielv- and painstaking etfoi t on the pnit of each p.u tklpimt. The solo, "Ti list In the I,oid" ai taiiged fiom the Lai go of Handel, was beautifullvsung ! Allss Phoebe Smith, with violin oblig.ito bv Aliss C'ltna Long. The soli;, 'The Loul Is Aly Light." sung bv Alt. Kobeits with Ills usual sphit and vlgoi, was one ot the gems of the scrv Ice 'J he helpfulness of violin and nigan in such a set vice was most tlioioughlv ilemonstiatcd bv the aitlsiic cliaiaiter ol the woik ot Aliss Long and Alis Ait-Donald. The music of both sei vices was in duiige of Choh inastei Whlttciuoio. Mission at Holy Rosary. A mission was begun vesttidij moinlng In the Chmdi of the Holy ftosuij, Xoith Sei, niton, and will ( on iinue for two weeks. Tluec Domini can fathei,s f i om Xew Yoik tltv, Uev. P. A Pinahan. O P, Uev. Al A All -Teelv, O. P. aud liev. J. A Hindi, O. P.. aie londucUng the sei vices, assist ed bv the icgulai clelgj atliclicd to tlie chtiK h. Atass will becelebiated eveiv moi n lng at ., and S o'clock aud set vices will be held eveiv evening at 7 "i o'clock. Confessions xv HI be lie.nd eveiv da v. commenting tonionow, nt the lollow ing Iioitts- (, to 7 a. in , 1 to 1J a. in , ?, ,!0 to I! p in , 7 ",0 lo 1il p m. The eve ning set it es dmlng the pics ent week will be lot women onlj, vhile the evening sei vices next week will be for tlie men of the palish. J'.oih sexes will be admitted to tin- dim eh eveiv morning. Tlie seimoii last night was pleached bv Uev. Pathei AlcFeelj. Will Open Summer School. A siiniiuri school ol human develop, nient will be opened June J4, unilei the auspites of the Xoith Alain Avenue lliptlst i hutch The school's i ut 1 1 ciilnin will eoiupilse mental de velopineut, clot utiou, extempoiaupoiis speei hmaklng and physical (iiltute Tlie Xelf svstem of ciluiiitlon will be used. The instiuitois will be .Miss Tannic Ciosbj-, a giaduate of a iolle.;e of plivsiial iitltuie, and Itev , Albeit Iltitehc-i Smith. Pi of. Hlns II Xeff, piesiilent of Xelf inlk-ge, Plliladdphla. will lie the lee title). Tlie school will be ttee to all. Tlieie will be classes tor .voting git is and bojs and also dassus loi women and men. Morning i lasses will be loi the bov.s between llie ages of font and lliteen veals, aud the evening (lasses tot j oung men and women The Porainn Slave. Tlie Civstal Liteiaiv and Di.ini.itlc dull, one of the leading di.nnalk oi -gnulKaiious ot tills tits, will ptodtne the nn lodiiiuiti, entitled '"The Passion Slave," at l he Audilotium on Wednes. daj evening, Tlie play was will ten by BaitU-j Campbell a niinibi t ul jents ago, it will be given inidi r tin- aus pices of tho Xoith Sciautoli (lieu sod etj, who will under dining mid be tween tile nets ot llle plnv sHViial o! lltell latest vouil sulcetlnus, ill wliidl Alii- David n, Lewis i ,u I as III H t sopiauu Tlie east and i liuiiii teis ot llle id. iv aie as lollows VI nun I Ho I no . . Mm I M in I'eiillniuil sl(,k ... , IjiiIiK l iiUik Mih S,H'1.('I h . , , lliuiiu . I. lllM'lt llultiiunitli (.olljlMl.i linu-,1 Nuilnii liilirid III in m Hi ii Ii, II. Iiuiiliuit ttiltii Ilil-iiK. I' mil I I Mt iil(i Wjrilon . IIioiiiii. ( llniiu I Idljiii lli lull i ., , . , K u In t ii IL in Mnuii- IIiImk- Ml" lliliu lln., 1 1 PlJtlio . Mis, Vimk Hull IN A FEW LINES. Thomas Baiiett. of 1.0! Piittiiilll nil eel, was lined $' In polko mutt cs-lildiij- uioilllng b Maglstuito Pldlel Thomas Hughes was also aiiulgn'd be. foiei the inaglstiate tor being diiiuk oiut dlsni deity and aliusivi- iu llie olllce, during the piogicss ot the In.n ng. He was fined $u Allss Janet (liahani, of Jacksoiivlllt , Kla. isvlsltng Alls, II i: Daw.-on, ol b'aildei son avenue-. The fuucial of Thoiuas ilaltpfiin.v tool; pbue jestetdaj afleiiioon at o'doek 1 1 om UK late home on Ploicmu slieet. The Ptovlileiiie Methodist Kpismpal chinch will tun an eiuidou to Luke 'Lodote. J tine S7. m ' "Ills amntwl lui i U' nf die nM(,l in llie til)." "Wlirlhii it Itir not . lit iliuiiMit'i lnuiWi lu iMitli i jUIui; tile j vtooilrii nun " I'lilljiltl ilij 'linn Some Store News For Monday, June 10 1901, at Jonas Long's Sons'. Wrappers, 44 Cts Tailor Made Suits Each ' ' There has been some Made of good quality of live'y selling during the print in sizes from 32 to last few days in our Suit 44, they are good width Department. Many of the with V back. They are sujts at ,0.0o and 15.00 consideied good value at have found ovvners 60 cents. Monday, each . .... , .. J' Theie are still some of the AAr best styles remaining, You remember the Skirts, $4,49 $10.00 Cheviot Skills in blue suits formerly sold for $12, and black. It is made in '? and '8' and the the five gore style and has graduated flounce, it is S'15.00 tiimmed with two rows of taffeta bands and has ten .. e . ,, ( lows of stitching, lined juits formerly sold for with good quality of per- $250. $25 and $30. They caline? Monday a.e made in the best pos sible style. The fabrics QLAAQ are Broadcloths, Venetians, tt" V Homespuns and Cheviots. Jonas Long's Sods OBITUARY. SIS'l'lIl SYLVIA, nped Ji! veal'!, tlie daimlitti ol Mi. anil Mis Pcteu Dli pie, ot Alelei stieet, died vesuttlay nioiniUFr al 1 o'tlock at tlie Holv K.iin ilv (oiiveni, at Danville, Pa., aftei a lliiRiiiiitf illness with (ousuiutitlou. She went to tin- (upvent nine veais apto anil ULCivel tlie lilai k vtil two ; ears I iiei She vvu- piolec eil at the vv'ilkes-li.uie ((invent Slit- lelt for Uaiivllle aooiit two month--, at,o Her name hi tin woild was Huiiua Dlpiue. She Is sin vivid liv hei lathci and inollu-l mil s sKtels. Tlie will take plate Tuesdiiv moinlin, with uitcimeut m the (onvcut lemttciv. iiiis Mi.vxiii pniriToiinn, wire of Ileniv l!o"tuhei. dl( d vestetdliv 11101 nliiB uliniil SJ0 oiloek at hei lioine, '.US '('( da 1 avenue, alter an Illness ot seveul nionllis, Tlie de fi.isetl was a life-lom; leildelit of th" South Side uul. o.vliiK U hei pleas ant disposition. I1.11I a lai?e inele of ft lends. Tlie dett.iscd was .'."i .veils of ate .mil is suivived liv lici hus li.iud. son, William, hei nioliin All-. Matv Sdiloliuuii. und liei hiothei. William. The tiiiKial annnuiu erne nt will lie lllll'le lain. AMIS. A.MIll.l HAIJDIXii the wile of J W HuidllU', died at Hillshoio. Tesas on June t Mis. llatdlntv fie iltienllv v Idled Snani'iu lelalives anil nuiili in niv tin 111N hei", who will lie p.iliuil to hull ol hei death Slie It. s111vlv.1l lie In 1 liushiiiil .uul foin- liilili n THE BOEP WAIt. T.oid Robeitb and CUnuceUor Kiiks Bcneh Show- the Pi ice England Is Pnymn toi a Wav That Should Never Have I3een Enteied On. Woie T-, to Conic I in 11, , t Viiil. I' 'I'll. 1 liilosophli ill hNloiiiill of IllltJ iildV rii'Mt win Willi a Hull peo ple "will I ..v' in u"' "ie finest utmlv ui nun u l" t-splalii how 101 ces so ililellv (llipiopotiloiialo have vii',"cd .1 (loUbliill coiillii I so Ion,? lb th- teidit testli of t'haneil- lm 1 1 lik,. Mt .11 Ii Us 1 is In nionev has hoeii double i'i-t "'' 'he I'llmoan win. iu wlilfh l.'HKlaud was iimleiul liiK 10111 vein at.alusl ilit v ml inlsht ol Itus-di. 'I'll' leniid of lililisli killed and wouinlcd Is htavlti, too, llltlll in the I'llineaii sMUKKlc Unbelts. Ill III" It'ielll lipmt to the Wal Olllie, u:0t lllle.sslt sl.itl.-ij t.crt ol the enoiiiiniit. etfoils li whhh llpi I'oeis have bftu ilitfiiuplett-ly i.iiiiiueiid He s-avh Unit up to Oito bei J4, li Ji. ttieie had been n-nt in the mUitlus fiont oei '.'.'UT miles of Kll.itiled l.lllioid lines .'fll.rjli olllieis and iii-ii ItM'ls auliii.iH til kuiih, :t i) l J vehltlth and !ii''i.'s 10111, of Mote llllil hUpplki'' The tost 01 it all lo dale is slued bv the 'spedaloi at t"')m nmi-.ind the i ml is not ti DUNKARDS QUIT PENNSYLVANIA IJiuiy Thousands Buy und Settle on Uuiou Pacific EundH. in I Ml 'kill' Wlie le'lll HlO -0(LtfJ I'nsi. II1111I1.1, Ntli, Jim- t tin 11. i-nl va, liijkiii (III tUkl "111, 111 I In' isilu nf lllu itiipuil Ijii'Ii ill VIlMfkl. W.tumiiu 'Ul Kuiif H -IH'kl JIU, Mlt lll-lillll III, 11"' I.IUI-I IIIIIHUIl ill jiij 111 ttiik if Hit lil.lult ul Hit loul ilqurl mint. Hit iiujoilt.i ut talis Ium 1'Hii IU PUMl.JtiJi v THE M00S1C POWDER CO. Booms 1 audCom'lthBTd's. BCKANTON, PA. riining and Blasting POWDER If e4a at Mooilo ana Kuibdala Vtott, LAPLIN . RAND POVVDBR CO."? ORANGE GUN POWDER Eleolrlo Battsrles. Elootrio Kxplodtn. Kplodlns blaiti, sjtifet; Kustaal Repauno Chemical Co.'s matt EXPLOSIVE ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and Ann ex. VlUinU Vto nml Hi nil, Mlantio ( II, .V I. SiMll till, .V) l.lllllflli KH HIS riMillc-, -In, 1.1 and Willi Intli, Inn ami told kcj.n acr liatlit in Imtfl jiiiI imiu I 01 ition soldi ami eciilul. Ullllill tew VJIll- nf till' stu I'loi. Ouliulrj. OiliH i-puiil iiinrf 11I1-, l-5 lu sl lij ttol, s.' 'M iii lit ilit si,,U 1 ui in f.uuilk-. Coaih'.i lint: ill 1 1 . in-. Ullti lm Iniilltt ( I1VK1 IS f COI'l. HOTEL OSBORNE, ti ill r I. I ill, N I Dm qiuri fi mi N vt (iiouiii nun Minli in juimtiiiini. In. x illci! .iiu It. 0- 1 1 Mil ilit, l,'0 irnl up Willi liv II" k " Hill HI4I I tl14lil,t lim IE, I ( (.Inn m STRONG AGAIN. You vt lm once posseiaed sturdy phj - lepitsauil sic aly nerves, tiut now have i11sufl11.1t.11t plivsicd force to properly attend lo orumnry (liitle-i, ton vtho liiveisui'eof "nil Roiieiii-s'rnftertlie slightest (.vtrlion, on who are dull, linguld nnd old iu spirits nt an orc wilt 11 on should lit- fullol plij sicnl fire; voiivtlioiuny ftel that yoni life is not worth llie bt ruBKle there lsni.cieiitlric int-aiis of ltikiiuiui; nil the piccious powcrswlikhseemtobe entirely loit. Have cmed tlicusiniU such ni von. Don't experiment with your health or moncv. We will take tlie rW.. Iil hoxe do not cure jou, our inoiity is retiiuieil tor jear1. vte hive heen cut ui men on these uatUf JCtory terms. 41 00 per bos, for $"itt) milled In pi 11a picknKi pool; Irte. Aeldreks li ai. MMiiUM. Co, Cleveland, Ohio. t'or alo to lolm II Phelps, I'liarmniUt, corner N) online Jtcime anil iprute street. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ., MANUFAOTUnFP BY CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. iisMri:Tiii:.Aur. IM 1, 11 11 -.w lll, X ur l.irl'UiLs Ikipti-t, win) alltiuliil tin' i uiitltiii -nf Uul .oil al I iih niu Iji.i iiuiii1h?io lijtu 1 'f 1 11 huliitiil in ,01 ne Iiu 11 i i.Iiiii liiiu inii-l ct Hum in I'iIiiimijui4 anil ttle in II'-uot. fe Uq ,. JSMttMkL-k 2?.?ii Jk,