The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 10, 1901, Image 1

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    sr -.u- !r" W VTftV-'v -' iH7jA Vv
if! tmif i, f ? f vJ x, 51 f v 4i-ivf y;K W j,r - rtvf-'i. -
Hope Beoins to be Felt That She
, Mau fitter All Rally From the
Present Attack.
Tho Stimulants and the Complaint
From Which Sho Suffered Whilo
iu California Have Weakened Her
Powers of Rosjstance, But the
Disease Is Now Undor Control,
ri lands Official and Personal Con
tinue to Show Thoir Sympathy by
!r lv. Iti-nr Who fiom I he Wotlilui "n
W.isliJMUnii. June ! Tlm slight lin
iifi(nnit III Mis. MoKlnlev's health,
wlili h in.iulieslcd Itseir tin l.ittci pin l
of tin week, loutlnues .iiid hope bo
;tus to bo loll "ho iiinv .if tor .ill
iimiu'i lioni llio pieseut altticl,. Tho
in. pins c moat, liowi'vcr, Is so slight :i
11 u In ihinge m.itcnallv the oxHoum
r;i ji lly nf (ho ( ae.
I ho usual 1 iiiisiiltiillnii uf tin- phs -"umi's
ms hold this numilng and m
its 1 lnsp Ho following lilillclin w.i" 1s-
11.1" .1 111. .Ml -. Mi Mules 's ihsi
1 I ill't icpiiil "In1 p.lssi (1 .1 M'lV
I (IlllfOI t.llllo lligllt 1111(1 I (llltllllll's III
iiiiiiu i' '
Till. I 11 t llH, .Mi Kinlov
liHiH' than Imlil In 1 own ,iii(l th it in)
uni.iMii.iblc till 1 1 in cm 1 il is i oti
'ld"pil In even w.i emeiiii.iglng, but
.is this icsiilt U duo p.nth tu the rem
it nit use of pnvstilul medicines the
I hvslel.ins fcir the elloti nt lodtitlng
llic -.tlinul nils .mil likewise have tu
i ope with the ofloit oil till ssstolll ill
1110 11)111.(111 .iilniinistiiitlnii ol thonnlv
iiK.ins el pioloiiBing hoi lllc .mil 11111K
llg llllilll.ltC IfdlM'tS .it lea"' ,1 pes.
slllillls. 'I hose stillllll.lllts .l.'lll the
0111pl.1l lit ! 10111 sshlth she sullen il in
t'nllloi nl.i, whli h Is now unilei hottoi
iiintiol h ic so ssenkonert hoi posseis
01 1 1'sisi.iiicc .ippiohcnsio 1 is cm r
lnfsinl tint ! sinking spell m.iv m -
in 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 lion wlili li she 1, 11111 In
be i.illlofl Hi Ulo legul.irl.s makes
1 hi eo visits each il.i, one in the ninin
I is:, wlun thcio is .1 oiisull.illoii of
iIisk i.ins, .mother in the .ifTei imon
iiul .1 llihd in tho evening Me e.illod
this .ittoinoon nlioiit :: o'cloi k iiud find
nit, His, MoKinles i omfoi lulile and
pinKM sliiv .is well ns could be ex
pected, he .mil the piosldont won't nut
rm .1 longdiho, lasting-mm o than .tu
hum .mil .1 linll, both going to the -U k
100111 .11 once upon letuining. Subse
quently the doc ten ".lid that no ma
te lal change intl inclined slm o the
morning bulletin.
Pi lends, oflici.U and oi llm
in laniilv continue to show
tin-li ssmp.'.thy bv peisonal inquii le
at the door and by leaving their raid,
Kven the members of the cabinet, as a
i ule nmiely Io.iao their cards in ouler
to avoid dlstui bins the piesideut. Mis,
Chailos Ijiunrv Smith, Stnetary .Long,
Lieutenant Oenoial and Mis. Miles,
t onim.indor Cowlos of tho iiavv, As
sistant Pooietuiy of Wat Sanger and
Miss Jlitolieook weie anions those who
thus ppios-od their sympathy dm in?
the day.
The loports fiom the sick loom up
In a Into hour tonight weio doeldcdlv
encouraging-. Dr. Ttixey appeared
better satisfied with the pitlent's con
dition tonight than for some time. Mis.
McKlnley sat up for a few minutes to
day. It wis the second tune she bus
been able to do so in some lime, Sur
geon General tStoinbeii i em, lined
longer than usual this evening. Hoie
toforo he has maintained a sphinx-like
silence about Mrs. McKlnlo's condi
tion, but when lie left tonight he s.ild:
"Mrs. McKlnley is piogiesslng Mrv
well now. There aie no new develop
ments." Mis. McKlnley will be t.iken to
ton, whenever hho is n cnntlltlnn to
bear tho Journey. r:xtenho iinpinvc
umnts have been made at the McKln
ley liome in Canton, including tin
buildlnfr of .1 porte cocheie .mil the le-inodolliiK-
of portions of the house, .uni
It was planned last autumn that she
and tho piesldent should ko to Canton
about Julv 1 of this sumnicr. Tn ease
li. McKlnley lccoveis (his plan will
be carried out, though It is not ex
pected she would be stionjr enoiiKh to
leave here tlm llisl of July, eeii If Im
piovement should conllnuo steadily.
Dr. Ttlxey said tonlulit he was unpie
pared to pi edict whether sho would lu
able to c.iuy out these plans. It Is be
lieved that consideinble benefit would
ncciue from to her old home,
"specially ns it is cooler mid mine
bieezy theie than lieie,
Runs Away From Constable Who
Had a Subpoena.
3,v Vuliulir Wire bom Tli' Pics
(1iiljinl, 0. .lime ') luhn II Itoikililli
01k Id Hie uuotb i -.n nl i v In imji,' t ln Miiu
il & Mili.ifru wlili li .mt silimtili j. i'i-
dinlnril lo nc 1111 tin oil I Ins If u (oiilil.
Diip ot tliermploi of IVust Hill, lloikifilli i'i
uinniei Iidiiii', icii(il lo i (irililri .iiul Hen kc
i'lln i wjnlid lo lcllf i( lo llio jimiiiiit of
lioncr comlii.' to lui emploir I lie i.hiIjIiI,
d icfiksfil niliiiltt.ini uiicii lie inrniilril in
i (lie luili,e salt li uliii' lo I In' lioilifillir
inn.-liii lli flirn Irjirlod nuul unlit, jii
Kjlfil tlif fniie. Mil r r.ilkinif Hamuli J
lsti,rnlh ot douse u,,,U lie iileil Itnikiiilln
in Hie liivl jih e I'l.iiin,- m( uuli lulli'
I ho uil kln' ui,lit .1 'lln.'i.' uf I lie (niiulili.
and ili.vl iijril In a pine n( wu.uN llii' (u.i
rtahle followed, lull, Jfln K-Jriimu' fm .pmmjI
r urs, fjllnl 10 liml llic lit In I nun In llm
uorlil. 1.3 lc In tin .ifleuiuon 1 he nn-ulili fouiul
hi Kt to flic nun, km, win re In- i lulil llnilc
filler naii'l In. riie (itflier ltd flit' kiil.pomi
with Hit- inhale Minlji.v
Trampoit Hancock Arrives,
lb l'ii.liiUe Whr fnmi I lie svithtcil 1'ioj.
sjn l"lalilIio, lulu- i Hit luniium lljnu"k
anhcil horn .MjiiiU llilj,lil ullh il uttiuu mil
J,Wi cnlUteiJ uitn uf the 'llilrty-luat VoluuKer
Mother's Awful Cruolty to Prevent
Daughter' Marriage.
Hi Iai Ill-be Wile fiom The wociiileil l'if
1'ails. June n.-Miiilume Monnlrt, n
ilch. inlstMly land ownei of Ihe nelah
hot hood of Poltleis, ami her son. n
loi nmr siib-pn'iect and n lender of Pol
tleis society, wete imestcil on 'Phur
ilu.v on the chniBc or Inciiiteiiitliipr
HtniKlie .Monnlcr, ihiiieThtei of .Mnihinie
Monulcr, foi twenty-live eius In a
loom In the liillei's liolise.
The pollre, who wele anon inolKly
nolllled ol the jtouiiKer woman's deten
tion, euteieil the house and found Mile.
Monnlcr shut In a joiiiii, In daikness,
Hlnvon u mattiess, stutk nuked, and
so emaciated that "he appealed to be
a living skeleton.
The loom was uncied with bones,
icflise. food, nits and othei veiuilu.
The unfoi tlinate woniiin, who had par
tially lost her icawoii. wiim taken to a
hospll il. She s now linpiovliiH.
Tweiil -Ihe c.iis .'iko Ithinclie Mon
nlei. .1 benutlftll In unci le, lell III lOM'
with n l.i w i el without menus, llei
mother ill-apptoM d ol theli low unit
'(inllned her In the mmii which "he has
onlv iei"illl lell. The Inwver died
sixteen e.iip uao
The son aftei his anest pleaded that
heVteil .) he did on account of lilial
pleiv. .did flu? the mother was le
sponsible. .Madame Moi.nlci died Middenlv lo.
day of heart disease. In the inlliniaiv
of the in Hop.
Claims That Boers Frisoneis Are in
Horrible Condition Will Never
be Overcome.
U l.ii lit iw Won fmiii I tie Aw met! Pit-
Xew Yoik. June 0 The Rev. Tl D.
Von in in khui'en of Pietoii.i, South
Afilr.i, the iiiiulsler who closed the
Milksj.iad with pi.ijei after Viesidenl
Kriii,rs tiltiiniitiin. had been nail to
that both. Is hi this citv. Mis biothei,
)r H. .1. Von I'.ioikhiilen, of the
Oi.iukc I'lee State, who seied in the
Hoer .u m, at t oinp, inies him Thcii
mission in this imintiv is to i.nse
monev loi the ttoei women .mil chil
dicn now in i e usee ( amps. e. Oi .
A'on liioi khuien said, In sin lulu view
"Otu women .i iid chlldieii, who .ne
at pieseiit lonccnti.ited In i imps es.
t ibllbheo bv the ltiltlMi, aie in a hor
i Ible condition If was bad enough
when 1 lelt South Atilt.i, but 1 know
fiom letteis that f hae i ecei ed one
onlv the othei day tioni mv slstei
that it Is ,i bundled funes noise now"
When the dot mi lelt South Atllt.l.
he s.ns, he ,as h in, illy banished bv
Older ol Geneial Mavwell, nillit.uv
ROPiiior of Pietoii.i. T)r. Von Tliock
JniUeu said luitlm of the camps:
"In an ollli lai icpoit made liv Ui.
r.ou.ilil C ol the Itiitisli
nmv, on Pebiuaiv IS of this, the
Hiitish soveinnient is notilletl that the
conditions ate lioiiible. Ihe death i.ite
appalllny:, and the lood furnished
wholly unfit to eat "
The Afrikandeis, ;(, iji. Yon
Ihorkhulrn aveis, will newi bcoei
i ome, and all icpoits to the
in e false. The Hnor.iiun nunibeis i.l,
(100 to IV.OOfi men and Is (onst.mtly be
Intr atiKmenled by Cape colony sol
dleis. The loer tones aie now .uined with
I.eo-Molioid lilies, ho sivs, and they
luno tons of ammunition bulled which
they can use at anv time as.iinst the
Disaster Follows a Party of Six Per
sons Sailing- on the River Off
North Essington.
Hi I'm Iiohe Wiie horn I hi .Wmniid I'km
Pliiladelphla, June !), A p.u ly of six
pel sons, lltiee men and tlnee sills,
while sailliiK- on tho Dolawaie 1 1 er
this afternoon, off Xoith r.ssnj,ton, a
few miles below this city, wete tlunwii
into the watei bv the swampliiK of
their skiff, diuliiK- a s(uall. and the
Ihice Kills' weie diowncil, The uiiiues
ot the Iils aie Ilosi Koons, afd )7;
.Mary Kooi, nsetl pi, ami .Minnie
Tialuer, aHti jj.
The p.uty was quests ol ihe Kedeial
lioat club Ulhei liieinbeis of the cluli
heaid ihe iiles of the unfoi tunales
and Immediately set about icsciilnir
them. The tluce men weie iplicklv
hauled Info othei boats, but the kUU
sank befoie ihey i ould be lied.
Most Eucouittgiui," Repot t of the
Financial Committee,
III l.llu-lle Win fitiiii I'lie -,i. iiu.l pn
llllll'alo, .Utile ' . niilsl em OUtllsillK
leioit on the financial piospects o the
P iii-AiiioiI ill exposition has beep Is
sued bv tlm e(i lithe committee ol tho
ili'im tnieitt of iidiulssions. It slums
that the mm'I.iko expendltllle by the
nowds within the Kioiiuds fm llm
inoiilh of May was. 17 cents per capita
i niiiiiu.'( with an oeinqe ot IS it-iits
dltillii; ihe 111 si month oi the woild'i
fuli The kunest iundi iinwd since tint
opelllllK ol III- epiistn lied the
Siouiiils i(,i, The total admissions
weie i.".,1'i.',
III I Mlll.ill WllP flUIII ' hi N.eiidlt'd Pllet
Maiuli. luni in In lnuli wiln liwiiK'nn
Jt llpi. pniiiiKi' of lliunciik, liiuleiuiii nlon
snln,ii if Hit liwiil.i hut Inliniiv, IUI tallid,
and I'pljlii Willijiu II, Wt tin liu, ot Dip name
leKluienl l.i.uleiuul t-itiliuuli', Ji , and file
tiilbnd nun ue tummled
Johu Brizzy Drowned.
Hi J uluMie Mie fiom (he WocUti-ii 1'icn
U Uken Italic, June 9 loliu It. lliliy, vf I'll,
inoiilh, atcuinpaiiied h,i three other inen. went
out ll.liliij- In u bojt in Ihe iinqueluiiui nut
l.t nlslii. In cluuslui; po'illons ihe boit up.
Ml Hid Ihe otuipanW u 1 1 e I In own into Hid
ualir Unci of ihe nun ujm j.hoie, hut
lirlt, nho uil miahlc to sivliu, mi diowned in
ten feet ot ujlti,
The liistioator of the "Embtilmed
Beet" Investlrjatlon Shoots
Himself In the Head.
His Body Found in a Bath Room in
a Fool of Blood Personal Bereave
ment Followed by an Attack of
Grip, Is Thought to Have Biought
on Temporary Insanity State
ment by General Miles.
Ill I m Invite Uln fi inn TIip .-or iutttl I'lis."
Plltsblllff, June Muloi W. IT.
H.ily. siiiKron Rciieial on the staff
of Lieutenant Gcneial .Miles in Poi lo
J tun. committed suicide .it his home
hue today bv "hnntins himself In the
I iffht temple.
The body of the dm tin was found
in the bath loom bv Miss "Man Shoit,
the houseUpepei. l.vlnfi In a pool of
blond with a levolvei hlnff on the
fiom. Di. Poslei. who was summoned
nt once, toiiud tlm bullet hole In the
temple and .inuoiiniMl death h.nd
token plaie seeial bonis befoie. .'n
cruse is known foi Di. Dalv's deed,
unless it be that insomnia diow him
to v insanity. for some
lime past he has been unable to sleep
icBuluilv, and It is thought that after
a "lefpless nlBiht he ((included to end
all Th" tloelt.i' was a widower and
leaves no immediate tainllv. lie was
fi't old alio for in.inv eais lias
of en ptoiuinent in medical elides. He
gained piomlneuct tlur
it,? tlm Cuban wai. as it was his re
Ihu t lo the t oiiiin.iniliiiK of
the aimv that started the "embilmcd
beef" investigation.
U'.ishlnston, June 'I
(Jeneial .Miles . lid InnlKhl that he
was not sui pi it. d at the siiii idc of
Dt. Dah. in lew ol tlm jrto.u pei -coiril
bneaM'me;it tint the doctni had
snffeicd lecentlN and the undei mln
Inj, ot his lie.ilth b a seoie altml:
ol Ihe mip his winter, ( Miles
i slecnied Pi D.ilj eiv lilslih and
the iwo weie intimate fllellds Ills
ik'ilh i.inie as a scete blow to the
Pi. Paly was In the c it v last Alaich,
when h" tnni" to be pitsent at tlm
soi on d inaUK'iintlon of Piesldent Mc
KlnltN. II ( Milts tan .15
lantce m.itteis, he will attend flic lu
neial of his old fiieud, Sinjieou Pah
was depntv to Assistant Suiseon
iieimtal Charles 1. flieenlc.if, mi the
staff of the rnmmnnillnjT jieneial iliu
inr the Spanish-Ann i icnn wm. 'ind
Genei il Miles tcstl'kd t( nlRht to the
thoiouRhne's with which he poifoimod
his duties In itfndniK to tin wants
of the s)ck i nliijr foi the wouiidid
.uni establlslihiR- hospitals It was
thiouyh Pi Pah's allegations that
the beef furnished to the nmtv had
been t.unpeied with and pic set veil bv
iimans or iclils. wh'rli he aliened weie
detilmentnl to the health )t the soi
dlei.s, that a boanl of liiniv iiniuli v
ccindiltted the iclrbi.ited bei f Inquliv
duiliiK llic Spanish wni.
Beautiful Ceremony at Manheim At
tended by Five thousand Persons.
By KxclmUe Wire fiom 'Ihe no. lated Pi cm
1 aiua-lcr Tune 'flu1 nnniiie mid liiiinliil
iriHinrv ot the "IVi-t or It'-iV iu- i.lihuii I
oihi nt MjiiIu mi. I oi-. iniiiiiil fu-l if i"-"
i iiiiiui.nted in l-i-' In tli it Mir lb. mil
Vi.jallon of nn I.nthiuii of Miiduin
pined a jiinnoiial wnn'oi ol flu' pulpn
In uliiili Ihf pilniipil itiici of illinium
t lJie led ro.-e, I liN m f-Mi'l.oln il ol (In
In l-hti iliirn of th,' 1 1 mill lo I! null Hunt V, i!
II no sihjtp). Hip fnuiid. i of M nilii mi md llie
llml ia- ind lion in nun n Inn i M n Hi in tin
I'mliil Mill, wliu. m lleinnlii. ImJ. ioiimm'iI
tn the liu.tie- of llm IihIhi.ui ioiij,rrt..iliiiii i
plot of K'u-innl on n li tn mil i ilmiili 'Hi's
Kiomul, de 'deil fontir lo tin' ('i,itiuii In h
ihiil ,ii' tlll piiMiied in tin tliinli nihit-'
lt lo he pjul foi li ihe ni .. ill iln n In
II ii.iii sllm'1 2nd 'ils In lis of ,i .lii, le lei i o-i
I ml iv the lin-i'Vls pihl hi Willlnu I) Wcon,
...I, of i In l.uuetii Ill-torn il "iiiiih, npii.
Miitiin; llie innk,r uillon. In MI- rnli- lien,
if Ihiiidiiiu', J ilistiiidiiil of II iron s,,.., M
(' Ite'llll s ,K, ,, iiiislilll., pun Ind il.
in nioiijl MMiniu, and ImKi WiltlmiN .itniu,
of I liil ol. 1 lii-i, w i iU 1 u i lirip 1 1 oi ilor of i In;
'it iht (i itiuoulis illi iiinl mill ,iniuiii,
Hi 1 mIiuiip Win fi in iu V i ii. J .1 il Pi,..
IIoiiii'. lime 'I It la J.'illi'ii in itlUhlt qiin
tlli Hut ('Jiiliiill (lilihoie, in tit i out m ol liij
fuqueiit i unfi iriuc-i lh I ml lljmpnlli,
pipil in-utUll of ft.iti , MiimUi.oi No-.iluli,
Jltliliikhip of M llillJ, .iml ut In l hUh i ii li.lji.liif,
111 addillim lo ctfeums j "111101111111 of flu iiii. ..
Hon of the plop. ti, s of tin 1, Union., milm. In
tin I'lilllppil.c h nimillilll. foi jii ivtiiiiiun
to I '11I1 1 jnd the I'lill i)iiin ot the Juil-dli lion
of tin- upiMollc ileliitJiioii at W'jhlu,lon
To Study American Trade,
ll,i t'xcliiahe Who from I'lie s-octaleil Pilot.
I oudon, .Inn t )0 - 1'lilu jMnpttir .V t oiupjnv
otlrr to piv Ihe luvelliitr ea-M of Iht ofrldil
delegaiek of 4111 llriliuli tudts union wlllln,- lo
;o lo IU Pulled M-itu to unl 111c1kj11
trade methods.
Hi l.nlil-iM Wur fiom tin W.imi.IiiI l'n...
New Yolk, June !i Owi T IMIH spec,
til tm e. saw (he bli m e at tho
VallsbtiitT tiuck near .N' In-day.
The lealiue ol the liiu-t was a leu
lillli lot ptoteshlons, In which tweiit
(i o 'tin led,. s .special pi I'es weie oi
ftied to the leader at each lulle, tho
p.lie was f.iM tioni the st:u t. mid tlm
specimens ,(ie on their feet Minut
Inn ilni'lnn- tin Inst mile
.'i the lull for the List mile Kinwj land spiinted and, setHnR; a lei I
i 'It pate, liiilluitied to hold the lead to
tlm end Wiilthoui. Ncwhotis-e and
Ki lliiei made n tlespiiiite ntietlipt to
catch him, and nt the lape onlv Indies
sepai ami ihe ildeis .Mi Pai hind's
llnii? was "LIS
Teachings of tho Roman Church a
Safeguard of the Republic,
lit r.xohinltr Win' fiom Ihe WocLilcil l'ie
WashliiKliin. .lime 9 Caullnul Mur
lllielll tills tiftcinobti laid the coiner
Isone of Ihe new Chtiuh ot the Sactud
Hem I, at the toiiie'r of Pom leenth
mid Whitney um-iiuo, In the milnubs
ol this city. A huge ciowd was ptcs
ent. The "eimoii was pleached by Mev.
t)i. Conat.v, (ho lector or the Catholic
A slKUlflcnnl pottlou of his addiess
was the follow Inn:
"We ate lhhifr In alt iikc when men
aie leckoned lint, as men iiuide In the
IniaKc of Chi 1st, but as ptoduceis of
wealth. .Money Is the tholijtht that
holds sway, and many seem to foi Ret
the beimtlllll dm tl llie of hi othei l. love
pleached h Chi 1st. who died on the
cioss tor Ihe ledeniplloii of men. If
the shock cer tomes to 0111 lepubllc,
If till moll .Hid tllstui b, 1111 e should
flu eaten our beloved land of llbeitv, it
will be found that the teiichlnj,'s of the
Unman Catholic chiinli, and the gos
pel she has ever pi cached, will be the
Kiont bulwnik against aniiiisiy, cor
1 itptinn .mil tteusou While millions of
om citizens, like those who uie heie
today, believe In her lo.ichinj;", Iheio Is
no ft ar for llm lepubllc."
The iet;ulai 1 Itu.illsltc senhe of the
Catholic c Inn c li was peifoiuinl In the
lavinjr of the 1 01 net -"lone.
no faitiTisTlaced
in cannonading
Government Will Not Adopt French
Method of Ptotecting Orchaids
and Viney at ds f 1 om Elements.
Pi luliiiiir Who fiou Ihe Vsotialed I'letn
W.ishiUKlon, June H The extensive
H pin Is of Pulled Stales Consul Cov
eit, at . Mins, jTi.tiic.0. 1 eki the to the
stutess of cannon fhins lu Fiance as
n means of piotectliiB oichaids and
llle.Mllds fiom h lilstoi ills and also for
the pin pose of mitigating 01 inilllllng
the eiVt ts 01 iiosl upon egetation,
h.ue pioin)ileil iiumeioiis iiniuliks by
I101 tli ultui.illsls in this touiitiy as lo
when, if at all. our gnei unieiit woilltl
adopt simllai melhods 01 inotoctlou.
Pi or Willis I. Mt.oie. the 1 hlet or
the we.ithei bin e.iii. iutlng tiiuUr the
tllieition ot Seciet.iiy Wilson, thcie
ftue his issued lo the piess Hie lol
lowlna stutement.
"Ait. 1 .u examination ol all that
has been published timing U e pal two
o'iis, in tons It lion Is that wo base
l.eio to deal with a popul.11 delusion as
lein.ukable as Is the belief in the ellcct
of the 1110011 011 the we.ithei. The 1111
eilutaled peasmtiy of Puiope seem lo
be looking- tor oniethlng ulous.
Thej would lather belles in tannon
adlng a" .1 means of picitet lion and
-penil tin it an .lbimdamc ot nionev,
llnm ami I.1I1111 than adopt the s el v
simple expedient ot mtitti il lusuiaiue
against ihe losses tli, it must luesitably
tn cm
"Thegieat piotessis going on III the
.itmospheie aie 1 ondui ted oil too huge
:i stale to w ni.uit au iniiii 01 nation
In alb mpilng to iiintiol tliein. Tho
eneigv expended lis iinliue lu ihe pio
diictioli of a h.iilstoim, a loiuado or
a i.iinstoim txteeds the 1 nmbluetl en
tig.s ol all the steam engines and ev
ploshes In tho wot Id. It is useless tor
111 inkintl to limine 011 this
"ltei the expel eui e that this ctiiiu
tiy has had dining the past ten eais
with i.iinniiikeis, am loath 10 belieso
Unit Ihe bomli.iidmeut of hnllstoims
will os or bo piactliotl 01 osen attenipt
nl in the Pnlted States, much 1( ss 011
(Oiuagcd bv the Inlelllgont pnillnu of
the KimmuuUv. Pseiv eiioit should
bo made to 1 Ollllter.ic t the spie.ttl of
the Italian clclu"lou, whith has been
linpoited Into this tommy lis Consul
Cos ci t. '
Robett Fultoid, Ciazed by Love,
Shoots His Mother-iu-Luw
and Himself.
11 l.SLlu.iie Who fn 111 Hie Swi liled Pu-".
l.iiiidou, flit . June !i Ciaed with
lose for his 11iu1g wife, whom, it Is
said, he had di hen tioni his home In
Cllltiigo, liobeit Pulloid, a piospeious
Chicago 1 ontinctoi, last night klllnl
his niollmi -In-law Mu-. .leunle Jlc
1 "hi d, mnl then blew out his lu.ilns,
Tim tl.igfils net III ltd on the .McCtnif
l.illli at lliieisou, 111 ar bote Pulfoid
HUH 1 led iJeiiie .Alt Cold sosen .xe.tis
ago, his Hint who liming- seemed a
ills 111 ce tioni llilll Tlllee si'tks ago
Pulton! mnl his wile hud a dispute and
che letiuncd lo her patents,
Pllltold followed S.itllldio, He tlioso
to tlm .McCoid t.uiii and ibnuinded
that All. .McCnitl tell him sslle'io Ills
wile was, Shu lefusetl and Jm fhed
four .shots 110m a lesoher, killing hoi
llistautl.s, lie then tinned the WP.ipoil
011 himself, blowing out his hiatus,
Mi I'.siliwwi Mini Iroui Ihe s-.ini uled l'n-.
(,lou etn Me-i. hini' 11 In In Hm-iiii Ihe
f, ,il .loop, tin Lu il llipulilii, ( i 1 1111 llowiid
Uln l.hiiiu ol tins int. hi 11 dm 1 1 011 hjjIi.I
in hi. .11 mil iiiik 1I111I11 lovjrfi', his niilit
ill .lil.Hloii Lull, I 1.I11.11 I'oilnil, l, cic hots.
ptit tn null 111 font lite iln. III. piitinn.
tin n,f ill 'H IU. In l.iiutlnl svhhh llli lock
.1 Mt one ilc Hit tlui w m uiuh' aim I lh
plnuln. 1 1 nier I k'i p iph
Donation fiom Rockefeller,
lit I'm lu. ill' Wile llnin Iht .ix haul I'lfn
iiI.iloi, li, June 11 Piiutlpil lljik.i f
u. Illusion nt lie I n.l.11.1 1 Xoiiuil mil Imliiv
Hill I11.11I11I1, il lliu t li.u htm iiolilhd
I,, Mi l.ihu H Itoikiltllei ihat hi nil) ho ,-l id
10 pioshh lie lii'iiu 1 lot I la 1 in Hon ol mm
of ihe ninth iimiIiiI iloiiniiuiit lot at Ihe
Mob Hoots Fiocessiou.
Il.t I'.iluilie Mile (linn riie isi( I itnl I'nti
lkll.1.1, luno ! s 111 di In oil, I 1I1. ( oipn..
(Iiri.ti pioulou of b.Oio perrons here thU aft' r
110m MHUl iii.-hi. woe nude and linillj Iht
polite uilo lOinp, lltil in chaiko 1 1".' uouil. a
ii.nihoi of p.'rcont In In.' lujnuil Vlan.s tit
pljti.t undei aiK-.t, 'Hie cxilteiiuut conllnutd
for mi era I hours
Conservative Memhersot the Guhan
Constitutional Convention
Are Confident.
Strong Pleasure fiom Outside Con
vinces tho Radicals That the Busi
ness Should Be Settled at Once, So
That the Country May Be Placed
on a Sound Basis Convention Will
Meet in Beciet Session TodaySev
eral Days Will Elapse Before a
Vote Is Taken.
lit list hi. io Wli fnmi tin V.ixl ileil I'ii.i
llsiwin.i, June 'l The uinoi Mithe
menthol" of the constitutional oonsen
tlon me absolutely tonlldent to-night
tlint tho Plait amendment will be ac
cepted, sos 01 nl 1 idlnils will join with
the llfteeii delegates ss ho base heielo
foie soted In fas 01 ol ntieptnnce The
la"t lew d.ivs seem to base .nought
about a decided t h.inge lu the attitude
of delegates who had been bliteilv m
raignlng the W.isiiington gosoi nnioiit
foi lolectlnj; tho t on cation's lntfipie
talitin ol the inmndmeiit.
Tlm slinug pimsuie fiom tlm outside
bi ought te be.n upon the t 011s cation
to ilnlsh ils business and to pltu e tlm
counll.s on a settled basis had all ex
cellent ofloit upon the i.idhals, In
dia lug them to attepl the lues Itufilf.
and "time or tlmin noss .iigue that it
would be pel haps bettei to accept the
ameudmeut, hoping tin some Imni ot
independent ', than to piolong the mill,
lai.s ociupitlon or the island. The
dimension will meet in sooiet session
lo-iuouow. Il is expet ted that seseial
class s ill elapse beloie a sole is laktn
Discussion Relative, to Duties and
Obligations in Foteign
Hi MihiMte Wile fiom Iht .. in uled Pie'i
Clltton Spiings. X v., lime I'lom
'i o'elni k until 10 o'i lot k this moiulim
the membois or the Intel national .MIs union held a tonsei latloti Al
teiwillds the'. S I. M.lldsslu, site
pii-ldent ol the unioiiy iu ,k bed the
.tmiiial nitssionaiv hi imni hs ks
being iclathe to the duties anil ihli
galloiis nl the wutk in the Intoign
This alleinoon Ihe society of llie V.
Al. C. A. and Ihe sludt nt soluuteei
meeting caller in oidei bv Pi. C.
P. W. Men lit. -of Chicago, li ton
sisltil of stilptuie leading lis he lies
Disid Po.snl". or Indiana; pi .1 set bv
tho Pes-. P. Slmiwood, of Tuikej, ami
slioit adtli0"ses bv 11 H Heath, of
China, Ihe Itts. H. M. I.nwsnn, on
"Wtuk Among Vtuinc .Men In liullii. '
Or P. Ilow.ud 'I'n.sloi. on "Wnik
Amoiirf Stinleiits In Anmilin,"
and All?. Mow. ml T.olnr. on "7'oik
Aniong Young Women lu Anmili.i,"
Authorities at Galena Fear That
Their Prisoners Will be Lynched.
lit l.nilii'hi' Wire from 'Hit t.ioi ijtril 1'iesh
(tall 111. 0 . Illlll' 'i. u il . I Hi Wl.pIO
.inted hue 11 Ihe pi( lliiiiu ns licauut; of Mir
Inhii siiHi,;,,, i, nil,: 1, .luni. Oihiifi 111 1
In. ttto .0111, I 1. nl md Ch.iild fiililii,, in
the uiinihi of Mice sijH,,,,,, . Uiiiiuii', i,
till ihl sup iliuhi'i. li,.- heailna: Is In in-;
li Id In i .list. Hie tvtn jii.thi. ,111111,' it a
lilili. nnilu 1 lire ind tun llui.jiiil nope, it
Il iiinl llnin pon u niilti .iiomid fninlii' a tli
ill' iholll Ihl mini ,lli ili-lllnl 111H Niluill,
si iiidiiia; no ntut si 1 In. huu til illi inplnl.
limit. Inn' Imn iiiJ'li .it iiii-l ihe (iihlieiK In
II .Hit of Hi" .(until, lu the ilouil .md the
u'liiilt ofhuib lie laklii' all llie pm union
.it Hub toiimiauil to pit tent Itiiihiiij; if 'lie
p ll-ll,PI j (.il. 1111 i. nt) lln iiilioiil md iln
1 11 1 t li it lun lloii.jnil peneie 1 no in 1 1 m
mills lu ill. ml llio In Jilinr I. ioii.IiI.imI irmri
1 mi
II I Is huu diiiihd In 1 l111111e tin I mil ol Ihe
tl tint il mat i (M111I1111I to liiti.tliraie 1
iln nit of tho . .111111 s piu.uiilor llnl 1 iilinluil
.1 -v 1 ult st ts math uiiuii lu hi one m Imth of
Ihe trilillii lints ami llnl I lift klllul lu le
hide the mine,
lit l.ili..ii. Wiic from Iln Ssoi.ilid l'n-
Piilljil 'Ipliu. Imn 'i lln l.nltar hi il. iml
lilhle lolilollntt (till
llm .mtliiai III uni luilo ii-,u. pili.., lulls
iiDiulaiiiid .it tin I1.11 I'ltiiiuil iis.uu , an I 1
niodtriie ileiiiaiul Hum iuu.iimu, nhii me nil
1112 lliur Inns 11.0.S, is tlit.t lelittc (I,, pi,..
fciaumii' lo fin I lis 1 11(111110 pilus niutst Ids 11)
dills pit ion until s-rpt. niliir ttill ho Inllt
tuned 0111 lh 1 iiiiiui n.i in iinuiii iu,t
nmre toal lh.111 tho miiku 1. I.1M11,, Inn no nut
mer-e In stniklne up, ,1. tlm niinlpiit' 1 hi it.
id ill 111. llnl hen oh 1 . , j,,tln-i,t lit .. 1 , li
nliii, .1. u.ujI in riuiiiiiii, and the uiottiiiiiu
t..tu.,lil is 101 III Huh niillool, 1.
nunrlul as iliunill lln htatt 1 utpiii i in
1I1.11H1 stas 'iiTl.iii; tin .111 niuei.i ol I. Hi.
mo ion., mu Mji. "ii
Ftanklinand Maishall Exeicisus.
lit llulm-lio Will fioui Ihe s.otiattil l'iei
I.mta.tii Imn ti lln .hit Ihih 1, mini 11, t'.
incnl imiiIms of I lanklln uul Mn.lull i,.lij;o
win- In ilium U il Uil. luun in,' nlun I'u, I. hut
I. s, siahl tlelbeiotl lit h.iu j 1111, jk sirumn,
I ikil s; ii his list "fho lliitlupuient 01 IMItti
Mauhoul," lioin 1 1 n t-ians 4 l.
Headless Body Found.
lit I'.Mlu.Iti' Wile fiom liu S.-otiilitl Pits.
lovsell, Mast, Imn ) .i,. luadhss limit r ti
nun 1 J 11, appiieull.s if) jtais old, 1.. loiiinl 111 1
lontl.s tpot ahoul itsu mill, fiom I In In,. mid I'm
In llili a fur noon. V Muith loi lln htad a
not tcCMttil.
Weillier lndlctlonsToiU:
1 (.1 1,1 ill I t klllul 1111! sntrn IiiJiiiiiI hy
lltiumlti' on liu- I aikjtt 11111J1
Mu MtKlnlot tiupi 01 lint
Miim I) lb Cominlls nli Ido
t uha Will s-uopt the PI lit 1111 mliiiuit.
2 Ci uoial-C'ntlioiiilale l), p 11 line lit.
,1 1 oiiil-f luittts llialitul In I ik al holU.t
( ouipjiilii.
I lilllnllll
Wtrkb litter 011 Muultlpal Mlalis.
o total I dm itiol al (mili'l I uleis lis I mil 111
.Ni ss I i 1 p 11 so I'at O11I111 line.
fi I -Wist stiuutoii and siilul,iii
7 l.i' Voitlu I'lrlll l'eim.tlt iiila,
I liiaui 1 il and ( oniiiii lcial
it 1 ot il -llnlnslli il imd 1 liml.
1 tl 1 1 lot I Is- a I no Man.
l.i it Pi 111 (,.. His Xlnoliolli Illiilid-iy.
President Patton Preaches the Bac
calaureate Sermon -Questions
ot the Hour.
lit Ixiliiaiip Who fiom Ihe .soilitt.l Pin,
I'llnteloil, N ,1., .little '-Tlle set olid
tlav of Pi Il.t clou's 1'ilth co'iimence
meut li.i.ssi'il lo-da.s ami with it ssouL
it most Intel ostlng pi ogt amine. Piesl
dent Pa I ton pleat lied the b.u t alauic
ii to soi iiiiin to Ihe tjiadll iting t lass at
II o'cloi In Alexantlei hall. Al 10:r.
o'clock the faculty, boaitl ol liustees
anil giadu.itlng tlass loi mod In Hue the llm .11 v md 111.11 shallot! bv
Piotossoi William l.lbbs man bed to
the hall, w tilth was well lllled with
'Minis and 11 lends of the outgoing
t lass
Piositl'iit Patton, iu his .iddiess lo
the 1 hi"s spoke on the "Intollet luul
Ule In Its Iteliglous, IMIIII1.1I antl s,o
t iul Aspei ts " He said in put
"It Is haul to 11 111 1 a niatel i.tllst
nnss.1d.1ss Men has e 1 in mini. is Igali d
the globe of thought and aie getting
hick to theii and'stial position uheie
the.s tan say 'we belles e iu Cod the
l.'.lhei .ilinlghts, 11 i.i U 1 nl' iieaseii ami
eailh '
"Now iheie Is tin situation;
ilieslious .lie eineiging (onstunth to
01 1 lips the attention or thinking men
Noss It Is the Chinese lnileinnlt v, noss
the Hoer v. 111. now the tueen ot Sei
sin's disappointment osei a piospoo
tlse hell. We tun seises base come in
to the plate ol othei uatloiw ami sav
li mu seises that b mu new pol v
splendid (i leeis air npeni il lor sotius
men. Put theie is a initial Issue In
s oh t (I (Ileal and pel plexilig- que
lions eumige and we ask how about
the weaUci nations In this Christian
01.1. Tho exponent ol petto at this
time Is the 1 .tl ot the I'usslus, and
we thought Uiissia was .nsas behind
the linn s.
"We. He not stlsti eseu ss hen th"
stllpiellie comt ol the I'nltiil s,t.,t,.s,
I. IS lug the llllgt'-t luiisilii linn o alls
I 0111 1 ol the as tu Id settles the gioat
question of mil Insulin lelatliiusliips lo
llie i iinstltution, foi it seems to look as
II (he luilgi s dei Idcd both svass
Tlmte aie sot al tueslioii" Wo lino
Impiosctl, mu Hie has giowii mule
1 ciniplex When Mi. Itnckelcller
fountleil his unheislis on this slfl' and
.Mr. Caineglu gles ten iiiillloiis lo eu
tlow the font llllheisltics or his natlse
land, on the olhei side, tlie ssmltl mas
well oxpies not onh ainai uieiit. bill
Its plousino."
Piesidenl P.itiou t out hided lis nil
lllg to the 1 lass;
"Ihitei .sour lespmho callings sslth
seilotisiicss go Into ami our
piolesslons sslth a deteiuiinmliin to
wnik assUiinii"h fun novel smililiea
ptllltlplo. He upilght, Intelli final
Minister Wu and Genet al Ho Yow
Have Filed a Protest Against
Landing- of Reform Lendet,
Dt I iiliciM Wo fiom Hi M-niiiti,l Prein.
.s.ill fi'l.inol"o, Jtllie 'I Su Slllll
CI1I11, the Chinese lefoun le.ulei,
iigllbist whose landing .Mlllsei Wit
nnil'"Ciiiisii (leimial lln Vow had liled
a piolcHl. on tlie gtoiind that Su nb
tallied lis fiaiul the p.i"spq t and other
olftlentl.ils upon w liltli he was al
low etl to laud, has boon al tested on
mi ouler fiom Washington and plated
In detention at the mall duck
Consul Ho Vnw said thai Sit was
lauded a" an iiicitdlled ullh lal of the
Chinese oiliplie, when. Ill fail, he ssa.s
olio of the leiitloir' of tle lOMiltltloniirv
p.ut, which iit-scits Hint Ils piiipnsa
is lo 1 i-ilatc tlm "t.ii'i'i 111 Kwnug Hit.
on Ihe thione lie ohlull ed Ills
poit by lepii'sc ullllg lllllisell In be mi
ollloial ol iho Cliliii'.-e goscimimiii
lli iriiisi now pinvo his ilgln to be
landed 11" a imn Nl 01 a student.
lit I Sl hl0 Wilt flOlU li .lilllil I'Ua'
I nil. I". Inn 'i I ipi an I nd II lo 1111K, ,011
of 1.1 In 111 I s Ki.iui . 1 s .onillllllllll in lllll'f
of liu li V It . hid si is -U'liliul.t lids muiiinu
of null plli'liniollll II tsis 1 1 Ipl.llli III the
S Jliisll is II III I tlltll III III .lilt nl lillifltl
r 111I1 Hi k l 1.1 nit M Hi llm 1 nl Ins .,l.lnei
iliiuUi- hi tt is ot iiiiu, an ai I'liiiiliutul in Iho
111.11I1I unit
Slim 111 linn 'i I'u h.. 01 l luili.. si'S'on
laiuir. (jllnl nl I.11 Is Ijiuts, of this tilt
illul .11 Ij.-uilo I Kin s-, I tn If,'
he sta. iiuii.ii of nullum itlu and 11JU1..I
plnlosophi 111 llm I. in II iolhi' ami st is lilil
pli ,1.1, 111 of Mo ion, iln l.i lolleiti, lit J 1 I'ill.l'inu
lln run mi. will In inl.-ll'i, .a I iwisliuu,, I'i
Xtts Snik lint 1) Id'tiu Mm 111, ihe imni 111
iiiurliu .iml laiid-t ipi paiuiii, ilnd lln-. ailiiuooii
In his ipjilnitiil. 1 sliidln on I'lllli aiiliuo
nun iiiaiiiih pniiuii siipulntluud la 1 ininpll
tjlloll of dlsi lis, lloin sthltli he had hetn if
ft I III!,' foi .il'oiu a tn Idislii Vim 111 vta. I10111
ill I 11. land lu !,.!!) Hlitn he was I.' seal? old
llio Uliillt 1 mu o inilii.i iiiiImIiIiii hi Mn.
laid lain llm ssiin In I'lill nl. Iplila, sshiie ho
cpmeil 11 siiidm Iml It. f ult -lite uaix a,o In
tame lo Xttt X 1 ts. ishtii ho lias lucc liuilt
b homt,
Plve Men Killed antl Seven Are In
jured in a Railroad Wreck
at Vestal.
The Locomotive Clashes Into Rear
of Train No. 01 and Explodes a Car
of Dynamite Remain of Some ol
Victims Scattered with Pieces ol
Scrap lion a Quaitor of a Mile
Away From the Wreck Glass
Shattered In Nearly Every House
IuVillngos of Vestal and Union.
lit 1 situ. 110 Who fioui llic -v.oiJ lied Piom,
niiigh.iinlon, .luno 9 Five, men wete
killed anil scson Initued in last night's
ssieik at Vestal. The dead ate:
II1IIX I', hi id hl-lkiuiali it stlld tU
tl lill
s II Pill II wit s, ,ouil it lor rf Iriln Xo Id
1 I.MI.Il POl II VMI s, ti limn. iu ,,f h tin Xo (.1
.1011 X (III 1,1111, In, mm Ih.t in'itit of the ss lid
t it Iriin
Hesoial otbeis, all but 'two of them
ti.'ilnineii, sseio injuied.
While Height ttaiu Xo. CI on tho
Delassaic, k.issunu.i uud Western
lallioad svas laking water at Vestal,
tin miles west of heie, at !)43 o'e lot k
lasi night, it was itm into fiom behlntl
bv a double-header, fi eight
train. In llie second ill lioin the
I .ibiiose of the statlon.'iiy tialn ssas a qiiaulltv ol ds n. unite, sshlch svas
exploded by the Impact.
Soveial 01 those ssho svtMe thought In
be Mtall hm I lasL night lecnscied
Horn llm concussion and today liguied
in Hie list of .sllghtlv hint. All thiough
the calls- nioining bonis the lescueis
toiled about anil among tho burning
Height at tlm scene ot the ex
plosion, but it was not until late this
aftei noon that poi lions or tlm last rils
meinbdeil bods lo be .n 1 imiueil tin
seie dls(ooiPtl 11 quaiter or .1 mile
fiom sslmio the explosion octiuittl,
ssllllo the Hacks 01 the Del.iunic, k.issauna ami Wcstci n laihoad
weie complotelv wiecked :ind tho en
gines of the wildcat fi eight, tshicli 111 a
into tlie teai of ttnin Xo. (11, whith
was taking watei at tlie time and
is lilili 1. 11 iled the of ds Ha
ndle, sseio itdiKid i( stiap iiou,
pints or which base been picked up at
a distance or halt a mile .n. is.
Aside Hum the damage to 1 .1 ill 0.1 il
piopoits. tunc li 1 11 i 1101 tl. image Is 1 e
poi led No 11 Is eseiy house ill tlie s 11
lages ot esial ami Union, sshiih is
.moss the Siisqiiilniun.i Horn llm
ssietk. lost mine 01 less ol Its ssllltlow
glass, sshiie lainiois' houses anil bains
near the stem, wtie bully shatteted.
Xoiie ot tlm inmates, howesoi, weio
Lonergan's Statement.
Plmlia. N. V June H Tho bodies
of llie Chilli. 1 l.iihoad men killed In
Iho wutk 011 the 1..K kassaiiua loul
al, X V.. weie biought heio
tonight. John l.oneigau, Iho (iigineor
ol ihe si 1 ond engine of the sv Illicit
ti.iin. sass he nolii ed the H.1I11
alieatl ami thought il was mm Inn.
The all hail to be applied to tho
biakos Horn ill- head engine, but
when this w.i" done, l.iumigan se -ing
that 11 wit" too late lo avoid a t ollls
Iiiii, lumped 1 1 otu his engine mid
landed in a pool nl water in a ditch at
llie foot ol the embankment, A stc
ond Lit"! he hivv n Hash, whlih ssas
followed bv u 1011 Idc lepotl, and loi
a tlnu he las pat th .sluni.e'd As soon
at- ho 1 is os in nl suflli Icntlv. no .is
tlstid iu tin wnik of lose tie until,
oveicoui" 'is sseiknoss he 1 olbtpst d
nud wan taken to the Mluglmmtmi
htwpilal 'Ule ol Ills shots was loin
fiom Ills loot and a null fiom the
shoe was iliiven Into the font, II"
was deal lor a time, ami examination
dl-ilosetl thai one of Ills oar ilium:,
had bi en buiken
Held for tho Univotsity of Pennsyl
vania at Philadelphia.
lit ImIiwvi' Wli" fioui Iho SH.unled I'teis
I Iul idi Iplui, luin 11 lliu nil nneaii .irtiui
of llio ills-is .if IKII, Imuisllt of Pi mist I
illiia, in lln' I'u n inn I pl'i upil ( huiih of th.
Holt linillt iml it loiin.illi uiiiiL'li.ilrd Hie ol
i itaiiu' of iiiiiiiiiuiuiuiiii sink In llnl In-in
mu iiidi ills fiom all ihpiiliut ills, loith r
Mill, linn, Ini. 01 iln no I, llii- folio, fieullh
1,11,11, s, lolnilnl.lrilltc olhiirs llnl aliniuil, i
Mlnlild III tin ' hapel slunlls lifule II il'llmk
ami mm h. I linn the idiliu, Ifikliia; eeits si I
,,p,u loi ilnni Oil 11 .ins "in iiuvtilul wall
ill uiisiiillt luai lon.HLJlioli llm llov. Pi
William Itiid 1 1 mil 1 n -1 "li. niloi 01 (iiaif I'liult h,
n' Xiss orh pii.iihul llio uiiivii.ii.t tiiinn,
ullii,' foi hin It sl Iho hviiijs of s, I'jhI
ttltic hi iinplii.iti' tils til bind lit In I 1r.11-,
in Itm, 10. .uul iu Hi' lit it nl.s klukdiini
lu i,ifiiii. diiu II) 10 Ihe n-nliullm; ih.
Hi llmilllt.loli sill Hut mo of lilt' EHJtPt
in fils o llu'.i nun. i 111011 tmiii; uitn tsh
will lake ilniiivlvi si 1 imisls
'Dili lliiiilil,' 1. ' In ihl 'iml 1 Iul .sunn.'
nun 110 til.lna; lliuii.ilsis 100 tonoinh, lac
llnl llu.t an mu Ijl.ln. Unil-oltis half "H
oinb llli'U-ii In I tin. laiuh as lln't mat,
lake .snuirtlsis, vntiiij, loon, arn) Jn lh '
, 1 1, m stmhl I'li.t a .1 mu. pail"
Calahtais Wins
II I situ, Iti Wli limn Ihi Vs-iiiJH.i I'h'.-s.
palls hint Hi '.1 iul .11 1 plu Ii i.f ill Pain,
li lit uillon and 1 hall iuilotiM, tiii lodi.t 1
illenll, svi. ssoii in I dahiais, sv ill) I luiiu.iii
iii lid Man iliiid Ihiiliui hoi.i. 1111 P11.1
dint leiuhtt st 1. u iluisi 1.111 alb theiitil b In
iiiriei' tiosvil. on 11. iiitsal 11 th. rate coin.)
and on lu di partite
- - - -f
W.i.luncloi , luni I I'oreta.t tor Pj.,1. 4.
f- ci 11 I'i iiiiitlt 1111a I ill Moiidis and piol. s
-vv alil.s IiivsiIiv. itiiipuaiurc, MinU
4- ililftlni,- to soulliia.lcrly 4.
t tttiiUHtHUI t